Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 21, 1903, Page 13, Image 13

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5 " : ;
Market Strong on Small Sup
ply and Poor Prospects.
Oregon Apple Quotation Jn London
Decline In Local Butter Market
California Truck Scarce
Portland Quotations.
The strength displayed br lb rice markets
for several weeks past resulted la a getjeral
advance yesterday. The firmness of the mar
ket has been duo to (mall stocks carried In
the country ana poor crop prospects here and
abroad. In the Orient particularly, the out
look Is for a poor season. The .crop of Slam
per cent of an average yield. In that courv
try, however, so on Is in position to lira an
accurate estimate, there being no reliable
source of Information, and the figures are
tased on the reports of miller. The Saigon
crop Is estimated at SO per cent below the
average yield, owing to drouth. The Barman
government estimate of the quantity of rice
avauaoie tor export next rear is 1.800,000 tons
of cargo rice, or 340,000 tons less i the
estimate of last rear.
According to trade papers, the general opin
ion seems to be that there will be a decrease
In Southwest Louisiana this season of from
S3 to 80 per cent of what -was raised last sea
son. In Texas there will be some Increase In
the amounted planted, but Just how great
this Increase will be cannot be estimated at
hl tlm T I . . - . ii . .. ,
- . oiy wining (lUWBirr,
that In the neighborhood of Houston about
300.000 acres will be planted, all on land
which Are years ago was worth only II or
82 an acre for grating and could produce
only four or fire bushels of grain to the
Idaho Crop Report.
Toe Weather Bureau's Idaho section crop
2-eport for the past month said In part;
The weather during March was favorable
for preparatory farm work. Much seeding of
fisrtnr wheat was done In the southwest
counties and plowing- for seeding- was dons
In the southeast sections. Fall wheat was
corered with snow throughout a large part
f the Winter season and Is still well cor
ered In. many plateau districts. Wheat Is
generally reported In healthy and vigorous
condition. Some fears are expressed that
clover has "been Winter-killed In localities.
rant trees never were In more healthr
and promising condition. The progress of the
cud has been delayed beyond the average sea
eon, but this fact is regarded with favor,
alnoa the possibility of damaging frosts be
comes less as the season advances.
Block, especially sheen, suffered severelv
during the Winter, owing to scarcity of
grass, but the native grasses made rapid
growth during the third decade of the month,
contributing to a more hopeful outlook.
The great snow packs In the higher moun
tains assure an abundance of water for the
farmer, irrigator and miner.
Great Britain's Coal Snpply.
Consul F. w. ilshln writes from Notting
ham, under date of March S3, 1803:
According to an English expert, the sun-
ply of coal yet remaining to be mined In the
United Kingdom amounts to SO,GS4,000.000
tons, which, at the present rate of mining,
would last 370 years. The same authority
gives the total output of the world In 1800 '
as 7e7.63G.204 tons, of which Great Britain
produced 228.000.000 tons, or 30 per cent, and
the United States 215.000.C00 tons, leaving a
balance of about S3 per cent tor the rest of
the world.
California Pratt Axency,
The election of officers of the California
Trait Agency, the new citrus combine, held
at Los Angeles recently, resulted as follows:
A. IL Naflzger, president and manager; T.
O'Neill and P. Q. Story, vice-presidents ; G.
TV. Fell, secretary: J. L. Merrill, cashier, and
v. T. S. Hammond, treasurer. Both the ex
change and the independent shippers, now
merged, are represented In the list of officers.
Oregon Apples In London.
Mall advices "dated London, March 30, re-
jort as follows: Fancy Oregon Newtown plp
Jilns sold todsy at auction from Cs to 10s per
Dox 4 -tier, some poor fruit sold as low as
Cs CM.
Grain. Flour, Feed, Etc.
Extreme Quietness prevails In the Kcrtfc.
western wheat markets, but the tone Is steady
with prices unchanged. Uay Is firm and
carce, with either very little stock. In the
country, or the farmers holding It back.
yj!BA3!-.:v"Ua WH. "OOIle; bluestem.
7MJ7SC. Valley. 73S76C
..V"Irri.vra- e1' Per ton: brewing.
823,, rolled. 823.
OATS-Ka 1 whit SI n. . . i
cji.jd per cental.
MILLSTUFFS-Bran. 818 per ton; ttlddUngi.
824, shorts. 820. chop. lis. '
liAi Timothy. 8I7fl7.3v: clover, nominal:
gralnr 14tfl5 per ton: eneat. 814S1S.
riUU-Valley. Jieoos.70 per barrel: hard
wheat straights. 83.3otIil.tB: hard wheat pat
i.: Uakota hard wheat. 34.100
0.20; Uraham. 83.4333.83.
Bnttrr. Kkii., l'oultry. Etc.
The expected deijlne ot 2!,c In butter took
place yesterday. Eggs were quoted firm at
JGC17C The state of the market will depend
on the quantity of today's receipts. No poul
try was. received yesterday.
11 UTTER Fancy creamery, 20tT22ic nei
pound, dairy, nominal; store, 10c.
VOL LTHI Chicksns. cuiej. uei2e tr
pound, young. 13Ulo. hens. I2ai2hc: broiler
ti3 Dr dosen: turkevm. llvi iJ,r4- r?L
pound, dressed, 20ti22c; ducks, ;ttro per
CHEESB-Pull cream twins, ISHc; Tounr
America, 174c, factory prices, lulvic less
California. 16c
KGUS Oregon ranch, 16317c
Vcifetnblcs, Fruit, Etc
The vegetable market was practlcallr bar.
but last night's steamer brought a rood as.
rortment, which will be offered today. One car
or oananas ana two oi oranges came In.
l-'ancy navels are firm and higher. Strawber
ries are vteakening.
VEGETABLES Turnips. SOCOOe per sack:
carrots. California, tl.t; beeta, 31 per Back:
psrsnlpa. Calirorala, tl.75 per sack; cauliflower.
82 per crate: cabbage, 2c per pound: celery, sc
Per down, lettuce, head, 80c per dosen: hot
house. 81.80472 per box; green onions, per
dozen. ItHc, peas, per pound. 6c; parsley, per
dasea. Tu. radish. i ,w r .k.v..
oh 75c per doxen: asnaraxus. b&loc oer Bound:
rhubwb, 2htf4cpcr pound; cucumbers, 82.73
per dusens tomatoes, 34.30 per crate.
DOMESTIC yKUTT-Apples. tahl 3L50S2
311: strawberries. 23o per basket.
DIUEB FltUIT ADDles evaooraud. TUB w
Xound, sun-dried, sacks or boxes, itjfic; apri-
Dtw; peacnes. livuvo; pears, nwoc;
prunes. Italian. 4Stc: Bgs. California blacks,
0C do white, 7 be. omyma, 20c: plums, pitted.
TUCflCAL rr.rtT-Lemons. 83.75SSJ3 per
box oranges, navela. 8263 per box: tangerines.
31. .362; grape fruit. 32.0O pr box;
8T23U3 per bunch; pineapples, 58.
KAISINS-Loose MsteO-crown. TVc: J
crown. ,kc. 2-crown. CVc; unbleachd. seedless
Muscatel ratlins. 7 He; unbleached seedless Sul
tans. GVc London layers, S-crown, whole boxes
Of SO pounds. 81.83. 2n3L73.
POTATOES Best Uurbanks. 30c per sack-
lose, 40-tHc. Merced sweets. aosSc,
h6neT-16o per No. 1 frame.
OKIONS-Oregon and Washmgton. 40SJOo per
Groceries, Jtuta, Etc.
COl'KLE Mocha, 2332$c: Java, fsncv 7e
Jk: Java, good, StjavaVrdmlg; Sa
SOc: Costa llles, fancy. l&tfaJc- cSZ lii??
good. leOlSc. Costa lUca, cSary lOOlner
Bound: coiumhi. r.TT .rrSf7 f"i-c.per
31L1S lUt; Llon3lL.Ts.
SALMON Columbia Hirer, l-nocnd t.n.
8L03 per dosen: 3-pound tafe. trio- fanS
j.pound Hats. JLSo: H-pound nXts.' lull
Aiuts, pink, 1-pound tails, 3c; red; l-pJiSf
tails. JL30; sockey. l-poand talis. eXSO? 1-
STJ(1AB-Sack basis, per 100 pounds; cube,
83-KH: 'powdered. 83.47H: dry granulated.'
IU7!i: extra C" M STU- volden rV S4.TTU-.
Sees Ve per pound for spot cash. Advances
over sack bails as follows: Barrels. 10c: half
uarreis, ac; poxes, soc per 100 pounds. Maple.
13918a per pound. Beet sugar, granulated.
j--'i per iw pounos.
BEANS Small white, -tci large white. 4c;
am cayou, se; uma, vma per pom
RICE imperial Jaoan. No. 1. 13.73: No.
8S.37H: Carolina head, 87.23: broken bead. 81.
N li 1 o Peanuts. Se per pound lor raw. CO
one tor roasiea: cocoenuts. i&erwo per ooxen:
walnuts, lJU14.Ho per pound, pine nuts. 109
12 Vic; hickory nuts. 7e; Brastl nuts, lte; fil
berts. Ueitc; fancy pecans. 17c: stmonrti. 143
13c: chestnuts, 18c
SALT Liverpool, 80s. 43e per sack: half
ground, per ton. z0a. 114.50: 100. SI4: Wi
ter salt. bulk. 220s. 83 per barrel; linen sacks,
sns. SAo per sack: bales. 2s. 3s, 4s. 3s and 10s.
82.10 per bale.
OILS Coal oil. cases. 23e per gallon: Iron
oarreis, loftc; wooa Barrels. 19c: linseea. oouea.
cases. tc: oarreis. He: iinseea. raw. cases
&7e: barrels, naallne. Iron barrels. 194c:
eases. 26c: turpentine, cases. Sue: wood barrels.
TBHc; bulk, 74e; lOrcase lots. 79c. Collier and
Atlantic white and red lead, Mn lots of 300
pounds or more, ec; less man hi pounos. one
Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc
HOPS 1005 mtn 1Ur90r rtmT round.
HIDES Drv hlaea. Mu. 1. 16 rounds and IP.
USllHc per pound; dry kip. No. 1, 6 to 15
oounds. 12cz ilrr calf. N'n 1 under 3 pounds.
10c; dry salted bulls and stags, one-third less
than dry flint: salted hides, steer, sound, 60
oounds and over. scrae: no to AO rounds, icxsc
under 30 pounds and cows, 7c, stags and bulls,
sound, 3Q3ttc; kip, sound, 15 to 20 pounds, 7e:
veal, sound. 10 to 14 oounds. 7c: calf, sound.
under 10i pounds, 8c: green (unsalted). 1c per
pound less: culls, lc per pound less, horse
niaes. salted, each, J 1.1082; dry. each. 810
L30: colts' hides, each. 12 50c: goat skins,
common, each, 10313c; Angora, with wool on.
TALLOw Prime, per pound, 435c; Jfo. 2 and
- .
WOOl Vit', 1 u m
Eastern Oregon,
xoooair, xcnc
Bleats and lroviaIona.
BEEF Gross, cows. JJ.23S4; steers, 84333
mvvu, oa per pound.
VEAL ec per pound.
MUTTON Gross. ISO 5.23; dressed. te.
HOGS-Crosa. 37&7.30: dressed. 8S8.
HAMS 10914 pounds. 13Ke per pound; li
" pounos, uc per pound; lSHO pounds, ltrc;
CaUfomU (picnics), 12c; cottage hams, HVc
Union l""ii 4 f i (l nonndi v.rlr, none: shanl.
ders. He; boiled ham, 22c; boiled picnic hams,
boneless, 18c.
BACON Fane-r hmkful lOo: rimiM
breakfast. 17c; choice. ISftc: English breakfast
uacou. ilUll pounos, uc.
ORT SALT MEATS Regular short clears,
12Uc 13V.C smoked: clear baeka lle salt.
12o smoked: Oreron exports. 2CS25 sounds
axerags. 12Ho dry salt. 13c smoked; Union
Duiis. iuuis pounos average, 8HS dry salt.
jvv: smosea.
LAKD-Kettle render! Tl.rr-., Iftj. tnna
13vie: 50s, 1314c; 20s. UHo: los, i3Hc; Ss. UKc.
Duaawj pure: a i trees, i-c; tuns, isc; ous.
"o; los, jjjc: os U'ic. com.
pouna isru, uerces, otjc: tubs. 9c
E ACS AG E Portland, ham, 12t4a per pound
minced ham, 104c; Bummer, choice dry. 17He;
pork. 10c: blood, 7c: head cheese. 7c; bologna
saussge link. 7Hc
. PICKLED GOODS Portland, pigs' feet. H-
Anpe. 'oarreis. ao.ou; i'Darrels. xz.73
15-pound kit, I: pigs' tongues H-barreL 16
H-barreL 83: 15-pound kit. 3L2S. Lambs'
tongues. H-barrel, 33.25; il-barrel. 84.75; 13-
r""" e wi
Prlcea Current at Chicago, Omaha
and Kansas City.
CHICAGO. April 20. Cattle. rteeelDta. 2S00l
Steady; 10c lower: good to prime steers. 85a
5X0; poor to medium. 34.23S5; Blockers and
feeders, 8334.75:. cows. tl.6OS4.60: heifers.
32.3033.15; cannufs. 31.00S2.73; bulls. 32.50S
xi: carves, iz.3005: Texas fed steers. 34S5.
nogs ueceipis today. Z3.000: tomorrow. 20.-
uw; leit over, 2aoa Opened steady to Sc low
er, closed Arm; 'mixed and butchers, 37.039
7s; good to choice heavy. 87.4037.3244
rough heavy. 3T.1037.23; light. 88.8337.25; bulk
oi sales, 87.ios7.40.
Sheep Becelpts. 25,000. Sheep and lambs loe
to 23c lower: good to choice wethers. 34.7338
fair to choice mixed, 1484.75: Western sheen.
34.6038; native lambs, 84X037; Western
tamos, es-Boen.
SOUTH OMAHA. April 20. CattleReeelnts.
3000. Market steady: native steers, 34.2525.33;
cows and heifers. 832334.40; canners, 8283;
lockers and feeders, 8334.80; calves, 83X03
o.,o; ouiu, stags, eta, 32.7334.50.
Hogs Receipts. 4500. Market Be lower
heavy. 87.0537.15: mixed. 87.0537.10: lbrhl
88.88; pits, 38S8.80; bulk at sales. 3T.0Sa7.lo
Sheep Receipts. 0000. Market steady, 10c
lower. reu muttons, yearlings, 35.504x6.50
wethers, 3505.50; ewes, 34.5035; common and
etockers, 32.3034.50; lambs, 35.5067.
ICiNfllH PTTT InHI r,1- t
6000. Strong to Be higher; native steers, 43
5.23; Texas and Indian steers. 33.3033; Texas
, " fcvn. muu muni, i t nHtf
4.60; etockers and feeders, 32.7533; bulls. J 2.60
84.23; calves. 32.7587: Westers steers, 82.80
63; Western cows. 8234.30.
Hoes Ttetnts Tttwi hMd Ae..k i- . .
Be lower: bulk of sales. 3787.20: heavy, 37.10
Sheep Receipts, 4000 head. Market steady;
muttons. 83.8338.15: lambs, 85.5037.50; range
nuicia, e.Airuo.u; ewes, e t. joy o.uu.
Metal Starketa,
NEW YORK, April 20. There was a de
cline of 2s Cd In the London market, tin be
ing quotea at f 131 SH and futures I1SS 15a.
Locally, tin was quiet and about 6 points
higher on the outside price, with spot being
at 30330.23.
London cabled a decline ot 7s Cd on spot
copper and ot 10s on futures, the former dos
ing at 182 10s and the latter at 82 10s 6d. In
the Iew Tork market, copper continues mm.
lnaL Standard Is not quoted. Lake and elec
trolytic are quoted at 15313.25 and casting at
Lead was steady knd unchanged In London.
closing at 12 12s 61 and at 4. 07 Vic In the
.-vew lone market.
Spelter was quiet at 22' 6s In London and
at o.oc in New York.
Iron was dull and their closing was at 4Ss
lOHd. Locally. Iron Is quiet. No 1 foundry Is
qutneu; no. 3 foundry North
ern. 321: No. 1 foundry Southern and No. 1
foundry Southern, soft, at 82L60S22, Warrants
are nominal.
International Sllnlnir Stock Market.
NEW TORK. April 20. Arrangements are
rata to naie oeen contemplated between two
leading English backing houses and a power
ful JStiwe Vnrlr AninMil ..... .
.wu,f IUI U1UU1UC
Ins to the International publla Issues of de-
veiopeu ana uiviaena-paying en'plnr proper
ties, cables the Tribune's correspondent In
lrulfm. Tne. nblect nf th nw MmMM,iM.
will. It Is stated, be to make a recognized
mantel tor mines in new i one. ana thereby
nlM. ,n(T.fKv ,nrit(M .f h. T?i, c . .
on a corresponding level to that which they
occupy here.
Coffee and Ssgsr.
opened steady at unchanged prices and dosed
net oo io points tower, sales. 9.230 hags.
iniiu.iiis jisy, s.svsis.w; bepiemner, 34.30
34.3J; March, 34.8530. Spot Quiet, mild,
steady. No,' 7 Rio, 61.C.
Sugar Raw. firm; fair refining. 3 3-16331tc:
centrifugal. S3S 11-lCc; molaases sugar.
2 13-18c Refined, firm: crushed, 83.40; pow
dered. 84.90; granuUted, 34.60.
Visible Snpply of Grain.
NEW TORlv iMit
, - -v. in, Tuioie supply
of grain Saturday. April 18. as compiled by the
Totk Produce Exchange, as as follows:
tn-mt Bushels. Decrease.
Wheat 37.270.000 2.NU.O00
Rt" 8.M9.000 180.000
uye (xuonn tnn
Brler 1.81M-00 44.000
New Tork Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. Arr11 m t . . .
w v a Hli .Ws,VB til m f Ml C L
3owd tter to 2 points hither. Futttrw
clos4Nl itndr Arril miiu. x ....
enevvi eV(, aU-aVC
June. 8.70c: August. 8.43c; September. 8.73e:
. . , -.-.. Dpoc closed
quiet, 10 potntsf lower. Middling uplands, latOc;
wa , .v. win.
Batter Stamps at Elcln.
rr:T' in iMti -v T5... . . .
...... . Niuapea m
nrii-M fndtv to S3a An th 11.4 e , .
lower than last week. The fall Is due to ex
cellent Spring pasturage and the Increased
milk product. Sales for the week were 508,000
Wool at St. Louis.
ST. L0CI3. April 20. Wool-Good: terrltm-r
snd Wee Urn, 13317c; fine, 11316c: coarse. 12
Dairy Produce at Chleatro,
CHICAGO, April 20, On the Produce Ex.
change, today, the butter market was weak.
Creameries. 18S8He. Egrs-eteady, ltKQMSc
Cheess-fiteady, 13 He
Sends That Stock Cp and Others Are
Carried Along- With It Some
Depressing; Influences.
NEW TORE, April SO There was much
hesiutloajand Irregularity In today's stock
market and this tendency was attributed. In
the early part ot the session, to th.e decision ot
the United .States Court at St. Paul, which, it
was feared; Hrould refuse the petition of the
Northern Securities Company to modify the
decree against the. company pending the ap
peal so as to allow the payment of dlvl
dends by the Great. Northern and Northern
Pacific to their stockholders- The general ex.
pectatlon In 'Wall street was that the petition
would be refused and the unexpected decision
of modification caused a precipitate buying
movement In which the short sellers ot the
morning were conspicuous. This advance met
opposition before It had proceeded far. and
prices were carried backward again, after
which the market hung practically stagnant
for a time. The professionals bid up prices
again st the last to the top level and the
market dosed steady with a showing ot net
gains reaching over a point for a number ot
the conspicuous leaders.
As the Northern Securities Company Is the
principal stockholder ot both the Great North
ern and "Northern Pacific and as the chief
function ot the Securities Company as a hold
ing company Is to receive dividends from the
constituent companies and to distribute them
to Its own stockholders, today's modification
of the decree of the court leaves the situation
ot the company practically unaffected until the
Supreme Court shall have decided finally the
questions at issue. In the fear that the peti
tions would be denied. Northern Securities on
the curb sold down to 94 this morning, which
is omy a fraction above the lowest price In the
slump ot last Monday. On the rebound, the
stock advanced to KK. Its reaction was a
dominant Influence la the reaction In the stock
exchange; It recovered and dosed at 80.
ine early stock market fluctuated uncer
tainly between the contending Influences of the
strength In the Gould group and the weakness
of Reading. The seeming agreement of both
sides to the Manhattan labor controversy that
settlement was assured and the published ru
mors that a compromise had been effected In
w abash Interests were responsible for the
marked strength In the Gould group. In which
Manhattan was the leader with a rise of IK.
The depressing factor against Reading was the
investigation By the Interstate Commerce Com
mission to open tomorrow of the coal eombl-
natlon, which Is expected to furnish material
wmcn may ne available tor use In proceed
lngs under the anti-trust law. The lockout
reported at the Reading collieries, owing to a
dispute over the Saturday hours for work,
helped to depress Reading and some other
coalera and the Pennsylvania rrouo lost
ground. In the late recovery. Union Pacific.
ot. Paul, New Tork Central. Baltimore &
unio and the Goulds were conspicuous.
The growing ease of money was an encour
aging factor for the bulls. Possibly advance
knowledge ot additional trust company se
cessions from the Clearlng-House privileges
may have been a factor In the hesitating tone
of the market, although no announcement
was made on the subject after the dose of the
The bond market was dull but steadr. Lut
week's dealings in bonds reached an aggregate
In the par value ot 813,443,500, which to a de
crease of 48 per cent compared with the ccr-
responaing period of last Tear. Tbtst uiu
32.430.000. United States 8s coupon and old t.
declined U per cent. The new 4s advanced H
uu u lui call.
Atchison ..........
do Drelerred
Baltimore & Ohio .
da oreerred
Canadian Pacific ..
Canada Southern ..
Chesapeake & Ohio
Chicago & Alton ..
do nreferred
Chicago & Great West
2.500 2Z 22
go a preferred ....
do B Dreferred
Chicago & N. W....
Chicago Term. & Irani
co prererred
c, C a i 6t l..
Colorado Southern ...
do 1st preferred ....
do 2d ireferred
Delaware 4b Hudson .
Dels.. Lack. A West.
Denver A Rio Grande
an nreremeo
do 1st preferred ....
do 2d Dreferred
Great Northern nfd.
Hocklng Valley
do preferred
Illinois Central
Iowa Central ........
do preferred .......
Lake Erie A Western,
uu Dmenra ........
Louisville & Nash...
Manhattan L ,
Metropolitan SL Ry...
Mexican Central
3.800 1I7T
non ins.
8,300 1X3
600 28U1
800 1S
Mexican National ....
Minneapolis A SL L.,
1W vu
24.700 10
4.200 28
jiissoun I'scinc
Mo Kan. & Texas ..
Go preierred ........
400 84
New Jersey Central .,
New Tork Central ..,
Norfolk & Western
5.400 1!
16.200 ;
300 I
A Tftft
do nreferred
Ontario & Western ..,
Pennsylvania .......L
4,800 54H
41VUU1 ...............
co 1st prererrea ..
do 2d Dreferred
St. Louis A San T.
do 1st prererred
do 2d Dreferred ...
St. Louis Southwestern
do -nreferred ...
St- Paul"
co preferred
Southern Pacific ..
southern Railway .
do preferred .....
Texas A Pacific ...
Toledo. St. L. & W.
do Dreferred .....
Union Pacific .....
do Dreferred - . . . .
do preferred .....
Wheeling & Lake Erie.
co xa prererrea .
Wisconsin Central
do preferred .....
Express Companl.
American .......
Wells. Fargo ...
jueil um.r .........
Ar. Car & Foundry...
do preierrrd
American Linseed Otl
do preferred ...... .A.
Am. Smelting A Rfng.
do Dreferred .........
Anaconda Mining Co...
Brooklyn Rapid Transit.
Colorado Fuel ex iron.
Consolidated Gas
3.700 3084.
Cont. Tobacco pfd...
General Electric ......
Hocking Coal
International Baper ...
do Dreferred ........
ioo! 20
1001 70S 70S
International Power V..
Laclede Gas
National Biscuit
SOOj 45X1 43H
National Lead
North American .....
Pacific Coast ........
Paelne Man
1001 S4
People's Gas ......
Pressed Steel Car ....
8.200 :
do preferrec
2C0f 04
Pullman Palace Car ..
Republic Steel
uo preierrea ........
Tenn. coal iron....
Union Bag P. Co. ..
do preferred .........
United Stales Leather,
do nreferred .........
United Sutes Rubber..
do nreferred ..
United States Steel ..,
do preferred ........
Western Union
Amerlcen Locomotive
do preferred . ...
Kansas City Southern,
do preferred ........
Rock IsCand ......,
do preferred
Total sales for the day. 653,000 shares.
TJ. S. ret 2s reg.l08t(IAtch!son, Adj. 4s.. CO
uo cocoon .
u. s. xs reg.
uo coupon .
U. S. new 4s rex. 133 (Nor Pac 4s ...1021i
do coupon IK 18a. pac 4s 102U
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STOCKS. s 5 8
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do coupon ......111 Wis. Central 4s ,
U. S. 3s rtg ..neM)
do coupon .loasi
Stocks at London.
LONDON. April aa-ConsoU for
tCKd: consols" for account. 81 7-16J.
Anaconda !N. T. C ....
Atchison 83!X. & W. ....
do preferred ... 49VIO. St W. .....
B. A Q. 84 ; Pennsylvania .
Can. Pacific ....134S Reading
a A O. 43Hj do 1st ptd.
a G. W. 231 do 2d pfd.
C. it. A St- p.. .168 Sou them Ry. ,
D. A R. 0 3SH do prererred
do preferred ... SSHISo.. Pacific ...
Erie 34HIUnica Pacific .
.. 83
.. an
.. 4Sli
.. 34
.. 31V
.. lHi
.. 5St
do 1st pfd. 6714
V. S. Steel
.. "-s
co za pta. ..... ox
do preferred
Wabash ......
IU. Central
... 2714
K. A T. 231
do preferred
Money Exchange, Etc
KEW TORK, April 20. Money on call.
steady at 4. per cent. Prime mercantile paper.
swiok per cent.
Sterling exchange firm, with., actual business
In bankers' bins at 84.87 for demand. Posted
rates. H.Sr34-SS and 34.88. Commercial bills.
Mexican dollars, 8Kc
Bar silver. SOSe.
Government bonds, steady: railroad bonds.
LONDON. April 20.Bar' silver, steady.
Money, 383 per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market for
short bnis Is 3H per cent. The rate of dis
count in the open market for three months
ouis is in per cent.
SAN FRANCISCO, April 20. Silver bars.
Mexican dollars, SSHc
Drafts-SIght. 13e; telegraph. ITHc
Sterling on London, 60 days, 344.
Sterling on London, sight. 34.S3.
Dally Treasury Statement.
Washington, April 20. Today's sUte-
ment of treasury balances In the general fund.
exuusive ot tae 3i30,ou,voo (old reserve.
Available cash balances 8222.759.602
Gold 114,883,008
Bank Clearings.
Clearings. Balances.
Portland ...
Seattle ....
Tacoma ...
Spokane ...
....8394.03S 3 80.S94
.... osi.uvu
.... S38.514
.... 525.330
Feature of Day's Trading In Wheat
Pit at Chicago.
CHICAGO. April 20. The action of Armour
interests in supporting the market on all weak
spots was the feature In the wheat pit and
resulted In a strong finish. Opening prices
were easier on the poor showing of the Liv
erpool cables, which failed to respond to the
advance here Saturday, and July was off mc
to Uc at 72Hc to 7211c, while May was a
shade higher to KeKo lower at TTHe to TTKe.
Considerable liquidation occurred in the last
hour, but buying by the prominent long started
prices upward. The May delivery was ex
tremely nervous and trading in that option
was light, owing to the feeling of uncer
tainly surrounding the situation. A decrease ot
2.893.000 bushels In the visible supply, to
gether with a fair export demand, were bullish
Influences In the later part of the session. After
selling up to 7BHc May closed He higher at
71i071',4c. while July closed at an advance ot
Vic at 72?ic after selling at 72Ts73c
Com was quiet at the opening under the
Influence ot good commlsslon-bouse demand, to
gelhcr with covering by shorts, the wet
weather, small receipts and higher cables be
ing the strengthening factors. Later In the
day. selling by scalpers resulted In a decline.
Closing prices were easier. May being off Ue
at 41HC. after selling between 44c and 44H&
July dosed HtHic lower at 44Se.
Oats were firm and active at the start, due
to small receipts and wet weather, but later
the market eased off under heavy profit-taking
by May holders. Shorts covered freely at the
outset and there was good general buying by
commission-houses on outside orders. A fair
commission-house demand prevented any se
rious decline and the dose was steady. May
uoeed unchanged at 35ttc.
Provisions were dulL but held falrtr steady.
Opening prices were easier on the lower bog
market, but covering by local shorts and an
improvement In prtesat tin ardsresulted
In a firmer feeling. July pork closed a 'shade
lower, July lard was 2Hc higher and ribs
were -jje mgner.
The leading futures ranged as follows;
- Onen.
33 7SU
81 !
Low. Close.
725 WtU.
s can
44 44i
43t 431,
34T4 33U
si m
18 05 1810
17 5714 17 8714
1713 17 23
9 87H 980
S80 9 SO
8 80 9 8214
9 8714 9 8714
973 980
9 63 9 70
May 80 77S
66 eon
May ,
July ,
. 3314 35i
. 31 31V
. 2SH 231,
.18 0714 18 15
.17 83 17 63
.17 13 17 2214
. 9 90 9 924
. 8SO 0 S
9 SO 9 8214
July ,
Msy 9 S7H 9 8714
July 973 980
September ... 9 83 9 7214
Cash quotations were as follows:
Flour Dull and steady.
Wheat No. 2 Spring. 79gS0c; No. 3, 73378c:
No. 2 red. 78K87SC
Cora No. 2, 43c; No. S yellow. 43ic
Oats No. 2, 3314c; No. 3 white, STKc
RyeNo. 2. 50c
Barley Good feeding, 36337c; fair to choice
malting. 483340.
Flax seed No. 1. 31.08: No. 1 Northwest
ern. 3I.19H.
Timothy seed Prime, 83.70. .
Mess pork, Per barrel. 318.05818.10.
Lard Per 100 pounds, 39.S539.S714
Ehort ribs sides Loose, 38.S039.8214.
Dry salted shoulders Boxed, t3.37!r?S.S0.
Short dear sides Boxed. 310.12H310.23.
Clover-Cotrtract' grade, 111.50312.
RecelDts. Ebnrats.
Tlour. barrels 18.700 1L200
wneat, irasneis , 2s,u 6.7U0
Corn, bushels 38.400 127,100
Oats, bushels 143.300 1K3.600
Rye. bushels 7,600 28,700
Barley, bushels - 33,000 10,000
Grain and Produce at Xew Tprk.
NEW TORK, -April 20. Flour Receipts. 18.-
800 barrels; exports. 8200 barrels.
Wheat Receipts. 235,850 bushels: exports.
lll.tftS bushels. Spot, quiet; No. 2 red. 83Ke:
elevator. 83Ka f. o. b. afioaL At first Irreg
ular and at times weak under fine home crop
news and liquidation, wheat later Improved
on foreign buying, a big reduction In the vis
ible supply and covering. The close was
rather firm st ViSKc net advance. May dosed.
SlKe: July. TTUe: September. 7tic
Butter Receipts. 53Q0 packages. -State dairy.
17024c; creamery, 28c; June creamery, 1&J
24 Vic
Eggs Receipts, 32.000 packages. Market
strong, state and Pennsylvania, 1514c;
Westsrn. uncacdled. 151c
Hops Quiet.
Hides Quiet.
Wool Quiet.
Petroleum Steady.
Grain at San Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO, April 20. Wheat-steady.
Barley Steady.
Oats Weak.
Spot quotations:
Wheat Shipping, 31.S331.35X: milling. 3L43
Barley-Feed. 81.11U3L1SX: brewing. 3L18
Oats Red. 3L158L30; white, 3L22HeL3214:
black. 3LI2HeL20-
Call board sales:
Wheat Steady. May, 3LS3; December. 3L23:
May. I1JMU
Barley Steady. May, 31-07: December, 834c
Corn Large yellow, 3L338LS714.
European Grain Markets.
LIVERPOOL April 20. Wheat Steady; No.
standard California. 6s 8H4. Wheat and
Sour In Parts steady. French country markets,
firm. Weather In England fine.
LONDON, April SOWheat-Cargoes on
passage, actlva English country markets,
firm. Imports ot wheat Into the United King
dom. 200.000 bushels; flour. 274,000 barrels;
wheat and Sour on passage to the United
Kingdom. 2210,000 bushels; to continent.
LSTO.000 bushels.
"vVheat at Tacoma.
TACOMA. April 30. Wheat-Unchanged; lit- j
Ue doing; bluestem, T6c; dub, 70c
Downing, Hopkins & Co.
EatablUaod 1893.
Room 4, Ground Floor Chamber of Commerce
It don't make any difference where you're
going, It will pay you to see us. We can
help you in many little ways, that won't occur
to you. If you can't call, write me.
Warm Weather Increases the Dt
suns for Citrus Fruits Choice
Old Potatoes Firm.
SAK FRANCISCO. April 2a SpeclaL)
Wheat was firm for new crop futures, but
quiet and barely steady for spot. Choice oats
were more ftrmlr held. Flour was quiet. Bran
was firm.
Eight carloads of navel oranges, mostly large
sixes, brought good prices at auction. Small
sizes are rather scarce and command a pre
mium. Warmer weather Is increasing the de
mand for all citrus fruits. Choice lemons are
moving more readily. Mexican limes were
better cleaned up and firmer, but fresh sup
plies are dne Wednesday. Ripe bananas were
more plentiful, but still high. Strawberries
were In fair supply with prices lower. Cheap
apples are well weeded out and mostly high-
priced, cold storage stock la now offering
with the demand limited.
Choice old potatoes were firm. Only a few
Jots are thus far unloaded from the Colum
bia, with sales At 70c to 0c tor the genera!
run. New potatoes were lower under large
arrivals. Onions .were quiet and easy. As
paragus and rhubarb were In larger supply and
lower. Green peas were firmer under lighter
receipts. String beans, tomatoes and Summer
squash were weaker, but mostly poor quality.
Choice poultry was scarce and firm. The
butter market was overstocked and on the
verge of another decline. Cheese was easy.
Eggs were firmer on -a liberal storing move
ment and lighter arrivals. Receipts. 72,000
pounds butter, 36,000 pounds cheese. 39,000
dozen eggs.
Cboice .wool was finrC Hops were dull and
VEGETABLES Cucumbers. T3ee32: garlic
2H63C; green peaa, 3181.73; string beans, 109
12Hc: sspargaus. 3182.23: tomatoes. 31.SO0
loo: onions, sooioc: egg plant. 8812HC
FRUITS Apples, choice. 82: do common. SOc:
bananas. 51.2333; Mexican limes, 84.6083; Cal
ifornia lemons, choice. 32.S0; do common. 75c:
oranges. Jisjioo: pineapples. 32.8083.
ITJUX-Iltr Old roosters. 3OS3.S0: young
rosters. 1768: small broilers, 3283.30; Urge
broilers. 3483: fryers, J837; hens. 3d.S0S7.30;
oia oucxs, soejo; young ducks. 365.
rOTATOES-Earty rose. 75690c: river Bur.
banks, 40835c; river reds, 30833c; sweets, 11.73
tji.u: Oregon uurbanks, 65S3c.
iiuiitK-iiKj creamery. 21a: do sec
ends, roc: fancy dairy, 19c; do seconds. 18c.
tuus Etore, UfflSftc: fancy ranch. lSc
CHEESE Young America, 12313Uc; East
ern, loTiTHC
HAT Wheat. 311814; wheat and oats. 3118
13.60; barley. 310312; alfalfa, 310312; straw.
45832SC per bale.
319-50920.50; mid-
dllngs. JlftS :7.5a
HOPS-I9822HC per pound.
Receipts Flour, 19.764 quarter sacks: wheat.
K centals: barley. 8737 centals, oats. 700
centals: do Oregon, 700 centals; beans,- 1823
sacks; com, 02S cents is: potatoes, S660 sacks;
bran. 1443 sacks: middlings, 310 sacks; hay,
530 tons: wool, S43 bales; hides. 1354.
Sllnlns; Stocks.
SAX FRANCISCO. April 2a The official
closing quotations for mining stocks today were
Andes 80 20 Mexican II 06
Beicner S2;occldeata! Con. .. 40
Best & Belcher.. 1 70(Onhlr 1 to
Bullion 03 .Overman 33
Caledonia 2 30 Potost
ChaH. Con. 50Savage ... 24
Chollar 2S,Seg. Belcher 18
Confidence ...... 1 20; Sierra Nevada .. Ed
v v....... 1 usurer if 111 hj
crown Point 30 Union Con. wi
Gould A Currle... 40Dtah Con. 41
iiaiee aorcross.. i 311 enow jacket ... 81
April 20. Stocks closed:
Adams Con. ....
.30 20-Uttle Chief .
23, Ontario
. SO'Ophlr
. 041Pboentx
. 07Potosl
. 1 4W Sierra Nevada.
. 1 lOSmall Hopes ..
. 1 33!standard
. 02
80 OS
Brunswick Con..
Com. Tunnel ...
. S 73
. 1 SO
. 2 93
Horn Silver ....
Iron Silver
Leadvflle Con. ..
But Power Company Continues FIcbt
for Gore Canyon.
DENVER. April iOThe Denver. North
western & Pacific Railway Company has
secured a sweeping Injunction against
the New Century Light & Power Com
parry, the Hydro-Electric Power Company
end all of the o facers Individually, re
straining them from interfering with the
work of the railway company In Gore
Canyon and Grand County. The tern
porary Injunction was Issued by Judge
A. IL De franco In the District Court at
Golden, and was today served on all ot
the oncers in this city.
The New Century Light & Power Com
pany has not given up the fight for the
possession of Gore Canyon. Today It
filed another application for the land on
which the Moffatt road was recently
granted a right of way. The company
wants to buy the land outright and says
that It Is willing to pay any price to
obtain It. The application asks for the
right ot way for the building of a reser
Xew Tickets of the W. A O.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. April 2a Soe-
claL) The Washington & Oregon Bail-
nOtSjeTTOrTJCti Cor, Third sad Steak Sea
, 3L W. Feet sr. Tlekst Agera,
P. S.--Thrcs lines East via. Denver. St.
Paolor:Biningm.. Tou cannot do better
' than' tin o the Burllngtcn.
way has Issued Its new tickets, and April
t they were first sold. The first ticket was
purchased by Miss Laura Hugill. a school
teacher, who was travellnz from Kalama
to Woodland. From the openlne of the
road until that date regular Northern Pa
cific tickets had been used. The new tick
eta bear the autograph of Charles 8. Fee,
of the Northern Pacific
Combination of Railroads on Wheat
Rates Breaking Up.
MINNEAPOLIS. April 2a The shut
down of the Minneapolis flour mills, un
dertaken as a protest against discrimina
tion of freight rates on flour as com
plied with wheat, has come to an end.
While no formal concessions have been
made by the railroads, assurances hare
been received which Justify the millers
In resuming. It is understood that one
of the Minneapolis-Chicago roads gavo
signs of breaking away from the concert
of action.
Better Service to Vancouver.
VANCOUVER. Wash., April 3X (Spe
cial.) One of the officials of the Portland
Railway Company nas notified the crew of
the ferryboat plying between this city and
the Oregon shore, connecting with the
electric line, that on or about May 1 a
double crew will be cut on the boat and
that cars will be run until midnight. This
action was arrived at this week by the
officials of the company. It had been
charged that the men on the boat were
obliged to work overtime. The men, how
ever, made no complaint. As It was nec
essary to put on more men, it was
thought best to add more' cars. The new
service Is what the city has been asking
for many years, and will give excellent
satisfaction. The travel Is Increasing very
iJ"t. on me line.
Wants Rlp;ht of Way.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. April 20. Spe-
tmi.r iue s-oriiana, Vancouver & Yakima
Railway Company desires a right of way
lurougn uie oioca ot lana owned by the
Vancouver Electric Light & Power Com
pany, but the latter has not been offered
its price, which Is JS00O. It Is said that
the rallwav comnanv has nfrereri ih,
company HOOO for the right of way. The.
running; 01 me tracK inrougn the com
pany's land will practically ruin it for
the use of building extra additions to the
nlant. as nrlcln.-illv intnrt4 ThA
might have to be removed at no distant
oaie. sr. is tnougnt tne matter will be
fieiueu nmicaoiy.
Vigor and vitality are quickly given to
the whole system by Hood's Barsaparllla.
Bis 43 IS a nnn.Mti'.M.
I remedy for Oenorrhcea.
Gleet, spermatorrhea a.
Whites, unnatural dlr
chsrses. or anr Iatinm
frewu neiisiea. tlon of mucous ffitnr
TtUIOKtslCU.DO. cranes. Kon-sstrlngent
Held by Brnrglsts.
er sent In plsln wrapper,
by express, prepaid, fot
tl.OO. or 3 bottles. f2.ra.
e- Urcslar sen-; en request.
Pogson, Peloubet & Co.
New York
St. Louis
20 Broad Street
Marquette Building
Chemical Building
Hennessy Building
w - . v. ... . u JIVUJUillll,
Ticket Office 122 Third SL Pbone 633
Direct connection via Seattlo or
Spokane. For tickets, rates and
full information call on or address
H. Dickson, C. T. A., Portland, Or
ror Janaa. CTiIra and all juiatla soUts. win
leave Seattle
About April 2 1st
Steamer POllOlCA. for Salem- IndaaMruf.,...
Albany and Corvallla. leaves 6:3 A. M. Tuesl
day. Thursday, Beturday.
steamer ALTONA. for Buttevllti, ttiiM..
nile. Cnampoeg, Newberg and Dayton, leaves
7 a. M. Stooday. Wednesday. Friday?
dally 8:80. 1130 A. iL. s and 8:li p. m.
Leaves Oregon City. 7. 10 A. l;3a too
p. M. Round trio 2Sc-
1XKK rwr us- XAIbUA 6TREET.
Oregon phone Mala -to.
,i ej..
f lslwl4,rs.
1 u m h mm
T Ve.nsmTt.o.1 1
sKVtWl fVwklLksls7I.V
ah Union Pacific
3 TRAINS to the East DAILY
Through Pullman standard and Tourist alees-Jag-cars
dally to Omaha. Chicago. Spokane:
through Pullman tourist sleeping-cars (person
ally conducted) weekly to Chicago. Kansas
-er v eheees ew fctu 1 Tl 8 lie 11 CeUUeT
- si Aimj u Ul lew T 1 IJl
DSPOT. 1 Leave. JLr.-lre.
SPECIAL. Daily. DtMj.
For the East vis. Hunt-
SPOKASrB FLTER. 8:00 P. 11 1:13 A. It.
fr J5Htern Washing- Dally. DaUyT
ton. -Walla Walla. Lew
Iston. Coeur d'Alene
and Gt. Northern points
For the East via Uuat- Dally. Dally.
FOR SAN FRANCISCO 3:00 P. U. 3:00 P- at!
learner Geo. w. Elder. Jfc-
April 22; Jtay 2,
12, 22. Steamer Colum
bia. April IT, Sit ilajr
J. IT, ill Alaeworth
For ASTORIA and wayi8:00 P. M. 80 P. iL
points, connecting with Dally VrT DaUy
KS""r.0r i,w0 ndlsunusyT cest
Vi?.-.011- steanser Saturday. Sunday.
Hsrveat Queen. Aah-st. 10 P. IX.
For SALEM. Cdrrallls Mondays?1' exo"? 1L
and way points, steam- Wednesday TuesdaTlL
er Ruth. Ash-street rrldays. Thursdiys.
Dock waur pennUtlng) Saturdays?
For DATTON. Oregon 7 .-00 A. SL 8-00 P. M.
ajy and Taiahlll River TuesdaysT tiondsVi
Points, steamer Elmore, Thursdays, Wednesday
"f" Dock-. Saturdays. Fridays.
(Water permitting).
for LEWISTOK. Ida-4K A. It I About
ho. and way points. Dally 5:00 p. It.
from Riparia, Wash., except Dally si
steamers Spokane or Saturday. Friday.
TICKET OFFICE. Third and Washington.
J,tiuiMil ' i LA.
ror Tokolisun and Hone Konrf calling t
IvOO. Niruik! and fihlnrhif ttrln o.srSt
Tt connecting ileunen tar MsUiluTPort !jtr
-uui- svuis V IsUJITOSlOE.
For rate ac4 toll Information call n or ad
dresa oSclala or insti ot a R. A N. Co.
Union Depot
for balem. Rose-1
8 JO P. M.
7:49 A. IL
nurg. Ashland, Sac
ramento, trgusn.
&an Francisco, Mo-
lave, lm Angeles,
tU Paso. KtH Or-
leana and the East.
Homing train con
nects Ht Woodburn
30 A. IL
70 P. JL
tdaily except Sua-
u witn train lor
atount Angel, my
rerton. Drowns-
v 1 1 1 e. bpringneld.
Wendllng and Ki
40 P. IL
Albany passenger .
Connects at Wood
bum with lit. An
sel and Sllverton
10:10 A. It.
7:30 A. SL
orvallis passenger.
5:M P. U.
II:S0P. iL I Sheridan passenger. I ! 185 A. .
Dally. Dally except Sunday. "
Leave Portland daily lor Oewego at TJO A.
3L. 12.10. 2:03. 33. 3:10. e:Ii. 8:80, 10:10
P. M. Daily except Sunday. IXO. :J0. tOi.
1023 A. IL. 4:00. lla P. IL Sunday only.
8.00 A. M.
Returning from Oswego, arrive Portland dally
8:80 A. M-. 3:03. i:Zi. 6:13. 7:83. 9:33,
11:10 P. M. Dally except Sunday. 823, tzli,
-JO. 10:20. 11:43 A. It. Except Monday. 1323
A. M. Sunday only, 10:00 A. SL
Leave from same depot for Dalles and later
mediate points dally except Sunday 4:00 P. M.
Arrtve Portland 1020 A. IL
The Independence-Monmouth motor line oper
ates dally to Monmouth and Alrlle. connecting
with S. P. Co-'s trains at Dallas and Inde
pendence. First-class rebate tickets on sale from Port
land to 6acramento and San Francisco; net
rate. 317.50: berth. 83. Second-class fare. 813.
without rebate or berth; eecond-class berth.
Tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also
Japan. China. Honolulu and Australia.
CITT TICKET OFFICE, corner Third and
Washington streets. Phone Main 712.
Depart. Arrive:
Puget Sound Limited for Ta
coma. seatue. vir"'y.
South Bend and Gray's
UiAap mint! ... . 8:30 S 'SO TV,
North Coast Umlted tor Ta
coma, neatue. apoKans,
Butte. SL Paul. New York.
Boston and all points East
snii Southeast 2-00 m TrOOara
Twin City Express for Ta
coma. oeatue. spuKaue,
Helena. St. PauL Minne
apolis. Chicago, New
Tork. Boston and all points
East and Southeast...... ... 11:43 pta 7 ."00 pa
North Coast-Kansas City-
EL IlUUi cpecisa. ?r -
coma, Seattle. Spokane.
Butte. Bluings, Denver.
Omaha, Kansas City, SL
Louis and all points East
and Southeast -- 2:00pm 700 am
All trains .dally except on South Bend branch.
A. D. CHARLTON", Assistant General Pas
senger Agent. 233 Morrison St.. comer Third.'
Portland, Or.
For South-Eastern Alaska
Leave Seattle O A. M.
Steamship SPOKANE, April
28. May 8. 20. CITT OF
SEATTLE. May 2. 14, 28.
Steamers connect at Sari
Francisco with company's
steamers for ports In Cali
fornia, Mexico and Humboldt
Day. For further Information
obtain folder. Rleht Is re
served to change steamers or sailing dates.
Ington St.. Portland; F. W. CARLETON. GT
Pacific ave.. Tacoma: Ticket OOce. 113 Jamas
St.. Seattle. GEORGE W. ANDREWS. North
western Passenger AgenL San Francisco
ticket oCxe. 4 New Montgomery it- C R.
UNANN. Gen. Pass. Agent. San Francisco.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railr.oad Co.
;? sutKrAifii
Wn jryj
l-CAVLS Depot Fifth ane arrivm"
I Streets.
For Maygers, Rainier.
Claukanle. Wesrport.
a Iton. AsterU. War-
rentou. FlavsL Hanv
-00 A, M. mond. Fort Stevens, 11 110 A, 8C
Gear dirt Pit. Seaside,
Astoria and Seashore..
Express Dally.
TUS0 V. IL AsterU Express. t:io p. at,
Ticket oace, 283 Mortison st- and TJnlon Sepew.
T f TLf a rl-i T - a a. . a-
eVl V. stMAV. ska-, tVWt .MsSUsj V