VOL. XLIII. NO. 13,346. PORTLAND. OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1903. PRICE FIVE CENTS. Ask Your Dealer for GOODYEAR'S RUBBER GOODS the best that can 55" be made ofrnMier. Goodyear Rubber Company R. H. PEASE. President 73 AND 75 FIRST STREET PORTLAND, OUEGOX, The Cheape Exposure Meter Tells you what exposure to give. Works with any plates. Dr;rA Sent to any address i 1 ICC OviL. postpaid. BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO. 142-140 FOURTH STREET. SHAW'S PURE BLUMAUER & HOCH 108 and 1 10 Fourth Street Sole Distributers for Oregon and "Washington. -rMli HOTEL PERKINS .Fifth and Washington Streets EUROPEAN PLAN Clrst-Clans Cneclc Restaurant Connected "With Hotel. . F. DAVIES, Pre. St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED). FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS ' PORTLAND, OREGON European Plan Rooms 50c to $1.50 First-Class Restaurant In Connectton LOGGING ENGINES SAW MILLS EDGERS. TRIMMERS, STEAM FEEDS, SAW MILL MACHINERY of All Kinds CALL QmSrri AL-r- 1 THE LARGEST SALE ON W. G. tytePHERSON CQMPANY Works and Main Ofllce Salesroom nineteenth, and "Wilson Sts. 47 First Street PORTLAND, OR,, U. S. A. In a Short Time We will move to our IN THE MEANTIME we are doing the best printing at very low prices AT OUR OLD QUARTERS, Second and Oak Streets. No interruption during removal. W. BALTES & CO. 155?" 165 CORD RAY'S MATINEE TODAY. Last Performance TONIGHT. 'The Great Novelty Melodrama," SyiiedatSea PRICES, 15c, 25c, COURTING BY TELEPHONE I Chauncey Oleott, the Actor, and Mrs. Molincnx Expected to Wed. ST. PAUL, Sept IS. (Special.) Chaun cey Oleott, the actor,sand Mrs. Mollneaux, who recently secured a divorce In South Dakota, will he man and -wife before the enow files, If the statements of officials of the Bell Telephone Company In the St Paul district haVe any basis. The actor Is playing In Minneapolis and, according to the stories being told, he and Mrs. Molln eux, who Is now In New York, hold dally communication over the long-distance tele phones and endearing messages are con stantly being transmitted over the wires. It :3 asserted by the telephone officials and operators who have heard the tender v.-onls spoken that Oleott is said to have a wifa living and, so far as known, no di vorce proceedings have as yet been filed. Dull Trade Causes Collieries to Close SHAMOKIN. Pa.. Sept IS. The Came ron and Luke Fiddler collieries., employing 25W men and boys, closed down indefinitely v on account of the dull coal trade. America's ORIGINAL MALT WHISKY Without a Rival Today MALT PORTLAND, OREGON Rooms, $1.00 to $3.00 Per Sax According to Location. C. Of Davis, Sec and Treas. :THE: ESMOND HOTEL OSCAH AKDERSOH, Manner. Front and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND - OREGON IKES 'JiUS TO AMD rOM ALL Til A IN. Hates Europe&n plan. We. 75c, Jl-W, Jt.Vi. C (O per day Sample rooms In conntctloo, . ON US - lAArsJ Front and II UEI Hail Streets THE PACIFIC COAST WARM AIR FURNACES new quarters, First and Oak Streets. THEATER Next -week, commencing: Sunday night, return or THE MORDANT-HUMPHREY COM PANY, Presenting YOUNG MRS. WINTHROP A beautful society play, and Nat C. Goodwin's A GOLD MINE 35c, 40c, 50c. SHAMROCK II IS SOLD. Skipper of the Columbia Will Break the Upton Boat Up. NEW YORK, Sept 18. Captain Miller, who was skipper of the yacht Columbia during the Summer, and Captain Barr's assistant on the Reliance during the cup races. It is stated, in connection with re ports from Chicago, has bought from Sir Thomas Lipton the old cup challenger Shamrock II. The price ald for the hull was not known, but it is believed that it was not (ar from ?7000. The yacht has beBn on the shore at Erie Basin for nearly two years, and while being protected from weather as far as practicable, has be come less and less valuable by corrosion. The purchasers will break her up for thn value of the material. Students Burn Teacher in EfUgry. LA CROSSE, Wis.. Sept. IS. A large crowjLof students of the local high school gathered on the campus and burned In effigy Principal Hemmlnway, because some of them had been, refused permission to play on the football team this season. MEET II REBUFF Ministers Turned Down by Mayor. GAMBLING NOT TO STOP City Executive Will Not Change Policy of Fines, t WARM WORDS WITH DR. HILL Mayor Denounces the Clergyman's Open Letter ns an Infamous Oat rngrej and an Insult to Him and Uls Family. The Ministerial Association has discovered where the Mayor stands on the gambling question. Mayor Williams flatly refuses to encourage the Ministerial Association In Its efforts to suppress gambling. He takes the position that if the gamblers did not secure Immunity by paying monthly fines, they would se cure, It by corrupting city officials. "While Mayor Williams is not alto gether satisfied that his present pol icy Is the best course, he is deter mined to give It a careful trial. "I .am not responsible for Its In auguration," ho -says, "but I am re sponsible for acquiescing In it at present." - The Association .will now endeavor to arouse public sentiment on the matter to such an extent that the city administration will have to bow to It. If the Ministerial Association is to stop gambling in Portland, it must do it with out the aid of the city administration. To a committee of five ministers who called upon him yesterday, Mayor Williams stat ecL emphatically that he would not change his present policy of permitting the games to run providing that they paid a month ly fine into the city treasury. "But that is practically licensing gam" bllng," said the committee. "Precisely," said the Mayor In effect. "We need the money." To use Mayor Williams' own words, the interview was protracted and exciting. The excitement was occasioned by the Mayor reading to Dr. Edgar P. Hill an extract . from the open letter which Dr. Hill wrote him recently, and which was published in The Oregonian. The extract read: You say thai gamblers are so persistent that it is hopeless' to attempt to destroy the evil. Since when, I ask, has persistency on the part of evil given it exemption from the hand cf the law? Suppose a lustful man were to persist in his fiendish attempt to 'violate the honor of a member of your household, would you, after trying to foil bim for a time, say. "Well, I am entirely opposed to your foul de signs, but because you are so persistent I will withdraw my opposition?" "It Was an Infamous Outrajje." "No pure-minded man;" cried Mayor Williams, as he turned on Dr. Hill, "would have -written such a statement It was an infamous outrage. It was an Insult to me and to my family. There were a thousand other Illustrations that you could have used to point your moral." Dr. Hill explained that he did not dream of making any personal application of the parallel, and said he did not think that any person could take legitimate offense at it . "I have no apology to make," he con eluded. After thoroughly convincing 'themselves that Mayor Williams "would not agree to change his present policy toward gam bling, the committee rose to leave, and while doing so expressed their disappoint ment at the Mayor's attitude. "The world Is full of disappointments," said His Honor, and the Interview was closed. But not the battle. "Just what our course will be In the future," said Dr. E. L. House yesterday, "has not fully been decided." Dr. House is chairman of the commit tee, and some days ago had an interview with the Mayor, with similar results. The second visit was made in deference to a wish expressed at the association's last meeting that a body of ministers call on the Mayor, to demonstrate beyond any doubt that they were acting as an asso elation and not as Individuals. Seek to Arouse Public Sentiment. The association has no intention of leav lng the matter as It stands. It is prob able that their action will not be along legal lines, where tedious and exasperat lng difficulties can be discerned by any prophet of average ability. Instead, the ministers, aided possibly by the secular organization known as the Municipal As sociation, will work to arouse public sen timent and then to secure an expression so overwhelmingly hostile to open gam bllng that the city administration will be forced to recognize and bow to It. The idea of a mass meeting, which has al ready been suggested, and finally decided against may be resuscitated and acted upon. The accounts of the Interview as gleaned from the members of the committee. Dr. E. Lt House, Dr. E. P. Hill. Rev. J. R. T. Lathrop, Rev. H. -J. Talbott and Rev. Albyn Esson, coincide with an authori tative statement obtained last night from Mayor Williams, who, In order to prevent all misquotation or Inaccuracy, detailed his replies to the ministers, after having listened to the somewhat less complete account vouchsafed by the committee to The Oregonian. Mayor Tells of the Interview. "I had an Interview with a committee of ministers," said Mayor Williams. "I understand that The Oregonian has a re port of it In answer to its request that I make a statement as to what took place. I will say that I cannot, of course, state any considerable part of the conversation, as the interview was protracted and ex citing-. "However, I told the reverend gentlemen that so far as tho government of the city was concerned, the administration was wholly responsible, and that I did not think lt was the province of tho clergy to take charge of lt I said I did not think the course they were pursuing would either promote the cause of religion or aid to build up their churches. I said to the ministers I was not re sponsible for the Inauguration of the pres ent system of controlling gambling, but I was responsible for acquiescing in it, and that I was fully determined to give tfie experiment a full and fair trial and that for the present there would be no change in the administration policy. I told them that I would not tell them or any living man except the Chief of Police, what, my policy would be invtho future, and that my policy would be con trolled largely by circumstances as they arose. "Xo Official Corruption Now." I stated the well-known fact that the municipal government of Portland had been for many years infused with corrup- tion;- that I considered municipal corrup tion one -of the crying evils of the day, and that I was determined at all haz ards to have an honest government in this city, and that I had it and that there was no official corruption in this city at this time. 'I told these ministers that before I had any practical knowledge of municipal government I had entertained views simi lar to theirs, but I said that experience had to some extent modified my views. and that in the words of Grover Cleve land, we were confronted by a condition, not a theory. 'I told them that I had made an honest and determined effort for six or eight months immediately after I came Into office to suppress gambling; that the ef fort was a failure; It's only result was to drive gambling behind closed doors. and to degenerate square games into a system of , robbing. I told them I had had many men arrested and that every one of them was acquitted and not a single conviction was obtained. "I stated that the question was only a choice of evils, simply a question of whether It were better to have a corrupted system of city government with the gam blers' 'money going to corrupted officials. or a system under which the gamblers should pay their money into the city treasury. "City In Need of Money." "I stated that our city was In need of great Improvement, - that we needed (Concluded on 'Pago C.) CONTENTS QF TODAY'S. PAPER. The Balkan Situation. Turks baked children to death in an oven and slay women to avenge one death at hands of rebels. Page 1. Record of the massacres in Macedonia. Page 1. Britain, France and Italy tell Turkey massa cres in Macedonia must cease. Page 1. Foreign. Resignation of Secretary Chamberlain agitates all Britain; Cabinet crisis Is not yet passed Page 2. Emperor''Wllllam visits Vienna and is warmly greeted, by the Emperor. Page 2. , Russia desires a loan to develop commercial enterprises In Far East. Page 2. W Domestic. Irrigation congress elects El Paso over Boise for 1004 meeting, so lt can come to Port' land in 1005. Pace 1. Roosevelt proposes a toast to Sir Thomas Lipton at Sawanhaka Yacht Club dinner. and-it is drunk wUh much spirit Page 3, gLster of Mrs. Charles Dana Gibson returns diamond brooch sent her by Grand Duke Michael of Russia. Page 2. Evansvllle. Ind., detective shoots two police of ficers and Councilman to satisfy old feud, then ends his own life. Page 3. National. Attorney-General Is busily engage preparing his argument In merger case. Page 3. Superintendent Lynch, at Yakima Indian school, Is almost sure to be ousted. Page 3. Political. Campaign button showing Roosevelt and Booker T. "Washington" dining together makes Its appearance. Page 2. John H. Clark, Democratic candidate for Sen ator in Ohio, challenges Senator Hanna to meet him in Joint debate. Page 2. Manager of R. C. Kerens. Republican nominee for Senator in Missouri, denies he used money to control caucus. Page 2. Sports. Pittsburg and Boston, winners in National and American Leagues, will play for cham pionship of the world. Page C. Police have to protect Umpire Colgan at Spo kane. Page C. Vision wins the principal event at the Salem Fair races. Page 7. Scores of Pacific Coast League: Seattle fi, Port land 3; San Francisco 5; Sacramento 4; - Oakland 5, Los Angeles 1. Page & Scores of Pacific National League: Seattle 5, Salt Lake 4; Spokane 7; Butte 7. Page C PaclAc Const. Telegram received at La Grande land ofllce would indicate that Register Bartlctt is dis missed: Barlett denies it. Page 3". Cheney Normal teacher recovers damages for breach of contract on part of institution, Page 4. Awards made to owners of fancy livestock at State Fair. Pago 4. B. J. Fengra, pioneer, politician and railroad promoter, passes away at ripe age. Page 4. Frederick Marriott given $10,760 damages from Thomas Williams, Jr., at San Francisco; Page 4. Commercial and Marine. Steady growth of Portland's flour export trade. rage 15 Wheat weak and lower at Chicago. Pago 15. Slump in industrial stocks " at New York. Page 15. San Francisco produc6 quotations. Page 15. First reports of crop damage exaggerated Page 15. Regulator Line makes another cut In rates. Pago 14. Portland and Vicinity. Mayor Williams refuses request of Ministerial Atsoclation to stop gambling. Page 1. Jin Fung Impersonates the wrong Chinaman and will be deported. Page 11. Portland woman Is victim of letter-writing swindle. Page 14. Sellwood people move for a park. Page 12. Directors of Lewis and Clark Fair adopt rules for exhibitors. Page 12. Mrs. Nlcolal's side of. the Davis casei told In court. Pa'ge 12. Suit besun to test validity of new tax law. Page. 11. Contract for flreboat let. but loslns.hld2er enters protest.- Page 10. Colonel Kahlo comes to 'organize branch of National Manufacturers" Association in Portland. Page 11. Pi EG N N ill Irrigationists Go to El Paso in 1904 BOISE IN SECOND PLAGE Desire of Delegates to See Portland Its Waterloo, FAVOR LEWIS AND CLARK FAIR Fight on Land Laws Ends by De mand for Modification -Webfoot State Is Awarded Gold Med als on All Its Exhibits. OREGON FRUrr WINS MEDALS. Oregon captured gold medals in everything lt competed for at the Irrigation Congress. Following are the awards: Apples Joseph A. Wilson, Hood River. Mr. Wilson also received a cash prize of $50. Pears Klesel-Shllllng-Danilson son Fruit Company, of Ontario. Plums A. L Dale, Union. Prunes Shields Fruit Company,. Freewater. A. I. Dale, of Union, was awarded the gold medal and $50 for the best commercially packed fruit C. W. Mallett of Ontario, was awarded the second prize for honey. OGDEN, Sept IS. (Special.) While Portland did not secure the National Ir rigation Pongress for 1904, and saw Boise, its choice, defeated-by. El Paso, yet we se cured pledges from Texas, Minnesota, Idaho and Washington that they will vote for Portland for the convention in 1905. ' The Texas delegation was for a time in censed at Oregon because her vote was cast for Boise when they had been led to think Oregon would cast at least ten votes for sKl Paso. When it was explained to the Texas men that Oregon adopted the unit rule, and that Boise secured Oregon's vote by the bare majority of one of the entire delegation, they said they would stand by Oregon for 1903, provided Oregon sent a delegation of energetic men to El Paso next year. The support of the local delegation Is a big thing. It was Utah's support that captured the congress for El Paso today. " At the caucus of the Oregon delegation this morning the Eastern Oregon delegates all voted for El Paso in the interest of Portland for 1906, contending that to send the convention to Boise in 1904 would mili tate against Portland In 1905, for the rea son It would be next to Impossible to have the convention meet In the Northwest two years in succession. Trie Portland and Western Oregon delegates all voted In favor of Boise, giving- that city Oregon's vote by one majority. The Oregon delegation today distributed a large amount of Lewis and Clark litera ture, and the resolution adopted contained a very hearty indorsement for a large Congressional appropriation for the 1905 Fair. The Oregon delegation voted a resolution of thanks for the bundle of Oregonlans received dally while In Ogden. A portion of the delegation went to Salt Lake to night and the others will start home to morrow. LAXD-LAW FIGHT IS LOST. Vote Is for Modification Instead of Repeal of Three Acts. OGDEN, Sept IS. The 11th National Ir rigation Congress came to an end Iato this afternoon. It re-elected Senator W. A Clark, of Montana, president; and decided to hold the congress of 1904 In El Paso, and RE-ELECTED PRESIDENT NATIONAL IRRIGATION CONGRESS. SENATOR W. A. CLARK, QF MONTANA. adopted a, platform which requested Con gress to make needed modifications of the existing land, laws. In order that specu lation and monopoly of the public domain be prevented. The greatflght of the congress came up this afternoon, when the report of the committee on resolutions was made. Over the adoption or rejection of the clauses of the majority report requesting that Congress repeal the desert land act the Umber and stone act and the commuta tion clause of the homestead act, occurred a debate of four hours' duration, exceed ingly bitter at times, and participated in by some "of the most prominent men in the work .of Irrigation. The opposition was led by ex-Senator Carey, of Wyoming; Congressman Mon dell, .of Wyoming, and ex-Congressman Shafroth, .of Colorado, and when a sub stitute for these, provisions of the minor ity report was offered by Congressman Needham, of California, simply request lng Congress to modify the land laws, the whole strength of the opposition was thrown in its favor. V. Opposition Regard Vote a Victory. The result Is regarded by them as a decided victory, in that the congress did not como out in direct opposition, to the laws they so strongly defended. The de bate rwas prolonged until evening, and al though a number of interesting papers were .o, have been presented by bureau chiefs of the Department of Agriculture, the congress, tired out by the long and at times acrimonious discussion, adjourned without listening to them. The speeches not delivered were those of Tarleton H. Bean, A. L. Fellows, Morris Blen, Cyrus C. Babb, John Whistler. O. V. P. Stout, J. G Haney, F. H. Branden- bury, John A. .Wldtsoe and Dr. Richard Ely. They were ordered printed in tfie official proceedings. ' The addresses of the day were by Glf- ford Pinchot Chief Fsres'ter, on forest re serves; "Forest and Water Supply," by F.' H. Newell, Chief Engineer of the Unit ed States, and "Forest Reservations In Utah," by A. F. Potter, Government for estry expert. Portland Favored in 1005. El Paso won out in its picturesque fight for next year's congress on the first buU lot. There was a desperate ellort made by the Northwestern States to bring the honor to B6ise, but lt was -unsuccessful, and but one ballot was necessary- It wa3 apparent that the desire to go to Portland, Or., in 1905 had much to do with thts action In giving the honor for 1904 to the Sduthwcst , Long speeches were cut off by a time limit of five minutes put on nominating speeches. Boise, St Joseph, Mo., St. Louis and El Paso were named and seconded. The roll was then called. The ballot re sulted: El Paso 205, Boise 14. St Joseph 8. . The Boise delegation moved to make the nomination of El Paso unanimous, and lt was carried with a roar of cheers. The committee on permanent organlza tloa then made Its report, recommending the selection of officers as follows: Presl- dent W. A. Clark, Montana; first vice president, L. W,. Shurtllff, Utah; second vice-president. W. C. Johnston. Denver; third vice-president, John Hall, Texas; secretary, H. B. Maxson, Reno, New, and the following state vice-presidents: Arizona, B. A. Fowler; California, C. A. Booth; Colorado, Gilbert McClurg; Ida- hoi F. R. Reed; Illinois, F. C. Tapping; Iowa, H. C. Wallace; Kansas, C. A. Schneider; Minnesota, Thomas Shaw; Mis souri, J. W. Gregory; Montana, Herbert Strain; New Mexico, G. A. Richardson ; North Dakota, D. E. Wlllard; Oregon, M. A. Moody; Pennsylvania, J. W. LIghtner; South Dakota, Westley Stewart; Texas, James A. Smith; Utah, Fred J. Klese,; Washington, O. A. Fletcher; Wisconsin, Clarke Gapen; Wyoming, Fennlmore Chatterton. The report was adopted unan imously. The report of the committee on resolu tions and platf6rm was then presented, and tho delegates settled themselves for the big fight of the congress. Majority and minority reports were presented. Reports on the Land Laws. The majority report urged the Immediate and' absolute repeal of the desert land act. the commutation clause of the homestead act, the timber and stone act, and the lieu land provision of the forest reserve act and the purchase or condemnation of private lands within forest reservations, It urged the extension of the forest re serve act and that the forest work be con centrated In the hands of the Bureau of Forestry of the Agricultural Department The report urged the conservation of the flood waters of the Columbia, Sacramento, Colorado, Rio Grande, Arkansas and Mis (Concluded on Page Five.) IAKED TO DEATH Turks Throw Children Into an Oven. KILL WOMEN IN REYENCE One Death at the Hands of the Rebels Costs 200 Lives. OFFICIALS L03K ON SILENTLY Great Britain, France and Italy Not ify Turkey That the Massacres Mnst Cease BnlRnrla Hopes Var "W1H Be Averted. RECORD OF MASSACRES. Here Is the appalling record of massacres ordered by the Sultan: , Number slain. Smerdesch. May 21 150 Salda. Algeria, Juno 2 00 Monastlr, August 23 450 Balonlca. August 24, Bulga rians 300 Salonlca. August 24. Greeks.. 60 Salonlca. August 24, Vlachs. . 30 Sofla, Bulgaria, August 23.... G.10 Sofla. Bulgaria, August 30.... 050 Sofia, Bulgaria, September 1, men ISO Sofia, Bulgaria, September 1. men and women 200 Sofia, Bulgaria, September S, Bulgarians 05,000 Sofia. Bulgaria. September 12, general report 60,000 Kastorla, September 15. 10,000 The names of towns Indicate from whence reports reached America: Killed by disease and priva tion, women and children. . . 50,000 Villages plundered and burned 111 Recent separate Bulgarian Government reports of mas- sacre; murder. and rapine.. Men, women and children driven into other districts.. 131 3,000 Cast Into prison 2,800 Shot and burned In Smerdesch 200 Bouses burned in Smerdesch. 250 Houses bu?ned in Salonlca August 24 575 Sofla. Bulgaria, report at gust 23, towns burngJp Turkish troops engaged in murdering and pillaging 200,000 LONDON, Sept 19. As a result of the Intervention of the British Ambassador, the decree of expulsion has not been en forced against the Dally Mall's corre spondent at Monastlr, who, under the date of September 16, telegraphed: "A veritable reign of terror exists here. Suspected Christians vanish utterly, pre sumably to prison. Spies abound on every hand. The following are somo tales of atrocities which I have thoroughly au thenticated. Tho Turks burned 18 children to death in a baking oven at Blsoler, near Armotzoa, on September 12. They mas sacred 201 women and children at Jovan In revenge for a death at the hands of the Insurgents. Fifty women and children returning from tho mountains to their devastated homes were murdered by sol diers. Between September 10 and Septem ber 12 the Bashl Bazouks destroyed four villages near Krushevo, In tho presence of Kaimkal (administrator) of Krushevo, massacrelng and mutilating the Inhabi tants." The Dally Mall3 Constantinople corre spondent says the -Porte Is dissatisfied with Bulgaria's assurance to France that the mobilization of Bulgarian forces la only intended to prevent bands from pass ing the frontier, and a high military com mission is now sitting In the Ylldlz Kiosk, considering a plan for the invasion of Eastern Roumella. A dispatch from Salakov to the Times, dated September 18, says tho number of Macedonian emigrants and refugees along the frontier Is dally increasing, and lt i3 calculated that there are now 20,000 in the various towns, villages and border dis tricts from Burgas to Kostendln, all eag erly looking forward to the day of reck oning of the Turks. Many are compelled to remain Inactive through the insuffi cient supply of arms and ammunition. The committees find difficulty in keeping pace with the demand for rifles, as the weapons are urrivlng slowly and irregularly, owing to the various obstacles encountered in transit According to Information received by the American College here, adds the corre spondent, 3000 refugees from across the frontier of the Adrlanople vilayet are now in Burgassand, the neighboring village. All are destitute, and relief is urgently, needed. They bring terrible stories of rapine and devastation, and report that no foreigner, oilicial or unofficial, Is al lowed to make Independent Investigation or go anywhere out of sight of the Turk ish forces. POWERS HAVE INTERVENED. Britain, France and Italy Tell Tur key the Massacre Most Cease. SOFIA, Sept. IS. A distinctly opti mistic tone now pervades government and diplomatic circles here, and hopes are again expressed that war may after all be averted. From London and Constantinople en couraging news has been received. From London," lt Is reported that the British fleet will send a fleet to Turkish watera while reports from Constantinople state that Great Britain, France and Italy have Intervened to prevent the continuance of the massacres in Macedonia. It Is said that yesterday the representatives of these powers notified the Sultan of their dissat- tConcluded on Second Page.)