TIIE MOjInIKG OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, JULY -21, 1903., Site reijcrutca Watered at the Postofflce tt Port! an 3. Crexoa. as rtcond-cltss matter. HEV1SED SUBSCRIPTION RATES. By aim (postage prepaid, la advance) Ur. n Sunday, per month ..$0.53 ally, Sunday excepted, per year..'-. '55 Dally, with Sunday, per year 8-00 Sunday, per year 2.00 Tfca Weekly, per year . 1.W The Weekly. 2 months....... To City Subscribers Daily, per week, delivered. Sunday excepted. 102 Pally, per week, delivered. Sunday lacluded.20c POSTAGE BATES. United States, Canada and llexloo SO to 14-page paper...... ....... ....... 16 to SO-page paper . ......... -.20 tt to 44-pg4 paper 50 Foreign rates double. News or dltcucslon Intended for publication tn The Oreronlan should he addressed Invaria bly "Editor The Oregonian." not to the name ef any Individual. 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For sale in Chicago by the P. O. News Co.. 17 Dearborn street, and Charlea MacOonald. tS Washington street. For sale In Omaha by Barkalow Bros.. 1G12 Farnam street; Megeath Stationery Co, 1208 Famam street. For sale In Ogden by W. G. Kind. 114 25th street; Jac. H. Crockwell. 242 25th street. For sale in Salt Lake by the Salt Lake News Co.. 77 West Second South street. For sale la Washington, D. C by the Ebbett House new stand. For sale In Denver, Colo., by Hamilton & Kendrick, 003-012 Seventeenth etreet; Louthan & Jackson Book & Stationery Co., Fifteenth and Lawrence streets; A. Series. Sixteenth and Curtis streets. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER Maximum tern perature. 01; minimum temperature, 58; pre cipitation, 0. TOD AT S WEATHER Increasing cloudiness, probably followed by showers and cooler weather; winds shifting to southerly. .PORTLAND, TUESDAY, JULY 21, 1003 A GREAT SPIRITUAL SOVEREIGN The death of the great spiritual sov ereign and statesman of the Vatican at the extraordinary age of 93 years Is, of course, not an unexpected event, but it is one that may be fraught with Im portant and far-reaching political con sequences. "When on February 20, 1878, Cardinal Peccl assumed the papal chair, he was 68 years of age, a time of life when the world does not expect and does not often obtain brilliant service of any man. Nobody had a right to anticipate that Pope Leo would survive his 93d year four months, and few ex pected that he would prove himself to be the. greatest statesman and most astute diplomatist that has stood at the head of the Church of Rome for more than 200 years. There have been great statesmen before among the popes, like Gregory VII (Hildebrand), Ju lius II, Sixtus V, and many others. The popes who unflinchingly defied such able Kings as Henry II, John and Henry VIII In England; who successfully resisted three of the ablest Emperors of Germany in the Middle Ages, were, of course, men of great mental and moral force, but It is prob able that history will place Pope Leo XIII In the very first rank, of the Roman pontiffs, because all that he has wrought has been due to the power he has exercised as a purely spiritual sov ereign oVer the politics of Europe. His great predecessors enjoyed temporal power, and at their call the armies of more than one great military power of Europe stood ready to do battle In their behalf. When Pope Leo succeeded Pius IX, a hot-headed. Impetuous man, a peace maker was needed, and Leo XIII has been emphatically a peacemaker through his diplomatic skill and patient statesmanship. Under this great pope In Germany the animosities of the Kul turkampf have given way to a situa tion where the government party In the Reichstag is obliged to rely on the Catholic or Center party to save it from defeat by the Socialists. Bis marck's anti-Catholic or Falk laws have all been repealed save that excluding Jesuits from residence in Germany, and that is likely soon to be expunged. The German Emperor openly courts the good offices of the Vatican, and alto gether the victory of Leo In Germany Is as complete as when his great prede cessor made Emperor Henry come to Canosss. The Church of 'Rome under Leo XIII has improved the conditions of Catholics in other non-Catholic countries, in Russia, in Great Britain and In the United States. In France Pope Leo has acted with extraordinary prudence in urging all Catholics to support the republic, and In avoiding any open rupture with the French gov ernment on the subject of the religious associations. In Italy, while the pope has never consented to a formal renunciation of its claims by the Holy See, neverthe less his matchless prudence has ere ated a condition of things that is al most equivalent to a modus Vivendi, so rare have become the occasions for con flict between the Vatican and the Qulri nai. On "both sides every pains is taken to avoid everything that might revive former hostilities. The difference be tween Pius IX and Leo XIII was a dif ference both of temperament and Intel lect. Pius IX was a Bourbon, who in politics learned nothing and forgot nothing, while Leo was a man who rode the wave of the modern political movement which .Plus IX vainly sought to stem, and instead of being a man born out of his time he behaved like on up-to-date statesman, who led his great church- In both Europe "and the United States in sympathy with mod era society and government. In France Pope Leo saw that the drift of the French people was for a republic, and he promptly cast his influence with that form of government and refused to tie his vagon to the settlngstar of desiccated monarchlsm. In the United States Pope Leo always approved of the advanced Catholicism In politics of i Cardinal Gibbons and Archbishops Ire land, Xeage and Spalding. The great pope saw clearly that under our form of Government his great church had every possible opportunity for the en joyment of vigorous life, liberty and toleration, through our fundamental laws which separated church and state and exacted no religious tests for office. When Bishop Ireland told the pope that he thought It better for the patriotic education of the Catholic children that they should go to the free public schools rather than exclusively to the parochial schools, the pope directed that no Cath olic parent should be made a subject of ecclesiastical discipline if he chose to send his child to the public school rather than to the parochial schools. When an .able statesman and diplo mat of the quality of Pope Leo passes out 6f the field of the world's politics, it Is certain that his death will be sensibly felt and expressed possibly In some more or less Important changes of politics. He has never consented to accept the stipend voted by the Italian Parliament; he has never permitted faithful Catholics to take part In par liamentary elections; he has never ceased to protest against the act of military invasion by which the pope's temporal power was extinguished and Rome was Incorporated with the Ital ian monarchy. But there are members of the College of Cardinals who are less Inflexible than was Pope Leo. The late Cardinal Parocchl was a Liberal and a patriot, who believed it possible to establish a modus Vivendi between the papacy and the civil power, and In 1887 he presented a plan for an ad justment of the relations between church and state. He lost favor with the pope by Inviting Queen Margherlta to be present at a religious ceremony over which he presided, and was re moved from the position of vicar of Rome, the highest which a member of the sacred college can hold In Italy. A large majority of the sacred college are believed to uphold the irreconcilable policy toward the Italian state which Plus IX and Leo XIII have personified. Theoretically, the College of Cardi nals, when they meet' In conclave to elect a successor to the dead pope, are absolutely Independent of all extrane ous Influence, but in practice It has never risen entirely above the sway of the Influence of the powers of Europe. The Emperors of Germany and Austria are allies bf the King of Italy, and they will do what they can to obtain the election of a pope who will be willing to see the long-standing quarrel be tween the Italian state and the Vatican brought to an end by moderate con cessions on both sides. France will exert its influence In the same direc tion through the French cardinals in the college. The Italian cardinals, how ever, form a considerable majority of the college, and if united can determine the choice of the next pope. The tem poral power of the pope is gone, never to return. The unity of Italy and the territorial sovereignty of the pope In Rome Is absolutely Incompatible, but with the death of the temporal power the spiritual sovereignty of the pope has been vastly Increased. That Is, the Influence of the Vatican has gained rather than, lost ground In both Europe and America since the death of the tern poral power of the pope, who no longer carries with him the political odium that was charged against Plus IX by the friends of Young Italy until the day of his death. A LESSON IN HEREDITY. The annals of men of genius present some curious problems for students in heredity to solve. Charles 'Lamb was the son of a butler; Cardinal Wolsey was the son of a butcher; Sugden, a fa mous English jurist, was the son of a barber; Keats was the son of a livery stable-keeper; Pope Sixtus V was the son of a swineherd. The list Is capable of large expansion. In our own coun try, Hawthorne, our finest, most origi nal literary artist, was descended on .his father's side from sailor stock. His grandfather was a sea captain, who put down a mutiny at sea by his personal strength and courage. Hawthorne was a shy, silent, refined man, a dreamer, and yet he came of a race of doers. The famous artist Whistler, a man of very rare genius, conceded to be the finest etcher in Europe, was an Amerl can born and bred, and was educated at West Point Military Academy. His ancestors on his father's side were all soldiers. The founder of the family. John Whistler, was born In Ireland In 1756, and served In Burgoyne's army After the Revolution he eloped with the daughter of Sir Edward Bishop to the United States, enlisted In the American Army and was wounded In the cam paign of 1791 against the Indians of Northwest Territory. His son William was an Army officer In the War of 1812-14. William's son, Colonel J. G. N, Whistler, was a graduate of West Point served In Mexico and the Civil War. Another son of William Whistler of 1812-14 fame, G. W. Whistler, graduate of West Point, was a famous civil and military engineer and a pro fessor at West Point. G. W. Whistler was the father of the artist Whistler, who was educated at West Point, but owing to some eccentricity of conduct did not graduate. Edgar A Poe left West Point and grasped fame, and so did Matt Carpenter, the great lawyer of- Wisconsin, andVhistler dies possessed of a fame that would not have been his had he stuck to the profession of arms It is hard to And any trace of fine poetic Imagination and introspective thinking in Hawthorne s sailor progenitors, and it is quite as hard to find any trace of rare genius for art In the soldier an cestors of the famous artist Whistler. Between 191 and 1834 four of the Whistler family were officers' In the American Army. The fifth, after com mencing the study of the military pro fession and nearly finishing his course, suddenly concluded to study art and rose rapidly to distinction. While" artists do not agree to many of his theories concerning art, all concede that he was an artist of rare and original genius. Where shall we look for the -art strain In the military progenitors of this remarkable man? The question cannot be answered anymore than you can ac count for aSTy other man of genius by his forbears. Very mediocre and ob scure persons sometimes are the pa rents of famous children, and as a rule men and women, of genius seldom have children that rise above mediocrity. Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes said that you would need to know all about both sides of the family for at least 500 years to explain anybody whose fame or the lack of fame was worthy of reflection. PASSING OP THE STEAMBOAT. The-closing of the career of the old steamer North Pacific, as" told in yes terday's telegraph news, will seem to many of the old-timers at Portland, as well as at Puget Sound, like the. sever ing of a link which bound the past to the present Steamboats no longer play the Important part that was once theirs In the development of the country. Railroads and electric lines have driven them from the best routes, and the public no longer feels the Interest in them that was shown when they were almost the sole means of communica tion. The North Pacific was designed by the late John Gates, of this city, a man who won lasting fame by his many steamboat Inventions and appliances. The steamer was built in San Fran cisco, and when she entered Puget Sound enjoyed the distinction of being the finest craft that had ever floated on those waters. Her coming on Puget Sound at a time when the ancient Eliza Anderson was the best boat plying the Inland sea was proportionately of much greater importance than the advent of the palatial Alaskan - and Olympian, which the O. R. Sc. N. Co: brought out from the East for the Puget Sound trade a dozen years later. It has been twenty years since these fine side-wheelers reached the Pacific Coast, and although one of them was lost off Cape Blanco fourteen years ago. the other Is. still lying idle in this city. and the old North Pacific, in spite of her age, has handled more business since their arrival than has been han dled by both of the big boats. Never theless, the old craft's time had come. When .the spat of her paddles In the water and the rumble of her old walk ing beam was first heard In the Cities of Seattle and Tacoma she was a first class steamer In ports too Insignificant to have a class. When she steamed out of those ports on her farewell trip last week she was an ancient relic of a by gone era, and the ports which first knew her were splendid cities whose growth has bordered on the marvelous. The North Pacific outlived her useful ness. The demands or advancing civi lization called for faster and more eco nomically operated boats, but her pass lng as distinctively marks an era In the commercial development of the Pacific Northwest as was marked by the aban donment of the emigrant wagon or the pony express. Steamboat traffic will continue to grow on Puget Sound and the Columbia River. In time these waters will float the finest Inland steam ers In the world, but never again will the steamboat be so prominent a factor In business life of the cities and towns along these waters. And yet the exit of these old-timers cannot but cause a pang of regret among other old-timers who trod their decks "before the rail road came." The North Pacific's career extended over nearly a third of a cen tury, a period which has probably wit nessed greater changes than will ever be recorded in a corresponding period in the future for the Pacific Northwest. Like the Lot Whitcomb, John H. Couch, Multnomah and other pioneer craft on the Columbia River, the North Pacific will linger in the minds of the pioneers of Seattle and Tacoma as a very Important factor In the early com mercial life of those cities. The genera tion now reaching maturity. If they re-. member her at all, will recall her only as a "slow old tub of a steamboat"- SCARCITY OF DWELLINGS. In last Sunday's issue of The Orego- nlan many persons advertised for houses to rent. If the announcements were made In September, when many families move to Portland from the country to get the benefit of the public schools, the demand would be natural, but In dog days," when "everybody Is out of town," this search for houses. Is significant. Evidently these advertisers sought real estate offices and tramped the streets for "To Let" signs in vain. The. same paper contains the previous day's rec ord of building permits Issued for twenty-one dwellings. With reversed conditions of supply and demand It Is pertinent, to Inquire whether Portland has enough houses to meet present re quirements. Of course, we all know the effect of the painters' and the carpenters' strike early In the season. Not one of the hundreds who had bought lqts and saved mortey for homes would under take to build In the face of the uncer tainty, and the several big concerns which construct homes and sell them on the installment plan called a halt Today building operations are not more forward than they would have been the middle of May, if labor disturbances had not occurred, and yet when every house now building Is occupied, there Is certain to be as strong a demand for homes as ever. Let 1000 dwellings, to cost between $1000 and $2500, convenient to any car line, be started today, and they will find prompt-paying tenants before they are ready for occupancy. One fact seems to have been over looked by some men with means who own vacant lots and have or can com mand capital. Portland since 1897 has been growing at the rate of 5000 people a year. About 1000 dwellings are need ed to house that number, making due allowance for families of two and three, and for the percentage who seek hotels. boarding-houses and fight hmsekeeping rooms. No landlord finds ground for dissatisfaction over his income from rents; still, while there has been much building, the supply of attractive homes is not equal to the normal demand. Occasionally you hear "knockers say: "But wait till the Lewis and Clark Fair Is over, and then count the empty houses." Who Is building houses for the Lewis and Clark Fair? Every brick now laid and every shingle put on is In answer to genuine demand from business and - professional men and wage-earners of both sexes who have steady employment and comfortable In comes. A year from now there will be a thousand more looking for homes; not transients who may be attracted by the Centennial, but permanent residents Every section of country tributary to Portland is prosperous; so also the commercial, marine and manufactur ing Interests. Nothing can stop Port land's growth. The growth, may be slow, but the town won't stand still Enough houses for 110,000 population are not enough for 115,000. Portland needs more dwellings. The widespread, activity and contin ued profitableness of business is shown in no other line more strongly than in the Increase in railroad building, equip ment and earnings. The United States Steel Corporation is spending millions n dollars In preparation for an In creased demand upon its capacity, while. working! Its enormous plants night and day to' supply the present demand. Trade reports on commercial conditions at the close of the fiscal year show that merchandizing kept pace with industrial activities, the cleaning up ' of stocks being exceedingly gratifying. No Im pairment of the purchasing power of the people Is indicated, but the contrary Is fully established by the last fact cited. The adjustment of labor differ ences on a reasonable basis, with some assurance of permanency, is all that Is needed to complete a record of pros perity for the current year that is phe nomenal. THE LAST OF EARTH. The last effort of Nature to maintain life in a human frame worn out with the attrition of the years or enfeebled by disease is under all circumstances a thing painful to behold. An utterly hopeless warfare against Its own inex orable decree is the contest which "by reason of strength" is kept up In some cases by Nature for hours, and even days, before the physical forces suc cumb and the thing we call life Is per mitted to seek new environment. The struggle Is pitiful enough when Its de tails are confined to the chamber of the dying over which love keeps tender guard. But when the whole world is In waiting, and, listening, hears every gasp for breath, every half-uttered word of mental wandering, every broken exclamation of pain or fare well, and when to all of this Is added In grewsome detail a description of the withered, cringing form and ghastly visage of the dying man who parts so hardly with his breath, the tension be comes so great that horror may be said to stand on tiptoe waiting for the end. It Is thus that for many days the world waited in the chamber of the dying pope his long-deferred release from suffering, and thus that the end having come, his faithful adherents find relief -from the long strain that his illness has Imposed In expressions of grief the keynote of which Is thank fulness that It Is finished. Eulogy has for many days past dealt generously with the name of Pope Leo XIII. None has been so poor In appre ciation as to speak of him without the reverence that Is the Just tribute of honored age. All of his life a student, he was a learned man. For many years the head of the Church of Rome, his word was law, and his law was un questioned by Its millions of communi cants. A statesman of acumen and a man of .peace, yet withal his na ture was kindly, sympathetic and gen erous. With his dogmas the great world outside of the Catholic Church had nothing in common, nothing to do; but he lived in an era of enlightenment and toleration which would have been impossible of Innocent HI, who was equally learned and of a like devout na ture. During his late Illness, a remarkable feature of which was the ascendency ot his powerful will over age. physical weakness and pain, the Interest of the entire civilized world has been centered upon him not in thq hope of his re covery, for that from the first was con sidered practically Impossible, but upon the closing event which occurred at an early hour yesterday morning. Rever ently, because of his great age and his exemplary life, the world of humanity stands by the bier, of Leo XIII; sorrow ing as for a personal loss, each Individ ual of the Catholic Church weeps for him. History but repeats Itself In his death, and no new chord of human sympathy or experience Is touched by It It is simply the last bf earth for a man who served according to his light in an ecclesiastical sense his day and generation. Facsimiles of The Oregonian's an nouncement of the death of Pope Plus IX are printed In today's Issue. The contrast between those meager reports and the hundreds of columns that have been printed concerning Leo Is most striking and significant Then there was no previous discussion of the pope's Illness; only a brief Item that he was sick, then the news of his death, then the announcement of his succession. It is not that there was less interest in the subject than now. The contrast shows the enormous gains made In newspaper facilities in twenty-five years and the difference In newspaper work then and now. The statement that an American girl, the daughter of a missionary, has be come Empress of Corea, having first been for some years an Inmate of the Imperial harem and borne a son to the Emperor, Is not calculated to shed lus ter either upon the American name or the missionary cause. Neither is It at all flattering to our National vanity that the son of thi3 American girl has been proclaimed heir-apparent to the throne of Corea. The story of Empress Om is an unsavory one, and it is a pity that It eVer leaked-out Mr. Bryan declares tliat the Cleve land boom, as It now stands. Is a com edy, but If It should succeed It would be a tragedy. As observed by the Pittsburg Chronicle, "Mr. Bryan has figured often enough In comedies and tragedies to know these things when he sees them." He has survived a sue cession of them. There Is reason to hope that Mr. Cleveland will possess equal vitality, especially as he is sav ing his breath for the time when he will need It, while Mr. Bryan persists in wasting his. The pope lived In good health a life of hard mental work and responsibility until he was 93 years and 4 months old. During his whole life he obeyed the laws of health in his temperance In food and drink; his dally exercise did not go beyond a walk In his garden and an oc caslonal carriage ride. Systematic arti ficial athletics to acquire superior mus cular development do not seem nec essary to obtain, length of days on the part of men who practice plain living and high thinking. The new Assistant Secretary of War, General Robert Shaw Oliver, began his military career as Second Lieutenant of the Fifth Massachusetts Volunteer Cav airy In September, 1SG4. This was the colored regiment that under Colonel Henry S. Russell served In the Twenty- fifth Army Corps of the James. No Portlander can truthfully say that he has lacked the opportunity the past week to express an opinion of the po lice department. Aldrlch Is the father-in-law of John D. Rockefeller. A fitting man for Vice President, truly, If Hanna Is to run the campaign! Senator Aldrlch, of Rhode Island, for Vice-President? In selecting a man can't TomPlatt look west of the Alle- ghenles? WHAT THEY THINK OF US. Sarkaxm, Undoubtedly. Pendleton Tribune. Portland says that she Is on good ,terms with the rest -of the' Btate now. So nice of her. . Rejoicing; Also In "Washington. Forest Grove Times. Portland has now passed to the front and become the greatest lumber export ing port in the world. As the business Is constantly growing and the supply prac tically unlimited, the pre-eminence of our Oregon metropolis is assured for many years, and we can all rejoice In her pros perity. Anil Still Another. Springfield News. The OregonJan seems to be up a stump for a railroad running into Central Ore gon, since the Harriman deal Is off. There is a survey across the mountains Just east of Springfield, which. If a road is ever built will tap the very country The Oregonian wants. What's the matter with agitating this route? Staid Old Tacoma la Scandalised. Tacoma News. Portland ought to organize a vigilance committee to deal with the highwaymen and burglars with which the city is- in fested. A few hangings of murderous highwaymen would possibly serve as a deterrent to that species of crime, which is altogether too rampant at present in all the cities of the Pacific Northwest. A Worthy Roast. Independence Enterprise. Portland has the proud ulstinction of leading the world In the exportation of lumber during the past six months. The boast is a worthy one. The lumber Indus try In Oregon has hardly started develop ment millions of feet standing untouched. Portland Is destined to be likewise hon ored frequently during the next few years. Even With an Annual Fasti. Eugene Guarti. The Guard would warn Eugene inhab itants against a town down the Valley known as Portland It has become unsafe to visit the city. Thugs, murderers, rob bers and gambling sharks infest the city. The city detectives and police department seem unable to act Do your shopping In Eugene. In all earnestness Portland will have to stop these things or her rep utation will spoil the Lewis and Clark Fair. Hnrrlmnn anil III Thinking? Cap, Klamath Falls Express. Again there is report that Harriman will construct a railroad to Central Oregon. To do so is not at all to his likinsr with the .Columbia waterway for a starting point but the determination of Portland to head off the Inroad of some other line tending towards San Francisco has evidently got ten Mr. Harriman into serious thought which will likely result in railroad build ing that will ultimately divert the whole of the trade of the Oregon country east of the Cascades to Portland. Not Wholly Complimentary. Astoria News. Portland's policy is a narrow one. As A B. Hammond's famous Interview said in substance, she Is a hog and a fool. She wants to hog every enterprise and Is a fool for so doing. If she would encour age industries and development In her ter ritory, whereby the interior would'be built up In population and wealth, her great jobbing interests would prosper. Her com mercial supremacy would be assured. Her wealth and population would be increased. Her natural destiny would be fulfilled. You Do Us Proud, Itelghbor. Deschutes Echo. The Oregonian for a week or more past has almost daily contained articles urging tne building of the Columbia Southern railroad Into this town. Now, once for all. we wish to say that The Oregonian In Its attitude towards this section of the state has shown more advanced ideas and a keener appreciation of the future of this vicinity than all other business concerns In the city of Portland combined. It has sought eagerly for every Item of. news concerning the extension of a railroad Into this country. , Slow, Says Crook County. Prlncvllle Journal. A city's slowness -was never shown to a better advantage than Is Portland's In this Central Oregon railroad question. A vast undeveloped region that- will some day build a city, or possibly cities that will vie with the present Portland In Impor tance, Is retarded In Its development, sim ply because the leading men of its natural outlet, Portland, fall to show enough con certed action to attract capital to our sec tion. Show us another section of liko size and Importance of resources that has lain so long with no more development than wo have had. We doubt if It can be done. May Come From Any Direction. Bend Bulletin. We need a railroad. If Portland will not throw out this life line a life line quite as much for Portland as for Central Oregon we will accept the railroad from any di rection It may come. The railroad Is more Important than is the direction of its approach. For many reasons we would prefer the extension of the Columbia Southern. Next in preference would be the Corvallis &. Eastern. But If we cannot get either of those let a lino come In from Ontario or Reno or any other old place. Evidence of the fact that Portland Is about past the stage of mumbling polite phrases to Mr. Harriman and Is approach ing the stage of action is supplied by the Oregonian. There is, of course, no ques tion as to the substantial profit of the en terprise. If Portland will build the rail road Central Oregon will do the rest. Parent on the Altar. Blue Mountain American. Co-operation of the entire state Is urged by the Lewis and Clark Fair Commission. Residents of different sections are re minded that the name of Oregon 13 in volved, the parent Is on the altar, and all the filial Impulses of man are appealed to insupport of the enterprise inaugurated by" Portland, but now gently placed upon the shoulders of the state and Northwest We will assist, co-operate. Sumpter Is not lacking in public spirit. We do this to avoid being as narrow and mean as Port land and the Weetern Cascade farmer. Sumpter has always been opposed in whatever contention arose hero for min ing Interests, by the people of Portland and the Western Cascades. Whether for forest reserve secluding mineral lands, matters of tracis or Eddy laws avowedly hurled at mining, the most implacable enemy of this district has been Portland and the Willamette farmer. So proverbial has this position become that Sumpter docs not regard herself In Oregon, save when the state needs help. Then Sumpter Is remembered, and Sumpter will respond again, as usual. Her Way In TncIclIngT Stairs. St Paul Globe. F. Norton Goddard, the watch-dog after New iprK's policy evil, told, at a recent dinner given in his honor at. the Savoy Hotel, an odd story of a maid servant "This maid," he said, "had just come over from the old country, and she was very green, jveryinmg sne am .pro claimed her greenness. One of her habits was always to come down stairs back wards. "I assure you It was a funny slcht to see herNlcsccndlng a staircase slowly In that way. Her hand grasped the balus trade for safety, and every little while she looked around to see how much far ther she had to go. " "Why do you- come down stairs back wards, Kathleen?' someone asked her. " 'Shure, sir,' she answered, 'that's the way wo always came down stairs in the' ship comln over. Isn't It the fashion In America?' " THE ANTIDOTE TO MOSQUITOES. New York Sun. Child of the rains and the sun, the mos quito sings her war cry louder than ever and slays her tens of thousands. The Chief Bughunter of New Jersey, the In trepid man of science who was going to eliminate this minstrel of the Summer, has been pursued by her with a violence that shows her sense of humor. His home Is surrounded by detachments of mosquitoes, who are sharpening their en sanguined proboscides and sternly yelling. "He counts not well who leaves us out." Jerseymen recall the fate of Bishop Hatto In the Mouse Tower and shudder. ' All the Oranges are besieged all day and night by the main army. The ladles of Montclalr, a commissary station on the Mosquito route, are going about with Joss sticks on their heads. Alas for those lovely censers! The Jersey mosquito dotes on smoke, and Is accustomed from Infancy to all odors and malodors. In Bayonne the culex crurlvelllcans, or Leg-Pulling Mosquito, Is doing dreadful execution. A genius of a bird. If we were Jbuddhlsts we snouia Deueve mat this was an Eastern reincarnation or emanation of that mighty milker of pluto crats. Dr. William Ralncy Harper, of Chicago. In short the great campaign against this favorite singing bird has miscarried absolutely. Thero are more Jersey can aries. Long Island nightingales, and Stiten Island larks than over. The kero sene In the pool3 has killed some cows and saddened some milk, but the Mos quito is louder, deadlier, more strenuous than ever before. But there is balm for the victims. Why rage and curse at these little pets? When Boston people are on the edge of sunstroke, they repeat this noble editorial poem from their Transcript: Forget self and solf-sufferlng In meditation upon the mysterious chemistry of Nature, which, by the utilization or caloric, trans forms a little, yellow, uninteresting-, horny kernel into a tiny stalk that grows llko the fabulous vino ot Jack ot the Beanstalk, that bedecks Itself with lance-llke leaves and wltn glossy silken tassels, and which suddenly holds out with Its many hands food for the multi tude, scones of milky sweetness In their ado lescent days and arsenals of practical prov ender In their maturity. So, when the Orange thrush Jabs you, think how the corn Is growing. As the lance punctuates you, console yourself with visions of lance-llke leaves and glossy silken tassels In the Corn Belt As the mosquitoes charge with all their dlvlltry and close your other eye. hold in the hand of fancy asconc of milky sweet ness. What says Omar? For this same Heat that makes the Skeeter bite. Is Stalks and Inches to the Western Corn. Let us meditate upon the mysterious chemistry of Nature. A "Haa-Bcen" Seed Xot Starve. Success. The sitting-rooms of the lodging-houses from the time of opening to the time of closing are never vacant. Shortly after they are opened, the wanderers of the night creep In to take stolen naps. They are a pitiful crew the "banner carriers." Night after night, at the closing hour of the sitting-rooms, this troop of sorry shadows steps into the street to wear away long hours In the silence of their undying memories. Some of these men sit in the sheltering room all day after the weary travel of the "flight before. I have known men who had not slept In a bed for a week. They are the "has-beens." who have stepped down from the "com- iorts 01 tneir own wunu 111 w mai uc plorable condition In which men merely wait around to die. They start uptown, downtown, cross town who cares where so long as time Is killed, until the morning hour. Some walk in couples, others walk alone, with naucrht for company excepting their past. Stops are made here and there, for even at night charitable people are not entirely unmindful of these uniting oe- lngs. Thousands of loaves of bread are dispensed after the sun has folded .hl3 golden wlng3 by several large bakeries, and even coffee or some other warming drink Is given. By night or by day, a "has-been" need not starve,, out it is claimed by some that that Is one of the reasons for his being a "has-been. He knows that he can always find fooa somewhere and snatch a bit or sleep now and then, but the one unfailing con dition that brings a man to his senses is hunger. It can bridge the awful chasm between desperation and chance with more precision than anything else I know of, for it clings to one more Inexorably than the gadfly clung to 10. Cleveland the Best Man. Troy Press. Many Democrats believe that the ex- Presldent Is the most eminent of living American statesmen, and would be by all odds the strongest possible standard bearer for the Democrats next year, and In reality the only one who could beat Mr. Roosevelt at the polls. It Is preposterous to contend that Cleveland is unavailable because Bryan Is, and for good reaspns. Mr. Bryan has run ror tne presmency on two successive occasions upon platforms of his own preference, and both times he was overwhelmingly defeated, the latter time worse than the first, both at the poll3 and in the electoral college. His utter unavailability has been abundantly prov en by two crucial tests and even his own state has relapsed into tne itepuDiican ranks. Mri Cleveland, on the contrary, was elected twice out of three times and when defeated had a plurality; of the popular vote. As a running record, this stanun unprecedented, and It Is true, we think, that Mr. Cleveland was never more popu- lar with the American people than he Is today. A Bryanite defection would not be likely to militate much against him, excepting In the hopelessly Republican states, where it would not affect the gen eral result Again, Mr. Cleveland Is the only Demo cratic President who has been elected and seated for more than 40 years. Only a few old men of the party remember any other Democratic President. However, nothing is plainer than that the Demo crats cannot win next year unless they put a strong and conservative man upon a strong and conservative platform. And this will be done If wisdom shall dominate Democratic councils. The Prayer of the Prcdaceou. IJfe. Now this is the prayer of the Bull and Bear At the shrine of the God ot Gold. "Where the shadow cast by a Christian splro And the westering sun's effulgent fire Down a narrow street unrolled: "O Ixrd of the Merger and Trust and Pool, Of Gammon and Greed and Sham! Man cannot live by bread alone.' So give ua our dally lamb. ye need his fleece to keep us warm. His fat when the nights are cool; And. after all. he's an only child ' . And twin brother to a fool. "We won't do a thing to the fresh young sheep But teach him to sambol and play; "We'll feed him on only the best of 'shorts' And beautiful 'lone baled hay. "He shall not suffer the pangs of thirst. This woolly stray from the flock, For Innocence we love and. prize. And always water our stock. "The lion lies down with the lamb (Inside). So why not the Bull and Bear? "We will show him 'cover,' we'll take him In. We've plenty of room to spare. "His mint sauce let him bring with him. The 'long green' that's nice with game. And he shall Join our Browntnc Club And learn what is in a name. "Then, 'let us return to our mutton'; With current funds (which is Jam) He shall have a plunge in our deepest pool. And come out a steel spring lamb. "O Slightly Alloyed Auriferous God. Hear thy bumble beasts who prey! The Knights of the, Golden Fleece are w And we worship thee night and day." . NOTE AND COMMENT.. The voting machine people are bank rupt, and there will be lots of people to say that It's a Judgment 'in view of the increasing number of sheepmen, It is not Impossible that the Wyoming cattlemen will offer a bounty for their heads. Yet another death in a bathtub. This time it is a professor from the Univer sity of Wisconsin. Soon- the bath will rival the bed as the most deadly of all places. Little Interest Is aroused In Chicago by the announcement of a gigantic' plan to build tunnels for the distribution of goods throughout the city. In Chicago they, are so accustomed to underground ways of distributing the goods. "The rummage sale," says Dr. Matthews at the Chautaqua, "Is the last thing that the devil invented." The truth of thi3 statement will be conceded by any woman that has ever exchanged something she didn't want for something that another woman didn't want It does seem as though a recent speaker was right It was wrong, he decared, for Christians to turn the church into an Ice-cream parlor. It is evident that their efforts would be far more appre ciated were they to effect such a change in a certain other locality. The forbearance of some highwaymen is really surprising. Here we have a knight of the road that condescended to hold up a man at Oregon City. No money had the man, no watch, nothing. He had no real excuse for being on the road at all, taking up the time of busy men. And then he had the audacity to offer his superior a share In the "remains of his lunch." Remains of his lunch. Indeed. Lucky he was not converted Into re mains himself. As It was, the highway gentleman promptly kicked the ill-man nered churl, and It Is to be hopecL-that he kicked him soundly, for such a person deserves nothing better than to be shot. It will be a lesson to Oregon City people to carry two. lunch baskets after this. Remains of a lunch, indeed. His Proper Place. "How did' you leave the world?" asked satan of the latest arrival. "Well, you see, I was out In a boat, and I thought I'd give the girls a scare, so I started to rock ". "Oft with him to the superheated chamber." A Fool's Epitaph. Up at Everett a man took two girls out in a boat. The boat capsized, and all three were drowned. It is thought that he was not an expert sailor, as when the boat was picked up the sheet was found to be lashed. There could be no better epitaph for a fool than this: He lashed the sheet . An Ininlnnry Interview. ,rWhat thinlyou of police affairs. How go they on the present plan? The Chief, how is he at his job?" "He surely Is an honest man." "The town seems very full of crooks. Since he his easy rule began. Don't training and experience count?' "Hunt Is, I'm sure, an honest man." "If burglars, hold-up men and thieves Pay Jto attention to his ban. Would you appoint another Chief?" "It's known that Hunt's an honest man." f "Would you fire Hunt if you were robbed And saw go free the robbers' clan?" 'I might feel sore, but. then. I'd think. Well, Hunt Is sure an honest man." The Lover's Guide. In deep anxiety, a youth writes to the Philadelphia Bulletin. It seems In a recent letter from his best gird was In closed a bunch of sweet peas, and just what this might mean he was at a loss to know. The wise and. kindly monitor of the Bulletin, by some occult reason ing, concludes the girl likes the writer as a mend, dui not as a lover. For the benefit of any Portland lads that may find things In their love let ters, the following carefully compiled list of possible Inclosure and their mean ings Is given: A forget-me-not Tou missed one evening last week. A fish Can I believe you? A piece of soap You should not come straight trom the machine-shop. A crushed strawberry You have made a mash. . An automobile Please go 'way and commit suicide. A boiler plate Paw has bought new shoes. A porterhouse steak Tho bulldog Is un chained again. A wisp of hay You're an ass. A fried egg Isn't your tootsle-wootsle a good Mckle cookie? (It Is up to you to make good on receipt of this message.) If nothing is enclosed, beware. The letter must he from paw or maw; for no true girl could mall a letter without some sort of en closure. Philadelphia's Ignominy. Governor Pcnnypacker recently re viewed the Pennsylvania state troops from the secure seclusion of a wagon. This is the first time on record that tho reviewing officer has not been mounted upon a prancing charger, and the change disgusted the militia. The bugles cry, the colors fly. And Pennsylvania's pride step out; Their hearts are high, 'tis do or die. As rings the grandstand's swelling shout. Bright shines the sun, and every one Feels martial ardor thrill his blood; There Is no foe, but well they know That should there be his name were mud. They reach the spot well, I'll be shot. Each reels as though ho had a jag. on; No fiery steed wheels on the mead. Their chief Is riding in a wagon! Hrheir stride abates, oh curse the fates That led gay soldiers such a Jig! Cheer a commander looks a gander. With neck protruding from a rig! Not riding any Is noble Penny, He's wiser from a recent fall; The press It bucked, and he was chucked. So now he doesn't rldo at all. PLEASANTRIES OF PARAGRAPHERS ; Kitty Constance says she can't understand what you could see In Charley Hcartwell. Bertha Natunlly. I suppose you know that Constance has been fishing for Charley the last two years? Boston Transcript. Knovlskl There goes a conscientious man. If thero ever was one. Askovlch How did you get next? Knovlskl He's a dentist, and the other day when he pulled out the wrong tooth for me be didn't ctarge anything for It. Chi cago Dally News. She Mrs. Boreton called today, and I thought she'd never go. He But you are so amiable. I suppose you never gave har tho slightest hint that you wanted her to go. She Indeed, I did not. If I had, she'd be here now. Town and Country. Housekeeper I'll give you a good meal If you'll light the fire in the stove for me. Weary Willie All right, lady. Housekeeper Very well. Here's a hatchet. Just chop some of that wood out there . Weary Willie Oh. see nere. lady. I thought It was a gas stove you had! Good day! Philadelphia Press. -.f. Mt .a