THE SIOKNlJXtf UKKGOJflATy, TUESDAY, JULY 21. 1903. GREAT AMONG POPES News of Death Causes Sor row in United States, DELEGATE FALCON ID'S TRIBUTE He Issues Address to American Bishops Ordering Prayers tor Pope Leo's Soul Message of Secre tary Hay Bishops' Opinions. ' ' I WASHINGTON. July 20. The first defi- nlte announcement of the death of Pope Leo made to his Immediate representative in Washington, Apostolic Delegate Falco nio, was conveyed to him today by the As sociated Press at 12:45 o'clock- Four hours later the official confirmation came. When the Associated Press bulletin- was handed to Bishop Falconio, he was having his mid day meal in company with Bishop Booker end Auditor Marchetti, of the apostolic delegation- All expressed deep sorrow and seemed to feel shocked. During the afternoon the Legation was visited by many of the Catholic clergy to leave their expressions of sympathy and condolence. Among the callers also were representatives of the German and Rus sian Embassies, both of whom called In state to express their sympathies. The official announcement of the pope's death read as follows: Rome, July 20'. Mgr. Falconio, apostolic dele gate, Washington, D. C: With deepest sorrow X announce to you the death of the holy father, which occurred this afternoon at 4 o'clock. His holiness died sur rounded by the sacred college. (Signed) M. CARDINAL RAMPOLLA. To this message Archbishop Falconio made Immediate response, as follows: With deepest sorrow I express to your em inence the universal grief at the Irreparable loss sustained in the death of the glorious pontiff. Monslgnore Falconio also gave out the following address to the archbishops and bishops of the Catholic Church, of whom there are 90 In America: Washington, July 20. Tour Lordship: It Is my painful duty to convey to you the ead Intelligence of the death of our holy father, the pope, which occurred today. As In life, bo in death, the august pontiff has shown such wonderful examples of serious thought, of de termination of character, of sweetness, of hearty piety and Christian fortitude as to evoke in all lands the most striking manifes tation of reverence and respect. Leo XIII Is dead. In htm the world has lost a profound scholar, a distinguished statesman, a lover and a protector of Justice; has lost one whose power for amelioration of society has been exercised with such consummate skill and earnestness as to be felt everywhere and to gain for him universal admiration. Hence his death Is deplored by all without distinction of nationality or creed. However, for us Catholics the loss is greater and consequently more keenly felt. In Leo XHIJaesldes the scholar, the statesman, tho philanthropist, we have lost our spiritual father, the supreme pastor of our church, In him who during his long pontificate has watched with Incessant solicitude over our spiritual welfare and has spared no labor to proclaim farther and wider the Kingdom of his divine master. His reign recalls to our minds the brightest days of the papacy. His noble figure has earned one of the most glorious places In his house. While we bow reverently to the death of our august pontiff and deplore the great low which his death has caused the church, let public and private prayers be raised to heavep in every diocese and In every parish for the eternal repose of that noble soul. As to the public prayers, your lordship may prescribe such suffrages as your piety . may Inspire. With sentiments of highest esteem and pro found respect, I beg leave to remain. Your devoted servant in Christ, D. FALCONIO, Archbishop of Larlssa, Delegate Apostolic Delegate Falconio repeatedly expressed In conversation his deep personal regret over the loss of the pope. Bishop Booker and Dr. Marchetti also expressed profound sorrow. Bishop Booker gave out a state ment In which he said: The church boasts a long line of Illustrious pontiffs. Leo XIII will ever stand In their loremost rank. His reign has been a wonder iuj one. He assumed the pontificate at a most critical moment. He hands It to his sbecessor without a single loss and with great gain. On receipt of the news Secretary Hay sent the following dispatch to Cardinal Rampolla: "The President desires me to express his profound sense of the loss which the Christian world has sustained in the death of His Holiness, Leo XIII. By his lofty character, his great learning and his com prehensive charity he hau adorned his ex alted station and made his reign one of the most illustrious, as it has been one of the longest In the history of the Catholic Church. JOHN HAY." The bishops of the Catholic Church will celebrate pontifical mass for the repose of the soul of the pontiff in the cathedrals of their respective dioceses, and funeral masses will be said in all Catholic churches. After the interment prayers will be held In the Catholic churches, asking that di vine gujdance may attend the labors of the consistory in the election of a succes sor to Leo XIII. ARCHBISHOP IRELAND'S EULOGY. Great American Prelate Tells of Leo's Admiration of America. ST. PAUL, July -20. Upon the receipt of the news of the death of the pope, Arch bishop Ireland paid this tribute to the' dead prelate: "In Leo a truly great and good man passes from earth. The extraordinary, the unparalleled interest with which the world this last fortnight kept vigil around the "Vatican, where the old hero battled dramatically with grim death, is the mag nificent tribute to Leo which nothing could have evoked save unusual gran deur. In the death of Leo humanity re alizes that an orb of light, such as is seldom seen, to dominate the high skies of its moral and Intellectual Armament, has fallen, making a mighty void which soon again may not be filled. Great and good Leo truly was fashioned so by na ture and grace divine. What a mind! Loftiest It was in vision, reaching out to the vastest horizons, soaring upwards to highest regions of thought and truth. And how quick in action that mind of Leo was; how piercing his glance; how rich and varied the store of knowledge. Bapidly as he conversed he would travel from literature to science and art, from theology to diplomacy everywhere the manifest master and everywhere the cul tured scholar. "And then, he was ambitious to put to profit his talents, ambitious to do great things. When he first ascended the pon tifical throne he resolved that so far as opportunity came his would-be a historic pontificate, and to that end he worked consciously during his life. He lived and worked purely for God and for men. He met Kings and peasants, men of highest social rank and of lowest all bowed be fore his graclousness and whispered to him words of affection and devotion. "There is no other post of honor and duty so elevated, so sublime, as the Bo man pontificate, the treasury of cen turies of inspirations, the world-chair of moral authority, ruling directly 250,000,000 of every tribe and every nation, ruling In directly by the silent prestige of its pow er, by the vast spiritual force of its life and teachings, entire humanity. Into that pontificate he entered, and, as only two of his predecessors have done, reigned a quarter of a century, leaving posterity to say, as he closes the last pages of his cord, that In him the Catholic Church PAYS HrGH TRIBUTE BISHOP CHARLES J. O'REILLY. The death of Pope Leo Xni removes the grandest figure offered to the .admiration of mankind in the latter half of the 10th and the opening years of the 20th century'. His pontificate of 25 years may Justly be regarded as among the most glorious In the long line of his eminent predecessors. Volumes could not contain all the ulog!es of Leo XIII as priest, pontiff and statesman, which have been pronounced during the last few years by prominent publicists, and In this hour, when the church mourns the death of her brilliant and saintly head, all the world pays tribute to his exalted virtues. He. seemed to recognize all the needs of humanity, from the time of his accession to the papal throne, and bent every nergy or his powerful Intellect to the amelioration of the race. In the de velopment of the higher studies Pope Leo reared a. monument of Imperishable fame. Literature, philosophy, the natural sciences, no less than the various branches of biblical knowledge and ecclesiastical history, all received his warm est encouragement. It Is another of his glories that In sociology, his admirable encyclicals develop a perfect and comprehensive system of all the social sciences, starting with the fundamental principles of natural law, to the consideration of the political constitution of states, and embracing every economic question tending to the welfare of humanity. His highest energies, however, were devoted to the policy of the pacification of nations, and his historian will in the future have a pleasing task lnrepresentlng Leo XIII as the "peacemaker of Europe." Ger many,. Belgium, France and Spain were, at various times the beneficiaries of his peace-giving interventions. In grave and critical emergencies. Asia and Africa he resolutely labored to awaken to a new life of Christian civilization. And America, which he loved so well, will not withhold Its tribute of veneration and gratitude to Pope Leo for the many times he has expressed his admiration and confidence -In the grand future of this mighty country. No man of his age has swayed the world so powerfully and so beneflclallyas Pope Leo XIII. and it Is eald of him that his manner was a constant reminder of His Divine Master, v the Prince of Peace, whom he strove constantly to Imitate. Truly the world Is better for the life of this saintly and scholarly pontiff. C j. O'REILLY. has had one of the most wondrous of her wondrous sovereigns and humanity one of Its noblest thinkers and highest ex emplars of fidelity to God-given duty. "Volumes will be written to narrate the things done by Leo. In a hurried eulogy there: Isroom . only--,to. note, the general results he has achieved. Leo's services were of course primarily to the church. Leo made the church known to the mod ern world as she wished to be made known. In one encyclical he discoursed on vital moral and dogmatic principles which constitute Its doctrinal acts, to make them clear ot the social and civic world. He tore to shreds the' thick veil of prejudice and misunderstanding which as the sequence of strifes and controver sies of centuries had been hiding Its features from the eyes of millions of the non-Catholic world. Liberty, civil and political, individual rights, education, the Sri-' if II i AtS Tr flc i progress of science and of discovery, the J material comfort of the masses all this Leo, in the name of the church, blessed and advocated. Today the Catholic Church Is universally admitted to be In j the van of humanity, and for this Leo Is to be thanked. "All humanity has been benefited by him. He never hesitated to reach out be yond the formal confines of the church to serve humanity, to serve nations and men who were not of the fold of the church. "No other man reigned at the dawn of the 20th century as Leo reigned. It was the supreme triumph of moral power the triumph of truth and justice, the tri umph of a soul replenished with truth and justice. With Leo there dies the ad mirer and lover of America. Said he to a bishop from America one day: " Oh, America! It is the future.' "Leo's clear view of things from their way in time as well as In such space has endeared America to him. No other statesman in Europe like Leo understood America its possibilitiesnd the growing of its Institutions. "Nothing in tho circumstances connect ed with the illness and death of Leo does so much honor to him and so much honor LEO ELIZABETH AGNES MURPHY. And thou wert cast in Christly mold, Soul of mine reverence I And thou hast known the struggle old The Breath of Recompense! Not thee the elemental dross, Nor skin, nor earthy sphere Thine labor but the Saving Cross, v And penitential tear Thine fullness in the Master's lot, . The Sheperd's love and fear! And Virtue blest thee as her own, And Wisdom lingered near thy throne, Thou Venerable Seer! O "blessed illness," blessed death, That to the World gave birth; An impulse from the Womb of Night, v To grow unto a better Light, And greet a Peace on Earth. TO THE DEAD POPE. to our common nature as the outspoken Interest taken In him by the non-Catholic world, especially In the United States. In America the Associated Press daily bur dened trans-Atlantic cables with messages lengthy and sympathetic from Borne. The newspapers of the country quickly opened their columns to those messages and re peatedly wrote in the friendliest language. "In numerous Protestant churches kind--Hest mention was made of Leo from the pulpit, and prayers for him went up from the Hps of ministers and of congregations. Leo In his last moments "was deeply touched on hearing of this attitude of Protestants toward him. The world is to day the better for the sweet kindliness begotten in It by Leo." Fnoai ARCHBISHOP MONTGOMERY. ne of Ablest Popes, Wise and Judt cions Ruler. SAN FRANCISCO, July 20. Archbishop "Montgomery, coadjutor for the diocese of California, when informed by the Assoc! atcd Press of the death of Pope Leo, ex pressed great sorrow at the passing of the aged pontiff. Archbishop Montgomery said: "Catholics In general and the priests and bishops particularly who were famil iar perhaps more than others with the en tire life of Pope Leo XIII regarded him as one of the ablest of pontiffs. We con sidered him a very able man in every thing that pertained to the administra tion of his office, and that says a great deal. He was the recognized head of 250, 000,000 people, who are scattered all over the world, and his spiritual relations with them brought him Into necessary relation In some sense with every civil govern ment, and In such connection we believe that his long administration has been most wise and Judicious. His wonderful grasp of situations was seen in the ablo encyclicals he wrote covering so many subjects, all pertinent and absolutely esentlal to civil and religious life. His writings showed him to be most ver- XIII satllc in his knowledge, and his long life, after .the regularity with which he lived, might, I have no doubt, be attributed to the power of abstraction he seemed to have had of throwing off the care of the weightiest and most burdensome subjects in recreation of a high literary character." WHAT LONDON PAPERS SAY. Contrast Position of Papacy Now and at Death of Plas IX. LONDON, July 20. Long biographical sketches, memoirs and editorials are called forth by the death of the pope, and the English papers all teenf with expres sions of the warmest sympathy and deep regret. A contrast is drawn between the L unique position that the papacy now holds in international consideration, compared with Its shattered, discredited position at the time of tho death of Pius IX. The Morning Post says: "The keys of St. Peter that death snatched from him are now the symbols of a worldwide rier archy, such as even Islam Itself, with its countless millions of devotes, cannot boast,' The Dally News saysr "Leo XIII will be remembered as one of the greatest of popes and humblest of Christians." The Dally Telegraph says: "The Cath olic world mourns the loss of one of the noblest priests, one of the most distin guished scholars and wisest statesmen who has ever filled St. Peter's chair." VENERATED BY ROOSEVELT. The President Say He Won Respect of All Christendom. OYSTER BAY. July 20. President Roose vclt was deeply touched by the death of the pope. On being Informed of the demise of the venerable head of the Cath olic church he dictated the following for the Associated Press: "The President ex presses his profound regret at the death of the venerable pontiff, whose long ca reer, no less than his exalted character, has commanded the respect of all Chris tendom." The President said that In uttering these sentiments he was giving expression to the feeling of all the people of the Upited States wholly without regard to their re ligious faith. Whitelaw and Mrs. Rcid. of New York, are the guests of the Presi dent and Mrs. Boosevelt today. Their visit was of purely social character. Archbishop Elder, OldcHt Prelate. CINCINNATI, July 20. Archbishop Will lam Henry Elder, who became the oldest living prelate upon the death of the pope, said of Eeo XIII: "It Is 18 years since I saw the holy father, and during that period so much has been accomplished by him that he has become the marvel -of the age. He has, Indeed, been a light from heaven, which motto he bears, and has guided the church through the perils that have beset her with a master hand and mind. He has been a great man and a holy man. While the singular purity and modesty of his life haVe won for him great admira tion, his most lasting monument will be the work he has done for the ameliora tion of mankind, the aid of the laboring classes and the defense of right and Jus tice. It is only becoming an American to feel gratitude toward -Leo XIU for the Interest he has maintained In the church In America and in this country In gen eral." From Mayor Lore, of New York. NEW YORK, July .20.-rMayor Low late today Issued the following letter: "The death of the pope will bring sor row to many hundred thousands of the citizens of New York, and those whom It does not directly affect will respond with fraternal sympathy for their fellow-citizens who feel his death as a personal loss. Every one must have been moved by his calm and brave bearing in the presence of Archbishop Ireland. approaching death. It" Is too early to at tempt to consider Leo XIII's place in history, but one may safely say that he filled the great position with dignity and authority and as one who has understood thoroughly the movements of his time." Bishop Thomas Conaty. LOS ANGELES, July 20. Bishcp Thomas Conaty said today regarding the passing of Pope Leo: "The greatest man of the century is dead. We mourn as for a friend and father, and while we know the condi tions are infinitely better for him beyond, yet we sorrow for our own loss." Bells on all the Catholic churches In the city were tolled for one hour after the an nouncement of the pope's deathi ' Bishop Pltaval, of Santa Fe. SANTA FE, N. M., July 20. Bishop J. B. Pltaval, in charge of the archdiocese of Santa Fe during the absence of Arch bishop Peter Bourgade In France, said to ine Associated .tress correspondent today "With the death of the great pontiff Leo Xul the Catholic Church loses one of its greatest rulers and the world one of Its most distinguished men." Archbishop Ryan. ' PHILADELPHIA, July 20. Archbishop Ryan: "I Join in the universal estimate of him. as a great man and great pope. His sym pathy for our Constitution in America was genuine." Archblsnop CHICAGO, July 20. ley: anlfrley. -Archbishop Quig- "It has been the llfework of Leo XIII to arouse the Catholic body in every na tlon to enlightened organized effort against infidel tendencies." Bishop Glennon. ST. IJ3UIS, Mo., July 20. Bishop Glen non: "He was foremost in all the events of the world. No man had as much influ ence for good in the past two as he had." Bishop Hogan. KANSAS CITY, Mo., July 20. Bishop Hogan: "His work on earth was done, and it was his time to go.-He was a great and good man." Ex-President Cleveland. BUZZARDS BAY, Mass., July 2a Ex President Cleveland: "Not only his church, but the cause of humanity, has lost a strong advocate and sincere friend." . New Yerlc City in XearniaK. NEW YORK, July 20.-The flags on the 'BEST OF GREAT MEN OF BISHOP O'DBA'S TRIBUTE TO POPE LEO. SEATTLE, Wash., July 20. (Speclal. Bishop O'Dea has the following to say of the dead pope: "Throughout his long and useful life Popo Leo was very friendly toward this country and frequently spoke In the highest terms of Ameri can institutions. He admired this country very much for one reason, orf ac count of the religious liberty allowed here, and for another reason, on account of the great deference shown for him and his high office- by the people ot the coun try.. This feeling In this country has not been at all confined to the members of thn Catholic Church, but extends to people of all religious beliefs and con victions. "Judplng from the press dispatches, the pope has made a very remarkable fight against his age and Infirmity. He was In many ways a man of most re markable character, one of the greatest of good men and the best of great men of contemporary history of the world. I believe that this opinion is not confined to Catholics alone, but extends to the people of all religious beliefs. When the' history of Christian civilization and achievement of the 19th and 20th centuries Is written. I am confident that a lofty position will be accorded Pope Leo XIII. "All his life he labored sincerely to bring all Christian people together In unity. His encyclical on the labor question gave advice on that matter which. If followed, would solve all questions of labor and socialism, and he has tried to better the existing social conditions throughout the world by his encyclical on tne questions of marriage and divorce. He has been the patron and promoter ot all good works and has left nothing undone which he could do to better the-condition of the human race." City Hall and other city buildings were placed at half-mast by order of Mayor Low as soon as the death of the pope was announced. OPINIONS OF PORTLAND CLERGY. Regnrdlcss of Creed. They Extol Leo's Virtues and Tnlents. The following opinions of the life and character of 'Leo -XIII from the leading, clergymen of Portland Indicate In 'what high esteem he was held by men of all creeds. They were prepared at the re quest of The Oregonlan, and all agree In ascribing the highest attributes of heart and mind to the late pope. Monslgnore Blanchet, vicar-general of the Catholic church of Oregon, and, in the absence of Archbishop Christie, the most distinguished Catholic in the city, pays the following tribute: The most Illustrious pope of the 19th century was Leo XIII, whose name shall be venerated to the end of time. Plus IX left a hard legacy to Pope Leo; there were strained relations between church and state In every part of the world. While smoothing difficulties, settling dis putes and resisting oppressions in the various countries, the sovereign pontiff also applied himself to the solution of the great problem that vexed the whole civi lized world. Indeed, the grand series of letters and encyclicals on the burning so cial question contains an exhaustive expo sition of the relative duties, rights and privileges of the state, the family and the individual. To bring back the stray sheep to the unity of the Catholic fold was also dear to the heart of Leo; he appealed to the schismatics of the East and the non Catholics of the West to come once more Into the bosom of mother church. Thus not the Catholic church only but the civi THE SACRED COLLEGE OF THE DUTY OF ELECTING A LOUIS OREGLIA DI SANTO STEFANO. SERAFINO VANNUTELLL MARIO MOCENNI. ANTHONY AGLIARDI. VINCENT VANNUTELLL JOSEPH SEBASTIAN NETTO. PETER JEREMIAH MICHAEL ANGELO CELESTLV. ALPHONSUS CAPECELARCO. PATRICK FRANCIS MORAN. BENEDICT MARY LANGENIEUX. JAMES GIBBONS. MARIANO RAMPOLLA DEL TINDARO. FRANCIS MARY BENJAMIN RICHARD. PETER LAMBERT GOOSSENS. ANTHONY JOSEPH GRUSCHA. ANGELO DI PIETRO. MICHAEL LOGUE. , CLAUDIUS VASZARY. GEORGE KOPP. ADOLPHE LOUIS ALBERT PERRAUD. VICTOR LUCIEN SULPICE LECOT. JOSEPH SARTO. CTRIACUS MARY SANCHA Y HERVAS. POMINIC SVAMPA. ANDREAS FERRARI. FRANCIS SATOLLI. JEROME MARY GOTTI. . SALVATOR CASSANAS Y PAGES. ACHILLES MANARA. DOMINIC FERRATA. SERAFINO CRETONI. JOSEPH MARY MARTIN DE HERRE RAYD DE LA INGLESIA. The cardinals, when duly constituted and proclaimed, form the supreme council or senate of the church. They are advisors of the supreme pontiff, and at the death of the pontiff they elect his successor. There are three orders of cardinals cardinal-bishops, cardinal-priests and cardinal deacons; but these orders are distinct from the hierarchy, and with very few excep tions the cardinal priests are archbishops or bishops, and the cardinal-deacons are generally priests. The sacred college ot cardinals, when complete, consists of 70 members 6 cardinal-bishops, 50 cardinal-priests and 14 cardinal-deacons. The cardinal-bishops occupy the suburban sees of Rome, which are: Ostla and Velletrl Porto and Santa Runna; Albano, Frascari, Palestran and Sablna. The cardinal-priests take their title from the "titular churches" to which they are appolonted: the cardinal-deacons are appointed to other churches, called deaconarles. The first cardlnal-blshop Is dean, and the first cardinal-priest Is first priest, and the first cardinal-deacon Is "first deacon' ot the sacred college. The dean has the right of conse crating, and the "first deacon." the right of proclaiming and crowning a new pope. On the death of the pontiff the cardinal camerlergo has -the administration of the affairs ot the holy see. CONTEMPORARY HISTORY" lized world owes him a debt of gratitude for his salutary teachings. For these and many other things not mentioned, I con clude that Leo XIII will go down in his tory as one ot the greatest of men who have filled the papel chair. F. X. BLANCHET, Vicar-General of Oregon. Leo XIII will have a most honorable place in history- He was an Italian by birth, a Catholic by conviction, scholar by training, and a churchman always. He had a most remarkable career. He came to tho papel chair in 1S7S following Pius IX, a part of whose pontificate of 32 years was full of storm. Leo gave more than 70 years service to the church. He was 25 years a .cardinal. At 63 years of age, an age when most men who llve so long are thinking of retiring- to quiet life, he was elected pope. He occu pied the papal chair 25 years. When it Is remembered that the average service for the occupants of the papal chair has been only about seven years, it will be seen that his was a Jong pontificate. He was a remarkable man. He was noted for scholarship, having for many years devoted himself to philosophy es pecially. Never robust, his abstemious habits and hl3 moderation in all things prolonged his life far beyond the expec tations of men. He was a man of iron will; but fortunately also a man of reso lute self-control and of much gentleness and kindness of heart. He was not as conspicuously self-assertive and dogmatic as many of his predecessors, but he wa3 firm while conciliatory. It would be dif ficult If not impossible to find among the more than 250 popes who have preceded him one who kept more really abreast of his times, or who met the perplexing con ditions surrounding him with more con summate address than he. Statesman like in his public bearing, kindly of heart, CARDINALS WHICH HAS SUCCESSOR TO LEO XIII. JOSEPH PRISCO. PETER HERCULES COULLIE. "WILLIAM MARY JOSEPH LABOURE. JOHN CASALI. FRANCIS DE PAULA CASSETA. JANUARIUS PORTANOVA. JOSEPH PORTANOVA. JOSEPH FRANCICA NARA BONT1FE. FRANCIS DESIDERATUS MATH IE U. PETER RESPIGHI. AUGUSTUS RICHELMY. ALEXANDER SANMINTATELLI ZA- BEERELLI. SEBASTIAN MARTENELLI. CASIMIR GENNARI. . LEO SKRBENSKY. JULIUS BOSCHI. - . - JOHN KNIAZ DE KOZIELSKO PUZTNA. BARTHOLOMEW BACILIERI. LOUIS MACCHI. ' ANDREAS STEINHUBER. FRANCIS SEGNA. RAPHAEL PIBROTTI. JOSEPH VIVES Y TUTO. FRANCIS DELLA VOLPE. ALOYSIUS TREPEPI. FELIX CAVAGNIS. MONSIGNORE FISCHER. MONSIGNORE TALIANL MONSIGNORE CAVICCHINO. MONSIGNORE AJUTI. MONSIGNORE NOCELLA. MONSIGNORE KATSCHATHALER. MOST REVEREND HERRO ESPINOSA. gentle in manner? he commanded -in an unusual degree the love) o his church and tSe respect of the world. ' -We could', all wish that this devout man might have lived out his full 100 years. DR. H. J. TALBOT, Pastor Taylor-Street Methodist, Church. Pope Leo XIII rendered his church an incalculable service, not alone by reason of his wise and statesmanlike leading, but above all by winning the world's venera tion for his rarely engaging personality. The leader of a church which bears aloft the standard, "Semper Idem" (Ever the same), he has been neither irreconcilable nor reactionary, but has with good grace, accepted many of the transformations which have been wrought in the world, social, political, industrial, during the years of his illustrious pontificate. Pope Leo has invested his "high olfico with the dignity which a good and pure man ever confers upon the place he "fills. History will rank him high among the vicars, of his church.. STEPHEN S. WISE. Babbit of Temple Beth Israel. He lived long and well, accomplishing more for the unity of the faith., possibly, than any of his predecessors in modern times. A large part of the Christian world re jects most emphatically and in toto the ciaims of the Roman Church. At the same time there are some things which are held in common. The spirit of the age magnifies these and Is inclined to say little about difference. The tribunal of intelligent Judgment exalts character and Insists on that quality thac measures with the New Testament standard. It Is the age that Is prophetic and ever going forward to that "one far-off divine event to which the whole creation moves." L. E. ROCKWELL. Presiding elder, Portland District, Meth odist Episcopal Church. I am quite sure that very little preju dice existed in Protestant minds toward the late occupant of the papal office, in a personal way. He never impressed me as being bigoted, and I feel that he was the best and most liberal pontiff that has held this great ecclesiastical position, and that there is some possibility that It will be difficult to find another equally desir able for the office. And while I attach no significance to the superior claims as sumed by him or other and previous popes, and regard with some sense ot humor such assumptions as papal In fallibility, I do admire the man because of manly traits; first, the "Iron" physical fiber which 'was his, and which enabled him to battle so bravely with the enemy which always prevails; second, the Intel lectual ability of the man, both as to scholarship and tho vast amount of strain It has borne; third, his desire to die in the harness; fourth, the tactfulnes3 and discreetness with which he handled grave questions; fifth, tho excellent character which he Is said to have possessed during all his life; sixth, the ability he had oi. winning friends through a winsome per sonality, and, lastly, the cheerfulness of disposition whicl he manifested on the threshold ot unseen, associated with the declaration of sincerity that, though he did not know that all that he did was good, yet he obeyed his conscience and his faith. JEROME R. M' GLADE, Pastor Mlzpah Presbyterian Church. The passing of a venerable prelate who for a quarter of a century was the center of a deeper and wider interest than is felt for any other ecclesiastic in the world is a fact of more than ordinary moment. The reputation of Pope Leo XIII among Protestants was that of a man of singu larly simple tastes, kindly disposition, de voted piety and brilliant mentality. It was his distinction that, physically frail, hi3 marked Intellectual force, his heroic temper and his ascetic habits of life en abled discharge of the exacting duties of his office with an attention to detail that gave no sign of an almost chronic inval idism. - Protestants, holding their own views as to the office, had as far as I know, only good words for the man. We share the regret felt at the departure ot a pontiff of so many virtues, and wish for his successor that he may prove as worthy universal esteem. A. N. FISHER, Editor Pacific Christian Advocate. Judged as a man only, and apart from his sacerdotal functions as head of tho great Boman Catholic Church, Pope Leo XIII was beyond-question one of the grandest characters that ever graced the annals of the world's intellectual and moral advancement. To the broad states manship that made him easily the central figure' around whom gathered the poten tial forces, acting for the betterment of mankind, that settled and adjusted all of the complex questions that concerned the governmental affairs of the world for the last quarter of the 19th century, there was added In him the graceful fancy and sun lit imagery of the poet, and a great, hu man loving heart, that aimed always and In every way to make the world better and all men happier because of the Inflni nite tenderness of its own broad charity. The church has lost Its pope. But that is not of great moment. Another pope will be elected; the chain that reaches from Christ to Constantlne, from Con stantine to Leo XIII, will take on another link, and doctrine and dogma, will be preached as of old from the Vatican. In that sense, the church that changes not nor passes away, has lost nothing. Bui the world has sustained a loss that neith er propaganda nor college of cardinals can make good. The world will miss the wisdom of his counsel and his philosophy. His position as head of the Catholic Church gave him an opportunity to im press upon the governmental systems ol the world the Intluence of his genlu3 and his statesmanship. But he would have been great without that. A sovereign himself without temporal power, he stood resolutely In support of the rightful ex ercise of temporal power by all other sovereigns. Himself above all the needs and necessities that call for human toll and labor, he stood ever staunchly and loyally in defense of the right of labor and of those who toil. A member of the greatest hierarchy on earth and raised tc the purple, he was the steadfastfriend ol this young Republic that stands for a pure democracy. The sob of sorrow that sounds from the palace of the Vatican may well find an echo In, the hearts of men of all creeds and religions in the American Republic today. JOHN M. GEARIN. Leo XIII proved himself in many acts In recent years to be the greatest pope ol modern times. He swung the great Bo man Catholic power from Its position as friend to Kings and Emperors back to the Christliko Ideal of the friend of the com mon people. Upon the great social issues of the age he spoke with the voice of a true prophet. In nothing did he more signally display hi3 profound wisdom and the broad sympathies of a really Catholic soul than in his handling ot American problems in his church. He pointed the way to a loyal American Catholic Church. He felt that Gibbons and Ireland are the men who embody his conceptions of true, progress in our Nation in short, he pro nounced emphatically In favor of "Amer ica, for the Americans" in the govern ment of the church. Americans cannot but feel that In the death of Leo XIII they have lost a true friend, a safe coun selor and a true Christian man. Broad, intellectual, sympathetic and spiritual.. fhe made a great place for himself in the hearts of. his people and of his Master, Jesus Christ. DR. E. L. HOUSE. Pastor First Congregational Church. Specinl Service nt Snlem. SALEM, Or., uly 20. (Special.) Re ligious ceremonies in accord with the rit ual of the Catholic Church will be con ducted at St. Joseph's church in this city every morning for ten days succeeding the death of Pope Leo XIII. A memorial service will be held during the week, to which the general public will be Invited. The date for this service has not been fixed, but It will probably be on Thurs day. Ralph They are both duchesses? Marie Yea, but Mabel's duke, cost her ten millions, while Bessie's coat only a million. Ralph Poor Bessie! Puck.