THE MORNING OREGONIA2I, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1905. 13 S. aV sH Strength Shown by Cheaper Grades of the Article. MILD COFFEES STILL SCARCE Se-rr Torlr. Hop MnrUet Unsettled by Loir Offerings of Paclflc Fu tures Prnno Still Show Easiness. All Erases of package coffee are, firm on the recent advance. The reason for the upward movement la easily explained- Owing to the extremely low prices prevailing for coffee, Bra zilian planum have found It less profitable to snip the cheaper than the setter trades. This has resulted In a scarcity, and conseQuenlly higher values for the low-priced grades, from which the package coffees are manufactured. Ths advance Is also partially due to the some what Improved statistical position of Brazilian coffees. Receipts from July 1. 1801, to Tebru ary 15. 1002. were 11,500.000 sacks; from July L 1902, to February 15, 1803, the receipts were bnt 9,500.000 sacks. The Incoming crop, which will begin to reach the market some time In July, Is said to be about as large as the last crop, and If such should prove to be the case. Mild coffees, owing to the long-continued 1 . . I ....... re BHflliniIH laSL SU. Ttf.r-!r,t. la Ban Fran els CO have been lairiy - ... . . ' . . i mjti. TCTt wen as uie nxw wiw w.. - - . -- , Mm4 nr in, i na ,r r-nir. a t!ll nulte cheap, and the general opinion seems to be that at present prices the article Is good. property. Cable advices from Brazil say that the Pro vincial Congress meets on .March 5 to consider the proposition of destroying .20 per cent of the coffee crop, low grades. This is one of the many schemes being considered to lessen the supply of Brazil coffee through legislation. None of them, however is considered prac ticable by "the coffee trade and they do not re ceive serious attention. Droomcorn Corner. Reports to the Chicago market Indicate that the long-attempted comer In broomcorn has practically been accomplished. The crop of 1902 Is cleared up and the holders, according to advices from the broomcorn districts of Central Illinois, are planning to raise the price for the better grades to $100 a ton. The con dition Is also evident In Oklahoma, Kansas and other broomcorn sections. One-half of the last crop has been made Into brooms, which leaves 11,000 tons to run the factories for eight months. Only a few of the larger plants have sufficient material to last the remainder ot 1903, the others having bought only for Imme diate wants. The corn worked down as low as 40 on the strength ot an enormous crop, and when real conditions became known it ad vanced! to '$60, and then to JS0. Holders will have no difficulty In advancing the price to 1100 for the. best stock, and 3110 a ton may be reached before holders release any ot their stock. Cornl In Jnpan. Under date of January 8. 190 Consul S. 8. Lyon. o Kobe, sends clipping from the Kobe Chronicle, -as follows: The coral fishers in the Kagoshlina Sea are engaged in a prosperous trade, which has ap parently good prospects. During the past year, up to November, 30. boats were engaged In the fishery, and the amount ot coral gathered dur ing that period Is valued at 20,602.97 yen (J10, I9). Of the coral, about 120,617 kwamme (998,. 709 pounds) Is of the pink variety 7890 kwamme (05.229 pounds) of red and 182,433 kwamme (1,530.745 pounds) or the white varie ties. A coral sboal which was discovered last year near Tsuto Island Is said to produce coral ot the best Quality, which is not Inferior to that produced in Italy. This quality has real ized about 111 yen (55) per kin or catty ot 1.331-3 pounds. HOP 9IARKI7F UNSETTLED. Future- Pacifies Offered by a Jtevr York Bear sit 18 Cents. NEW YORK. Feb. 26. (Special.) Hops closed dull and easy. Offerings ot future Pa cifies by bear Interests here at 18c f. o. b. Coast and 1902 crop at 28c have an unsettling Influence and serve to keep brewers out of the' mmxacu oioas aic, uuwever, reported U&UL. and holders, while easr. show no anxletr to ''sell. The market Is held at 29c on. choice Pa cifies. State wires report firmness. Foreign cables are firm. The ship L F. Chapman, with 90,000 cases ot salmon from Seattle and San Francisco, con signed 10 the Pacific Selling Company, arrived today. The cargo is mostly cheap grades, but up to the close of the market the company had not cut valuta. The John Eno, with 135,000 cases, largely pink and chorea, - is expected dally. This vessel left Seattle on the same date as the Chapman. Spot Is easy, dull and unchanged on cheap fish. Sockeye halves are steady,, most holders Quoting 00c. Prunes show some esslness under pressure of offerings in all sizes. Sales of 40-S0s Santa Clara are noted at CKc In 25-pound boxes, and other offers are available on the same basts. Sizes 60-801 are easy at 5Sc The lower values on Santa Claras are due to slsck demand and urgent offerings of Irregular counts, and out side fruit Jobbers are reporting a shade mors Inquiry. Coast wires report easiness. Foreign cables report a aulet situation. Oregon are dull. Offerings of future Lima beat were with drawn after a few sales for November ship ment at ?4 f. o. b. Coast. Spot Is easy at 13 per' barrel. PORTLAND MARKKTS. Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc. Kxtreme Inactivity prevails in the grain mar kets. Oregon millers are buying a little wheat as offerings are made, but the demand from California lias subsided. The foreign Inquiry Is also slow. A dispatch from Ottawa says: "A report from Wedell & Co., England, to the De partment ot Trade and Commerce, "is to the effect that wheat from the Pacific Coast Is too dear laid down In Australia to successfully compete with the cheap grades of wheat raised In the Argentine Republic WHEAT Walla Walla, TCSTTc: bluestem. S7trSSc: Valley. 78tJ80c BARLEY Feed, 23.50 per ton; brewing, 124:' rolled. $24.56. OATSNo. 1 white, il.15ei.20: gray, SLMg 61.15 per cental. JIILLSTTIFFS Bran. 410 per "ton: middlings. 124: shorts. 120: chop. 318. HAT Timothy. 1112; clover, 3SS9; grain, 9010 per ton. FLOUR Valley. 43.75 per barrel: hard wha straights, 3.4583.75: hard wheat patents, 4.30 (4.85: Dakota hard wheat, 40?5.35: Graham. f3.4583.SS. ' Butter, Ecus, Poultry, Etc. Egg receipts continue heavy, bat the move- kimv - wcuct. mi improvement in buylng.'however, does not offset the accumula tion -of stocks. Sales yesterday were made at 18Hc tn the forenoon and. lc leas after noon. "Poultry Is coming In freely and sells slowly, leaving, quotations weak. Butter Is unchanged. BUTTER- Fancy creamery, SO22Hc per pound;. dairy, 2022ie; store, 15918c. 1 POULTRY Chickens, mixed, 11812c per pound: jroung.i UK812Kc: hens. 12c; 'turkeys, 'lire;. 15810c; dressed. 18820c; ducks, 787.50 per. dot en; geese. fie-S-50. cbbbhs-w -rvu cream twins, 16tt3174c; ouitllo Ann, nnm Young America. lTHSlSHe; factory prices 18 lHc less: Eastern. 13Hc per pound. EGGS Ranch. llVitJlSirc per dozen. Vegetables, Fruit, Etc. There Is a scarcity of fresh vegetables. The latest receipts have nearly all cleaned up, and the prospects are good for no more this week, as two carlots that are due today have been stalled down the road. VEGETABLES Turnips. 73CS0C per sack: carrots. 7570c; beets, 1 per sack: parsnips, 1 per sack: cauliflower, 1.75 per crate, cab bage. Hie per pound: red cabbage, 2c per pound: celery, Los Angeles. 2.7583.50 per crate: lettuce, head. 35c per dozen; hothouse. 1.7582 per box; green onions, per dozen. 12Hc; Brussels sprouts. Cc per pound; squash, 2.25 per hundredweight; peas, per pound, 8-Ac; pars ley, per dozen, 25c: radishes, 25c: green arti chokes. 1.25 per dozen. GREEK FRUIT Apples, table, $181.75 per box: cooking, 50885c: cranberries. Jersey. JIL TROPICAL FRUiT Lemons, $2.7583.50 per box; oranges, navels. 282:75 per box; seed lings. $1.5082: tangerines. $2; grape fruit. 2.50 per box; bananas, $2.2582.75 per bunch; pine apples. $5.50 per dozen. DRIED FRUIT Apples, evaporated. 7ic per pound: sun-dried, sacks or boxes, 586c: apri cot. 8310c: peaches, 7HQ9c: pears. "HSSHc; prunes. Italian. VAQCc: figs, California blacks. Be: do white. 7Kc: Smyrna, 20c; plums, pitted. 4154c RAISINS Loose Muscatel. 4-crown, 74e;' 3 crown. 7Uc: I -crown. 6ic: unbleached, seedless Muscatel raisins. "He; unbleached seedless Sul tans, C4c: London layers, 3 -crown, whole boxes ot 20 pounds, $1.85; 2 -crown, $1.75. POTATOES Best Burbanks, O0375c per sack: ordinary. 40860c. growers" prices; Merced sweets. $i25S2.60. ONIONS Oregon and Washington. 75cS$l per cental: shippers price in carload lots; 50c per cental. Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc. HOPS 1902 crop. 24826c per pound. HIDES Dry hides. No. 1. 10 pounds and up. 15815H per pound; dry kip. No. 1, 5 to 15 pounds. 12c: dry calf. No. 1, under fi pounds. 10c: dry salted bulls and Stags, one-third less than dry flint: salted hides, steers, sound. 60 pounds and over, 869c; 50 to 00 pounds, 788c: under 50 pounds and cows, 7c; stags and bulls, sound, C85Hc: kip, sound. 15 to 20 pounds, 7c; veal, sound, 10 to 14 pounds, 7c: calf, sound, under 10 pounds. 8c; green (unsalted), lc per pound less; culls, lc per pound less; horse hides, salted, each, $1.5082; dry, each, $18 IM; colts' hides, each. 25850c; goat skins, common, each, 10815c; Angora, with wool on, each. 25c8$L TALLOW Prime, per pound, 4Q6c; No. 2 and grease. 2H6SC WOOL Valley. 12815c; Eastern Oregon, SgllHc: mohair. 25828c Groceries, Xnta, Etc. COFFEE Mocha, 23828c: Java, fancy. 268 S2c; Java, good. 20824c;. Java, ordinary, 188 20c; Costa Rica, fsncy, 18820c: Costa Rica, good 16818c; Costa Rica, ordinary, 10812c per pound: Columbia roast. $11.75; Arbuckle's, $12.25 list: Lion. $11.75. SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound tails, $1.65 per dozen: 2-pound tails. $2.40; fancy 1-pound fiats, $L80; H-pound flats, $1.10; Alaska pink, 1-pound talis. 75c; red, 1-pound tails, $1.20; sockeye. 1-pound tails, $1.45; 1 pound flats. $1.C0. RICE Imperial Japan. No. 1. $5.C2H? No. 2, S5.12H; Carolina head. $7.23: broken head, $4. HONEY 13c per No. 1 frame. SUGAR Sack basis, net cash, per 100 pounds; cube, $4.65; powdered. $4.70; dry gran ulated, $4.50; extra C. $4; golden C. $3.90. Advances over sack basis as follows: Barrels, 10c; half-barrels. 23c: boxes. 500 per 100 -pounds. Maple, 15816c per pound. Beet sugar. granulated, 4.40 per 100 rounds. BEANS Small white, 4c: large white, 4c: pinks, 3e: bayon, 34e; Lima, 64c per pound. NUTS Peanuts, Cic per pound for raw, 88 SVic for roasted: cocoanuts. 85690c per dozen; walnuts, 13814c per pound; pine nuts. l0312Hc; hickory nuts. 7c; Brazil nuts. 16c: filberts, 15816c: fancy pecans, 17c; almonds, 14315c: chestnuts. lCc SALT Liverpool, 60s. 45c per sack; half ground, per ton. 60s. $14.50; 100s. $14; Worces ter slit, bulk. 320s. $5 per barrel; linen sacks, 50s, S8o per sack; bales, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s and 10s, $2.10 per bale. OILS Coal oil, cases, 23c per gallon; iron barrels, 164e; wood barrels,. 19c; linseed, boiled, cases, S9c; barrels. 64c: linseed, raw. cases, 57c: barrels. 62c; gasoline. Iron barrels; lt14e: cases, 26c; turpentine, cases, 7Se; wood barrels, 74c; Iron barrels,72c; lots of 10 cases or more, 77c Collier and Atlantic white and red lead, in lots of r.00 pounds or more, 6c; less than 500 pounds, -Tic Meats and Provisions. BEE? Gross; cows, 383.75; steers, $484.75: dreesea. 68THc Pr pound. LARD Kettle rendered: Tierces, lrrXc; tubs. 13c; COs. lie; 20s. 13tfc; 10s. 13Kc; Ss, 134c Standard pure: Tierces, 12e: tubs, 12Wc; 50s, 12Vc: 90s iu" in 1!ur . rvim. pound lard, tierces, Oc: tubs, 94e. ' v isALr-siMrajic per pound. MUTTON Gross, $4.5085! dressed,- CtSc HOGS Gross, $8.5038.73: dressed, 6H87HC BACON Portland. 1581Kc per pound; East era. fancy. 1714c; standard, heavy, 154c; bacon bellies, 154c HAMS Portland, 148144c per pound: picnic, 10Hc per pound; Eastern, fancy. 148144c. SAUSAGE Portland, ham, 124o per pound; minced ham. 10Hc; Summer, choice dry, 1754c; bologna, long. So: welnerwursts. 9c; liver. 7e: pork. 9c; blood, 7c; head cheese, 7c; bologna sausage lick, 714c. PICKLED GOODS Portland, pigs" feet. H barrela. $4.60; -barrels, fiso; 15-peund kit, $1. Tripe, 14-barrels. $5.60: H-barrels. $2.75: 15-pound kit, $1; pigs tongues: H-barrel. $6. DRY-SALTED MEATS Portland clears, 128 13c; backs; 11H812C; exports. 20025 pounds average, 12H81SHc: butts, 9810c EASTKRJC LIVES TO CIC Prices Cnrrent at Chlea-ro, Omaha and Kansas City. CHICAGO, Feb. 26. Cattle Receipts. 10.000. Market slow. Good to prime steers, $3.2585.75; poor to medium. $3.2584.75; stockers and feed ers. $2.2584.50; cows. $1.4084.60; heifers. $28 4.90; cannsrs. $2.2584.23; calves, $3.5587.75; Texas fed steers, $3.5084.50. Hogs Receipts today, 26,000; tomorrow,. 25, 000; left over, 8400. Market 10c higher. Mixed and butchers. $0.9087.25; good to choice heavy. $7.2587.50; rough heavy, $0.9087.20; light, $6.5586.85; bulk ot sales, $69587.23. Sheep Receipts, 12,000. Market for sheep steady: for lambs weak. Good to choice weth ers. 583.50; fair to choice mixed. $184.75; Western sheep. $4.7585.50: native lambs, $4.75 w ; w esiern lamps, ,S4.753T. y KANSAS CITY. Feb. 24. Cattle Receipts, 4000, Including 200 Texana. .Market steady. Native steers, 2.50853; Texas and Indian steers, $2.2534.20; Texas cows. $2.0583; native cows and heifers. $1.5084.15: stockers and feeders, $2084.00; bulls. 2083.73; calves, 286.50: Western steers. 2.90C; Western cows, $1.7583.10. Hogs Receipts, 10,000. Market strong to lOo higher: bulk of sales, $6.8387.10. Heavy, $695 7; packers. $6.7587; medium. $6.9087.03; mixed. $6.8386.90; light, $6.808600; Yorkers. $586.60. Sheep Receipts. 3000. Market steady. Mut tons. $3.5036: lambs. $3.6966.70; range weth ers. $385.63; ewes, 3.2585.45. OMAHA. Feb. 26. Cattle Receipts. 4000. Market steady. Native steers, $3.5085.23; cows and heifers, 2.9084.15; canners, $1,508 2.75: stockers and feeders, $384.50; calves, 3 80: bulls, stags, etc. 2.2583.75. Hogs Receipts. 8500. Market 6810c higher. Heavy, 0.0037.03: mixed. $0.8066.90; light, $3.7586.90; pigs. $6SC73; bulk ot sales. 6.858 6.95. Sheep Receipts. 7000. Market shade lower. Fed muttons. $3-2583. SO; wethers, $585.30; ewes, $3.7584.50; common and stockers. $29 4.25: lambs. $5.6087. Jfcvr Torlt Cotton Market. NEW TORE, Feb. 20y The cotton market to day gave a fresh exhibition ot strength. May contracts, which yesterday sold at 9.70c, todsy sold at 3 points over 10c per pound, and July contracts, which yesterday sold at 9.49c have odar sold at 0.80c .The advance ot 30 points since yesterday Is due. In the opinion of many, to speculation. The cotton market opened Arm at an advance of from 7 to '12 points, and closed barely steady at a net advance of from JO to 24 points. Futures: February. 10.04c March and April. lO.CSc: May. 10.06c; June and .July, 8.83c; August, 9.53c; September, S.8Sc; October. 8.5Se: November. 8.62c: December. 8.48c Spot closed quiet. 20 points higher middling uplands, 10.25c do Oulf, 10.50c Sales. 360 bales. Dalrr Prodnee at Cliienco. CHICAGO. Feb. 20-On the Produce Ex change today the butter marker was steady: creameries, I8827ie; dairies, 14824c Eggs Easy, J4Uc Cheese Steady. 124812 ic to 1381354c St! Loots Wool Market. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 26. Wool Unchanged, OPERATORS ARE WEARY .NOTHING HOPED FOR IX THE WAY OF ACTIVE SPECULATIO.V. Announcement of Proposed Consol idation of Hock Island and St. L. S. F. Meets With Xo Response. NEW YORK, Feb. 26. After a day of indif ference and neglect, the day's stock market closed with an active selling movement In force, and with the majority of active stocks from 182 points below last night. The only manifest new development to cause this sudden weakness was the adjournment ot the St, Paul directors without taking action on the Issue ot new stocks. As such action had not certainly been expected, and as there had been no specu lation based on the stock issue, the lata weak ness Is more plausibly explained as due to a speculative weariness with the persistent hang ing back of prices. This sense of disappoint ment was in evidence at the opening when It was seen that the authorized reports of the practlcat consolidation ot Rock Island and St, Louis & San Francisco, In fact, relapsed sharp ly 24 below last nlgbt on comparatively light offerings, and Rock Island, after a mere frac tional advance, became heavy and ruled below last night for the rest of the day. This recep tion, accorded to the most far-reaching project ot railroad consolidation since the Louisville deal. seemeH to be accepted as a conclusive demonstration that nothing was to be hoped for In the way of active speculation for the present. The uneasiness over, the rapid depletion of New York banking reserves was slightly re lieved by today's news of the receipt ot $800. 000 In gold from San Francisco. But the market had to face, as an offset, the news of the shipment ot $750,000 In gold to Buenos Ayrea. In the International exchange markets there was a relaxation of pressure all around, tbe private discount rate both at London and Parts going quickly lower and giving ground for the supposition that the reduction In the Bank of England rate Is deferred only for a week. But it Is feared that further shipments will be made to Argen tina from here, and that Chicago will make a farther demand for currency. Operators In the market also were Inclined to be discouraged about the prospect ot action at this session on the Aldrich financial bill. Time money, which Is the true Index of the present money situation, hardened further to day, and practically no business was done at less than 6 per cent for periods longer than three months. Opinion was Inclined to settle down Into conviction that extremely conserva tive banking must be the rule for the rest of the year, and until some new factor develops to relieve the situation. One of the features ot today's market was the wide concessions neces sary to find markets for small offerings ot some ot the expensive high-grade stocks. Chicago & Northwestern was a notable example, the price declining 8 points -on quite feverish fluctua tions. The subscription rights to the new -stock sold at 13U. compared with 15Si on the first day they were dealt in last week. Wabash debenture B bonds made a sharp re covery, and gave an Irregular tone to the bond market, which was otherwise rather easy. To tal sales, par value. $1,875,000. United Stater bonds were all unchanged on the last call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. STOCKS. Ml Atchison ........... do pfd .............. Baltimore & Ohio...... do pfd Canadian Paclfio Canada Southern ...... I?. liS Jtri Chicago & Alton..... ao pia Chicago & Eastern I1L. Chicago Great Western. do' A pfd do B pfd Chicago & N. W Chicago Term. A Tran. do ofd a. a, a st. Louis.. oioraao touinern do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Delaware & Hudsnn. 176Vi Denver & Rio Grande.. 3001 40 ao pia .......r.., Erie .... m.,,, do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Great Northern pfd..... Hocking Valley do pfi Illinois Central Iowa, Central ......... do pfd Lake Erie & Western,. do pfd Louisville & Nashville, Manhattan Eievatni 100! 200 200 100 1.600 141 700 1.500 22,300 1,300 600 Metropolitan -Street Ry. .Mrzicaa i-enirai Mexican National Minn. & St, Louis Missouri Paclfio M.. K. & T. do pfd N Jersey Central..., New York Central...., Norfolk fc Western do pfd Ontario & Western..... Pennsylvania Reading ...... ......., do 1st pfd do 2d pfd St, Louis & San Fran. , do 1st pfd , do 2d pfi St. Louis S. W, , do pfd St. Paul do pfd Southern Paclflc Southern Railway do pfd , Texas & Paclflc Toledo. St, L. & W... do pfd , Union Padflo do pfd Wabash do pfd Wheeling & Lake Erie do 2d pfd , Wisconsin Central ..... do pfd , Express Companies Adams ................ American ..... .. United States Wells-Fargo Miscellaneous Amalgamated Copper . Amer. Car & Foundry. - do pfd American Linseed Oil. do pfd Amer. Smelt, A Re tin. do pfd .. , 100 17.800 1.000 400 100 8,600 600 "i.700 8.600 117S, 8.200 01 20.500 COO 3.10O 200 300 13,600 11.400 83H 74U 27h my 700 200 1.4001 10O 100 18.500 100 2.3m 33.800 100 "ifooo 400 1001226 (220 49.500 800 30M 49U 96tj Anaconda Mining Co... Brooklyn Rapid Transit 1.700J122141 6.300 400 1.300 Colorado Fuel St iron Consolidated Gas .... Cont, Tobacco pfd.... General Electric ..... Hocking Coal International Paper .. do pfd Laclede Oas National Biscuit ..... National Lead North American ..... Paclflc Coast Paclflc Mall People's Gas Pressed Steel Car.... do ofd 7314 P16W21SH1 1.800 109 looy 21 7001 "lOO 2l 2001100 200 20- soo tow 800) tmiZ 100 63 94 60W Pullman Palace Car.... itepuDiio steel do pfi , Sugar Tennessee Coal A lmn 200j 22 too! so B.20O'.132l4 19.700) 67H Union Hag A Paper Co. go pia United States-Leather.. do pfd , United States Rubber. do pfd .., United States Steel.., do pfd .. Western Union American Locomotors . do nfd ..... . " "200 rfJ" l.ooot isi 3, 200 53l 8.50OI S8t 1001 ftn 1.200! H 3001 95 Kansa City Southern..! 100 ao pra Rock Island do pfi 100' 31,1(00! 300 Total sales for the day, 461,600 shares. BONDS. U. S. 2s, ref. reg.l07H Atchison adj. 4s... 914 do coupon lOJH C. & N.W. con. 7s.l.l24 do 3s. reg 107 D. A R, O. 4s . 03 do coupon ...... lOTUINnrthern Pae. 3s.. 73U do new 4s, reg..i34U ,j0 4, 1(a2 do coupon 135H'Southem Pac 4s.. 92 do old 4s. reg...l09U'Unlon Paclflc 4S...102U do coupon lOOAllWest Shore 4S......111U do 6", reg ;2NPVIS- Central 4s.. 02 , do coupon ......10241 Dank Clearings. . . Clearings. Balances. Portland $431,829 $ 64.140 Seattle 615.088 184.810 Tacoma 33462 63.942 Spokane 280.840 32,490 Money. Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK. Feb. 26. Money on call rather firm at 2H per cent: closing. 2 per cent. Time money firm; 60 to 00 days, 4H84K per cent; six months, 483 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 4K83 per cent. Sterling exchange easy, with actual business In bankers bills at 14784.8750 for demand and at $4.812084.8423 for CO days bills; posted rates. $4.8584.854 and $4.SS4; commercial bills. (4.8284.83. Bar silver. 4SVic Mexican dollars. 38c Government bonds steady; railroad bonds Ir regular, x LONDON, Feb. 26. Bar sliver quiet, 22 3-16d per ounce. Money, 3484 per cent. Rate ot dlscoust for short bills. 34 per cent! tor three months bills. 34 Per cent. Consols for money, 924; for account, 924. SAN FRANCISCO. Febl 20.-S!lver bars, 4Stfc per ounce. Mexican dollars, 3S83S4c Drafts Sight, 15c; telegraph, 17Hc Sterling on London Sixty days, $4.S3i; sight. $4.SS. Stocks at London LONDON. Feb. 23. Closing quotations: , . CUlNcrfolk A West... '75X . S8? do pfd 92g Anaconda Atchison ........ do pfd ,. Bait. A Ohio...!. Can. Paclflo Ches. A Ohio Chi. Gr. Western. Chi.. 11. A St, P. Denver A Rio Gr. do pfd ......... Erie .'. do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Illinois Central .. Louis. A Nash... M.. K. A T New York Cent... liKji Ontario tc western S3 04y Pennsylvania .... 7J, itraums ... st?-, 44 ao 1st pia..... do 2d pfd Southern Ry ... do pfd Southern Paclflc Union Paclflo ... do pfd U. S. Steel do pfd Wabash ........ do pfd lsiHj .. 97 .. 641 ..101 94 91 304 7114 00H 117 12S ... 894 .. 901, .. 32 .. 54 isiitl Movement of 3Ioney. NEW YORK, Teb. 20. The domestlo money movement Is developing Interestingly. It Is known that fully $300,000 has been received from San Francisco thus far this week, and an International banking-house, with Important Paclflc Coast connections. Is believed to have received an equal amount today. This prob ably will be offset by further shlpmenU to Chicago, and possibly to New Orleans. Daily Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. Feb. 26. Today's Treasury statement shows: Available cash balances. $221,003,007 Gold ., 106,461,103 PIG IRON PRICES. General Advance Over Last Year's Flfrnrcs Etlmated Output. CLEVELAND, Feb. 26 The Iron Trade Re view says: Though definite announcement of ore prices has not yet been made, the Interchange ot views between Cleveland rate agents for Lake Superior ores and prominent producing and con suming Interests has given publicity this week to .the proposed prices for 1903. As now ex pected these will be on a basis ot $4.50. against $.25 last year, for old range bessemers, $3.00 as against $3.23 last year for old range non bessemers carrying 60 per cent Iron and 12 per cent moisture; $4 as against $3.23 for the best Mesal bessemers, although those ot greater fineness being at practically $3.85. and a third grade, still finer, $3.73, and i25 for Mesaba non-bessemers. These prices are still subject to change. The estimated output tor all ranges Is 33,000, 000 tons 16,000.000 tons for the steel corpora tion and 17,000,000 for other producers. Actual shipments are' likely to fall 10 per cent short ot this, possibly more. The scarcity of melting stock for open-hearth furnaces, which was a factor one week ago, is still pronounced, and some open-hearth plants in the Pittsburg dis trict have been -shut down for a portion of the week. The pig iron market drifts along without In cident. Further foreign purchases are made week by week, recent transactions being chiefly In German and Scotch Irons. Foreign prices are slightly higher. Southern producers ot pig iron are not a unit as to prices for the second halt. While $18.60 Birmingham for No. 2 Is adhered to by some, as low as $18 is done; and second quarter Iron is sold In some quarters on the same basis. Northern Irons can be had tn ths Middle West at prices below Southern quota tions. While $21 for No. 2 foundry at furnace, delivery in the second half, has been generally maintained by Eastern Ohio and Western Penn sylvania furnaces, sales are reported at Pitts burg at $20.73 for the second half, the freight being S5c The demand for Iron is not lessening percep tibly, even though the consuming trade Is step ping up onto a new level ct values; all depends on the ability of furnace companies to Increase tbe supply. The ability of furnaces. In spite of coke troubles, to produce large percentages of higher grade Irons, la a faotor In the situation affecting the price of mill and pipe foundry Irons. Rolling mills find their raw material costs Increasing and are more Interested than ever In maintaining prices for bar Iron. We note a sale of 6000 tons ot gray forged at $20.75. Pittsburg. Steel Is strong and scarce. It Is more and more difficult to get authentic reports of actual sales, but $29829.50 central mill, west mills and $30 Plttsburr represent closely the current market. A sale ot 2000 tons of for. elgn billets Is reported at $30.60. Central West mills. Finished materials show good activity In nearly every department, and the conditions here are quite at variance with the quietness of' the pig Iron market. An advance ot $2 a ton In wire products became effective February 20, which restored prices to the early 'Fall level. SAX FRATt CISCO MARKETS. Prodnee) Prices Current In 'the Day City. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 2a Owing to the scarcity and firmness of choice milling wheat, prices tor the higher grades of flour continue strong. Apples are .easier. Cholco potatoes are steady. Onions are weaker. Vegetables Garlic 248'3o per pound; green peas, 4S7c per pound; tomatoes, $282.50; on Ions, S5870C Bananas 75C62. 50. Limes Mexican. $434.50. California lemons Choice, $2.50; common, 75c Oronges Navel, $1.2382. 50. Pineapples $2.5083.60. Potatoes Early Rose. $1.1061.23; River Bur banks, 40853c: river reds. 33840c: Salinas Burbanks, 75c6$l; sweets, $1.6081.60; Oregon Burbanks, G5ee$l. Butter Fancy creamery. 324c: do seconds, 31c; fancy dairy. 31c: do seconds, 29c Eggs Store, 16818c: fancy ranch. 20c Cheese Young America, 144015c; Eastern, 16617UC Wool Fall Humboldt and Mendocino, 138 lie; mountain, 8810c Poultry Turkey gobblers, 15817c; do hens, 15817c: old roosters, $333.00; young roosters. $6.5087.50; small broilers. $484.50: largs broil ers, $585.60: fryers, $5.503L60; hens, $386; old ducks, $586; young ducks, $688. Hay Wheat, '$11814; wheat and oats. $118 13.50: barley. $10811: alfalfa, $10812; clover. $1080.50: straw. 45835a per bale. Hops-24826c MUlstuffs Bran. $20821: middlings. $26827. Receipts Flour. 81SS quarter sacks; wheat, 40 centals: do Oregon, 64,000 centals; barley. 2130 centals; Oregon .oats, 700 centals; beans, 262 sacks; corn. 143 centals; do Eastern, 2030 centals f potatoes, 3342 sacks; do Oregon. 478 sacks; bran, 115 sacks; middlings. 302 sacks; hay, 391 tons; wool. 21 bales; hides. 1051. Mining Stocks. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 26.-OOclal dosing quotations tor mining stocxs: Anoes ......i.a Belcher 0 23 Mexican $1 65 Occidental Con ... 40 Ophlr 2 23 01 Best A Belcher... Caledonia Challenge Con ... Chollar Confidence Con. Cat A Va... Crown Point .... Overman 65 49 33 28 OOlPotost 401 Savage 1 Co Seg. Belcher .. 2 23 Sierra Nevada 38Bllver Hill .... 1 10 62 1 23 40 61 Gould A Curry ai: union uon .... Hale A Nareross. I 001 Utah Con Justice .v 9) Yellow Jacket NEW YORK. Feb. 20. Mining stocks today closed as follows: Adams Con $0 23'LlttCe Chief .. $0 00 . 6 23 2 20 8 60 40 . 1 07 30 . 3 00 Alice 40:ontarlo Breece 50 Ophlr SlPcoenlx ....... 14 I'otosl 2 23'Cavage 1 ao; Sierra Nevada 89) Small Hopes ., 3i Standard Brunswick Con .. Comstock Tunnel. Con. Cal. A Va... Horn Silver Iron Sliver Leadvllle Con ... BOSTON, Feb. 28. Closing quotations Adventure $ 14 00 Parrott $ 32 00 . 113 00 , 2 60 175 00 100 00 , 12 87 . 25 75 23 60 7 50 8 00 , 70 00 Allouez 5 75:Qulncy Amalgamated Daly West ... Elr.gam , ... CaL A Heels. Centennial ... 72 75'Santa Fc Cop.. 3 to Tamarack ..... 35 75TrimountaIn .. 530 00:Trlnlty so SO United States .. 71 soutan Franklin 11 7StVlctorIa Isle Royal .... i uw Winona Old Dominion . 21 23;Wolverlces Osceola 73 00 Coffee and Sogsr. NEWTORK. Feb. 2& Coffee Futures closed net unchanged to 5 points higher. Sales. 53,000 bags. Including March at $4.3584.40; April. $4.40; May, $4.55: July. $4.7084.75; September, $4.8584.90; October, $4.95: November. $5; De cember. $5.2083.23, and January, $5.30. Spot steady; No. 7 Rio, 64c Sugar Raw steady; refined unsettled. Fair refining, 34e; centrifugal, 96 test. 34c; mo lasses sugar, 3c: refined unsettled: crushed, $3.35; powdered, 4.83; granulated, 4.75. Downing, Hopkins & Co. Established 1893, WHEAT AND STOCK BROKERS Room 4, Ground Floor WHEAT DULL BUT STRONG MARKET AIDED DY THE ADVANCE IX THE PRICE OF CORX. Latter Grain Strenigthened by II Is ti er Cables, Good Bnylnir on Light Receipts nnd Weatlicr Ontloolc CHICAGO, Feb. 28. Wheat ruled dull throughout today, but the market showed con siderable strength on the advance In the price of com. The Northwest and other markets were firm, and arrivals In the Northwest were much smaller than a year ago. The opening was steady on cables. a,nd May was a shade lower to a shade higher, at 774877Wc The good demand for corn early tn the session started shorts to cover, and the market became strong. May selling up to 77Sc The foreign news was still bearish, and the most of the nervous shorts had covered, and with no gen eral support from the outside prices weakened and the close was about steady, with May a shade higher, at 77Hc Higher cables 'caused strength in the com pit at the opening, and good buying on the light receipts and on predictions ot unsettled weath er added to the early advance, the market ruling strong throughout the day. A large vol ume ot business was transacted. The close was strong, with May H3tte higher, at 45Hc Oats were helped by com and small receipts, but the volume ot business was light. The dose was strong. May being K8Uc higher, at 35X635KC Provisions were active and strong, the small er receipts ot hogs and an early advance of from 10815c In the prices at the yards being responsible for tbe opening strength. There was a good demand from packers, and shorts covered freely. The close, was strong, with May pork 12Hc higher, lard unchanged, and ribs 7H810c higher. The-leadlng futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Opening. Highest, Lowest. Closing. February May ..... July ..... $077 $0774 73S 73-4 CORN. 444 43 4014 40X 45 OATS. SOTTt 73!4 7354 February ... May July "J 46 444 46U 4l4l February ... May July 334 3254 MESS PORK. May 17 75 17 8754 July 17 30 17 40 September ...16 90 10 95 LARD. February 063 0 05 May 9 C7H 0 70 July 9 6754 9 6254 September SHORT RIBS. May 0 75 0 00 July 0 CO 0 6754 September ... 0 524 0 5754 17 75 17 2714 10 87)4 0G2H 90S 0 67M 17 S3 17 35 10 874 9 624 063 9 67ii 000 075 9 CO 950 9 82J4 9 6254 060 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Steady. Wheat-No. 2 Spring. 78870c: No. 3, Tie 78c: No. 2 red. 7454875c. Corn No. 2 and. yellow, 444c Oats Nc 2. 34?4c; No. S white. 34833Vtc Rye No. 2. 4954c Barley Good feeding. 43846c; fair to choice malting. 4S353c Flaxseed No. 1, $1.12; No. 1 Northwestern, $1.16. Timothy seed Prime, $3.9083.96. Mess rork-$17.75 17.8754 per bbl. Lard $9.6089.63 per cwt. Short ribs sides Loose. $9:0089.80. Dry salted boulders Boxed, $3.2588.50. Short clear stdts Boxed. $9.874810. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 23,300 18.400 Wheat, bushels 30.500 22.300 Corn, bushels i.. 224.700 190.100 Oats, bushels 182.700 179.000 Rye, bushels 9.600 1.SO0 Barley, bushels .... C8.000 7,000 Grain and Produce nt New "York. NEW YORK. Feb. 2a Flour Receipts. 21. 615 barrels; exports, 18.662 barrels. Markets steady, but again very dull In absence ot buy ers. Wheat Receipts. 8550 bushels. Market for spot steady. No. 2 red, 8lHc elevator. S2Ho f. o, b. afloat: No. 1 Northern Duluth. 60ic f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 hard Manitoba, 9054c f. o. b. afloat. Options .had a firm undertone early on better English cables, less favorable weather West and covering. Subsequently, however, the market yielded to light clearances, poor ex port Inquiry and liquidation, and closed easy at a partial J4c advance. March closed 834c; May. to 15-16881 5-lCc. closed 81ic: July. 7854 78 7-1 6c closed 7854c; September closed 7654c Butter Receipts, 5S00 packages. Market firm. State dairy. 15825c: creamery, extra, 2Sc; creamery. 18827c Eggs Receipts, 11,700 packages. Market firm. State and Pennsylvania, 1654c; Western un candled, 16c Hop's Quiet. Hides Firm. Petroleum Steady. " Grnln nt San Francisco. SAJ FRANCISCO, Feb. 26. Wheat weaker. Barley weaker. Oats steady. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping. $1.4581.5254; milling. $1.575481.0254. Barley-Feed. $L1831-20; brewing, $1.2Hi3 1.23;. Oats Red. $1.2581.3254: white. $1.275481.43; black. $1.2081.2754. Call board sales: Wheat Weaker: May, $1.435i; December, $1.23;: cash. $1.6254. Barley Weaker; May, $1.164 bid; December, 8954c Corn Large yellow, $1.3581.40. Enropean Grain Mnrkets. LONDON, Feb. 29. Wheat Cargoes on pas sage, nothing doing; No. 1 standard California, 32s; Walla Walla, 30a. English country mar kets quiet. LIVERPOOL, Feb. 28. Wheat-Firm: No. 1 standard California, Cs 1154d. Wheat and. flour la Paris quiet. Weather In England unsettled. Metal Markets. NEW YORK. Feb. 20. There was an advance of 17s Gd In the London tin market today, spot closing there at iizl 12s 6d. and futures at 1135 12s 0J. and tbe New York market also was higher, closing at 29.85830.1254c Like tin, copper was higher In London, clos ing with spot quoted at 19 2s 6d. and futures at 159 5s. Locally, copper was also higher. but remained quiet, buyers not being disposed to follow the advance. Standard Is quoted at 12.75c; Lake. 13.25813.40c; electrolytic 13.258 13.40c, and casting, 13313.23c Lead remained quiet here at 4c and was unchanged in London also, closing there at f 1 ss Hd. Spelter was unchanged In London at 21 10s, and locally at 5.C585.10C Iron was higher abroad, Glasgow closing at Ois sa ana aiiaaiesooro at sis 3d. The local iron market was quiet and unchanned. War rants are nominal. No. 1 foundry Northern is quotea at xzstjzt.oo; ro. z foundry Northern. $22850: No. 1 foundry Southern and No. 1 foundry Southern soft at $23.50824.50. GENERAL GORDON ILL. Attack Comes Suddenly on Head ot Confederate Veterans. ATLANTA, Ga., Feb. 26. A special to the Constitution from Jackson, MLsa, says: General John B. Gordon, commander-in-chief of the United Confederate Veteran was taken violently ill while on board a Queen & Crescent train en route to this city from Clinton, MIs.. tonight, it was necessary to remove him from the train on a stretcher. Physicians were Immedi ately summoned and will remain at his bedside until morning;. General Gordon is suffering; much pain, which the sedative administered by the physicians failed to relieve. . Agree on Alaska Corporations. "WASHINGTON. Feb. 2S. The conferees on the bill relating to ths corporations in Chamber of Commerce tlje District of Alaska havo agreed. Tho bill Is Intended to correct some defects In the Alaskan law -which waa passed four years ago. AT THE HOTELS. THE PORTLAND. F O Pearce. Homestd R II Terhune. Denver J N Eszehtyn. Baker Q C Bentley. Han cock. Mich W Thatcher, hit F L Carpenter. N Y H N Anderson, Aber deen J A McPherson, do A W Mlddleton. do G H Emerson,Hoqulam J Lyson, 6an Fran W -White. San Fran II L Jenkins. Mlcnpls W H Betts. Chlcaeo C A Johns, Baker City u jacunoas a wr, Pendleton Mrs N P Dooler, Salt E H Fostwlck. St L L II Snow. Buffalo B G Merrill. St Louis M K Love A wf. Ana cortes. Wash W A Lamb rrMar F Burbrldge A wf, SF w 1 r iica, ijznana G E- Black, San Fran J J Crenshaw, St L C J Feeley A wife. Vancouver. B C S P Browning. Marys - vllle. Ky J M Berg, Tacoma O Albers, Seattle F Leroy, San Fran W B Covell. Hartford F W Teeple, Chicago A J Burns. Chicago B J Rothschild, do S C Looker. Mtnnpla H Kelso. Rt W C Seachriat, Mo a & riewDury, rew- bursh. N Y M E Schoening. N Y F W Boult. Boston H MeMurchy. N Y W s Sherwood. St Paul L B Kingsbury. Boise J N EtseUtyn. city G T nullum, St Louis S L Mlse. N Y W B Browne, city G Albers. Seattle B F Stone, Chicago V E Page. Berkeley II L Waterbury. Cbgo C J Williams. SeatUe W S Gould A wf. N Y 11 j uarKer, r 1 F F Gibson. V T J E Henry, West H Lewis, city ter. Pa W c Cameron. N Y R Q Henry, do H V Oelder, Ban Fran THE PERKINS. J X Ferguson. Salt LkJ II Sargent. Whatcom John Rhodln. do IFred Wlltoughby. Wn H H Boomer, QreshamlWarren WUloughby. do - x n iwoiner, ao isirs a I'arr. i-.;K ur. Franklin Short. An Idaho Miss A Jackson, do L A Rosenthal. Wash S L Farnsworih. v n J M Warren. San Fran N R Streeter. Rochestr Jas S Kean. San Fran Mrs S L! O G Funis worth, do E D Miller. Falrhaven F E Carpenter, do M F Hull. Grant's Pas Bessie Lewis. Ft Jones L E Morse. Hood River Mrs L E Morse, do H E Wicker. San Fran M M Warner. Goldendl J H Shoemaker. HoodR A L Parkhurst, Hills boro W H Hoffman, Sallda, Colo J B Nice, Cathlamet E M Ward, Forest Grt C O Wallace. Seattle W F Kahman. Daniel Sully Co W L Low. Salem G W Smith. Dalles Storey White, Seattle H H Eaton, Seattle F McMahon. Seattle Al Manor. Seattle C B Sampson, Fendletn Miller Klmler. do J P Yates. Mosow, Id J M Hamilton, Antelop Henry H Smith, do John A Thompson, Heppner M Belle Thompson, do Ralph Thompson, do F W Lewis. Dalles Arthur L Rowne, Ante C Brumbaugh, San Fr ji a Miner, Lebanon A J Pitman. Salem G M McArthur. S D Mrs Q M McArthur, do J C Hearn. Elgin. Or S D Nelson, La Fayett II Randies, Seattle R A Harvey, Lexlngtn a .si Long, lowa M J David. Seattle L S Dennis. London, Eng Mrs W B Joplln A son. KnaDoa. Wash Mrs S L Bangs.Seattle Albert Dent. Castle Rk j it raricer. uonuiam a i' itounseviii. wasn Mrs Rounsevtll, do Albert A Hanks. 3 F Mrs A A Hanks, do II L Cooke. Aberdeen A F Coates. Aberdeen Mrs A F Coates, do Geo Hopkln. do lira Hopkln. do Maurice A Laugh arn, Chehalls. Wash Mrs M A Laugham, do lope. Or Miss Jull Laugham, do J M White, Lexington jonn. j uraton. 'e .11 11 virtue. iexinKion D M Smith. Corvauis C R Adams, Pendleton H H Wilson. Mora. Or John r Holllday. Chgo Miss Minnie Lamltzen, Wilbur, Wash C W Burke, Seattle S M Nlckey. Princeton. Ind J S Dickson, do R L Kinney. Goble, Or II H Buddlngton. S Fj F C Reeves, Browns- 1 vllle. Ia I T A Brougham, Vancv W 8 Lrsons, Kelso E P Ash, Cascade Lks H P Brandes. clty L J Lomltzer, Wilbur Julius Lysons, Wilbur iranic liinas. A u D It Welch. Astoria n W Mcintosh. San Fr Mrs D II Welch, do Jas II Crockwell. SaltLMIrs Nancy Welch, do W J Peal, Ellensburg a S Feterson, Astoria THE IMPERIAL. F'J Maler. Rochester IA G Stedman. MUwau W S Patterson. N Max-Waterman, U 8 I Yamhill Mrs E C Paddock; Spokane E o Connor. Roslyn Will Freeman, Seattle W Megratb, St Paul J S Hoon. N P R R C H Foster. S F P J Box, Astoria . Mrs Box. do i Dr J A Fulton, do F L Parker, do P A Stokes, do E F Kenyon. Boise R Coe. Spokane Miss Laura Shaw, Prairie City Nellie Weeks, do J F Bailey, do Lu Boyer. Tekoa D Rle. Idaho W T Smith. Sheridan Monterey Mrs Waterman :c W Hawxburst, S F D B Lytle, umana II Eagleson, Portland R L Herri man. Pa II Kerr, C A P R R W E Frailer. Albany C W Cottam. S F Ernest Slbbold. Chgo J E Rand. Hood River J c Crawford, unicaco (W A Sllngerland. Hood uiver Miss Jennie Anderson, n c Miss M Wlemela, Cen- tralta C V Brown, Astoria B S Leeman. Mt Angel W II Bemlghoff. Omaha L It Jonnson. bugene Mrs Johnson, do E R Richards. Aberdn F A Megratb, St Paul! Mrs E M crolsan, Salem Mrs C Bushnell. do Helen Calbreath. do F E Allen. Albany II Jacobson, S F S O Stevenson. S F lAnna Stephens. Salem Lizzie stepnens. ao J S Stephens, do J N Brown, do Wm T Smith. Sheridan Chas LoomU, N Y THE ST. CHARLES. D K Matthews, Water vllle Maggie McKenzIe, I ScaDDOOse T H Allman. Cathlamt ft, O Hyet, city E L Balllnger. uaks dale Mrs E McIIenry A d, California Miss A Conway. Hart ford Wm Hvland. do c t: senroeaer. uoquiue Cltv Wm Stauff, do J W Ray, Corvallls C Harley, Gardner Frank Glass. Prinevllle R L Glass, do Peter Daggan, Wis S Fuller, do Mr A Mrs Thalo, Flgot I Island A McGIUway A fam, Clatskanle R 41 Fowle. Louisville John Bradley A wf, Davton Jas Manary, Marshlndl Jesse Culley, USA Frank Joyce, city Wm G Hssklns, city l C Donahue B Gordon. Wllholt Spgs 11 J Burke. Seaside Mary Copeland, Warren W W Benson. Falrhvn S Chase. LInnton Jas Klnm. Kalama airs uiaae. city Byron Nixon A fam, Indp Mrs G A nucanor. Tac J J timid. . yt ooaiana M B Baker. Mo B II Scannlon ,L C Thompson. Chicago H Orton, Ostrander lErnest Stoup, da A J Douglas, Eagle CKA j Jonnson. Eugene Geo Conyers. uiauKaniu x, neui. iowa r. XT Tomnklns. do E W Schoeder. 8 D F J Joerg. Marquam S Alexander, Bend Alex Fraser, do F W Tlsdale. Seattle nn Miller, da John Simpson, Boring C H Cox. da Henry WohU Stella, a l (jocenoerry, uub- oara Lorine Penny, Newburg Hotel Brnnsvrlck. Senttle. European plan, popular rates. Modern Improvements. Business center. Near depot. Tacoma Hotel, Tn corns, American plan. Rates, $3 and up. Hotel Donnelly, Tacoma. First-class restaurant In connection. Rainier Grand Hotel. Seattle. European plan. Finest cafe on Coast, Hdqrs. naval, military and traveling men. Rooms en suite and single. Free shower baths Rates. $1 up H. P. Dunbar, prop. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Tinr rinn Cs 1 r I Anil " kA. - a aV OF TRAINS 1 PORTLAND Depart. Puget Sound Limited for Ta coma, Seattle. Olympla. cn.h K.ti.1 and drtr- Arrive, 3:30 pa .Harbor points North Coast Limited for Ta coma. Seattle, Spokane, Butte. St. Paul. New York. Boston and all points East and Southeast Twin City Express for. Ta 3:301 2:00 pm 7.-00 ara coma, Seattle; Spokane, Helena, St. Paul,. Mlnne auallf. Chicago. New York. Boston and all points East and Southeas..... ... .11:43 pm North Coast-Kansas Citg. 6t, Louis Special, for Ta cona. Seattle. SpoKaae. Batte. Billings. Denver. Omaha, Kansas City, 8t, Louts and all Points East and Southeast ............ 2:00 pm All trains dally except on South Bend 7:00 pm 7:00 am branch. A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant General Pas senger Agent. 235 Morrison St., corner Third. Pertland. Or. Willamette River Boats Steamers ALTONA and RAMONA leave Tay lor street dally except Sunday at 6:45 A. M. for Salem, Albany. Independence, Corvallls and way landings. OREGON CITY TRANSPORTATION CO.. Office and dock, foot Taylor St. TRAVELERS' GUI DEV. an Union Pacific 3 TRAINSto the East DAILY Through Pullman standard and Tourist sleep-lcg-sars dally to Omaha, Chicago, Spokane; tourist sleeping-car" dally to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping-cars (person ally conducted) weekly to Chicago, Kansas Cltv. St, Louis and Memphis: reclining chair cars (seats free) to the East dally. UNION DEPOT. j Leave. Arrive, CHICAGO-PORTLAND 9:20 A. M, 4:30 P.M. SPECIAL. Daily. Dally. For the East via Hunt- ington. SPOKANE FLYER. 8:00 P.M. 7-33 A. M, For Eastern Washing. Dally. DallX. am. Walla Walla. Lew- "xVh. poeur d'AIens and Gr. Northern ootnts ' ATLANTIC EXPRESS 3:13 V. M. 10-30 A. ttJ For the East via Hunt- Dally: Dally. ington. OCEAN AND RIVER S CUED CLE. FOR SAN FRANCISCO From ii G W- 0J.r- AlSrVorth ji Mar. 3. 13. 23. Dock. S.-H7.H. I S. S. Columbia- &00P. M. 'I Mar. 8. 18. 28. j I?i-,AST0IUA 80 P. X. s-oo, I points, connecting with Dally ex. Daily I t!llI5tr'or Ilwo and Sunday. except 1' north Beach, steamer Saturday. Sunday- II Massaio. Ash-st, Dock. 10 p. M. "''- , 6:43 A. M. About I For Salem. Corvallls Mondays. 6 :00 P. ML. ax"1 wa,L olnt'- steam- Wednesday Tuesdays? er Ruth, Ash - street Fridays. Thursdays. Dock (water permitting) Saturdays FOR DAYTON. Oregon 7:00 A. M. 3:00 P. X. Cty and Yamhill River Tuesdays. Mondays, points, steamer Elmore, Thursdays, WednesdaJt Ash-street Dock. Saturdays. Fridays, " (Water permitting.) f For Lewlston. Idaho, 4K A. M. About and way points, from bally S:t)0 P. lf Ri parts. Wash... steam- except Daily aztT jrs Spokane or Lewis- Saturday. Friday, ton. 1 TICKET OFFICE. Third ana Washington. . Telephone Mala 712- . PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. For Yokohama and Hong Kong, calling at Kobe. Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight via connecting steamers for "nll Port Ar thur and Vladivostok. INDRAVELLI SAILS ABOUT FEBRUARY 28. For rates and full Information call on or drees oOclals or agents of O. R. A N. Co. 1 EAST VIA SOUTH Leave Union Depot Arrive OVERLAND EX PRESS TRAINS. 8:30 P. M. for Salem. Rose burg. Ashland, Sac r a m nto. Ogden. San Francisco. Mo- 7:43 A, M. lave, Los Angeles, El Paso, New Or leans and the East. 8:30 A.M. Horning train con nects at Woodburn 7:00 P. M. cany except sun- day) with train for Mount Anrel. BII- verton. Browns ville, Springfield, WendUng and Na 4:00 P. M. tron. Albany passenger .. Connects at Wcod burn with lit. An gel and SUverton local. Corvallls passenger. 110:10 A. Hi 7-30A. M. 5:50 P. M. 114:50 P.M. I Sheridan passengtr.lS:23 A. M. Dally. HDaliy except Sunday. PORTLAND-OSWEOO SUBURBAN SERVICa AND YAMHILL DIVISION. Leave Portland dally for Oswego at 7:30 AV M. 12JO. 2:05, 3:23, 5:20. Oil. 8 JO, 10:10 P. M. Datly except Sunday, 5:30, 0:JO. 8:30. 10:25 A. M.. 4:00. 11:30 P. M. Sunday only. 9:00 A, M. Returning from Oswego, arrive Portland dally 8:S0 A. 31.. 1:55. 3:05. 4:33. 6:15. 7:83. 0:35, 11:10 P. M. Dally except Sunday. 0:23. 7J6V B-M. 10:20. 11:43 A. M. Except Monday, 12-3K A. M. Sunday only. 10:00 A M. Leave from same depot for Dallas and Inter mediate points dally except Sunday 4:00 P. M, Arrive PorUand 10:20 A. M. The Independence-Monmouth motor line oper ates dally to Monmouth and Atrlle. connecting with S. P. Co.'s trains -at Dallas and Inde pendence. First-class rebate tickets on sale from Pert land to Sacramento and San Francisco: net rate, 117.50; berth. 35. Second-class fare. 313. without rebate or berth; second-class berth. 13.50. Tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also) Japan,, China, Honolulu and Australia. CITY TICKET OFFICE, corner Third sX' Washington streets. Phone Main 712. 16reatNorthern Ticket Office 122 Third St Phone 681 Cheap rates from all points East February ISth to April 30th. Chicago 933.00 St. Paul SJ25.0O For lull Information call on or writs K. Dickson. City Ticket Agent. Portland, Or. JAPAN - AMERICAN LINE KAGA MARU For Japan, China and all Aslatla points, will leave Seattle About March 10th For South -Eastern Alaska Leave Seattle O A. 91. Steamship COTTAGE- CITT or CITY OF SEATTLE. Feb. 5. 11. 17. 23; Mar. L Steamers .connect at San Francisco wim company's steamers tar ports In Cali fornia. Mexico and Humboldt Bay. For further Informs. Right s reserved to Changs steamers or sail ing dates. AGENTS H. L. MURTOJ. 219 Washington ft.. Portland: F. W. CARLETON. 807 Pactfta ave.. Tacoma: Ticket Omce. 113 James sfc. Seattle. GEO. W. ANDREWS. North-Westenj Passenger Agent. San Francisco. Ticket Of fice. 4 New Montgomery sL C D. DUN ANN, Gen. Pass. Act-. San Francisco. Astoria ST Columbia River Railroad Co. LEAVES Depot Fifth and I Streets. ARRIVES For Maygers, Rainier. Clatskanle, Westport, CUtton. Astoria. War renton. Flavei. Ham mond, Port Stevens, Gcarhart Pk.. Seaside. Astoria and Seashore... Express Dally. Astoria Express, Dally. 8:00 A. M. 11:10 A. It. 9:40 P. M, 7:00 P. M. Ticket office. 255 Morrison st. and Union Depot. I. C MAYO. Gen. Pass. Agt.. Astoria, Or. 11 auerrVfiX O COXn4tAS- 21 WnV rafts 1q