Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 08, 1903, Page 14, Image 14

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Chinese Reformers Do Not
Love Their Empress.
Seattle "branch, told of the need of asso
ciations In cities of 8000 or more. Detail
discussions for the different .departments
were led by Reno Hutchinson, the relig
ious director; O. 2L Babbitt, the new
physical instructor, and C. I. Chase, the
educational director. At 6 o'clock the
CO odd men present were Invited to a vege
tarian dinner. v
In the evening session, Zlr. Hale, the
employment secretary, and P. B. "Willis,
the jjoys' -work secretary, told of. the re
lation of their departments to the general
work. I. H. Amos presented the ex
penses of the association for the year.
If Fislit la Allowed, Net Proceeds
Leong Kal Chen and Pott, Of
ficers of Revolutionary So'cletj-,
Seek to Restore Kirans Su.
to Full Resnl Porrer.
"With no smaller a task than to effect
the political and intellectual revolution of
the Chinese Empire, two officers of the
Kwang Su Reform Society reached Port
land last evening. They came to interest
the city's Chinese residents in the great
work. Driven from their native land to
avoid violent death at the hands of the
relentless Dowager Empress, whom they
are seeking to overthrow, the two almond
eyed, reformers are touring the Coast,
arousing the interest of the Chinese here,
where they are at liberty to advocate the
regeneration of their race without peril
of their lives. They are two of several
hundred native Chinamen who have
caught the modern spirit and feel it is
high time their race was entering into
the processes of evolution.
They are no less personages than Leong
Kal Cheu and Pow Chee, vice-president
and secretary of the society, and both are
exceptional Chinese, being well educated,
polished of manner and enthusiastic They
disavow any intention of precipitating
war. They seek to bring about the regen
eration by subtler processes. They wish
to impress all natives of the dormant
empire with the necessity of enlighten
ment and advancement, and declare they
will not cease their labors until the light
of the better civilization spreads through
out their country, and a great Chinese
renaissance has been effected.
This is the ultimate aim of the society,
they explain, but as a first step they must
get the Empress Dowager from the throne
and, the impotent Emperor, Kwang Su,
in her place. Kwang Su, as will be re
membered, quit the throne some five years
ago under the not gentle persuasions of
the Dowager and her associates in in
trigue. Since then Kwang has remained
in Pekin under watch though not In harsh
confinement, while those in power smiled
mysteriously and knowingly at his claims
and those of his followers, to the throne.
Of the latter, some few have lost their
heads, and that Leong Kal Cheu and Pow
Chee are not separated from their own
heads is no fault of the Dowager's, as
she ordered both decapitated. Ko doubt
it might have been a point in her favor
had her order been carried out, for the
two men say they will devote their lives
to the restoration of the dethroned Em
peror, which will clear tho way for the
advancement of the nation. They an
ticipated the royal head-sllcer by voyaging
to Japan and thence to America, while
the royal executioner was supposedly In
the courtyard grinding his ax.
Last night the two men addressed a
large gathering of Chinamen. Their ap
pearance was made the occasion of a
banquet in the Chinese quarter at a neatly
appointed Oriental restaurant on 'Second
street. Here fully GO sons of the Flowery
Kingdom sat until the early hours of the
morning listening to the speakers, ex
changing reminiscences of younger days
and drinking to the health of the new
China as optimistically described by their
guests. Could the two earnest little men
make as good an impression on the en
tire people of China as upon the denizens
of Portland's Chinese quarter, there
would be little doubt of the final success
of their mammoth project.
The banquet was a strangely odd if not
picturesque affair. It was Oriental with
an Intermingling of American customs.
Leong Kal Cheu particularly exhibited a
famillarty with American habits. He ap
peared at the banquet attired in a Prince
Albert and silk hat and smoked long
blaok cigars when not otherwise occu
pied. In addressing the gathering in the
outlandish gibber of China he used the
inflections of an American minister of the
old school, and one from outside, hearing
merely the voice, might have imagined
a revival meeting was In progress. His
remarks were frequently interrupted by
vigorous applause and hand-clapping from
his queued audience.
Pow Chee appears to have the most In
teresting personality. He was neatly
dressed in American attire, but without
any of Cheu's affectation. He speaks
English fluently and is well informed on
current events. He says he will devote
all his enthusiasm and mental energy to
the advancement of his country and will
not rest until his efforts are rewarded.
Should he get the dethroned Emperor
back in the coveted seat Chee will be
one of his Ministers. Cheu will get a
like reward. This may or may not be
one of the motives of their work. They
say, it is not that they are devoting their
lives to a good cause and not to fulfill
their personal political ambitions.
"Five years ago this movement started,"
said Chee. "We started it in Pekin when
the Emperor's power was usurped by the
Dowager. The work has been steadily
going on. Now we have more than 100
branches in four continents Asia, Africa,
Australia and America, and there are
4,000.000 of our people actively interested'
"When you are powerful enough will
you start a revolution against the
Dowager?" was asked.
"No," replied Chee, "that will not be
necessary. In a few years we will be so
powerful that we can demand what we
want and the Dowager will not dare to
refuse. It is the law of nature, of evolu
tion, and an absolute empire cannot stand
in the way of such a force."
"But how will you gain your foothold
in China?"
"In four months we will return there.
Others -will go with us. "We will explain
the new doctrine to the people. They will
listen to us; we will win them over, for
the Chinese people are not stupid. All
they lack Is the advantages of education.
The light has been kept from them. With
proper facilities for educating the rising
generation the China of the future will
be powerful- and will command the re
spect rather than the pity of the civilized
"But the Dowager and her royal exe
cutionerswhat will they be doing all this
Chee shrugged his shoulders at this
question. "We have got to take those
chances," he answered. "They may kill
some of us, but they cannot kill us all.
Our cause is good and it will live. They
will not get my head until I have made
an impression, for I know the safe places
to go and have friends who will help me
hide. I will go to China In four months
to begin my work there."
The two Chinese will remain In Portland
for about 10 days holding semi-weekly
meetings in the Chinese quarter. They
held forth last at Seattle and will go
from here direct to San Francisco, where
'they will spend two or three months In
Will Go to Charity.
Manager Jack Day, of the Pastime
Club, will some time this afternoon meet
theMunicipal Association officers and make
a final appeal to them to have them allow
the boxing contest between Herrera and
McClelland pulled off. Both the club and
the managers of the two boxers have
spent several hundred dollars in prepara
tion for tho contest, and the proposition
which Day will lay before the committee
is this: That if they will allow the con
test, all the money over and above the
Ministers to Investigate Mu
nicipal Situation First
Rev. E. P. Hill Is Primed for the
Occasion, hut Other . Clergrynien
Prefer Having: Committee
Report on Crime.
"Without due preparation the Portland
Ministerial Association declined to discuss
the present municipal situation yesterday
morning. Notices had been published
that the topic for the day would be:
Portland Y. 31. C. A. Makes Favor
able Record In Educational "Work.
Fifth in the United States Is the mark
of the Portland T. M. C. A. in regard to
its educational work, according to the
statistics read by the educational secre
tary. C L. Chase, at an institute of asso
ciation workers at the Portland Sani
tarium yesterday afternoon. Mr. Chase
then told In detail of his work.
A. S. Allen, general secretary, of the
actual expenses of the club will be turned
over to the committee for charitable dis
tribution. If the committee refuses to allow the
contest, either Seattle or Anaconda,
Mont., will get the mill. Telegrams were
received yesterday from both places
agreeing to have the two boxers meet.
The Mont Haggln Club, of Anaconda,
wired Biddy BUjhop last evening that they
would be glad to have the match, and
would make any date whicn would suit
the managers of the two boys. Seattle
has the Rufo Turner-Selger battle, which
Is scheduled for Friday night. The Seattle
Club Is willing to take on the Herrera
McClelland match some time later In the
month. To which city the match will bei
transferred will depend upon the out
come of the meeting between Manager
Day and the Municipal Committee.
M. E. Mulvey, the Sale Lake saloon
keeper, called at The Oregonlan office
yesterday afternoon to have his say about
his mlx-up with Biddy Bishop, manager
for Herrera. Mulvey says that he took
no hand in stopping the Herrera-McClel-land
match, but he declares that ho stood
ready to do so, in case the authorities did
not. Said Mulvey:
"I have sworn to follow Bishop and, If
possible, to stop every boxing contest that
he schedules. I have been roundly scored
for that Downey-Herrera battle which
was pulled off lif Salt Lake. Bishop knew
that Downey was a fake. I have proof,
a letter from a trainer who was in
Downey's stable, that Downey had been
sent to my city by Bishop for the purpose
of being matched against Herrera. Bishop
denies that he knew Downey was not the
Brooklyn man of that name, bjit I can
prove that he did. This same faker,
Downey, was the fellow that Bishop
matched Toby Irwin against In Pendleton
a year ago. Fred T. Merrill, of your city,
was the referee, and the deal was so raw
that he quit the ring In disgust. The Mar
shal took Merrill's word that the fight
was 'framed,' and Downey was arrested.
Downey fought under the name of Jim
Popp, and said he came from Canada.
The letter which the referee of the Her-rera-Downey
fight received after the fluke
fight at Salt Lake was signed by Theo
dore "Van Busklrk. The fake fight brought
down on my head the wrath of the whole
sporting fraternity, and I propose to get
even if I can by making Bishop be good
and quirt the boxing game."
Mulvey had also a letter from Toby
Irwin stating that he did not wish to be
matched In Salt Lake and bo the first to
box there after the Downey affair. Ifwin
also stated that Bishop knew who
Downey was.
Bishop and Mulvey got .together last
night and held a long discussion over the
affair. Bishop maintained to the end that
he did not know who Downey was. He
also denied that It was Downey who
fought Irwin at Pendleton. Bishop de
clares that the Salt Lake sports are try
ing to make him a scapegoat for their
own oversight and carelessness.
Kansas City Well Entertains Party
Bound for Irrigation Congress.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Sept. 7. The ex
cursion train of "Washington correspond
ents who are on . their way to attend
the National Irrigation Congress at Og
den, passed through this city today. The
visitors were met at the station byjocal
newspaper men and a committee from,
the Kansas City Commercial Club. After
being driven about the city and enter
tained at the Country Club, the journey
westward was resumed this afternoon.
The excursion is under the direction of
C. E. Wantland, of the Land Department
of the "Union Pacific Railroad Company.
Tomorrow the correspondents will have
a prairie chicken breakfast at Hays
City, Kan., and a cowboy supper at Hugo,
Colo. The Itinerary then includes Den
ver, Cripple Creek, Colorado Springs,
Pueblo, Greely, Cheyenne. Wolcott. Og-
I den. Shoshone. St. Anthonv. Butte. BHI-
I lngs, Crow Agency, Sheridan Agency,
and Omaha, where special entertainments
have been prepared for them.
"What Ought Christian People to Do to
Check the Reign of Lawlessness and
Crime In This City?" But after mature
deliberation the association appointed a
committee to make an investigation of
the entire situation and to report at the
next meeting.
This determination was not reached.
however, without the usual discussion.
"When, after the routine business was dis
posed of It wae moved that the topic as
above stated should be the order of the
day. Rev. H. J. Talbott, D.D., pastor of
the Taylor-Street Methodist Church, im
mediately arose.
"I do not think this association should
discuss so .weighty a matter without more
preparation; this is something of the
greatest Importance, and we should pro
ceed carefully."
The sentiments of Dr. Talbott were gen
erally agreed with, and it seemed as
though the subject was to .be dropped.
But Rev. Edgar P. Hill. D.D., of the
First Presbyterian Church, was sitting
quietly in the background, and he at once
tried to lift- the wet blanket which was
being thrown over the prospective dis
All Ought to Be Red Hot.
"It seems to me that if the members of
this association are not well enough pre
pared to be redhot upon this subject, they
cannot expect the public to take very
much Interest in It, said he.
There was a murmur of approval as Dr.
Hill continued:
"As long as the subject was announced
in the papers I do not see how we can let
the matter drop entirely. If we did so
our intentions might easily be miscon
Rev. J. H. Gibson, the retiring president
of the association, arose and frankly said
ill-' vfr"v 7
Rev. J. F. Ghormley, New Pres
ident Ministerial Association.
Cholera Infantum.
This disease has lost its terrors since
Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Dlar
hoea Remedy came Into general use. The
uniform success which attends the use of
this remedy in all cases of bowel com
plaints in children has made it a favorite
wherever its value has become known.
For sale by all druggists.
that he was responsible for the notice
the subiect of the meetlntr. Hp hni
thought that it would be profitable and
Rev. J. R. T. Lathrop, of the Grace
Methodist Church, tried to clear the at
mosphere, which, by this time, was be
coming slightly murky.
"I move that a committee of fivo h nrv
pointed to Investigate the whole matter
and report at the next meeting. Then
their report may become the basis of dis
cussion." said he.
The reporters had been quiet as mice, but
as aigs were Demg passed around they
irot theirs. It was Ttpv "R T, Wnnc t r
pastor of the First Congregational Church)
who administered the first.
"I think that the obstacle to discussion
is simply tne presence of the renorters
said he. "We might have a little heart-
to-neart taiK on tins subject just be
tween ourselves, you know, If the assocla
tion went Into executive session
Rer. W. E. Randall took up the cudgel
ior tne reporters.
Reporters Find a Friend
"Mr. President." said Iip "ro
meetings of this association public, seml-
puonc or private.' xne point raised
Dr. House has a wide bearinsr. T fin
think that any member would say any-
thin that he would be unwilling to be
made public I have come to think that
the papers do about as much gooa a3 me
churches, after all. and the papers rep
resented here have an audience ten times
as largo as our combined congregations.
I think it would be a mistake if tne as
sociation ever excluded reporters."
Rev. J. F. Ghormley, the new president
of the association, announced the com
mittee which is cheerfully to tackle the
somewhat largo topic of . the municipal
situation. Dr. House will act as chair
man, and the other members are Rev. J.
R. T. Lathrop, Rev. H. J. Talbott, Rev.
Edgar P. Hill and Rev. Albyn Esson.
Ifew Officers Elected.
New officers of the association were
elected as follows: President, Rev. J. F.
Ghormley; vice-president. Rev. "W. E.
Randall; secretary. Rev. H. M. Sharp.
Rev. Joseph Kosshaba, a native Persian,
who is returning to his country as a med
ical missionary, told the association in a
short talk of the work among his people.
Mr. Kosshaba, who Is a bright, Intelligent-
looking man, speaking excellent English,
came to the United States nine years ago
ignorant of all but three words of the
language. He worked' his way through
McAllister College, St. Paul, Minn., and a
short time ago married a society girl of
Minneapolis. Now the young Persian
and his American wife are going to the
Shah's empire to heal and to teach.
Rev. H. H. Pratt, of the Forbes Presby
terian Church; Rev. D. A. Thompson, of
the Sellwood Presbyterian Church; Rev. J.
Dunning, and Rev. L. Myron Boozer,
of the East Side United Evangelical
Church, were entered upon the member
ship roll of the association.
Meier &b Frank Company Meier (3b Frank Company
Exempt Firemen's Association Holds
Its Annual aiectinfr.
At the annual meeting of the exempt
Firemen's Association held last "night at
the rooms of the society In the City Hall,
considerable discussion was indulged in
as to the best means to excite renewed
Interest In the organization, and to cause
a better attendance at meetings.
Those present were: Peter Taylor, R. B.
Knapp, Thomas A. Jordan, "W. W.
Sweeney, John Kelly, John Smith, "William
A. Hart, George S. "Wilson, Joseph "Web
ber, George T. Myers and Frank Harring
ton. The total membership numbers only
about 30 at tho present time and It was
the concensus of opinion that there ought
to be a better showing at the annual gath
ering, and that members who do not pay
their dues and fines should not be allowed
to- take part in the annual banquet.
A motion by Secretary R. M. Donovan
that instead of expending J100 to J125 for
a banquet, that about $60 be used , to lay
a cement walk around the firemen's plat
in the cemetery received no second. Those
present evidently thought there was
ample money on hand for both purposes.
W. W. Sweeney, of the cemetery com
mittee, reported that several graves had
been attended to and spoke of other mat
ters of a like nature.
Officers for the year were elected as
follows, Peter Taylor, president; Byron
Z. Holmes, vice-president; R. M. Donovan,
secretary; B. Labbe and George Lang
ford, trustees; auditing committee, A. "W.
Wltherell, T. A. Jordan, John Kelly;
cemetery committee, TV. TV. Sweeney, John
Barry, B. Labbe; Investigation committee,
Robert Holman, Harry Morgan and TV. TV.
Sweeney. Ladd and Tilton were appoint
ed treasurers.
President Taylor stated that a number
of members had paid dues and fines for
years, and others had paid neither dues
nor fines. They should be collected or
abolished altogether, he said.
The present system is to impose a fine
of 25 cents on every member who falls
to attend a meeting. The secretary re
ported some recent collections. The sub
ject provoked considerable argument.
President Taylor said the better way was
to do away with fine altogether and
charge dues of $1 per quarter. Mr. Taylor
afterwards cut the amount down to 51
per year.
George T. Myers said the members who
dd not pay ought to be expelled.
Frank Harrington took a somewhat dif
ferent view of things, and wanted to
know if this wpuld include members who
are out of the city.
Thomas A. Jordan read the bylaws to
the effect that a change In dues could only
be finally adopted at the next annual
meeting. A motion to make tho dues $1
per annum, the matter to be voted on
again one year hence, was adopted.
Mr. Taylor said he observed that the
members all came to the annual banquet
and he thought members in arrears
should not be accorded the privilege.
Joseph TVebber voiced the sentiment that
members who took no interest in the as
sociation ought to be dropped.
R. B. Knapp asked for the reading of
tho constitution regarding suspensions
and expulsions and stated that it ought
to bo put in force.
George T. Myers was still more pro
nounced and moved that members who
have not paid fines for two years be ex
pelled. This was amended to read: "If
they don't' pay up after having been
notified by tho secretary," and was
Frank Harrington wanted to know If
this included members who are out of the
city, and was informed that it included
TV. A. Hart smoothed things over by
calling attention to a section of the by
laws stating that members can be ex
cused from the payment of fines by a two
thirds vote.
The members will be allowed a liberal
time to liquidate, and no doubt all will
come to the front.
The Exempt Firemen's Association is
in a prosperous condition, having money
and property amounting to about ?5000.
O. R. & X. May Build on Route Sur
veyed Years Ago.
SPOKANE, Wash., Sept. 7. One hun
dred miles of railroad that will tap one
of the richest districts of its size in the
"West; the construction of the road over
the old lines mapped out long ago, car
rying out one of the plans for the devel
opment of the country formulated in the
minds of railroad officials many years
ago; the long-lookedfor railroad into the
famous Nez Perce country.
These are some of the things planned
for the future, it is stated, by the O. R. &
NS Railroad. Rumor Is current nmoiigt
the O. R. & N. officials to tne cnect mat
such a move Is contemplated by that
company. And it Is also stated that the
work may be commenced on the new line
within the year.
Many years ago the company started to
run a road from Riparia, Wash., to Lew
iston, Idaho. The move was started to
the extent that the grading between these
two points was begun. For some reason
the company ceased operations on the
railroad and started a boat line up the
Snake River. At the time the work ceased
It appeared thct the Northern Pacific, In
, conjunction with the O. R. & N., was
putting In a joint road, the right of way
being owned by the latter company, while
the Northern Pacific was to do the con
struction work. A misunderstanding arose
and the work ceased abruptly. Now the
plan seems to be for the O. R. & N. alone
to put the road in, using Its right of
way and the old grade.
Is Occupied By the B. B. Rich Curio
On the corner of Sixth and Washington
streets, the B. B. Rich Curio Store has on
sale articles from all over the world. If
you want to send something East you
certainly can find the right thing. Come
up and see us today. The entrance Is on
Sixth street, near Washington.
The faded Eye, the red and Inflamed Eye,
the Jiyo that needs care, relieved by Mur
ine. Murine Eye Remedy Cp., Chicago.
We are showing a magnificent variety of nobby new neckwear for women ; Perrin's
famous French kid gloves, all the new Fall styles and shades ; new dress fabrics, new laces,
new dress trimmings, new waistings, etc.
We are mailing them today. Our Fall and Winter style and price exhibit a solicitor for
mail orders. The largest and most comprehensive book of its kind ever mailed from Portland.
200 pages ; full descriptions and fine illustrations of all kinds of merchandise. we carry. We
don't list goods which have to be purchased around town at high prices upon receipt of your
order. Everything listed in our catalogue is carried under this roof. We don't go to a ciothing
store to buy your clothing ; we don't go to a carpet store to buy your carpets ; we don't go to
a trunk store to buy your trunks ; we don't go to a stove store to buy your stoves and so on.
Ours is the first book ready for distribution ; it's free to out-of-town patrons for their
name and address.
Millinery Opening Today
The first showing of the new dress Hats takes place
today. After a glance at her morning paper, the objec
tive point of every woman in this vicinage should be our
millinery store. Beautiful headgear from all the famous
makers of Paris, New York and Philadelphia the new
est shapes, the newest colorings, the newest trimmings.
Nearly 100 imported models are included in this vast
display. No amount of work or expense has been saved
to make this 1903 Fall season the banner one of our
history in fine Millinery. (Second Floor.)
Cloak Display Today
The correct new modes in Fall suits and
costumes, the completeness of our showing,
and the great variety of clever ideas and ex
clusive styles offered here to select from,
demonstrate the advantage in buying here.
The new arrivals include the handsomest
styles from home and abroad. The correct
new styles and materials in costumes, suits,
wraps, jackets, skirts and waists all receive
their first complete showing today. We ask
you all to come and view the grandest col
lection of high-class ready-to-wear apparel
for women and children ever shown in the
West. Garments are here to be shown and no
trouble to show them to you, (Second Floor.)
Meier & Frank Company
Meier & Frank Company Meier & Frank Company
In conjunction with the above we present the season's newest
Dress Fabrics in a wonderful variety of weaves suitable for street,
house and evening wear. Many of the patterns are not only
exclusive but radically different from those found elsewhere
zibelines, men's mixtures, full etamines and wire cloths, silk and
wool novelties.
Cotton Waistings
In both heavy and medium weights are also shown in superb variety.
The collection is extensive and includes French, German, English
and domestic fabrics in effective design: jacquard canvas cloth,
embroidered basket cloth, matelasse cloth, Panama cloths, damasks,
embroidered piques, Marseilles fancy vestings, fancy cheviots, all
of which are mercerized and will retain their silky luster after
laundering. 50c to $2 per yard.
Property-Owners Apparently Sought
to Evade Cement Ordinance and
Worked on Sunday.
City Engineer Elliott yesterday received
Information that a wooden sidewalk had
been laid during Saturday afternoon and
Sunday on Fourteenth street near Mar
ket, and also that a wooden walk was put
down within the same time at Eighteenth
and Northrup streets.
An Investigation proved the reports to
To Be Given Away .
Just out! - Our magnificent super
hard, extra-loud Columbia cylinder
records. A single sample absolutely
free to every talking machine user,
whether Graphophone or Phono
graph. Give us type and make of
your machine and receive a sample
record absolutely free. This offer
good for 30 days only, to Introduce
the new product.
Phonograph Co., Gen'l
Temporary Quarters: 345 WASHiKGTOH ST.,
"Hear Seteath
be true, and as the sidewalks are both
within the cement sidewalk limits, the
City Engineer will order them removed,
and cement walks laid In their stead. The
work was done In both cases without a
permit, which would not have been grant
ed if asked for, because the only permit
that can be Issued regarding wooden side
walks Is one allowing a certain percent
age of repairs. Attempts to evade the
cement sidewalk ordinance are infrequent,
and will not be tolerated.
Labor Day Observed.
The public offices comprising those In
tho Federal Building, Court House and
City Hall, were closed yesterday. The
men employed In the United States Inter
nal Revenue Office, the Custom House,
and other offices of the general Govern
ment are not required to work Saturday
afternoons, and they, therefore, enjoyed
a vacation altogether of two and a half
The Court House was closed tight as a
drifm, and a sign on the front door con
veyed the information to callers in the
following brief terms, "Holiday, Court
House closed."
The prisoners engaged oh the rock pile
were also given an extra day's rest, much
to their gratification.
G. P.
Broadtail and Persian Jackets, etc.
NOVELTIES IN Stoles, Capelines, Scarfs, Boas,
Pillow Muffs, etc., made in royal ermine, mole,
Siberian squirrel, miniver, Russian sable, mink,
fox, etc., etc.