THE MORNIKG DREG LA2S MONDAY, JULY 20, 1903. S evening and. told the people who the others were. He, too, helped out on the banquet preliminaries and responded to a toast later on. ' Some time during the day Mr. Brooks claims he was com pelled to look into the conduct of his farm, but Portland visitors are skeptical. The other things they saw him do, but to find time for more appears Impossible to a man who Is "hot acquainted, inti mately, with' the Goldendale "hustle." And they all worked that way. It was no wonder to the Portland people when the day was done that Goldendale had succeeded without railroads and the Klickitat farmers are rich even though they hauled their products for twedty miles or more by wagon to the nearest railroad. GOOD-WILL AT BAXQTJET. jadffe BelltBKcr Protests Against Tarl'S on Philippine Imports. In a speech delivered at the Goldendale banquet Saturday night Federal Judge C B. Bellinger emphatically protested against the policy of Imposing a tariff ,upon imports to the Philippine Islands Irom American territory. The speech of Judge Bellinger would apply equally .as well to all the Insular possessions of the United States, but since the question of Philippine tariff has been argued so re- .cently before Congress, and the subject Is of such Interest on the Coast, It was applied by his auditors particularly to the 'Philippines, as the Jurist intended. The sentiments of Judge Bellinger were enthusiastically cheered by those in at tendance at the banquet. He disclalmc-d any reference to partisan politics in his criticism of the Philippine tariff policy, .and both Democrats and Republicans Joined in their approval of his doctrines. The speech of Judge Bellinger was given in response to a request by Toastmaster W. B. Presby that he speak on the ques tion of "Railroad Commissions," Mr. s Presby calling attention tot Oregon's ex- Ecrience and stating that the question had een Introduced In Washington. Judge Bellinger Insisted that a reference to the Railroad Commission would be Impolitic, 'but he added that if "Washington were to pass a commission bill similar to that passed in Oregon, the railroads would not puffer any. He added that at the time the bill was favorably considered he was a railroad attorney, and naively suggested that he had read it carefully before the measure "appeared on second reading." Then he added: '"But if I may be permitted T would like to say one thing seriously. I do not know how you regard the question of a pro tective tariff, and that is not material. But I do want to say that there should be no tariff distinctions between the islands of the Pacific and other sections of the United States. If they belong to America, no barriers should be raised against them. Over no territory where the American flag floats can there be raised a barrier for one purpose and not tor another." This declaration from Judge Bellinger wa a feature of an .evening full of in teresting, exchanges between Portland and Goldendale speakers. There were spoches . at the Armory and responses to toasts at . the "banquet Through all of them ran a vein of humor, and the tono was extreme ly friendly. Toastmaster Presby had all topics of In terest to the communities represented at the banquet discussed by clever orators. He gave to John M. Gearln the duty of responding to the toast of "Portland," and Mr. Gearin,made the most of his oppor tunity. ' "This has been an educational trip to tts," he said In part. "Though in a gen eral way we had been familiar with the .. Klickitat country, few of us knew that ' you had such a beautiful valley here. And ' now that this country has been opened up by this railroad and given communication t with, the marts of the commercial world, your products will take on a new value and the number of your homes will be in , creased, your lands will be settled more generally and your wealth will accumulate more rapidly. At Goldendale you have the metropolis of one of the richest -val- lejp in the Northwest, and as this rail road is extended and possibly brought Into connection with some great transconti nental , system your prestige will grow. Tou stand here living examples of what men can do by their own endeavors. You came Into an unsettled country, without . railroads, and without even wagon roads, and. have built. up a rich and prosperous community." Mr. Gearin, in mentioning the comple tion of the Columbia River & Northern o Goldendale, called attention to the fact that the system was built "entirely by' Portland capital, without calling for aid - from any source. In continuing, he declared that the Columbia River Basin was naturally tributary to Portland, and would continue to look to that city as Its commercial metropolis. He stated that Portland would in the future as in the past continue to aid in the upbuilding of the Columbia River Basin, and would insist upon extending all encouragements to the territory how removed from modern traf fic conveniences. In -a humorous manner N. B. Brooks re lated his experiences in soliciting right-of-way deeds upon three occasions when It was believed a railroad could be extended into -the Klickitat Valley. A. H. Devers, who had visited Goldendale as a "drum mer? 22 years ago. Insisted that his ex perience with a drugstore cocktail In Goldendale had kept him away from that delicious though seductive drink for the- ensuing 20 years. J. P. "Wilson, of The . Dalles, bespoke a close friendship between Goldendale and his home city, and County Attorney R C. "Ward, of Goldendale, urged the visitors to see more of Klickitat Coun- ty, insisting that the entire county was as rich as the section traversed. H. C Campbell, .manager of the new road, re lated the story of his first trip over the route now covered by the road, a iournev that occupied three days' time and in-" voivea endless hardships, especially as he and Engineer Oliver descended Swale Canyon -and the Klickitat River. C. F. Swlgert compromised when a toast was demanded of him, and sang a song. When rnpre was demanded of him he switched off . on. a poem. E. B. Piper escaped a speech by. a clever story- The first exchange of greetings between ;the neonln nf fViirinnrioia u ,. si6nlsts was given at the Armory earlier l"i evening. All those residents of Goldendale and the .surrounding country. ir"SZ "' Euxaerco. to exiena 'afhearty welcome, and the speeches breathed a spirit. of cordiality and friend- i-uwuru rurumiQ mat attested the ,'Ttrength of the bond that unites the two places. - - 4 in a semi-humorous vein. N t? -rtwv I who presided over the meeting, contrasted J Goldendale and Portland, and the advan- 4 lages 01 Tesiams in tne iwo clues. He re v marked upon the . dangers - of Portland i streets, the "hold-ups, and the possibility of colliding with street-cars, and congrat- 1 uiatea tne visitors -mat tney were entirely 3 free from such inconveniences in Golden- ; dale.. I Continuing in much" the same strain, he predicted tnat "long oerore Portland se cures a 30-foot channel to the sea, long . oeipro the pavements are repaired, long before the Port of Portland Commission ceases Its fighting, long before the police . catch the hold-up men, the Columbia River & Northern Railroad will have Njustifled the expenditures which you stockholders have made to complete the system to jGol . dendale and to open up the Klickitat val ley." - Mr. Brooks told of the wealth in nat . ural resources of Ihls section of the state . : tand the bond of friendship that united 5Goldendale and Portland, painting a brlll- - lant picture of the additions to Portland's commerce from the valley, and the growth -it was certain to attain by the aid of railroad communication. Besides express- lng gratification over Portland's aid to the- railroad enterprise, he reminded the "visitors of the time when Goldendale suf-. fered from fire and Portland came to her . relief. President "Rufus Mallory, of the Coliim 'bla River &. Northern, briefly thanked Mrl Brooks for his words of appreciation of the efforts made by the railroad company t on hehalf of Klickitat County, and gave way to H. Wi Scott, who spoke of Port land's relations to the surrounding .coun-, try. Mr. Scott told of Portland's readiness to aid in the development of the territory of the Columbia River basin. Mr. Scott declared the opening of the Columbia River to navigation for Its entire length was a matter that called for the support of both Washington and Oregon, and con gratulated Goldendale upon the fact that the Washington delegation in Congress had aided in securing this result. He said that Portland was the natural market ior the Columbia River products, and that, as such, Portland's interests were the inter ests of the surrounding, country, and that Portland would not hesitate to advance any cause that aided the territory that was linked in such close connection with this city. Incidentally, he referred to Eastern Oregon, and said Portland stood ready to open up that country. Referring to the fact that Oregon was the "mother country," and humorously de claring Washington had outgrown the pa rent, Mr. Scott called attention to the mutual advantage of celebrating the Lewis and Clark Centennial, and urged upon Goldendale that It support the proj ect. He expressed the belief that Wash ington's Legislature would make a liberal appropriation, and that both states would be greatly benefited by the attraction of thousands of Eastern visitors to the Coast Judge Bellinger described the trip over the new railroad in a humorous vein. Manager Campbell had shown the excur sionists a burst of speed between Center ille and Goldendale, traveling the dis tance at the rate ot 35 miles an hour. But this Is the way that Judge Bellinger told of it after he had related the experience of passing through the canyon: "This side of Centervllle a boy driving a load of hay overtook us, and Manager Campbell, with bis usual foresight, sent word by him that we were coming.. To this good Judgment, probably, we owe the fact -that so many of you were at the depot to welcome us." H. C Campbell, speaking for the direct ors and stockholders of the company, promised Goldendale and the surrounding country that the company would use Its utmost endeavors to build up the section, and asked the people to bear with 'him until his company could get Its system In running order. Goldendale adjourned the meeting with" enthusiastic cheers for the new railroad. CROPS IN EUROPE. General Promise of Large Yield Great Increase in India. WASHINGTON, July 19. The following crop report of the Department ot Agricul ture Just out, based on advices received by the foreign statistical agent of the de partment at London as late as July L Is in brief as follows: "In Russia meteorological conditions have been in the largest part favorable for crops In most parts of European Rus sia and harvest prospects are consider ably Improved, even in regions where con ditions at the beginning of Spring were unfavorable. In Germany, a great Im provement in all the winter cereals, par ticularly in "Winter rye, has been shown the past .month. The condition of every crop in the middle of June Is officially re ported fair, although "Winter wheat, pota toes and lucerne were considerably nearer to good than medium, and all the others are graded about midway between the two conditions. "Approximately good harvest -of the Spring crops in Austria Is to be counted on at best. Maize promises well there. In Hungary, unless tnere is more improve ment before harvest, which is hardly ex pected, this year's out-turn of the cereals will fall considerably below that of 1302, the deficiency m the case of wheat being about 15 per .cent. Most of the Bulgar ian crops are reported In very .good con dition.. .Storms and floods have caused ex tensive damage to crops and vineyards in Italy. In France the. estimated area of. "Winter wheat Js BSL724 acres less than in -1902. A marked Improvement In wheat and other crops occurred there during June And the crops now are doing welL Generally favorable reports come rom Denmark. .In Great Britain, . the wheat crop is everywnere somewnat late and Hardly can come up to an average yield. Advices to the department from the gov ernment ot inaia estimate tne total wheat crop harvested therb in the Spring of 1S03 at 290,2Si;i04 bushels against a yield of 226,370.890 bushels in tn previous year. nnai estimates of the department on the tobacco croD of 1902 In the United States are announced as follows: "Acreage, 1,030,734; production, 821,823,963 pounds; value, $57,563,510." DAILY CITY STATISTICS. Deaths. ' July 14, Inrant of J. W. Jones, 5 North Fourth, valvular insufficiency. July 15, EHla Maurine Starr. 7 years, 107 East 17th. tubercular meningitis. Althea Fowler, 6 years, St. Vincent's Hos pital, meningitis. July 13, Stephen Keogh, 62 years, Mount Ta bor Sanitarium, old age. July 13, John Peterson, 35 years, suffocation. July 13. P. H. Sheehan, 26 years, suffoca tion.. July 14, Elber MeFeron. 7 years, Fulton., cerebral meningitis. July 13, Lee Oy, 47 years. 45 Second, con sumption. July 12. "William J. Magoon, 65 years. Spring "Valley city, heart allure. July 11, Lizzie Henderson, 40 years, 64 North Ninth, Jaundice. 'July 11, Frank Heckman, 20 years, Iowa House, typhoid malarial fever. July 11, Eugenia Hutchinson, 44 years, 408 East Alder, renal tuberculosis. July 14, Isaac Gray, 73 years. Good Sa maritan Hospital, fell from roof. July 12, Emll Stcppenbach. 6S years. Pied mont, valvular heart disease. July 13, Alexander Elder, 62 years, 757 Mis souri avenue, uraemia. Contagions Diseases. July 14. Ethel Tressler. aged 16, 245 North Fourteenth, diphtheria. July 13, C M. Baldra, 353 Ross, scarlet fever. July 10t FrederlckvDrliklng, 294 Seventeenth, scarlet -fever. v- July 8. child of George Fernau, 133 Eleventh, measles. - . Births. June 17, to the wire of Thomas Allen, a boy. July 12. girl, to -the wife of Joseph -N. DoIdo.- 497 Montgomery. ' - ton, 752 East Durnslder ' July 12, jjlrl, to the Wife of Frank E. -Bur-din, city. -' - : - r July 13, tfirl. 'to the- wife' of "Clifford R. DavrfiDortWB7 East Third. 'i July 0, boy, to the-wife' of James M.-LanN 500 East Couch, k July Hf girl, to the wife of H. C.' Hmnderup, 215 Spencer. Heal Estate-Transfers. 1 Franklin Building & Loan ' Association to H. P: Jorg, 8. 16 2-3'feet'lot 4 and N. 18 2-3 feet lot 5. block IS. Lincoln Parle , , BOO 'F. E. Leonard to G. M.. Jackson, lots 3S to 40. hlock 1, Corona 125 Thomas Colllnson and wife to J. C. Alnsworth. lot 8. block -53. Carter's Addition . : .250 oait rartc LAnd Company to Frank Oster, 71x218 teet lot 2, block 6, Oak Parte Addition, i r. 'U. aianey to EHia Stone, 'lots 1 and . 6, section 20, T. 1 N. R. 3 E.; also all Mud Lake A Section 20, T. 1 N. R. 3 E. '. 1 ana ja. Stewart to C T. Kings- ley. parcel land section 18, T. 1 S. K. 3 E.'. - 400 William D. Fenton to A RhMtnn inf X. block 2, Story's Addition. .2,000 .nwe uuttinuiw ca -i i j j l vjrnpany to L. E. Cowles, part blocks "7", and 11, Northern Hill Addition, and 1 acre In - section 18, T. 1 N. R. 1 E . 2 TV. H. Nixon and wife to J. and 8. Hoi loman. lot 16, block 18, Lincoln Park 225 li. it. james ana wjie to lena Mayer. lot 7, bloik 8T. Stephen's Addition.. S50 C A. ana i. w. jratterson to Joseph Dar. Jot 11. block 2. Cook's Addition . to Albino. 1,350 C. v. uay ana wiie xewtn walte. AV. 75 4eet lots 3 and 4, block 14, Hans&n's Second Addition ...... C00 .iwfiie . xcuuirs 10 -iioiis fauisen, iotr 1 and 2, block 4, East Portland Heights .w... . 800 L and F. uoctz to E. U. Holmes, lot IX, block 30, Arber Lo4 ONE MORE YIGTORY But Browns Are Still in Last Place. WON 13 GAMES OUT OF THE 18 Portland's Kerf Fielder, Harry Blake, Arrivea-rClever Team "Work. Cap tares Laat of the Oak- . . " laHd'Scries. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. TeaterdaV's Scores. i Portland, . 0; Oakland, 3 : , San Francisco, 3-7; Sacramento, 2-5. " Seattle, C; Los Angeles, -4. Standing: ef .the Clubs. "Won. lost. Pr. ct Los Angeles ........Gl 36 .629 San Francisco 60 ; 43 -583 Sacramento 50 43 .668 Oakland 44 63 .411 Seattle 38 " 60 .404 Portland ..36 64 . .400 Thirteen games out of eighteen and -a 'percentage of . .722 Is the record of the .Browns since they came home for the present series. By capturing the matinee yesterday "afternoon from Oakland by the score of , 6 to 3 the locals collected the above percentage of games won and lost, but If they had won the games which by rights, they should have won, it would have been 15 out of the IS Instead of the 13. Seattle captured one that should have gone to the Browns. One out of the two that Los Angeles carried, away was little short of a gift, and Oakland, considering their crippled condition, should have lost the whole series, but at that the past three weeks has produced the best base ball In the history of the city, and the team as a whole deserves great credit for the magnificent baseball played. The drubbing that the Browns gave to Parke Wilson's Slwashes was not a great task, but the battles which they fought and won from Los Angeles were contended for during every minute ot the play. The same may be said of the Oakland series. For a crew of players xnalmedyA'nd crippled as they are, they have made the Browns fight for every battle they have won with the exception of one. This week Mlque Fisher and his bunch of fighting "Tads, who are running the Loo Loos a close race for first position, will be the card. This Sacramento team should get "theirs" just as Los Angeles did, but in order to do so the Browns will be com pelled to play the same gilt-edged baseball as they did against Money s team. They can do It, too, If they wish, In spite of the fact that Shields and Hogg have bad arma Thlelman's wing Is none too good, and It may be that this may handicap the team a bit Hogg, Thlelman and Shields are all three game fellows, and If there Is any chance of their getting Into shape for the Senators they will take their turn on the firing-line when their turn comes. New Fielder .Arrives, Rpvnnfl th snrpnMR of arms in the pitching corps, the team Is in splendid j shape, and with the arrival of Harry Blake, an outfielder and all-around utility man. Just imported from the Rochester team.- that part of the team Is guarded against any mishaps. Blake has a batting average of .233. fielding .960, 10 assists and 11 errors, and 23 stolen bases. He was at bat 491 times, and made 144 hits. Tftls is the record for 125 games. Spalding does not give the .runs he made nor the sacri fice' hits. Blake was on the Brown bench yesterday afternoon, and his presence kept the fans guessing. N Tne engagement openea wnn sutler on the firlntr-llne for the- Browns; and Lazy Lee sweeping, and swinging things for the Athenians. Lee has a languid, leisurely delivery, that was not Very puzzling to the locals, and the knowledge came as a great boon to the heart-stricken fans, for they thought for a brief period that Butler was to be a second addition ' to Hogg. O'Hara, who a few minutes later was des tined to throw his glove at Umpire Levy and use blistering language at the offi cial, and for his pains to become a bench Idol for the rest of the game, bent his Irish beef and brawn against the second ball that Butler flirted over the plate for two bases. Baxter followed, and he lam basted the ball for a single, which scored O'Hara. An air of disquietude spread over the big Sunday crowd present, but It was lifted a moment later when Murdook hit to Raldy, and that fast little fellow threw to Messerly, who In turn relayed the ball to Andrews, completing a rapid-fire double. Mosklman the Terrible flew out to Van Buren. and that was the last look-in that Oakland had until Butler's bad Inning in the fifth. When four singles netted two runs. Portland was four runs to the good, but those which Oakland sent across the rubber brought the Athenians within one of a tie-up. Fnst Infield Work Saves tke Day. It was fast Infield work. In which An drews, RAldy, Anderson and Messerly took part, that held the visitors back. Butler's pitching was superb after this, and Mur dock was the only player who found him for a hit, and this threatened danger, be cause It slipped past Van Buren in center field. Croll's error allpwed Hurlburt to pre empt first. He was caught trying to steal second while Van Buren was teasing the Infield by trying for a bunt. Finally, when Hurlburt was no more, the Deacon hit the ball over Rellly'a head. Nadeau turned the same trick and "Van Buren scored. Anderson Ukcd that section of the garden and also planted the ball for a single, and JCruger booted It to the tencc, allowing Nadeau to score while Anderson went to second. Hurlburt slashed out a double sacker It) the third, and he went to, third when Baxter tried to catch the bail with the toe of his' boot instead "of his hands. Van Buren was an easy out to Brasher, who had succeeded Mosklman. at first. Na deau was peppered with one of Lee's lazy offerings. " He stole second,, and Hurlburt, "who had been' waiting at" third, scored on Anderson's long 'fly to' ICruger, Andrews "hit one oh the nose that .gave Mosklman', who" Was moved. from first to eh'ort when O'Hara. "was benched, 'some trouble. "Ma deof scored and ..Jay was safe at first. Messerly hit safely, but the round ended when Raldy hit straight at Lee. Hh rife art Stars at the Bat. . Hurlburt's batting was the star feature of-the engagement, and when he came up in the lucky seventh- he drove out a triple that set the vocal chords of-tho crowd atune. Van Buren was out by a close de cision at flrsand it was up to "Whispering PhU to Lee again. Anderson want ed another single to even up his batting average, and he placed a pretty one back of tho shortstop, which sent Hurlburt home and Nadeau to second. Andrews could not hit safely, but he drove one far out. Murdock fielded it skillfully and threw to third to catch Nadeau, but tho ball bounded over Rellly's head. Gorton was backing up the third guardian, and he, too, missed the ball. Nadeau eaw this. Ho also saw that the plate was un guarded. He never stopped when he reached third., and for his headwork he gets a stolen base and a run. This was "the end of the rungettlng, but It was enough and to spare. "Raldy was at his old station at short, and the gap that Oakland found there Fri day was closed up and sealed. Six chances came his way. four were mit-oUts and two were assists, which were handled without -a skip or a break. Andrews was another busy person, and Jay handled six or the seven chances which came his way very cleverly. Some wise guy took the Oakland crew into his confidence and told them that if they would plant their swats toward Jay they would capture the game hands down. Last night Pete Lohman was looking for the chap with a. bundle of swear words that would have scorched him. The score: PORTLAND. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Hurlburt r. f.......... 5 2 2 1 0 0 Van Buren, c f. 4 11 2 0 1 Nadeau,-' L f. 2 3 1 0 0 0 Andeison. 2b 3,0 2 1 1 0 Andrews, 3b 4 0 1 4 4 0 Messerly, lb 2 0 1 15 1 1 Raldy, s. s. 4 0 0 2 4 0 Hess, c 3 ' 0 0 Jl 0 1 Butte, p 4 0 0 0 4 0 Totals .31 "i "i ,27 14 9 OAKLAND, v A3. R. H. PO. A. E. O'Hara s.s. 1 1 l- 1 0 0 Rrashear, 3b 4 0 , 1 14 1 0 Baxter,- c f. 4-. 0 2 2 0 1 Murdock.. r. f. 4 0 -1 1 0 0 Mosklmon, s. s. 401 1 3 0 Kruger, 1. f. 4 0 0 2 1 Gorton, c. 4 1 2 1 1 0 Reilly, -3b .4-1-1 240 Croll, 2b 3 0 0 0 1 1 Lee, p. 3 0. ,0 0 4 0 Lohman - 1-0 0 ' 0 0 d Totals .....7. 36 3 ,9 24 14 3 Lohinan batted for -Lee In the ninth. -HITS" AND RUNS BY INNINGS. f- ' T-2 3V4 5 6 7 -8 9 Portland- 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 . 6 Hits V..3 0 2 0 0 1 2 0 -S Oaj&ahd -. 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 '03 Hits 2 0 0 1 4 .0 0 1 19 SUM MARX. Earned-ruhs--Poftland. 2; Oakland 2. Stolen bases Nadeau, 2. . Bases on balls-rOff Lee:2; off Butler. 1. . -Two-base -hits Hurlbdrt . O'Hara, Mos klmon., - . ' .. ; Three-base 'hit Hurlburt. Ddublo play-Raldy to Messerly to An drews. Left on bases Portland, "7; Oakland 7. Hit. by pitched ball Nadeau, 2. Sacrifice bit Hess. San. KraHcisco 3-7, Sacramento 2-5. SAN" FRANCISCO, Cal., July 19. The San Francisco team wrested second place In the league race from Sacramento by securing both of today's games from the Senators. The opening play brought out the greatest attendance of the season, over 10,000 people witnessing the contest. In the morning at Oakland the Senators energetically hammered Heir In the first inning, making three safe hits, but he was a puzzle thereafter." The 'Friscos had an uphill fight but won out In the seventh by timely hitting. In the afternoon game victory fluctuated f or the first half. The Issue was decided In the last of the sev enth, when Sacramento had a lead of one run and "Frisco had the turn at bat Leahy got a two-bagger and Lindsay a single. Krug was intentionally walked, and Kelly lined the ball to right, scoring two runs. Score: First game: R.H.E. San Francisco 0 0 0 0 0 210 3 6 0 Sacramento 2 0000000 02 6 ' 4 Batteries Herr and Leahy; Thomas and Hogan. ' Second game: R.H.E. Sacramento 1 0 310 0 0 0 05 10- 4 San Francisco 3 010 0 0 30 7 12 2 Batteries Cutter and Graham; Whalen and Leahy. Seattle B, Los Angeles -1. SEATTLE, Wash., July 19. Wheeler was put out of the game lh the fifth in ning today, and, because neither Hurlburt nor Newton could play first base, while Dillon tried takeover second, the locals made three runs In the fifth inning and won .. the game. Neither Corbett nor Hughes pitched up to form, and the game dragged through 2 hours and 15 minutes. Score: li , T XT TT! Seattle .... 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 5 7 6' Los Angelcs ,..2.:o 0 0 1 O'O 1 0 4 8 4 Batteries-rHughes and Boetteger; Cor bett and Spies, . ... - tlmplreHDopaid.- . ,' ". PACIFIC NATIONAL LEAGUE. .. Yesterday's Scores. , " Los ' jngel'ea,- 13-0; Salt 'Lake, 12-5. k ' Tacema, 0; Butte, 8. -Sen TrancJeco.'O; Helena;. 5, Spokane, 12; Seattle, "2. Standing of the Club. -Won. Lost Pr. ct Butte....: .....62 "30' .034 Los Angeles 52 32 .610 Spokane 47 35 .573 Seattle 40 33 .548 San Francisco 43 41 .612 Tacoma 34 48 .472 Helena .30 48 .385 Salt Lake 5 13 .278 PACIFIC NATIONAL LEAGUE. Spokane 12, Seattle 2. SPOKANE, Wash., July 19. Spokane bunched their hits on McCay this after noon in the eighth and ninth Innings and piled up eight runs. Carney was invinci ble, and allowed but five scattering hits. He struck out ten men. Score: , R.H.E. Spokane 1 0 010 2 0 3 512 16 0 Seattle 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 02 5 1 Batteries Carney and Hanson; McCay and Stanley. San Francisco 0, Helena' 5; HELENA, Mont. July 19. With the score 3 to 1 In favor of Helena in the third inning, Thompson caught a ball on his thumb, tearing his hand frightfully. Wiggs was then put In the box without having warmed up, and a wild pitch al lowed the visitors to tie the score. War ner's decisions gave the game to the vis itors in the fifth and sixth. Score: San Francisco 0 0 3 11 10 0 06 S 6 Helena 0 3 00 COO 0 2-5 7 5 Umpires Borchers nnrf Zearfoss; Thompson, Wlggs and Carrlsch. Umpire Warner. Tacoma O, Butte 8. TACOMA, Washw July" 19. There was plenty .of exciting .stick work, today, the Tlgertown talent placing. Its allotment of hits to the-best advantage. .The affair was long drawn out. extending over two hours, the Butte, devoting half their time to kicking and the other half to playing ball. They had a chance In the ninth, when Runkle reached third with ope . out, but they could not get him home. Shaffer was fined and driven off the lot In the sixth by Umpire Mahaffey. In the second Bandelln ran Into Hutchinson, Injuring the latter's knee, so that he out ot the game several days. A running catch by -Lawler and Lynch's all-around work were the fielding features. Score: Butte 0 0 3 0 2 3 0 0 0 S 14 2 Tacoma .4 0 0 0 2 2 0 1 9 14 4 Batteries Bandelln and Swindells; Blew ett and Byers. Uirpire Mahaffey. Los Angeles 13-0, Salt Lake 12-8. SALT LAKE, Utah, July 19. Los An geles took both games from Salt Lake this afternoon by better all-around play ing. The locals clubbed the Angels hard enough to win In both cases, and in the first game had overtaken the visitors in the first half of.-the ninth. This game was lost on Davis error, which allowed "Dad" Clark to land tho winning run. The second game was a repetition of the first .The heat was too much for Um pire Coglan, and he retired at the end of the first game, the second being umpired by a player from each team. Attendance. 2000. Scores: Firat game: . R.H.E. Los Angeles 3 2024010 113 15 4 Salt Lake 2 010 0 0 0 5 412 18 8 Batteries A. Hildebrand, Thatcher and H. Hildebrand; Helsman, Stopher and An derson. Umpire Coglan. Second nunc: R.H."R Los Angeles 2 0 0 2 2 0 3 0-09 15 8 Salt Lake 0 10 0 0 0 0 3 4-8 9 7 Batterlee-Stricktett snd Hildebrand; Parrott. Jensen ad Aderson. Umpire's Tom Kelley and A. Hildebrand. TAKES ST. PAXIL INTO CAMP. Oregon City Team Makes Great Slanghter of Visitors. ' OREGON CITY, Or.. July 19. (Special.) The crack team of St Paul was not In the game for a minute this afternoon when It went .up against the Oregon City nine at Canemah (Park. By a score of 17 to 4 the locals captured the game after knocking Cdstello, one of the visitors' pitchers, out of the box. Ed Fields um pired the game, which was characterized by a home run by tJharles Giles and the heavy stickwork of E. Catiff. Each team made three errors. Only five strike-outs were made, Letto landing three. The bat teries were Letto and Kreltz, for Oregon City, and Costello. Chououette and Hagln, for St Paul. A river excursion from Dayton and intermediate points brought about 300 people. Increasing the number of spectators to 500. The score: R H Oregon City 10521260 17 19 St Paul 0020 000204 6 Eagene Defeats -Salem. EUGENE, July 19. (Special.) The Sa lem team went down to defeat again to day In one of the most interesting games of the season. The star play was by Shonalfan, when he muzzled a long fly to center field and threw to home plate and put out the runner. Somers, In, the box, did his usual good work. Score: R.H.E.I R.H.E. Salem 3 7 2 j Eugene 5 8 1 Umpire Turner. - ... . Albany Loses to Roscbnrg. ALBANY, Or., July. 19. (Special.) Al bany lost- to Roseburg again today on a score of 3 to 4. As usual, the local team lost on errors. Score: . R.H.E: " R.H.E. Albany ........3 9 3Rosebufg 4 ,8 1 Eatteries Roseburg, Kostal and White; Albany, Mclnnl? and Brademier. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Standing of the dabs. Won. Lost P.C. Pittsburg 53 21 .688 New York 46 28 .622 Chicago 46 33 .5S2 Cincinnati 41 35 .539 Brooklyn , 37 35 .507 St Louis 31 33 .449 Boston 30 44 .405 Philadelphia 23 54 .299 St. Lonln 5, Brooklyn 4. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. July 19. St Louis won an up-hill, ten-Inning game from Brook lyn today. In the early stages It looked as though Brooklyn would win hands down, but the local team rallied In the eighth and tied the score by batting in two - runs. In the tenth- inning a double by Smbot and Gadclay's single, after two were out. settled the game In the local's favor. Attendance. 9174. Score: RHE RHE St Louis 5 6 2Brooklyn 4' 8 4 Batteries M. O'Neil and J. O'Nell; Jones and Rltter. Umpire O'Day. Chicago 8, Pittsbnrg 5. CHICAGO, July 19. The locals won to day's game by clever playing. They bat ted Doheny hard, ran bases cleverly and took advantage of every mfeplay. Pitts burg could do nothing with Taylor until after the game had been practically won by Chicago. Attendance, 11,500. Score: RHE! RHE Chicago 8 11 2 Pittsburg 5 9 1 Batteries Taylor and Kllng; T. Doheny and Weaver. Umpire Moran. Cincinnati 0-7, Philadelphia 5-4. CINCINNATI. O., July 19. Cincinnati easily took both games from Philadelphia today. Both of the visiting pitchers were hit hard and frequently. The second game was called In the seventh inning to give the Philadelphlans time to catch their train. Dqnlin was hit on the hand by a pitched ball and had to retire from the game. Attendance, 6000. Score: First game - RHE RHE Cincinnati.... 914 4PhlladelphIa.. 5 6 3 Battferles Poole and Bergen; Dugleby, Rothla'nd Dooln. Umpire Johnstone. Second game J-V RHE! RHE Cincinnati...., 711 0 Philadelphia.. 4 8 3 Batteries Suthoff and .Bergen; Frazer and Dooln. Umpire Johnstone. Schlllers Defeated, 12 to 5. The Vancouver baseball team defeated the Schlllers on the Vancouver diamond by a score of 12 to 5 yesterday afternoon. Manager Bert Mott, of the Schlllers, had but three of the regular men on the team. making the victory an easy one for tho Vancouver men. j George Lawrence Team Wins. FOREST GROVE, Or.. July 19. (Spe cial.) The game of baseball played here today between the George Lawrence team, of Portland, and the Washington County Club, resulted In a score of 6 to 5 In favor of the visiting nine. -SPORTSMEN SHOOT BLUEROCKS. Harry Ellis Makes High. Score W. AV. Caldwell Wins Inninn Medal. Harry Ellis made the highest score, with 92 birds, at the blucrock shoot yesterday. and W. W. Caldwell won the Inman dia mond medal shoot. J. E. Culllson broke 6 birds, one of the best records made during the day, and Will Llpman defeated W. E. Carlon in a close and Interesting 50-blrd match. Nnvahoe Wins Yacht Race. DEAL, England, July 19. The handi cap yacht race from Heligoland , to Deal, which was started last Thursday after noon at 3 o'clock, was completed today. The Navahoe finished first the Comet was second and the Empress' yacht Iduna third. Emperor William's Meteor and the Theresa also started. New York ana Chicago Races. Direct wires. Commissions accepted. Portland Club. 130 Fifth street - "That bathing suit Is quite a creation, Isn't It?" "well, it s nearly a. creation made out of almost nothlnR!" Puck. . . We perspire a pint a day without knowing it; ought to; if not,-there's trouble ahead. The ob structed skin becomes sallow or breaks out in pimples, fhe trouble goes deeper, but this is trouble enough. K you use Pears' Soap, no matter how often, the skin is clear and soft and .open and clear. Sold all over the world. Pears DROWNED FROM SAILBOAT TWO WOMEN AND A MAX MEET DEATH AT EVERETT. Inexperienced at Sailing, They Let Boat Get Into Eddy and. Capsize - All Sink Before Help Comes. EVERETT, Wash.. July 19. By the cap-- sizlng of a sailboat in the harbor here at 4:30 this evening. Miss Nina E. Solomon, an operator at the local office of the Sunset Telephone &. Telegraph Company; Miss Edna Warner, a, school teacher, and P. G. Foster, an insurance agent were drowned. The police worked until a late hour trying to recover ' the bodies, but were unsuccessful, and dynamite will be used early In the morning at low tide. A boy who saw the accident from the Jetty, 200 yards away, started to the rescue In a rowboat . but all three went down just before he reached the spot and did not rise. " The place is regarded as unusually dangerous, on account of an eddy formed by the river current A similar- accident occurred - at the . same place about a year ago, when three young peo ple were lost. Miss Solomon and Miss Warner were each 21 years of age. Foster was about 45. All three were well known In this city; Foster is supposed to have been an inexperienced sailor, as the main sheet was found lashed when the boat was picked up. TO CHOOSE CUP-DEFENDER Trlnl Yacht Races Will Be Sailed Off Xewport Next Week. NEW LONDON. Conn., July 19. After a tempestuous night which the combined fleets of the New York and Eastern Yacht Clubs fortunately rode without serious accident yachtsmen spent the day In so cial calls among the fleet and trips ashore. The feature of the day was the meeting on board the Corsair of the America's cup committee and the regatta committee of the New York Yacht Club. At this meeting It was decided to have the trial races for the selection of the America's cup-defender against Shamrock III sailed off Newport during the week of July 27. This modification of the original plan, which extended the races over a period of nearly two weeks, was due to the re quest of the managers of the three big boats, who wish to have plenty of time. In case of their selection, to prepare for the cup races. On July 2S there will be a. race for all classes of the New York Yacht Club fleet On July 29 will come the second trial rape, on July 30 another regatta for the fleet, and on Saturday, August L the third and last trial race It is confidently ex pected by the members of the club that tho Reliance will prove sufficiently able to win all the trial races and be selected to defend the cup. Anything: to Avoid Shut-Ont. EUGENE, Or., July 19. (Special.) It has developed that the action of Captain Haynes, of the Salem team, in the ball game yesterday was not altogether pas sionate, but. that it was considered better to end the game that way than to play out the Inning and stand a clear shut-out The Salem team lost courage In the third Inning, and thereafter became an easy prey. The Eugene team took advantage of the opportunity and played steady ball, making one In each Inning for four straight and preventing the Raglans from coming around. The Salem captain was nettled by his disappointment, and saw a big line of"0s" on the score. He was joshed a good deal about getting the same usage he had handed to Albany and to Roseburg, so determined to have some kind of a row with the umpire and lose the game by forfeit, rather than by nine goose eggs. The opportunity came when Saunders attempted to make sec ond. Ordway was there with the ball, and had It on the football player, who threw himself with violence against the base man, knocking him ten feet from his place. The runner was called out, and then Haynes rushed In and demanded that the runner be given the base or he would not play. Umpire Vincent respond ed that the game was ended in a forfeit ure. The Salem people take their dlsap- Such as plies, nnement an teed. TnrTvn xtttv trntihiri -with nlsrht fulness, aversion to society, which deprive you of your handhood, UNFITS YC FOR BUSINESS OR MARRIAGE. MIDDLE-AG ED MEN, who from excesses and strains have lost their MAN1 BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES, Syphilis, Gonnorrhoea, painful, bloody urii Gleet Stricture, Enlarged Prostate, Bexuai oeblllty. varicocele. .Hydrocele, iudr ana Liver Troubles, cured without MERCURY AND OTHER POISONOUS DRUC rnt-trrVi ntirt "Rheumatism CURED. Dr. Walker's methods are regular and scientific. He uses no patent nostrui or rpftdv-mada Drenarations. but cures the disease by thorough medical treatmej His New Pamphlet on Private Diseases trouble. PATIENTS cured at nome. plain envelope. Consultation free and sacredly confidential. Call on or address DR. WALKER, 181 First Street. Corner Yamhill, Portland, POSITIVE CURE NO tain as you original dissolves duces tne der and orates ana part of the OUR CANCER CURE We have secured tho services of a nao remarKaoie success in curing, to worst cases or cancers, his treatment is original ana painless, without use ofi knife. Hundreds of testimonials from people In neighboring towns and In thlsl are on nie at our omce or cancers removea. witn no sign of return. HJs v ment removes the cancer and all affected tissues, restoring It asrain to a. he growth. Several cases are now under. treatment at our offices, and any one sul lng. from this dread disease is invited to call and consult this doctor. I Only CURABLE cases taken. Persons reading this ad. should send it to d one surtering irom cancer, xne cancers does notning eise, ana nas aosoiuie ana comintr for treatment Dr. Billington Is known in California, Washington, Idaho and Oregon, in al wnicn states ne naa succeeaca in accoarpusmrig sqme remarKaoie cures of ca nciucuiuei, iiu uucu uui use tuts Jiiiiie. Wealso cure to stay cured forever sociarea diseases ana weaicnesses. It you cannot call at our office, treatment by correspondence Is always confidential, and we give each patient promise. Hours!) to S; Sundays, 10 to 12. ST. LOUIS DISPENSAI SECOND AND YAMHILL polntment- with reason, and are lool forward, to winning the remaining: Travis Af?ain Golf Charapiexu CHICAGO, July 19. Walter J. Trai holder of the National amateur championship title in 1900 and 1901, defe ed Louis N. James, present holder of title, by four up and two to play, 1b 36-hoIe match at Glenvlew links too In the morning Travis made the course 77, finishing nine up on James. Ja picked up wonderfully In the afterno and won back five holes. On the eal match Travis won 14 holes. James 11, and 11 were halved. Mr. Looney Elucidates. Writing from Tangent, Or., concern a recent neighborhood jangle, W J Looney writes as follows; "The rent due Franks by Hartman. been due two days. Hartman stood re; to lift this debt but neglected It a si cient time for Franks to run an att ment and throw the costs on HartmJ which ha did, and, as there was an grudge existing between them, it simply a Diece of SDite work. Mrs. He man did take a buggy whip and Franks over tho head and hands at lc four or five blows. Mrs. Looney, be present, called on Mrs. Hartman to slst which she did. At this mox Franks pulled a revolver out of his pocket. Mrs. Hartman said: Ydu better out that ud. which ho did. Immediately started for Albany, exclai lng that he would have Mrs. Hart l arrested. Mrs. Hartman was somew Irritated at the attachment proceedl but the real cause of the horse-whlpj was his insulting conduct" Veternn Fire Chief Killed. LOUISVILLE. July 19. Major Edwl Hughes. Louisville's veteran fire was run over and killed today at nooi a trolley-car. Major Hughes was on the best-known fire chiefs in the cq and had been at the head of the" ville fire department for 25 years,'- recently, when he was retired' on pay was a picturesque character and had a fire-fighter for more than 50 yearsi 1 Ceased Durin Fainting Spells. Revived by Artifici; R.espiration. Dr. Miles' Heart Cua Cured Wife. Fainting spells are a sure indication ol weak heart 1 ne heart cannot do the w4 required of it and stops beatinr. It it cea for more than a minute death ensues, Yd hearts must have aid from the outside, stl as Dr. Miles Heart Cure alone can eivc I is a heart tonic It regulates the. pulse, riches the blood and improves the drculati "For two years my wife was in very p j health. At first her back troubled hea great deal, then she had shortness of brel and irreeulanty ot the penods. lhe in her back erew worse and extended to connection of the soinal cord at the base the brain and from there to her heart A had two very bad sinkine spells, when nain in her heart was most intense and Breath stqpped. The second time we haJ resort to aruhcial respiration, to revive i We were advised to crive Dr. Miles Cure a trial and I bought a bottle and bej giving it as airecteo. we xouna tne t were too stronc so I pave fter-fca&I three times a day. and she beean to imnl After she had taken two bottles thep were all gone and she was teelmg like a ; woman. She continued the Heart Con small doses for several months and fs ll enjoying better health than for the pastj years. au J. 1HOMPSON, JJept Cot Uerk, iuamath v. CaL All druepists sell and guarantee first 1 tie Dr. Miles' Remedies. Send for free b I on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Add Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind. Breat TWENTY YEARS OF SUCCE! ney and stomach disorders, constipation, dlarrnod dropsical swellings, iirlght's disease, etc KIDNEY AND URINARY Complaints, painful, difficult, too frequent, milky bloody urine, unnatural discharges speedily cured. DISEASES OF THE RECTUM fistula, fissure, ulceration, mucous al .bloody discharges, cured without the knife, pain otr DISEASES OP MEN Blood poison, gleet stricture, unnatural losses, 11 potency, tnorougniy cured. Xso taiiure. cures guj emissions, dreams, exhausting drains, ba sent free to all men who describe thl xerms reasonaoie. au letters artswerea Urethral Obstruction Cm CUTTING NO PAIN CURED ' TO STAY CURED It matters not how long you have suffered urethral obstruction, or how many different dol have disappointed you. we will cure vou Just asl cQme to us for treatment. We will ti-l It by cutting or dilating. . Our cure is new eni wun us and perfectly painless. It complj urethral obstruction and permanently! moves every obstruction, allays all Inflammation! prostate eland, cleanses and heals the kldneys when Irritated or congested, i restores health and soundness to b0dy affected by the disease. cancer specialist Dr. C. Billington, who! stay cureo. ior tne past ntteen years,! are attended only by the specialist personal cnarge and care ot all cancer i VARICOCELE, BLOOD POISON and all write us your symptoms fully. Our successful. Our counsel is free and sac a legal contract In writing to hold for! Address all letters to STREETS. PORTLAND. OR.