14 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 1903. GOES TO THE SOUND Steamer Telephone Bought by Arrow Company. . IT WILL BE REBUILT HERE Regulator Boats Undergoing a. Echo. ration Will Be Converted Into Oil Bnrnern Pilot CoraBiIs slonera Election. The old stern-wheel steamer Telephone, which -was bought from the "White Collar Lln6 recently by H. C. Campbell, as trus tee, has been sold by him to the Arrow Navigation Company, of Seattle. The lat ter corporation Is the owner of the steam er Arrow, nearing completion at the boat yard of Joseph Pacquet, on the East Side. The Telephone will be practically rebuilt here before she goes around to the Sound. She Is now lying at the city levee, but will be taken up to the Portland Shipbuilding Company's yard In a few days There a new hull will be built for her and her upper works will be overhauled. It is understood that the set of powerful en gines bought by Mr. Campbell at the time he took over the steamboats was also In cluded In the Arrow Company's purchase, and will be installed In the new Telephone. The nnishing touches are being put on the Arrow, and in about two weeks' time she will be ready to steam around to Se attle. This boat was built for the pur pose of making fast time, and when she t as launched it was the prediction of her constructor that she would make from IS to 20 knots an liour. River men who stud ied the lines of the hull agreed with Mr. Pacquet in this regard. Competent en gineers who have since inspected the new machinery brought out from Detroit take a different view of it. They say it is the poorest lot of machinery ever put into a fine boat, and they doubt if she will steam over 11 or 12 knots. They aro also free in expressing the opinion that it will cost several thousand dollars to put the en gines In first-class working order. "While .the trial trip of the boat, may prove their mistake, they are willing to stake their reputation on their prediction. A rumor has been -golng-around for some time that the Arrow Navigation Company will have a sister steamer to the Arrow built here, also to ply on the Sound. If such Is the intention, there are no sign apparent around the boatyard that work is soon to begin, and no one seems to be able to speak authoritatively on the subject. No intlinatlon as to the Puget Sound run that the Arrow Company's boats will take has been glven out, and there is much speculating that way on this point. It was at first reported that the company was to compete for business on the Seat-tle-Tacoma-Olympia route. This would precipitate a fight with the Columbia "River & Puget Sound Naviga tion Company, which owns the Flyer, and the "Willey Navigation Company, long op crating a line of steamers between Seattle and the state, capital. If the Port Orchard run is coveted that will bring the newcomers Into a fight with the La. Conner Trading & Transportation Company. The latter concern has three vessels, the Athlon, Inland Flyer and Port Orchard, on that run. with the little steamer Alliance competing. It is claimed that there is not sufficient business for the vessels now plying between Seattle and Bremerton. Nevertheless there is talk of the Columbia River boats being placed on the Port Orchard route. Tho run between Seattle and Everett is occupied by tho City of Everett and the Greyhound, both owned by the Seattle, Everett & Tacoma Navigation Company, which is also building a, third steamer at Everett for this route. On the Bellingham Bay run the Colum bia River boats will find stubborn opposi tion on the part of the Pacific Coast Steamship Company, the La Conner Trad ing & Transportation Company and the Bellingham Bay Transportation Company. STKEXGTIIEXIXG THE VICTORIA. Alterations 31nde to Hull and En-kIiu-k of the Ferry Steamer. The steamer "Victorian, which was built at Portland years ago for the O. R. & N. Co.. and later taken around to the Sound, has beon overhauled and strengthened at the Esqulmalt Marine railway for service as a car ferry vessel between Sidney and Port Culchon. In tho opinion of the builders, the con stant vibration of tho ljull formerly when the vessel was running was caused by the fact that the engines were not properly secured, and one of the first works was thoroughly to fasten and secure the en gines. New timbers were put in beneath the engines 1U inches by 14 inches, and stel plates on the timbers. The engines were securely bolted to the timbers, through the steel plates, with screw bolts which were tightened with powerful screw pumps. The hull has been altered, the bow be ing cufaway, and timbers fitted to allow the aprons to fall on the bow to run the cars onto the vessel. The hull has been strengthened considerably, sister keels having been put in with 12xlS timbers, and a double set of 12x22 bilge keel four tiers runnlns fore and ait. Now timbers were put in. All told, six. tons of galvanized iron bolts wore driven in the vessel, which wus also strongly braced throughout In side with diagonal braces. From the main deck to the hurricane deck new stanchions, strongly kneed, have been put in, and new cross timbers, running beneath the hurricane deck, all fastened with screw bolt. The lower part of the main deck is to be removed, and tho cabin accommodation part of which has been cut away at the (bow. will be completed. The In terior fittings have all practically been torn from the steamer, and the saloon will be mostly on the main deck, but there will be some accommodation adjoining the saloon for crew and passengers. v The engineers claim that they have solved another difficulty which prevented tnc machinery of the Victorian from be ing used to full advantage. Chief Engineer Magulre found that tho slide valves were not working properly. They did not cut the steam right, and two of the ports were blind. By cutting three-eighths of an inch In the ports, the cylinder was made to cut the steam properly, and with this improvement and the fact that the en gines have been firmly secured and the danger of vibration, which handicapped the vessel and prevented the machinery from being utilized to the full, lessened, if not done away with, the engineers ex pect that the Victorian will be a fast and powerful car ferry. The boilers have not been left untouched in view of the over hauling. New vines have been put In and other Improvements have been made. It is expected that tho steamer will carry eight cars, three - on the port and three on the starboard side, and two cars in the center of the deck. The aprons at cither landing point will carry the switches and the frogs will be Inside on the vessel, which- will have track laid to carry the cars .in their places. GATZERT HAULED OUT. HfKTulator Boats IThdergroInrc a Ren ovation, The steamer Bailey Gatzcrt. of the Reg ulator Line, was 'hauled, out on the ways a the Portland Shipbuilding Company's yard. In South Portland, yesterday. She will undergo a thorough overhauling and renovating, and later will receive ciun- Ing apparatus. It is not yet known what route she will take when she Is out of the yards and ready for business, bnt one tiling is certain, and that is that she will go on the Astoria run the coming Sum mer. It is possible that in the Interval she may "be placed on The Dalles route. The steamer Regulator is now at the same yards, being overhauled, and next week will be taken down to the "Willamette Iron "Works, where her oil reservoirs will be installed. The tanks are all ready to be put on board- The steamer has been thoroughly refurnished and painted inside and out. At present the company is oper ating the Hercules, Dalles City and Ta homa on tho upper route. Captain Kamm expects that the steamer Lurline. of the "Vancouver Transportation Company, will be ready to resume her old run between Portland and Astoria by the middle of next week. The steamer Un dine Is now attending to this business. When the Lurllne. goes on. the Undine will be sent to the yard for an overhauling. aaias the Schooner' Masts. After mature deliberation, the Captains of the big schooners with many masts "have rejected all the more or less humor ous suggestions as to names for sticks un known to the mariners of other days, and have settled upon a perfect commonplace system of nomenclature. The three for ward masts, tSjey say, must be called the fore, main and mlzzen, and the one fur- thest aft the spanker four names with' which every sailor Is already familiar, the masts between the mlzze'n and the spanker are to be No. 4, No. 6 and No. 6, the numbers rising toward the stern. This method seems to meet all present and fu ture requirements, and its advantages are obvious over the other innovations that have been proposed by people who regard ed the new vessels as jokes. Heather Arrives From Seattle. ASTORIA, Or., March 13. (Special.) The new lighthouse tender Heather ar rived from Seattle this morning on her builders' trial trip. Commander Calkins, inspector of this lighthouse district. Cap tain Gregory and Chief Engineer Rlck ards, of the Manzanita, were on board, as were several officials of Moran Bros.' boatyard. During the trip around the machinery worked splendidly and the ves sel proved to be a good sea boat. She gives every indication of good speed, but her encines were not crowded. After sev eral valves have been adjusted the Heather will be siven another trial trip, in the river and will then be turned over to the department. It will require the expendi ture of about $34,000 yet to fit her for service. Barlfcntlnc Amnion Libeled. The barkentine Amazon was libeled yes terday. The complaint was filed by John "Wilcox in the United States District Court yesterday afternoon. Wilcox, who is a seafaring man, charges that the position of first mate on the Amazon was prom ised him by Captain Aas, who now re fuses to employ him. He asks for dam ages in the amount of $1000. Deputy United States Marshal A. A. Roberts made the service at a late hour Tast night. Xo Sign of Wrcclc nt Point Reyes. SAN FRANCISCO. March 13. The United States cutttt- -McCulloch returned today from her cruise of the waters In the vicinity of Point Reyes in search of the wreck reported from the marine exchange station at that point. Captain Coulson reports that his investigation of the water within SO miles of the point In all direc tions revealed nothing in the nature of wreckage. It u lis Down a Car Ferry. NEW YORK, March 13. The steamer New Hampshire, of the Stonlngton line, today ran down the Long Island ferry, on the East River, on which there were 14 loaded flat cars, which were thrown Into the river. Some of the cars were broken by the Impact and the light freight floated down the river. Pilot Commissioners' Election. ASTORIA, Or., March 13. (Special.) The new State Board of Pilot Commission ers held a meeting this evening and organ ized by electing Captain J. E. Campbell chairman and Leander Lcbeck, clerk. Crew for the Kalian. ' HOQUIAM, "Wash., March 13. (Special.) The Santa Mqnlca has arrived with the crew for the steamship Kailna, now ready to sail for South Africa. Marine Notes. ,The Castor began loading wheat .at Co lumbia dock No. 2 yesterday. The Indrapura sailed from Yokohama Thursday for Portland. She Is due here about the 31st Inst. The Alliance has cleared for Coos Bay, Eureka and San Francisco, with iron and general merchandise. The Norman Isles started her lumber cargo at the Portland Lumbering Com pany's mill yesterday. Among the Elder's outward cargo were 134S sacks of flour and 325 sacks of po tatoes for the San Francisco market. The Ocklahama went to Westport yes terday to -tow down the lumber schooners O. M. Kellogg and F. S. Redficld. Today she will tow down the John Smith from Rainier. The Harvest Queen left down yesterday with the Foyledale, bound for Valparaiso with 1.44S.61S feet of lumber, valued at S19.12S. The cargo was dispatched by Grace & Co. Iiocal United States Inspectors Edwards and Fuller will go to Astoria today to in spect the steamer Josie. Monday they fln. ish the Inspection of the Guy M. Howard, and Tuesday they will Inspect the Amer ica. The Admiralty Court, London, on Feb ruary 2S, awarded owners of the British steamer PO.000 for salvaging the British steamer Mountby. The Mountby, which broke her tail shaft and lost her propeller while bound from Wilmington. N. C, De cember 2, for Bremen, was picked up by the steamer Ely December 30. when 600 miles from Fayal, and towed by the latter into Fayal January 5. Domestic and Forelsrn Ports. ASTORLV. March 13. Sailed at 12 M. Steamer Robert Dollar, for Redondo. Arrived down at 1:20 P. M. British bark Bldston Hill. Condition of the bar at 4 P. M., smooth; wind east; weather cloudy. Cuxhaven. March 13. Passed 10th British ship Port Patrick, for Portland. San Francisco, March IX Sailed Schooner Charles E. Falk, for Coos Bay. Tacoma. March 13. Arrived Steamer Charles Nelson, from San Francisco; Norwegian ship Vellore, from San Francisco. Sailed Steamer Mlneola, schooner Americana and schooner Irene, all for San Francisco. New York, March 13. Arrived Nlcolal II, from Copenhagen, etc; Germanic, from Liver pool. Liverpool, March 13. Arrived Celtic, from New York. Hoquiam. Wash.. March 13. Arrived nth Steamers Chehalls, Centralis and G. C. Lln dauer, from San Francisco for Aberdeen. Ar rived 12th Steamers Santa. Monica, Grace Dol lar and schooner Henry Wilson, from San Francisco for Hoquiam. Sailed 12th Schooner Laura Madsen and W. F. Jewell, from Aber deen for San Pedro; schooners Chas. Wilson and Colm&n. from Aberdeen for San Francisco. Copenhagen, March 1L Sailed Island, for New York. Marseilles. March 12. Arrived Peruvian, from New York, via Naples. Liverpool. March 13. Arrived Pretoriam. from St. John, N. B.. and HaUfax. Sailed Bavlc. for New York. Glasgow, March 12. Sailed Carthagenlan, for St.' Johns, N. F. " Seattle. March 13. Sailed Steamer Dolphin, for Skagway. Arrived Japanese steamer Rlo jen Maru, from Hon? Kcnr. BUSINESS ITEMS. If Baby I Catting Teeth. Be sure and .use that old and well-tried resee&y, Mrs. tVlnslow'a Socthlnr, Syrup, for "children teethlnr. It soothes the child, softens the rum, Allays all pals, cures wind colic and diarrhoea. "A FOOL? TAKE THAT!" YOUJCG DOCTRESS LAXDS A BLOW OX FELLOW-STUDENT. Rather Than Pay 25-Cent Football Assessment Marie D. Eq.nl En livens Medical Class Meeting:. An excited woman, a demonstrative crowd of young doctors, a 23-cent tax, and the election of officers at the medical de partment of the University of Oregon caused an exciting scene yesterday at the Medical College. After boldly defying the boys who had taken a stand against what she thought was right, Marie D. Equi, who Is a mem ber of the class to graduate in about two weeks, emphasized her sincerity in the largument by walking up to J. E. Snlvely. a member of the sophomore class; and striking him squarely In the face. "I dare you to strike me back!" she cried In rage, as she raised her hands to defend herself, but Snlvely curbed his temper, and the round ended with but one blow landed. It was strong right to face, however, and the , subdued rage Is still smoldering In Snlvely3 bosom. At the Medical College officers are elect ed annually and serve for a period of one TO INVESTIGATE LABOR CONDITIONS IN PHILIPPINES EDWARD ROSENBERG, OF SAX FRAXCISCO. All the local officers of the American Federation of Labor are greatly pleased at the appointment of Edward Rosenberg by the federation as .special commissioner' to investigate the labor conditions existing In the Philippines. Mr. Rosenberg was formerly the secretary of the San Francisco Labor Council, and Is well known In Portland. His appointment is following the plan-laid out at the convention of the A. F. of L. last November, when It was decided to send seme' one to the islands to inquire into the conditions there regarding Chinese immigration. It Is a constant report that the exclusion act Is being evaded by Chinese, who come to the islands from a British possession, and therefore can the more easily enter the territory of the United States. Much of this Is done! by contract labor, the plea of the promoters of various enterprises being that white labor from the United States cannot be obtained, and that it is necessary to bring Chinese and Japanese laborers Into the country to make their plantations paying concerns. It will be Mr. Rosenberg's business to learn Just how the matter stands, and he will report to the next convention. From his report the convention will prepare rec ommendations which will be sent to Congress. year. In order for a member of the stu dent body to be eligible to vote at the election, all dues and assessments must hive been paid, and thereby hangs the first chapter of the story Miss Equi was far from pleased at tho action of the student body in levying a tax of 25 cents each for football purposes. Not that she did not approve of the game, but she did not approve of the manner of using the money, "I'll never pay that tax," she declared at the time, and her word was kept good. "Any one that does' not pay the assess ment does not vote at the student body election," was the answer that she re ceived to this vow, and the young woman's anger knew no bounds. The election of officers for the ensuing year was called for yesterday afternoon. Two rival factions were fighting to elect their mm, and the contest promised to be a spirited one. "G. S. Newsome for pres ident" was the political slogan of Miss Equi, and she was determined that her vote should add one to the number of ballots In Newsome's favor. George Blggers was In the chair. "I would like to know who has a right to vote In this contest," said a member of one of the factions, and called for a de cision of the chair In the matter. The president read the clause In the constitu tion which stated that all dues must be paid before a member was eligible to vote, and made a list of the voters, on which the name of Miss Equi did not ap pear. She would not be allowed to vote unlefes she paid the 25-cent assessment, and that she had vowed never to do. "I will vote," she cried, "and I will not pay the assessment. If you try to keep me from voting there will be a hot time here." She said more to emphasize what kind of a time it would be, and com menced to speak In behalf of the stand she had tiken. It Is nearly time for the examinations at the college, and the students really did not like to give time from their study ing to elect the officers. Consequently, when she Insisted Upon "keeping the floor for a long period of time, the boys made a protest. Nothing would do but that Miss Equi should vote, however, and un der no circumstances would she pay the tax. Before she was through with her discourse the thoughtless freshmen be gan to hiss. Her eyes fairly flashing with anger, and her face red from the excitement, she looked straight at her audience and defied them all. Soon she espied a fat-faced freshman who looked bad to her, and chal lenged him. "You, you," she said; "I dare you to hiss again!" Whereupon she took a hasty step toward the o'ffender, but he didn't like the game. Hiss? Not he not when he was face to face with an angry doctress who threatened him with violence. No sooner had she started to speak again than a member moved that Miss Equi be given the right to vote, and the motion was carried. When the ballots were counted Newsome was behind. O. A. Thornton was elected president. C L. Templeton was elected vice-president, and he was not the choice of her ladyship. Again she tried to tell of the corrupt politics of the school. Again the hissing came, and this time Snlvely was the vic tim. "I dare you to hiss me," she said,-stepping up to Snlvely. Snlvely would not hiss, but his temper had the best of him for a moment. "Sit down, you fool!" he said, with feel ing. "You call me a fool?" ' Biff! And a stinging blow struck the offender squarely in the face. The enraged woman then squared herself for battle and challenged Snlvely to mortal combat. I have a notion to smash you," said Snlvely, rising to his feet and taking his glasses off. in case of a right to nose. "Just try smashing her," came the an swer from' a mmber of the faction with which Miss Equi stood. And the sturdy form of the speaker came rushing toward the scene of action. It looked for & mo- meat as If some one would have to fight, but Snlvely curbed bis temper, other stu dents rushed between the contestants, and soon quiet was restored. Officers were then elected without fur ther excitement, and the meeting ad journed. The election yesterday caused consider able ill feeling among the members of the student body. It was a factional fight and each faction was determined to win. As to the controversy, both sides have their followers. Some say that Miss Equi was quite right in what she did. They say that the student body, which Is- composed of boys almost altogether, does not have the proper consideration for the rights of girls. They say that Miss Equi was only standing up for her rights, and in it sliould be admired. They say that her burst of temper was not sufficient provocation to warrant Snlvelys calling her a fool, and that she did right In resenting the words. All express admiration for Snlvely's control of his temper, which prevented him from retaliating the blow. The following officers were elected: O. A. Thornton, president: C L. Templeton, vice-president; Glenn Wheeler, treasurer; S. P. Blttner. secretary- LEFT HIS WIFE NOTHING Bnrdick'a "Will Probated Affalnut Her Objections Paynes Summoned. BUFFALO. March"l3. The will of the late Edwin L. 'Burdlck, murdered In his home here Friday, February 27, was made public today. He cuts off his wife, whom he was suing for divorce, without a cent. He leaves $2300 to relatives and the rest of his property to his three children, share and share alike. The will was made December 8, 1S02. He names Charles Parke and RIsley Tucker, his business associates, as guardians of his children. The petition for probate gives no definite idea of the cdrrect valuation of Burdick's estate. The petitioners estimate the value of his real property at 5400, manifestly too small, and personal property at 51000. Burdlck, it Is said, made his will without the aid of a lawyer, dictating It to his stenographer In his own office. Objections were filed In behalf of Mrs. Burdlck and F. B. Hartzell, in behalf of the Infants, as their special guardian. Counsel for the executors said he thought some one should be appointed aa the .spe cial guardian other than Mr. Hartzell. The court, however, declined to revoke the appointment. The will was admitted to probate. Arrangements have been completed by the authorities for holding the Inquest In the Burdick murder case tomorrow. They hope to learn something at the Inquest that will throw light upon the murder mystery. BATAVIA, N. T., March 13. Mrs. Seth T. Paine, of Buffalo, whose husband is a Batavia dentist, arrived -here last night She was followed by a detective. The lat ter held a conversation with Dr. Payne over the telephone this morning, the exact nature of which could not be learned. It la believed that Mrs. Payne came here to consult a lawyer relative to her appear ance at the Burdick Inquest. Later In the day Dr. and Mrs. Payne were served with subponaes to appear at the Burdlck in quest at Buffalo tomorrow. Second Trial of Dental Cane. The second trial of the suit of A. J. Delano against W. S. Drake, a dentist, for 51133 damages, was commenced yesterday before Judge Clcland and a jury, and will be concluded today. On January "26, 1902, Delano called on Dr. Drake to have two teeth treated, and a crown was plated on eacii of them. Delano complains that the crowns did not fit, and that his teeth ached violently in consequence; that his gums became poisoned and sloughed off. A number of dentists were examined as witnesses. Including Dr. P. S. Langworthy, who testified that he treated Delano, cured his sore gums and fixed his teeth. The defense of Dr. Drake Is that there was no negligence upon iiis part, and that Delano wanted the work performed at once and was told not to risk It. but to receive certain treatment first, but he In sisted on hurrying things, and did so at bis own peril. At the former trial the Jury disagreed. "Oriental Fantasia." There will be a special matinee for women and children at the Marquam The ater this afternoon to witness the la3t production of the gorgeous "Oriental Fan tasia." It Is for the benefit of the Patton Old Ladles' Home, and the cause Is such a worthy one" that every eeat In the house .ought to be filled. Those who are to take part in the performance are Portland school children. Don't Drudge Use Pearline vm0mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmsmmmmmmmmmmma TAILORS' CROSS SHEARS XOXUMO.V MEX XOW HAVE A. TJXIOX CARD OF TI1E1R OWX. , Bat the Men AHHateil With the Fed erated Trades Council Still Shout "Scabs." A 'new "union card" appeared In the windows of several tailor shops yesterday morning. It Is the label of the newlv or ganized Journeymen Tailors' Union. Xo. L of Portland, Oregon, against which the established union of the Federated Trades Council Is preparing to make a fight. The regular union declared when the new union announced that It Intended to issue a union card, that It would be an Infringe ment and an imitation noon their mark. while the members of the opposition union 1 .t 1. .t 11.. .W- I. n..1tM I semble the label of tho other union in any particular. , ft The card has made its appearance, and is of a different design from the label of the Journeymen Tailors' Union. Below an encircled crossed-hando are the words: j "This etore has complied with the require- j ments of Journeymen Tailors' Union, No. j i. ol -rumunu, ur., una 13 enimea 10 me patronage of all friends of organized labor." This Is the part to which the members of tho other union object most stren uously. They say that the new union has nothing to do with organized labor, that i tho members are "ecabs." and that the union was started at the Instance of the employers who wished a union label of some kind to appear upon their goods and In their windows, while at the same time they would not act according to the requirements of the established union and were therefore placed upon Its blacklist. "I intend to keep the- union card in my window," said A. J Armstrong, one of the tailors who is rot In favor with the original union. "I want to show that I am In sympathy with organized labor and when the union wished to put the card In my window I wza glad to let people know that mine was a union shoo. When the Tailors' Union split in two factions some time ago, several of the men who left the union worked in my shop and when they organized a union I was will ing that their card should go In my win dow. They have a right to organize as well aa the other union and the wages paid them are the same an those received by the members of the other union." ' Whether the members of Journeymen Tailors Union, No. 74. which bolds a charter from the American Federation of Labor, will allow the card which they say Is that of a "scab" union to remain in the windows is something of which the men will say nothlnc. Some monthr) ago ecveral members of the Tailors' Union were fined $25 for "scabbing," and as they refused to pay the fine and have had nothing to do with 'the union since, the union has gone on its way regardless of the possible formation of an opposition organization. This hao now been accomplished through the efforts of the employers, the union men say, and it remains to be seen whether a fight will be made between the two organizations as to which is entitled to the patronage of organized labor. One point which is decidedly confusing about the card of the new union is that it beam the mark of the Allied Printing Trades Council, which Is suppceed to be placed upon all jobs, largely as a guaran tee that the card or advertisement is fair. There may be trouble coming o the shop which printed and put the union label upon the card of a union said by mem bers of his own federation, to be composed of "ecatiJ." MAY WALK OUT TOXIGHT. Lrntlierworkern nml Employers Un - able to Agree. The troubles of the Leatherworkers" Union will be definitely settled today, ot at least a part of the members of the union will quit work tonight, leaving the shops until the higher pay and shorter hour3 are granted. From the situation yester day It seems probable that two of the shops will not have to go out of business for the managers appear disposed to meet the union half way, while In the other two shops a strike seems unavoidable. Conferences with the employers were held yesterday after the committee from the union had called upon them In the morn ing. The union held a special meeting laot evening, but the officers say that the situation remains the same and that to day will decide the strike cuestion. Both employers and the leading mem-1 bers of the union admit that a strike seems inevitable in two shops, and in per haps all four. This is as much as the employers will say, the almost unfailing answer being: "We don't know anything about it." . The union has its strike permit from the International association, and a represent ative of the organization from San Fran cisco la one of the leading spirits In the union. He came here to avert the strike If possible, but to see that above all things the requirements of tho interna tional, both as to the men and tho em ployers, were complied with. TO 3IEET APRIL 10. Fcdernteil Trade Council Will DI ctiNs Economic. The Federated Trades CounclL will hold an open meeting for the discussiqn of eco nomic questions on April 10, and a num ber of prominent labor men will speak on problems affecting tJ.ie members of the unions as well as the general public At the meeting of the Council last evening J. A. Goldralner and William Horan were appointed a committee to arrange for the meeting and to provide the speakers. The Council passed absolution against the newly formed Journeymen Tailors' Union, No. 1, stating that It was not representative of organized labor and that the shops displaying the card of the new union should not be patronized by union .men. Though a special meeting of the Leatherworkers' Union was In progress in the same building during the session, no report was made to the Council, as it Is not the province of the Federated Trades Council to take up such questions until the local union and the International associa tion ot which it is a member admit that they can do nothing more toward a settle ment of the difficulties. The meeting last evening was largely a discussion upon points of jurisdiction of the unions and the international associa tions in regard to the Council, and was prolonged until an unusually late hour. Prisoner Vacclnnted. Sore arms will be the fashion at the County Jail for the next few weeks. Sixty-eight of the inmates were forced to be vaccinated yesterday. When seen last night. County Physician E. P. Geary said that no cases of smallpox had broken out at the Jail, but ,that he thought It was a good thing to take precautions to prevent the disease, where so many people were confined In so small a space, and espe cially since "Pleas" Armstrong, the Baker County murderer, was recently exposed to the disease. PI so' s Cure for Consumption always gives re lief In cases of Coughs and Colds. 25c ihtened Use PEAR LINE for house-cleoLning. It staves time, sclVCS your strength, makes the whole work easier end pleasanier. Nothing gets dirt out of the house with so little trouble txnd fuss. Less rubbing with PEARLINE. less we&r to paint, wood-work, everything. Use PEARLINE with out soa.p or otny other help use it for every article in the house. 696 ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Walter Bakeri BREAKFAST The FINEST COCOA in the World Costs Less than One Cent a Cup Forty Highest Awards in Europe and America ' Walter Bakeri Go, w Esiabiishadra Dorctosfsr, Mass, Of pleasurable social lift are health and hospitality. Baltimore Contributes to both as the physlcia-n's and the host's first choice because of its Sterling Quality and Superb Flavor li h the Amsrican Gentleman's Whiskey ROTHCHILD BROS., Portland, Or. C. GEE WO The Great Chinese Doctor is called great be cause his wonderful cures are so well known throughout the United States, and because so many people are thankful to him for saving their lives from OPERATIONS He treats any and all diseases with powerful Chinese herbs, roots, buds, bark and vegetables, ?.! n pntlrelV lin- .,1, .iuZnr in this "earn. Sr and I through " the use of these hann lels remedies This famous doctor knows the action of over 500 different remedies that Was successfully used In different diseases. He cuarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung "troubles, rheumatism, ner YoSns. stfmach. liver, kidneys, female trouble and all private diseases. Hun dreds of testimonials. Charges moderate. Call and see him. CONSULTATION FREE Patients out of the city write for blank and circular. Inclose stamp, Address THE C GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. Third street, Portland. Or. Mention this paper. Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE For Inflammation or Catarrh of tis Bladder and Diseased Kldnejs. No enro no pay. Cnrce qnickly and Perma nently tho worst cases cl Gonorrhoea and Gleet, nonattcrof howlonf stand in?. Absolutely harmless. Bold by dracslt- Pric S1.C0. or by mail, poatptld, $1.00, 3 boxes, 12.75. .t THE SAHTAL-PEPS1M CO, Cy'- BEU.EFONTAINK.OHIO. 1.AUE-DAVIS DRUG CO.. Portland, Or. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 2. Specialists for Men's Diseases They have the largest, and best-equipped medical Insti tution and the most ex tensive practice In the Cnlted States.' Established In 1SC9. They cure lost strength and weakness which accom panies it; also special dis eases, varicocele, stricture, blood poison, diseases ot the kloneys, bladder, etc Unfortunate men who cannot call should write for advice and private book ALL FREE. Thousands cured at home. AH letters confi dential. No charge for consultation. . 701 First Ave., Senttlc. Wnnh. CHICHI3TESVS ENGLISH SYAL P Orislaal jui4 Owlr Oeavlae. for CHIUIUJHXBft'H MCLUn . la TtEl ul Cold mitalllc twxw. Mtlti I -wlUi blu ribbov. Take bo etlier. Htraio Xaocrom SnbUltlon and Imita tion. Bar ot jsr Dragsirt. r -t- la ruaipa tor Partfrnlar. TmtlaaaalaU ao "Keller rrI,Ule," In Uiur, r r tnrn Hail. lO.eott TmlauBtaa. Soi4kr an DntxtJU. Cb !hrter Oh onlaal Oct. Mastics feUsMitr- KsiluK Saw-. PltlLJU. Blir Qua uon-poionorj Ireaiecy for Gonorrhoea, GIset, Spermatorrhea, . cat ta crisis. charges, or any inuainma- Trrmau essuclae. tlon of auconc mecf KEEtmCHEHICLC0. branes. Aon-aatrlagent kCWCaMUO.LV? Sola by Brsgsut, or sent In ulaln rmvott by expreas,- prepaid, foi $1.00, or 3 bottles. $2.7i. a- CircaUr sea:; oa raqsttt. m h Per THE PALATIAL HI BUILDING Not a dark office la the building: ubMolntely flrcproofj electric llghtn and artesian -water perfect sanita tion and thorongh ventilation; ele vators ran day and nlgkt. Rooms. AXDERSON", GUSTAV. Attorney-at-Law..6l2 ASSOCIATED PKESS: E. L. Powell. Igr..S06 AUSTEN, F. C. Manager for Oregon and Washington Bankers Life Association of Des Moines. Ia. 502-303 BAAR. DR. GUSTAV. PhysL and Surg..S07-S03 BANKERS' LIFE ASSOCIATION OF DES MOINES. IA.-.-F. C Austen. Mgr. 002-503 BENJAMIN. R. , Dentist 314 BERNARD G.. Cashier Co-Operatlva Mer cantile Co 212-213 BINSWANGER. OTTO S., Physician and Surgeon : 407-108 . BROCK. WILBUR F Circulator Orego- nian 501 BROWN. MYRA. M. D 313-314 BRUERE, DR. G. E., Phys 411-412-313-414 CAMPBELL, WM; M., Medical Referee Equitable Life "00 CANNING. M. J. 602-603 CARD WELL. DR. J. R.. Dentist SOU CAUKIN, G. E.. District Agent Travelers Insurance Company "13 CHICAGO ARTIFICIAL LIMB CO.; W. T". Dickson, Manager 001 CHURCHILL. MRS. E. J 718-717 COFFET, DR. R. C, Surgeon 405-4W COGHLAN. DR. J. N 713-714 COLUMBLV TELEPHONE COMPANY CO4-003-O00-013-614-015 CO-OPERATIVE MERCANTILE CO.; J. F. Olsen. Gen. Mgr.; G. Bernard. Cashler..212-13 CORNELIUS. C W.; Phys. and Surgeon... 20U COLLIER. P. F., Publisher; S. P. McGulre. Manager 415 CROW, a P.. Timber and MInea 515 DAY. J. G. & L N 318 DICKSON. DR. J. F.. Physician 713-714 EDITORIAL ROOMS Eighth Floor EVENING TELEGRAM 325 Alder Street EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SO CIETY; L. Samuel. Mgr.; Or. S. Smith. Cashier SOU FENTON. J. D., Physician and Surg... 509-10 FENTON, DR. HICKS C Eye and Ear.. .511 FENTON. MATTHEW F.. Dentist 509 GALVANJ, W. H., Engineer- and Draughts man ............... ....... ..............ooo GEARY. DR. E. P., Phys. and Surgeon.... 400 GIESY, A. J., Physician and Surgeon.. .70U-;iu GILBERT, DR. J. ALLEN. Physician. ..401-402 GOLDMAN. WILLIAM. Manager Manhat tan Life Ins. Co.. ot New York.. 209-210 GRANT. FRANK S., Attorney-at-Law....G17 GRISWOLD & PHEGLEY, Tailors j... 131 Sixth Street HAMMAM BATHS, Turkish and Russian... 300-o01-302 HAMMOND, A. B 310 HOLLISTER, DR. O. C, Physician and Surgeon ......504-503 IDLEMAN. C. M.. Attorney-at-Law.. 416-17-18 JEFFREYS, S. T., Attorney-at-Law 51S JES'FREYS. DR. ANNICE F., Phys. and Surgeon, Women and Children only 400 JOHNSON, W. C 315-318-317 KADY, MARK T., Supervisor of Agents, Mutual Rexerve Life Ina. Co 003 LANE, E. L., Dentist 513-514 LAWBAUGH. E. A 804-805 LITTLEFIELD, H. R.. Phys. and Surgeon.KKJ MACKAY, DR. A. E.. Phys. and Surg. .711-711 MANHATTAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK: W. Goldman. Mgr. 200-210 MARSH, DR. R. J.. Phys. and Surg.... 404-408 McCOY, NEWTON, Attorney-at-Law...... 713 McELROY. DR. J. C. Phys. & Sur.701-702-703 McFADEN. MISS IDA E., Stenographer... 201 McGINN. HENRY E., Attorney-at-Law.311-12 McGUIRE, S. P.. Manager P. F. Collier, Publisher 415 McKENZIE, DR. P. L.. Phys. and Surg.512-13 METT. HENRY 218 MILLER. DR. HERBERT C Dentist and Oral Surgeon 60S-G0O MOSSMAN. DR. E. P., Dentist ...513-511 MUTUAL RESERVE LIFE INS. CO.; Marie T. Kady, Supervisor of Agents. 604-605 NICHOLAS. HORACE B.. Attoraey-at-Law-710 NILES, M- M.. Cashier Manhattan Life Insurance Company of New York....... 200 NOTTAGE, DR. G. H., Dentist 600 OLSEN. J. F., General Manager Co-Opera- tlve Mercantile Co. 213-213 OREGON CAMERA CLUB 214-215-216-217 OREGON INFIRMARY OE OSTEOPATHY 400-410 OREGONIAN BARBER SHOP; Marsh. & George. Proprietors 129 Sixth Street OREGONIAN EDUCATIONAL BUREAU; j. F. Strauhal, Manager ...200 PACIFIC MERCANTILE CO.; F. M. Schwartz, Agent, ..211 PAGUE, B. S., Attorney-at-Law 518 PORTLAND EYE AND EAR INFIRMARY Ground Floor, 133 Sixth Street QUIMBY, L. P. W., Game and Forestry Warden "IS RELD, C J., Executive Special Agent Man hattan Life Ina. Co. of New York 200 REED, WALTER. Optician... 133 Sixth Street RICKENBACH. Dr. J. F.. Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat 701-702 ROSKNDALE, O. if.. Metallurgist and Mining Engineer 510 RYAN, J. B., Attorney-at-Law 513 SAMUEL, L.. Manager Equitable Life 300 SHERWOOD, J. W.. State Commander K. O. T. M v ....517 SMITH, DR. L. B., Osteopath 409-410 SMITH GEORGE S., Cashier Equitable Life 300 STOLTE. DR. CHAS. E.. Dentist 704-703 SURGEON OF THE S. P. RY. AND N. P. TERMINAL CO 700 SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE 201 THRALL. S. A., President Oregon Camera Club 214 TUCKER. DR. GEO. F., Dentist 610-611 VESTER, A., Special Agent Manhattan Life 2 WILEY. OR. JAMES O. C. Phys. & Sur.708-0 WILSON. DR. EDWARD N., Physician and Surgeon 304-303 WILSON, DR. GEO. F., Phys. & Surg.700-707 WILSON. DK- HOLT C. Phys. & Surg.307-308 WILLAMETTE VALLEY TELE. CO 613 WOLF-MORSE CO 403 WOOD. DR. W. L.. Physician. J..411-412-413-414 Offices may be liad by applying to the aupcrlntendent of the building, room -01, second floor. NO CURE 80 PAY T-U f vnnvllV APPLIANCE A nmltlvo way to perfect manhood. Tha VACUUM" TREATMENT cures you without medtclna of all nervous or diseases of the xeneratlve or gans, such as lost manhood, exhaustive drains, varicocele, impotency. etc. Men are quickly re stored to perfect health and strength. Writ for circular. Correspondenca confidential. THE HEALTH APPLIANCE CO., rooms 47-43 Sfcfa Deposit building. Seattle, Waab.