12 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 1W)3. A FRIEND TO THE RESCUE T. W. DAVEXrORT SUPPORTS ODELL AJVD I, B. GEER. Ledslatlre Committee, lie Sr. C covered Xo Wronir-Its Re port Biased. SILYERTON. March 27. (To the Ed itor.) Ilartnc been a summoned wltceu beloro the Leeislatlve Commission to In vestigate the official conduct of the State Xand Agent, L. B. Geer. General Ofiell. and matters connected therewith. I at tended the sittings of the committee at the time appointed, somewhat curious to know how I could be of service to them, as I have no personal Icnowledce of what has been coins; on In the State Land Office for the last four years. The ques tions put to me. however, did not have any reference to the State Lind Agent, but to General Odell. and especially to the sale of the surveyed school sections In the Cascade reserve while he was clerk of the State Land Board, during the Lord administration. It may be mentioned that I protested against the sale and wrote a letter to the Governor, assuming, as I then believed, that the sale bad been made without the knowledge or consent of the State Board, consisting of himself, the Secretary of State and the State Treas urer, and contilnlng a strong Implication that the clerk. General Odell,' had been acting without authority In the matter and to the detriment of the school fund In the probable sum of JJ0.0OX I remained In that opinion until I saw the testimony given by him before the committee, in which he stated upon oath that the sale was authorized by the Governor, the other members of the board agreeing thereto, or at least not dissenting. I have no reason to doubt his testi mony, and. It I had. there Is corrobo rative evidence, lately come to light, showing that my opinions at that time were groundless, and that I was alone In adhering to our original Intentions of Having those linds for lieu land basis and the $14,000 to the school fund. This much Is due from me to the Gen eral. As a rule, committees of Investigation by the Legislature amount to but little. Generally they are appointed to appease the demands of the political opposition or In response to popular opinion, and of course are constructed with an eye to the exigencies of partisan politics, rather than the public welfare. And Legislative As nemblles In the United States, being com posed of men who are partisans first and public servants for the remainder, their committees of Investigation are picked Juries whose verdicts, whether for or against a suspected public official, carry but little weight with the common peo ple. So much is this the case that "white wash" and "blackwash" are the popular terms applied to them, according to the partisan relations of the committee with the accused. This one to Investigate the official conduct of L. B. Geer and General Odell. though a Republican committee, ap pointed by a Republican Legislature to Investigate Republican officers, was no whitewashing committee. Its promoters evidently Intended to trap somebody. Un der such conditions, their report will be taken at Its face, unless Its errors, ema nating from head or heart, are exposed. Public rumor and perhaps public opinion had alreidy decided that those officers were guilty of making public office a pri vate snap, and their ways that were dark and tricks that were vain" must be shown up. No doubt the committee hon estly believed this, and so sure were they that they may not pass as Judicial minded. And. being short In their understindtng of the matters involved, which I may say are so complex as to be clear only to ex perts In such things. It Is no wonder their findings are wide of the mark and the sub ject more mystified than ever. To begin with, the committee misunder stood and therefore misquoted and mis construed the law. In the first parasriph of their report they state. 'The evidence shows that L. B. Geer, as State Land. Agent, did not comply with the law in selecting lieu lands In place of lands loft to the state In sections IS and 16. and neg lected his duty In selecting all such lands, nd neglected to prepare and make a pub lic record of the same for public Inspec tion, as required by law." In the next paragraph we read that "L. B. Geer Jus tifies his failure to comply with these laws on the ground that there was no appropriation therefor, and that no order was made by the Governor or the State Land Board requiring him to comply with the requirements of the law, neither of which Justifies his neglect of duty." Now. with all due respect to the mem bers of the committee. I unhesitatingly araert that the answer of the State Land Agent was correct, both In fact and In law. The law of 1893 to which they refer for authority to condemn L. B. Geer makes him the agent of the Governor, to do certain work devolved upon the State Land Board, and he cannot go ahead, money or no money, as an Independent officer acting upon his own responsibility and Incur expense without the sanction of his superior. Neither does that law re quire him. as the committee isserts. "to prepare and make a public record of the same (lieu lam selections and basis) for public Inspection." The commtttie got the law mixed and Jumbled. The record busi ness was turned over to the clerk of the State Land Boird. in express terms, and there the record is. open for public In spection, as the clerk of the board testi fied. The law of 1SS9. which Is a copy of the Daly law of JSSj. In all that relates to lieu land selections, neither directly nor by Implication instructs any officer to ad judicate school sections supposed to be mineral In character, and hence there has never been a dollar appropriated for such work. True, the raM law Instructs the state board "to ascertain all losses sus tained by the state by reason of the oc cupancy of sections 16 and 56 by or throuKh the United states Government," but this cannot mean or by any stretch of logic Include sun-eyed school sections until the general Government has adopted them as mineral. Until then they are not In the occupancy of the general Govern ment or lost to the state and the Geer administration, as well as all that hava preceded It. have acted wisely In not ex pending money upon uncertainties The general Government sends out no mineral lxrrs and spends no money In prospecting for mineral lands. Any person of experi ence In such thing would predict a losing business for either state or Nation. As to where minerals arc located must depend upon private enterprise, and the rewards upon the prospectors" succesa. It Is upon this principle that the state board has acted, and to the state's ad vantage. General Odell estimates that the school fund has received about ITS. 000 as the result of his labors and outlay, and as there was mineralizing before him to the amount of some $10,000. the said fund is larger by 1US.0C0 than If no such ad judication had been made, and all with out expense to the state. Governor Cham berlain. In his Inaugural addrera. quotes tny last report to Governor Lord for his statement that the state had lost $47,000 by substituting Cascade base for the dis allowed mineral base adjudicated by VT. T Radlr. The statement was near the truth when I wrote it. but ome of the, defective Radlr base was afterwards ac cepted by the "Washington department and would therefore diminish the estimated JC.WO. We can safely affirm that the "mineral base racket. though somewhat disquieting to the popular nerves, rutin been a clear ana considerable gain to the Irreducible school fund. That the adjudicator attempting the work at hln own risk and expense should make something out of his venture by selling his basis findings to those citi zens who wished to purchase lands select ed upon such basis In fact should make all the traffic would bear need not be -wondered at by people of common busL nesa t ense. And to this extent General Odrll Is clearly Justifiable. It the work has been properly done, and there Is no allegation to the contrary, he has' vio lated no law of the state or Nation or civic obligation pertaining to good citi zenship. Madam Rumor said that he naa Deen charging would-be purchasers for Informa tion as to base lands nonmlneral In char acter or mineral basis which he had not adtndlcated. but unon oath he flatly de nied the accusation and challenged the af firmation of It by anybody. The committee find fault with tne oen- eral because he promised to furnish them with a list of base lands he eold. with name of nurchasers. amount of money received, etc, but afterwards declined to do so, and the Inference of the committee was, that he dtred to conceal something the public had a right to know, something damaging to himself. The real reason the General had In mind, was entirely dif ferent. He told tho committee he had nothing to conceal; he was perfectly will ing that everybody should know that he had been adjudicating mineral school sec tions, and that be got his pay for such work by charging purchasers of Ilea land for the basin he furnished them, and to which the state had no equitable claim. But he found after an Interview with the committee, as dominated by Its pro moters, tnat their feelings were willfully set against him. that their understanding of the law? pertaining to land matters ana the duties of tate land officers were er roneous: that, in fact, their Ideas were all topsey-turvey wrong end to and he therefore concluded that If they were de termined to persist In believing that what ever be had made was pilfered from the state, an exhibition of his llste would serve no beneficial purpose. Evidently he was right, and as they were his private property, he might withhold them. From this review of the committee s re port, it need not be Inferred that the gentlemen composing It are not conscien tious and fair minded, but that they were wrong in their understanding of the law and of the duties of the officers charged with their execution, la as plain as the nose on a man's face. Anyone can readily fancy the outcome of an investigation wherein the language used was understood differently by ques tioners and questioned, and such seemed to be the case In much that psssed be tween the committee and the two defend ants. Geer and Odell. The committee would person in assuming that the lands adjudicated by Odell belonged to the state before they were reported to the State Land Office; that they came' within the category of lands lost to the state by reason of their occupancy by the general Government, And when Geer, In reply to the Interrogatory. "Do you tell people usually, who come to your office and try to secure base to select lieu lands upon. tnat the state has no baser answered In the affirmative, the committee still having tncir minds upon Odell s lists and puttlmr Geers answer alonixlde of his admission that he had access Id the said lists, they had proof that "Geer did not tell the truth to Inquirers for base." "Whether the state had any base at the time Geer stated such to be the case, the committee did not ascertain; did not even Inquire, and until then they could not determine as to his veracity. It Is plain, however, that he was talking of one thing and the committee of another. Presumably, the stenographers have not made an entirely accurate report of the evidence, and I shall assume that to be the case and expect to hear some modifications of It by the more exper ienced members of the committee. .Evidently, the Attorney-General did not ask this question: "If there were 70.00 acres of nominal base lands at that time (four years ago) which could have been adjudicated and selected, what would the state probably have lost by not having none that (selected timber lan&s In lieu)?" jar. uucKiey answered. "Anywhere from tSOC.WO to J1.000.000." General Crawford knows that nonmln eral base lands do not require any adjudi cation or selection. It Is evident from lir. Buckley's soaring answer that the state has been a great victim of somebody's mismanagement, and as the committee has been Investigating L. B. Geer and General Odell, further In quiry will be avoided by laying It to them, and holding them for J10.COJ.000. There Is no question but the land busi ness of the state has been abundantly mismanaged, but everybody knows the people have permitted It, It should not be Inferred from what I have hereinbefore written that I have changed my mind with respect to the matters treated of In my reports, while State Land Agent, during the term of Governor Lord, for In them I stated that the work of adjudicating mineral school sections, when properly done, was legiti mate ana or advantage to the state. My animadversions were not directed against truthful and complete adjudica tion, but against the abuses of it selling lieu lands on, the strength of ex parte affidavits of mineral character -and giving cerwicates oi sale Derore adjudication, etc But the colossal fraud practiced under mo j-ennoyer administration and which was fully set forth In my reports was In the lieu land traffic based unon the, -hri sections within the several Indian reser vations. That wan a fraud pure and simple. concocted, or at least Deroetratrd by the clerk of the School Land Board ana an ex-clerk of the same board. If the State Board were not Dartlcinanta In that steal, they were wofully Ignorant or neg ligent of their duties as conservators of ino puouc interests, in allowing the two villains to get away with over 123.000 arex belonging to the school fund. Unlike the adjudicators, iney performed no service for the money they received from pur chasers of lieu land. It was a most hog gish and shameful proceeding for which Governor Pennoyer's official reputation must suffer. That he refused to srgn away the basis In the Cascade reserve, some 1M.0OO acres. Is to his credit, and taken with his previous action and non action, forms a contrast which, to say the least, is quite perplexing. In this connection I must maka a state. ment which still more confounds my Judg ment as to me menial status of the man i-ennoyer. Meeting the ex-Governor in the Ktsr. house shortly after entering upon my duties as State Land Asrent- I askn Mm bow It happened that any bese was left to us in ine (Cascade reserve, to which he Immediately replied, and with a gleeful countenance, "because I would not sign it away. "Do you mean to say that you did not sign away any part of itT" tit answered, -no. positively, no." A icw monies aiierwaraa, I found from the records that he hsd used 16.000 acres of that basis, and wrote to him about It, In answer he stated that If that were true, he had been deceived by the clerk of the board, and that he would assist me In getting the selections cancelled. He wre,t. two letters and was very indignant be cause or me deception played upon him. The fact came out as the result of the correspondence that he had been misled by the name Crater Lake instead of Cas- caae reserve: Still, we must say that nearly all of the vexation and turmoil, the speculations and frauds connected with the atate land matters, would save been avoided If the legislative part of our Government had been fully informed and awake to Its duties. The statute which one of the operators In the last aforesaid lieu land frauds bad Introduced and worked mrocgn tne Legislature was a cunningly u-woA cuvcriri i or weir subsequent work. The swamp land laws with a vrv little stretching served to cover all the frauds perpetrated In that branch of the service, and the law passed at the last session, though nominally and no doubt Intentionally to cure the defects In the mineral base business, is secretly In the Interest of a few sharp fellows who will under Its cover defraud both the state ana ueneraj uovernment T. TV. DAVENPORT. Hermann as a Reformer, PORTLAND. April 1 To the Editor.) Tae uregoman recently stated that Her mann Is strong In the coast counties, but It may not be generally known where tisej secret of this strength lies. The people of these counties are not influenced by rich. corporations, nor are they political strong'' I holdSL Thv tn enrvrtHr iwir rt T-, ' struggling to make homes for themselves In the wilderness. Bight la this element Is where Mr. Hermann Is strongest. In Coos Bay, SI us law. Taquina, In the counties of Lake, Klamath. Harney and Grant, wherever settlers have bed con tests with land-grabbers, he develops great strength It Is believed among this class of people that the trouble with Sec retary Hitchcock arose from his well known attitude on land questions as op posed to all land-grabbing schemes. This looks strange. In view of contrary Insin uations diligently circulated, but people can't always be fooled, Mr. Hermann, during his long career In Congress, was an Indefatigable worker. In season and out. I have personal knowl edge of one long Journey he made through sagebrush and sand to acquaint himself with actual conditions In Southeast Ore gon. The result of tins, trip was the cre ation of a new land district, affording facilities for settlement and development. Prior to that time, with the nearest land office ISO miles distant, cattle and swamp men had It their own way, and bitterly opposed any change. Rapid settlement followed the establishment of the Har ney district, and a county arose from the aahes of a cattle camp. The above Is but one little lndlcent Il lustrating the activity of Mr. Hermann. As a candidate before the people of the State of Oregon, there Is no man "could hold a candle to him,' GEO. M'GOWAN. SCHWAB HAS RIVALS. Hot J?lEht Among; Directors for Pres. ldencjr of Steel Trust. NEW YORK. April 2. Reports are re vived In Wall street of an Impending change In the presidency of the United States Steel Corporation. A story was circulated to the effect that President Charles M. Schwab, having discovered that there was a movement on foot to depose him. was making a personal can vass for re-election. The story went on to say that the directors of the steel cor poration were split Into factions and that E. H. Gary, chairman of the board; James Gayley. first vice-president of the steel corporation, and Henry C Frier, who was recently elected a member of the execu tive committee, were the candidates of these respective factions for the presi dency. Later it was denied that there was a split In the board, but It was ad- mltted there was a possibility that Schwab J might retire. I Are free from all crude and Irritating matter, concentrated medicine only; very small; easy to taxe; no pain; no -griping. Carters Lime Liver mil. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL RETORT. PORTLAND. April 2.-8 P? M. Maximum temperature. S2; minimum temperature, 40; river reading, 11 A. M., &2 feet; change is 31 hour. 0.3 foot: total precipitation. S P. M. to S P. M.. trace: total precipitation sine Sept. J, 1P02, 34.83 inches: normal precipita tion since Sept. 1. IMS, 3S.S3 Inches; deficiency. 3.4S Inches; 4otal sunshine April 1. 7:43; pos sible sunshine April 1. 12:48; barometer (re duced to sea level) at S P. II.. 30.38. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Wind. sC STATIONS. liaker City .... 4,0.00 Icioudr Clear Clear '.Clear uismarcK .,.. Boise Eureka Helena NW NW N W Clm sw w bo!o.'oo 10 32 0-00 2S '441 T 124 Cloudy Kamloons. B. C i-x. cicy Cloudy Cuxidy Cloudy Clear Clear North Head .... Poeatello 42 T a Portland ....... Rjd Blutt Roseburg Farraraenlo ... 32 T 161 sw 170 0.00 8 SS 0.00 6 62KI0010 B4 0.00 14 N NW NW W FW S RW SW Clear Sul Francisco . Spokane ....... Seattle Tatoosh Island Walla Walla .. Clear soo.ts e ssaoojis Cloudy Clear 46 0.04 24 !sb;o.oo! s lci3r Light. WEATHER CONDITIONS. No rain of consequence haa fallen In the Pa cific Coast States during th last 12 hours, ex cept a few small showers along the Washing ton coast and in the lower portion ot the Wil lamette Valley. It Is wsnner In Northern California, but elsewhere the changes In temperature have been slight. The Indications are for generally fair weatn- er In this district Friday, with frosts In the earlr morning. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland tor the 23 hours ending at midnight Friday. April 3: Portland and vicinity Generally fair; west erly winds. Western Oregon snd western Washington Generally fair: westerly winds. Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Idaho-Fair. KDWARD A. HEALS. Forecast OmelaL HENRIETTA M. HOLMES. 4O0 Ablngton Building;. 1X4 Third Street. Pupils prepared ror any university, business eolleg. or special examination. Particular at tention siren to tho backward in public school work of any grade. Call or writ. REMOVAL SALE PRICES STAFFORD'S WATER WELL PASTE, 8 OZ., Formerly 40c now 30c, 3 for 80c STAFFORD'S WATER WELL PASTE, 5 OZ., Formerly 25c now 20c, 3 for SOc BROKEN LINES OF PENCILS i. ic n BROKEN LINES OF PENHOLDERS 11311 nlCC THE KILHAM STATIONERY CO. 267 MORRISON STREET IB Sl THE CHAMBER "JM Of olden days 2i torture cnamDcr ' mB7 ire, k'M rn r. 2 J-J iv. i DR. B. E. WRIGHT OOc "hours: 3 Gradcat Sova Stat TJ&lv. Eunaays, Building to be Removed : OUR 'WASHINGTON-STREET STORE WILL NOT HOLD THE CONTENT3 OF OUR JIORRISON-STREET STORE, J Prices Cut OaoHalf Onr Sacrifice Your Gala ...JOHN 4 Waahtnrton St Kear 'sVoodant, Clark as; The Vital Reason, why SHREDDED BISCUIT su.rjaa.sies all ottierfoods shred rtzsflMiHiHsss of rJUJUi wheat K?W1 hlrhlr V msstrstlsg magnified UgS Absorption Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit is zaade In the most complete, scientific and hygienic food lab oratory in the world. This laboratory is flooded with sunlight through 30,000 panes of glass and finished in white enamel, marble and mosaic the veritable home of purity a. place where contam ination is impossible. The wheat is first thoroughly cleansed and' all light kernels removed, then thoroughly cooked and spun into thousands of little shreds; each shred containing thousands of little pores; which gives the greatest surface for the absorption of the digestive fluids of any known food. This insures perfect digestion and immediate relief .from constipation. Order to-day. Sendfor "The Vital Question" (Fnt). The NATURAL FOOD Co., NIAGARA FALLS, If. I. SEW TODAY. PLACER MINES-NEW DISCOVERY MADE late In the FalL A party will leave Port land April 23: can locate a limited number of persons on good ground. For further Infor mation address In care ot T 40, Oregonlan, MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved city and farm property. R. LTVINGTSONE. 224 Stark St. MORTGAGE LOANS On unproved city and farm property. Building loans. Installment loans. WX, ItACilASTEK. 211 Worcester block. 4000 FARMSJJS valley. ,hthWcrS trora Portland to Ashland, at prices ranclng from g2 to 1200 per acre, riclfic toil Ceitatiiltll till Etlsls as Iscatlsa larui 1C2 Second U, Portland. Oregon. NORTH SIXTH ST Improved quarter-block yielding 0 per cent noir $30,000. RUSSELL ,t BLYTH. 82H THIRD STltnKT, CORNER OAK. Make Your Selection Of good homes and building sites' at Penin sular, University Park. Portsmouth or St. Johns. Will rent or sell. Acreage also at lowest prices. Titles always guaranteed. HOME LAND CO.. University Park. Apples! Apples! P. Hennlngsen, the fruitgrower, nas Just got In two carloads of apples direct from the ranch In Grand Ronde Valley. Will sell them at 330 Washington sr. Large reduction on ten boxea anl over. Delivered free to all parts ot th city. FIREPROOF SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS Chamber of Commerce BIdfi. Boxes rented from $6.00 a year and upwards . . Private rooms for cli ents 'where boxes can be taken, con tents examined, letters written, and other business transacted. F. K. ARNOLD, Supt. TORTURE most have been preferable to the modern maintainea oy inexperienced aenusts. we C guarantee palnlera dentistry, no matter liow difficult the " . V ) -. with fc. V T1 niuiuiu nM. tuc (inm,eAWi r? wttU'tvc' DENTAL u. wivivjiii j OFFICE 342K Washington, Cor. Seventh Consnlfmtloia Free. Fees Reasonable. A. at. to S P. M.: ereninxs. Ta to fjo. as. w u si. iciepaon norm ivi. a ALLESINA... TWO STORES tm Morrison 3L Kear Meier at Frank Ca ft Co. AJTCSEEKKSTS. XAKQTJAX GRAND THEATER - . CALVIN IiaUQ. Uanager. Monday and Tuesday nights. April a tad 7, popular ladles and children' matin TtKiday at 2:13 o'clock, AL oT FIELDS GREATER MINSTRELS. Evening- prices Entire lower floor. $L Bal cony. Brst 6 rows, 75c; last ft rows. Sue Cat lerr. 33c asd 23c Uoxes and tores. XT.OO. Popular matinee prices Adult. Sue; children, Se to ANY PART or th theater. Seats are now selling. CORDRAVS THEATER Toalcht and Saturday matinee asd evening, last three perfonnanses of th bljr success, THE FATAL WEDDING." N. B. By special request little Lillian Rose wood, the clever child actress, will hold a pub lic reception on the stage after the soeclaJ ladles and children's matinee -performance Sat urdar. when all present will have th oooor tunlty to personally meet this captivating; little artist. Pries Erenlncs. So: matinees, 3oto any part ot house; children. 10c Jxt week. "Reaping the Harvest." THE BAKER THEATER GEO. L. BAKER, Manager. Tonight, tomorrow, matinee and night. The sensation ot the hour, "MISS HOBBS." By Jerome IC Jerome. Tonlxbt (Friday). Elks' nlsht. The Baker prices never chance Evening, 13c, 23c 33c SOc: matinee. 10c 13c lie April 3, farewell week ct the Baker Stock Company, .presenting "A Nliht OH." Coming. April 12. Hsttt Corson Clarke AUCTION SALES TODAY. Br th Ford Auction Co.. at 233 1st St.. at 10 A. M. H. Ford, auctioneer. At Gtlman's auction rooms. 411-113 Washing ton sL. at 10 o'clock A. M. 3. L. N. Gllmas, auctioneer. MEETING XOTXCES. PORTLAND LODGE. NO. S3. A. F. & A. M. Stated communication this (Friday) eTenlnr. All Master Masons cordially Invited. Work In the M. M. decree. Br order ot lh W. M. I. W. PRATT, Sec, HALL OP INDUSTRY LODGE. NO. 8. A. O. U. W. Members are Hereby notified that the funeral of our tat brother. A. C Bailey. IU be held this (Friday) afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Immanuel Baptist Church, cor. Zd and Meade su. Interment, at Rlrerrlew cemetery. Services at the arav under th auspices ot the A. O. V. VT. Let erery member attend. J. WILEY BCSHONO. Master Workman. Attest: JOHN W. PADDOCK. Recorder. 1IASSALO LODGE. NO. 15, L O. O. F. Regular meetlnt; this (Friday) erenlnc at 7:30 o'clock. Work In 'the second dearee. Visitors welcome. HENRY BROWN, Sec BOARD OF MEDICAL EXAMINERS OF THE STATE OF OREGON wilt hold a PU1 examination Tueatfay and Wednesday, April 7 and 8. Make application to Dr. Byron . Mil ler, Secretary, imperial Hotel. z ' FCXERAL XOTXCES. BAILEY At Los Annies. CaL. March IT. 1UU3. Amhro C Bailey, and 63 years. raneraj rrioay. April 3, 1WXJ. at z f. il.. from immanuel Baptist Church, cor. 2d and Meade sta. interment Rlrerrlew cemetery. WATSON In this city. April 2. 1003. Cecil Fletcher Watson, son ot Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Watson, aged 11 years and 4 months. The funeral will take place Saturday. 10 A. M from Trinity ChapeL Interment at Lone Fir cemetery. Friends lnrlted. J. Ff FIXLEY A SOX. ProcreaalT. Funeral Director and Embalmers, cor, 3d and Madlaon streets. Com petent lady asa't. Both phones So. a. EDWARD HOLM AS, Undertaker, 4th. and Yamhill ate. Reaa S tins on. lady assistant. Both phone No. SOT. CLARKE BROS, FIXE FLOWERS, Floral Designs, 2S1D Morrison. SCUAXEX fc XEU, JIOXUMEXT3, cemetery vrorlr, etc., SOS First. NEW TODAY. SEVENTH AND ANKENY Fractional lot on corner Trlth house, K70O0. RUSSELL t BLYTH, S24 T1IIIID STREET, CORXER OAK. SIXTH AND BURNS1DE SSxlOO on southeast corner Sixth and Unrnslde, opposite nciT Post otnee, easy terms and Interest at li per cent on mortgage. Frlce !3, OOO. RUSSELL & BLYTH, 82 !4 Third Street, Corner Oalc BUTTER LOWER Butter, 50c Best creamery 60c. GSc Good creamery ................... .l&c and OOo Ranch errs. 2 dosen. ..33c Best surar-cured hams. ................. ....13c Picnic bams. ........ ......... ....... ......11a Cottace hams . ...12Hc 5-lb. pall lard Joe Remember chickens for Saturday. LA GRANDE CREAMERY, 264 Yamhill. homes! : ON EASY PAYMENTS From 5 to 8 rooms ; , $i6oo to $3000 : i A. 214 w T . sT- a" srt. a-. 1. lYlTtlO Of tu. Chamber of Commerce Are You Insured? For Fire, Life, Accident and Health Insur ance call on A. H. BIRRELL (Formsrfj of HacHi:fsr & BimQ.) Real Estate, General Insurance and rlnancial Agency 303-4 McKay Building-, 3d and Stark. Phone Main 232. VERNON Lots Now on Sale Easy Payments DONT HISS THIS OPPORTUNITY Grindstaff, Blain, Potter & Chapin 246 STARK ST. Four-Room House Each room 13x15 feet. Two or four rooms can be conven iently added. Ground lOOx 110 feet. At Portsmouth, near big sawmill, near Col umbia University, near dry dock, near Willamette boule vard, city water, electric street-car line. Price $1025; $125 cash, balance $15 month ly. , Francis I. McKenna. 151 Sixth St. CLASSIFIED AD. BATES. '"Rooms.- -Rooms and Board.- "Housee-ma- Rooms." -Situation Wanted.- IS word, or Was. IS cents: IS' to 30 words. SO cants; XI to 33 words. 3S cents .to. No disco ust far ad ditions! Insertions. UNDER AU OTHER HEADS xJ Nrw Trdar." so cent ror IS words er 1ms: 1 ta to words. 40 tents:" 21 to 3 words. SO cents, tc first Insertion. Each additional Inserttca. oo-halr: no further discount under on montK "NEW TODAT (racx measnr acate). IS cents per line. Urn Insertion: 10 cants per line ot eacn additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENT8. ad dressed ear Th Oresonlaa ' asd left at this -face, ihonld always b Inclosed In sealed Tetopes. No stamp is reqnlrvd on such Isttsra. Th Oresonlaa will not be responslhl for errors In advertisements tAkea throux th telephon. SEW TODAY. Th Oldest Trust Company la Oreron. POR1XAXD TRUST COMPANY OP OUEGOX. Incorporated Anrll 23. 18S7. IT. ere has been a marked Increase In our de posits of late. This leads us to belleT that there la a cood deal of Idle moner ui the State of Oreron. Those who own this money outht to he recelvinx Interest upon IU We issue lntercst-bearinc certiacaus of de posit, at Ta-ioua rates, a may be a reed upon. Vi will Issue certificates rrmnlnjr for six months stralsht, wtth Interest at the rate ot thre per cent per annum; ror twelve- month, stralcht, with Interest at the rate ot four per cent per annum. We will Issuo special certificate of deposit payable upon ten days' call, with Interest at tbe rate ot 3& per cent per annum; payable on thirty days' call, with Interest at 3 per cent per annum, and payable on ninety days' call, at lour per cent per annum. For those who desire to deposit their money for a term ot years we -will issue a certlaeate of deposit, with Interest coupons attached, particulars of which will be cladly furnished if you will call upon PORTLAND TRUST COMPAXT OP OREGON, NO. 109 THIRD STREET. Sale of Sundries. We most move loon. KNIGHT'S DRUG STORE, 123 6th St. Established in 1SS2. WE LEAD Best creamery butter. 65c; sweet table but ter. S5c; cooklne butter. 40c: S dozen eexs. Sue; test Mocha and Java coffee. 25c pound; Force. 10c package; 2 packages of Jumbo or Violet mush, 15c; best potatoes. fc sack; rood llfht broom. 20c: Lowney'a Premium chocolate, lSc package: 2 cans cocoa, 43c; best lemons. 10c dozen. Washington-Street Grocery, between 11th and 12th. Phone North 3311. Best Buy We Have eTOCfln Full Jot and modern 7-room 4JUUU cottage on Northrup near 24th street. GRINDSTAJT & BLAIN. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. I230O-NEW 0-ROOsl HOUSE. COLONIAL. styie. iarse attic, run casement, signuy lo cation and convenient to Upper Alblns, cars; best of plublnr, with toilet upstairs and down: large bathroom and closets. 11300 Six-room cottace in Upper Albtna, within walking; distance of the business cen ter; a decided bargain. Seven-room house at Peninsula In first-class condition; cheap, and can be handled for very little ready money. Vacant Iota In various parts of the city, some on the Installment plan- Will build on them tor small payment down, balance on Installments If desired. WHALLEY. Benson bide. Sta and Morrison. THREE COTTAGES. CLOSE IN. WEST Bide, for sale cheap; good terms. Vacant lota, very desirable location. East Side; good bargains, good terms. Splendid roomy house, well situated. West Side: good car service, good terms. Full block, near water-front trackage, suit able for manufacturing plant or warehouse; worth S10.0U0. can be bought tor S&S60 If Uken before April 3. LEWIS & CLARK REAL ESTATE CO.. 653 Worcester block. TOR SALE SJ0OC J. W. OGILBEE. ROOM 11. Wi 1ST ST. S-acre tracW all In cultivation, with good S room re 1 dene meed some repairing;, very good atable, etc., good well water, lie high and sightly,- clos to car line, on th East Side, between K nil worth and Woodstock. This is a cheap property, and would mak a nice heme. TO HOMESEEKERS 160 ACRES ON SOUTH- ern slope or beautirui xount bcott: 45 acres under cultivation, orchard, house, and a good large bam; soli Is very productive: a bar gain. J. E. Martin. 492 East Sherman at. $1000 INVESTED NOW WILL DOUBLE UP Inside ot one year on four lots In Sellwood: good location; half down, balance as per agreement. Address Frank Busch, Oregon City, Or. I HAVE FOR SALE S AND 10-ACRE tracts, 'house, barn, stock and machinery; best. of land, and near car line; at low prices. T. C SHREVE. 421 Ablcgton bldg. NEW S-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 20 MIN utes from 3d and Washington: good neigh borhood; bargain, 12300. Palmer Bras. (Ford'sl. room 33. lGJft 4th St. LOT 501 100. WITH S-ROOM HOUSE AND outbuilding. East 10th sr.. near East Sher man; very desirable location. J. E. Martin, 482 East Sherman st. 100 LOTS, THREE BLOCKS FROM UNION are. car line; IS down. Jl per month; only a few left. Sahlstrom & Patterson. 281 li Mor rison St. MOUNT SCOTT REAL ESTATE OFFICX. Lents. Or. All kinds ot property cheap. Tak Mount Scott car; far S cents. O. R. Addltos. HOMES BUILT ON EASY payments, any part city: lots furnlshd If necessary: low rate interest- J. Palmer Co.. 012 Commercial bldg. BARGAINS NEW HOUSES FOR SALE; easy payments or will build what you want; you name th terms. C12 Commercial bldg. 11600 NICE 5-ROOM COTTAGE. EAST SIDE, close is. car line; fruit: fine location. T. C, SHREVE. 421 Ablngtoa bldg. 11065 Very beautiful lot in HoUadays Add., close to car line and surrounded by fine homes. Miller. 303 Chamber ot Commerce. $10 FOR FINE. SIGHTLl LOTS ON ST. Johns car line. Brown. S53 Stark it, oppo site Library. FOR SHORT TIME ONLY HOUSE AND LOV" at Mount Tabcr, at a bargain. Flympton, 318 Allsky bldg. FOR SALE SMALL ORCHARDS WITHIN two miles of sutabouse. E. PresnaU, Salem. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH LEWIS AND Clark Real Estate Co., SS3 Worcester block. LOTS, CLOSE IN. S350: S5 PER MONTH W. Reldt. room IS Washington block. NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE. BASEMENT; EASY terms. Phone Russ 1(22. FOR SALE FAR1IS. A BARGAIN NOTE THIS DOWN 40 acre, all choice land and fenced. 20 acres under plow. 20 acres seeded to pasture, roM house, bam and outbuildings, nice or chard. 19 cows. 1 heifer. 1 iull. 3 nogs, chick ens. 1 span youns mares, wagon, harness. Slows, barrow, hay rake, cultivator, all tools, ousehold furniure. all in good order: 1 mil to creamery, P. O.. store. HE.N-KLB A BAKER. 213 AMngton bldg. BARGAIN SO acres, all rich. level land; above 20 acres under plow. 25 acres slashed and burned over, new house, new frame barn; on main county road, convenient to church and scnooi. us mure u a. rt. station; O head cattle, farming implements, etc.; S2173. HENKLE & BAKER, 219 Ablngton bWg. 140 MILES S. OF PORTLAND. NEAR RAIL road. 2 miles from best market In Oregon. I hav ISO sere, of high foothill land. Co acres Improved: orchard. Louse, new barn, 4 cows, wascs and team, mowing machine, etc for 11400. two-thirds cash. P. Mutter, Saginaw. Or. S71 ACRES'. ALL FENCED. GOOD IMPHOVE- axnis, weu waterec rtver through one cor ner, plenty grass, excellent stock farm: ad joins It. H. depot, 4 miles steamer landing: price 125 per acre, easy terms. Palmer Bros. (Ford's), room ii. JBSJi 4ih st. FOR SALE-CHOICE 21-ACRE TRACT. ONE. quarter mile ot Greshamt xood SDrina: water and large barn. 18 acres In cultivation, bal ance in pasture; iu per acre. If sou Derore crop Is put In. Roberts & Wlrtz. Uresham. Or. $400 BUYS 160 ACRES. ONLY 23 MILES 'from Portland; IS In cultivation, bearing or chard, living water: tin for stock, poultry or fruit. See 23414 Morrison sr., room A SNAP S-ROOM 1XVSE ON GUILD ST.. sdjolnlog th Fair grounds, with all modern conveniences. Prlc. 12400. If taken at one. W. H. Lehman. Z2SH Washington street. FOR HOMES AND FARMS IN OLD YAM fcI County, See A. M. Hadley, 284 Stark, st. FOH. SALE I'AltllJ. D7 YOU WAjrr BARGAINS IN CHOICB farms stock ranches, bop. prune or tlmrjer land, sawmills or Courxoilla. ail near Port land, se or sddres T. Wlthycombc, room S Hamilton bldg-. 3d st Portland. Or. 125 ACRES, 00 IN CROP AND FRUIT, GOOD buildings, living water: Jo miles from town; this Is the brst bantaln In th state. For particulars address B 43. Oregonlan, ST50-0 ACRES GOOD LAND. 30 MILES from Portland, near several lumber mills; good market tor products: also good chances for employment. C 47. Oregonlan. IS ACRES CHOICE. LEVEL LAND. RUN nlng water, part cultivated, bouse, etc.: oa good road and easy drive to Portland, prto only seso. Henkle & liaker. IF I CAN SELL AT ONCE I WILL Dis pose or SO acres of fine land in Western Ore gon for S2.50 an acre; JTS cash, balance oa time. E 47. care Oregonlan. JOIN PARTY FOR 21 FARM HOMESTEADS, prairie land, best ot grain and fruit land, near R R. and county seat. Wm, Hawks, 306 Commercial block. FOR SALE-LARGE AND SMALL FARMfl, dairy and stock ranches, in Western Oregoa and Washington. W. O. Waddsi. 03H Mjr rtn sr. W.sXTED REAL ESTATE CCtrrOMER FOR HOUSE AND LOT. HOL laday's Addition, to cost about ; good lot sultabl for residence- In Hollaoay Addi tion. Lewis and Clark Real Estate Co., S33 Worcester block. "WANTED TO BUY FROM OWNER. HOUSE and lot. close in; must be a bargain; etat price, terms, etc. O 45. Oregonlan. PROPERTY - OWNERS TO LIST THEIR property with Lewis and Clark Real Estate Co., S53 Worcester block. TI1IDCK LANDS FOR SALE. FOR IMMEDIATE LOCATlON-23 CHOICd Dr and Port Orfcrd cedar timber claims; cruls 4.00U.00O to b.00O.uuo; 21 yellow pin timber claims, very desirably located, cruu 3.000.000 feet, worth at least Si per M slumpage: 10 farm homesteads, very cholc grain and fruit lands, near PL. K. and county Mat Wm. Hawk... SOU Commercial block. LOOK HERE! THIS IS YOUR CHANCE! For sale So acres of timber land, 1& mllea N. E. ot Toledo. Wash.; 40 acres finest hop land; steamboat connection with Portlana; only S20UO; cheaper tor cash. For particulars call or write to G. Schultx. room 21 Terminus House. riJri Everett St., Portland. Or. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR H0MESTEAD3 or timber claims, w can locate you; claim cruising from 4.U00.V0O to U.0UV.OUO per quar ter section, good yellow Or and cedar; also yellow pine claims. ZSuu.Ouo to 3.000.WO feet; Join party now forming. antord sc PerTy, Ablngton bldg. 1200 ACRES CHOICE TIMBER STATE school land, cruise 3.U00.0VU to th quarter section; Sl.23.per acre and crulsera leej. Wm. Hawks. 30d Commercial block. I CAN LOCATE YOU ON TIMBER CLAIMS that will cut 4,000.000 yellow pine ot excellent quality, tributary to goud driving stream. D. C. Rogers, 14SH 6th st-. room 1. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO GET GOOD timber claim, white pine and yellow Or; hav seven claims cruising- 7.00O.OUO, near Rose burg. 230H Russell su, room 0. HOMESTEAD AND TIMBER CLAIMS. WB have received information of some nrat-clasr locations. Apply to Tha Ames Mercantile Agtncy, Ablngton bldg. TIMBER CLAIM RELINQUISHMENT; ON river; cruise over 6.U00.0U0 leeu S230- See. cruiser today, 234 Morrison su, rocm SCRIP FOR UNSURVEYED LAND: TWO quarter sections ready for delivery. lor par ticulars address box 03. Portland. Or. TIMBER CLAIMS OREGON PINE; GUAR antee to cruls 3.000.000 feet merchantabl lumber. W. 5. Baer, llornbrook, Cal. SEVERAL GOOD TIMBER LOCATIONS. Call on Lewis and Clark Real Estate Co.. 553 Worcester block. TIMBER CLAIM. 4,000.000 FIR. NEAR river: also good homesteads: fees low. 161ia 1st, room 7. FOR SALE 5G-INCH HEAD BLOCKS. SET works, trailer and trucks. 350. Day Lumber Co. AWNINGS. TENTS. SAILS. PACIFIC TENT A Awning Co., 27 N. 1st. Phone North 1811. FOR SALE A FRESH-COW. WITH CALF. Airs. j. a. Butenschoen. peninsular, ur. 2D-HANE HALL SAFE FOR SALE; ALSO FOR SALE GOOD SECOND-HAND PIANO, very cheap. P 83 Oregonlan. FOR SALE BABY BUGGY AND CHILD'S crib. Call 133 11th. TO EXCHANGE. FOR FARM OR TIMBER LAND. 100X100, corner, Irvlngton Park; level and sightly. Address C 23, Oregonlan. FOR SALE. Ilorses, Vehicles and Harness. TATTLETALE: FOR SALE FAST-TROT-tlng mars Tattletale: trials 2:10. Address S. Atkinson. 1112 1st ave., Spokane, Wash. AUTOMOBILE: WIXJ. SELL FOR HALF price; in perfect condition; must dispose oC immediately. Address E 45, Oregonlan. FOR SALE-20 R. R. DUMP CARTS. WITH harness: Al condition. Apply to Vancouver Water Works Co., Vancouver. Wash. FOR SALE 12 HEAD OF WELL-BROKEN horses, weight from 1200 to 140U pounds. 134 East 34th st. Phone Union 1632. FINE HORSE. 7 YEARS OLD. SOUND. CITY broke; also light wagon; cheap. 734 Will iams ave. A TEAM OF HORSES. TRUE TO WORK, age 7 and 8. weight 1470 and 1480. inquire. 300 Front- AUCTION SALES DAILY. VEHICLES. HAR ness. HORSE AUCTION MARKET, 211 Wash. HORSE. WAGON AND HARNESS. OR horse without wagon. 654 East 12th st. Miscellaneous. Elaterlte Is mineral rebliet. Practical roofing fcr sawmills, factories, mining buildings, business blocks; tc.: In rolls easy to lay; never nteds painting. Call or write .Elater lt Roofing Co.. 10 Worcester bldg.. Portland. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALS IN ALL parts ot Oregon and Washington; payments mad to suit purchaser. For particulars apply to WM. M ACM ASTER. 311 Worcester block. BUTCHER SHOPS. CONFECTIONERY AND cigars, saloons, roomlnc-houses. city and country property, for sale, at Palmer Bros. (Ford's), room 38. 16S4 4th st. FOR SALE A FIRST-CLASS SO H.-P. SEC-ond-band gas engine, practically osw. North west Electric Eng. Co.. 3t8 Stark st. LATEST PATTERN DENSMORE TYPE wrlter. almost' new. perfect order, at a, bar gain. Room 5 Washington bldg. WELL-EQUIPPED BRICK AND TILE FAC tory: good clay. For particulars write Coop er se Hurley, Independence, Or. CORDWOOD FOR SALE FIR WOOD. DE livered. $3.75: hardwood, delivered. $4.50. Mrs Antone, Rockwood. Or. FOR SALE WATCHMAKER'S LATHE AND set of chucks. In good condition. P. A. Staples & Co.. 162 1st st. BEES. 51 STANDS. CHEAP IF SOLD AT once. CslI or address leo Porter st. Phone South 1151. FOR SALE-CHEAP; HANDSOME UPRIGHT piano; good make. Apply COS 6th at-, cor. Sherman. FOR SALE CHEAP: A BOWLING ALLEY, complete. Address P. O. box 446, Vancouver Wash- CHEAP AN ALMOST-NEW RUBBER-TIRED baby buggy. Inquire at 33 North 3d st- HELP WASTED MALE. SHIP DAILY SHIP DAILY FREE FARE NEVADA -....New R. R. work Wsnted Teamsters and tunnel laborers. C. R. HANSEN CO.. 26 North 2d St. SALESMAN WANTED TO SELL HARDY Northern - grown nursery stock- Address Washington Nursery Co., Toppenish. Wash. WANTED FIRST-CLASS CORBMAKER FOR general lobbing shop. Variety Iran Works. Seattle. Wash. WANTED PUPILS, BY EXPERIENCED gentleman, in bookkeeping, shorthand, Eng lish, arithmetic and penmanship. W 36, Ore gonlan. STUDENTS IN TELEGRAPHY. OPERATOR, of many years experience: practical work, switchboard, ate D 9, Oregonlan. rirst-class salesman lor aspbalrum corporation, city, nixn sazazy, su coomereiu block.