V "HE ilOKSmi OUKHONIA." SATDItDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1903. IS BARTLETT OUT? Teieg ram From Washington Indicates Dismissal. LA GRANDE REGISTER DENIES IT S&ys the Communication Was. Sent Out in the Hegnlar Order Will Resume Duties in Land Office Today. LA. GRANDE, Or., Sept. 18. (Special.) The following- telegram has been received: "Asa B. Thompson, Receiver of Public Moneys, La Grande, Or.: In the absence of the Register and until his successor qualifies, no business can be transacted which requires action of both officials. Office should be kept open for Information of the public. TV. A. RICHARDS, Commissioner General Land Office, "Washington, D. C. Register E. "W. Bartlett has been absent from the city and was supposed to be attending the State Fair. A literal read ing of the telegram conveys the impres sion that this order practically removes Mr. Bartlett. Register Bartlett returned this evening from Portland, where he had taken his daughter for treatment by an oculist. "The telegram sent out from the Gen eral Land Office in regard to the transac tion of business in the local office is the regular notice sent" out by the Commis sioner in tho absence of an officer at any land office. The La Grande office "will be open tomorrow and all business will be transacted as usual. There is ab solutely nothing in the dispatch other than this." B. "W. Davis, the newly appointed Reg ister at La Grande, was communicated with at his home at Union over the tele phone. He said he had no later advices from Washington than several days ago, when he was notified that he would be Installed as Register as soon as his bond had been approved. Believed to Be DlsmiHsnl. PENDLETON, Or., Sept. 18. (Special.) For the present the Land Office at La Grande Is without a Register, E. "W. Bart lett having been summarily dismissed during his absence at the State Fair. Asa B. Thompson, Receiver of tfie Land Office, today received a telegram"from Washing ton informing him that until such time as the new Register is installed, all papers requiring the signatures of both Register and Receiver must be held in abeyance. This does not signify, however, that the office will be closed, for the telegram goes on to state that the office must be kept open for the information of the public. A few days ago Inspector Green visited La Grande and Pendleton and it has been learned that the orders' received by tele graph today are the result of a report he made to the Interior Department. The telegram gives no reason for the ousting of Bartlett. Those in a position to know the reason intimate that it Is neglect of his office. MUCH IDAHO LAND AFFECTED. Commissioner Richards Decides Great Area Is Xon-Mlncral. WALLACE, Idaho, Sept. IS. W. A. Richards, Commissioner "of the General Land Office, has rendered a decision to the effect that a large area of alleged mineral lands in Shoshone is nonmlneraL The case Is that of the Northern Pacific Railroad protesting against tne classification of mineral lands made by the Mineral Land Commission. A great part of It has been considered mineral in character for the past 10 years, and many mineral claims of worth have been located in the district, but this decision of the Land Office, unless Teversed. will invalidate all mining loca tions that have been made on odd-numbered sections. The decision has caused a sensation, and indignation is rife. The territory affected by the decision consists of 27 townships, containing an area of more than 30 square miles, or 35, 000 acres, lying south of Wallace in the Coeur d'Alene mining region. The lands were classified an mineral by a commis sion composed of ex-Governor Black, of Utah; Colonel Ryan, of Rathdrum, and State Senator Davis, of Idaho, who visited this district for that purpose In 1899, 1900 and 190L The hearing of the Northern Pacific Company s protest 'was held a Coeur d'Alene last December, and United States District Attorney Cozier, of Mos cow, appeared on behalf of the Govern ment, It Is alleged that Cozier agreed to the evidence produced by the railroad com pany without attempting to protest, and that the three years' work of the Govern ment Land Commission was reversed by witnesses of the railroad, who swore to the non-mineral character of the land. If the present decision of the General Land Office Js not reversed, the Northern Pacific Company will get every odd-numbered section involved, and persons own ing mining claims thereon, whether quartz or placer, will be compelled to purchase the same from the railroad company or forfeit their rights. HEARING IX BOWERS POISOX CASE Defense's Strong; Point Is That CniiKe of Death Is Not Proven. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 18. Further hearing of testimony in the case of Mrs. Martha E. Bowers and her sister, Mrs. Zylphla C Sutton, was continued before Police Judge Cabanlss today, in order to strengthen the contention of the defense that the actual cause of the death of Mar tin L. Bowers had not been proved, the at torneys for Sirs. Bowers and Mrs. Sutton placed Autopsy Surgeon Bacigalupl on the witness stand. The doctor testified that he had only re moved the stomach at the autopsy and two portions of the brain for analysis by the city chemist. So far the prosecution has not proved the cause of death of Bow ers to be due to arsenical poisoning. Patrick Lervy. alias O'Leary, was put on the witness-stand by the prosecution. His examination disclosed nothing of ma terial value and the attorneys for the de fense declined to cross-examine him. 5 IDENTIFIED AS KID SMITH. Man Implicated In Murder of Seattle Policeman an ex-Convict. SEATTLE, Sept. 18. William S. Thomas, the wounded man captured after being shot down while fleeing from the scene of the murder of Police Officer Schaneman. was today Identified as William S. Smith, alias "K-iu" Smith, an ex-convlct, who on April 14, last, was released from the Deer Louge. Mbnt., penitentiary. A photograph of Smith was received by Chief Sullivan in his morning mall and makes another mesh in the web which is being woven about the gang thought to be responsible for the murder, as well as for the robbery of the Villard saloon bar the previous night. Smith, at the time of his arrest at Great Falls. Mont., on a charge of robbery over nine years ago, had been a terror to all parts of the northern part of the state, xie was tried and convicted on July 14, 1S34, at which time he was not quite 20 yearslof age. PAYS FOR HIS SHOOTING. Millionaire Williams Must Pay Mar.1 . xlott ?1G,7S0. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 18. Frederick Marriott, publisher of a local weekly, was awarded $16,760 tonight by a Jury in .his suit for damages against Thomas' "Wil liams, Jr., president of the California Jockey Club, and Truxton Beale, a well known clubman. Several months ago "Williams and Beale shot and wounded Marriott at his home for the publication of an article which they alleged reflected on the affianced wife of Beale. A criminal trial resulted in the acquittal of "Williams and Beaje, and Mar- uiougnt a civil action. The Jury tonight cleared Beale and as sessed the damages to "Williams, allow ing Marriott the full amount of the ex penses Incurred as the result of the assault upon him, together with 510,000 as punitive damages. GIRLS ARB INCORRIGIBLE:. Lett to Run Astoria Streets, They May Be Put In Chnrgre of Society. ASTORIA, Or., Sept. IS. (Special.) Two 15-year-old girls were taken into custody by Sheriff Linvllle last evening and will probably be committed to the care of the" Boys' and Girls' Aid Society, of Portland. The girls areIda Nylund, the prosecuting witness in the case against Frank Adams, -who is being held in the County Jail to await trial on the charge of criminal as sault, and Lucy Martin. Both have been permitted to run. about the streets at will until they are considered Incorrigible and theofflclals feel that they should be placed where they will be kept under proper re straint. When taken in charge they were hang ing about the jail attempting to communi cate with Adams. After being questioned by the Sheriff and Prosecuting Attorney the girls were given over to the care of their parents to be returned for examina tion before the. County Judge as soon as he returns to the city. METHODISTS WAXT TO KXOW. Theological Institutions. Under Sus picion of Tcnchinpr Heterodoxy. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Sept. 18. The Southern California Methodist confer ence today after a sharp debate adopted resolutions urging the next general con ference of the church, which, will meet in Los Angeles in May, 1904, to make a "thor ough and impartial Investigation of the teachings of the Boston Universal School of Theology and the Garrett Bible In stitute, to the end that the Methodist Episcopal Church may be informed of the exact facts in the case and definite deci sion concerning the soundness of such teachings arrived at and a long standing cause of much anxiety and sharp contro versy removed." SEARCH OF AGED PIONEER, Stcptoe Butte People Fear W. H. Ragran Has Committed Suicide. GARFIELD, Wash., Sept. IS. (Special.) The people near Steptoe Butte have been searching all day for W. H. Ragan. Mr. Ragan Is an old pioneer of the Palouse country. He did, his chores about the house, milked his cows about daylight this morning and disappeared, his friends and neighbors fear he has committed sui cide. Mr. Ragan is 65 years of age and has lived on his farm near the Butte many years. TREATY'S LIFE, NEARS END Only Four Days for Colombia to Act in Panama Matter. WASHINGTON, Sept lS.-Only four days remain In which the ratification of the Panama Canal treaty must be ex changed. Dr. Hermann, the Colombian Charge, transmits promptly to the State Department such details of proceedings in the Colombian Congress as come to him, but what their nature is he declines to reveal. He realizes the severity of the situation, but he has not had any instructions to request any extension of the time for ratification nor has the American Govern ment intimated so far as known that It Is anxious to grant It. The State Depart ment is simply waiting. It -was stated today that official advises received here contain certain facts which It Is said put an entirely new light on the. obstruc tions which have been placed in the way of ratification by the Colombian Congress It was also said that these advices are to the effect that the object in introduc ing the radical amendments to the treaty was not with the hope of heir being adopt ed, but In order to force the concession of certain minor amendments. It can not be learned whether there Is any foun dation for these claims. In some quarters the suggestion Is made that a real stumbling block to the rati flcation of the treaty might be removed if the new Panama Canal Company would consent to the payment to Colombia of a stipulated portion of the $40,000,000 which It Is to receive from the American Government for Its rights, franchises and property along the route of the proposed canal. According to the bill reported to the Colombian Senate that government wants $10,000,000 of this money, but It is believed by some persons familiar with South American affairs that a compro mlse might be reached whereby half that amount would be accepted by Colombia. The latter government thinks she Is entitled to some portion of the money. It Is also suggested that Colombia might be willing to forego insistence on some of the other important amendments which have been proposed if she were compensated by the Panama Canal Company. Little Hope for the Treaty. NEW YORK, Sept. 18. General George Roa and Dr. Rufino Guitterez, both for many years prominent in the politics of Colombia, have arrived in this city from Bogota. Despite a decided reaction at the time they left the capital In favor of the canal treaty. It Is not likely to be ap proved, they say. As to reports that, in the event of the treaty not being ratified, the Department of Panama will secede from the republic and organize its own national government, Dr. Guitterez said: "I think thatUhe people of Panama will abide by the decision of the majority. They are too patriotic to sever themselves from the mother government." THE DEATH ROLL; Noted Professor of Scotland. ABERDEEN, Scotland, Sept. 18. Profes sor Alexander Bain, formerly lord .rector of the university here, and for 20 years professor of logic and English literature, is dead. Ex-Congressman Overton. TOWANDA, Pa., Sept 18. Ex-Congressman Edward Overton, a member of the House from 1857 to 1SS5, died tonight, aged 67 years. Boy Somnnmbullst Starts a Fire. ST. LOUIS, Sept. 18. Mrs. Mary E. Jahn and her 13-year-old daughter Pearl died today from burns caused by lighted gaso line, and Harry, the 10-year-old son of the woman, is also fatally burned. The boy had been in the habit of helping his moth er about the stove during the day. He was a somnambulist and last night he went through the operation of turning on and lighting the stove In his sleep. A fire resulted and Mrs. Jahn and Pearl ran to the boy's aid. Women Paint Houses to Bent Union. NEW YORK. Sept. 18. The women of Walllngton, N. J., have defied the Painters' and Decorators' Union and have formed a league to paint their own houses. They had difficulty with the unionists over the matter of wages, and as a result have begun a co-operatlye scheme, whereby the town Is rapidly acquiring a new coat of colors without the aid of the men. Smnll Blaze In a Shoe Store. A slight blaze in a shoe store on Sixth street, near Couch, brought out the de partment at 1 o'clock this morning, in an swer to a call from box 17. The fire was extinguished by the time the engines arrived. FAVOR OREGON Iff 1905 (Continued from First Pase.) souri Rivers and their tributaries and the subsequent extension 'of the vast irrigation projects. It recommended the appoint ment of a commission by the President to investigate and report such further amendments or extensions of the land laws as may promote the actual settle ment and development of the public do main. It urged that the Government should supplement its present -policy of levee construction by a comprehensive reservoir -system; the allotment of Indian lands; protested against contract coolie labor In connection with the beet-sugar Industry; favored statehood for New Mex-v ico, Arizona and Oklahoma. The minority report-was then presented. It simply struck out 'all reference in the minority report to the desert land act, timber and stone act and the commuta tion clause of the homestead act. The report was made a special order lor 2 o'clock, and recess until that hour was taken. Indorse Levrls and Clnrk Fair. A recommendation that Congress ap propriate for a Iewls and Clark memorial building at Portland was also made. Before debate on the report of the com mittee on resolutions was taken up at the afternoon session an amendment to the majority report was made commending the plan of state commissions such as exist in Utah to work In conjunction with the Government in the great Irrigation projects. Resolutions of thanks to the Oregon Short Line for its courtesies and to the City of Ogden and the press were also adopted. A; motion to limit the tlm of debate to three speakers on each side, giving each speaker 15 minutes, was adopted. Ex-Conjrrcssman Shafroth, of Colorado, opened the debate In a speech against the repeal of the land laws as embodied In the majority report of the committee on resolutions. Mr. Shafroth was followed by Attorney- General Donovan, of Montana, In favor of the majority report. Congressman Mondell? of Wyoming, followed in the neg ative, and William E. Smythe, of Los An geles, In the affirmative. Colonel John P. Irish, against the report, and George H. Maxwell, of Chicago, In its favor, closed the formal debate. Under the five-minute rule, W. T. Johnson, of Colorado; G. L. Miller, of Kansas; Congressman French, of Idaho, and ex-Senator Carey, of Wyo ming, spoke against the majority report. D. Clark Gapen, of Wisconsin, Colonel Graves, of Minnesota; Congressman Reed er, of Kansas, and Senator Gibson, of Montana, spoke in its favor. Congressman Needham, of California, offered a substitute for both reports as follows: "Whereas, The timber and stone act, the desert land law and the commutation clause of th homestead act have, In many instances, in their administration been found to result in speculation and In mo nopoly of the public domain to the ex clusion of actual home-bullding, therefore be it "Resolvedr That we request the Congress of the United States to make such modi fications In said laws as will save the re maining public lands for actual settlers who will found homes and live upon said lands." Amid considerable confusion the roll was called, and resulted in the adoption of the Needham substitute by a vote of 212 to 148. Congressman Brooks, of Colorado, of fered several other amendments to the majority report relating to state and. Na tional supervision of water distribution, on the ground that they are Inconsistent with the National Irrigation laws. The majority report, as amended, was then carried by a viva voce vote. Mrs. Gilbert McClurg, of Colorado Springs, offered a resolution favoring In dian corn as the National floral emblem of America. It was adopted. After the usual votes of thanks had been passed, the convention adjourned, and the 11th National Irrigation Congress came to an end. Many delegates left for their homes to night, although several hundred will go on an excursion tomorrow through Cache Valley, viewing the State Agricultural School at Logan, and the great irrigation works of the Bear River Valley. PINCHOT OX FOREST RESERVES. Chief Forester Holds Any Opposition Arises From Misunderstanding. OGDEN, Sept. 18. GIfford Plnchot, Chief Forester of the United States, in address ing the National Irrigation Congress on forest reserves today, spoke as follows: "President Roosevelt has said that the principal object of the forest policy of the United States Is and must be to make prosperous homes and keep them pros perous. The object of the Government In dealing with the forest reserves is, there fore, to give them their greatest perma nent usefulness to the settler and the home-maker. Wise forest administration is Impossible without a knowledge of local conditions and local needs, and without the careful adaptation of the forest re serve rules to meet those needs; "In the delicate and important task of administering the forest reserves, which are so vitally necessary to the well-being of industries and communities throughout the West, the Government is constantly met by tae demands of conflicting Inter ests. In each case It is essential that the administration of the reserve should meet the needs of ths people, and that each re serve should be given its i highest possible present usefulness, while protecting, with the utmost care. Its continued utility to the community. The Idea of permanent usefulness is fundamental In every case. "The four great timber-using industries lumbering, building, mining and trans portationare peculiarly dependent for their future prosperity upon a sustained supply of timber from the Government forest reserves, and special provisions must be made to meet their needs. The use of the mature timber is often essen tial and almost universally advisable in a healthy, growing forest, and provision Is made by the law for Its disposition to those who need it. This use of the re serves will grow steadily greater and more essential as time goes on, and every care should be taken to safeguard the young growth for the future. 'For the present much the most Impor tant use of the forest reserve is to sup ply water to the irrigator, and its utility In this respect should be safeguarded in every possible way. This, too. will in crease with time, and It will become more and more evident that the foundation of the irrigation development of the West lies in the wise administration of the for est reserves. Not only can the present supplies of water be conserved by the right handling of the forest, but there is no question whatever that In many lo calities they may be largely increased. From this point of view, as well as from many others, protection against Are is the first duty of the Government toward tho reserve. " "Opposition to the forest reserve policy has arisen chiefly from three sources first, misunderstanding of the Govern ment's policy in the creation of reserves; second, vexatious and unnecessary delays and restrictions, certain to disappear as the reserve management improves, but for the present d serious hindrance to the use fulness of the reserves; third, the sudden disturbance, of business conditions when a reserve is created has sometimes in the past occasioned serious losses to legiti mate business enterprises. "When, as sometimes happens, the con tinued use of an area set aside as a forest reserve as it was used before Is no longer compatible .with the public Interests, then, unless the public good absolutely demands sudden action, which is but rarely the case, these, private enterprises should be given time to adjust themselves to the approaching change. "When ignorance of the objects of for-, est reserves disappears, opposition to them disappears with it. The sentiment in favor of the protection of water and of other Interests in the West, through the protection of Its forests, awaits but the adjustment of a- few differences to become unanimous." MEET A-REBUFF.. (Continued from First Page.) funds, and that it was as reasonable and Just to require the gamblers to contrib ute as to put all the burden on. the tax payers. I said our bridges were rotten and defective, our elevated roadways were dangerous to life and property. One bridge had already fallen down, a man had been killed, a child injured and many horses crippled and .killed. Numerous claims for f damages were being- filed against us on these accounts. The peo ple were clamoring for these repairs to be made. Our engine-houses were rotten and decayed. - Our firemen had to sleep In unsanitary quarters with roofs so de cayed that they- afforded little protection from the weather. Our police force was so Inadequate that with a territory of 40 square miles to protect we could have only 20 or 25 men on duty at any given hour. AH these things, I said, were a dis grace to our city) and while these rea sons might not justify the present sys tem of gambling in the eyes of the rev erend gentlemen, they were not without force, and had a considerable effect upon my mind. "I told them that I would be my own judge as to the manner of enforcing the laws of the city, and that there were more ways than one to enforce the laws. "I said that I was doing the best I could for the best interests of the city, and that at no time within 10 years had the city been so free from crime, pick pockets and hobos, notwithstanding all that had been said to the contrary by those who were opposed to my adminis tration. I told them that the Chinese lot teries and dancchalls had been sup pressed, that the lewd women and cribs In North Portland had been closed on the chief thoroughfares, that soliciting had been stopped, and that while these public women could not be killed every effort was being made to protect public decency. "I told them that I probably understood. conditions better than they did, and that it was one thing to have an abstract theory and another thing to put it Into practice. Warm Words With Dr. Hill. "I had some warm words with Dr. Hill. I denounced his letter which was pub lished in The Oregonian as an infamous outrage and an insult to me and to my family. I stated to him that no pure minded man would say that because I did not prevent gambling I would com promise with a man who might outrage any member of my family. "It was suggested that as I had an hon est administration there would be no grafting, even if gambling were closed. I told the committee that the reason I have an honest administration is because there is no reason whythe gamblers should pay Individual officials for the protection which is afforded them when they pay their fines Into the city treasury. "No Blame for Chief Hunt." "I told them that no blame could be at tached to Chief Hunt, that he was act ing under Instructions, that I believed him to be honest, capable and conscientious. and that the responsibility for gambling rested elsewhere. "These gentlemen said they represented a large portion of the people, a fact which I did not dispute. But I stated that in my judgment a very considerable portion of the business men and taxpayers are in favor of compelling the gamblers to help In providing for the present exigencies of the city. "I know that the people are divided on this subject, J but with me It Js not a question as to which side the majority Is on, but only what I ought to do under present circumstances, and that is a mat ter upon which I must exercise my own judgment." CROSS COUNTRY IN AUTO Two CallforniniiM Go From Francisco to Xevr York. San NEW YORK. Sept, 18. A transconti nental party of automobile tourists has arrived In New York. L. T. Hammond and L. L. Whitman, of Pasadena, were the tourists, and the machine that carried them was a gasoline runabout of five horse power, and S00 pounds in weight. The Journey of nearly 5000 miles from San Francisco was made in 73 days' elapsed time, and a7 days In which runs were made. For nine days Messrs. Whitman and Hammond were held up in Omaha by a flood, while heavy rains detained them six additional days in other parts of Nebraska,. For one day they were lost in the deserts of Wyoming. From Omaha to New York the trip was made In 11 days, which estab llshed a record between these points. To give theirs Journey an official character the tourlstsx carried from Mayor Schmltz, of San Francisco, a mesage to Mayor Low, of New York. The message will be dellv ered to Mayor Low, at the City Hall to day. Dnmaglng Evidence Agrainfit Jett. CYNTHIANA, Ky., Sept. 18. In the trial of Curtis Jett today for killing Town Mar shal Thomas Cockrlll, 11 witnesses testi fied that they heard the shots fired, and immediately afterward saw Jett come out of. the courthouse, thus corroborating the six witnesses who testified yesterday. Howard Blanton s.aid he heard Jett say: "This is the 45th that I have laid low, and I'll visit my kinfolks." Catching; Salmon at Cliehnlin. ELMA. Wash., Sept. 18. (Special.) The Superintendent of the United States Fish Hatchery on the Chehalls River, Mr. Fallert, says that the run of salmon is a week earlier this" year than usual and that they have already begun to catch them In the traps. This hatchery put out about 6,000.000 fish last year and they ex pect to do better than that this year. Large FlnhinprSchooner Missing NEW YORK, Sept 18. Since the gale of Tuesday nothing has been heard of the fishing steamship Beatrice, which carried a crew of 30 fishermen and was on the fishing ground off Cape Charles when last seen. It is believed the Beatrice went down with all on board. AT THE HOTELS. THE PORTLAND. C Kahlo. Indianapolis; H Dlnkelsplei, N Y G W Snencer. S F T H Curtis, Astoria E A Evans, San Fran A J Trimble, Sumpter O P Romesh and wife, Seattle u w uson, Spokane O H Hart. S'F Miss M Wadsworth, Spokane Mrs H Williams. Battel I. Levy. Kansas City "Wm Sharp. ISngland i J F Sexton and wf, do F C Brown, NY ,A L Davis, Omaha. M J Cunningham, N I II V "WeaUJerford, Or B F Bloch and wf, do ;W J HcPherson and C W Redpath, Boston j wife, Howell J Monaghan and dtr . K 1 Conn. Frisco Spokane I Mrs I F Sharp, Englnd, F O Bristol, NY ;E M O'Brien, Oaueadle F Freldenthal, S F ,F C Davidson, do R Ferguson, Melbourne) J H Shaw, Kansas City P Jonnson, S F IB Jackeon, city C C Settle, New York ,! Schwabacher. S F T K Baker, Indianapls.K F Oakes and wife, Mrs E W Itunyon, S i , Butte H W Hill and wife. ,C T Emmet, X Y Cleveland iMlss Marshall, Charles- A D Short, Seattle t ton Mrs H Williams, ButteiT Balfour, Lyle G L McPherson, S F FW Magan, Lyle Miss B McPherson, J J Durham, Boston Howell B A Kohrbeck, So Bnd W E Tallant, Astoria G W Durraan. St Paul F P Neater, Duluth B- Kosenfeld. San Fran W H Davenport, b F Mrs B Fisner, S F Miss B Green, Marsh-jC C Vaugnn aud wife, field I St Johns . G M Bust. Saginaw (J C Hicks and wf, do K Atkinson. England jA J McCormlck. S i J Glbbs. England Mrs J H Avery and S Atkinson. Hngland dtr, Detroit J G Edwards and wlfe,iV E T Matuscher, Van Hay Creek i couver T B Oliver, New HavniA Grltsner. New York W A Williams, Chgo l S Shanincer, N Y A W Zackendorf, N Y;J C Sewell, Pendleton C W Handy and wlfetlL J Corrlgan, Pocatello Bay City G M Chadwlck. Chgo R Handy, Bay City JL Men-ill, Salt Lake L A Carlisle. Salem iG E Merrill. Salt .Lake THE, PERKINS. Mrs 29 "Whealdon. The J M Warren, Portland Dalles jit E Patrick, Kalama Miss Whealdon. do I Mrs T Patrick, do Edna Bently, Chehallsi Mrs S W Malone, oo P T Lenforty. HoqumjJ S Oddlng, Spokane H E Neehone, S F . Mrs M T Nolan, Dalles Mrs Neehone, ST jMrs A Kane, Seattle Mrs Buchanan, For Gv( Urn E A Casslus, Port Mrs W J Stephens. T1I-, 'land lamook iE A Casslus, Portland Maude Hadley, do (L O Waldo. Seattle Miss L M Kelly, Se- ;T Hopper, Goldendale attle. Wash 'F S Savlne, do Miss M Schultz, do : Mm Savlne, do R B Magruder, Portlnd; W L Becker, Condon R L Howe, Mtnneapola Mrs Becker, ConUon illss Rowe, do JMrs Noal Burns, F M Sexton, Dallas Wilmington F J Dcvine, Albany :E J Kltor, Oakland W J Woods, ABhland ;j E Nelson, Spokane W C Yoran, Eugene (V R Ross, Wasco Mrs Yoran, Eugene Mrs Ross,- Wasco Miss Yoran. Eugene ,J P Myers. Clatsl:anl Mr Dews, Hay Creek jDora Hodgson, do Mrs Dews, do !J 11 Weathersox, Bo- F G B Greer, Walla W. liemia W C Greer, do jEd Bentley, Bohemia R F Galman, St Paul Jl F Swastnout, Centrla J Mclntoech, Minn (Mrs Swasthout, do L L Lodd. Seattle fj L Hastings, Roebrg N Peters, San Fran J H Becklcy, do D H Edin. Los Angls N Whealdon. Dalles Mrs Edln. do iW L Vanderpool, Dufur L A Loomls, Ilwaco (Mrs Vanderpool, do Ida M Smith. Owosjo iM Sigman. Dufur T M Long, San Fran Mrs Sigman, Dufur A Lacy. Seattle ,lrs L Moad, JJUtur IT H Johnston, Dutur I Mrs Johnston, do IW T Vanderpool, Durur :Mrs Vanderpool. do A C Licks. Tacoma Mrs Licks, Tacoma E L Rushmore, S F G J Ilelnhart. Wis H L Kuck. The DallesiJ D Hlslcr. Dufur Chas Hall. Wasco R F Hartman, San Frn Mrs Hall, Wasco iMrs Hartman, do vv E iiagenbotnam, jj H Devlin, unicago Holyoke A L Parkhurst. vvasn F K Nablet, Holyoke jG W Veness, AVlnlock Li Jennys, iinagcport ;u v urmin, Eugene R Cordner. Seattle :H R Hocue. Milton J P Tamlesle, HIllsbroE J Tyrrell. Oakland li wan, KOEeDurg ji; a uaii, canton, j Mrs wait, Roseburg I THE IMPERIAL. M 2T Laufenburg. iW H Brunner. Seattle XStockton IB L Bogart, wife and A B fanyder. San Fran dtr. Eugene A C Manning, Everett ,Mrs George Stevenson, Mrs Manning, do I Tacoma J F Robinson. Eugen F T McNitt, Centralla A C Dixon. Coburg ;Mrs McNitt, Centralla ;Mrs I Lyttle. Hoqulam ,L M Kelly. Seattle E F Jfudd, Centralla Mrs Nudd, Centralla D MacDonald. WinlpgiMiss M Schultz. Minn D J Cooper. Dalles .E Hutchinson. So Bend Mrs D Calbrcath, Inde-; Mrs F W Joslyn. Idaho pendence tH A Johnson, Chicago J B Houston. HIHsboroiA C Lawrence. Chicago Mrs S H Allen, Topeka:V Ray. Romeo. Wash H D Parkins, Dalles F W lngals. Grant's Pa urs farklns, Danes ;w D Miller, Astoria A Dray, St Paul J H Booth, Roseburg W W Boscow. HIHsbroiMrs Booth. Roseburg A R Shaw. Hlllsboro -iW L Nichols. Riddle Mrs Shaw, Hlllsboro IG Hartman, Grant s ra Valter Howell. Salem iA T Van de Vanter. N Taltlnger, Pendletonj Seattle Mrs Taltlnger, do E Looney and family, Miss uarner. Astoria I Mitcneii J L Mayo. Astoria A J Dillon, city Mrs Otis Patterson, do; A H Dillon, clty B W Warner, Kan Cty.F N' Dillon, city W W White, IndepncetMrs E E Webber, Mrs wnite, uo I ivasco W L, Barker, Condon IF F Keen, San Diego Mrs N Bowers, Arlihg-'P. Clarke, Eugene ton I THE ST. CHARLES. A Vaughan, Seattle F J Bolter, Brooks T MCcnnent, Taeomc J C Relnhart. Dalles W C Rlx. Denver H H Grimes, Seaside F A Jacobs. Eufaula C D Havens, Wilsonv A Nelson. Cottage Gt J R Williams. Salem R R Grave?, Salem E E Frazlcr, Spokane G R Baker, Dalles j Mrs Baker, do R SIdorls, do C Furrow, Rainier T S Harmon, Hoqm Mrs Edwards. Canby Mrs Nelson, do Mrs Brown, do J W Conaway, Cen tralla Jas Conaway, Heppnr W C Craswell. Deer Island J W Forsyth, Newbg Y Larson, do Mrs Larson, do Pearl Gray, Hoqulam R C Nichols, do Mrs C H Sproat, Hood River Irene Sproat, do RAN Reymers, Grants Pass Albert McCurdy, do M McCallum, do O E Downs, do Mrs Williams, do v J H Love, do B Mullen, do Wm Van Vleck, do W Bahcon, do E L Weaver.' do W P LafCerty. Corvllis Riley Smith. Seattle G R Shaw. Clcone Miss R Hcndrickson, Yukon. B C D M Reardon, Dalles Mrs Reardon, do G F Guinther, do Mrs Guinther, do J M Williams, Eugene A. F HIrshner. Greshm J Cawrse, Hlllsboro Mrs Grayson. Astoria Miss Grayson, do A Cleveland, Astoria C E Cleveland, do J F Patton. city E M Carson, do John Selfrled. Neb R Miller. Orient. Or John Bradley, Dayton R J Dunn. Astoria Harry Dlppold. Mist M Leavy. do C M Buoy, cottrcll J B Llckey. Plttsford L J Llckey. do M E McNalr, St Louis Mrs J A Price, Kings- D P Brown. Hood Rvr ley, Or L Dupont, Valley C L Ayres, do R Latourell, do Mrs Latourell. do Frank Rood. Heppner Jos Copeland, Warden J S Baldwin, do N H McKay. Scappoos E H Harper. Wasco J D Sims, Gresham C H Morris, city Wm Wyrlck. La Fay J R Meeker. Shanlko J Z Meckel-, do J M Tunan, Tacoma Jerry Meeker, do H F Earl. Spokane Maggie Claver. Procb- stel John MolvIIle, Kelso H W Pitaflch, Woodb W Heyes, do W J Lee, Vancouver Mrs Pltsnch. do W P Hall, do C Stewart. Rainier Carl Stewart, do Frank Walker, do J E Monahan, do Otto C Myer & fam, Asotin H C Montgomery. Washougal S A Ruley. do H S Jones. Almes. Or C D Bishop, Chehalls Geo Herren, Tonopah F Fossbcrg. Hood Rvr O A Hopper. Goldendl Mrs B W Emery, do Miss Emery, do F E Hamilton, do D O Fisher, do J W Lehman, Brownsv J Dupont, do L Kadont. Vancouver THE ESMOND T W Hale. Jefferson C A McCIaln. Eugene C B Clement, do j E E Lloyd. S F C A Stephenson, Asto C C Stone, do J A Sterns. Skamoka Mrs Hattle Fordyce, v ancouver Mrs D L Day, do itobt Marvin. Clatska Mrs O M Haines, Pend H T Graves, do C L Clough, do H H Comas, city S Lydlch. Forest Grv B Shafer. do H S Herbert, S F J T Mampel, S F Mrs E Upton, Rainier J R' Maloney. Mex L Hodgen, Athena F Hodgen, do Hal Dugger. do W L Young. Huntlngt U'aui itegan. Butte W F Bellrood. Cedar Mills Miss Upton, do A'Kocher, Canby H Stimpson. Albany Mrs Stimpson, do T McKlnney, do Mrs McKlnney, do F Davis, Salem W H Upton. Hood Rv Mrs R H BIrnle. Rai nier C Peters. Oak Point D Heath. Clatskanle Joe Hawkins, do E McQuIn. Rainier J A Bonser & w, Scap ill f uamrui, city Louis Talbot. Camas C Reeswer. Mayger E J Hubbert, Forest G D Summers, do R R Brltton. Barlow R Caswell. Troutdale J H Montellne, Oak P MIfs Harris. St Helens J B E Bourne. Ralnr T McDonald, do Joe Brough, Rainier Airs R Schnlvlnskl, L Jackson. Oak Point Seattle Miss A Smith, AstorlaJMrs R Kallock. do Miss Brown, do A R CIclgh. Chlcaco H B Woodruff. Ilwaco; J C McFadden. Cathla J B Buchanan. K C W Porter. Westport F J Shldenagel, Asto A T Hills. Svenson W I Armstrong, do J V Nusleln, Welser n Miiier..Dayton Miss E Lang. Cathlam i. j itenney, Aberdeen II J uonns, do W Frazer. Hlllsboro D Upton, Hood River G W Browning, ao J P Ellis, city F W Fluhrer. Mayger J E Mcehan. Pillar Rk J-C Nusleln, Welser Olive Carchelly. Mpls Miriam Carchelly. do C. D Havens. Wilsonv i s urmin. woodland .: A bmltn. Oulnns Jas Jones. Mist A Schmlre. Westport M Clark, city Mrs Clark, city S C Mcintosh. Duluth T W Haskell. Vancvr R A Bunch &. wf, Medford. Or Mrs A J Demlngs. St Helens Lena E Scoggln, Butteville Emma Scoggln, do N Neville. Astoria E J Kltson, Va E Riley, Spokane A Riley, do H T Partrldce. SontttA T F Bradford. Hood R Hotel Brunswick. Seattle. European plan, popular rates. Modem Improvements. Business center. Near depot. Tncoma Hotel. Tacoma. American plan. Bates, ?3 and up. Hotel Donnelly, Tacoma. First-class restaurant In connection. Rainier Grand Hotel. Seattle. European plan. Finest cafe on Coast, Hdqrs. naval, military- and traveling men. Rooms In suite and single. Free shower baths. Rates, $1 up. H. P. Dunbar, prop. LIFE IS A RIDDLE Don't try to Solve It, but Enter Cshirarcielii9 Qreat Kiddie -rstest . S!,000 IN GOLD Ranging in Prizes from $100.00 to $2.50. Open to all. Free to everyone. Send at once for rules of contest. Mailed free anywhere A JSfetsQ Wrinkle (No.' 2.) t Brown Soup StocR. Three tablaspoonfuls of Armour Extract of boef, 3 quarts cold water, one spri? marjoram, oao half toa spoonfuPpepper, 2 sprigs parsley, ' 4 cloves carrots Hb3yleaf turnips cup each 3spri?3 thymo onions fcutin dices. ' . 1 tablospoonful salt celery ) 2 tablespoonfnls of butter Melt tho butter, add tne onion and brown; then add tho vegetables and i . seasonings to cold water; cover and cook slowly ouo hour; strain caro " fully and while hot add tho Beef Extract, stirring until it is thoroughly dissolved. Add more salt and popper if necessary Cool as quickly R3 possible. This stock is used foranumbcr of soups and should bo mado in considerable quantities and kept in a cool place until it is all used. Above is taken from edition dt luxe "CuMnaxy Wrinkles" (just out) which will be sent postpaid to any address on receipt of a metal cap from jar of Armour's Extract of Beef. Armour & Company, Chicago. The 'Best Extract tich Delicious Coffee It is not the coffee it is the Cream. Your It is not like the weak and watery milks put I ECONOMY BI 1 EYAPOE -.istency every can alike. Any can oi .vaporatea ream beanngourcap laoel, reproduced herewith, is guaranteed to be the best and purest, lie sure you see the cap label before you buy. Tis the cap of merit the sign, of honest goods. HELVETIA MILK 'Originators and Tahe ire is nothinir sn trvinw ance of ill-fitting footwear BUY THE CROSSETT m 13,50 SHOE S4J "Makes Life's Walk Easy." It is planned with one idea in view the comfort of the wearer. There's correct style and unusual durability in addition. LHWIS A. CROSSETT, Inc., NORTH AINNGTON. MASS. It is an tissue. iS-Jcontains Address F. J. COOPER, Advertising Manager 1 36 GEARY STREET SAN FRANCISCO j Don't delay sending for rules. You have 191 chances to win if big money prizes. U nni:nnuuuiuuijuj;imn:!uiainni!uinOTniniiniinnii!iiiMU"nnimmjmuinoii' of the Best Beef Wm coffee will always taste delicious if you use up by others, but is creamy and uniform in con- COTTDENSIKG CO., Highland, Illinois largest Producers of Evaporated Cream. " Your H na Hia winofanf nmimi. or so unnecessary. your dealer s does not keep them, write me I will tell you i 3 irhn rfnaa WfimSF After Baby Comes there is nourishment for both convales cent mother and nursing child in TRADE MABK. 'already digested fodd easily retained. Dy tne most delicate stomacn. It restores health and strensrth-sunnlies jthe nutriment needed builds flesh and A -real malt extract not an intoxicant: less than 2 of alcohol. All druggists sell it. Prepared by the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n St. Louis, U. S. A.