THE M0RXI2CG 0REG0!TIA MONDAY, JUNE 22, 1903. LAST GRAIN VESSEL Early. Closing of the 1902-3 Wheat Season. HIJf ETY-FIVE CARGOES CLEARED Xrfut Three Months Shovr an Increase Over Same Period in. 1003 French" Skips Coming Marine Notes. The Swedish ship Clan Macfarlane will leive down the rh'er today, en route for Algoa Bay. The Clan Macfarlane Is not only the last grain ship of the 1932-03 grain fleet from Portland, but Is also the last grain ship that will clear from any Pacific Coast port this season. The Brit ish ship Loch Garve, which silled from San Francisco last Friday, was the last ship of the season from California, and the Celtic Race, which sailed from Puget Sound Saturday, held a similar position with the Puget Sound fleet. The Clan Macfarlane was cleared by Balfour, Guth rie & Co. Saturday, with 70.935 bushels of wheat, valued at $37,455, and 4S4G bar rels of flour, valued a $17,713. She goes to Algoa Bay. This leaves both Portland and Puget Sound without a single grain ship in port under charter. There are two ships under charter at San Francisco, but neither of them will get away until the new season begins, July 1. Portland has under engagements at least three ships for July loading, and has wheat for one or two more, but Puget Sound has had difficulty in filling the last ones that were cleared from there, and In one case a lot of 200 tons of wheat was shipped to Tacoma by rail to complete the cargo of a ship loading there. There Is still considerable wheat at Portland under engagement to go to San Francisco, and the July shipments, foreign and domes tic, will be In excess of 500,000 bushels. The 1902-03 grain fleet from Portland Included 95 vessels exclusive of the Ori ental steamers, which carried the bulk of the flour shipments. The wheat crop waa much smaller than that of the year pre vious, and the shortage is reflected In the comparative size of the fleet for the sea son Just closing and that of the previous season, when there were 123 grain ves sels cleared for Europe and Africa, The last three months of the present season make a little better showing than for the same period a year ago. This year there were 13 .cargoes cleared In April, May and June, while last year there were but ten. December this season was the heaviest month, with IS cargoes, October coming next with 15, January 13, Novem ber 10, September and February S each, April and May 5 each, March 4 and July, August and June 3 each. MAMarOTH OCEAX RACER. Hamburg-American Line "Will Build a 725-Foot Scorcher. Long. , The White Star liners Celtic and Cedrlc the largest steamers on the Atlantic, will eoon lose that distinction In regard to size. The Hamburg-American Line is to build a new steamer that Is to eclipse cither of thoBe boats, not only as to size, but also as to speed and improvements. Although the Cedrlc and Celtic are alike as to measurements, the first named, be cause of an extra house built forward, Is $3 tons bigger than the older sister, the tonnage of the Cedrlc being 21,000. Each ship is 700 feet long, 75 feet wide and 49 1-3 feet deep. The new Hamburg-American liner is to be 725 feet long, 77 feet in beam and 60 feet In .depth, which will make her tonnage something like 25,000. Emll L. Boas, the American agent of the line, has been cabled for by the home office to pro ceed to Germany in connection with the plans for the new giant. Ho will leave early next month. FRENCH VESSELS COMING. Aa Even Dozen of the Bounty-Earners Now Listed for Portland. Two more French barks have been add ed to the en route list for Portland. They are the Eugenie, Fautril and the Marie, both well known here through previous visits. They will bring cargo from Eu rope, the Eugenie loading at Hamburg and the Marie at Swansea. This makes an even dozen of the French bounty-earners which are headed for Portland, and so long as they continue to come, there will be some difficulty experienced by the Germans, British and other owners of un subsldlzed craft In advancing freight rates. Nearly all of the French vessels now headed in this direction are coming with cargo, and many of them have been char tered for the round trip. The bounty re ceived for such a long Journey Is said to be sufficient to pay all of the expenses, and leave a slight profit on the voyage, without any freight money. Shipowners of other nations do not like this kind of work, but it Is a great thing for the Pa cific Coast producers. FAaiOL'Sl.SUIP EX nOUTE. Old Clipper Cromartyshire II a Many Claims to Extraordinary Notoriety. The British 'ship Cromartyshire, which is chartered to load coal at Newcastle for Portland, is one of the most famous sailing craft afloat. Her initial claim to fame was on account of her marvelous speed, her records in this lino equalling those of some of the best of the old-time clippers. Afterward she attained world wide notoriety through a collision- with the French liner La Bourgoyne off the coast of Newfoundland, nearly 700 lives being lost in the disaster, which the courts decided was the fault of the steamer. About three years ago the Cro martyshire loaded wheat and barley at this port for Kerr, Glfford & Co. at 52s to. the highest rate paid hero f6r more than 12 years, and undoubtedly the last charter that will ever be written for grain-loading from Portland at a rate above CO shillings. Marine Notes. The American ship Two Brothers is the latest addition to the coasting lumber fleet headed for this port. She sailed from San Francisco Saturday. Tho overdue bark Lydcrhorn has ar rived out at Delagoa Bay, after a passage of 166 days from Ballard. Twenty-flvo per cent reinsurance was offered on her. The California & Oregon Coast liners. Despatch and Prentiss, arrived In yester day, and the Ruth sailed. The schooner Virginia, lumber-laden lor San Francisco, atso saiiea yesteraay. The Stanley Dollar arrived up late Sat tirday evening, and will commence load- lag today. This brings the ln-port fleet of .the Pacific Export Lumber Company up xo nve vessels, witn a carrying ca paclty of 10,000,000 feet. Four of these vessels, the Oakley, Eva, Glencalrn and Agnes Oswald, were consigned to Kerr, uinroru & jo. Domestic and Foreign Ports, ASTORIA, Or., June 2L Arrived at 7:30 A. M. and left up at 9:10 A. M. Steamer Despatch, from San Francisco. Sailed at S A. M. Steamer Ruth, for San Francisco; 9 A. M., schooner Virginia, for San Francisco. Arrived at 3:40 P. M. Steamer Prentiss, from San Francisco. Condition of tho bar at 5 P. M., smooth; Trind west; weather cloudy. Hoqulam. Wash.. June 20. Arrived Bchooner W. J. Patterson, from Redondo, ir Aberdeen; schooner Bella, -from' San Francisco, for .Montesano. Sailed Schoon er Henry Wilson, from. Aberdeen, for san Francisco. HoQtiiam. Wash., June 20. Arrived Schooner Jennie Tnelin, from San Fran cisco, for Aberdeen; steamer Coronado, from San Francisco, for Aberdeen; schoon er Muriel, from San Francisco for Aber deen. San Francisco, June a. Sailed Steamer Czarina, for Coos Bay; steamer Cblco, for Bandon; steamer Advance, for Coqullle River; steamer Mineola, for Tacoma. London, June 21. Arrived Uvernlan, frpnx Montreal. Sailed Hibernian, for Montreal; Manltou, for New York. New York, June 21. Arrived Blucher, from Southampton and Cherbourg; Co lumbia, from Glasgow and Movlle; La Gascogne, from Havre. FAITHFUL INDIAN WIFE. She Follows Hnsband to Jail and Arrives Penniless. An Indian wife's attachment for her husband, who is lodged in the County Jail, yesterday moved the heart of Jailer Jackson to pity, and she was harbored there until some arrangement could bo made to care for her. G. P. Howard, an Indian who had been picking strawberries at Hood River, was arrested on a charge of selling liquor to Indians. It is charged that he sold a pint bottlo of alcohol to an Indian for 35 cents. He was brought to Portland at once. The wife, an Indian of the dark est hue, would not be separated from him In trouble and came to Portland on the sime boat. She did not make herself known to the officer In charge, but waited until he had been taken to the Jail. She then knocked for admission and was met by Jailer Jackson. "I want to see my husband,"i said she; "he is in Jail here." The Jailer explained to her that she could not stay with him and that she would havo to go somewhere else. "But I cannot," she argued. "I am alone, end do not know any one. It took every cent that I had to pay my fare from Hood River to Portland, and there Is no place for me to go." ' The poor woman Is In such a condition that she is not- able to work, and scarce ly able: to be about, and the Jailer was movea by her pleadings. She was taken In and given her meals and lodging, and today her case will be laid before tho proper officials. IN PURSUIT OF MARKS. Police Hot on Trail of Palmist Who Assaulted Child. A vigorous effort is being made by the Police Department to capture "Tommy Marks, alias 'Prof essor Gllmore, alias Pro fessor Baxter, who brutally assaulted tho 5-year-old daughter of J. Pf elfer Saturday afternoon. The polled have now traced the different reports and know positively that the aa sallant Is none other than the man who has been posing in the city as a palmist. He Is a good sash and door man, and has worked some time in the city, but he has issued a number of circulars telling of his power to read fortunes and tell the future by means of palmistry. The officers yesterday visited tho room previously occupied by him, and took the 'baggage that he left to the station. Upon going through It they found nothing to Indicate that he had a criminal record. Aside from a few clothes and a large col lection of letters, his belongings were TONNAGE EN ROUTE AND IN PORT. Vessels Chartered or Available for Grain Cargoes From the Northwest. FOR. PORTLAND Flag and rig. Name. Mar. 21Gr. Duchess Olga r. bark Guirln Mar. liiNauarcnos Ger. bark Arfmand Calrnle Mar. Mar, Jan. 27Ardencralg Br. ship Br. shin Port Patrick Galloway ISaxon IWlndsor Park Br. bark Smith Livingston Iversen Br. bark Apr. UlAlmedla Jan. 22Duns Law Jan. 2SiNinfa Apr. 2lEmelle Galllne 1 Australia May 16La Bruyero IMarechal Turenno May 21Montcalm April 16, Professor Koch May 15Red Rock, May SiAmlral Halgan May 24Cfesslngton i East Atrlcan May 6 Europe La Fontaine May 22IArthur Fltger June lliChrlstel April lOiGermalno Nor. ship Br. bark It. ship Fr. bark Br. bark Fr. bark Fr. bark Fr. bark Ger. bark Br. snip Fr. bark It. ship Br. sh'p Fr. bark Fr. bark Ger. ship Ger. ship Fr. bark Br. ehip Nichols Hannnh Tattevin Korft Le Roux Flgnes Scnutte Porter logoff Johnson Muller Haumon Denkor Wurthmann Medor Gray county or invernes Herzogin Cecllle Paul Isenberc Francisco Gulseppe Ger. ship Dietrich Ger. bark i janssen Aust ship Rodinls June SlArctic Stream May 31iG. H. Wappaus June lSRhuddlan Castlo Cromartyshire (Kensington Feb. lliBeraugero IMarle Eugenie Foutrel Br. ship Bowen Ger. bark Br. ship Br. ship Br. ship Fr ship Fr bark Fr bark Mann Roberts Reed Borland Monmolne Le Hulde Total Tonnage en route and listed, 63,276. GRAIN TONNAGE Flag and rig. Name. Master. May SOlClan MacfarlnnefSw. snip IWestburg 1446lHonolulu IBalfour IStream Total Tonnage in port, 1446. GRAIN TONNAGE EN Nam. . Flag and rig. Jan. 8Maelgwyn Br. bark Nov. SlVinpcnt Br. ship May 91Tbalassa Ger. bark Dec 21IBermuda Br. bark Mar. ejLelcester Castle Br. ship Mar. 4Laureston Br. bark Dec 31Alice Fr. ship Feb. 24Madelelne Fr. ship Apr. 30 Crompton Br. ship May 30Eskasonl Br. ship Mar. 21Port Stanley Br. ship Mar. ltiAbysslpla Nor bark Mav 24 Austrasla Br. bark April 5Cortez Br. ship Feb. 2lGrenada Br. ship lFortvoit Br. bark Mar. SjNlobe Ger. bark Mar. 2SSemantha Br. bark IChrle Ger. eblp IThlstlcbank Br. bark April SOJCamtjronne Fr. bark fOctavla Ger. bark jp. Kllllecranklo Br. bark April 5Sardomene Br ship Mar. 271Wllkominen Ger.shm April 6Slrene Ger. ship May 151Glencona Br. bark Mar. lllUranla Ger. bark Mar. SIAndro Theodore Fr. ship (Eaton Hall Br. ship Alauda Ger. ship April 25 Dovenby Br. bark April 17Aisburth Br. ship June 2fKIns David Br. ship May l9Scottish Moors iBr. ship (Ecuador Gr. bark IMarguerlte Dollfus Fr bark June lSjDunstaffrage iBr bark Korff . Peattie Latta Langlols Forbes Total Tonnage en route and listed. 7S.CSS. GRAIN TONNAGE Flag and rig. Nxma. Master. May 2UCeltlc Race June SlBelford June,5iLamorna Br. ship Br. ship Br. ship - Owen McKinnon Cormack Total Tonnage In port, C67S. mostly books on palmistry, artificial wigs, -which he probably used to add to the dig nity of his appearance, And other para phernalia used in his work- A picture of himself waa found in the collection, and this Chief Hunt bad re produced upon a number of circulars, which he bad sent to officers in various parts of the country. The circulars also contained a descrip tion of the man. which is as follows: Age 23 years, height 5 feet 7 Inches, IS) pounds, medium dark complexion, smooth shaven; when last seen wore a gray suit and. light crusher hat. MRS. GEORGE L. STORY DEAD Last of Well-Known .Pioneer Family and Zealons Church Worker. The last of one of Portland's best-known and most highly honored pioneer families has passed -away. Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Story, wife of George L. Story and daugh ter of Major Anthony L. Davis, died at her home Saturday night after an illness of a few days. Major Davia came to Portland with his family in 1S50, and each member has been closely connected with the history of the city. He was at one time Recorder and Acting Mayor. Other members of the family were Mrs. D. W. Burnslde, Hon. T. A. Davis and James Warren Davis. Mrs. Story, who was the last member of the family, was an active worker, well known throughout the state. She waa a zealous church worker, and a member of the Trinity Episcopal Church. She waa one of . the organizers of the Portland branch of the Needle-Workera Guild of America, the work of which has been broadly felt and appreciated. She was greatly interested in organizations of Ore gon pioneers, and an earnest worker in the pioneer associations. Surviving her are her husband, George L. Story, and four children Mrs. William Jones, Mrs. S. T. Hamilton. Henry D. Story and Dr. George B. Story. FOR POLICE SERVICE. Many Applicants for Appointments Undergo Stiff Examination. Civil service examinations for captain, patrolmen, patrol driver, harbormaster, matron and Jailer were held Saturday. Thirty applicants wanted to be captains, patrol drivers and patrolmen, and four to be harbormaster. Three women wanted to be matron and one man wanted to be Jailer. Poncas Chief Gives Way to Son. WHITE EAGLE, O. T., June 21. White Eagle, the aged chief of the Poncas, re signed today and conferred his title upon his son, Tahgy. The event was made one of great festivity. In honor of the new chief, 700 ponies were given away as presents, and 2000 Indians participated In the sun dance. Thousands of whites wit nessed the celebration. ADVERTISED. Free delivery of letters by carriers at the residence of owners may be secured by observ ing the following rules: Direct plainly to tho street and number ot the house. Hed letters -with the -writer's full address, including street and number, and request an swer to be directed accordingly. Letters to strangers or transient visitors In Master. From. Consignees. ,1567 Rio Janlero Hamburg 92IGlrvln 27S6 196S 1021 Meyer itotteraam Hamburg Meyer GIrvin 159S 1692 P. L. Angls Newcastle E ..Taylor 1409i tAUirvin 155 1 Balfour 149i Balfour 144iBalfour 73 1409 Greenock 15311 P. L. Angls 190SjLondon 1595Swansea 2097IShanghai Tonzos &73S Newcastle 36jE. GIrvin ...I Balfour 3l 66Glrvlfl 60j 44Balfour SSlTaylor ...tBalfour 46E. Baker ...i Meyer 30 10 Meyer 72iTaylor 36jLaldlaw I ...rGirinV 121 luliAntwerp 1744 Swansea 13o7lHambunr p644:Newcastle 146 London 2053jAntwerp lu;Newcastle 2070Hamburg jl739, Antwerp iRHjiriamtiurg 169SHamburg 11591: Rouen li.'-S, Newcastle 27S6, Hamburg 2153, Honolulu 1S29! London 149S; Honolulu 1191,Acnpulco 1993iSan Fran. 1462Newcastle lfrw, .Newcastle 18001Antwero 3... lSliTaylor 'iwk".'.".".'. !l739ICardlff '2133Harnburg IN THE RIVER From. Agents or Charterers. Berth. ROUTE TO rOGET SOUND Master. From. Consignees Thomas 3rice Christiansen 1235Rotterdam 1776!Rotterdam 166 201! (1335Antwerp 43 zsaiAntwerp 2009ftlverpool 2133 Hamburg 169S;Antwerp 2392'Antwero 175 io: 110 1711 Pierre Hume Townsend Williams Hansen Ewart Hawkea Pitt Kldd Fettjuch Crowe Spllle Pern La Gloschec Butz Vint Patterson Freeze Sauermllch Lynn Wachter 117 (2717 London 92 22 so; 99. 2S 74' 139 ..:.! 171o Antwerp 21S7!Hamburg iwluiasgow 2SS6:Hambure 2239 j Hamburg 2105 Newcastle I29S2 I Antwerp 1940 2211 Antwerp Cardiff 105 S5 2054 Antwero 332 (Antwerp 11420 bSGS 1609 Antwerp 62 Antwerp Liverpool 11861 11635! Hamburg !1410:Rotterdam 5tS!i I V otrrn s 1 1 p l3109iHamburg i&s Antwerp 11671 Callao Evans Bohmfalk Fegan Reid Pryde Todford Dlechmann Lehave 1295 Panama lS4..TVwiTi!lln 11700 Cal. Buena 206SiYokohama 22S9 Hamburg 2193 Cardiff 11594 Hull 3129 iHIogo ON "PUGET SOUND From. Agents or Charterers. Berth. ITSSiCallao Balfour Disengaged Disengaged Seattle. Whatcom Victoria lTTllAr ntwem 21691 Greenock LOW RATES EAST Similarly low rates to many other Eastern points. Tickets on sale June 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30; July 15 and 16; August 25 and 26. Diverse routes, liberal limits, stopovers. Let me plan your Eastern trip. I can sell you any way you want to go and tell you all about the different attractions en route. I may be able to offer money-saving suggestions. TICKET Km the city, whose special address may be un known, rhould bo marked la the left-hand cor ner "Transient." This will prevent their belne delivered to persons ot the same or similar names. Persons calling tor these letter will please state date on which they were advertised. June 22. They will be charged for at the rate of 1 cent for each advertisement called for. Aiken. C S Alldlng, Miss Ellen Achllle. M Celorla Adler. Charles H Manon. Mrs A N Marfcah, Anton Marshall. Mrs Emma S Marsh, Jan.-es Anderson, Miss Emma Matteon, Si J Mason. Bsil MatUon. Miss Tllli 3i Anderson, Mrs C Arnold. Mitchell A Averlll. S H Batchelder. F J Bailey. Mrs May-2 Baker, Mrs Ada C Barber, S B&rkr, Mrs J A Barnard, Jane Bartlettc. George Barton. Mrs Dever Earthotomc. Nat "Bclenger, Mrs Joseph H Beneford, T II Bsny. W H Berry, Dr John L Betan, Eugene L Blngman. U K H!vth Mm f C. May. Mlzs Beulah MMhews. J V Melroz. Miss Hazel ) Meaban, Mrs H MetidcUuhn, Morris P MenfknhaM, George E Mclrper, A Mlcholson. H Milan. "W M Mlchelson, Miss Alma C Miller. Mr and Mrs Herbert J Miller, John G Miller. Lucius Mlnton. Miss Gertie Miner. "Wm E Mcel-nke, Jchn-2 Monnastes. Eldney-2 M6nchy. H Montgomery, Mrs Flora It Moorlioute, Mr and Mrs Moore, Rev C H Morris. Ben Mosher. Jffcn Mt-lnady. Itabclle. Murray. Miss Grace-2 Mulligan. Mrs Mabel Murray. Mrs D E Murphy. Mrs Nettle Mvrphy. Mrs, 150 Burnslde Myers. Miss Edna Meyers. A H vn Mm Eva Black. Miss Grace-2 11103m, ur Rrann IT Bradley. "William Brady, ii J Brandt. James "W Brattalc, Elion M Brooks, John Brown. Gordon Brown, J "W Tim tin T m Erunner, Frank or Otmin Buford. Airs Clair isucnanan. Pinion Burch. Mrs June Nelson, Charles Burke. Mrs, 320 4th st eison st "V, w Bumes, W T Ncrdlund. Miss "W Burns, II Burns, Edw Burt. J E Bushnell, Hellen Oar, Chris Oberdorffer. E Ogtfen. Mrs A nin. Charles Ostrander, C H Catching. Miss Maud O'Neill. "Wllllam-2 u uonneu. i Calloway, Miss Betsj o-sjcnnni, Cameron, "William M Thressa Carnation Social Club-2Pyne. " r and Mrs r. tvinltnn Mm Vettle CarmlchacI, Edward Paul. Mrs W V, Casas. Sr. Santiago F Pacific Paint Co Casein. Mrs Parent. F E Caswell. Mrs E O Parnell, W E Chaple. Miss Edwlna Paulson. John K Chamberlain. -Charlltr- Pennington. K S Christopher, Mlsa AnnaPeters. Vbbe L ; Phelps. D J ChrlslenKnTUs'ilna Phillips. E C Church, Mrs'-JdaiM:. Pitman. Mrs Florence Cork. Richard Z -Plni. J Phelps Cotert, Mr- "-Plke. AI Collyer, James M fPlck. Henry Conklln, Miss Minnie Pond, Mrs George Conrad,' Mrs M N Port & Manila S S Co rttafvl Patter Co Portland Tribune Powers. H T Proebstel, Mrs M condit, Mrs e ' Coons, George M-4 Cook, Maggie Ccok, Mrs Emma R Cooke, 31 Us Lena LOCK?, J1UB -LllA i-rcwvu. .j w Ccrrlgan. MUs-Catber-Prcltyman. Alice Frwcoit. way o tfruV Mr Ellen Cort. "W E Costello. F D Cottar. Mrs M Colts. "W E Crowley, P J iMppen. A W Craig. Mn Nettle Pulver. Miss Mamie Ramsay. It O Reasoner. R F Reiry, N H Rees, Master Remlch. Samuel Held, Alexander Crau. will Bced. w h. Crawford. Mrs Mary EReynolds. Miss Emma ..... ... T - T, T. T. ftmold. L L Cunningham. Clark Dawiea. F L David. Ben Davis, Eernlcc N Tavlic. h C RUch. Fred "W Rltchhart. G W Mice. Miss Mary D Richard. Louis Richard. Mrs ti Dayton, J E alley. Robert nirmnn Milt M.init 'RT?MT1 W J Declus, O K Robinson. Mrs J G rille. O H-2 Rogers. Mrs Z E Tun. ir- rk tr Unvwc TTInrnrn Dickson. Mr and Mrs Russell. Roberta james w Dconen, Miss Inez nnrtlrlr. Frank Syson. Mrs Nelllo Sgrne. Dr C J Satber. Martin O SAgala. Mrs Lottie Salmon. Lillian Sanborn. J H Saunders. Mrs O "W Schmidt, Art ScteyoeT, J II Schulze. Elsie Schmuhl, May Schwartz. Mrs H "W Scobert, Zelma Scott. R Scott. "W B Scnrer. J R Scgrlst. Mrs Agnes Duff. R M Derham. "William Duggan, F J Duncan. J "W Dunct-at, John Dunham. Mrs M C Dunn, Frank Ewen. Mrs J Eads. Mrs Belle Eckels, Charles A Pi-iT(s Patsv Edwards. Charles T Elmer. Robert F Gwirge E Etter Miss Mabells Faulconer. rs Tena SedgwicK. a x Tll ML. fhrlxl Cfira MU M Seldlor. Rudolph Files. P X Schurte, C H Fie!d3, Miss Fanny-2 Shults, H H Flnley. R P Shanks, Andy Finley. Robert P QSharralty, Felix Flnley, Mrs ilae Sheffield. Frank B Fitzgerald. John V Shehan. "Wm E P Fitrgibbc-ns. Mrs "Wm SlKeley, Alice Fischtr. Miss Augusta Shieve. G- "W Flarity, Jack Shields. Miss R G Flegel. Mrs Lewis ti Shores. George ForbsotKr. Mrs ueo Foster, Charles M Franks, S Fuller, Mrs Anna Slesrman. Herrln Witty Silverberr. Mrs L Silverman. Mrs Simpson. Adam Smart. J A ts Galvln. Mrs Jotephlue Enyder. Charles A. Gamircrfeldt. M Snell. U L Gardens, S G P Swope, w" A Gardner, MUs Alice Smith. A Gardner, Mrs Marie Smith. Albert J Gedles, Mrs Melvlna smith. C E A-2 Geer Miss Evelyn V Smith, John nibner. Rev P Smith, Letltta. Godfrey, Roy N Godfrey, Henry Goldstein. T Goodman. W L Gore. "VV H Gordan. Lewis B Gratten, Anno Graves. W A Grant. Mrs C G Green wait. Miss Smith, Minnie Smith, Lue Smith, Mary Smith, Mrs R Smith, Mrs "Wm Sorrenson, S C Sorrenson, Soren C-2 Sorrenson. S E Soules. James w Sparks. Mrs Emma Grlrath. Henry unmuj, rimt opcoccr. "unci otinthpr. M!m Kather-Co.nrM- UMlllam Spencer, waiter v In Spees. Mrs Nellie Guild. Miss Dorothy H springer. Gertrude Xv rr.iiil.ume F Km. Mm N Guandolen, Ole Holm. A l Hagner. Mlsa Loulso Hyaroes, H P Hall. R H Hamor. Samuel Staples, I A Stafford, Mrs Ella Stayton, Miss Jessie Staples. Pearl Etahl. Mm Alex Stort. li a Stinger. A Hanion. jacx Hanenschlld. Miss An- Steele. Mrs C H-2 gle Stanig. Josephln Hann, Eddie Stein, Emma Hanklns. Mr Stelger. FrancU Hardwlck. Mrs Helen Stephens. Llddfl. Harbison. Matthew i. stepbenaon. L H Harbin. Mls Delia Stewart. Mm Edna Harr. William Stewart. Emma B Harrington. H J Stanfffr. Albert Harris. G L .Stoore. Mrs Harrison. Abie. B andSt0dard. Dr ME . Stovall. G B Harts, Mrs "W W Storey. Viola A Hartford, jiiss oucj- gtralton. if a Hartnett, V.'llUam Strowbrldge, F C Stratton. R E Swaxtz. Mrs Bell Taylor, Mr Taylor. Mm Zulaa Tee. Mrs A S Tfteters. "Bert R Harte. Mlcnaei Hawley. Miss Lolo Haines.- Mm A'' Heyer. Edwin T Herbert. Stanley J .Eealtf. Fred To Chicago and return, $71.50 To St. Louis and return, $67.50 To Omaha, St. Joseph, Kansas City and re- turn 60.00 The Burlington offers three lines to the East, via St. Paul, via Denver and via Billings, and the service is excellent whichever way you go. OPflCCt Car. Third and Stack 9ta R. W. Far! op, Ttekst Ascot Hera, Mrs Martha E Teal. H F ' Thomburg, R M Thornton, Oliver Thornton, E Thomas Vandella Var- num Tllllnghast. Bea Tolman, L H Tolntanor. A HImmelsbacb. Jacob Hicks. Mrs John M Hill. Miss Beatrice Homer. Mr Holzman & Co Holt. H Dave Holmes. Miss May Holmes. Mrs I B Honn. Mrs u 3 Torbett. Harry Hooligan, Mrs Bridget Tooker. N L Truman. P S Hornaday. E S Horstetler. Nels Hosmer. Dr C S Hcwland. "W L Howell. Mm Emma Houscr. Frank Howard. Miss Osle Howard, Mrs Anna Howard. Virgil Travers. George Trembath, Mattle Tremelllng. Miss A Udell. "W C Vyse. C H Vanek. Loyd Valentine, Louie Vanzandt. E L Van Home. Eva Van Burdln. G Howard, J L Ttnhharri. Mn Mattle Vlntr Morris A . Vernon, Arthur L Hubbard. Mm Jennie "Wyland, Helen M HUgnes. jars x-auuno wangaman, iua huh. 'i. nomas Walker. Mrs Bessie M Walker. Dr J D Walter. W J Walton, T J Walton, J W Warner, Charlie Ward, Alice Wasson, Bill Wasson. Bell Watklns, Florence D Watklns. Frank Watklns. Marlon Watklns. M F Weaver, W B Weaver. H D-2 Weiss, Paul Welie. Gene Welch, George Welch & Fitzhugh Welch. E A Welsh. Herbert Wlllard, A L Wellard. A L Wellbrock, John Hurel. Ben Idleman, Silas Irmler. Mm August Jessup, Mrs May Johnson, E Johnson. Mrs Henry Johr.eon, George E Johnson, Mrs H S Johnson, Charles E Johnson, Jack Johnson, John Jbbneon. Ratheus Jones. Miss' Eleanor Jonef, Mrs Cora. Klatz, Ben Kline. Boyd G Kaufman, Adelheld Katurlch. George Kaner. Mm E J Keyes. J E Kees. Miss Lulu Kellogg. Mrs Jennie Kelleher. Jos P S T.'.1k...1 -VTtoa lull Wells, L t: Kellogg. Miss Kosaue teller, ira u Kellar, Mm J "Wendle. Ebba Kellsas. Miss Rosalie "Westerman. Alma Klmmon. Mies Anna Weston., Nils King. Mm B M West. Charles E King. S T Whipple. Mm Knapp, P F Whealdon, Elva Knighton. Miss Stella Whelarge. Mm Sadie Koppe, Miss Amanda wheeler, Dr W D Koehler. Dr G F Whltcomb. Mrs T E Kruse. Fritz White. Samuel Kuehne. Oscar White. Frank Lafawa. D D White. Ed Ladd. Miss Sarah H White. J W Lambert. T W Wiggins. BB Lanford. corneuus wiineroy, x. T-nnrtm. Mm B La Renselle. Ide Lawson. Charles P Lauro. B Lay. J L Wiles. Ida Florcnce-3 Wilcox. A B Wiloughby. Miss Mlnot Lehn. Mrs nertna Wlllard, Biancne Lee, P L. Williams. Nellie T Lee. Mrs Lena Williams. Mary Leslie, Charles Theresa Lewis. Mm Emma Williams. W R Lines, Mrs C W Wilson. Charles Lombard, Mm Chick Wilson. R Long. Miss Eva Wilson. S J Lovett, Mrs Kate Wines. Mm James Lucas. Miss Virginia winsor. M Lundberg. W O Windier, A W Ludlow, Mr Woodmansee. Mrs Myklng. Mies com vorcesicr, Jnuu McClure. Miss Flor ence McCoy. E C Woods, Jennie S Woods. Kittle Wood. Walter J Wood. Will McDonous'h, Miss An- Wood, Olive McCollum. miss jet nle W'nlr TV M McDanlel. E B McDonald. Arnold McBelle. J McGee. J W MeKune. John. C Wolf Bros Junk Co Wornstoff, A Wortman. C Worth. T J Wright. F W McKellop. James Wright. W B McMillan.' Miss Kath- York. Jennie Tankowltz, S Young. Harry Ycung. William Young, Dr V Horton Zollam. Mm Verona Bell Zeltlow. J li W McPherson, A H Mampel. J P Mazorowskl. A-2 Maxwell. W E MadJox. E V Monat. George G Mallory. B B , PACKAGES. Buford. Mm Claire Ross. Miss. 505 N 16th Ch ambles, M E schumacner, u a. Kord. Bert .Sheldon. E P Mlnton, Miss Gerlle Sunberge, G Pedemon, Frank RlkkaSwanson, T ITALIANS. Eerkovle. Glacoma Matrogwauodt, Roffaela Gennarro, Else epo, Anionio F. A. BANCROFT. P. M TRAVELERS GOIDE. ISreatNqrtherw Ticket Office 122 Third 5L Phone i TFJANSCOISTINENTAL) I KAII""t3 UAILT Direct connection via Seattle or Spokane. For tickets, rates and full information call on or address H. Dickson, U. i. A.., Portland, Or. JAPAN - AMERICAN LINE IYO MARC. For Japan. China and all Asiatic points, will lean oHiwe. AbOHt Jnse 2T. 66 Ohio" SAILS FROM SEATTLE ON OR ABQUT JULY I, FOR Nome and St. Michael COXKECTINB FOB ALL FOISTS OK Yukon, Tahana and Koyukuk Rivers EMPIRE TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, GOT FIRST AVENUE, SEATTLE. WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE mm CITY TXAXSr-MUTlM CL Steajner POMONA, tor Salem. Independence, leaves 6:45 A. M. Tuesday, Thursday, Satur day. Steamer ALTONA. tor Buttevllle. Wilson vllle, Champoeg. Newberg and Dayton, leaves 7 A.M. Monday. Wednesday, Frday. Steamer LEONA. tor Oregon City, leaves daily. 8:30. 11:30 A. M.. 3 and 6:15 P. M. Leaves Oregon City. 7. 10 A. M.; 1:30. 4:30 P. M. Round trip. c DOCK. FOOT OF TAYLOR STREET. Tickets good on Oregon City cars. Qrezcay n?irr: t Vain, id. TXATELEKS' GUIDK. O.KN. mm Oregon Short Line am Union Pacific 3 TRAINS to the East DAILY Through Pullman stand a.rd and Tourist aleep- BiCTLuas-car aany xo .amo3 city; through Pullman tourist sleeping-cars (ceraon. CItV St. T-Ml! nri M.m.1.1.. -1 l v4o urcj io lae iwiai daily. UXIOX DEPOT. LeaTft Arrive CHICAGO-PORTLAND 9:20 A. M. 4:30 P. M. SPECIAL, Dally. Daily. For the East via Hunt l>oa. SPOKANE FLYER. 6:00 P. II 7:33 A. M. Tor Eastern "Washing- Dally. Dally, ton, "Walla. "Walla. Lr Iston. Couer d'Alene and Gt. Northern points ATLANTIC EXPRESS S:15 P. M. 10:30 A. M. For the East via Hunt- Dally. Dally. lngton. OCEAX AXD RIVER SCHEDULE. FOR SAN FRANCISCO 8:00 P. M (5:00 P. M. Steamer Geo. W. Elder, From June 1. 11. 21. Steam- Alaska er Columbia, June 6, dock. 16. 26. Alnsworth dock. For Astoria and way 3:00 P. M. 5:00 P. M. points, connecting with Dally ex. Dally steamer lor Ilwaco and Sunday, except North Beach, steamer Saturday, Sunday. Hassalo. Ash-st dock. 10 P. M. For SALEM. Corvallls jA..ui and way points, steam- M-5!'a 2-9,.-er Ruth; Ash-street dock (wat4r permitting) FjWays. For DAYTON, Oregon .7 A. M. 3rfX) P. M. City and Yamhill River Tuesdays. Mondays, points, steamer Elmore. Thursdays, Wednesday Ash-street dock. Saturdays. Fridays. (Water permitting.) I For LEWISTON. Ida- 4:05 A. M- About bo. and way points. Dally 5:00 P. M. from Rlparla. Wash., except Dally ex. steamers Spokane or Saturday. Friday. Lewis ton. . TICKET OFFICE, Third and Washington Telephone Main 712. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. -.-- . 1 Tf.n- TTmm . calling t rur icnonama lux uwu. wwm. - - - liooe, iagasaKl ana saangnai. iawiuB via connecting steamers lor jlibduo, jc-uii. raur ana viaaivosiOK. TxnrtATi7TiA sattj; ahottt jitxb 2. aress omciais or agents oi u. i. ec .- v.o. EAST SOUTH Union Depot Arrive OVERLAND EX- TJDTTCR TTIATVR 3:20 P. M. for Salem. Rose- 7:45 A. M. burg. Ashland. Sac ramento, Ogden, San Francisco, Mo jave. Los Angeles. El Paso, New Or leans and the East. 3:30 A. M. Morning train con-l7x) P. M. sects at woodourn iaW exceot Sun- day) with train for Mount Angel. Sll- verton. Browns, vllle, Springfield. Wendllng and Na- 410 P. M. Albanr pasenger. 10:10 A. M. Connects at Wood burn with Mt. An gel and Sllverton locaL 7:30 A. M. Corvallls passenger. 5:50 P. M. 4:50 P. M. Sheridan passenger. 18'i5 A. M. Dally. llDally. except Sunday. PORTLAND-OSWEGO SUBURBAN SERVICE AND YAMHILL DIVISION. t .i ... rnrttnnrl riallv far Oicn at 7:30 A. M.. 12.50. 2:05, 35. 5:20. 0:25. 8:30. 10:10 P M. Dally. xcept Sunday. 5:30, 6:30. 8:da, 10:25 A- M.. 4:00. 11:30 P. M. Sunday, only. Returning from Oswego, arrive Portland dally 8:30 A. M.. 1:55. 3:05. 4:35. 6:15. 7:35. 0:55. 11:10 P. M. uauy. except ounuay, o;xa, 0:0, lOUW. li:D A. Ji. r.lpi. Jiuauaj, i Leave from same depot for Dallas and Inter mediate points aaiiy eicepi nuiiuoj, i.w x Arrive Portland 10 iO A- M. ates dally to Monmouth and Alrlle, connecting W1U1 a. i . V.O. B iraios at uuiwi uuu iuut- pendence. . . -r . (Mat. nn bh!s from Port. land to Sacramento and San Francisco; net rate, 17.oo: Dertn. jo. ocoaa-ciaj imc. w, without reoato or Dertn; Eecona-ciacs uenu. tmL-. Vn.tsm nnlnt and "Eurooe. Also Japan, unina. nonciuiu anu Aumaua, CITY TICKET OFFICE, corner Third and Washington streets, .rnone jaain .i. TIME CARD OF TRAINS PORTLAND Deoart. Arrive. Puget Sound Limited .for Ta coma. oeaiuc, "" tt,k, rvrtnts 8:30 am 5:30 pm North Coast Limited for Ta coma, seaiue, oponauo, Butte, St- Paul, New lork. 4 .11 Mint. TVt.t and Southeast 3:00 pm 7:00 am Twin City Express tor la coma. Seattle. Spokane, Helena, St. Paul, Minne apolis. Chicago. New York. -rf . -11 TVilnt. Viixr and Southeast 11:45 pm 7:00 pm Puget Sound - Kansas Clty St. Louis Special, for Ta coma. Seattle. Spokane, Butte. Billings, Denver. Omaha, Kansas City, St. and Southeast 8:30 am 7:00 am All trains dally except on Boutn Bend brancn. A- D. CHARLTON. Assistant General Pas senger Agent. mKI .Morrison au, comer xuiru. I'oruana. ur. For South -Eastern Alaska LEAVE SEATTLE, (P.M. CITY OF SEATTLE, or CITY OF TOPEKA. June 4, 8, 12, 10. 20. 24. 2S; July 2. Steamers connect at San Francisco with company's steamers for ports In Call. fornla, Mexico and Humboldt Bav. For further Information sISJ obtain folder. Right Is reserved tn rhnnre steamers or sailing dates. AGENTS CHARLES H. GLEIM, 249 Wash- lUglOIl 21. Oi LlttuU , . . i. irvi Pacific . ave.. Tacoma; GEORGE W. AN- Tinrws. V. W. Pass. Agent. Ticket offices 113 James st- and dock. Seattle- San Francisco Ticket office. 4 New Montgomery st., C. D. DUN ANN, Gen. ass. wgeai, ara xraaexsco. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. ff SUH6CT Tl yn "f11-5 JO Leaves. UNION DEPOT. Arrives. 1" For Maygers, Rainier, Clatakanie, Westport, Clifton. Astoria. War SO a.' m. renton. Fl&vel, Ham-11:10 s. la mond. Fort Stevens, Gearhart Park. Seaside. Astoria, and Seashore Express, Dally. .7:00 p. m. Astoria. Express. fi:4o p. m Dally. E. L. LEWIS, J. C. MAYO, Comm'l Ageaf, 248 Alder st. G. F. A P. A.. Tfcaa iSsln. oa. , Astoria. THE PALATIAL BUILDING Not a darlc ofllce In the rjnllllntc absolutely fireproof; electric lights and artesian water) perfect sanita tion and thorough ventilation; ele vators ran day and night. Rooms. ANDERSOJT. GUSTAV. Attorney-at-Law..613 ASSOCIATED PRESS; E. L. Powell. Mgr. SOS AUSTEN. F. C, Manager for Oregon and uaahlngton Bankers' Ufa Association oC Des Moines. la 502-503 BAAR. DR. GUSTAV, Phys. and Surg. .S07-804 BANKERS' LIFE ASSOCIATION Oi' DES MOINES. IA.: F. C. Austen. Mgr....5U2-5Q3 BENJAMIN, R. W.. DenUst 3H BERNARD G.. Cashier Co-Operatlv Mer cantile Co 212-213 BINSW ANGER, OTTO S.. Physician and Surgeon ..........v. -501-403 BOG ART, DR M. D.. DENTIST 05 BROCK. WILBUR F., Circulator Orego- nlan 501 BROWN. MYRA. M. D .313-314 BRUERE. DR. G. E.. phys ... .411-412-413-414 CAMPBELL. WM. M.. Medical Referee Equitable Life - CANNING. M J 602-603 CARD WELL. DR. J. R., Dentist ,....606 CAUKIN, Q. E., District Agent Travelers Insurance Company 71S CHICAGO ARTIFICIAL LIMB CO.; W. T Dickson. Manager 601 CHURCHILL. MRS. E. J 716-717 CLINTON. RICHARD, state manager Co operative Mercantile Co 212-21S, COFFEY, DR. R. C. Surgeon ....405-408 COGHLAN, DR. J. N. 713-714 COLUMBIA TELEPHONE CO 615-618 CONNELL, DR. E. Da WITT, Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat.... 613-61 CO-OPERATTVE MERCANTILE CO.; J. F. Olsen. Gen. Mgr.; G. Bernard. Cashler..212-13 CORNELIUS, a W.. Phys. and Surgeon. .204 COLLIER, P. F.. Publisher; S. P. McGulre. Manager .. ... .. , 415 DAY. J. G. & L N ...313 DEVERE. A. E. . 408 DICKSON. DR. J. F., Physician 713-714 EDITORIAL ROOMS Eighth Floor EVENING TELEGRAM 325 Alder Street EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SO CIETY; L. Samuel. Mgr.; G. S. Smith, Cashier 305 FENTON, J. D., "Physician and Surg. .609-010 FENTON, DR. TUCKS C., Eye and Ear... 511 FENTON. MATTHEW F., Dentist- 609 GALVANI. W. H.. Engineer and Draughts man r 600 GEARY. DR. E. P.. Phys. and Surgeon 403 GIESY. A. J.. Physician and Surgeon .709-710 GILBERT. DR. J. ALLEN. Physician.. 401-403 GOLDMAN. WILLIAM. Manager Manhat tan Life Ins. Co. of New York 209-210 GRANT; FRANK S.. Attoraey-at-Law..6IT GRISWOLD & PHEGLEY. Tailors , - - 131 Sixth Street HAM MAM BATHS. Turkish and Russian.. - 300-301-303 HAMMOND. A. B 310 HOLLISTER, DR. O. C, Physician and Surgeon 504-504 IDLEMAN, C. M.. Attorney-at-Xaw. .416-17-13 JEFFREYS, DR. ANNICB F., Phys. and Surgeon, Women and Children only.. ....400 JOHNSON. W. C - 315-316-317 KADY, MARK T., Supervisor ot Agents, Mutual Reserve- Life Ins. Co 603 LANE, K. L., Dentist 513-514 LAWBAUOH. DR. E. A 804-805 LITTLEFIELD, II. R., Phys. and Surgeon. .204 MACKAY. DR. A. E., Phys. and Surg..711-iI3 MANHATTAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK: W. Goldman. Mgr 209-210 MARSH, DR. R. J.. Physician aad Surgeon , 300-310 McCOY. NEWTON, Attorney-at-Law 715 McELROY. DR. J. G.. Phys. & Sur.701-702-708 McFADEN. MISS IDA E.,Stenographer...2ui McGINN. HENRY E.. Attorney-at-Law. 311-12 McGUIRE, a. P.. Manager i. i uoiuer. Publisher 415 McKENZUC DR. P. L., Phys. nd Surg.512-513 METT. HENRY 213 MILLER, DR. HERBERT C, Dentist and - Oral Surgeon ...608-609 MOSSMAN. DR. E. P., Dentist 513-514 MUTUAL RESERVE LIFE INS. CO.; "Mark T. Kady, Supervisor of Agents.004-606 NICHOLAS, HORACE B.. Attorney-at-Law.716 NICHOLS. THE DRS., Phys. & Surgns. 606-601 NILES. M. M-. Cashier Manhattan Life Insurance Company, of New York.... ..209 NOTTAGE, DR. G. H., Dentist. 608 OLSEN, J. F.. General Manager Co-Opera- Ove Mercantile Co 2Li-2ls OREGON INFIRMARY OF OSTEOPATHY , 408-HQ OREGONIAN BARBER SHOP; MARSCH & GEORGE. Proprietors.... 123 sixtit atreot OREGONLVN EDUCATIONAL BUREAU; J. F. Strauhal. Manager 200 PACIFIC MERCANTILE CO.; Jr. M. Schwartz. Agent . . 211 PAGUE, B. S., Attorney-at-Law 61a PORTLAND EYE AND EAR INFIRMARY Ground Floor. 133 Sixth street QUIMBY. L. r. W., Game and Forestry Warden - - HEED, C J- Execuuvo special Agent Manhattan Life Ins. Co. or New Xork...3W REED. WALTER. Optician. . .133 Sixth Street RICKENBACH, DR. J. F.. Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat ..UI-7U3 R03ENDALE. O. M.. Metallurgist and Mining Engineer , 3ia RYAN. J. B., Attorney-at-Law ....010 SAMUEL. L.. Manager Equitable Life.... 309 SHERWOOD, J. Wi. State Commander K. O. T. M 017 SMITH. DR. It. B.. Osteopath 409-410 SMITH. GEORGE S.. Cashier Equitable Life - 306 STOLTE. DR. CHAS. E.. Dentist-.. 704-705 SURGEON OF THE S. P. BY. AND N. P. TERMINAL CO 706 SUPERINTENDENT S OFFICE 201 TUCKER, SB. GEO. F., Dentist 610-611 VESTER. A., Special Agent Manhattan Llf 209 WENDLING, DR. BOBT. F.. Dentist-.... 703 WILEY. DR. JAMES O. C. Phys. sur..oa-s W1XSON, DR. EDWARD N Eye, ear, nose and throat 504-308 WILSON. DR. GEO. F.. Phys. & Surg70-707 WILSON. DR. HOLT C, Phys fe Surg.507-508 WOOD. DR. W. L., Physician.. 411 -412-413-41 Offices may "be had hr applylngr te the sHperinteHdent ot the hnlldlBB-, room. 201, second fleor. MUM WCBnt lllLn NO PAT THE XODBIUV APrNOT-A ltlw W M aaSySa without medicine f nr diseases of the generative or- all nervous Or taw . -Thantlr. dntlna gans. such " TtcTMen are gulokly ri- varicocele, imiteney." 3treagtlu Wr: iz. CorrespoBdeace coagdeatlal. S tSiTTH APPLIANCS CO.. reeeas 4t-4C THSJ PFlTj-Ltit. Wash- Bala uefKi - -