II THE MORNING OKEGONTAN, TUESDAY, JULY 21, 1903. NEW LINE LIKELY Money Is Promised for Tillamook Railroad. SECRETARY FILES REPORT Representative of Bondhold ers 'Here to Investigate, MUST BE INDEPENDENT ACTION rrmiKcontlnentnl Roads Have Agree ment "Which Blade It Difficult to Finance Proposal of Portland, Xehnlem St Tillamook Line. Secretary William Reld, of the Port land Nehalem & Tillamook Railroad Company, has filed a report with the ex ecutive committee of the board of di rectors, John McCraken, H. PIttock and George T. Myers, showing that the money for the construction of the new road has been secured. A minor detail Is yet to be completed, but it Is believed this will be easily met. W. H- Remington, representing the syn dicate that will take over the company's bonds, is to go to Tillamook in com pany with Secretary Held today. They will examine the country, and when the return trip is made It is believed full data upon the business conditions will have been presented to Mr. Remington. The report of Secretary Reld shows the obstacles that he had to overcome in floating the company's bonds, owing to the obstinacy of one transcontinental line The report, which is full of inter est to Portland business men, reads as follows: Pursuant to your Instructions to proceed to New York and London and there make con tracts for the sale of the bonds and construc tion of the Portland, Nehalem & Tillamook Railway, from Portland to Tillamook, with a branch into the Nehalem, I beg- to report as follows: First That, on arrival at New York, I found a contract in writing existed between the Northern Pacific and Its allied )lnes and the Union Pacific and Its allied lines, wherein they agreed not to build any railways without the mutual conrcnt of each other Into the Nehalem and TiHamook countries (because dis puted torritory). nor to grant any financial assistance to others, or to Independent lines to build therein from Portland City. Second Consequently, in order to preserve that community of railroad Interests and pre serve this agreement of Interests, I deemed It proper prima loco under my power of attorney from you to procure which I succeeded In doing from eminent financiers of New York, moneys on bonds to build the necessary lines of railway Into Tillamook and Nehalem, which, when built, should be owned and operated jointly by the Northern and TJnlon Pacific and their allied lines and when built to turn the Fame over to these allied lines Jointly share and share alike, free of any charge or debt whatever, and as a gift from our Portland, Nehalem & Tillamook Railway Company to them, subject only to the payment of the in terest yearly upon its bonds of $25,000 per mile and no more, for 20 years. This offer Is ut!ll in existence for the transcontinental lines to accept if desired. Third After procuring these moneys for construction. I regret to say the proposition vas rejected, in consequence of one of the transcontinental lines alleging It declined to own any Joint Interest with any other railroad company in any railway in Oregon, even al though our -proposition offered a two-fold con nection with both the Southern and the North ern Pacific at our (P.; N. & T.) railway bondholders' expense outside of the City of Portland, at 'Washington County and at Llnn ton. on the N. P. Ry., respectively. Fourth I then set to work In London and New York to procure moneys from financiers therein, and succeeded, to build a double con nection with the Northern Pacific and Southern Pacific from Tillamook Bay, on bonds, at $25, 000 per mile, the road, when built, to be owned and operated as an independent railway, to the point of connection with either line. To this proposition one of the transcontinental lines not only agreed, but offered a trackage rent of only $525 per mile of the mileage we used into Portland, free of any conditions as to delivering them freight;, but the other trans continental line insisted as a sine qua non of trackage over their lines to Portland that we pay them ?730 per mile trackage rent yearly, in addition thereto give them a traffic agree ment perpetually to secure them every pound of freight and every passenger destined to Eastern and Southern States, and vice versa, to go over their lines of railway exclusively, and over no others in all time coming. Fifth Finding proposition No. 4 was not mutually acceptable to the transcontinental lines, I next worked to secure and succeeded in securing moneys for the construction of your company's railway from Tillamook direct into Portland, free of any connection with cither the Northern or Southern Pacific, and that by a construction of a direct lino into the Union depot, Portland, to be owned, held and operated into Portland in the name of the Portland. Nehalem & Tillamook Railway Com pany (our corporation), by Issuing bonds at 525.000 per mile, leaving the freight and pas sengers, after reaching the Union depot, to be competed for by the various transconti nental lines, subject to no other condition than that the latter companies' lines chould not oppose or interfere with the construction into the City of Portland into the Union depot terminal grounds at Portland. The representative of the bondholders, which latter eigne! that contract. Is now here tor examination to carry out same to the strict letter, and all they ask is that the transcon tinental lines mutually agree that they will not disturb the Portland, Nehalem &. Tillamook Railway Company In its construction from Tillamook Bay Into Portland. In conclusion, permit me to add that, pur suant to your executive committee's instruc tions, your representative (the undersigned) had no other object in view but the securing of a railway line from Tillamook and Ne halem into Portland mutually satisfactory to the allied lines, and' to the commercial inter ests of the City of Portland. FOND OF NEW ZEALAND. Lady From Land of Compulsory Ar. nitration Yicits Portland. Mrs. and Miss Graham, of Auckland, New Zealand, are at the Hotel Perkins, en route to the Yellowstone Park, and Jn an interview yesterday Mrs. Graham said: "We call New Zealand the land of ferns, not the land of roses. There our fern trees grow to be SO and 90 feet tall, and our fern bushes grow to a surpris ing degree. You Portland people boast that you can keep cool by gazing at two snow-coated mountains all the year Mount Hood and Mount St. Helens but n'e have lots of these snow-coyered at tractions In our country. We have some of the largest geysers in the world, about equal to the attractions of Yellowstone Park. Part of our main Island is like Southern California, where we grow near ly all kinds of fruits, and other portions are like Scotland. Our coal beds have not yet been explored to any great ex tent, and most of pur coal Is brought from the adjoining- Island of Australia. "Tramps? Yes, we have a few, but we call them 'sun-downers' from the fact that they mostly arrive at farmhouses asking for food and shelter Just as the sun is going down. There are few rall i tortures in New Zealand in comparison with this country and Australia. You do not meet so many very rich people, nor so many very poor. The mass of our people belong to what you would call the middle classes, and they are fairly well off. I do not think our compulsory arbitration law Is a failure. Of course we have our trade disputes, but they don't last long, and we do not have any bloodshed when we settle up between employers and employed. We take pride In the fact that our community Is prob ably one of the most soplalistic on earth..! My daughter and I are touring this coun try for pleasure, and. note with interest that every one booms his or her favorite town. In frozen Alaska, It was the same. We look forward to our approach ing trip up the Columbia River." BUILD FIREBOAT HERE. Federated Trades Will Fight Plac ing: of Contract In Seattle. The Federated Trades Council will make a vigorous protest against placing the con tract for the new flreboat with a Seattle Arm. A called meeting of the council was held last evening for the purpose of appointing a committee to wait upon the special flreboat committee of the Execu tive Board. A similar committee has al ready been appointed by the Machinists' Union, and jthe two committees will do what they can to keep the contract at home. The reason given for the protest is that the taxpayers' money should be spent where the local workmen may benefit by IT WOULD FILL A. BIG BOOK. ANI3 IT MIGHT FALL OX HIM SOMETIME. it. If the flreboat is built in Seattle, the workmen of that city will largely benefit by Portland's money. So the Federated Trades. Council is up In arms. The Moran Bros., who submitted the lowest bid upon the flreboat, were upon the Seattle unfair list so long that It was thought that the protest against their re ceiving the contract was on account of his fight. This Is not the case, as -the differ ences of the Morans and the unions of the Puget Sound city were settled ami cably a month ago. The flreboat committee of the Executive Board will not meet until after the return of Rodney L. Glisan during the latter part of the week. When they meet, the follow ing committee will wait upon them: Harry Rogers, Typographical Union; Harry Gurr, Bricklayers Union: W. J. Thompson, Shipwrights' Union. The committee from the Machinists Union will act in conjunction wjth the council com mittee. It Js composed of Al Neltzel, George Tracey and William Perkins. LOOP.THE.LOOP COMING. Thrilling Attraction to Be Given at Multnomah Field August O. The lion-tamers and snake-charmers will have to take back scats -on August 9. when John Ruel, better known as Dlavlo, will' actually loop the loop at the Multno mah Amateur Athletic Club field. Ar rangements have been made, and the con tract for the grounds will be drawn up today between the clubmen and E. J. KII patrlck, manager of Kilpatrlck's Loop-. the-Loop Company, who says he Is will ing to give bonds that Dlavlo can deliver the goods in the loop. Mr. Kilpatrick has been in . the city several days looking for a suitable loca tion for his attraction. The man-killing feat that thousands of people from miles around came to see at the Elks' Carnival last year will undoubtedly draw thou sands of spectators this Summer who can be amply accommodated by the club's grandstand and the company's elevated seats, which will seat 5000 people. The loop-the-loop company consists of a polite and thoroughly up-to-date vaude ville performance in connection' with the loop-the-loop feature, the famous cycle dazzle and Kilpatrlck's ride. The com pany is at present filling an engagement in Denver, and has toured all the large cities of the East. NOTICE. Before Deciding? Definitely Upon Your Piano, Investigate This. For 515S, on payments of J5.00 a month, we will sell you a better, and in every way, more serviceable piano than can be obtained elsewhere for $300: and, for 5223, on payments of $6.00 a month, we will fur nish you an Instrument such as you can- j not hope to get from any other dealer In this city, or elsewhere, even under most desperate conditions, for less than $223. This Is no more Idle talk, but fact, and will be found exactly so if you will bu carefully investigate. Our pianos are fully warranted In every respect, and, Iremember, ours Is the only store that says "Money back if not abso lutely satisfactory, or Instrument is not In every way as represented." Eilers Piano House, largjist, most re sponsible and leading dealers, corner Washington and Park streets, at the Car nival entrance. Mnnxanita Repairs Finished. ASTORIA. Or., July 20. (Special.) The repairs to the derrick boom of the light house tender Manzanlta have been com pleted and the vessel will leave out to morrow to visit the aids to navigation on Puget Sound. For building up the whole system no th ine eaual Hood's Sarsaoarilla. CHIEF SMELLS A RAT Mr. Hunt Thinks Public Wants Him Removed. uc dctiii iuti v acirc ivuv?" lib. i km i ubnii i u i nuivj null Boss of Sleuth. Honndi Tells How Joe Bay's Offer to .Compromise $ lOOO - 'TJeft-for $700 "Was Turned ' Down. "I cannot understand what all this hul labaloo about the police department is based on," said Chief Hunt to me last night. "It looks as though they were try ing to remove me from office." The head of Portland's bluecoats was 111 at ease. The gray eyes, pocketed In folds of flabby" skin, were bloodshot. The voice lacked the note of decision which befits a man who knows he has matters under his control, and when the Chief sat down, he rested nervously on the edge of the chair, instead of reposing calmly In its depths. Petulantly he queried why the public should concern itself with his busi ness. "The police department is doing good work," said he. "Its discipline is good. My detectives are honest and competent. All Is harmony. What seemk to be the matter?" "Well," I said, "the public wonders, for one thing, how a negro woman can steal a $1000 bill from a roan in a well-known dive and all your detectives cannot find her." A look akin to relief spread over the features of the Chief. "Oh, Is that all?" he said. "They Just want to Know why the detectives do not arrest somebody?" "No," I said; "there is more. It is the common gossip of the cafes and the cigar stores, of the restaurants and the hotel lobbies, that your detectives know who this negro woman Is, that the $1000 is now In the hands of a third party, and that it Is to be divided between the thieves, the police and the victim when the excitement has died down a little." A deep, apoplectic 'flush spread slowly and deliberately over the aquiline coun tenance of Chief Hunt. It was plainly evident that the surprise that the In formation conveyed" to him was swal lowed up In his grief that the public should think such awful and untrue things. "All that I can say," he said, when speech returned, "Is that I, don't know anything about It" "If the story were true, you would cer tainly know about it, wouldn't you?" I suggested. "Detectives Mlffht Not Tell.' But Mr. Hunt said that he mightn't "The detectives might know it and not tell me." "Are the detectives in the habit of con cealing information from you7" Again the Chief considered the matter before speaking. Then as he gradually secured a firm mental grasp ,pf the ques tion, he remembered that he had Issued an order covering the ground. "I have told the detectives that they should report everything to me." This should certainly have been suffi cient, but with some idea of ascertaining how frequently and how much the wise men of the force reported, I fired several short queries at the guardian of the pub lic peace. "Have ybur detectives told you," I asked, "that a man In this city was of fered $50 to get the $1000 bill changed?" "Never heard a word about it," said the Chief. "Every messenger boy in the city has heard It," I said. "Do you Imagine that your detectives haven't heard It? Do you know that It is commonly believed that two negro women were concerned in the theft, and that every second .man on the street knows their names?" . "First I've heard of It." said the vigilant boss of the human sleuth-bounds at Sec ond and Oak streets. "Have you heard that the $1000 bill was taken to Montana last Thursday and was changed up there?" "I have not" "This last rumor may have nothing In it," I said, "but If your detectives heard it on the street, they should at once re port it to you, shouldn't they?" "Certainly." "And If they didn't hear it -when the general public Is talking about it, they must be deaf, mustn't they?" "They have never been accused of being deaf," said the Chief. "Didn't one of your detectives tell you that he could arrange to have $750 of the stolen money returned to the victim if the prosecution were dropped?" Chief Hunt admitted the fact. "I refused to compromise the case," he said, proudly. "And so the victim will not get any of his money back, and the thief will not be arrested?" I asked. "The detectives arc working on the case," said the Chief, as one Tvho would say, "the end is near." "Isn't Joe Day the detective that brought the compromise offer to you?" Reluctantly Chief Hunt admitted It. "Day said that a man had come to him with the proposal." "And do you believe that Joe Day knows who the thief 13, or that he does not know?" Mr. Hunt seemed to have no opinion. "What do you think about it?" he asked, and I repeated the expression heard on every street corner that any policeman who was close enough to the facts to be authorized to submit a compromise pro posal was close enough to arrest the thief. "Sjome people," said I, "are rash enough to say that a competent Chief of Police would tell any detective who admitted knowing so much about the case, to have the thief In the station in an hour or suffer the consequences." Chief Hunt explained that la most cit ies the Chief of Police could transfer a detective to a beat as an ordinary patrol man In uniform, but that he had not this disciplinary authority. Victim Gets Nothing. "And so," I asked, "as the matter stands now, the man has lost his $1000; the detective's offer to compromise on a basis of $750 -has been refused, the thieves are still a large. What will be done next?" "Joe Day Is working on the case." mused the Chief. "Have you the control over Joe Day that a Chief ofpollce ought to have over a detective?" For tlfe first time a note of decision rang clear In Chief Hunt's tone. Straight up he sat and sighted at me over .an. ex tended forefinger: "I have not the control over Joe Day," he said with sudden animation, "that I will have if Mr. Day remains on the force." "Who would have got the $250 if the offer submitted by Joe Day had been ac cepted?" "Do the people think that I am graft ing?" asked the Chief, suddenly. In reply, I asked Mr. Hunt If the situa tion was not a peculiar one, and he thought It really was out of the ordinary. "The fact that I refused the offer to com promise goes to show that if there Is any graft I did not know of It," he said. "Moreover, I told Mayor Williams about It. and he agreed with me that the offer should be refused." "And you honestly believe that your detective force Is doing all that it could do to apprehend the thieves?" The Chief so stated his belief. "Do you know that any of the special policemen are grafting?" Mr. Hunt didn't know. In answer to another question, he admitted that, as Chief of Police, he ought to know, if It were the case. "Did you ever hear that a special police man Is. collecting $1 a week from every Japanese woman In a North End resort?" Never had he heard of such a thing. When told that, like many other things, It was known to persons outside the po lice force, he expressed surprise, even hor ror at such baseness. "And what will you do about It?" "And what can I do?" responded the re sourceful director of Portland's thief catchers. a. C. CROOKS ROB UNMOLESTED. Pickpockets and Hold-Up Men Undis turbed by the Police. And still the army of criminals that "has infested the city for several weeks con tinues Its work of robbery and lawless ness without molestation. Bob Lucas and Chick Houghton, two' criminals well known to the police, be came so bold that they attempted to rob a victim before the very eyes of three officers of the law. The patrolmen would not quite allow this, and they were both arrested. A visitor at the police station com plained to Chief Hunt that his detectives must know who robbed George Peterson of $1000, and forthwith Katie Gray was arrested on the charge. Other than this, no action has been taken. Asked as to progress upon the hold-up cases yesterday, the Chief and his detec tives shook their" heads in a dismayed way and announced that nothing had been done worthy of mention. "No clews, no arrests. The cases are hard to han dle." Asked as to the course of action, the Chief replied: "The detectives have their ideas and are working on them." The entire force is instructed to keep a careful lookout for all suspicious persons, and yet within the past two days there have been a large number of thefts and robberies reported to the police. The highwaymen have not all left the city, even though they cannot be locat ed. Sunday night Sam Waller, who lives at 95 North Tenth street, was held up by a single highwayman and robbed of $1. Whether one of the party of street-car workers became short of cash and impa tient at the Inactivity of his partners, or whether a new arrival is breaking into the profitable field, Is not known, and the polico do not venture a suggestion upon the matter. Mrs. H. B. Ford, who lives at 345 Ev erett street, lost her purse on a Mount Scott car Sunday. It contained $1S.50, and she cannot remember any one seated near her that looked suspicious. It was not left in the car, for neither the conductor nor motorman reported finding a purse, and, of course, employes of the company would have turned In the cash If they had found it. W. D. Cowan, who lives at Vancouver, was robbed quicker than It takes to tell It. He was standing at the corner of First and Burnsidestreets, waiting for a car. In his hand was a large valise, that really, did look tempting. He became tired of holding it in his hand, set it down upon the walk and turned to see if a car was coming. When he looked back there was no valise in sight, nor was there any one who looked capable of working miracles. He concluded at once that the valise had been stolen and rushed to the police station for assistance. This was granted,, but he did riot get the valise back, nor any of its contents. "While-Harry Johnson was going from the police station to Fourth and Hall streets he missed a diamond ring that ho was carrying In his pocket. The pocket had no holes in it, and Johnson did not stand on his head while making the trip. He cannot account for the loss of the ring, and neither can the police. Rev. Mead M. Bledsoe, pastor of the Immanuel Baptist Church, who lives at 700 First street, was robbed of a watch some time Sunday. He did not see it go, and cannot give the time nor the circum stances of the robbery. All that he knows is that when he wanted to ascertain the time of day he was forced to ask some one else, and that he did not lose the watchi The firebug has even ventured within the limits of the city again, and Is com mencing his operations on a small scale. An incendiary fire was started yesterday morning In a vacant two-story building at Third and Pine streets. The blaze was started in one of the upstairs rooms, and everything seemed to Indicate that It was of incendiary origin. A still alarm was sent In, to which Chemical Compapy, No. 1, and Truck Company, No. 1, responded. The fire did but little damage before it was extinguished. Once more the Portland loafers are in a bothered frame of mind, and are mak ing eager inquiry of every newcomer as to what is the condition of other cities on the Coast. Ten of them have been arrested and sentenced to terms of service on the dreaded rockplle. Work these peo ple must, for the Chief has so decreed it, and the Judge and City Attorney are of the same mind. that he was going to start the rockplle again, but when the City Engineer want ed men to put to work there "were none to be had. The officers had not rounded up the proper class of people, and every prisoner had made some excuse with -which to evade the work. The police Meier & Frank "Vudor" Porch Shades, all Firs.t Showing of the New Fall Walking Suits Superb Styles. Artistic Picture Framing to your order Immense variety of moldings Best workmanship. Custom Shade Wdrk a specialty Best materials and workmanship Lowest prices. 'S-OPTMCHT. t9B TXm-BOTHCO King" Sale continues through the week Satisfactory Gold-Plated Buttons at about the cost of a common bone button. We expect to supply all your needs in the collar button line for many months to come. Every button guaranteed satisfactory or it will be replaced by a new one. 2&c For I Oc Buttons, 20 styles "King" Link Cuff Buttons, gold-plated, gun metal and French gray, $1.00 values at, pair C See Fifth-street window display On sale in men's furnishing goods dept. Hot-Weather Footwear Fashion more than permits, urges, and comfort demands that the high shoe shall be relegated to the wardrobe during warm weather months. Oxfords haye a right to reign supreme from now until Fall. In any desirable leather in every fashionable shape. The shoe store is equipped to fit out every member of the family. Take up the Oxford subject immediately. It will be satis factory on all sides. Shoe Section, Main Floor. One-Fourth Off on all Refrigerators and Lawn Mowers Basement. Traveling Necessities Traveling necessities of every description here in larger and better variety than any store in town Dress Trunks, Steamer Trunks, Skirt Trunks, Hat Trunks, and Wardrobe . -Z71 4 Trunks, fee irope J J Meier &. Frank Company did better the past few days, however, for yesterday Chief Hunt reported to the City Engineer that ten men could now be placed at his disposal. The rockplle or its equivalant has once more become a reality. and he who stays In Portland must work. ALL FINE ATHLETES. Only Five Firemen Out of 14 Fail to Get Marking of 100 Per Cent. Only five out of- the 146 firemen, failed to receive the grade of 100 tfer cent In the athletic tests held some time ago. The Civil Service Commission held a meeting yesterday afternoon and graded the work of the fire fighters. The engineers of the department did not take the athletic examination, so that the tests are simply those of the drivers, extraraen and foremen. Chief Campbell and the assistant chief, Michael Laudenclos, also took the examination, and passed with the highest grade. The athlcUc contests consisted in climbing the aerial ladder, carrying a Babcock extinguisher to a second-story window, running E0 yards In 15 seconds or better. Jumping 30 feet Into a netv and climbing five rungs of a ladder hand over hand. The men were allowed to take any three of the five tests they pleased, but many took all five, as did Chief Campbell. The carrying of the extin guisher was the only one compulsory, as the Commissioners thought that if a man could not do that he had no place upon the list of the Fire Department. The leap into the net, while the easiest of the tests, was the most trying to many, but none faltereQ. Aside from grading the firemen, the Commission did nothing of importance at its meeting. Inspect Bull Jinn Water "Work. Mayor?-"Williams, City Aulltor Thomas C. Devlin, Dr. S. B. JosephI, a member of the Water Board, and F. T. Dodge, the superintendent of the Water Board, started on an inspection tour of the Bull Run water works yesterday morning. .Only one member of the party has ever 'seen the end of the pipe line before, and the trip Is one of pleasure and curiosity rather than, of official Importance. Many Wonld Be Firemen. More applications for positions In the Fire Department have been received dur ing the past week than during any month i this year. Men of every class apparently wish places in the engine-houses', and Thad S. Potter, the secretary of the Civil , Service Commission, Is kept busy attend- ! ing to the applicants. . The majority of I the applicants are linemen, and CkW 1 Company sizes 3d floor. Meier & Trunks and NEW WHITE FABRIC GLOVES It's been a very difficult problem to most houses supplying the demand for Fabric Gloves this season. White, black and pongees. A prominent New York concern in an interview recently given the trade organ mentioned that they could dispose of a hundred thous and dollars' worth at this late day providing they could secure them. We've no trouble getting fabric gloves, all we want of them. Five gross, 720 pairs, of handsome new white Fabric Gloves came by express Saturday All sizes, best grades $ 1 .00 and $ 1 .25 per pair Collar 5c For 15c Buttons, 20 styles buit cases, l el Traveling Bags, Trunk Straps, Shawl Straps, etc. etc. Third Floor. Hammocks, Croquet Sets, "Vudor" Porch Shades. Meier &. Frank Company Book 1 W. Q. SMITH & CO. Third Floor Washington Building, Arc the Leading Wedding and Visiting Card Engravers SEE OUR MONOGRAM STATIONERY BEFORE ORDERING ELSEWHERE. Campbell says they make-the best fire men In the city as a .rule. Men are resigning from the department almost as fast as new ones apply for positions. At every meeting of the fire committee of the Executive Board a long list of resignations is read. Offers of better-paying positions are the general inducement for leaving the department. Funeral of Henry "Wallace McKcnzIe. The funeral of Henry "Wallace McKen zie, who died from Injuries received In an elevator accident Saturday, was held yesterday afternoon from the home of his grandfather, H. Shogren, 229 Grand ave nue. Rev. William E. Randall, of the Central Baptist Church, conducted the services. He spoke very tenderly of the endearing qualities of the dead boy. At the conclusion of the services the Inter ment took place In Rlvervlew cemetery. Many beautiful floral tributes were re ceived from friends. Many of the young playmates of the little boy were present. He was a member of the Sunday school of the Central Baptist Church. No inquest was considered necessary by Coroner Flnley, -who Investigated the case. The boy before he died told sev eral persons that the accident was the result of his own carelessness. Wallace McKenzIe is the stepson of Arthur Fra zler. His mother, who Is sick in the North Pacific Sanitarium, was not told of the sad death of her little son until Sun day. The news was then broken as gently as possible, but it was a sreat shock. Pacific Coniit Xotes. According to a decision by Police Justice DIehl. poolselllng qn horses Is legal in Salt Lake. The decision was rendered' In the case of F. -M. Nelson, who was ar rested for conducting a poolroom. Judge Dlebl held that the ordinance asralnst Frank Company Traveling Bags 3d floor. Buttons Sc For,25c Buttons, 20 styles ams Summer bargains in the book store Five items of more than pass ing interest to house wife or vacationist. Dr. Chase's great recipe book of 1000 practical and valua ble recipes, $1.5o val ues at 49c. 5000 paper books, hun dreds of the best titles Sale price 8c. 25c cloth-bound 12-mos Standard and popu lar authors, 500 titles for Summer reading, 13c 1000 copies sheet music, songs and instrument al, 5c per copy. Meier & Frank Company gambling did not cover betting on horse I races. The races at Agricultural Park. which were suspended because bettingl was not allowed, will be resumed "YV ednes day. There is considerable opposition being! manifested against bonding Sumpter, Or.,! for 515.000 for establishing a complete J sewerage system. The antls say the cltyl Is too young to bear the tax burden anc the natural healthful conditions of the city site are such that there Is nc urgency. The Standard Oil Company's pipe line between Bakersfield and Point Richmond,! Cal., Is now in operation, flowing into the retlning tank at the rate of SO0 barrels ar hour. The pipe line Is 350 miles long, 2S miles on the main run and 70 miles Ir branches. On the main line the pumping stations are ten miles apart. Rival Companies will Combine. DENVER, July 20. The Times todajj says: One of the outcomes of the recena change In control of the Colorado Fuel & Iron Company Is expected to be thf consolidation of the Utah Fuel Compam with. the Colorado concern. In fact, ii Is understood that such a plan has . all ready been devised and It will likely bt consummated before the end of the year Colorado Fuel & Iron Company affalrJ are In such a state that there Is no longej the necessity for keeping the two coxnj panies separate. Walks Should Be Sprinkled. The City Engineer's office wishes to nol tlfy those who have recently laid cement walks that while the present hot weathei lasts the walks should be sprinkled ever evening. Otherwise they may crack. Thlj applies to walks wblcn are not completeo as well as to those laid within a feT days. .