THE MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. 1903. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF The OrcKontan'i Telephones Counting Room Main 637 H. "W. Scott. Editor Main Oil Managing Editor ...Main 038 City Editor Main 106 j-omposlng Room .Main 685 East Side Office East 61 superintendent Building Red 2S23 AMUSEMENTS. AIARQUXM GRAND THEATER Tonight at 8.15 o'clock, the farce-comedy, "Where Is Cobbr , SHIELDS' PARK. Thirteenth und Washington vBuoevme. ( EMPIRE THEATER. Twelfth and Morrleon Matinee 2:15: evening. 8:15. vaudeville. CORDRAY'S THEATER, Washington Street evening, b:id. "Xhe Le&lon or Honor." Not So Bad As Expected. "William Happersett. who fell from the steel bridge being constructed across the Clackamas by the Southern Pacific Com pany a few weeks ago, was fortunate In being much less severely Injured than was at first supposed, and has been able to resume his duties. He was running the engine used in hoisting material Into place and. seeine that the builders had got a piece of material In such a position that they could not handle it, left his post and hastened to assist them. In his haste he missed his footing and fell off the bridge. The surface of the river below was covered with floating logs and limbers and he says that as he was going flown he thought that many of his bones would be broken on them and he would probably be killed outright. It happened that ho passed between the timbers into deep water and came to the surface prac tically uninjured except that one wrist was disabled and it was supposed that a hone In the wrist had been broken. The doctor told him it would probably be be tween two and three months before he could go to work again, but it turned out that the hone was only split and in three weeks It was so far healed that he went to work. Autumn Moving Season. Summer vis itors to the coast resorts are preparing to return home In large numbers and the cool, showery weather of the past day or two will have a tendency to hurry them up. Many whose houses have been closed during their absence have "sent orders to the water works office to have the water turned on and are having the houses thoroughly aired. After the water has been turned off a whije, the traps In waste pipes connecting with the sewers become empty and sewer gas has free admission to the house. This renders the turning on of the water, airing and fumigating thoroughly very necessary be fore the house is again occupied. A num ber of persons take advantage of the end of the Summer vacation to move into new dwellings and furniture vans are kept busy these days. The proprietor of one of them said: "There are two mov ing seasons In the year, May and Sep tember, and It is hard to tell which Is the busiest. There are only two weeks now to the Autumnal equinox and all will en deavor to be settled for the Winter by that time if possible." Bad Result op Steamboat Wars Several steamboat men discussing the subject of competing lines and low fares resulting, deplored these results- as harm ful to business and dangerous to the pub lic, when rates are cut below reason on account of competition, boats are crowded beyond comfort or safety, and racing becomes the order of the day. This frequently results In disaster, some thing giving away under the unusual strain or a collision or explosion occurs, causing great loss of life In over-crowded boats. "When asked why steamboat men engaged in such rivalries or competitions which result in loss only to all concerned. the speaker replied: "Oh! some men are built that way and are never satisfied to carry on a legitimate business, but get hold of some practically worthless boat and start an opposition line for the pur pose of obliging the other company to buy them out to get rid of them. Some men have been in this business here for years, first on one river and then on another." No More Wooden Cornices. The large copper cornice for the Stearns building on Morrison street is nearly ready to be placed in position and Its appearance on the lofty scaffolding attracts the atten tion of many. A fire department official who was standing across Morrison street from this building Saturday and looking at it intently said he was studying out the best arrangement for the fire-escapes which will have to be placed on it. In regard to the copper cornice, he said that no more wooden cornices were al lowed where they projected more than six Inches beyond the front of a building. The wooden brackets used in supporting wooden cornices were a menace to the lives of firemen and to everybody near a building in time of fire. At the fire on the CannIng-"Wallace building on Front i street some time ago. Chief Engineer Campbell had a narrow escape from be ing killed by a falling bracket The metal cornices are a great improvement over the wooden ones. William Hubs Explains William Huss, a baker at Woodlawn, who was fined 520 last week at the Municipal Court for durunkenness, said yesterday: rin explanation of the matter leading to my arrest, I wish to contradict the statement that I had any trouble with my wife or family. Ex-Policeman Frank Patten came up and, asking me what I I was doing, struck me and threw me on the floor. This happened several times. I He is twice as strong as I am. and I could do nothing with him. I nicked un !a hatchet for protection, but he took it from me and pointed a revolver at me. II should not have been arrested It ought to nave seen somebody else. I don't see why Patten should have acted this way toward me. Only a short time ago, I paid him $250 for work done at my house. Last Spring I paid him $21 for building, a fence. I am about the heaviest tax payer in "Woodlawn." Board op Trade Meets Tuesday. Ow ing to the fact that this is Labor Day the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trade, which falls on the first Monday of each month, will be postponed from to night until tomorrow night At the meet ing tomorrow night considerable business of Importance will come up, Including the naming of delegates to the Irrigation Congress at Ogden and the appointment lof a committee to co-operate with the Oregon Live Stock Association in the matter of making arrangements for the reception and entertainment of the Pa ctional Live Stock Association in this city lext January. The Board of Trade hav ing been an active factor In securing the L904 convention of the National Live Stock Association for this city will spare no ef fort to make the meeting next January one of the most successful in the history bf the Association. For Local Inspection op Halls. The Jnlted States Civil Service Commission announces that on October 1 an examina tion will be held in this city for the posi tion of local and assistant Inspector of halls. From the examination certificates hill be made to fill this position at Seat tle, Wash., at a salary of $1,500 per an num. Persons desiring to compete should pall on Z. A. Leigh, secretary board of bxamincrs, P. O., city. New Arrival in Councilman Mer rill's Familt. The stork brought a ten- lound baby boy to the home of Council man Fred T. Merrill of the Third Ward last evening at 11:15 P. M. Babies are rare arrivals In the families of the pres ent Councilmen, but Mr. Merrill's is an Exception. B. P. O. Elks, No. 142. A special meet- ng of Portland Lodge will be held to- ilght in the Elks' Hall at 8;30 P. M.. to lear the report of the railroad committee. U1 members are urgently requested to be present By order of the lodge. Jno. B. poffey, secretary. County Court Keeps Holiday. The County Court has adjourned from last Saturday until .Wednesday at 10 A. M. on .ccount of holiday. Dr. J. H. Miller, dentist, moved to 415- K Mohawk building. Phone Mala 746, Hooked in the Arm by a Cow. The wife of a Xarmer named Richardson whose place Is on the Tualatin section, was severely Injured on one arm a short time ago by being hooked by a cow. Both Mr. and Mrs. Richardson are known to many in this city, having for some time been employed in newspaper offices here, but they removed to a farm some years ago. Mrs. Richardson has been In the habit of visiting the city weekly to dis pose of her butter, eggs and chickens. For two weeks she failed to put in an appearance to the surprise of her cus tomers and then she came around again with her arm bandaged. She said that one evening she was milking a cow, which had a calf in the pen being weaned, when a little dog came running up to her. She put her hand out to drive the dog away when the cow made a lunge at the dog and one of her horns cut a long and deep gash in Mrs. Richardson's arm.. A. neighbor, and old soldier, sewed up the wound with a common sewing needle and a piece of black silk, the only silk to be found, and the wound healed nicely,- so that she is able to drive to town. Stories op Hunters akd Anglers. Hunting and fishing parties are coming home from the mountains and stories of remarkable adventures are numerous. One party which came on f rom. Lost Lake, near Mount Hood, a day or two ago, reports having shot two bears in seven seconds and having hooked trout so long that there was not time during the stay in camp to get them pulled entirely out of the water. Others who went back from Cape Horn tell they struck the Washougal near a fall and rapids, had a rather unpleasant experience with bears, which invaded their camp at night and ate up all their store of food except the canned goods and would have eaten those also if they could have found a can opener. One of this party had a narrow escape from being drowned. He was standing on a rock on the edge of a rapid, making long casts into a swirl in hope of catching a large trout when a salmon took his fly and gave a lurch which pulled the fisherman off the slip pery rock Into the rapids from which he was with difficulty extricated. Ministers' Meeting Today. The Gen eral Evangelical Ministerial Association of Portland will meet In regular session In Y. M. C. A. Auditorium at 10:30 A. M. today. A full attendance of members is desired, it being the time for the elec tion of officers for the year. The subject for general discussion Is "What Ought Christian People to Do to Check the Reign of Lawlessness and Crime in Our City?" Young Girls and Ladies "Wanted, to assist In spectacular production, "When Knighthood was in Flower." Apply at once, carnival 'headquarters, Multnomah Club, or meet Mr. George Hutchlns at the Multnomah gymnasium at 2:30 today t-aionaay.) Remember the "Bailey Gazert" leaves tomorrow morning Tuesday) for The Dalles. Round trip ticket only 50c Meals the finest Secure your tickets early. Leaves Alder street dock 7 A. M. Phone Main 914. Funeral Notice. The funeral services for the late Dr. James Dickson will be conducted at the residence, 73S Hoyt street at l o'clock In the afternoon of Tuesday, instant Services at the grave private. Dr. Moreland, dentist, the Dekum Bldg. NEW SPEED RECORD. Passenger Train on B. & O. Covers 108 Miles in 125 Minutes. CHICAGO, Sept 6. A, new world's rec ord for long distance running was made by a passenger train on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad early this morning. A stretch of IBS miles was covered in 125 minutes. No stops were made. The dis tance traversed was between Chicago Junction, O., and Garett, Ind. During the run a speed of 85 miles an hour was reached. This was the maxi mum; Bursts of speed of 70 and 75 miles an nour were irequent. Tne train was made up of five cars and was pulled by locomotive o. 14G0 in charge of Engl neer William Dunlon. This locomotive is of the new Atlantic type, weighing 177,000 pounds. It is the most powerful style in service on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. An extra large water tank helped in this performance, saving stops for water. From Garrett Into Chicago another locomotive of the same type took the train. On this run a speed of 76 miles an hour was reached. The performance be tween Chicago Junction and Garrett could have been duplicated had not the train been blocked by a tran ahead. This com pelled slowing down several times. The distance of 131 miles between Gar rett, Ind., and South Chicago was, how ever, covered In 153 minutes, making the whole run of 259 miles In 278 minutes. GREAT COAL COMBINATION". Control by Two Companies of Trade Along the Ohio Itiver. CINCINNATI, Sept 6. A mortgage to secure bonds on a new railway from Co lumbus, O., to Maysvllle, Ky., to connect East and West trunk lines in the North with the Chesapeake & Ohio, the Louis ville & Nashville and other Southern lines, was recorded yesterday, and today It Is announced that this new line will also extend 90 miles from Maysvllle, Ky., through Jackson, Pike, Floyd and Mar tin Counties In Kentucky, so as to form an outlet to the coal fields on the west side of the Big Sandy River. The Great Northern Ccal & Coke Com pany, recently organized with a capitali zation of $10,000,000, owns 500,000 acres of coal lands in that region and Is said to be promoting the new railway. It is proposed to ship this coal by rail as well as down he Big Sandy and Ohio Rivers as has been done for years. It is said that the Great Northern Coal and the Pittsburg Coal Companies will then control the coal trade from Pennsylvania and all states along the Ohio River to New Orleans. Large elevatora and tipples are to be erected at Maysvllle for transferring coal Into barges for the trade along the Ohio and the Mississippi "Valleys. The Great Northern will have Its land and railway headquarters ip New York, its ship ping headquarters at Maysvllle and Its selling headquarters at Cincinnati. The temporary organization of the Great Northern Coal & Coke Company Includes J. N. Camden and Sprlgg Cam den, of Parkersburg; P. L. Nlmberly, of Sharon, Pa.; F. A. Donley and Robert Nomlon, of Chicago; George C. Howe,' of Duluth; J. C. Kays, of Palntsvllle, Ky., and members of an Eastern syndicate whose names are not made known. It is said that with connections at Co lumbus, O., this combination Intends also to enter the lake coal trade. WHERE TO DINE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant; fine private apart ments for parties, 305 Wash., near 5th. Imperial Hotel restaurant, 2d floor; six-course dinner 50c; first-class service, a la carte, 6:30 A. M. to 8 P. M. Loses a "Valuable Ilorse. Dr. Dave Raffety had the misfortune to lose his fine Altamont driving horse. "Tom" Saturday, after having kept the animal for many years. He put the horse in a pasture near St Johns some time ago in charge of Sam Simmons. The horse always came to the barn in the evening for feed, when he would be put up for the night Friday Mr. Simmons found the horse had broken his hind leg near tho thigh, and Dr. Raffety had him shot Dr. Raffety obtained the horse from Pe numbra Kelly, - when a colt paying $100 for him. Indigestion, sleeplessness and kindred complaints can easily be cured by the use of Schuster's Malt and Hop Tonic. A pleasant nonintoxlcatlng drink. At drug gists only. AT THE THEATERS CORD RAY'S The Lesion of Honor. Raoul de Llenleres.... Edwin Mordant Roland do Llgnieres .William E. Marlon Count de Maubry. . . .Mortimer Martini Luciea de Rochefort. .-. - C. Norman Hammond Monsieur Laroche. . . .H. Owen Evrysole Monsieur Distrait.... Paul Pllkingtoa PI card Howard Dorses Francola 0. S. Burns Elsie de Llgnieres Ola Humphrey Pauline Edna Keeley Baroness D'Alroy. .. .Beatrice Bronfleld Helene Laroche Anna Jordan Llzette ...Jane Templeman That enjoyable well-balancea play that was a success 20 years go, "The Legion of Honor." written by Dr. T. D. Callahan for the late Sam Piercy, was the attrac tion at Cordray's last night, and was cor dially received by a .house packed to Its utmost capacity. The play has quite a history, and was first produced in San Francisco. W. M. Russell, one of the managers at Cordray's, remembers play ing it many years ago In his theater at Detroit Mich., when Sam Piercy played Raoul de Llgnieres, and Lewis Morrison was the Count de Maubry. When Sam Piercy died, the company disbanded, and Manager R. C. Gardner took the only copy of the play with him to Australia, where the production was a money-maker. Many attempts were made to bring tho play to this country, and a long lawsuit resulted," so valuable was the play consid ered, but it was only last month that the manuscript reached New York. Mr. Rus sell was successful In purchasing the Western reproduction rights, and it is now played under an arrangement he has made with Edwin Mordant The latter got tho manuscript In Seattle, and with only five days for rehearsal he and his excellent company recently played it for the first time In that city. "The Legion of Honor" has a French setting and plot. The action and senti ment shine like a page from Dumas. Tho villlan is Count de Maubry (Mortimer Martini, who was here last season with Ralph Stuart) and he. although a married man, makes love to and marries a woman who Is afterward Elsie de Llgnieres (Ola Humphrey). When she discovers his du plicity, she leaves him and returns to her parents. Believing that she was not legal ly married to Maubry, she afterward married Raoul de Llgnieres (Edwin Mor dant) and gives birth to a son whom Raoul de Llgnieres accepts as his son, and names the baby Roland (W. E. Ma rlon). A few years later, the elder De Llgnieres learns from his mother-in-law, as she Is dying that Roland is really the son of the Count de Maubry, who, in the meantime, has been with the French army In Algiers, and for his bravery has been decorated with the Legion of Honor. The De Llgnieres have a daughter named Pauline (Edna Keeley). The plot thickens when De Maubry suddenly returns to Franco and meets his old friend, Monsieur Distrait (Paul Polklngton), who knew of his Intrigue with Elsie de Llgnieres. Dis trait is an old roue, and in his tittle-tattle he remarks in the presence of Roland that Elsie de Llgnieres suffered in her reputation at the hands of De Maubry. Just then De Maubry strolls in, and the angry young man springs (on him with tho fury of a tiger, burning to avenge the Insult offered to his mother. He plucks tho medal of the Legion of Honor from De Maubry's breast and, of course, a challenge to a duel follows. Here Is where the problem play begins. 'Will De Maubry fight with and slay his own son? The mother Is torn with re morse and grief when she learns of the proposed duel. The playwright brings the elder De Llgnieres and De Maubry togeth er, and De Maubry is told that he Is about to fight with his own son. He consents to be branded as a coward rather than fight with Roland, but a sudden dispute arises between De Maubry and De Llgnieres, and in the duel that follows the elder De Llg nieres drives his sword through his ene my's heart Ola Humphrey excelled in the heavy, emotional work and Mr. Mordant mado a fine, dignified De Llgnieres. Mr. Martini was acceptable as De Maubry, and Beatrice Bronfleld made a pretty picture as the Baroness. Mr. Polklngton skillful ly supplied the comedy element The oth ers acquitted themselves satisfactorily, and the play Is well staged. It will be played at Cordray's all this week. Special Matinee at the Empire. A special matinee wll be given at tho Empire Theater this afternoon on acount of the Labor day festivities, and the cozy playhouse will undoubtedly be thronged with amusement- seekers. The full and especially attractive new programme will bo presented. Prices, only 20 and 10 cents. VISIT FROM HIS CAPTAIN Portland Veteran Meets Him lor First Time Since Civil "War. At the meeting of Sumner Post, No. 12, G. A. R., Saturday night. Captain Lot Abraham, of Mount Pleasant Iowa, en tertained the members with a wonderful fund of story and song. The cause of his presence at the meeting was the inter esting feature. It was the reunion after 37 years between Captain Abraham and W. E. Hayden, both of whom served In Company D, Fourth Iowa Cavalry for four years of the war. Captain Abraham heard that Mr. Hay den lived on the East Side, and when he arrived in Portland on a visit to his sis ter, he located his. old comrade. Saturday evening Just before dark Captain Abra ham called at the home of Mr. Hayden. The latter at first failed to recognize his old comrade, but as soon as he spoke Mr. Hayden recalled him as the captain of the company in which he served. The two veterans served under Generals Pleas anton. Mowers, Grant and A. J. Smith In their campaigns through Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee. They were in 22 hard-fought battles and eight skirmishes. They parted 37 years ago at Mount Pleasant, la., at the mar riage of Captain Abraham. After they had spent several hours talk ing over old times, the two comrades went up to Sumner Post, where" the lat ter was soon as much at home as if he had always been a member. Captain Abraham has been a great traveler. He has been to the Holy Land and Is now touring the Northwest writing letters for the local papers. At the post he told in teresting stories and sang songs. It was one of the most interesting meetings Sumner Post ever held and the comrades mado It very pleasing to their visitor. He afterward paid Sumner Post the high compliment of saying that he had never enjoyed a G. A. R. meeting as keenly as that of Saturday night Captain Abra ham Is still a great traveler. Ho has made the trip up through the "gorge of the Columbia" and is gathering material for letters about Oregon. He will not for get to mention In his letters to his home papers that tho Lewis and Clark Fair will be held in Oregon in 1905. East Side Xotcs. Mrs. M. L. Woodcock has gone to Brooks, Or., on a visit to friends. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Dunning have re turned to their home on East Alder street from the seaside, after an absence of a month. J. V. Beach and family have returned to their home No. 661 East Ankeny street Milton Sunderland and family have re turned from their Summer sojourn at Hood River. Pain from indigestion, dyspepsia and too hearty eating is relieved at onco bV tak ing one of Carter's Little Liver Pills Im mediately, after, dinner. SHI ELDS' Grace "Walton Makes Her Dcbmt oh. Vandeville Stage. Keen-edged, and cruel, the sharp sibl lance of a hiss cut through the applause which greeted Grace Walton Haynie's debut' on the vaudeville stage at Shields Park last night The little brown-haired woman, wife of a highwayman, faltered a second, and then, as -the heralding music of the orchestra stopped, broke nervously into her recitation. Mrs. Haynie, new vaudevile star though she be, is not beautiful. Her figure has the lines of agreeable salience which lean "females must imitate with pads of cloth and quilted hair. Her arms, bare to the shoulder last night, aro pretty with the prettlness of the plump and youthful, but they show also the ominous swell above the elbow which presages an unattractive fatness at 40. The big audience at the park liked her last night Whether it liked the recita tion cannot be told. But it applauded heartily at Its close, and the young woman who lias broken into vaudeville as a head liner walked off the stage with a look of marked relief upon her face. Mrs. Haynie was undeniably nervous. Although the wind may have tossed her somewhat scanty hair, no one who was not nervous would have so continuously stroked the recalcitrant tresses back Into place or out of It In response to a deaf ening encore, In which no hiss was audi ble,she sang "Where the Silvery Colorado Wends Its Way," and hero again her nervousness put her at a disadvantage. But withal Mrs. Haynie made a hit The audience liked her, and Manager Shieldsy who banked partly on the curiosity of tho public to see . a woman of whom 'twas said that she watched her husband hold up men on Seattle's streets, has every reason to congratulate himself upon his judgment His new star will be a drawing card all week. The remainder of the show Is snappy and attractive. Francois, a shadow graphlst, opens the programme, and his turn affords the audience much . amuse ment Black Barton does a "coon" spe cialty, and Rose and Swain, a pair of Dutch sketch artists, are really original and good. Nelsonia, a Juggler, evokes much ap plause with a plate-splnnlng act in which he keeps seven china dishes spinning on a table at one time. Rand and Byron, a knock-about sketch team, depend largely on the grotesque appearance of a fat lady in short skirts for the mirth they cause. Nellie Hlllyer has a very acceptable voice, and her illustrated songs were well re ceived. Roselle and Rostelle created a good deal of laughter in their sketch entitled "A Widow's Courtship," while the polyscope pictures are unusually good. Labor-Day Attraction at Marnuam, Tonight at the Marquam Grand Theater that funny farce comedy "Where Is Cobb?" will begin an engagement of two nights. It may seem strange, but "Where Is Cobb" Is quite different from all other farce comedles-dn that it actually contains a plot Aside from the play itself are in troduced some of the strongest vaudeville acts ever seen In the "West, including Miss Marion George, conceded to have no equals as a lady violinist; Miss Katherlne George, doing the greatest contortion ever seen, without a repulsive feature; Miss Agnes George, a phenomenal soprano. just in her teens, who reaches G above high C. Harry Bradley, Bert P. Van Cleve, Robert Lawrence and Hamilton Armour, four of the best character comedians In the East, are especially en gaged, also Miss. Emma George, Irish character actress; Harry Pollard, God frey Matthews, G. Payson and iast but not least in ability, Master Ellis George, the boy cornetist Popular prices will prevail and the engagement will be for two nights only. Known as the Cleverest. The new programme to be presented at the Empire Theater tonight will have upon It one act that is known for its ex ceptional merit to every 'person In Amer ica versed in things theatrical. Raymond & Ca'verly, the German comedians, are without question the cleverest and fun niest team In the business outside the City of New York. A convincing proof of their merit Is the fact that they are paid a higher salary than any similar team on the road today. The rest of the bill is crowded with clever acts, and the many patrons of the popular house are assured of a week of merriment Advance Sale Opens "Wednesday. The advance sale of seats will open Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock for Hoyt's "A Texas Steer" company, which comes to the Marquam Grand Theater next Friday night and Saturday afternoon, September 11 and 12. BOYS AND GIRLS AS GUESTS John F. Cordray Entertains "Wards of the Society at Theater. Manager John F. Cordray, who is a friend and neighbor of the Boys and Girls' Aid Society, invited the inmates of the Receiving Home to the niatineo perform ance at his theater Saturday, the drama, "Hills of California" being a play that the- children thoroughly appreciated Mr. Cordray Is pleasantly remembered by nearly every child who has come under the care of the society, as such invitations are frequently extended to them through his courtesy. As the school term Is about to open, the management would feel grateful for any donations of school books, or boys' shoes, as these things are badly needed. Dean Davis, the boy who was committed by the Municipal Court for larceny, bare ly escaped a sentence of a year In the county jail, but -out of regard for his youth, was placed In the care of the so ciety, will be sent by the management to relatives in the East, where he will bo removed from his former associates and given a chance to begin life anew. SCHOOLHOUSE NEEDED. But Brooklyn Mnst "Wait Until Man in Alaska Is Found. W. O. Ogilbee, Janitor of Brooklyn schoolhouse, has a great task to clean up and renovate that old building for tho opening of school. No general repairs have been made since It was built In some of the rooms and halls tho plaster is cracked, and seems ready to drop off. In a room on the second floor some of EMPIRE $ Matinee Today . Labor :: Flrst0f5ance RAYMOND 1 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT j BAXDY AND WILSON MOUNTS AND DELMAlt JOE SULLIVAN LOA DURBYELLE THE NEW3IANS ARTHUR IIAHN SAM KELLYS IDA ' AND THE BIOSCOPE I REGULAR MATINEE PRICES . . . j THIS IS THE PROPOSITION No One Patronizing EHers Piano House Shall Eer Have Cause to Regret It. Any piano or organ sold by us during this great alteration sale or at any other time, that Is not found by the customer after delivery exactly as represented, In every particular, may do retained Dy tne purchaser as a nresent or returned at "EUers Piano House, expense and money win De cneenuiiy ana promptly refunded. This blfr establishment of ours has been built up on strictly modern broadguage principles; we propose to aanere to them as closely now and In future as wo have in the past, for In dealing fairly and generously with the public lies the only hope for permanency of any business en terprise. Remember that this alteration sale is the greatest money-saving opportunity you have ever seen in the Western piano trade. Over1- a hundred and twenty-five of the shrewdest buyers of this city and state, as well as from Idaho, Washington, and Wyoming, have found it so. You will do likewise if you'll stop to investigate. Come In before It Is too late. Remember the place, Ellars Piano House, 351 Wash ington street corner of Park street. the plaster has already fallen. The Lee Chapel building, with two rooms, on Pow ell and East Elghteonth streets, will be occupied by the overflow from the Brook lyn schoolhouse, and even it will be crowded. However, hopes are , entertained that part of a new building will be started south of the present structure as soon as full title to the additional five lots pur chased can be secured. Title on three lots has been secured, but the owner of two of the lots Is In the heart of Alaska and has not yet been heard from. Survey Railroad to Hlllshoro. Engineer R. R. McCleod and party, who have been making surveys for the Southern Pacific Railway Company at Mllwaukle, will this week move over to the Tualatin River, where they will begin a survey toward Hlllsboro next week. Mr. McCleod has submitted his report to Chief Engineer Hood at San Francisco. The party has been in Mllwaukie for more than six months. BUSINESS ITEMS. If Baby Is Cutting Teeth, Be sure and use that old and well-tried remedy, Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup, tor children teething-. It soothes the child, softens the gunw. allays all pain, cures wind colic and diarrhoea. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Thi Kind You Have Always Sought Bears the Signature) of ISHIRTS! THAT ARE iRIGHTj Are a pleasure to the wearer. We are showing a superb line of new shirts for the Fall sea son that you will find are. right in price as well as style. Buffum & Peitdleton Agents for Knox and Warburton Hats 9 e a Don't spoil your silver STIVER EOO SH Contains no acids or injurious ingredients. Cleans as well as polishes. Does not cake f!l25KE$fc cent, a package Rock Springs Coal Secure your Winter's supply now. Special rates 6 tons or more, on either the RANGE) or LUMP COAX. This is the beat house coal sold. VULCAN COAL CO. Phone Main 2776. B. R. track. Front and Glisan. FRED PREHIN DENTIST Room 405 Dekum Building Tnlce the elevator Mr P T RRflWN ETB AND BAP. DIS E A3 B.I, Ul.C. U. DlU ii n Usmuaa big., rooma VM-7. E. W. TEDO. A New Collar. E. IV. Radway's Ready Relief ls(a cure for every pain, toothache, headache, neuralgia, rheumatism. THEATER Day. Entire Change of Bill AND CAVERLY 20 AND 10 CENTS Electric For prices and any further information in regard to Electric Heating Appliances, Electrical Supplies or Electric Light, call or address Portland General Electric Co. SEVENTH AND ALDER STS. PORTLAND, OR. FULL SET OF TEETH, with rub ber plates, as low as GOLD CROWNS as low as .' TORIK These lenses give a perfect definition of objects when you look to the right or left.' as well as straight ahead. Old spectacle wearers will appreciate this advantage. WALTER REED THE OPTICIAN 133 SIXTH STREET, PAINLESS Teeth Extracted Absolutely Without Pain and All Kinds of Dental Work Done by Wl3e Brothers, the Painless Dentists DR. "W. A. "WISE. WISE BROS., Dentists Open evenings till 9. Sundays MANUFACTURERS' 345 ALDER STREET Is getting the business. Why? First-class Goods, Square Dealing, Lowest Prices. Pian os from the factory to the home. No middlemen. W. T. SHANAHAIN MANAGER This Shield I' 2? tJJ This is the Yusea ) J5 the best mantle made. The price is 2 35 cents. With or- dinary care it will last a year per I haps longer. All Dealers. ! 2T vsfun Sail nwwwvfc UXXA DEFINES A CAUSE. European Skin Specialist Says Dan druff la Caused "by Parasites. Upon that thcorj proved beyond a doubt, a cure for dandruff was sought af ter. Scientists, chemists, druggists and physicians all "took a hand" and tho successful issue Is the present product known as "Newbro's Herplclde." This remedy actually kills the parasites that Infest the hair bulb, does Its work most effective and contains not an atom of substance injurious to anything else than the germ alone. Herplclde causes the hair to grow as Nature intended It should, soft and abundant. Sold by lead ing druggists. Send 10 cents In stamps for sample to tho Herplclde- O., Detroit, Mich. Irrrrif mA It WELSBACH j f. qjwijrY 2 m ill Flat1 Iron It is always hov always ready, clean and bright. No matter where you want to use it, whether in kitchen, sewing room or laundry, it is but a small matter to con nect it to the electric light circuit. It is quickly heated and remains heated as long as the current is on. Espe cially in the sewing room, where a hot iron is often needed, will this be appre ciated from the fact that it requires no fire and no run ning to and from the kitchen. E0PLE NEGLECT THEIR TEETH? If those that neglect their teeth fully realized the importance of sound molars. It would not be necessary to continually call attention to this Important duty. Your health and per sonal appearance demand that your teeth, re celvo proper treatment. Call and see tia. No pain whatever during any operation. Dr. B.E.WRKiHT' DENTAL OFFICE 342j WASHINGTON ST. Corner Seventh. FEES REASONABLE. CONSULTATION FREE. Offlco hours: S A. M. to 5 P. II.; evenings. 7:30 to 8:30. Sundays. 10 A. M. to 12 1L Teleohonaw ilaln 2119. OREGOXIAX LTJILDIXG. EXTRACTING DR. T. P. WISE. ;C8-213 FAILING 8U110IX0. Cor. 3d and Wash. SI. from 0 to 12. Or. Main 2020. EDUCATIOXAL. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY JOHN H. COLEMAX, PRESIDENT, Salem, Or. ColleKc of Liberal Arts, Lair, Art, Medicine, Music, Oratory, TlieoloKj. Preparatory Department Open to students completing eighth srado department: lower grades in preparatory de partment. Besides affording: professional traln lnff, the university seek3 to slve a thorough, practical education for all who aro aware o thn value of trained brain. The Xorninl Department Offers a thorough course In the theory and. practice of teaching. Meets all requirements of state school law. Its teachers are In con stand demand. Catalogue upon application. PORTLAND ACADEMY Fits boys and girls fiV Eastern colleges, A hall for girls, with the appointments and supervision of a careful home. Prin cipals at the Academy dally from 9 A. M. to 12 H. for enrollment of students. Next term opens September 14. For catalogue addrer ? PORTLAND ACADEMY. Portland, Or. Bierte musical Institute 653 Flanders SL Phone Main 2521. Season of 1503-01 open September 1. Ap- ply at an early date as the classes aro filling rapidly. f CHARLES DIEUKE, Principal. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OP THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Seventeenth annual session begins Sept. 1 2003. Address S. E. JOSEPH!. M. 23.. Dean. 610 Dekum bldg.. Portland. FULL SET BRIDGE WORK s.vv Gold Filling $1.00 Gold Crown $5,00 Silver Filling $ .50 New York Dental Parlors MAIN OFFICE FOURTH AND MORRI SON STS., PORTLAND. Branch Offlce, 614 1st av.. Seattle. 6:30 A. M. to 0 P. M.: Sundays, 8:30 A. it, to 2 P. M. SCHWAB BROS. PRINTING CO. BEST WORK. REASONABLE PRICES t 24714 Stark Street Phone Main 178 4.