THE MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, APRIL 13, 1903V FOR SALE. X!cellaneon. A HIGH-GRADE UPRIGHT PIANO: ONLY to cm a short tunc u one-halt tu Talu. 13 K ISth it. FINE FOX TERRIER POPS FOR SALE. Call at 447 East nth rt. North, or Phone Pink 51i BABY UUGGY AXD GO-CART COMBINED: latest style; ut! but Uttle. 971 Eut Mor rlsoa at. FOR SALE 30-INCU HEAD BLOCKS. SET works, trailer and tracks. JIM. Da Lumber Co. AWNINGS. TENTS. SAILS. PACIFIC TENT . A Awning Co.. Zt N. lac Phone North 1S1L SD-UANX HALL SAFE. FOR SALE: ALSO malt bous safe. J 31. Oregonlan. FOR BALE SO HEAD OF FINE MILCH cows, ja. L. Rohr. St. Johns. Or. FOR SALE BABY BUGGY AND CHILD'S crib. Call 133 11th. HELP 1VAXTED MALE. HOOK TENDER. ISS. BOARD; 4 JUVER drivers. 32: bead falter. X3; 3 timber hew er, 33, engineer, 12.73; 2 chasers and ruttlers. $2 30 to 2.73; boom man and ccaltr. tZ.VO; 2 buckers. II. W: one $30 board. 4 barken. S2.S3 un: 4 teamiters. 12 up; 4 peavey men. 12 up; wood chopper. 12 to i-.i . tie newer. ic: cnoreman. sw board. 2u laborers. X2 up; millwright, J4: edgerman. 12.40; cut-off man. 12.23: 23 mill hands- 2; 3 3-ardmen. 91.73 up; brick set ter. 2.75; S laborers, factory. '1-73; 2 stone masons, 14. 2 teamsters. $2; men and uams, 4.30; laborers, city. 2j 2 Hunkers. 20 and 23; boat cook. 23; 2 second cooks, 40; land clearer; 23 woodchoppers, 80c ts 1.2S; 10 farm bands and milkers, 23 and 30. Canadian Employment Co.. 22CH Morrison, branches 247 rjurnslde and 128 First. J&VADA.NEVADA... NEAR ...UTAH. UTAH New R. R. work. FREE FARE Wanted Double hand drillers 2.30 Laborers, muckers ..2.00 Good cnAnce ror macnine men. cnucktenden, teamsters and outside laborers. DRY CLIMATE STEADY WORK No lost time. Good bunkhouces. Spring water ....THY. IT; ITS ALL RIGHT SHIP DAILY. .FREE FARE.. SHIP DAILY v; tw iiAivht,.-. t to. Agents, 70 d it WANTED FOR U. 8. ARM? ABLE-BODIED unmarried men between asres of 21 anil xs. citizens of United States, of good character u4 temperate habits, who can speak, read nd write English. For information apply to Recruiting Omcer. Sd and Oak stmts. Port ia no, ur. LOCAL MANAGER WITH 1000 CASH: PER. manent position; Urge remuneration, state age, former occupation, references, etc. von ouier Deed apply. Address J 33, Oregonlan. LOOSE LEAF SYSTEMS; NEW. UP-TO-THE-tlmes cSce devices. Our prices and goods will please you. Pacific Blank Book Co, sta tioners, primers, loose tear makers, tn so. "WANTED A GOOD ALL-AROUND MA chine man; steadyejob the year round. Ad dress, statins: salary expected, box ja, Al bany, ui. WANTED THREE FIRST-CLASS STICKER hands; must be competent: steady men. Ad dress The Wbeeler-Osgood Co.. Tacoma wash. SALESMAN WANTED TO SELL HARDY Northern - grown nursery stock. Address Washington nursery jo, Toppenisn, nua WANTED A GOOD. 8TEADY. INDUS- trtous-boy to drlre express wagon; must hare good reference. Apply 43 1st su GOOD RELIABLE MAN FOR HOUSE AND garden work, must understand care of wood work. A 10, uregonian. MILLWRIGHT. i"U: SETTER. 2.30: CUT- off sawyer. 2.30; mill and yard men, 2. u&h jiornson su WANTED FIRST - CLASS CO ATMAKER; none other need apply. C O. McWllllams, Baker City, Or. "WANTED EXPERIENCED FIRE INSUR- ance solicitor, acquainted In the city. O 33, care -Oregonlan. CHANCE FOR YOUNG MAN TO LEARN barber trade; some money required. B 39. jr-conian. WANTED FIRST - CLASS COATMAKERS. Nicoll, the Tailor. 3CANTJ9D EXPERIENCED IRON WORKEK. 444 Davis st. X1ELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED. IMMEDIATELY. HOUSEKEEP rr, country, cooks, chambermaids, second girls, housework girls, nursra. 230H Tamruu. lhone Black 2231. GOOD GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK: smalt family; good wages. Apply between 10 A. il. and 7 P. M. 204 East 16th. near Hawthorne are. HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. WAITRESSES, chambermaids, nurse girls, second girls and housework, best wages. Canadian Parlors. 2201 Morrison. -WANTED A COMPETENT COOK. WITH references, wages 25: family of four; no washing. Ironing. Address W 34. 'OregonUn. "WANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL house ork work not hard. Answer, will call and see. Address A CO. care OregonUn. AMATEUR SINGERS. ETC.. FOR VAUDE ville stsge. 23 weekly: long engsgement. Itcom 17. Lockwood, Park and Morrison. "WANTED BY WHOLESALE HOUSE, young woman, billing clerk and typewrltist; must be experienced. M 00. OregonUn. "WANTED BOOKKEEPER AND STENOG rapber, for hardware business In country; good salary. P. O. Bjx 6S7. City. It'ANTED-CAPABLE WOMAN. UNDER 40. os working housekeeper, widower's family. 230V TamhllL Phone Black 2ol. W ANTED CAPABLE. INTELLIGENT, Busi ness woman to take position by May 1; hours 9 to 3. O IN Oregonlan. IV ANTED LADY COOK; GOOD WAGES. Commercial Hotel. Chehalla. Wash. Mrs. M. A. Mitchell, proprietress. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; small family; residence, 7b3 I'ettignne. Tel. Red 1171. "WANTED EXPERIENCED NURSE FOR baby 10 months old. very good wages. 233 North 4th. cor. Marshall. "WANTED THOROUGHLY COMPETENT second girl; references; good msges. Ad dress K 33, Olegonlan- A CERVAN GIRL FOR COOKING AND GEN erel housework. 770 Overton St., between 1 and 21th su. WANTED GOOD COOK; ALSO COMPETENT ee3nd girl, private family; good wages. Call C73 FUnders St. WANTED WOMAN TO DO GENERAL housework in private zamuy. Amy 314 E. line. cor. 14th. "WANTEDGIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE-w.-:k two In family. 770 Hoyt st. Arply n rnifgs. CIKL TO WAIT ON TATTLE, ASSIST IN k'tchen. no cooking. 141 W. Park. cor. A ier WANTKD-WOMAN TO DO WASHING IN yr. i:e ram.iy. Apply nne. cor. iota. CK.l rj DO COOKING AND GENERAL c crk. Address R ao. care oregonlan. T!".NJ CIRL TO ASSIST WITH BABY. .s-i wora. Apply no. 11 union are. rt W'D- riRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER TO t y the day. references. 1SS 10th . 1VATr:v,niL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- w a. Flanders, bet. Z2d and 3d. CL" ..K WANTED AT COFFMANS CANDY - i- Washington st. "WAN " TLAIN COOK AND GIRL. FOR f - Morrison st- " 1IKLI WAATEls MALE OR FEMALE. W .T.--:-O.OOn PENMAN TO ADDRESS ir oeiaeen in 1st and 6lh and oe- a tie lith and 20th ot every month; , r r.'cbi work, pay 13 rents per hour. I H care Oregonlan. w wrrD- -nxo men and one lady for' sr engagement theatrical company, call -Trncc:. j-h, North 14th. SITUATIONS WASTED MALE. Ilookkeepera and Clerks. CCMrETENT QENTLEMAN, WITH LArtGE experience in general merchandise, .".l .an-ntsnt, buyer, salesman, and up-t-ate in every particular, wanu sosttlon s manater with large firm: highest reter "cee. Address X 01. Oregonlan. VSli5TP7PoslTJ(f YOUNG MAN; .rrpicg ana -omce work preferred: can wtyewriterj best of references. N 58, SITUATIONS WANTED XALE- sUsceUuroas JAPANESE AND CHINESE HELP FUR- nlfhed; domestics, xarmnanca, lanorer. cm ners, stone work. Japanese Employment Of fice, O North 3th. Phone Clay. 6S2. ATTENTION EMPLOYERS OF SKILLED and unskilled labor can be supplies oj ap plying to C R. Hansen A Co.. 79 North 2d at. Grant ISM. ATTENTION SKILLED AND UNSKILLED labor furnished free to employers, none-r Employment Co, 213 Morrison. Phone CUy 1SS2. GOOD JAPANESE COOK "WISHES POSI- tlon. Understands anything; speaks -English. Jul Flanders st. Phone CUy 43. A BRIGHT JAPANESE BOY WANTS Po sition to do housework or neip cwoi the city cr country. Q 81. Oregonlan. CAN FURNISH DOMESTICS. FARMHAND; also all kinds help. japane tsoor .v.a, 2CS Everett st. TeL BUCK 90Z. BY Y0UNO MAN. WITH TWO YEARS Ex perience as candymsker. best of references. Address K. 30. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED SHIPPING CLERK DE slrea position; best of references. Address C 3, Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenocrnpherm. A YOUNG LADY WISHING A POSITION AS bookkeeper or omce girl, addreas 1 01, ore gonlan. Domestic. SITUATIONS WANTED COMPETENT GIRL. cnamoer work: housekeeper, waanerwoman, nurseglrl, waitress. 23VV Yamhill. Phone Black 2SS1. SITUATION. BY MIDDLE-AGED LADY: cook or general housework; city references; wages. (20 to 23. 161 N. 10th St. YOUNG COLORED WOMAN WANTS TO DO general housework; reliable and competent. Address E 37, care OregonUn. Miscellaneous. A YOUNG GIRL. AGE 17, WITH SOME Ex perience, would like a position In office or photograph gallery. Phone Black 3S2L WANTED WORK BY DAY. BY EXPERI enced woman; will do washing, window cleaning. Phone Front 330L HAVE YOUR WORK DONE AT HOME, manicuring, shampooing, scalp massaging. Phone West 3100. WANTED WASHING. HOUSECLEANING; experienced. Y 61. Oregonlan. WASTED AG E.fTS WANTED BY WHOLESALE MERCHAN disc bouse of solid financial sUndlng. trust worthy Udy or gentleman to manage business In each dutrlct; saury. IS per week and expenses; expense money advanced. D. B. Clarkson, manager. Caxton bldg.. Chicago. WANTED A RELIABLE. ENERGETIC PAR ty of business acquaintance In Portland to act as fiscal agent to sell mining stock for strong, reliable gold mining company ot Colorado. Addresa, 3 days, F 30, Oregonlan. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN THE MAIL OR der business? Send 10c for our book. Pacific Co.. 120 Sutttr st, San Francisco. CaL WASTED TO RE5T. TWO-ROOM SUITE AND BOARD FOR MAN and wife In private family. East Side pre ferred. In answering, give particulars and price. R 34, car Oregonlan. WANTED 10 OR 12-ROOM HOUSE. CEN truly located. West side. In good repair, by April la, cy reiubia party. Address at once F 37, care Oregonlan. FOUR LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOMS. strictly modern, by man and wife; no chil dren; in gooa ana central netgnbornooa. Phone Blue S43. GENTLEMAN WITH BOY WISHES ROOM witn tamiiy wnere Doy may receive care and attend school; East Side preferred. H 38, OregonUn. FIVE-ROOMED MODERN COTTAGE. CON venlent to Catholic school. In East Portland; state rent, w 60, OregonUn. WANTED HOUSE OF ABOUT FTVE OR SIX rooms, close in preferred; no children.'- A 38. care OregonUn. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. OLD CLOTHING AND OLD SHOES. HIGH- est price paid xor men's casto:i doming and old shoes. 73H North 33 st. phone tireen ess. urce rs promptly attended to. THEATRICAL COMPANY WILL RENT TWO teams, baggage wagon: also wagon for nas- sengers for 10 weeks' trip this Sdmmer. Call or write 144 iin, room. 11. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR MEN'S CAST off clothing, shoe, valises, sic. at the old teiiaoie staaa. u . u il mono 1100a ait. A COOD SADDLE HORSE. MEDIUM SIZE, loping gait preferred; state color, price and wnere can be tcn. Addres D 61, OregonUn. NICE. CLEAN BEDS FOR 10c to 23c A night- The Everett Home, corner 2d and Davis su. WANTED-K0U0 ON REAL ESTATE SECUR- Ity. LewU Clark R. E. Co.. 333 Worces ter DlOCk. WANTED-SAWMILL: STATE SIZE. PRICE, terms. E. M. Sorber. 324 Mill Portland, , or. WANTED AN INVAUD'S CHAIR. SECOND nana. Address it 5a, oregonlan. FOR RENT. Uooxna. THE RICHARDSON FINEST FURNISHED apartments on the Coast: hot and cold water steam teat: electric lights; two minutes walk from postotace; magnincent view ot piaxa block: transient and touruu will find thU house a model ot comfort. Northeast comer ct 3d and salmon su. Phone south 29L J. E. Ulnnard Buck, proprietor. PLAZA HOTEL. 207K 3D ST. UNDER NEW management; has been remodeled and U strictly first-class, great care having been given all furnishings, especially the beds; tns only apartment-house In the city hested with gas; tourut and transient will find a home he.-e. Pnone North 3131. THE NEW ROSAMOND, 8. W. COR. 3D AND 11ns su. Main entrance 6?H 3d st; side en trance 264H line u Has been remodeled and U under new management Everything strictly tlrst-claes; special attention given to trusient and tourists. Hulda J. Levena, prop. THE PALMER HOUSE. S. E. COR. ALDER and Park its., formerly the Scalding The most complete apartment-house In the city; eatlrely renovated, steam heal, gas, electric light, porcelain baths, every modern con venience; tourist and transient trade solicited. KINGSTON. 180H 3D. NEAR BAKER THE ater Under new management: elegantly fur nlshed rooms, sieam beat. gas. porcelain bath, phone; tourist and transient solicited. LIST OF BEST FURNISHED ROOMS: SOME In private families; some housekeeping, fur nished or unfurnished. Call on O. C U. Ellis, room 21, 204 Morrison st. THE APPLETON New building, elegantly fur nished: e.ectrlo Ughts. porcelain bath; rea sonable; tourists and transients. 71 S N. 6th, 4114 WASHINGTON NEATLY FURNISHED rooms, clean and comfortable, modern con veniences; electric lights, bath and phone. FRONT ROOM. SUNNY. SUITABLE FOR two rentlrtr-en: all conveniences. 12a 10th. bet. Washington and Alder. 36 11TH NICELY FURNISHED ROOM IN private family; central location; all con veniences; gentlemen only. 1M 16T1L COR. TAYLOR LARGE FRONT room, suitable two gentlemen; one. single room; modern conveniences. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS SUITABLE for men working nlghu or girls employed dsys. 171 West Park. 433 ALDER NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, all convenient: also ona bsll bedroom: one SCQKK1 . . OVE LARGE FRONT PARLOR AND ALSO single room, upstairs; use of bath and phone. 182 tth st. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. MODERN: Ktw furniture. 132H North 6th, I block from Urdon depot. LARGE. PLEASANT FRONT ROOMS. REA. sOTlble. 343-4 Yamhill, cor. 7th. Phone CUy 1031. TranslenU 132 TTH ST- THREE BLOCKS PORTLAND Hotel Nicely furnished rooms; bath, gas, phoea. HOUSE FOR RENT. 374 MILL ST., AND 430 East l&th, Irrlsgtoc. Inquire 180 West Parte FOR RE-IT. Boons. Furnished rooms. 1 week u. Gllmsn Hotel, 1st A Alder: Tremont Hotel. 7th and Everett. THE BONITA. 83 TTH ST, NEAR LIBRARY 'Nicely furnished sunny rooms; reasonable. THE ABBOTT. 22SH WASH. FINE FUR nlshed rooms, en suite. slngUor houMkeeplng. 473 TAYLOR NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room modern conveniences. Room "With Board. HOTEL VENDOME. COR.. 13TH AND AL der. Under new management. Newly fur nished, steam heat, porcelain baths, elegant rooms, with board. Reasonable rates by ffiomh. Table and service crst-clas. A WELL-FURNISHED SUITE OF ROOMS on ftrrt floor, with board, for two gentlemen, with use of piano, also comfortable furnished room, with board, for gentleme-i only, 221 13th St. PORTLAND WOlIEN-8 UNION: 13TK YEAR: roecis. with board; us of sewing-room; use of library; Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. X. C Ecxlsr. Supertaienaeai. 31 Flanders street. THE COLONIAL. A SELECT FAMILY Ho tel. IS and IC7 10th St. A very desirable suite, second floor frjnt. also other rooms, with first-class table and service. HOTEL BROWN Rooms, newly furnished; baths, electric lights, elevator: rooms for translenu; on both car lines. 2ilVi Grand avC FINELY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH board; select, desirable; rates reasonable. Phone South 311. 24S North 20th. FIRST-CLASS ROOM AND BOARD. 8UIT- able lot two; convenient; reasonable. 239 inn. rnone west lzu. 46S YAMHILL. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH good board, also board without rooms. Phone west 320. ROOM WITH BOARD. lfB TTH ST.. BAT1L gas nna pnone nooa 1113. near roniana xtoiei. DOUBLE PARLOR. SINGLE OR EN SUITE. aicove or amgie rooms, witn coaro. u Nona lvtn. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. WITH BOARD, by April 1. 141 West Park st- cor. Alder. ROOMS "WITH BOARD. SINGLE OR EN suite. -13 l-in st.. cor. saimon. THE SOUTHERN. 374 YAMHILL ST-ROOM3 witn noarc new toutn iieo. ALCOVE ROOM. HOT AND COLD WATER. witn Doaro. zso utn. Housekeeping- It 00 ma. 23D AND X STS. THREE UNFURNISHED bay-window housekeeping rooms; use of bath and pnone; reepeciaoie people amy; no enn drrn; in new house about April 20. Call 73! X st. SS6 CORBETT ST. THREE NICELY FUR. nlshed housekeeping rooms, with bath; on 3d-street car line, opposite Children's Home; private family; reasonable rent; no children. FOR RENT TO MIDDLE-AGED COUPLE weu-zurninea nat. nrs: noor; location cen tral. Phone In P. M. to North 1141. Ad drees E 61, OregonUn. 347 HALL. VERY DESIRABLE ROOMS. completely furnished for housekeeping; every convenience; pltasant location; reasonable renu 721 HOOD. COR. HOOKER UPPER FLAT, tour large rooms, neatly furnished, for house keeping, clean, desirable. Phone Brawn 843. NICELY FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED couaekeepiug and transient rooms In city; also store room. ISO Madlscn. 260i Front st. 135 I0TH. COR. ALDER NICELY FURNISH. ej parlor, with kitchen, connecting; gas range, tetepnone; no cniiaren. 372 1ST (HREE OR FOUR FURNISHED nouMkeeptng rooms. i4;"aiso unfurnished; respecUble people only. FRONT PARLOR. FIRST FLOOR; ALSO nousexeeping suite; gaa range, bath, phone. 428 Alder, The Stevens. 410 SALMON ST. TWO NICELY FURNISH- ea nousexeeEing rooms; central; gas range; TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping: bath and phone. Call morn ing, em uavis su UNFURNISHED FLAT OK FOUR ROOMS bath; stationary washbowl, etc; rent lis. 1 J ixingu su M 1TTW mn rf.ivnpne iv wft titti sons, two furnished housekeeping rooms; prt- THREE LARGE completely FtmvisiiEn rooms, range, etc 2I74 1st St. or Phone siooa -loiu. Xlli OLISAN NEWLY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; with use ot bath and A SUITE OF THREE ROOMS. FURNISHED for housekeeping; gas and bath. 73 3th, cor. 3 OR ROOMS. OROU.VD FLOOR; GARDEN Wc each per week. 231V4 Morrison, room 2. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 1.30 per week UP on car line. 430 Goldsmith. Phons Pink 1332. TWO WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS; GAS AND wooa sioves. 1 none ureen 303. ss-ntn. Rooms furnished or unfurnished, with use ot iicnen; private zamuy. a (H. vregonun. PLEASANT, NEWLY FURNISHED -SUITE ot - rooms; moocxn, central, eta st. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR nousekeeping at &9 Jeaerson st. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. mj 1st anc- jaomgomery sts. llousea. FOR RENT MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. Kit Kelly su. South Portland; fine 11-room house on Base Line and Sptingisc. wtth extensive grounas, plenty zruii; tu. u. w. uoeiblng. aiara su NEW. MODERN COTTAGE. SEVEN ROOMS. including oain. xumare, not ana cola water: on car line; Cloverdale; rent 20 per month no cnuaren. inone bunursan 71. UNFURNISHED FLAT OF FOUR ROOMS. yard: hot and cold water, bath; stationary wasnsiana, etc; j-asx biae. close in; rent, 110. IL N. Ross. 2C6 Stark su I- 1PPI IP1VTC tincuivn tinntte n x- cm ed. unfurnished, housekeeping, also transient. can at iioom-rtenung nureau, ius vtn su, mcim ). rsost way idm. FOR BENT-FIVE LIVING ROOMS AND store, separately or together: xvth and Bel mont: rent only 20 for both. Fred U. OUOCg, SU DONALD G. WOODWARD. 246 STARK ST, rcaia ana insurance, rnono aiain 14a. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. with large yard and modern Improvements! su itn st.. cor. -aarxeu FOR RENT 6-ROOM HOUSE. JUST COM. pitted. Corner E. 33th and Yamhill. F. p. wooa, lit lmk Jtta. SEVEN-ROOM COTTAGE. BATH. ATTIC basement. Electric light. lasrn. Inquire 00 r.intn. cor. xavu. FOR RENT CHOICE 10-ROOM HOUSE. ON West Side. 20 per month. Wmr Raldl. room 19 vtasnington ciag. FOR RENT 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. central location. Inquire 316 Montgomery st. FOR RENT A COMPLETELY FURNISHED modern 7-room house. F. A. Jackson. Gaa to. r omce. S6SU TTH ST.-3-ROOM FLAT. FINE COM. dltion. Inquire Graves Music Store, 121 6th streeu FOR KENT-J 13. A 6-ROOM FLAT. (NO children.) Apply at premises. 7a 4th st. FOR RENT-MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE AT uts vt niieaaer su Appiy -r l l-Tor.t- MODERN COTTAGE. 408 -HALL, NEAR loin, inquire 4 min. FnrnKhcd Uonaea. FOR RENT. ALL FURNIS HED A 3-ROOM cottage; rent reasonable: no small children. 4&1 union are., upper Albino, North. FURNISHED FIVE-ROOM FLAT. ELECTRIC iignts; gas, oatn; central- inquire zrgu, Tin. Hoasea tor I4ent Pwralmre for Sale FURNITURE OF MODERN FTVE-ROOM nat zcr sais; nice ana new; rent reasonat,lc three blocks from postotace. west 1100. FURNITURE TWO ROOMS FOR SALE: rooms for rent; central; low rent; no chil dren. Inquire room 33, 133 Vi 1st st. 8-ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT. 20; PART of ruruiicre tor saie. inquire at 10s Thar- OSccs. STOREROOM. S4 EVERETT. BETWEEN 2D ina sa, wiu jtuc. Koe-a u najniitca Bids. FOR REST. Store k. STORES TO RENT-GOOD CORNER NORTH- rn pan. ot city: cneap rent to aeairabi tes- ant: aiso artotner at 74 lctn st.; low rentaL inquire 317 Commercial block. UtaceliBBeona. FOR RENT SEVERAL LARGE ROOMS. suitable lor shop or storage purposes: rail road sidetrack to building. Inquire Western Feed at Fuel Co, 3th and Irving. BUSINESS CHANCES. PALMER BROS.' (FORD'S). ROOM 38 RUS- sel building. IS3H. 4th St.. cor. iiomsoa; have a large and well-selected list of Toom-Ing-hAtea, all sues and prices. Some ot our leaders: 37 rooms. 3 years' lease. 170 month, 60 beds, price -3 800 10 ' honsekeerlag, rent. 22.30..-. S23 18 ' pUIn. rent 23: lncoms r..-. C7J 26 " new house, new furniture. leas 3000 10 " rent 3C seme trade 323 U " brick, steam heat, rent 100.. C30J THE SMALL INVESTORS-LAST CHANCE u get in on ui ground Door in tne oniy BaherUs company that has made a success ot handling the stocknolders money to an ad vantage where they have the best oppor tunity ot drawing down a good dividend this Fall. Only 10.000 shares left at 23 cents per share. Sold to lots of 100 shares up to 1000. ThU chance only offered you tor a few cays. Address Inursut Fisheries Co., Seattle. Wash. 1700-GOOD SALOON. WELL LOCATED; wis is a money-maker. Store, with 6 rooms upsutrs. 7-room house and fair bam. full lot. at 0000. Stock and fixtures can be bought at Invoice price. All kinds of business chances and real es tate for sale by LEWIS & CLARK R. E. CO.. 333 Worcester bik. A HARDWARE CORPORATION, DOING A good business. In one of the best towns of Eastern Washington, desires to Increase its capital, affordlnc a fine oDenlna for a thor ough hardware man with from 6u00 to capital; full Investigation lnvitea. Address P . Oregonlan. FOR SALE GENERAL MERCHANDISE business, in suourov. on gooa county rusu. nostomce: chean If taken at once: 111 bealta the reason for selling. Further particulars In quire ji su, room L WANTED PARTNER TO TAKE HALF IN- terest in good-paying business; must devote major porucn ot tneir lime collecting ana office work: .small Investment. Address W 61, Oregonlan, 5000-CROCERY STOCK AND BAKERY connected for sale, with large, established trade. In Valler town. Owner has other In terest. InvesUgae- Address C 37. Orego- nun. HOTEL FOR SALE OR RENT NEW 3- atory, 15-room notel. thoroughly equipped, except furniture; ready for occupancy by june i, ham. Anaress u. u. urosa, Eu gene, Or. FOR SALE A DRUG STORE IN ONE OF we Dest towns in jsasiern uregon; trade con stantly glowing; good reasons for selling, a: Invoice price only. Address W SL care Ore- gonisn. PARTNER WANTED IN MERCANTILE Dullness in one ur lbs best country towns in the a:ate. Apply to Mer. Protective Associa tion, tront ana Anuny su, peruana, ur. FOR SALE DRUG STORE IN ONE . OF ice best localities In the city; stock and nxiures new ana complete; lease; investi gate this. H -53, Oregonlan. OREGON SECURITIES COMPANY WILL Re sume dividends July I: buy stock now at low Snces ana oenent cy aavance. bee L. I. leady Co, Falling bldg. FOR SALE-STOCK OF CLOTHING AND rurnisnings, at good discount: located be tween banks; write; invoice 11 sou. samueu Irrnt.. JlherAeen. wim. I THAT PATENT RIGHT WHAT A SELLER! 13 counties sold; only a Isw counties and one sute left; It sells at sight. C'anaaUn Agen cy, z-ttt. iiorrison su FOR SALE FIRST-CLASS BUTCHER Busi ness in one ot tne best towns in Oregon; good reasons tor selling. Address T OU, Ore gonUn. FOR SALE A FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. NEW- ix zurnuneo, aotng nne business, at inae. pendence. Or. ; population 13U. J. iu Stark. tOMETHING NEW ROOMING - HOUSE, 24 rooias; nns onck Duuairg; cneap rent; only el-, jje sure ana sea iu v ov. uregotuan, PARTNER WANTED IN CORNER SALOON nne c nance tor young man; experience not necessary. Address w u, OregonUn. 3S00. BARGAIN 11 - ROOM HOUSE, COM- pieieiy zumisnea, nouse modern; lease, i-aii ai it est rarx. i none aroi. FOR SALE THE FURNITURE OF A 13- room nouse, wiin lease; centrally located. Address K 3d. care OregonUn. . , FOR SALE HOTEL, 50 ROOMS: LONG lease; rooms an inn. can or address 3S2 jast ijiay. i-. vougnu SALOON FOR BALE CORNER BAI-TVi nne location; gooa Dust nets, lease and small rvnu r oi, vregoman. NO HOTEL AT INDEPENDENCE. OR.; rw1 nwnlnr 1 'JVt TvtmtlatlAt, s.4m.- V nz, care uregonian. IF YOU WANT A GOOD GROCERY STORE now is your csaace; owner. Address O oo, iregonian. FOR SALE SMALL GROCERY, DOINO gaoa Dusiness. ror particulars, zii N. IQtb. BARBER SHOP CHEAP, ON ACCOUNT OF leaving cuy. Apply x. ji. Leapo. zostj 4 th. PERSONAL. 371 WOMEN WANTEls Suffering firm irregular, oalnfnl or stooBsses. Leucorr&oea twhltes) and all disease of women, old or young, cured by old Dr. Ktssler. 23u i" am hill st, Portland. Or. Pri vet waiting-room for ladles. Call or writs. Inclose 10 2-cent sumps when writing. These mcaicmes seni cy mail so any posiosice oa earth; full instructions. HAVE YOUR FACE AND SCALP EXAM lned free by Mme. Axa Holmes, the well- known and relUble specialist; also learn how wrinkles and blemishes are permanently re moved; massage and race-skinning a special ty; nair ayea or bieacnea; apprentices want ed, an Morrison su Charley. It you find it hard to attend to your business, and If you are still nervous, and your mind dulL go to Clemenson's drug store. cor. 2d and Yamhill su, Portland. Or. Uet Sexlne pills. 1 box. c for 3; positively guar- anieed as mannooa-ouueera. DRESS SUITS FOR REN1. ALL SIZES 1 a month keeps your clothing cleaned and pressed, buttons sewed en and rips sewed up. s-reropi ci (imfviin. unique isiur leg Co, 347 Washington, opposite Cordray. "BOOK OF NATURE." "WOMAN OF FIRE," "Her Hidden unarms," Tcssie a Xempta tlon." "A Modem Eden." "Crlmcon Love." -Rosarlo." "Darkest Chicago." "Adam and Eva." usu tree, bcnmaie, za. lsu Wcrnen rxAd besuttful. Olosa Bust Developer enlarrea bust 6 Inches. Absolutely harmless. (ltOU.00 guarantee. Haa stood the test M ysara Auoress x-jacauru jseaicai vo. tvrcsi- era ssiw -m 0. bwiiwi it mm. WEAK AND LAMB BACK. NERVOUSNESS or inability to sleep positively cured by Sexlne Pills. Positive guarantee. Price 1; 6 boxes, 3. Address Clemenson's drug store, cor. 2d and lsrr.nm scs, jrortiana, ur. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB- crts ftsrve uioouiea ud montb's treat ment. 2; 3 months, 3. Sent securely seaied cy man. Agent, nooaaro. uaxaa x uo. peruana- w. YOUR PRESCRIPTlONb ARE MORE Ac curately ana rtasonsoiy niiea at Eyssea'i pharmacy, 227 Morrison st, bet. 1st sd 2d. W print your nam on Sj calling cards, prop er sue and style, 23c; 230 business cards, L. Brown scnmaie. 1 1st. rcrtiaad. or. FEATHERS AND BOAS CLEANED AND curled. Mrs. M. Gilbert, from London. 130 1st. near Momson. "zeiepnone vteat wv. PUPILS WANTED PARTICULAR ATTEN tlon given to pupils unable to keep up. In public rcnoois. uan iiu low. su MRS. OBROCK. GRADUATE MASSEUSE; cabinet baths. 424 Abington bldg. Red 28S4. DR. LAMOTTE'S FRENCH CORN PAINT. Tee best corn ciue. cthiii aji uruggiais, FINE DAT1 BUT MEREDITHS -UMBREL- a t t -l e wf-im T 1 n tt TVaaS sa vI sTV H CORSETS MADE TO ORDER. ANY STYLE; periCCl SU svoow w miynnuw ww. SALE OF HOT-WATER BAGS AND SYR lnges. Knight Drug Store. 126 6th. LOST ASD FOUND. LOST A GOLD BROOCH. WTTH SMALL d Is mend center and pearl each side: hair set ting at back: reward. Return to Vendom HoteL LOST TWO FOX TERRIER PUPPIES. MALE and female. Finder will be liberally re warded, by returning them to 34tj 1st it. LOST ASD FOUND. IN AUTUMN 1S30 1 SENT A BOY TO N. P. Depot tor Tills, to be delivered to Armory. betsr a member nf 39th IT. &. V. Infantry. Before boy returned I was ordered to embark, therefore never saw tha vallte. Any informa tion ot said vails can be left at Oregonlan oface. LOST THE PARTY WHO GOT A YELLOW Manna brass-bound box from Aiaer-sixcev dock Monday afternoon will confer a favor by communicating with the agent ot Regu Utor Lice. LOST-SMALL WHITE DOG. LONO. CURLY irnir; answering name u. ru.rj. xve--u 73 SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposal Invited. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES. DS- partment of the interior, one ot Indian at fairs. Washicgtrm, D. C March 4, lKul Sealed proposals. Indorsed "Proposals for beef. Hour, etc," as the case may be. and directed to the Commissioner of Indian At. fairs, 263-267 South Canal street. Chicago. Ill, will be received until 1 o'clock p. M-. ot Tuesday. April 21, 1803. for furnishing for the IndUn Service, beef. Sour, bacon, beanr. ccSee. sugar, rice, tea and other articles ot subsistence, alo for boots and shoes, gro ceries, soap, baking powder, crockery, agrl cuttara! implements, paints, oils, glass, tin ware, wagons, harness, leather, shoe findings, saddlery, etc. hardware, achool and medical stroclles. and a long lUt ot miscellaneous articles. Sealed proposals. Indorsed "Pro posals for bUnkeU, woolen and cotton gooa. clothing, etc," as the case may be. and d' rected to the Commisoner of IndUn Affairs. No, uo-iit Wooster street. New Yetk City, will te received mall 1 o'clock P. M, of Tresday, May 1. 11-J3. for furnishing for the IndUn Service, blankets, woolen and cotton goods, clothing, notions, bats and caps. Bids must be maae out on Government blanks. Schedules giving all necessary information for bidder will be furnished on application to the Indian Office, Washington. D. C7 the U. 8. Indian warehouses. 11D-12! Wooster street. New York City; to3-2u7 South Clnsl street. Chicago, 111.; h!3 Howard street. Omaha. Neb.: 003 South Seventh street. St. Louis. Mc: the Commissaries ot Subsistence. U. 6. A, at Cheyenne, Wyo, and St- Paul. Minn.; the Quartermaster. U. S. A, Seattle. Wash.: the Postmasters at Sioux City, Tuc son. Perilled tSnnkan and Tacoma: and the Manufacturers' and Producers Association ot vawornia. ban Francisco, cat. zno win o opened at the hour and days abov slated, and bidders at- Invited n b m-esent at the opening The Department reserve in right to determine the point of delivery, and to re ject any ana an bios, or any part oi any eio. " W. A- JONES. tJommlrssoner- BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED AT THE OF- nee oi William u. csase. est norener block, up to 2 o'clock P. M. Thursday, Apni 10.- tor grading four miles ot streets, more or ltars, and constructing eight miles of side walks, mora or lets. The owners of rbe land reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Forms of bids, pUns and specifications may be seen at 6UI Worcester block, between the hours s! S JL IL and noon. A' certified check ot one lharsand doIUra, conditional on entering into contract wlt&to five days after the contract U awarded, and mad payable to uium u. unase. must accompany tscs bid. Bonds ecnditlofial 09 the faithful per formance ot the work In the sum of one-naif the amount of the bid will be required. Tne contractor to work to any part ot the tract directed by the engineer. Tim 10 complete the whole work, w days trom dsvte ot con tract, rortund. or, April iu, ivtn. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL, APRIL 6. 1803 neaiea proposal in triplicate ami oe receivea her until 11 o'clock A. M, Friday April 17. 1003, and then opened, for furnishing 32 cack mules at Prestdlo of San FrancUco. Cat. Government reserves right to reject or accept cny or all bids, to whole or In part. Bid w'U be considered for less number ot animals than that sute. Preference given to articles of domestic production, conditions of price and quality (Including to the price of foreign production the duty thereon) be ing equal, and such preferefice given to ar ticles ot American production produced on the Pacific Coast, to extent of consumotlon required by the public service there. Infor mation zumisnea on application to x. MII.LKI-. Deputy Q. M.-General. u. H- A. Chief Quartermaster. PROPOSALS FOR BEEF AND MUTTON omce cruet commissary, Vancouver Bar racks, was a., April v. luut sealed proposals for I urn Is hire and delivering fresh beef and mutton for six months beginning July 1. 180J. will be received here and at orficea of commis saries at Fort Stevens, uregon; Boise Bar- M.hA- Cm-,- r. K 1. I.. Walla Walla! Wright, Worden. Lawton and Vancouver Barracks. vVash.. until II A. M, May 8. 1U03, and then opened. Information furnished on application. Envelopes conUIn lnr proposaU should be Indorsed "Pro totals for Fresn Beef and Mutton," and addressed to commissary of post to oe supplied, or to col. r. is. Nye. umez uimy. PROPOSALS FOR FORAGE AND STRAW for AUska uuanermasier urace. Seattle, Wash, Arril b. 10u3- Sealed propoaaU In triplicate will be received here 'Until 11 A. Jl. inurusr, iay 1, inu, ana wen openea, for delivery at Seattle or Taccma. Wash.. of barley, bran, com, oau, hay and straw. for ablpment to Alaska during the season of laos. Klsht ts reserved tu accept or reject any or all bids or parts of same. For quan tities ana tanner iniormaiion apply cere. Envelones conutnlng proposals should b marked, "ProposaU for Fcrage and Straw for 1 1 1 V , anri iflflwuMl tn II mvr.UlM jdajor ana wusriicrmasiev. u. &. Army. OFFICE OF C Q. M.. VANCOUVER BAR- racks, wash., March is. 1303. Siealed propo sals, m triplicate, win oe receivea ncre until 11 o'clock A. M, April 10. 1001, for clearing ground at Fort Stevens. Or. Infor mation tumishea here or by Quartermaster at post. U. 3. reserves the right to reject or accept any or all proposaU or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for clearing ground at Fort Stevens, Or," addressed F. 11. nAl (Uk M A A , W V4. -L.- Mlacellaneoa. OFFICE OF THE OREGON Ic. CALIFORNIA Raliroaa Uvapany police ot stocknoiaer Meeting Stockholders are hereby notified that the annual meeting ot the stockholders ot the Oergon California naiiroaa "company win be held at the office ot the company, 2S3 Washington street. In the City of PortUnd. Countv ot Multnomah. Sute ot Oregon, on Tuesday, the 11th day ot April. 1803. at the hour ot 11 o'clock A, M, for the purpose of electing directors for the ensuing year and the transaction of such other business aa may legally come oeior u meeting. GEO. IL ANDREWS. Secretary. Portland. Or, March 14. 1803. COUNTY WARRANTS NOTICE IS HEREBY given that Multnomah County warrants, class "36," the same having been drawn upon the general fund, that were presented and Indorsed, "Not paid for want of funds." from May 1, 1902. to June 17. 1UC2, both daws Inclusive, will. If properly Indorsed, be paid on presenutlon at the otfice ot the County Treasurer. Interest thereon ceases on and after the date of tnu notice. JOHN M. LEWIS. County Treasurer. Portland. Or, April 10, I80.T. FINANCIAL. FRED H. STRONG. FINANCIAL AGENT Money to loan. No commission. X am to a position to make Immediate loans on Improved real esute or for building pur poses; any amount; moderate lnteresL We approve loans trom plana and advance money as building progresses when desired. Option In resayment niter one year. Fred IL Strong. FlnancUl Agent. 103 2d st. near fctark. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent position with responsiol snns, upon weir own names; easy payments, etneuy connaentiai. MONEY to loan on chattel mortxaccs. New Era Loan A Trust Co, room 206 Abington building. TEN PER CENT INTEREST GUARANTEED on wen-secured loans: collections of Interest and payment without charge. Ames Mer cantile Agency, ADingion blag. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE, teamsters, etc without security: easy nav- menU; Urgest business tn 48 principal cities. ioiman. ADingion oicg. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities: lowest raiea. s. ty. King. room so t asoisgioa Bloc, rusri 1100a 413. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES; NO commission, ana aosiraci oi uiie lurnisnea. Portland ADSiraci uo, out wommerclai blk. LOANS ZN SUMS FROM 3 TO 300 ON ALL kinds of security. - R. L Eckeraon A Co, room w ii mj - h.w. . mwuv . Money loaned on all kind ot security: 6 pr cent bunding loaw a vvcuitr. n. a. unn. HONEY TO LOAN. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. OX city property; no agenu: no rommltilon. LOANS IN SUMS OF AND UP ON ALL t.f-. - Ht v TV. A. I f a f w. v . . lU. V. ..--.. - - - , . .VWU. W Washington biag. 1 none 1100a 413. MONEY TO LOAN. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. ON city property ana improvca vauey. farms. W. A. SPSS K V9, 1 BWJK su MONEY TO LOAN O" ALL KINDS OF 8E- TCpn. TT n!l room Q Wuhlnnnn . 4 Six per cent money to lean on Clackamss Coun ty lands. E. F. Riley, COS Cham. Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN. 6 per cent, farm or city property, u. u. smiio. a u. ot uommerc. R. E. mortgages, any sum. no corns, no rsd tape, light expense, waro, i in Allsky. Money to loan, small amottnu, short or long -fire. 4- 11- xsawiey, wuuir cl worn. LOANS. MINING STOCK and liwelry: private gold cusi oougnu ia i.ommgroai oioca. Small loans, salary, chattel security; confiden tial. -Peru ureoiL Aatrn. aatnocs; oicg. FINANCIAL. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel mortgages, personal or saury se curity; at loss rates. C W. Pallet. 213 Com mercial block. Telephone Grant 636. 13.000 TO OAN MORTGAGES OR COLLAT- erai. u ax. xnstaiinMnis iz aestreo. (30o,0tA TO LOAN AT 3 AND 8 PER CENT. Tv-n. a. bscx. ucrrusa si. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Appraiser. S. FRIEDMAN. APPRAISER. 73 H. NORTH H su; resiuenee. 4is Main su Architect. DELOS D. NEER. ARCHITECT. BOOMS 21 ana zx, 133H First st. Phone ilea xiks. Aayers nud Analyst. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 20S STARK ST. vt,. ho aauiiysis oi coals, auw. and mineral waurs. J. T. Gove, Manager. IL FISK. ASSAYEIt. CHEMIST AND mining engineer. 2u4!4 Washington st. PAUL BACMEL, ASSAYEP. AND ANALYST; goia oust boughu 2Z5is atark su Attorneya-at-Lavr. S. B. RIGGEN. ATTORNEY AND COUN- seiiur-ai-taw. rtotary. OUO-COU ADinsien w.u. NIXON A DOLPH. GENERAL PRACTITION- ers. notaries Publls. 502 commercial oiog. Barber. Ha! Ha! Something new. Electric vibratory musagei 23c Jones'. N. 3d. siooa ios. Carpenter and Builders. GEO. W. GORDON. COUNTERS. SUELVINO. nouses ouut ana repairea. zus sin. .ii. "IV. L. Buckner. omce. store fixtures, general jobbing, contracting. 330 Stark. BUck 814. Carpet Clennlnc Hunter's stesm carpst deantog. refitting car pets specialty, coo jerxsrson. rnone asm -. Cement Contractor. CARTER A HOST, cemept contractors. 271 roner su Teu ront zoos, w or guijaw--- Chiropodist and MaDlctuluc Wit D EVENT A ESTELLE DEVENY. THE only -sclentlllo chn-opodlsu. parlors oi Ausky building. Third ana Morrison. Oregon phono Urant 10. ThU U the long-haired gentleman. He U the man' you ar looking toe THE ONLY GRADUATE CHIROPODIST IN the city, patron can rely on sxuuui ana sciettnc treatment. pedicuring ana mani curing. Su iUlelgh bldg. Coal Dealer. WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO, DEALERS la an kinds of coal, can us up tor uuoia tlons. 134 North 3th. Main 1018. CoL 2t)a. VULCAN COAL CO., wholesale dealers: best coaia. zounary ana' smeiier coxe. soi pnone. KINO COAL COMPANY; 11 EST DOMESTIC coal. 6.30 per ton. Telephone oak lai. Commlaslixn 1'erehanta. HERMAN' METZQER, PURCHASER OF Ulan, vtil, lull, .wi, wvumi, . rubber and old metal, and general commission merchant. Fromr su. near Main. Portland, or. Cash advances on consignment. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO, SHD? BROKERS and commusion mercnanis. nnerioca ouua lng. PortUnd. Or. " ALLEN A LEWIS, COMMISSION AND PRO- duce merccanu. Front A D su, portuna. ur. Carrnsraterl Iron. CORRUGATED IRON ROOFING. HOT-AIR furnaces. J. c lisyer. -co cecona su. Dancing:; L. B. McCALLA. LOSES NO TIME IN EXER- clses. but teacnea you t uance. s-norre brown 411. Dentists. DRS. HICKEY A HICKEY. TEMPORARILY located at 34-u-3a i-aieign mag. Dob; and Horse UoapltaL tir. s. J. CARNEY, veterinary surgeon. 130 N. 13th. Phone uak 1941. Re, pnone nest 3911. Dyeins and CleanlntT. IL W. TURNBR professional dyer and clean ser, 301 17th. cor. commnia. xeu Red 13L Electroplatlnsr. OREGON PLATING WORKS; ELECTRO- piating oz ail suios. sa ktasuiagion. run 100. Fraternal. Insurance. Order ot Washington, foremost fraternal so ciety oz n. - protect w living. J. 1 Mitchell. Sup. Secy, 612-613 Marquam bldg. Gaauline Eneines. TATUM A BO WEN. PORTLAND. SAN Francisco, beanie. Harness and Saddle. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO, WHOLE- sale saaaiers ana narness manuiacturcrs, leather and saddlery hardware, ou-06 1st su THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO, WHOLE- sale saddle ana narness mzrs, sauatery Hard ware, leather of all kinds. 73 Front st. Junk, Hide and Pelt. L. Shank A Co, pay. highest price for -old UUU-li fcs.-sm Mvaa. a m-s utufl, ptlu and utllow. 312 Jrronc TeL &oat2i Wl. w w snsls 1 a rw-if f Iw Iwtn h v. . I A Lenth er and Klnillntfa. m.iiT ntH'VUiV I.PiTtlPt? rr llfflio tK- anrl tlhOea XlTttiT. Ilnfrllnrfi- iVrv .In. n.. frist nf all IrlnHa Tn Vh- - UL-jy- """,- " sriwu, st. J. A. KEXD. mfr. boot and shoe uppen; full Lime. wave Ot-CT-T IM! X 1 fTV HIITDUVVfPo s v- XA JlICs, A- -- -"--- t sivi a ij AVX 4-alvi-J wtcklr. 1 J- Oaic lril. Kliuc Cual Lil Machlner?-. Z m IIVfvn - ........ . ..-.r enrllrll-T- nrdrattllfi ntr iuilll-t - - - w '("-a v "s .it rrLvalxed. ItH Norlfl K.mril .r NEW AND SECOND-HAND SHINGLE AND awmlll xoAcnmtry, boiler and ccsuictt. lu- THE II. C ALB EE CO, SECOND-HAND m.efclnprv. sawmills, etc. HA Gr.nt . Marble ana Granite. - j MARBLE AND GRANITE 11 ON UMENTS . ... . himus. at Weeks. 720 fronr 2tlassac;e. 01 u TH ST, BETWEEN STARK AND OAK. Snowden bathrooms ;Tpor. steam and sponge natns. whm u. nuiutj, nwea to see all old customers, also new ones. Ore gon ptOB 1W" VAPOR. MAGNETIC ALCOHOL, SPONGE baths, with aclentine massage, by young lady from Chicago: new parlors at tne Lock wood. 331ft Morrison su, room lo. Very seiecu VAPOR. STEAM AND SPONOE. BATHS, with massage, by experienced young Udy: the best treatment In the city. Room la. )in jmmmiii. mww . ..... u.u j. FRENCH LADY. WITH YOUNG LADY AS sUtant. Inst arrived from Paris, give nu- sage, treatmenu sua oizu jrnone west 1W3. EXCELLENT BATHS. MAGNETIC AND massage treatment, -oy young iaay from Su YOUNG. EXPERIENCED MASSEUSE" GIVES thermal baths and scientific massage. Room X. Raleigh bldg, Ota and Washington. YOUNO AND THOROUGHLY COMPETENT. skillful ana expciicnccu masseuse, imce ZJU Raleigh bldg. MAGNETIC TREATMENTS. 330H WAatl Inston. room 4. 1 1 curt, 10 to 8. VAPOR BATHS AND MASSAGE; LADY from East. SOU 4th. room 3. Medical. SAFE. SURE, POSITIVE. PERMANENT Immediate relief to suffering women. Treat yourself at home. Send for booklet- Mailed sealed free- Salus Medical Co, Esterbrook bldg, San Francisco. CaL Oregon Tlawt Co. LEWIS BLDG, PARK AND MORRISON STS. Health talks to ladles. Thursdays. 2:30 P. M. Palmistry. Mrs. Dreyfus, the unrivaled palmist and cU Toyant card reader. U3Vi 1st. cor. Alder. Fhotosraphle FlnUhlnar. Wholesale views, bromide enlargements, so jara. Ceo, M. Etrccg, Goodnough bldg. BLSIXESS DIHECTOKY. Patent "Lawyer. T. J. GEISLERs psteni and trad mark mat ivrs a specially, aw unamoer oc wnmm I-alnt. Oil and Glass. RASMUSSEN A CO, JOBBERS. PAINTS, on, glass, sasn ana aoors. isu ist su Physician and Sarceon. DR. MRS. CAREY TALBOT SUCCKSS fuCy trsau and cures all dlseas ot womsn. Successful home treatment by mall. 303 Sal men. between Fifth and SUth. DR. FLORA A. BROWN. DISEASES OF women and children a specialty, omce -64S Belmont. Take Sunnysid car to East 17th. OR. JAMES DICKSON. SPECIALIST IN KID ney and skin diseases. Odd Fellows' Tempi. Sate. DIEBOLD SAFES. JAILS. VAULT DOOR3 and deposit work. Lockouts opened. General repairs. Burglar alarms, steel ceilings. Second-hand saiM bought and sold, imod a represented. J. E. Davis. 66 3d. HERRING-HALL-MARVIN SAFE CO, Suc cessors to Hall safe A Lock Co. Portland Sate & Lock Co, bole Agents, 76 IstxL Showcases and .Store Fixture. R. IL Blrdsall. agent M. Winter Lumber Co, 42 Front- Knock-down system. Low trelgbt. 1L LUTKE A CO, SUCCESSORS TO DIXON. Borgesoa A Co.. SUth and Hoyt sts. Slot 31aclitne. TRANSCONTINENTAL MACHINE CO, COK, Park and Oak: Urges, variety: repairing. STAR MACHINE CO, 273 OAK ST.: MA chines bought, sold, exchanged; repairing. Spiritualists. ATTENTION! ATTENTION ! MRS. DR. ED wards, of Chicagot tne greatest living psy chic, guaraniees to her visitors satUiSctiott or no charge. All attain of titr, lure, mar riage, business, lawsuits, mints and buried treasures. If there Is anything you wUh 10 know, any desire ot your heait unaxallnea, consult tnls fitted woman, lour lue win Im mad bngater. happier and a path marked out that will leaa yuu to success. 361 'laywr st, cor. Park. Hours. nIU to 0 P. Sunaay, 1 to 3 P. M. Meaiums quickly aeveioocu. siiBoesi lesumonuu tram preas ana puduc. Can or write. All nusiuess strictly loiuiaeu tui. fbone CUy 111L It's always the best to consult the Mahatmo. zrom inula, clairvoyant, p.ycnlc, palnusi. aa vlser and counsellor un an atfair of hie. Reunites the separated, settles lovers' quar rels; guaraniees tne greatest satisfaction. Cs.l today, suite , d anu 4, Ji3ft vVasmnglun su MMEL ADWARD. SPIRITUALIST MEDIUM. can bo consulted on btuinwa, lawsuiu. love, matrimony, unites the separated, no matter the dUtance or cause;- eaiuuacuon guaran teed. Parlor 4. A. o. U. W. bldg, cor. -4 and Taylor, lake elevator, tourtn floor. ALL IN TROUBLE CALL AND SEE MRS. Wallace, tne famous psychle: gives vsiuabt advice, on all affairs of life, traces absent friends, mines, family dirncullles. Alwsj consult the besu Z71h Morrison st, room A. Mrs. Leslie has no equal. Without a question reveal an; restores lost ariection. causes speedy marriage, etc Room ZE. 7H Wash. MISS MARIAN CORRELLI. PALMIST. reads human destiny, the Hindoo system; knowlby fate today. Z&sii Wasntngton su MRS. STEVENS. PORTLAND'S LEADING palmist and spiritual life reader, astrologer, steadings. 30c. Jt3)i YamhllL cor. 7th. Larsen. the palmist: las', month at present. Bcienuuc me readings, loc. zio AlUky bldg. Mrs. Stevens, spiritual Ufa reader, sclentl&a palmist; ouc ttemovea to mi'n xamniu-iin. MRS. LADD FINNICAN HAS RETURNED and u located at HoVj 6th su, room 3. Mrs. C. Cornelius. Allsky bldg, M and Mor rison. Biiungs saiiy. men uooa 40a. IRS. ADDIE R. SMITH. BUSINESS AND test, at lXita 3th. cor. Alder, room L MRS. ROBSON, CLAIRVOYANT LIFE READ- er; reading by mail. U1H 3d. room 0. MRS. TE3S111 ORDWAY. MEDIUM. 14SH uuu Sturaee and Transfer. C O. Pick, oaice, ts First, bet. Stark and Oak; phone 380. Pianos and furniture mossd and yacked tor shipping; commodious fire proof brick warehouse; Vront and Clay- its. FRED BIC1CEL STORES. AT 31 N. FRONT su: household goods and furniture. pUnos, trunks, tool chesu, sewing machines and all movable articles, at reasonable rates. SAFES. PIANOS AND FURNITURE MOVED, packed, shipped and stored; fireproof store bouse. Omc 123 1st. C M. Olsen. Trunk Factory. PORTLAND TRUNK CO, 30 THIRD ST, wholesale and retail. Send tor catalogue. Typewriters. Not Fay-Sholes. Jewett. Oliver. Smith Pre miers, Remingtons, sold, rented and repaired. Once goods. Cuunlngham's. 31 stark. DENSMORE TYPEWRITER WE RENT AND repair all machines. Full lln supplies. Huxley. Ryan A Co, 82 4th st. Colombia Bar-Lock Vlslbi Typewriter; get catalogue. 31 California st-. Ssn Francisco. Watchmaker and Jewelers, JOHN A. BECK. WATCHES. DIAMONDS. Jewelry, silverware. 07 Morrison. Repairug. "Wholesale Grocer. ALLEN A LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERS, cor. N. Front and DavU sts, PortUndV Or. DANK3. UNITED 'STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OREGON. Northwest corner Third and Oak streets. TransacU a General Banking Business. Tjritta issued. avalUbl In all dlles ot th United Sutcs and Europe. Hong Koag and collections mads on favorable term. PrtsldVnt J- C ALMS WORTH Vice-President W. B. AYER Assistant Cashier ....R. W. SCKMEEP. Assistant Cashier A. M. WRIQHT FIRST NATIONAL BANK eistai x- OF PORTLAND, OR. Designated Depository and financial Agent ot th United States. President A- L. MILLS CaSler.. W NEW KIRK Assistant Cashier W. C. ALVORD SecondAsslstant Cashier B F. STEVENS Letter of credit issued. avalUbl la Europe and the Eastern States. filcht exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New iork. Boston, Chicago. Su Louis, su Paul. Omaha, San Francisco and th principal nolnts In th Nonhwest- Elrht and tlms bills drawn In sum to suit oa London. Paris, Berlin. Frankfort-oa-the-Maln. Hong Kong. Yokohama. Copenhagen, Chrts. ilsnU. -Stockholm, St- Peteraburg. Moscow. Zurirh. jtionolulu. Collections mad on farorabl terms. LADD A T1LTON, BANKERS ' ESTABLISHED IN 1S30. TransacU a General Banking Bustnes. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections mad t all polnu on favorabl terms Letters ot credit Issued available la Europe and all polnu In th United Sute. stent Exchange and Telegraphic Transtsr sold on Nsw York. Washington. Chicago. SU Louis. Denver. Omaha. San Francisco and va rious polnu in Oregon, Washington, Idaho. Montana and British Columbia. Exchange sold on London. Parts. Berlin, Frankfort. Hong Kong. Yokohama. MacUa and Honolulu- MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON. J. FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM... Vice-President R. W. HOYT Cashier QEORGE w HOYT .- Assistant Cashier United Sutes Depository. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. DrafU and leturs of credit Issued, avallahl tn all part ot tha world. Collections a specialty. Gold dust bought. LONDON A SAN FRANCISCO BANK. LIMITED. Chamber ot Commerce .building. Third and Stark streets. Head ofice. 33 Old Broad street. London. ThU bank transacu a general banking busi ness, males loans, discounts bills and Issues loiters ot credit available lor traveler and th purchase of merchandise In any day ot th world. Desi In foreign and domestlo exchange. Interest paid oa time deposits. W. A. MACRAE, Mngr. WELLS. FARGO A CO. BANK Center 2d and Washlrrgton. HOMER 3. KING President (San FrancUco.) R. LEA BARNES CASHIER WALTER A. HOLT.... ASSISTANT CASHIER (PortUnd.) General Banking Business Transacted. Ex change sold and leturs ot credit issued, avail able in all parts ot th world. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Head office. Toronto. Canada. CaplUl paid up J S, 000, 000 Reserv .- ................2.300.000 Transacts a Generst Banking Business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sum of 110 and up wards, and Interest allowed on minimum monthly baiance. Rates on application. 244 WASHINGTON BT. JC A. WYLD. M&uagcr Portland Sraaca.