Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 23, 1903, Page 11, Image 11

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What Lewis and Clark
. Board Will Ask.
GRANT OF $2,125,000
Bill Ready to Be Introduced
in Both Houses,
National Aid. Approved by President
and 31 any Eastern Members of
Congress Committee Will
Go to Washington.
A bill appropriating 52.125.000 for the aid
of the Lewis and Clark Exposition has
been prepared and will be forwarded to
members of the Oregon delegation for in
troduction in Congress. Before it Is
placed In the hands of the state's repre
sentatives, formal approval will have been
obtained from the Legislative committee
of the Lewis and Clark Corporation, the
board of directors and the State Commis
sion. It is to be left to the members of the
Congressional delegation to choose the
member of the House and Senate re
spectively who will introduce the appro
priation act, but it is generally believed
that United States Senator Mitchell will
look after the interests of the bill. In
the Senate this is regarded as a certainty,
and It Is believed he will give the matter
bis attention in the House, so far as pos
sible. The bill has already been submitted to
Senators Mitchell and Fulton and Repre
sentative Williamson. Representative
Hermann was unable to attend the meet
ing at which the bill was discussed, but is
expected to join the other members of
-the delegation in expressing unqualified
approval of it.
Details of Appropriation.
The appropriations provided for in the
bill are:
For the erection of a Government build
ing, 5250.000.
To aid In the erection of a memorial
building to perpetuate the memory of
Lewis and Clark and to' preserve the relics
of their expedition, 5250.000.
To provide suitable statues, and fur
nish historical data, etc., for the Lewis
and Clark memorial, building, 5100,000.
To enable the officials of the Chemawa
Indian School to make an exhibit at the
Lewis and Clark Fair, showing the man
ner in which work at the Government
training schools Is conducted, 525,000.
For the purpose of aiding the Lewis and
Clark Exposition, 51,500,000.
In a general way the provisions of this
bill have been approved by the Trans-Mls-eisslppl
Commercial Congress and the Na
tional Irrigation Congress. In addition,
numerous Eastern Senators who have
been approached on. the subject have
given their unqualified approval' to a j
plan - of asking the Government for a I
substantial appropriation and the Sena
tors from Washington have agreed to sup
port the Oregon movement. It is expected,
all the members of Congress elected from
Coast states will be identified with the
movement and that the Lewis and Clark
bill will have hearty support.
Friends of the Exposition have discussed
the question with President Roosevelt,
and he has shown hearty approval of the
project. He Intimated several weeks ago
to John Barrett that he would mention
the Lewis and Clark centennial In his
forthcoming message to Congress. His
attention has been called to the subject
more recently, and It Is believed that Ex
ecutive approval of the bill will be
Send Committee to Washington.
The bill has been prepared by W. D.
Fenton, a member .of the executive com
mittee of the Lewis and Clark board of
directors. He has been awaiting the re
turn of A. L. Mills, chairman of the Leg
islative committee, before submitting the
measure to that committee for Its ap
proval. Mr. Mills has been too busy since
his return to bring the question before the
directors associated with him on the com
mittee, but It will be brought up at once.
When Congress meets. It Is the plan of
the board of directors of the Lewis and
Clark Fair to ask several prominent Port
land citizens to go to Washington and
urge the passage of the bill.. The Lewis
and Clark board of directors and the state
commission will be represented on such
a committee, and it is expected that with
the important historical features of the
Exposition thoroughly understood by the
members of Congress, not much difficulty
will be met In securing favorable action.
The suggestion has been made that
Washington men be asked to assist in
the movement, and it is possible that
someone from California will be Invited
to accompany the local delegation. The
members of the Lewis and Clark. board
are extremely anxious that a representa
tive Washington citizen should go East
to urge the passage of the bill. It is
likely that representatives will be sent
from both Washington and California.
Strong: Delegation Going to Spokane
Meeting of Traffic Men.
Portland traffic men will go to Spokane
next month 50 strong to urge a strong
campaign at the annual meeting of the
American Association of Traveling Pas
senger Agents In favor of holding the 1904
meeting in Portland. The Spokane meet
ing of the Northwest division of the Pa
cific Coast Association of Traffic Agents
is the last that will be held prior to the
Now Orleans gathering of traveling pas
senger agents. This makes the meeting
especially, significant sb far as Portland
Is concerned.
A special committee of local traffic men,
headed by M. J. Roche, traveling passen
ger agent of the Gould lines, and W. E.
Seachrist, general passenger agent of the
New York Central lines, has been making
an active canvass among local railroad
men to insure the attendance at the Spo
kane meeting of a big delegation from
this city. Yesterday over 50 persons had
definitely decided to attend and It is likely
the delegation will be nearer 60 before the
final plans are concluded.
The traffic men of the Coast have al
ready approved the project of holding the
1904 National convention in Portland, but
It has been asked of Portland railroad
men that they take the Initiative in an en
ergetic contest for the gathering. It Is
proposed that a strong effort shall be
made at the Spokane gathering to Induce
a big delegation to go from the coast to
New Orleans and advocate the Portland
The New Orleans meeting is to be held
In November. Arrangements nave been
made lor a big excursion party of railroad
men to leave Chicago and another excur
sion will run out of San .Francisco. It
Is likely the Portland workers will Join
Jhe Chicago party In order to carry on
their campaign while the traveling: passen
ger agents are on the way to New Or
leans. Invitations to the National association
will be extended "by the Chamber of Com
merce, Commercial Club, Board of Trade,
Lewis and Clark Corporation, Mayor "Will
iams and the railroad lines entering Portland.
Selected Books From Pnblio library
Will Be Circulated.
County School Superintendent R. F.
Robinson announces that In the public
library there are 1500 books out of which
It is proposed" to form a circulating li
brary for the public schools of Mult
nomah County, mainly those of the coun
try, as they need books more than the
city schools. The arrangement Is to place
these books In the hands of the pupils
and keep them moving until they have all
been read. . After the first of the year
there will be more books available for this
"I regard this movement for a circulat
ing library in this county," said Mr. Rob
inson yesterday, "as one of vast im
portance. It will place within the reach
of every pupil in Multnomah a supply of
books that have been carefully selected
with a view to the wants of the various
grades of the schools. The books are of
excellent character. They will be put up
In boxes and sent out to the schools of
the districts from the office of the Coun-'
ty School Superintendent. I shall send
them by some resident who will see that
they are safely delivered. A record will
be kept and the boxes of books will pass
from one school to another until all have
been read by all. This circulating library
plan will apply more to the country than
the city schools, but the latter can have
advantage of it. In a short time the cir
culation of the books will begin.
As the libary is sustained out of the
public funds. It Is proper that the people
should have all the advantages possible
out of it. At the public library there is
also a system of clipping of articles and
pictures on different subjects, such as
South. America, Mexico and other coun
tries, which the pupils have to study.
They can have the advantage of this ref
erence work."
An Illlrials court has recognized a decree of
divorce granted in Russia as valid.
Senator Scott, of West Virginia, continues
to lmnrove. and -will be out In ten days.
Rural guards have captured Juan Lohez, the
leader of the recent Cuban Insurrection.
Four tourists -who -were climbing the ScafCel
Mountain, In England, fell down a precipice
and were killed.
Ten fishermen were drowned yesterday by
the capslzlnc of a boat In Killlm. Bay, near
Waterville. Ireland.
The 13th annual convention of the American
Electro-Therapeutic Association opened at At
lantic City. N. J., yesterday.
The American Woolen Cpmpany, of Boston,
has declared a regular quarterly dividend of
Ji per cent on the preferred stock.
Oliver T. Sherwood, the defaulting cashier, of
the Southport, Coai. National bank, has been
sentenced to ten years in prison.
The National Car Wheel Company, of Roches,
ter, X. Y.. with a capital of 59.000.000, filed
articles of Incorporation yesterday.
Lawrence Summerfleld, of New York, is ac
cused of swindling George A. McLean, of Pitts,
burg, out of $23,000 on a mining deal.
Honduras continues to threaten to invade
Nicaragua unless boundary dispute over grant
ing of a concession to Americans is settled.
C. P. Taft. of Cincinnati. ' has purchased
"Maternlte." one of the latest and roost Im
portant paintings of Millet, the famous French
The United States squadron under the com
mand of Rear-Admiral Evans, has arrived at
Klao Chou, tho German colony on the east
coast oZ China.
The Kansas officers have not yet succeeded
in apprehending Thomas Madison, the sup.
posed murderer of .three women in Smith
County, last Tuesday night.
All the strikers in the Rock Island shops at
Goodland, Kan., returned to work today In
accordance with an agreement made yester
day, granting an Increase of wages.
Pierre Senque, who was a candidate for the
presidency of Haytl, In opposition to President
Nordes, who has been banished from this coun
try, has loft Port a'u Prince for New York.
Charles" R. Hill, cx-pollce captain Of Minne
apolis, pleaded not guilty to bribery and his
trial was Bet for October 1. He is still In
Jail, having failed to secure the $7500 bonds
fixed by the court.
Since the passage of the Irish land act many
evicted tenants now residing In the United
States have been making anxious Inquiries re
gardlng the possibility of reacquiring their
former holdings.
J. B. McPherson, of Gettysburg, Pa., has
been elected secretary of the National Asso-.
elation of Woolen Manufacturers, to succeed
S. N. T. North, who resigned to accept the
appointment as director of the census.
Annie R. Sharpley, who caused the. Postoftlce
authorities much trouble through her swind
ling operations in raising the figures on postal
money orders In many cities, has been sent
enced to two years in prison in Pennsylvania.
The Columbia has been replaced as receiving
ship at the New York Navy Yard by the
Hancock, formerly an Army transport. The
.cruiser is to be .overhauled and placed in
shape for service with the training squadron.
Colonel B. F. Morley. manager of the
Buena Vista, Colo., smelter and of the Mary
Murphy mine at Romley, and Adolph Atora
hamson, superintendent of the mine, were
killed by foul air when making an Inspection
of the mine working.
Falling from the eighth floor of & building in
course of erection at 20 West Eighteenth
street, a distance of about 80 feet, and turning
three somersaults inhis descent, Joseph Hel
ser, an ironworker, escaped with a slight lacer
ation of two fingers.
Ground has been broken in Jersey City for
the new People's Palace, planned by Rev.
John L. Scudder. pastor of tho First Congre
gational Church, The building Is to cost $100,.
000, and much of the money has already been
A round-up of suspicious characters has fol
lowed the determination of the New York po
lice department to end the feudal shooting af
frays on the lower East Side, which have re
sulted recently in half a dozen men being
killed. Twenty-four prisoners were taken in
the first raid.
The fishing tug Silver Spray, which had an
exciting brush August 12 with the Canadian
patrol-boat Petrel, has again narrowly es
caped capture. According to the captain, he
was out looking for lost nets and might have
been in Canadian waters. Ho Immediately
ordered his engineer to give the tug a full
head of steam, and after a brief chase the
Silver Spray escaped.
Talking School Consolidation.
ASTORIA Sept. 22. (Special.) There
Is at present in what is called the Lewis
and Clark Eection of this county, three
school districts, and a movement is on
foot to consolidate them into one district
and use the schoolhouse at CbadwelL
The persons favoring the consolidation
believe that if this is done better school
facilities will be offered and a graded
school be maintained.
A part of the plan Is to operate a line
of stages from different, parts of the dis
trict to convey the children to and from
Xcw Ordinances for Astoria.
ASTORIA. Sept 22. (Special.) On ac
count of the accident which occurred on
last Saturday by which a small boy was
run over and killed by a heavily laden
wagon being trailed behind another, the
Council has Instructed the City Attorney
to prepare an ordinance forbidding the
hauling of wagons as trailers through
the streets of the city.
The Attorney has also been directed to
prepare an ordinance providing that all
buildings over two stories In height shall
be equipped with fire-escapes.
If Baby Is Cnttlns Teeth,
Be sure and use that old and well-tried remedy,
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup, for children
teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums,
all&ys all pain, cures wind collo and diarrhoeas
Carnival Will Give Prizes to
Precious Infants.
Balloon Ascension, Parade and Fire
rrprlcH, Athletic Contest and
"Daring Feats Make Up To
day's Programme,
2:15 Afternoon concert for ladles and
Baby show and distribution of
Jabour's big shows.
7 P. M. Balloon ascension.
Grand parade and fire works.
Athletic contests. '
Jabour's big shows.
Confetti battle.
Beautiful weather brought oufone of the
largest crowds of the carnival last night,
and they saw one of tho best exhibitions
ever given in Portland. Everything went
off in first-class style from the balloon
ascension In the afternoon to the brilliant
pageantry of the big spectacle, "When
Knignthood "Was in Flower."
Today will be the day for babies of
every degree of beauty and infantile ex
cellence. And In the evening at 7 o'clock
Thompson will make an ascension In an
illuminated balloon and perform on the
trapeze in midair, and afterwards make a
thrilling parachute jump. All the shows
will be in operation, and nothing will be
lacking to make the day one of festivity
and pleasure.
- Baby day at the carnival will attract
the most interesting array of beautiful
children ever seen together In Portland.
The competition will be for tho large list
of prizes offered by Mr. Jabour and tho
carnival association. Only those between
the ages of 1 and 5 years aro eligible. Up
to last night Director-General Bentley had
received notice from a score of fond moth
ers that they would be represented In the
contest for the prizes. As a special In
ducement to the public to be present upon
this occasion, the low matinee price of
25 cents has been made.all children under
10 years being admitted free.
As upon other afternoons, Brown's full
band will give a concert and special pro
grammes by the Jabour shows have been
arranged for the entertainment of the la
dies and children. Miss Ldljens will make
her sensational high dive, Schaar will ride
to the top of the perpendicular slats, Ed
wards will make his hair-raising "slide
for life" down the incline and dive into the
tank of water, Thompson will make a
balloon ascension and parachute drop, and
the other artists carried by Mr. Jabour
will do Interesting acts.
In the evening the finals of the athletic
meet will be pulled of, and this promises
to be full of excitement. Mr. Kerrigan,
who was injured while participating in the
events Monday night, will not be present,
but has arranged to have the meet prop
erly taken care of. Lovers of. this kind of
entertainment cannot afford to miss the
Director-General Bentley and Mr. Jabour
have arranged to "give a parade this even
ing, directly following the balloon ascen
sion by Thompson, who bids farewell to
earth at 7 o'clock, ascends 4000 feet and
cuts loose, dropping several hundred feet
before his parachute opens. On tho trip
up several hundred dollars' worth of fire
works will be set off by Thompson, and
while the explosives are shooting he will
perform a number of daring feats.
In the parade tonight, which will move
over the principal streets, will be seen
Mr. Jabour's artists, together with a num
ber of the carnival people. Fireworks will
make the route as light as day.
"When Knighthood Was In Flower" '111
be given again Friday night
Gnminie, Kerrigan and Coates Win
Honors at Running.
The athletic meet at Multnomah field
in connection with the carnival on Mon
day evening was a grand success as well
as a novelty, as the records made were
good and It was the first athletic meet
ing ever held in the city by electric light
The first event was the 50-yard dash,
and the first heat was won by George
Gammle in 5 4-5 seconds with Connell, of
Y. M. C. a., a very .close second. The sec
ond heat was won by Bert Kerrigan and
Coates, tho crack hurdler, came in second.
The final heat was captured by George
Gammle, the xlub's great little sprinter,
in the fast time of 5 3-5 seconds with
Bert Kerrigan, his teammate, second.
Gammle made a record for himself by
winning all the sprints, four in number.
He easily captured the 75-yard dash from
Connell In the good time of 8 1-5 seconds.
In the 100-yard racene again showed his
superiority by defeating the field hands
down, second placo going to Connell, the
Y. M. C. A. sprinter. The 120-yard dash
was easy for Gammle and Smlthspn, of
the Y. M. C. A., was second; time, 12 4-5
A. B. Coates, Multnomah's crack
hurdler, won both hurdle races, the 120
yard low hurdles and the 75-yard high
hurdles In the time of 12 4-5 and 8 1-5 sec
onds respectively. Oscar Kerrigan was
second In both of these events and made
an excellent showing. He bids fair to
make a fast hurdler before long. Coates
Is probably the fastest hurdler since the
days of Multnomah's great hurdler, Ed
Morgan, who has not yet been equalled
In the Northwest
The field events were interesting and,
as usual. Bert Kerrigan won tho high
Jump, although he was hard pushed by
hls young brother, Oscar. Bert cleared
tho bar at 5 feet and 7 inches and Oscar
was but one inch under him.
Ed Murphy, Multnomah's old-time
vaulter, won the pole vault at 10 feet, and
second place was won by Bert Kerrigan
at 9 feet 6 Inches.
Cqates captured the broad Jump handily
from Bert Kerrigan, with a leap of 20
feet inch and Kerrigan cleared 19 feet
and 8 inches.
The shot-put was won by Multnomah's
weight man, Sanders, with a put of 37
feet 5 Inches and James was second with
36 feet 6 inches.
All in all, the meet was a success, was
well handled by the committee, was en
Joyed by the spectators and will no doubt
be repeated at some future date by the
Grand Jury Lets- Jolntlsts Off.
TOPEKA, Kan., Sept 22. The criminal
docket of the District Court of Shawnee
County contains 40 cases against more or
less notorious Jolntlsts, charged with sell
ing liquor. Court "naa been in session two
days, and every man up for hearing so far
has gone free. Some of them were re
leased without the jury leaving the box.
It now seems that not a conviction will be
secured. Insufficient evidence Is given as
the cause.' .
Cares Nervous. Dyspepsia.
Horsford's Acid Phosphate, the ideal
stomach tonic and nerve food, banishes
the depression, dejection and disturbed
sleep caused by disordered digestion.
Builds up tho entire physical syBtem.
a -- .y- -
- -a -
- -
Boat WH1 lie Ready for Her Final
Trip in Two "Weeks Log- Raft
Reaches San Francisco.
In about two weeks' time tho new
row Navigation Company, will be ready
for her trial trip. The boat Is lying .at
the deck of the "Willamette Boiler "Works,
where her machinery was installed. Tho
engines are all in place, and all that re
mains to be done on her lower deck is to
put in a little piping. Some time next
week, after stie has been Inspected, the
Telephone, will be taken up to Pacquet'a
yard, at the foot of Clay street, where
she will be painted and her cabins and
staterooms furnished.
The original intention of the owners of
the Telephone was to take her to Puget
Sound and place her on the Seattle-"What-com
route. It Is believed this plan has
been abandoned and the steamer will re
main here. "When Captain U. B. Scott
was in Portland a few days ago he was
asked what would be the prospects of tho
new boat on that route, and said the
Telephone would never pay there. CapI
tain Scott who designed and built the
original Telephone, Is as well posted as
anybody on Puget Sound steamboatlng
and de declares there is no possible open
ing for the Arrow Company's new craft
over there.
From a reliable quarter it is learned
that the Telephone will join the Portland
Astoria fleet, probably in opposition to
the two established lines. "When asked
if the Telephone is to go on the Astoria
run, Joseph Pacquet, who is building the
boat, merely replied: "I wouldn't be sur
prised." The Inauguration of a new lower
river line in opposition to the O. R. & N.
and Kamm companies would no doubt
mean a rate war fought out no less bit
terly than that now raging between the
Spencer and Regulator companies. They
have had a taste of such warfare down
that way, and know how to proceed.
Neither of tho two companies now in
business would stand Idly by and -see a
new-comer get a foothold on the route.
The Telephone promises to be an exceed
ingly fast boat, probably tho fastest on
the river, and her advent in the Portland-Astoria
passenger trade would mark
an era in the business.
In the meantime, the struggle between
the Upper Columbia companies goes on,
and the traveling public Is taking advan
tage of the low fares to patronize lib
erally the Bailey Gatzert and the Charles
R. Spencer. The O. R. & N. Is watching
the situation closely, and if It finds Its
rail business Is being diverted to the
water lines, will take a hand in the cut
ting of rates.
Cargo for Forty Schooners Arrives
Safely at San Francisco.'
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 22. (Special.)
The largest log raft ever towed down the
Pacific Coast arrived hero early this
morning, in tow of the steamer Francis
Leggett, Captain Jackson. It contains
8,000,000 feet of lumber, and was built in
Oregon for the Hammond Lumber Com
pany. Fivo days and 20 hours were con
sumed in the voyage down the Coast,
which was not without incident .
Shortly after starting down Columbia
River a heavy Southwest gale Avas expe
rienced, and the Leggett had to make fast
in the river, waiting for the storm to
abate. The wind stirred up a bad sea, and
the leviathan raft was nearly awash a
good part of the time. Tho voyage was
resumed after tho weather moderated.
Cape Blanco was passed Friday afternoon.
In appearance tho raft, resembled an
enormous cigar. It is bound together with
chains and heavy hawsers. It Is estimat
ed that the raft would make cargos for
40 ordinary lumber schooners. V
Local shipping men consider It one of
the greatest feats In Coast shipping cir
cles that the raft was brought down with
out a hitch. In addition, they breathe a
sigh of relief to think this menace to
ocean shipping is out of the way. Talk is
renewed of Federal statutes to prohibit
the towing of these monsters.
Rate "War on the Sonnd.
SEATTLE, "Wash., Sept 22. A rate war
among steamships operating between Seat
tle and Hood's canal points is promised.
Yesterday ,the owners of the steamship
The biggest and prettiest array of babies ever seen in Portland
I will be that at the Carnival grounds this afternoon. Through
the kindness of 'Jaeger Bros., the Carnival is in a position to
offer an elegant $60 prize for the prettiest baby. A silver
cup goes to smallest girl baby, smallest boy baby, largest -girl
baby, largest boy baby, handsomest twin boys between
the ages of 1 and 3, handsomest twin girls between the ages
of 1 and 3, handsomest girl and boy twins, smallest pair of
. twins between the ages of 1 and 3, best-dresed baby girl
under 2 years old, best-dressed baby boy under 2 years old,
most uniquely dressed baby under 3 years old, best-looking
colored baby 1 to 3, best-looking Chinese baby 1 to 3, best
looking Japanese baby 1 to 3.
Special Matinee Price of 35c
- Children Under 10 Free
Lydia Thompson .announced that the rate
on that vessel for a round trip between
Seattle and any Hood's Canal points would
be $1 Instead of ?3, which all the steamers
are now charging In addition, a. 50 per
cent reduction in tho prices of berths and
meals is announced. Other steamships
to compete are expected to make similar
or even greater reductions.
Dnns Lnvr Brings Port Cargo.
The British. bark Duns Law, which was
reported off the river yesterdav. sailed
from Port Los Angeles 4S days ago. She
has been out six days longer than the
Italian ship Ninfa, which was spoken off
the coast by the Indrapura. . The. Duns
Law brings a part cargo from Nwcastle-on-Tyne
to, Balfour, Guthrie & Co., and
is chartered to caVry wheat and flour to
the cape.
The loading of wheat ships in this har
bor will begin Thursday, when tho Nauar
chos will commence taking cargo at
Oceanic dock. The Windsor Park, at the
elevator, is also ready- for wheat loading.
Hough Experience of Coal Ship.
HONOLULU, Sept. 16, via San Francisco.
Sept. 22. Tho ship Erskine il. Phelps,
which has made a very long passage from
Norfolk, arrived yesterday, reporting very
rough experiences off the Horn. A suc
cession of gales swept the vessel and her
cargo of coal began to get afire. The
crew was kept busy for many days bring
ing heated coal on deck and allowing it
to cool, but a bad conflagration, was avert
ed and the ship arrived here in good con
dition. She was 135 days in making the
Melrose nt Vancouver.
VANCOUVER, "Wash., Sept. 22. (Spe
cial.) The four-masted schooner Melrose
arrived at the Columbia River Lumber
Company's dock this morning, where she
will take on.a cargo of lumber and tie3
for Redondo. The capacity of the Melrose
is S0O.O0O feet She will take on about
500,tv0 feet here, and complete her cargo
by means of lighters at the mouth of tho
Liner Has a. TeiHmis Voyage.
NEW YORK, Seflt 22. The Hamburg
American line steamer Palatla arrived to
day from Hamburg and Boulogne, after a
tedious voyage of nearly IS days. The
Palatla broke the tail shaft of her star
board engine on September 9 shortly
after leaving the English Channel. Cap
tain Magln decided to proceed to his des
tination using the port engines.
Grace Dollar Chartered.
The steamer Graco Dollar has been
chartered by the California & Oregon
Coast Steamship Company to load lumber
and piles here for Redondo and" Port Los
Angeles. She will carry about 900,000 feet.
The ateamer Is due here in a few days.
Delayed by a Broken Shaft.
NEW YORK, Sept 22. The Hamburg
American line steamer Palatla, which
sailed from Hamburg September 4 for New
York, arrived here today. The delay was
caused by a broken shaft
Marine Xotcs.
The County of Inverness has begun dis
charging coal at the bunkers.
The schooner Virginia has cleared for
San Francisco with 700,000 feet of lumber.
The stfeamer Ocklahama was inspected
yesterday by Local United . States In
spectors' Edwards and Fuller. Tomorrow
they will inspect the Indrapura.
The steamer Mascot has been taken up.
to the boatyards to have some repairs
made to her wheel. The "Walker has taken
her place on the Lewis River route.
The British bark Hougomont which ran
ashore at Allcnby, England, last Febru
ary, with a cargo of merchandise from
San Francisco, has been thoroughly re
paired and will load at Glasgow for Vic
toria. The Norwegian bark Catharina, 112 days
from Puget Sound, for Delagpa Bay, has
been listed as overdue at 20 per cent re
insurance; wreckage and a boat marked
"Catharl" were reported found on Queen
Charlotte Island, which Is the cause of
the vessel being placed on the overdue
The British ship NIvelle has at last ac
cepted a charter, . having baen in port at
San Francisco Just a year and a quarter,
awaiting a rise In freights. She has ac
cepted a rate of ISs 9d for lumber to South
Africa, when upon her arrival there ves
sels were getting 2os for wheat to tho
United Kingdom and 60s to 65s for lumber
to South Africa.
Domestic and Foreign Ports.
ASTORIA, Sept 22. Arrived at 7:15 and left
up a 10:30 A. M.- steamer Columbia from
San Francisco. Sailed at 0:30 A. M..- schooner
J. II. Lunsmann, for Shanghai. Arrived at
10:30 A. M., barkentlno Omega, from Newcas
tle. Sailed at 1 P. M., barkentlne Alumna, for
Port Adelaide. Outside at 5:30 P. M.. British
bark Dunalaw, from Port Los Angeles. Condi
tion of the bar at 5 P. M., smooth; wind south
east; weather cloudy.
Antwerp, Sept. 22. Sailed 10th German ship
Emllie. for Portland.
Eureka, Sept. 22. Sailed at noon Steamer
Alliance for Portland.
San Francisco, Sept. 2. Arrived at 0:15 A.
M. Steamer Franci3 II. Leggett and log raft
all O. K., from Columbia River. Arrived at
8:15 A M. Steamer Geo. W. Elder, from Port
land. Tacbma, Sept. 22. Arrived Steamer City of
Puebla, from San Francisco. Sailed Steamer
EHhu Thomson, for Nome, via Ladysmlth;
steamer MIneola, for San Francisco
Genoa, Sept 10. Sailed Vancouver, for
London, Sejt. 22. Sailed Steamer Colum
bian, for Boston.
Now York, Sept. 22. Sailed Steamer Kaiser
"U'llhelm II, for Bremen; Bovlc, for Liver
pool. Glasgow, Sept 22. Arrived Furnessla, from
.New York.
San Francisco, Sept. 22. Arrived Steamer
San Mateo, from Tacoma; steamer Newburg,
from Gray's Harbor; steamer L. Roscoe, from
Coos Bay; steamer Czarina, from Coos Bay.
Hoqulam, Sept. 22. Sailed Sept. 21, schoon
er "Wm. Renton, for San Francisco. Arrived,
schooner W. H. Smith, from San Pedro. Sept
22. arrived, steamer Centralla, from San Fran
New York, Sept. 22. Arrived Kaiser "WH-
A New Wrinkle3 (N0.3.)
Cream of Celery Soup
Ono cup of Stock made from Armour's Extract of Beof.
S cups of celery cut in inch pieces 3 tablespoonfuls flour
2 cups boiling water 2 cups milk
1 slice onion 2 tablespoonfuls butter
salt and pepper
Parboil celery in water ten minutes; drain; add stock;
cook until celery is soft and rub through sieve. Scald
onion in milk; remove onion; add milk to stock; bind
with butter and flour; season with salt and popper.
Above is taken from edition de luxe 'Culinary Wrinkles" (just
oat) which will be sent postpaid to any address on receipt of
a metal cap from jar of Armour's Extract of Beef.
The 'Best Extract
JFfiAKES Life's aik. Easy-P
J Crossett Shoe's GTthe feet insleaBToi
jl They havo indtvldaalityand-Onishcd
f They aretnado from hones'traafertal ggEjHMB3
ftaf guarantees wear. kxFvmShIB
llfc. xif WOir dealer dots not kcrp them. tBSStHSsSS
vtrila mcl. will tall yju ,cho doca. KSWBP
helm der Grosse, from Hamburg; Bremen, from
Bremen; Palatla. from Hamburg.
Liverpool. Sept. 22. Arrived Concordia,
from Montreal.
Movllle. Sept. 22. Arrived Furnessla, from
New York.
Hamburg. Sept 22. Arrived Deutschland,
from New York.
Seattle. Spt. 22. Arrived Steamer Jeanle,
from Nome; fteamer Centennial, from San
Francisco. Sailed Steamer Nome City for
Nome; steamer Valencia for Nome: steamer
Meteor for Nome; French ship Madelalne, for
Port Blakeley.
Yokohama. Sept. 22. Arrived Victoria, from,
Tacoma, for Hlogo. Shanghai and Hong Kong,
Colombo, Sept. 22. Sailed Keemun, from Ta
coma, Hlogo, Yokohama, Hong Kong and Ma
nila, for Liverpool.
Xegro Murderer on Trial.
PEORIA, 111., Sept. 22.-John McCrea,
the negro who on Juno 23 shot and In
stantly killed Detective "William Murphy,,
and who escaped lynching only becauso
the authorities spirited him away to tho
Galesburg Jail, was placed on trial this
morning. He denies his guilt,, and his at
torneys will open the defense that Mur
phy was not a properly commissioned of
ficer, his appointment not having been,
confirmed by the City Council. McCrea
was caught In the act of stealing coal
from cars and killed the officer.
Visitors to Portland
Should not miss the delightful trips up ana
down tho Columbia River. Particulars at
O. R & N. city ticket office. Third and
of the 'Best 'Beef