THE MORNING OEEGONIAN. TUESDAY, JULY 7, 1903. 13 MARKET HOLDS UP Potato Prices Maintained at San Francisco. WITH HEAVY QREGOH RECEIPTS Orchard Frnit In Demand for Ship, ment to Portland Damage to California Wheat Crop as Reported. SAN FRANCISCO. July C. (Special.) The potato market holds up well .under heavy re :eipts from Portland. The old Oregon bur banks received by the steamer Elder Bold for leed purposes at previous prices. New po tatoes are quieter and -weaker on account it the abatement of the Eastern demand. The grain market reopened stronger, -with reports of considerable damage to- the Cali fornia wheat crop by the recent dry, hot winds. Barley and oats were firm on light receipts. Flour -was firm. Bran "was easy. Hay was weak on larger arrivals. The fruit market., was moderately active -with peaches, apricots, plums and figs very plenti ful at weak prices. Hard shipping stock was la moderate request for tomorrow's steamer jfor Portland. Strictly fancy cherries were scarce and higher. No. 1 Bartlett pears were In moderate supply and steady; and No: 2 abundant and weak. Seedless grapes were lower under larger receipts. Melons were steady and selling well. Extra fine ' berries were firmer. Mexican limes were steady, despite, liberal arrivals. Lempns were In ample supply and only choice stock was wanted. Oranges were dull owing to poor quality. No auction sale of citrus fruits was held. Bananas and pine apples were in good supply and easy. Onions were unchanged. Nearly all kinds of miscellaneous vegetables were weaker on larger arrivals. Domestic poultry was quiet and nominal. Two carloads of Eastern were on sale. Butter and eggs were steady for best grades and -weak lor general offerings. Cheeso was steady. Hi celpts, for three days, butter 117,000 pounds; cheese. 51,000 pounds; eggs, 57,000 dozen. VEGETABLES Cucumbers, 35c$1.25; gar lic, 23c; green peas, 3fi4c; string beans, 2 4c; asparagus, 75c$2.50; tomatoes, 50c$2; on ions. 35275c; egg plant, 7Sc BUTTER Fancy creamery, 24c; do seconds, 22c; fancy ranch, 22c; do seconds, 19c EGGS Store, 1516c; fancy ranch, 20c; East ern, 17lSc POULTRY Roosters, old. $503.50; do young. $8(210; broilers, small, $2.D03; do large, $3.50 4; fryers, $56; hens, $4.D0C; ducks, old, $3.504.50- do young, $45. "WOOL Spring, Humboldt and Mendocino, 18ff20a HOPS Crop of 1902. lSesOc MILLS TUFFS Bran, $23.5024.50; middlings, ?2628. HAT Wheat, $9.50312.50; wheat and oat, $0.50ffl2; barley. Sgi0.60; alfalfa, $8.5010; clover, ?810; straw, per bale, 4560c FRUITS Apples, choice, fl.25; do common, 25c; bananas, 75c?2.50; Mexican limes, $5.50 6; California lemons, choice, $2.50; do com mon, 75c; oranges, navels, 75c$2.50; pineap ples. $1 2.50. .- POTATOES Oregon Burbanks, $1.S01.75; new potatoes, flL50. Receipts Flour, 26,130 centals; wheat. 4770 centals; barley, 0837 centals; oats, 2320 centals; beans, 136 saks; corn, 375 centals; potatoes, 4850 sacks; bran, 3000 sacks; middlings, 350 sacks; hay. 1432 tons; wool, 89 bales; bides, C4S. PORTLAND MARKETS. .Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc Though the wheat market Is very quiet, there is a firm feeling here with the advance in the East and abroad. Oats and barley are steady and unchanged. WHEAT tValla "Walla, 7576c; bluestem, 75c. Valley, 77f78c FLOUR Valley, $3.80 per barrel; hard wheat etraights. $3.5533. CO; hard wheat patents, ?4.luu4.30: Dakota hard wheat. $4.105.2o; graham, $3.353.75; whole wheat, $3.553.90. BARLE Feed, $20 per ton; brewing. $21; rolled. $21.5062 OATS No. 1 white, $1.10; gray. $1.05 per cental. MILLSTCFFS Bran, $23 per ton; middlings, $27; shores. $23; chop, U. S. mills. $18. HAT Timothy, $2o; clover, nominal; grain, $17018 per ton; cheat, $1510. Butter, Eggm, Poultry, Etc The poultry market, has not opened et.. Egg receipts were moderate and the quotation was firmly maintained. Butter is unchanged with a tendency to weakness. BUTTER Fancy creamery, 2022Vc per pound; dairy, nominal; store, lOfcplic. A-uuiiiti cnicxens, mixed, loffllc per pound; Spring, l&jflTHc; hens, llllc; broil ers, $2i per dzen; turkeys, live, 15lCc per pound; dressed. IGSCISc; ducks, $453 5 per dozen; geese. $5Qu.50. CHEESE Full cream, twins, 1514c; Toung America, ioc; xaciory prices, lqjiftc less. EGGS Oregon ranch, 2021c Vegetables, Fruit, Etc The steamer stuff arrived in good condition and cleaned up well. A mixed car of fruit. peaches, rlums and apples arrived and of fered at slightly lower prices. No canta loupes were received, and only a few water melons came In. Cherries are firmer as re ceipts have been cut down because of rain. New red onions are again plentiful. VEGETABLES Turnips. $1.25 Der sack: carrots, Calliornla, $l.5u; beets, $1.4u per sack; cabbage, l&l&c; lettuce, head, 15c per dozen; parsiej, p-.r aozen, zoc; green artlcnokes, 85S40C per dozen; asparagus, Oregon, 40650c per dozen; California, $1.50 per box; cucum bers. $lfcl.25 per dozen; tomatoes, $2.25 per crate; cauliflower, $1.10 per dozen; Summer squash, $1 per box; beans, 5c; green cord, 35c per dozen. DRIED FRUIT Apples, evaporated, 64c per pound; sun dried, sacks or noxes, 6c; apri cots, 81ic; peaches, 59c; pears, 8g84c; prunes, Italian. 40 6c; ngs, California blacks, tic; do white, 7o; Smyrna, 20c; plums, pitted. 4fce&ha DOMESTIC FRUIT Gooseberries, 34c per pound; cherries, 36c per pound; apricots, $L15gl.25 per crate; new apples, ?1.25L60 per box; peaches, $1L25: cantaloupes. $44.50 per crate: watermelons, $3.504.60 per dozen plums. $1.25 per crate; pears, $1.50 per box: grapes, $L50 per crate. TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons. $304.60 per box; oranges, sweets, $2.25Q2.75; navels, $3.50; Valencias, $2.753.50; St. Michaels, $2.753.2a. giape fruit. $2.50 per box; ba nanas, 5c per pound; pineapples, $3.504 per dozen. POTATOES Oregon Burbanks, 75c$l per sack, growers prices; new potatoes, $1.75. RAISINS Loose Muscatel, 4-crown, 7c; 3 crown. 7Vic; 2-crown, 6&c; unbleached seedless Muscatel raisins, 7c; unbleached seedless Sul tans, 6c; London layers, 3-crown. whole .boxes of 20 pound r. $1.85: 2-crown. $1.75. HONEY 15c perNo. 1 frame, ONIONS New California reds. 90c$l per e&ck; silversklns, lUc per pound. y Hops, "Wool, Hides, Etc HOPS 1902 crop. 1718c per pound. TALLOW Prime, per pound, 45c; No. 2 and grease. 2&3c WOOL Valley. 1510c; Eastern Oregon, 11 15c: mohair, 3537V4c HIDES Dry hides, No. 1, 16 pounds and up. 1515Hc per pound; dry kip, Np. 1. 5 to. 15 pounds, 12c: dry calf. No. 1, under 5 pounds, 10c; dry salted bulls and stags, one-third less than dry flint; salted hides, sters. sound, 60 pounds and over. 89c; 50 to GO pounds, 7Sc; under CO pounds and cows, 7c: stags and bulls, sound, 5S54c; kip, sound. 15 to 20 pounds, 7c; veal, sound, 10 to 14 pounds. 7c; calf, sound, under 10 pounds. 8e; green (unsalted), 1c per pound less; culls, lc per pound less; horse' hides, salted, each. $1.50(2; dry, each, $11.50; colts' hides, each, 2550c; goat skins, common, each, 10 15c. Angora, with wool on. each. 25c$L Groceries, Nuts, Etc COFFEE Mocha. 262Sc; Java, fancy. 26 S2c; Java, good, 20&2lc; Java, ordinary. 160 20c; Costa Rica, fancy, 1620c; Costa Rica, good. l&QlSc; Costa Rica, ordinary, I012c per pound; Columbia roast. $10.75; Arbuckle's. $11 13 list; Lion. $11.13. SALMON Columbia River, 1-pound tails. $1.65 per dozen; 2-pound tails. $2.40; fancy 1-pound flats. $1.80; tt-pound flats, $1.10; Alaska pink, 1-pound tails, 75c J red, 1-pound talis, $L20; sockeye, 1-pound tails, $1.50; 1 pound flats, $1.C0. SUGAR Sack basis, per 100 pounds; cube $5.77H; powdered, 5.02tf; dry granulated. $5.62; extra C. $5.02; golden C, $4.92: less V4c per pound for spot cash. Advances over sack basis as follows: Barrels, 10c: half-bar rels. 25c; boxes. 50c per 100 pound. Maple. 15016c per pound. Beet sugar, granulated. $5.42 per 100 pounds. BEANS small wnite, c; large wnite, ; pinks. 4c: bayou. 4c: Lima, Be per pound. RICE Imperial Japan. No. 1, .$5.75: No. 2, $5.37: Carolina head, $7.76; broken bead, $4. NUTS Peanuts, 6c per pound for raw. &Q Sc for roasted: cocoanuts. 85 Q 00c per dozen: walnuts, I3rtj-.ic per pounu, pineauu, luirp 12c; hickory nuts. 7c; Brazil nuts. 16c; fil berts, 15?16c; fancy pecans, 17c; almonds, lljj 15c: chestnuts. 16c S ALT Liverpool. 50s. 45c ner sack: half ground, per ton. 50s. $14.50: 10os. $14; Worces ter .salt, bulk. 320s. $5 per barrel; linen sacks, 50s, S6c per sack; bales. 2s. 3s, 4s, 5s and 10, $2.10 per bale. KhtAT fcSAVJ.b.S in lOtS OI 100, OTCC aicata and Provisions. BEEF Gross steers, ?4g4.&0; dressed, GQ8c per pound. VEAL 77c per pound. MUTTON Gross, $3; dressed, 5Ce; lambs, gross, $3.50; dressed, 7c HOGS Gross, $5.50; dressed, 67c HAMS 10F 14 pounds.'1434c per pound; 140 16 poundi. 14c per pound: 1BQ20 pounds, 14 Vic; California (picnic), llc; cottage hams. HVic; Union hams, 4(20 pounds average, none; shoulders, lie; boiled ham, 20c; boiled picnic hams, boneless, 16c BACON Fancy breakfast, 20c: standard breakfast. 16c; choice, 16c; English breakfast bacon. 1114 pounds, 15c DRT SALT MEATS Regular short clears, 12Uc, 13c smoked; clear backs. HXc salt, 12; c smoked; Oregon exports, 2025 pounds average, 12c dry salt, 13c smoked; Union butts, 10018 pounds average, 9c dry salt, 1014c smoked. LARD Kettle rendered, tierces. llc; tubs, llc: 60s. llc: 20s. 12c; 10s. 12c Bs. 12c Standard pure; Tierces, 10ic; tubs. 11c; 5o, 11c: 20s. llKc; 10s, llc; J 5s, llc Conmound lard, tierces, 8c; tub. 8c SAUSAGE Portland, ham, 12c per pound; minced ham. 10c; Summer, choice dry, 17c; bologna, long, 8c; Wienerwurst. 9c: liver, 7c; pork, 10c: blood. 7c; headcheese, 7c; bologna sausage, link, 7c. PICKLED GOODS Portland, pig's feet, barrels. $5; hi barrels, $2.85; 15-pound kit. $1.25. Tripe. barrels. $5.50; hi barrels, $2.75; 15-pound kit. $1; pigs' tongues, barrel, $6; hi barrel. S3; 15-pound kit $1.23. Lambs tongues. barrel. $3.25; U barrel. $4.73: 15- pound kit. $2.25. Oils. COAL OIL Pearl or astral oil. cases, 22c per gallon; water white oil. Iron barrels, 15c; wood barrels, ISc: eocene oil. cases, 24c; elalne oil. cases. 27c; extra star, cases, 25c; headlight oil, x"5 degrees, cases, 24c; Iron barrels. 17c GASQLINE Stove gasoline, cases, 24c; iron barrels, 18c: 80 degrees gasoline, cases, 23e; Iron barrels, 22c BENZINE 63 degrees, cases, 22c; iron bar rels, 16c LINSEED Boiled, cases, 66c: barrels, 51c: linseed, raw. cases, 54c: barrels, 49c; lots of 250 gallons, lc less per gallon. TURPENTINE Cases. 70c; wood barrels, 66c; iron barrels. 64c; 10-case lots. G9c LEAD Collier Atlantic white and red lead In lots of 500 pounds or more. 6c; less than 600 pounds. 6c EASTERN LIVESTOCK. Prices Current at Chicago, Omaha and Kansas City. CHICAGO, July 6. Cattle. Receipts, 23,000. Including 1500 Texans; dull and 10c lower; good to prime steers, $4.80tfj5.4O; poor to medium, $3.90-4.65; stockers and feeders, $2.50 04.40; cows, $L50g"3.95; heifers. $2.254.25; canners. $L5O02.75; bulls, $2.0034.00; calves, $2.505.75; Texas fed steers, $3.254.35. Hogs Receipts today, 29.000: tomorrow, 20. 000; left over, 4000: steady to 5c lower: closed weak; mixed and butchers. $5.703.90; good to choice heavy, $5.70S5.80; rough heavy, $5.40ff5;65; lights. $5.70?C00. Sheep Receipts, 16,000; sheep strong: lambs strong. Good to choice wethers, $3.754.25; fair to choice mixed, $3.003.75; "Western sheep, $2.5024.15; native lambs, $3.60$6.40. OMAHA, July 6. Cattle Receipts. 2700. Market steady, easier; native steers, $4,250 5.25; cows and heifers, $2.504.25; cannen, $305.50; 6tockcrs and feeders, $2.7594.25. Hogs Receipts. 25,000. Market 15c higher; heavy. $5.5005,60; mired. $5.605.57; light, $5.555.60; pigs. $5.255.55; bulk of sales, $5.50 5.57. Sheep Receipts, 1700. Market steady. "West erns, $44.50; wethers, $3.704.25; ewes, $4.25 4.50: common and stockers, $23.50; lambs, $3.755. KANSAS CITT, July a Cattle Receipts, COOO, including 1500 Texans; slow, steady; na tive steers. $305.10; Texas and Indian 6teer, $3.70,4; Texas cows. $2.403.20; native cows and heifers. $34.35; stockers and feeders. $2.754.50; bulls, $2.254.50; calves, $2.6306; "Western steers, $3.75lff-4.00; "Western cows, $2.75g;3.35. Hogs Receipts. 10,000; market slow, about steady; bulk of sales. $3.655.70; heavy, $5.03' 65.70; packers, $5.655.70; medium, $.70 5.75; light, ' $5.60.85; Torkers, $5.75 5.85; pigs, $5.405.76. Xerr Yorlc Cotton Market. NEW TORK. July 6. The cotton market became very active and sensationally weak to day, shortly after its firmer opening under heavy selling, said to have originated with the New Orleans bulls. August, which opened at lg.83c, was forced down to 11.70c, a loss of 85 points. July cotton sold at 11.75c, and Septembei at 10.70c; a loss of 79 points from the opening. The excitement was Intense, and at the first indication of pool liquidation local buyers started hammering the list vigorously. In the last hour the market again became very actl-e and excited under renewed liquida tion and heavier realizing. September and December closed easy at a decline. Total sales of futures estimated at 800,000 bales. Spot closed quiet, C5 points lower; mid dllngrOiplands. 12.10c; middling. Gulf. 12.35c Sales, 3100 bales. Futures, July, 11.75c; Au gust, 11.61c; September. 10.71c; October, 10c; November, 0.74c; December, 9.71c; January, 9.C9c; February. 9.62c; March. 9.61c Metal Markets. NEW TORK. July 6. Spot tin was 5s 5d lower in London as compared with the quota tions of last Friday, the present price being 126 10s, while futures were 5s lower at 123 12s Od. Locally, tin was quiet but lower, spot closing at $27.75g28.00. Copper declined 2s Cd on spot in London, where that position closed at 56 5s. while fu tures there were unchanged at 56. Locally, copper was quiet and nominally lower. Lake and electrolytic are quoted at $1414.25 and casting at $13.5014.00. Lead declined Is 3d In London to 11 12s 6c, while herr It was unchanged at $4.12. Spelter advanced 6s In London to 20 15s, but was lower here at $61.12. Iron closed at 52s Cd In Glasgow and at 46s 64 In Mlddlesboro. Locally Iron was. nomi nally unchanged. No. 1 foundry Northern is quoted at $19.50020; No. 7 foundry Northern at $18.5019; No. 1 foundry Southern and No. 1 foundry Southern, soft, at $1&19.50. Warrants are nominal. Mining: Stocks. SAN FRANCISCO. July 6. The official Ing quotations for mining stocks today as follows: Clos- wero .$0.14 . 1.30 . 34 . 1.75 . 36 . 38 . 20 . 14 . 74 . 1.00 . 23 . 83 Andes ..$0.15 Justice Mexican ....... Occidental Con. Ophlr Overman Potosl Savage Belcher 50 Best & Belcher.. 2.00, Bullion 6 Caledonia 1.40 Challenge Con ... Chollar Confidence Con. Cal. & Va.. Con .Imperial ... Crown Point Gould & Curry.. Hale & Norcroes. 55 25 1.35 'Seg. Belcher.... l.GOjSlerra Nevada . 6 Union Con. .... 27) Utah Con. 42;Tellow Jacket . 78 NEW TORK, July 6. Closing quotations: Adams Con. ....0.10 (Little Chief $0.06 Alice 23 Ontario .. 6.00 .. 1.65 .. 08 .. 27 .. 20 .. 72 .. 25 .. 2.50 Breece 15 (Ophlr Brunswick Con. 03; Phoenix Comstock Tun.. 07 Potosl Con. Cal. & Va. 1.50 j Savage Horn Silver.... 1.00 (Sierra Nevada Iron Sliver 1.23 Small Hopes . Leadville Con.. 02 I Standard ..... BOSTON, July 6. Closing quotations: Adventure .... Allouez Amalgamated . Bimrham ...... Cal. & Hecla.. Centennial . . . , Copper Range . Daly-West .... Dominion Coal. $ 4.37Osceola $35.50 5.75 x-arrot 21.00 Oulncv nr ev C2.75 26.50 360.00 18.75 53.75 42.50 Santa Fe Copper 1.50 Tamarack 105.00 Trimountaln .... 66.00 Trinity 5.25 United States .. 21.50 Utah 2S.50 102.00 Franklin , 8.50 Isle Royale .... Mohawk Old Dominion.. 7.00 f3 .501 Wolverine ....II 67.00 Coffee and Ssgar, NEW TORK, July 6,-Tbe market for coffee futures opened steady at unchanged prices to an advance of 5 points under slightly higher European cables, but turned easier as a re sult of the continued full movement In the primary points and. tho increase of 43.330 bags in the world's visible supply, and closing quiet at net unchanged prices. Sales were 11,500 bags, including July at $3.65; September at 3.8003.85; November at $3.85t; December, $4.30; January at $4.35: March at $4.45; April at $4.50; May at ,$4.6534.00. Spot Rto. quiet'. No. 7 Invoice, 5 3-16c; mild, quiet; Cordova, 7llc Sugar Raw, quiet: fair refining, 8c; centri fugal 96 test. 33 9-lGc; molar sea eugar, 2X2fcc; refined, quiet. DRIFT IS DOWNWARD STOCK PRICES EASY OS SMALL AG GREGATE OF BUSINESS. Dallness Is Attributed to Interest Taken In Cotton Speculation Set tling; of Money Rates. NEW TORK, July 6. Thero Is very little to be said of today's stock market, which showed no larger aggregate of transactions than last Friday. The few members present oh the floor were almost wholly idle and tho trading was inconsequential. There was an aim less drift of prices downward throughout and finally yielding, making tho closing easy, but the average level was at no time far away from last week's closing. Part of the, dull ness was attributable to a diversion of specu lative Interest in the cotton market. Wall street was reported to have made Important operations in that market during the day, putting out short lines, and It was supposed contributing to the eharp break In that mar ket. The settling of call money rates marked the passing of the temporary demand for the July 1 settlement. This failed to stimulate the demand for funds for speculation In stocks. Supplies of money today are abundant and there is little difficulty in securing time loans for short orders, but the demand for anything less than six months loans Is merely nominal. For loans carrying over the end of the year, there Is an active Inquiry, but lenders are indisposed to put out funds freely for the longer periods. In view of the present light demand fcr money and the continuing reflux of funds to the market, the day's rumors of further gold exports failed to disturb senti ment, although the announcement of $2,000,0u0 engaged was not made until after the mar ket closed. Beside the normal returns of funds for dividend disbursements, the sum of $420, 000 was paid out by the sub-Treasury on tele graph ordors from San Francisco In payment for Klondike gold, thus marking the beginning of the Inflow from that source, which will be a substantial means of recuperation for the domestic money supply from this time on. Tho weekly railroad statistics which are compiled at Chicago showed the general mer chandise movement well sustained In spite of the falling off In the grain movement. The very heavy Immigrant transportation is given as an Important factor in the sustained rate returns of the traffic of the West. The regu lar eamlnfs also made some flattering show ings, but the only stock to respond appreciably was of Norfolk & Western. That road's earn ings for the fourth week In June showed an increase over the same period of last year of $258,204, or 60 per cent. A number of coalers, Southwesterns and Great Northern afeo showed large increases In gross earnings. On the other hand, the Norfolk & Western's report of net earnings for May showed a small re mainder of the Increase In gross earnings, owing tc increasing operating expenses, and D. & "R. G. net earnings for the same period showed a decrease of over 23 per cent. The day's weakness in sugar was presumably duj to the unstable market for Its product. Smelt ing was weakened by Its strike and Amalga mated Copper was cold apparently on doubu over the trade prospects. Advances In Col orado Fuel and Tennessee Coal were unex plained. The bond market was exceedingly dull and irregular. Total sales, par value. $1,100,000. United States 2s advanced per cent and the 3s and old 4s hi per cent "on the last call. O II 3 STOCKS. Atchison do pfd Baltimore & Ohio do pfd Canadian Pacific Central of New Jersey Chesapeake t Ohio .... Chicago & Alton ...... do pfd Chicago Great West.... do li pfd Chicago & Northwest.. Chi. Term & Trans do pfd C C, C. & St. L Colorado Southern .... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Delaware & Hudson .. DeL, Lack. & West.... Denver & Rio Grande.. do pfd Erie do 1st pfd............ do 2d pfd Groat Northern pfd Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central .......... do pfd Kansas City Southern.. do pfd 17,200' 370 5C0j L450 C8HJ S6?s 67! 92 I 5 68 92 86 93 124 169 38 26 66 10 35 170 13 24 . 87 17 El 173 124!l24 100 169 j 169 2,180 100 385 38 26 26i 2.000 10s 19 2W 810 36sl SU 170 168 173i 1 252 29 Z5 S3 68 67 no 81 88 133 27 4B 43 110 83 33 67 60S 804 60S 133 Louisville & Nashville. 900 025 110 8o66 1" "? Manhattan L Metropolitan St. Ry. 137 122 103 136 j 138 122 Minn. & St. Louis Missouri Pacific SL. K. & T do pfd , National of Mexico.... do pfd New Tork Central .... Norfolk & Western do pfd Ontario & Western Pennsylvania P., C, C & SL L Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfa.... ...... Rock Island do pfd St, L. & San Fran do 1st pfd, do 2d- pfd St. Louis Southwestern. do pfd St. Paul do pfd Southern Pacific Southern Railway .... do pfd Texas & Pacific Tel., St. Louis & West. do pfd Union Pacific do pfd Wabash do pfd Wheeling & Lake Erie. Wisconsin Central .... do pfd Express companies Adams American United States "Wells-Fargo Miscellaneous Amalgamated Copper .. 103 40 20 41 126 ss 6501 2,100j ""366 14,840 127 127 65 u 259i 25; 12a 125 iH5 712 52 82 09 34 72 71 73 61 17 17,350 62 70! "51 100 70 34 53 312 100 18 18 600 S9 38 6,000 320 1.300 500 161 100 177 (150 177! SKI 49 24 49 23 88 29 24 43 n 24 21 20 41 200 29 SB 11.800 S2 Sl 500 2,500 24 24 44 2.400 21 42 20 41 300 221 183 110 190 53 38 89 10 33 23 3t 91 57 192 176 15 67 43 i5 39 16 84 27 98 53 87 P 79 52 9 f3 49 33,100 53 89 52 Amer. Car & Foundry 600 oo pfd American Linseed Oil, do pfd American Locomotive., do pfd Amer. Smelt & Ref... do pfd Amer. Sugar Ref , Anaconda Mining Co. . , Brooklyn Transit .... Col. Fuel & Iron , Col. i& Hock. Coal...., Consolidated Gas ...... General Electric International Paper ... do pfd International Pump .. do pfd National Biscuit National Lead North American .. . Pacific Mall People's Gas ......... Pressed Steel Car do pfd Pullman Palace Car.... Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd Tcnn Coal & Iron..... United States Leather. do pfd United States Rubber.. do pfd 100 8S 715 90 90! 13,400 i 93 121 87 43H 338 92 460 300 3.775 2,400 550 870 110 bi B8! 57 B3 17 1P2 "lb" 17 ""ooo 'is 63 384 67! 100 600 98 93 53 210 'VV 52 125 210 "ioo 74 79 600 -79 600 200 53 9 62 8 200: 49 49 United States Steel.... 8,800 30 30i 30 do pfd Western Union .... 9001 81 81j 81 84 Total sales for the cay, 174,500 shares. BONDS. U. S. ref. 2s reg.l06;Atchlon adj. 4s.. do coupon 106 jC. & N. W. cn. 7s. U. S. 3s reg 107iD. & R. G 4s do coupon 10SNor. Pac 3s U. S. new 4b reg.l35 dd 4s do coupon 135 South. Pac 4s,.., U. S. old 4b reg..UOunIon Pac 4s .... do coupon 110: West Shore 4s.... U. S. 5s reg 102 Wisconsin Cen 4s. do coupon 102 Stocks in London. LONDON. July C Consols for money, consols for account. 92 0-16. 89 130 97 71 101 87 100 ! 89 02; & . 02 26 Anaconda 4INorfolk West... Atchison C9! do pfd do pfd ......... f5t Ontario & W'est.. Baltimore & Ohio 87! Reading Canadian Paclflc.127! do 1st pfd Chea. & Ohio.... 39j do 2d pfd .. Chi. Gt. West.... 109; South. Railway... C. M. & St. P.. 154 do pfd D. & R. G 25 South, Pacific .... do pfd 83 Union. Pacific Erie 34 j do pfd do 1st pfd C9jU. S. Steel do 2d pfd ..... 55 do pfd , 10 41 24 90 60 83 M 31 S3 2001174 '"i00 '29 113 83 7.200 34 2,100 68k 400 67 ""400 81 250 80! 300 134 lit. Central.. lS6!PennsylvanhL .... 64 Loula & Nash. ...114 jWabash 25 M.. K. & T 22 do pfd 45 Money, Kxcnaage, Etc NEW TORK. July a Money On call, easier at 13 per cent, closing offered lpr cent; time money, steady; CO days, 3 per cent; 90 days, 4 per cent; six months, 5 per cent; prima mercantile paper, 65 per cent. Sterling exchange steady at $4.87354.8740 for demand, and at $4.65154.5425 for 60 days' bills; posted rates. $4.864.S6 and $4.63; commercial bills, $4.83. Bar silver 57c Mexican dollars 41c. Bonds Governments, strong; state, easier. SAN FRANCISCO, July C-Sllver bars. 52c Mexican dollar 41c Drafts sight. 2c; (drafts, telegraph. 6c Sterling on London. CO days, $I!S5; sterling on London, sight, $4.87. LONDON. July 6. Bar silver. Arm. 24d per ounce. Money 11 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills is 2 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for 3-months bills is 2 per cent. Hank Clearings. Clearings. Balances. Portland $664,090 $ 55,000 Seattle - 911.217 161, liO Tacoma 346,374 32.486 Spokane 632,000 36,500 Gold For Export. NEW TORK, July a Gold, amounting to $2,000,000, has been engaged for shipment to Europe tomorrow. Laxard Freres will ship $1,500,000, and Goldman, Sachs & Co., $500,000. Daily TreasHry Statement. WASHINGTON, July 6. Saturday's Treasury statement shows: Available cash balances .'.$232,779,851 Gold v 104.191.390 BULLISH FEELING IX WHEAT. Prices Strong: Throngaont the Day at Calcaso. CHICAGO, July 6. A reaction occurred to day In wheat, and, although trading was quiet. prices were strong throughout the entire ,sfs 8 Ion. The opening was higher on a sharp ad vance In the July option at Liverpool and on the rather discouraging foreign advices, the reports from Russia being quite bullish. Sep tember was up to c at 7575c at the start, and with a good commission house de mand and Uttlo for sale, the market became steadier, September advancing to 7575c. Later the offerings became freer and much of the early gain was lost, September declining to 7575c, but during tho last hour the buying was renewed and the market again advanced. After selling up to 76c, Septem ber closed o higher at 73c. A bullish sentiment pervaded the com pit and there was a good general demand the greater part of the day. After selling between 51c and 51c September closed lc higher at 51c Oats were also Influenced by the unfavorable crop reports from the country and active cov ering by local shorts, together with buying for Investment account, caused a strong market. September closed with a gain of 11C at 35c Trading in provisions was dull and prices ruled weaker under selling by outsiders. There was little support to tho market, although the strength In grains had some effect. September pork closed 10c lower, lard was off 1012c while ribs were down 15c The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. July (old) $0.76 $0.77 $0.76 $0.77 -Tnlv 7U. 77t'. TAIL TtI. July (new) 76 76 73 75 SO 60 49 77 7rtu Bept (old).... Sept (new).... 75 750? CORN. 50 60 49 OATS. 39 76 76 July as 60 8 49 Sep;t Deo July .... 40 33 35 38 3t Sept Dec 35 MESS PORK. July 15.55 15.55 15.50 15.55 Sept 15.85 15.05 15.77 15.80 LARD. July 8.10 8.15 8.10 8.12 Sept 8.37 8.37 8.30 8.30 Oct- m.v&27 8.27 8.20 8.22 SHORT RIBS. July 8.82 8.82 8.67 8.67 Sept a85 8.87 8.75 8.75 Oct 8.62 8.62 8.47 8.47 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Steady. Wheat No. 2 Spring, 77c; Jfo. 8. 7578c; No. 2 red, 7677c Corn No. 2. 50fl51c; No. 2 yellow, 50Q 51c Oats No. Z, 40c; No. 2 white, 41c; No. 3 white, S540c Rye No. 2, 60c Barley Good feedlnc 4244c; fair to choice malting. 47051c Flaxseed No. 1 Northwestern, $101.01; Mess pork $15.5015.55. Lord $8.1038.15. Short rlhs Sides (loose). $5.6535.70. Shoulders Dry salted (hoxed), $S.0038.12. Short clear sides (Boxed). $8.370. Clover Contract grade $11.5011.75. Receipts. Shloments. Flour, barrels 41.100' 22.500 Wheat, bushels 55,000 81.800 Cora, bushels 819,000 1,009,000 Oats, bushels 683,800 349.200 Rye. bushela 10.200 17,000 Barley, bushels 100,200 000 Grain and Produce at Nctt Tork. NEW TORK. July 6. Flour Receipts, 61, 655 bbls; exports, 28.003 bbls; quiet, but stead ier at old prices. Winter patents, $3.004.30; Winter straights, $3.65iS'3.85: Minnesota pat ents, $4.3564.65; Winter extras. $Z903.2O; Minnesota bakers, $3.5533.75; Winter low grades, $2.703. Wheat Receipts, 02,000: exports. 203,000; spot, market firm; No. 2. red, 83c ele vator, and 83c f. o. b. afloat: No. 1, North ern Duluth. 00 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, 9c f. o. b. afloat. Options wete quiet, but generally Arm today on decided strength In corn, a bullish Ohio state report, local covering, higher outside markets and light offerings. JThe close showed o net advance. July, S3383c closed, 83o; Sep tember, 7B80c closed 80c; December, SO S0c. closed 80c Hops Dull; state, common to choice, 1002, 1723c; 1001, 14017c; olds. 610c; Paclfle Coast. 1002, 1823c; 1001, 14lTc; olds, 50c Hides Steady; Galveston, 20 to 25 pounds. 18o; California, 21 to 25 pounds, 18c; Texas, dry, 24 to 30 pounds, 14c Wool Firm; domestic fleece, 2&ff32c Butter Receipts, 17,000 packages. Market steady. State dairy. 1620c; creamery, 18 20c Eggs Receipts. 13,300 packages. Market steady. Western seconds to extras, 16318c Grain at San Francisco. ' SAN FRANCISCO, July 6. Wheat-Strong. Barley Strong. Oas Quiet. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping. $1.321.35; milling, $1.40 1.45: barley, feed. $191.03; brewing. $1.10 01.12; oats. red. $1.07fJ1.20; white, $1,159 1.25; black. $1.051.15. Callboard sales: Wheat Strong; December, $1.30; cash, $1.35. Barley Strong: December, 83c Corn Large yellow, $1.251.27. Earosean Grain Markets. LONDON, July 6. Wheat Cargoes on pass age, quiet, but steady: English country mar kets quiet and steady. Imports into United Kingdom. 642.000 quarters of wheat, and .345, 000 barrels Of flour: wheat and flour on poah age to United Kingdom, 2,150,200 quarters; to Continent. 1,660,000 quarters. LrVERPOOL. July 6. Wheat Steady; No. 1. standard, California, 6s 6d to 6s 7d. Wheat and flour In Paris quiet. Visible Sapplr of Grain. NEW TORK, July C. The vliible supply of grain Saturday. July 4, as compiled by tho New Tork Produce Exchange, Is as tollows: Bushels. Decrease Wheat 15.070.000 1.488.000 Corn 7.218.000 1,251.000 Oats 4,534,000 201.000 Rye 670.000 27.000 Barley 446,000 , 60.000 Increase. Wheat at Tacoma. TACOMA. July 6. Wheat. Market steady; bluestem, 82c: club, 78c Dairy Predace at Chicago. CHICAGO, July 6. On the Produce Ex change today, the butter market was steady; creameries, 13 20c: dairies, l&flSc; Downing, Hopkins &Co Established IS 93. WHEAT AND STOCK BROKERS Room 4, Ground Floor , steady at (marked cases Included) 1314c; cheese, easy, 10llc Wool at St. Lonis. ST. LOUIS. July 6. Wool Market was steady. . Territory and Western mediums, 16 18c; fine. medium, 1415c; fine. 1315c FINANCES OF CLATSOP. Officers' Reports Show Great Redac tion In Floating; Debt. ASTORIA, Or., July 6. (Special.) The semi-annual financial reports of County Clerk Clinton and County Treasurer Hell born for the sis months ending June 30 were filed with the County Court today. The reports show that the warrants out standing on January 1 amounted to $36, CDS.03; Issued during the term, $32,032.21; paid during term, $52,573.84; warrants out standing on June 30, JS6.157.30. To take up these warrants there is In he hands of the treasurer $34,S0L9C leaving the bal ance of. outstanding warrants' to redeem which there Is no money In the treasury, $31,355.39. The financial condition of the county at the present time Is shown as follows: Liabilities. Warrants outstanding $66,157.30 Estimated interest 1,650.00 Total ...... $67,807.30 Resources. Cash, general fund $24,226.53 Cash, Nehalem road fund 140.23 Cash, public road fund 605.2S Cash, county road fund 1S7.71 Cash, li. & C. bridge fund, 3,977.60 Cash, Courthouse fund 5,664.45 Taxes due 9,805.55 Roadmaklng machinery -4.327.CQ Total $45,934.46 Excess of liabilities 18,872.84 The report Issued on July -1, 1902, gives the excess of liabilities over the resources at that time as $55,799.46. which makes a reduction of $36,926.62 In the county's debt during the past year. STOLE AUTO FOR A LARK. Son of Loa AntcelcH Banker In Trouble at Harvard. BOSTOK, July 6. John Lankershln, 19 years old, a Harvard student, who home la said to be in Los Angeles, Cal., was ar rested today on the charge of breaking Into an automobile stable and stealing an automobile, valued at $300. When arrested Lankersnln admitted, the police say, that he took the automobile as a lark, and that he had no intention of keeping It. He had tickets for Europe and had en gaged passage on a steamer which sails from New York tomorrow. It is said he Is a son of a wealthy banker of Los An geles. ST. HELENS AHEAD SO PAR, Has Most Votes at Election of Conn tr Seat of Columbia. ST. HELENS, Or.. July 6. (Special.) Unofficial returns from 10 out of 13 pre cincts In the county seat relocation spe cial election give St. Helens 636 votes. Rainier 492, Clatskanle 3S1. An unusually large vote was polled. Connry Does Well In Tax Sale. .ASTORIA, Or., July 6. (Special.)-The sale of property heretofore purchased by the county for taxes on the 1900 roll was held by Sheriff LInvllle this morning. Thero were a number of bidders, and the property was sold for more than the county's claim. Gale Damages New Jetty. ASTORIA, Or., July 6. (Special.) Dur ing the recent gale that has been raging oft the mouth of the Columbia six bents of the Jetty trestlo were carried away. It was a portion of the new work that had not been filled with rock. Approximation of Tvro Sections. Minneapolis Tribune. Dr. W. A. Bartlett, one of the most em inent clergymen of Chicago, ventured to speak of the lynching of negroes for out rages upon white girls from the pulpit as 99 out of 100 Americans are beginning- to think about It In their hearts. The power of tradition Is a wonderful thing. Tho world goes on thinking and saying what it has been In the habit of thinking and saying longafter the original force of the tradition" has been swallowed up In a revolutionary change of conditions. Time was when nearly all the people In the South epoko on this subject as most of us in the North still feel that we must speak now. They do It still In most pulpits and newspapers; but put your legs under the toble with any Botherner and you will hear the senti ments Dr. Bartlett expressed. Some of us are becoming very candid ourselves since the Minotaur began to fare North and feed on our own children it makes a mon strous difference whose oxIs gored. AT THE HOTELS. THE PORTLAND. " F A Spencer &. wf. cltyJB L Dormen, St Louis H H Irvine. SVPaul C P Maglnnls Duluth A Brust, la H D Gibbs. Corvallii J II Beatty & wf. Bols E F Bohannon. S Bern M Rosenbaum. city M A Bradbury. Cal J J Henry, Denver T B Whlsted. do J A Cranston, city G W Trlmbel. Seattle E E Hey & wf. do V H Beckmon & wf. do K A Badger & wf, Rochester D Davenport. Helena A R Morrow, San Frn R Walsh, do F Renker. N T C Gogel & wf. St Lou G H Wheeler & wf, N T H C Patterson. Pa A Hennlich. ..San Frn W N Benedict, do S I Ackerman. do C H Trulllnger & wf, do C F Brlggs & wf. do Miss S N Patterson, do j a iteeves. co A D Paine. Providence a T Loud, San Fran Mrs E G Carter, do J JAgnew & wf. do I D Newburger. Chgo C I Northrop. Boise A McNamara. San Fr W R Itt. do I Nashfleld, do F M Gray, do Mrs Wllber. Ind Miss Waler, Indlanplls THE PERKINS, R D Snyder, Scap- poose. Or. Mary Callahan, do J H Hamilton. S F C D Weatherford, do R H E Espy, do F A Dietschneder, Mc Mlnnvllle. Or IG W Tape. Hot Lake iiri xape, ao G H Helsy. Dayton. O N Udoby and fmly. uotuge urove E M Shutt. Heppner Sol Smith. So Bend R E Leonard, Pitts burg, Pa Mrs Leonard, do L B Crower, The Dall B Blake. Los Angeles Mrs Blake, do A K Arkley. Centralla, Wash Chas Wllkins and fmly Pendleton. Or. H F Banes. Peoria. 111. A R Downs, Roseburg F J Devlne, Albany F E Bates, Winnebago, Minn Mrs Bates, do Mlsa Bates, do Mrs W H Corrlco; Dal las. Tex. G A Robbins. Pndlton W Ballons. do W P Combs, do G C Burt and fmly, Ogden. Utah Mrs T Mcintosh, Tllla mook Miss Alice Bcgart. Tor onto. Can C W Henderson. S F M A Randall, Albert, Mich Mrs J Hanson. Eugene Mrs J B Medley, cot tage Grove W A Warn. Eugene Mrs W W Brlstow, Mc- iunnvnie Edrthe Bristow. do J P Van Houten, Hayi creek. E G Loomis. Iwaco Wn W Markett, Butler. OriHenry Maloney, do Mrs C F Gardiner, do J W Alexander. Seattle Miss Gardiner, do Mrs Byrne, Victoria. Mrs W H Rees, Big Pine. Cal. Francis G Barke, Mln- R L Burke, do W R Nichols, Tacoma F Black. 8 F J E Stevenson, Seattle O L Masher, Mlneapls W N Mever. Rosebrg Mlsa Mever, do J R trnson. St Paul Miss Rees, Colusa, Cal Jessie Kingsbury, Ho qulam, Wash. Mrs Anna MacFarland, Vancouver, Wash. Miss Ethel Lick, city Dick Kllgore. The Dal I T NIckTln, 'iiunc Cttyj La W Blurrell, Oaklnd Mrs Burrell. da Miss Mae Burrell. do Miss Florence Burrell, ao Susie Rush, Scappoose Mrs Acklman, do Mrs McFarllne. do Mie W Allison and 1 family, city 'E L Traver, Roseburg C J Sdhunk. MlnneaDli i: j person. Beanie. W I Lauderdale. Elk ton. Neb. F H Agnew. Blane, Pa Mrs Agnew, do Miss Ajcnew. do B F Jones, Toledo. Or It J Olnn. Moro. Or. A J C SchooU, Astoria j u .uasiing, itoseDg SAD Gurley, Arling F C Dlckhoff, do ton, or Mrs 11 l Dugan. St Pi R J Stone, Boise, Ida .Mrs R D Bloomfleld, A R Salle. Chicago I Tacoma. W L Young. Hntgton THE IMPERIAL. . Mrs C Brown, TacomaJM Meyer, city Chamber ol Commerce J H Schlvely, OiymplaDr C S Saunders. Un. W B Stratton. do IS I Taylor. Jordan J A Jones, do Valley A F Jette. ChampoeglH Southard. Hood Rlv Robt O sward, do S C Jackson, do Miss Gracefleaaca. iJ G Cowden. Caldwell it tt' KrH t r rwn.-M .4. W W G W Neff. Seattle C M Weymouth. Pt j Mrs W Stapleton. Sa- lem il B Cumcartum. so Towns end Kenry Haelan, city iW H Crary, Omaha Mrs S H Ark and J C Ardecy. LaOrand party. Wallula Mrs J C Ardarcy. do Thos Elliot. W W lAda C Rosa Pendleton L A Porter, The Dal.lMlis Ross, do Gilbert Hunt. W W I Coral Van Orsdall. do Mrs Hunt, do i j m wooayara, ao Mrs f Stephens. B qi; w jewis. uras vai A H Brewenes, Sac M J Carleek. Seattle Mrs F Monaghan. San-iP C Gerhardt. S F ta Ana Mrs M B Bosworth Mrs C L Schieffelm, H A Scaborg. So Bend Loa Angeles jHansen Hughes. Olym Dal Adams, Or. J S Cooper. Indlanapl J O Booth, Grant's P iM D Clifford. Can City Chas L Schelflllin, Mrs Clifford, do T W Potter. Chemawa P C Gerhardt. S F L M Travis. Eugene iF Stephens. Flonts. B Mrs Travis, do C ilrs M Ford. Astorla.lI A Veness. Wtnlosk Miss Agnes Spreckels, Lincoln Davis. Tacoma d J P Galbralth. Albany Miss Anna Spreckels, (Mrs F W Prentice. S F I Eugene Mrs W C Logan, Ast. G H Baker. Goldendat O H Byland. Vale '.Maud Baker, do THE ST. CHARLES. H H Oonxet, Union C D Burris, do D W Ringer, do L C Garner, Lyle W G Hicks, Palmer T S Rogers, Dundee F Schoonover, Hoqulam F Sargent &. son, B Cy Mrs uarner, do I N Sargent. The Dans S D James. Stevenson: Mrs Sargent, do K Knight. Cattle Rck Bess Sargent, do D H Barrle, Th Dalles) Kathy Sargent, do M V Rogers, Seattle Mrs L L Jennings, do J E Williamson, do W E Tier, do W T Drury. Eugene W H French. Hardmn F G McCarthy. Salem Mrs A C Cummins. Mrs McCarthy, do Kelso H Wagner, do B F Beigley. Fall City J R Hixop. do jD W Dorrance. Npvlna L Harris, do A vaneue, ao C Erdman. do L Kalb. Salem Annie Stephenson, do H McFadden, do B Smith, Houlton Winnie Bailey, do W A Pasley & fmy. Mayger W R Dotson, do J Klnland. N A M C B C Watklns, do J J Newton, city M F White, Rlckreall G A Rogers, do D Coron, Winlock Miss M Coron. do H N Aldrlch, Carson Otto Read, do J L Black do Mrs Black, do G Atkinson, Cathlamet W T Clique, do A Barr, do Mrs J A Clark, Waaco M E Grlswold. Ind F B Richardson, Wndsworth . O Nelritter, Cas Rock C Merril. Gresham W Manary. Orient T G Wlckstrom: St Hel A W Butterfleld. Cnby C C Baliew. Etna R Dunn, do M Slack & fmr. do E R Edmunson. Salem E P Davst. do R Gllbreath, Vancouvj A Siegfried, city J W Ferguson, do Mrs Ferguson, do L Moreland, do W K France. Arllngtn j Knox. Kaiama Mrs Knox, do Miss Knox, do THE ESMOND. H Locney. Reddg, Cal.Geo Plnsch, Stella C Western, Amity C A Gllmore. do Lew Greffln. Canby G A Jeffrey, Boring John Clark, Stella Mrs F Bunger, Porttd C W Willie, New on Roy Wherry, city S M Kartman, do Geo Weeks. Stevenson R Miller. Butler A F Jette. cnampoeg B W Blrkenfeld. Asto; A R Ford. McMinnv Wm Anderson. Dp Rlv Oscar WIrpkala, do Fred Groner and wife. o F strucxmeir. stena Josn Hosier, Dallas G M Manary. Marsh land J T Andrews. Castle Rock echoiis Herman Kabler. do Hattle Keebler, do W H Ankeny and wf Deep River Mies Estella Jones, . Vesper G Thomas. Portland E Ellis, do Chas Henryham, Car eon B E Hughaus, city J Brady and wf, Mt Angel D R Thompson, city J E Lonngen, Olympta A White, do A Hedman, Astoria J D Scharff. city P Moor. Marshland M G H Myers, North Yamhill H Plttlekau, Carroll's Point ' W Plttlekau. do Huga Plttlekau. do F L Smith. Foston, Minn Mrs Smith, do M Hendrlx, do Mrs T Kennedy, Oak Point A Berger, do D D Wilder, The DaL G H Reynolds, Trout dl P P Martlndale, Kelao H Spears, do H T Elchenberger, Stella J P Frier, Canby R L Phillips. Knappaj J F McGregor and wr. Cathlamet C W Jensen, Ostrander i wiggms ana wr. Oak Point Lewis Wllkeo Marsh land A D Berxer. Tacoma M A Hendrlx, Ceaterv P F Hotre. Hares A L Sherer, Deep Crk B Turnahan, Stella A Anderson, Boring J J Fraser. Ilwaco Norma E White. Ore-i gon City. Gun H Myers. No Yamhill Geo Berger, Seattle W P Mclntyre and wf. Ranler C G Strain. New Orl U Peler. Gresham M R Wagner, Forest Grove C H Carlson, city L B Courtman, Cath lamet B J Blanvelt, Clat skanle Hotel Drnnswlclc. Seattle. European plan, popular rates. Modern improvements. Business center. Near depot. Tacoma Hotel, Tacoma. American plan. Rates, 13 and up. Hotel Donnelly, Tacoma. Flrst-claes restaurant in connection. Rainier Grand Hotel, Seattle. European plan. Finest cafe on Coast. Hdqrs. naval, military and traveling men. Rooms en suite and single. Free shower baths. Rates. 51 up. H. P. Dunbar, prop. TXIAYKLKV GU1UK. jREAT Northern Ticket Office 122 Third SL Pfione 633 2 TRANSCONTINENTAL O TRAINS DAILY Direct connection via Seattle or Spokane. For rickets, rates and full information call on or address H. Dickson, C. T. A., Portland, Or. JAPAN - AMERICAN LINE AKI MART. Bor Japas China and all Aslxtlo yotat. wEl lav Seattle. Aboat July 11. S. S. "Ohio" SAILS FROM SEATTLE ON OR ABOUT ADGUST I, FOR Nome and St. Michael CeXHECTIHS m ALL POINTS Oil Yukon, Tahana and Koyukuk Rivers f-MPLRE TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, 607 FIRST AVENUE. SEATTLE. ANCHOR LINE U. 8. MAIL STEAMSHIPS KBW YORK. LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW. NEW YORK. GIBRALTAR AND NAPLES. Superior accommodation. Excellent Cuisine, The comfort of passengers carefully con sidered. Single or Hound Trip Tickets Issued between Nw York and Scotca, English. irUh and all principal continental points at at. tractlvs rates. Snd for Book of Tour. yQe tickets or general information apply to any local agent of the Anchor Line or to HENDERSON BROS.. Ua'L Agents, Chicago. 111. WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE 68EG0H CUT TnAKSPOBUflOrt CO. Steamer POMONA, tor Salem, Independence, leaves 0:45 A. M. Tuesday, Thursday, Satur. day. Steamer ALTON A. for Buttevllle, Wllson vllle, Champoeg, xiewberg and Dayton, leaves I A. a. Monday, Wednesday, Frday. Steamer LEONA, for Oregon City, leaves dally, 8:30, 11:30 A. M., 3 and 6:15 P. M. Leaves Oregon City. 7, 10 A M.; 1:30. 4:d0 P. M. Round trls. 45c. DOCK FOOT OK TAYLOR STREET. Tickets good on Oregon City car Orsoa paeae Mala 40. TRAVELERS GUIDX. Short line an Union Pacific 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Ing-cars dally to Omaha. Chicago, Spokane; .itrcyimj-tar oaiiy o Kansas Ulty; tnrough Pullman tourist aleeplng-cara (person, "y conducted) -weekly to Chicago. Kansas City. Reclining chair cars (seats free) to tho East dally. UNION DEPOT. Leave Arrive CHICAGO-PORTLAND 9:29 A. M. 4:30 P. mT SPECIAL. Dally. Dally. Pot the East via Hunt ington. SPOKANE FLYER. 6:00 P. M 7:35 A. M. For Eastern Washing- Dally. Dally, ton. Walla Walla. Lew lston. Couer d'Alene and Ut. Northern points ATLANTIC EXPRESS 8:15 P. M. 10:30 A. M. For the East via Hunt- Dally. Dally. ingtoa. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE. FOR SAN FRANCISCO 8:00 P. M 5:00 P. M. Steamer Geo. W. Elder, From July 1, 11, 21. 31; Alaska Steamer Columbia, Jul Jock. e. 16. 20. For Astoria and way 8:00 P. M. 5":00 P. M. points, connecting with Dally ex. Daily steamer for Ilwaco and Sunday. except North Beach, steamer Saturday, Sunday. Hassalo. Ash-st dock. 10 P. M. POTTERsalllng dates (Ash-st. dock)-July 7. 7 A. M.; July . 7uo A. M.; July 0. 8:30 A. M.;July 10, 0 A. M.; July 11 (Saturday), 0:40 FOR DAYTON. Oregon 7:00 A. M. 3:00 P. M. -Ity and Yamhill River Tues. Mon. polnts. Elmore, Ash-st. Thuis. Wed. dock (water permit- Sat. Fri. ting). For LEW1STON. Ida- 4:05 A. M. About ho. and way points. Dally 5:00 P. M. from Illparia, Wash., except Dally ex. steamers Spokane or Saturday. Friday. Lew lston. TICKET OFFICE. Third and Washington. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP I COSIPANY. For Yokohama and Hong Kong, calling at Kobe. Nagasaki and Shanghai taking freight via connecting iteamers for Manila. Port Ar thur and Vladivostok. I NT) HA SAM HA SAILS ABOUT JULY 28. For rates and full Information call on or ad dress officials or agaats of O. R. & N. Co. EAST via SOUTH Leave Unloa Depot i Arrive I EX-T OVERLAND EX PRESS TRAIT 8:30 P. M. for salem. Ko burg, Ashland. Sac ramento. Ogden. San Francisco, Mo lave, Los Angeles. El Pasu, New Or leans and the East. Morning train con nects at Woodburn (dally except Sun day) with "Train for Mount Angel, .11 vtrton, Browns ville. Springfield, Wendllng and Na tron. Albany passenger. Connects at Wood burn with MC An gel and SUverton local. Corv&llls passenger. 7:45 A. M. S:30 A. M. 7:00 P. M. 4:00 P. M. T:80 A. M. I4 :00 P.M. 10:10 A. M. 5:C0P. M. Sheridan passenger. 8:25 A. M Daily. llDatly, except Sunday. PORTLAND -OSWEGO SUBURBAN SERVICE AND YAMHILL DIVISION. Leave Portland dally for Oswego at 7:30 A. M.. 12.50. 2:05. 3:25. 5:20, 6:25, 8:30. 10:10 P. M. Dally, except Sunday, 5:30, 0:30. 8:35, 10:26 A. M.. 4:00. 11:30 P. M. Sunday, only. 0:00 A. M. Returning from Oswego, arrive Portland daily 8:S0 A. M.. 1:53. 3:05. 4:35. 0:15. 7:35, 9:65, il:10 P. M. Dally, except Sunday. 0:25, 7:25, 8:30. 10:20. 11:45 A. M. Except Monday. 12:25. A. M. Sunday only, 10:00 A. M. Leave from same depot for Dallas and inter mediate points dally except Sunday. 4:00 P. M. Arrive Portland 10:20 A. M. The Independence-Monmouth motor lln oper ates daily to Monmouth and Airll-. connecting with S. P. Co.'s trains at Dallas and Inde pendence. First-class rebate tickets cn sale from Port land to Sacramento and San Francisco; net rate. 517.50; berth. (5. Second-class fare. 1 15. without rebate or berth; second-class berth. $2.50. Ticket to Eastern points and Europe. Also Japan. China. Honolulu and Australia. CITY TICKET OFFICE, corner Third and Washington streets. Phona Main 712. TIME CARD OF TRAILS PORTLAND Deoort. Arriv. Puget Sound Limited for Ta coma. Seattle, Olympla. South Bend and Gray's Harbor points 8:50 am 0:30 pes North Coast Limited for Ta coma, Seattle, Spokane. . Butte, St. Paul. New York, Boston and all points East , and Southeast 3:00 po 7 .-00 am Twin City Express for Ta coma, Seattle. Spokane, Heiena. SL Paul. Minne apolis, Chicago. New York. Boston and all points East and Southeast 11:45 pm 7:00 pa Puget Sound - Kansas Clty St. Louis Special, for Ta coma. Seattle. Spokane. Butte. Billings, Denver. Omaha. Kansas City, St. Louis and all points East and Southeast 8:30 am 7:00 1 am All trains dally except on South Bend branch. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Pas senger Agent. 255 Morrison it., corner Third. Portland. Or. For South-Eastern Alaska LEAVE SEATTLE, 9 P. M. Steamships COTTAGE CITY. CITY OF SEATTLE or CITY OF TOPEKA. July 2. 6, 10. 14, 10, Z2. 20, wj; August, 3. Steamers connect at San Francisco with comuany's steamers for ports In Cali fornia, Mexico and Humboldt Bay. For further Information obtain folder. Klgtit Is reserv ed to change steamers or sailing dates. AGENTS CHARLES H. GLEIM. 249 Wash ington sc. Portland; F. W. CARLETON. 007 Paclfle ave., Tacoma; GEORGE W. AN DREWS. N. W. Pass. Agtrnt. Ticket Offices 113 James St.. and dock. Seattle. San Francisco Ticket office. 4 New Montgomery st., C. D. DUNANN. Gen. Pass. Agent, San Francisco. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Uo Rains ypy Leaves. UNION DEPOT. Arrives. Dally. For Maygers, Rainier. Dally. Clatskanle. Westport. 8:00 a. m. Clifton. Astoria. War 2:30p. m. renton, Flavel, Ham- 11:10 a. st (Sat. mond. Fort Stevens, only.) Gearhart Park. Seaside, Astoria and Seasbora 7:00 p. m. Express, Dally. (Except Astoria Express. - B:4o s. m Sat.) Dally. E. L. LEWIS. . J. C. MAYO. Coram'l Agent, 248 Alder st. O. F. & P. Phono Main 969.