Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 21, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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The "Differ
ent Store"
Fifth and
Sheepmen and Cattlemen of
Eastern Oregon Angry.
Encounters Have Already OccHrred,.
but Both Partiex Conceal Reaulta
Sheepmen Carry Arms and Are
Ready to Flffht.
BAKER CITY, Or., July 20. (Special.)
A range war appears to be brewing In
Grant, Malheur and Harney Counties. No
serious trouble la anticipated In this coun
ty. Both sides are reticent, and It is im
possible to get any Information In advance
of the trouble.
The cattlemen have posted notices In
certain localities threatening death to
eheepmen, but no hostilities have broken
out yet. Several encounters nave actually
taken place In remote districts, but no one
has been killed unless when- encounters re
sult fatally both sides hide the facts.
A sheepman of Idaho who has rented 60,
000 acres of land In Malheur and Grant
Counties says all is serene In his district,
but it Is known that he lias received
threatening letters. The sheepmen are
armed and will stand only so much.
Japanese Statesman "Urges Strong:
Measures Against Russia.
VICTORIA. B. C, July 20. The steamer
Indrasamaha, which' arrived tonight,
brought news that the war feeling in
Japan was stronger than ever when the
steamer sailed, as a result of the alleged
secret concessions made by the Chinese
government to Russia. The increasing
excitement of Japanese papers is also ac
centuated by the change of attitude of
Prince Ching, who is said to have gone
over completely to the Russian side.
The Kobe Chronicle says Admiral Hl
taka, chief commander of the Japanese
standing squadron, has addressed a me
morial to the naval staff department,
suggesting the advisability qf organizing
the Japan sea .squadron, and also the ne
cessity of formulating a plan of defense
and general operation from the naval
standpoint. J
Count Okauma, a local Japanese states
man, In an interview on the situation,
said Japan should question Russia, and
ask an explanation of her arbitrary con
duct in Corca and Manchuria, and, should
the reply be unsatisfactory. a strong pro
test should be sent and the question at
the same time submitted to the other
powers. In taking such a step, Japan
must be prepared to resort to arms, if
necessary. At present Japan was superior
to Russia in armaments in the far East,
and Japan's cause was a right one. How
ever imprudent Russia might be, she
would not venture going to war and risk
offending all the other powers, and he be
lieved the protest would be successful.
Colonel Brown and Edward Koukel,
Americans, have been sentenced, to three
jears Imprisonment by United States
Consul Ragdale at Tien Tsln for robbery
with violence. They held up Eugene Ver
ner, a Frenchman, at Pekln.
Sweeps a Tracic Through Iowa, "Wind
Wrecking Buildings.
COUNCIL, BLUFFS? la., July 20. A se
vere wind, hail and rain storm swept over
a part of Southwestern Iowa this after
noon, destroying all crops In its path and
leveling many buildings and trees. A
number of persons have been reported In
jured, but no fatalities will result.
At Atlantic the Courthouse, .Methodist
Church and a large brick store building
in course of construction were wrecked.
Storm DcHtroys Fields Through "Wide
Strip of Minnesota.
LUVERNE, Minn., July 20. The most
destructive hail storm that ever visited
this section passed over the east portion
of Rock County this afternoon. Over an
area of 20 miles wide and 40 miles long
there is hardly a straw reported standing.
Between two and three inches of hail fell,
fairly beating the grain into the ground.
Conservative estimates place the loss at
fl.000,000. In most cases farmers lost their
entire crops.
Refuses to Discuss Rumored Mar
riage "With Newspapers.
ington, July 20. Senator Heyburn. of Ida
ho, reached Washington this morning,
simultaneously with a telegram from Ta.
coma giving his brother as authority for
the statement that the Senator had come
East to marry a Pennsylvania woman.
When asked as to' the correctness of the
story. Senator Heyburn said:
"That Is a matter of which I care to say
nothing. It is an affair which no gentle
man would discuss for publication In tho
Further than this he declined to be in
terviewed. He leaves tonight f6r New
York and will spend the next three or
four weeks at Atlantic City.
Archbishop Katxer is Dead.
FOND DU LAC. Wis., July 20. Right
Rev. Father Frederick Xavier Katzer,
archbishop of the archdiocese of Mil
waukee, died tonight of cancer of the
liver after a lingering illness. The arch
bishop haa not partaken of food jslnce
last Friday and life had been sustained
by stimulants.
Frederic Xavier Katzer, archbishop of
Milwaukee, was born at Ebensec. Austria,
on February 7, 1844, and was educated at
the schools at Smuenden, Austria, from
1850 to 1857, and at Lloz, Austria, from
1857 to ISM. He came to the United States
in the latter year and graduated) in
theology at St. Francis, Wis., In 1866, and
then became professor of philosophy and
theology there. He retained that position
until 1875, when he was appointed secre
tary to the bishop of Green Bay, Wis.,
sector of the cathedral and afterwards
vicar-general. He was consecrated bishop
of Green Bay in 1886. and was promoted
to be archbishop of Milwaukee in 189L
3Iiss Augusta Clark, Pittsburg.
NEW YORK, July 20. Miss Augusta
Clark, of Pittsburg, Pa., first 'cousin of
the late General Belknap, -who was Sec
retary of War under President Grant, is
dead at Elizabeth, N. J., where she was
visiting. She was 74 years old. Miss Clark
was a cousin of Mrs. Clarence Steadman,
the poet.
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Roberts.
WASHINGTON, July 20. Elizabeth M.
Roberts, wife of "Hon. Ellis H. .Roberts,
Treasurer of the United States, died here
Splendid Hammocks already
The Store's $ .65 Hammocks for $ .59
The Store's $ .85 Hammocks for $ 175
The Store's $$.35 Hammocks for $1.20
The Store's $J.25 Hammocks for $f.f0
The Store's 1.45 Hammocks for $1.25
Whitney BabyCamages
In the Sale Fourth Floor.
$6.00 Go-Carts now $4.00
$J5.75 Baby Carriages now $ 9.85
$J6.50 Baby Carriages now $J0.45
$J7.50 Baby Carriages now u,$JJ.00
$18.50 Baby Carriages now $H.80
$J9.50 Baby Carriages now $J2.50
$26.50 Baby Carriages now $16.50
Confident of Settlement of Mnchn.
rian Question Why Jcvriiih Pe
tition Wan Sot Received.
PARIS. July 20. A representative of the
Associated Press bad an Interview with
Count Casslnl, the Russian Ambassador to
the United States, who Is here spending
part of his leave of absence. He said:
"It Is not correct, as cabled, that I ar
ranged with Secretary Hay before my de
parture the question of open ports In
Manchuria. . It is true that Mr. Hay called
on me Jtnjc 26, but it was a friendly visit
and entirely unofficial. The Manchurlan
ports were mentioned during our conver
sation but no definite arrangements wero
"The conversation was quite cordial and
friendly, but it did not go beyond that. I
expect, however, that a mutually satis
factory understanding regarding Man
churlan questions will eventually be
reached between the two governments. But
I repeat no such arrangements have been
made by me. What ha8 been done by
the Charge since my departure 14 days ago
I do not know.
"Regarding the Isarellte petition, the
United States Government already knew
that such a petition would not be re
ceived. No such petition would be re
ceived by any independent state. The
United States, first of all, would not con
sent to any foreign Interference In Its
domestic affairs. Beyond this, I do not
know anything about the matter. My re
lations with the United States have al
ways been pleasant during my stay In
Washington. My present absence Is due
to the fact that I am taking a much-needed
holiday. I did not see the President
before my departure, as he was absent
from Washington. I saw Mr. Hay, but
our Interview was not official; it was ex
tremely pleasant.
"I expect to return to ray post as soon
as my leave expires, which will be In
three months."
Count Casslnl will remain, here ten days
longer, and then he will go to St. Pe
tersburg. CAN'T LIBEL A. TOWX.
Xo Redress Afrainst General Grant
for Criticism of Brackettville.
WASHINGTON, July 20. Several
months ago;fJln reviewing the court-martial
sentence"of a soldier. General Fred D.
Grant made some severe reflections on the
town of Brackettville, Tex., which called
forth complaints, one letter being ad
dressed to the President. The question
was referred to the War Department, and
Judge . Advocate-General Davis rendered
an opinion, in which he says:
"It would appear that no penal action
would lfe for a publication affecting the
town of Brackettville. If any Individual
resident of that place believes his repu
tation has been injured as a consequence
of the publication which has been made
the subject of complaint, he has his rem
edy in an action i.t law."
He Promised- Hay That Russia Would
Open Ports In Manchuria.
WASHINGTON, July 20. In a conver
sation at the Russian Embassy on the af
ternoon of June 2S with the Associated
Press, Count Casslnl referred to Yhe call
of Secretary Hay on the day previous,
and expressed his gratification at Its re
sults. Tho Ambassador, In reply to the
question as to whether Manchuria was
under discussion during the call, replied
in the affirmative, and stated that he had
assured Mr. Hay that Russia would ex
ecute to the letter her pledges In Man
churia, and at the proper time would con
cede certain ports. t
The Ambassador then recalled the con-
and Factory Sale
tmderpriced are again reduced
The Store's $J.75 Hammocks for $U50
The Store's $2.50 Hammocks for. $2.J9
The Store's $3.25 Hammocks for $287
The Store's $3.75 Hammocks for $3J9
The Store's $4.50 Hammocks for $3.98
Wnat the Sale Has
2-quart Ice Cream Freez
ers $1.20 every size pro
portionately reduced.
Every Refrigerator at i
the usual store price rang
ing from $6.90 to $54 off
Lawn Mowers off store
BATHING SUITS (1st floor) All In nale of Factory tocIc
with thousands more xeasonnblc, honest, genuine bargain.
versatlon between himself and the Sec
retary, pointing out that, while no agree
ment had been reached as to which ports
should be opened, the broad understand
ing was arrived at that Russia should
give to the United States what she had
asked for. To this It .was said Mr. Hay
expressed his satisfaction, and, as he
was leaving, Count Casslnl said that he
hoped an announcement to the world of
the exact ports which would be opened
would be possible In a few weeks.
It Is believed here that the point the
Ambassador Is endeavoring to make is
that the general understanding reached
between himself and Secretary Hay
June 2S.did not specify the ports to be
opened, which , at that time had not been
decided upon. Moreover, when tho Am
bassador said that no definite agreement
had been reached, It is assumed that he
refers to the fact that no written ex
change passed between Secretary Hay and
himself at that time.
Denver Asks for Early Henring, but
Government Denies It.
NEW YORK, July 20. Counsel for
George W. Beavers, formerly of the Post
office , Department, against whom two in
dictments have been found, made a state
ment today that he had communicated
with District Attorney Youngs offering to
produce Mr. Beavers before a United
States Commissioner for a preliminary
hearing, but that Colonel Youngs did not
care to accept that offer. The statement
characterized the course of the District
Attorney as irregular and unfair, "in
asmuch as it denies himself (Beavers) the
opportunity of a preliminary hearing and
precludes him from ascertaining anything
of the nature of the charge against him
prior to the date of his trial."
Commander of Bancroft Rescues
American Vessels and Foreigner.
WASHINGTON, July 20. A cablegram
received here from Lieutenant-Commander
Culver, of the Bancroft, says that on
July 10 she sailed up tho Orinoco to Ciu
dad Bolivar and released five steamers of
the Orinoco Steamship Company, three of
which had been captured by the revolu
tionary forces, and two by the govern
ment. Commander Culver took aboard
the Bancroft refugees of all nations who
desired to escape the bombardment. The
Navy Department Is greatly pleased with
the action of the Bancroft's commander.
Machen Given Time to Demur.
WASHINGTON, July 20. The District
Supreme Court today extended1 until Aug
ust 1 in the time within which August W.
Machen, former head of the postal free
delivery system, may demur to the in
dictments against him.
Xevr Venezuelan Minister Arrives.
NEW YORK. July 20. General Jose
Hernandez (El Mocho), the new Venezue
lan Minister to the United States, arrived
today from La Guayra.
Found That it Pays to Take
Wife's Advice.
Mr. A. U. Grouby. editor of the Abbe
ville, Ala.. "News," has the following
kind words tor Chamberlain's Colic ' Chol
era and Diarrhoea Remedy: "Several
days ago I was taken with something
like bilious dysentery In a malignant
form. I took medicines for two or .three
days, but got worse all the time. We had
a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy In the house and
my wife, prevailed upon me to take a
dose. The one dose, relieved me within
an hour, and I have not. been troubled
with it since. I consider this the most
wonderful bowel remedy I have ever
seen." For sale by all druggists.
j The widest possible publicity should be
in children and cholera Infantum can al
ways be cured by tne .judicious use of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr
hoea' Remedy. It never fails. When re
duced with cold water and sweetened It
Is pleasant to take, which Is very impor
tant when a medicine must be given to
small children. For sale by all druggists.
Absolutely Without Parallel
in Bargain Giving I
Relentless Price-Cutting In
Every Section I
Matchless, Money-Saving Oppor
tunities? A SALE RADIANT
and better values than ever before.
No Summer merchandising event has
ever approached in importance this won
derful July clearance sale of the stocks of
the world's biggest and best mills and
factories and our own magnificent lines.
The most pbwerful language possible could
not describe It adequately. The only way
. is for you to SEE the mountains of mer
chandise that are concerned In this event.
Investigate the unmatchable prices we
quote on strictly seasonable and in every
way worthy goods. Cost or worth Is not
' considered, original value In market Is ab
solutely lost sight of In this sale stock up
now for months ahead, and the word of
this reliable, "Old Homestead" store for
it you'll thank us a year hence for this
opportunity. Every value of yesterday
goes on again today. You saw the crowds
yesterday new ones will be here today,
and .it should only be a question of the
store's capacity as to the amount of busi
ness this store does today with such stu
pendous bargains to give on merchandise,
backed by the name of
Done on the Third Floor.
prices. $3.75 values for
$2.60. Every price reduced
Ends of lots on Glassware,
i less than usual store pric
es. Garden Hose, Fly Scr'ns,
Jelly Glasses, Preserve Jars,
Rubbers and Caps.
(Continued from First Page.)
forces with those of candidates having
better chances. There are a half dozen at
least who are entering the conclave with
equal chances of success. It Is believed
that the foreign cardinals will ultimately
glvo the casting vote, as, Hv(r far
away from Rome where different factions
form, and flourish, they will be more Im
partial, especially as it is admitted by
all that the new pope will be chosen
from among the Italian candidates.
From a most reliable source the Asso
ciated Press representative learns that
the considerable talk which Is going the
rounds to the effect that certain for
eign powers might exert the right of
veto In the conclave is unfounded. What
the powers desire Is not that the new
pope should be friendly to any particular
power, but that he should conduct the af
fairs of the papacy In a peaceful, equit
able, religious manner without stirring
up International strife.
The most prominent candidates for the
succession are Cardinals Gottl, Oreglla,
Aghaldi, erafino VannutcllI, Capcelatro,
Sarto, Rampolla, Dlpletro, Svampa, Fer
rer, Satolll and ,Rlchelmi.
Cardinal Oregrlia Presents Strong?
Cbntrast to Gracious -Leo.
ROME, July 20. While the guards and
watching monks were being stationed
around the dead pope events of moment
ous importance to Catholic Christendom
were occurring. The death of Pope Leo
meant the passing of the supreme power
into the hands of the Sacred College of
Cardinals as Its temporary custodian dur
ing the Interregnum.
The perfect administrative machinery of
the church provided against the slightest
interruption of the governing authority.
As the senior member of the Sacred Col
lege, Cardinal Oreglla, to whom the pope
today solemnly confided the interests of
the church, has now become the exponent
of the cardinals until Pope Leo's success
or has been elected. This has brought
forth Cardinal Oreglia as the striking
personality of the hour.
The cardinal Is the exact antithesis of
Pope Leo, having none of the late pon
tiff's sympathy and benevolent character
istics. He comes from a noble Piedmont
ese stock and his nobility is shown in his
haughty and austere bearing. He is not
popular among his colleagues or the Ro
mans, and his brusque manner has earned
him the title of "the Pledmontese
bear." He Is tall and robust and his 74
years are shown by tho whiteness of his
hair. His face has the tawny hue of. old
parchment and Is deeply lined. Despite
his austerity, tho cardinal's learning and
piety are universally recognized. This is
the man who for the time being is prac
tically lope. It was he who issued the
orders to clear the Vatican of intruders
and brought tranquillity out of the con
fusion immediately following Pope Leo's
Hitch Officials Will Retire Questions
Affected by Action of Conclave.
ROME, July 20. The death- of the pope
brings about a widespread change In all
administrative departments of the church
and chiefly influences questions of church
policy. The change within the Vatican
affects practically all the officials from
the highest to the lowest. Cardinal-Rampolla
retires from the post of secretary of
stato, where he exercised a strong in-
$15.00 to $20.00
Waists, at
p i O W
$22.50 to $32.00 a1Q gf
Waists, at ipifDJ
$95.00, $85.00, $75.00,
Plain White Figured Pique Q
regular 18c, at J
White Pique with colored
figures, regular 15c,. at.
$1.50 and $1.25
Dress Goods
at 78c.
Mixed Tweed Suitings
Mixed and Plain Zibellnes
Whipcord and Prunelles
English Tailor Checks
Melton Suitings
Mixed Dot Suitings
In addition to tlie thousands of reduc- 2
tions on articles throughout the stores,
the ClQan-Up Sales provide additional i
reductions that create remarkable bar- i
gains that no
to miss.
e o
e sca(oeeaceeecc99ee9eeceoooooe9eeooeooooooeeooooooooeeoooeoo
fluencc owing to the physical infirmities
of Ieo. Other high officials are similar
ly affected. They will, "however, continue
to exercise their functions until the new
pope 1b elected, when ho will designate hi3
own secretary of state and other officials
to carry on the various important branches
of the church's work. Thus there is a
complete change of apostolic authority.
The propaganda alone remains Intact.
The chief international questions that
may be affected by the death of the pope
are those connected with the suppression
of religious orders In France, the change
of the clergy In the new Spanish-American
colonies, tho successor of the late Cardi
nal Vaughan, and attendant questions
connected with the administration of the
church In England.
Among Vatican officials, the Philippine
question. Involving transfer from the
Spanish to the American 'hierarchy and
the elimination of the friars. Is regarded
as one of the most Important. The Phil
ippine policy had the hearty approval of
Leo XIII, and there Is no reason to be
lieve that It will be changed.
The relations between tho Italian gov
ernment and the Vatican continue to be
serious problems. Although the temporal,
authority of the papacy terminated eight
years before Leo XIII became pope, he
steadfastly maintained the principle of
temporal power, and the question of the
relations of the government and the Vati
can remains one of the highest Impor
His Anxnmptlon of Sew Power Con
demned by Another Cardinal.
PARIS, July 20. The exceptional char
acter of the action of the pope, ac
cording to the dispatches from Rome, In
delegating part of his powers to Car
dinal Rampolla, attracted considerable at
tention In Paris and was strongly empha
sized by an unnamed but well-informed
cardinal, a non-resident of Rome, In an
Interview published by the Eclair, as fol
lows: "His (the pope's) body, which still
breathes. Is on earth, but his powerful
Intelligence has departed forever. Yes
terday Rampolla announced that most
extensive ..powers had been conferred
upon him. By whom? The Sacred Col
lege? It has no power while the pontiff
breathes. The pope alone Is capable of
delegating such powers, but in order to
do so he must be in a position to act with
Intelligence, and Dr. RossonI, an eminent
physician, bears witness to the fact that
Pope Leo Is adorable, but his speech Is
that of a child.
"What are the powers conferred on
Rampolla? They aro evidently spiritual.
It Is not known how far they extend. The
eminent secretary of state Is about to re
new his entourage by cutting down the
Inconvenient trees and planting insignifi
cant bushes in their place. To assume
such a responsibility, to risk such a dan
ger, Is an act of courageous devotion to
the church, because If the new plenipo
tentiary does not come to an understand
ing with the camerllngo, all the planta
tion will be torn up on the morrow of
tne pope's death. History furnishes no
precedent for the delegation of powers In
artlculo mortis."
Arrived nt Vatican With All Para
phernalia to Talcc Command.
ROME, -July 20. As the morning wore
on, but still early. Cardinal Oreglla, the
dean of the Sacred College, who always
has shown great eagerness to assume
command, who, .however, cannot do so
until Pope Leo Is actually dead, arrived
with considerable paraphernalia, indicat
ing that he had come to stay, ordering
his carriage to go home and not return.
After him camo other princes of the
church, all with grave, preoccupied faces,
who returned each other's greetings with
such expressions, as "I have not slept
at all." One even was heard to say, "I
think we are at the end." "Or the be
ginning," retorted a bystander to the car
dinal who spoke, the latter be Ins: con
: Coats, at..
! $60.00 Silk
. Coats, at.
$30.00 COSTUMES AT $58.50,
121-2cand 15c Whi
m Striped Nainsook,
C 1
J 1.00 Linen Etamine, t
at JJW, .
: Bureau iSets
: at 29c
Prettily figured lined with
blue, pink, yellow
at 29c pr.
Hcrmmlorf dye, fancr atrlpes, dots
and figures, nil nixes.
sidered very likely to be the next pope.
Eight cardinals, an unusual number for
such an hour, had by this time gathered,
and they went anxiously forward, fol
lowed at a respectable - distance by the
others present. "When the bulletin an
nouncing the pontiff's condition was
posted, one In the assemblage said:
"His agony is almost over. What a
happy relief for him."
Among the members of the Sacred Col
lege present was Cardinal Matthleu, who
has attracted much notice by the assid
uity with which he watches events for the
French Ambassador.
Foreign Minister "Will Conwnlt the
French Cardinal Before Conclave.
PARIS, July 20. The papal nuncio In
Paris was not officially advised of Pope
Leo's daath until 8:4a P. M.. but the flag,
half-masted, was displayed at 5 o'clock.
Minister Delcasse called at the nunciature
and President Loubet sent his aid-decamp
to express condolence. Throughout
the evening the Ministers, Diplomats and
prominent members of the aristocracy
walked to the nunciature to sign the reg
ister. Germany Han Xo Candidate.
BERLIN. July 20. The news of the
death of the pope, being expected for
some days, caused no surprise. Emperor
William during his trip to Norway had
been getting frequent bulletins about the
pontiff's condition. While no pope could
possibly have been more acceptable to
Germany than tfie deceased pontiff, gov
ernment circles expect no changes In the
relations with the Yatlcan. Germany has
no candidates for the holy chair and will
not even Indicate a preference.
Austria Opposes Rampolla.
VIENNA, July 20. On receiving news of
the pope's death, the Emperor retired to
his private chapel to pray. The event will
not change Austrian relations with tne
Vatican, and It Is unlikely that Austria
will attempt to influence the decision of
the conclave except In the election of Car
dinal Rampolla. to whom the Austrian
government is opposed.
Poje'ii Xcphevr Severelr Criticizes
Their Management of Case.
PARIS. July 20. The Matin's corre
spondent at Rome sends what he de
scribes as an authentic version of the
pope's end, received from the Hps of M.
de Navenne, counselor of the French
Embassy at the Vaucan, who was pres
ent at the last moment. The only persons
at the bedside, on account of the small
ness of the room and the stifling atmos
phere, were the pope's valet. Centra, his
two nephews. Dr. Lapponl and the do
mestic prelate. Count Camillo Peccl was
so overcome by emotion and the heat that
he was soon obliged to go out.
Hair Vigor
Probably you know
how it always re
stores color to gray
hair, stops falling,
and makes the hair
grow. Then tell your
J.C.Ayer Co.,
o $20 Silk Shirt
J waist Suits, at
$30 Silk Shirt
waist Suits, at
$45.00, $37.50 $13.50
35, 30 and 25 Mercerized Madras
Imported Zephyrs and
fVi amKrnvc of-
50c, 60c, 65c White ""b?
Mercerized Madras at. C
Songs from all the popular
Operas and Musical Com- J
edies. Publisher's price
50c, 60c, 75c, Our
O LmlicM 25c ninclc All-Over Lace
IjImIc 10c O
Ladle' 35c Bile. Ail-Over Imee
Uxle 23e o
Lnillen' nOc Blnclc Kml. Ll.sle. .UUc
MIsmeit 35c Lace Llle 23c
Boyn' 25c Ribbed Cotton Iron-
clud 18c
At 2 o'clock the major domo opened the
door, saying:
"This Is the end."
All the. cardinals entered and knelt
around the bedside. In the throneroom
the pope's battle against suffocation
could be heard. Count Camillo Peccl said
to M. de Navenne:
"I regret that the already unbreathable
air of the sickroom has been made worse
by the premature presence of all thesa
officials. But the doctors understand
nethlng. He almost survived In spite of
them and would certainly have lived If,
whatever they say to the contrary, the
first diagnosis had not been an irrepara
ble error."
After the death of Pope Leo, Cardinal
( Oreglla. who Is reputed to be so hard
j and unfeeling, came out of the bedroom
Despite Quarrels He Mourns Loss of
n Great Mind.
ROME. July 20. Premier Zanardelll
telegraphed the death of Pope Leo to
l King Victor Emmanuel at the Castle of
' Racconl tonight. The King, although he
expected the announcement at any hour,
was much touched, and Is reported to
have said:
"No matter what our complaints may
have been by reason of distant and recent
controversies and discourtesies, I cannot
help feeling deeply affected by the dis
appearance of a great and enlightened
mind and the head of the church of my
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i honor of the coming visit of the American
fleet have beep Indefinitely postponed.
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