THE MORNING 0REGQNIA1N 4 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, liHff. - Britain Going of Chamberlain Agitates All. ilABtNET CRISIS STILL ON Some Have ItThatthe Premier Will Have to' Resign. MILNER MAY ENTER CABINET Commissioner in South Africa. Prom inently Mentioned for Colonial Secretary Urodriclc May Be Given Indian Post. Chancellor of Exchequer. 18C8 B. Disraeli, Conservative. 1SCS G. TV. Hunt, Liberal, 1874 Robert Lowe, Conservative. 1S74 Sir Stafford Northcote, Con servative. ' 1SS0 W. E. Gladstone. Liberal; IL C. E. Chllders. Liberal. 1883 Sir Michael Hicks-Beach, Con servative. 1SSG Sir "William Harcourt, Liberal. 18S0 George J. Goschen, Conserva tlvo. 1802 Sir William Harcourt. Liberal. lSO-kSlr William Harcourt, Liberal. i895 Sir Michael Hicks-Beach, Con servative. 1002 C. T. Ritchie. Conservative. LONDON, Sept 19. The newspapers this morning are crammed with discussions and speculations regarding the political situation brought about by the resigna tion of Colonial Secretary Chamberlain. Chancellor of the Exchequer Ritchie and Lord George Hamilton, Secretary to India, but no fresh developments, as yet, have been announced. The Marquis of Lans downe, regarding whose . intentions there is the greatest Interest, has gone to Bal moral to relieve Lord Balfour of Burleigh, as the Minister in attendance upon the King. Both political parties have already com menced active preparations for the com ing campaign, and the opinion Is sought of every man of prominence at home and in the colonies whose ideas are likely to have influence. Mr. Asqulth, who Is by many regarded as the future leader of the Liberal party, telegraphed yesterday. "The situation In all its essentials is unchanged. The duties of the Liberals "William St. John F. Brodriclc, an Secretary to India. to defend free trade is plain and urgent as before." The opinion of the colonies is anxiously canvassed as being the most important factor In the situation. Sir Edmund" Bar ton, the Premier of the Australian Com monwealth, has declared in an Interview that he Is convinced that Mr. Chamberlain will ultimately triumph, and until that triumph is achieved, there will be no real ' union of the empire. Balfour Urged to Make Clean Sivcep. The Standard today anticipates that Mr. , Balfour will have at least four Cabinet" seats and two or more under secretary ships at his disposal, and strongly urges him to make a clean sweep of the dis credited Ministers and -appoint men of real ability, even such men as Lord. Cromer" and Lord Milner, If the country would gain thereby. The retirement of Chamberlain caused consternation and excitement among all classes in the United Kingdom, to the exclusion of every other topic The great majority of the public only learned the news from the morning papers, and their astonishment in many cases was so great as to prevent the expression of any coherent opinion. The Pall Mall Gazette this afternoon apparently sums up the general feeling by describing the present crisis as the "most extraordinary In the whole history of constitutional govern ment" adding that 'what will happen next no one can forecast with any degree of absolute certainty. The PalK Mall Gazette states that Pre mier Balfour will fill up" the vacancies and carry on the government until he meets Parliament in 1904. Mr. Chamber lain, also, does not look for an Immediate general election, expecting at least a 12 months' propaganda before the electorate can decide upon his proposals. Other ru mors are current that "Mr. Balfour is un able to find men to fill the vacancies, and that he will be obliged toliand the King his own resignation. This, however, does not appear to be likely. Milner Picked as Colonial Secretary The Westminster Gazette and other pa pers forecast Lord Milner, the High Com missioner in South Africa, succeeding to the Colonial Office, and it is definitely announced that Lord Stanley, Financial Secretary to the War Office, and proba bly James Lowther, deputy speakers, will be among those promoted to the Cabinet but the details of its reconstruction are not likely to be known until Mr. Balfour has seen the King. Almost every paper has its own candl dates for the various vacant offices, but few of the prophecies coincide. The at titude of the Duke of Devonshire, Lord President of the Council, being unknown to the public, creates further uncertainty. Rothschild's statement yesterday to the Associated P,ress, however, can 6afcly be taken as an Indication, that the Duke intends to support Mr. Balfour, at any rate until Parliament meets. The prediction that the markets -would nof be affected 'by the Cabinet crisis has been fulfilled; indeed, consols exhibited a firmer tone. From all parts of the United Kingdom and the empire editorial expressions of opinion on' the crisis are pouring'in. The government organs frankly admit that Mr. Chamberlain's withdrawal came as a bombshell. The Liberal organs, though announcing tho "wrepk of the Tory par ty," which is described as being Hamlet without tho Prince," nearly all agree, In saying that Mr. Chamberlain's resigna tion does not mean a victory for free trade. "Though the man has gone,'-. gays the Star, "his policy remains. . Thlsls Mr. Chamberlain's Elba. He has yet to meet his "Waterloo." This Is borne out by reports from Bir mingham, where the powerful feeling in favor of preferential tariffs is centered. There, though the resignation of the head and shoulders of the movement came as a great surprise, ceaseless activity, prevails, and it is announced that Mr. Chamber lain's previous arrangements for his cam paign will all be carried out. Brodrlck May Get Indian Office. The Associated Press learns there is good reason to believe that the report that "War Secretary Brodrlck will be transferred to the India office is correct. The new Cabinet is expected to meet within a fortnight " The Associated Press is inofrmcd that Lord Lansdowne will remain Secretary for Foreten Affairs. The persistency with which it is rumored that Austen Chamberlain, the Postmaster General, will succeed Mr. Ritchie as Chan cellor of the Exchequer, emphasizes the .extraordinary nature of the relations which Mr. Balfour still maintains toward his colleagues. The Liberal organs point out the fictl tiousness of any supposed change .of heart on the part of a government which' In cludes Mr. Chamberlaln'-s son, who has been almost as active as his fathen In or ganizing the preferential tariff agitation. Mr. Balfour's frank declaration in Tils letter accepting the Colonial Secretary's resignation that he shared Mr. Chamber lain's ideas of a closer fiscal union with the colonies also creates doubt as to how even moderate free traders, fuch as the Duke of Devonshire, can remain under Mr. Balfour's guidance. The criticism of the small effect upon the government policy caused by Mr.' Chamberlain's withdrawal and of the re tention of his son is not confined to the1 opposition. The St James Gazette, which warmly supports Mr. Chamberlain's pro gramme declares that the result Is that "the Unionist party will face the electors .disunited and open to all the attacks of the free traders, as it will be perfectly clear to the electors thrtt the return of Mr. Balfour Involves sooner or later the return of Mr. Chamberlain and tho tri umph of his policy." On the face of it Mr. Chamberlain and Mr. Balfour will continue to work to gether, but the former Colonial Seretary Is free from governmental obligations and will be able to conduct his campaign along the line he has all along advocated. THEIR TARIFF VIEWS COINCIDE. Chamberlain "Wrltcx Reform Lengne That Time In at Hand to StrlUc. LONDON, Sept IS. Writing today from his home at Highbury, Birmingham, Mr. Chamberlain made his first official state ment iilnco his resignation. His letter is in reply to C. A. Parson, chairman of the executive council of the Tariff Reform League, who asked If Mr. Chamberlain co- Incidcs with his view that the examination of the tariff may be considered as suffi ciently advanced, and the league should tiow use Its resources to advocate the em ployment of a tariff for the purpose of consolidating and defending the resources of the empire and defending the industries of the United Kingdom. Mr. Chamber lain says: "I agree with your views that we have sufficient material In the way of facts and figures. We have now to state our con clusions and endeavor to xget the people to adopt them." Mr. Chamberlain then gives his under standing of the position of the Tariff Re form League under two heads as coincid ing with his position. Their objects, he says, are: First, a. closer union to endeavor to make the empire self-sufficing as regard; its food supply; second, tho employment of a tariff a? a weapon to secure greater reciprocity with foreign nations, or falling such arrangements, to prevent the loss to the home Industrial markets under the competition of protected countries by re taliating upon them the treatment they mete out to us. "On this understanding as to our views," Mr. Chamberlain concludes, "I wish the league success and the support of every one desiring the union of the empire and the continued prosperity of British commerce." IXVITE HIM TO AMERICA. Manufacturers Arc Anxious to Hear the Views of Chamberlain. CHICAGO, Sept. 18. An invitation to come to Chicago to deliver his views as the guest of the people of the United States has been forwarded through the Department of State at Washington from the Illinois Manufacturers' Association to Joseph Chamberlain. A reply is being eagerly awaited to a cable message, which was forwarded tonight by the associa tion. Tho Invitation, which was dated July 24, and was forwarced by the State Department to Ambassador Choate fait- de livery says: "The Illinois Manufacturers' Association extends to yQu an Invitation to be its guest, and would respectfully ask that you address Its members at Chicago at such time in this year as will best suit your convenience. "The presentation of your views in Chi cago will attract world-wide attention. Lord Milner, as Colonial Secre tary. cause wholesome discussion, and result in a better understanding of the trade rela tionship between our respective countries The meetlra; will be attended by repre sentative manufacturers of the United States. In accepting this Invitation, you will not only honor the members of the Illinois jManuiacturers Association, bu? the progressive business men of all com mercial pursuits on our side" Itching, Blind,. Bleeding or. Protruding flies, xour aruggist wm refund your muiu' u umj.ij i miis to '"ire you. w cents. WEAR ODD BUTTON Colored Men Show Their Loyalty to Roosevelt. "EQUALITY" IS THEIR MOTTO Bndgre nepirejnt President and Booker T. Washington Enjoying a Luncheon Together Big: De mand for; the Novelty. . ' CHICAGO, Sept IS. (Special.) Presi dential "campaign buttons have appeared, the first in the approaching Presidential contest They are of unique design; rep resenting President Roosevelt and Booker T; Washington enjoying a luncheon to gether. The single word "equality" in bold letters across the face of the badge is its- most striking characteristic Colored men have been the first to wear the button, and many are to be seen with the badge adorpfng their coat-lapels. This photographic button, which has ar rived so early In the field, depicts the President and "the negro leader at a small round dining table, presumably ln the White House. The colored man is seated at Roosevelt's right with his hand resting upon the table. Both survey a coffee service, water carafe and two Immaculate napkins, and are awaiting the arrival of the first course. . To Charles H. Thomas, of Chicago, is credited the origin of the button, which Is in great demand, particularly among col ored Republicans. Thomas anticipates a big boom for his political novelty. A num ber of organizations are expected to make the button their official campaign ba"dge. DEXIES HE BOUGHT VOTES-. Manager of Nominee for Senator in - MlKsouri Before Grand Jury. JEFFBRSON CITT7. Mo.. SeDt. IS. Charles H. Smith. ofSt Louis, political manager for R. C. Kerens, the Republi can nominee for United States Senator to succeed Senator Vest, was before the grand jury 45 minutes today. Smith took an active part In the management of the right in the Republican caucus to secure the nomination of Kerens for United States Senator. It is charged that money was used to secure the caucus nomination for Kerens. Smith is reported to have testified that he did not see any money used in behalf of Kerens, but he was aware that prom ises of Federal positions were used as inducements to get votes for opposing can didates. Representative Carter, of Grundy, who was a prominent figure in the Senatorial caucus nomination, was also a witness. Moses C. Wetmore, a politician and to bacco manufacturer, was before the grand jury, presumably regarding the sale of tobacco manufacturing plants to the so- called trust Other witnesses today were: S. W. For- dyce and J. A. Parks, of St Louis; E. J. Gildersleeve, a St Louis ticket broker, who testified regarding the defeat of the antl-scalplng billv and Rev. C. S. Brooks, or jerrerson City, who referred to Prose cuting Attorney Stone recently in a ser mon which aroused much commont ' 'CHALLENGE TO IIAXNA. Clarke, Democratic Candidate for Senator, Would Discuss Politics. NORWALK, O., Sept IS. John H. Clarke, Democratic candidate for United States Senator, in a speeoh delivered to day, formally challenges Senator Hanna to meet him In Joint debate on thb issues of the campaign. DJcU Speaks for Hanna. COLUMBUS, O., Sept 18. Senator Han na was seen tonight in regard to the chal lenge by Mr. Clarke. The Senator said: "Imust refer you to my commander, Chairman Dick." When Chairman Dick had been apprised of Mr. Clarke's challenge, he said: "If Mr. Clarke, through Charles P. Salen. Chairman of the Democratic State Committee, will formally challenge' Sena tor Hanna to discuss the political Issues before the people, I will take cognizance of such a challenge and reply to it as occa sion may warrant." KAISER VISITS VIENNA. Emperor Francis Joseph Warmly Greets Him and- Gives a Banquet. VIENNA, Sept 18. Emperor William arrived here today frpm Bellye, Hungary, in the vicinity of which place he has been stag hunting with Archduke Fred erick. Emperor Francis Joseph met Emperor William at the railroad station. The monarchs cordially kissed each other three times and then shook hands warm ly. They were accorded an enthusiastic reception. At a state dinner which was given at the palace tonight Emperor Francis Joseph proposed the health of the German Emperor, and expressed his keen satis faction at being able to greet his faithful friend and ally, whose visit would surely Impart greater strength to the bonds al ready established between the two em pires. Emperor William, In responding In sim ilar tones to this toast, said he had wit nessed with pleasure the march past of the Austrian regiments, ,as- the armies of Germany and Austria sanctify and strengthen the alliance existing between the two nations for the welfare and peace of Europe. GERMANY BLOCKS THE MOVE. .Convention to Revise the Rules of War Not Likely to Be Held. PARIS. Sept 18. Unofficial but reliable information has been-received here to the effect that the proposed congress of the powers for the purpose of revising the Geneva Convention, establishing the rlchts and treatment of prisoners of war, neu trals, wounded, etc., which was to have taken place shortly, probably will be in definitely postponed, France. Great Britain, Italy, Austria and Russia named delegates, but Germany has not named a delegate, hs It is understood she does not desire any change in the present status of prisoners of war, etc., during a. state of belligerency. Therefore, in the absence of a general international acceptance of the proposal to revise the rules' of war, the meeting of the congress has been practically given' up. HAD KING ASSASSINATED. False Report of Death of Servian Ruler Affects Stocks at Paris. PARIS, Sept IS. A rumor was clrculat ed on the bourse here today that King Peter, of Servia, had been assassinated Servian bonds fell 1 franc 70 centimes. Inquiry at Belgrade showed the report to be without foundation. The report reached the bourse here through a news agency dispatch from Antwerp, saying that a report that the King had been assassinated was current there. The report was eventually attributed to the excited conditions prevailing at Bel grade. The evonlng newspapers here published the report, but did not attach any seriousness to it Official advices-from Belgrade indicate that King Peter's- recent retirement of Colonel NIchtlch from the important po sition of Departmental Chief in the Min istry for War Is the beginning of a move- X ment looklns: to the separation of King Peter from the conspirators who took part In the assassination of King Alexander and Queen Draga. NIchtlch, the leader of the conspiracy, was consplcuosly hon ored, and is now degraded as the result of widespread indignation at the fayor shown by the King toward the participants in the assassination. - The Temps' Belgrade correspondent says the elections of members of the bKupsn tlna next Monday promise to result In a majority favorable to the separation of the King from the regencies. SOCIALISTS ARE SHADOWED. Defectives Watch Men Who Make Fiery Speeches at Dresden. DRESDEN, Sept 18. At today's session of the Socialist Congress, Herr von Voll mar spoke for four hours In reply to Herr Bebel. The essence of his discourse was that there was no crisis in the party ex cept a personal crisis, Herr Bebel seeing with grief his leadership In parliament threatened. Herr Bebel. tho speaker added, spoke to the'eongress as Cromwell spoke to parliament, jind arrogated the right to judge and condemn motives. He desired to convert the party into a church with himself as supreme pontiff. As 53 delegates have given notice of their intention to speak. It Is probable that the congress will sit through next week. Toward evening the congress was the scene of violent altercations between the various deputies Interested -in the election of tho executive committee of "the party. For a full hour gross personalities were Indulged in. Prior to adjournment Herr Singer, who presided, and at whose table throughout the session sat three police officials, an nounced that he had received Information that the numerous detectives In the hall were trying to entice delegates and others Into compromising conversations. He therefore warned hl3 comrades to be ex tremely careful in what they said. De tectives are posted In all parts" of the town and show particular Interest In the foreign Journalists who are in Dresden for the Socialist Congress. RUSSIA SEEKS A LOAN. Money Desired for Commercial Schemes in the Far East. BERLIN, Sept 18. M, WItte, president of the Russian Council of Ministers, while here Interview several bankers on the subject of Investing In commercial under takings In Southern Russia. It Is also probable that M. Wlttc broached the ques tion of floating a fresh Russian loan. M. Wltte goes fro'm here to Paris, and thence to London. The Magdeburg Zeltung says M. Wltte will meet in London an American Sena tor, and discuss with him the raising of money for Russian commercial schemes In the far East Dcnth List of. Jews Is Increased. ST. PETERSBURG. Sept IS. Later of ficial reports from Cornel, In the govern ment of Moghileff, where the fighting be tween Christians and Jews arose Septem ber 11, increase the death list of the Jews to five. About 200 houses were destroyed and GS arrests were made. The official messenger says the disturb ances at Cornel were caused by the pro voking attitude of the Jews towards the Christians. Knows of No Plot Apralnst Kaiser. BERLIN, Sept. IS. Nothing here Is known of the report,, published by a news agency in the United States yesterday, that the Chief of Police of Berlin had been warned from abroad of an anarchist plot to assassinate Emperor William. Berlin Has r. Great Strike. BERLIN, Sept IS. Ten thousand work ers in Berlin have gone on strike. The manufacturers will hold a meeting to de cide what shall be done as to closing their works entirely. Spinners Stick to Short-Time System. MANCHESTER, England, Sept. 18. At a meeting of the Federation" of Master Cotton Spinners, held today, It was re solved to continue the short-time system until October 20. Youngest German .Colonel. BERLIN, Sept 18. Crown Prince Fred erick William has been appointed Colonel of the First Regiment of the Guards. He Is the youngest Colonel In the army. Report Is Entirely Unfounded. LONDON, Sept IS. A direct dispatch received here from Belgrade says: The report of the assassination of King Peter Is entirely unfounded. CHINA WILL ASK REDRESS United States Held Accountable for the Race Trouble in Nevada. WASHINGTON, Sept 18. The Chinese government will make a claim against the government of the United States on. ac count of injuries Inflicted by residents of Tonopah, Nev., upon Chinese residents of that place last Wednesday. The Chinese Minister, has telegraphed the Chinese Consul-General at San Francisco to send him as many affidavits as he can secure showing the names of the persons injured a"nd the nature of thehr injuries as well as any property loss they might have suf fered. These affidavits will be used aa the basis of the claim against this gov ernment A telegram was received at the State Department today from the Governor of Nevada In reply to the one sent yester day regarding this attack, saying that he has ordered an immediate investigation and will take every action looking to tho safety of the Chinese residents of Tono pah. A copy of this telegram will be sent to tho Chinese Minister for his Informa tion. Chinese Identify Four Men In Mob. TONOPAH. Nev., Sept 18. Eighteen men arenow under arrest charged with inciting riot, robbery and murder follow lng the attempt of Tuesday night to run the Chinese out of town. Three of the Chinese have Identified four "men named Randal, Lang. Bradshaw and Sinks as their assailants. The latter three are waiters. GRIEF DRIVES HER MAD. Young: Wife Tries to Kill Her Hus bnnd, and Ends Her Own Life. SALT LAKE,. Sept IS. While tempo rarily deranged from brooding over the recent death of her father and mother, Mrs. Mary Williams, aged 17, formerly of Chattanooga, Tenn., fired two shots at her husband without effect and then com mitted suicide by sending a bullet through her heart. The shooting occurred yester day near Mllford, while the couple were en route from this city to Arizona. Her Family Prominent in Tennessee CHATTANOOGA. Tenn., Sept. 18. Mrs. Luther Williams, who is reported to have committed suicide near Mllford. 'Utah, was the daughter of Hon. Blevlns Thomp son, a prominent citizen of Chattanooga, recently deceased. She has several broth ers and sisters residing here, all of whom are prominent Banker Kills, Himself. HARLAN, la., Sept 18. Edward Davis, president of the Shelby County Bank, committed suicide last night by" shooting. Davis was once a member of the Iowa Legislature and was a 'prominent citizen. Ill health is thought to' have prompted the deed. REJECTS HIS JEWELS American Woman Returns - Gift of Royal. Russian. WANTS NO. DIAMOND BROOCH Grand Duke Michael Sends Sister of Mrs. Charles Dana Gibson n x. Little Reminder of a Pleas ant Acquaintance. - RICHMOND, Va.. Sept 18.-(Special.) A sparkling diamond brooch Is now on its way back to' Grand Duke Michael, of Russia, having been re jected by Mrs. Nannie Langhorne Shaw, the beautiful daughter of Chlswell D. Langhorne, of Albemarle County, who met and became friendly with the royal Russian while on a visit to London sev eral months ago. "It is true that the brooch was sent to Mrs. Shaw," said Mra. T. Moncure Per kins, a sister of Mrs. Shaw, ' this evening, "and it Is also true that she sent it back. I know nothing further about the mat ter." Mrs. Shaw Is a sister of Mrs. Charles Dana Gibson. Not many months ago a decree was filed in Albemarle County giv ing her a divorce from Robert G. Shaw, Jr., of Boston, to whom she, was wedded a few years previous. After the divorce Mrs. Shaw, accompanied by her mother, went on a foreign tour. They were shown attentions' on every side, and, among other people of rank, met Grand Duke Michael. He sent the j$wel as a little reminder of a pleasant acquaintance. BAKED TO DEATH. (Continued from First Page.) lsfactlon with the methods of suppressing the outbreak, and declared the massacres must be stopped. It is stated they made special reference to the excesses com mitted by the Turkish troops in the vila yet of Uskub, where the revolutionary outbreak Is Insignificant and affords no excuse to the soldiers for pillaging and burning the villages and killing the Inhab itants. The Porte is said to have replied that Turkey Is simply carrying out the wishes expressed by the powers,- which urge the Sultan's government to adopt energetic measures to suppress the revolution as speedily as possible. The report that the powers have taken such action has been received with great satisfaction by the Bulgarian Ministry. A special dispatch from BHa says that several Bulgarian bands under Captain Stoyanoff attacked Melinlk, Province of Seres, 65 miles northeast of Salonica. Two regiments of Infantry, and cavalry and artillery In support, were sent from Djou mala to relieve the garrison, and they forced the insurgents to retire to the mountains where they are being pursued by tho troops. Desperate fighting is reported to be pro ceeding in a defile of the, valley of-the Strumltza between Turkish troops and Bulgarians under General Sontchieff. Re inforcements of troops have been sent from Seres. Nazlm Pasha, the Turkish commander at Mbnastir, is reported to have declared to the Consuls there: "We have had one insurrection. It will be the last in this territory." The-Dnevnik, In publishing the news of Mr. Chamberlain's resignation remarks that he always led the anti-Macedonian policy. OCCUPATION PROJECT GIVEN UP. Germany Holds Russian-Austrian Proposition Is Forever Dead. BERLIN, Sept18. The German govern ment holds in view- four points in the Balkan situation: First Does Russia regard that the time for the break-up of European Turkey has arrived? The German Ministers have been unable to penetrate Russia's ultimate in tentions, and note with displeasure the concerted attacks of tho St Petersburg papers on Germany, which Is described as being in the background, and taking pleas ure in the extirpation of the Slavs in Eu ropean territory. Second If Prince Ferdinand Is persuaded that his throne is dependent on war with -Turkey, the war is certain. Every effort should be made to tranqulllze Prince Fer dinand's mind. Third The meetings of the sovereigns attended by their foreign ministers are expected to clear up the obscurities of the situation and enable German statesmen to forecast the future. The Emperors of Germany and Austria meet at Vienna to day. The Czar meets Emperor Francis Joseph September 29, and will then visit the King of Italy. Events are expected to remain quiet until after the 29th, unless Bulgaria refuses to wait Fourth Tho project for an Austrian Russian joint occupation1 of Macedonia has been wholly abandoned, and there Is not the least likelihood of a renewal of the proposition. Despite the fact that the Balkan situa tion has grown worse, Turkish bonds rose again on the Bourse today. UNDERESTIMATE THE OUTRAGES. London Journalist Says the Consuls Do Not Tell the Wrorst. LONDON, Sept IS. The Westminster Gazette says a well-known London jour nalist cables from Belgrade as follows: "Starting with pro-Turkish sympathiz ers, I have found overwhelming evidence attrocltles are rather underestimated in convincingly proving that the Turkish the reports of British Consuls, bankers and unprejudiced people. Foreign Minister Tsokoff tells me he knows cases of starv ing women In the forests killing two of their own children to preserve the third The forest wanderers will all perish of cold within two more months." .' "Europe," added the Westminster Ga zette, dealing with the Kastorla reports. "Is bound at once to intervene, whether by conference or as a concert" REDIFS ATTACK CHRISTIANS. Gendarmes Take Refuge in Russian Contmlatc at MItrovitzn. SALONICA, Sept. IS. Three hundred Bulgarians have been killed ia a fljrht be tween, insurgents and Turkish troops be- tween Okhrlda and Dibra. The Bulrrarlan dead include many officers, one of whom ' wore a Russian decoration. J A battalion of Redlf? attacked the Chris- ' tian-gendarmes at Mitrovltza, September 1G, and several of the latter were killed and wounded: The rest of. tho gendarmes : took refuge at tho Russian Consulate, where they were besieged. The situation at Mitrovltza is extremely critical. I The Bulgarian villages which are oppos- ' ing the Turkish forces in the neighbor hood of Menllk aro estimated to number 1000. TURKISH WAR BALLOON SEEX. It Ia Hoverlnrr Clcfue to the Bulgar ian Frontier at Haakovo, SOFIA, Sept. IS. A Turkish war balloon Is reported to have' been, seen hovering for the last three days close to the Bulga rian frontier In the vicinity of Haskovo. A severe fight has occurred at Ulavltsa, in the mountain? of Kratovo, between 20,- ! 000 Turks and 8000 Insurgents. It continued for eight hours'. The insurgents used bombs with deadly effect About 100 Turks are reported to have been killed and many were wounded. . The insurgents had two men wounded. A fljrht Is also reported to have taken place at Rupelpaso, where Insurgent bands recently surrounded ana annimiateu a whole company of Turks. The bands then fled to the mountalna Three battalions of Turkish " troops have been sent from Salonica to pursue ttfem. A small body of peasant refugees near Presba, -who were starving In the mountains, started to seek for food. At Nakaletz they were met by Turklsh soldiers, who killed them all and horribly mutilated two women. BULGARIANS WILL. HOLD OFF. Result of Conference With Emperor Francis Joseph Is Aivnitcd. LONDON. Sept 19. The situation in the Balkans occupies, to some extent, the im perial meeting at Vienna. The German Chancellor, Von Bulow, paid a visit last ing 90 minutes to tho Austro-Hungarian Premier. Count Goluchowsky, yesterday.! At the Bulgarian agency in Vienna. It was declared that under any circum stances Bnlgarla would await the result of the meeting of Emperor Francis Joseph and the Chancellor before taking any de cisive step. There is no diminution of the war ap prehension in Constantinople, where it is believed war would already have broken out but that the concentration of Turk ish troops at Adrlanoplc upset the Bul garian plans of a dash on Constantinople with a large army In tho hope of avoiding a campaign. The Turkish Embassy In London Is now dally Issuing reports of successes over Bulgarian bands in various districts. The Turkish Embassy reports that Chlk manoff, one of the principal confederates in the Bulgarian revolutionary committee, has been arrested at Vlga, 74 miles north of Constantinople. Inquiries made by the Associated Press regarding the massacre at Kastorla, tend to shw that the number of killed has been exaggerated. Dispatches from , Athens report that Greece Is covering her frontier with troops to prevent the Incursion of Bulgarian refugees. SLAUGHTERED ALL THEY MET. Outrage of Turks at Kastorla Was Indescribably Terrible. SOFIA, Sept. IS. Further reports from Kastorla say that' the city Is burning, and that the massacre of Its population (esti mated to have numbered 10,000 persons) was Indescribably terrible. The Turks slaughtered Indiscriminately Bulgarians and Greeks, men, women and children. Rcprents Exonerate President. SIOUX CITY. Ia., Sept IS A special fpnm VDrmitllnn 3 T1 Mva ftiof thi Board of Regents of South Dakota has completely exonerated President Droppers and Professor C. M. "ioung. of the State University, of charges that they attempt ed to bribe a student to give false testi mony against a member of the faculty. The resignations of ProfessorsJ. E. Todd and F. R. Merchant who supported tho charges, were accepted. Entlinslnsm for Bulgarian Troops. CONSTANTINOPLE, Sept. 18. Travelers who arrived from Bulgaria today report that tho Bulgarian reservists are being received everywhere with the greatest en thusiasm and that a bellicose spirit pre vails in Bulgaria. Strength, of the Bulprnrian Army. PARIS. Sept. IS. Advices from Sofia t.a the Foreign Offlce say the 13,000 men being mobilized In Bulgaria will bring the pres ent effectlvo force up to 50,000 troops. VOLUNTEER TO AID REBELS. Illinois Militiamen Offer Their Serv ices to Macedonian Committee. CHICAGO, Sept. IS. Many members of the Illinois mllltla. have volunteered their services to Macedonia In the war against the Turks, according to a statement made by the local Macedonian committee. There was a lively-meeting of Macedo nians last night in the Second Baptist Church. G. M. Tsilka, whose wife was kidnaped with Miss Ellen M. Stone, stirred the audience with an account of the bar baric practices of the Turks, and he re lated Instances of unprovoked cruelty of which he had been a witness. He denied the reports that the brigands who cap tured Miss Stone and Mme. Tsilka were allied to or acting under the direction of the Macedonian revolutionary party. When the meeting adjourned those pres ent dropped their contributions into the folds of the Macedonian flag, as it lay half furled at the door. r Bunchc3, eruptions, inflammations, sore; ness Of the eyelids and ears, diseases of tho bones, rickets, dyspepsia, catarrh, wasting, are only some of the troubles it causes. It is a very active evil, making havoc of the whole system. Eradicates it, cures all its manifestations, and builds up the whole system. Accept no substitute. ASK YOU NE Hundreds of Portland Citi zens Can Tell You All About It. Homo Indorsement, the public expres sion of Portland people, should bo evi dence beyond dispute for even Portland reader. Surely the experience of friends and neighbors, cheerfully given by them, will carry more weight than the utter ances of strangers residing in far-away places. P.ead the following: A. L. Maney, gripman on the Portland Heights cable line, residing at oo4 Elm street, says: "uoan s Jvianey .fins dis posed of an acute attack of backache in a very' short time. Last Fall I was operating on one of the electric lines, and it was then that I first felt tho symptoms of kidney complaint. At flrat I thought It was caused by the constant jarring of the car, and perhaps It was, but I know that one box of Doan's Kid ney pills effectually cured me of my back ache In a most radical manner. My ad vice to all who suffer from backache or kldnay trouble Is to. procure Doan's Kid ney Pills from the Laue-Davls- Drug Co.'s store, corner of Yamhill and Third streets, and give them a fair trial Forsale by all dealers. Price, 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the UnitedStates. Remember the name, Doan's, and taka no other. HBOR SERGT. RJ. GORDON Troop M, iSth Cavalry, Manila, Philippine Islands Sends the following appreciative tes timonial to the virtues of Cnticura for distressing skin troubles peculiar to that country : " I "wish to speak of the merits of Cnticura Soap. In the first place it has no equal. I have been using it for some time and I find It to be an excellent remedy for all skin troubles. I have been using other well known soaps, but I can truly say, they are not in it with the Cuticura. This country is tho place to test the merits of Cuticura as one is troubled with all kinds of skin troubles." Millions of the world's best people use Cuticura Soap, assisted by Cuticura Ointment, for preserving, purifying and beautifying the skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales and dandruff, and the stopping of falling hair, for softening", whitening and soothing red, rough and sore hands, for baby rashes, itchliigs and chaflngs, in the form of baths for annoying irritations arid in flammations, or too free or offensive perspiration, in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and many sana tive, antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women, espe cially mothers, as well as for all the purposes of the toilet, bath and nur sery. Cuticura Remedies ar aetd thronrhout tha vortdV Cnticura KesolTcnt, JOc. (In form of Chocolate Coated Pill,, lie per Thiol), Ointment, iOc.. Soap. 25c Dspotit London, 5 Chartrhou Sq.t Paris. 5 Rue ae la raixi Boston. 137 Columbus Are. Potter Drag Jt Cciim. Corp., gole Prop. x SSJ-Send for " The Great Skin Book." N let the GOLD DUST TWIHS do your ymK' 1 is tho world's greatest cleanser the one pro- 3 ga huce waica au cuuscwue can. auora to do wilq- c H out the one washing powder which cleans 3 everything from collar to garret quickly, g economically and with the least expenditure M oi effort. - a GENERAL USES FOR GOLD DUST: J 8cmbblns floors, washing clothes and dishes, g cleaning Trood-xvork: oilcloth, silverware and 3 tlnwaro. polishing brass-work, cleansing bath 2 rxom, pipes, eU, and rcaldngtheflnestBottooap, 3 GOLD DUST MAKES HARD WATER SOFT Weak Men OUR TREAT MENT gl-ea vim, v I r o r. vitality, strength and consti tution to weak and despondent men, young or old. mar ried or single, re gardless of the causa of their trouble. We master wasting weakness, etc.. A&QH&Y weaicncss, etc.- quic ykVv yMV "We also cure con- l flVSVX Contagious Blood lTTl Poison, Stricture. cele, Kupture, Piles, Diseases or the Kid neys, Bladder, etc. Consultation free. Terms reasonable. If you cannot call at our office, write me your symptoms fully. Many cases can be cured at home. FREE BOOK describing our specialty at ofllce or by malt. We do not axle for a dollar until a cure la effected. DR. TALCOTT & CO. 250 1-2 Alder st, Portland. Positively cured by these liittlo Pills. They also relieve. Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per fect remedy for Dizziness, Hausca, Drowsi ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels Purely Vegetable. Small P21J-, Srnai! Dose Sp73Q?3 Price, Scott's 5anta!-Pepsin Capsules POSST9VE CURE For Inflammation or Catarrh of the Bladder and Dbeased Kidney!!. No care no pay. Cares cmlckly and Perssa mntly tho worst caeea of Gonorrhoea aid 31eS, no ronttcrof howlons stand' isg. Absolutely harmless. Bold by drnrrrista. Prlea Sl.CC. or by mail, wjstnald. $ 1.00,3 bozea , $2.75. t THE SAHTAL-PEP31H Cu SGLLCFONTAINE. OHIO. L.AUE-DAVIS DRUG CO.. Portland. Or. Dr. Radway's Pills, purely vegetable, mild and re liable, regulate the 11 verand whole digestive orsa SI I GOLD DUST 1 HI VI U 4 4