THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1903. BATTLE IS A DRAW Young Corbett and Hanlon Fight Fiercely. EjQUALS NOT SEEN ON COAST After Tiventr Jlonnd of Clean, Scientific Work, Neither lln Ad vantage Hanlon Looks Like "Winner nt .First. TpunK Corbett and Eddie Hanlon fowht 10 fierce rounds to a. draw at Sao Francisco last nlsbt. Doth showed skill, science and endur ance, and the light Is declared one of the beet ever teen on the Coast. Hanlon had the ad van tact during the. first seven rounds, but Corbett showed srtat recuperative power, and kept the came about even, though he seemed several times on the point of betas knocked out. Fifth and Washington Streets Olds, Woftman & King GOODS BOUGHT ON ACCOUNT TODAY AND TOMORROW WILL BE CHARGED ON NEXT MONTH'S BILL SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 2C After 20 rounds of the fastest fighting ever seen in San Francisco. Referee Graney de- rlrrrod the bout between. Younc Corbett, of Denver, and Eddie Hanlon. of San Francisco, a draw. Young Corbett clearly demonstrated to the Immense crowd pres ent that he has not gone back, as pome sporting -writers would have the public believe. Hanlon also showed that the high opinion in -which he has been held bv California boxlntr enthusiasts has been justified. The contest from a spectacular standpoint was the best ever witnessed on the Coast, both men putting up a clean, hard, scientific contest. Corbetfs experience and knowledge of the game saved him on several occasions from tho defeat which seemed to be his inevitable portion. But the minute's in terval did wonders for the Denverite and he came back at the Callfornlan always willing and ready to take the blows which Hanlon rained on his head ana Doar. From the first to the seventh rounds Hanlon had a shade the better of the con test, but the lucky seventh was the turn ing point apparently in the tide of battle in Corbetfs favor. At one stage in mis round it seemed as If the little Callfornlan could not ward off a knockout, but his wonderful punishment - taking powers stood him in good stead and the call of Umo was a. welcome sound for him. From the seventh until the twentieth, it was a, give and take contest and to the pro-Hanlon house present it seemed as If the decision should have been his. But Referee Graney thought otherwise and de clared the contest a draw. During the last 10 rounds Hanlon had Corbett on Queer street on several occasions, but each time the Denver lad came back strong and willing for the fray, taking much punishment and always awaiting an opportunity to send his right to the head or his left to the body. Their Strongest Points. Corbetfs best blow developed in to night's fight was a right uppercut to the chin and the Californlan's heretofore al most Impregnable guard was beaten down on more than one occasion. Corbett send ing in his right to tho chin repeatedly. Toward the end of the contest he split Hanlon's right eye open and had the 'Frisco boy's nose beaten out of shape. Hpnlon's best blows were rights to tho body and left to tho head and he;Qld his most effective work at close range; When ever Corbett stood off (from him. It -was disastrous for Eddie, as the former in variably rushed in. sending his Tight to either the body or the head. Hanlon beat Corbetfs guard down on at least four occasions and had tho Denver lad In an almost defenseless condition and the Den ver lad was forced to hang on to avoid punishment and a knockout. On several occasions the gong saved the Denverite. The 10th round -was all Han lon's and It seemed as If the Denver boy could not possibly withstand the terrlffc punishment administered. But the min ute's rest preceding the twentieth and final round worked wonders for him and he toed the scratch as strong as during the earlier rounds of the contest. It was give-and-take from the call of time to the sound of the gong in the last round, neither being able to put In a finishing blow. Corbett was seen In his dressing-room after the contest and was strong in his praise of the Callfornlan. He said that Hanlon gave him the hardest fight of his ring career and added that with a little more experience the Callfornlan could whip tho best of them. Hanlon also had .many praiseworthy things to say of his opponent and declared him to be the ram est man he ever fought. He added that Corbett was one of tho hardest hit ters he had ever met and credited the Denver man with being the first pugilist In his ring cxperienco to beat down his guard. They fought at 120 pounds ring' side. HnKc Crowd at TUnnsitle. Early in the evening every -available point of vantage in Mechanics Pavilion was occupied: standing room was at a premium and the police with difficulty restrained the surging masses In the gal leries. Even the rafters supporting the roof of tho great building held hosts of young enthusiasts squirming their way along posts to overlook the ring. Sport ing people from all parts of the Pacific Coast and many from the East 'were at the ringside. Two preliminaries proceeded the main event. "'Monte Attell won from "Bobbie Johnson on a foul In the sixth. "Missis sippi," a colored lad, put out Jimmy An ,thony in the first round. Hanlon and his seconds -were strongly tor the opinion that the decision should lhave been with their camp and expressed surprise that Referee Graney should have (declared the contest a draw. It is very (probable that one of the San Francisco iclubs will mako a bid to Terry McGovern to meet Toung Corbett In this city. , Tonight's contest -will net tho fighters more than JS0Q0. 1 It is likely that Hanlon will be pitted lagalnst Jimmy Britt If the McGovern Corbett contest cannot be arranged. The Fight by Itonnds. Round 1 Hanlon was the first to lead. but was short. Corbett pranced around and uppercut Hanlon lightly with right. Hanlon assumed a crouching position and was well guarded. Corbett was unable to penetrate It Corbett finally got in llpht rlrtit to tho faee. Eddie nnt hl lpfr ltd, the. head and Corbett retaliated with right to head. Eaaie neatly blocked a left uppercut. He tried twice with left for face, but Corbett backed out of harm s way. corbett Drought nis left to tho ear. but with not much force to It. Hanlon drove a straight left to the head and in a .mix-up sent his right and left to face. As the gong sounded. Hanlon drove his left and right hard to body and head. iTbe champion went to his corner with a worried look. I Round 2 Hanlon led for body, but was Ishort. Corbett tried with right and left "for the bods-, but the 'Frisco lad blocked. Hanlon was keeping his face well pro jected. Corbett planted his right hard to the "Stomach and Hanlon hooked him (to body with left. Corbett sent his right tto body and they clinched. Hanlon drove bis right twice to kidneys. Hanlon sent straight left to body and Corbett coun red with right to body. .Corbett hooked right to body and they clinched. Hanlon forced the fighting and had an almost mnretmable defense. Round 3 wanion jouea women witn ieit Knit Goods An Excellent. Timely Special LADIES' VESTS AND PANTS Medium weight, cream color, high neck, long sleeves, neatly trimmed with crochet and silk tape. Pants ankle length, French bands. Regular LQ price 75c, special each..Ts'3'C LADIES' HOSE, black lisle, full finished, French toe, high spliced heels, some fine gauze weights, qualities you cannot get elsewhere for less than 50c and 65c a pair, special O O Friday and Saturday . . O C Notions Coke's Dandruff Cure, 10 oz. bottle, special 65c Coke's Dandruff Cure, 5 oz. bot tle special 33c Tooth Brushes, French bristle, special 7c Tooth Brushes, best French bristle, 20c values, special . . 12c Writing Paper, plain white and cream, envelopes to match, re duced from 20c a box to 12c Wrist Bags in walrus and seal, nickel or gun metal chain, black, brown or tan leathers, special, each $1.25 Dress Shields, nainsook covered, special per pair 10c Sewing Machine Oil, pure sperm, special per bottle 3c Oil Cans, double seamed, zinc, special, each 4c Stocking darners, black enamel, special, each 3c Bone Hair Pins, black, amber and shell, special per dozen. . 5c Bargains In New Lace Cttains Not the ordinary reduction, but an extra value sale, and big extra values at that. Prices we could not think of making if we had not secured them at extraordinary discounts. There are hand some and dainty Point d'Esprit, Brussels, Renaissance, Antique, Cluny and Arabian, and all fresh and new, just from the mill. Prices: $6.00 per pair, now $4.50 5.50 per pair, now 4.25 4.00 per pair, now 300 3.75 per pair, now 2.75 3.25 per pair, now 2.45 2.75 per pair, now. 2.10 2.50 per pair, now". 185 2.25 per pair, now 175 2.00 per pair, now : 1-50 1.75 per pair, now 1-25 LAST TWO DAYS Ring Demonstration Sale Tnc Famous W. L. & Co. Gold-Filled Rings Plain, chased and all kinds of settings, for 25c, 50c, $1.00 and $1.50. Every ring guaranteed to give satisfactory wear for five years. Come in and see them while you can have the advantage of this special demonstration sale. Out Big Bargains in Jewelfy Close This Week Here are some of the items come in and see them all. Fancy Belt Pins, French gray, gilt and oxydized cuff links, belt buckles, sterling-silver brooch pins and many other pretty novelties for J 5c Jet Breast Pins 25c Ladies' Jet Watch Fobs 25c Men's rolled-gold Watch Chains, values to $2.00, for 75c Men's Watch Fobs, gold-plated and gun-metal finish, also tur quoise Fobs, values to 59c, spe cial 39c Hat, Brooch, Stock and Ribbon Pins, special 10c Chatelaine Chain Purses, values to $1.29, special 79c Fancy Belt Buckles and Cuff Links, values to 69c, for. . .35c Shoe Horns, Curling Irons, But ton Hooks, Cuticle Knives and Pocket Knives, values to 69c, for 35c Bon-Ton Tongs, Souvenir Spoons, Orange Forks, values to $r.00, for . . 1 25c Opera Glasses Finest quality French enamel, all colors, with handle, value $11.00, special $7.95 Same, fancy enamel, value $13.00, special $9.95 French enamel, value $7i50, special $6.00 Pearl barrel, white or Oriental, value to $6.00, for $4.75 Black enamal, leather-covered barrel, value $2.00, special at -...$1.35 Sharp Reductions on Rugs, Jttst In Very tasty combination of all kinds of patterns, all wool, double face, five-foot size. Standard $2.25 tw m -q kind for $ 'tO SONGS FROM THE LITTLE DUCHESS ON SALE IN OUR MUSIC DEPARTMENT Pretty Mollie Shannon Clo, I'm Watching Bashful Betsy Brown Sadie Maiden With the Dreamy Eye De Dago de Organ de Monk 'Take Me Out and Float Me Those Great Big Eyes ALL AT SPECIAL PRICES TODAY Silverware Sale Big Reductions on the Best Kinds Silver plated, on white body, nothing better to wear can be found, and they are very hand- I some in shape and decoration. Prices: Teaspoons, set of 6 $ .50 Dessert Spoons, set of 6.. .88 TableSpoons, set of 6... 1.00 Table Knives and Forks, set of 6 2.00 Special Cot set Sale Royal Worcester Make for 49c The corset beyond comparison for make, finish, comfort, ele gance and correctness of shape. Our present sale is on a pretty, black sateen, bias gored and straight front, an excel- aq lent$l grade, only. ... tc J C Do Not Neglect Seeing the Merrill Long - Waist Ad juster To wear it insures a perfect set to both shirtwaist and skirt. Demonstrations main floor. to body and "Corbett "sent right 'uppercut I arm to the body and a similar blow to, the to Jaw. Corbett tried to penetrate Han- I face. Hanlon landed two rights and a Ion's guard, but without success. Corbett I left to the Jaw M quick succession:, Cor- tried right uppercut for Jaw. In a mix up, Hanlon drove right and left to body and followed It with right and left to jaw. Hanlon followed Corbett to ropeo and planted half a dozen vicious rights and lefts to the Jaw and the champldn was dazed. Corbett tried with right for the Jaw, but was unsuccessful. Hanlon crossed with- a right to the Jaw. He forced cor bett to the ropes and planted his right hard to the Jaw and the champion clung to avoid punishment. Hanlon straight ened tho champion out and employed righto and lefts to the face as the gong rang. Corbett went to the corner in a semi-groggy condition. Hanlon was forc ing the fighting. Corbett Bracing Up. Round 4 Hanlon bore in with left for the face, but was short. He sent in a hard right to the kidneys and in a mix-up put a light left to the face. Corbett got in a right to the face. He tried several uppercuts, but of no avail. Hanlon plant ed his right again to the klancya. Corbett again tried to uppercut with right and left, but could not get In Hanlon s guard. Corbett acted mostly on the defensive. Hanlon sent a .straight to the face and Corbett blocked a wicked right for the stomach. They mixed it considerably. Hanlon crossed heavily with a right to the Jaw and followed It up with four rights. to the kidneys. Corbett wap clinging to Hanlon as the gong sounded. Round 5-Corbett tried -with right for head, but it went wide. He then tried straight right for the Jaw. but the blow was blocked. Finally Corbett sent a right swing to the head and in a mix-up put his left to the body. Corbett coked his right to the body. -Hanlon kept his face well protected and the cahmplon ex perienced great difficulty in getting In. Hanlon oent his left to the body and right to ine neaa, out corbett retaliated in a similar manner. Eddie Jabbed the cham pion, but Corbett came back with right to the eye. Corbett tried twlco with left for the face and In a vicious exchange both landed hard rights and lefts to the face. Corbett came out of the 'rally bv sending hard right to Eddie's Jaw and the gong rang. Round 6 Corbett tried for body with .right, but was blocked. Ho misled two uppercuts for the face, but Hanlon got back out Of harm's -way. Corbett nut his right to the face and was now doing most of the aggressive work. Hanlon missed left for the face and then put a stiff left to the Jaw. The champion came back with a hard right to the face. Eddie drove his right to the faco And they clinched. Corbett drove Hanlon's head back with a wicked uppercut. Eddie brought hte left to the kidneys Corbett planted right and left to the face, hard and brought the blood from the Caltfornlan'a nose. This was Corbetfs round and Hanlon lost some of his confidential air. Hanlon Has Advantage. Round 7 Corbett sent right to the Jaw and they went into a mix-up. Corbett was trying to get in a good blow and had Hanlon guoralng. Corbett put a stiff right to the Jaw and Eddie came back with a left to the body. Corbett nt In three rights hard to the body. Eddie tried a right swing, but Corbett ducked It Both raen were fighting hard. Corbett sent a wicked uppercut for the Jaw, but Eddie blocked it- He sent a left to the cham pion's face and put hard right and left to the face. In a fierce mix-up both exchanged severe blows. Hanlon having the better of it- He planted his right hard to the face three times and was raining lefts and rights to Corbetfs face when the gong rang. This was Hanlon's round. Corbett being practically unable to protect nimself. Round 8 Hanlon put right to the kid ncys. but Corbett came back with left to the body. Corbett looked much refreshed. A hard right to the body sent the cham pion nacK. out he was. not to bo denied. jut came back with his right uppercut to me jaw.. iamon put hard rlcht to the Sidneys, then followed It with left short bett fought back hard. Corbett tried with right three times for the Jaw, but was unable to land. At the conclusion of the round Hanlon sent In two rights to the Jaw. This was Hanlon s round. Round Eddie sent his right to the kidneys and tried a vicious uppercut for the Jaw, but went against the ropes from the force of it Corbett got In hard right uppercut to Jaw. Corbett put right hard to Hanlon's sore eye. Corbett planted Eddie a bard right swing to head. He tried an uppercut for the champion's Jaw and left an opening, which the champion was quick to take advantage of. and Cor bett sent In a hard right to the Jaw. Han lon put left twice to the Jaw and right to the kidneys. Corbett was hanging on. Corbett put a hard left to Hanlon's Jaw and Eddie drove In a short arm right to the kidneys. Hanlon swung hard with right and left to the Jaw. The round closed with n hot rally, of which Hanlon had a slight advantage. Corbetfs left eye was badly swollen. Corbett Saved by Gonir. Round 10-Corbett tried with right for the head and Hanlon came In with two rights and lefts to the Jaw. Hanlon kept his face covered well. Hanlon swung twice to the head with left and in a mix up put his right and left hard to the Jaw. Corbett clinched to avoid punishment. Eddie sent In a wicked right to the body and followed It up with a rain of rights and lefts to the same place. Corbett wan bleeding badly, but fought back gamely. Hanlon was making a ehopplng-block out of the champion, and the latter was prac tically helpless. The gong saved Corbett. who was on his last legs. Hanlon landed fully a dozen blows to Corbetfs stomach. but was unable to land a knockout. The excitement was so Intense that the bell was not heard. Round 11 Hanlon sailed In and tried to beat his man to the mat, but Corbett came back gamely and took a dying mans chance. Hanlon forced the cham same place, but was blocked. Hanlon tried right for stomach and was a loot short, Corbett put In short-arm right to the Jaw and followed It with straight right to the "same place. Eddie sent In several left and right bloivs to tho body, and Corbett fought back viciously, but did not land. Corbett sent in another right uppercut to the head, and Eddie came In with left to the kidncya Corbett planted his right twice to the faco and then Jarred the Callfornlan with three hard rights and lefts to the same place. Hanlon came back" like a fiend, and as the bell sounded nearly put the champion out of business by a succession of rights and lefts, to the face. Hanlon's right eye wag badly cut and was bleeding profuse ly. It was anybody's fight in this round. Fiercest Fighting Seen. Round 15 Corbett waded in with right and was blocked. They both fought hard, but no damage resulted. Hanlon put right and left to the face and blocked a return. Corbett tent in hard left to the Jaw, and Hanlon fought him back to the ropes without inflicting serious damage. Hanlon uppercut Corbett three times with right and then planted right and left hard to the face. Corbett clinched to avoid pun ishment Hanlon swung right to the Jaw and Corbett retaliated with left to the head. Hanlon put In two wicked rights to the Jaw and forced Corbett to the ropes. He again rained his right and left to the face, and as the bell rang It' looked as If the champion must surely succumb. He was hard game, however, and went to his corner unassisted. The fighting was the hardest and fiercest ever witnessed in this city Round 16 Both men danced around tho right, and the champion looked much re freshed in the minute's respite. Hanlon sent in right and left to the head and a hard left to the stomach, and drove Cor bett against the ropes. Corbett fought back wickedly, but inflicted no damage. Hanlon drove In his right and left bard to the body and beautifully blocked a right uppercut. Hanlon sent a hard left to the stomach, but the champion upper- pion around tho ring, but Corbett came . cut him twice with right to the face. back with a hard right to the Jaw. Han Ion got careless and left an opening. Han lon tried left and right for stomach, but did' not connect. Corbett sent in a straight left to the face, but his blows were weak. Hanlon tried right uppercut. but Corbett evaded it. Corbett kept in well and tried to regain his lost strength. Hanlon sent right and left to the stom- ! tlcularly. nK . 1 1 , . . k. nH i. ... - ' nnnnit ' Hanlon swung hard right to the Jaw and followed it with another rain of blows to the Jaw. He sent Corbett to the ropes and put his right hard to the stomach. The bell again came to .the aid of the champion, but he went 'to his corner walking straight. Both men displayed much gamcness, the champion par- ach and then a left to the Jaw, but Cor bett came back with a stiff right upper cut to the Jaw. Corbett nursed his strength carefully in this round, and let Hanlon do all the fighting. Corbett Attack Attain. Tlound 12 Corbett tried straight for the Jaw. but Eddie got under It Corbett tried a right for the' face, but Eddie put in a right to the Jaw. Corbett sent in two vicious rights to the stomach and then followed with a left to the same place. He planted his right hard again to the body and had recovered his steam appar ently. Eddie landed with right over the heart and blocked two returns. Corbett crossed with right over the eye and fol lowed It with another to the came place. Eddie whipped right hard to the head. Hanlon was not so fresh, the pace In the previous rounds having told on him. This was Corbetfs round, his body blows mak ing an Impression on the Callfornlan. Round 1J Corbett sent straight right to the stomach. Eddie Jabbed the cham pion to the face with left Corbett put In a light to the face, and Eddie came back with one equally hard. Corbett missed a vicious right uppercut for the Jaw and rapped a right swing on the body. Cor bett again worked his right uppercut hard to the" Jaw, and they clinched. Hanlon was resting up a bit- He sent a right to the stomach that made Corbett wince, and put his left to the kidneys. Corbett tried twice with right for the Jaw. but wan short. Hanlon landed right and left lightly to the Jaw, but as the bell sounded Corbett sent in a stiff right to the face. Round U Corbett went in at once with right to the head. He tried left for the Round 17 Corbett uppercut Hanlon with right to the Jaw. and Eddie sent him back with a left to the face. Corbett then got In his right to the Jaw. Corbett swung his right to the head, but Hanlon went after his man. who had his hands full blocking the Californlan's hard body blows. Cor bett sent right twice to the face and slipped to the floor. When he got up Han lon put in left and right to the Jaw. Cor bett put left uppercut to the Jaw. but Hanlon responded with hard right to the wind and right to -the kidneys. Hanlon blocked two rignt uppercuts to the head and went In with right and left to the body. Corbett displayed much skill In this round In lying on Hanlon and keeping his stomach out of danger of the California's wicked blows. Most of Hanlon's punches which landed did no damage to speak of. Corbett Almost Oat. Round 18 Corbett rushed In with left to the face. He tried it again, but was blocked. Hanlon landed three rights and lefts to the Jaw and Corbott clinched again to avoid punishment. He forced Corbett to the ropes with rights and lefts to the face, the champion absorbing ter rific punishment. Hanlon sent straight left to the face and then- uppercut Corbett to the Jaw with right Corbett sent In hard right and Hanlon sent the champion to the floor with a succession of blows to face and body. So many blows were landed on Corbett that It was wonderful how he rallied. Hanlon kept up this work until the sound of the gong, which saved the champion from defeat Corbetfs abil ity to assimilate punishment was a reve lation. ' ' Round 19 Corbett, as usual, came up re freshed, and sent right to the Jaw. Han lon .danced around Corbett and succeeded In landing right and left to Jaw. They mixed It. and Hanlon sent straight left hard to the face. Hanlon tried with right and left for the body, but failed to con nect Corbett fought back strongly, but most of his blows lacked force. Eddie sent right to the body and Corbett went In with right and left swing to the head, steadying the Callfornlan. Corbett again tried with hard right for the Jaw, but was blocked. Hanlon sent the champion back with rights and lefts to the body, and the sound of the gong was welcome to tha champion. Hanlon tried to finish Corbett in this round, but was unequal to the task the pace having left Its effect on him. Itoth Men Go Down. Round 2v-Corbett went In hammer and tongs, but his blows were blocked. Hanlon put his left to the Jaw and two rights to the body in a mix-up. but Corbett came back with right to the head and then crossed to the Jaw with left Hanlon straightened the champion with hard left to the Jaw, and followed It up with right to the head, and Corbett slipped to the floor. Corbett landed left swing to the head and Hanlon almost slipped to his knees. Corbett fought fast and furious, trying vainly to reach the California's Jaw. In a mlx-up he sent in several hard rights and lefts to the body, but Hanlon came back at him and forced him to the ropes. AS TUB ROUNDS ARB CALLED OFF. Spectators Express Lively Interest In the Fortunes of the PaRlllnts. Tho student of human nature who wished to write a treatise on "The Slaugh ter of the King's English." would do well to study a. prize fighting crowd, as it listens to a fight as It is being read by rounds. A Portland crowd does not differ from the usual followers of Marquis of Queensberry, and that last night which heard the returns from the Corbett-Han-lon fight was not an exception. The operator's voice droned: R-o-u-n-d one. Corbett lands on Han lon's Jaw. "Gee; but he's going to win in a walk." Hanlon lands right and left on Cor betfs k-I-d-n-c-y-s. "Didn't I tell yer that Eddie would break him in two at the hinge. T say. der's nothln" to It but Hanlon. see!" Corbett tries- an uppercut and misses by a "Ah! say boy, say It by a city block. And one on Hanlon at dat" They mix it "Say EOdle'll make him fink dat he's mixing doughnuts at de sailors' mission fore he's troo wld him." Hanlon is forcing the fighting and the' champion is breaking g-r-o-u-n-d. "T"sny blooky, I'll bet ten even on the little guy from 'Frisco. He's all right Follow him an' yer"ll be rldln" In golden buggies wld diamond tires and dafa no Fulton dream." Corbetfs t-l-r-l-n-g. "Why, of course," remarked a well modulated voice, "think of the terrible strain upon the young gentleman's nerv ous system. It must be awfully shocking to be pummeled by such a savage ruffian. I'm sure the W. C. T. U. would prosecute" them If they would be complained to." And on It goes to the end of the fight The crowd is not unlike the noble Romans as 'fickle as the most reckless Jade. The patrons of the ring agree with the wiseacre who said. "A fool never changes his mind." With every blow struck there is a switching of opinions which is voiced so that all within dis tance can hear. It Is wonderful how they get their knowledge. They will tell you that they have seen the fighters, and it Is an even bet that they have never been beyond the free swimming pool. As soon as the fight has been decided they will say without a blush, "I told you bo," while perhaps Just a second before they were exploiting the fine points of the fighter who has gone down In defeat Truly It is a study in expression and com ment to listen to such a crowd. $1.25 Kid Glove 98c Introductory sale of Dena Rid Gloves. The Dena Kid Gloves are magnificent value at $f.25. They are priced at 98c today to speedily introduce them to the public. Jit 98c today and tomorrow only. THE. NEW BOORS Back to the Woods The new John Henry Book The Room With the Little Door Molineux The Four Feathers By Mason 59c 95c $1.50 Millinery Store News The new military styles created by Burgcsser. New est unique ideas in Sumatra and Manila Hats for young ladles designed by Burgesser for Vogue's Spring Fashions. English Sailors and Round Hats, also an assortment of Milanese Straw Hats for ladles and misses, created by Upbinson Sjr Wells, of London. Ws are sole agents for Burgesser Vogue Hats and Robinson Sr Wells' English and Walking Hats. ATTRACTIVE HOSIERY Novelty Lace Hosiery, silk-embroidered and new allover lace designs New Black Lace Lisle Hosiery Boys' Extra Heavy School Hosiery Regular 20c Fast-black Wearwell Hosiery for ladies Equal to any 35c hosiery 85c 50c 16c 25c In the CloaK Room J great gathering of all that is newest and best in Tailor-made Suits, Waists, Silk Garments, etc. 283-285 Morrison Street Portland, Or. FURS, CLOAKS and SUITS Two Days' Fur Special TODAY AND TOMORROW This really remarkable money-saving oppor tunity is one that will never again be pre sented. The recent advance in the cost of Fur Skins will materially increase the cost of Fur Garments for the coining season. Brook Mink Boas, $3.50 Australian Marten Boas, $4.75 Long Opossum Boas, $7.00 Handsome Long Bear Boas, $8.50 Long Fox Boas, $10.00 Beautiful Raccoon Boas, $1 1.00 Highest Price Paid for Raw Furs SEND FOR PRICE-LIST Specialists FOR . MENJMY OR. TALCQTT & CO. 250 Alder Street It crrtamlr can be stated without (ear of contradiction that prerlous to our an nouncement of the Importance of urethral Inflammations and chronic prostatic affec tions as factors In disorders of men. that treatment was conducted In an Imprac ticable and unsuccessful manner. Our bril liant cures and the adoption of our methods by others la r root of Its correctness. Republican Editor In Convention. WASHINGTON. Feb. 28. The National Republican Editorial Association met here today In convention at the Arlington Hotel. About 73 members were present. The convention was called to order by President John A. Blelcher. editor of Leslie's 'Weekly. New York. President Sleicher and ex-Postmaeter-Qeneral Smith addressed the convention. Perry S. Heath, formerly First Assistant Postmaster-General, was expected to speak, but was sud- waa read by the secretary, was a plea to "keep everlastingly at It" A reception was given to the editors tonight by Sen ator Depew at his residence on La Fay ette square.