THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, i903. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF Tho OrcKoninn'jr Telephones. H w O05.. f Mala CC7 ir-,fccoti:J.E1,tor Main City Editor ...I.. Mala 100 PSJf,c35?om '..-Mala 685 ast Side Office 4 East 1 bupfcrlntendcat Building .....lied 2823 AMUSEMENTS. ' -HERAT'S THEATER, "Washington Street evening, S:15, "Buried at Se." r?BA.ER THEATER-Matlnee this after tbe Kin' toalBht' 8:15 ?lace ot EMS?inS ??EATER. Twelfth and Morrison aiatlnei 2:15; evening. 8:15. vaudeville. BA,?B.ALX',.. TODAT. 3:30. Professional ?t",,,"3- - and Vaughn. Portland vs. Lumber Orders Fall Off. Some o the mm men are complaining that orders lor lumber are falling off a little.'' The price of lumber they say is also -weakening. There have been 256 new mills start ed In Oregon. California and "Washlng- ton during the past year, most of them not large, but they are responsible mainly ior the Increase of 3,500.000 feet per day over the amount cut last year. Logging is going ahead as lively is ever, all the camps are doing good work and putting in lots of logs. Prices are keeping up very well, as all the mlllmen are anxious to lay in a supply for Winter. Large number of logs from the burned-over district, back of "Vancouver, are being Put Into the Columbia at Vancouver by the "Weyerhaeuser Company, the largest logging company on the Coast. The logs are being boomed and held, and It is said a large lot will be stored on Lake HIver, where there Is plenty of room for rafts. This company is building a railway to connect with the Portland, Vancouver & Yakima Hallway. It has six miles built and In use which enables it to get out many logs. S. Benson is putting about 200,000 feet of logs per day into the river at Oak Point He has six miles graded and one mile of track laid on his Clatskanle & Nehalem Railroad, and has a locomotive on the way from the East. Loggers gener ally are satisfied with present prices and the prospects for a continued steady de mand. Year 1905 Not Far Off. The fact that 1905 and the Lewis and Clark Fair are not Very far away was Impressed upon several persons yesterday by coming In contact with a young man, a resident of the East Side suburbs, who was hunting for seed wheat and oats. He said he 'had entered Into an agreement with a neigh bor to raise a patch of wheat and a patch of oats on specially prepared ground, tho product to be made an exhibit at the Lewis and Clark Fair. He was making diligent search for the best samples of wheat and oats obtainable, and when it was remarked that he need not got excited as he had plenty of time, he re plied: "You must bear in mind that Win ter wheat for the Lewis and Clark Fair must be sowed this Fall. If the sewing Is put off till next Fall, the grain will not be ripe in time to exhibit." People who' are contemplating growing Winter wheat to exhibit at the Fair In 1905, will do well to begin operations in time. Next year will be time enough to plant seeds for big pumpkins and vegetables, and the young man mentioned intends to plant such things in the ground they are now preparing to sow to wheat. . Scarcity of Game. Caterers as usual are complaining of the scarcity of game in the markets. Some wild ducks are ob tainable at high prices early In the week but there is no steady supply, while the demand for game of some kind is con stant. Owing to this a huge bear brought from Netarts was gobbled up by popular cafes and restaurants. The beast weighed 274 pounds and had grown fat on the salal berries and huckleberries so plenti ful along theCoast this season and was doubtless fine eating. At all events it was game, and a change from everyday diet, and all caterers who handled the meat are anxious to get more. The present shooting season opens October 1, but no sale of pheasants Is allowed except dur ing the last 15 days of the open season, from November 15 to December 1. The laws now are framed principally to pro tect game, and so very little is seen on the markets, and many never have any. Baseball Todat, 3:30. Baseball, Today, 3:30. Baseball Today, J3:30. Baseball Today, 3:30. Baseball Today, 3:30. Baseball Today, 3:30. Baseball Today, 3:30. Professional Baseball Today, 3:30. Professional Baseball Today, 3:30. Portland. vs. Seattle. Professional Baseball Today, 3:30. Professional Baseball Today, 3:30. Baseball Today, 3:30. Baseball Today, -3:30. Baseball Today, 3:30. Baseball Today, 3:30. Baseball Today, 3:30. Baseball Today? 3:30. Carl Organ Recital. The committee In charge of these recitals at First Pres byterian Church has found a few cases of misunderstanding regarding the tick ets of admission, which were sent out. All tickets for this evening's recital en. title the holder to admission without charge', and while there are no more tick ets for distribution the committee es pecially desires holders or their friends to use tickets they have and enjoy a rich treat. Anyone desiring reserved scats whether holding tickets or not, can get them of E. Quackenbush, 244 Stark street, for 50 cents. Notice Is hereby given to the members of the Portland General Ministerial As sociation, that an executive session of this body will be held In the auditorium of the Y. M. C. A. on Monday. Septem ber 21, at 2 P. M., to hear the report of the committee appointed to investigate concerning the nonlnforcement of the law pertaining to gambling in tho City of Portland. Every member of the associa tion is most earnestly requested to be present. Portland, Or., September IS. 1903. J. F. Ghormley, president; E. M. Sharp, secretary. Paving Ankee.-y and Asp. Streets. Ankeny and Ash streets on each side of the triangular block between Fourth and Fifth are in process of being paved with small stone blocks on a concrete founda tion, Including the open space at the west end of the block where the streets come together. The concrete foundation on Ash street Is completed and the work of lay ing the stone blocks will be commenced at once. Part of tha cast front of the building on the soutlv side of the block is to be cut off and the entrance set back. Special Train Seiivice to State Fair. The Southern Pacific Company will, run a special train every day this week to the State Fair, leaving Portland 8 A. M., re turning leave fair grounds 6 P. 1L Re duced rates. Wanted. Cash boys and girls; must be over 14 years of age; affidavits and notary services without charge. Apply at superintendent's desk, first floor. Olds, Wortman & King. School Books, second hand, shelf worn and new, bought, sold and exchanged at the Old Book Store, Yamhill street, be tween First and Second streets. Teachers Meet Today. City Superin tendent Rigler has called a meeting of all the teachers of the city at the High School at 1 P. M. today. The Foresters' band will, not be at Cedar Park next Sunday, as heretofore advertised. Try those Sweet Tidbits and Sweet Picklechlps. Hill's exhibits at Carnival. Southern Pacific Band dance this ecning. Woodmen Hall. E. Cth &E. Alder For Dependable school shoes get the stocl-shod at Rosenthal's 149 Third street. School Books, new and old, bought and sold. Jones' Book Store, 291 Alder st. Ask your grocer for Hill's Pure Olive Oil. See exhibit at Street Fair. W. Gifford Nash, piano teacher, 103 Tenth. Wooster, finest fruits. 7th & Morrison. risi. alva . Walker, Mohawk bldg. Wonders Who Hit Him. A rather handsome surrey In a badly broken up condition was seen standing in front of a livery stable on Fifth street yesterday morning, while the owner, S. Benson, was Investigating the damages and trying to find out .what had caused them. Tho surrey was sent up to his residence the evening before in charge of a stable boy, that his family might go out for a drive. In some way the vehicle was upset and the boy thrown ou, nearly in front of the house. Tho horse succeeded in getting loose In a few seconds and ran back to the- stable. The dashboard of the vehicle was bent over, a lamp smashed, two springs broken, one seat wrecked and no one knew how It was done. The boy had been dazed by his fall, and was under the Impression that some one had knocked him off his seat One who saw the smash up, said the boy drove over a wood pile and upset himself out but could not be certain that be was not out of.,the vehicle when it struck the woodpile. The result of the investigation will settle who is re sponsible for the accident and who will have to repair the damages. Bitten by Savage- Dog. The wife of William McLean, veterinary surgeon, wjien out driving on the Gresham road Tnursday, stopped at Fred Ragge's place, ten miles from this city, and was attacked by a large St Bernard dog, which sprang at her face and bit her through the cheek, inflicting a very painful wound. A dentist's plate in her mouth was broken and it is feared that her jaw is broken. She was suffering Intensely from the shock and the pain of the wound yester day, not having slept during the night, and it could not be definitely ascertained how serious her Injury was. The owner of the dog says It Is docile and not ad dicted to flying at strangers but people who drive out that way say the brute Is kept chained up most of the time. Mr. McLean was away from home, but when he goes out to Ragge's place there is like ly to be trouble for that dog. Satuhday Night Entertainment Re sumed. Tonight 8 o'clock, at the Men's Resort, 66 North Sixth street the Sat urday night entertainments, which were so popular last season will reopen with a stereoptlcon lecture on 'Persia Her Peo ple. Customs and Religions," by Dr. Jo seph Kashaba, a native of Persia, who has just completed a course of education in this country. He will appear in the Persian costume and also sing native songs. Admission Is free and all are cor dially welcome. Regulator Line steamers Bailey Gat zert and Dalles City leave Portland Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays for The Dalles and all way landings. Round trip ticket to any landing 50 cents. Seamer Bailey Gatzert will stop at Washougal, Cascade Locks, Stevenson, White Sal mon. Hood River, Lyle and The Dalles, allother landings made by steamer Dalles City. This rate will not apply to steam er Regulator leaving Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays. All steamers leave Alder-street dock. Best of meals. Remem ber, round trip ticket to any landing only 50 cents. Phone Main 914. To Investigate Barbers' College. Because the apprentices in the new school for barbers are not equipped with cards according to law, a thorough investiga tion Is promised by the State Board of Barber Examiners. The man in charge of the barber's college, which is situated in the North End, promises to teach the trade Jn eight weeks. The members of the boLrd say that the trade cannot bo properly learned In that short time, and therefore they will determine whether or not the college Is run as It should be. Profits ioF Labor Day Celebration. About $150 was cleared by the committee of the Federated Trades Council from tho Labor Day celebration In Hawthorne Park. The committee met last evening after the session of the Federated Trades Council, and tried to make an accurate estimate of the profits derived from the celebration. So many unsold buttons and tickets are stlh outstanding, however, that no exact sum could be stated. The Council held a short meeting and trans cted little but routine business. Tearing Down Pavilion. The work of demolishing the old pavilion is still going ahead, the annexion the south side being all down except a -skeleton frame, and most of the material has been carted away. The removal of this annex Js only a very small part of :be job of clearing off the entire block, whk:h will take some time. First Presbyterian Church. Services at 10:30 A. M. and 7:45 P. M. The pastor. Rev. Edgar P. Hill, D.D.. will preach morning and evening. Looms for making belts and fobs. Les sons in beadwork free; bead, needles, blue, white and Venetian beads arrived. Parlor C. Portland Hotel. Good School Shoe3 at moderate prices. Rosenthal's, 149 Third street Dr. McElroy, Oregonian bids., returned. COMING ATTRACTIONS. Popular Play at the Baker. Tonight ends the first week of the Neill Morosco Company at the Baker Theater, and It will be the last opportunity to see the gorgeous production of "In the Palace of the King." It is rarely ever that a company leaps into popular favor with tho bound that the Nelll-Morosco has In Portland, and those who are going tp see "Janice Meredith" next week should buy seats In advance as far as possible. A beautiful souvenir of the company will be .given to each lady on Monday evening. Matinee at Empire Today. The matinee at the Empire Theater this afternoon will afford an excellent oppor tunity to fill every youngster in Portland with glee. Only a few more performances of the present programme remain to be given, and then Bandy, the man who doesn't know what to do with his feet;' the Kellv the Newmans and many other amusing performers will be with us no more. Matinee prices only 20 and 10 cents. Xeiy Prognunme at the Empire. Clever acts without number are on the' Empire Theater's new programme, which opens Monday, September 2L John Tier ney, the best of all monologists, is one feature. Allen Wightman, who makes mud Into statues In a minute, is another. A third is ,the sensational colored sketch team D's and D's. Matthieus and Hoff, the operatic singers, will win the skeptics over by their voices, and the great Ger man comedians, Raymond and Caverly, have been re-engaged for another week. The remainder of the programme also will afford the Empire audiences unlim ited amusement Sale for "The Bursronmater." This morning at 10 o'clock the advance sale of seats will open for that merry monarch of music and mirth, "The Bur gomaster," which comes to tile Marquam Grand Theater next Tuesday and Wednes day nights, September 22 and 23, with a special matinee Wednesday at 2:15 o'clock. This year the big list of principals in cludes Ruth White as Willie, Oscar L. Ifigman as the Burgomaster, William Riley Hatch, Thomas Rlcketts, Charles Sharp, R. J. Moye, George McKlssock, Helen Dexter, Harriet Sheldon, Louise Brackett and Josephine Ditt. "The Dairy Farm." "The Dairy Farm," one of the greatest of rural comedy dramas, will bo the at traction at the Marquam Grand Theater next Thursday night, continuing Friday and Saturday nights, with a special mati nee Saturday. All the scenery, properties and antique furniture will be carried by the company. An excellent cast. Includ ing several character players who have played in the piece over 1000 times in the East will be found in the company. WHERE TO DINE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant; fine private apart ments for parties, 305 Wash., neav5th. , Imperial Hotel restaurant 2d floor: slx-courso dinner 50c; first-class service a la carte, 6:30 A. M. to 8 P. M. AMUSEMENTS. Orjrnn Recital. -"Largo e Maestoso, Allegro." Sym phonr In D minor (Alexander. Guil xnant); "Romance in F Major." (Will lam Henry Richmond); "Idylle Plf faro," (Ernest H. Smith); "Fugue In D Major," (Johann Sebastian Bach); soprano solo, "Israfel," (Oliver "King), illsf Reba A. Hobson: "A Vision." (Rudolph xBlbl); "Carillon de Dun kerque," (Thomas Carter); " "Allegro from the fourth concert" (G. F. Han del); "Rondeau" En Musette," (Jean Phlllpe Rameau); "Forest Music," from "Siegfried," (Richard "Wagner); "Toccata In E Minor," (Joseph Cal laerts); soprano solo, "I Love Thee,'.' (E. Grieg). Miss Reba A. Hobson; "L Vendxedl-Saint" (Good Friday) (F. de la' TombellV); "Marche Herolqiie de Jeanne D'Arc" (Th. Dubois). The first organ recital given here this season and by one of the greatest organ ists in this country, William C. Carl, or ganist and choirmaster of the First Pres byterian Church, and was an enjoyable musical success. A large audience -was present, most of the -seats being occupied. It is a great compliment to Portland that she has such a distinguished organist within her borders, and the members of the church sessionwho engaged Mr. Carl to play here are entitled to credit for their enterprise: v It is not too much to say that Mr. Carl is a wizard of tho organ in every senso of the term. It is a pity that the. action of the First Presbyterian Church organ is neither pneumatic or electric, in order to give the organist an opportunity to perform yet more wonderful feats than he is capable of. At present the action of the organ is thoroughly old fashioned, and it means hard physical work to play It. A $1000 pneumatic action would work wonders. It was a treat to watch the manner in which Mr. Carl surmounted the difficulties which confronted him, and his playing gave unbounded satisfaction. He has a quiet seat at the organ, and has wonder ful skill in his selection of stops to pro duce a certain tone color. His pedalling Is astonishingly rapid at times, yet dis tinct It is never blurred, as Is often the custom with amateur organists. His pro gramme last night appealed to persons of quiet, refined musical tastes, and held at tention and favor from first to last Mr. Carl evidently does not believe In play ing florid, showy music. His first selec tion was one of the most somber things Gullmant has ever written, and at times there Is a wail in it His Smith number, an "Idylle Plffaro," was a pretty melodi ous offering, and those who like intricate music bristling with difficulties were de lighted with the Bach fugue. The favor ite number was evidently the charming "Carillons de Dunkerque." This was played with a brilliant'finish that secured a hearty encore, and Mr. Carl responded with a fantasle oh "Annie Laurie," by Dudley Buck. His most ambitious, won derful selection was Tombelle's "Good Friday," and with the organ he cleverly portrayed darkness, an earthquake and an angelic choir. His picture of a tempest was as clearly drawn as If it had been presented oh canvas. The vocalist of the evening was Miss Reba A. Hobson, soprano, (formerly pf Astoria, who has until recently been studying voice in New York City. She was charmingly gowned in white, and has Improved very much in her art since last heard in this quarter. Her tone Is purer and she has fine Interpretation. She sang King's "Israfel," a song that Is sung by several Portland baritones, and she was very kindly received. For her second selection, Grieg's "I Love Thee," she was encored and responded with Chopin's" "Lithuanian Song." An equally fine programme is prepared for the recital this evening. Second Orsan Recltnl. There is sure to be a large attendance at the second organ recital which Wil liam C. Carl, of New York, is tq give to night in the First Presbyterian Church. The vocalist will be Miss Doltn sx son, soprano, of this city. The programme: Allegro from tho sixth organ symphony (Widor); "re Maria," (Richmond); "Spring Song," (Merkel); Toccata in A major," (Mac Master), dedicated to Mr. Carl; soprano solo, "Tke Rosy Morn," (Landon Ronald), Miss Delta M. Watson; ' Revfe Angeiique." (Rubin stein); Fantasle on a Welch air (Carl); pre lude and fugue in B flat (Bach); "Noel Ecos sals," (Gullmant); allegro from the tenth con certo, (Handel); etude for the pedals alone, (De BrlcQuevllle); soprano solo, "The Night ingale's Song," (Ethelbert Nevln), Miss Delta M. Watson; fantasy-pastorale, "The StormT" (Breltenbach). by special request; fanfare in F, (Deshayes). ' If vpu are tired taking large old-fashioned griping pills, try Carter's Little Liver Pills and take some comfort A man can't stand everything. WW do you bup pose we take so much, space to tell you abput GORDON hats It is because we want you to know all about them. How they are equal to $5 hats in respect of style -and quality. After awhile we shall save a lot of money.. We'll ust say: GORDON .HATS" Styles now ready, $3 And you 11 know what that means, viz., hat-excellence in style and price. AVE MONEY on your xnltscrlptlons to nil publi cations. "Write for prices on your favorite mnprazlne. DO IT TODAY. B. RICH, - PORTLAND, OR. D. Imperial Hair Hegensrator ThO Standard Hair Colarincr OT J?y or B'cll Hair. U a clew, 'LTOATTOV T.ARTH TSfftVTHR Bamplo 0! hair colsrod treo. Privacy choral. Dtaa ior iapasei. titmm, CHEMICAL MM. C0.W W. Ui a. Vim Ycrt. CUTLERY EVERY EM WARRANTED po'ortBj. Any natorw chade. Leaving " Familiar but not coarse, elegant but not ostentatious," said the great Dr. Johnson referring to the literary style of Joseph Addison. Without the change of a syllable these words apply as well to Gorham Silverware Ifthe design and work manship can be thus fitly characterized, -its sterling quality is equal iybeyondquestion.The trade-mark vouches for it and so do all re- sponsible jewelers. THIS SiMLAR TRADEMARK MUST be stamped on inside of every WIN WILL NEITHER WET NOR SPOT THEM. The Wizard of the Organ First Baptist Church MONDAY EVE., SEPT. 21 Direction Elmore Rice, Violinist. Reserved seats at Wright's. ...$1.50, 51.00 Gen. admission (in wings) .75c, 50c The enormous programme will tax the big organ to its utmost capacity. SHIRTS ARE THE BEST AT THE PRICE. m GLUETT, PEABODY & CO. MAKERS f T SCHOOL SUITS ARE READY ( 1 Get the Boys Ready chool TVe Invite parents to some extremely good clothing bargains low prices, on the kind of suits that will give good wear. Give your boy the benefit of our kinds, that are built to stand wear and tear. Boys two-piece and Norfolk suits, spe cial values, at $2, $2.50 and $3. Boys' three piece and sailw suits, special values, at $2.50. J3 and $3.50. We guarantee a saving of frm 50c to 51 on each suit. Also spe cial values in boys' all wool sweaters at E5c Boys' school caps at 15c. Little men's shirks at 50c. Patent band shirtwaists at 19c. All wool knee pants at 39c. Ironclad hose, all slsas, at 19c. Boys Corduroy knee pants at 33c. Boys' Fast Black hose, all sizes, at 10c. " e present a baseball bat, School Com panion outlit, with every purchase exceed ing n.oo. on Clothing Co. GUS KUHN ' butfltters to Men and Boys. 166 and 168 Third St.. In the "Mohawk" Building. hrt: r URnWN -rK ANIJ uaiidisseasba LT.C. U DIU IT n jtaxauuft big.; room (28-T. TRADE MAHlOV Cravenette f c? LT? , CHADWICK era a ar . " iff f LARGEST CLOTHIERS IX THE NORTHWEST. J SOUTHWEST CORNER FOURTH AND MORRISON STREETS. I 1 . uailqred Clothing m Sous' Today Is Your Last Chance to Prepare the Boy for School We've had the most successful sale of boys' clothes this week we've had in years, judging from the amount sold. Think of getting good, service able SCHOOL SUITS of new Fall design at $2.15, $2.85 and $3.35 For boys of 5 to 16 years. The styles are double-breasted Norfolks and Norfolks with sailor collars dozens of different patterns. These are all in our new BASEMENT DEPARTMENT; also suits of long pants for boys of 14 to 21 years at $3.35, $5.35, $6.50 and $7.50 On main floor we present better grades of knee pants suits at $5, $6.50 and $7.50 up to $12.50. Youths', $10 to $20. EDUCATIONAL. CENTRAL OREGON State Norma! School DRAIN, OREGON The Central Oregon State Nor mal School, at Drain, opens for the work of the year on September 14. The school Is well equipped for its par ticular line of work. Four courses, a Training Department of nine grades, tui tion uniform with other Normal Schools of the state, pleasant surroundings, best of influences, excellent accommodations In boarding halls or private families at rea sonable rates. Students may enter at any time and And work suited to then- needs. Young people desiring to fit themselves for teaching, or for college, or those desiring a good edu cation for business life will And here a suitable school. Address: Centra! Oregon State Normal School DRAIN, OREGON. W. H. Dempster, President COLUMBIA NIVERSITY PORTLAND, OREGON. Conducted by the CongreKatlon ot the Holy Cross and Afilllatcd With the University or Notre Dame. Standard Academic four-year courses In Classics, English and Science. One-year and four-year Commercial Courses. Regular Collegiate Courses in Classics, English, General Science, History and Economics, Finance and Commerce, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical .engineering. The scholastic year, beginning Septem ber 7, 1903. ends Juno 16, 1304. Catalogue sent free on application. Ad dress REV. M. A. QUIXLAN, C. S. C, University Pnrlc, Or. CALDWELL COLLEGE OF ORATORY, ACTING, OPERA AND AUTHORSHIP 1293 Market Street. San Fmnclsco, Cal. Diplomas and Degrees Conferred. Fall Terra Begins September 7. Departments Practical acting:, oratory, elo cution, opera and vocal music, authorship, plajnvrUlnff, literature and fencing:. 17 teach ers In faculty. Position guaranteed to all grraduatea. Write for 108-pag;e. beautifully Il lustrated catalogue, free. LAW DEPARTMENT OF THE- UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Eighteenth annual session begins October 8. 1003. Lectures delivered at 7:15 In the evening. Address C U. Gantenbeln, L.L. B., Dean, 723 Chamber of Commerce Building, Port land. HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILBT AND BATH F!agrs roughened by needlework catch every stain and look hopelessly dirty. Hand Sapollo removes not only the dirt, but also the loosened, Injured cuticle, and restores tke fingers to their natural beauty. ALL GROCERS AfSp DRUGGISTS. " The very essential thing in making up clothing is to have the. workmanship such-as will stand "hard knocks" and serv ice. Poor work on good cloth is like putting a fine picture in a cheap frame. Our clothing is produced in New York's very best work rooms, under the strictest supervision of our Mr. Steinbach, and we guarantee perfect satisfaction in every garment. Our showing of 9?fen's Sack Suits at $15 to $35 This season is the most comprehensive we have ever pre sented, including all the season's novelties in design, textures and colorings. 9Ifen's Jfiall Overcoats $10 t o $60 A wide range of styles not and price. ri FULL SET OF TEETH, with rub ber-plates, as low Ac v-ro' GOLD CROWNS as . low as "TORSKS" Wide angle lenses that have never failed to give satisfaction to wearers. . WALTER REED THE OPTICIAN 13U SIXTH STREET, PAINLESS EXTRACTING Teeth Extracted Absolutely Without Pain and All Kinds of Dental Vork Done by Wise Brothers, the Painless Dentists DR. W. A. T'ISE. WISE BROS., Dentists Open evenings till 3. Sundays Used by people of refinement for over a "quarter of a century PREPARED BY ICING COAL CO. has the bet. Get It non-. Special rnte.i on 5-ton lots or hcttcr, Phone Main 1-125. USE REINTOIN LUMP COAL IN YOUR FURNACE It's unexcelled at the nrlce. Ask vmir dealer for It. Get reduced rates according: I to the size ot your order. j VULCAN COAIi CO., SOLE AGENTS, Phone Main 277C. .yard on railroad track, Front at, near Glisan st. I PERFECT only in fabric, but in shape, length v . TEETH TEETH TEETH TEETH We attend to nothing hut teeth. When we handle your work we complete It then and there: no returning to have this or that error corrected. Only first-class work and first-class material used. We guar antee satisfaction In every case. No pala whatever, during any operation. DENTAL OFFICE 342J WASHINGTON ST. Corner Seventh. FEES REASONABLE. CONSULTATION FREE. Office hours: 7:30 to S:30. 8 A. M. to 5 P. II.; evening. Sundays. 10 A Main 2119. M. to 12 SI. Telephone OREGONIAN BUILDING. DR. T. P. WISE. tt-213 FULIWO 8UUD1HS. Cor. 3d toil Wath. 11. from 0 to 12. Or. Main 2029. Fill I JLI BRIDGE WORK v.vv Gold Filling $1.00 Gold Crown $5.00 Silver Filling $ .50 New York Dental Parlors MAIN' OFFICE FOUKTH AND MORRJ. SON STS.. PORTLAND. Branch Oince, til 4 1st av.. Seattle. S:30 a. AL to IS P. 1L: Sundays. 8:30 A. 2. to 2 P. 1L FRED PREHM nFNTIST J& Room 405 Dekum Building Take tlio elevator SCHWAB BROS. PRINTING CO. BES7 WORK. REASONABLE PRICES 247 Stark Street Phone Main 178 Dr.B.E.WRIQHT'S 5 MB if 1 f T I 1 1-1