Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 10, 1903, Image 1

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VOL. XLIIL KO. 13,207.
Try It Once and You Will Use No Other Brand.
ROTHCHILD BROS., Portland, Oregon, Sole Agents
teed cure for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bruises and Chronic
Pains In any part of the body. For sale at all drue stores. Your
druggist will give you a sample free for the asking.
Wholesale Manufacturing and Importing Druccists.
-A M
Assets, $359,395,537.72. Surplus Assets, $75,127,498.77.
Rates no feigner than other companies.
L. SAMUEL, Manager, 306 Oregonian Bidg., Portland, Oregon
and M
"There's Lire and Strength !n Every Drop"
XVir Sal br AH Druggists.
BLUMAUER & HOCH, Sole Distributers, Wholesale Liquor and Cigar Dealers
tnara x mmem steeer, ratrun, mm
CXAMtH) of XAX aokmxxt
European Plan: . . , $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 -per 7
Fortune waits
on those who come to
select their carpets from our
new Spring lines.
exclusive cmrET nocss
J. 0. Mack & Co.
Oppoitto Clin mb cr of Commerce
Ask for "Banker" Size, 2 for 25c
ALLEN & LEWIS, Distributers
The Health Resort ofihs Wesl
Main line of the Northern Pacific Rail war. Bound trip fare Irom Port
land, only $S .3).
Do you appreciate Its advantages?
The most curative water known.
Change to on entirely different climate.
Perfection of service, with a large corps of skilled attendants all under
direct medical supervision.
We cure more than 90 per cent of all our cases.
For Information address' Dr. J. S. KJoeber. Green River Hot Springs.
Wash., or inquire of A. D. Charlton. Northern Pacific Railway Ticket Once.
Optical Talk a Nutshell
We test the eyes and fit the glasses for all defects of
vision that can be corrected with Glasses.
And Do All Oar Work Promptly and Just Right,
lints. Jcntltn and Opticians. Cor. Third and Washington Sts.
QUI 2ffl BftLLDT
Hermann Is Named
at Eugene.
Brownell Is Made the
Calmly Reads Off Officers
of Body.
Though Gatch Finally Toole Kelly's
Strength and Polled 72 Votes
Hermann Had Given Up Fight
at One Stage.
Beaten to a standstill toy the opposi
tion. Dinger Hermann snatches victory
from the laws of defeat.
Which of the other candidates should
get the nomination they themselves
would sot decide, sad while they hesi
tated the auspicious moment passed, the
leading candidate rallied, pulled to
gether his strength, gained recruits
from the waiting ones snd gstned the
Though the battle was a genuine
straggl while It lasted the best of
good feeling seemed to prevail when the
result became known.
EUGENE, on. April . Staff corre
spondence.) Blnger Hermann was nom
inated for Congress tonight. The conven
tlon was In session 9$4 hours, and was In
tumult moat of that time. Early in the
convention Hermann hovered within six
or seven votes of the 87 required to noml
nate. Then his forces went to pieces In
the face of stubborn opposition. His ri
vals succeeded to the mastery of the con
vention, but they could not agree upon a
candidate. For four hours each of them
refused to yield.
The Hermann managers took heart
again about 10 P. 1L and reorganized their
ranks as they had been early In the con
ventlon. Thereupon Eddy of Tillamook
declared that his delegation of five. In
order to end a fruitless contest, would
support Hermann. Vawter withdrew and
left his delegation to go whither they de
sired, and his people flocked to Hermann.
Gatch of Marion and Kelly of Linn united
their forces. The union was too long put
off, however, and accomplished nothing.
The final vote was: Hermann, $5;
Gatch, 72; Kelly, 9. The total number of
votes cast was ITS, three more than were
In the convention, but the opponents of
Hermann saw that they could accomplish
nothing by demanding another ballot, and
on motion of Kay of Marion. Hermann
was declared the unanimous choice of the
convention. Speechmaklng by Hermann
and bis rivals showed that the outcome of
the fight had not left wide breaches, and
that all elements of the party would work
for the election of the party's nominee.
Hermann Had Given It Up.
Hermann's rivals had beaten all hope
out of his supporters. About 7 P. M.,
Brownell. who had been elected chairman
of the convention by combined Hermann
and Clackamas votes, withdrew and went
to bed, charging the members of his dele.
gatlon with treachery for falling to aid
Hermann toward 'the nomination. Her
mann himself went to his hotel In the be
lief that his game was lost. About 11
o'clock both learned that the convention
was coming back to Hermann, and they
returned to the convention.
At 11 :2S o'clock the last vote of the 21th
Fight Against Monop
oly Won by Knox.
Court; Finds Commerce
"Is Restrained.
Eager to Have Power of Rail
roads Denned,
Opinion of Court Knocks Out All Ar
gument! (or Merger and Strikes
Blovr at New Jersey Lave,
Which Shelters Trusts.
this state. It has been remarkable lor
the earnestness of contest over the Con
gressional nomination: remarkable for the
endurance tx&cn you marmraieu su jum
loyalty to your candidates, and remark
able for the- kindly and fraternal feeling
which has prevailed. The absence of any
bitterness justifies the prophecy that the
feeling of victory will go forth as you go
to your homes, and will spread over the
district until the day of election, when
the Reupbllcans of this district will roll
up a splendid majority for the Republi
can ticket.
"It Is Indeed a most distinguished honor
to receive this nomination at your hands,
but more to be prized because of the
standing of the distinguished men who
have been voted for. They are men who
would honor any state as Representa
tives In Congress men who would -have
been worthv representatives of Oregon
bad they been nominated by this conven
tion. Slakes Some Promises.
"I nccept the nomination which you
have given me, and promise that. If elect
ed. It shall be my proud endeavor to per
form my duties to the state to the best
of my ability. I shall traverse the coun
ties of this district to see what are the
needs of the different localities. I ehall
meet the people face to face and talk
with them concerning matters of Interest
to them In Congress. It shall be my pleas
ure to traverse the seacoast and see what
can be done to lmprovo the waterways
and harbors, and to' visit the counties of
the interior to look after such affairs as
postal routes.
"Rerubilcans, we stand by the splendid
Administration of the splendid party with
which we affiliate. We are Indeed Justly
proud of it splendid record, and we are
proud of that Chief Magistrate who has
no equal among rulers on the face of the
earth. (Cheers.)
"We believe In letting well enough alone,
and In the most of the prosperity which
covers this whole cduntry we favor no
change In Administration or policies.
When we-look abroad over the nations of
the earth we find none that stands like
our own that has such credit and stands
o high In the eyes of the people of other
nations. The attainment of this proud po-
Chinese Government Acts Too Late
to Stop' Them and Annexation of
KwnnsH May Follow.
VICTORIA1, B. a, April 9. A new crisis
has threatened the Chinese government as
a result of the continued 'rebel success In
South China, for. according to mall ad
vices received here, the -French are pour
ing troops Into Kwangsi from Anam.
It seems that the Governor of Kwangsi.
"Wang Chi Hun, requested the French offi
cers in Anam to send troops to his assist
ance, and, altnough the Pekln govern
ment has countermanded this request, the
French have gone Into the South 'China
Province and It Is feared that the Euro
pean power will, like Russia In the North,
seize the territory into -which it has gone.
Xews was received from Toklo that the
Japanese government has completed an
arrangement with Genu Britain to have
an Interchange of officers attached to
cither country's armies. Several British
officers are to go to Japan to Join the
Mikado's army, and later Japanese offi
cers will go to Great Britain.
wreath of orchids, lilacs and lilies from
the officials of .the United States embassv.
& wreath,' of violets. and pa)m branches!
from the American trnamber of. Com
merce,' a wreatM of -'rpteer and lilies from
Co Haul-General Gowdy and Mrs. Gowdy.
wreaths from Mr. Lelshmann. United
States Minister at Constantinople; and.
Ambassador Tower, and from hundreds of
American residents In Paris.
Pasalonlst Fathers Go to Bnrfnnd.
PARIS. April 9. The passlontst Fathers.
who have been conducting the Anglo-
American Catholic Church here, departed
for England today without, a demonstra
tion. Quite a number of American and
English, members' of the church gathered
and bade good-by to the fathers. Secular I
priests Immediately took up the work
usual during Holy Week. The services
are proceeding uninterruptedly.
Jersey Will Tax Tobacco.
LONDON. April 9. The Legislature of
the Island of Jersey today published the
third reading of the bill -Imposing a duty
of S cents- per pound on leaf tobacco, IS
cents on manufactured tobacco, and 25
ceqts on cigars.
In deciding the Northern Securities
case the Uclted State Circuit Court of
Appeals holds, that:
The merger destroyed competition
between the Northern Pacific snd Great
Northern by destroying the motive for It.
Such a combination would have been
a violation of the Sherman anti-trust
law. if formed by individuals.
Acts done by corporations are Illegal
If the same would hare been illegal it
done by natural persons.
The Securities Company power to
suppress competition, and has provided
for so doing.
The New Jersey charter of the com
pany is n shield against the. operation
otthe-hr, for the New Jersey law
allows Incorporations only "for any
lawful purpose."
Aside from this restriction, any state
law is void so far is "it elves powers
to violate the anti-trust act.
Toe plea that the Government can do
nothing because the merger 'is already
consummated Is absurd.
Though the plea that the objects and
effects of the merger are to confer a
public benefit may be true, still the
merger is illegal.
The decree forbids the voting of stock
in the merged roads by the North
era Securities Company, forbids the
railroad comDanles to submit to any
Influence of the Securities Company, and
orders that the railroad stock held by
the Securities Company may be ex
changed again for its own stock with
the perrons from whom it was acquired
or others.
1 1 l : y el ?! s 9jl0iullju!ll!l5yi-ljl9j20j2lj22ja!2i
TSlrs'Sl 82 81 StlSO.'SO SI 82 !72 a'57!lO:J9a'0.,MlC7t!T91tS
JltfUleSSia afilb'M 4S(3J'3S J4.4SS2,53 US6,SS 5431172
.. 12 112:121121
Vawter ,
Belknsp of Benton.,
il9:20!l?i2o!20;l2,lJ 12 IS 12:
1 1 Je Tiers ti I l t?1T lT l
ll eU 11 li'4.ijs !,
lll20; 2-,273S 36
.i..fia:isiii u zi,
17 171S
171 votes cast. Vote thrown out.
Frank Miller received one vote on the 17th ballot, and J. M. Keene one
on the 2M.
and final ballot was counted and Hermann
was nominated.
While the convention was J till cheering
over the victory, Mr. Hermann entered
the hall and worked his way through the
crowd to the chairman's desk. Here be
was introduced to the assemblage by
Chairman Brownell. Mr. Hermann said
In part:
Address of Nominee.
"Mr. Chairman. Members of this Con
gressional Convention, and Fellow-Cltl-sens:
The convention which is now about
to close, after having conferred upon me
an honor which I assure you Is fully ap
predated, has been one of the most re
markable conventions In tho history of
sttlon is due to the supremacy of the
principles of the Republican party.
"The hour is now late, and I cannot de
tain you longer. It will be my pleasure at
other times and other places to speak to
you of the principles of the Republican
party, and of the problems of the National
Government In which you as citizens are
Interested. In conclusion, permit me again
to thank you for the high honor you
have conferred upon me."
Counsel United Effort.
Following Mr. Hermann's address.
Messrs. Gatch. Vawter, Eddy and Harris
were called for, and each made brief re-
(Coaeladed on Page o.)
Turks and Rebels Continue Battle'
for Four Dnys.
SOFIA, April 9. A conflict lasting for
four days has taken place between the In
surgents and Turkish troops In the Dis
trict of Melsho. The village of Berovo
was surrounded and burned. Another fight
occurred near Opela.
Great Catherine of Officials and
Diplomats Pays Last Honor.
PARIS. April 9. The funeral of Mm.
Porter, wife of the United States Ambas
sador, held at 11 o'clock this morning at
the American Church in the Kue ,ae ucm.
was an impressive tribute,. the heads of
the French government, the members of
the diplomatic corps and many represent
atives of the American colony participat
ing. The front of the church was draped
with black draperies. The chancel was
filled with tall palms, while in front of
the altar rented the casket hidden beneath
a profusion of beautiful floral offerings.
Ambassador Porter, who was accompa
nied by his daughter, Elsie, heavily veiled,
bore the ordeal with fortitude. Accompa
nying the mourners were relatives. Inti
mate friends of the family and officials of
the embassy staff. To the left of the
family sat Mme. Loubet. wife of the Pres
ident of France: Paul Loubet, General Du
bois, the personal representative of the
President, with a large staff of officers In
full uniform; Foreign Minister Delcaese,
Premier Combes and other members of the
Ministry with their wives. Among others
present were Ambassador Tower, who
came on from Berlin. ex-Vice-President
Lovl P. Morton. Consul-General
Gowdy, Count De Rochambeau. the Mar
quis de Chambrun. M. Hamard. the sculp
tor of the Rochambeau etatue; the Brit
ish Ambassador, Sir Edmund Monson. his
staff, and the Ambassadors and Ministers
of various other countries with their
staffs, and a large number of Americans.
taxing the capacity of the edifice. The
Rev. Dr. Thurber conducted the simple
At the conclusion of the ceremony, fol
lowing the established official custom,
Mme. Loubet and various members of the
Ministry addressed a few words of per
sonal sympathy to the Ambassador and
bis daughter. After the public service the
casket was borne to the mortuary chapel
adjoining the church, where it will remain
until its removal to- America.
Among the floral pieces were a superb
National Affairs.
Government wins suit against railroad merger.
Pares 1 snd 2.
President Roosevelt may hunt mountain lions.
Page 12.
Government -plans tor Irrigation on Butter
Creek. Page 3.
Major Howze demands Inaulry 'Into cruelty
cbsrrcs. Page 3.
Livestock men organize to fight beef trust.
Page 5.
Gun exolodes on battleship Iowa with fatal
results. Page 3.
Whlttaker tVright appeals to Supreme Court-
Walterson asks Republicans to sink race issue.
Page 2.
Union League Club refuses to investigate negro
disfranchisement. Page z.
French troops Invade. Southern China. Page 1.
Dutch Parliament passes antl-strlke law.
Fierce battle in Macedonia. Page 1.
Portland Is shut out by Sacramento. 4-0. Page
Los Angeles shuts out Oakland, 2-0. Page 11.
San Francisco defeats Seattle, 6-4, Page 1L
Seattle horseman gets (2000 for M'Alropa.
Page 11.
Shamrock III beats Shamrock I again. Page 1L
Pacific Coast.
Hermann nominated by First District Con
gressional convention. Pate L
Sheepman killed In quarrel over range. Page s.
Raid at Woodburn comes to naught- -Page 4.
Seven Devils copper case decided for defend
ants. Pare 4.
W. P. Elmore ts Prohibition candidate for
congress- l ace 4.
Challenge Issued by Socialists. Page 4.
Commercial and Marine.
Utah Salt Company announces big advance In
prices. Pare 12.
Wheat strong at Chicago on active buying.
Page 13.
Announcement .of decision in Securities case
causes slump In stocks. Page 13.
Review of the Iron and steel trade. Page IS.
Poor apples from Idaho on San Francisco mar
ket. Page 13. 1
Work of Fort of Portland dredges In March.
Page 12.
Handy-size steamers scarce ou this Coast.
Page 12.
Portland nnd Vicinity.
Master Builders and Painters combine against
the strikers. Page 10.
Mrs. Rosa F. Burrell. prominent philanthropist.
dead. Page 14.
Troubles In Lewis and Clark Women's Club
grow In intensity. Page 8.
H. C Frlek will arrive today. Page 7.
Supposed hold-up men escape from detectives.
Page 14.
R. P. MoBett. alleged embezzler, la taken to
Hons Konr- Page 8. 4i
Elk In e law may affect baseball teams and
amusement companies. Face JO.
ST. PAUL. April 9. The position of the
United States Government in the suit
brought against the Northern Securities
Company, tho Northern Pacific and Great
Northern Railways and Individual officials
and directors of these companies, was
sustained in the decision handed down in
the United States Circuit Court of Ap
peals rln this city today. The case was
originally brought In the United States
District Court nere, but under a special
act of Congress was taken at once to the
Court of Appeals, which court was to ex
pedite the hearing and decision of the
cane In every manner possible. The tak
ing of testimony In this city and In New
York lasted for several weeks, and the
arguments in SL Louis before Circuit
Judges Caldwell. Sanborn, Thayer and
Vandeyenter took several days. The de
cision of the court was written by Judge
Thayer, and was filed In this city, where
the original action was instituted. Art
appeal to the United States Supreme
Court will be taken Immediately. All four
Judges concurred in the conclusions: of
the court, which wers stated by Circuit
Judge Thayer.
The text of the decision is given In full
on page 2.
Suit Was Brought on Ills Advice sail
Was Conducted by Him.
PITTSBURG. April 9. When Informed
of the decision In the Northern Securities
merger case, D. T. Watson, special coun
sel for the Government, said:
"The credit for the victory belongs to
Attorney-General Knox. He' first thought
the case through, and. arriving at the
conclusion that the formation of the
Northern Securities Company and Its ac
quisition of the majority of the stock of
the Great Northern and Northern Pacific
was a violation of the Sherman anti
trust law. he so positively advised the
President and instituted the case. He
has courageously and honestly pressed.
the case, and the decision fully sustains
him In his course."
Morsran Says Supreme Court Will
Show Where Railroads Stand.
NEW YORK. April 9. J- P. Morgan
said of the merger decision:
"Until I see the full text of the decision
I shall not care to express an opinion on
it This much is certain, however, it will
not rest where-It Is. The question of the
right of two or more railroads to be
operated by a holding company wOl 60
taken up to the United States Supreme
Court. Instead of loo long upon the de-
lite. Partnaiit TascsO