THE MORNING OEEGONIAN, FREDAY, JUNE 12,1903. 13 FRUITS ARE ACTIVE Produce Markets Generally Are in Fair Shape, POTATOES PLEHTIFUL, STEADY Washington and Idaho Crop Condi, tionn Private Wool Sales at On tario Hop Exports and .Im ports Local Quotations. Trade la fresh fruits continues nearly as good as daring the warmer .weather. The assortment on Front street Is large, and as a rule prices are easily maintained. Berries were very plentiful yesterday, and Inclined to weakness, selling at $L23Q0.75. Good California cherries were scarce and sold up to ?L25. Some fairly irood Maydukes from The Dalles were offering In bulk at S1.50 per box Apricots are plentiful and lower at SI 2531.50. Oranges and lemons are scarce. Bananas are In ample supply. Tomatoes from Mississippi are offered free Jy. but as too many of them are too ripe, quotations are not stable. $2.35 being the top limit. Cabbage Is scarce again. Few dealers are wllllnr to order from Sacramento, fearing arrivals of new Oregon cabbage, but the In dications are that the home-grown article will not reach the market for a week or ten days yet. Peas, asparagus, cucumbers and quash are In good supply. The potato market Is steady, with a fair shipping Inquiry, and no lack of available. Quotations range .from 4565 cents here, the top price being paid only for strictly fancy stock. Some heavy shipments are being made to California. That the price cannot advance much In the near future Is evident from the fact that there are at least 00 or 70 carlots available now for shipping purposes. HOOD KIVER STRAWBERRIES. Hot Weather Cut Off 20 Per Cent of the Crop. HOOD RIVER. Or., Juno 11. (Special.) Hood River was visited by a soaking rain this afternoon, and at a late hour tonight the rain still continues. Although a few ripe berries will be spoiled by the rain, on the whole the rainfall will prove most beneficial to straw berries and all growing crops, as little rain has fallen In thta section of the state since March. The season has been very dry. and the roads never were so dusty. The late spell of hot weather did much damage to strawber ries. The five days of hot weather made many email berries, especially In the lower part of the valley, but the patches In the foothills Just beginning to ripen are uninjured. It is thought the hot weather cut off 20 per cent of the crop. The strawberry harvest is now at Its full height, with 10 and 12 carloads leaving, dally. Last night 6531 crates were sent outT The total shipments so far foot up to 4G.500. of which 42.000 crates have been catheivd jrtin the rast 10 days. Conditions at the opening Of the season never were more auspicious. The fruit was of unuBually good quality, and Trices never were better. Good berries are now worth ?1.75 a crate at Hood River. The total crop was estimated early in the season at 110.000 orates, and 4f prices lake another brace, this means $200,000 for the growers. Wimlilngton Crop Report. The Washington weekly crop report says In part: Heavy showers, accompanied In some cases "'"Mucr ana nign winas, occurred In the eastern counties on th int m .v. month. In the western counties the weather uii wiose cays was cloudy. Cool weather fol lowed for two or three days, with frost oi the 3d. which nlDned trnrtpr vnt.M.. t-- 6th and Cth were warm dnv nnrt i- r'.t. j 8th were hot. The showers and the warmer ner mat roiiowed have greatly improved all crops, and the week may be fairly clashed wo uci one mis season for the growth Of vegetation. "Winter wheat grew well during the week, but on the northern slopes It Is a rather thin and poor stand. It is heading out quite gen erally, and in some ioiimc it io Spring wheat, barley and oats are growing , uUKr imiow. dui are not doing so well on Spring plowing, and need more rejn. Clover Is In bloom. Hope, corn and potatoes are doing finely since the warm spell $StEi. 18 belnK CUt ,n the wlgata districts. Meadows and pastures look well A good stand of sugar beets is assured In Spokane County. Idaho Crop Report. The Idaho weekly crop report says: All fruit crops made rapid advancement dur ing tno week; In more elevated districts In the southeastern part of the state, fruit trees are in full bloom, while In the Boise. Payette Md Snake River Valleys, m Southwestern Idaho, early cherries are ripening, and mar kets are well supplied with strawberries Over almost the entire state, the condition of small grain is highly satisfactory; cool weather throughout most of the season has Caused fh rmln n tl ii ... " - "en, rrsumng in an unusually good stand; growth during tho Week hu Wtl nnM. 1T-I-. . v . .. . i uurr rye is re ported in the boot, and barley Is heading Hall caused serious Injury to wheat in sec tions of Nez Perces County. The week has been an ideal one for stc-k-cattle are reported in thriving condition; some sheep remain to be sheared In the southeast ern counties. Ynkima Hops Dotnjr Well. NORTH YAKIMA. Wash.. June 10.-(Spe-clal.) A peculiar condition exists at the pres ent time among the hop interests of this val ley. The growers have been reporting lately that there would net be over SO per cent of a crop, owing to the frosts early In the season that cut down the young vines. But an exami nation made during the last week by one of the leading buyers of the county reveals the fact that there will be almost a full crop this year, unless something unforeseen occurs. He visited rractlcally all the yards In the valley, and found them In geod condition. The 'frost did not hurt the vines In the least, and there Is no vermin to interfere with the development of the hop. One contract was made this week. It was from Noe Culiierier to O. W. Kennedy & Co.. of C'lnton. X. Y.. and calls for S000 pounds of 1908 crop at 10 cer.tR. Hop Exports and Imports. The exports and Imports at the port of Jfew York for the week ended June 5 compare as follows: Experts Imports Domestic rrera receipts, bales. TVeek ended June 5. 2. COS Since September 1.. 78.374 Same period last Europe, bales. 547 34.S47 40.521 Europe, bale. 12.446 5.417 year S1.G67 , Wool Sales nt Ontario. ONTARIO. Or.. June 11. Two small int. of wool have been sold here which were the first private rales of the season. John "Wood sold 21.000 pounds at 13 cents, and R. E. Partner sold 20.000 pounds at 14 cents. Hal lowelL Donald & Co.. of Boston, were the buyers. The first regular sale of wool will take place June IS. followed by another In August. PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain, Float-, Peed, Etc Ttfere are to new developments !n the wheat market, so far as business is concerned. Trade Is quiet and .prices are largely nominal. WHEAT-Afalla "Walla, 74c; bluestem. 77c; Valley. 75277c BARLEY Feed, 420 per ton: brewing. $21; rolled. $21.5022. OATS No. 1 white, J1.10: gray. JL06 per cental. MILLS TUFFS Bran. J23 per ton; middlings. J 27: shorts. $23; chop. U. S. mills. $18. FLOUR Valley. $3.70 per barrel: hard wheat straights, $3.3533.65: hard wheat patents, 6-i.Su; Dakota, hard wheat, $1.1026.20; graham. S3.1S3.55. HAY Timothy, S2021; clover, nominal; grain, S1718 per ton; cheat. JlSglC Vegetables, Fralt.-Etc. VEGETABLES Turnips, SOffOOo per sack; carrots, California. $1.35; beets, $1.40 per sack; cabbage. 224c; lettuce, bead. 20c per doxen; greea onions, per dozen, 12c; peas, per pound. 5c; parsley, per dozen, 25c; radishes, lie per dozen: green artichokes. 3Stf40c per dozen; as paragus. 5c per pound; rhubarb, l2c per pound; cucumbers. 51&1.25 per dozen; toma toes, 2.35 per crate; cauliflower, $1.10 par dozen: Summer squash, $1 per box. POTATOES Oregon Burbanks. 45g65c per sack, growers prices; new potatoes. IXc. DRIED FRUIT Apples, evaporated. 6ijc per pound: sun dried, sacks or boxes, 6c; apri cots. ,8VJc; peaches. 59e: pears. HSSc; prunes, Italian. 4H30c; ngs, California blades, Cc; do whits. 7&c; Smyrna, 20c; plums, pitted. DOMESTIC FRUIT Strawberries, $101.75 rer crati; gooseberries. 712c per pound; cher ries. 90c$l.S5 per crate; apricots. $1.2581.50 per crate: apples. Ben Davis, 50cjfl.25; Genl tan. $101.25; Spltzenbergs, Baldwins, New town Pippins. $1.50T2. TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, $395 per box; oranges, navels. $23 per box; seedlings, $232.75 per box; blood oranges, $1.25 per half box; Mediterranean sweets. $2.252.50 per box; grape fruit, $2.50 per box; bananas, 5: per pound: pineapples, $5& per dozen. RAISINS Loose Muscatel, 4-crown. 7c; 3 crown. VtC: 2-crown, CJic; unbleached seedless Miucatel raisins. c: unbleached seedless Kul tans, G?;c; London layers, 3-crown. whole boxes of 20 pounds. $1.85; 2-crown. $1.75. HONEY 15c oer No. 1 frame. ONIONS Yellow Danvers. 40350c per cen tal; Australian Browns. 50-OOc; new onions, $1 per sack. Dntter, Eggm, Poultry, Etc. BUTTER Fancy creamery, 20322&0 per pound, dressed. 2022e; ducks, $77.50 per dozen: geese. $636.60. CHEESE Full cream twins- 15Hc; Toung America. lCc; factory price. Il$ic less. EGGS Oregon ranch, 17HlSc Groceries, Nats, Etc, COFFEE Mocha, 2662Sc; Java, fancy. 209 82; Java. good. 20$?24e; Java, ordinary. ltJ 20;; Costa Rica, fancy, lSS20c; Costa Rica, good. ltil&lSs; Costa Rica, orolnary..i012c per pound; Coiumbia roast, $16.7t; Arbuckle's. $11.13 list: Lion. $11.13. SALMON Columbia River, 1-pound tails. $1.65 per dozen; 2-pound talis. $2.40; fancy 1-pound flats, $1.80; -pound flats, $1.10; Alaska pick. 1-pound talis. 75c; red. 1-pound talis. $1.20; sockeye; 1-round tails. $1.50; 1 pounds Hats, $1.60, SUGAR Sack "bails, per 100 pounds; cube, $5.7774; powdered. $5.62; dry granulated. ?5.52Vi: extra C, $5.02: golden C. $4.82; less Vic per pound for spot cash. Advances over tack basis as follows: Barrels. 10c; half bar rels. 25c; boxes, 60c per 100 pounds. Maple. ltjBlCc per pound. Beet sugar, granulated, $5.42 per 1 00 pounds. B-A.-a-tmmi white. 4c; large white. 4c: KTITS Ten,t I1 Z. , ' ----- n ixuug 1U1 law. Olg SVsc tor roasted; cocoanui. 85300c per dozen: walnuts. WfcSHiio per pound; plnenuts. 10 12Ci hickory nuts. 7c: Brazil nuts. 16c: nl bms. 15fcl6c; fancy pecans, 17e; almonds, l4 I5c; chestnuts. 16c SALT Liverpool. COs. 45c per sack; half grornd. per ton. 50s. $14.50; llws. $14; Worces ter salt. bulk. 320j. $5 per barrel; lrnen sacks. 60s, S6c per sack; bales. 2s, 3s, , Ss and 10s, $2.10 per bale. WHEAT SACKS In lota of 100, 6Q54c Meats and Provisions. BEEF Gross steers. $5gfi.25; dressed. SQ Sl4c per pound. VEAL -OQ 7V;C per pound. MUTTON Gross, $3.60; dressed. 63614c. HOGS Gross. $5.7667; dressed, 7$4Sbc HAMS lOCj'14 pounas. I4iic.per pound; HQ 10 rounds. 14&C per pound 18320 pounds, 13c; California. pu-nic), HVic; cottage hams, HHc; Union hami, 4Q0 pounda average, none; shoulders, lie; boiled ham. 20c; boiled picnic ham, boneless. 16c. BACON Fancy bieakfast. lc; standard Lrealcfast. I7c; choice, 15!ic; English breakfast bacon. 1114 pounds. I6c DRY S4LT MEATS Regular short clears, 12c. 13VC noked; clear backs. ll?ic salt. I T. r KTnntftd firm rrr. t r.n-T . nrnm J- average. I2c dry salt; 13Hc smoked; Union bUttS. lOiillH notlndx orpmro flLLn Arv alf lOVjc smoked. .Aitu Kettle renderfcd. tierces. 12c: tubs. 12Vtc; 50s. 12V4c; 20s. 12C: 10s, 12&C: 6a. c- Standard pure: Hercen. llc; tubs. Compound lard, 'tlerc'ca. Sc: tubs. Sc. SA I7K AflTT ln,tl..4 v.r. toll. minced hau. 10 Vic; Summer, choice dry. 17iic: bologna, long. Sc; Wienerwurst. 0c: liver. 7c; pork. 10c; blool, 7c; headcheese, 7c; bologna sausage, link, 7H3- PICKLED GOODS Portland, pig's feet, bfrrels. $3: H barels, $2.85: 15-pound kit. S1.25. Tripo. Ji barrels. $3.50; barrel.". $2.75; 15-pound kit. $1; pigs' tongues, barrel $0; VI barrel. $3; 15-pound kit. $1.25. Lambs' tongues, barrel. $8.25: U barrel. $4.76; 15 pound kit. $2.25. Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc HOPS 1302 crop. 19320c per pound. HIDES Dry hides. No. 1. 16 pounds and up, 15Q'161iC per pound; dry kip. No. 1. 5 to 15 pounds, 12c: dry calf. No. 1, under 5 pounds. 10c: dry salted bulls and stags, one-third less than dry flint: salted hides, steers, eound, 00 pounds and over, Sgfc: 50 to CO pounds. 7tf8c; under 50 pounds and cows, 7c stass and bulls, sound. 63"5c: kip, sound. 15 to 20 pounds. 7c; veal, sound, 10 to 14 pounds, 7c; calf, sound, under 10 pounds. Sc; green funsalied), lc per pound less; culls, lc per pound less: horss hides, salted, each. $1,503-2; dry. each. $11.50; colts hiles. ea-.h. 25350c: goat .sklaa, common, etfth, 10315c; Angora, with wool on, each, 25e6$l. ' TALLOW Prime, per pound, 45c; No. 2 and grease. 2jSc. WOOL Valley. 16317c; Eastern Oregon. 10 He; mohair, 35337$4c. ' Oils. COAL OIL Pearl or astral oil. cases. 22c per gallon; water white oil. Iron parrels. l5Hc: wood .barrels. 18c: eocene oil. cases. 24c: elame oil, cases. 27c: extra star, cases. 25o headlight oil. 175 degrees, cases, 24c; iron barrels. 174c GASOLINE Stove gasoline, cases. 24c; Iron barrels, 18c; SO degxvca gasoline, cases. 28iMs: Iron barrels. 22c. BENZINE-63 degrees, cases. 22c; Iron bar rels. ISHc. LINSEED Boiled, cases. 59c; barrels, Blc; linseed raw. cases. 57c; barrels. 52c; lots of 0 gallons, lc lets per gallon. TUKPEN-TINE-Cases. 70c: wood barrels, .J03. barrels 10-case lots. 69c LEAD Collier Atlantic white and red lead in lots of 50 pounds or more. Cc; teas than BOO pounds. OJic Mlnlnjr Stocks. SAN FRANCISCO. June 11. The official closing quotations for mining stocks today were as follows: Aae ?0.11jMexlcan $1.70 S . ". i ucciaentai uon 2s ?ft.&.Be,cher- 1-MOphlr 1.80 Caledonia 1.45iOvermaa 42 .uaiinge von .. 40iPetcI Chollar 27Savage Confidence 1.30iSeg. Belcher . Con. Cal. & Va.. 1.65 Sierra Nevada. Con. Imperial ... sjsilver Hill Crown Point .... 25 Union Con GouM & Curry.. 45 Utah Con Hale & Norcross.. 00 Yellow Jacket . SS 20 20 85 1.20 S3 36 61 JUEilCC .......... i-JJ NEW YORK. June U. Mining stocks today closed as f allows: Adams Con Alice ...$0.10jLlttle Chief $0.06 Breece H.niario .......... fUx) 15'Ophlr 1.60 Brunswick Cen... Cam. Tunnel .... Con. Cal. & Va.. Horn Silver Iron Silver Leadrtlle Con ... 4! Phoenix s TiPotosl 1.40avage l.OU'Slorra Xcvada ... 13 IS SO 2S i. small Hopes ... 2.60 BOSTON. June 11. Closing quotations: Adventure $ S.POj Osceola $55.00 """" i-i r-arrot .......... 22.00 Ajr.algamated... 55.25Qulncy 98.00 tfingnam 28.001 Santa Fe Copper 1.12 Centennial 20.00! Trimountaln""" SfVOO jpper itange... 53.75j Trinity 3.50 Dominion Coal.. 76.75! United States .. 20.37 Franklin S.50;utah 20.62 Isle RnvalA 7 mi vinn.i. i nn MotlKWlt AX 4V11 TtlnnnA ......... OM Dominion 13.75! Wolverine".".."."! Ctioo Metal Markets! NEW YORK. June 11. Snot tin In London declined 15s to 125 10s lOd for futures, which closed at 123 30s. Locally tin was a little lower, but steady at 2fi.004f2S.12Hc. tpper advanced sharolv In London, trxln- Ing 2 2s Cdfor rpot and futures, the former closing at 1S 7s Cd. and the latter at f57 12s 6d. Locally oODr-er was dull and nom inal at 14.50gl4.75c for lake and elecirolrtle and 14.00c for casting. Lead declined 2s Cd in London to 11 5s. while locally it remained quiet at 4.37Uc spelter was unchanged at 20 15s In London and locally it was nominal at 6c. Iron closed at 52s 6d In Glasgow and at 45s 7d In Mlddlesboro. In New Tone Iron remains Arm. No. 1 foundry Northern Is quoted at $20ff21; No. 1 foundry Northern. fiuio.Do; no. i foundrr Southern and ??o. 1 foundry Southern soft, at $19.5020. PRICE LEVEL READJUSTED UPWARD T7JRX QP STOCKS IJ XEW YORK MARKET. Raid oa the Bears at the Opening Llqaldatlon for the Present Has Been Completed. NEW YORK. June 1L There was a spas modic readjustment of the price level of stocks at the opening this morning, which was continued during the rest of the session In more orderly and steady manner. Jt was very evident that the principal demand came Xrom uncovered bears for the short account and there was the same lack of adequate news to explain the sudden reversal of sentiment as there has been to explain the persistent weakness of the market for some time. It became Instantly apparent, however, with tho fall of the president's gavel this morning that much of what has been regarded as ur gent and forced liquidation yesterday especially was a deterring operation on the short side of the market. The speculative forces in the market seemed to have reassured themselves over night as to the character of the selling. Large buying orders were In consequence placed In the market for execution at the opening this morning. The uncovered bears seemed to have Information of what was awaiting them, and the opening looked like a bear panic. Simultaneous transactions In many thousand shares were made at widely divergent prices. In Atchison, after one sale of 100 shares at C5M. 11.000 shares- were sold at varying quotations from CO to 67, the ex cited brokers paying this range of prices In different parts of the crowd at the same time. In many of the other stocks which have been under pressure lately, prices ranged up at the openmg with a rush all the way from 1 to 314 for the leaders. The public trading and the most notable movements of today were In Atchison. Balti more & Ohio. Norfolk & Western. St. Paul, the Pacifies and Amalgamated, which are pre cisely the stocks that have fallen In the weak est manner for some time past. By the end of the day the gains In these stocks had ex tended from 3 to 4J4, the latter for Atch ison. Even larger gains were shown by some of the less active stocks. The reports during the day Indicated that an extensive Inter change of views and Information went on yes terday and last night among the large capital ists and banking Interests, the cable being resorted to freely,' In addition to personal consultations In this city. This exhaustive Investigation failed to disclose any of the weak spots In the financial situation which have been rumored from time to time and which have been denied by really responsible authorities. -Yesterday's rumors of trouble in foreign cir cles were Incidentally cleared up. and it was learned that there has been no Important selling of Americans for foreign account, but. on the contrary, a growing Investment demand is apparent. There has been an obvious in vestment demand for several days In the market for stocks, which had fallen to a level at which their Investment return on the part of the dividend basis was equal to or greater than the Interest rate on money. Buying of this character does not concern Itself with checking a decline, but It takes stocks out of the market and- reduces the supply. With the realization that they had been selling Into pockets, the bears rushed to cover and caused a violent revulsion on the Stock Exchange. The Government crop report helped the turn In the market with its Indl cation of a wheat crop beyond any In the country's history. A reaction In the cotton market was viewed with satisfaction, and a violent recovery In the London cotton market had a special effect on Amalgamated Copper. The large decrease In domestic exports for May and the rather doubtful tone of the leading authority In the iron tarade were Ignored. The lightness of the selling at the recovery demonstrated that liquidation for the present has beaji com pleted and the market closed strong and act ive at the top level. There were some Irregularities In the bond market, but many issues advanced In sympathy with stocks. Total sales, par value, $2,075,000. United States 3s coupon advanced hi per cent on the last calL STOCKS. Atchison do preferred Baltimore & Ohio do preferred Canadian Pacific Canada Southern ...... Chesapeake R- Ohio.... Chicago & Alton do preferred Chicago G. W do A preferred do B preferred Chicago & N. W 80.000, 1.600: 54.000 200 20.100 68UI 65V!. 63 354. 03i' 'JiV Mhi SI i 83s 01 01 SO 122J4llltfj.l225i I 65 37 ,'36 37 27 i 25?4 2T4 OS OSU; b 4.2001 1,800 200 6,00 " 500 1,500 IV 17H ia I I2 170a. ICS 1704 14 22 83 184 ChL Term. & Trans.. do preferred C, C C. & SU Louis. Colorado Southern .... do 1st preferred ; do 2d preferred 1.7O0 14ft 13 3,100! 224s, 21 4.500 is?; 200 600 5H Delaware & Hudson.. 28 25i4, 27U 1,300 171V. Mi las ;170 Del.. Lack. & Western. 300 250 !24S14251 Denver & Rio Grande. do preferred Erie do 1st preferred do 2d preferred Great Northern pfd.... Hocking Valley do preferred ......... Illinois Central Iowa Central do preferred Lake Erie & Western do preferred Louisville & Nashville. Manhattan L Metropolitan St. Ky Mexican Central Mexican National Minn. & St. Louis.... Missouri Pacific Mo., Kan. & Texas..... do preferred 700 27 264. 2J 300 83 62J 83 5S.806j 31i 29i at- 15 3 01 133 l5H 31 105 0.600 .500 "I" 6.100 133 13014 POO 45 43 9.300!lOCai.l07'i 100 4.0001374jl36 1372 1.500 124 123 1242 1.500! 22 21 2l 100 21 21 21V1 300 SI 1U2X 80 SO 100H (10214 S5.100 3.100 1.400 21W o& 167H 10 21H 40U' 48 165 New Jersey Central... New York Central... Norfolk & Western... do preferred Ontario & Western... Penrsjivania Reading do 1st preferred .... do 2d preferred St. Louis & San Fran. do 1st preferred .... do 2d preferred...., St. Louis S. W do preferred St. Paul do preferred Southern Pacific Southern Railway .... do preferred Texas & Pacific 600 7.300 1.700: 300 165 12716 C3 SS 24( 126 ; 61 884 5.700 23 125?;i124412oi 44 43VJ 44 32.300! 800, 1.100 100 81 CO?? 63 eu 74 61 it; 2S?. 151?8 1.000 61 i 60 1.1001 1.2001 17 ! lB?i 3SI 36 41,8O0:i5lWl40?i Toledo. St. L. & eWst. do prelerred Union Pacific , do preferred Wafcash do preferred Wheeling &. Lake Erie. do 2d preferred t..,. Wisconsin Central do preferred Express companies Adams American ............ United States Wells-Fargo Miscellaneous Amal. Copper ., Am. Car & Foundry.., do prifer.xjd ........ American Linseed Oil. do preferred Am. Sm-IL & defining. ao preierrea Anaconda Mining Co.. Brook. Rapid Transj.. Colorado Fuel & Iron.. Consolidated Gas Cont. Tobacco pM General Electric International Paper ... do preferred 500 9,7001 1.600, 2.000 coo! 7001 179Uii774 1784 154' 1441 15 International Powr Laclede Gas National Lead , North" American .... Pacific Coast Pacific Mall People's Gas ........ Pressed Steel Car... do preferred ...... Pullman P-alace Car. Republic Steel do preferred luteir Vnion Ba,r & P. Co. do preferred ...... .j. .A 85 900 165 80S1 10 864 SOW 85 ai 27I4! 274 300 74 4.500! 96 ' 95 854 1.6001 545 "194' 51U 200 874 86 874 100'210 '210 1207 9001 15 1 134' 144 200! -44 74i 741 7,300lll!4lll7lll 100 9Si 04' 8 1 60 1.400 94 8V, 04 1.0001 90 ' 80 ' 90 V 13m 1211 12 "WV Xtl'.L! JCtZl J! United SUtes Leather.! ov preferred United State Rubber, do prrferred United States Steel ....I 2.SO0T 30' do preferred j 17.7ftt,' 81 I 7D?t Am. Locomotive J 1.4D0 21 I 2Hi' ii do preferred -J POOl ! i Sfi 1 00 Kansas C'.y Southern..' 700! 22 ' 20?i' 22U d preferred i 1.5O0) 42 ! 42 I 4 Rock Island I SR.noo1 333Sf:2W x.2 do preferred 1 LOOP,' 71t4!UI Total sales for the day. SS4.6O0 shares. BONDS. V. S. ret 2s, reg.l .lC54AtchlEcn adj. 4s.. SS5 .10C4!a & N. W, con. 7.1304 co coupon i.tiuu 4.4.1 14,300 24 22s 234 S00 SSH 87U 83 7.200 27 254 i,'H 1.600 23 20 23H 700 45 42 45 01.300 814 78; 81 300 SO '88 88 ."00 221 i 21 22 6,000 42! 41 I 42 1.2O0 21 20i 21 400 Sill 33 34 1,000 20i 10 20 500 42 404 -llVi ...... ..... ..... 221 V. io 105 100 70,500 E& r,2 55 2.100 34t 33 3414 300 87 865 S6 ilM 35 l.OOO! 4RVi 45H 4CV4 1.4UU S4 H2 9j SS-i 80 88 34 55U 66H 07 I C5l? 67i lMH.'lSSti'lOl I ttmti V. S. 3s. res lOTJID. & R. G. 4s... 8S do coupon 108 I North Pacific 3s. .1014 TJ. S. new 4s. reg.l35ii do 4s .1U do coupon 135Vii'South. Pacific 4s.. S6?I U. S. old 4s. reg-.llO 'Cnlon Pacific 4s..102j do coupon Ill (West Shore" is.... 110 U. S. 6s. rcg 102iWls. Central 4s... 91 Co coupon ...... 102V1I Honey. Cxcaaage. Etc. SAN FRANCISCO. June 11. Silver bars. 52ic Mexican dollars tlVjc. Drafts-rSIght, par: telegraphic, 424c Sterling- on London, 60 days. $4.85; do sight, fJ-SS. . NEW YORK. June 1L Money on call, steady at 142 per cent; closing offered at 2 per cent; time money, steady; CO days, 4V4 per cent: 00 cays, 414S5 per cent; els months, 55H per cent prime mercantile paper. 45i C per cent; sterling exchange, heavy, at $4.875504.8760 for demand, and at $4.54759 4.8180 for 60 days: posted rates, $4.85H4.SS; commercial hills. $4.814- Bar silver. 524c Mexican dollars Uc Bonds Government, firm; rallroed. Irregular. Baalc Clearings. Clearings. Portland $604,024 Seattle 567.079 Taeoma 270.CS6 Spokane 303.433 Balances. $100,084 123.247 20.075 24.114 Dally Treaaary Statement. WASHINGTON. June 11. Today's state ment of the Treasury shows: Available cash balances $225,530,023 Gold 108.020,662 CROP REPORT DISAPPOIXT1XG. Cannes Conalderablc Decline In Prices at Chicago. CHICAGO, June 11. The Government crop report, showing the condition of wheat nn to June 1, was a great disappointment to the bulls and Was the cause cf a considerable decline in prices today. At the opening there was a disposition among traders to regard the ouuooi as somewhat bullish, and the market at the start was Inclined to firmness, with Juiy ttc lower to SKc higher at 75j 76. but as the day progressed the feeling gradually changed and commission houses became livers! sellers. Outside markets were weak, especially SU Louis, and with selling K- tV. VaI. . M r . t . . . . una ou in west ana oy longs on stop-loss orders, the market Inclined to the selling side and declined nearly lc. July selling off to 75Cc. after touchinir 76t4 nnn after the opening. During the last hour, shorts were active buyers, which caused an upturn in prices, and much of the early loss was regained. The close was steady, with July He lower at 75HS75ic Corn was firm early on unfavorable weather. The close was firm, with July 44eUe un. at 4Sic. There wa free liquidation In oats dnrinr the day, but the close was. strong with July c higher, at 37c. Provisions opened rather firm In ermnathv with grain, the market easing off later. Sep tember perk closed 5c lower; lard. 2i35c down and ribs 2iS5c lower. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Own TTIoh July (old).... $0.764 $0.764 July (new).. sept toid) Sept (new) 73i 73 73 73 CORN. 18H 4SH 47i 474 July ... Sept ... 47-5 47 485 75 OATS. Ju'r 364 374 Sept 334 332 37 32i 17.025 16.60 MESS PORK. July 17.05 17.074 Sept 16.00 16.00 17.00 16.60 LARD. July 8.00 8.024 8.85 &05 8.85 8.975 bept 9.00 9.02i SHORT RIBS. July 9.40 9.40 9.35 0.275 ept 8.325 9.325 0.25 Ca.'h quotations were as follows: Flour Steady; dull. Wheat No. 2. 76S76c; No. 8. 7478c; No. 2 red. 75i7C51c Com No. 2. 4Sic; No. 2 yellow. 484949ic Oats No. 2. 374c: No. 3 white, 37e3Sic. Rye No. 2. 504S51c Barley Good feeding, 4246c; fair to choice malting. 50354c. Flaxseed No. 1. $1.11; No. 1 Northwestern $1.125. Timothy seed Prime. $3.75. Mess pork Per barrel. $17017.125, Lard Per cwt., $8.80S8.S5. Short ribs Sides. loose. $9.200.35. Dry salted shoulders Boxed, $S3S.125. Short clear sides Boxed. $0.62539.75! Clover Contract grade, $lL50g'll,75. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels Wheat, bushels Corn, bushels . Oats, bushels , Rye. bushels . Barley, bushels 15.200 11.200 .. 2S.S00 ..325.700 ...202. 800 .. 1,900 .. 62.200 3.900 422.400 107.800 "3.500 Grnln ana Produce at Xctt Yorlc NEW YORK. June 11. Flour Receipts, 25, 900 barrels; exports. 8,542 barrels; sales, 10. 700 packages. Market, firm but Inactive. Wheat-Receipts. 102.200 bushels; spot, steady: No. 2 red, S4Jc elevator and S55c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, 84jc f. o. b. afloat. While the crop report on Winter wheat was less unfavorable than was expected, wheat declined this morning under vicious bear attacks, fine weather and Southwest selling. The close was firm at a partial i net decline. July. 81 3-16S814c. closed Sl4c; September. 77i377ie; closed, 775c; December 77HS78ic; closed. 78c Hops Quiet. Hides Firm. Wool Firm. Butter Receipts were 14.700 packages; mar ket easier. Eggs Receipts. 14.400 cases; market irregu lar; Western extras, 18ic; Western seconds to firsts, 15317c. Grain at San Franclnco. SAN FRANCISCO. June 11. Wheat, steady; barley, steady: oats, steady. Spot quotations: Wheat - Shipping. $1.32SS1.S5; milling. Feed, $1.10gi.ll4: brewing. $1.13i 1.164. Oats Red. $1.1591.25; white, $1.20S1.30 black. $1.1031.15. Call board sales Wheat, steady; December $1.S2; cash. $1.35. Barley, steady: December, 90$c Corn Large yellow. $1.2031.275. European Grain Markets. LONDON. June 11. Wheat cargoes on Kas- eage. quiet and steady; English country mar kets firm. LIVERPOOL. June 11. Wheat, steady; No. 1 standard California. Gs S5d; wheat and flour In Paris, quiet: French country markets, firm. Weather In England, cloudy and threatening. EASTERN LIVESTOCK. Prices Ce Treat at Chicago and Omaha. CHICAGO. Jun 11. Cattle Receipts. 10.000, Including 1500 Texan. Market steady, 10c lower. Good to prime steers. $535.60; poor to medium. $4.2535; stockers and feeders. $3 4.S5; cows. $1.6Cg5.10; heifers. $1.6035.10: canners, $1.6032.80; bulls. $2.5034.35; calves. $2.3037; Texas-fed steers, $434.55. Hogs Receipts today, 20,000; tomorrow. 18.000; left over. 3.000. Market steady; mixed and butchers. $5.906.25; good to choice heavy. $0.2096.324; rough heavy, $5.9036.10; light. $5.603.n5; bulk of sales. $636.20. Sheep Receipts, COOO. Market for sheep. 10320c higher; lambs, steady; good to choice wethers, $4.0035.50; fair to choice mixed. 53.2534.20 ; Western sheep, $4.5035.50; natlve-U lambs. $4.5036.85: Western lambs, $5g6.60; bprmg lamhr, f 031. so. OMAHA. June 11. Cattle Receipts. 3000 head. Market a shade stronger: cows and heifers. $4.2535.40; Western steers, $3.3034.75; canners, $233.25: stockers and feeders. $33 4.00; calves. $3$G.25; bulls, stags, etc, $3 4.25. Hogs Receipts. 11.000. Market stronger. Eteady; heavy. $6.0536.125: mixed. $636.05; light. $5.0030; pigs. ?535.S0; bulk of sales. $638.05. Sheep Receipts. 2000. Market steady; fed muttons. $435.75; wethers, $4.5035.50: ewes, $3.7534.3; common and stockers, $2.2534; lambs, $3.7537.25. Xevr York Cotton Market. . NEW YORK. June II. Cotton futures closed steady; June. U.75c; July ILSSc: August. 11.44c; September, 10.50c; October. 9.77c; November. 9.62c; December. 9.59c; January. 9.59c Spot clewed quiet at 35 poiEU decline; midland uplands, $12 25; do Gulf, $l2e; sales. 127 bales. Low. Close. $0.755 $0.76 ft 754 75; 72i 73 724 72T4 Downing, Hopkins & Co. Established 1393. WHEAT AND STOCK BROKERS Room 4, Ground Floor Chamber of Commerce SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS FRfclTS LESS ACTIVE OWING TO SLOWER SHIPPING DEMAND. Old Potatoes Scarce and Plna, hut la Moderate Request Batter Ts Steady for Faacy Grades. SAN FRANCISCO. Ca June 11. (Special. The leading cereals, notably barley, were quieter and easier. Flour was In fair demand and firm. Bran was steady, but dealers fear lower prices should arrivals from the North continue liberal .Hay., promises to be dull until after the Fourth. Fruits were less active, owing to the ab sence of shipping demand. Apricots, cherries. peaches and green apples were all In liberal supply with prices easier. Madelaine pears were steady under small arrivals. Cherry plums -were moderately active. Canteloupes, nutmeg melons and figs from the South are cheapening. Fancy oranges and lemons were scarce and Ann. Limes were steady. Pine apples and bananas were easy. Aside from strawberries, the berry market was well sup plied and weaker. Currants were plentiful and cheaper. New potatoes were weak and accumulating on account of heavy receipts and late arrival of river boats. Old potatoes- were scarce and firm, but the demand was moderate. Onions were steady with supplies ample. Gren corn had a further decline under large receipts. New Chill peppers were firm, and Stocktons brought a good price. Asparagus was mostly In poor condition and weaker. Green peaa were steady. Cucumbers and tomatoes were weaker. Choice rhubarb was very scarce. String beans were easier. Poultry was generally firmer on 'Jght ar rivals. There was no demand for game. But ter was steady .for fancy and weak for low grades. Cheese was' steady. Eggs were dragging and lower. Receipts 83,000 pound butter, 59,000 pounds cheese, 43,000 dozen eggs. VEGETABLES Cucumbers, 75c0$l; garlic 334c; green peas, $131.50; string beans. 53 7c; asparagus. 75c3$1.50; tomatoes, $1.5032; onions, 46350c. POULTRY Roosters, old. $335.50: do young. $6310; broilers, small, $233; do large. $3.50 34.50; fryers, $536; hens. $536; ducks, old. $3.5031-50; do young. $435. BUTTER Fancy creamery, 24c; do seconds, 22c; fancy dairy. 22c; do seconds, 20c EGGS Store, 17320c; fancy ranch, 24c; East ern. 18320c. HAY Wheat, $12.503H.50; wheat and oats. $12313.60; barley. $9.50311.50; alfalfa. $10tf 11.50; clover, $10.50311.50; straw, per bale. 40350c CHEESE Young America, 1212c: East ern. 17310c MILLS TUFFS H ran. $24.50325.60: jnld dllngs. $2S 50330.50. 1 FRUITS Apples, choice, $1; do common, 20c; bananas. 75c3f3; Mexican limes, $4.5035: California lemons, choice. $3.50: do common. $1; oranges, navels, $1.2533; pineapples, $1.50 3250. POTATOES River Burbanks. 40375c: river reds. 30335c; sweets. $2; Oregon Burbanks. 85c3$l. HOPS 18320c. Receipts Flour, 21,747 quarter sacks; wheat. 990 centals: barley 8575 centals: beans, 135 sacks; corn, 1750 centals; bran, 271 sacks; middlings, 677 sacks; hay, 267 tons; wool. 74 bales: hides. 1512. Receipts Flour, 15,320 quarter sacks; wheat. 1089 centals; barley, 4815 centals; beans, 175 sacks; potatoes, 2224 sacks: bran. 3305 sacks; hay, 100 tons; hides, 339. RECORD IRON PRODUCTION. Consumption Close to the Actnal Rate of Ontpnt. NEW YORK. June 11. The record produc tion of pig Iron In April was broken by a wide margin last month, according to fig ures prepared by the Iron Age. which show that in May this country produced 1,758.000 tons In pig iron, compared with 1,646,000 tons In April. This Is an Increase of over 50,000 tons. Of this enormous total the steel com panies produced 1.033.000 tons la May, against 963.000 tons In April. The productive capacity has, however, been further enlarged during May, so that the whole active furnace plant of the country is now getting close to a rate of 400,000 tons a week, which seems a staggering quantty for the consumption to take care of. During May there was an accumulation of stocks of about 25,000 tons of coke iron, and 5000 tons of charcoal Iron, which Is about the rate at which belated foreign pig Iron has been com ing In. This would look as though consump tion Is now very close to the actual rate of output. There are Indications that large Interests are quietly testing the market In the hope of securing supplies for the second halt of the year at figures considerably below present range. There has been somewhat more buy ing lately, but It is still far below the nor mal. The Southern situation does not seem to have been cleared. Outside furnace Interests are again underselling the official prices, without. however, marketing much. The tidewater steel market Is easier, owing to somewhat lower offerings of foreign billets. Some good orders for steel rails have been placed In the West, and further transactions are pending. In the East, th market Is quiet. Labor troubles are having effect upon the tonnage being placed In manufactured Iron and steel. It is, on the whole, not so satis factory as It should be, although the leading Interests report an exceptional amount of work In tubes, tin plate and some other branches. Coffee and Sagrar. NEW YORK, June 11. Coffee Spot Rio, quiet: No. 7 Invoice, 54c; market, mild, quiet; Cordova, 743H4c Futures closed steady: net unchanged to 10 points higher. Total sales were 8250 bags. Including September, $3.95; November. $4.10; December. $4.35; March, ?4. 5534.60. Sugar Raw. steady; fan- refining. 3tc: cen trifugal. 96 test, 2 19-C2c: molasses sugar. 2 29-32c Refined is firm; crushed. $5.45: powdered. $4.95; granulated. $4.85. Dairy Produce at Chicago. CHICAGO. June 11. On the Produce Ex change today the butter market was weak; creameries. 16g214c Eggs, steady; 13414c; cheese, steady: 1043124c DAILY CITY STATISTICS. Marriage Licenses. Julius M. Giesy, 32; Bertha Shannon. 25. Edward A. Hurlburt. 23; Carrie E. Sbepard, 18. Jorn P. Lockwood, 34; Elsie H. Mitchell, 21. Charles R. HIbbard, Carrie I Wade. "Alfred J. Stout. 36; Grace Av McKerrow, 23. B. E. Reea. 24. Walla Walla; Dollla Folkin berg, 23. Births. June 5, girl, to the wife of Owen Anderson, 16 East Eleventh street Nori. June 2, girl, to the wife oi T. J. Krender. 101 East Eighteenth street. Juno 6, girl to the wife of Joseph Packard. 769 East Twelfth street North. May 30, boy, to the wife of Fred Washburne, St.- Vlnccnfa Hospital. June 9, bey, to the wife of Harry Weber. 834 Thurman. V May 23. boy, to the wife of Peter Ahola, St. Vincent's HozpltaL June 9, boy, to the wife of Abraham Grosser. 567 Frcnt- Deaths. June 6. EAby 3Iatthews. 347 Eleventh, aged 1 day; Inanition. June 8. Teckla. Nelson, Patlcn road, aged 2; diphtheria. June 0, Otta Doke. 425 Front, aged 40; te tanus. N June 8. See Sing. 249 Miln. aged .15; dropsy. June 8. Carrie Sampson, 595 Madison, aged 18; heat prostration. V June 6. James Simpson. St. Vincent' Hos pital, aged 55; septicemia. June S. Olaf Johnson. St. Vincent's Hos pital, aged 24: sunstroke. June S. Catherine M. Mackintosh, 697 Fourth, aged 7 months; scarlet fever. Contaslon Diseases. June 10, Ruth Scctt, Woodlawn; measles. June 10. Ralph EUlott, steamer Lurllne; measles. June 10. Mrs. Holmes, scow, foot of East Main; smallpox. - Balldlns Permits. Albert Crowe. Crosby and McMlJlen, dwell ing. $4000. Dav Raffety, East Eighth and Taggert. dwelling. $2SOX J. M. Fullllove. First and Lane, dwelling. $1550. J. M. FullUove. East Eighteenth and Mor rison, - dwelling, $1525. F. Johnston. Kerby and Beach, repairs. $200. Zan Bros.. Twelfth and Lovejoy. shed, $150 E. Jonaon, Mechanic and Union, dwelling. $1000. Ida Murcin. Berkley, between Dawson and Willis, one-story cottage, $250. Mrs. Ora Jones, two-story dwelling. Division, between East Fourteenth and Eajt Fifteenth. $1000. F. J. Salrn, Delay, between Russell and Knott, repairs. $250. Mr. Buckstln. Front, between Harrison and Montgomery, two-story dwelling. $3500. Real Estate Transfers. Multnomah Real Estate Association to M. L. McColIoch, lot 16. block 3. Willam ette $ 125 ii. iu. Morgan et al. to M. L. Mcculloch, lot 15. block 3. Willamette M. Lindsay and wife to W. J. Cheney lot 8. block 14. Highland..... The American & German Mortgage & In vestment Corporation to Carl Eissler. 10 acres-, SE. corner NE. 4 section 79, T. 1 S.. R. 2 E B. J, Sellwood to Robert Welch and wife, lot 2, block 69. Sellwood X. K. Wood to Theresa Wood, lota 1 and 20. blocks 51 and 56; lots 1 to 7. 14 to 20. blocks 50 and 57 J. C and M. Stuart to J. O. Botkln. lots 06 tc 69. Verdant A. C Wehlor sad wife to E. H. Kellv. undivided one-third of E. 4 of SE. 4 of section 20; SW. 4 section 20. ana S. 4 section 19. T. 1 S., R. 5 E, 400 acres 1024 Victor Land Company to James H. Hovedsguard. lot 3, block 3, Chrlatensen Addition to Mount Tabor 1 J. C. and M. E. Bucklay to B. C. and J. A. Loosson. lota 2 and S. block 2. Trout- dale German Savings & Loan Society to J. H. 475 xiristow. west 43 feet of lots 7 and 8. block 126, Caruthers' Addition 2S00 Hans Olesen to A. C. Wihtton. E. 4 of SE. section 20. T. 1 S.. R. 5 E x 800 C. and E. Bushong to J. G. Houston, lot 5, block 17, Portsmouth Villa 75 A. S. & E. Foster to Frank Legg. west 32 feet of lot 3. block 2. Pleasant View Addition 225 R. Staub and wife to J. D. Hanna, lot 2. block 38. Sunnyslde 10 va unaaay to ilerrttt Lindsay, lot , block 14. Highland H. W. Thlelsen and wife to R. W. Hoyt. trustee, lots 1 and 4. Doscher's Second Addition Portland Lane Fir Cemetery Company to Hugh McCluey. south half lot 64. block 85. Lone Fir cemetery Hawthorne estate to. Boys and Girls' Aid Society, lot 1. block 9. York 250 400 Ellen Henderson to Felix Magulre. west half lots 3 and 4. block 22. ilcMillen's Addition 1200 R. B. McCalley and wife to Gustav Hoff man, lots 22 and 23, and. east 10 feet of lot 24. block 2, Smith's Subdivision to East Portland 1S00 Richard Tatom. and wife to Sam Wodtly, let 3. block 1. Veersteg's Addition. 1150 Nelson W. Bowland and wife to B. J. San- ford, 9.P3 acres, section 19. T. 1 S.. R 3 E - B. J. Sanford anl wife to H. B. Dickin son. 9.61 acres, section 19. T. 1 S. R. 3 E Nelson W. Bowland and wife to B. J. San ford. 2 acres, section 19, T. 1 8., R. 3 B. M. Cosgrove to Edw. Johnson et al.. lots 12 to 15, block 3. Cloverdale Tract.... D. P. Rea to Robert Rea. undivided one half lot 20. block 2; lot 6. block 13; lot 23. block 6. Highland Park William C. Brown and wife to J. J. Kenny, lots 21 and 22. block 12. Mount Tabor Villa Annex First National Bank of Portland to Henry Nclgert, west part of E. sj of NW. 4 600 130 ot rtrs. y, section 20, x. 1 5., ft. 1 E., 10 acres .... H. T. Hudson to School District No. 1. 1500 lots 1 and 2, block 1. Glscome Tract.... 1100 u. u. umson et ai. to school District No. 1. lot 5. block 1, Glscome Tract 350 jr.oorn v.ainn, aaministrator, to L. C Green, block 3. Johns" First Ad dition to Albina 500 xce Canadian Government has decided- to add one-third to the tariff duties of all Ger man goods. Pogson, Pelontet & Co. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. New. York Chicago St. Louis Butte 20 Broad Street Marquette Building Chemical Building Henncssy Building AUDITS OF BOOKS AND ACCOUNTS. SYSTEM3 OF BOOKKEEPING OR COSTS. FINANCIAL EXAMINATIONS. ETC. TKA.VELE11S' GUIDE. TfiREATNORTHERN Ticket Office 122 Third 5L Phone 683 TRAINS DAILY Direct connection via Seattle or apoKane. ror ncKets, rates and full information call on or address ri. iiicKson, . a., Portland, Or I m m mmmm JAPAN - AMERICAN LINE RIOJUN 3IAJIU. For Japan. China, and all Aslatls points, will leave Seattle. wlu About Jaac 13. Nome, Tanana FROM SEATTLE. 6 93 SAILS ABOUT JULY 1ST AT 2 P. x. S. S. Conemaugh, June 6 (CARRIES LIVE STOCK.) I S. S. Indiana, June 6. FOR RATES. ETC, APPL1' TO EMPIRE TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, 687 FIRST AVENUE. SEATTLE. WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE 8SE62K CITY T8AMSP03Tint CO. v Steamer POMOXA. lor s&iem. lndeieEdea dy. 'iliursday. Saturday. bteamer ALTONA. fa utterllle. Wllon Tllle. Champoeg.. Newberg and Daytoo. learti 7 A. M. Moaday. Weeraday. Friiar. Steamer LEON A. for Oregoa City lcv dally S:3e. lias A. X.. 3 aad 8:14 p it Leaves Oregoa City. T. 10 A. at, '-tHw P. M. Rod trip Sc DOCK FOOT OF TAYLOR SilHKlff. Oregoa phase Mala 40. TRAVELERS' GU1D5. OREGON Short line an Union Pacific 3 TRAINS to the East DAILY Through Pullman otandard and Tourtut slr-Ixg-cars dally to Omaha. Chicago. Spokaa: tuurUt sleeping-car dally to Kansas City: through Pullman tourist sleeping-cars (perscs ally rendurted) weekly to Chicago. KxntM. City. St. Louis and Memchls; reclining cn:r en (seats free) to the East daily. UNION DiU'OT. Lv.iv a. I Arrlrs. CHlCAO-P0KTLANI u:2U a. M. 1:30 I, it! SPECIAL. Dally. Daily. For li East via. Hub:- lagton. SPOKANE FLTEK. :UO l il it. For Eastern Wssntnj- uelly. Dally, toe. IWlla Walla. Lei- u Uton, Coeur d'AIen and Ut. Northern point x tlAntic EX'itEs.- i.i:. p. ai. io:so a. af For th Eaat vl Hun: Jally. Oally. ingtnn. .UCKAX A.VTJ ItlVER SCHEDULE. FOR SAN FRANCISCO S:w V. 3d. F&:0U P. M. f teamer Geo. IV. Elder. From June 1, H 21. Steam- Alaska 55 E?lu.I?b,a June doc. lo. 20. Ainsworth docSc ?S,'iiiTomA- "na P. M. 5:uu P. ii. paints, connecting with; Daily ex. Daily trainer ror Ilwaco and "Sunday. except ortn Beach, steamer Saturday. Sunday. HaMalo. Ash-it. dock. 10 P. if. Xor SALEM. CorrallU Mondays?1 A;ooP al and iray point. tazn- Wednesday TuesdaT. Rtn. Ash -street Friday Th"r.diyV. rxvk (wafr remitting) n.rrt'v. ?.r ATTON. Oregot. 7.00 A. at. fj-OO P. H Yan",,u River Tuesdays. MondaysT .k t?"!?er Elmora. Thursdays. Wednesday w "f41 Dock- Saturdays. Fridays. watr permlttlnO. hSWJSX. Ida- 4:oa A. ai. About ft.Dl,V Waah- Pt Dally exT IwStw hsokaa' or Saturday. Friday. Telephone aiala 712. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. Tor Tokohama and llonc Kons. callin t Jjobe. Naratakl and Shanghai, taklnr frelxht m conneotinr steamers for Manila. Port Ar thur and Vladivostok. 1NDRAPURA SAILS ABOUT JUNE 23. ror rates and iul information call on or a4 cre34 olflclaU or axssis of O. R. Ss N. Co. EAST SOUTH rit&aa xiujl.3. Cttu Franclaco, Jlo- Wl . UC hlou aud lue UBCU At ouduuri uuy aceyt sua wlLa uala tu. iiount ADfiel, oa- rtoo. u r o w a -v 1 1 1 c. cvr.cjtae.o. .ron. Albany passenger . connects at Wood--uru with M.U jlz. 1 ana. biivertoa uvaL .urvallu pasaenrtr. 8:30 P. ac 7:00 P. ac .00P. M. 7:80 A..M. IU:SO p. ij. Sheridan pasnenger. 1 1 13 :23 A. at- Dally. KDally except Sunday. POTLAND-OSU-EGO SUUURHAN SEB.VICB AND TAaiHILL DIVISION. Leare Portland cLuiy lor ju.u at 7:30 a. U., 12:K). 2:03. 3:23, S:r. 6:23. 8:30. 10:10 P. M. Dally except Sunday, 5:30. 0:30, 8:33. 10 A. M.. 4:00. 11:30 P. M. Sunday caly. 8:00 A. 11. Returnlar from Oswego, arnvs Portland dally 8:30 A. M.. J.-33. 3:03. 4:33. 6:13. 7:33. 0:33. 11:10 P. M. Dally except Sunday. 0:23. 7:23. :20. 10:2U. 11:43 A. U. Except Monday. 12 Oi A. If. Sunday only, 10:00 A. M. Lear from samo depot for Dallas and latsr zaediate points dally except Sunday 4:00 p. i Arrive Portland 10:20 A. M. Tha Independence-Monmouth motor 11ns oper ates dally to Monmouth and Alrlie. connecting with S. P. Co.' trains at Dallas and Inde pendence. First-class rebate tickets on sale from Port land to Sacramento and San Francisco; nes rate. 317.30; berth. 33. Second-class fare. 313. without rebate or berth; second-clan berth. 2.r-0. Tickets to Eastern points and Europe. a1m Japan. China. Honolulu and Australia. CITY TICKET OFFICE, corner Third ul tashlngtoa attests. Phone Main 712. TIME CARD OF TRAINS PORTLAND Depart. Antra. Puget Sound Limited for Ta eoma. Seatte. Olympla. South Brfnd and Gray's Harbor points ............. 8:30 am 3:30 pea North Coast Limited for Ta eoma. Seattle. Spokane. Butte, St. Paul. New York. Boston and all points East and Southeast 3:00 pm 7:00 am Twin City Express for Ta eoma. Seattls, Spokane. Helena. St. Paul. Minne apolis. Chicago. New York. Boston and all points East and Southeast 11:13 pm 7.-00 pa Puget Sound-Kansas Clty St. Louis Special, for Ta eoma, Seattle. Spokane. Butte. Billings, Denver. Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and all points East and Southeast 8:30 am 7:00 am An trains dally except on South Bend branch. A- -D. CHARLTON. Assistant General Pas senger Ageat. 233 Morrison st. corner Third. Portland. Or. For "South -Eastern Alaska LEAVE SEATTLE. 9 P. M.. Steamships COTTAGE CITY. CITY OF SEATTLE, or ClTx OF TOPEKA. June 4. S, 12. IB, 20. 24. 28; July 2. Steamers connect at San Francisco with company's steamers for ports in Cali fornia, Mexico and Humboldt Bay. For further Information obtain folder. RJght is reserved to chaneo stea-nera or sailing dates. AiJENTS CHARLES H. GLEIM. 219 Wash Ington sUPortland; F- W . CARLETON. 007 b?.hi. Taeoma: GEORGE- W. A v. DREWS. N. W. Pass. Agent. Ticket offices 113 James st. and dock. Seattle. San Francisco Ticket Offlc 4 New Montgomery C. D. DUXANN. Gen. Pass. Agent. San Francisco. Astoria & Coiumbia River Railroad Co. UNION DEPOT. Arrives. For Maygers, itainier, Clatskanle. WestDOrt. Clifton, As"xrta. War- renton, riavel, Ham mond. Fort Stevens. Gear hart Park, Seaside. Astoria and Seashore . Express. Daily, Astoria. Express. 1 Dally. j 11:10 cm 7:09 p. m. B:40 p. m x.L. lewis; j. c. mato. Un ROUTES JO) tmm'l Axent. - ts Alder U G. F. 4 P. A.. Pfeoo Main 990. AstocU. j Si