Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 19, 1903, Page 16, Image 16

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Fireboat Question at Last
Reaches Settlement
"Willamette Jroa & Steel "Worlcs
Wins, bnt Supple Will Appeal
.Albino. Ferry Contract Ap
proved Salo Opposed.
Northwestern people registered at 2ew
York hotels today as follows;
Manhattan J. P. Traves, from Spokane.
Imperial J. B. Ault, from Seattle.
Marlborough Mrs. R. C. Hasson, illss (
A. nasson, from Seattle.
MONTREAL Sept. IS. Lorn Strathcona,
Canadian High 1 Commissioner In London,
left tonight for New York, whence he will
said for England tomorrow to resume his
Willamette Iron & ' Steel "Works,
$42,400, six months delivery.
Joseph Supple. ?42,350, eight
months' delivery.
Phoonlx Iron "Works, $44,050, seven
months' delivery.
J. Paquot, $43,200. 10 months' delivers.
Although the contract for the building
of the new iireboat was formally and offi
cially let by the Executive Board yester
day, the matter still continues to be a
hone of contention. Jpseph Supple, the
well-known shipbuilder, claims that he did
not receive fair treatment when the con
tract was let to the Willamette Iron &
Steel Works for ?12,400, though his bid was
$50 less than that amount. vHe will go
before the Mayor and the members of
the "board, as well as other city officials,
today and seek to have the matter recon
sidered. The fireboat committee recommended
that the award be made to the Willamette
Iron & Steel Works because the time con
sideration offered was two months better
than that of Mr. Supple. The Iron &
Steel Works agreed to have the boat
ready for action within six months, while
Mr. Supple asked eight months. The com
mittee agreed, after discussing the matter
briefly, that the difference in time more
than offset the difference in dollars.
Mr. Supple presents the claim that Su
pervising Architect Ballin Instructed him
that eight months would not be any too
much time, in view of the fact that it is
necessary to season the timbers before
they are adapted to use in the river. He
says that he could easily have constructed
the boat in six months, or even in four
months, but it would have to be rebuilt
inside of a year unless the timbers were
properly seasoned. It was for this reason,
he says, that he asked eight months in
which to built the boat
Time Offsets Money.
When the matter was brought up before
the fireboat committee at a meeting im
mediately preceding the session of the
Executive Board, four bids -were on hand
for consideration. When the neck-and-neck
race between Mr. Supple and the
Willamette Iron & Steel Works was noted
there was some hesitation as to which
bid was the more meritorious.
"Why not ask Supple to reduce the time
to six months?" suggested Mr. Curtis.
"Or why not ask the Iron & Steel Works
to reduce its bid $50," was Mr. Glisan's
Mr. Ballin then stated thdt there is usu
ally a delay in the completion of con
tracts. He said that Supple's idea in ask
ing eight months was that he possibly
recognized the necessity of allowing the
lumber to become seasoned before going
into the water, and also stated that there
are usually delays in building boats, ow
ing to unforeseen mishapa He stated that
Supple had on one occasion been delayed
in completing a boat contract owing to
some hitch In the machinery-
The committee agreed that the boat
should be built with as little delay as
possible, and concluded that the difference
of two months was not to be ignored.
The Executive Board adopted the commlt-
t tee's report unanimously.
Mr. Supple afterward expressed indigna
tion at Mr. Ballin's statement before the
committee. Mr. Ballin. however, says that
his intention was to deal perfectly fairly.
and that, had personal feelings played
any part, he would have favored Supple
rather than the Willamette Iron & Steel
Works, for which he says he has no
great personal liking.
It having been previously agreed and
stipulated that the boat should be fitted
up with American Fire Engine Company
pumps, the contract was formally awarded
that company, through its agent, A. G.
Long. The price for these pumps is $11,1300.
Allilna Ferry-boat Contract.
The report of the Albina ferry commit
tee, recommending the award of the con-
tract for a ferry-boat to Joseph Paquet,
was promptly indorsed. While the matter
was before the board, a communication
was read from Albina residents, protest
ing against the sale of the East Side
ferry landing. The remonstrance con
tained a score or more signatures, headed
by that of Mra Mary Phelps Montgomery
It was urged that, after years of waiting,
residents are now getting paved streets
to the present ferry landing at a cost of
$12,000; also that the present landing is
mor desirable to Albina residents, as well
as being more convenient and better
adapted to traffic. The remonstrance was
referred to the ferry committee for con
Municipal Telephone Eicliange.
A suggestion that a private telephone
exchange be installed at the City Hall,
connecting all the offices as well as the
stations of the fire department, was
brought up. The City Electrician ex
plained that such a system wo.uld not bo
expensive, and would be of great service
at the hall. Chief Campbell also favored
the installation of an exchange, and the
employment of male operators, who could
be required to sleep at the fire stations
and sterve as special firemen when not on
shift. The matter was referred to .the
lire committee.
The contract for the construction of the
new bridge over Marquam Gulch was
presented by City Attorney McNary, who
explained that the City & Suburban Rail
way Company is anxious to have the
work under way, and wishes to have the
contract disposed of as soon as possible,
as It is the only impediment to active
work. The matter was accordingly re
ferred to the street committee, Tvlth
power to act.
Chaplain R. S. Stabbs Testifies to
Power, of God.
Enthusiastic testimony of he "healing
power of God through the prayer of
faith" is borne by Rev. R. S. Stubbs, who
is well known in this city. It was inspired
by the publication here of the work of
John Johnson, who at 247 Couch street
recently gave demonstration of the power
of prayer to cure all the ills or nesn,
mind and soul."
Mr.- Stubbs was the founder of the Mar
iners' Home and Its superintendent for
several vears. was chaplain and agent of
the American Seamen's Friend Society and
of its auxiliary society, the Portland Sea
man's Friend Society. He was also United
States Shipping Commissioner at this poru
He is now chaplain of tne lacoma sea
man's Institute.
In a letter addressed to John Johnson,
evangelist Mr. Stubbs speaks in the most
fervent and glowing terms of his personal
experience of healing through tne com- y
hlnea effect or nis own iaiui uuu jjiucta
with those of John Johnson, or with the
latter's co-worker, Dr. Simpson in Ta-coma.
The letter Is a characteristic one of Its
kind, full of Scriptural allusions and quo
tations and the evidence of deep religious
fervor In the writer. Following are ex
During many years of my ministerial
Vilctnn- T choriul In thu Wlf1f Tre1UdlCO
which obtains among most excellent mem-,
hers of the leading churches (Including a
large majority of ministers) against tne
doctrine of bodily healing, in answer to
the prayer of faith. My idea was that the
subject was a special divine blessing be
longing to the primitive days of the
Christian church, and that it passed away
with the apostolic age.
About ten years ago when almost a
physical wreck, 1 was shown that In the
atonement of Jesus Christ, provision is
made for the complete healing of poor,
suffering and sinful human beings, ac
cording to Isaiah's foretelling or xne
messiah's mission (Isaiah 53:lv) and ac
cording to words making known to man
kind what the Messiah, the Christ of
God. did. during his brie ministry (see
Matt (8:xvi, xvil) and also what the apos
tles did and taught with the ioras au
thorization (see Acts 4-xlli et al). Indeed
the healing and saving of people were tne
credentials of the truth they preached,
and the demonstrations of the power of
God that with more than sledge hammer
blows broke down opposition to the gos
pel and convinced the galnsayer.
'When I saw this (to me) new trutn.
my prejudices were scattered an I saw
it was my duty to be healed ana to oe
saved; accordingly I placed myself right
before the congregation, of saints ana
sinners, and then before God I bowed in
submission to his blessed word, and, ac
cording to the word (see James 5:xlv) I
was annolnted with o'll by Dr. A. B. Simp
son, who laid his hands upon me and
offered to God the prayer of .faith, and In
stantly was healed of rheumatism, the
consequences of an attack of la grippe,
catarrh and nervous prostration, and my
soul was filled unutterably full of peace
and joy In God. To the praise of God's
faithfulness and power I have been a bet
ter, a more consistent, a more earnest, a
happier and more useful servant of the
Lord Jesus Christ; and I do sincerely be
lieve if our church people would submit
themselves under the mighty hand of
God meet his unalterable, conditions,
and be saved and healed through the
prayer of faith pentecostal blessings.
baptisms and enduements of the noly
ghost would be realized and glorious re
wards would gladden the wounded and
sin-smitten of our earth.
"I should not omit to mention that on
several occasions in answer to your
prayers, my dear Brother Johnson, I have
been wonderfully healed. On one particu
lar occasion I had been suffering with an
organic trouble incomprehensible to me
and I grew worse daily, so bad that my
wife insisted that it was my duty to get
advise and heln. Accordingly I started
from American Lake to go to one of the
hospitals of this city. While on the cable
car at Tacoma avenue, I was rebuked
by the holy spirit and I Instantly left
the car and was led to Brother John
son!s room. He prayed the prayer of
faith, and he annolnted me with oil. I
confessed and submitted to God. I trust
ed his blessed word, and all my trouble
was removed and I- was wonderfully
healed without medicine or doctor other
that the great physician, 'who declared,
I am Jehovah, thy healer' (read Exodus
15:xxvi). Praise the Lord, oh, my soul, .
who forgiveth all thine Iniquities, who
healeth all thy diseases' (read Psalms
"In conclusion, dear Brother Johnson, I
send you my lovo and to all believers in
the 'great salvation which Is unto all and
upon all, them that believe.' Fraternally
Xlne-Year-OId Lost HIh Little
Brother on Way to Oregon.
With his little brother lost in Denver
and himself turned adrift in Portland in
the hopes of finding his mother, 9-year-old
Louis Humphreys was found at the
Union Depot last night by Officer Slover.
He had been brought from Kansas by J.
C. Borgenreaf, who went on to Seattle.
When the temporary guardian left Abi
lene, Kan., he had two small boys of the
Humphreys family in his charge. In
some way one escaped from him In Den
ver and could not be found. Borgenreaf
left the boy's ticket with the police and
brought little Louis on to Portland.
The Humphreys family, their troubles
and their peregrination, have had a
good deal of attention lately. The hus
band left his wife and six children and is
now near Corvallls. The mother went to
Kansas with the youngsters, hut returned
recently with four. She Is supposed to
live near Zlontown. Louis and his
brother, now lost in Denver, are the last
installment of the family to get back to
Meier (8k Frank Company
Meier & Frank Company
Meier tife Frank Company
Is brimful of money-saving opportunities. We serve ypu with future dealings paramount in. mind. We know that when you are satisfied with your
first purchase, you will try us for your second. So we must always strive to keep up, to and outreach the mark, remembering the weight that today s
satisfaction will have upon your future dealings with us. Today's special offerings should attract a great throng of eager buyers unusual bargains
in Women's Apparel, Men's Wear, School Supplies and School Clothes for Boys and Girls. Thirteen and a half hours for trading today. For your
convenience this. st6re remains open tonight until 9:30. Carnival visitors welcome. All the store's accommodations are free for your use.
Officer HemxvrortH Has Lively Ex
perience With n Rattler.
Officer Hemsworth thought he had 'em
early yesterday morning. He faund a big
and very active rattlesnake in front of a
drug store at 67 North Third street The
reptile had been used as an advertisement
In the shpw' window, and some time dur
ing the night had climbed over the tran
som, ana when Hemsworth found him was
resting easily in the gutter. Hemsworth
is over six feet tall, and strong in propor
tion, but that rattler was all he wanted
just then. After dodging the snake's- wild
aimed blows for several minutes he finally
managed to induce His Rattleship to enter
a box. This was nailed up, and the snake
brought to the police station. It was re
turned to its owners yesterday. Thpugh
the rattles were in good working order,
its fangp had been removed, but Hems
worth didn't know it and worked away
with the snake with the conviction that
he'was dealing 'with a venomous reptile.
NorthiveKtrPcople In Xcv Yorlc.
NEW. YOBiq Sept 18. (Special.)
Clothing Is Being Made and Sold In
the State.
The Brownsville Woolen Mills store has
placed on sale over 1000 suits which have
just been completed in the latest style and
In the most substantial manner. They are
without doubt the best lot of clothing that
has ever been shown by the old reliable
Brownsville Mills, add all old customers
of the house and all the new ones are In
vited to call and see the new styles $9.50,
$10.00, .$12.50. $13.50, $15.00, and up to $25.00
are the prices. Store on Washington
street, between First and Second. New
location will be Third and Stark.
Fire Destroys Bijr Slauxrhter-House.
NEW YORK, Sept 18. Fire destroyed
the slaughter-house of Abraham Levy &.
Co.. In Brooklyn today. Loss. $125,000.
Perrin's Gloves
The new importation of "Per
rin's " famous Real French Kid
Gloves gives you wider and
better range of styles than can
be found in any other make.
Every pair carries with it the
Meier & Frank guarantee for
perfect satisfaction.
Perrin's "Charmette," 2-clasp
overseam, pair $1.50
Perrin's "Adriana," 2-clasp P.
K., pair $1.50
Perrin's "Lamure," 2 and 3-
clasp overseam $1.75
Perrin's " Manhattan," 2 and 3-
clasp P. K., pair $1.75
Perrin's best P. K. kid Gloves,
pair $2.00
Perrin's extra quality overseam
Gloves, pair $2.00
Perrin's first-quality suede at,
pair ..$2.00
Perrin's suede chevrette, pair $2.25
B "DQ: nnA T rt r i
i.ctiin a auu j-scm a vjiuvca iui men , new styles
misses' kid Gloves ; all the new Fall styles; complete Jine of sizes.
Ladies5 Neckwear
We'll let the Neckwear
and the prices do their
own talking.
10 dozen embroidered shirt
waist Collars, new styles ;
the regular 35c values are
marked for today, yr,
Large ecru lace Collars, in
round and stole effects,
beautiful styles; the regu
lar $1.75 value d
today are v
"Keiser" cotton stocks, in
white, blue and black, new
desirable styles ; PA-
65c values for JVU
New arrivals in "Keiser" Silk Neckwear; new large bow
effects ; new novelty Neckwear in silk and chiffon ; new ostrich
feather Boas; all lengths.
The great sale of Blankets and Comforters continues
through the month. Third floor.
Great special sale of ladies' and children's knit Underwear;
best style garment ; low prices.
September sale of Dinner Sets should interest all housewives.
For Sunday
We will show today an im
mense new line of velvet tucked
silk and chiffon Hats in a large
assortment of becoming styles.
Very aew shapes. Trimming
the latest. Altogether an un
equaled showing at $1.95,
$2.50, $2.95, $3.50 and $4.98.
I Millinery
For misses and children. All the
best styles at very low prices.
Domestic Tarn o' Shanters, all col
ors 39c and 79c
Imported Tarn o' Shanters, white
and colors . . . . 98c
Square Tarns, in white, red and
mixtures 98c
Imitation beaver Hats at .' . . . -95c
Cloth-stitched Flats in pretty styles at '..-98c
For today only, beaver Flats in best colors and shapes $1.98
Special values in boys' Furnishing Goods"for school wear.
Boys' golf Shirts, 2 collars to
match, new stripes A.!.
and colors ; special at.lJ"
Boys' Suspenders, good web
bing, good styles; Oln
Boys' cotton ribbed Under
wear, nicely made
and finished 1C
Boys' wool Sweaters, in fancy
stripes and plain colors
Don't buy the new Fall Suit or
Overcoat until you have looked
here. We've got the best assort
ment of styles and fabrics to be
found in the city the product of
such well-known manufacturers
as Hart, Schaffner & Marx, L.
Adler Bros. & Co., A. B. Kirsch
baum & Co., S. V. Peck & Co.,
Kohn & Co. and many others.
We'll guarantee the price on every
garment to be fully, 25 .per cent
below what you are asked to pay
for equal grades at the exclusive
clothiers. We know we can please
you in style and price. That's
why we are very anxious that you
look here before buying. Second
"Hawo'" Mats For FaI1 afld Winter. Latest
n&wes nats blocks in Derbys and Fedoras
N "Hawes"' Hats are always
$3.00. None better at any price.
Boys' Clothing Girls' Clothing School Supplies
?? 'I
;1 y ! f
fir. 1 1 r 1 mi n
Monday morning the school bells will again toll joyful
notes It will be welcome music to the careworn parents
as well as the children. The important question today is:
Are the children prepared? Here you find all the neces
sary things Clothing, Shoes, Hosiery, Dresses, Jackets,
Waists. Hair Ribbons, School Supplies, etc., for boy and
girl. The saving, if buying is done here, must be appre
ciated by every economical parent. These splendid val
ues for today and Monday:
Hosiery For Boys and Girls
"Puritan" fast black Hose for boys or girls, fine qual
neat ribbed styles, double knee, heel and toe,
sizes 6 to 10, big value at pair
Athlete and Wayne knit pony Hose, boys or girls, o .
splendid quality, all sizes, great value at, pair u'
Misses' fine quality, one and one-ribbed fast black
.Hose, sizes 5 to 8, exceptional value at, pair
Fine Lawn Handkerchiefs, embroidered
initial, great special value at, each
5c II
100 dozen children's Linen Handkerchiefs, embroi
dered initial, great bargain at
Ladies' lace-trimmed, hemstitched, em
broidered Handkerchiefs, special, each
Children's Dresses made of Persian cashmere, fancy waist trimmed
braid and buttons, gored sKirt, rea, Diue ana Drown, to p
16 y Cilia j p.UU v mw t. fst.w. v.,
Children's Dresses, made of fancy plaid material, waist and skirt
lined, sizes 4 to 12 years, great special value at, each :
Children's Long Coats, made of covert cloth, box style, strapped
seams, velvet collar, sizes 4 to 14 years, great values at, each. - -
ays' Clothing
Boys' School Clothing the
kind that will stand the hardest
knocks. Seams won't rip, but
tons won't come off; withal the
prices are the very lowest.
Boys' all-wool 2-piece suits, ex
tra good quality, well made,
serviceable mixtures; browns
and grays, ages 7 to 15 years.
Regular $4.00 value,
500 pairs of Boys' all-wool Knee
Pants, made with extension
waist-bands, in gray and brown
plaids, checks and mixtures;
4 to 16-year sizes; 75c Q
value for
Boys' all-wool Overcoats, in dark
oxfords, latest Fall OC
Young Men's Suits and Overcoats. The very newest mix
tures and styles all prices.
j School Supplies
Just the things you need are
very low-priced for today and
2hlna, Tablets 3c
2 oz. Thomas' Ink 3c
3x9 Slates n 6c
Slates, all sizes, 8c, 10c and 12c
"Mate Pencils, plain, doz 3c
Slate Pencils, wood, doz 10c
Lead Pencils, plain cedar, doz 5c
Lead Pencils, cedar, with rubber,
doz. 12c. or 3 for 5c
Autograph Pencils, each 4c
Carter's Ink, 2 oz., 3c; 4 oz.. 7e
Penholders lc
Crayons, wood covered, b colors In
Dove Crayons, 28 colors in box. for
box f 10c
Blackboard Crayons, white. 144
sticks 15c
Blackboard Crayons, colored. 144
sticks 40c
Emerald Eraser, each, lc, 5c and 10c
Pencil Boxes, each, 3c, 10c, 15c. 20c. .23c
Penholders and Pens of every kind
all prices
Rulers ...5c
Tablets. 3c, 5c. 10c. up to f..25c
Large Pad. 200 pages, each only .,...10c
Composition Books. 3c, 5c, 9c up to . .25c
Other school articles too numerous to
mention all at the lowest; prices.
Sponge and three slate pencils free
with every slate.
Some rare bargains, at prices
that are unvarnished.
Dr. Graves' Tooth Poweer.. 6c
Dr. Graves' Talcum Powder. 7c
Allen's Foot-Ease 19c
N. N. Sham pco for wash-1
ing and cleaning the scalp.
3-lb bar Olive Oil Castile Soap.
Regular 25c .
Bathsweet, a perfumed luxury
for the bath. Per
75c French Plate Toilet Mir
ror 39c
Good 25c Clothes Brush 16c
IS 1
acnooi anoes
Eight-Day Mantel Clocks, half
hour Cathedral strike; every one
gu aranteed. Regular j C
$7.00 value today... pJW
Fancy Brass Clocks, LQx
$1.25 value, 37
Chain Purses, silver and oxi
dized styles... 50c 5Q
Sterling Silver Hat Pins, 25c
and 50c values, 11
each 1C
5Qc Backcombs for -.29c
35c Backcombs for 14c
50c Broaches, variety of styles,
each 19c
Phone Private Exchange No. 4
3 cans'Red Alaska Salmon. . .25c
1-lb Royal Baking Powder... 45c
New California Figs, pkg 10c
C. & B. Kippered Herring.. -25c
6pkgs P. C. Parlor Matches. 25c
Ham and Veal Loaf, can 10c
1-lb Jar Chipped Beef. 25c
2 cans Sliced Pineapple 15c
1 and 2-lb cans Shrimps
10 and 20c
3 pkgs Seeded Raisins 25c
Sapolio, bar 7c
Oregon Swiss Cheese, lb 20c
4 lbs Pop Corn '..25c
School Shoes for boys and girls. The best styles
and leathers. A full variety to choose from and the
lowest notch in prices. We expect to fit out scores of
youngsters today. We'll expect yours.
shoes in Vici Kid,Velour, Box and
Satin Calf. Every pair guar
anteed to give satisfactory ser
vice. -
Sizes 2 1-2 to 5 1-2, $1.75 to $3.50
Sizes 1 to 2, a pair. $1.50 to $2.50
Sizes 11 to 13 1-2. . .$1.40 to $2.25
Misses' and children's shoes,
Vici Kid and Box Calf styles.
Sizes 11 to 2, pair.. $1.50 to $3.00
Sizes 8 to 10 1-2.. $1.00 to $2.00
Sizes 5 to 8, pair 75c to $1.25
Qwoial For today and Monday. Children's and
OpelUl Misses' Box Calf and Vici Kid Lace Shoes.
Best styles.
11 1-2 to 2, pair $1.55 8 1-2 11, pair $1.35
Boys' Satin Calf Shoes, plain or quilted sole.
2 1-2 to 5 1-2 $1.55 1 to 2 $1.40 11 to 13 1-2 $1.30
Ladies H
18c Pair
We offer for today only, 2000
pairs of Ladies' Fine Black Cot
ton Hose Hermsdorf Dye
high-spliced heel and toe, double,
sole. Our own importation from
Chemnitz, Germany. Hosiery
other stores ask you 35c a pair
for. They have to sell -them at
that price because the cost buy
ing them through New York
commission houses is fully 25 per
cent greater. Buy all you wat at
Today at 18c Pair
Meier &. Frank Company
J Meier & Frank Company j
Meier & Frank Company Meier & Frank Company Meier & Frank Company