Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 16, 1903, Image 1

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    VOL. XLIII. 20. 13,185.
20 - 26 North First Street
Portland, Oregon
To develop your plates or films. Our Photo Department is
on the ground floor and is entirely at your service. We have
dark rooms equipped with everything for your'convenience.
We Handle Everything Photographic No Charge fsr Instruction
Photo Department, 142 Fonrtli Street.
Assets, Dec. 31, 1902, $359,395,537.72. Surplus Assets, $75,127,496.77.
Rates no higher than other companle.
L. SAMUEL, Manager, 306 Oregonian Bldg., Portland, Oregon
1 T JLakes X f JlUscle
"There's Life and Strength In Every Drop"
F&le by All SruKjrlct.
BLUMAUER & HOCH, Sole Distributers, Wholesale Liquor and Cigar Dealers
Earopwui Pitt: . . . . $IM$1 &00pcr t5sT
Fortune waits
on those who come to
select their carpets from our
new Spring lines.
. 0. Mack & Co.
Opposite Chamber of Commerce.
WH r v
2 for 25c
ALLEN & LEWIS, Distributers
Lordly London Promo
ter of Big Schemes
Came Across From Paris Un
der an Assumed Name,
Prisoner Expresses Surprise at the
Arrest Says He Was on "Way to
Examine Properties in British
Columbia and California.
On the main line of the Northern Pacific Railroad.
A modern institution thoroughly equipped for the perfect care of its pa
tients. Our special treatment for rheumatism and Its allied troubles and dis
s2 , the nervous system cures more than SO per cent of all our cases. Dls
attentlon d,SesUve and urinary systems and skin diseases given special
illness6 altUude of 3532 feet makes an Jdeal change for those convalescing from
twJ?uCnt pnysiclans with a large corps of trained attendants' to
elsewnere obteinable famous waters offers a condition of relief not
Terms, from $12.50 per week upwards. Special railroad rates.
v rite for Information to J. S. Kloobcr. Green River Hot Serines. "Wash.
Or inquire of A. D. Charlton. X. P. Ry. ticket office. PortlandT Or.
A Dull Scholar
Many a so-called dull scholar is so because of some defect
of the eyes. Don't neglect the eyes of your children. We
test the eyes and fit glasses. We also fill oculists pre
scriptions for glasses. ,
MnfR. Jeweler am! dptlclnn. Cor. Third ami Washington Sts.
NEW YORK. March 15. J. Whittaker
Wright, the London promoter, -who Is ac
cused of being concerned In colossal
frauds In connection with the organiza
tion of various financial corporations, was
arrested today on the arrival of the
French Ltrve steamer La Lorraine from
Ham. The arrest was made by two Cen
tral Office detectives at the request of the
London police.
Wright was taken to police headquarters
and later to the Tombs Police Court,
where ho was arraigned before a Magis
trate and turned over to the United States
authorities. He was then taken to the
Ludlow-Street Jail. With Wright on the
steamship was a tall, good-looking young
woman, who said she was the niece of
the prisoner. Her name on the passen
ger list was Miss F. Browne.
Wright, when told that he was under
arrest, showed no evidence of excitement
and jsald that he was a friend of King
Edward. His principal concern was to
avoid publicity, and he asked that his ar
rest be kept from the newspapers.
Wright and his companion were entered
on the original passenger list as M. An-
dronl and Mile. AndronL
That Wright did not expect to bo ar
rested Is shown by the fact that after the
steamship left Havre, he told the purser
that a mistake had been made in making
the tickets out In the name of Andronl
Ills name accordingly was changed jvnd
appeared on the additional list as J. W.
Wright and that of the woman as Miss
F. Browne.
Wright Is thus described in tho cable
message from the London police:
"Absconder charged on warrant with
fraud to a large amount, Whittaker
Wright, manager of London & Globe
Finance Corporation, of this city. Aged
50 years; height 5 feet 10 or 11 Inches; com
plexion florid; hair and mustache dark;
largo head, small eyes, receding forehead;
weight about 252 pounds;, wears gold
rimmed, glasses with gold chain attached.
Speaks with a slight American accent.
Please arrest If possible and wire Com
mlssloner of Police, London."
The description given out by the London
police did not fit the man as to details.
It was a good general description, how
ever. Mr. Wright and the young woman
occupied one of the finest deck suites on
tho steamship. Wright was sitting at a
desk in his cabin when found by the de
tectives. When addressed by name he at
onco admitted his Identity, and on being
told he was under arrest at the request
of the London police, said:
"That was a business transaction. I un
derstood that the matter was all settled
In Parliament. This is a surprise to me.
I am willing to go with you. All I want
Is to get away from hero with as little
nolso as possible. Don't, let the newspa
pers know anything about this."
They went on deck with the woman
and told her of Wright's arrest. With an
officer on each side of him he was escort
ed down the gangway. Wright was taken
to court, where the detectives explained
the arrest in a few words. Two United
States Marshals appeared with a warrant
for Wright's arrest, charging him with
being a fugitive from Justice. Wright
was not called upon to say anything, and
In a few minutes he was formally turned
over to the custody of the Marshals, who
took him to the Ludlow-Street JalL
Miss Browne, who was left on the. pier.
remained looking after the baggage. She
is rather tall, slender, dressed in dark
blue and wearing a rather broad brim,
low-crowned hat draped with a flimsy
light blue velL She declined to make any
statement beyond that she had come over
to visit friends. After her baggage had
been examined she left in a cab. Instruct
ing the driver to go to an uptown hotel.
Nothing was known on La Lorraine as
to the identity of tho pair. They made no
friends and Wright appeared in public
but little.
La Lorraine left Havre about 5 P. M. on
March 7. Wright and his companion came
to Havre on the train that afternoon.
They went at once to their rooms. Dur
ing the trip across Miss, Browne did not
leave her room until the vessel was one
day from port, when she appeared on
deck. Wright spent most of his time in
his suite.
Source of the Trouble.
The financial crash of the companies
floated by Whittaker Wright came in De
cembr, 1900. There were U of these. In
eluding' the parent company, entitled the
London & Globe Finance Corporation,
with a total capitalization of $00,675,000.
Wright was the managing director.
Few millionaires lived In the same
princely style as did Wright. In Park
Lane. London, he had a miniature pal
ace. In the drawing-room of whlSh was
copy of the famous Cabinet 3e Roi of
Louis XV. It took three years to com
plete. and cost many thousands of pounds.
At Godalmlng he owned a country seat.
In beautifying which COO workmen were
engaged. It contains costly fountains and
statues brought from Italy. Wright's sta
bles alone cost a small fortune. They
have upholstered and leathered settees
and polished gun metal finishings, while
valuable paintings and bas reliefs adorn
the stalls. His private yacht was fitted
up with similar luxuriousncss. and at one
time he was credited with the patent of
a yacht to race Sir Thomas Lipton
One of the victims of the crash was the
late Marquis of Dufferin, previously Governor-General
of Canada and BrlUsh Am
bassador at Paris. He consented to be
chairman of the London & Globe Com
pany, and had 25.000 shares .in the different
With Lord Dufferin on the board of di
rectors were Lleutenant-General Gough
Calthrap, who was Colonel of the Fifth
Dragoon Guards, and Edward William Pel-
ham-Cllnton. master of the late Queen's
household and son of the fifth Duke of
Newcastle. When the crash came Lord
Dufferin was severely censured for his
connection with the Wright companies,
but, in a frank speech to the stockholders
of the London & Globe Corporation, be
declared his position, and won the sym
pathy of the country. His wealth, at one
time large, was believed to have been
swallowed up in these companies.
Americans Also Lost.
Much American money was lost In the
failure of the Wright companies. There
was a great outcry against the attitude of
the authorities in not prosecuting Whit
taker Wright and his fellow-directors of
the London & Globe Company, and In
January last a petition was circulated on
the London Stock Exchange signed by
many influential men. demanding the
prosecution ofWrlght. as it was consid
ered mat tne creait or tne city ana oi uie
London Stock Exchange demanded a thor
ough Investigation. A fund of $25,000 was
raised to Initiate the proceedings against
Wright. Arnold White, the author, at a
meeting, said the reason the prosecution
was not undertaken by the government
was that the directors of the London &
Globe were sheltering themselves behind
members of the royal family. He added
that he understood a royal Duke had In
vested his money In the concern, ana ne
believed that "certain hangera-on at
ourt" were using the name of the King
and others for the purpose of biding their
own deeds. Other speakers atHhls meet
ing declared that the stockholders of the
London & Globo Cohipany were victims
of the "terrible, heartless and gigantic
On March 10 action was taken against
Wright. Justice Buckeley, in the chan
cery division of the High Court of Justice,
made an order directing tho receiver, as
liquidator of the London & Globe Finance
Corporation. Ltd., to prosecute on a
criminal charge Whittaker Wright and
utilize the assets of the London & Globe
to pay the costs of the prosecution. The
following day a warrant for Wright's ar
rest was Issued. When the police officer
went to his home, he was informed that
Wright had gone to tho ConUnent on ac
count of his health. The same afternoon
the Irish Nationalist Swift McNeill asked
the Home Secretary In the House of Com
mons" what steps were being taken to pre
vent Wright's escaping from justice, and
Liter the Home Secretary announced that
the government Intended to bring Wright
to justice.
Cannot Express His Amazement
Mr. Wright, In the course of a long
conversation with a reporter of the Her
aid. said:
"I cannot express to you my amazement
at my arrest. It is an outrage and thoso
who are responsible for it will be made
to suffer to the full extent of the law.
The . entire charge against me is technl
cal and in this country no one would
ever think of making It.
"If I had believed it posslolo that such
a charsre would be made. X. would-not. of
course, have left' honTSf "mirnf fer hao5
devoted the last two years in assisting
the official liquidation of the Globe Com
pany and the crown office having made
the statement In Parliament that it was
not possible to press any charge against
me. I felt free to take a two months'
trip to British Columbia to Inspect cer
tain mining property there, to visit Cali
fornia, where I have some Interests, and
to return home by way of Australia,
where I have Interests of various kinds,
It is now more than two years since
the Globe Company failed. There was
a public inquiry more than a year ago,
after which it was declared tnat my
hands were clean of any crime or Intent
to do anything, and nothing but errors of
Judgment could be advanced against
either myself or the other directors of
the company.
"The men associated with me were
above suspicion. Among tho directors
besides myself as managing director.
were: Lord Dufferin, formerly Gov
ernor-General of Canada; Lord Loch.
former High Commissioner In South Af
rica; Lord Edward Pelham Clinton, Gen
eral Somerset-Calthorpe and Robert E,
Leman. i
"They would have nothing to do with
a company that was not free of taint of
suspicion as their own names, and there
was no reason for them to be ashamed of
their connection with me. They lost
great deal of money, as we all did, but
that is risk that one has to take In such
business affairs. They, as well as my
self, are as innocent of fraud as are the
official prosecutors of the crown.
in making tne trip I also took my
health Into consideration, thinking
journey of several months would restore
me to the vigor of a couple of years ago.
I have been worrying a great deal over
my affairs and have done a great deal
of hard work In my efforts to assist In
clearing up the tangled condition of the
Globe and other companies. I am far
from being broken down, but I regret that
it will not be possible for me to con
tinue my trip mainly on this account.'
Employes of Standard Refuse
to Make Concession.
Tvro Mills to Start WitainTlilrtyODays
on Eight-Hoar Basis Question of
"Wages to Be Settled Later No
tice From Standard. .
DENVER, Jdarch 15. A partial settle
ment has been effected in the mlllmen's
strike at Colorado City, which has been
on for nearly a month, and on account of
which the state troops were ordered out.
One of the features of the settlement was
an agreement that the troops will be
withdrawn at once. Only two of the three
mills affected have accepted the terms of
settlement the Portland and Telluride
mills. The employes of the Standard mill
refused to make any concessions what
ever, and the strike will bo continued
The managers of tho Telluride, and the
Portland mills agree that elsrht hours
shall constitute a day's work except In
the sampling works, where the men are
to work ten hours; there Is to be no dis
crimination against union men, but the
mill managers retain the right to employ
nonunion men, at any time, if they choose
to do so. At the same time the union
men are given the right to use all fair
means to bring nonunion men Into the
union. The employes of the Telluride mill
are to return to work in 20 days and those
of the Portland In 30 days. The question
of wages is to be taken up by representa
tlves of the mlllowners and tho union
within 30 days.
The conference, attended by Governor
James H. Peabody, representatives of-the
Western Federation of Miners and the
British Detectives Got Clew Barely
in Time to Serve.
LONDON, March 15. Only yesterday
the London police officials cabled, the New
York police that Whittaker Wright and
a woman supposed to be his niece had
sailed on La Lorraine under the name
of AndronL Wright's wife and family
are still In England and so far as the
police have ascertained none of his rela
tives have left the country. Whittaker
Wright left London about February 21
and went direct to Paris, where he
stayed about four days before proceeding
to Havre to embark on La Lorraine.
Wright was traced to Paris by the bank
notes which he cashed there at the office
of the French steamship line and else
When he left his country seat at
Godalmlng he traveled by way of South
ampton and Havre to Paris, taking pains
to conceal his movements by the dlrec
tlon of bis luggage and by other means.
This procedure apparently was successful
for It was only yesterday that the de
tectives got a clew to his movements
through the bank notes he had cashed,
after they had been vainly watching for
days the principal British ports. This
clew was easily followed up owing to
Wright's ' marked personal appearance.
The young woman Joined him at Havre
on the evening of their sailing. It is
said that she has a large sum of money
in her possession.
Wright's wife Is living In- comparatlv
seclusion near Godalmlng. When seen
this evening she reiterated her belief that
he was on the way to Egypt for the
sake of his health, the doctors having
declared that a rest was Imperative. His
ony desire, she said, had been to do some
thing for the unfortunate shareholder
and the. worry told severely .on his health.
He had' remarked that If there ever wa3
any trouble he must. recover his strength
to enable him fearlessly to meet the
olorado Strike Is Par
tially Settled. .
erty and allowing tho responsibility for
any unfortunate consequence to fall on
tho shoulders of thoso whose duty it is
to maintain peace and good order."
President Moyer talked over the tele
phone from Denver with officers of the
Mlllmen's Union, and at a. meeting to
night the situation was discussed and the
action of President Moyer was concurred
In. The striking workmen of the Port
land mill were instructed to put in their
applications tomorrow. D. C. Copley, of
the executive committee, said:
"I will go to Cripple Creek tomorrow
with other officers of the federation! to
meet the committee having in charge af
fairs at Cripple Creek. I see no way out
of the difficulty with the Standard other
than cutting off their ore supply. The
mlneowners are given until 6 o'clock to
morrow evening by the seven days' truce.
and after that our future course wiu be
decided upon."
Result of Referendum Vote on Chi
cago & Alton.
CHICAGO. March 15. By a referendum.
vote the trainmen of the Chicago & ai
ton have decided to go on strike unless
their demand" for an increase In wages is
agreed to by the officials of the road. The
vote will be counted at St Louis next
Tuesday, and unless a settlement has been
reached In the meantime It Is said
strike will be declared at once. The de
mands of the Alton men, presentea sev
eral months ago, are the same as those of
the trainmen employed by the Wabash
4 .
Rhode Island Spinners to Strike.
PAWTUCKET. R. L, March 15. The
Rhode Island Spinners' Association, at its
branch In Woonsocket today, decided to
call a strike tomorrow In the four mills
of the Manvllle Company, at Woonsocket
and Manvllle. R- L The spinners ask for
an Increase of 10 per cent. The company
employs C000 bands.
Textile "Workers Get No Advance.
LOWELL. Mass.. March 15. The r
quest of the Lowell Textile Council for
10 per cent increase in wages of the
20,000 cotton operatives of the city has
been refused. Another conference will be
sought by the employes.
Babcock to Press. Cam
paign for It
Senators, However, Think It
Would Be Bad for Party,
Omaha, and several other
physicians of the West.
Oregon Citizen Attracts 3Iach Atten
tion in Indiana.
RICHMOND, Ind., March 15.-(SpeclaL)
S. O. Susklrk, of Hood River, Or., who
Is now 1b Indiana, is attracting much at
tention, both from curious people and
from the medical profession. Mr- Bus-
kirk Is called a snake man. He sheds his
skin each year Just like reptiles. He was
treated by many physicians, but as yet
none has been able to give him any treat
ment that would be of permanent service.
At this time he 13 shedding hLs skin. He
says it is unusual for him to shed at this
time of the year, July or August Is usually
the time when his skin begins to peel off.
Physicians say his disease Is very Tare,
and they cannot prescribe -accurately fo:
It. Mr. Buskirk said that until recently
mlllowners was held ln'th -Governor's il1. JVTX'
room at the State Capitol. It was called
to order at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon.
and at 8 o clock a recess was taken. On
leaving the room at this time the Stand
ard people announced their withdrawal
from the conference, but they stated that
they would prepare their side of the case
and submit It to tho Governor In writing
With the exception of the Standard men
the members of the conference reassem
bled In the Governor's room a half hour
later and continued together until 3
o'clock this morning, when It was an
nounced that ah understanding had been
effected between the Portland and Tellu
ride managers and the strikers' repre
sentatives. At 11 o'clock this morning
the Standard people went into executive
session with the Governor and the mlll
men's representatives, and at 2 o'clock
this afternoon the conference broke up
without having come to an agreement
The strikers refused to concede a point
and the strike will continue. It was given
out, however, that at the urgent request
of President Moyer, of the Western Fed
eration of Miners, and upon his personal
guarantee that order would be maintained
at the mills, the troops would be recalled
immediately. It was also agreed that the
suit for damages filed at Colorado Springs
yesterday against the officers of the mill
tin and others by the attorney of the
Western Federation of Miners would be
Governor Peabody tonight wired Briga
dier-General Chase, rn command of the
troops at Colorado City, that he had no
tified Sheriff Gilbert that the troops would
be withdrawn on Tuesday morning, and
requesting him to be ready to afford any
protection to the mills that may become
President Moyer, of the Western Fed
eration of Miners, left for Cripple Creek
tonight. Before going he said that tho
purpose of his trip was to prevent, if
possible, any further shipment of ore to
the Standard mllL He said that five of
the Cripple. Creek mines were patrons of
the Standard, and that unless they ceased
their shipments the miners employed
would be called out.
Boston Company's Ship Pleiades Ar
rived at Tacoinn.
TACOMA.. March 15. The Boston. Tow
Boat Company's steamship Pleiades,
Captain Furrlngton, arrived today from
China and Japan. She brings a cargo
large in bulk, but light in weight and
Including 15,000 rolls of matting, 2050 bags
of rice and a large amount of mlscel
laneous merchandise In small lots. The
Pleiades was 20 days crossing from Yoko
hama, and reports fair weather, with the
exception of one week, during which she
had almost continuous head winds and a
heavy sea-
She sighted nothing this voyage, with
the exception of a red-funnel steamer
which hoisted her house flag, but whose
Identity could not be ascertained.
They Wisa Congress to Meet, Pasn
Appropriation Bills and Adjoaru
ait Early as Possible Matter
of Accumulating Revenue.
ington March 15. Representative Babcock,
who has for two or three years passed
been advocating radical changes in the
tariff, especially in the iron and steel anfi
other schedules that largely protect trust
made goods, has said that he will continuo-
the campaign in favor of a tariff revision
In the next Congress. For that reason ho
would be very glad to have an extra ses
sion. He thinks that there will be a re
vision, and that the Republican party will
be benefited by it-
Republican leaders in the Senate, how
ever, are Just as much determined that
there shall be no revision. All who have
seen President Roosevelt have strongly
advised him against any action looking to
getting Congress together in advance of
the regular time.
It Is undoubtedly the plan of the Re
publican leaders to have Congress meet,
pass the appropriation bills, and adjourn
as early as possible, and leading members
of the finance committee assure- your cor
respondent that there shall be no tariff
revision at the coming session of Con
gress. They say that to revise the tariff
would mean Republican defeat, in addi
tion to the allegation that business Inter
ests will be greatly disturbed. They take
the position that any move In the direc
tion of tariff revision will result, as It did
In the campaign of 1800, when prices went
'50jtrin.and tha Republicans, .w?re. pluiost
wlped-out hi the Houae.
Those Republicans who think that there
may be a necessity of reducing the rev
enues, such as Senator Aldrich, and men
of his way of thinking, will undertake to
cause such revision by raising the tariff
rates and stopping importation, or by cut
ting down the internal revenue taxes. Al
ready several Eastern papers have raised
tho alarm against any such programme,
especially such as reducing the taxes on
liquors and tobacco, saying that It would
be very Inadvisable for the Republicans to
take that burden upon themselves.
The argument is made that to mako
moderate reductions of the customs duties
would cause an increase in revenue In
stead of decreasing it- Some of the Re
publicans hope that when Congress as
sembles In December the threatened
danger of the surplus will be averted, or
that It may be diverted by passing the
Aldrich financial bill or. some similar
Demand of San Francisco Street-Car
Men Today.
SAN FRANCISCO, March 15. The
Street-Car Men's Union at an early hour
this morning Indorsed a recommendation
of its executive committee that a demand
be made on tne united Railroads on Mon-
day morning for an Increase of pay to $3
a day of nine hours or less, and other
conditions, with a request that the de
mands be taken up immediately by the
President Cornelius yesterday received
a dispatch from W. D. Mahon, interna
tional president of the Amalgamated As
sociation of Street Railway Employes,
urging that the local union exhaust all
honorable means to arrive at an amicable
adjustment of the existing differences be
tween the union and the Lnlted Railroads.
In the event of failure to reach an agree
ment In this city, it Is understood that
the differences will be arbitrated by the
owners of the United Railroads and the
officials of the Amalgamated Association
of Railway Men at Detroit.
(Concluded oa -Second Pace.
Seeks to Place Responsibility on the
COLORADO SPRINGS. Colo., March 15.
The United States Reduction & Refin
ing Company sent to Governor Peabody
this evening tne following telegram:
"To His Excellency, Governor James H.
Peabody We desire to express to you our
grateful appreciation for your prompr. ac
tion in sending troops to protect persons
and property In Colorado City. As the
strike is still on, notwithstanding the
withdrawal of the troops, we wish to as
sure you that we shall co-operate with
the law officers of .this county in reso
lutely protecting our employes and prop-
Whittaker "Wright, the London promoter.
.chargedwtth wrecking the London & Globe
Finance Corporation, Is arrested In New
York. Page 1.
Money for -first payment to Germany under the
recent protocol is deposited In Caracas.
Page 2.
There is partial settlement of the Colorado
strike, and troops are to he withdrawn to
morrow. Page 1.
Tariff revision is to be a live question in the
coming Congress. Page 1.
Oklahoma will not combine with New Mexico
and Arizona for statehood next "Winter.
Page 2.
Robbers murder one man and shoot another In
a Pueblo, Colo., restaurant. Page 2.
Friend1 of Burdick makes pertinent suggestions
for Inquiry into his murder. Page 2.
Though weather has brightened, there Is fear
of serlpus break In Mississippi levees.
Page 2-
Pncific Const.
Hill said to be working to get railroad to San
Francisco. Page 2.
Santa Fe Railroad is coming north. Page 2.
Gatch and Davey are after Marlon County's In
dorsement for Congressional nomination.
Page 3.
Carnegie offers Grant's Pass $5000 for a public
library. Page 3.
St. Louis fair commissioners are said to be
working against Lewis and Clark appropria
tlons. Page 12
Northwest Legislatures.
Summary of the acts "of the Washington Legls
lature. Page 4. ,
Ex-Senator Turner says Washington Legisla
ture has shown Republicans are not to be
trusted. Page 4.
Utah Legislature adjourns after session lasting
three days beyond the constitutional limit-
Page 4.
Commercial and Marine.
Local trade checked by unsettld weather. Page
Small shipments of produce coming from San
Francisco. Page 11.
Wheat at Chicago easy under liquidation. Page
Boston Company's ship Pleiades arrives at Ta'
coma, 20 days from the Orient- Page 1.
Portland Browns win from San Jose team by
score of 22 to 5. Page 5.
Parker and Rellly are matched to fight in Port
land. Page 5.
President-Lucas, of Northwest League, claims
. he has support of National Association.
Page 5-
Portland and Vicinity.
Two tickets In field for municipal election in
St. Johns today. Page 12.
Hlllsbonr road will probably enter Portland on
City & Suburban tracks. Pago 12.
Members of State Health Board return from
Salem, and outline plans. Page 12.
Leatherworkers do not go to work today, but
dear that they ara on strike. Pace S.
President Selects That Name as Com
pliment to Heylmrn.
ington, March lo. The selection of the
name "Idaho" for one of the 13,000-ton
battleships was made by direction of the
President as a compliment to Senator
Heyburn, the Republican Senator from
that state. President Roosevelt had con
versed with Senator Heyburn several
times, and at once formed a very great
liking for him. As soon as the naval bill
was passed and the question of naming
the battleships came up the President in
sisted that one should bear the nama
"Idaho," and so directed Secretary Moody.
Senator Heyburn preferred no such re
quest as this, although he appreciated
the courtesy. When he called on the Pres
ident yesterday, he was told that the so
lection of "Idaho" was a compliment to
him, and made for no other purpose.
Plimley to Be Reconsidered.
WASHINGTON, March 15. The expec
tation Is that the nomination of William
Plimley to be Assistant Treasurer of tha
United States will come up again for con
sideration In the Senate tomorrow. Sen
ator Aldrich, who made a request for re
consideration of the nomination after Mr.
Plimley had been confirmed, was nol
ready to announce tonight whether he will
press the motion for a reconsideration.
Mr. Plimley" arrived in Washington tdJ
night and had a conference with Senato:
Piatt, of New York, who was also at th
White House, to see the President in re
gard to the matter.
Consul Johnson to Be Retired.
WASHINGTON. March 15. The Posf
will tomorrow say:
President Roosevelt, it Is understoodj
had decided to name a successor to Hen
ry A. Johnson, who since 1896 has bees'
United. States Consul at "Venice, Italy-
At the time that the officers of the cruis
er Chicago went ashore last Summer and
became Involved with the Italian author'
ltles, Mr. Johnson was criticised In somi
quarters for his action In the matter, buf
It is not known whether this has anything
to do with his retirement.
President Coming: Early in May.
SANTA FE. N. M.. March 15. Word
was received today by Major W. H. S
Llewellyn, and It is understood also bj
Governor Otero, that President Roose
velt will be In Santa Fe on the morntaj
of May 5. and In Albuquerque on the sara
afternoon, on his way to California. Ex.
tensive preparations have been started t$
make the President's reception a notahM