Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 09, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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Unwelcome .Suitor At
. tacks the Father.
5Sr '2
Reels to Home of the Woman
He Loves.
Coroner' Jury Brine Verdict That
Jonathan. J. Butler Killed Frank
Mulkey In Self-Def ense Butler
Stands Hlfju in Junction. .
JUNCTION' crrr. Or.; Sept. 8. (Spe
cialFrank Mulkey, a young man of
this place, was stabbed to death today at
12:30 P. M. by Jonathan J; Butler. Mulkey
had -for some time been causing trouble at
the Butler home in Junction by his atten
tions io one of the -women In the family,
and he had been repeatedly warned to de
sist. Mulkey failed to heed the warning,
and words last night passed between
him and the father of the woman whom"
he persisted in visiting.
As Butler, started for his midday meal
today, Mulkey met him a block from his
home .and- assaulted him with two large
Tocks,. making a serious wound in the
right temple. The men then clinched,
and -Butler, who is somewhat aged and
also a cripple, drew his knife in defense
and struck at his opponent, the blade
making a clean-cut hole about three
fourths of an Inch long just under the
Mulkey, wounded to death, staggered
pathfully' tick" to the Butler home and
called-for the -woman who had been the
objec of his attentions, but before she
reached him he fell. dead.
Deceased was a son of C. C. Mulkey,
and Is well known here. J. J. Butler is
ah. 'ex-Ju'stieo of the Peace, ex-City Re
corder, and as a citizen is much respected.
He Is an ex-soldier and is a. member of
the Masonic fraternity. He has the sym
pathy of the community.
The Coroner held an Inquest this event
ing, over the remains of Frank Mulkey.
The jury rendered a verdict that the de
ceased came to his death at the hands of
J. "J. Butler, and that the killing was done
in self-defense.
Plan to Rid Jackson County of the
San Jose Scale.
JACKSONVILLE, Or.. Sept. S. (Special.)
At the' meeting of the Rogue River
Fruit Growers' Union held here today, S.
1 Bennett, president of the union, was In
the Chair. A. H. Carson, commissioner for
the Third Horticultural district, was in
troduced and spoke at length on the neces
sity of a broader and more perfect union
of the fruit industry, to. meet the. influence
of other associated industries. His ad
dress was plain, simple and practical and
listened to with much Interest.
Professor E. R. Lake, botanist and hor
ticulturist of the "State Agricultural Col
lege, spoke on the subject of fruitgrow
ing from a business and scientific stand
point, and showed the necessity of an In
telligent selection of stock to meet the
demands of the market. He said the best
quality of fruit, though much, higher in
price than the ordinary goods, sold more
readily, and that the demand for first
quality was practically without limit, and
that It would constantly increase. Mr.
Lake's address was both scientific and
practical and covered pretty generally the
whole field of horticulture. The professor
concluded by saying from his observa
tions that the one' Important demand of
the valley was -a suitable cannery for 'the
preservation of a large amount of fruit
which now goes to waste.
Professor A. B." Cordley, entomologist
of the State Agricultural College, called
attention to the great good that had been
accomplished in California by the intro
duction of the Australian Lady-Bird
beetle which had cleared the orange and
lemon orchards of the destructive Cushion
scale. He then spoke of the general dis
tribution of the San Jose scale In this
country and the world-wide search that
has" been made, under the auspices of the
United States Entomologist for the orig
inal home of the scale, in the hope that
some similar Lady Bird might be found
to feed upon and destroy it, and told of
the success -which has attended the
search. The professor said he had suc
ceeded in o"btalnIng through Dr. Howard
some .of these beetles and. exhibited them
at. the meeting. The professor stated that
he: wished to introduce them here If he
could find ,a suitable place where they
would not be disturbed by spraying.
The Lady Birds were placed In Peter
Brltt's orchard, In Jacksonville, and their
growth and. operations will be watched
with much Interest.
Resident of "Wllhoit Last Seen in an
Oregon City Bank.
OREGON CITY, Sept. 8. (Special) C.
A; Ryan, of TVilholt, Clackamas County,
has "been missing since Saturday morning,
and his family is apprehensive lor his
Mr. Ryan left his home at the springs
last Saturday morning, coming to Oregon
City, where he cashed a check for $150 on
a ibcal bank. Since he neither gambled
nor drank, the -suspicions of the family
that he has met with foul play are
strengthened. His home life was pleasant
and his relatives are satisfied that he has
been done away with. When he left home
ho told the members of the family that he
would return as soon as he could transact
the business that called him to this city.
Ryan Is described as a man 5 feet 9
inches high, weight 155, and aged 41 years.
Ho is sl flight complexion, has sandy hair,
light mustache, and, when he left home,
wore a light coat and vest and dark trous
ers. , He has a brown hat with a leather
Five Hundred Men Engaged in the
Buicinenn on Shonlwater Bay.
NAHCOTTA. "Wash., Sept & (Special.)
Oyster planting and gathering on Shoal
water Bay is last growing into a large
and profitable Industry. Fully 500 men
and more than 100 boats are engaged In
the business. The natural beds are south
of this place on the bay and at Mena
Flats. .The bivalves are taken from these
boils' with grappling tongs, loaded Into
boa"t3 where -they are "sorted, ' the large
or matured are sacked and the young
ones are transplanted In beds at Bay Cen
ter, Oysterville and.Toke Pointy These
beds belong to Individuals and companies,
and are growing more valuahle every'
year. At Toke Point and Oysterville, a
great many carloads of young Eastern
oysters have been shipped In and trans
planted. These youngsters grow very
fast and become finer and fatter than
in their native warmer waters, they have
a richer flavor and are considered a finer
table delicacy than the far-famous Bluo
Notwithstanding the fact that the sea
son Is Just opening, 250 sacks are being
shipped to Portland each week and 500
sacks to San Francisco. Some shipments
are also made to Seattle and Tacoma, but
the great majority of the catch goes to
Portland and San Francisco. Oysterville
was at one time' the county seat of Pa
cific County, -and today is supported by
the oyster Industry alone.
Over Eighteen Thousand People
Handled by Ilixaco Road.
ILWACO. Wash., Sept. S. (Special)
Notwithstanding the fact that the Sum
mer has been cool and the season for sea
side pleasure short, the number of visi
tors at Long Beach, the Breakers and
Ocean Park has been large.
Superintendent Smith, of the I. R. &.
N. R. R., says that up to date his com
pany has handled about 18,000 people with
out taking any account of children, but as
a great many visitors come in over the
mail steamer Reliable from South Bend
and from Chinook, it is Impossible to
obtain at this point the exact number
that has taken their Summer outing on
this part of the coast. Thero are now
remaining less than 1000 visitors" at the
hotels and cottages, and most of them
will hie themselves to their city homes
before the 15th. Many will leave Monday
and the hotels expect to close on that
date. The I. R. & Nv has given a very
satisfactory service this season, trains
ijeing run as often as the travel demanded.
Extra launches have been used to carry
returning visitors to Astoria, so that none
have been compelled to stay longer than
they desired. This new departure has
been generally appreciated, as hereto
fore the regular steamer, plying between
this point and Astoria, was frequently
unable to carry the crowds.
The L R. & N. is doing a good "business
now hauling sawlogs from Shoalwater
Bay to the Columbia River, where they
are towed to Portland. This business has
but recently been developed, but it Is
taxing the rolling stock of the road- to
accommodate It.
Commissioner Kershaw "Will Try to
Fix Ternur'WIth Canadians.
WHATCOM, Wash., Sept. S. State Fish
Commissioner Kershaw left today for
Washington, D. C, where he goes to urge
upon Secretary of State Hay the neces
stly lor diplomatic action between the
Washington and Ottawa Governments
which will permit the State of Washing
ton or Puget Sound canncrymen in their
private capacities establishing sockeye
salmon hatcheries on the Fraser River,
the exclusive spawning ground of that
fish, and which flows entirely through
British Columbia Territory.
Steps taken by the British Columbia
authorities looking to the establishment
of these hatcheries by Americans have
in the past been disapproved at Ottawa.
The extremely short runs of the past two
years have convinced American and Brit
ish Columbia canners alike that the sup
ply has nearly been exterminated, and
that artificial propagation alone will re
store it.
They have placed the case before the
Canadian Minister of Marine and Fisheries
in the strongest possible way, and that
gentleman has invited Commissioner
Kershaw to call on him in Ottawa after
finishing with Secretary Hay, and to
gether they will try and agree on a
draft of a bill which will accomplish the
desired result, and" which the Canadian
Minister will urge the Canadian . Parlia
ment, then in session, to-pass.
An Ounce and a Half of the Poison
Kills Instantly.
OLYMPIA, Wash., Sept, 8. (Special.)
Victor Johnson, a Swede. 32 years of age,
committed suicide last night in a room in
the West Hotel, In this city. His body
was found in the room this morning, and
a bottle near at hand, partly filled with
carbolic acid, told the story.
Johnson drank about an ounce and a
half of the fiery liquid, and death was al
most instantaneous, as he had not moved
from the .position he had taken In bed on
drinking the acid.
Johnson was a well-knpwh logger in
this vicinity,' and has no relatives as far
as known. HKhealth is assigned as the
ground for therash act, although he left
no message behind him. , He had sufficient
means to defray funeral expenses, and
friends will, look after his effects.
Spectators of Aberdeen Terrified at
Struggles of Teams.
ABERDEEN, Wash.. Sept. 8. A tug-of-war
between a team of the Sailors' Union
and one from the Longshoremen's
Union on Labor day has brought out a
great deal of adverse criticism. The
teams were so equally divided that the
men held firmly for nearly an hour and
a half without one side gaining an Inch.
The strain was so great that some of
the men bled at the nose and others looked
as though their veins would burst.
The contest was Anally abandoned at
the protest of spectators.
Fire From Unknown Cause Does
$4500 Worth of Damage.
WALLA WALLA, Wash., Sept. 8. (Spe
cial.) The Walla Walla Athletic Club
building was gutted late 'last night,- caus
ing a loss of about J4500, with $2700 in
surance. The flrc originated -in the club
office after the place was locked up for
the night. The cause of the blaze Is
Ministerial Association - Formed.
MEDPORD, Or., Sept 8. (Special.) The
pastors of the different churches .of Jack
son County met at the First, . Baptist
church this morning at 10 o'clock to or
ganize a County Ministerial Association.
A permanent organization was formed.
Rev. J. T. Abbott, -Nof Ashland, elected
president, and W. F. Shields, of Medford,
secretary. It was decided, to meet every
other month. Twelve . ministers were
Will Speak Before "Woolgrowers.
PENDLETON, On.Sept S.--C. J. Martin.
secretary of the National Livestock? Grow
ers' Association and promoter of -the In
dependent Packers' Association, formed In
Kansas City, September L telegraphed
Secretary J. H. Gwinn, of the State Wool
growers Association, tonight, that ho
would deliver an address before the Wool
growers' Association which will conveno
In Baker City September 15.
Deserter Arrested at The Dalles.
THE DALLES. Or., Sept 8. (Special.)
George F. Mortimer was arrested here
yesterday charged with being a deserter
from the United States ship Concord. He
was apprehended while working on a farm
on Mill Creek above this city, where he
had hired out as a harvest hand. He will
bo returned to Bremerton this week by
the county officials.
Jacob Lehnherr.
ROSEBURG, Or., Sept 8. Jacob Lehn
herr, who came to Oregon from Illinois
with his parents In 185L died In Roseburg
Sunday of paralysis, aged 60 years. His
second wife, six children, two brothers
and a sister, survive him.
Gaining Strength Daily.
Horsford's Acid Phosphate not only cor
rects disorders which undermine health,
but also builds up the entire physical
system. A valuable constitutional tonic
It 1 Alleged that Mrs. Mackinder
Sworn Testimony Is Far From
FOREST GROVE, Or., Sept 8. (Spe
cialsRev. R. H. Kennedy, who was
held in Hlllsboro on a charge of burglar
izing the Warren home, but has just been
released on a bond furnished in the main
from here, is far from giving the Im
pression of one who could be a house
breaker, even though the victims claim
their despoller was gentlemanly and well
educated. Gentlemanly he certainly Is
and well educated, too, for ho Is a Har
vard man of the class of '93, and after
ward for three years In the divinity school
at Cambridge, but anyone who sees his
frank glance and feels his hearty hand
clasp will hesitate to believe him a mid
night marauder without convincing evi
dence. And however strong the case made
REV. It H.
out In the newspapers the prosecution has
not yet advanced any testimony which
would be accepted by an ordinary jury.
It hardly even raises enough presump
tion to justify so serious a charge against
a man of his high standing.
The prosecuting witness' testimony was
manifestly a disappointment o the
state's attorney, who in vain tried to get
any ground from the fair prosecutor for
her Identification more convincing than
the very feminine reason that her first
impression upon seeing by the moon
light as she was awakened from her
slumber by an attempt to chloroform her
a masked burglar in her bedroom was i Borgoin, a patient SO years of age, was at
that this was the clergyman whom a week packed by another patient, Joseph Han-or-
ten days before she had noticed kill son, and before the attendant could lnter
a snake. It was not that his position as : fere he had been Injured to such an ex
he looked toward the hallway resembled ' tent that he died- Hansen had always
that of the man who had swung the ax J been a quiet patient, and his sudden vlo
that cut in two the reptile, his hair Is lence was due to a delusion that he was
noticeably curly was noticed only by her being murdered. Coroner Clough investi
that It was not red. his deep brown eye gated the matter and decided that "no in
mlght haye been brown, or If blue a ' quest was necessary, as the, accident was
very dark blue; his derby hat of a size , one that is an unavoidable Incident of
worn by probably one man In three was asylum life,
a very large stiff hat not one definite
description but that first irripresslon as J
she came back from dreamland had been
"the man who killed the snake."
So her mind pictured him all through
me excuing experience wnicn must nave
extremely affected a woman who was I
markedly nervous when merely telling her
story bciore a group of attorneys In a
lawyer's office, for the taking of her tes
timony had somo of the appearance of
a court about It, and that she was not
in calm mood was shown by her not hav
ing noticed the spraining of her ankle,
wnicn occurred when she jumped the ten
fAPf frnm tv, rh n,r.nnL
leet irom tne porcn. Barefooted, s
n 4Via , n .111 1 I V. 7 1 . E. V. ,1
then raced down the middle of the road
to a neighbor a quarter of a mile away,
then with them back, and her first state
ment, too breathless hardly to speak, a3
she met her companion in the experience,
was to gasp "Kennedy."
All through this time she kept firmly
in mind that first impression and kept
thinking till she recalled the name of
the man who killed the snake.
same tenacity to the original Impression
marked Mrs. Mackinder as a witness,
and though twice she seemed falling into
traps cleverly laid for her by the de
fendant's attorney, each time she waited,
took her time and smiled at the lawyer's
discomfiture as she avoided the danger.
Manifestly if all the rest of the world be
ever convinced of Mr. Kennedy's lnno-
cence ana sne too, ce convinced against . SALEM, Sept 8. (Speclai.)-The sailor
her will, here Is a woman who will be of boarding-house case, brought by Harry
the same opinion still, that It was the white and William Smith against the
man who killed the snake who took her ; Board of Commissioners for the licensing
rings, watch and loose change. of boarding-house, was today ap-
The size of the clergyman s shoe does I pealed to the Supreme Court The plain
not correspond with the footprints made , tiffs were defeated In the court below and
Dy me Dicycnsi rjurgiar, ana tnere are
other discrepancies which do not bear
out the identification of Mr. Kennedy
with the man wanted to answer for tho
crime, but he appears content to leave
his side of the case till the matter can
be fully Investigated by the trial magis
trate, when he has no doubt that I1I3
Innocence will be fully established, and
meantime the separating of real from, pre
tended friends goes on as his acquaint
ances take their stand for, against or un
decided. Probably the bitterest blow was the be
trayal of confidence by Superintendent C.
F. Clapp, who visited Mr. Kennedy dur
ing his confinement and asked for a con
fidential statement of his side. This was
given under the pledge of secrecy, only
to be- made public as speedily as the con
fidant could get to those who were prose
cuting the case, and while Mr. Kennedy's
case was not Jeopardized by the disclos
ure, he feels deeply the betrayal of confi
dence by a brother clergyman, especially
as the story gained a misleading color in
the telling.
It was a happy Sunday at the Kennedy
home as the wife and six children wei
corned back Its head, and for them, at
least, there are no fears for the future,
no misgivings about the outcome of the
terrible cloud which for a few days so
cruelly separated them.
'-The preliminary hearing of Rev. R. H.
Kennedy, charged with burglary, has been
continued. Justice Bagley leaves Wed
nesday for Walla Walla, Deputy District
Attorney E. B. Tongue will be engaged
with other matters until after the 19th
Inst, and Hon. S. B. Huston is investigat
ing the defense, and it has therefore been
agreed upon to hold the hearing the early
part of week after next,
Commercial Clnb Takes Up Matter
of Coiuiectinf; Chemntva.
SALEM, Or.. Sept 8. SDecIaU The
Greater Salem Commercial Club this even
ing Inaugurated a movement for the con
struction of an electric line to connect
Salem with Chemawa and a committee,
was appointed -to Intevlew the proprietors
of the Salem Street Railway Company on
the subjecb It was the opinion of the
club that the, passenger traffic between
Salem and Chemawa and the freight traf
fic that will be derived from a thlckly
eettled farming community will make the
extension profitable.
Messrs. H. B. Thlelsen and J. H. Albert
who made a visit to Falls City yesterday
tb view, the new: railroad recently com
pleted from Dallas to Falls City, reported'
to the club that they found that an Im
mense freight business awaits the rail
road and that the only difficulty Is that
the company cannot secure cars enough
to handle the business offered it The
gentlemen expressed their confidence In
the extension of the road to Salem with
in a few years.
A committee was appointed to co-operate
with Eugene Bosse in securing land
upon which to raise flax next season. Mr.
Bosse asked no financial help from the
Report of the Superintendent of the
Salem Institution,
SALEM, Sept 8. (Special.) The month
ly report of Superintendent J. F. Cal
breath, of the Oregon Insane Asylum,
shows a decrease of one In the number
of patients at that Institution. On July
31 the enrollment was 1332, and during the
month 39 were received. Eleven were dis
charged recovered, 9 much Improved, 4 not
improved, 12 died and 4 eloped. This leaves
1331 In the Institution on September i.
The cost of maintenance was J610S.78;
salaries, $5956.02; total. 512,062.80; average
cost per capita per month, J9.03; per day,
29 cents.
The superintendent reports that the gen
eral health of the institution is good,
there being no cases of typhoid and no
contagious diseases. On August 22 Alexis
Mysterious Illness Takes off G. L.
I -McGlnnis at Eugene.
EUGENE, Or., Sept. 8. (Special.) G. L.
McGlnnls, a Civil War veteran, aged 61
years, died suddenly at his home in this
city this morning, and the coroner will
hold an Inquest tomorrow to determine
tho cause of death. Ho was chopping
wood in the yard of hi3 residence and
about 10 o'clock went Into the house and
, ,,,.,. , . . .
! was called and administered to him, but
I he went Into convulsions and died an
r, ' j?' i
The attending physician gives as his
opinion that death was caused by neural
gia of the heart
Indian War Veteran Sues.
SALEM, Sept 8. (Special.) Attorney
General Crawford went to Portland today
to argue for the defense In the mandamus
( caB& brought against Secretary of State
Dunbar to compel him to Issue a warrant
In payment of an Indian War veteran
claim. The reason the Secretary of State
refused to issue a warrant or to audit the
claim was that the appropriation had been
exhausted and there was no law authoriz
ing the claim.
Crimps AppeaUt o the Supreme Court
are the appellants.
menstrual disorders result at the very start. It is then rery easy to let the trouble run on until finally,
aggravated by the new order of living, chronic menstrual troubles, painful as they are because complicated with bearing down pains,
ovarian troubles and periodical headaches. Wine of Cardui cured Mrs. Quinn completely. No testimony can tell better than
this letter of. the thorough work that Wine of Cardui accomplishes. Wine of Cardui offers the same relief to all women.
There is no danger from suffering from an uncertain and risky operation which involves much danger at
- 1 t. r I tr r 1 1 . . . . ... . .
Had Been Removed Form
Hillsboro Dwelling.
Wife of Tarred-and-Feathered Man
Accased of Larceny ls Bailee
Was About-to Leave Town With.
Obnoxious Spouse.
HILLSBORO, Or., Sept 8. (Special.)
The residence occupied by Mrs. Lizzie
Glshweiler-Tromley, the wife of the man
who was tarred and feathered, burned this
morning between 6 and 7 o'clock, and Mrs.
Tromley was for many hours in charge of
the local Constable, being examined be
fore Deputy District Attorney E. B.
The house had been awarded 'to Sylves
ter Vaughn, an aged man from Sea.ttle,
who sued for possession In the Circuit
Court on the ground that the women had
defrauded him out of the property. In
July of this year the woman married
Tromley In Vancouver, Wash., and came
back to Hillsboro to reside.
Then commenced riotous scenes about
tho place. Tromley would become Intoxi
cated on the wine kept In the house and
then go out and abuse neighboring wom
en, threatening to kill, and making a gen
eral nuisance of himself. This conduct so
exasperated the citizens of the town that
Tromley was treated to a coat of - tar and
feathers, and upon his return was lodged
In Jail on a charge of threatening to kill.
Tho firm of H. Wehrung & Son had a
chattel mortgage on Mrs. Tromley's house
hold effects, and after the tar-and-feather
incident instructed their attorney to col
lect their claim or sell out the property.
The matter dragged along until last week,
when Tromley and the authorities agreed
that he and his wife were to leave the
city, and the charge was to" remain over
his head. They were to have decamped
this evening.
As they had not settled the Wehrung
claim tho Constable went to the house
yesterday and notified the woman not to
pack up any of the furniture under mort
gage. He watched all day and part of the
night As soon as he had gone the val
uable piano and other furniture, all mort
gaged, was hauled to a barn In East
Htllshnro. n.t 2 o'clock this mnrninjr. The
climax came when a fire alarm was turned"
In this morning. The house was ruined
by the blaze, and several old sofas, bed
springs and chairs were visible in the
When "asked where the piano was." she
stated to the attorney for the Wehrungs
that It had burned, and showed where it
was supposed to have stood. Pitchforks
were procured, and the entire floor care
fully searched, but no wire or other me
tallic substance could be discovered. This
led to an Investigation, and the piano and
accompanying furniture were found.
Charles Stewart who knew nothing of
the chattel mortgage, stated that the
woman had hired him to haul the piano
nnd furniture to his barn, and that she
was to pay him $25 for the service of se
creting the load and shipping it to her
after she had left Hlllsboro. The woman
was placed under arrest late thi3 after
noon on a charge of larceny by bailee, and
her bonds fixed at SS00.
The first question Mrs. Tromley asked,
after the fire, was whether or not the In
surance was yet covering the property.
She was told that the policy had been
canceled several days ago, when she was
notified to that effect Although the coal
oil can was found in the center of the
sitting-room after the fire,, no charge of
arson has been preferred. Mrs. Tromley
alleges she slept in her clothes all night,
and gives this as explanation as to why
she was fully dressed at so early an hour.
JndKe Boise Decides Legislature
Did Not Contemplate Vacancies.
DALLAS, Or., Sept. 8. (Special.)
Judge R. P. Boise, sitting at an adjourned
term of Circuit Court for Polk County,
Department No. 2, today rendered a de
cision to the effect that Road Supervisors
elected In June, 1902, are entitled to hold
ofllce until January 1, 1904. The case at
Issue, that of E. C. Kfrkpatrick vs. John
Middleton, Supervisor of road district No.
17, has attracted considerable attention in
Polk County and elsewhere, not becauso
of the amount involved, but because of
legal questions which affected not only
the defendant but also every other Road
Supervisor in Oregon.
Ever since the passage of the road law
by the last Legislature there has been
much contention as to whether the law of
1903 repealed the act of 1901, and legislated
out of office the Road Supervisors holding
under that act The case of Kirkpatrick
against Middleton was brought in order to
test this question in the courts.
A few weeks ago Middleton demanded
of Kirkpatrick the payment of $3 road poll
tax. Kirkpatrick refused to pay the
amount, on the ground that he held
legal claim against Folk County for a
sum equal to or greater than the amount
of the tax. Middleton refused to recognize
or accept Ktrkpatrlck's claim and Imme
diately began an action in the Justice
Court for the tax. A trial was had and
the Justice rendered Judgment against
Kirkpatrick for the amount of the tax
and costs.
The case was then taken to the Circuit
Court for review, tho principal conten
tentlon raised by Kirkpatrick being that
Middleton had no
lower court for the reason that the law
No. 211 North Limestone Street, Lexington, Kt., May 19, 1903.
Soon after my marriage I began to feel my health decline. My appetite failed me, I was unable to sleep and I became
very nervous and, had shooting pains through my abdomen and pelvic organs, with bearing down pains and constant
headaches causing me much misery. The menstrual flow became more anamore painful and I became a burden to myself
and family, instead of a help and a pleasure. Wine of Cardui cured me within four months. I soon began to feel a change
for the better and at the time of my next period I noticed a great difference. The pain gradually diminished nntil
I was entirely well. I am stronger and loot better than 1 did before my mar-
riage and there is great rejoicing in the house oyer the wonders your medicine tjv JQ 7 '
has worked. " SsZiaJ. C?C&&tJ
It is a serious thing for any young woman to undertake the duties of wifehood until she is in perfect
physical condition. Her life and habits are entirely changed after marriage and weakness never dreamed
of often develops. The excitement of an elaborate wedding often completely upsets her nerves so that
mc dcsc. vviuc 01 vuuiu tcucves women irom so mucn pain ana is sucn a successiui remeay tor tne ills ana irreg
ularities to which women are subject, that every woman should constantly keep it in her home.
All druggists sell $1.00 bottles Wine of Cardui. .
under which he was elected had been re
pealed prior to the bringing of the action
and that by reason of said repeal Middle
ton was not a legally elected and quali
fied officer, but only an intruder.
After hearing the arguments of counsel
Judge Boise decided this afternoon that
Middleton is a duly elected, qualified and
acting supervisor; that no "authority Is
given the court to appoint before January,
1901; that the road districts remain Intact
and that the present Road Supervisors
hold office under the act of 1901 until Jan
uary 1, 1994. The cpurt holds that It was
not the intention of the Legislature in
passing the law to abolish road districts
or to allow any vacancy to. occur In the
office of Road Supervisor.
Little Lo-iverlnir or Prices lor Fort
Stevens Bnildinfi-s.
' ASTORIA. Or., Sept; 9. (Special.) Bids
were opened this morning by Captain
Goodale, constructing quartermaster, U.
S. A., for the construction, plumbing and
electric wiring of one field officers' quar
ters and. one double set of Lieutenants'
quarters at Fort Stevens. Bids on the
same work were asked for and opened
some months ago, but all were 'rejected
by the department because they were
largely In excess of the estimates ana j
were considered entirely too high for the
work. !
Thq lowest bid received today was only j
5239 less than the lowest of the former
bids, so no recommendation was made by j
Captain Goodale in forwarding the bids t
to the department, and It is questionable
if a contract will be awarded this time.
The contractors, however, consider the
new bids much lower, as now a great
portion of the work must be done during
the Winter months. The bids opened to
day were as follows:
C. G. Palrnberg. Astoria Field officers'
quarters, complete, $16,114; Lieutenants
quarters, complete, $22,631. Johnson & An
derson, Oregon City Field officers' quar
ters, complete, $16,31S; Lieutenants quar
ters, complete, $23,907. Ferguson & Hous
ton, Astoria Field officers' quarters, com
plete, $16,619; Lieutenants' quarters, com
plete, $23,345. Palrnberg and Ferguson &
Houston agreed to complete the work in
nine months, but In the Johnson & An
derson bid no time was fixed. Bids on
the electrical wiring were received as fol
lows: M. J. Walsh &. Co.. Portland-Field
officers quarters, $351.S2; Lieutenants'
quarters, $495.S0. The Northwest Electrical
Engineering Company, Portland Both
buildings, $760. The bids have been for
warded to the War Department at Wash
ington. V
Patents Received at Oregon City.
OREGON CITY. Sept. S.-(Speclnl.) Pat
ents have been received at the Oregon
City Land Office In favor of the following
Wllburn Weber Sale, John M. Under
wood and Marshal E. Morgan, home
steads; William G. Gosslln (7), Charles F.
Adams, Phlneas H. Dodge, C. W. Clarke
and N. D. Johnson, lands selected In lieu
of other lands; Stephen Deshautel, dona
tion land claim.
The Deshautel patent has been, pending
for some time and represents land located
near Gervakj, Marion County.
List of Clntsop Jnrors.
ASTORIA, Or., Sept 8. (Special.)
County Clerk Clinton and Sheriff LInvllle
today drew the list of jurors who are to
serve during the term of the Circuit Court
which will convene on Monday, Septem
ber 21. The list is as follows:
A. E. Mlnard, A. McPharlanc, H. Disse,
Astoria; N. Carr, Vesper; W. Medley, V.
Boelllng, George Ralston. Jr., J. G. Hay-
msr--. r.TS c;
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gSH t"E3M MS
1 "
a mother should be a source of joy to all, but the suffering and
danger incident to the ordeal makes its anticipation one of misery.
Mother's Friend is .the only remedy which relieves women of the great
pain and danger of maternity ; this hour which is dreaded as woman's
severest trial is not only made painless, but all the danger is avoided
by its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer despondent or
gloomy; nervousness, nausea and other distressing conditions are
overcome, the system is made ready for the coming event, and. the
serious accidents so common to the critical
hour are obviated by the use of
Friend "It is worth its weight
says many who have used it.
bottle at drug stores. Book containing
valuable information of interest to all women, will
be sent to any address free upon application to
vomcri mkn troubled with night emissions, dreams, exhausting drains, bash-
fulnecs, aversion to society, which deprive you of your handhood, UNFITS YOU
MIDDLE-AGED MEN. who from excesses and strains have lost their MANLY
BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES, Syphlljs, Gonnorrhoea. painful, bloody urine.
Gleet Stricture. Enlarged Prostate, Sexual Debility, Varicocele, Hydrocele, Kidney
and Liver Troubles, cured without MERCURY AND OTHER POISONOUS DRUGS.
Catarrh and Rheumatism CURED.
Dr. Walker's methods are regular and scientific. He uses no patent nostrums
or ready-made preparations, but cures the disease by thorough medical treatment
His New Pamphlet on Private Diseases sent free to all men who describe their
trouble. PATIENTS cured at home. Terms reasonable. All letters answered In
plain envelope. Consultation free and sacredly confidential. Call on or address
DR- WALKER, 181 First Street,
j! Hi
None So Good.
Order from
Fleckenstein-Mayer Co.
berg, Otto Carlson, C. M. Coller, Alex Gil
bert, Thomas Corbett, R. L. Abercromble,
Astoria; Ed Banks, Knappa; Robert Fal
coner, New Astoria; E. C. Belknap,
Knappa; H. F. Bruhn, C. E. Goddard, As
toria; W. McKeever, Jewellr W. R. Chis
holmJohn Day; Hugh Cameron, Knappa;
Frank Bohnart, Seaside; James F.
Kindred, Warrenton; Theodore Estoos,
Olney: W. G. Prescott, Jewell; Howell
Lewis, Fernhill: Fred Barker. William
Madison, John Hahn, August Hlldebrand,
Astoria; George McFarland, Olney.
Wnitcr Held on a Serious Charge.
ASTORIA, Or., Sept. 9 (Special.)
Frank Adams, a waiter arrested a few
days ago on the charge of criminal as
sault on Ida Nyland, a 15-year-old girl,
was arraigned in Justice Goodman's court
this afternoon and waived examination.
He was. committed to the county jail in
default of $1500 bonds, to await the ac
tion of the Circuit Court The bonds of
L. E. Huntman, another waiter, who is
being held as a witness In the case, were
increased to $500.
Oregon City Carnival Closes.
OREGON- CITY, Sept 8. (Special.) In a
storm of confetti the Oregon City free
street fair and carnival wa3 concluded to
night. Financially the carnival was not
the success that had been hoped for, but
as a midsummer entertainment the effort
was satisfactory. It had been decided to
hold the fair over Wednesday, but the
.inclement weather induced the manage
ment to terminate the festivities tonight,
as was originally planned.
Will Entertain Ticket Agents.
NAMPA, Idaho. Sept. 8. (Special.) The
International Ticket Agents' Association,
which holds Its annual convention at
Salt Lake September 14, will be the guests
of the Nampa Commercial Club the fol
lowing Sunday. Great preparations are
being made for the entertainment of tho
association, over $300 having been raised
for the occasion.
Every mother feels a
great dread of the pain
and danger attendant upon
the most critical period
of her life. Becoming
in gold,"
.$1.00 per
In the treatment of chronic diseases, such as liver, kid
ney and stomach disorders, constipation, diarrhoea,
dropsical swellings. Brlght's disease, etc.
Complaints, painful, difficult too frequent milky or
bloody urine, unnatural discharges speedily cured.
Such as plies, fistula, fissure, ulceration, mucous and
bloody discharges, cured without the knife, pain or con
poison, gleet, stricture, unnatural losses.
thoroughly cured. No failure.
Cures guar-
Corner Yamhill, Portland, Or