t 12 THE MORNING OEEGONIAK, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 1903. PRESBYTERY IN SESSION CLERGY AND LAY DELEGATES OP PORTLAND MEET. Se-rcnon "by Hetlrfnir Moderator Mc Glsde Offlcers Elected and Pro ernmme Arranged. The Spring meeting of the Portland Presbytery -was opened last night In the Mlzpah Presbyterian Church, East Thir teenth and Powell streets. Rev. Jerome McGlade, retiring moderator, delivered the sermon on the theme, "The Ministry of Reconciliation." preaching from the text 2 Cor, v:lS. "And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us unto himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation." The sermon was a strong presentation of the text, and commanded close attention. There was a large attendance, most of the Presbyte rian ministers of Portland being present. Trom outside the city were Rev. J. Hatch, of Spring-wafer; Rev. M. Mlze. of Oregon City; TV. C Laube. of Bethany; Rev. Mr. Welch, of Tillamook. Lay representatives were present from dry and country churches. After Sir. McGlade had con cluded his sermon, the following officers were elected: Moderator, Rev. W. S. Holt, D. D.; temporary clerk. J. V. -Mllll-gan. The committee on programme for today reported as follows, which was adopted: That the first half-hour of the morning, 'lz: 9 to 3:30. be given over .to devotional services, to be conducted by Rev. A. A. Hurd; that the remaining hours until 12 M. be devoted to the transaction of busi ness: that recess then be taken until 1:30 P. M.. and that, after the collation has been served, a half-hour be given over to post-prandial speeches, the moderator to be toastmaster for the occasion, and five minutes' speeches be given as follows: The Far East," Rev. IV. S. Holt, D. D.; "Our Presbyterian Women," Rev. H. H. Pratt: "Our College Days," Rev. C. W. Hayes: "Our Seminary Days," Rev. II. Marcott; "The Lewis and Clark Centen laL" E. P. Holt. D. D.t "Our New Pos sessions," Rev. W. S. Gilbert. The committee recommends that the hours from 1:30 to E P. M. be employed In the transaction of business, and then that recess be taken till 8 P. M. The commit tee further recommends that the Wednes day evening session be made a popular meeting, at which "The Brief Statement" shall be discussed by Rev. A. J. Mont gomery and E. P. Hill, D. D.. and the moderator to preside. PERSONAL MENTION. W. F. Slaughter, a lumber man of St. Helens, is at the Perkins. A. P. Cahill. a prominent .flourmlll owner of Spokane, is registered at the Imperial. W. T. Wildman. a physician at the Insane Asylum at Salem, is a guest of the Imperial. S. S. Birncs, of Hlllsboro, father of Deputy Collector of Customs It. F. Barnes, Is spending a few days in the city. Among the arrivals at the Hotel Port land Is George L. Lamping, who, in addi tion to being Auditor of King County, Washington, Is a Colonel In the National Guard of that state, and has also an In terest in the Seattle Club of the Pacific Coast Baseball League. Mr. Lamping has come to this city to see the opening game between the Browns and the team from Fuget Sound. W. W. Catlln, who was a resident of Portland for some years. Is in the city and was around renewing acquaintances wlui old friends yesterday. To ex-Senator Simon he remarked that there was no place like Portland, and Mr. Simon said he was always pleased to get back home. Mr. Catlin came out here on being ap pointed receiver of the Oregon National Bank, the affairs of which he wound up to the satisfaction of all concerned. He also established an enviable reputation for himself end made many friends during his residence, notwithstanding that be was a "Democrat and felt-supporting-." He owns large interests In copper mines in Alaska and is out here now looking after them. NEW YORK. April 2L SpeciaO-The following Northwestern people registered today at New York hotels: From Portland A. H. Ellers, at the Fifth Avenue. From Olympli. Wash. W. B. Stratton. at the As tor. From Seattle F. Everett, at the St. Denis: W. H. Jay. at the As tor. From The Dalles, Or. A. M. Balfour and wife, at the Everett. To Send Sword to Admiral Clark. The committee in charge of the sword to be presented Rear Admiral Clark, now stationed at Philadelphia, .have decided that it is impracticable to eend a delega tion, to Mare Island to present the sword to the Admiral. Instead of this the com mittee have decided to write him a nice letter, signed by povemor Chamberlain on the part of the people of the State, and ship the elegant testimonial by express, charges prepaid. Yesterday morning a committee meeting attended by Messrs. AInsworth, Hawklna, Hopkins. Mitchell and Bowers decided to take this action and ship the sword at once. Governor Chamberlain has expressed himself as be ing pleased to write the letter, which will accompany the gift. An effort will be made to have Admiral Clark in Port land on July 3, the anniversary of the great battle of Santiago. Premiums on Philippine Bonds. WASHINGTON, April a. Secretary Root today approved the action of the Insular Bureau in awarding the certifi cates of Philippine indebtedness to Flsk & Robinson. New York, upon their bid opened yesterday. The officials of the War Department are much pleased at the high premium received for the certifi cates. N'orirnr Loiliic Its Best Blood. LONDON. April 22. In & dispatch from Copenhagen, the correspondent of the Dally Man says: It Is expected that the Norwegian Gov ernment will take steps to check the emigration to the United States, which threatens to denude the country of the best class of its working population. Nesrro Beaten to Death liy Mob. BAINBRIDGE. Ga., April 2L Andrew Rainey, a negro, was taken away from Constable Bell by a mob today and so badly beaten that he died. Rainey was suspected of having Area the residence of Fred Lange. a farmer. Railroad Grant Rescinded VICTORIA. B. CL, April -X-The British Columbia Legislature passed the bill re scinding the grants of land in Southeast Kootenay. regarding which there has been much protest, to the Columbia & Western Railway. Democrats Sweep Blooming-ton. BLOOMINGTON. Ill, April SL The Jmocrats swept Bloomlngton today, electing Morrison Mayor by TOO. Morrison Is the first Democratic Mayor In IS years. Mallory Re-elected Senator. TALLAHASSEE. Fla.. April -X-Stephen H. Mallory was elected for another term In the United States Senate today by the two Houses of tne Legislature. Xer Accident to Iowa. PENSACOLA Fla.. April H. The bat. Ueship Iowa, which left on Monday to complete her target practice In the Gulf, was towed In tonight totally disabled by a steampipe bunting ana tearing away the steering gear. The accident hap pened late this afternoon and three Gov ernment tugs were Immediately sent to the snip s relief. The extent of the dam age is great and it will require ten days or more to make repairs. The vessel Is now lying at the Navy-yard. The squad ron was to have departed for the North tomorrow, but the accident to the Iowa will prevent its colling as scheduled. REVENUE RECEIPTS. Decrease of Tiro and o. Halt Millions In March. WASHINGTON. April 2L The monthly statement of the collection of Internal revenue shows that for the month of March. 1901. the total collections were 113. 624, 90S. a decrease as compared with March. 1902. of J2.G02.t26. The receipts from the several sources of revenue are given as follows: Spirit, nO.923.C5t: Increase. n.106,705. Tobacco, ft 64 1,133; decrease. $564,543. Fermented liquors, S2.S30.S3S; decrease, 8.S50.2S4. Oleomargarine, $57,908: decrease, $1T2.UC Adulterated butter and process or ren ovated butter. J19.227 flaw ' not in t ore last year). For the nine months of the present fiscal year the total collections xcm $173,325,913, a decrease of $30,943,366 as com pared wun ine corresponding period last year. SMOOTHING OVER TUB GERMANS. Official Organ Say American Visit to Marseilles Misunderstood. NEW YORK, April 2L-vA. seml-offlclal communication to the Berlin Post seeks to remove some of the 111 feeling which the visit of the American squadron to Marseilles has caused after the alleged invitation of the squadron to visit Kiel had been declined, cables the Tribune's London representative. The Post says It Is difficult to understand why so much fuss has been made about that visit to Marseilles. The American squadron sta tioned permanently in the Mediterranean was only fulfilling an act of international courtesy when it recently visited Mar seilles. Had Germany a Mediterranean squadron it would without doubt have been dispatched to greet President Loubet and take part in the international marine parade. DAILY CITY STATISTICS. Marriage Licenses. Newton A. Grids. 22; Rosa Norton. 21. Alfred R. Wascher. 2S; Anna C. Helt kemper, 30. Harry B. Tedrow. 27: Camilla. B. Roberts, 27. Charles A. Thomas, 35; Anna Coat, 29. John Votruba. 5; Emma Teste. 19. Richard E. Toiler, 27, Gilliam County; Lor. Nelson, IS. Contagions Diseases. . Shipley. 949 Belmont, measles. Myrtle Brodahl. 1041 But Washington, measles. Mrs. Miller, 306 Eugene, erysipelas. A. M. McLaughlin. Twentieth and Tillamook. rubeola. Albert Swansea, S3S East Twenty-sixth, measles. Wain Williams, 22S East Fortieth, measles. Charles Royal. 10S0 East Stark, smallpox. Walter Wlnans. 673 Fourth, diphtheria. Veeta Fersbln, 1161 Division, measles. Birth. April Is. to the wife of Jeff W. Hayes. G East Twelfth, a tin. April 19, to the wife of Frank Bowers, East Forty-third and Division, a boy. Deaths. April 20. Walter Wtnasa. 673 Fourth, aged 8; diphtheria. April ltv Rose Dygert, 333 Fourth, aged 46; tuberculosis. April 19, Baby VahL 755 Dlvtson: still born. April 17. J. A. Kuck, 240 Park, aged SO; senility. April IS, Baby MUItr. S20 Stark; still born. Building; Permits. Plerson Machinery Company, Front and Mor rison, alterations, $229. N. X. Harvey, Fortieth and East .Madison, house. $1300. Cement Sidewalk Permits. E. X. Awesley, Williams avenue and Cherry, 50 feet. A. MeUler. East Third and Weldler. 100 feet. Rose Wallace, East Twelfth and Mill. 100 feet. W. O. Breyman. East Third and Ilaesalo, 436 feet. Mrs. Ryan. Williams avenue and First, 100 feet. H. F. Bordan. Sixth and Jackson, SO feet. John Lenta, First and Woods. 60 feet. W. O. Breyman. Fourth and Davis, 100 feet. S. Mitchell. Park and Yamhill. 0 feet. Mrs. Cook. East Eighth and Oak, 173 feet. Mr. Hols man. Twenty-first and Marshall. 50 feet. Russell & Blythe, Thirteenth and Davis, 23 feet. Real Estate Transfers. W. C. Roberts, by Sheriff, to C TV. Laur ens, lots 19 to 22. Palatine H1U $ 6 Unknown owner, by Sheriff, to same, lots 3 and 4. block 43. West Portland 7 Columbia Real Estate Company to Joseph T. Slmms. lots 10, 17 ani) 18, block 7. renlnsular Addition. No. 2 120 L. A. Meredith and husband U 11. L Sahlstron. west halt lot 8, block 5. Cloierdale 100 Gus and Abel Johnson to E. II. Bauer. S acre NW. $i section 16. T. 1 6.. R. 2 E. 1.00 Macieay Estate Company to G. N. Ver steeg. part block 5. Blaekstone's Ad dltlon 3800 House of Good Shepherd to O. Metxler. lot 10. block 7. Southern Portland 273 TV. M. Ladd and wife to William G. Flm mll. lot 4B. Salisbury Hill 473 John R. Shaver et ah, to Oscar Bartx, northeast halt of lot 7, Delmar Shaier'a Addition 6O0 Nancy A. Taylor to J. 1L Hawley, 2Ji acres. T. 6 S R. 4 W.. In William M. Turpln D. L. C. No. 37 300 Louis Nicholas and wife to M. Olsen, lots 1 and 2. block 7. Iloiladar"s Addition.. 3S00 J. C Wilson and wire to O. L. Roe. lot 5. block 5. Sunnj-slde Addition 1200 Maggie B. Cook and husband to M. E. Rje. lot 3. block 5. SunnysliSe 323 Mary and James D. Hart to Sam L Beary. lot 7. block 2, Mount Tabor Villa Annex B00 Thomas 1. Evans and wife to Frederick W. Ough. parcel land, section 1, T. 1 6.. R. 4 B 400 Louis Nlcolal and wife to M. Olsen. lots 1 and 2. block 57. HoUadaya Addition. 3500 Portland Trust Company to J, P. Menef ee. lots 3 and 6, block 15, Williams-Avenue Addition 770 The Tltlo Guarantee A Trust Company to William B. Patterson, lots S and 7, block 8.' Holladay Park Addition 1273 E. W. Gofif and wife to Laura. Share, 33 1.3x50 feet, beginning 33 1-3 feet east ot 8. W. comer lot 9. block 23. Alblna Homestead 1350 Leandcr Lewis and wife to P. J. Hauler, lot 9. block 2. Mount Tabor Villa Annex 20 P. H. Marlay to John F. Allison, west 26 feet lots 1 and 2. block 71. Cat-others Addition to Carutbera Addition 1 Livingston Jenka and wife to 11. W. Fries, lots 6 and 7, block 13, Watson's Ad dition 3000 J. W. Winters and wife to F. F. Winters, parcel land, section 0. T. 1 N.. R. 1 E 1 J. F. Winters and wife to Oscar O. Ben son, parcel land, section 6, T. 1 -N., R. 1 E 1 Unfortunate Deputy Engineer. The deputy In the City Engineer's office who has charge of sidewalk improve ments has no enviable Job these days. There are many dilapidated and danger ous wooden sidewalks about town, and the city authorities are making a stren uous and unceasing effort to have these replaced, within the fire limits at least, this year. In some cases notices to make this change are looked upon as & hard ship, especially where one Is required to lay a cement walk adjoining & wooden walk, which the owner got repaired in time to allow It to stand a while longer. Men come around and kick and curse, and women come and shed tears. The deputy has to hold his own with them alL and keep the good work of improvement going on. A peculiarly trying case Is on his L hands at present In regard to the sew concrete walks ordered to be built In the two fronts of the Beverly apartment house, at the southwest corner of Yamhill and Park streets. The six-foot plank walk on the Yam hill-street front Is in bad condition, has a hole In It and a space ot three feet between the walk and the house Is Inclosed with an Iron fence as a flower garden, while the strip outside the walk Is practically Impassable on account of two trees and the facts that the curb Is gone and the ground slopes down to the gutter. The condition Is still worse on the Park-street side. The walk is nar row, and the space between It and the house is partly Inclosed with a wire fence, and the remainder taken up by a long bicycle rack on a grating. At the south end of this walk there is a trapdoor extending to the gutter. When this Is open the sidewalk Is blocked, and there Is only a -narrow place for pass ers to squeexe through, as the space out side the walk Is blocked by three trees, and the curb Is partially gone. The agent for the property pleads that it Is owned by a widow who can ill afford to put down new walks In front, hut that such walks are sadly needed Is patent to all who pass the place. The deputy can do nothing but Insist on the new walks be ing built, but dislikes to be accused of oppressing the widow and the fatherless, and is, therefore. In an unhappy state of mindw TO ENLARGE MEMBERSHIP Chamber of Commerce Seeks to Strengthen Its Organization. The Chamber of Commerce will en deavor to enlarge Its membership. It now has 2SS members, as compared with ISO 1 months ago. The chamber has accom plished Important results in the past year. The project ol railroad extension Into Interior Oregon has been urged upon the Harriman people, largely by the chamber, and with good promise of success. The chamber has also Induced the O. R, & N. to put a third tug into service on Colum bia River bar. and was one of the com mercial bodies of the Northwest which persuaded the railroads to grant lower distributive freight rates out of Coast cities. The chamber has taken a promi nent part In all public enterprises that have come before the business men of the city. That there is a place In the commer cial life of Portland for such an organiza tion Is shown by the standing the body has gained in the community. Yesterday the trustees appointed a com mittee to confer with the passenger agents for lower railroad fares to the National Livestock convention which win be held here next January. The committee is composed of S. M. Hears. Henry Hahn, M. D. Wisdom and C. F. Bee be. The assistant secretary was instructed to draw up an Invitation' to the National Convention of Railroad .Conductors, to hold their biennial convention of 1905 at Portland. A communication from the Pacific Coast Lumber Manufacturers' Association, ask lng the chamber to advise Portland mer chants to Import merchandise and sup piles by rail Instead ot by vessel, so as to bring out more cars, for the lumbermen, was referred to the committee on trans portation. It is not likely that the let ter will be favorably considered, because Portland already Imports nearly all its goods from the- Eist by rail, and cheap ocean tonnage Is quite as essential to the country as cheap railroad rates. The transportation committee is composed of L. A. Lewis. Henry Hahn, T. D. Honey man, A. H. Devers, John F O'Shea, W. H. BeharrelL A. F. Biles. W. A. Mears. O. M. Scott, E. Ehrman, George Lawrence. Jr., L N. Fleischner. H. Wittenberg. F. A. Nltchy. E. M. Brannlck. F. H. Ransom, C. A. LombirdL A. H. Kerr. S. M. Mears, Sol Blumauer. R. F. Prael, D. J. Zan. W. C Noon, P. Lowengart. Henry Lasche. grain Inspector at Ta- coma for the chamber, will be absent from his duties tor several weeks, and recom- jnends that C B. Tu thill assume his du ties temporarily. The recommendation was referred to the committee on grain standard, composed of W. J. Burns, W. S. Slbson. Peter Kerr, T. B. Wilcox. A. Berg. T. W. Smith and R. Kennedy. GOING TO ATLANTA Mrs. B. 3L TrumbnII and W. T Gard ner Will Attend Convention. At the meeting of the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society yesterday afternoon Mayor George H. Williams was elected presi dent to fill the vacancy caused by the death of the l3te president, H. W. Cor bett. and Dr. T. L. Eliot' was elected trus tee to take Mr. Corbett's place on the board of directors. The society also de cided to send Superintendent W. T. Gard ner as a delegate to the National Con ference of Charities and Corrections, which meets at Atlanta, Ga., on May & Superintendent Gardner read the follow ing report for the month of March: Children received By voluntary relinquishment by parents. 3 Rescued from bad relatives 5 By legal commitment 13 Informally from court or jail 8 Came voluntarily 1 For discipline Returned or recalled 15 Total .... . 9 Disposed of . . Conditions A. or to work for wagea 2 Conditions B, or on Indenture.'. .12 Conditions C. or for legal adoption 3 Parole . 2 Sent to parents under surveillance 10 Other Institutions 2 Total U On hand March 1. 1903 31 Received during the month 49 Total Placed out during the month ..... SO tl On hand April 1. 1903 39 The first regular meeting of the execu tive committee of the State Conference of Charities and Corrections met at the of fice of the City Board of Charities last evening. The committee formulated plans for the ensuing year, for visiting the dif ferent state eleemosynary Institutions, and elected Mrs. B. M. Trumbull and W. T. Gardner delegates to the conference at Atlanta, Instructing them to use their in fluence to bring the conference to Port land in. 1904 or 1935. The delegates will leave for Atlanta on May 1. To Consider Pnbnc! Market. The special committee appointed by the Mayor to consider the petition of the Union Market Company to erect a brick market block on the old Mechanics' Pa vilion site will meet at the City Hall this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Caswell Breaks Ula Record. A Caswell, the only applicant for a MEAL TIME DRINKS Should Be Selected to Suit the Health - as Well as the Taste. When the coffee toper, ill from coffee drinking, finally leaves oft coffee the bat tie Is only half won. Most people require some hot drink at mealtime and they also need the rebuilding agent to build up what coffee has destroyed. Postum is the rebuilder. the tfther half of the battle. Some people stop coffee and drink hot water, but find this a thin, unpalatable diet, with no rebuilding properties. It is cuch easier to areas: away irom corree by oervlng strong, hot, well boiled Pos tum In Its place. A prominent wholesale grocer of Faribault, Minn., says: "For a long time I was nervous and could not digest my food, i went to a oocior, wno prescribed a tonic and told me to leave off coffee and drink hot water. "I did so for a time and got some re lief, hut did not get entirely wen, so I lost natience and said: Oh. -well, coffee isn't the cause of my troubles,' and went back to drinking It- I became worse than ever. Then Poetum was prescribed. It was not made right at nrst and tor two moraines I could hardly drink It. Then I had It boiled full fifteen min utes and used good cream, and I had a most charming beverage. 'I fairly got fat on the food drink, and my friends asked me what had happened. I was so well. I was set right and cured when Postum was made right. "I know other men here who use Pos tum. among others the cashier of the Se curity Bank and a well-known clergy man. "My firm sells a lot of Postum. and I am certainly at your service, for Postum cured me of stomach trouble." Name given by Postum Company, Battle Creek, Mich. ONLY A FEW DAYS Left in which to take advantage of our Removal Sale On May 1 we shall be in our new location 246 WASHINGTON ST., bet. 2d and 3d. I THE KILHAM STATIONERY CO. ! : x 267 MORRISON STREET Z Drink 4 i Missouri! Best TV. J. VAX SCHUYVER Distributors. ABSOLUTE CLEAXLI5E3S IS OUR MOTTO. We do Crown and Bridge Work without pain. Our 16-year' exprlne In pUU work enables us to tit yoor mouth comfort, ably Wa have feeling as well as you. Dr. W. A. Wise, manager, has found a aafa way to extract teeth absolutely with, out pain. Dr. T. P. Wise la an expert at Gold Filling and Crown and Bridge Work. ISxtracting trea when plates or bridges are ordered. DR. W. A. WISE. WISE BROS., Dentists Open evenings till B. Sundays position on the police force under the new rules who failed to run SO yards in the re quired time, yesterday did the feat. Bis best time In the first examination was 1S!4. or one-half second slow, according to the rules. He was allowed another trial by the Commission, and on the Y. M. C A. track yesterday morning he made 11H. so that he will now be on the eligible list. Drs. Zan. Slocum and Blersdorf have finished the last ot the physical examina tions for the Police Department, and the reports have been turned In to the sec retary of the Commission. Phoenix Iron Works Recommended. The Executive Board Are and purchas- iag committees have considered the pro posals for furnishing 0 fire hydrants to the city, and win recommend that tne contract be let to the Phoenix Iron Works of this city. DAILY METEOUOLOaiCAI, REPORT. PORTLAND. April 21. 8 P. H. Maximum temperature, SO; minimum temperature, ST; river readlnr, 11 A. M., 4.0 feet: change in 24 hours. 0; total precipitation. 6 P. M. to 5 P. M., .23 ot an Inch; total precipitation slne September 1. 1002. 36.08 Inches; normal pre cipitation since September 1, 1902. 40.53 Inches: deficiency. 4.4T Inches: total sunshine April 20. 1803. 6:51; possible sunshine, 13:18: barom eter, reduced to lea level, at S P. M., 30.07. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Wind. STATIONS. : 1 t BB Pt. cloudy SE Clear SE Cloudy SW Cloudy W Clear SE Cloudy s Pt. cloudy SB Cloudy S Raining SE pt- cloudy SW Raining SW Clear N Clear W Cloudy MT Cloudy SE Raining SW Raining NW Pt. cloudy Baker City Bismarck Boise Eureka Helena Kamloqps. 43. C... North Head Pocatello ......... Portland Bed Blult Roseburx .1 Sacramento Salt LAke City ... San Francisco ... Spokane Seattle Tatoosn Island ... Walla Walla .... m'o nn e4k.oo 74 0.00 62 0.34 66 0.00 6S0.00 14 32 K.: 68 0.00 59 0.20 61 0L641 OO.UO Toaoo 62 0.00 6&0.00 KS0.2S 54 0.40 T2;0.00 WEATHER CONDITIONS. r..l.l, K..W rsfns hr fallen during the last 12 hours In Western Oregon, Western Washington and along the north California coast. It Is wanner in soumwesiern imm and cooler west ot the Cascade Mountains. Tne -... rtartlv rlimA'F weather In this district Wednesday, with showers In West ern Oregon and Western wasninnon. ana ajo In the extreme eastern portions of these states and In Northern Idaho. WEATHER FORECASTS; Forecasts made at Portland for the 2S hours ending midnight. Wednesday. April 22. 1903: Portland and vicinity Partly cloudy, with showers; slightly warmer; south to west winds. Western Oregon Partly cloudy, with ahow- SPECIAD OFFERS. Can.. Man. McDonald Co.. 180 a. A lmpts. 11L Highland. 10 r. res. and lot: modern lmpts.; trult trees; rood location. lnd.. Huntington, modem 11 r. res. and lot. lowi. Taylor Co.. 160 a. i lmpts : nearly all tillable: orchard: 7 ml. from Conway. Iowa. Grand River, new res. and 6 Iota. Iowa. Des Mo'nes. 8 lots. Olenwood pL Kin!. Lcran Co.. ranch. 1820 a., stock and lmpts.; furnished house; outbuildings. Kan." Clay Co.. 2S0 a. & lmpts; orchard: 120 a. cultivated: 200 a. tillable. Md.. near Eaton, fine country estate of 260 a. 14 r. re.: modern lmpts.: good barn and out bldmu about 200 a. tillable; 30 a. Umber. Md.. Hartord Co.. 31 a. A. lmpts. 31aa.. Peprerell. country res. & 40 a. Mass- Hadley. 7 r. re, and 4 a. land. Mich.. Crystal Lake twp., dairy farm. 72 a. and stock: also SO a. pasture land. Detroit, bldr. lot. Falrmount Park. aubd. lio.. Kan. City. 7 r. res.. Campbell st. Neb.. Scott's Bluff Co.. 160 a. & lmpts.; ISO a. tillable: 3H mU from Mitchell. Neh Central City, good bldr. lot. Neb. Dundy Co., 240 a. grain land. N. T., Allerany Co.. 125 a. land. Ohio. Adams Co., 160 a. 4 Impta. Okla.. Noble Co.. 160 a. & lmpts. Or.. Toledo. 2 bide. lets. . . . Pa.. Mercer Co.. 170 a. A Impta.; well adapted to stock and dairying. Pa-. lAncaster, double house and lot. S.' D.. Aurora Co., 180 a. lmpts. Vs.. Onancoek. large factory bldg, dweL tenant house and 6 a. land. Vs.. Halifax Co.. 503 a. adapted to tobacco; 10 r. house, bams, etc Wis. Juneau Co.. 80 a. land. Right to mfg. and sell a fine patent medicine for coufhs. colds; etc. 31500. W. M. OSTRANDER. North American Building. Philadelphia. m I Men's Diseases i DR. TALCOTT i & co. : Portland Office: J 250 Alder St, Cor. 3d. . Saa Francisco Office. 997 Market St. ? Bottled Beer Jt CO., PORTLAND, OR. DR. T. P. WISE. 3M-1U aitlM ItllCHa. Csr.Mna Will. lit. from 9 to 12. Or. South 2191. era; slightly warmer, except near the coast; south to west winds. Western Washington Showers; south to west winds. Eastern Oregon and .Eastern Washington Partly cloudy, with probably showers east por tion. Idaho Partly cloudy, with shower north portion: cooler southwest portion. EDWARD A. BEALS. Forecast Official. CLASSIFIED AD. BATES. "Rooms." "Room and Board." "Houssktej ntg Rooms,' "Situation Wanted;" 18 word or less. IS cents: It to 20 words. 20 cants; 21 to 13 words, 23 cent ata. No dlacouat fcr ad ClUonal Insertions. UNDER ALT. OTHER HEADS extept "ICew Today." 80 cents (or IS words or leas: IS to words, 40 cents: 21 to 5 words, SO cent, etc Cm Insertion. Each additional Insertion, otis-half ; no further discount under one month. "NEW TO DAT (gauge measura agate). IS cents per Una, first tisertlon: 10 cent per lis tor each additional insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTI8E3IENTS. ad dressed car Tha Oregonlaa aad left at this office, cbould always b Inclosed m sealed ea vslope. Ko stamp Is required on such letter. Th Oregonlaa will not b. nsponsibia for errors la adTsrUasmeau takes through the telephone. AUCTIOX SALES TODAY. At residence. 33S Constance St.. cor. Union ave. Take Woodlawn car. Sal at 10 'A. M. George Baker & Co.. auctioneer. By tha Ford Auction Company, at 182 1st at. at 10 A. M. H. Ford, auctioneer. BOILS. JACKSON April 21, 1003. to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Jackson. 423 6th at., a daurhter. Mrs. Bert Jackson waa formerly Miss Lillian Donaldson. MEETING XOTICES. PORT INDUS LODGE. All member are re. guested to be present at the meeting tonUht to receive the grand chief of honor. LIZZIE GARDNER, C of H. JOHX MANN, Recorder. WASHINGTON COUNCIL, NO. 3. R. S. M. Stated assembly this (Wednesday) evening. H o'clock. Ma sonic Hall. Burkhard bldg. Eaat Side. Visiting companions welcome. Br order. T. 1IL M. . C- II. BROST. Recorder. ORIENT LODGE. NO. 17, L O. O. F. Cor ner ot East Pine and Grand avenue. Work In the Initiatory degree this (Wednesday) evening. All Oddfellow made. welcome. D. K. ILIFF, Itec 8ec CORINTHIAN CHAPTER. NO. 64. O. E. S. Regular communication this (Wednesday) evening at 8 o'clock. Social. By order W. M. ELIZABETH KISSELL, Sec i--r.M-.nAL NOTICES. THORNTON In this city, April 21. 1903. at the family residence. 80 East 2Sth it-. Vlda A. Thornton, aged 16 years, 3 months and 20 days. Friends and acquaintance art re. spectimiy tnvitea to attend u runerai serv. Ices, which will be held at the above rest. dence, at. 10 A. M. today. Interment Lone Fir cemetery. CASSIDT In this city. April 21. 1903, Ellen Caasidy, aged 3S year. Funeral will take place today. April 22, at O A, M.. -from St. Francis Church, cor. E. 11th and Oak ats. Friends and acquaintance Invited to attend. Iruennent at Mount Calvary cemetery. GREENE At the. residence. April 2L 1903. George O. Greene, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Harry j rerun, serc 4 J r. . jaonui ana a Gays. Funeral will take place today, April 22, at 1:30 P. M.. from the residence, C2 Eaat 6th. Friends Invited. ECHTEWE Friends and acquaintance an re spectfully InTlted to attend the funeral ser ces of the late Amelia Schlewe. which will oe neia at limeys cnapei at - 1'.. II- today.. Interment Lone Fir cemetery. J. P. FUfLET fc SO?f. Progreaatve' Funeral Directors and Embalmers, cor. 3d and Madlaon streets. Com petent lady asst. Both phones If ol O. EDWARD HOLM AS, Undertaker, 4th and Yamhill ata. Rena Stlnaon. lady assistant. Both phones So. 007. CLARKE BROS., FIXE FLOWERS, Floral Designs, SS9 Morrison. SCHAJfirr Jt JiEV, 1IOXTJMEXT3, cemetery work. etc.. sos First. JEW TODAY. FOR SALE-NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE AND corner lot; East Harrison and 37th st.. for SI250: In good condition; see owner; no agent. MORTGAGE 10ANS On Improved city and farm property. B. LTVXNGTSONE. 224 Stark st. "HORTfJAGT? On .dtyOT farm property JlUIVA Uanh st lowest rates; repayable TJl IKK "J BuTsiuseoo Gellrea. Dtuiaujs; loans maae. A. H. BIRKELL Ftrattff of MuMasfor & Birrri!. 303-4 McKay BuildlnB, 3d and Stark. 1 11 one juain BUTTER LOWER, 45c Best creamery 50e Eggs. 2 doxen for ....35e Picnic hams - 12c Cottage nam) - 12c 5-lb pail lard ..Sbc Flne Eastern sugar-cured hams, pound 15c LA GRANDE CREAMERY, - lamiuu. jLaixssmtsitTs. CORD-RAY'S THEATER 35 Evening Prices Xc and 60c Matin ea r-nces ao-uis. act emidren. 10c Phone Main 992. Portland- Popular Family Theater. LAST TIME TONIGHT! RESURRECTION RESURRECTION One of the -very .beat playa of the season, DOXT FAIL TO SEE IT COMMEXCUCG THURSDAY SIGHT The newest state-named Play CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA A. b!? scenic success. MaRQUAM GRAND THEATER. CALVIN S. HE1L1G. Manager. "I'wa tmrir in a mNt linlv Friday Mght and Satnrday After noon, April The Celebrated Actor. MR. WILHA.H H. CKAXE IN "DAVID II ARUM." low floor. 11.50: balcony, nrst six rows. l; Srst three rows ot tha last six rows, 75c: last three rows In balcony. 50c; gallery, 33c and 23:: boxes and loges. 10. aeat are now selling-. Carriages at 10-50 o'clock. ' MARQUAM GRAND THEATER- CALVIN HEU.IG. Manager Wednesday and Thursday Night. April 22-23, fom iieuneo. vaudeville. WESTON A vn HT-RnKnT- Blg modern, galaxy of artists, direct from the proctor, urpseum and Keltn circuits. circle. 75c: entire balcony. Mc; gallery, 35c and 25c Seat an now selling. THE BAKER THEATER George L. Baker. Manager And the fun still goes on. If TOU want nure- unadulterated laneha. don't miss seeing Barry Corson Clarke In "WHAT HAPPENED TO JONES." Evening. 15c, 25c, 33c. 50c; matinee, 10c. IOC. AW. Next week, ttt&rtlnr Rtinflffv afternoon. Mr. Ralph Stuart In "Prince Otto." SEW TODAT. TO CAPITALISTS, INVESTORS AND SAVERS OF MONEY IN GENERAL. The oldest Trust Company In Oregon. PORTLAND TRUST COMPAXY OF OREGON. Incorporated April 22, 1S87. Peonle with monev alwavs want to get come returns on it. To all such we offer Interest-be arins certificates ot deposit upon terms to suit, xou can deposit wiia us for aar term, from ten davs to five years, and can withdraw your money by giving a certain number of days notice, as may oe agreed on. t un -particulars are contained In out book ot ILLUSTRATIONS. Which will he gladly furnished if you will write for It or call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. riO. 103 THIRD STREET. MORTGAGE LOANS Ob lmnroTf'd e!t-r svirul inn intnertr. Bitlldliut loin. IzutAllant irn. WM. M-tfTVAftTSB. ui wcrccftur diocjc Sale of Sundries. i W must moT soon. KNIGHTS DRUG STORE, 128 sth st. Established In 1832. IfOR SALE Two Second Hand 100-iight Sprague Dynamos, with extra Interchangeablearmature. Also one second hand 120-light American Engine Co. dynamo, low voltage, suitable for mill work. 110 or 115 volts. Address A. W. COCHRAN, Oregonlaa Bldg, Portland Or. FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE, $1800 FINE QUARTER BLOCK, HOLLA, day's Addition; street Improved, sewer and water: a bargain. $1700 Very good modern 7roora house. Sunny-side: fine locaUon. $1000 Good T-roorn house, quarter block, Montavllla. $3730 Nice modem T-room house, 7th st. West Side. As many other fine place on West Side. CHARLESON & STAUB. 215U Morrison, room 12, ACREAGE BARGAIN 8 ACRES. SOUTH MT. Tabor, for sale In tracts 2 acre or more. $30 acre: easy terms; beautiful home site; well fenced, cultivated, planted In fruit, -water piped. See It today. Take Mt. Scott ear, alight at Stewart' Station, right on the place; cannot mistake. 1000 feet frontage on electric line; 20 minutes ride; Sc fare. J. E. Balnea; care Lang' & Co.. Portland. FOR SALE $3000 J. W. OGILBZE. ROOM 11. ItSH 1ST ST. S-acre tract, all In cultivation, -with good 4 room reildene (needa some repairing), very good stable, etc. good well water. Ue high and lrhtly, close to car line, on the East Side, between Kanllworth and Woodstock. This Is a cheap property, and would make a nlca horns. TO HOMESEEKERS 100 ACRES ON SOUTH era slope ot beautiful Mount Scott: 43 acre under cultivation, orchard, house, and a good large barn: soil la very productive: a bar gain. J. E. Martin, 432 East Sherman at. FOR SALE $5500 COR. LOT WITH TWO modern ft-room houses. East Side; close in; rent $50. $2100 buys 14 lots, 50x100, on Hawthorne ave. Owner. 101' Sherlock bldg. Phone Main 1440. $2500-STRICTLY MODERN COTTAGE EOME on East Morrison st ne&r 14th: very deslr able buy $2750100x100 N. W. cor. East 13th st., and Belmont ave. Hart Land Co.. 107 Sherlock bldg. THREE-ACRE PLACE. ALL IN CTJLTTVA tlon. coxy 6-room house; brick basement; all kinds fruit, large and email; 3 miles out. West Side. S. B. Rlggen, 305 Abington bldg. WD HAVE SEVERAL HOUSES AND LOTS and vacant lota for sale in Holiaaays Ad dltlon at srlcea that are right- Lewi & Clark B. E. Co. 553 Worcester blk. LOT 50x100. WITH 6-ROOM HOUSE AND outbuilding. East 10th it-, near East Sher man: very desirable location. J. C Martin, 492 East Sherman at. A SNAP NEW'0-ROOM HOUSE. 33TH AND Belmont at.. $1700: easy terms; rent makes net 10 per cent Investment- R. & A. Buetl xofer. 131 3d rt- A NICE 7-ROOM HOUSE AND 8 ACRES IM proved land. 5 acres in orchard: on Wood stock car line. Inaulre Edw. Joost. 227U Washington st. EXCELLENT 8-ROOM HOUSE. FIVE LOTS, fruit, stable, lawn, commanding view, near KenUworth. cheap. B. B. KIggen. 305 Abing ton bldg. LINCOLN PARK ANNEX. LOTS 10 IN block 4. 9 in 3, 5 and 8 In 8, 7 in' 21. and 12 In block 18. W. J. Hawkins. 44S Sherlock block. $J250-LHOLLADAYfi ADD.. CORNER LOT. 9-rootn-bouse; beautiful home. $750 cash, bal ance on time. Miller. 303 Cham ot Commerce. MOUNT SCOTT REAL ESTATE OFFICS. Lent. Or. All kinds ot property cheap. Tax Mount Scott car; far 5 cents. O. R. Additon. FOR SALE FIVE ACRES UNIMPROVED land on Section Line road; a bargain. Frank Burson, Tobaaco. Addresa Lents. Or. J2400-NEW TWO-STORY HOUSE. MODERN: easy terms; Immediate poilesslon. Addresa K 3, care Oregonian. S-ROOM COTTAGES, MODERN SIX AND 7-Toom houses; installment plan. King. Phone Bus 1231. AT A SACRIFICE 5 LOTS. NEW. MODERN house. In MontavUIa; 32 fruit trees. P 64. care Oregonlan. FOR" SALE 5cTO ACRES OF GOOD STUMP land. 1G miles from Portland. Address 237 E. Morrison st. $50 FOR LOTS ON ST. JOHNS CAR LINE; j 10 down, $5 per month. Sherman D. Brown, 351 Stark. $1SOO-HOUSE AND LOT ON EAST 11TH; central; essy .ttrm., Se owner, M E. Mth. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. TOR SALE-SMALL ORCHARDS WTTHDf a mCaa of statsbonaa. S. PretmsTT. SalsBk. FOR. SALE OR TRADE-A GOOD T-ROOM house. Inquire room 4. 2S1H Morrison ex. FOR SALE FARMS. ELEGANT STOCK FARM, SOUTHERN ORE. sou; iiuo acres. w acre in cultivation, sows la wheat aad oats, fine orchard. larxe house and barn; nice stream of water on place, close' to town: $15 per acre. -U0u tor ou acre ot fine land eaat ot Portland, about 25 acres clear, very good fJ-room house, barn, nice youns orchard and berries; also lndud. uc stock, tools and all furniture In house. U0o for 21 acres ot fine land. Sa miles trom Portland, all kinds ot fruit. 2 new bouses, sew barn, close to R. R. a an. Place. CHARLESON & STAUfl. 2t5i Morrison, room 12. IT TOU WANT BARGAIN'S IN CHOICS farma. stock ranches-, hop. prune or timber land, sawmills or fiounntll. all near Port 504. or address T. Wlthycomb. room II Hamilton bldr, ad at Portland. Or. tZMOS PECIA L-TII.V.T "CO-ACRE STOCK ranch. 00 ar-es hay. rood bulldlscs, all farm Implement. 30 head it Oct and XT20 annual Income besides. For bartalna sea Canadian AEeney. 22SH Morrison, at. H0MESEEKER3 WE HAVE IMPROVED and unimproved land near Portland and Ore con City; cut up to suit purchasers: easy terms. Oreson Iron & Steel Co., 339 Sher lock bide. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALS IN ALL part ot Orecoa and Washlnxton; payuunu mad to suit purchasers. For particulars apply WH. MACMA8TSR. Ill Worcestae kiock. FOR SALE TWO IMPROVED FARMS. ONE ot 200 acres: the other ot 160 acres. For particulars apply to J. L. Crolsant. Kings ton. Or. BAROA1N $2000 BUTS A FARM. 4S HEAD cattle, bouse and barn. N. Anderson. Kern vtlle. Lincoln. County. Ok TO EXCHANGE. "WILI EXCHANGE INTEREST IN TVELL dereloped mining property, near smelter, tor real estate, timber land or chattels; Inrestl tate. 228 Falilng bids. " TO LEASE. GOOD LEASE ON STORE: BEST BUSINESS locality, for sale: other leases. Goldschmldt'a Agency. 286 Stark st. TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. CAN LOCATE TOU ON SEVERAL FINE Umber claims, near the Columbia River, that will cruise from 2.000,000 to 5,000.000 feet to tha Quarter section; also 20 good farm and timber homestead, extra, good value; near good town and railroad: strictly reliable, cruiser: no pay until filings are received. IVm. Hawks, room SOd Commercial block. VACANT GOVERNMENT LAND WE HAVE late Information ou some good claims, well timbered and close to railroad; this la an opportunity to get s slice of tha rapidly dis appearing public domain and get Qle ad vantage ot your land right before It Is too late. Ames Mercantile- Agency, Abingtoa bldg. LOOK HERE! THIS 13 YOUR CHANCE! For sale So acre of timber land, IS miles N. E. ot Toledo, Wash.; 40 acres finest hop land; steamboat connection with Portland; only 12000; cheaper tor cash. For particulars call or write to U. Schultx. room 21 Terminus House, 253H Everett St.. Portland. Or. THE MICHIGAN TIMBER. CO.. 268 STARK St., offers for aale tracts of Umber, saw mill sites, logging chance In Oregon and Washington. We can suit, you. We also hava soma choice claims ready tor location under guarantee. I CAN LOCATE TOU ON TIMBER CLAIM3 that will cut 4.C0U.UV0 yellow pine ot excellent Quality, tributary to good driving stream. 1. a Rogers, ltitt tsth st., room L 1200 ACRES CHOICE FIR AND CEDAR. UN dertaid with vast deposit of good coal, in1 Upper Nebalem. Valley; great bargain. Dr. A. C Pan ton, Macieay bldg. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT. THREE hour from Portland. 2 miles from railway and boat. This is extra fine. Price 3a Hall. 102 First st. FIFTY TIM&ER CLAIMS. YOUR CHOICE ot several dllterent localities. They -ra good. Lewi & Clark It. E. Co.. SS3 Wor cester blk. A FEW CHOICE HOMESTEAD CLAIMS IN the famous Klickitat country, near the new Lyle-Goidendale Railroad. Don't miss this. William Hawks. 30S Commercial blk. HOMESTEADS AND TIMBER 'CLAIMS Lo cated; large and small tracts, also script, tor sale. Sanford & Perry, Abhtgtou bldg. TIMBER CLAIMS OREGON PINE; GUAR ante to cruias 3,000,000 test' merchantable lumber. W. 8. Baer. Homo rook. Cat. CHOICE TIMBER CLAIMS IN SOUTHERN Oregon. Cruiser will be on the ground first ot May. 317 Allsky bldg. HAVE FOUR GOOD TIMBER CLAIMS 35 miles trom Portland: going Friday. Call 474 'Alder. Timber, arid and swamp lands bought and sold. Lennox Land & Timber Co.. Klamath Falls. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 640 ACRES TIM ber land. W. P. Manning. Eugene, Or. 320 ACRES HEAVY FIR AND CEDAR, VERY cheap It sold at once. 211 Allsky bldg-. FOR SALE OR REVT. FOR SALE OR RENT, BY OWNER 100 aere farm, good buildings; also to acres good timber on stump: part trade city property;, bargain. P 68. Oregonlan. Wasted real estate lot wanted. bet. east ankent and Tillamook, west ot 16th at., in exchange for carpenter work. Contractor. 608 Tillamook. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Ets. wagon, eou: earning e.uv yv . " , 'Sr 3 in. TRIM OF HORSES. 1200 POUNDS EACH. gentle, work single or double. 263 Burnilde. SPAN SMALL MULES. SEVERAL HORSES, wagona and harness for sale. 211 Wash. HORSE AND BUGGY FOR SALE. INQUIRE at Anderson Bros., 254 3d. 1 Miscellaneous. FOR SALE-50 FLAT CARS. 4 FT. 8 IN. gauge. 50,000 pounder capacity, SO feet long, equipped with automatic couplers and air brakea; immediate delivery. See A. J. Mc Cabe, 321 Fidelity bldg., Timma, Wash., or 640 Chamber ot Commerce bid-.. Portland, Or. FOR SALE STATE RIGHT FOR OREGON for the famous Sunburst Fire Kindler; will ba used In every home where coal or wood I used for fuel; $5000to $10,000 can easily ba made the first year; lite ot patent, IT yean. N 67, Oregonlan. BEST HATCHING EGGS. SOLD BY" SET ting and large lots. All kinds fowl. We pay express cnarxes. Send stamp for catalogue.- Oakland Poultry Yards, room 8. 157 New Montgomery at., San Francisco. FOR SALE 1000 SHARES ST. HELENS & G slice mining stock, paying monthly divi dends; cash offers for all or part considered, H 63. care Oregonlan. COWS FOR SALE-I HAVE A FEW GOOD fresh milch cows oo hand yet: prtcej $33 and $40 each. D. J. Icgall. Skamokawa, Wash. CASH REGISTERS and SAFES, new and see- Chlcsgo- Cash Register. 76 1st st, cor. Oak. TOR SALE A FIRST-CLASS 30 H--P, 8SC-esd-hand gaa engine, practically new. Norths west Electrle Eng. Co.. SOS Stark, at. A HIGH-GRADE PIANO FOB SALE CHEAP: used a short time. Call 363 E. sth st. North, cor. iiroau . - . -nj-.c uuwu iuoi. ROUGH OR DRESSED LUMBER OF ALL kinds. For prices address Proctor Beer. rttr!l Or- FOli SALE 56-INCH HEAD BLOCKS. SET works, trailer and trucks. $350. Day Lumbar wo. 60 8ECOND-HAND BARBER CHAIRS. ehep, at Conn Bros., 1S1 Front, cor. Yamhill. ONE 8 H. P. FARM PORTABLE ENGINE, at a bargain. Inquire Box 51, Hillsboro, Or. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER. COST J1JS- 111 ..It. S.V1 nerfM nrAr- Iff ( Q.t--- FOR SALE FIRST-CLASS DENSMORP . - - - v, wicsuomi. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER; COST tvu will tlk llfA HJ fi,.,tr ., UU FOR SALE GOOD SECOND-HAND PUNn very cheap. P S3. Oregonlan. FOR RENT-UPRIGHT PIANO; $2.50 PEn month. T 68; OreooUn