THE MORNING OREGONIAN. TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 1903. 15 SPRING SEED TRADE Volume of Business Larger Than Ever Before. PRICES HIGHER, MARGIN SMALL Stronger Demand for "Vetches Grovrtli of t.he Business In Pcni try Supplies Local Prod uce Quotations. The Spring trade la seed la at Its height. The season, which opened February 1, earlier this eeafon tbaa usual, -will last for a month or two yet. The volume of business is larger than usual, and would "bo still greater but tor the difficulty of getting supplies from the East. In spite of the lack of railroad facilities, it is probable that receipts in this line will reach 100 carloads for the present season. Prices on leading articles average higher this year than ever before, but this tendency so far has been of more benefit to the producer than to the middleman, the margin ..being closer than ever before. The bulk of the busi ness now under way Is in grass and farm seeds. A large item In tho movement is retches, planting of which is 100 per cent greater this year than last. New varieties of grains are also in great demand this Spring. Not much is being done in rupplying seed potatoes, except new kinds, farmers usually procuring their seed from other farmers. The traffic In vegetable seeds Is also above the average. The Portland trade is supplying a big territory this year, their orders coming from all points of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, British Columbia and Northern California. The demand for poultry supplies has been increasing steadily for several years, until the business has reached large proportions. Grow ers now arc using a great variety of articles for food, shells, bone, seeds, grains and spe cial mixtures of grains and seeds. The point has been reached where the poultry man sees that it pays to use a greater variety of food than can be produced on his own land. A large amount of meat is being used as poultry food, and still more green meat and bone would be consumed if It could be secured, but the sup ply for this purpose. Is limited, as most of the meat dealers contract to dispose of their bone to tallow manufacturers. Forelsm Steel Murlcet Stronger. NEW YORK, March 16. The European posl tlon of Iron and steel appears to be gradually strengthening, cables the London correspondent of tho Tribune. The German works, which formerly have been aggressive competitors for the export business, are filled up with orders for near deliveries, are refusing fresh orders where shortness of time Is the essence of the contract, and has further advanced prices. Since the beginning of the year there has been a fairly satisfactory upward movement on the Continent, which is especially marked in ma' terials which are most sought after by Amer ican buyers. Dnlry Salt Firm. It Is rumored on the street that there is likely to be an advance In tho price of dairy ealt In the near -future. No changes in the staple grocery list were announced yesterday. PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain. Flour, Feed, Etc. The week has opened with no better pros pect than before. Exporters report an ab sence of foreign demand, and the millers are not bulng much, as offerings are light. WHEAT Walla Walla, 7473c: bluestem. SlLSJc. Valley. 7Sc BARLEY Feed. $23.50 per ton; brewing, $24; rolled, $24.50. OATS-No. 1 white. $1.1531.20; gray, $L12V4 CI is rer crntal. MILLSTUFFS Bran. $19 per ton; middlings, $24; shorts, $20: chop. $18. HAY Timothy. $U12; clover. $S9; grain. '.'if 10 per ton. FLOUR Valley, $3.C05?3.70 per barrel; hard wheat straights. J3.504j3.C5: hard-wheat pat ents, $1.10 4.00: Dakota hard wheat, $4,100 4.5, Graham. $8.5gas5. Hatter, Ecss, Poultry, Etc. The egg market is weak, and' most of the trade louk for a break from tho present low quotation. The first receipts Indicate that those that follow will be heavy. Very little poultry eano In last night. Butter Is unchanged. i-i x xtuit t ancy creamery, 30324c per pour-a,. dairy. iff- He: store. 154jlSc Juiiiiui-tnicKcns, mixea. J-yi3c per pound joung, llH12c; hens, 1213c; turkeys, live, XGrulc; dressed, 20g22c; ducks, $77.50 per aozen; geese, fogs. tat-EhE Full cream twins. ifiugmui. Ycung America. 17KfflSUc: factory Drlces in 14c less; Eastorn, 1717iic per pound; Call- lu.nia, lUicriuisc- EGGS Oregon ranch, 16c Vegetables, Fruit, Etc. Yesterday's receipts were a car of sweets and another of bananas. The car of vegetables due failed to connect, and will probably be In today with the steamer consignments. VEGETABLES Turnlna. Krwnrv- n.r carrots. SOSSOc: beets. SI tier sar-v- mmniK.' $1 per sack; cauliflower, $1.65 per crate, cab bage. J Sic Per nound: red "lhhnt-o n pound; celery. Los Angeles, $2.753.50 per era e. icuuee. neaa, soc per aozen: hothouse, $1.60 per box: creen onlnna. tp Ann ii,. Brussals sprouts. Cc per pound; squash. 2c rer csucl. peas, per pound. 10c: narslev. twr itnt 2Tk. radishes. 25c; green artichokes, $1.50 per cozin. asparagus, 30c jwr pound; rhubarb. 12tjc per pounu; cucumbers. $2 par dozen; tomatoes 13.50 rer crate. GREEN FRUIT Apples, table, $I2 per box cooking. 75?S5o: eranberrlM Jrmr n TROPICAL. FRUIT Lemons. $2.75ffS.25 per box. oranges, navels, $22.75 per box; tanger ines. $2, grape fruit. $2.50 per box; bananas. 32.25&S per bunch. DRIED FRUIT Apples, evaporated. 70 per pounu; sun-urjea, sacKS or Poxes, 306e; aprl COtS. SfflOc: peaclies. 1V,fiSc: win Tiinou. prunes, Italian. -iffCc; flgs. California' blacks.' oc. uo wojie. 4ic; cmyrna, swe; plums, pitted. RAISINS Loose MuscateL 4-crown. 7Up? crown. 7iic; 2-crown, 6?ic: unbleached, seedless muscatel raisine. itc; unbleached seedless Sul tan. 6ic, London layers. S-crown. whole boxes of 20 pounds. (LU; 2rown. $1.75. POTATOES Best Burbanks, SOjJCOc per sack ordinary, 4060c. growers' prices; Merced sweets, ONiONS Oiegoa and Washington, 75c$l cental, shippers' price la -carload lots, Mz cectah Ilopa, IVool. Hides, Ctc HOPS-11)02 crop, 23625c per pound. 1..IDES -Drj" hides. No. 1, 16 pounds and no. 15&15H rer pound; dry kip. No. 1, 5 to IS pounds. 12c. dry calf. No. L under 5 pounds, 10c dry salted bulls and stars, one-third less than dry flint; salted hides, steers, sound. 00 pctin.:s ana over. rc; to CO pounds, 7JSe unaer an pounas ana cows. ,c; stags and bulls, sound. IjSWc. kip. sound. IS ta fU mkh. ?.. veal, sond. 10 to 14 pounds, 7c; calf, sound! ur.der 10 pounds. Sc. greea (unsalted), lc per pcuud Jess; culls, lc per pound less; horse b.des, salted, each. $1.502; dry. each. $1B JM, coits' hides, each. 25ff30c; goat skins. ccmmvin. rawii. juiiwn, wjia wool on. ea-h, 25c$I. TALLOW -Prime, per pound, iQ&c: No, 2 aad grcas .-oi. OOL Valley. 12a15c: Eastern Oregon, Groceries, Xuts. Etc t-"TTV 1 V- t. No. 1 fram. COFFEE Mochs, 23$2Sc; Java, fancy, 2fta r- l.v. rnnd 2DS4f: Java nMl.. ee SCo, Costa Rica, fancy. lSS20c; Coeta Rlcs, good 16fflSc; Costa Rica, ordinary. 10?i2c per und. Columbia roast. $11.75; Arbuckle's, $12.25 lUt; Lion. $11.75. 5T.V(1X Columbia River. l.mnn ,.n. $1 65 per dozen; 2-pouad tails. $2.40; fancy l.nnnn.l flatjL Sl.SO: 4-tound Tint 91 1ft. Alaska pink. 1-pound talis, 75c; red. 1-nound f.t. II (VI RICE Imperial Japan. No, L S5.62H; No. 2. (5.12H; Carolina head. $7.25; broken head. $4. SUGAR Sack basis, set cash, per 100 pounds; cube. $5.36; powdered. $5.20: dry eras- ulaied. (3; extra C, golden C M.40. Advances over sack hasls as follows: Barrels. 10c; half -barrel. 2Se; boxes. EOc per 199 pounds. Maple. 15816c per pound. Beet sagar. granulated. $4.90 per 100 pounds. beans small white. 434c: large whits. e; pinks, 3 ic: bayos, S&c; Lima. Sttc per poasd. NUTS Peanuts, ec per pouim lor raw, ts Ric for roasted: cocoanuts, S5830c per doses; walnuts. 13VjHSi per pound: pine nuts, 109 12c; hickory nut, 7c; Brazil nuts, 18c; fil berts, 15316c; fancy pecans, lie; aimonas, i 15c; chestnuts. 16c SALT LI veroooL 80s. 45c per sack: hall rround. oer ton. SOa S14.50? lOOe. 14; Worces ter salt. bulk. 320s. $3 per barrel: linen sacks. 60s. S6c per sack; bales. 2s. 8s. 4s. 6s and 10a, $2.10 per bale. OILS Coal oil. cases, 23c per gallon; Iron barrels. 16&c; wood barrels. 19c; linseed. boiled, cases. S9c: barrels. 54c; Unseed, raw. cases, S7c; barrels. S2c; gasoline, iron barrels. 19Uc: cases. 26c; turpentine, cases. 78c; wood barrels. 74c; iron barrels. 72c; lots of 10 cases or more. 77c. Collier ana Atlantic wait and red lead, in lots of 500 pouads or sore. 0c; less than 500 pounds 6&c Heats and Provisloxt. BEEF Gross, cows. $S3.75; steers. $494.73: dressed. 6407c per pound. VEAL 86 9c per pound. MUTTON Gross. S4.50$5: dressed. BSSc HOGS Gross, $77.25; dressed, 74eSc BACON Portland. 15317c per pound: East ern, fancy. 17c; standard, heavy, 15c; bacon bellies. 154c HAMS Portland. 14tT14Uc per pound: picnic 10c per pound; Eastern, fancy, 14ffl44c LARD Kettle rendered: Tierces. 12c; tubs. 13c; 60s. 12c; 20s. lSc; 10s. lS4c; 5s. 13c Standard pure: Tierce. 12c; tubs, 12 Vic; 50s. 12er 20s. 12c; 10s. EMic; 5s. 12c Com pound lard, tierces, SHc; tubs, 9c SAUSAGE Portland, ham. 12c per pound: minced ham. loc: Summer, choice cry, 17c; bologna, long. 8c; welnerwursta. Bo; liver, 7c; pork. &c; blood. 7c; head cheese, 7c; bologna sausage link, 7a PICKLED GOODS Portland, pigs' feet. Vr ui?-mlli !? J-V,.r-r.1 f ?; lK-nonnd kit. 51-25. Tripe, -barrels, $5.50; fc-barrels, $2.75; 15-pound kit, SI; pigs' tongues. Tfc-carrej. io. DRY-SALTED MEATS Portland clears. izii 13Uc; backs. ll12fcc; exports. 20S25 pounds average. 12613Hc; butts, &310c EASTERX IiIVESTOCK. Prices Current at Clilcaff o, oraana and Kansas City. rmrRO. March 10. CatUe Receipts. 26.- 000. Market steady to easier, uoou j jinojo steers $5g5.C5; poor to medium, s.;k4.ou; ntnrv and feeders. $3.7534.85; cows. $1.50 4 an? hi.!fprs. S2.25S5: canners. $1.5032.50; bulls. $2.504.23; calves. $S.50S7; Texas-fed steers, $3.5034.50. Hogs Receipts today, 47,ow: tomorrow. 000; left over, 7000. Market 5310c lower; closed slow. Mixed and butcners. si.q.oo; good to choice heavy, $7.G07.72; rough heavy. $7.25tf7.55; light, $6-507.37V4; bulk of sales, $7.2537.50. Sheep Receipts, 20.000. Market strong to iwc higher; lambs strong to 10c higher; good to choice wethers, $5.15QG.75; fair to choice mixed. $4.405.15; Western sheep. S45; lambs, $5527; Western lambs, $57.25. SOUTH OMAHA, March 16. Cattle Receipts, 8000. Market steady. Native steers, $3..&3 6.25; cows and heifers, $364.10; canners, $203; stockers and feeders, $34.&o; calves, 6.50; bulls, stags, etc, $2.504. Hogs Receipts. 4500.- Market oaioc lower. Heavy. $7.207.30; mixed. $7.157.20; light. $77.20; pigs. $0.50ffi7; bulk of sales, $7,150 7.23. Sheep Receipts, 5500. Market strong. Fen muttons. $5.C05'0.15: wethers. $505.65; ewes. $45.25; common and stockers, $24.50; lambs, $5.75577. KANSAS CITY March 16. Cattle Receipts, 0000, including 1000 Texan. Market steady, 10c lower. Natlvo steers. $2.7535.20; Texas and Indian steers. $3(34.50; Texas cows, $23 2.50; native cows and heifers, $1.504.40; stock ers and feeders, $304.65; bulls, calves, $23.50. Hogs Receipts, 3000. Market wcaa to ioc lower. Bulk of sales. $7.227.35; hea7, $".S0 7.45: packers, $7.207.S0; medium, $7.25. 7.40: light, $6.707.224: yorkers, $7.1037.22; pigs. $630.70. Sheep Receipts, 2000. Market steady to strong. Muttons. $3.5036; lambs, $436.80; range wethers, $3.2535.55; ewes, $3.5035.75. Metal Markets. NEW YORK. March 10. Tin broke 2 6a 6d In London today, with spot closing at 135 17s 6d. and futures at 136. The decline was at tributed to the very heavy shipments from the Strait Settlements, which, for the first half of the month, exceeded by some 8000 tons the figures of the corresponding period last week. The weakness abroad unsettled the tin mar ket, which was very dull and considerably low. spot being quoted at 30c Copper closed at an advance of 2s Od In Lon don, where spot was finally quoted at 65 5s, and futures at 65 7s Cd. The local market was unsettled- and nominally unchanged. Standard Is quoted at 14c, lake and electro lytic at 14.75315c, and casting at 14.62t4315c all nominal. Lead was unchanged at 13 15s in London, and at 4.67HC In the local market. Spelter advanced 5s In London to 23 15s, and was firm and higher here, closing at 5.50c Iron closed at 56s 9d In Glasgow and 51s lHd In Middlesboro. In New Tork Iron was quiet and unchanged at quotations more or less nom inal. No. 1 foundry. Northern. Is quoted at $2424.C0; No. 2 foundry. Southern, soft, at $23.50324.50. Warrants continue nominal. Wool Markets. LONDON, March 16. The offerings at the wool auction sales today numbered 12,250 bales. Scoureds were In brisk demand for France and Germany. There was a good demand for grcasles, broken lots, and several lots were taken for America. Lambs wool was strong. A mod erate supply of cross-breds were offered. Fair and fine grades were taken by American pur chasers. Coarse cross-breds were irregular and sold 6 per cent below the highest rates paid during the present auction. Withdrawals were more frequent. ST. LOUIS. March 16. Wool Unchanged; territory ana Western medium, 16317Hc; fine, i35Tibc; coarse. 13315c Coffee and Sugar. NEW TORK. March 10. Coffee Futures closed barely steady net 5315 points lower. Sales were 16.500 bags, including March, $4,303 .: April. .; -iiay, .43S4.W; September, $4.8034.85; November. $4.9034.93; January, $5.2035.25. Spot Rio quiet; No. 7 Invoice. 54c cutu n "iciuj. jieuuea sieaay; rair re fining. 34c; centrifugal. 96 test, 3Kc; molasses sugar, 3c itenned steady; crushed, $5.40; jjuwucruu, .w; gr&nuiaieo. 4.&o. Xetv York Cotton Market. NEW TORK. March 16. The cotton market opened steady at a decline of 3 to an ad vance of 4 points, and closed barely steady una nei i 10 p- points lower, .futures March, 9..c; April and May, 9.71c: June and July 9.55c; August, 9.82c; September. a78c; Au gust. 8.54c: November. 8.46c! December, 8.44c epot iiiaaiing upianas, ioc Dairy Produce at Cntcajro. CHICAGO, March 16. On the Produce Ex change toaay the butter market was firm; creameries. lig2Sc; dairies. 14J24c Eggs easier. 13H313ic Cheese steady, 12H312SC Mlnlnsr Stocks. SAN FRANCISCO, March 1C Official closing quotations for mining stocks: Andes $0 23 Mexican $1 45 Belcher 66iOccldental Con ... 4fl Best & Belcher. Bullion Challenge Con . Chollar 2 40jOphlr 2 15 8 Overman . 58 Gil Savage 3S 44Seg. Belcher S2 1 fO! Sierra Nevada t on Confidence con. & va... - ii5iiver mil m Crown Point .... 45: Union Con l 20 uouia B wurry... - ucan tn ........ 23 Hale & Norcroea. fOITellow Jacket .... 63 justice itj NEW YORK. March 16. Mining stocks today closed as follows Adams Con $0 50 Little Chief $0 OS Alice 30 Ontario 0 00 Breece 25'Ophtr 2 10 BrunswicK con .. i f noenix Comstock Tunnel. ll.Potos! 40 Con. CaJ. & va... 2 lPisavage 3S Horn Silver 1 25JSlerra Nevada ... 95 Iron Sliver 1 05. Small Hopes 45 Leadville Con 2)Standard 3 00 BOSTON, March 16. Closing quotations: Adventure $ 12 i. Parrott $ 31 50 Allouez 6 C2!Qulncy 120 00 AnAlgamated . 72 87! Santa Fe Cop... 2 50 Daly West .... 39 75 Tamarack 180 00 Bingham 34 OOI Tri mountain ... 97 CO CaL & Hccla... 545 OOlTrinity 11 25 Centennial .... 28 501 United Copper . 24 UO Copper Range . 70 00! United States .. 25 62 Dominion Coal. 120,00!Utan 25 87 Franklin 12 00' Victoria - 7 75 Isle Royale .... 12 50 Winona 13 50 Mohawk ...... 54 SOJWolverista .... 72 60 Osceola 70 W LIQUIDATION OF STOCKS CAUSES A SLUMP IX THE SEW TORK MARKET. DOTTHvrard CoHrse Stopped "br Spart la Seatkera PaclHQ OaUook for Money. NEW TORK. March 16. The feeling of en couragement professed on Saturday over the money situation, as indicated by the bank statement, was dissipated today. When call money rose to 7 per cent, the discouraged hulls began to throw over stocks, and there was evidence of considerable liquidation by tired holders. Prices went down very easily, and there was no appearance of effective support until there came a sudden upward substantial spurt In Southern Pacific during the last half hour. The parking up of this stock to 63 was so characteristic of the drastic speculative method of the manager of the pool In the Southern Pacific that the shorts took fright and covered hastily In various parts of the market. Union Pacific shared la the lata rally, as Southern Pacific had done in the early weakness. There was a manifest embarrassment la the supposed efforts which were making all day to depress Union Pacific and support South ern Pacific Speculators assumed that this was the purpose of the present pool in con nection with its suit to prevent the diversion of Southern Pacific earnings away from divi dends. The possible Incidental consequences of this suit are an unsettling influence on speculation. On account of the important questions that may arise regarding the control of competing lines by ownership of stock held In the treasury of a railroad corporation. The progress of the voting on the strike question on the part of the employes of the New Haven system served to keep alive the labor Question la the mind of the speculative people- The progress of the Spring season gives cor-stantly new occasion for the consideration of the sub ject of new demands for higher wages and disputes growing out of them. This Is a wide reaching Influence for depression In the pres ent temper of speculation. The appropriation of New York to Improve Its own street-lighting system caused further sharp losses in the local gas stocks. Tho selling pressure seemed particularly severo against New Tork Central, for what reason was not disclosed. It was hooed that the success of the banks last week In keeping within their legal re serve requirements would lead to quieter money conditions this week. The absence of violent disturbance In stocks last week, in spite of the 15.000.000 loan contraction effected, seemed to be regarded as encouraging. There was a momentary effort. In fact, to pull up prices, and some progress was made la the case of Reading. Wabash preferred, Louisville and a few other stocks. The disbursement of the Standard Oil dividend today seemed to be without -effect la relieving the money mar. ket. London sold stocks here, and sterling exchange advanced, both of which were factors la the weakness of the market. The fact that the week starts with a slight gain for the banks on Eubtreasury operations afforded but mild satisfaction. The rally In the market was coincident with the arrival at his office of leading Individual in the financial world after a vacation absence, although the motive which promoted the srofesslonals to pursue this course was not dUclosed. The bond market was weak In sympathy with stocks. Total sales, $1,877,000. United States new 4s, registered, advanced per cent on the last call. Xew York Stock Market. I II STOCKS. Atchison 82 do pfd ... 97W 92 Baltimore. & Ohio do md Canadian Pacific Canada Southern Chesapeake & Ohio Chicago & Alton do pfd Chicago Great Western. 18400129 12S' 1.100 800 46 32U 100 1.100 69H Co A pfd do B ofd "100i 1,800 40 Chicago & N. W Chicago Term. & Tran. do pfd C -O. C & St. Louts.. Colorado Southern 1S5& 162 200 100 '29W 021 800 do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Delaware & Hudson.... 1.900171H 169 Del., Lack & Western. Denver & Rio Grande.. 300 37V. 86 do pfd 200 Erie 24.SOOJ 35U do 1st pfd..... do 2d pfd cos1 2.900 53 Great Northern pfd.. Hocking Valley ....... oo pro Illinois Central 130 37H Iowa Central do pfd Lake Erie & Western- 100 42 do pfd Louisville & Nashville. 1.8001 6.400 5,8001 1.500 300! 200! Manhattan Elevated ... Metropolitan Street Ry, Mexican Central Mexican National Minn. & St. Louis Missouri Pacific ....... M.. K. & T 12.000' do pfd New Jersey Central..., New York Central 135U Norfolk & Western... OVi do DM Ontario & Western. .... Pennsylvania Reading 4.900 30,200 43,000 31U 30 142VS 53 do 1st pfd . do 2d pfd..... St. Louis & San Fran.. do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Si St. Louis S. W do pfd Gu Paul 44,700 169 167 do pfd Southern Pacific 44.950 4,700 200 C0T4 Southern Railway 31 co Pia Texas & Pacific Toledo, Si. Louis & W. 1,800 100 80.S00 do pfd Union Pacific 92 29 do pfd 1,100 Wabash 1.00, 11.300 do pfd Wheeling i Lake Erie. 1001 800 400 22T4 go zo pro. Wisconsin Central ..... do pfd Express Companies 600 Adams " American United States 200 135 135 Wells-Fargo , Miscellaneous Amalgamated Copper -- 49,900 800 73H 72 Amer. car & Foundry. do pfd American Linseed OIL do pfd Amer. Smelt. & Refln. do pfd , Anaconda Mining Co.. 39 300 15 I 14 36 17.400' 49J 60 2,500 3,000 3,500! 600! 417$ Brooklyn Rapid Transit 04 Colorado Fuel & Iron Consolidated Gas .... Corn. Tobacco pfd.... General Electric ..... Hocking Coal International Paper .. do pTd International Power . Laclede Gas National Biscuit ..... National Lead North American Pacific Coast ........ Pacific Mall .". People's Gas Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman Palace Car.. Republic Steel do pfd Sugar 63W 9.4001205 201 200 114 114t! i.ioo; aoo! 20 11M 192 71 65 55 wj it 200 26 2.200 104 S00 S6l 600102 30 &01 4W1 Gl 00 92 1,200 205 700! 7S 7.600!128 Tennessee Coal Iron 5,800 64 Union Bag & Paper Co, ao piu United States Leather, do pfd 1.000 12ti 12 United States Rubber, do pfd W Hi 100! 62 United States Steel...., .3001 36 co pra . Western Union .... American Locomotive 71 2 oo pra 0534 93 Kansas City Southern.. co pra Rock Island do pfd 28.100 44V. I 4234 1.4 77t 76 Total sales for the day, 630,500 shares. BONDS. TJ. S. 2s. ref. reg.107 (Atchison adj. 4s ... 00 do coupon 107 jC & N.W. con. 78.131X4 do 3s. reg 107iD. & R. G. 4s 90 ug cuujwu ao7 aiuiuida Ir&c OS., i J, do new 4s, reg.,135' do 4s 102 So old 4a reg...!US Union Pacini 4 "inia: do coupon 109 West Shore 4s 100 ao o,- rcs....,,u- ittu. ecinu til ao coupon iiu 1 Stocks at London. LONDON. March 16. Closing quotations; Anaconda C1 Norfolk & West... 72 Atchison S3 do pfd 92 do pfd 100 Ontario & western 31 Bait. & Ohio 94 Can. Pacific 130 Pennsylvania ..... 73 Reading 31 Cbes. & Ohio 47 Chi. Gr. Western. 24 do 1st pfd. 44 CO 20. pia. ....... 87 Chi., M. s Southern Ry , S2 da pfd 86 Southern Pacific .. it2 Uaioa Pacific 83 do pfd 93 do nfd 80 Erie 3& do 1st pi a.. . so. pia U. S. Steel - 37 do pfd .......... SS HllsoU Central ..143 Louis. & Nasa....izs M.. K. & T 2t Wabash 2S do pfd 60 Jew Tork Cent...l42 Money, Exchange, Etc NEW TORK. March 16. Money on call firm at 537 per cent; closing offered at 6 per cent. Time money Is firm; 80 days. 4e per cent: 90 days. 46 per cent; six months, 46 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 6 per cent; nominal. Sterling exchange firm at $4.85.7534.86.00 for demand and at $4.83.3754.83.50 tor 60 days. Posted rates, $4.84 and $4.S7H Commercial hills. $4.8234.83. Bar silver. 4SSc Mexican dollars. 3SUc Bonds Governments firm; railroads weak. LONDON, March IS. Bar silver uncertain. 22d per ounce. Money, 3U34 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market tor short bills Is 3& per cent. The rate of dis count in the open market for three months' bills is 3i per cent. SAN FRANCISCO. March 16. Silver bars. 484c Mexican dollars, 39c Drafts Sight, 1214c; telegraph. 15c Sterling on London. GO days. 34.84: do sicht. $4.87. Dally Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. March 13. Today's state ment of the Treasury shows: Available cash balances $225,639,164 Gold - 119,882,913 Bank Clearlnjrs. ClearinssL Balances. S 61.103 100,840 63.374 91,923 Portland $945.6S9 Seattle ... 788.703 Tacoma 399,309 Spokane 3S8.912 BUMPS INTO BIG SHIP. Steamer City of Seattle Damages British Bark Banklelsh. VANCOUVER, b7C.. March 16. While both vessels were enveloped in a dense tos. the Pacific Coast Steamship Com pany's steamer City of Seattle ran down the British bark Banklelsh this morning and caused damage which Is variously es timated at between $25,000 and $40,000, with the possibility that a thorough survey of the Banklelgb may reveal more serious in juries than at present looked for. Subsequently the City of Seattle was li beled for $55,00dL Bonds were given and the steamer left for Skagway this evening. The Banklelgh was moored beside a wharf at the time the City of Seattle ran Into her and damaged her port side, twist ing (her steel plates and jamming her starboard side In. The damage to the wharf is estimated at $5000. The wharf was knocked 15 feet out of place. The City of Seattle was strained forward. Socialists Gain In Germany. NEW YORK, March 16. The general election in Germany, which will take place three months hence, says a Tribune dispatch from London, will probably be more bitter one than on any previous occasion, as several. Important public In tercsts will be at stake, which are in direct antagonism to each other. The alliance of the moderate parties on the question of a customs tariff, by means of which it was possible to defeat Social ist obstruction, proves to have been mere ly a temporary one. At the last election one-third of tho votes of all the electors were given to the Socialist candidates. and the discontent which prevails all over Germany Is constantly bringing new re cruits to the Socialist ranks. Suicide of Boodle Policemen. ST. LOUIS. March IS. Police Sergeant John xfoonan. of the fourtn district, in which vice and corruption disclosures were recently made by the grand jury, com mltted sulclda today by cutting hs throat and shooting himself in the abdomen. He had been suffering from nervous prostra tion. Telegrraphlc Brevities. Luke Forest College, Chicago, has been closed for two weeks to prevent spread of the scarlet fever. Dr. Frederick Mueller, pupil of Dr. Loxenz, performed his first operation on a 12-year -old girl In New Tork with success. George Moore. 46 years of age. a publisher of Philadelphia, was taken suddenly HI on the street In New Tork yesterday with an attack of vertigo. His condition Is serious. Mrs. Gallaugher. convicted of perjury In tho trial of Charles Holloday, for the murder of her husband, was yesterday, at Iowa City, la., sentenced to 15 years In the penitentiary. A receiver was yesterday appointed for the Allen B. Wrlsley soap manufacturing con cern, of Chicago, whose assets are reported as 200.000. The liabilities amount to twice that amount. Alfred Knapp, the multi-murderer, was given a preliminary examination before Mayor Bosch. at Hamilton, O., yesterday, and held to the grand Jury without bail. The testimony de veloped nothing new. There were two killings on Sunday in Break hltt County, Kentucky. Bud Splcer was shot to death by John Hengley, and Bud Combs was shot In a general fight in Jackson. It is not known who shot Combs. Charles Adams, an electrician, died at Pueblo, Colo., yesterday from the effects of a bullet wound received Sunday night at Loulsteau's restaurant at the hands of the masked robber wno snot arm muea ur. J. xu xurner. The Mexican government has granted a con cession to Arthur EL Btllwell, president of the Kansas City. Mexico & Orient Railroad, for the utilization of the timber on 2,000,000 acres of land situated In the western part of that state. The old Indianapolis, Ind.. arsenal was sold at auction yesterday by the Government to the Winona Technical and Agricultural Institute for $154,000. The Government will reinvest In an Army post of 2000 acres near town, to be known as Fort Benjamin Harrison. A young and handsome woman figures in an alleged attempted poisoning case In New Tork. John C Fisher, a well-known theatrical man' ager, received a bottle of champagne charged heavily with hydrocyanic acid and strychnine. Mr. Fisher did not drink the decoction. The attorneys for D. A Sachs and W. W. Watts, the Louisville attorneys who were sent to the Marion county J an to serve a sentence of 60 days for contempt of the Federal Court, have filed a bill of exception. An effort will be made to carry the case to the Supreme Court. It is proposed to create a new Jurisdiction in the Protestant Episcopal diocese of New York, with the borough of the Bronx as its see city, and comprising for the rest of It the counties of Westchester, Putnam and Dutchess. The other Jurisdiction would keep Manhattan as the see city. Jacob Brum, a worklngman of Iowa City, la. yesterday loaded a gun with a three -cor nered file, and the trigger being broken, ho placed the butt of the gun In the stove and the muzzle against his breast and waited for the heat to fire the weapon. The file went through bis heart. With a clothesline about his neck, the; end of which was made fast to a window ledge, Henry Pike leaped from a window on the third floor of a boarding-house in Chicago. The rope broke, and he fell to a stone sidewalk In front of the building, and was killed. Pike was an Englishman. 57 years old. He had been out of employment and bad become despondent. Speyer & Co.. bankers, of New Tork. who bold the $3,500,000 temporary loan against the Consolidated Lake Superior Company, and have been asked to advance ? 1.050,000 more for present needs, have a force of 20 men over hauling the books of the corporation. A week will elapse before the accounts are completed Members of the committee say the company's officers have been extravagant. General Booth, of the Salvation Army, has returned to London In good health. He is enthusiastic over his reception in the United States by all shades of religious, political and social opinion. He says, however, that he found the same tendency to Indifference in re ligious matters there as In England, but, on the whole, he thinks the American Is more re ligious than the English. An order was filed In the Court of Chancery at Trenton. N .J., yesterday for cause to be shown In Jersey City on Monday next why a re ceiver should not be appointed for the Safety Bottle & Ink Company. The application for a receiver was made by August Belmont and Charles R. Flint, stockholders and creditors of the concern. The liabilities are given at $99,000 and the assets at $53,000. Children take Plso's Cure without objection, because Its tasts la pleasant. At druggists, 25c Dearer & Rio Gr. 3S Downing, Hopkins & Co. Established 1893. WHEAT AND STOCK BROKERS Room 4, Ground Floor WHEAT FOR SOUTH AFRICA JfEW BUSISESS BEING WORKED AT SAN FRANCISCO. Oraagts Plentiful aaa ueneraaiy Steady Moderate Demand lor- Ap plesBatter Market Overstocked. SAN FRANCISCO, March 1 G. (Special.) Grain options were lower, but spot prices re mained steady. There are unconurmeu tu mors that more South African business in wheat Is working here. Bran was firm, witn receipts light. six carloads of navel oranges were sola at auction, fancy and choice bringing higher and standards steady prices. Strictly fancy navels very scarce, but two carloads are ex pected for the open market tomorrow. Stand ards are still plentiful. Other citrus fruits are unchanged, and trade is very quiet, owing to steady rain and cold weather. Apples are' In moderate demand and steady for good stocks. A carload of Ben Davis arrived from Idaho. Old potatoes are quiet and weak, except for fancy table stock. No fresn new poiaioes came in. Two carloads of sweets arrived, and eold at steady rates. Onions are rather slow. but steady for choice. .Southern green peas are la excessive supply and lower. Fancy string beans, tomatoes, Summer squash and green peppers brought still prices. Mushrooms are In large supply and weaker. Rhubarb still declined under Increasing arrivals. Asparagus Is In moderate supply and steady. Tho poultry market Is quiet. Hens were weak, as two carloads of Eastern were on sale. Domestic young stock Is fairly firm, with light arrivals. The butter market Is largely stocked and easy, but ao lower. Cheese Is plentiful ana weak. Eggs are easy, the rain causing coia storage buyers to hold off. Receipts, 47,500 pounds of butter, 15,800 pounds of cheese and 47,610 dozen eggs. Quotations are as follows: VEGETABLES Cucumbers, 75c?l.T5; gar lic, 22c per pound; green peas, 3Sc per pound; string beans, i2ioc; asparagus, x-n 20c; tomatoes, $1.7502.50; onions, 2575c FRUITS Apples, choice. ?i.o; ao common. 60c; bananas, $ltj2.50; Mexican limes, 6.50; California lemons, choice, $2.50; do com mon. 75c; oranges, 75cS?2.50; pineapples, $3 S.50. POTATOES Early Rose. SI: river Bur- banks, 3550c; river reds, 3035c; Salinas Bur banks. 75cS5l; sweets. $1.65; Oregon Burbanks, C0Q95c POULTRT Turkey gobblers, latfuc; ao hens, 1517c; old roosters, $505.50; young roosters. $6.50S7.60: small broilers. $505.50; Urge broilers. $5.5CS6; fryers. $G6.50; hens, $55.50; old ducks, $5S6; young ducks, $6gS. BUTTER Fancy creamery. Zbc: ao seconas, 24c; fancy dairy. 23c; do seconds. 22c. EGGS Store, 13H14c; fancy rancn. lbc CHEESE Toung America, 13K14c; Eastern. 16B17MC. HAT Wheat, $1114; wheat and cats. $11 13; barley. $1011; alfalfa, $10312; straw, 45 55c per bale. MILLSTUFFS Bran. $20g21; middlings, $23 627. HOPS 22025c per pound. RECEIPTS Flour, 20.6SO quarter sacks; wheat, 6000 centals; barley, 2295 centals; po tatoes, 2SSS sacks; bran, 1016 sacks; middlings, 10 sacks; hay, 430 tons; wool, 54 bales; hides. 154. SLUMP IX CORX MARKET. Heavy Liquidation Causes Two-Cent Break Wh eat AIko Lower, CHICAGO. March 16. Trading in wheat was only moderate, and the market held fairly steady the greater part of the day, but the extreme weakness In corn caused a decline late In the session, and the close was near the hot torn. May opened a shade to tc higher at 74H74Hc on comparatively steady cables, the .market falling to respond to the decline here Saturday, and on small world's shipments, the decrease being largely from Russia and Ar gentina, There was general selling by com mission houses, but the offerings were well taken by pit traders and local longs, and the pried remained steady until the session was well advanced, when a reversion of sentiment developed on the break in corn, and a decline to 73?jc followed. The close was He lower at 7373T4e. Enormous liquidation of May corn resulted in a break of 2c In that commodity, and. with poor support, tho market closed near the bot torn. The selling was a continuance of the liquidation begun last week, and was scale sufficient to satisfy the most Incredulous. The bull campaign Inaugurated several weeks ago has been abandoned. The selling was In big blocks, and It was at first mainly Inclined to one or two large operators, but as the ses slon advanced and no let-up occurred, the smaller holders took alarm and Joined In the selling movement, so that for a time It seemed as If the whole pit had corn for sale. The opening was easier on low cables. May being a shade lower at 4G&46c, and steadily de clined. At 44Uo there was some covering by shorts. The market closed lfic lower at 45$c. Statistics, on the whole, were bullish, but had little effect on the situation. -There was early selling of oats on the In creased receipts, but the offerings were well taken and the market held quite steady until late In the session, when prices declined with com. Tho close was weak and HSHc lower for May at 34Hc There was considerable liquidation In pro visions, induced chiefly by the weakness In com. although liberal receipts of hogs and decline of from 5c to 10c in prices at the yards were early bear factors. There was no effort to support the market, and the whole list slumped oil. the close being weak and 25c off on May pork; lard was down ITHc, and riDs were lower. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Opening. Highest. Lowest. Closing. May ...... July September March .... May July September $0 7354 $0 73-4 ... 71 71?5 ... 70 70 70 69 oa?s CORN. 43 46 44g 43S3 443? 43VS 44 4314 4214 45H 434 2T OATS. March ... May July September 33 34$ 31v 28 Zi 34 34 31va 31U 31 2S? 2S 28 MESS PORK. May 18 00 IS 07 17 85 17 87 JUiy it -id n -iiyj xi xu 17 iu September ...1720 17 20 10 00 16 05 LARD. May 10 05 10 10 9 85 9 95 July 0 0254 0 87 9 82 9 82 SHORT RIBS. . May 9 95 9 05 9 87 9 87 September ... 0 52 9 52tX 9 35 0 35 Cash quotations were as follows: Flcur Easy. Wheat No. 2 Spring, 7677c; No. 3, 7076c No. 2 red, 72573c Com No.-2 and yellow, 43c Oats No. 2, 34c; No. 3 white, 33e35tjc Rye No. 2, 4Dc Barley Good feeding, 4243c; fair to choice malting, 45350c Flaxseed No. J, $140; No, 1 Northwestern, $1.12. Mess pork $17.75317.87 per bbL Lard $9.8569.05 per cwt. Short ribs sides Loose, $9.7539.90. Dry salted shoulders Boxed. $S.879. Short clear sides Boxed. $10.37310.50. Clover Contract grade, $11.75911.85. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 23,400 22,000 Wheat, bushels 23,300 8. COO Corn. boshel3 252,000 214.500 Oats, bushels ..269.700 215,600 Rye. bushels 10,400 9,900 Barley, bushels 52,400 3.400 Grain and Produce at w York. NEW TORK, March 16. Flour Receipts, 27.647 barrels; market was dull and easier. Wheat Receipts, 57.800 bushels: exports, 4S. 5S1 bushels; easier; No. 2 red..79c f. afloat: No. 1 hard, Manitoba, S7Kc, f. afloat; No. 1 Northern, Duluth, Wc, f. o. b. Chamber of Commerce afloat. Except for a brief time at the start, wheat futures were weak and heavy all day, chiefly la line with the corn break and on weather reports from the West. The trade also was disappointed over export developments, and the market closed rather weak at about Ha net loss. March, 82eS2Uc, closed S2150; May, 76 &-167&i;c closed 7SHc; July, 7oi 76c, closed "Go; September, 74H375C, closed T4Hc Hope Quiet. Hides Quiet. Wool Quiet. Butter Receipts, 4500 packages; market steady; state dairy, 2G827c: creamery, extra, 29c; June, creamery. l&2S4e. Eggs Receipts. 7200 packages; market strong; state and Pennsylvania, lStfc; Western candled, ISc Grain at San ITr&nclsco. SAN FRANCISCO, March 16. Wheat steady; barley steady; oats quiet. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping, $L3SL43iit milling. $1.6017H. Barley-Feed, $l.llL16i: brewing. S1.1S-14 1.21. uais Kea, 21.zo01.3o: white. 5l.23l.4Zft: black, $1.15L22H. Call board sales: Wheat Steady: December. SLISHi: cash. $1.43. Barley Steady: May. $1.0S; December. SaHc corn Large yellow, $1.37ViL42Vi. European Grain markets. LONDON, ilsrch 16. Wheat cargoes on passage nominally unchanged; No. 1 standard California, 31s 6d; Walla Walla, 30s 3d. Eng lish country markets quiet. Wheat and flour on passage to United Kingdom, 2,560,000; to continent, 1,120,000 bushels. LIVERPOOL. March 16. Wheat Steady: No. standard California. 6s 3d. Wheat and flour In Paris steady. French country markets dull, Weather la England fine. Visible Snpply of Grain NEW TORK, March 16. The visible supply f grain Saturday, March 14. aa compiled by the New Tork Produce Exchange, is as fol lows: Bushels. Decrease. Wheat Com 46,066.000 691,000 10.812.000 7.137.000 1.047,000 1,637,000 479.000 Oata 135.000 16.000 87,000 Rye ....... Barley ... Increase. Have you rrlen03 comlnp from the East? If so, send their names to the Denver & Bio Grande office. 124 Third street, Port land, or. P0GS0N. PELOUBET & CO. Accountants New York Chicago St. Louis 20 Broad Street Marquette Building Chemical Building Hcnncssy Building Butte Bla Sua non-polsbaeci remedy for Gonorrheas. Gleet, Spermatorrhoea, wmtcs, unnatural eir charges, or any innamaa- IPmtBU ccauzUa, tlon of mucous menr LtheEyaxS ChEUKJILW. cranes. Non-astringent lCMCUMTI.Q.1 ' A Sold by Srsgsiats, or sent In plain wrapper, hr express, erevald. fol $1.09. or 3 bottlH, $2.73. fcV lore our senu en reew Blood Poison Is the worst disease oa earth, yat tha easiest to cure WHEN TOU KNOW WHAT TO Da Many have pimples, spots ca the skin, acres la tha mouth, ulcers, falling hair, bone pains, ca tarrh. doat know It is BLOOD POISON. Sand to DR. brown, ess Area St.. pnuaaeipaia, Pa,, for BROWN 8 BLOOD CURE. $2.00 par bottle, lasts one month. For sale only by FraaK Nau. romaaa uoiu r narmacy. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. When Yovi ThinK of Tra-vel THinK of This Trade MarK rc.STRM8i0.RYj and all tKat it stands for It Insures You Comfort and Luxury at no extra cost. Toll information max be had by addressing; H. L. SISLER, Geaeral Asreat, 24S Alder S treat, Portland, Or. Ticket Office 122 Third SL Phone 689 2T RANSCONTINENTAL TRAINS DAILY JL Direct connection via Seattle or Spokane. For tickets, rates and full information call on or address H. Dickson, C. T. A., Portland, Or. JAPAN -'AMERICAN LINE RIOJUN MARU For Japan, CMr.a and all Asiatlo points, will leave Seattle About March 24th WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE OHEGOK CITY TRANSPORTATION CO. Steamer POMONA for Salem, Independence, Albany and Corvallla, leaves 6:45 A il. Tues day. Thursday. Saturday. Steamer" ALTON A for Oregon City, Butte vllle. "Wllsonvllle, Champoes, Newberg and Dayton, leaves 7:00 A. it. Monday, 'Wednes day, Friday. DOCK FOOT OF TAYLOR STREET. Oregon phono Main 40. 11BreatNorthern TRAVELERS ' GUIDE. AN Shoht UNI! an Union Pacific 3 TRAINS to the East DAILY Through Pullman standard and Tnorit slaaa. Icg-ars dally to Omaha, Chicago. Spokane; tourist sleeplngar dally to Kn.taa City; through Pullman tourist sleeping-cars (person ally conducted) weekly to Chicago, Kansas Citv. St. Louis and Memphis: reclining chair cars (seats free) to tho East dally. UNION DEPOT. Leave. Arrive. CHICAGO-PORTLAND 9:20 A. M. 4:30 P. it, SPECIAL. Dally. Dally. Toe the East via Huat- ington. SPOKANE FLTKR. 5:00 P. M. 7tS5A.aC. fQr Eastern Washing- Daily. Dally, fen. Walla Walla. Lew Is ton. Coeur d'Alene and Gt. Northern points Tf.??p5ESS 3:13 P.M. 10:30 A. M. For the East vU Hunt- Dally. Dally. Ington. OCEAX AND RIVER S CUED ULE. f ? FRANCISCO S. S. Geo. W. Elder From B s rlr Alnsworta 550 P.M. E. S. Columbia Dock. Tarch IS. 23; April 80 P.M. Fo.r .ASTORIA and way 8:00 P. M. 8:00 P. St. points, connecting with Dally Dally ex. steamer for Ilwaco and except Sunday. North Beach, steamer Sunday. Saturday, Haasalo, Ash-st. Dock. 10 P. M? , 6:45 A M. About For Salem. .Corrallls Mondays. e:00 P. St. and way points, steam- Wednesday Tuesdays. ,Uth." Ash - street Fridays. Thursdays. Dock (water permitting) Saturdays. FOR DATTON, Oregon 7:00 A M. 3:00 P. lL Cty and Yamhill River Tuesdays, Mondayav points, steamer Elmore, Thursdays. Wednesday Ash-street Dock. Saturdays, Fridays. " (Water permitting.) For Lewlston. Idaho. 4:05 A if. About and way points, from Dally 5:00 P. M. Rlparia, Wash,, steam- except Dally ex. ers Spokane or Lewis- Saturday. Friday. ton. TICKET OFFICE, Third and Waahlngtoa, Telephone Main 712. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. For Yokohama and Hon? K'nnir. ralllnr at Kobe, Nagasaki and ShanrhaL taklns frelsat Via connecting steamers for Manila. Part Ar thur and Vladivostok. INDKAFURA SAILS ABOUT MARCH 28. For, rates and full information call en or aaV drtrc ofilclals or scents of O. R. & N". Co. EAST via SOUTH Uulon Depot OVERLAND EX PRESS TRAINS, for Salem, Kose burs; Ashland, Sac r a m nto, Qsden, San Francisco, Mo jave. Los Angeles, 8:30 P. iL 7:43 A V. El Paso, New Or leans and the East. Horning train con 8:30 A. M. 7:00 p. at. nects at Wood burn (dally except Sua day) with train for Mount Angel, all verton. Browns ville. Springfield. Wendlinff ana Ma tron. Albany passenger ., Connects at Wood 4:00 P. M. 10:10 A, at. burn with Mt. An sel and 8ilverton local. Corvallla passenger. Sheridan passenger, 7:30 AM. 4:so p. ar. 0:50 P. 3C 118:25 A M. Dally. Daliy except Sunday. PORTLAND-OSWEGO SUBURBAN SERYICS AND YAMHILL DIVISION. Leave Portland dally for uswego at 7:30 A M,, 12:10. 2:05. 3:23, 5:20. 6:25. 8:30. 10:10 P. M. Dally except Sundaj, 0:30. 6:30. 3:33, 10:25 A M.. 4:00. 11:30 P. IX. Sunday only, 8:00 A. M. Returning from Oswego, arrive Portland dally 8:30 A M.. 1:53. 8:03. 4:33. 6:10, 7:33, 9:53, 11:10 P. M. Dally except Sunday. 6:23, 7:23, 8:30. 10:20. 11:45 A 11. Except Monday 12:23 A 11. Sunday only, 10:00 A M. Leave from samo depot for Dallas and inter mediate points daily except Sunday 4:00 P. M Arrive Portland 10:20 A M. The Independence-Monmouth motor line oper ates dally to Monmouth and Alrlle, connecting with B. P. Co.'a trains at Dallas and Inde pendence. First-class rebate tickets on sale from Port land to Sacramento and San Francisco; net rate. Sll.ov; Derui. oceuou-ciua irw, 10, UrtX without rebate or Dertn; secona-ciass S2.B0. Tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also Japan. Cnina. nonoimu ana .ausiraiis. CITT TICKET OFFICE, corner Third and Washlnston streets. Phons Main 712. TIME CARD OF TRAINS PORTLAND Depart. Arrlva. Pucet Bound lilted for Ta coma, Seattle. Olympta. South Bend and Gray s Harbor points ............. BiSOasi G:39psb) North Coast Limited for Ta coma, Seattle. Spokane. Butte. St. Paul. New Tork. Boston and all points East and Southeast 2.00 psa Mtla) Twin City Express for Ta, coma, Seattle. Spokane. Helena, St. Paul. Mlnne apollsT Chlcaxo, Nejr Tork. Boston and all points East and Southeas... 11:43 pa T,-8 North Coast-Kansas City is, Louis Special, for Ta-co-na. Seattle. Sposane. Butt?. Billings. Denver. Omaha. Kansas City. Bt. Louis and all points East and Southeast 2:00 pra 70 ass All trains dally except on South Bend branch. A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant Ganeral Pas seneer Agent. 253 Morrison St., corasr Third, Portland. Or. For South -Eastern Alaska Leave Seattle O A, SI. Steamship COTTAGE CITT. CITY OF SEATTLE or CITY OF TOPEKA, March 3, 9, 15. 21, 27; April 2. Steamers connect at San Francisco with company's steamers for ports in Cali fornia, Mexico and Humboldt Bay. For further informa tion obtain folder. Right is reserved ta change steamers or saUlr.g,das. tl AGENTS H. L- MURTON, 249 Washington St.. Portland: F. W. CARLETON. D07 Paclflo ave.. Tacoma; Ticket Office. 113 James at., Seattle. GEO. "W. ANDREWS, North-Westem Passenger Agent. San Francisco Ticket Of fice. 4 New Montgomery si. C D. DUN ANN", Gen. Pass. Agent, San .Francisco. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. JO 0CDEN3HASXW -il Urv ROUTES joj LEAVES Depot Fifth and ' ARRIVES I Streets. For Maygers, Rainier,! Clatskanle. Westport, Clifton. Astoria. War renton. Flavel, S :00 AM. mond. Fort Stevens, 11:10 A Gearhart Pk Seaside. Astoria and Seashore... Express Daily. 7:00 P. M. Astoria Express, 9:40 V. at, jf Dally. Ticket office, 255 Morrison Bt. and Union Dttpot. 3, C, ilAXO. Gen. Pass. Art. Astoria, Or.