TE(E MORNING OREGOMAX, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 0, CITY NEWS, IN BRIEF The Oreg:Gnlaa' Telephone. Counting- Room ....... .Main 667 S. W. Scott. Editor 3"&4n SiJ anajflng Editor Mala B6 City Editor Mala 163 Composing Room Main 683 East Side Office '. J?a?t..oSi Superintendent Building 2323 v AMUSEMENTS. CORDRATS THEATER, Washington Street Evening, 8:15, "The Legion of Honor SHIELDS PARK, Thirteenth and Washington Vaudeville. EMPIRE THEATER. Twelfth and Morrison Matlneo 2:15: evening, 8:15. vaudeville. "Worbt About Next Year's Race. Everybody -was glad when the great con test between the yachts Reliance and Shamrock came to an end, as the intense mental strain and worry connected with It had begun to be tiresome, and It was pleasant to think that it would be a year before it was renewed. Some, however, never get enough of that sort of thing, And ae already worrying about the next contest. A large room set apart as a "snug harbor" by F. Botefuhr is frequent ed by captains and officers of ships in port, pilots, ship-Joiners and others in terested in all seagoing matters, and among this crowd a lively dispute has sprung up in regard to international law or courtesy in connection with the con test for the cup next year. Some said the Japanese would enter the lists next lime, and perhaps other nations. Others said this would not be allowed. To, this it was replied that as the contest for the cup was an international affair It must bo open to all nations. It was admitted that perhaps European nations might be al lowed to enter the contest, but that Mon golians, Japanese or Chinese, could not be allowed such a privilege, and that In any event those wishing to enter the con test must be invited or secure the permis sion of the New Tork Yacht Club, the guardian of the cup. Some said that as the contest was between the English and the Americans it would not be just to either to allow other nations to come in and perhaps carry off the prize by some accident. In short, there are all sorts of opinions among the crowd disputing over the question, but none of them can be convinced that he is wrong. It appears, however, that they all are wrong, and that the contest is a private affair, under the management of the New York Yacht; Club, and international only In the sense that it is between two nations. The club probably will neverrefuse a challenge from any one to race for the possession of the cup. Raises Foxes and Ducks ok Same Fami. A former resident of Portland and En enthusiastic sportsman, now residing on a farm In Yamhill County, still re tains an interest in a fine shooting pre serve down the river. He was in the city yesterday, looking into the prospect for this season's sport. On being congratulat ed on his healthy, robust appearance, as due to life In the country, he said that there were some unpleasant things con nected with life on a farm. He could pro tect himself against the Incursions of the Codjln moth and the San Jose scale by spraying, but it grieved him when he had raised a lot of chickens to the proper size for frying to have some mink or crow devour them, or when he had raised some crop of vegetables to perfection to have a horse or steer break In and de stroy it. Just last' week he had met with a loss which hurt him sorely. He had been raising a flock of 36 ducks of a peculiar breed, a small species of mallard, to use as decoys on his shooting preserves. Just as they had attained their full growth and the duck-shooting season had arrived, a pair of foxes, which had a den and a litter of young ones on his place, pounced on his flock of ducks and carried off IS of them in one day. He is expecting to lose the others soon. The old foxes had prob ably been waiting for the ducks to attain their growth, and In the nick of time took a share of them. The victim called in a judicial friend, hoping to De consoled for his loss, but this friend only remarked that he had long ago discovered that it was not advisable to raise ducks and foxes on the same farm. An effort will be made to get revenge on the foxes, but whether this can be done before they get away with the rest of the ducks or not remains ' to be seen. No Native Soft-Shell Crabs. "Why does not someone go into the business of growing soft-shell crabs on this coast?" asked a man yesterday, as he planked down $2 for a dozen of these little deli cacies, brought all the way from Chesa peake Bay. "They transplant Eastern oysters here," he continued, "and they prosper and thrive as well, or even bet ter, than they no in the East." "Are soft-shell crabs a special species?" asked a man standing by who had been jin gling coins in his1 pocket and evidently trying to make up his mind whether to invest $2 In a handful of them or ntft. A friend volunteered the Information that "soft shells" were only ordinary crabs in their moulting stage. He said that small crabs grow to be larger ones, and that in order to expand it was necessary to cast their shells, and as soon as they had stretched themselves as much as pos sible they grew another hard shell. This operation they repeated several times In attaining their full growth. "Then," said the first speaker, "there should be no difficulty in transplanting some crabs of this particular kind from Maryland in their shells alive, as they get them through ajlve without their shells, .and if they will flourish here there should be big money in them at $2 a dozen." The dealer said the crabs sold readily at that price, all he could get through in good order. The only , trouble he had was that Jje could not get enough of them. Visits Rich Mining District. "I have Just returned from a trip to British Col umbia," said C. E. Zumwalt, a well-known mining man of Montana, yesterday, "where I visited the best mines in that section of the country. I first went to Boslyn, B'. C, and found the famous Le Roy mises shipping more than they have ever shipped in the past, with great pros pects for the future, and also found the "War Eagle and Center.Star mines run ning to full capacity, and many other smaller mines In operation, and from there I then went to the rich Lardeau country, where I visited the Eva, Lucky Boy and X.ardeau-GoldsmIth mines, where I found xnuch greater values than the Roslyn camps, especially In the Lardeau-Gold-smlth, where I found the miners to be taking out ore which will run Into the thousands, and in some places was streaked with pure gold, as though they were digging from a mountain of pure gold itself. I am under the impression that the Lardeau-Goldsmith is destined to be one of If not the greatest mlnon Can ada. In all my trips through the United States and Canada I have never been so greatly Impressed as with my recent trip through the Lardeau country, and I am satisfied that this part of Canada will prove to be one of the richest mining dis tricts yet known." Mr. Zumwalt left last evening for Livingstone. Make a trip to The Dalles on the finest river passenger steamer out of Portland, The favorite Bailey Gatzert leaves 7 A. M. tomorrow (Thursday): returning, arrives in Portland not later than 2:30 P. M. Fri day. No stops, no delay. Secure your tickets today.- Remember, the fare for the round trip is only 50 cents. Meals the very best. Accommodations the fienst. Steamer will leave Alder-street dock 7 A. M. sharp. Phone 914. Two Horses Stolen. Leonard Gerta and Mark Tannler, Columbia Slough Dairymen, have complained to the Sher iff that two of their horses were stolen Saturday night. One of the animals was s a black mare, 12 years old."and the other a tall bay mare, 9 years old, weight about 1200 pounds. A. B. McAlpin, photographer, will re sume business upon the completion of new building in their old location, 129 Sev enth. Orders for outside work, duplicates, etc, may be left with Moorehouse & Co., Seventh and Alder, where photos may be called for. Free dispensary for worthy poor, Tues., Thurs., Sat., 1 P. M. St. Vincent's Hosp. Wooster, cut-rate hardware, 7th & Morr. Thi Axt of Fksdixo "Wild Ducks. A. large number of 'sportsmen went out after ducks on Sunday, but "most of them returned without a feather, although the day was a favorable one. Some said there were no ducks in the lakes; others said that the air was lull of ducks "coming in," but they had not located themselves, and so were not ready to. bo shot. At a few places where feed has been put out judiciously to attract the ducks as they come in, very fair bags were made, the best being at Morgan's. There was no complaint of shooting be ing Interfered with on Sunday by hay makers, but there was lots of hay In shocks along many of the lakes, show ing that haying had been going on there during the week. The feeding of ducks to lure them to lalces where they may be shot has become almost a- science. Long trails of wheat are strewn In shallow water In order to lead the flocksof ducks to certain points, where a good sYipply of wheat is kept, and which afford good chances for shooting them. It must not be supposed that a lot of wheat is plied up, und that when the ducks are feeding on It they are shot. The wheat is scat tered in water about 12 inches In depth for mallards and other large ducks, and six Inches' in depth for teal. The wheat sinks In- the mud at the bottom, and the ducks feed largely; at night or ' in the early morning. They dibble In the mud with their bills and find the kernels of wheat, which they washclean and then swallow. They cannot se'e tlie wheat at all, but appear to know what It Is when they get hold of 1U When a lot of ducks have been feeding at night in a lake they are sometimes scared out early In the morning. In the afternoon they get hungry and begin to come back for more wheat. Then the hunters conceal them selves In a blind and shoot them as they come in. The owners of preserves try to draw a good lot of ducks to their lakes by feeding them liberally and increasing the amount of wheat put out as the number of ducks increases, till a certain point is reached. Sportsmen are looking forward to having fine sport this Winter, bufonly those who feed with skill and good Judgment are likely to kill many. Flowers not Plentiful. Flowers are not- so plentiful as they were in the spring or have been all summer. Wild flowers are mostly out of bloom, and roses have been scarce of late, and the number of plants In bloom in gardens Is much reduced. Even florists offer but small -fcariety, plentiful supplies of lilies being their strong suit, and orchldswlth a few varieties of roses, making their chief attractions. The late showers have been hailed with joy by rose culturlsts, who say that they arts now assured of a fine fall crop of roses. The bushes which hare been kept cleared of fading flowers are covered with buds, and in a -week or two rose gardens will look almost as well as they did in the spring, and there will he a profusion of fine roses until a deadly blighting black frost comes. Many varieties will not pay any atten tion to early frosts, but when there comes a killing frost they have to suc cumb. Trinity Sjjndat School to Open. Trin ity Episcopal Sunday school, which, after the manner of the week-day schools, ad journed in June for the Summer vacation, will hold its opening session for the Fall and Winter on Sunday next ttt'9:30 A. M. The school .will meet as usual in Trinity Chapel (B. S. A. Armory)i Nineteenth street, near Washington. The Missouri Society will meet at Audl tourium Hall, Third street, near Salmon, this evening. A musical programme has been arranged. The Ohio Society has been invited to attend. Moffett's Cascade Warm Springs; take Regulator Line, Alder street. COMING ATTRACTIONS. "The Chaperons." The merry, rollicking comedy opera, ''The Chaperons," Is to be seen In this city at tho Marquam Grand Theater for four nights, beginning next Monday, Sep tember 14, with a special matinee Wednes day, in all its gorgeous splendor. An Ori ental tinge is always essential In produc ing the most. brilliant stage effects, and to this end no doubt the authors of "The. Chaperons" located the last and xaoft elaborate scene in the opera at Alexan dria, Egypt. The widest scope for the display of female finery is afforded, and Is said to have suggested to the manage ment a lavish outlay In this direction. This season's company contains the names of the chief popularlzers of the successful "Chaperons," and with an experienced eye to the well-being of the music and laughter departments there will be seen such' time-tried players as John G. Sparks, Mabel HIte, Thomas Whlffen, May Boley, W. V. Struntz, Arthur Earnest, Mae Stebblns, and a chorus of 40. "The Chap erons" has enjoyed a three months' run in New York, and one or more prosper ous visits to all the principal cities, and in this its third season is expected to outclass all competition in the comedy opera field. The advance sale of scats will be placed on sale Friday morning at 10 o'clock. The Baker Thenter Opening:. No orders by' mall or wire can be filled until th6 line of people buying seats for the opening performances at the Baker Theater has been disposed of. This Is the only fair way to treat patrons, and Mon day and Tuesday has been given ov.gr to those who want season reservations only. The majority of these will be filled and listed, and the regular sale for all others will begin Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. The first performance will be next Sunday afternoon, September 13, the Nelll-Morosco company appearing in Viola Allen's great" play, "In the Palace of the King," and those who want to at tend the opening performances should buy early in order to, get the best scats. J Much Laughter at Empire. Do the people laugh? Well, just watch them when Raymond and Caverly are "on the stage at the Empire Theater this week. For sclentlllating slllylsms, meteoric mirth, multiplicity of merriment and daz zling Dutch dialect, this due of high salaried artists are without an equal. The only fault that can be found wltti them Is that they make the people laugh so hard that their sides ache. Their parodies of popular songs are exceedingly clever, and the audience Is In shrieks of laughter un til the comedians have refused to re spond to any more encores. The re mainder of the programme Is also very attractive. "The Legion of Honor" Popular. "The Legion of Hpnor" continues to draw good houses at Cordray's Theater. Mr. Edwin Mordant is an actor of ability and he has associated with himself not only one of the best leading ladles Port land has seen In a long time, but an ex ceptionally clever supporting company as well. There Is no rant In "The- Legion of Honor" the -play Is given In a natural manner and is therefore most pleasing to the Intellectual lovers of the drama. There will be the usual matinee Saturday. Another Big House at Shields'. Fine weather and an excellent pro gramme filled Shields' Park again last night. Prior to Sunday people spoke of Grace Walton Haynle's possible failure. Now they- speak of her pronounced suc cess. Her nervousness has worn away, and she now. appears with the ease and assurance of a veteran. The success of the show does not devolve on Mrs. Haynie alone, for nine big acts appear, and they are all excellent. The park closes Sunday night with a new programme. Snle for "X Texas' Steer" Today. This morning at 10 o'clock' the advance sale of seats will open for Hoyt's ever w,elcome farce comedy, "A Texas Steer," which comes to the Marquam Grand The ater for two performances, Friday night, September 11, and Saturday matinee, Sep tember 12, at 2:15 o'clock. Oregon Kidney Tea. Is prepared without alcohol, which 'ie Injurious in kidney and blad- CAREY IS IN DOUBT Studies Plan, of Appointing "Advisory Committee," MATTHEWS A STUMBLING BLOCK Some Members of Organization Carp at Idea of Follo-rringr U. S. Mar shal's L'ead, While Others Up hold Present Situatiom Just six months hence Republican poll tics will be in the midst of a primary fight. Alignments are already drawing to the surface; the more so since one day"9?ro Senator Mitchell promulgated that Judge Carey would be vicarious chief in Mult nomah. The Simon people, at this an nouncement, have resumed sharpening their axes. None of tho politicians doubts that Judge Carey will shoulder the responsibility which , Senator Mitchell has placed upon him. But how much of this responsibility will be Carey's and how much Matthews' is a question still in the gloom of doubt. Judge Carey was asked yesterday to an swer two questions; first, whether he would accept the charge, and second, what would be his plan of procedure. He re sponded: "It Is too early to talk politics now. When the proper time comes, I will call together the County Central Committee. It is not opportune at present to begin political activity." Judge Carey added that If the duty of leading the fight next Spring should fall upon him, he would undertake Its per formance with misgivings and with reluc tance. "It would Involve personal sacri fices," he remarked, "which I could not well afford." Further than this Judge Carey would not talk for publication. His discourse made it evident thdt at present; he shuns tho prominence to which the position of leader lifts him; Comments were many and various among the politicians yesterday. Mem bers of the County Central Committee commended tho sagacity of Senator Mitch ell in making the Judge his vicegerent; that is, all but one did so, and he ex claimed in his woeful loneliness: "It's Matthews all over; again. Carey, you say? Don't believe It. It's Matthews all over again. Carey will lie down. Just as he has done before. Don't you remem ber he wanted the nomination for Gov ernor? Matthews not taking part in poli tics? Don't believe that, either. What Bboiit the report that he agreed to deliver certain votes in the City Council for the new telephone franchise?" But such talk as this is not heard much in the central committee. All the mem bers of the committee whb were met yes terday, save the one, commended Carey as an able organizer and a man of char acter. So did the one, but he declared that Matthews would be the real man ager of the show. "But." went on the dissenter, "I want to see a new deal. So do lots of other fel lows. There's Senator Hunt and Senator Andrew Smith and Postmaster Bancroft and well, they'd all like a new deal. I -'want to see Influential men from the "Mitchell camp and the Simon camp coau esce into a new organization." It may be said in this relation that many advLers of Senator Mitchell have desired such a new deal, though not to include the Simon people. Senator Mitch ell worked at this problem as best he could, but gave it up. Just before he started for Europe he assigned the prob lem to Judge Carey, saying: "I have reason to believe that should Judge Carey decide to continue as chair man he would desire to associate with himself an executive committee of repre sentative men. Suoh men would be influ ential members of the party." And It may be said In this relation that extreme care has been taken to keep any prospective "Droadenlng "but" from weak ening the hold of Senator Mitchell and of the central committee. Also the fact may be mentioned that Senator Mitchell has desired to retire Mr. Matthews to the background. "Many of the Senator's friends," remarked a member of the cen tral committee yesterday, "have told him that his organization would be the strong er If his enemies could be kept from al leging Matthews' personality as a con spicuous part of It. All their talk has left its impression on the Senator." One of tho above "friends" and, by the way, he is as close to the Senator as any body, was heard to declare near his of fice nn Third street: "Mitchell will have to got rid of Mat thews or get left. That's all there is to It. A lot of us fellows won't run around after him." But a leading member of the central committee, who has an office on First street, entered the lists against the ene mies of Mr. Matthews to say: "This Matthews talk is all hot air. It comes from the soreheads. Mr. Mathews has always been true blue, and then the organization which his friends hold In their hands Is making for the good of the city. Judge Carey, I believe, will con tinue to head the committee. He Is am ply qualified for the position. , "No, there's not the slightest discord In tho committee. I have not heard a jar ring note. Our old enemies are all there, but we are ready tp meet them." Judge Carey is still revolving in his mind the "advisory" or "executive" committee Idea. "I really think," said a committee man near the postofflce yesterday, "that an advisory committee would run things to suit Itself and to accord with the best Interests of tile party. It wouldn't stand for any monkey business from the cen tral committee "But," Interposed somebody, "doesn't the central committee hold the real power?" .The reply from the first man was not direct, for he said: "Mr. Matthews has separated himself from the committee as much as he can do. If he should get out of town he could not do so more completely. Yes, he might, but you know I mean he is not trying to influence "thecommlttee. He Is simply holding down the jcb of United States Marshal." POPULATION INCREASED. Health -Commissioner's Ileport Shows More Births than Deaths. The monthly report of City Health Com missioner Blersdorf for August was com pleted yesterday. It shows that the birth list is greater than the death rate by a small margin. Also that there was no smallpox and comparatively few cases of contagious diseases. In all there were U births, 105 deaths and 39 cases of contagious diseases looked after by the health department. Thirty-eight of the deceased were na tives of Oregon, 27 were foreigners and 40 were Americans born In other, states. Of the contagious diseases there were 19 cases of diphthorla. two cases each of measles and eryslpllas, and eight cases each of typhoid feyer and scarlet fever. Two bodies were cremated. Following Is the Commissioner's report: Births Males, 67; females, 49; total, 116; white, 112; colored, 1; yellow, 3. Prema ture and still births, 8. Deaths Males, 56; females, 49; total, 105; "white, 99; yellow, -"6. Social relations Marrled,.45; single, oyer 20, 24; single, un der 20, 36. Nativities Oregon, 38; other states, 40; foreign. 27. Ages of deceased One to 30 days, 7; one to six months, 7; six months to one year, 10: nnj to thrA var. 3: flv to tea 5'ears. 2; ten to X years. 7; to J6 yewrs, 15; 38 to J years, 14; 40 to. M years, 11; S6 to years, 15; 50 to 76 years, 19; 70 to 80 yers, 3; SO to 100 years. L Contagious - diseases "Diphtheria, 19; measles,. 2; erysipelas, 2; typhoid fever, S; scarlet fever, 8. t Sanitary work Notices written, 3S; no tices, verbal, 6S; notices to plumbing In spector, 6; notices to fill' cesspools, 5; notices to clean filthy yards, 4; 'notices posted not to dump garbage, 4; notices to remove manure plies, S; notices to clean cellars ,4nd basements. 3; notices to remove swill barrels, 5; Japanese and Chinese lodging houses Inspected, 3; rooms fumigated, 71; notices to remove nuisances on street, 17; notices to other city officials, 2: notice to remove nuisance in buildings, 5: notices to clean chicken yards, 8; China wash houses' Inspected, 2; fish markets and oyster houses Inspect ed, 4. number of letters written, 42; no tices to clean alley, 8. The report closes with a summary of the work of the plumbing and drainage department. The following showing is made in this department: New buildings Inspected, 94; old build ings Inspected, with new fixtures, 54; cess pools connected, 35; sewers connected. 97: written notices served, 36; total number of licensed plumbers. 46; reports of defective plumbing, 13; plumbing remodeled on no tice, 9; total number of visits for month, 628; total number of fixtures connected, 649. BLUFFED THE ROBBER. Hi 8Th wnym a n Ran Becanse Intended Victim Pretended to Draw Gun. ' Because when challenged . he slid his right hand quickly to his hip pocket and shouted a threatening defiance, Ernest House, the Third-street restaurant-keeper, escaped a highway robbery last evening at Grand avenue and Tillamook street Mr. House was proceeding on his way home about 10 o'clock when a man of whom he can give little description, sprang in front of him. "Throw up your hands," said the bold highwayman In the stereotyped robber's voice. "Get out of this quick," cried House, at the same Instant stepping quickly back a pace and moving his. right hand to an imaginary pistol In the trousers pocket. Though the would-be highwayman held a gun. the sight of Mr. House's hand in the vicinity of his hip pocket combined with the ungentlemanly attitude of the victim was too much for his bravery. He took to his heels and fled, never pausing for a moment until out of sight down Grand avenue. Then the restaurant man went quietly on his way and as the pistol which was not there was not again called Into ac tion, he reached his home, 4SS Rodney avenue, in safety. All the description House can give of the man who made so poor an attempt to rob him is that he was young, and, he thinks, wore a gray felt hat. He was of medium Blze, with a deep voice. But the voice, manly and strong as it sound ed, was not supported by nerve, so that the highwayman, as such, was a failure. STILL IN THE HOSPITAL. Those SerioHsly Injured InJElks Ex cursion "Wreck Not Out Yet. Few of the seriously injured of the Elks' excursion wreck have yet left the hos pitals. Mrs. Dr. Brown is still In a pre carious condition, and yesterday caused the physicians much worry. A number of prominent doctors are attending her, and as she has survived the loss of her arm and the terrible shock thus far, they hope that she will eventually recover. Last evening she was reported as being sllghtjy better than at an earlier hour In the day. Thurston Daniels, The Oregonlan re porter, who was severely Injured In the wreck, hopes to leave thtf hospital within ten days. With Mrs. Brown, Charles Frank and Charles Franclen, he Is In St. Vincent's Hospital. Five of the Inipred have left the Good Samaritan Hospital. They are: Mrs. John Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Caswell, Gus Kratz and Mr. McDonald. The others are reported as steadily Im proving. Concert Tonight. On the Plaza, at 7:45, Brown's Park Band will render the- following pro gramme: March "Stars and Stripes Forever" r Sousa Waltz. "Wine, Women and Song'J.Strauss Overture, "Crown Diamonds".... .'...Auber (a) Intermezzo, "Passacallc" Gregh (b) "A Trombone Strike," arbitrated by Billy Bassoon Ellis Brooks Medley of popular songs Mackle Intermission. Morceau characteristic, "The Dawn of Love" Bendlx Excerpts from "King Dodo" .'Luders Mexican dance. "Palmetto" Whitney Scenes from "The Serenade" Herbert Two-step, "Sunrise in Georgia Camp Charles L. Brown, ConducTor. The last concert of the season will be given in the City Park on Sunday next. September 13. WHERE TO DINE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant; fine private apart ments for parties, 305 Wash., near-5th. Imperial Hotel restaurant, 2d floor; six-course dinner 50c; flrst-class service, a la carte, 6:30 A. M. to 8 P. M. Mining; Company Declares Dividend. BOSTON, Sept. 8. The directors- of the Daly-West Mining Company have de clared a dividend of 65 cents per share. Never fall to cure sick headache, often the very first dose. This Is what is said hy all who try Carter's Little Liver Pills. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tbi Kind You Havi Always Bought Bears the Signature of Not a Soap, but it uieanses GORHAM Siever Polish The finest polish known Cleans as well as polishes All responsible jewelers keep it as cents a package SHIRTS ARE THE BEST AT THE PRICg. CLUETT, PEA'BODY & CO. i 1 MAKERS ' COAL KING- COAIi CO. lias the Itest. Get it now. Special rates on 5-ton lots or better. Phone Main 1423. Pianos The store closely you Investigate, the more clearly yon. demonstrate the saperierity ot the PIAIVOS Represented hy SOULE BROS. PIANO. COMPANY, vrho are the only aath orized agents for the ' STEIN WAY & SONS ESTEY EMERSON H A. B. CHASE . STOW RICHMOND And several other high-grade Pianos, and we wish to state that any dealer who claims to represent any of the above named instruments for Portland or con tiguous territory Is deliberately misrepre senting facts and should not be trusted, for he only trying to sell his own goods on the reputation of another's. Also any dealer who tries to sell you a Stelnway Piano for a new one, get the factorv numher of the Instrument and we will tell you exactly how long It has been used, for a used or second-hand piano It surely Is. as we are absolutely the only dealers who can get the Stelnway Piano or any of the above-named, new. direct from the factory. A visit to our salesrooms will-convince you that we have the finest line of Pianos in the world, and that our prices are no higher than are other dealers, for Pianos with nothing back of them but the mere word of the agent. ' SOULE BROS. PIANO CO., 326 Washington Street (Near Sixth Street.) SHIRTS THAT ARE RIGHT Are a pleasure to the wearer. We are showing a superb line of new shirts for the Fall sea son that you will find are right in price as well as style. Buffum & Pendleton Agents for Knox and Warburton Hats s Beads In all the leading colors. We have just received a shipment" of the beads that are in such demand at the present time for making belts, watch fobs, etc. Let us show them to you. THE CURIO STORE D. M. AVKRILIi & CO. 331 MORRISON STREET Rock Springs Coai Ecure your Yv'lntera supply now. Special rates 0 tons or more, on either the RANGE or LUMP COAI. This Is the best house coal cold. VULCAN COAL CO. Phone Main 2770. H. R. track. Front and Gllsan. iSCHWAB BROS. PRINTING CO. I BEST WORK. REASONABLE PRICES I 247K Stark Street Phone Main 178 EDUCATION AIi TO MAKE Yo u f D ays M o re Ef f e cti ve t AT THE I II. C. k COURSES Fee 3 Carpenter's and guilder's Months. coarse $7.00 Commercial conrse G.OO Electrical engineering 7.00 English conrse .............. 4.00 English conrse (for boys) 3.00 Mechanical engineering: 7.0 Flnmlier's conrse ............. 7.00 Shorthand conrse - ; 6.00 Civil service school, "per mo.. 4.00 CLASSES. Arch., Mech. or Freehand Drawing:.. $3.00 Bookkeeping ,.3.00 Arithmetic 1.50 Steam engineering 20.00 Electricity 3.00 Carpcntery 3JX) Plumbing '. 3.00 Reading and spelling 1.50 IFTY OTHER CLASSES. Send or call for free illustrated catalogue. Y.M.C.A. Corner 4th and Yamhill Sts. PHONE MAIX 1237. seiftfii Electric For 'prices and any further information "in regard to Electric Heating Appliances, Electrical Supplies or Electric Lighr, call or address Portland General Electric Co, SEVENTH AND ALDER STS. PORTLAND, OR. FULL SET OF TEETH, with rub- aer.p!a?es:.as.l0.w $4e00 GOLD CROWNS as low as $4.00 CLEAR VS5 MAKES CLEAR WITS We will examine school children's .eyes without charge until September 15 and, when needed, fit them with the proper glasses at special rates. I W ALTER REED, optician iaa sixth st., Kar PAINLESS Teeth Extracted Absolutely Without Pain and AH Kinds of Dental Work Done by Wise Brothers, the Painless Dentists DR. W. A. WISE. WISSE BROS., Dentists Open evenings till 3. Sundays EDUCATIONAL. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY JOHN H. COLEMAN. PRESIDENT. Salem. Or. CoIIckc of Liberal Art, Law, Art, Medicine. MunIc, Oratory, TheoloR-. Preparatory Department Open to students completing eighth grade department: lower Rrades In preparatory de partment. Besides affording professional train ing, the university seeks to give a thorough, practical education for all who are aware of thn value ot trained brain. The Normal Department Offers a thorough course In the theory and practice of teaching. Meets all requirements of state school law. Its teachers arc In con stand demand. Catalogue upon application. R Fits boys and girls for Eastern colleges. A hall for glrlsT with the appointments and supervision of a careful home. Prin cipals at the Academy dally from 9 A. M. to 12 H. for enrollment of students. Next term opens September 14. For catalogue addre- ' PORTLAND ACADEMY. Portland, Or. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Seventeenth annual ceseton begins Spt. 10. Ad'dresa S. E. JOSEPH!. M. D.. Dean. 610 Dekum bldg.. Portland. MANUFACTURERS' COMPANY 345 ALDER STREET Is getting the business. Why? First-class Goods, Square Dealing, Lowest Prices. Pian os from the factory to the home. No middlemen. W. T. SHANAHAIN MANAGER FRED PREHN DENTIST y Room 405 Dekum Building Take the elevator hr H f RR0WN ETB bar diseases. m.E. U DAU n t jiaraum Mat., room 02-1. Flat Iron It is always' hot, always ready, .clean and bright. No matter where you'want to use it, whether in kitchen, sowing room or Jaundry, it is but aN small matter to con nect it to the electric light circuit. It is quickly heated and remains heated as long as the current is on. Espe cially in the sewing room,y where a hot iron is often needed, will this be appre ciated from the fact that it requires no fire and no run ning to and from the kitchen. NEGLECT THEIR TEETH? It those that neglect their teeth fully realized the importance ot sound molars. It would not be necessary to continually call attention to this Important duty. Your health and per sonal appearance demand that your teeth, re celvo proper treatment. Call and see us. No pain whatever during any operation. fir.B.E.WRIOHT'S DENTAL OFFICE 342 WASHINGTON ST. Corner Seventh. FEES REASONABLE. CONSULTATION FREE. Ofllce hours: S A. M. to 5 P. II.; evenings 7:30 to 8:3a Sundays. 10 A. M. to 12 M. Telephone. Main 2119. a? & j? a? ouegonian bldg. ? EXTRACTING DR. T. P. WISE. 2C5-213 FJUII1G EUIIDIXG. Cor. 2d ind Wash. 51. from 9 to 12. Or. Main 2029. 309 Washington St. 25 Cents Six Large Bars "White Floating Soap, 35 Cents ' Trvo 3-Ponnd Packages Gold Dnst, 5 Cents Bar Fels-Xaptha Soap, 5 Cents Pound Best Balk Gloss Starch, 5 Cents One-Pound Package Cornstarch, 5 Cents One-Pound' Can Pork and Beans, In Tomato Sauce, $5.50 100-Pound Sack Best Granulated Sugar, 25 Cents Six Cans American Sardines, 25 Cents Three Cans Condensed Cream, THISTLES AND DANDRUFF. An Interesting Parallel and a Val uable Deduction Therefrom. Cutting down thistles no more relieves the land of thistles than does scouring the scalp cure dandruff. In each case per manent relief can only come from eradi cating permanently the cause. A germ that plows up the scalp In searching for the. hair root where It saps the vitality, causes dandruff, falling hair and bald ness. If you kill that germ, you'll have no dandruff, but a luxuriant suit of hair. Ncwbro's Herpicldcls the only hair prep aration In the world that cures dandruff and falling hair by killing the germ. "Destroy the cause, you remove the ef fect." Sold by leading druggists. Send 10 cents In stamps for sample to the Herplcide Co., Detroit, Mich. FULL SET $5.00 BRIDGE WORK Gold Filling $1.00 Gold Crown $5.00 Silver Filling .$ .50 New York Dental Parlors MAIN OFFICE-FOUKTH AND MORRI SON STS.. PORTLAND. Branch Office, (514 1st nv., Se&tUo. S0 A. II. to a P. M.. Sundays. 8:30 A. M. tp 2 P. M. 1 Dn Rad way's Pills, purely vegetable, mild and re liable, resulate the liver and Ttholo digestive orgaa FELLOWS