HOES HIM HONOR Syracuse Gives Roosevelt a Great Ovation, LABOR HAKES FINE SHOWING President Reviews a Great Parade, Delivers a Labor Day Oration, and Opens the Sew York State Fair. (Continued from First Page.) Depew. Bishop P. A. liudlen," of Syra cuse, and Influential citizens. Labor Makes a Fine Sho-winc There was never before such a demon stration by organized labor In this city. Fully 5000 men and women were In line. The Labor day committee, as it readied the stand, sent its chairman to greet the President and pin a badge upon his coat. The President expressed his pleasure in a few words, and the line began to move. Union after union uncovered as it reached the stand. Now and again the President shouted compliments to a fine-looking body of men. From start to finish his attention was never diverted from the working men. In the parade were a few floats with placards. One read: "The trust fights us; let us fight the trust by not using their goods." "They are the power behind the throne," remarked a Syracusean to the President as the men marched by. "Exactly, the power behind the throne, exactly, and It makes one proud to think he Is an Amer ican to see these men," replied the Presi dent. At 11:30 o'clock the line had passed, and the party was driven to the train and de parted for the State Fair. A citizens' committee of 100 occupied the speakers' stand. Promptly upon his arrival the President was Introduced by Lieutenant-Governor HIggins, president of the State Fair Commission. After the cheering had subsided the President made bis address. The President, who watched the races from tho clubhouse veranda, was particu larly interested in the attempt of the stallion John A. McKerron to break the track record. When it was announced that he had accomplished this and lowered his own record besides, the President seemed greatly pleased, and later con gratulated Harry X. Devereaux, of Cleve land, the owner and driver. Coming back to the city at 5 o'clock, the President went again to the reviewing stand and for nearly an hour stood hat in hand and saw 2500 letter-carriers march by, including the delegates to the conven tion of the National Association of Letter-carriers and visiting carriers from all over the state. Just before the parade, the President was presented with a handsome vase, suitably inscribed, - in behalf of the East Liverpool, O., delegation of letter carriers, and later received a large floral offering from the letter-carriers at large. Duing the parade the President was In the happiest frame of mind, and made many favorable comments on the appear ance of the delegates. "With, arms ex tended, he beat time vigorously as a pass ing band played "There'll Bo a Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight," and bowed deferentially to Fred Wolf, a Troy, N. T letter-carrier, who has the distinction of being the oldest letter-carrier in the "United States in point of service, having been connected with the postal depart ment for 49 years. As he did this, the President remarked to a friend: "A man who gives up 49 years of his "life to the service of the Gov ernment is worthy of more consideration than we can give." President Roosevelt tonight was the guest of honor at a dinner given by ex "Unlted States Senator Hiscock at his resi dence, the exterior of which was elabor ately decorated In patriotic colors, while flowers wero used in profusion In the in terior. There was no toast list. In order to give the President a little longer time In Syracuse, the hour of departure of the special train was changed from 9:30 to 10:30 o'clock, but a faster run will be made, and it is expected to ar rive In Hoboken on the original schedule time. ADDRESS OF THE PRESIDENT. Relations of Employer and Employe and Their Dntics to .Ration. SYRACDSE, N. Y.,-Sept. 7. The Labor day address of President Roosevelt, deliv ered here today on the opening of the New York State. Fair, was as follows: "In speaking on Labor day at the annual Fair of the New York State Agricultural Association, it Is natural to keep espe cially In mind the two bodies who compose the majority of our people and upon whose welfare depends the welfare of the entire state. If circumstances are such that thrift, energy. Industry and fore thought enable the farmer, the tiller of the soil, on the one hand, and the wAge-worker on the other, to keep themselves, their wives and their children in reasonable comfort, then the t is well off, and . we can be assured that the other classes In the" community will likewise nrosnfir. nn the other handi If there is in the long run a iacK oi prosperity among the two classes nameo, then all other prosperity is sure to be more seeming than real. It has been our profound good fortune as a nation " that hitherto, disregarding exceptional periods of de pression and the normal and Inpvltnhio fluctuations, there has been on the whole from the beginning of our government to th6 present day a nrocressive hpttormpnt alike in the condition of the tiller of the Boll and the condition of the man who, by his manual skill and labor, supports nimseii ana nis ramwy, and endeavors to bring up his children so that they may oe ai least as wen on as, and if possible better off than, he himself has been. There are. of course, exceptions Vmf e a Whole the standard of living among the xarmers or our country has risen from generation to generation, and the wealth represented on the farms has steadily In creased, while the waeea of lnhnr v,n,.r likewise risen, both as regards the actual1 money paid ana as. regards the purchas ing power wnicn mat money represents. Hard and Good Times Silent So Class. "Side bv side xdth this Increase In tho prosperity of the wage-worker and the tiller of the soil has gone on a great in crease in the prosperity among the busl ness men and among certain classes o Professional mpn: nnd thr nrnsnvrJtv n these men has been partly the cause and partly the consequence of the prosperity of farmer and wage-worker. It can not be too often repeated that in this country, in the long run, we all of us tend to go up or go down together. If the average of well-being is high, it means that the average wage-worker, , the average farmer, and tho average business man are all alike well off. If the average shrinks, there is not one of these classes which will not feel the shrinkage. Of course there are always some men who are not affected by good times, just as tnere are some men who are not affected by bad times. But speaking broadly. It is true that if prosperity comes all of us tend to share more or less therein, and that if adversity comes each of us, to a greater or less extent, feels the ten sion. Unfortunately, in this world the Innocent frequently find themselves obliged to pay some of the penalty for the misdeeds of the guilty; and" so If hard times come, whether they be due to our own fault or to our misfortune, whether they be due to some burst of speculative frenzy that has caused a portion of the business world to lose its head a loss which no legislation can possibly supply or whether they be due to any lack of wisdom in a portion of the world of labor in each case the trouble once started is felt more or less in every walk of life. "It is all-essential to the continuance of. our healthy . national -life that we should recognize this community of In terest among our people. The welfare of each of us Is dependent fundamentally upon the welfare of all of us, and there fore in public life that man is the best representative of each of us who 6eeks to do good, to each by doing good to all; in other words, whose endeavor it Is, not to represent any special class and promote merely that class' selfish inter ests, but to represent all true and hon est men of all sections and all classes and to work for their Interests by work ing for our common country. "We can keep our government on a sane and healthy basis, we 'can make and keep our .social system what It should be only on condition of judging each man, not as a member of a class, but on bis worth as a man. It Is an in famous thing in our American life, and fundamentally treacherous to our Insti tutions, to apply to any man any test save that of his personal, worth, or to draw between two sets of men any dis tinction save tho distinction of conduct, the distinction that marks off those' who do well and wisely from those who do ill and foolishly. There are good citizens and bad citizens in every class as in every locality, and the attitude of decent peo ple toward great public and social ques tions should be determined, not by the accidental questions of employment or locality, but by those deep-set principles which represent tho Innermost souls of men. Would Prove Fatal to the Republic. "The failure In public and in private life thus to treat each man on his own merits, the recognition of this govern ment as being either for the poor as such or for the rich as such, would prove fatal to our Republic, as such failure and such recognition have always proved fatal In the past to other republics. A healthy republican government must rest upon Individuals, not upon classes or sections. As soon as It becomes gov ernment by a class or by a section it departs from the old American ideal. "It is, of course, tho merest truism to say that free institutions are of avail only to people who possess the high and peculiar characteristics heeded to take advantage of such Institutions. The cen tury that has Just closed, has witnessed many and lamentable Instances in which people have seized a government free In form, or have had It bestowed upon them, and yet have permitted it under the forms of liberty to become some species of depotlsm or anarchy, because they did not have in them the power to make this seeming liberty one of deed Instead of one merely of word. Under such circumstances the seeming liberty may be supplanted by a tyranny or despotism In the first- place, or It may reach the road of despot Ism by the path of license and an archy. It matters but little which road Is taken. In either case the same goal Is reached. People show themselves Just as-unfit for liberty whether they submit to anarchy or to tyranny: and class govern ment, -whether it be the government of a plutocracy or the government of a. mob, is equally Incompatible with the principles established in the days of Washington and perpetuated In the days of Lincoln. 'Many qualities'" are needed by a peo ple which would preserve the power of self-government in fact as well as in name. Among these qualities are fore thought, shrewdness, self-reliance, the courage which refuses to abandon one's own rights, and the disinterested and kindly good sense which enables one to dp justice to the rights of others. Lack of strength and lack of courage unfit men for self-government on the- one .hand; and on the other, brutal arrogance, envy, in short, any manifestation of the spirit of selfish disregard, whether of one's own duties or of the rights of others, are equally fatal. Class Rnle Srcans Disaster. "In the history of mankind many re publics have risen, have flourished for a less or greater time, and then have fallen because their citizens lost the power of governing themselves and thereby of governing their state; and in no way has this loss of power been so often and so clearly shown as in tho tendency to turn the government into a government primarily for the benefit of one class In stead of a government for the benefit of the people as a whole. . Again and again in the republics of ancient Greece, In those of medieval Italy and medieval Flanders, this tend ency was shown, and wherever the tend ency became a habit it Invariably arid Inevitably proved fatal to the state. In "the final result it mattered not one whit whether the movement was in favor of one class or of another. Tho outcome was equally fatal, whether the country fell into the hands of a wealthy oligarchy which exploited the poor or whether It fell under the domination of a turbulent mob which plundered the rich. In both cases there resulted violent alternations between tyranny and disorder, and a final complete loss of liberty to all citizens destruction in the end over taking the class which had for the mo- 'ment been victorious as well asthatwhlch had momentarily been defeated. The death knell of the republic had rung as soon as the active power became lodged In the hands of those who sought, not to do justice to all citizens rich and poor alike, but to stand for one special class and for Its interests as opposed to the Interests of others. "The reason why our future is assured lies In the fact that our people are genuinely skilled in and fitted for self government and therefore will spurn the leadership-of those: who seek to excite this ferocious and foolish class antagon ism. The average American knows not only that he himself Intends to do about what is right, but that his average fellow-countryman has the Kime Intention and the same power to make his Inten tion effective. He knows, whether he be business man, professional man, farmer. mechanic, employer, or wage-worker, that tne weiiare or eacn or tnese men is bound up with the welfare of all the others; that each Is neighbor to the other, is actuated by the same hopes and fears, has fundamentally the same Ideals, and that all alike have much the same virtues and the same faults. Our average fellow cltlzcn Is a sane and healthy man, who believes in decency and has a wholesome mind. He therefore feels an equal scorn alike for the man of wealth guilty of the mean and base spirit of arrogance toward those who'are less well off, and for the man of small means who in his turn either feels, or seeks to excite In- others the feeling of mean and base envy for those who are better off. The two feelings, envy and arrogance, are but opposite sides of the same shield, but different de velopments of tho same spirit.' Funda mentally, the unscrupulous rich man who seeks to exploit and oppress those who are less well off Is In spirit not opposed to, but Identical with, the unscrupulous poor man who desires to plunder and oppress those tyIkk are better off. The courtier and the demagogue are but de velopments of the same type under dif ferent conditions, each manifesting the i same servile spirit, the same deslro to rise by pandering to base passions; though one panders to power in the shape of a single man and the other to power in the shape of a multitude. So likewise the man who wishes to ripe by wronging others must by right be contrasted, not with the man who likewise wishes to do wrong, though to a different set of peo ple, but with tho man who wishes to do justice to all people and to wrong none. Tile Good and the Bad. Citizen. 'The line of cleavage between good and bad citlzenihip lies, not between the man of wealth who acts squarely by his fellows and the man who seeks each day's 'wage by that day's work, wrong ing no one and .doing his duty by his neighbor; nor yet does this line of cleavage divide the unscrupulous wealthy man who, exploits others in his own in terests, from, the demagogue, or from the sullen and envious being who wishes to attack all men of property, whether they do well or 11L On the contrary, the line of cleavage between good citizenship and bad citizenship separates the rich man who does well from the rich man who does ill, the poor "man qf good conduct from the poor man of bad conduct. This line of cleavage lies, at right angles to any such arbitrary line of division as that separating one class from another, one locality from another, or men with a certain degree of property from those of a less degree of property. "The goocf citizen is the man who, what ever his wealth or his. poverty, strives manfully to do his duty to himself, to his family, to his neighbor, to the state; who is incapable of the baseness which manifests Itself either in arrogance or In envy, but who while demanding justice for himself is no less scrupulous to do justice to others. It is. because the aver age American citizen, rich or poor, is of Just this type that we have causo tor our profound faith in the future of the re? public. "Ours is a government of liberty, by, through and under the law. Lawlessness and connivance at lawbreaklng whether the lawbreaklng take the form of a crime of greed and cunning or of a crime of vio lenceare destructive not only of order, but of the true liberties which can only come through order. If alive to their true interests rich and poor alike will set their faces like Hint against tho spirit which seeks personal advantage by overriding the laws, without regard to whether this spirit showB itself in the form of bodily violence by one set of men or in the form of vulpine cunning by another set of men. ITatchvrords for All. "Let the watchwords of all our people be the .old familiar watchwords of honesty, decency, fair dealing and common sense. Tho qualities denoted by these words are essential to all of us, as we deal with tho complex Industrial problems of today, the problems affecting not merely the accumu lation but even more" the wise distribution of wealth. We ask no man's permission when we require -him to obey the law; neither the permission of the poor man nor yet of the rich man. Least of all can the man of great wealth afford to break the law, even for his own financial advantage, for the law Is his prop and -support, and It Is both foolish and profoundly unpatriotic for him to fall In giving hearty support to those who show that there is in fact one law, and one law only, alike for the rich and the poor, for the great and the small. "Men sincerely Interested in the due protection of property, and men sincerely interested lii seeing that the just rights of labor are guaranteed, should alike remem ber not only that in the long run .neither the capitalist nor tho wageworker can be helped In healthy fashion save by helping the -other; but also that to require either side to obey the law and do its full duty toward the community is emphatically to that side's real interest. "There is no worse enemy of the wage worker than the man who condones mob violence In any shape or who preaches class hatred; and surely the slightest ac quaintance with our Industrial history should teach even the most shortsighted that the times of most suffering for our people as a Vhole, the times when busi ness is stagnant, and capital suffers from shrinkage and gets no return from its investments, are exactly the times of hardship and want and ' grim disaster among the poor. If all the existing Instru mentalities of wealtH could be abolished, tho first arid severest suffering would come among those of uswho are least well off at present. The wageworker Is welj off only when the rest of the country Is well off; and he can best contribute to this general well being by showing sanity and a firm purpose to do justice to others. Stand Capitalists Should Take. "In his turn the capitalist who is really a conservative, the man who has fore thought as well as patriotism, should heartily welcome every effort, legislative or otherwise, which has for Its object to secure fair dealing by capital, corporate or individual, toward the public and toward tho employe. Such laws as the franchise tax law in this state, which the Court of Appeals recently unanimously decided constitutional such a law as that passed in Congress last year for the pur pose of establishing a Department of Commerce and Labor, under which there should be a bureau to oversee and secure publicity from the great corporations which do an Interstate business such a law as that passed at the same time for the regulation of the great highways of commerce so as to keep these roads clear on fair terms to all producers In getting their goods to market these laws are In the Interest not merely of the people as a whole, but of the propertied classes. For in no way Is the stability of property better assured than by making It patent to our people that property bears Its proper share of the burdens of the state; that property is handled not only In the Interest of tho owner, but In the interest of the whole community. "In other words, legislation to be per manently good for any class must also be good for the Nation as a wholo, and legis lation which does injustice to any class Is certain to work harm to the Nation. Take our currency system for example. This Nation is on a gold basis. The treasury of the public Is in excellent condi tion. Never before has the per capita or circulation been as large as it is this day; and this circulation, moreover. Is of money every dollar of which Is at par with gold. Now, our having this sound currency sys tem Is of benefit to banks, of course, but it is of Infinitely more benefit to the peo ple as a whole, because of the healthy effect on business conditions. "In the same way, whatever is advisa ble in the way of remedial or corrective currency legislation and nothing revolu tionary Is advisable under present condi tionsmust be undertaken only from the standpoint of the business community as a whole, that Is, of the American body politic as a whole. Whatever Is done, we cannot afford to take any step, backward or to cast any doubt upon the certain re demption In standard coin of every circu lating note. "Among ourselves we differ in many qualities, of body, head and heart; we are unequally developed, mentally as well as physically. But each of us has the right to ask that he shall be protected from wrongdoing as he does his work and car ries his burden through life. No man needs sympathy because he has to work, because he has a burden to carry. Far and away the best prize that life offers Is the chance to work hard at work worth doing; and this Is a prize open to every man, for there can be no work better worth dojng than that done to keep in health and comfort and with reasonable advantages those Immediately dependent upon the husband, the father or the son. America Has No Place lor the Idler. "There is no room in our healthy American life for the mere Idler, for the man or the woman whose object It is throughout life to shirk the duties which life ought to t bring. Life can mean nothing worth meaning, unless Its prime aim Is the doing of duty, the achievement of results worth achieving. A recent writer has finely said: 'After all, the sad dest thing that'ean happen to a man Is to carry no burdens. To be -bent under too great a load Is bad; to be crushed by it Is lamentable; but even in that there are "possibilities that are glorious. But to carry no load at all there is nothing in that. No one seems to -arrive, at any goal really worth reaching In this world who does not come to it heavy laden.' "Surely from our own experience each one of us knows that this Is true. From the greatest to the smallest, happiness and usefulness are largely found In the same soul, and the joy of life is won in its deepest and truest sense only by those who have not shirked life's burdens. The men whom we most delight to honor In all this land are those who, in the Iron years from '61 to '65 bore on their shoulders the burden of saving the Union. They did not choose the easy task. They did not shirk the difficult duty. Deliberately and of their own- free will they strove for an Ideal, upward and onward acros3 the stony slopes of greatness. They did the hardest work that was then to be done; they bore the heaviest burden that any generation of Americans ever had to bear; and because they did thi3 they have won such proud Joy as it has fallen to the lot of no other men to win, and have written their names forevermore on the golden honor roll of the Nation. "As it is with the soldier, so it is with the civilian. To win success In the busi ness world, to become a first-class me chanic, a- successful farmer, an able law yer or doctor, means thafe-the man has de voted his best energy and power through long years -to the achievement of his ends. So it is in the life of the f atpily, upon whiclr In the last analysis the whole wel fare of s the Nation rests. The man . or woman who as breadwinner and home maker, or as wlf and mother, has done all, that he or she can do, patiently and uncomplainingly, Is to be honored; and Is to be envied by all those who have never had' the good fortune to feel the need and duty of doing such work. Tho woman who has borne, arid who has reared, as they should be reared, a family of chil dren, has In the most emphatic manner deserved well of thoTepublic Her "burden has been heavy, and she has been able to bear it worthily only by the possession of resolution, of good sense, of conscience and of unselfishness. But If she has Borne it well, then to her shall come the su preme blessing, for In the words of the oldest and greatest of books, 'Her chil dren shall rise up and call her blessed'; and among the benefactors of the land her place must be with those who have done the best and the hardest work, whether as lawgivers or as soldiers, whether in public or In private life. Virtncs That Connt for the Future. "Thl3 is not a soft and easy creed to preach. It Is a creed willingly learned only by -men and women who,, together with the softer virtues possess also tho stronger; who can do, and dare, and die at need, but who while life lasts will never flinch from their allotted task. Tou farmers, and wageworkers, and business men of this great state, of this mighty and wonderful Nation, are gathered to gether today, proud of your state and still prouder of your Nation, because your forefathers and predecessors have lived up to Just this creed. You have received from their hands a great Inheritance, and you will leave an even greater Inheritance to your children and your children's chil dren, provided only that you practice alike In your private and your public lives the strong virtues that have given us as a people greatness in the past. "It is not enough -to be well-meaning and kindly, but Weak; neither is It enough to be strong, unless morality and decency go hand In hand with strength. We must possess the qualities which make us do our duty in our- homes and among our neighbors, and in addition we must pos sess tho qualities which are Indispensable to themake-up of every great and mas terful nation the qualities of courage and hardihood, of Individual initiative and yet of power to combine for a common' end, and above all, the resolute determination . to permit no man and -no set of men to sunder us one from the other by lines of caste or creed or section. "We must act upon the motto of all for each and each for all. There must be over present In our minds the funda mental truth that In a republic such as ours the only safety is to stand neither for nor against any man because he Is rich or because he Is poor, because he Is eruraeed In one occupation or another. I for October you may choose from, two classes those you need and those you read for recreation or else you take THE DELINEATOR and combine both. If the word "necessary" is susceptible of a superlative, THE DELINEATOR is beyond all question the "most necessary' of all the magazines published for Woman. Nine hundred thousand families proved this to be so lasVmonth; and each month brings its new thousands of members into the ever growing DELINEATOR FAMILY. their mistakes eliminated, their exaggerations corrected, and the really successful novelties stamped with the seal of authoritative approval, for if.it is pictured in THE DELINEATOR it is "good form." It is eaualIvthe"most necessary" in the;Nursery, in the Sewing-Room; in the Kitchen,-throughout the whole house and out-of-doors, in city and in country. The partial list of contents below can only hint at the interest underlying every line. TheEvolutiori of a Club personal adve promine If the "mosV necessary" of the magazines for Woman is that after-hour of fascinating leisure-reading f because he works with bds "brains or be cause ho works with his Hands. We must treat each man on his worth and merits as a man. We must see that each 13 given a-square deal, becausehe is entitled to no more and should receive no less. Finally we must keep ever in mind that a republic such as ours can exist only in virtue of the orderly liberty which, comes through the equal domination of the law over all men alike, and through its administration! In such resolute and fearless fashion as shall teach all that no man Is above it and no man below." At the close of. the speech the Presi dent and state officials were, guests of the State Fair Commission at the fair club house. From the balcony they watched the races. Threatens Life of the President. SYRACUSE, 2. T., Sept. 7. John Mil ler, a German, was arrested this after noon at his home and is charged with having- threatened to shoot the President dur ing his stay in this city. Miller denies that he made threats against the Presi dent's life, and claims a woman from whom the police learned of t Is lying. When questioned- at police headquarters he was unable to give a clear explanation of his. whereabouts since 6 o'clock Sunday morning. JEe is held pending a more thor ough investigation.' Another. Crank After President. - NEW YORK, Sept. 7. A powerfully built man "caused considerable excitement as President Roosevelt was about to board the train in Hoboken for his trip to Syracuse by persistently trying to follow and making several efforts to speak, to the Chief Executive. He was seized by the Chief of Police of Hoboken and two policemen and hustled into a waiting-room, where he was searched. He was found to be unarmed and was released. IffAKE NATIONS BROTHERLY International Yacht Races the Text of a Jersey City Pastor. x NEW YORK, SeptT7. Finding spiritual lessons in International yacht racing, the Rev. John L. Scudder of the First Congregational Church, Jersey City, says, in the course of a sermon on the subject: "The bible has much to say about racing, and it is evident St. Paul was familiar with the field and the arena, for his epistle abounds with references to foot races, boxing matches and gladia torial contests. In appealing to this racing instinct the bible touches sympathetic chords in every breast, for tho desire to demonstrate one's superiori ty over others is universal. VThese repeated yacht races between England and America conducted in such a brotherly fashion, are valuable objeot lessons on true sportsmanship; and hold up to the world the ability of true men to enter the severest competitions and yet exhibit the proper spirit. "Another result of these races is the fostering of international good will. One good natured race Is worth 100 sermons. Theso rivalries, although involving the element of antagonism, develop fellow feeling between England and America and bring us Anglo-Saxons still closer to gether. In the great movements of the nations, they will help John Bull and Uncle Sam to pull together and set the .fashions rhoral and political, for the rest of the world." DINNER FOR AMERICANS. Slcmliers of Monetary Commission Are Guests of British Fellovrs. LONDON, Sept. 7. Members of the United States International Exchange Commission, In anticipation of their de parture for New York, September 9, dined tonight with the members of the British Commission at the Carlton Hotel. In a general discussion of the work of the commission, the British, commissioners expressed' their congratulations of the commission s labors. Besides the members of the commission. United States Ambas- Among 'the fashions it is the "most necessary" because it is all the fashion Woman, by Agnes Surb'ridge, begins in this jiff Of your newsdealer or any Butteri Butterick snment the world-rame'd camera expert, begins one or the most remarkable series or photographic articles ever presented. Thev relate to . . .1 1 t 1 J m '! J l- . 1' T- 1 K 1 A Tl 1 x-. i t it- ..-.' ri Biures at nome ana in. roreign ianas. -1 ne ouenc warmer, Dy jjynn rsooy ivieeions ; rv lonaa cracker, by Virginia r razer coyle, mi among uie ncuon leaiures, wnue meaepanmepis are iuuer man usual or gooa uiiugs, win especial mierestcentenngintnecrulciren j THE BUTTERICK PUBLISHING COMPANY, LTD., 17 West 13th Street, New York Miss.UIce M. Smith, of So. Minneapolis, Minn., tells how woman's monthly suffering is permanently relieved by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "I have never "before given my en dorsement for any medicine, but Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has added so much to my life and happiness that I feel like making- an exception in this case. For two years every month I -would have two days of severe pain and could find no relief, but one day while visiting- a friend I ran across jLydia JE. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, she had used it with the best results and adrised me to try it. I found that it- worked wonders with me ; I now experience no pain, and only had to use a few "bottles to bring about this wonderful change." Miss Alice M. Smith, 804 Third Ave., South Min neapolis, Minn. $6000 forfeit If original of above letter proving genuineness cannot be produced. Many women suffer silently and see their best gifts fade away. JLydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound makes the entire fe male organism healthy. FREE ADVICE TO WOMEN Mrs. Pinkham will give every ailing woman expert advice en tirely free. She has helped thou sands. Address JLynn, Mass. j sador Choate, the Mexican and. Chinese Minister ex-United States Senator Turner and General G. "W. Foster vrere present. Tho plan which has been approved by the powers approached By the commission is based on the Dutch plan, which has been maintained successfully during the last 25 years in Java and resembles the new currency system recently Inaugurated in the Philippine Islands. Signs St. Louis Fair Bill for Fern. LIMA, Peru, Sept. 7. President Romona today signed the bill setting aside 525,000 for the Peruvian exhibit at the St Louis Exposition. Senor Candamo, the new president, will assume office tomorrow. CUTLERY EVERY BLAIEVftRRANTED E. & W. TEDO. A New Collar. E. & W. and its issuance answers squarely the question of supremacy among the magazines for woman and the-home. In vour selection of a magazine number. It is an autobiography and is the one which helps most in every hour of "her" day and brings its when the day is over, then, surely agent at 15 cents a copy, or of the publishers, $1.00 for an entire year. Unless You Are Positively Cured We Will Not Ask You for a Dollar. We Claim to Be Strictly Reliable. SPECIALISTS Dr.Talcott & Co. Special attention given to Varico cele, Stricture, Rupture, Piles, Hy drocele, Contagious Blood Diseases and acute and Chronic Urethral and Prostatic Inflammation. Col ored chart of the organs sent se curely sealed free on application. $50 ALDER STREET POn.TI.AND, OREGON. 1140 Market St., San Francisco. Fill I Mtizm mmmmr cct BRIDGE WORK Gold Filling $1.00 Gold Crown $5.00 Silver Filling S .50 New York Dental Parlors MAIN OFFICE FOURTH AND ilORKI SON' STS., PORTLAND. Branch Office, 614 1st av.. Seattle. 8:30 A. U. to U P. M.: Sundays. 8:30 A. it, to 2 P. It. ATHLETES TO KEEP IN GOOD TRIM MUST LOOK WELL TO THE CONDITION OF THE SKIN TO THIS END THE BATH SHOULD BE TAKEN WITH HAND SAPOLIO Jill Grocers and. Druggists THE HAIR. BRUSH. Breeds Dandruff, "Which Cannes Fall ing: Hair and Finally Baldness. Professor Unna, Hamburg, Germany, European authority on skin diseases, says that dandruff Is as contagious as any other malevolent disease, and that one common source of the spread of dandruff is the use of the same hair brush by different persons. The way1 to avoid catching dandruff or any other disease from another's brush. Is to In sist on the use of Newbro's Herplclde. It 'not only kills the dandruff germ, but it is also an antiseptic that will prevent the catching rof any disease whatever through contagion of another's brush. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10 cents in stamps for sample to tn Herolcklp Co.. Dotrolt. Mich. magazines in one, with predicted success of the year. his ,are ; pages. wemlmiSm rrrrj t iiu