Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 30, 1903, Page 12, Image 12

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the striking carpenters that money to pay
their back wages will- be forthcoming
next Monday, when they may resume
work. Twelve carpenters.and four labor
ers were employed on the boat.
Indrapura Loaded Down With
freight for Orient,
Seven Deported Chinese Sent Back
lir the Steamer Strike on the
Telephone Arrival of
the Vermont.
The China liner Indrapura, of the Port
land and Asiatic fleet, completed her cargo
at the O. R. & N. Alblna dock last night
and at an early hour this morning will
leave down stream bound for the Orient.
TherJndraoura takes out one of the larg
est cargoes she has ever carried and it
has been exceeded In value by out iew
shipments from Portland. The total value
of her freight is $204,640. The bulk of the
cargo consists of flour, amounting to
52.576 barrels, worth $189,274. This ship
ments exceeds by 1224 barrels the largest
cargo the same steamer has heretofore
carried, that of August, 1901, but Is 2000
barrels less than the Indravelll carried
outward In December, 1902, and only three
barrels less than the Indrasamha took last
October. The flour shipments by thls trip
of the Indrapura are destined for "ioko
homa, Kobe, Shimonosekl, Mojl, Noga
saki and Hong Kong.
Flour Is not the only cargo carried on
h stpamer bv anv means. An unusual
and at the same time Important shipment
is a lot of 1510 boxes of Oregon apples tnat
arc frnJmr to Hone Kong. Shanghai, lien.
Tsin and Japanese ports. Apples have
heretofore been shipped to the Orient from
Portland in small lots, but never before
in such a large quantity. The Hong Kong
cargo also contains two lots or mmuer
mMirtnf- "44 wis feet. Other items on the
ctMTnpr's manifest are 150 cases of cigar
ettes for Hong Kong and Shanghai, 3
hogsheads of tobacco for Chemulpo, 71
bundles of wire mattresfes ior usski, h
hnnrile nf leather for Yokohama, 50 pack
ages iOf provisions for Nlu Chwang, and
four cases of tea, one .package of plug
tobacco, one package of books and two
bundles of empty sacks.
Twentv-five Chinese passengers will
travel across the Pacific in the Indra
pura's steerage, seven of them much
against their wills. These unfortunate Ce
lestials had hopes of maxmg tneir ior-
tunes in this country, but the powers
that be held them undesirable. Gin Fung,
Wmi? nee and Wonjr Nang are the names
of three of them that came In by way of
British Columbia and could not prove
their right to remain. They are being ae
Tortel bv the United States Marshal.
Ieong Fay came In on the Indravelll last
month and was refused admission after
appealing his case. He is being returneu
at the steamship company's expense, as
are Lee Sung, Lee Pon and Wing Pin,
-nrVin fATTiA nver on the Indrapura and
never even set foot on shore, being turned
down by the Immigration inspector.
Regulator Line Preparing for Fall
and Winter BnHinctm
The Regulator line Is preparing for a
heavy movement of freight this Fall and
Winter from points on the Upper Colum
bia reached by Its boats. The steamer
Hercules, which was put on the route
Sunday will be kept on' permanently as
n frelchter. running on her own schedule.
On the upper river, arrangements are be
ing made for a small boat to take the run
formerlv covered by the. Metlako, from
the Cascades to The Dalles and return.
Sneakinc of this part of the business.
General Manager Campbell said yester
"We will Drobablv conclude an arrange
ment with Captain Taylor, of Hood
River, to take care of this run until we
get a boat suitable for the traffic We
have about 50 carloads of lumber to come
rtnwn from Goldendale to Lyle which win
he transferred to the O. R- & X. at The
Dalles during the Winter. In addition to
this business, there Is a satisfactory move
ment of wheat from the Klickitat country
to tidewater and every boat of our line
1r brinsrlmr down full cargoes,
The passenger business holds Its own in
a manner entirely satisfactory to -the offl-
Wcll-Knovrn Steamer "Wrecked Off
Stewart Bay.
VALPARAISO, Sept. 29. The British
steamer Laurel Branch, has been lost off
Stewart Bay. Twenty-eight of her pas
sengers and crew were saved. The rest
It Is feared, were lost.
LONDON; Sept 29. A cable message
from Valparaiso to the owners of the
Laurel Branch was received today. It
announced that all on board the -steamer
were saved.
(The Laurel Branch was a vessel of 3121
tons net register. She was reported as
overdue several days ago and anxiety for
her safety was entertained. She was
built In Sunderland In 1893, and owned by
the Branch line operating the Orange,
Lime, Elm, Poplar and Olive Branches all
of which are well known In this port)
Improvement Snprseitted ly Astoria
Chamber of Commerce.
ASTORIA, Or., Sept. 29. (Special.) The
Chamber of Commerce committee on com
merce and navigation has filed its report
on the condition of the channel in the
of Fuebla, Victoria; steamer Centralfa,
Gray's Harbon; schooner "William F. GarAs.
Portland; steamer Marblehead, Bremerton;
steamer Wyefleld. Kanalmo; steamer Hattle
Gage. Port Wrangell; schooner Spokane, Port
Gamble: schooner Minnie A Calne, Seattle.
Sailed Schooner Alice Cook, Port Gamble;
schooner James H. Bruce, Gray's Harbor;
schooner Lily, TJmpqua; schooner Borealls,
Gray's Harbor; steamer Charles Nelson, As
toria; steamer Signal, Coos Bay.
LIVERPOOL, Sept. 20. Sailed UKonia,
for Boston.
YOKOHAMA, Sept. 29. Sailed Indrasam
ha (for Hong-Kong, etc), for Portland, Or.
LONDON, Sept. 20. Arrived Mlnneton
ka, New York.
TACOMA. Sept 29. Arrived Norwegian
bark Abyssinia, from Seattle.
LONDON, Sept. 29. Arrived Lancas
trian. Boston,
NEW YORK, Sept. 20. Arrived Main,
Bremen. Sailed Kaiser 'Wllholm der
Grosse, Bremen via Plymouth and Cher
bourg; Carpathla, Liverpool: Sardinia. Na
ples and Genoa; Victorian, Liverpool.
HOQUIAM. Vash., Sept. .20. Sailed
Schooner William Bowden, of Aberdeen, for
San Francisco. Arrived' Steamer New-burg.
San Francisco, for Aberdeen.
BREMEN, Sept. 20.' Arrived Kaiser "Wll
helm II, New York, via Plymouth and Cher
bourg. N
QUEENSTOWN, Sept. 2J. Arrived
Oceanic, New York, for Liverpool and pro
ceeded. '
NEW YORK. Sept 20. -Arrived Civic,
Liverpool and Rotterdam. v
HAVRE. Sept. 29. Arrived LaGascogne,
New York.
SEATTLE. Sept'20. Sailed Steamer DI-
O. R,
Directors Will Decide on Extensive
Improvements in Track, Bridges
and Oriental Service.
The stockholders of the Oregon Railway
& Navigation Company held their annual
meeting yesterday In the offices- of cot
ton. Teal & Minor. With the exception
that J. H. Hyde, of New York, was elected"
to succeed Henry W. Cannon, of New
York, there was no change in the direc
torate. This afternoon the directors will meet
for the election of officers and the trans
action of such otherMjusIness as may
come up for consideration. So far as Is
knfcwn, no changes will be made In the
personnel of either elective or appointive
officers. Although nothing was given
out, it Is expected that plans for the ex
tension of traffic relations and other mat
ters looking toward the. betterment 'of
the road will be considered,
of the stock, of course, remains In the
hands of the Harriman interests, and it Is
understood that Mr. Harriman is taking a
t,?.fl,;oush-pos",,,r Ma y ""-M Wll l RAISE THE MONEY
I "Mr. Hill Is expected to arrive in New
xork shortly and his presence may be in
connection with these events."
War Between Chlcnfjo-St. PaHl Lines
ComeaMo an End.
The passenger agents of the seven lines
of railroads, operating between Chicago
'and St. Paui have gotten together and a
settlement of the rate' war, which has
prevailed between these points Is prom
ised by Nqvember 1. A ' rate " of $S be
tween the points mentioned has been In
effect during the past Summer and the
travel, as a consequence, has broken- all
past records, but it was found expensive
and unprofitable by the various roads
and the old rate of $11.50 will be restored.
Local representatives of the roads in
terested were congratulating each other
yesterday on the dawn of peace.-
Significance of the Ending: of the
Kcene-IInrrlmnn Row.
CINCINNATI, Sept 29. The Times Star
It is learned authoritatively t In legal
circles, that John D. Rockefeller, operat-
The controlling through his brother, William, and
others settled the controversy between
the Harriman and the Keene interests in
the Union and Southern Pacific Companies,
keen interest in the increasing import- and that the ending of the litigation is
Pledges $10,000 as Preliminary Fnnd
for Lewis and Clarlc Exhibit
Johnson Collection Bonght.
The Washington commission of the
Lewis and Clark Exposition will com
mence the work at once of raising $10,000
as the basis of a working fund to be ex
pended Insetting the Washington State
exhibit in shape. All the commercial
organizations of the state will be Inter
viewed by members of the commission
as to what they will do In the way of cash
donations and In raising subscriptions.
This action was decided upon at a con
ference held yesterday between Secretary
Reed and two members of the Washington
commission, Chairman Peaslee andScc
retary Llndsley. Secretary Reed-- said
yesterday that the Washington men are
very" enthusiastic, and if their enthusiasm
can be taken as a criterion Washington
will leave no stone unturned to be hand
somely represented at the big Exposition.
The purchase of the Johnson collection
of forestry has been -.consummated at As
toria and the entire collection, composea
1 (Ommmn g
Columbia River between this city and
Altoona. The report Is based on sound
ings made by the committee and while the
Improvement suggested is for the purpose
of Improving Astorlas harbor, tne infor
mation acquired shows that it would at
the same time be of great -benefit to snip
ping that goes up the river, as it would
result in a saving of time and avoiding
the dangers of a tortuous channel. She
report says, in part:
'It is the onlnlon of this committee mat
but little dredging is required to make this
new channel navigable for deep ships.
'That Its enlargement would send more
ebb water to the channel around Tongue
point to Astoria and draw more flood
along the city front, thus better scouring
the harbor channel of the city.
'That the down-stream current would.
In crossing the very deep water about
Tongue point, immediately before enter
ing the Astoria channel, lose much of the
slit and sand In suspension and lessen the
possible deposit along the city front ana
In the harbor below Smith's point."
rigo, for Skagway; steamer City of Topeko,
for Skagway: British ship Abyssinia, for
Tacoma. Arrived Steamer James Dollar,
from San Francisco; British steamer Wing
Chow, from Liverpool.
Threatened the Skipper's Life.
The skipper of the Italian bark Nlnfa,
Cantaln Lauro. reports having had some
trouble with his sailors on the passage. A
short time after he left London for this
coast two of the seamen asked that he
nermlt them to leave the ship upon ar
rival here. This he refused and later
the men threatened his life If he did not
-i-, . i nT,i- -Rntvi hnnts lpft mih draw un papers as they wished, and other
trdftv with larce lists for The Dalles, wise prepare to discharge tnem nere. xne
Catholics Favor Establishment of
Western Patriarchate.
NEW YORK, Sept. 29. An inquiry or
dered by the Vatican regarding a move
ment favorable to the establishment of a
Western Catholic Patriarchate to Include
all Anglo-Saxon countries which might
be called semi-independent of Rome, has
just been completed, according to a Tri
bune dispatch from Rome. Evidence was
found of the existence of a movement of
this kind amopg the advanced section of
the clergy, especially the French and Irish,
who wisli to join forces with America to
give to the church a more modern and
liberal impulse.
Next Saturday the- Bailey Gatzert will
carry a special excursion of the Grange
of Klickitat Valley. About 500 farmers
will board tho boat at Lyle and after a
trip down past the rapids will be returned
to Goldendale. The Dalles City will make
the trip Saturday up the river in place
of the Gatzert.
Big Freight Steamship Comes for
Mixed Cargo.
The British steamship Vermont, W. C.
Haynes master, arrived up at 1:30 yester
day afternoon and dropped anchor in the
stream off the elevator dock. She has
come for a general cargo of lumber, flour.
wheat, canned fruit and canned salmon
for South Africa, T. M. Stevens &.Co. are
the charterers. The first part of tho
cargo will be taken on at the elevator.
The Vermont Is from San Francisco,
from which port she sailed last Friday
Captain Haynes reports an uneventful
passage up the Coast. The weather was
very lossy all the way and nothing was
sighted from the time the vessel left the
Golden Gate until she made Tillamook
The Vermont is a fine specimen of the
modern class of freight carrier. She is
a little smaller than the Indrapura, which
was lying near her yesterday, but has
greater beam and plenty of cargo capac-
ity.tThe steamship was built In Glasgow
in 1900. by Barclay, Curie & Co., and Is
owned by Gow, Harrison & Co., of that
port. Fhe is 376.2 feet long, 4S feot beam
and 26.2 feet depth of hold. Her gross
tonnage is 4271 and her net 2723 tons. The
same company is owner of quite a fleet
of freight steamers, the Vittorla, Virgin
ia. Vimiera, Vienna. Vcntnor, Venetla,
Valetta, Rosneath of Arroyo. The Vir
ginia has a registered tonnage of 2790, but
the others are smaller than the Vermont.
"bluff" was met with firmness. Since that
time the men evidently thought better of
the intention to force matters, and settled
down quietly to life aboard the ship. Their
conduct since that time has been such
that Cantaln Lauro did not hand in a re
port of it to the Italian Consul here, Dr.
Candlani, but has conciuaea to auow tne
acts to go unpunished.
Classed as Overdne.
SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 29. The strand
ed bark Glfford Is virtually an overdue
now, as she has not reached her destina
tion port, and was classed and quoted as
such on the overdue bulletin board at the
Merchants' Exchange today, the figure
opposite her name being 75 per cent. Ef
forts are still being maae to save tne
Marine Notes, j
The Emile Galllne will finish wheat
loading at 3Iontgomerj- dock No. 2 today.
The Steamer Alliance, which bumped
on tho Coos Bay bar, has gone to Port
Blakeley for repairs.
The German bark Wandsbek, of last
Winter's grain fleet, arrived at Iquiqul
September 7, from Tocopllla. Stories of
her having been wrecKea were recently
printed in several papers.
The French ship Hoche, 123 days from
Tacoma for Table Bay, has been listed as
overdue at 10 per cent reinsurance; the
rate on the Andora has been raised to 60
per cent, and on the Loch Long to 35
per cent.
The steamer South Portland arrived up
yesterday afternoon and docked at the
foot of Oak street. She brings general
cargo from San Francisco and Is con
signed to P. Dflon. A full return cargo
Is awaiting her and she win sail uacK to
morrow night. The South Portland is
due to leave San Francisco on tho next
trip north about October S.
.The Kobe Chronicle says with reference
to the ocean race between the Glenshlel
and the Calchas that information has been
received in Hong Kong that the Glenshlel
arrived at London at daylight on the 15th
ultimo, and that the Calchas was then
Boston Catholic Anniversary.
BOSTON, Sept. 29. The pupils of 75
parochial schools, numbering nearly 60,000
scholars, in the archdiocese of Boston, to
day united In exercises commemorative o
the centennial of the dedication of the first
Catholic church In Boston. The final ob
servance of the centennial took place
In Symphony hall tonight, when a secular
demonstration was given, at which
Archbishop Williams was present and
the Very Rev. Dr. Byrne, vicar-general of
the archdiocese, presided. Addresses
were made by Mayor Patrick A. Collins,
Hon. Thomas J. Gargan and others.
His Room Rifled in His Absence.
A gold watch and chain and a pencil
case were stolen from the Multnomah
rooming-house, Fifth and Morrison
streets, Monday evening. They were the
property of E. G. Lewis, or 120 Cutter
street, San Francisco. The owner left his
ance of Portland as a factor in the Ori
ental trade. In line with this policy, the
directors are expected to recommend a
considerable expenditure for Improve
ments. As fast as possible the track
will be relald with SO-pound steel, the
motive power will be greatly Increased
and much steel bridge work done. The
conditions of the road ajre excellent. The
property owned by the company Is being
constantly improved and O. R. & N. se
curities are quoted strong on the stock
exchange. ,
On the board of directors elected yester
day Portland has eight representatives,
Walla Walla one, while the remaining
six, including E. H. Harriman, are Wall
street operators. The only change In the
executive committee to be elected today
wlllbe the substitution of J. H. Hyde
for Henry W. Cannon. .The corporation's
stock amounts at this time to ' 535,000.000,
of which 511,000,000 is preferred and 524,
000,000 common. "
The following are the directors for 1904:
E. H. Harriman, Arderi, N. Y.; John C.
AInsworth, E. S. Benson, W. W. Cotton,
William Crooks, W. M. Ladd, A. L. Mills,
A. L. Mohler and H. W. Scott, of Port
land; W. L. Bull. William D. Cornish,
James H. Hyde, Wlnslow S. Pierce, of
New York City; Otto H. Kahn, Morris
town, N. J., and Miles C. Moore, of Walla
Walla, Wash.
The executive committee will consist of
E. H. Harriman, James H. Hyde, W. L.
Bull, W. D. Cornish, W. S. Pierce and
O. H. Kahn.
President A. L. Mohler and the remain
ing officers will be re-elected beyond ques
tion at today's meeting.
only part of a general movement for the
improvement of the stock market.
While nothing can be learned In Cincin
nati of the terms of the settlement be
tween the contending interests It is gen
erally believed there has been such an
agreement as to secure, in harmonious
management, the control of the trans
continental trade of the entire .cpuntry.
Boycott on the Southern Pacific.
VENTURA, Cal., Sept. 29. The Southern
Pa,clflc Coast Line limited trains, now stop
at Ventura, During the past month the
of 1500 fine specimens of Oregon oaks, Is
now being- packed for shipment to the
city. Upon Its arrival the parts of the
L collection will be revarnlshed and re
mounted and such other embellishments
made as may be needed to beautify it. At
the request of the administrator of the
Johnson estate, every effort will be made
to keep fhe collection Intact as a monu
.ment to the memory of the collector.
The third assessment on the exposition
capital stock falls due on October 1. Al
ready 35 payments In full of the amount
due have been received bv Secretary Reed
Southern Pacific lost about 510,000 In ! who regards thlsearly attention on the
Presidency of Northern Pacific Like
ly to Go to a' Dark Horse.
ST. PAUL, Sept. 29. The Dispatch an
nounces the resignation of President Mei
len, of the Northern Pacific Railroad, and
Carpenters Quit Work Becanse They
Are Not Paid.
A strike of carpenters has brought work
n'parlv to a ston on the steamer TpIp-
Tihnne. The new sternwheeler. whloh is nasslnc up the English Channel.
the property of the Arrow Navigation gives the "Glens" an unbroken record of
fomnnnv. of Seattle, is lvlner at thA dnntr havln:: delivered In London the first
of the Willamette Iron Works, where she
was to receive the finishing touches. As
their pay was in arrears for five weeks-
some say seven the carpenters packed
un their tools and walked ashore.
There was not much work left for them
to do, but still the boat Is not in condition
to enter service, even , if her machinery
were completed. This work Is In the
hands of the Willamette Iron & Steel
Works. They also have an unpaid bill
against the Arrow Company, but their
machinists were still at work on the boat
yesterday, so they evidently expect to be
paid. ' It is said there are other bills
against the boat for labor, lumber and
other material.
Why the company has gone behind in
these payments is a mystery to .people
along the water-front, as it was supposed
there was plenty of money back of the
concern. The principal stockholders of the
Arrow Company are tho Isaac Bros..
bankers and grain men of Walla Walla,
and Puget Sound capitalists are also sup
posed to be Interested. Captain Cochran,
the manager of the company, has notified
Foochow teas for over 20 years.
James E. Lawless, manager of the Pa
cific Coast Steamship Company, has ten
dered his resignation, according to report.
It is said he contemplates taking a place
that will have nothing whatever to do
with transportation business. He has
been assoclaed with the steamship com
pany for the past five years and up tb
about 15 months ago was the general
auditor. He resigned from that place to
take the position of general manager.
Domestic and Foreign Ports.
ASTORIA, Sept. 29. Arrived, at 7 and
left up at 11 A. M. Steamer South Port
land, from San Francisco. Condition of the
bar at T P. M.. smooth; wind southwest;
weather clear. -
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 20A-Arrived
Barkentlne Gleaner, from Knappton. Ar
rived Sch6oner JV. F. Garms, from Port
land. Sailed at " 2:30 P. M. Steamer
Charles Nelson, towing schooner Borealls,
for Portland.
. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept 29. Arrived
Steamer CaHfornlan, Tacoma; steamer .City
freight and passenger business, all of
which was diverted to the Pacific Coast
Steamship Company and the Santa Fe.
In August the Southern Pacific cut Ventura-
off the railroad map. An effective
boycott was soon declared against the
Southern Pacific. All merchants and heavy
shippers signed an agreement not to ship
by way of the railroad. This agreement
has bee.n kept. All merchandise purchased
in San Francisco has been shipped via
Tonight the steamer Bonlta discharged
50 tons of freight. Last Thursday the
steamer Coos Bay discharged over 100
tons. Previous to the boycott the average
steamer cargo' was less than 20 tons. The
railroad has also been losing heavily on
Eastern passenger traffic. When Ventura
County people went Bast they went via
the Santa Fe. The business of banta J?e
has trebled itself. Ventura County prod
uce has been routed over competing roads.
part of the shareholders as one of the
godd signs.
Headquarters in the Flatiron building
continue to be the scene of activity, and
the work that will get the great wheels of
the mammoth enterprise running smoothly
is not allowed to lag for .an Instant.
Take Horsford's Acid Phosphate
It vitalizes the nerves, assists the diges
tion, refreshes and Invigorates the entire
body. A Tonic that permanently benefits.
, te Ncr c3s? .... A
jTTPi - jar '"y ,
' .A R J O NAA ; jrSci3kRKis-' b Et-WOOD Jfc
1 . 00.
his selection as president of the New
York, New Haven & Hartford. Continu-
room at 11 o'clock, and when he returned
half an hour afterward the room had been
visited by the daring sneak thief and the ' jngt says
has just transpired
among the pawnshops of the city.
Board of Examiners Investigates
Snnitary Conditions of Local Shops.
Dirt and unsanitary conditions shall no
longer prevail in a single barber shop
in Portland if the crusade of the State
Board of Barber Examiners Is contin
ued. The members of the board got In
quisitive yesterday and Monday, and
made moro than one smaller shop boss
tremble as they peered Into all the dark
corners of his establishment.
The license of one barber, Frank San
telll, was revoked as a result of the In
vestigation tour, for his shop on First
street, near Jefferson, did not conform to
the rules which the board has laid down
as to sanitation. Several other barbers
wero warned that, unless they held a
thoroueh house-cleaning, there would be !
On October 5 and 6 the next regular ex
amination for barbers will be held In
Portland. The members of the board at
present are: J. C. Weiss, president; F. T.
"Rnsrfira. treasurer, and H. G. Meyers, sec
retary. The board will hold another ex-
amlnatlon at La Grande October 7, for.1
the barbers of the east part of the state,
who cannot readily enme to Portland.
Fred Germnn, the Jlotormnn, Has No
.Memory of JII Frenzy.
With his reason restored by a night of
change and rest, Fred W. German, the '
motorman who went tepmorarily insane
Monday through worrying over his accl- !
dental killing of John Lyons, was taken :
to his home yesterday from the county I
jail. County Physician Geary examined
him yesterday morning, and decided that
his condition was so Improved that he ;
could go home. 1
German told the officers that he had
no remembrance whatever of treating a
disturbance In his house, or of the51 ar-
' rival of the patrol wagon and his trip
to the county jail. Avonderlng what had
befallen him. he awoke In the jail yester
day morning, and his condition the pre-
vlousjday had to oe explained to mm
25c a Cake at Drug Stores.
Indian Head Brand the only genu
ine. Take no substitute.
Sole Manufacturers!
New York and Spokane, Wash.
. More Typefounders Walk Ont.
NEW YORK, Sept. 29. Nearly 1000 mem
bers of the International Typefounders'
Union, employed la, various cities, struck
todayt in response to the call issued at
.Chicago yesterday by President Nudeber
ger, of that union, according to Informa
tion given at the local headquarters to
day. It was stated that every typefoundry
In the United States will be shut down,
and that 500 men are affected locally.
Typographical Unions are not affected.
Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy.
The uniform success of this preparation
In the relief and .cure of bowel complaints
has brought It into almost universal use.
It" never fails" and when reduced with
water and sweetened Is nleasant to take.
It Is equally valuable jor children and-
adults. For sale by all druggists. '
that Thurs
day last Charles S. Mellen, president of
the Northern Pacific, tendered, to the
directors of that road his resignation as
President, and It was accepted. It is now
announced . that on October 21 he will be
the unanimous choice of the directors of
the New York, New Haven & Hartford
for the presidency of that company, and
on October 21 he will assume the duties of
his new position.
"Regarding who will be the next presi
dent of the Northern PacUTc the railroad
world Is at sea. F. D. Uifderwood, of the
Erie, and W. H. Truesdale, of the Dela
ware. Lackawanna & Western, have been
most generally connected in the gossip
with the office, but both have entered de
nials. General Counsel C. W. Dunn,
being high In the confidence of Mr. Hill,
has always been regarded as his possible
'choice, but there Is, today a feeling that
the coming president Of the Northern Pa
cific has not yet been mentioned In pub-
Senator and Party Escape With
Nothing More than a Shaking; Up.
BERLIN HEIGHTS, O., Sept. 29. The
private electric car carrying Senator Han
na and others from Cleveland to the Re-
publlcan meeting here struck a derailing
switch three mnes east oi .Benin ieignts
today and jumped the track while run
ning at a, rapid rate of speed. All the
occupants of the car were thrown Into
a heap at one end of the coach, but, aside ;
from being badly shaken up, all escaped .
serious Injury.
business' items.
i If Baby Is Cnttlris Teeth.
Be sure 'and uie that old and well-tried remedy,
Mrs. "Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup, for children
teething. It soothes the child, softens the sums,
ftllays all pain, cures nini colic and diarrhoea.
ods no time Is
lost, no change In
diet or hablta Is
necessary. Perma
nent cures are
made in a short
time, -with but lit
tle expense to the
patient. Our meth
od Is the result of
over 20 years' care
ful and patient study, and our success
ha been most gratifying.
"We make a specialty of Chronic and
complicated disorders of MEN, and we
point with Drlde to 25 years of SUC
CESSFUL practice on the Pacific Coast.
If you are a sufferer from any of those
annoying DISORDERS that unfit you for
marriage, call for a personal examination,
free of charge, and we will guarantee to
cure you or make no charge. Offices
open evenings and Sunday.
250& ALDER ST.
Pore, Pale and Sparkling.
Bottled Only at the
Brewery in St. Louis.
Order from
Fleckenstein-Mayer Co.
Perhaps too much was eacpectea.
A wealthy New Yorker writes as fol
lows: "I had read with Interest all the book
lets sent out by ihe different hotels In
Florida, and with a glad heart started
South in search of health, but at Tampa
was taken down with Malarial Fever.
A sea- voyage to Key West did not Im
prove me, and at Havana, Cuba, I de
veloped Chronic Dysentery. Started foe
home, reaching The" Polyclinic Hospital,
New Tork City, April 10th, having lost
thirty pounds on the trip; had no appe
tite; my liver was apparently dead.
The small intestines were Inflamed and
caused constant pain. r
"All this Is on record at the Hospital.
Your Abbey's Salt of Fruits has cured
me after all else had failed. Most sur
prising to me Is the pleasant taste, and
lack of all griping pains, which usually
follow a dose of pills or other laxatives.
I am now In better health than I have
been since I can remember. My diges
tion Is good, my eyes are bright, the
bowels have been restored to their nor
mal condition, my brain is clear and
hard work does not bother me at all.
"I am thoroughly convinced that Ab
bey's Salt of Fruits contains some mar
velous powers, unlike anything I havo
ever tried. Please do not publish my
name, for I will tell all of my friends
about It. I believe that stomach and
bowel troubles will be a thing of the
past when Abbey's Salt Is used in every,
Send your name for a free sample toj
day. Address The Abbey Effervescent
Salt Co., Ltd., 9-15 Murray Street, New;
York City; 144 Queen Victoria Street,
London, England; 712 Craig Street,
Montreal, Canada.
' let the GOLD DUST TWINS do your work '
I If you would ' etthrongh your work quick-
i ly, sausiactoruy ana economically, summon
cle&nlog wood-work, oilcloth, sllTerware and
tinware, polishing brasswork. cleansing bath
room, pipes, etc. , and making the finest soft soap.
In 20 to 40 days without tne use of potash
or mercury, to stay cured forever. Reflex
disorders from excesses la early life, lost
manhood and debility, promptly aHtl perma
nently cured. Every case accepted under legal
Send for free book.
Not Hungry
when you should be means disorder
ed nerves, which will lead to nervous
prostration. Dr. Miles' Nervine is
guarante'ed to benefit ypu or money
refunded. Book on nerves sent free.
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart. Ind.
men :sr
way to perfect manhood. The VACUUM
TREATMENT cures you without medicine or.
all nervous or diseases of the trenerativo or
gans, such as lost manhood, exhaustlva
drains, varicocele, lmpotency. etc. Men are
quickly restored to perfect health and
strength. Write for circular. Correspond
ence confidential. THE HEALTH APPLI
ANCE CO.. rooms 47-48 Safe Deposit build
ing. Seattle. Wash.
4gli iverf Wonasi
7"WYa Is Interested anrt should know
jKSMmv NX aooat the wonderfnl
MARYEL Whirling Spray
ie&Ml Th New Ladles Syringe
XkCJJSs. Best, Safest. Moat
pWr. Convenient.
. 1
o f
Aak jmr d russet far It.
If ho cannot supply tbe
MARVRti. aprMitro
other, nut tend stamp torii-
ltu tratcd book sives
full particulars and direction In--ralnnble
to ladfr Bl ItVKl, CO..
Roam 2SO Tlmoa Bdr . Natr VorJc
For Ie by Woodurd. Clnrke b Co,
Permanently Cured bi
C05SCLXATI0X. yrioul or by mil, trtttba tad
iea tiuajj isu'x-xus jfree
Permanent Cure, aot mij mjmtrj rrii.t for u
Xixtoci Diaoiaiu. Epilepsy, Bpaszas, St. Vitus'
Dance.Jablllty, BThnnstlon. Fonadxiisn.
ffl.BJ.BMlrt.g31 Arch St.. Philadelphia.