V THE MOKNJJSG - OHEG.OKI AN, TUESDAY, JULY 21, 1008; ' JAXTfftE ; IA1LBD Lien of Prior Mortgage Not Cut Off. LAW PRIOR TO 1901 CONSTRUED PofiftCBsioji of Real Properyby Ten ant Puts - Intending Pufcenaser .Upon. Ineinlry a to 'Title of His Landlord. " , Under the lairs In force In this state prior: to 1001 a tax eale of real prop--erty did not cut off -the lien of a mort gage given before the assessment and levy of taxes. Jhe possesslon.of a tenant Is sufficient to pu.t an Intending purchaser of reaf property jupon inaulry concerning tnat tenant's interest .and title. If. such an Intending purchaser falls to make in quiry, ho is charged with notice of the title of the tenant -landlord. SALEM. July 20. (Special.) The Su preme Court today bended down decisions In three appealed cases, in each of which the decision of the lower court was affirmed. The decisions, in brief, are as follows: ailddlcton Ti. Victor Land Company. J. H. MJddleton, respondent, -vs. F. M. Moore, defendant, and "Victor Land Com pany, appellant, from MuUnomah County, Alfred. F. Sears, Jr., "Judge; affirmed. Opinion by Justice -Wolventon. ' This -was a suit by plaintiff to foreclose a mortgage. The Victor Land Company claimed to bc owners of the land by Virtue of a tax sale which the company claimed devested the property of "the Hen of the mortgage. The facts' are. that in July, 1833, F, M. Moore, being the owner xf lot 4S. block C, Chcrrydale Addition to Portland, mortgaged it to one Wiley, trustee, to secure the payment of four promissory notes of ?175 each. in April, 1S97, "Wiley assigned the notes and mortgage to Mlddleton. Mooro sold the lot to the Victor Land Company, and ' this ,suit was brought to foreclose the . mortgage. Tha Land. Company answered that in 1902, being prior to the time they received the deed irom Moore, the Sheriff of Multnomah County executed and deliv ered to the company a tax deed to the lot In question in pursuance of a sale for de linquent state, county, school and Port of Portland taxes for the year 1S97, and 'city taxes for. 2S98. The lower court -sustained a demurrer to the defense and -entered" a decree of foreclosure. The Issue presented in the Supreme Court was whether under the law in lorce In 1S97 and 1898. a tax deed cut off the Hen of a mortgage executed anterior to the assessment and levy of the tax for the non-payment of which the property was sold. The opinion of the Supreme Court cites section 2752 of Hill's code, as amended in 1ES3, and sections 2770, 2794, 2S09 to 2816 and other sections in force in 1897 relating to taxation and tax sales. It is shown that under the statute the sale of "real property conveyed to the purchaser "all the estate or lnteresi there In of the owner"; that prior to 1864 the statutes of the state made the tax a lien upon the property and the Sheriffs tax Seed conveyed an "absolute title," but In that year "the Legislature undeniably Intended to Inaugurate a radical change In the tax system, by foregoing any lien for the taxes assessed and selling only the ertate or interest of the owner, in the process of the enforcement of the tax. The same poUcy prevailed until the act of 1901, with which we have nothing to do." The opinion again says: "By eliminating the -provision lor a- Hen jand declaring that the effect -of the sale shall be, not to vest an absolute "title in fee simple, bf" to .con vey the estate of Interest of thff owner, the poUcy of the .Legislature is well in dicated that .tbf .derivative tltje to the realty .only is subjected to sale for the enforcement of delinquent taxes. The sale and conveyance in the present in stances, therefore, did not operate to cut off or deprive plaintiff of his mortgage &eifc" . Randall vs. Xing wall. Bessie Randall et al, respondents,, vs. C. G. Lingwall, appellant, from Marlon County, R. P. Boise, Judge; affirmed. Opinion by Justice Bean. This -"was a suit to quiet title. The plaintiffs are the widow and daughter, of O. P. Randall, who died In 1S98. ' In 1888 O. P. Randall bought the property In question and soon after conveyed It to' bis , brother. T. J. Randall, who had his deed recorded. In 1891 T. J. Randall re-con veyed the property to O. P. Randall, but the deed "was not recorded The grantee took possession and in 1893 leased the property to G. G. Gans, who continued in actual possession until the commence ment of this suit When O. P. Randall died in 1898, his brother discovered that the deed to the property had not been recorded and he immediately claimed title and demanded that Gans pay the rent to him. Gans compUed by paying for the months of March and April in order to avoid controversy, but without Informing the representatives of O. P. Randall. In April, 1B9S, T. J. Randall sold the property to Lingwall, -who, before purchasing It, examined the property and saw Gans In possession but made no Inquiry of him as to his title- or interest in the property. In December, 1898, the deed from T. J. to O. P. Randall -was found and recorded, Upon this state of facts the Supreme Court holds that the possession of Gans was sufficient to put Lingwall upon in quiry as to his title and interest, which inqury would presumably have disclosed the title of O. P. Randall and his repre sentatives. It is also held that Gans did not become a tenant of T. J. Randall by Teason of his having paid rent to mm for two months, for the reason that he had not notified the O. P. Randall heirs of his intention to cease to pay rent to them, nor had he taken a lease from T. J. RandalL C C. Cline, respondent, vs. L. J. Shell, appellant, from Multnomah County, M. C George, Judge; affirmed. . Opinion by Chief Justice Moore. This Was a. suit to foreclose a mechan ics Hen. On appeal no legal questions were involved but after a thorough exam ination of the evidence the decree of the lower court is affirmed. PASS OX FOUR CASES. "Washington, Snprcme Court Gives In teresting: DeciftiouM. OLT5MPIA, Wash., Julr 20.-(SpeclaL)-i-The-' Supreme Court today in a decision lays down the rule that except in cases. of felony an acquittal for a .minor of fense Included in a -greater bars 'a pros eputlon Tbf the greater. V The case came up from Lincoln Coun . ty. On August 9, 190L an information was flled. against P. Durbln. charging, him with assault and battery on Thomas Amery. " He--was arrested and "bound oyer ,ior trial, buosequenuya new mrormar tlon was filed reciting the. same acts. .but charging him with, an attempt to commit mayhem. On motion of the Pros ecuting Attorney the first action -was dls : missed on" the. ground that ''another charge had "been placed against the de Xendorit,' He -was tried unaer the second charge and convicted -of assault and bat .ery. Under the raje above given the Supreme Court reverses the case and orders the discbarge of the defendant The Supreme Court today affirmed, -with slight modifications, the judgment of the Superior Court of Kittitas County in the case of Rothchlld Brothers (cor poration) appellants, vs. Nicholas Rol Unger and Lena Rolllnger? respondents. The action was brought by the Rothrhllds to remove a cloud, quiet title and obtain possession of certain real estate in the Middle Kittitas Irrigation district The title of the Rolllngers consisted of a tax deed, and the Judgment of the lower court was In their favor. The decision of the Supreme Court covers the following points: ' In the organization of an irrigation district under the law of 1890 less than SO names to the petition for organization is sufficient if the number of freehold ers signing constitute a majprlty of -the freeholders in the proposed district An Inadequate price for the lands does not Invalidate a . tax sale if the sale was properly advertised. The only modifica tion of the decree of the trial court is in the giving of a Hen against the land for the sum of $1011.64 In favor of the Rothchilds for taxes paid on the land by them for the year 1S99. Through a decision handed down by the Supreme Court today the two years term imposed upon Matt Snider by the Superior Court of Skagit County Is reduced to a term In the county jail. Matt Snider and one Julius Snider were jointly tried under an information charging them with as sault with Intent'to kill one Alexander Brown. The verdict of the jury was as follows: "We, the Jury impaneled to try the above entitled cause, say that we find defendant Matt Snider guilty STthe crime of assault with a deadly weapon, and that we find the defendant, Julius Snider, guilty of assault and battery." louder the laws of this state assault and battery is a misdemeanor; assault with Intent to kill Is a felony punishable by Imprisonment from 1 to It years, and assault -with Intent to commit great bod ily harm is punishable by imprisonment for not more than two years or a fine of not more than $5000, or both. Under the verdict above given Matt Snider was sen tenced to two years in the penitentiary. He appealed. The Supreme Court says there Is no such offense named in the statutes of this state as "assault with a deadly weapon," that the language of, the verdict is what must be construed by the court and -in this case it can only be con strued that the word's of the verdict "with a deadly weapon." are surplusage. and that the defendant is convicted of simple assault The case is reversed with instruction to the lower court to so mod ify the judgment The Supreme Court today declared the section of the criminal code of 1881, im posing the obligation upon the putative father to support his illegitimate child, on invalid act The Territorial Legislature, of 18SL as a part of the general penal code, passed an act entitled, "An act relative to crimes and punishments and proceedings In criminal cases," and the sections above mentioned are contained in this act, as sections 1214 to 122L These sections pro vide that an action may be commenced against the putative father by filing a complaint Defendant Is then brought In by service of summons In the usual method, and the Issue Is tried as an ordi nary civil action. If the accused is found guilty judgment Is entered charg ing him with the support of the child in such sum as the court shall direct, which is collected by execution Issued by the clerk. There Is no arrest fine. or punishment and the Supreme Court therefore declares the action to be a .civil one, and that It was not competent for the Legislature, under the title chosen for the act, to Include anything but what re lated to crimes and their punishment Without such an act In force there is no law in this state, says the court to compel the support of an iUegltimate child by the father. The case comes up from bKagit county ana is entitled State of Washington, respondent vs. Peter Tie-. man, appellant D'UXSMUIIt. LOSES TWO POIXTS. Suit to Break Brother's Will Goes Over Until December. VICTORIA, B. C, July 20. The full court gave judgment today on the appeal in the case of Hopper vs. Dunsmuir, a side issue in the famous case brought by Edna Wallace Hopper against James Dunsmuir, seeking to break the will of the millionaire's brother, allowing the ap peal with costs, and ordering the defend ant to make full answer to all the ques tions objected to. As there is little chance of the prelim inary questions being settled by October, in view of this decision, the court or dered the trial to be further adjourned until the December sitting. A further ap peal was then argued in the same case. the plaintiff appealing from the order of Justice Drake on the application for a better affidavit of documents from the defendant This appeal was also allowed in favor of plaintiff with costs, Mr. Dunsmuir being ordered to make full disclosures of all documents In his pos session relating to the suit in any way. WORKED EMPLOYES LOXG HOURS. Seattle Department Store Manager is Under Arrest. OLTMPIAl Wash., July 20. State Labor Commissioner William Blackman returned Saturday from Seattle, where he placed under arrest Manager Buchanan, of the Bon Marche department store, on a charge of violating the ten-hourrday law of the state. The case was kept quiet In Seattle, but will be heard there today, Commissioner Blackman appearing for the state. The Commissioner says he has wit nesses to prove that since July 3 -the Bon Marche has been compelling its employes to worK from 7:55 A. M. to 10 P. M.. with only V& hours at noon, in direct violation of the law which prohibits the employ ment of such labor over ten hours per day. Employers violating such law are subject to prosecution, and upon convic tion a fine of not less than 510 nor more than $25. COOS BAY CLAM IXDUSTRY. Product Has a "Wide Dlstributioa on the Coast. MARSHFIELD, Or., July 20. (Special.) The Coos Bay Clam Company, under the management of F. S. Dow, Is becom ing quite a factor among the industries of the bay. The clams are packed In square cans and frozen. It is claimed that freezing improves the flavor. Up wards of BOO cases have already been shipped to Wells, Fargo & Co., at San Francisco, who act as : distributers for California, Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico. The company also puts up clam juice in cans, which Is packed on Ice for ship ment The industry as yet Is In its in fancy, but the increasing demand Indi cates that the future will show great activity. Heavy Loss to .Touchet Farmer. PENDLETON, Or.". July 20. The barn, a stack of headings and a number of farm Implements belonging to Edward Ketcherside, a farmer residing a short distance east of Touchet Wash., were de stroyed by fire Saturday evening. 'The loss ' means .several hundred dollars, without any Insurance. It Is believed the fire was started by some of the heading crew -carelessly dropping some matches. Attorney-General Will Xot Object. SALEM, July 20. (Special.) Attorney General Crawford, upon whom notice was served In the matter of tho application of Henry St Rayner for reinstatement as an attorney in the courts of -this state, says that b.e will offer no objection to tha granting of the application. Thirteen Heirs to Gray Estate. EUGENE, Or., July 20. (Special) Let ters of administration were filed In the office of the County Clerk showing the estate of the late Isaac Gray to be $3555. There are 13 heirs. FATAL NOME HOTEL FIRE COOK POURED COAI OIL OX SMOUL DERING COALS. Three People Lost Their Lives, In cluding: a Millionaire Contractor From Pittsburg?. SEATTLE, Wash., ' July 20. A special via steamer Meteor from Nome this morning says: ' Nearly a block of charred and black ened ruins mark the site of what were the Golden Gate Hotel and adjacent buildings, and the public today has been curiously watching the operation of tho sluicing of the embers for the gold, dust and coin that were lost In the fire. Mare painful finds, however, have been the re mains of three human victims, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hayes and Sherman Grigg, all connected with the Nome Exploration Company. Mr. Hayes was a prominent millionaire pipe contractor from Pltts- PIONEER OF The Late Mrs. B. A. Stnfford. burg. Pa., who had come here to lay the exploration company's oil pipe line, and Mr. Grlgg was hl3 assistant The fire broke out at 5 A. M. on Sunday morning, July 5, when nearly all the guests were In their beds, after having celebrated the Fourth by a ball at the Golden Gate Hotel. The second cook, E. R. Burr, came down shortly before 5 o'clock, late for his work and still stupid from the effects of the Fourth of July celebration. To expedite matters, he took a can of coal oil, poured out half a baking-powder can of the oil, and threw It on the smouldering fire. There was an al most Immediate explosion, and the whole can of coal oil was scattered over tho floor. Burr made matters worse by throw ing water on the flames. Then he fled. The fire followed him almost as rapidly as he advanced toward the front of the building. Harvey .Edglngton, the night clerk, rushed to turn In an alarm, and then hurried down the corridors to awaken the guests. The progress of the flro was so rapid, however, that In an in conceivably short time the whole lower floor .was a sheet of fire, and the flames belched across Second street and licked the old A. E. messhouse, directly oppo site. The Golden Gate Hotel was a big three story structure, a regular death-trap, with no Are escapes or emergency exits, and it burned like a tinder-box. Nomo's ex- i cellent fire department was soon on the scene of action, and the work of rescue began. Ropes and ladders were thrown ! to the windows, and hastily awakened guests, in every degree of dishabille, de scended, for it was only those who re ceived the earliest warning who were able to effect their exit by the corridor. So swiftly had the hotel become a fiery fur nace that the chemical engine was use less by the time it arrived, although It had responded promptly to the call. Three hose pipes were soon playing on tho fire. and, though for a time it looked as if ' the wind would fan the blaze to the whole town, the damage was finally reduced to the area of a block west of the Golden Gate and several small buildings oppo site. For a time tho postofilce, next to thq hotel, on the east was In grave dan ger, and tho Recorder's office, across the street was also on fire, but these build ings escaped with charred walls and roofs. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes were on the third floor, and it Is supposed that, having found the corridor a mass of fire, they returned to their room and were suffo cated. Their remains have been recov ered, as have also those of Sherman D. Grlgg. The hotel register was burned, and It Is therefore - Impossible to say positively whether there were other vic tims. Tho hotel was crowded, and many of. the guests were strangers here. Fred Edglngton awoke to And himself In an attic, cut off by Are. He reached a win dow and jumped to the ground, breaking his thigh in a terrible manner. Daggett & Harris, proprietors of the hotel, estimate their loss at $50,000. Vari ous business houses had warehouses In the vicinity, which were badly damaged, and these losses, with those of the guests, make the total loss aggregate nearly $100,000. The cook. Burr, has been held for man slaughter, as a result of the Coroner's In quest PACIFIC COAST DEAD. Oregon Sanders. ' SAN JOSE, CaL, July 20. Oregon San ders, a leading attorney of Fresno, and one of the prominent Republican politi cians of the state, died in this city yes terday. He was familiarly known as the "Spellbinder fromv the Rosin Belt" a title given him in fun on account of his most able oratory. He was a natural ora tor, gifted beyond the ordinary mark, finely educated, and with a native talent that won him attention. For four years he was District Attor ney of Tulare County, and subsequent four years he served In the state's employ under Attorney-General Hart He was but 51 years of age. Miss Agrnes Kurtz. SALEM, Or., July 20. (Special.) Miss Agnes Kurtz died at tho home of her pa rents in this city last night aged 32 years. Deceased was a daughter of Mr.-and Mrs. A. B. Kurtz, and has lived In this vicin ity for the past 14 years. Besides her parents, she left tha following brothers and sisters: Elija, Clinton, Fred and Hannah Kurtz, of Salem; H. A. Kurtz, of Oakland, Cal.,' and J. M. Kurtz, of Logan, Neb. Miss Kurtz suffered a se vere attack of typhoid about, three months ago, and her death was due to a com plication of diseases growing out of her weakened constitution. John W. Ilonrke. SAN FRANCISCO, July 20. The death is announced of John W. Rourke at his residence In this city of heart disease. For over SO years he had been connected with the Bank of California, latterly as accountant At the time of his death he was the third or fourth oldest banker In .the city in point of service and was known not only to almost every business man la the city but all along the Pacific Coast Llaemea Strikers Are Firm. SAN FRANCISCO, July 20. Secretary J F. H. A. Holden, oi the Western Confer- ence- of Electrical Workers, sent out a statement today' to all the Coast electrical workers unions relative to conditions in the linemen's strike. He says: "Reports from locals all over the Pa cific Coast show gains In our favor. Out of the whole number of union men out on strike, estimated at about 1500, we have not had over ten men desert, us and re turn to work since July 23." RAX CHER'S BODY KOUXD. Yamhill Farmer Had Dees Dead Sev eral Days. MMINNVILLE, Or., July 20. James EL Rummel, a bachelor, who recently came to this city from Idaho, was found dead on his ranch eight miles southwest of this place, on Saturday. The body was, found by Hiram Rummel, a brother, who went out to visit him from this city. The body was found lying face downward, with hands under the body, and was In an advanced state of decomposition, hav ing been exposed to the hot sun at least two days. Rummel was seen on his place as late as Thursday. At first a theory of mur der was entertained, as he was known to be a man of means, but the finding of over $50 on his person at the inquest held LINN COUNTY. ALBANY, Or., July 20. (Special.) Mrs. Mary Jane Thompson, who died at her home In this city July 16, was born February 11. 1852, in Newton County, Missouri. tho daughter of Mercer Thompson. That year her parents crossed the plain to Oregon, settling near Roberts Bridge.- In this county. She was married November 3, 1S73, to B, a. Stafford, who, with two daughters, Mrs. Dr. Tllton. of Ashland, and Mrs. E. L. Case, of this city, sur vive her. Her brothers and sisters were A. L. Thompson, of TVater vllle, "Wash.; L. li. Thompson, of Shedd; George L. Thompson, of Albany: H. L. Thompson, of Ed wall, Wash.; Mrs. Taylor, of Monte sano. Wash., and Mrs. Alice Bou lln, of Portland. She united with the M. E. Church when '8 years of age, and was al ways a faithful and consistent member, living an unselfish life, not only In her beautiful home, but among her neighbors, beloved by all fortunate In knowing her. Her life was a useful one. and she .will long be remembered for her many acts of lovo and kindness, by the Coroner Saturday night, and the entire absence of wounds, dispelled this suspicion. The verdict was that he died from natural causes. He had experienced heart trouble and rheumatism. Jus,t prior to his death ho' was engaged In burning brush, and when found was lying where the fire had passed over, though he was not burned. He was 72 years of age, and had been engaged in mining" since 1S65 In Idaho,' Washington, Oregon, and Alaska. His latest operations wero near Pierce City, Idaho. SALEM XO PLACE FOR THUGS. Suspicious-Appearing: Strangers Xot Allovrcd to Remain. SALEM, Or., July 20. (Special.) If the activity of Portland police should result in tho criminals being driven out of that city, the seekeers for pastures green will find Salem no place of rest It la the pel icy of Chief of Police Gibson not to per mit strangers with no employment and no visible means of support to stay in the city. It is a presumption with him that an idle man with no apparent means of gaining an honest livelihood, makes his living dishon estly. HTa instructions to the local police officers are that when susplclous-looklng characters are seen hanging around town Inquiry shall be made of them as to their business here and the place from which tney came, and it the strangers cannot give a satisfactory account of themselves they aro told to "move on." In nearly every instance they comply with thla gentle hint for If they do not they are locked Up as vagrants. Occasionally there have been hold-ups In Salem, though it has been pretty satis factorily shown that many of the reports of robberies were false. It Is by constant watching for suspicious characters and prompt action In driving them out of the city that Salem has become known as a law-abiding city which can be guarded by a small police force. SALEM'S POPULAR LOAX. Bonds "Will Be Issued- In Small Amounts and Sold to the People. SALEM, Or., , July 20. (Special.) Pro ceedings are pending for a new bond Issue In this city on the popular plan which met with so much favor three years ago. Existing bonds to the amount of $30,000 are due, and a new Issue will be necessary as the city Is not able to pay them. The bonds drew 5 per cent Interest, and were held by San Francisco Investors.. Nearly two years ago Banker X. Bush paid off the bonds for the city and held them until such time as a new lBsue could be effected He receives 4 per cent interest The new bonds will be In small amounts, and they will be sold to small Investors, so that residents of Salem who have savings they wish to Invest will be able to buy them. When the last Issue was made the city was offered a premium for the bonds If sold in a block. The offer was refused, the Council preferring to have the bonds owned and held by residents and taxpay ers of Salem. That plan of making a loan proved to be very popular with the people, BICYCLE WAR IX SALEM. Wheelmen Will Protest Against the Passage of Stringent Ordinance. SALEM, Or., July 20. (Special.) A very lively meeting of the Salem City Coun clL is expected to take place at the City Hall tomorrow evening. The new anti bicycle ordinance will come up for final passage, and a number of bicycle-riders win be present to protest against it The proposed ordinance provides, among other things, that pedestrians have the right to all sidewalks" and that no bicyclist shall attempt to pass a pedestrian on tho sidewalk without first securing express permission. The ordinance also extends the limits of the territory in which bi cycles are excluded from the sidewalks entirely, and makes other regulations that wUl greatly reduce the usefulness of the wheel as- a means of getting about the city. The wheelmen contend that the present ordinance Is sufficient if it be enforced so as to punish the few riders who vio late It Injuries to Lane County Men. EUGENE, Or., July 20. (Special.) J, Taylor, of Hale, was brought to Eugene today for treatment having fallen from a bridge on which be was working and received serious Injuries. A man named Vincent while running a mower, nearly lost his hand near Eugene today. He was fixing the sickle, when the horses started, and his hand was ter ribly cut and mangled. Appointed on Medical Board. OLYMPIA, Wash.; July 20. (Speclal.)- The Governor today appointed Dr. Casper W. Sharpless, of Seattle, a member of the State Medical Examining Board for the term ending May 22, 1906. vice Dr, W. Cr Cox, of Everett term expired. Olympla Pioneer's Fatal Fall. OLYMPIA, Wash., July 20. G. A. Barnes, one of the oldest and most dls tingulshed .pioneers of the city, Is lying In a acrldus condition as the result of a fall from a ladder. He Is 2 years of age, and located here In 1S52. For 40 years he has resided on the homestead In which he now lie in a critical condition. TEN YEARS THE SENTENCE PERJURERS SMITH AXD LAXE SEN TENCED AT ASTORIA. Broken Kneecap Man and His Con federate Are to Be Taken to Sa- . lent Pealtentlary Today. ASTORIA. Or.. July 20. Joslah S. Smith, alias John -R. Rodcers. and John Lane, alias Charles R. Lane, alias John L. Bock, alias John EL B. Myers, alias John An derson, were this afternoon sentenced by Judgo McBrlde. of the Circuit Court, to serve ten years each In the penitentiary. They are the men who committed perjury In the case of John L. Bock vs. tne wty of Astoria. The suit was to recover .$5000 damages for injuries to Bock's right kneecap, which was alleged to have been broken by falling through a hole in the street in this city. A verdict of $2500.50 was ob tained on the second trial, but before the judgment was paid the two men were ar rested In California, where they live, ana charged' with perjury. On Saturday night Smith was convicted and an about an hour later Lane pleaded guilty. Lane was brought Into court promptly at 2 o'clock this afternoon, and when questioned said he had no statement to make. In sentencing him the court said In part: "The crime to which- you have confessed Is a most grave one. To testify falsely In a court, thereby misleading the court and. the Jury. Is a heinous crime, as It violates the sanctity of our .tribunals of Justice. You aro guilty of this crime In its highest degree, for you have commit ted perjury for the purpose of gain. It appears also that you have been traveling about the country for years making claims for damages for alleged injuries to your broken leg. I believe the case war rants a heavy punishment and shall, in flict the highest penalty allowed by the law; therefore, I sentence you to serve a term of ten years In the penitentiary." Lane was immediately taken back to Jail and Smith was brought In. Attorney Noland presented a petition for a new trial on the grounds of insufficient evi dence to warrant a conviction, error in the rulings of the court, the failure of the court to grant a change of venue and be cause from the charge of the court it did not appear that Astoria was a municipal corporation. He also presented a motion asking for a rest of judgment because the facts stated In the information do not constitute a crime. Both motions were overruled without argument. ' Attorney Donovan then made a plea for clemency, reciting the previous good character of the defendant telling of the trouble he had had In losing all his prop erty, of bis extreme age and the serious illness of his wife. Smith, when asked If he had any thing to say, replied: "I don't believe I have. I will leave It all to you. Judge." The court then proceeded to pronounce judgment, saying In part: "The remarks I made In the other case apply equally to this one. This defend ant testified In thl3 court that Bock broke his leg In Astoria, and thus aided In se curing the verdict of the jury allowing damages. It also appears that wherever Lane has gone this defendant has been to aid him. They came here first for the express purpose of laying the foundation for their claim. They also went to Port land and Seattle for a similar purpose, and at San Francisco they beat a poor woman out of a large sum. When I am appealed to for sympathy In this case. my mind reverts back to the time these men went to see that aged lady in San Francisco, Lane shedding crocodile tears over his misfortune and Smith standing by to plead his cause until they- pre vailed upon her; out of pure sympathy. 10 give mem ner note tor xjw. The de fendant Is not an ignorant man. He knows the law and the consequences of violating It Whatever trouble he is In he has brought upon himself. I shall Impose the same penalty in his case, and sentence him to serve ten years In the State Penitentiary." Smith smiled and repUed: "Thank you." The defense was allowed 60 days in which to file a bill of exceptions. The two prisoners will be taken to Salem by Sheriff Llnvllle tomorrow. Couri Adjourned at Astoria. ASTORIA, Or., July 2a (Special.) Judge McBrlde adjourned the session of the Circuit Court this evening. The argu ment of the Injunction case of E. D. Brooks vs. H. B. Parker goes over until the next term, but the Injunction suit of the O. R. & N. Company vs. James Welch regarding possession of certain property adjacent to the company's wharf In this city will be argued before Judge McBrlde in Portland at some date to be agreed upon by the Interested parties. Customs Launch Inspected. ASTORLS., Or., July 20. (Special.) Cap tain Hamblet, of the United States reve nue cutter service, arrived In the city from San Francisco last evening to Inspect the new launch being built at the Leathers yards for the local customs department. After completing his examination this morning he said the work would be ap proved. As soon as the machinery Is in stalled In the vessel she will be inspected by another officer of the revenue cutter service. Alaska Lumber Contract. ASTORIA, Or., July 20. (Special.) The Astoria Box Company has received a con tract for furnishing 250,000 feet of lumber for the Lighthouse Department It will be sent to Tree Point, Alaska, on the steamer Homer and will be used In the construction of lighthouses. Stealing Salmon From Traps. ASTORLV, Or., July 20. (Special.) Fishtrap pirates are reported to be at work in Baker's Bay. At an early hour yesterday morning two of the outside traps In front of Chinook were lifted and a large quantity of salmon stolen. FOREST FIRE XEAR SEATTLE. Warden Arrests Man Jtor Starting? the Blaze. SEATTLE, Wash., July 20. A big fire Is raging in the forest two miles north of Woodinvllle. Urged on by the steady north wind, the flames are rapidly spread ing and moving southward. The trees and brush are dry, and wherever a flying spark finds lodgment a new blaze is quickly started. ' ( So far no damage has been done to property save the timber. The flames have been working mostly through logged off lands, and tonight are not near enough to any human habitation to cause uneasi ness. Fire Warden Reed arrested J. G. Smith at Woodinvllle tonight on the charge of starting a fire. The warden says he caught Smith In the act of setting flro to the brush on section 33. Smith owns tho land on which he Is accused of starting a fire. Tho warden, as soon as he arrived here, engaged 20 men to fight the fires and three 'men with teams to haul water. He ex presses the belief that he can get the fire under control. GREAT WORK WITH BIG GUNS. Coast Artillery at Fort Worden Makes a Record. PORT TOWNSHND, Wash., July 20. The One Hundred and Twenty-sixth Company, Coast, Artillery, In recent practice with ten-Inch guns fired at two-minute Inter vals last week, established a new record In the United States Army for such target work, scoring 4 of a possible Ave, beat ing the former record of 4 out of 5, held by the Seventy-fourth Company at San Diego. The recprd Is remarkable In the fact that It was 'accomplished during the second time the guns at Fort Worden saw service, and has won compliments for Captain Manus McCIoskey, under whose personal supervision practice was held. Captain Clarence Deems, after 39 years continuous service, in the Army, has been advised of his promotion to the rank of Major. Captain Deems now Is senior officer at Fort Worden, commanding the Sixty-second Company, Coast Artillery. SHOT FROM THE DARKNESS. j Il-tvaco Saloonkeeper is Wounded in . the Abdomen. ILWACO. Wash., July 20. (Special.) ' William Black, saloonkeeper, was shot this evening, and serious vdoubts are felt as to his recovery. The bullet took ef fect In his abdomen. There lsan unex plained mystery about the affair. Black was closing up his place for the night, when, he says, he was called to tho window by a man whom he recog nized, who fired at him, wounding him, and escaped In the darkness. The wound ed man gave the name of his assailant to the officers, but none of the men hav ing knowledge will disclose the shooter's Identity. Black wUl not say what rea son. If any, there was for the crime. i Federal Court Must Try. SAN FRANCISCO. July 20.-Judge Beatty, of the United States Circuit Court, today handed down an opinion denying the "petition of tho American National Bank to have Its suit against Henry Wadsworth, as receiver for the Pacific Coast Warehouse Company, re manded to the state courts. Wadsworth Is also receiver foEppInger & Co., who control the warehouse company. The Judge maintained that since Wads worth had been appointed receiver for th' Pacific Coast Warehouse Company by the United States District Court he was a Federal officer. For that reason the state courts would be without Jurisdiction. The suit Is one on the part of the bank to recover certain grain seized by Wads worth as receiver. The grain was being removed from the Port Costa warehouse at the time of the seizure. Candidates tor West Point. WALLA WALLA, Wash.. July 20. (Spe cial.) Examinations, mental and physical, for Senator Ankeny's cadetshlp nomina tion V3 West Point were held at Whit man College "today, with seven candi datesRudolph Rupp, John K. Paxton and George Gray, of Walla Walla: Chauncey Wernecke, of Seattle, and C. H. Hartson, Guy Steinbaugh and Leland L. Deffen baugh, of Spokane. All passed .the physical tests, which were very rigid, successfully. The win ner In the mental branches will get tho appointment subject to further tests at Vancouver Barracfts. Ncvr Quarters for Nam pa Leader. NAMPA, Idaho, July 20. (Special.) Today E. H. Dewey contracted with the Nampa Leader Company to erect a two- story brick building for the paper's use here, to bo completed this Fall. Modern machinery will be Installed by the Leader, Including one new typesetting machine, and In the Spring a dally edition of the paper will bo launched. The Nampa Leader is one of the oldest weeklies In Southern Idaho, having survived the or deals known only to a pioneer newspaper. Clatskanie-Mlst Road Surveyed. ST. HELENS, Or., July 20.-(Speclal.) The survey has been completed for a new location of the wagon road between Clatskanle and Mist The new road will be built on a 6 per cent grade, making an easy ascent up this side of the moun tain. Money is being subscribed to make the improvement, and the work will be Anlshed at an early date. The improve ment will be an Important one, as this road Is the only outlet by which a num ber of shingle and sawmills in the Lower Nehalein get their products to tho rail road. Put In His Hay -on Sunday. ST. HELENS. Or., July 20. (Special.) Tho hay crop of Columbia County Is a large quantity this season, but now that the weather Is favorable for harvesting there appears to be a dearth of laborers. In consequence, the farmers are han dling the crop under difficulties. One man at Warren managed to get a good part of his hay crop under shelter by securing hands, who were employed else where on week days, by putting In some lonff hours on Sunday. Corvallia Votes for a Schoolhouse, CORVALLIS, Or., July 20. (Special.) The school district that consists of Cor vallis and vicinity voted ln a bond elec tion today for an Issue of $S000 of school bonds for the purchase of a block of ground and the erection of a needed building.. The vote was nearly five to one in favor of the issue. One depart ment of the school has been conducted in an old church building for the past two j-ears. Professor Angell Gives Up Classes. BERKELEY, Cal., July 20. Professor James R. Angell, assistant professor of experimental psychology In the Univer sity of Chicago, who has been giving two courses in philosophy In the Summer ses sion of the University of California, was obliged to return to his home In Chi cago on account of ill health, and his work Is being completed by Professor George M. Stratton, the regular professor of psychology In the university. Odcll in San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, July 20.-Governor Odell, of New York, and his party spent today In sightseeing. Mayor Schmitz waited on the Governor this morning and made him and his friends the city's guests for the day. Governor Odell and his party will leave San Francisco to morrow evening, going from here to Yel lowstone Park. Fell From a Load of Hay. ALBANY, Or., July 20. (Special.) Hen ry Dlttmer, a farmer residing near Al bany, was quite severely injured today while hauling hay. Dlttmer was working on top of the load, when he slipped and fell to the barn Aoor below, striking on his head and shoulder. His Injuries were painful, bones In the wrist being broken. Seattle Fixes Circus License. SEATTLE, Wash., July 20. (Special.) The Council tonight Axed Rlngllng Bros. license at $500 per day. The circus is here two days. Drank Bnttery Fluid. Lebanon Criterion. Abel Uglow, a prominent citizen and capitalist of Dallas, took poison by acci dent last Friday. Mr. Uglow went into the drug store of Belt & Cherrington and took from the shelf what he supposed to be port wine, but what wa3 In reality a jar containing battery Auld. He poured out a goodly portion and swallowed con siderable of It before he was made aware of his mistake by the terrible burning of the mixture. No one was present In the store at the time except the telephone operator In the next room, who heard him making distressed complaint, and went to his as sistance. Mr. Cherrington was telephoned to, and asked the contents of the jar. He answered that it was poison, and told the operator to give immediately lime water. This wa3 done, and Mr. Uglow Is now much better. He will recover. Edith Wast So Hungry. Adams Advance. At a dance at Long Creek the other night Miss Edith Ivy got hungry before supper was ready and forced herself into the kltcheA. The landlady protested and Miss Ivy twined her Angers Into the hair of Mrs. Bly and over and over on the Aoor they rolled, biting and scratching and kicking. Edith put up a $300 bond as a guarantee that she would explain to tho Circuit Court how it happened. cIf eyes were for seeing, o Then beauty is its own excuse for being " Emerson No excuse is needed for the beauty residing in Gorham Silver for it is beauty of the very highest order, based as it is on the basic principles of true Decorative Art. Un derlying all the Gor ham productions is sincerity of purpose, absence of meretricious ornamentation, and soundness of workman ship. That is why for three generations it has held the esteem of peo ple of taste. i SUMMER COMPLAINTS DYSENTERY, DIARRHOEA CHOLERA MORBUS Taking the Radways Heady Relief la -water will In a few momenta euro Cramps, Spasms, Sour Stomach. Nausea, Heartburn. Malarial Fevers, Sick Headache, Colic, Flatulency ana all Internal Pains. Externally for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sci atica, Sprains. Bruises. Mosquito Bites, Stings of Insects. Sunburns, Bums, Toothache, Head ache, Pains la the Back, the application, of to the uart or parts affected will Instantly relieve and soon cure the sufferer of these complaints. Sold by all drugglatB. RAD WAY & CO., New York. EVERY WALK IN IFF Portland Xitizens Appre ciate "The Little x Conqueror." Every class of citizens has sick kidneys. The busy business man rushing through life on the run falls to realize the con stant strain he dally puts upon the kid neys. The mechanic forced to asaunn unnatural positions, stooping and strain, lng at his work, does not know that hi( backache Is simply kidney ache. Thi clera. on feet continually leaning ovel a counter or dc&k; railroaders, conductors, engineers, street-car men subject to con nt, ,jarrlDy nave backache from tbe kidneys. Don't neglect a bad back. A lame, weak or aching back, if neg lected means future trouble kidney trou ble, urinary troubled Doan's Kidney Pills cure every form of kidney 111. cure a bad back and make sick kidneys welL Doan'a Klcney Pills are Indorsed by people you nw Read what a Portland citizen saysr T. W. Shankland, who is a Btreet-caf conductor on the Woodstock street-ca line, residing at 710 Ellsworth street, says: "Some time last Fall I began having con siderable trouble and annoyance from a dull, aching pain in the back over tha kidneys. I think it was caused from tha constant shaking and jarring of the car. I thought at first it would disappear aa quickly as it came, but this was not tha case. Learning of Doan's Kidney Pills I procured a box at the Laue-Davta Drug Company's store, comer of Yamhill and Third streets, andv took them according to directions. The result was entirely sat isfactory. The backache grew less and leas and soon disappeared, and, as far as I can tell, It has gone for good jfor there have been no symptoms of a recurrence." For sale by all dealers. Price, 50c. Mailed by Fo3ter-AIilburn Co., Buffalo. N. Y., sole agents for the United States. Kemember the name, Doan's, and frg no substitute. C. GEE WO The Great Chinese Doctor is called great be cause his wonderful cures are so well known throughout the United States. &nd because so many people are thankful to him for caving their lives from OPERATIONS lie treats any and all diseases with. Eovrerful Chlnesa erbs. roots, buds, bark and vegetables, that are entirely un- vbi.vj.-r science m this coun Vnrtt0tho1?isftne nse of these harm try, and Jhrourt uo doctor knows less remedies. 7TW Qlfferent remedlea fthVLSceSsfully used In different S1?.1 H aVantees to cure catarrh. 2?fci5n ldntr roubles, rheumatism, nex astbma, lung trouo . kianeys. femala yousness. stomacn. 's, Hu creds'of atestImonFalZ Charges moderate. Can -"statION FREE Patients out of the city write for blank and circular. Inclose stamp. Address THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 253 Alder , St, Portland, Or. Mention this paper. Jcotfs Santal-Pepsin Capsules POS173VE CURE For Inflammation cr Catarrh of the Bladder and Diseased Kidneys. 2To core so pay. Cares quickly and Perma nently the irorat cases of Gonorrhoea and Gleet, no matterof how longstand ing. Absolutely harmless. Sold by druggists. Prico II. CO, or by mall, postpaid, L00 , S boxes j $2.75. a? THE SAHTAI'PEPSIH Cu, BELL.EFONTAINE, OHIO. ' XdkUK-DAYIS DSLUQ CO Frtlaaa, Or, UlctUC I 3 m STESUNO keep it j i i I i 11