12 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, 'APRIL 7, 190b. PATRICK WILL BE GOOD! Tim nOLLAND FAMILY AGREES TO RESPECT COURT'S DECREE. Gentleman Who Executed Three Deeds to His Property and Claimed Still to Own It, Is Restrained. TJnleM Patrick Holland and. members of his family refrain from Interfering with Intending purchasers of, lots In Vernon afldltion. they Trill b locked up In the County Jail on charges' of contempt of court. Holland doesn't believe In lawyers and be pleaded bis own case before Judge Sears yesterday afternoon, assisted by hla wife and son. Holland's daughter was also preoent In the courtroom, but took no part In tfco proceedings. Mr. and Mrs. Holland were notified by the Sheriff on Saturday to appear In court yesterday momlng. but failed to attend. Ex-Senator Joseph Simon, noticing their atwence. asked that a bench warrant be Is sued for their arrest, and the order was immediately made. Mr. Simon stated that on Sunday, Holland appeared at Vernon, and, approaching a crowd of lot buyers, drove them off. Holland was brought to the Sheriff's office a little later by a deputy, and be explained that the reason he neglected to' come to court was that he spoke to Dis trict Attorney Manning concerning the matter Saturday afternoon, and was told In rceponse that It was all a Joke, nothing In fact but an A. P. A. trick. Inquiry brought to light the fact that Mr. Man ning did not know anything about the case, for the reason that it was handled by his deputy. Arthur C. Spencer. Holland took up this land an a home stead and in 1871 or 1S72 sold it to Anthony Hyde. Holland still claims title notwithstanding the court has decided ad versely to him. The land to now owned by Joseph and Sam Simon and Ben Sell ing. When the Holland family and several friends had taken their seats In court Judge Sears said, addressing the old man: "Are you ready for trial? Did the Sheriff read the paper to you? Do you know what you are charged with? Did Mr. Spencer explain the matter to you?" Holland answered that he understood the nature of the proceeding. "Tour Honor." he eald. "I petitioned the Attorney-General In April last, and the Secretary of the Interior. There was a special agent here laot Summer who In vestigated the records concerning the land. A. S. Gross and William Strong sold the homestead. I can neither read nor write, and they haven't got Mrs. Holland's name to the receipt. They advertised the lots for sale. The newspapers would not print a notice for roe. so I got out a card and warned the public The case is before the Department of the Interior for settle ment. Mr. Simon's title Is a pre-emption, and I never pre-empted It. I had a home stead. I wouldn't have got out the card If I had known I was breaking the law. I have lived here for 40 years and never wan arrested before." Judge Sears The difficulty Is that all these matters were settled years ago In the suit of Anthony Hyde against Hol land. In this court and In the Supreme Court. The court at that time entered a decree and made an order that you and Margaret Holland had no title to the land, and that Anthony Hyde Is the owner, that you be perpetually enjoined and re strained from Interfering with his title In any way, that the title of Anthony Hyde be forever quieted, and that all adverse claims be declared to be Invalid and groundless. This decree was announced In the lower court In July. 1SS3. and was affirmed by the Supreme Court In January. 1890. This Is not a matter the department can try. It was, all settled In this court. The printing and circulation of those cards Is directly In violation of the decree of this court. Holland This case was never tried In equity. Judge Steams threw equity over board and gave a decree on a question of law. That decree don't amount to any thing. Judge Sears But the Supreme Court af firmed It. Holland was equal to the occasion and retorted: "Charlie Carey and Joseph Simon went up to the Supreme Court, and the decree was somehow fixed up In their favor." Mr. Simon then addressed the court, saying: "I don't know what Is best to do with Holland. He Is old and doesn't know what he Is doing. He Is Irresponsible, end I don't like to see him punished, but myself and brother and Ben Selling paid a large sum for this land 13 years ago. and have expended considerable money In Im provement. The Sheriff showed Holland leniency on Saturday and on Sunday Hol land was on the ground and told four per sons we had no title and gave them cards. lVe have spent too much money to be annoyed this way." Judge Sears asked Holland If he was al lowed to go If he would keep away from the land, and not Interfere with pur chasers. Mrs. Holland We won't Interfere until the department decides It. And Holland echoed her sentiments. Judge Sears The Government won't de ride anything about It. You understand the court must enforce Its own decrees. If I let you go today, will you keep away? Holland was disposed to argue the point, but his wife, who was for peace, endeav ored to pull him Into his seat, and said. Yes. your Honor. " Mr. Simon then took up another branch of the case. He said: "There Is a tenant on the land who was put on there by Ben Selling to take care of the place. He nas been seduced by Holland and refuses to recognize our tenancy. He allows Hol land to go Into his cabin, and told us he recognized Holland's tenancy" Mr. and Mrs. Holland speaking at once. "We didn't put him on." "He has refused to go." said Mr. Simon. Judge Sears asked Holland If he would ndviso the man to depart. Holland reit erated that he did not put the man there, and that the man said he had leased the place from Ben Selling. Judge Sears then told Deputy Sheriff Daniels to bring the tenant Into court to day at 2 o'clock, and notified Holland and his wife also to attend. Holland's son will also be required to be present. The court in concluding the hearing., re marked: "I don't like the tone of these people. This Is not only annoying, but It Is a serious matter. I will not decide now definitely what will be done with you. I don't like the tone in which you talk." Anthony Hyde was trustee of the estate of William Corcoran, who was a wealthy philanthropist of Washington. D. C Holland executed three different deeds In the sale of the land, and the record in the Hyde suit shows that Margaret Holland, his wife, signed them alL Holland cannot write, so his name to one deed was signed by Benjamin F. Goodwin, to another by John Catlin. and to the third by A. S. Gross. The arents for Hyde in Portland were Philip Bits and Francis B. Rlggs. and they were shown over the ground by George Woodward and H. D. Chapman. Alt these parties, and also Fred R. and Thomas R, Strong, testified for Hyde. Holland and his wife, when asked If they had sold the land and signed deeds, de clined to answer. The land adjoins Upper Alblna. RELEASED FENDING APPEAL. James E. White Sentenced to One Tear tn Penitentiary. James E. White, convicted several weeks ago of kidnaping Charles Buren, a sailor, was sentenced to one year In the peniten tiary by Judge Frazer yesterday. This Is the minimum penalty provided by statute. White's attorney, Dan J. Malarkey, Im mediately filed notice of appeal to the Su preme Court, and White was released on a. ball bond. Judge Frazer, la passing sentence, re ferred to the fact that White, during a Jans: residence In Portland, bore a good reputation, and this was his first offense against the law. The court also reviewed the sailor boarding-house evil, and said that White had only been in the business a year, and was not responsible for occur rences before that time. But the court asserted that the sentiment of the com munity had been much wrought up by these abuses, which were a disgrace to the port, and must be stopped. Marry White pleaded guilty recently In connection with this same transaction to harboring seamen and was fined S20. and Billy Smith was fined T150. Both fines were paid. Court Notes. Emma L. Barnes has sued Alvln L. Barnes for a divorce because of desertion, and she asks to be restored to ber maiden name. Lehman a. The complaint was served by the Sheriff in Union County. Lois J. West yesterday filed suit against Attice W. West for a divorce, on the ground of desertion. She also asks for a decree for SIS per week alimony for the support of herself and child. They were married at Vancouver, Wash., In Novem ber, ISO. The Inventory of the estate of Anne Klngsley. deceased, was filed In the Coun ty Court yesterday. The property Is val ued at fl&SS. The estate comprises sev eral houses and lots at the corner of Second and Montgomery streets, and 22 acres of land In Washington County. The final account of Sarah A. Francis, executrix of the will of her husband. Clarence A. Francis, deceased, was filed In the County Court yesterday. The claims have all been paid, and there remains 12671 cash on hand. -The real property Is valued at I17.X0. Mrs. Francis Is the sole legatee. REVISE THE TARIFF. This la the War to Save It From De struction by Its Enemies, Levi W. Mrer In Columbus. Is., Safeguard. To discuss the. tariff, or any modi fication of. Intelligently, one must con sider Its origin and the original pur pose It was Intended to serve. From the time of the dlcovery of this continent Great Britain undertook to con trol It. and to make herself rich out of Its vast natural resources. All well-informed people know the means Great Britain employed to accomplish her pur poses, during the colonial period, and what she did. even after the partial suc cess of the American revolution, to con trol the trade and manufactures of the new Nation. She did not relinquish ber grip on the continent because her politi cal power had been reduced, but clung tenaciously to her hold on trade. At that time she was the workshop of the world and the mistress of the seas, and she purposed to control the United States In the two great arms of strength, com merce and manufactures, and to turn to her own account vast resources of wealth that were .lying here undeveloped. Our fathers, who had successfully re belled against her despotic power, saw her purpose and set on foot measures to defeat 1L Self-preservation Is the first law of nature, both as to Individuals and to nations, and our fathers said: "We will defend ourselves against this new Invasion of our country. We will put up a fence against her, and a wall of defense round about us, and no nation of Europe shall make of us a dumping ground for either Its wares or Its peo ple, except as we regulate and control, and no foreign power or people shall en Joy the great advantages of our rich markets that Is not willing to pay for the privilege." I put the above sentences In quotations although they are not literally quoted from anybody. They simply represent the general situation and the general feeling. To establish that cordon of protection required a long and bitter contest, through the better part of a century, but the principle was established at last, and Is recognized today. No Intelligent person disputes the wisdom of that general poli cy now. But while the general principle Is sound, and will endure, the manner of Its application will vary as circumstances and conditions vary, and no American citizen ought to be afraid to apply the principle In new form when his deliberate Judgment tells him It ought to be done. Possibly It was best for the American colonies, that for a time they should have the support of the British government, but there came a time when that support was not needed, but on the other band was a burden and a-hindrance, and our fathers wisely threw It off. And let us apply the foregoing to the tariff as we now find It, and as to its continuance or its revision or modifica tion, as our National Interests would seem to suggest. There Is nothing sacred about any tariff schedule, and we should al ways keep In mind that man was not made for the tariff but that the tariff was made for man. A tariff Is not an end In itself, but only a means to an end. A tariff Is man's servant and not his master, and he must learn to use It as he does any other Implement to aid him In performing the task he sees stretching out before him. If circum stances have changed since the last tar iff schedule was formed, and present cir cumstances would seem so to Indicate, then let there be no hesitancy about rerUlon to suit the new conditions. To hesitate In fear and doubt would Indi cate cowardice unworthy of American statesmanship. The tariff as originally devised was a bulwark of defense and a means of security and strength to every American interest, and to every Ameri can, but as now applied, under the changed conditions. It may become an engine of oppression and of positive evil. I do not make the charge that It Is so. but circumstances have greatly changed since the last schedule was formulated, and It seems to me that revision Is now emphatically In order. At least there can be no harm In starting an honest Inquiry in that direction. The gigantic combinations of business men and firms, backed by uncounted wealth, for the control of manu factures and trade, and for the fixing of price on the essentials that fill human wants and necessities, are fearful men aces to the welfare and happiness of the whole people of our beloved country, and they must be dealt with intelligently and with a strong hand. If the present tariff aids these combinations In their nefarious schemes of plunder. It must go down, at least. In so far as It aids them. No roan should be allowed to steal the livery of heaven td serve the devil In. and the present tariff schedule Is no exception to this general rule. The real question Is. "Shall the Federal Govern ment hold the American people while the trusts proceed to skin them?" It can do that by keeping out foreign competi tion, through excessive tariff rates. A high tariff was defensible when home competition was strong enough to regu late prices, but not so under the trust combinations. The Federal Government must not aid the plunderers, but It must defend the rights and Interests of the whole people, and a good principle must not be prostituted to a bad purpose. In my Judgment, the tariff should be en tirely abolished when It tends In any way to keep out foreign competition, and to unnecessarily keep up prices on home made trust goods. I do not say that the revision of the present tariff Is a cure-all for the evils that grow out of the trust combinations, for I am aware that some of the trusts are operating In fields not affected by the tariff. But wherever the present tariff is a shelter to greed and legal ized robbery I am in favor of sweeping It away without hesitation. Away with any law that breeds Injustice and cruelty, and enables one man to rob another un der the respectable name of "business." Justice between man and man, and right for ail. are to be upheld far above any tariff schedule, and far above the success of any political party. Let the right thing be done and then the heavens will not fall. Portland, Or. Cannot Own IVashlncton Realty. PORTLAND, Or, April . To the Ed- Teeth Extracted Free Positively Without Pain MONDAYS FROM 9 A. M. TO 12 M. sssssssfsssssAl OR. B. E. WRIGHT. Craduata lows Stat UnlT. Building to OUR WASHINGTON - THE CONTENTS OF Prices Cut One-Half ...JOHN TWO STORES: St Washlnrton EL. Near Woodard. Clarke & Itor.) A correspondent In Sunday's issue Inquires whether a foreigner can hold realty in the State of Washington, and your answer Implies there Is no law In that state to prohibit It. The man who seeks legal Information from his news paper In addition to value received for his subscription Is hardly entitled to be set right, but there are many who might rely on the brief statement In answer to the Inquiry, and for their benefit allow me to make a correction. Foreigner and alien are synonymous, according to the Standard Dictionary and the Supreme Court of the United States. The Constitution of Washington provides that ownership of lands by aliens Is pro hibited except where acquired in the col lection of debts, and even goes to the extent of declaring void any conveyance of land to an alien. The territorial law providing for ownership of land by aliens has never been repealed, but being In conflict with the Constitution. Is In effectual, a. s. Recommended for Annapolis. OREGONIAN XEW3 BUREAU. Wash ington. April & Senator Mitchell has rec ommended John Mitchell Handy, of Port land, for appointment m midshipman at the Annapolis Naval Academy. (John Mitchell Handy Is a grandson of Senator Mitchell. 19 years old, and at present residing In Washington, D. C. with his mother.) DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. April 8. Maximum tempera ture. 50 der minimum l,Tnn,nih)i J , . river reading. 11 A. M.. 7 feet: chance In SI noun. u.7 root; total precipitation. 3 I. M. to S P. il.. .04 Inch: total precipitation since September 1. IMS. 23.16 Inches; normal precip itation since September 1. 1902. SS.SS Inches; deficiency. 3.G9 Inches; total sunshine April fi. 1W3. 6 hours 36 minutes; possible sunshine. April S. 1003. 13 hours; barometer, reduced to sea level, at 5 P. SL, 30.03. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Wind. STATIONS. Baker Cltr ... Bismarck Boise Eureka ...... .... Helena ...... ..... Kamloops. B. C. Pocatello .... Portland , Red Bluff Roseburg ...... ... Sacramento .... .. Salt Lake City.... San Francisco ... Spokane .... ..... Seattle Tatoosh Island .... Walla Walla 401 T 10! sw sv E w S I Cloudy Clear Raining (Clear ICloudy IPt. cloudy ICloudy ICloudy I Clear (Cloudy I PL cloudy ICloudy IClrar l Raining IPt. cloudy ICloudy ICloudy 4O0.Mll 42W.08I 320.OU 44 T ISSIO.W! ift'A IV) 101 SW :(o.3314 SW SB SW W S W SW SW w SW 700.00 3210.00 eslo.ool 30;0.00(I4I CVO.Ul 18 4H.O.C1 52M.01 JiJA rr" 34!0.02ilS Light. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Light rain has occurred In Northern Oregon. Washington and Western Idaho, and at 5 P. M. It waa still raining at Boise and Spokane. It Is warmer In Northern California. Nevada and Utah, but elsewhere west of the Rocky SEVEN BIG PIANO BARGAINS Five of the 12 big piano bargains ad vertised Saturday are gone. The follow ing seven remain. If you want one you will have to act quickly. 1. A sample Krakauer. In beautiful Flem ish oak. very latest style, the regular price of which Is JajO. now J3SC 2. A sample Melville Clark, In beautiful walnut case, and sells regularly at JITS, now JUS. 3. A sample Heller, their best art style. In rich oak case, regular price, J-IW. now. J29S. 4. A slightly used Wills rd, largest size. with all modern Improvements; regular price Km, now IS. S. A second-band Kingsbury, repossessed on account of party leaving city. -COX Here you get what the other party paid for. 6. A second-hand Criterion; you cannot tell it from new; will sell it for 1T5 and later on take It back for all you pay for It. if you wish In exchange for something better. 7. A second-hand Duracd. In line con dition and a splendid bargain, at JIM. Any of the above sold on our easy-pay. ment plan of . tS, U. tlO and US per month. It will pay you to investigate the above If you want a genuine piano snap. A full line of our regular styles open for your Inspection, and on which we are naming lowest prices. ALLEN & GILBERT RAMAKER CO. Successors to The Wiley B. Allen Co. 203-211 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, OR. HOW ARE YOUR TEETH? Have you neglected them tn any way? Perhaps one ortwo missing and you Imagine people don't notice It- They do notice It, and comment about It when you are not present. Come and have them attended to. We guarantee no pain whatever Full Set of Teeth, witli rubber plates, as low as $4.00 Gold Crowns as low as H.00 DR. B. E. WRIGHT'S 8ff?ce 342.V Washington, Cor. Seventh Conanltntton Free. Fees Iteasonuble. Office boon: 8 A. M. to 8 P. M.:. evenings. 7-20 to 8:30. Bandars. 10 A. M. to 13 M. Telephone North 2131. be Removed STREET STORE WILL NOT HOLD OUR MORRISON-STREET STORE. T Our Sacrifice Your Gain ALLESINA... 309 Morrison SL Co. Near Meier & Frank Cm. Spectacles THAT YOU MAY DEPEND UPON FINEST QUALITY LOWEST PRICES EXPERT SERVICE Best quality Crystal Lenses, fitted to your eyes, with two-year 3;- HO guarantee for accuracy...'' 1 OREGON OPTICAL CO. Exclusive Opticians, 173 Fourth Street, near Yamhill Mountains the changes In temperature have been small and unimportant. The Indications are for showers In this dis trict Tuesday. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland tor 2S hours ending at midnight, Tuesday, April 7: Portland and vicinity Partly cloudy, with showers. Southwesterly winds. Ortxon. Washington and Ic.ho Partly cloudy, with showers. Southwesterly winds. AMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM GRAND THEATER CALVIN IIEILIG. Manager. This afternoon at 3:13 o'clock, popular price matlnte. Adults. 3oc: children, 23c; to any part of the theater. AL O." FIELD'S GREATER MINSTRELS. Last performance tonight at 8:13. Prices Lower floor, si; balcony. 73c and SOc; gall try. 23c and 33c: boxes and loses. 37.50. Seals are now selling. THE BAKER THEATER GEORGE L. BAKER. Manager. Don't forget this Is the last week of your favorites, the popular Baker Stock Company. Tonight and for the remainder or the week, with a matinee Saturday. "A NIGHT OFF." Funnier than the funniest. Tou laugh, and laugh, and then laugh again. A beautiful sou venir programme free to every lady attending performances this week. Evening. 13c 33c. 33c. ioc Matinee. 10c. 13c 23c Next week Harry Corson Cfarke In "His Absent Boy." Coming Mr. Ralph Stuart and com pan; opening pro duction. "Prince Otto." CORD RATS THEATER "Gel happy! Get happy!" One of the best companies and plays this season. The purest "sweetest story ever told." Two standing-room audiences yesterday, ex claiming, "Wasn't It natural!" "Wasn't It funny T" "Wasn't It sad 7" "REAPING THE HARVEST." Tonight and every night this week except Good Friday. Matinee Saturday. Usual pop ular prices, 33 and 30 cents. SEW TODAY. TTie Oldest Trust Company In Oregon. 1-OHTLAXD THl'ST COMPAXY OP OKEGO.V. Incorporated April 33, 1SS7. There has been a marked Increase in our de posits of late. This leads us to believe that there Is a good deal of Idle money :n the State of Oregon. Those who own this money ought to be receiving Interest upon It. We Issue tnterest'bearlng certlAcate of de posit, at va-lous rates, as rnay be agreed upon. We will Issue certiorates runnlnjr for six months straight, with Interest at the rate of three pr cent per annum; ror twelve months straight, with Interest at the rate of four per cent per annum. We will Issue special certificates of deposit payable upon ten daysT rail, with Interest at the rate ct 3 per cent per annum; payable on thirty days' call, wlih Interest at 3Vi per cent per annum, and payable on ninety days' call, at four per cent per annum. For those who desire to deposit their money for a term of years we will Issue a certificate, of deposit, with Interest coupons attached, particulars of which will be gladly furnished if you will call upon PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, NO. ltXi THIRD STREET. MORTGAGE LOANS On lmprored cltr nd farm property. R. LTV IN GTS ONE. 24 SUrfc st. MORTGAGE LOANS Ob UnproTtd city &n4 funr property. Bntldins loans. Installment loan. Wit. IT ACMAftTER. til tVareestcr block. MORTGAGE LOANS On Portland real estate at lowet rate. Title Insured. Abstracts furnished. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. T Chamber of Commerce. Sale of Sundries. "We must moT soon. KNIGHTS DRUG STORE, 138 6th st. Established In 18S3. 4000 ;For sals ta ths Wlliain. Vtts Valley, tnt crsam from Portland to Ashland, at prices rancinx rrom sz to IZXJO per acre. rtctflc Coast CcauTiitii lit! Etlats ail locattea Esnn ItS Second Portland. Oregon. Cheapest Farm in Oregon Taking location and Improvements into con sideration; 323 acres situated 10 miles south of Albany. Or.; all cleared and In cultivation: 6-room house, barn and sheds, running spring and well water. This property belongs to a nonresident ot th. state and must be sold, which accounts for the price asked, only 17000. MAXWELL & KNAPP Iloom S Chamber of Commerce. The Best Offered on East Side; Close In That fine block bounded by East Twelfth and East Thirteenth, East Pine and East Ash streets, is now offered for sale at $3000 per quarter diock. .in streets imiy improved, near car line, schools and churches and walking distance of the city, no better property now offered on the market. J. L. wells & Uo., 100 Grand avenue. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES. "Rooms. "Rooms a&4 .Board." "HoasekMp-tea- Rooraa," "Situation Wuuc," IS words or Ins. IS cesta; It to 30 words. 30 eenta: Si to M worda, S crnta ate. Na tRscosat for ad ditional Insertions. UNDER AIL OTHER HEADS except "New Today. SO cati tor 13 wards or lsss: IS to to wards. 40' ctnts: 31 to 22 wonU. 80 cents, etc. first Insertion. Saca additional tnstrUoa. oce-half; no furthtf discount seder on. month "NEW TO DAT" (gacg measur agatt). 1 eenta per Una. first Insertion: 10 eenta per Una fa each additional Inssrtlon. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed cara Th. Oregontan aad left at this etaee. rhould always t Inclosed ta sealed, en velopes. ' No stamp u required on such latter. Th. Oregonlaa win not b. ressonslbt tor trrors m advtrtissaents taken through ths tsltphaca, ACCTTO.V SALES TODAY. At Oilman's Auction Rooms, an-413 JVash Ington St.. at 10 o'clock A. SL S. L. N. GU man. Auctioneer. At Baker Auction Rooms, cor. Alder and Park ti.. at 10 A. M. Geo. Baker Co.. Auctioneers. By the Fort Auction Co.. at 3i5 San Rafael st at 2 P. M.; Vancouver car. IL Ford. Auctioneer. By the Fort Auction Company, at S3 4th St.. at 10 A. M. H. Fcrd. Auctioneer. FCXEUAL XOTTCES. SEGU1N In this city, April G. 1003. at the family residence. 6SS Hood street. Leona E. Segutn. aged T years and O months. Th rurii rerVlces will be held at the St Law rence Church, corner Third and Sherman streets, at 2 P. M. today. Friend, invited. Interment Mount Calvary. JEFFCOTT Friends and acqualntancea are re spectfully Invited to attend the funeral serv ices of Miss S. Lucy Jeffcott. which will be held at th. residence ot IL O. Smith. 5Sa Elizabeth St.. Portland Helghta. at 2 P. M.. April 7. Services at the garve private. GEORGE At St. Helens. Or.. April 3. 1003. Robert J. Georse, aged 24 years 11 months and days. Th. luneral services will be held at Christ's Episcopal Church at 1 o'clock P. it. today, under the auspices of St. Hel en's Lodge. No. 32, A. F. and A. M. ROBISON At the residence, April 5, 1803, Mary Helen Roblson. daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roblson. aged 4 years 2 months 21 days. Funeral will take place today. April f. 1S03. at 3 P. M.. from tie residence, vja v.., rnirh st. Friends Invited. PLIMPTON Lydla P- beloved wife of Silas B. ill mpiun, ox t i i.s ui t . v,. miv.. . Ices will be held at Portland Crematorium, Tuesday, April 7, at 3 P. M. Friends In vited. Cremation will be private. MEETISG-XOTICES. OREGON LODGE OF PER FECTION, NO. L A. i A. S. RITE Regular meeting this evening at 8 o'clock. Work In Fourteenth Degree, last la old hall. By order Ven. Master. WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 40, A. F. & A. M. Special communication this (Tuesday) evening, 7:30 o'clock. Masonic Hall, Burkhard building. M. M. Decree. All M. M. cordially In vited. By order W. M. HARMONY LODGE, NO. 2. A. F. A A. M. Special communication this (Tuesday) evening, at 7:30 o'clock. Work In the F. C degree. Visitors eordlatlr Invited. Br order of the TV. M. W. M. DE LIN, Secertary. EASTER DANCE Mtarha Union. No. 83. Order ot Washington, will give an Easter dance April 11. at Foresters Hall. d and Yamhill sts. uood noor. union music come ana be eggea. Admission, 23 cents. DIED. SHURTLEFF In this city, April 6. 10O.1, at the family residence. Clay. F. N. Shurt letf, aged 67 years, 2 days. Funeral notice later. J. P. FOLEY A SOX. Progressive; Funeral Directors and Emlialmcrs, cor. 3d and Sladlaon atrecta. Com petent lady ass'L Both phones Xo. O. EDWARD HOLMAS, Undertaker. 4th and YamLUl sts. Rena. stlnaon, lady asalstmnt. Both plionea No. COT. CLARICE BROS.. FI.E FLOWERS, Floral Deal ens, 280 Morrison. SCUANES & SED, MOXCMESTS, cemetery work, etc., SOU FIrat. SEW TODAY. HOMESTEADS FARMING AND GRAZING lands; well located: good market: no clear ing: ready for plow; f.100 location fee. Don't delay, raimer uros. (tora aj, room 33. 1G3H -tin su 5 OR 10 ACRES A great investment on St. Johns' car line, $400 per acre. Terms. Owner, 240 Fifth Street. Best Buy We Have CQCfln Full lot and modern 7-room .JJUUU cottage on Northrup near 24th street. GKINDSTAFF & BLA1N. FOR SALE mmrtyf GOLD MORTGAGES yTh on Portland improved property. GRAHAM t CLE ETON, Harquan Bunding $2500 Xeir 6-rooni home. Colonial tj-Je. InrKe attic, fall basement, alftutlr lo cation and convenient to Upper Al blna can; best of plnniblns, with toilet npntnlr and doirnt laKe bathroom and closets. 6-roora cottage In Upper Alblna, -within walklnc dlftance ot the business center; a decided b&rr&ln Vacant lots In various parts of ths cltr. soma on tbe Installment plan. Will build on them for small parnwnt down, balance on install ments If desired. "W1IALLET, Benson bldf.. Otn and Morrison. Four-Room House Each room 13x15 feet. Two or four rooms can be conven iently added. Ground lOOx 110 feet. At Portsmouth, near big sawmill, near Col umbia University, near dry dock, near Willamette boule vard, city water, electric street-car line. Price $1025; $125cashj balance $15 month ly. Francis I. McKenna. 151 Sixth St. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. J1WO BUTS GOOD COTTAGE XEAR CAR. variety of fruit. t'OOU will buy 3H acres. 3 miles from Courthouse; house, barn, abundance of fruit anJ berries. CiOO lOQzlOO feet. 7-room house, fruit and berries near car. HOTTER DO KNELL, US Stark st. I HAVE FOR SALE 5-ROOM COTTAGES. JOOO to J3000. on good car line; easr payments and fruit. 10-room modern houses, W block, to fGSOU. These are first clan and good Investments. T. C Shreve. 1ZI Ablnston bldg. fiSO PER ACRE, SU ACRES, OR ANY PART, beautifully located, right on car line. ilt. Tiber; well fenced; all planted n choice va riety young fruit trees near bearing; water piped; rare bargain. T 0. Orrgonlan. LOT 50x100. WITH S-ROOM HOUSE AND outbuilding. East 10th st.. near East Sher man: very destrable loeatUa 1 C Martin. 482 East Sherman at. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. THREE SPLENDID WAREHOUSE LOCA- uonn two xsst Bio, one on west side: an hav trackage; would pay to Investigate tnem. tSOO-Good fire-room cottage, full lot. fruit and shade tree. Uolladays Addition. 1500 Modern home, two lots, fruit trees. West Side. 30CO Large, roomy .bouse. East Side, walk injr distance. 3700 Nine-room modern house. Couch Ad dition; good terms; would make a good homo or Investment. LEWIS k CLARK R. E. CO. 533 Worcester block. FOR SAL.E W200 Desirable 10-room bouse, large lot; one of th best locations In Sunnyslde. 13100-Cottage and full lot. East Side; three minutes walk from Burnslde-street brldge; good Investment. Owner. P 48. Oregonlaa, TO HOVIESEEKERS-lK) ACRES OX SOUTH- ern slope ot beautiful Mount Scott: u acrss under cultivation, orchard, house, and a good larga bam; soil la very productive; a bar gain. J. E. itxrtln. 432 East Sherman at. FOR SALE DESIRABLE 7-ROOM HOUSE. corner lot. soxico; Just east sunnyslde. be tween two car lines; 10-mlnuta service each; price. $1900; rhone White Too. Address M 49. care Oregonlan. FOR SALE-THREE CHOICE HOUSES ON est side ror J-TTM. on easy terms, bringing between 143 and 330 rent. Lots, cloie In, J3JO: $3 per month, W. Reldt. room 13 Washington block. BLOCK NO. S IN MULTNOMAH ADDITION. "w Airina. tast t'ortiana; win sell in whole or In tracts to suit purchaser. For particulars address Jos. Ledvlna. Market Lake. Idaho. THREE-ACRE PLACE, ALL IN CULTTVA- iion. cosy o-room nouse. ones; casement, all kinds fruit. large and small, 3 miles out. West Side. S. U. Rlggen. 303 Ablngton bldg. NINE-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. NORTH- ww corner numngton and 11th sts.; lot CSxIu): take a look at this place, make ofier. S. 8. Rlggen, 3u3 Ablngton bldg. WANTED BIDS FOR SALE LOT 4. IN iujkuu, Aaamou CO UI7 01 l'ort- land. Or.. Multnomah County. Address F. P. L, care Oregonlan. TOR SALE OR TRADE FOR DENVER property. 113 acre, ot fine coast land, five miles south ot Yaqulna Bay. Andrew V. Elder. Denver. Colo. SOSO CORNER. 70x100. 4.ROOU ltOIIST? woodshed and some fruit; Maegly at., half uiock tna tnwa ktc Aaaress uwner, i 1 Savler St.. Portland. e0O-3-ROOM COTTAGE ON CORNER LOT at ocean rare; completely tarnished: all At condition. See owner, Mrs. T. M. Hurlburt, ISO East 6th st. 33O0O NEW S-ROOM HOUSE. HOLLADAfS jiauiuoa; w&HLuic tusisnce. (wu tor lour iocs in wemrai jiioina. aimer, 3U3 Cham ber Commerce. EXCELLENT S-ROOM HOUSE. FIVE LOTS, fruit, stable, lawn, commanding view, near Kenllwortb. cheap. S. B. Rlggen. 303 Ablng ton bldg. A GOOD BUT O-ROOM HOUSE ON COR- ner, ana ana ti. xamnm sts.; price sz30. Wil liamson Broa. rooms 29. 30, Washington bldg. MOUNT SCOTT REAL ESTATE OFFICE. Lenta, Or. All kinds ot property cheap. Take Mount Scott car; fare 3 cents. O. R. Addltoa. BARGAINS NEW HOUSES FOR SALE: easy payments or will build what you want; you nams the terms. 612 Commercial bldg. HOMES BUILT ON EASY payments, any part city; lots furnished If necessary: low rate In terest. J. Palmer Co., 012 Commercial bldg. 3-ROOM COTTAGE. ONE LOT, 15 BEARING fruit trees: close in; near both car lines; no agents: price flOOO. X 32. Oregonlan. $3000 NEW 8-ROOlt HOUSE, HOLLADAYS Addition: S90O for four lots In Central Alblna. Miller, -303 Chamber ot Commerce. FINE BUILDING SITE FOR HOUSES OR rati; cth. rear Market. Goldschmldt'a Agency, 108 Stark. 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 2 S-ROOM COT tages, full lot: concrete basements." King. Phone Russ 1231. 0 FOR FINE. SIGHTL1 LOTS ON ST. 1 Johns car line. Brown, 333 Stark St., oppo site Library. SOxlCO OR LESS IN THE VICINITY OF CTH and Market. Goldschmtdt's Agency, 2C6 Stark. CHOICE W BLOCK. EAST 11TH AND SHER man. Goldscbmldt's Agency. 266 Stark ft. FOR QALE SMALL ORCHARDS WITHIN two mllea of statebouae. E. Presnatl, Salem. FOR SALE HOUSE AND LOT IN QUEEN Ann Addition. Inquire at 231 Everett st. LOTS, CLOSE IN. 3330: 33 PER MONTH. W. Raldt, room 13 Washington block. "WANTED REAL ESTATE TO BUY SEVERAL VACANT LOST. WEST Side. Owners give full legal description and terms In answering. A 52. care Oregonlan. FOR SALE FARMS. 140 MILES SOUTH OF -PORTLAND. NEAR railroad, 2 miles from beat market In Oregon. I have 150 acres of high foothill land. W acres Improved, orchard, house, new barn, 4 cows, wagon and team, mowing machine, etc. for 31400, two-thirds cash. P. Mutter. Saginaw, Or. 40 ACRES. 27 MILES PORTLAND; GOOD Improvements: income 31O0O: terms If wanted. 371 acres stock or grain farm; well Improved; running water; railroad and steamer landing; Willamette Valley: 25 per acre. Palmier Bros. (Ford's), room 38. 103 4th st. FOR SALE-330 ACRES. STOCK OR DAIRY farm on Columbia River; well Improved, con venient location: 2H miles from railroad sta tion; N) cattle, horses and all Implements. If desired. M. P. Whalen. Woodland. Cowlitz County, Wash. IF YOU WANT BARGAINS IN CHOICE farms, stock ranches; hop, prune or timber land, sawmills or flcurmills, all near Port land, see- or address T. Wlthycombe. room S Hamilton bldg.. 3d St.. Portland. Or. A GOOD HOME OF 5 OR 10 ACRES. HOUSE, barn, stock, machinery, chickens, all go with place: bottom land, car line, graveled road ant low price. Call and Investigate. T. C. Shreve. 421 Ablngton bldg. A SNAP S-ROOM HOUSE ON GUILD ST.. adjoining ths Fair grounds, with all modern conveniences. Price. $2400. If taken at once. W. H. Lehman. 326H Washington street. FOR SALE LARGE AND SMALL FARM 3. dairy and stock ranches. In Western Oregon and Washington. W. O. WadjeL 203Vi Mor rison st. FOR 8ALE OR RENT 10 ACRES, ALL IM p roved; good house, barn, orchard and run ning water. Geo. Blaeser, Progress. Or. FOR IlENT FARMS. FARMER AND IANDSCAPE GARDENER to take charge of fruit farm near city; refer ences and previous experience in vicinity re quired.. Apply 268 Washington. In forenoon. FOR RENT 6 ACRES LAND. HOUSE. BARN and orchard: dote In; 923 year, or tor sale. 1630. Inquire 321 22d at. TO LEASE. FOR LEASE FOR A LONG TERM OF years, the very desirable business location. 100x100 feet, southwest corner Sixth and Irving streets, Portland, Or. Mrs. L. A. James, 103 ISth St.. North. wanted real estate PROPERTY - OWNERS TO LIST THEIR property with Lewis and Clark Real Estate Co.. 333 Worcester block. TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. A CHANCE OF A LIFETIME BIG FIND: 23 yellow pine timber claims, cruise 3.U0O.00O to the cuarter section; 20 prairie homesteads: will produce 30 to 50 bushels wheat to the acre; easy of access; values from (3000 to 34O0U each: reliable cruisers, fees reasonable; no payment until lands are filed on; jom arty leavlnr Tuesday and Saturday morn ng. Wm. Hawks, room 306 Commercial block. HOMESTEAD AND TIMBER CLAIMS. WE have received Information of some first-class locations. Apply to Tb Ames Mercantile Agency, Ablngton , bldg. TIMBER CLAIMS OREGON PINE; GUAR antee to cruise 3.000.000 feet merchantable lumber. W. S. Baer, Horn brook, Cal. FOREST RESERVE SCRIPT FOR SALE; IN large or small blocks. C V. Lloyd. 449 Sher lock bldg.. Portland, Or. AWNINGS. TEXTS, SAILS. PACIFIC TENT & Awning Ca. 27 N. 1st, Phone North 131L FOR SALE A FRESH COW. WITH CALF. Mrs. J. B. Butenscnoen. Peninsular. Or. 2D-HANC HALL 8AFE FOR SALE: ALSO small bouse safe. J 31, Oregonlan. FOR BALEGOOD SECOND-HAND PIANO, very cheap. P S3. Oregonlan. FOR SALE BABT BtlGGT XI CHILD'S crib. Call 133 UUu TIMBER LAJiDJ FOR SALS. THE MICIUaAN TIMBER CO., 264. STARK St.. oners ror sale tracts ot timber, saw mill sites, logging chances tn Oregon and Washington. We can salt you. We also hav soma choice claims ready tor location under guarantee. CAN LOCATE TIMBER CLAIMS. 3,000,000. 6,000.000 sugar and yellow pine, white cedar ard fir: close to R. R.: also Una homesteads: farm and city property. Room 4 Mulkey bldg. Sd and Morrison. ON A LOGGING STREAM WITHIN ICO miles of Portland. I have eight yellow pine and red fir claims In one body, that I wish to locate at once. G. L. Chandler, Belvedere, Hotel, Portland. I CAN LOCATE TOU ON TIMBER CLAIMS that will cut 4.000.000 yellow pins ot excellent quality, tributary .to good driving stream. D. C Rogers. 143U 0th st.. room L THIRTY EXCELLENT LOCATIONS. SOUTH ern Oregon, also eight good, locations, near Shoalwater Bay. Lewis and Clark R. E. Co.. 333 Worcester block. TIMBER CLAIMS YELLOW PINE; CRUISE from 3,000.000 to 4.U00.O0O; cruisers will bo on the ground about 13th of this month. 317 AUiky bldg. SCRIP FOR UNSURVETED LAND: TWO quarter sections ready tor delivery. Far par ticulars address box 863. Portland. Or- TIMBER CLAIMS NEAR COLUMBIA RIVER; 6.i00.oc feet: go any time; expense. 11.50. 211 AlUky bldg. FOR SALK-50-INCH HEAD BLOCKS. SET works, trailer and trucks, (330. Day Lumber Ca. TO EXCHANGE. FOR FARM OR TIMBER LAND. 100X100. corner, lrvtngton Park: Uvel and sightly. Address C 23. Oregonlsn. FOR, SALE. Horses, VebtcleM nnct Hnrness. FOR SALE-ONE FINE FAMILY CARRIAGE, made to order; almost new; will sell for less than half first cost. See J. M. Strowbrldge, 4S7 7th su SPAN OF LIGHT HORSES. EXPRESS WAO on and harness: a rood stand for business. Inquire at 112 dth St.. near Washington. AUTOMOBILE: WILL SELL FOR HALF price: In perfect condition; mcst dispose of Immediately. Address E 4 Oregonlan. FOR SALE 20 R. R. DUMP CARTS. WITiI harness: Al condition. Apply to Vancouver Water Works Co., Vancouver. Wash. 12 HEAD WELL - BROKEN HORSES, weight law to 1400 pounds. 134 East 34th. Phone Union 1G32. FINE HORSE. 7 YEARS OLD. SOUND. CITY broke: also light wagon; cheap. 731 Will iams ave. BUGGY HORSE MICHIGAN AVENUE AND Emerson. 3 doors N. Patton Church. Phone Pink 721. SEVERAL NEW AND 2D-HAND WAGONS and buggies. 4 Sixth street, near Ankeny. TEAM OF HORSES. 1200 POUNDS. INQUIRE at 304 Irving st.. Between otn ana rm its. fllincelln neons. 313 BUYS THE 5-DRAWER STANDARD. IN oak; 1C buys the 3-d rawer Silent, antique oak: 13 for 7-drawer Domestic in blrdseyo maple: J 10 buys an elegant White, In wal nut"; 312 for a fine 3-drawer U. 8.. No. 3 Singer. J. S. Crane. 300 Morrison. Lewis bldg. SEWING MACHINES A FEW SLIGHTLY damaged machines at very low prices. Sing er. U. S-. Domestic Wheeler A Wilson and White; dropheads In oak and box tops. At Wheeler & Wilson and Domestic office. Slgel & Smith, AgenU. 333 Morrison st. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALS IN ALL parts ot Oregon and Washington: payments mads to salt purchasers. For particulars apply to tflL MACMASTER. 311 Worcester blcck. LARGE SAFE OF STANDARD MAKE WILL be sold cheap If taken at once. Apply be tween 9 and 12 A. M. Canning, Wallace Co., 31 Front st. New L. & H. own mixe slide trombone, with low-pitch slide, cost $48. our price J33; J. W. Pepper slide trombone. J 12.50. York's 167a 1st FOR ALE A FIRST-CLASS 30 H.-P. .SEC-end-hand gas engine, practically new. North west Electric Eng. Co.. 300 Stark st. CASH REGISTERS and SAFES, new and second-hand, bought, sold exchanged, repaired. Ch'cago Cash Registers, 78 1st su THOROUOHBRED ENGLISH FOX- TERRIER , - . H.vti. m.rlrM, mnnths I old. 532 Morrison st. GOOD SECOND-HAND BARBER CHAIRS, cheap, at Cohn Bros., 161 Front. cor.YamhUl. FRESH COW. 3 TEARS OLD: SMITH'S; S miles out Cornell road. Address 5 M. Box. EIGHT JERSEY COWS. FIVE MILKING, three soon. Wm. Wolfsteln. 227 Front St. FOR SALE 30 HEAD OF FINE MILCH cows. G. L Rohr. St. Johns. Or. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. 50 laborers, new job. mining R. R. south In Oregon, company work. Free fare. Woodchopplng If you want to chop cord wood, we have some good layouts. Fine tim ber good ground and accommodations, grub ana' tools furnished: 90c to 31.10; contracts ''Bookkeeper and shipping clerk who can tal ly and grade lumber, ?63 and board; no oth ers need apply. Four laborers city, 2 teamsters city. 30 graders near city, 2: lumber pliers, fireman, second cook hotel, farmhands, others. 10 men for land clearing. ti23 a day, buard and lodging, blankets furnished J4 a Wf1CR. work, free fare, south, southeast, east: work for hundreds of men. Odce open dally. 6 A. M. to 130 P. II. C IL HANSEN Jfc CO.. 26 N. 2d St. nWada.nev.Vda... NEAR ...CTAH.OTAH New R. R. work FREE FARE Wanted Double hand drillers 32.30 Laborers, muckers 92.UO Good chance) for machine men. chuck tenders, teamsters and out-lde laborers who want work, as above, till they get what suits them better. DRY CLIMATE STEADY WORK No lost time. Good bunkhouses Spring water ....TRY IT: ITS ALL RIGHT SHIP DAILY. .FREE FARE.. SHIP DAILY C Iw HANSEN & CO.. Agents. 26 N. 2d St. LOOSE LEAF SYSTEMS: NEW, UP-TO-THE-tlmes office devices. Our prices and goods will please you. Pacific Blank Book Co.. sta tioners, printers, loose leaf makers, 207 2d. WANTED EXPERIENCED TONTINE So licitor to act as general agent for all or part of Oregon. Write or call A. V. Curby. room 447 Portland, 1 to 3 P. M Portland. Or. EXPERIENCE UNNECESSARY. SOLICIT lng advertising: Immediate commissions: N. W. Farmer's "Reliable Business Directory"; mornings. 6C9 Worcester bldg. WANTED A DRUG CLERK. REGISTERED, good country store; give references and state salary wanted; steady position for right man. Address D 48. care Oregonlan- W ANTED EXPERIENCED QUARTZ WtN er, capable of figuring on contract work: must be a worker and furnish reference: stats age. L 49. Oregonlan. WANTED AN ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN to fill profitable position with established house. Call from I to 5 P. M. today room 401 Hotel Perkins. SALESMAN WANTED TO SELL HARDY Northern - grown nursery stock. Address Washington Nursery Co., Toppenlsh, Wash. DRAUGHTSMEN AND TOPOGRAPHERS wanted: permanent positions; excellent open ings. 1210 Monadnock block. Chicago. WANTED A GOOD. STEADY. INDUS trlous boy to drive express wagon: must have good references, appit " i bk. WANTED FIRST-CLASS WORKING FORE man. skilled and reliable; good wages. Arner . lean Laundry Ca, Boise. Idaho. WANTED-YOUNG MAN TO LEARN HARD ware business: answer In own handwriting; state age. B 52. Oregonlan. WANTED FIRST-CLASS AD SOLICITOR; Al proposition- Apply Monday S A. M.. 722 Chamber of Commerce. RATCHET SETTLER. fiSO; CUT-OFF SAW yer. $2.50: common mill work. 32; other work. 204 Morrison. WANTED FIRST-CLASS COREMAKER FOR general jobbing shop. Variety Iron Works, Seattle, Wash. WANTED YOUNG MAN UNDERSTANDING bookkeeping and stenography. R 52, care t Oregonlan. WANTED MOTORMAN AND CONDUCTOR, electric cars; state age and references. H 49 Oregonlan. . WANTED AN EXPERIENCED MAN TO lay carpets. II 52. cara Oregonlan. BOY. ABOUT 15 YEARS OF AGE. WANTED for odce. J 62, care Oregonlan.