Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 20, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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The preffoslaa'B Teleykoaei.
Counting Room , KAla 667
H- W. Scott, Editor Stain 911
Maa&glns Editor ...Main 630
City Editor Main ICQ
Coznpotfln? Room ..Main CSS
Eat Eide Office East 61
Superintendent Building Red 2S23
EMPIRE THEATER Twelfth and Morrison,
SHIELDS' PARK Thirteenth and Washing
ton, vaudeville.
Doctor or law Settles Disputes.
The other members o the law firm of
Dolph, Mallory. Simon & Gearln, were
much pleased and gratified, when a short
time ago John 5L Gearlijte alma mater
bestowed upon him the degree of "IAj.
D." doctor of laws In recognition of
their appreciation of the very excellent
address he delivered at the graduating
exercises there Messrs. Dolph, Mallory
and Simon are not now so pleased with
the degree as they used to be for they
are too often made to feel the weight of
it. In a law office where all kinds of
Important documents are drawn up,
there often arise discussions as to the
proper or best way of wording a phrase
or sentence, or the selection of a word
to be used to convey a certain idea or
meaning and all the members of the firm
become Involved in such discussions
which sometimes arise over small points
like the proper spelling of a word. Here
tofore all the members of this firm stood
on an even footing in such discussions,
but now when there appears to be dan
ger of their being drawn out to any
length, Mr. Gearin gives his opinion in,
set phrase and by pointing to his III. D.
degree hanging on the wall puts an end
to the discussion, for, of course, there
is nothing more to be said, as none of
the other members of the firm have any
claim to a double L at the end of their
Trees Fali, in March op Improvement.
The destruction of a large and hand
some elm shade tree in front of the
Groomes' property on Salmon street be?
tween Fifth and Sixth because the ten
ants complained that the shade made the
house dark and gloomy, marks a new era
in the destruction of shade trees. There
fire mapy large shade trees on the block
of street mentioned, more than are need
ed for ornament, and more than are good
lor the comfort or health of residents
on the south side of the street. It. is
safe to say that more of them will dis
appear before long. The street and
any space between houses and the side
walk is completely embowered, and ex
cept on very bright sunshiny days the
shade Is gloomy and depressing. At
the season of the fall of the leaf, the
condition of the sidewalks is shocking,
and If an attempt is made to keep them
in decent order a great amount of labor
must, be expended continuously for a
long "ttaie. The march of improvement
will probably soon cause the removal of
the huge locusts which stand Inside the
Una of the old Estes property at the
southwest corner of Salmon and Fifth,
and other trees on the block which are
too large for shade trees on 'a narrow
street There are many such trees in
that neighborhood, but the elm just cut
was the handsomest of them all.
Fashions in Flour Sacks. Shiploads
and shiploads of flour are shipped abroad
from this clty in ordinary cotton sacks.
Theseas discovered by a citizen travel
ing 'through England and Ireland on a
bicycle, go to make undergarments for
the women of the poorer classes as he
saw the manufactured articles still bearing
the legend of a Portland mill hanging
on the clothes lines. A stroll through a
sack factory will, however, show that
flour sacks are made of drill and duck,
as well as of muslin, and that cargoes
for some countries have to be enclosed in
twilled coffee gunnies or sacks of
Hessian twill, each containing two of tho
ordinary sacks. This all depends on the i
region to which the cargo Is going, and j
the time of y$ar It "Is to reach its des- i
tlnatlon, as the sacks must be suited for
ladles wear which Is In fashion at that
season. When duck suits are being worn
the sacks are of ducking. If the cargo Is
going to Patagonia the gunnies and Hes
sian twill Inside sacks are" put over the
cotton ones, for the climate in Patagonia
Is cool, and- the women wear heavy
clothes. It is a little trying on the
Hour manufacturers to have to look
through fashion magazines to see what
sort of sacks they shall pack their floor
in, but the managers take delight In do
ing this and hence they command the
market of the world.
Pedestrians Must Take to the
Street. The crowd of pedestrians
thronging the sidewalks In the commis
sion district on Front street Saturday was
so great and so continuous that the
porters of the commission men weie
sometimes hampered in pushing
trucks along the narrow passage
left between the barrels and boxes
lining both edges of tho walks. This
was looked upon by some of the com
mission men as Interfering with their
business, and thev are talkinc of ore
sentlng a petition to the council asking
mat pedestrians oe connned to the street
Prohably few will remonstrate against
such a scheme as usually It Is safer and
more pleasant to travel on the street
than the sidewalk in that section
The wilted, withered, indigestible and
unwholesome green cantaloupes from
Fresno which nobody will buy or can
eat which obstruct the sidewalks there
will soon have to go, to the crematory
probably, and as there are piles and
piles of this trash, their removal will
leave more room on the sidewalks.
Great Demand fob Blackberries.
"Wild Dlackberrles, the best of all berries,
were brought to market Saturday in con
siderable quantities In tin buckets. These
"berries are so juicy that they cannot
oe nanaiea in boxes like other berries.
They sold at 12 cents per pound and
went off like hot cakes, for there. nrA
many who can afford to pay that price
but more who cannot The only thing
in the berry line more exnenslv
in the market this year, were the earliest
strawberries and a small lot of genuine
old-fashioned Jow bush huckleberries
which were marked 15 cents per pound.
These and wild blackberries used to be
plentiful, but the improvement of farms
has made both scarce. It is strange that
some one does not try growing them in a
natural way on a large scale. They re
quire no cultivation, no pruning, and no
looking after, 'except to see that the
bushes are let alone and they yield well,
and the berries bring more than culti
vated ones. It would seem that a suc
cess might be made in growing them.
Reception to Dr. and Mrs. Black
burn. There will be a formal reception
given Dr; Alexander Blackburn and wife,
of the First Baptist Church, at S o'clock
this evening. Short addresses will be
made by Dr. J. H. Lathrop, Dr. House,
Bev. H. Jj. Boardman, -and Rev. C M.
Bliss. Excellent music will be rendered
by Mr. Belcher, Mr. Zan, Mrs. Reed
and Mrs. Sheldon. Light refreshments
will be served. All friends of Dr. Black
burn and wife and especially his G. A.
R. comrades are invited.
Death op Samuel D. Eldridqe. Sam
uel D. Eldridge, formerly a prominent
member of the Chicago Board of Trade
and Chicago Stock Exchange, died at the
Good Samaritan Hospital, Sunday morn
ing at 3 o'clock. Mr. Eldrirdge was a
hrother of Zoeth S. Eldridge who was
here in official capacity as United States
Bank Examiner In connection with the
closing of the Oregon National Bank. The
funeral service will be held at the chapel
of Edward Holman & Co. at 3 o'clock to
day. Cut This Out. Our sales floor ana
city office will continue to be at 47
First street phone. Main 52. Our
Shops, warehouses and main office, at
Nineteenth and Wilson streets, on Six
teenth St car line.
Max Smith's Savoy Coffee House, 155
Fifth, is famous for its delicious coffee.
His Fad Is Gardening. Roses are com
ing into prominence again, the tea
roses taking the lead. William Barn
hart yesterday cut a large houquet of
the finest roses he has raised or ever
seen this year, and Dr. B. P. CardweU, to
whom he presented them, said they were
the finest lot of roses he had seen this
year. Mr. Barnhart has found that he
has more roses nd better ones by 'keep
ing them well cut away and so his friends
are in luck and his roses excel most In
a short time his hybrids will be bloom
ing and then he will have many magni
ficent ones. His style of gardening
shows what can, be done in a quarter
block, 100x100 feet in Portland, and
how easily this might be made a rose
city. Ha, has an eight-room house, a
little "back from the street and near the
south side of the tract He has two
large cherry trees, a plum tree and an
apple tree, which yield more fruit than
he can use. These were planted along
the west side of the tract by the orig
inal owner of the tract some 20 years
ago. In the narrow strip' on the south
side of the house he has a couple of peach
trees trained on the side of the house,
and a hedge of blackberry bushes along
the fence. There are some ripe peaches
on the trees now, and there were more
blackberries on' the bushes than he had
use for. At the. east end of the house
is a large hydrangea, a fig tree, proba
bly the largest In the city, and a large
snowball tree, and on the remainder of
the tract north of the house he has be
tween 500 and C00 rose bushes and climb
ers, forming probably the best collection
in the city and without doubt the most
productive. There are some other plants
on the ground, among them Is a vine of
jasmine, which loads the air with per
fume. He has two fine large yuccas, a
species of cactus sometimes called "Span
ish bayonet," which send up large flower
stalks bearing a great number of white
flowers rather striking In appearance,
but they never fully expand. As there
are no stems to them they cannot well be
used in making bouquets and so are not
in favor with florists. It Is doubtful
If so many trees, plants and flowers can
be found in any similar tract in the city.
His Sobriety Suspected. A resident
of South Second street whose character
for sobriety is one of his most conspicu
ous virtues Is troubled with a weakness
or fluttering of the heart occasionally
when he overexerts himself, which Is not
often. A day or so ago he was putter
ing about a rather dilapidated sidewalk
In front of. the quarter block on which
he resides, fixing It so as to avoid hav
ing to build a new one. The tempft-a-ture
being rather tropical, he soon began
to feel -a nervous twitching of his heart
strings, anr a feeling of general lassi
tude. He remembered that the doctor
had told him to resort to stimulants to
overcome such attacks, and that nothing
was so beneficial In cases of heart fail
ures as a glass of good whisky. There
being no saloon in that neighborhood,
that he knew of, he repaired to a drug
store nearby and stating his condition
asked for a glass of whisky. The drug
gist eyed him critically and said he could
not let him have "any whisky, as he ap
peared to be under tho Influence of
liquor. The sufferer was astonished and
disgusted and said he had not even seen
whisky for a month, and at once re
paired to another drug store, where he
was certain he could obtain relief. This
druggist wasted no words on him, but
said: "You cannot have any whisky here;
you are two-thirds full now." He says
he will have to fall back on his weak
lung, as he did when In a blockaded
train at the Cascades, and Ed Lyon
wanted him to get out and help plow a
track for the engine through several miles
of snow drifts, on account of which he
was christened "One-Lunged Stansberry."
He prefers this to being told he is two
thirds drunk, when he hasn't touched a
City to Have a Few Good Streets.
The condition of the streets inthe busi
ness and central districts of the city
will be in such good condition In two or
three weeks that old residents will not
known them. Washington street will be
in first class form clear out to- the en
trance of the City Park, and some paral
lel streets ought to be, and probably will
bo, Improved from Front to Twenty
third, so that the heavy travel to the
West side of town need not be confined
to a street -with car tracks on it Ford
street will be Improved from Washington
to Park avenue with bituminous maca
dam and tho Improvement will probably
De extended to the east entrance of the
City Park. This will give an oppor
tunity to test the qualities or bituminous
macadam which has not yet been tried
here but which is in favor In many East
ern cities. Tenth and Seventh street
are In good condition. Third and Fourth
and Morrison streets are now being made
as good as new. First street is to have
sound pavement of wood blocks, and
cords of treated wood blocks are now
stacked along Yamhill street from Fourth
to Second. The railway tracks there
are about put In good shape with heavy
raus, so in a very few days, that section
of Xamhill street will be In fine order
The fine appearance of the streets men-
tionea will induce property owners to
have others put in order, for as a city
omciai says, people accustomed to bad
streets do not realize what effect eood
streets in front of property have in in
creasing the value of it
Peacemaker Comes off Best. A
rather violent altercation going on- in a
cigar store, yesterday, in which the deal
er, a customer and several SDeatators
were Involved, attracted the attention of
a missionary-looking man passing. He
stepped Inside, hoping to be able to set-
tie tne dispute and pacify the dlsnutants.
He found that all the rag-chewing was
on account of the customer having won
two li-cent cigars piavlnrr a nickel
in-the-slot machine, and had received
only four 5-cent cigars In place of them
wnen he had asked to have them changed.
The dealer said they only gave four of
these cigars in a winning of two 12-cent
cigars ana otner dealers gave the same.
The customer, who is a machine fiend.
said he always got five all over town. So
there was a "misunderstanding" some
where, and a row was on which the mis
sionary man could not stop, and about
everyone wno came along was Interested.
and took a hand in the wordy fray. The
would-be peacemaker gave the customer
a rough deal, for not having more hon
esty and more sense than to play at the
machine which was ruining the youth of
the land by cultivating In him a taste
for gambling, a wicked hankering to get
sometning ror notning, etc Neither the
dealer nor the customer was pleased with
this sort of talk and the row went on.
Finally the missionary got hold of one of
the four cigars given In place of 5 cents.
saying they were worth all that had been
given for them, and went to smoking it.
inus Dreaxing up the seance.
Seeker After. Knowledge Baffled.
it is difficult to obtain much reliable in
formation in regard to eleetrlclrv
trical matters for so many points con
nected with these subjects even the em
ployees of electric companies are igno
rant One of them was met on the street
a day or two ago with a contraption of
some kind In his hand, and on being
aajiea u n were an electric motor, replied
"no, it is an electric meter." Being then
asked what was the difference between
the two, he said, "One brings in more
money tnan tne other." When asked
wmcn Drought m the most he said.
"Blanked, of I know; it depends UDon
circumstances." The seeker after knowl
edge abandoned the pursuit at this oolnt
for he had before experienced the diffi
culty of increasing information from one
who did not know anything.
Street Cars Should Have Connino
Towers. Manager Fuller of the Port
land Railway Company, has received . a
letter signed "Passenger" giving him a
suggestion as to how to treat hold-up
men who undertake to rob cars. His
advice is to have a bullet-proof steel
tower on the top of cars provided with
port holes all around, from which to
shoot the robbers as they are leaving
the cars.
Do tou enjoy good coffee; then go to
Max Smith's, 166 Fifth.
No Hurst About Moving. The Port
land Cracker Company has been making
plans for Treating the Snell Heltschu
building, about September 1. to allow the
Postoftlce to be moved in there while the
addition to the Postoftlce building Is toe
ing built The fact that no one appears
to be In any hurry about securing the
contract for this extension makes It ap
pear provable to the Cracker Company
that It is not likely to be required to move
out so soon. Delays are dangerous and
there has been delay enough In connec
tion with the proposed extension to the
Postoftlce, causing some to think it will
never be completed. Once the Postoftlce Is
moved into tho Snell Heltschu building
it will be likely to remain there a long
Todat at Free Baths. The schedule
at the Portland Public Baths today fol
lows: From 9 A. M. to 12, boys free; 1:30
P. M. to 3:30, boys free; 3:30 P. M. to 6,
men and . women, 25 cents admission; 7
to 8:30, men and women, 25 cents admis
sion. The baths have been opened to
women on account of the great demand
made upon the management Tho same
custom prevails In other cities.
Concert bt Park Band. Several thou
sand people listened to a delightful con
cert yesterday 'afternoon given by Brown's
Park Band at City Park, and the differ
ent selections were well played and re
ceived with every mark of appreciation.
It is gratifying to the many friends of
this band to know that it is steadily im
proving in practice, and that its popular
ity is Increasing.
, Uncalled-For suits, coats, vests, trous
ers and baseball suits will be sold re
gardless of cost Coopey the Tailor, 83
Third street, corner Stark, upstairs.
Wanted A good waiter at Max Smith's
Savoy Coffee House, 166 Fifth.
Dr. D. H. Rand, returned. 502 Dekum.
Stephens Schoolhonse "Will Contain
Twenty- Rooms When Completed.
The Stephens Schoolhouse, on comple
tion of the eight-room annex now being
built by Contractor Hobklrk, will have an
excellent asembly hall on the first floor.
Otner chances will make the school a 20
room building.
The old building Is also being thoroughly
renovated Inside and outside. Tho walls
of the classrooms are being tinted, wood
work will be revarnished, and the entire
building will be painted. The Stephens
will be a neat clean building when school
opens in the Fall. The difference between
the old and new portions will hardly be
noticeable when the painters havo finished
their work.
Fnneral of Wallace afaKenxle.
The funeral of Wallace McKenzle, who
died from the effects of Injuries received
in an elevator accident, will be held this
afternoon from the home of his grand
father, H. Skogren, 229 Grand avenue, at
2 o'clock. Rev. W. E. Randall, of the
Central Baptist Church, at the morning
service, said: "Our hearts are shocked
and heavy. While the Sunday school was
enjoying a picnic, one of our noble boys,
Wallace McKenzle, was taken to the bet
ter land. Manly and energetic, Wallace
desired to take a better position, which
terminated In the fatal accident The
sympathy of all goes out to the stricken
family, especially to the mother of tho
boy in her affliction."
Mlnthorn Water for Milvrankle.
At the next meeting of the Mllwaukie
Council, J. L. Johnson will submit a writ
ten proposition to erect water works and
supply the people of Mllwaukie with water
from Mlnthorn Springs. It will be a grav
ity system, and the purity of the supply
is not questioned. There has been agita
tion of tho water question at Mllwaukie
for sume time. It commenced when It
was discovered that the well from which
the large public school Is supplied is im
pure. This was ascertained by J. W
Graslce, who had an analysis of the water
made, when It was found beyond all ques
tion that tho water was a menace to tho
health of the pupils. The cost of an ample
water supply would be small.
East Side Notes.
, George Andrews and family, of Iowa,
are visiting at the home of his brother,
Robert Andrews, and may conclude to
make Portland their home.
XJlara N. Patterson, formerly a resident
of the East Side, but now living in Los
Angeles. CaL, is visiting friends in this
city and in Yamhill County.
A. A. Kaddcrly, who called at the Mount
Tabor Sanitarium to see Charles Wilson,
the ex-railway conductor, a few days ago.
says there is little change In his condi
tion. He Is growing steadily weaker, how
ever. Mr. Kadderly says Mr. Wilson rec
ognized him, but on the whole, his con
dition is not considered hopefuL
Miss Ethel Bishop died yesterday morn
Ing at the home of Mrs. Alexander Mulr,
of Mount Tabor, after a lingering illness.
She was 27 years of age,, and the daughter
of Rev. W. R. Bishop. Her sickness ex
tended over several years. The funeral
will be held this afternoon from the First
Cumberland Presbyterian Church at 2
oncers of Orient Lodge, No. 17, I. O. O.
F., are as follows: H. S. Paddock, noble
grand; M. E. Heacock, vice-grand; D. K.
Illff, recording secretary; J. S. Foss, Jinan
clal secretary A. K. Currier, treasurer;
Fred Zimmerman, Inside guard; W. E
Hayden, outside guard; G. W. Miner, R. S.
N. G.; Fred Francis, L. S. N. G.; Charles
S. Hall, R. S. V. G.; W. D. Hlmbercourt,
L. S. V. G.; W. E. Ogllbce. R. R. S.; W. T.
Wooden, L. S. S.; L. O. Pershln, chaplain.
An OddfellowB' lodge will be instituted
in Woodlawn in a short time. About 20
members have already signed the roll, and
others are expected to do so. An effort
was made to get Harmony Lodge, which
meets In Upper Alblna, to move farther
northward and build a hall, thus doing
away with the movement for a new lodge
at Woodlawn, but this did not succeed.
With. Woman Companion, Takes a
Plunge In Willamette.
The good steamer Hassalo and a scow
laden to the water's edge with sand got
even with the smart fool that wanted to
"see the boat rock" yesterday afternoon
by dumping the "Fool" and his Innocent
feminine companion into the gurgling
Willamette River.
The "Fool" hired boat No. 10 from D. C,
Merrill, and he started cut for a row,
When he got to Stark street he met the
nassaio ana ner scow plowing up stream
Tho steamer and the scow plowed the
river into a deep furrow, and the waves
rolled high on either side, almost to the
breaking point The "Fool" thought It
would be a jolly lark to have the rollers
rock the boat so he steered the light craft
toward the rolling waves. This was all
right as far as it went but the "Fool"
handled the boat so that it was kissed
a-broadslde with one of the Hassalo's
highest waves, and the next thing the
"Fool knew was that he and his com
panlon were floundering In the water, and
he was howling for help at the top of his
As luck would have it the boat in which
the pair had been seated did not drift .ft
er capsizing, and ris they rose to the sur
face both the woman and the "Fool
managed to grasp an end. The cries for
help reached the ears of some men who
were rowing In a skiff, and they lost no
time in getting over to the overturned
boat With considerable difficulty, both
the man and the woman were hauled Into
the skiff and taken ashore. They thanked
their rescuers and made off, and by the
timo that Merrill reached the scene they
had disappeared. Mr. Merrill did not
know .the names of the couple. He was
.glad to get his boat back safely.
Murine Eye Remedy cures this and other
Eyo troubles, makes wmuc eyes strong.
SklelaV Vaadevllle.
Campbell brothers, electric novelty duo.
Mar and Baby Owea, comedy.
Bolll and Boll!, operatic duo.
ltrlt Stoddard, aa "Sis" Perkins.
WUe and Milton, colored comedians.
Dan McGreavy, monologue.
Edward Raymond, illustrated songs.
People scrambled to get Into Shields'
park last night and when overy seat
was occupied by an audience of 3000,
about 500 willing patrons were turned
away for lack of room. But that did
not daunt several athletic young men,
over a dozen of them insisting on or
namenting the north fence. "That's right
boys. You who are on the fence are as
welcome as those who have paid their
money," observed Mr. Shields, sarcas
tically. The show -is a very good one.
and shines In novelties. It is of top-liner
Campbell Brothers are the particular
stars, and their clever work drew rounds
bf applause. Better hand-to-hand work
in catching tennis rackets, tennis balls,
and electric clubs, has rarely been seen
here. At one period the air seemed to
be a mass of glittering light when the
brothers threw their clubs at each other,
and deftly caught them on the wing.
While blindfolded, one of the brothers
engages in bag-punching, amid Intense
darkness, and the only lights that shone
came from the diamond studs among the
May and Baby Owen are so clever and
their 'work is so enjoyable that their
comedy easily tops the list The little
boy dresses as a tramp of the Evans
Hoev tvbe. his mustache and whiskers
were the envy of all present "Who are
you, anyway?" asked his mother. Oh,,
answered the little man, "I'm Mr. Wil
liams of Portland. I've wanted to visit
this city for a long time to practice medi
cine here the physicians take life so
easily." He also sings a funny song:
That's tho Kind of a Boy itou Are."
Wise and Milton's popularity was in
creased by their splendid act and Wise
started the fun by a mock lecture to
young women, and by singing a parody
on "Asleep On the Deep." His partner
danced and sang herself into favor, and
made a hit with "Just Because I Hate
to Get Up Early In the Morning." Bolll
and Bolll wore dazzling costumes, and
the man dressed like a Spanish cavalier
of old, with spurs, sword, white mantle,
etc. The two singers havo good voices,
and they excelled in two scenes from
Verdi's "II Trovatorc." Dan McGreavy,
Marie Stoddard, and Edward Raymond
In two Illustrated songs, fill out the bill,
and make good. The scenes on tho poly
scope. Illustrating tho O. R. & N. track
and General Passenger Agent Craig and
Edward Shields running for their lives.
before an advancing train, are Interesting
and exciting. The same bill the rest of
the week.
Sometime yesterday morning, thieves
broke Into Mr. Shields' private office
at the park, and went through his bureau
desk in search or money, out were disap
pointed as the receipts had been placed In
a safety deposit vault the night before
Some cancelled bank checks are missing.
Ncvr Bill at Empire Tonight.
Tonight for' an opening bill for this
week, the Empire Theater presents,
among Its varied features, the highest
salaried singing act on tho vaudeville
stage. Lillian Leslie Is the cantatrlce
whose voice Is her fortune. Music-lovers
will go to the Empire to hear Miss Leslie
sing; pursuers of the artistic will go to
see her face, while tho whole feminine
world, musical, artistic and otherwise,
will be at the theater to study her gowns.
Miss Leslie has played all the big houses
of the East, and Is direct from the Or
pheum Circuit .
Next to this great singer on the posters
Is Allen J. Shaw, the Australian king of
coins. Mr. Shaw is -a magician at manip
ulating money, who can make a sliver
dollar do anything.
Marsh Craig, tho clever, convolutlng
contortionist, will mako tho Empire audi
ences believe that h,e is truly a human
lizard. This act unlike many acrobatic
turns, is most attractive and entertaining.
The Juggling of Christy and Willis can
not be too highly commended. Christy Is
a Joking, jesting, Jovial juggler, who can
mako a cannon ball, two umbrellas and
one soubrette perform such antics that
the audience roars with laughter until he
leaves the stage. And Miss Willis, the
other partner in the sketch, can really
dance. She has not picked up a few steps
by watching good performers, but Is a
carefully trained dancer.
Mclntyre and Primrose, with conversa
tional comedy, have been retained for an
other week, and will produce an amazing
ly mirthful sketch.
C. E. Moulton, of Tacoma, one of the
legal advisers of the Northern Pacific
Railroad, is at the Hotel Perkins.
W. H. Wchrung, of Hlllsboro, in charge
of the Oregon exhibit at tho St Louis
exposition. Is at the Hotel Perkins.
Max Stiefel, formerly connected with a
clothing house In this city, and now rep
resenting a Chicago firm. Is at the Port
land Hotel. He recently returned from
R. L. McCormlck, secretary of the Wey
erhaeuser Timber Company, will leave to
day for Tacoma. The deal regarding the
proposed sawmill to be erected by his com
pany near Vancouver, Wash., has not yet
been completed.
Barry C. Eastham, son of Mrs. P. F.
Morey, who has been attending the Mas
sachusetts Institute of Technology for the
past year, arrived in Portland Saturday
evening to spend tho Summer.
Eckley B. Coxe, Jr., son of the well
known coal magnate of that name, and
Mrs. Charles B. Coxe, of Drifton, Pa.;
Miss Slnkler and Miss Anne Sinkler, of
South Carolina, and Miss Julia Slnkler, of
Philadelphia, are a party of tourists at
the Portland Hotel.
NEW YORK, July 19. (Special.) North
western people registered at the New York
hotels today as follows:
From Portland A. Meier, at the Savoy;
M. A. Welngetz, Mrs. K. H. Reynolds, at
the Victoria.
From Seattle D. Russell, at tho Grand;
W. Stlllmann, at the Gregorian; VJ. D.
Gibbs, at the Grand Union. -Jg
From Everett R. H. Holbrook, at the
Grand Union.
From Spokane N. Weil, at the Hoff
All the delicacies of the season at the
Portland Restaurant; fine private apart
ments for parties, 205 Wash., near 5th.
Imperial Hotel restaurant, 2d floor;
six-course dinner 50c; first-class service,
a la carte, 6:30 A. M. to 8 P. M.
You have tried and were pleased with
them. They stimulate the liver, regulate
the bowels. Improve the complexion. Car
ter's Little Liver Pills.
Great nerve and bodily strength is given
by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Try it
7er Imffcat &nd Children.
Tht KM Yib Han Always
We have taken to the tree with
our sharpest pruning knife and cut
some PRICES In half! It has been
a succesful operation "All going
nicely" come in and you'll feel the
effect better In mind, purse and
Hen's $15 Suits now... $11.35
Men's $10 Suits now.... 7.85
Men's SI Outing Hats for .45
Men's 25c Fancy Hose for .1 7
Men's 75c Golf Shirts at .45
Men's 50c Nightshirts at . .39
Men's 25c Neckwear at .1 9
Our Summer Clearance Sale Is
now In full force. Big reductions
on everything that men and boys
wear. ,
100 and ICS THIRD ST.
In the new "Mohawk" Building:
Most every man Is willing to
take a straight tip once in
J a while. Here's a good one.
25c to 75c per pair
In order to. get the best, buy
only of
The Tyfold Collar
The picture shows how the
collar is cut out on each side
to allow for adjusting a neck
tie without springing the col
lar open. The collar comes
close together in front, it keeps
the tie in place and you don't
see the cut-out part. Besides
the 'tie is retained just over the
button, which is also kept out of sight.
Your summer comfort will be increased
if you wear one, and you'll thank us
for the style. Dealers sell them.
Cluett Brand, 2 5c each
Arrow Brand, 1 5c each
Cluett, Peabody & Co.
rnrns 25c and 35c
Great Sport in the Water
brought Instantly into use. With them
any ore can swim or float. Supports from
50 to 250 pounds. WEIGHS 3 OZ.
Coraer First and Taylor Sts., Portland.
Easy and Economical
to Use
Silver Polish
Contains no deleterious substance
Does not cake or adhere to the
An English and Classical School
for Boys and Girls.
Fits Doth for Eastern colleges, primary
and grammar grades Included. A hall for
girls, with the appointments and super
vision of a careful home. For catalogue
247 Stark Street Phant Mufn 178
For prices and any further information in regard to
Electric Heating Appliances, Electrical Supplies or Electric
Light, call or address
Portland General Electric Co.
American Plan
Also European
Plan. Modern
Special rates made to families and single gentlemen. The manage
ment will be pleased at all times f o show rooms and give prices. A mod
dern Turkish bath establishment In the hotel. H. C. BOWERS, Mgr.
Goods are dyed to improve
their looks. Undergarments not
good enough to wear in their
natural state, are even worse
when dyed. The Dr. Deimel
Underwear does not sail under
false colors.
All true LIN EN-MESH,
garments bear the DR. DEIMEL
For sale at best houses every
where. In Portland at
Olds, Wormian & King.
Bufium & Pendleton.
It makes the toilet something to bo
enjoyed. It removes all stains and
roughness, prevents prickly heat and
chafing, and leaves the skin, white,
soft, healthy. In the bath it brings
a glow and exhilaration which no com
mon soap can equal, imparting tho
vigor andlife sensationof amildTurk
an bath. All Grocers and Dnigist3,
Wholes&lo ml Keu.ll Dealers la
Yari, X. SU trade Front aad GlUw Pfcoaa
Xl& 2779.
Flat Iro
It is always hot, always
ready, clean and bright. No
matter where you want to
use it, whether in kitchen,
sewing room or laundry, it
is hut a small matter to con
nect it to the electric light
circuit. It is quickly heated
and remains heated as long
as the current is on. Espe
cially in the sewing room,
where a hot iron is often
needed, will this be appre
ciated from the fact that it
requires no fire and no run
ning to and from the kitchen.
A particle If we extract your teeth. Thla
Is a positive guarantee, and not merely
Idle boasting. No matter what your ex
perience with other dentists has been, wo
fulfill every promise to the letter. Wo
have labored too long In Portland to es
tablish our reputation to run any risk by
making claims that we are unable to ful
fill. All of our work Is the best obtain
able. FULL SET OF TEETH, with rub
ber plates, as low C A
as lj-t
low as
Corner Seventh.
Office hours: S A. if . to 5 P. M.; evenings,
7:30 to S:30.
Sundays. 10 A. M. to 12 M. Telephone,
MaJn 2119.
No charge for painless extraction whoa
teeth are ordered. All work done by grad
uate dentists of 12 to 20 years' experience:
a specialist in each department. Wa will
tell you In advance exactly what your
work will cost by a free examination.
Give us a call, and you will find we da
exactly aa we advertise.
WMMmm cut
Gold Filling $1.00
Gold Crown $5.00
Sliver Filling $ .50
New York Dental Parlors
8:20 A 11 to 6 E. M.: Sundays. 8:20 A. U.
to 2 P. II.
Llcnt. Perry Sam There Are Xo Bald
Hend.s in the Arctic Region.
The people who come back from Klon
dike testify to the fact that no nattvo
bald heads are there. The evidence la
that the cold climate kills the germs
that eat the hair off at the root. Lieu
tenant Perry, who went to the Arctic re
gions, gives the same evidence. New
bro's Jlerpicide has the same effect aa tho
cold climate. It kills the germ that eats
the hair off at the roots, and the hair
grows again. Herplcide is the first hair
remedy built upon the principle of de
stroying the germ that eats the hair onT.
Its phenomenal sale demonstrates the
correctness of the scalp germ theory. Sold,
by leading druggists. Send 10c In. stamps
for sample to The Herplcide Co., Detroit
Mich. ,
Room 405 i,
Dekum Building
Take the elevator
Dr E C. BROWN eve and ear diseases.
VI .L. V- DftU IT 11 Mxrauam bis., room
E. & W. TEBO. E. W,
A New Collar.
Radway'sReady Relief Is ja cure for every pant,
toothache, headache, neuralgia, rheum&uoB.