Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 21, 1903, Image 14

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Fine Town on Snake River in Eastern Oregon Valuable Resources,
Early in the '80s, In 18S4. the Oregon
Short line was built Into Eastern Oregon,
and within half a mile of where the road
crosses Snake River, a short dlstarico
above the points where the .Malheur and
Payette Rivers Join that large stream,- a
little station was established. It was named
Ontario, in honor o the great lake by
that name.
People who were paraengers on the first
trains run over the road may remember
the little sidetrack, the Ted station build
ing, and the two or three primitive houses
that stood near it. They looked very
lonely in that great waste of sagebrush,
and there was nothing about the place to
impress the traveler except its notable
lack of trees and other domestic vegeta
tion. It would be hard for one to have
guessed at that time that the town would
grow into one of the most Important ship
ping points in that part of the state, and
that It would, too, become attractive with
Shady trees and pretty homes.
And, yet, that 'is exactly the change
that has taken place in Ontario. And
though there are large areas of sagebrush
in every direction, they are becoming
smaller year by year and orchards and
farms, some of the most profitable to be
found In the Lower Snake River Basin,
are changing the former wilderness Into a
picture of modern civilization and prog
ress. Ontario has several resources, each of
which might cause a less-favored town
to feel that it had a bright future before
It. Among them are its commercial ad
vantages, it being a trading point for a
territory extending far back almost to the
center of Oregon; Its central location for
a large and rich agricultural district and
the advantages it will probably some day
realize from mining when paying methods
are discovered for the gathering of the
unlimited amount of gold that is now
lying untouched in the sands of Snake
Commercial Advantages.
Ontario is the only shipping point of
importance in Malheur County, which is
the second largest county in area In the
state. As everyone who Is familiar with
the geography and conditions that exist
In Central Oregon knows, Ontario is one
of the jnaln outlets by rail for that vast
During the Fall and Spring seasons the
roads from Ontario to "the Interior coun
try are lined with freight wagons, which
are burdened with supplies for various
towns, large stock ranches and smaller
homes scattered far away among the hills
and volleys of a jrreat country so little
known to the outside world. These large
wagons, often two and three trailed to
gether, drawn by teams of six to a dozen
horses, form interesting scenes as they
slowly move westward with their heavy
loads. The driver usually rides one of
the "wheel" horses, and the jingling of
many bells on the harness hames warns
those who are coming from the opposite
dlrectipn to avoid blocking narrow and
dancerous grades.
In the Spring the wagons come loaded
with wool and return from Ontario to
the Interior with their large supplies of
merchandise. The wool Is generally stored
in large warehouses till such time as the
owners see fit to ship It by rail to Uls
tant points.
This season's shipment of wool to On
tario has been In excess of any previous
year, and the large warehouses have been
unable to contain all of it. At present
there are large quantities of It piled out in
the open air. The amount of wool that
has been brought to Ontario this Spring
is about 2,500,000 pounds, and it has ah
been sold at a good figure. The price of
wool varies according to Quality, and at
present It Is selling at 12 toVlt cents ptr
pound. ,
Supposing the wool to have been sold at
an average of 13 cents per -pound, the
amount of wool that has been brought to
Ontario this year has brought its owners
The shipment of sheep from Ontario
last year was not so much as would nat
urally be expected from the amount of
wool that is annually sent from the same
station. The reason for this is that they
are changed from one range to another for
the Summer season and the shipments; are
largely made from other points.
But the ranee tributary to Ontario is
not used only for sheep, but pastures,
large proportion of other livestock. For
Instance, durlnir 1902 there were Z7o cars
of range horses shipped from Ontario, and
in the same period there were 425 carloads
of cattle shipped from there also.
Agricultural Rewources.
Where there Is sagebrush the fertility
of the soil may be determined by Its
size, that is, taking into consideration the
natural moisture of the land. In almost
all of the country included In the Snake
River Basin the sagebrush Is of a kind
that shows a superior quality of land, and
the country adjacent to Ontario is partic
ularly well-marked In this way.
And there are other things that give
proof of the excellent quality of land about
Ontario. One thing is Its appearance,
which is that of a superior sandy loam,
and another is its products.
Various fairs have awarded medals for
fruit raised in the vicinity of Ontario,
and samples sent to Eastern dealers have
brought many compliments to their grow
ers. And yet there have been but few ef
forts made for the production of fruit;
people having been meeting with so much
success In raising other kinds of crops.
By far the most profitable crop that
Is produced on that land is alfalfa hay.
This kind of hay is only fitted for a dry
climate where the land Is Irrigated. It be
gins growing with the earliest Introduc
tion of Spring, and no matter how much It
is pastured or cut to the ground it will in
sist on growing, if irrigated, until the
frosts of early Winter put a check to it.
Another great advantage of this hay la
Its long life. It will live for 20 years if
properly cared for, but it is best to reseed
it every few years, or rest the land with
another kind of crop occasionally. Its
roots will penetrate the ground to a depth
often of more than 20 feet, thus obtaining
its food from the deep subsoil also. "When
there Is plenty of water for it. as much as
three crops may be cut on the same
ground during one season, and after the
last cutting it will grow high enough, as
a rule, to afford good pasturage In the
late FalL
Alfalfa will produce during a season
from six to ten tons per acre, and this
can be sold at home for from S3 to $15 per
ton, varying with supply and demand.
Stockowners will reaally buy it for cash
in the Fall and will bring their herds to
the ranch to be fed.
This season, it is said, hay is being
contracted at $2 to $7 per ton in the stack.
Last Winter it brought as much as $15
per ton. After seeding there is no ex
pense in producing It, except to irrigate
it and harvest It.
The amount o'f land under cultivation in
the vicinity of Ontario is about 10,000
acres, according to an estimate of a
gentleman indirectly connected with the
United States Land Office at Burns, Or.
The land in the same locality which is
not Improved amounts to about 12,880
acres. The latter figures are for land that
is located below irrigating ditches, and to
which water Is accessible.
Some people may wonder at the great
per oent of ground still Idle, out there are
several reasons for It.
Almost half of the land of this vicinity
long ago passed Into the hands of The
Dalles Military Road Company and the
"Willamette Valley Military Road Com
pany. The. Government agreed to give
the companies a certain amount of land
for building roads through to the coast
In the early times. For a long time the
lands were tied up with litigation, but
this Is ended and the companies have been
given their final deeds to it.
For some time the land of The Dalles
Military Road Company have been on the
market, but the other company is not as
yet selling It Thus some rich land has
been unattainable, but it is probable that
In the near future it will all be settled.
Ar other reason for the slowness in
settling up the country was the lack, until
recently, of canals for water. Now, how
ever, the land Is practically all under
ditch and Is rapidly being Improved.
Salmon Hatchery.
One destructive feature of which On
tario can boast is its great fi3h hatchery,
which the Government is establishing
there. About a year ago the racks were
put In the stream for the capture of
salmon, and In October of last year the
first hatching of salmon was done
The equipment and room was not suf
ficient at first for the capacity that was
iieslred, and now a large hatchery will
soon be erected that will afford room4for
tne nanaung or 20.000,000 young nsn. j.t win
be 217 feet by 62 feet, and will contain 320
racko. It will be possible to hatch In it
as much as 40.000,000 eggs. It will be the
largest hatchery In the Northwest,
Mining; in Snake River.
Some cay a method whl probably be
found for the successful mining of gold
In Snake River. Just where the gold
originally came from Is a matter of spec
ulation, but, be that as It may, the gold
In the sands of Snake River would be
worth millions If there were only some
way of obtaining It at a profit.
On most of the sandy bars of the river a
mining man can wash out the sand and
story corrugated warehouse, which is the
supply department for the entire system
of the company. Crews with supplies are
sent out from this depot to extend tele
phone lines throughout the country, or to
make repairs. In the establishment of
this station the company has expended
about $75,000. Some Idea of the growth of
the city may be gathered from the Im
mense telephdne business done in the way
of putting up new Instruments.
Deceanccl Had Been In Falling
Health for Many Month.
Mrs. Clara M. Fitch, wife of George A.
Fitch, the well-known railway engineer,
died yesterday afternoon at her home, 27
Grand avenue, after having been In fall
ing health for the past nine months. It
is now four years since her daughter.
Miss Clara Fitch, was murdered. In Cyclo
Park under most distressing circum
stances. It was a terrible shock to the
family, and to Mrs. Fitch in particular.
Mrs. Fitch was 49 years old. She was
born In Lancaster, Pa., and came direct
to Portland with her husband 20 years
ago, and had made her home here ever
since. She Is survived by her husband
and three children, who are as follows:
Boat teill Be Ready for Her Trial
Trip in a Month Heavy Traffic on
Portland-San Francisco Line.
Work on the new steamer Telephone,
at the foot of Clay street, is progressing
faster as the boat nears completion, but
It will still be a month before she is
ready for service. The cylinders were
aboard the boat yesterday and a force of
machinists was at work setting the en
gines. The boiler, which is down at the
"Willamette Boiler Works yet, will be
ready to go Into the boat within two
weeks. Not much remains to be done on
the upper works, 'except to board up the
lower cabin, put railing in place and put
on a new tin roof. No changes will be
made In the upper cabin, but the entire
boat. Inside and out. will be repainted.
Joseph Paquet, who is doing the work
for the Arrow Navigation Company, the
owners of the. Telephone, believes the
boat will be ready for her trial trip In
30 days. He docs not know where she
will run. All sorts of rumors are afloat
as to the prospective route of the steam-
commanded by Captain Barton, an expe
rienced navigator.
Photo by J. P. Kidd.
Many Cargoes Coming Because
Northern Strike.
The strike at the Vancouver Island
collieries, as well as causing a great loss
to the miners and the merchants of Van
couver Island, has given the Australian
and Japanese collieries a chance to make
sales of many cargoes of coal, which
would have otherwise come from the is
land mines. When the strike took place
Robert Dunsmuir & Sons at once char
tered a large number of sailing vessels and
steamers, bringing cargoes both from the
Japanese collieries and from Australia,
and there is now a larger fleet of coal
carriers en route to San Francisco than at
any time previous. In this connection
the San Francisco Chronicle says:
"From now on the vessels listed as on
the way from Newcastle, Aus., with coal,
will be arriving almost dally with their
welcome cargoes. The forerunners of
the great fleet, representing a tonnage
passing the 150.000 mark, have been listed
for many weeks past, or almost since the
duty was removed from coal, and should
now be putting In an appearance. Their
cargoes, as a result of the strike In the
British Columbia mines, have been great
ly needed. Never In the history of ship
ping here have so many coal-laden ships
been on way from Newcastle, and It Is not
unlikely that three or four arrivals from
that port will soon be a common occurrence."
Germ Infected Air.
Malaria is not confined exclusively to the swamps
and marshy regions of the country, "but wherever there is
bad air this insidious foe to health is found. Poisonous
vapors and gases from sewers, and the musty air of damp
cellars are laden with the germs of this miserable disease,
which are breathed into the lungs and taken up by the
Wood and transmitted to every part of the body. Then
you begin to feel out of sorts without ever suspecting the
cause. No energy or appetite, dull headaches, sleepy and
tired and completely fagged out from the slightest exer
tion, are some of the deplorable effects of this enfeebling
malady. As the disease progresses and the blood becomes
more deeply poisoned boils and abscesses and dark or
yellow spots appear upon the skin. When the poison is
ttt- r,f nnA -mirrnhps nnrl trerms to multiply in
the blood, Liver and Kidney troubles and other serious complications oiten
arise. As Malaria begins and develops inthe blood, the treatment to be
effective must oegm mere tuu. o. o. o. utanujo
the germs and poisons and purifies the polluted
blood, and under its tonic effect the debilitated
constitution rapidly recuperates and the system is
soon clear of all siens of this depressing disease.
-rmrelv vegetable remedy, mild, pleasant and
harmless. Write us if you want medical advice or any special informa
tion about your case. This will cost you nothing.
First and
l'liuuc Main UU.
Keeley Institute
Cures Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
The onlv authorized Keelev Institute in Oregon. Elegant c
and every convenience. Correspondence strictlv confidential.
Million of Dollars Are Expended In
Keeping; Vessels Neat.
It has been figured out that It Is a mat
ter of acres when It comes to painting one
of the big trans-Atlantic steamships. The
topside of one of these ships from the wa
ter line to the rail requires enough paint
to cover about an acre of surface. About
morVhVeThebi, Smokestack; ! The only authorized Keeley Institute in Oregon. Elegant quarters
call for over half on acre of paint,
and In case of the German steamships
with four smokestacks, the total area is
nearer three-quarters of an acre. Since
the creat ships of the first-class com
panies are painted every voyage, the cal
culation shows that to keep tne iw or so.
vessels of the International Mer
cantile Marine Company In first-
class shape requires -the painting
of some 2250 acres each year,
at a cost of between one-quarter and one-
half million dollars. A curious fact In
this connection Is that on account of the
largo number of fine days on the Eastern
eaboard of the United States tne paint
ing of the vessels Is almost Invariably
done on this side of the water, even In
cases where the "headquarters of the com
pany are In some English or Continental
find in the bottom of his pan a row of
shining particles of gold. This god is
very thin and flaky anci when washed
out Is deceptive in appearance Colore
to the value of 10 cents make as great a
showing ,as round specimens would that
are worth 50 cents. For this reason
those who are not accustomed to - that
kind of gold become unduly excited when
prospecting for It.
For years men of capital have been
constructing dredges and various kinds of
machines for saving the golu, but none of
them have as yet been successful. Ad
vancement has been made In the work,
however, and it seems evident that at
some future time methods for this mining
will prove successful.
Near Ontario are several bars of un
usual richness. I have heard of men be
ing able to earn at times as much as
J2.50 per day with an ordinary hand
rocker. One of these richer bars Is at
what Is known as Norton's Island, but a
little distance 'above the town.
Ontario' Growth.
Ontario's growth has been steady .and
healthy. Ten years ago there were only
about 150 people In the town, while tocYiy
there are about 1O00. At the former time
there was not a brick house In the place,
and today there are 24 brick business
houses and two others being built.
In addition to several merchandise es
tablishments, Ontario has two banks.
three hotels, three large feed and livery
stable's, and an opera-house.
During the last two years the town has
made a more rapid growth than ever be
fore. This Is made evident from the
school census. Two years ago there were
250 pupils In the Ontario public school and
the census of this year shows that there
Agnes, Robert and Georgia Fitch. Mrs.
Fitch was a member of Queen Bee Hive,
Maccabees. The funeral will be held from
Dunnlng's undertaking parlors. East
Sixth and East Alder streets, but the time
had npt been fixed yesterday evening. .
Mrs. Fitch was of a quiet and retiring
disposition. " Her broken health was a
consequence of the sad death of her
daughter. . whose murderer Is now serving
out a 15 years' sentence In the Oregon
Fnnernl of Ethel Blnhop.
The funeral of Miss Ethel Bishop,
daughter of Rev. and Mrs. W. R. Bishop,
was conducted In the First Cumberland
Presbyterian Church, East Twelfth and
East' Taylor streets, yesterday afternoon.
Rev. E. Nelson Allen, the pastor, was in
charge. There was a large attendance of
the friends of the family. Interment was
in Lone Fir cemetery- Miss Bishop was
27 years of age, and had been an invalid
for a long term of years.
To Improve Shaver Street.
A petition is to be circulated for the
improvement of Shaver street between
Mississippi avenue and Willamette ave
nue toy planking. The Improvement of
the street Is much desired to connect the
Improved portion of Shaver street with
the Willamette boulevard, which has been
graveled by the county through to St.
Johns. M. E. Thompson will have the
petition drawn up for circulation.
Arrested for Asvnnlt.
Harry Chase was arrested on a warrant
from Justice Seton's court yesterday on
the charge of assault and battery on Jo
seph Hubbell on the corner of East Nine-
er. many still professing to believe that
she will run between Portland and The
Dalles, but It Is more probable that she
will go over to Puget Sound, as was first
Upper Columbia traffic Is not to be left
In the undisturbed possession of the Reg
ulator line, however., for Captain E. W.,
Spencer yesterday morning began fitting
nis steamer, me Liiunca v. opcutci, mi
.this service. The small upper cabin will
be extended the length of the boat and a
texas will be added. The captain expects
to have the alterations completed by Aug
ust 15. He has concluded to make three
round trips a week, the steamer leaving
Portland every Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday. The remodeling of the Spencer
will be done at the Victoria dolphins.
In order to Improve its service the Reg
ulator Company will today put the steam
er Metlako on the run between the Cas
cades and The. Dalles, taking In all the
way landings. The schedules of the other
boats will not be changed, the Metlako
merely being put on to relieve the con
gestion of traffic.
Fassencrer Capacity of O. R. & N.
Steamer Fully Taxed.
In the day befqro the Oregon & Cali
fornia Railroad, the arrival and departure
of San Francisco steamers were events of
Importance In the community. When the
steamer line ceased to be the only means
of communlcaUon with the outside world
travel by water fell off. In the past
few years, however, the traffic has shown
a marked Increase and now the steamers
are going out with their passenger capa
city taxed to the utmost. The Colum
bla on her last trip south had every
Photo by Noe.
are now 400 children of school age In the
There are various enterprises being considered-
for" Ontario, afaong them being
a beet-sugar factory and a fruit-canning
Ontario Is drawing the attention of im
migration, and It is certainly worthy ot
the Investigation of those who desire
homes In a young and promising locality.
Telephone Station Eant Sixth, and
Ankeny Streets In Very Complete.
The new quarters of the East Side
branches of the Pacific Telephone Com
pany, on the corner of East Sixth and
East Ankeny streets, now occupied, are
very complete. The main operators'
building, where the East Portland and
Alblna switchboards have been "placed, Is
a one-story brick, with a full basement.
All wires enter underground. The switch
boards are modern, and it is promised
that the service will be improved when
everything is in good working order. The
change was made Saturday night from
the East Portland and Alblna stations
with UtUe confusion, and the operators
have been responding as usual. The walls
of this building are thick, so that when
another story is wanted it can be added.
South of the station is a cottage for
the use of the young women employed,
and It Is provided for their comfort and
convenience. On the west sldo is a two-
teenth and Oregon streets. It Is alleged
that Hubbell undertook to give Chase
some advice about raising his son, when
the latter resented the Interference with
force. The case will be tried tomorrow.
Eant Side Note.
C. J. W-ard, a member of Sumner Post,
No. 12. G. A. R.. had a very serious at
tack of sickness Saturday and Sunday
night. For a time his condition caused
his friends great apprehension, but yes
terday he was greatly improved.
At the entertainment given Friday
night In theCentral Alblna Board of
Trade hall $25 was realized, which will
help defray the expenses of furnishing the
The annual picnic of the Sunday school
of the New Church) will be held In Glad
stone Park at the Chautauqua today.
Members of the Sunday ' school and
friends will go up this, morning and en
Joy the exercises of the day.
The steamer Bailey Gatzert. of the Reg
ulator line, makes round trip to Cascade
Locks dally, except Monday, S:30 A. M.;
Sundays, S A. M.; returning 7 P.M. Music
and excellent meals. Round trip ticket.
J1.S0. 'Phone Main 914.
Prompt reller tn sick headache, dizzi
ness, nausea, constipation, pain In the
side, guaranteed to those using Carter
Little Liver Pill.
berth taken, and the Elder will sail to
night with all of her staterooms full,
Many of the berths on the steamers sail
Ing on August 10 and 15 have already been
sold, as a- $20 round-trip rate has been
made for the Grand Army encampment.
The months of July, August and Sep
tember always see the heaviest travel
as an ocean trip then is equal to a visit
to the seaside. The weather Is almost
certain to be pleasant and the sea as
smooth as the river.
Captain P. A. Do ran went down as
passenger- on the Columbia on her last
trip and will resume command of the
steamer on her next trip north. Captain
Clem Randall. will go back to the Elder.
China Commercial Liner Claverinjr
AgroHnd at Honolulu.
HONOLULU, July 20. (By Pacific Ca
ble.) The steamer Clavering, en route
from the Orient to San Francisco, via
this port and Mexico, struck on a reef
at the entrance to Honolulu Harbor last
night Several tugs have been working
since midnight in an attempt to pull her
off, but have not been able to move her
from her dangerous position.
Tho Clavering Is a vessel of 2155 tons,
belonging to the China Commercial
Steamship Company. Besides a full car
go, she has on board 900 Japanese immi
grants, some of whom are coming to the
Hawaiian Islands, though the majority
are destined for Mexico. Th vessel
First Ship of Grain Fleet.
The British ship Arctic Stream", the first
vessel" of the 1903-1 grain licet to sail from
the Pacific Coast, will leave down the
river this morning In tow of the Harvest
Queen. The Arctic Stream Is bound for
Durban and carries 22.651 barrels of flour.
3741 bushels ot wheat and 3360 sacks of
meal, the total value of her cargo being
JS5.570. Balfour, Guthrie & Co. dispatch
her. The Rhuddlan Castle, tne next gram
ship to sail, has completed her cargo and
may clear today.
North. Pacific Wreclc Abandoned.
PORT TOWNSEND, "Wash., July 20.
Comnlvlnsr with the requirements ot
marine Insurance, Carey uook. owner 01
the steamer North Pacific, this morning
formallv abandoned the wreck to tne un
derwriters. The action was purely tneo
retlcal from the fact that this morning
at high tide only the shattered hulk of
the passenger boat was visioie nere. -any
further attempts at salvage, should the
wreck again appear, will be made by un
Rosecrans Collides "With Icebenc.
SAN FRANCISCO. July 20. The tank
steamer Rosecrans came Into port from
St. Michael and Nome with a big hole In
her starboard bow. While on the way
from this port to the northern ports with
a cargo of oil she collided with an Ice
berg, but being built in compartments
was able to continue her voyage. She will
be repaired here.
"Will Open Bond Bid..
The Port of Portland Commission will
hold a special meeting Saturday to open
bids for drydock and refunding Donas.
There will be $300,000 worth of, each".. The
auditor's report on the clerk's books may
also be submitted.
Marine Note.
The Tottenham began loading lumber
at Inman, Poulsen & Co. s mill yesterday.
A flve-masted schooner Is to be built
at Chematnus for the lumber trade. She
will have a capacity of 1,500,000 feet.
The barkentlne John Palmer and
schooner John A. will leave down tne
river this morning in tow of the Henderson.
The British ship Blytheswood. coming
to Portland from Honolulu, nas Deen
chartered by Balfour, Guthrie & Co. to
take lumber to South Africa at 00s.
The Saxon shifted from Columbia dock
to Greenwich yesterday to discharge rails.
She will return to Columbia to take out
cement, and then go to Davldge's dock to
discharge coal and pig iron.
The rates on the three overdue vessels
have been advanced to 10 per cent. The
Hermis Is 134 days out from Fremantle
for Shanghai, the MUtnopark 112 days
from Liverpool for Fremantle. and the
Edouard Detallle 96 days from Newcastle,
N. S. "W., for San Francisco.
Consul Powell, reporting on the trade
of Philadelphia for 1902, says that during
the year 1902 the total number of British
ships that entered the port of Philadel
phia amounted to 643, with a tonnage of
1.353.112 net tons, showing an increase,
against 1901, of seven vessels and S6.894
tons. The large fleet of theUnlted States
sailing vessels which hitherto has been
employed In the petroleum oil deep-sea
trade has recently almost completely been
driven out of the field by the subsidized
French sailing craft.
11 nm KKi rx wst fj m ej m
Domestic and Forelgm Ports.
ASTORIA. July 20. Arrived at 1 A. M.
Steamer Elmore, from TlllamooK. .Left up at
1 A. M. Steamer Geo. "W. Elder, from San
Francisco. Arrived at 10 A. M. and left up
at 3:10 P. M. Steamer Robert Dollar, from
San Francisco. Outside at 5 P. M. Four
masted schooner. Condition of the bar at 5
P. M., smooth: wind, northwest: weather.
San Francisco. July 20. Arrived Steamer
Herodot. from Seattle; steamer Rosecrans,
from St. Michaels; schooner Advance, from
Coqullle. Sailed Steamer City of Puebla. tor
Victoria; steamer South Portland, for Seattle
steamer Sequoia, for Tillamook.
Liverpool.. July 20. Arrived Damara, from
Halifax; Syria, from New York.
New York, July 20. Arrived Vadcrland.
from Antwerp: MInnetonka, from Liverpool.
Glasgow. July 20. Arrived Steamer X.auren-
tlan, from New York.
Seattle, July 26. Arrived Steamer Ccttag
City, from Skagway; steamer Meteor, from
Nome. Sailed Steamer James Dollar, for San
Francisco; steamer Al-Kl, for Skagway;
steamer DIrlgo. for Skagway; steamer Port
land, for Nome.
slmilating foeFoodandBeguIa
.ting theStomachs andBoweis of
Promotes DrgesHon.Cheerfur
ness and Itest.Contains neither
Opium.Morphine nor"Minrab
CtmUd Stoop
Aperfect Remedy forCoustlpa
fion ,-Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca
Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
TacSimiic Signature of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
l-M I
A K Use
Thirty Years
ill ill
Food Values
The Value of Food depends on the nutritive
properties contained therein and not upon the
quantity eaten. Compare the diagrams carefully;
the black portions illustrate the relative degrees of
nourishment shown by scientific analysis to exist in
the foods given.
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basis for hundreds of delicious combinations.
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In the treatment of chronic diseases, such as liver, kid
ney and stomach disorders, constipation diarrhoea,
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Complaints, painful, dlfrtcult, too frequent, milky or
bloody urine, unnatural discharges speedily cured.
Such as piles, fistula. Assure, ulceration, mucous and
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Blood poison, gleet, stricture, unnatural losses, lm
potency, thoroughly cured. No failure. Cures guar-
YOUNG MEN troubled with night emissions, dreams, exhausting drains, bash-
fulneais aversion to sorqe aepnve yau 01 your imnunoou. uriia iuu
F?UDDlf&53DIEN, who from excesses and strains have lost their MANIVT
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GlMt Stricture Enlarged Prostate. Sexual Debility, Varicocele. Hydrocele. Kidney
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Catarrh and Rheumatism CURED. , ,
it. n-n,.-'a Tnatvtrfrio arc regular and scientific. He U3es no natent rfostrums
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Dentil of a. Centenarian.
CHICAGO, July 20. Mrs. Helen M.
Rockwell died of old age early today. She
celebrated her 101st birthday on April 3.
Mrs. Rockwell was born' In Colbrook,
Conn.. In 1S03. Among the ' interesting in- !
cidents of her life she had seen all the (
Presidents of the United -StatC3 except
Washington. Upon the occasion of the
return of La. Fayette to the United States