2 THE MORNING OBEGQKIA MONDAY, MARCH 16, 1903. ROBBERS SHOT TWO One Died Instantly, Other Se riously Wounded. ATTEMPT TO LOOT RESTAURANT Thngm Got So Money, bnt Encaped Safely jlcn They Attacked Were at Tabic ErIIbk Suggestions a to BBrdlck Murder. PUEBLO, Colo., March 15. A daring at tempt at robbery and brutal tragedy In the most fashionable restaurant created intense excitement early this evening. The robbers, two' in number, and both small men, wore black masks. They first en tered the back door of Loestau's fine cafe opposite the Opera-House, advanced half the length of the long room and then "went back. Presently they re-entered by the front door. One went to the cashier's desk, the other attempted to rob guests at the tables. He held a revolver toward Dr. J. H. Turner, who was eating his supper, and told him to throw up his hands. The doctor was surprised and hesitated, ivboreupon the robber fired full In his face, killing the doctor instantly and scat tering his blood and brains all over the corner of the cafe. Then the desperado attacked another guest, C. B. Bishop, and shot him in the left side. Without securing any booty, the ruffians fled. Bishop was taken to a hospital and is in a critical condition. He came recently from Sugar City, where his brother lives. Dr. Turner was about SO years old and from Iowa. He was a graduate of Prince ton and of Ruth, and has been here two years. The robbers in their escape were fired at by a policeman and his bullet perfor ated a plate-glass window, but thus far there is no clew. MORB BURDICtC IXQ.UEST. Iricnd of Dead Man Makes Several Pertlacnt SugrgeMtloiiK. BUFFALO, March 15. Witnesses who were In the Burdlck home just before and just after the discovery of the murder of Edwin L. Burdlck will be called to the stand at tomorrow's session of the in quest, and Mm Hull may be recalled. The express tomorrow will print an In terview with a person who at one time was a stockholder in the Buffalo En velope Company, and for 12 years a close friend of Edwin L. Burdlck. The inter view in pirt Is as follows: "I had been acquainted with Mr. Bur dlck for 12 years prior to his death. I came in almost dally contact with him and for some time past had been more or less in his confidence "Though I knew in the early-part of De cember that Mr. Burdick had made a will cutting off his wife. It was not until shortly after Christmas that I learned anything about the divorce proceedings. "I cannot completely believe from all I heard of Mr. Burdick that the motive for the crime might have been the desire to suppress the scandal that would have been incident to the trial of a divorce suit "Soon after Mr. Burdlck told me of his hiving begun divorce proceedings he showed me a letter he had just received from New York. In this letter the writer Was trying hard to bring about a reconcil iation between Mr. Burdick and his wile. She pleaded with Burdlck to take 'Allle back. The writer also wrote in this let ter something that Burdlck construed as a threat that unless there was a reconcil iation there would be a double suicide. I cannot Temember the exact words, but they were something like this: 'Do you want to put an end to all our lives?' Mt Burdlck pointed out that particular part of the letter to me and said: 'That means suicide. Well, let them go ahead and do it.' It seems to me that this letter ought to be found. What has become of It? Did he have It in his desk in his den at his house, and was it taken by the murderer when rifling the drawer that was found open? "Another paper thit should be found Is a ltst of 20 meeting places that Mr. Bur dick had secured for use in his divorce proceedings." "ALLIANCE' MEN" GONE. Roped In. Physician and Many Others on Old Scheme. INDIANAPOLIS, March 15. J. C. Wll--son and H. C. Barrows, two young men who came here last Summer and claimed to be agents of what is known as the "Medical Alliance of America," have not been seen for about six weeks, and their patrons, consisting of some 75 physicians and about 100 business men and others, believe they have been duped. Wilson In corporated the concern and then ex plained their scheme to many physicians. Doctors were to pay an Initiation fee of $10, and $1 a year dues and furnish a list of their patrons to the "alliance." The agents then went among the patrons of the physicians and induced many of them to become "members" of the alliance by paying an initiation fee of $1 and week ly payments of 15 cents. In return the patrons were to receive free medical at tention. The merchants were revisited and Induced to become members on the pay ment of $2. upon their agreement to al low the patrons of the alliance a discount of 5 per cent on articles furnished. The Medical Alliance also Issued policies for the payment of death benefits. About $5000 was secured here by the two men. UELD UP TROLLEY! CAR. Tfaree Masked Men Take Rinks to Get 3S. LOS ANGELES, Cal.. March 15. Three highwaymen, wearing white handkerchiefs with holes cut in them, and each with a good grip on a revolver, held up the train crew of an electric car on the Central avenue line, at the city limits, at an early hour this morning, and robbed "Con ductor Phelps of $35. The car had Just arrived at the Central avenue terminus, and Phelps was on the point of stepping to the telephone to re port to the dispatcher, when the three highwaymen camo up. One robber thrust a revolver Into tho motorman's face and told him to bo quiet. Tho other two con fronted Phelps and ordered "hands up." He complied readily, and one of the two went through his pockets. Each of the trio wore an oll-sllcker buttoned up ro his ears. After taking the conductor's money, they ordered the mo torman to start the car toward town. STOLE WIDOW'S MO.VEY. Foarteen Men, Armed and Masked, Bonnd "Whole Family. WOPOKONETA, O.. March 15. Four teen armed and masked men last night entered the house of a widow, Mrs. Jacob Heischelder, near Crldorsville, and took possession. With Mrs. Reischelder are living her granddaughter. Blanche, aged 15 years; George James and his wife and their son, Joseph James. Mrs. Reischel der was known to be afraid to trust her money to the banks. The robbers bound the elder James and his son and the two women, and then, at the point of a shot gun, forced the little girl to tell where the money was to be found. They secured 1200 in cash and $7000 worth of notes and securities and a quantity of jewelry and silverware. After dividing; the money part of them left at mldnlgrht. The oth ers remained, helping themselves to the wine in the cellar. Anei Starts far MlaaeapolLs. BOSTON, March 15. Accompanied by his wife and Sheriffs Dreger and Doane. ex-Mayor Ames, of Minneapolis, left here today for Minneapolis. SANTA FE COMING NORTH After Timber of Northern California for Eastern Market. SAN FRANCIS CoT March 15. Paul Morton, vice-president of the Santa Fe Railroad, arrived from Santa Barbara yesterday. Speaking of the recent pur chase by the Santa Fe of the Eureka & Eel River road and Its extensions in Humboldt County, Mr. Morton said: "The company has bought those roads with a view of using them as a nucleus for a Coast line at some future date. It is not true, however, that the Santa Fe has purchased the California North western road. There will be a time, and it is not far off, when the Santa Fe will find it necessary to extend its lines to the North to meet the requirements of business. There is a grand lot of timber in that particular section of California and there Is a great demand for the material at the eastern end of our road, consequently ' we have good reasons for availing ourselves of the supply and meet ing the demand." Mr. Morton admitted that a syndicate had made the purchase for the company and have been acquiring large timber tracts on the Coast side of California. Among those in the syndicate are Mr. Cheney, one of the directors' of the road, and several close friends of the Santa Fe Company. Asked If there was any prospect of the Santa Fe entering Sacramento and San Jose in the near future, Mr. Morton an swered: "Well, I cannot say as to the near future, but I am satisfied that we will eventually connect with those cities. At present, however, we arc using all our money for new rolling stock. Business demands it." NEW MOVE OF GOULDS. Rio Grande Western Starts Engi neers Toward Lou Angeles. SALT LAKE, March 15.-Engineers In the employ of the Gould lines, it is said on good authority today, will shortly start from Marysvale, the terminus of the Rio Grande Western in this state, to survey a line southwest from that point. While no official information is given as to the destination, it is stated here that there can be but one outcome a line to Los An geles. The Rio Grande already has a pre liminary survey from Marysvale to Los Angeles and San Diego. Near Muddy Pass, In Lincoln County, Nev., this sur vey crosses the line which has been sur veyed by the Santa Fe-from Manvel, Cal., to the north. Tho Santa Fe has been doing some building In this direction, and the two lines would meet If continued. TINER'S RESIGNATION. AKHintant Attorney-General for Post oflice Department Unsatisfactory. WASHINGTON, March 15. The Post tomorrow will say: It is announced that James N. Tlner, Assistant Attorney-General for the Post office Department, will be requested In the near future to tender his resignation, but the announcement is accompanied by the statement that this action will have no bearing on the complaint filed with the President by T. C. Campbell, of Cin cinnati, an .attorney representing several of the turf concerns "whose affairs re cently have been decided In the courts. Mr. Tlner Is incapacitated by Illness from performing the duties of his office and it is said that his resignation will be re quested solely on that account. Mr. Tlner is 77 years of age. The Post will also say that Mr. Tlner admitted yesterday that Harrison J. Barrett, his nephew by marriage and formerly his assistant in the law division of the Postofflce Department, against whom charges had been filed with a view of. his debarment from practice before the departments, had represented as attorney one of the turf investment concerns in the matter of mail privileges, but said It was after Barrett had severed his con nection with the department. He also said Barrett had rendered legal services to a numbor of bond Investment compa nies as to the legality of which the latter had written an official opinion while still In the Postofflce Department. This service was also rendered after Barrett had left the department. Tho opinion prepared, 'by' Barrett de clared that the bond concerns were un organized and in violation of the law and not entitled to mall privileges, but to the opinion was attached an appendix stating that by certain changes in their by-laws their literature could be admitted to the malls. The appendix Mr. Tlner said, was not written by Bar rett, but by Postmaster-General Smith. The department had knowledge of more than 500 of these concerns and the capi tal Involved was estimated at $50,000,000. It was the opinion of Mr. Smith and other officials of the department that the busi ness should not be crushed out if it could be made legal, and such an eminent law yer as John G. Carlisle had appeared be fore the department in behalf of tho concerns. SAYS MRS. FAIR DIED LAST New Witness Tarns Up, bat Is Net Very Promising. NEW YORK. March 15. A new witness in the Fair will case has turned up. His name is Lucien Mas, and he arrived today from Havre on the French liner La Lor raine. He will testify, he says, that Mrs. Charles L. Fair died after her husband In the automobile accident which killed them both near Paris on August 14 last. Mas claims that he saw the accident, as he was near the spot at the time with his bicycle, and he says he heard Mrs. Fair groan after her husband was dead. He went to the United States Consul with his story, hut an Investigation failed to re veal any person who saw Mas anywhere In the vicinity of the scene of tho acci dent, either before or after the accident occurred. A number of persons, however,' were found who said that Mas did not own a bicycle, and could not even ride one. He says he came here because the lawyers who are trying to prove that Mrs. Fair was the first to'dle were endeavoring to keep him in France. WRIGHT IN JAIL. (Continued from First Page.) charges brought against him. She had heard from him at Paris. Jjut he did not mention his movements. When told that her hUBband had been arrested in Now York she said she sup posed he must have met friends In Paris who persuaded him to change his way and go to New York, perhaps on his way to the mines in British Columbia. Asked whether her husband was an American. Mrs. Wright replied: "I do not know. I am an American. We- were married in America. He has al ways been thoroughly English, much to my dlsgusL If he had been an American he would have been properly protected." Mrs. Wright concluded by stating that eminent counsel would be engaged In her husband's defense and she hoped that his health would enable him to make vigorous defense. The lawyers acting In the case antici pate no difficulty in obtaining the man's extradition, and it is expected that Wright will be la London In six weeks' time. WATER STILL RISES But Nqw Orleans Thinks Dan ger Is Past WEATHER. HAS TURNED FINE Betvreen Caratlierxvlllc, Mo., and Baton Rouse the Flood Sltaatton Is Very Serious Refugees by Hnndreds in Cities. NEW ORLEANS. March 15. The gauge here tonight reads a little over 10.3, which Is only two-tenths below the record of 1S97, but the erudden change from stormy weather to sunshine and - brightness hao given renewed .hope all along the Hue. Saturday's terrific rain was a test in itself and not a sign of weakness was displayed. With good weather more workers have been enlisted and more work rushed, and even those who were ready to surrender weak places to the river's rush have re gained courage, and now eay any volume of water can be met. A week ago, It wao thought there would be a crevasse a short distance below Baton Rouge. There had been a cave-in at the old levee and a long, new levee was started In the rear. This was in process of con struction when the high water came. The new levee was then abandoned and a smaller levee was built around the cape proper. During the terrific rains It .was feared the work could not be completed, but several thousand convicts- and other laborers were kept busy, the river was held back and the task finished when the storm was at ite height. Saturday Governor Heard made an in spection during the rain and went there again today and la satisfied danger Is past. In the city there is great rejoicing because even with the record rain of eight inches on Saturday no water from the river came over. SERIOUS BELOW MEMPHIS'. River Still Rlnlne and Donbt as to the Levees. MEMPHIS. March 15. The Hood situa tion between Caruthersvllle, Mo., and Baton Rouge, La., Is serious tonlsht. The river is rising rapidly and It Is doubtful whether the levees will hold. The gauge at Memphis tonight marks 38.5 feet, a rise of L2 feet since last night. Thfa Is the highest water ever recorded here. Tho situation In and around Memphis is becoming more serious. Without a single exception, the numerous lumber plants In North Memphis have suspended operations owing to the encroachment of the waters. At Fourth and Market people are moving about in skiffs and the street railway has annulled schedules In that part of the city. At Ensley, six miles below here, COO feet of the Yazoo and the Mlssisslpttl Valley Railroad tracks are inundated and the railroad has suspended operations. A dangerous place In the levee Is re ported from Holly Bush, 20 miles north of here, where the water Is running over the levee for a dlstlnce of 600 feet. Men and material ar hlmr i . - strong fleht is being made to hold the tmpanmneni. iteiugees and hundreds of horses and mules continue to arrive on every train. Clear Weather at VIcUsbHrjr. VICKSBURG. Miss:. March 15. The river gauge here this evening registers 48.7, a :2 rise since morning. Today has been the first clear, sunshiny day In two weeks and with a ceasing rain there is more hope. Late reports state that all the embankments are holding on both sides of tho river in this section. Refugees from the lowlands with cattle and house hold goods continue to arrive in every sort of craft from a steamboat to a home made raft Night trains on tho Yazoo & Mississippi Valley road betwaen vi.h,,. Orleans have been annulled. Traffic on the "Ulul,e oeiwoen .Memphis and Vicks burg has been entirely suspended. Reinforcing a Weak Spot. NATCHEZ, Mlsa, March 15.-Captaln Harry S. Douglas, of the United States Engineer Corps, has ordered 75,000 feot of lumber, 40.000 sacks and a carload of wheelbarrows and shovels for use on th Jvees between Vicksburg and Natchez." The Government Is furnishing the ma terial but the local authorities must fur nish the labor. A weak place has been wvlS?nC0:2La Parl8h' 18 rnileo feet above the danger line, and rising. Stationary at Ovrensboro. OWENSBORO. Ky., March 15.-The Ohio River is Stationary h.u . .. situation is still serious. The weather is clear today and unless there Is more rain the rivermen do not look for more Ohio River Falling. CINCINNATI. March 15 n,,M past 24 hours the Ohio River has fallen a foot and the Weather Bureau reports no other rise to follow. TO HELP MEXICANS. Tbelr Condition in California Matter of International Interest. LOS ANGELES, Cal., March 15. Tho Times says: Diplomats of Mexico and the United States may soon be called upon to use their offices in adjusting questions of in ternational importance that have arisen in Los Angeles, and that have been taken before the Mexican government for con sideration. One of these questions Is the killing of Francisco Lopez, a Mexican sub ject, by Policeman Sherman Baker; the other the alleged Injustice suffered by sev eral liundred Mexican peons, who are em ployed in railroad construction in this city and throughout Southern California. G. N. Andrado. Mexican Consul at Los Angeles, is now at the ,Clty of Mexico, and. while his errand is said to be of a private nature, he will lay before his gov ernment the questions that now are the chief interest of his countrymen In the United States. One thing that General Andrado will advocate Is the placing of a fund at his disposal, to be used In assist ing Mexican subjects who become In volved In difficulty, either through Igno rance of the' laws of this- country or through mistaken arrest or accusation Of crime. SHEEP IN MOUNTAINS. Colonel Cody Writes the President of Their Damage. WASHINGTON. March 15. The Presi dent has just received the following let ter from Colonel Cody: "London, March 3. The Hon. Theodore Roosevelt, Washington: For the benefit of future generations, the timber, and espe cially the underbrush, must be protected now before it is too late, from the sheep devastating the mountain watersheds,, a? they have already done the valleys and table land. If sheep are allowed to browse off the underbrush of our moun tains, la less than five years from now the homeseeker. the man behind the plow, the actual taxpayers, will have to leave the Big Horn Basin for want of water to Irrigate his land. No one knows this better th&a yourself, for you are fa miliar with all of the West. I am very faithfully yours. W. F. CODY." FIRST PAYMENT READY. Money for Germany'la In a Safe in Caracas. CARACAS, March 15. The amount of the first payment to Germany under the Washington agreement was deposited In a safe at the treasury today, and will be paid on tho order of the German Minister, Herr von Pelldramm. who is expected to arrive here next Tuesday. FoHght With. Dueling Swords. PARIS. March 15. A novel encounter in which eight men fought with dueling swords without buttons under the Same conditions as prevail In actual duels, in which four of the combatants were slight ly wounded, took place this 'afternoon In a private lnclosiire at Neuilly, a north western suburb of Paris, In the presence of 150 persons, among them being Santos Dumont, Maximo Dreyfus, Robert Charvey and other well-known Parisian clubmen. The police attempted to Inter fere, but the Commissary of Police was induced to believe that the affair was an ordinary match with buttoned foils, and he departed. The organizers of the en counter declare that the object was to demonstrate the harmlessness of duel3 as they are generally fought. Conciliation for Ireland. LONDON, March 15. Several Irish mem bers of Parliament addressed demonstra tions at Manchester, Birmingham, Liver pool and Dundee on the better prospects of an Irish land settlement. John Red mond speaking at Liverpool said the government's Irish land purchase1 bill offered great hopes of a settlement. The polio of coercion, he added, had changed to a policy of conciliation, but in view of past disappointments the Irish party was not too sanguine. If it was worth while to spend millions of pounds on tho acqui sition of two Dutch republics, it was much more important to spend a few hundred thousand pound's in Conciliating Ireland. "Mary of Mnirilalena" Under the Ran. BERLIN, March 15. Theatrical censor ship refused to permit Paul Hevse's play, "Mary of Magdalena," to be produced In Berlin, whereupon the Goethe Bund, with Sudermann Ludwlc. Fulda and Professor Miinson as leaders, decided to produce the play in private before an invited audience. Sudermann, however, hen Just published a correspondence with the Police President, In which the latter forbids the private pro duction of tho plav. Government Retake a Town. CARACAS. March 15. A body of govern ment troops was sent from Margarita Island March 13, to attack the rebels at Carapano, which, during tho blockade, was taken by them. After three hours fighting the government forces reoccupled the town, capturing the guns and Mausers and taking 63 prisoners, 33 of whom were wounded. Tax Riot In Madrid. MADRID, March 13. Serious rioting ha occurred ,at Colmbra, Portugal, owing to the refusal on the part of the Inhabitants to pay their taxes. Conflicts between the police and mobs have resulted In three persons being killed and many others In jured. Tho military have been called on to restore order. .King Receives Chamberlain. LONDON, March 15. King Edward this afternoon received Colonial Secretary Chamberlain at Buckingham Palace and talked with him on his tour in South Africa. POLITICS KILLS A MAN. Recorder Brovrii, Chief Exceptive of ., PittuburfiT, Succumb. 'PITTSBURG, March 15. Recorder J. O Brown, of this city, who tendered -his res ignation to Governor Pennypacker on Fri day last, tiled suddenly at his home here late this afternoon: The immediate cause o.. death was nervous prostration, caused, it Is believed, by the unusually perturbed condition of politics in the county. Mr. Brown was always delicate physi cally, but his death was entirely unex pected at this time. Ho ttrnc Ur thl3 clt" In 1S46. and had always since early manhood been prominent In county and city politics. Mr. Brown served as the head ,of the Department of Public Safety from November, 1S77, until August, 1901, when he was removed by Recorder A. M. Brown. In. November, 1901, he was appointed Recorder by Governor Stone to succeed A. M. Brown. His resignation was sent to Governor Pennypacker on last Friday, to take effect tomorrow. When the fact of his resignation was made known to his followers the con sternation wa3 great, and ho was made the target of much reproach by those who counted upon his holding office until succeeded by Recorder-elect William B Hayes on the first Monday In April, t The death of Mr. Brown makes the third of prominent politicians in the county during tho past two years. The other two were Senator C. L. Magee and George Van Voorhelst. These men were prac tically In control of Republican politics In Allegheny County for 25 or 30 years. When J. O. Brown was appointed Re corder he reappointed nearly all of the old officials of the organization who had been "ripped" out of office, and this action Is believed to have been the principal reason of the upheavals which permitted the Cit izens' party to carry tho last three local elections. HARRISBURG, PaT, March 15. Gov ernor Pennypacker expressed great sur prise when advised of the death of Re corder Browh. He declined to say when be would fill the vacancy. JuiIbc Day's Condition Favorable. WASHINGTON,. March 15. The condi tion of Justice Day, of the United States Supreme Court, who Is III here with pneu monia, continues encouraging. Dr. Hard ing, the attending physician, had Dr. William Oster, the specialist from Johns Hopkins University, come over today for another consultation with him. and after it was concluded Issued the following: "Justice Day'scondition Is good. There has been no extension of the pneumonia. All symptoms favorable." After his last visit at II o'clock tonight Dr. Harding issued the following bulletin: "Justice Day's condition continues good, and he Is comfortable tonight." Widow of W. E. Dodge Dead. NEW YORK. March 15. Melissa Phelps Dodge, widow of William Earl Dodge, metal manufacturer and philanthropist, died today In her 96th year." For mora than 50 years she had lived in the same house, where many noted religious and charitable gatherings have been held. Domestic and Foreign Ports. ASTORIA. March IS. Sailed at 12 noon Barkentlne John Smith, for San Francisco. Ar rived at 4 P. M. French bark Due d'Aumate, from San Francisco. Condition of the bar at 4:30 P M.. smooth; wind northwest; weather clear. Hoqulam, March 14. Sailed Steamer G. C Llndauer, from Aberdeen for San Francisco; steamer Chehalls, from Aberdeen for San Francisco: schooner Kail u a, from Aberdeen for Port Natal, Africa. San Francisco, March 13. Arrived German steamer Totmes. from Seattle; steamer Pren tiss, from Portland; steamer Santa Barbara, from Seattle. Sailed Ship Berlin, for Astoria. New Tork. March 14. Arrived La Lorraine, from Havre: Patria, from Marseilles and' Na ples; Phoenicia,-from Genoa, Palermo and Na ples; Sr. Paul, from Southampton and Cher bourg. Tacoma, March 13. Arrived March 14 Brit ish ship Pythomene, from Victoria. Sailed March 14 Schooner Marian, for San Francisco; steamer Charles Nelson, for Saa Francisco. Liverpool, March 15. Arrived Campania, from New Tork via Queesstown. HILL IS WORKING SOUTH SAID TO BE PLAIfXrXG TO. BUILD TO SAX FRANCISCO. One Line Alans the Coast, Another Inland Both Shorter Than the Soathern facile. SAN FRANCISCO, March lS.-James J. Hill, president of the Northern Securities Company, is planning to invade Califor nia by way of the North, with lines of -tho Great Northern Railway, according to the CalL It i3 further stated that two sur veys have been made along the Califor nia and Oregon coast between Portland and San Francisco, and that those Inter ested in these surveys have already sub mitted to Mr. Hill two routes by which he can reach San Francisco. One sur veying party worked northward from Marin County and the other southward from Portland, Or. Both routes surveyed are shorter than the Shasta route of the Southern Pacific Company, one by 120 miles and the other by at least 140 miles. It Is said that the routes selected by tho Hill surveyors guarantees the construc tion of a railroad along a grade of about 2 per cent, as against 4 per cent and more which Is experienced along the Southern Pacific line. The further Information has been ob tained that In routing the new line the surveyors were Instructed to include Coos Bay among tho towns to be touched, or some other city on Coos Bay, Crescent City and Eureka, In California, but It is possible that the latter two points may now be ignored, for since the surveyors completed their work the Santa Fe has suddenly acquired the roads around Cres cent City and Eu-eka and announced Its Intention of Immediately extending these small properties southward to San Fran cisco. Among those familiar with President Hill's purpose It Is the belief that the Santa Fe's determination to get a foot hold along the California, coast was prompted and greatly hastened by an In timation that President Hill was pre paring to cut through the same territory. As to President Hill's plans for a termi nal on San Francisco Bay, it is claimed that he has already secured option on city front property on the North Side, where ferryboats can easily connect with a point on the Marin County side. (This contains several errors. The Great Northern has not surveyed south from Portland, but has reconnoltered a line through Eastern Oregon southward. An other line has been loosely 'examined run ning down the coast. The Southern Pa cific has no grade In the SIskiyous ap proaching 4 per cent. Even the Fourth street grade in Portland Is not that steep.) ADVERTISED. Free delivery of lettera by carriers at the residence of owners may be secured by observ ing the following rules: Direct plainly to the street and number of the house. Head letters with the writer's full address, Including street and number, and request an swer to be directed accordingly. Letters to strangers or transient visitors In the city, whose special address may be un known, should be marked In the left-hand cor ner "Transient." This will prevent their being delivered to persons o the same or similar names. Persons catling- for these letters will please state date on which they were advertised. March 10. They will he charged for at the rate of 1 cent for each advertisement called for. Abrahams, Mrs M J McLockey. Mrs A Adolphson, John-2 McCaw.. William F Adams, H S McCarthy, Daniel Allplke, H McCalman, Adrian Allen. H F McCoy, Arthur American Hotel MacFarlane, Dugal Antmone. Mrs Mary MacGregor, M P Anion!. Miss Delight McKone. Mrs Blanche Andrew, Mrs McKen2te. Daniel Anderson, Miss Clara McLean. Mrs W J Anderton. Peter McMasters, A J Atkins. H Magettl, Maria Atkins, Myrtle Maclnaco, Robert Atherton, w.B .. Mack, J L Averly, A M Malcolm, Peter Barnmfleld. William , Manzle. Thomas P Baxter & Southwldk Martens son, N Uacon. Mrs "Clara A Martlg, Miss Lizzie Bagley, Cella, . Marom, Peter Bailey, MWs Elhl Mason, Mrs H J Baker, J W - Mathewst, E C Balwln. Mrs William Xlllls. Mrs Ida Baldwin. T J Millar. Bertram Barrister, G S Miller. Mrs Caleb A Barber. Leonard E Miller. M F Barlow. James Miller, O C Barr, Mrs A A Mitchell, Miss Gertrude Barnes Bicycle Agency Moore. O Base Malssant Moore, M Battfn. Hosa B Moore. Master Henry Bell Sisters Moran. Frank Bean. Ellis Morgan, A G Bean. Mrs W W Mortenson. Nels Bolsbaw. Mrs Nannie KMulllgan, Mrs E W Benson, p Murray. Miss Llhie Bennett, Nick Meyer, Miss Katla Bergen, Cornelius Meyer. John Berry, A J Naskey. Carl Bicklng. M NIenaber, L F BIrkemeier, Miss Ida Nichols, Daniel Blankenship, Mr Nichols, John Blake, Mrs Cora Naiaskowski, Mrs John Blue. John P NUson. J-2 Bockmann Nelson. Miss Augusta Boostran, Nathan Nelson, WIHard Bowers, Frank Noon&n. Patrick Bowen, S M Nosburg. Andrew Bratton, Mrs J Nos. Earl Erlsham. Alfred Noyes, A J Brow, Ada Overland, vr H Brooke, R C ak Lumber Co Brown, Ben Olln, August Brown, Martha Oleson, Ole T-2 Brown, Mrs Viola Orchard, George Burton, Mrs Annie Ostergren, E . Burrow. Mrs Nannie ,f0fn. Mies Minnie Burkhart & Day O Riley, Mrs R Burson, Oliver O Keefe, John Cllllon. J E O Brlen, Miss Theresa. Campbell. C P g 'Nell, 'r Teresa Canady, Mrs Susie E KS?nd'e'on, H K Canyon, Mr 'e. Georga M Cannon, Ed PaJoman. Rudolf Carlon. Dick Paddlson, Fred Carroll, Mrs Fannie au'. Earl Chambers & Wilson 5a2,'' Mlss Maud Chase. Henry M estate. I,"80' Lorln heirs of Parker, William F Christiansen, Miss M Matton( Mr Clark. Charles Tatton. Mary N Clark. G L. Co Patterson, Oliver Clark. Djw Patterson. Martha Collard, Miss Mabel Pyne, Frank J Coleman. Elmer .otl1' Miss Lena Collins. Sylvester Portland Breeding- Es Crawford. Miss Belle-2 tbllshmnt Crampton, L-2 Pratt, Olive Cushman, MUs Ursula Price, C Cummlngs. Alvlnza Putzlacher. Joef Daggett. Charles L Purcell. Mrs Charles Danlelson, P B Qulmby, p ?r David, Mrs Fred Qually. e D Davis, Mrs Georgia Qulnn, John Darts, B K Rhiner, Mrs Davis. Miss Leila Racer. Mrs N r Davis. Mrs Sarah Hal tray, James Deyette, Charles Rash. Albert Deaklns, J S Rasmusson. Rasmus Deblln. Mrs Redman. Jake Drake. Miss Dora Held. Mrs Lulu Dickey, H E Held. A Dlllen. Mr Reed, Evern Dickson. Archie Reed. S J Doge. Ira Renchey, Miss H Doan, W W Rice. S TV Doty. E C Rich. Master Nelson Donn. SIlss May Romalne, Eddie Donnell, Miss Mary Bobbins. Frank Donsett, Simon Roblson. H Ducker. Mrs Lou Roach. Maurice Dunn, Miss Maggie. Roberta, Joe Durham. Joseph J" Roberts. Miss Stella Earllch. Mrs Belle Rogers. CE Eder. John Rose Miss Ada Edelman. 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