THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1903. TO JOIN THE NINE Firat-Baseman Shaffer Left for San Jose, TAKES A HEAVY BATWITH HIM Fonacr Helena Captain Spe&As Day In Portland and Is Roy ally "Welcomed Tr tit -Fout of tae City. Armed with his "Lizzie," a bat that was as thick one way as It was long the other. Charles A. Shaffer, late captain of the Helena remnants, now first guards man of the Portland Browns, left last night for San Jose. This "Lizzie" was made by special order at the Nlcolal Bro. Co. factory, and the order for this bat, which the fans hope will be a fac tor In bringing the Pacific Coast pen nant to Portland, was a gift to thla clever player from John C. Alnsworth, president of the United States National Bank. The bat was turned from a piece of ash that had been seasoned two years. That was not alL As soon as other fans heard of the order there was a hot-foot tvr the planing-milL They saw the good natured man turn the rough piece of wood Into the bat. they reverently touched the virgin wood and made wishes like children, then laughed like school boys caught cribbing. In the years to come, "if the Browns capture the flag for Portland, these men will tell when the hoar froitt of ago has whitened their hair, they helped to select the wood that made the bat ("Lizzie"), that "Pull-em-up" Shaffer used that helped to win tho pennant for Portland. Shaffer's arrival In Portland yester day morning was a signal for the gath ering of the fans. They came from east, they came from west, they came from eouth and north; they came from all over town. They looked him oyer much as they would have a race horse, then sold: "He looks good to us." Then they recounted marvelous stories about his playing, his slugging with his "Liz zie" and the laughs he was forever -provoking during a game. In fact, never was a ball player made to feel more at home than this man with tho pearly teeth, whoso smile made the crowd smile, too. During -the afternoon Shaffer had a long consultation with the directors of the club. He was given a ticket to San Jose. He was also handed a fileeplng car ticket. And Shaffer smiled. The directors smiled, too. Then the firstbase man began humming, "When Riding in Me Car, I'm as Happy as a King." Shaffer was happy. Tho reception ho received here made him so. and he promised to play ball better than ever In Mb life before. To those who know tho man, however, this promise only means that he will play his usual game of ball, which is always as goodjas If not better than the other fellow. Shaffer has been playing the National game since 1900. He Is a native of Sen ator Quay's state. The breezes that shifted the dust about the little town of Bloomsburg. Pa., blow the baseball germ In his direction. It said: "Tag you're It," and he has been ever since. When he graduated from the sand lot, the eyes of the baseball world were turned to the catcher. This receiver general for slants and shoots was king then, and when he signaled with gnarled and broken fin gers, tho rooters held their noise. Tho mask and tho wind-Inflated pad were Just coming in vogue. Tho catcher looked Ilko a parrot In a cage, but this did not daunt Shaffer. He wanted to be a catcher and he was. In 1S00 he caught on the Dan ville team In tho Pennsylvania State League. Like Little Eva. who sometimes doubles in brass, he played firstbase also when the player who guarded that station was "resting." In 1901 he played first base with WUliamsport, Pa,, but it was not until he was playing on the initial sack for Altoona, Pa., did ho show signs of his hitting and run-getting abilities. Ho closed the season with this team and led the league In hitting and base-running. In 1S33 ho was wearing the uni form of tho Savanah team. The life of the league was brief, but It was long enough for tho fans to take note of his batting. Tho year 1S94 found him in the Sucker State as a member of tho Peoria team of tho Western Association. While with this team ho was assigned to tho left garden and closed the season batting over 300; 1895 again found him in left field, but with Omaha. Omaha fluked beforo the season was months old and he was transferred to Denver and closed his batting career in the 300 division. In 1896 he was a Texas Leaguer, playing with Houston, tho town that captured tho pennant that year. His batting this year was near the 400 mark. From Texas to Norfolk, Va., Is a big Jump, but 1697 found him in that his torical Southern town. Money Is just as necessary to make baseball go as It Is the mare. Norfolk did not havo money and in conscQuence Shaffer was traded to tho Paterson team of New Jersey. In 1S9S Shaffer captained and played first base for tho Cortland Park team In the Now York State League Tho East was good, but Shaffer liked Horace Greeley's advice, so in 1&)9 he was playing with Cedar Rapids In tho Western Associa tion. The absence of TJnclo Sam's green lithographs put this team to tho bad and Shaffer joined the Toungstown, O., team in tho Interstate League. Shaffer was a business man in 1900 and did not ploy. In 1901 ho was captain of the Rockford, 111., team, and in 1903 he was captain of tho Helena team. During all these years he batted always above S00 and , often led In base-running. STUXTS DOES GOOD STUNT. "Wins 3111c Rao by Small Margin Discipline for Jockeys. SAN FRANCISCO, March 3. Fine weathor prevailed at Oakland today, but the track was somewhat heavy, due to the rain of last night. Only two favorites scored, but soma other events went to well-played horses. The mile race result ed in a good finish. Stunts winning by a narrow margin from Qreyfleld, while James F. was a closo third. The Ledean won tho lU-mlle race and pulled up very lame. Jockey Coburn was today reinstated, with tho understanding that he will not be allowed to ride on tho Cccks of the new California Jockey Club. Tho stew ards suspended Jockey Connell owing to recent unsatisfactory riding. Results: Six and a half furlongs, selling Pat Morrlssey won. Legal Maxim second. Dol lio Wlethoff third; time. 1:24. One mile, selling Stunts won, Greyfleld second. James F. third; time. 1:454. "Six and a half furlongs, selling Velma Clark won, Try an us second. Bogus Bill third: time. 1:23. Mile and a quarter, selling Tho Ledean won, Colonel Ballantyne second, Star Cotton third; time, 2:11. Seven furlongs, selling Orslna won. Mimo second, Diamente third; time, 1:2SU. Three and a half JTurlongs, selling Young Pepper won, H. L. Frank second. T. J. Cox third; time, 0:43t4. Races at .Vew Orleans. NEW ORLEANS, March i-Crescent City race results: One mile Dereszke won. Bondage sec ond. Decoration third; time. 1:461-5. One mile Ahuroada won. Birch Broom second. Shrino third; time. 1:46. Mile and a quarter, selling Leflare won. Ceylon second. Nettle Regent third; time, 215 1-E. Mile and 70 yards Major Tenny won. PORTLAND PIRST-BASEMAN LEAVES FOR SAlN JOSE ijijjjB CIIARLES A. SHAFFER, LATE Imp. Albula second. Bud Embrey third; time, 1:49 4-5. Seven furlongs Floyd K. won, Frank Rice second, Farmer Jim third; time. 1:32. One mile, selling Denny Duffy won. Loiter second. Banish third; time, l:4Sl-3. Coramlfesiona on California Races Accepted. Portland Club Cafe, 130 Fifth street. Direct wires from the tracks. NO MEET WITH NATIONAL GUARD. Bat Y. M. C. A. "Will Not Abandon Athletic Contest Proposed. The board of officers of the Third Regi ment, O. N. G., last night heard the report of the athletic committee appointed to confer with a like committee of the Y. M. C. A. In regard to the athletic meet pro posed by the-association. As the date set by the Y. M. C A. is April 4, the board decided It would be unwise for the Na tional Guard to enter the contest, as there would not bo sufficient time for training before the event. The militia is also very busy drilling at this season of the year in order to be In good shape should they be ordered to attend the reorganization at Salt Lake City, which the War Depart ment contemplates. M. M. Rlngler, of the association, an' nounced his Intention to hold the meet regardless of this, however, and. Instead of the Armory, the Y. M. C. A. gymna sium will be used for the contests. Med als and other suitable prizes will be awarded the successful contestants, and everything done to make the event a suc cess. From the following programme an Idea may be had of the nature of the as sociation's coming circus: Grand Entry, led by Livlngton; Baton Swing ing. Band (Sousa's). Chinese Brigade. Oriental Novelties. Wild and Domestic Animals. Side Show Freaks. Brownies. Ladles Gymnasium Class. Association Leaders Corps. Gymnasts, Acrobats, Tumblers, Wire-Walkers, etc Bicycle Trick Bider. Farmers" Convention. Alfonse and Gaston (duel). Exhibition of Animals. Frollclng Monkey. Stupid Mule. Alice Chewgum, Famous South African Ele phant. .v Gorilla. Horse. Cat, Pig. Drill by Chinese Boys' Brigade. Brownies in Comic Mat Work. Boiler Skating. Statuary Work, Leaders' Corps. Fancy March and Bar Drill, Ladles (1G). Mass Club and Dumbbell Drill by Seniors. PAYNE TO TRAIN HIS MEN. Oregon Track Captain Will Act as Reprular Trnlner. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, March 3. (Special.) The Athletic Council has de cided not to employ a regular trainer for this year'B track teatm. so Captain C. A. Payne and Physical Director C. A. Bur den will direct the training. Manager Earl has received numerous applications for tho position of trainer, but most of the applications were from men who de manded too high a price for their services. Captain Payne has been a member of the varsity track team for three years, and Is one of the fastest middle-distance runners In tho Northwest. He was captain of the team that won the state championship last year, and he thoroughly understands tho work of training athletes. Manager Earl expects to arrange meets with Wil lamette and Pacific Universities, Albany College. Oregon Agricultural College and the Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club. -WILL TRAIN ELSEWHERE. Jimmy Brltt Decides to ChRnre His Quarters From Multnomah Clnb. beginning with today Jimmy Brltt, who is to fight Jack O'Keefe on Monday night, will put the finishing touches to his training at 115 Second street. This was determined upon yesterday, when tho Call fornlan learned that not all the directors of the Multnomah Club were In favor of his training at the club. As soon as Brltfs managers learned that a vote of the di rectors was necessary before the privilege could be granted, they told the club of ficials that, rather than cause any em barrassment, other quarters would be se cured. The courtesy of the club, was, however, extended to Brltt. HICKEY ON MISSION OF PEACE. Will Try to Get Coast Leagrne to Slyrn National Agreement. LOS ANGELES, March 3. President Thomas J. Hlckey, of the American Base ball Association, has arrived In Los An geles to begin his Investigation of the baseball situation on the Pacific Coast. President Hlckey announces that his mis sion is one of peace, and that he will en deavor to persuade the Pacific Coast League to Join In the National agreement. He will remain here several days, going to San Francisco for a conference with tho officials of' the Pacific Coast League. Death Dae to Football. CHICAGO. March X Hugh Guthrie Lelghton. a graduate student at the Ar mour Institute, Is dead as the result of a football game in which he participated last October. Death was caused by the weakening of his heart action. Lelghton was prominent In athletics when in the University of Chicago, being a member of CAPTAIN OF THE HELE.NA TE.V.JI. the football team. Last October he played In a hard lnterclass game at the Armour Institute without previous training and strained his heart. He grew gradually worse until the end. . Res alts of Chess Games. MONTE CARLO. March 3. In the third round of the second half of the Inter national chess tournament here today, Schlechter beat Marco, Telchman defeated Regglo, Maroczy worsted Melses, Marsha V beat Mason. Taubenhaus beat Moreau; tho game between Albina and Plllsbury re sulted In a draw, and Tarasch beat Wolf. Mnltnoraith Clnb Bo-trlln-r. The regular weekly bowling tournament at the Multnomah Club last night proved a walkaway for Hudson. Routledge. Sur man and Prince. Their score was 723, en tirely outclassing Monday night's score of CGS. Police Complain to Navy. NEWPORT NEWS, Va., March 3. As the result of a beating which a Sergeant and a private of the local police force re ceived at the hands of sailors from the battleship Maine Saturday evening, Chief of Police Johnson will make a formal complaint to the Navy Department. WASHINGTON. March 3. Animated by reports of grave disorders among the crew of the battleship Maine, the Navigation Bureau telegraphed to Captain Leutze, commander of the ship, to ascertain the facts. He replied as follows' "Eighteen men absent without leave, having left the- ship while In dock. No one shot and no one shot at." Russian Agent in London. PEKIN, March 3. M. Pokotlleff, the manager of the Ruebo-Chinese Bank here, has been appointed agent of the Russian Minister of Firiance in London. "M. Poko tlleff was Russia's ablest agent In the East, and he Is credited with having had greater Influence at the Chinese court than any other foreigner. The Rureian representatives are advising China to adopt the gold standard. The Russo-Chl-nese Bank la suggested as being a seml Chlnese Institution, qualified to assist In the necessary measures to bring about the adoption of the gold standard. Dincnss Mrs. Carlylc's Letters. NEW YORK. March 3. Tho publication of the letters of Mrs. Jane Welch Car lyle to Thomas Carlyle was the occasion of an interesting dinner last night, says a London dispatch to the Tribune. John Lane entertained a small company of lit erary men and the effect of the production of tho letters suppressed by Froude was Informally discussed. It Is probable that the memory of the Chelsea philosopher IS OUR MOTTO, Thorough work our doctrine. Strict ad herence to both enables us to qualify any willing student for the duties of an of fice position. The success of hundreds of our graduates, as bookkeepers and stenog raphers, proves that a course with us pays. Open all tne year; students admitted any time; catalogue free. Call, or white. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE PARK AND WASHINGTON. A. P. ARMSTRONG, LL.B., PRINCIPAL Telegraphy and Shorthand Wo :an assist you to Increase your earning capacity. The demand for competent operators and stenographers Is greater than the supply. Unexcelled Facilities. Day and Night. BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE 242 Washington Street II. "IV. BEXKHE, Pres. X. M. WALKER, Sec HENRIETTA M. HOLMES. 4O0 Abinxton linildliis, 114 TTeUrd Street. Pupils prepared for any university, business collect, cr special examination. Particular at tention riven to 'tfcoe backward In public tchnol work of any trade- Call or write Everybody will enjoy reading what Ray Stannard Baker has to say on THe Great Northwest The First Article in The March Century tells of the striking things to be seen In Portland, Spokane, Seattle, Taco ma, anJ thereabouts. These articles are handsomely illustrated by E. L. Blumenschein, who accompanitd Mr. Baker on his tour. The Pictures .Alorie tell the story of remarkable devel opment This 'series will cover the resources, industries, and character istics of the Northwestern States. Get The Century. which was left under a cloud by a par tial and Inconclusive revelation of his domestic relations will be vindicated at the expense of Mr. Froude rather than of Mr. Carlyle. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT PORTLAND, March 3.-8 P. M. Maximum temperature, 42; minimum temperature. 37; river reading, 11 A M., 4.4 feet; change in 24 hours, 0.1 foot; total precipitation. 5p. M. to 5 P. 1L. O.00; total precipitation since Sept. 1, 1903, 20.58 inches; normal precipitation since Sept. 1, 1902. .33.15 Inches; deflclcncy, 2.59 Inches; total sunshine March 2, 0:35; possible sunshine March 2. 11:12; barometer (reduced to sea level) at 5,P. M.. 29.SS. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Light rain has occurred in Northern Califor nia and in Southern Oregon, and rain and snow is reported generally In Northern Nevada, East ern Oregon. Southeastern Washington. Idaho and Montana. The temperatures In the Pacific Coast States are generally from 5 to 10 degs.'below the nor mal. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Wind. go to STATIONS. Baker City ..... Bismarck Boise Eureka Helena Kamloope, B. C. North Head Pocatcllo ....... Portland Red Bluf! Roseburg Sacramento Salt Lake San Francisco ... Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Wand . Walla Walla 40;o.0412 NW 13 0.00 S N "Clear (Clear Raining Cloudy Snowing Clear Pt. cldy Snowing Cloudy Pt. cldy Gaining iPt cldy Cloudy iPt, cldy Cloudy IPt. cldy JClear Cloudy 46 0.0S 6 NW 150 0.06(141 AV 1 1210.12 1 IW 30:0.00 00' Cln 12 S3 ll!Wslll IT! k"0.C014! E SE NE taoloios! 4 0.02 MO T !14 SW I SE 8 SW 201 NE 12 NW 22! a 8S 62 T 301 T ! Ho.oo ur.o.oo' !3i!0.S2 Light. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portlnnd for the 28 hours at midnight Wednesday. March 4: Portland and vicinity Partly cloudy and oc casionally threatening; continued cold; east erly winds. Western Oregon Cloudy, with light rain in southern portion; northeast wlndsi v Western Washington Partly cloudy; contin ued cool; northeast winds. Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho Rain or snow. Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho Cloud) and threatening. EDWARD A. BEALS. Forecast OHcIal. AUCTIOS SALES TODAY. By the Ford Auction Co.. at 182 let st., at 10 A. M. H. Ford, auctioneer. At 34S 1st St.. at 10 A. M.. by Sv L. N. Gil man, auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. , SPECIAL COMMUNICATION OF THE 'GRAND LODGE. A. F. Sz A. M. A special communication of the M. W. Grand Lodge. A. F. & A. M.. of Oregon. Is hereby convened at the Masonic Temple, Portland. Or., on Thurs day, March 5. 1903. at 1 o'clock P. M.. to con duct the funeral firvlces of our late Grand Treasurer. R. W. Brother Francis JI. AUIston. from his late residence. 365 12th street. Offi cers and members are requested to attend. Lodges and visiting brethren earnestly Invited to participate. By order of SILAS M. TORAN. Acting Grand Master. JAMES F. ROBINSON. Grand Secretary. OREGON COMMANDERT. NO. 1. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Sir Knights: You are hereby sum moned to assemble at our asylum. Masonic Temple. Thursday. March 5, 1903, at 1 o'clock P. M. punctually, for the purpose of attending the funeral of our be loved frater. Francis H. Alllston. and to act as an escort to the M. W. Grand Lodge of Oregon. By order Eminent Commander. W. S. MACRUM. Recorder. WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 40, A. F. & A. M. Stated communica tion this (Wednesday) evening at 7:30 o'clock, at Masonic Hall, Burkhard building. Work In F. C degree. All F. C. Masons cord'ally Invited. J. H. RICHMOND, Sec DIED. WAGNER At the residence of his parents. 361 Multnomah st.. Martin, -beloved son of Peter and Augusto Wagner, at the age of 18 years, 7 months. Funeral notice, later. PHILLIPS In this chy. March 3. 1003. Ralph Phillips, aged 17 years. 26 days. Notice of funeral later. FUNERAL XOTICKS. FIELD In this city. March 3. 1903, at the family residence, 761 Michigan avenue. Ruth, daughter of Adolvert end Lena Field, aped 4 years. 7 months and 15 days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to at tend the funeral services, which will be held at the 'above address at 2 P. M. Thursday, March 5. Interment Lone Fir cemetery. KILLDUFF In this city. March 3. 1903. Mrs. Margaret KUlduff, aged 55 years, wife of Thomas Klllduff and mother of James. Law rence. George. William. Margaret, Alice and Mrs. H. Klrkland. of Portland, and Mrs. C. Blumle, of Springfield, HL Funeral notice later. ALLISTON In this city. March 1. 1003. Fran cis Henry Alllston. aged 44 years, 27 days. Funeral will take place Thursday. -March 5, at 2 o'clock P. M., from his late residence, 3G5 12th at. Interment at Rivenriew cem. etery. COTTEL The funeral services of Willis Eu gene Cottel. son of Lula M. and Dr. W. I. CotteL will be held at St. Matthew's Chapel, cor. 1st and Caruthers sts., today at 2 P. M. Friends invited. Services at the grave pri vate. SETTERBERG The funeral services of the late Emllle Setterberr wUl be held at the chapel -of J. P. Finley & Bon Thursday, March 6. at 2 P. M. Friends Invited. Inter ment at Lone Fir cemetery. TIMM March 3. at 7:30 A. M.. Mrs. Peter Tlrem. Funeral from 650 3d at. at 2 P. M. Interment at Lone Fir. Friends Invited. J.- P. FHTLEY A SON. PreKresslve Faneral Directors aad Embalm era. cor. 3d aad Madison streets. Com petent lady Bss't. Both phones No. n. EDWARD nOLMAN, Undertaker. 4th fend Yamhill ats. Rena. StlBnoa. lady asltxmt. Botli phones No. 007. SCHANEN Jk NEU, MONUMENTS, cemetery work. etc.. 26S First. AMUSEMENTS. marquam: grand theater CALVIN HEIUG. Maaager. This afternoon at 2:15 o'clock. POPULAR PRICE MATINEE. William A. Brady's "LOVERS' LANE." Prices Adults. lOc: children. 25c Last performance tonight at 8:15. Prices $1. 75c. 50c 35c 25c Seats 'arc now seUIng. MARQUAM GRAND THEATER CALVIN HEILIG. Manager. -ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY ! THE TALENTED YOUNG ACTRESS. NANCE O'NEIL. NANCE O'NEIL. NANCE O'NEIL. NANCE O'NEIL. Thureday night. March 5. "THE JEWESS." Friday night, March 6. "MAODA." Saturday matinee. March 7. "CAMIXLE." Saturday night, March 7. "ELIZABETH." Prices $L 75c 50c S5c. 25c and Sl."50. THE BAKER THEATER, GEORGE L. BAKER, Manager. The Kreat Frohman success all this- week, with matinee Saturday, William Gillette's charming comedy. "BECAUSE SHE LOVED HIM SO." The Baker Prices Never Change. Evening 15c 25c 35c 50c; matinees 10c 15c. 25c Next week starting Sunday matinee. March 8. Haddon Chambers' powerful society play, "Captain Swift." CORD RAY'S THEATER- Tonlght. last performance of the Favorite Comedian. MR. SAM MORRIS. In the Four-Act Comedy Drama. "THE PEDDLER'S CLAIM." Good Supporting Company. Beautiful Scenery. Prices. 25 aad 50 Cents. Next Week THE MAN FROM MEXICO" and "THE GAME KEEPER." NEW TODAY. COTTAGES FOB SALE CHEAP Oa Brooklyn at., in Tlbhetts Add., near -Int. at SSOO unci $000 each. Alao vacant lots nt 8250. TtUSSELL & BLYTH. 82 1-- ld st., cor. Oak. i ILLUSTRATION No. 4. The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. Incorporated April 22, 1SS7. You are going to travel? You are uncertain how long you will be away. You do not want your funds to be idle. Call on us. Procure a certificate of deposit payable on ninety days" call, with Interest at four per cent per annum. When you think of turnlns homeward, call your certificate by mall or wire. At the end of ninety days we will pay the certificate with in terest to that date. We shall be glad to answer questions. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 109 THIRD STREET. WOODST We own many lots in this, our most attractive suburb. T)n tliem we are building neat and attractive homes. Let us build one for you. You may pay in installments. For particulars call on the owners, PORTLAND-TRUST CO. OF OREGON 109 THIRD STREET Or upon our agent, C. L. Par ker, at "Woodstock. Portsmouth Villa Extended THE CREAM OF THE PENINSULA- We have a great many lots of different sizes and prices in this well situated addition. Should you desire a home we will build for you. Call up on the owner, PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON 109 Third street, or upon our agents, J. W. Atwater & Co., University Park Station. A Confidential Statement. We have been telling the public so much of late about other depart merits of our business, that we have perhaps neglected to extol the advantages of our HOME SAVINGS BANKS. We lend these UttJc steel safes to those who open savings ac counts with us. Yesterday morning a tenant of the Dekum building brought one In covered with the grime and cinders of the fierce fire it had gone through. Some members of his family were with him. Theynecded the results of their savings and they needed them badly. We opened the bank, the contents were Intact, thrift was rewarded. Can you take a hint? If so, open a savings account with us without delay. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, 109 Third Street. S. L. N. GILMAN - Auctioneer E AUCTION SALE Of ElcRitnt KIMBALL PIAXO and HOUSEHOLD FUUX1TORE at reiil dence. AVe arc Instructed to sell by pabJIc auction at the residence, 426 TWELFTH STREET, between Hall and College, NEXT THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 10 A. M. Almost-new KIMBALL UPRIGHT PIAXO. In BEAUTIFUL OAK CASE; fine iTAHOGAXT CENTER TABLE; 31AHOOAXT CHAIRS AND ROCKERS; VERT PRETTY MAHOGANY EOF A. FINELY UPHOLSTERED; drojyhead ewlne machine; WILTON CARPETS; SMYR NA RUG. 8x12 teet; LACE CURTAINS: JAR DINIERES awl PALMS; HANDSOME OAK HALL RACK; complete BEDROOM SUITS; prints: BEDDING, etc; oak rocker: DIN ING EXTENSION TABLE; chairs; "WARD ROBE; cupboard; REFRIGERATOR; RELI ABLE GAS COOK RANGE; ttne OIL PAINT INGS; stands; curtains; crockery; COOK STOVE, tc, N. B. THIS FURNITURE AND PIANO ARB ALMOST NEW. AND BUYERS WILL DO WELL TO ATTEND THIS SALE. THURS DAY NEXT. AT 12ff 12TH. AT 10 A. M. S. L. JT GILMAN. Auctioneer OCK CLASSIFIED AD. RATES. "Rooms." "Rooms aad Board." "Housekeep luff Rooraa." "Situation Wanted." 13 -words or less. IS cents; IS to 20 words. 20 cent: 21 to 23 words. 35 cents etc No discount tor ad ditional insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS except "New Tcday." 30 cents for 13 -words or less; 16 to 2u -srords. 40 cents; 21 to 23 words. 30 cnta. etc first Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half; no further discount under one month. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure aate). 13 cents per line, first Insertion: 10 cents per lino tot each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregontan and left at this should always be Inclosed In sealed en velopes No stamp Is required on such letters. The Otegonlan will not be responsible for errors in advertisements taken through the telephone. ' NEW TODAY. DR. E. L. LANE. DENTIST. WISHES TO announce to his patients and the public that he will open an office again In a few days. Thanking them for their patronage In the past and their kindness In this trying time. A FEW THOUSAND FIRST-CLASS 1-YEAR-old Italian prune trees at 550 per thousand tree, on.- Hawthorne ave. PostotHce address Mount Tabor. W. S. Falling. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved city and farm property. Building loan. Installment loans. WM. MA CHASTER. Ml Worcester block. 10.86 NET INTEREST Can be bbtalned from property on $40,000 cash, cr part cath, balance at 5 per cent Interest. Income over ?50CO yearly. F. V. Andrews & Co.. Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE. Honne, Xo. COO Everett street, vrlth lot aliont 4SxlOO feet. Price ?4000. RUSSELL & BLYTH. S2& Sd at., cor. Oak. Till) VD For sale In the Wlllam- III, (It XAXVaC5;.7I vVnlZ h. from Portland to Ashland, at prices ranzlng from $2 to $200 per acre. Pacific Ctcst Ccasolidaled Bsat :!ati asd Locitlsa Bums 1C2 Second L, Portland. Oregon. SOMETHING GOOD ?CO0O 100x100 on Twelfth aad Har rlson. He-it Itajr on market for resi dence One block from Portland Academy. "Will sell nepar ntcly. GHIXDSTAFP Jfc BLAIX. H.R.ALDEN,M.D. REMOVED TO LABBE BLDG. X. K. Corner Second and TTasUlngrton Over Berni'K Dreg Store Rooms 40 and 41, Tlilrd Floor FIREPROOF SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS Chamber of Commerce BIdg. Boxes rented from $6.00 a year, and upwards . . Private rooms for cli ents where boxes can be taken, con tents examined, letters written, and other business transacted. F. K. ARNOLD, Supt. $5000 ELEGAXT MODERN 7-ROOM RE3I den' e on Mill st., furnace, three fireplaces, fruit trees. J800O Fine modem 10-room residence on West Side, fireplace, furnace, fine fruit trees, shrubbery, lot 60x100 feet. v J1300 Very good 7-room house and two lots, with plenty of fruit near Mt. Tabor. JC50 Good 5-room house and lot In Center Addition. CHARLESON & STAUB. 21315 Morrison st.. room 12. $700 ( ACRES. ?700 2'4 ACRES. THESE tracts convenient to car line. $5250 6 acres, on car line, very desirable. $53006 acres,, close In. suitable for plat ting, and will sell at good profit. 1 $2000 17 acres, well Improved, sightly and convenient to Portland. DAVIDSON", WARD & CO.. 403 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE $S0OC J. W. OGILBEE. ROOM 11. 154 1ST ST. 5-acre tract, all In cultivation, with good 8 room rerldence (needs some repairing), very good stable, etc, good well water, lies high and sightly, close to car line, on the East Side, between Kenllworth and Woodstock. This is a cheap property, and would make a nice home. I300CFINE MODERN 7-ROOM RESIDENCE on West Side; fireplaces, furnace, high lot and fine location. $1500 Very nice 7-room house and two lots all set out In fruit, near Mount Tabor. Other fine residences on East and West Sides. CHARLESON & STAUB, 245i Morrison. Room 12. A VERY PRETTY 6-ROOM MODERN COT tage. on car line, bath and all modern con veniences; 2 lots; furnished throughout. $1800. A nice modern home In Sell wood: well furnished. $2000. House and lots or vacant lots at prices and terms to suit purchaser. Shreve & Haslam, 421 Ablngton bldr. 123 ACRES. PART FENCED. GOOD LAND, lays well; house, bam. sheep shed, granary, apple orchard, small fruits, good water; 20 acres plow land, bottom pasture and timber; 6 miles from Oregon City. Terms to suit purchaser. Address Cap. R. J. Young. Ore gon City, Or. 9-ROOM HOUSE. NEARLY COMPLETED, Eunny&Ide. on easy terms, $1700; 6-room cot tage, fine new, complete. Upper Albina. $2000; SO-acre farm, 10 miles East Side, 35 clear, buildings. $5500; small tracts near city. R. & A. Buetlkofer, 191 3d st. A FINE RESIDENCE ON MORRISON ST.. . near the- High School building; lot 50x100 feet, house modem and very attractive. Call on or address T. T. Struble, 250 Main st. ELEGANT. NEW. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE, comer lot. 1024 Hawthorne ave.. $S000; house cost $2500. 5 - room house. Upper Albina. $1250. Plttenger, room 0, 2456 Morrison. $2400 NEW MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE IN Hclladay's Add.; clos la; rents for $20 per month: cozy home. Miller. 303 Chamber Commerce. A BARGAIN 5 OR 10 ACRES EAST OF city limits, on Hawthorne ave.; 10-mlnute car service. P. O. address Mount Tabor, W. Falling. $2000 NICELY LOCATED QUARTER BLOCK In Holladay's Addition, with sewer and street Improvements. For particulars phone owner. Scott 613. MOUNT SCOTT REAL ESTATE OFFICE. Lents, Or. All kinds or property cheap. Take Mount Scott car: fare 5 cents. O. R. Addlton. $3250 Beautiful corner, S. E. frontage, with good house, large veranda; walking distance, oa car line. Miller. 303 Chamber of Com. Homes built on easy payments, jmy part city; lots furnished if necessary; low rate interest. City Building Co.. 612 Commercial bldg. FOR SALE A BARGAIN; 4 LOTS, WITH two dwellings. Peninsular Addition No. 3: installments. 213 Commercial block. LOTS. CLOSE IN. $350; $5 PER MONTH. Houses near steel bridge on easy terms. W. Rcldt. room 15 Washington block. FOR SALE STRICTLY MODERN S-ROOM house. Al location. West Side: a bargain. Owner, room 107. Sherlock bldar. $S50 FOR FOUR FULL LOTS. CENTRAL AL blna. near Thompson School; streets im proved. 303 Chamber Commerce. $50 LOTS ON ST. JOHNS CAR LINE, OiLY a few blocks from drydock site. Brown, 353 Stark sL. opposite Library. NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE. CORNER LOT. Vancouver ave.. close In; cheap; half cash. Y 10. Oregonlan. FOR SALE NEAT 5-ROOM COTTAGE, WITH bathroom, pantry, cement wood cellar. Own er. D 6, Oregonlan. CHOICE LOT. COUCH ADDITION. ONLY $1000. on easy terms. F. V. Andrews & Co.. Hamilton bldg. BEAUTIFULLY IMPROVED HOMES. $300 up; lots cheap. M. W. Parsons, 611 Spencer St.. MontavlUa. FOR SALE FOUR. LOTS IN NORTH AL blna; cheap; a snap. Room 615 Chamber of Commerce'. NEW 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. FULL basement Wheeler's Ad., $2S00. 107 Sherlock FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FABL1NGER REDDING. REAL. ESTATE, farm and city property. 89B Belmont sr.. city. FOR SALE SMALL ORCHARDS WITHIN two .miles of statehouse. E. Pre snail. Salem. M. BILLINGS real estate. loans at reasonable rates, flra and Ufa Insurance. 509 McKay. FOR SALE FARMS. HOMESEEKERS WILL DO WELL TO Ex amine our large list In all kinds ot farm property: $20 per acre for a fine wheat farm of 660 acres, good new two-story house, good bam. orchard. 275 acres sown In wheat, will average 25 bushels per acre. $90 per acre for 54 acres of fine land. 15 miles trom Portland on fine road, 40 acres In cultivation, good buildings, extra fine barn, fine orchard. i mile to R. It. station. $3300 For 74 acres, very fine land. 13 miles trom Portland, nearly 50 acres cleared, good buildings, orchard, good road; $35CO A Very choice place. 5 miles from Portland containing 24 acres, two new houses, bam. lots ot fruit: must be seen to be appreciated. CHARLESON & STAUB. 245ft Morrison, room 1Z FINE WHEAT FARM IN SHERMAN COUN ty. Eastern Oregon, of 860 acres; 700 acres tillable land, 275 acres sown in wheat; nlco new two-story house, good barn, orchard; land 'avsrares 25 bushels per acre; price, $2i per acrer $2750 For a nice 20-tract near Base Lino road, close in. 10 acres clear, very good 6 room house, good barn, some orchard. lots of small fruit. $3500 Very nice place of 24 acres, 5H miles from Portland, 2 new houses, barn, all kinds of fruit and berries, about 600 cords of fine timber; place must be seen to be appre ciated. CHARLESON & STAUB, 245',i Morrison, Room 12. 23 ACRES FINE GARDEN LAND. FINE new buildings and fences; best of water; abundance of all kinds of choice fruits; lo cated on good road. In, good neighborhood, near R R. station, P. O., school, stores, churches, etc; close to proposed electric car line; a fine and lovely home for little money; the greatest bargain on the market; nothing better; $3500. Address owner. Perry Ellis, Beaverton. Or. BEAUTIFUL FARMS. HIGHLY IMPROVED, trom SO to 000 acres. $22 up per acre; fine stock ranches, well improved and watered, from 640 to 3000 acres. $20 up per acre; ideal hop and prune lands; also sawmills and tim ber lands, all near Portland. See or address T. Withycorabe, room S, Hamilton bldg.. Third St., Portland. Or. RELINQUISHMENTS A few choice relinquishments In Klickitat Valley, Washington; price from $200 to $650: come see. them. K. C. LAND & LOAN CO., Goldendale. Wash. Write for our booklet descriptive ot farms for sale In. the famous Klickitat Valley. ONE OF THE BEST FARMS ON THE Co lumbia River, well stocked with cattle, horses, pigs, a complete outfit ot tools and machinery, good 8-room house, 3 bams, dairy, chicken-houses; all rich, level bottom land: steamboat landing- on the place: It Is one of the best buys on the market. Terms can be made for part payment. Shreve & Haslam. 421 Ablngton bldg. 1 140 MILES S..OF PORTLAND, NEAR RAIL road, 2 miles from best market in Oregon, I have ISO acres of high foothill land. GO acres improved; orchard, bouse, new bam, 4 cows, wagen and team, mowing machine, etc.. for $1400. two-thirds cash. P. Mutter. Saginaw. Or. A FIRST-CLASS 250-ACRE FARM WITH gcod S-room houze. bam and out buildings, on good county road; plenty of good out range; within easy reach of city; terms can be made on part payment. Shreve & Haslam, 421 Ablngton bldg. HOMESEEKERS I HAVE SEVERAL choice homesteads for location near R. R. and good town. Best of wheat, fruit and stock lands. Wm. Hawks, room 300 Commer cial block. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL parts of Oregon and Washington; payments made to suit purchasers. For particulars apply to WM. MACMASTER. 311 Worcester block. FARM OF 115 ACRES. TWO MILES FROM Oregon City; good house and bam. two wells, spring branch, on main road. Address bos 177. Oregon City. 160 ACRES FINE FRUIT AND DAIRY farm. Clerk County, Washington; 40 acres cleared. Call or write. owner, V.'. Falrchlld, Scappoose, Or. FOR SALE LARGE AND SMALL FARMS, dairy and stock ranches. In Western Oregon and Washington. W. O. Waddel, 2052 Mor rison, st. FOR SALE RANCH OF- 200 ACRES, WITH house, bam and other buildings. Inquire 303 Mill st.-. Pqrtland. TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. FOR IMMEDIATE LOCATION 20 FIR AND cedar timber claims, will erulse 6.000.000 to 10.000,000; 10 fine yellow pine timber claims; all conveniently located on a logging stream; cruisers" fees reasonable. Wm. Hawks, room 300 Commercial block. TIMBERED LAND FOR SETTLERS SOMH small tracts of good agricultural land neai railroad; will cut 3,000,000 per quarter sec tion; $6 per acre: also homesteads and tlmbei claims. Ames Mercantile Agency. Ablngton building. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR SALE IN large and small amounts; recertified, title guaranteed; immediate delivery. For full particulars call or address Scrip, 714 Mar quam bldg., Portland, Or. WE HAVE SEVERAL TIMBER OR HOME stead clalmn; also some very desirable school land in Southern or Eastern Oregon. For particulars call 211 Allsky bldg. WE HAVE SEVERAL TIMBER OR HOME stead claims; also some very desirable school land. In Southern or Eastern Oregon. For particulars call 211 Allsky bldg. HOMESTEADS AND TIMBER CLAIM3 LO cated: best now vacant; no fee until filing ac cepted; large tracts for sale. Sanford & Per ry, 310 Ablngton bldg. Timber cruiser and locater homestead and timber claims; locating in Douglas Co.. Or. Ole Reno. Hotel Qulmby, cor. 4th and Couch. TIMBER LOCATIONS IN OREGON, SUGAR and yellow pine; cruise 3.000,000 to 5,000.000. W. S. Balr, Hornbrook. Cal. WE HAVE GOOD HOMESTEAD AND TIM ber claims; location fee very low. 167 1st, room 7. FOR GOOD TIMBER CLAIMS CALL AT 515 Marquam bldg., to 4 P. M. FOR REXT FARMS. LEASE ON ELEGANT 14 - ACRE PLACE, swell 10-room residence and other buildings; to- one who will buy team and other property. The Dunn-Lawrence Co., 149 1st st TO LEASE. QUARTER BLOCK ON SOUTHEAST COR ner of 14th and Alder its. Parrlsh. Watklns Co.. 250 Alder st. TO EXCHANGE. THE BEST RESIDENCE AND FULL BLOCK In Hood River for suburban property In Port land. A. S. Blowers, Hood River. Or. FOR SAE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE FINE MATCHED TEAM OF young horses, 5 and 6 years. Inquire Acme OH Co., 175 East 23d st. between Belmont and East Yamhill. Residence phone Scott 2803. GOOD HEAVY TEAM-FOR-SALE. REASON able. Call 12S Union ave., near East Mor rison st. WAGONS. HARNES3, NEW AND SECOND hand; must be sold In 60 days. 211 Wash. Miscellaneous. CIGARS. UNION AND NONUNION; IF WB cannot get them to you for less money than any other firm we will give them to you fot nothing. Sol. Kahn & Co.. 200 Battery st,, San Francisco. EGGS FROM LARGE AND HEALTHY white P. Rocks, $1 and $1.50 sitting; good hatches guaranteed. Address C Organ, St. Johns, Or. A FINE HIGH-GRADE UPRIGHT PIANO, latest style, as good as new; at one-half its value. Call between 10 A. M. and 5 P. M. at 333 3d st. BUILDING LUMBER AND LATHS FOR sale; free delivery north of Holladay avenue. Bring your bills In to 520 Marquam bldg. FQR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR PORTLAND real estate, the half interest In paying ab stract Company. Lock box 328. Portland. FOR SALE A FIRST-CLASS 30 H.-P. SEC-ond-hand gas engine, practically new. North west Electric Eng. Co., 309 Stark st. GOOD DRY 4-FOOT POLE OAK WOOD DE livered. $4.75 per cord this week only. Hoover, 313 Water. Phone South 651. MEUKY-GO ROUND. HERSEL MAKE. NO. 207 Second avenuff. South Seattle, WftJh. Rober Rund.