THE MORNING- OREGONIAN. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1903. AMUSEMENTS. QUAM GRAND THEATER CALVIN HEILIG. Manager. Friday and Saturday nights. Feb. 20, 21. with a sneclal matinee Saturday. tana society actress. "VIRGINIA DREW TRESCOTT, In Oulda'a charming play. "LORD STRATHMORE." "I.ORIJ STI1AT11MORE." Evening prices $l.r. Jl, 75c. 50c 33c 25c Toalcnt ana every night this -week, uituu ladle' and children's matinee Saturday. V. rl villi - sr it-n 1 e-oi rv HUMAN HEARTS." esthetic r.Icture of rural life In Arkansas. PripM-ft'pHnf mnA Tfi cents: matinees. cents. Kvt wV TTni.tA 1?i-1ikm In "Thll Man From Sweden.' t . K IWll TUP ITvH nmnnE HAKER. Manarer. Another great comedy success, all this week. with matinee Saturday. 'William Gillette's beet comedy. "ALL, TUB COMFORTS Of IIOME." The Baker prices never chance. Evening. V'v. . . . -. I f rr with CimA... ma.f.A. AUCTION SALES TODAY. ?y the Ford-Wilson Auction Co., at 182 1st at 11 A. ai. wnson s roro, auctioneers. It Oilman's. 411 and 413 Washington at at 21., By 3. La. unman, auctioneer. MEETING NOT1CKS. D. O. K. K. Members of team selected last Tuesday night, please i appear tonight (Friday) A for practice at 8 sharn. "In ball. In Mulkey bids-, .corner 2d and Morrison E streets. i J. R. TOi'T.TN-srw R. V. , 4t JOHN II. MANN, S " Secretary. PORTLAND LODGE. NO. IB. A F. & A. M. Stated communication mil trTidayj evening. All Mastrf Masons cordially Invited. Work In tn it. ii. degree By order of the "IV. 1L I. W. PRATT. Sec HENRY BROWN. Sec BORN. -Fab. 19. to the wife of 'William Ax- DIED. J. A. Norman, formerly of 567 2d sU. FUNERAL NOTICES. ii I sinn ti p-tit js f rue sifKi h ii at JLrrtKAn v fist. t-l1i . jw rvt- t t Jiorv at the Cumherland FresbrterLan urrri. h jit Tinir nrm i "Tfi ar" at a - w t" aWI Ft I.K V -T- fin IVlrla.asifv ana lamuin im. iirtm Kiinmn dy nMUtant. Both n.ion es No. COT". NEW TODAY. usiness man. 53 Xhe Allsky. MONEY LOANED Improved city property, .Building 4osj EAST MONTHLY PAYMENTS. 1-J11U II. STRONG, 103 lid St. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 00 FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, NICELT LO- 13700 0-room house. West Sid. 1200 room cottage. 2 lota, car line. 3500 10-room house, 2 lots, elegant. tS30 Vroom cottage, rood condition. iSMO S-room house, 0 acres; beautiful sub rban home, car line. Kinoa iruiu cows, norses, cmckena and EHIIEVB A IIASLAM. 421 AblnKton. W MODERN HOUSES TOLL LOCATED S1000, 5-room cottar e, 1200 cash. I1200, 5-room cottase, t2o0 cash. SI 650. e-room house. 1400 cash. $2400. 8-room houie. ISO0 cash. Balanoa on loss Uma or easy monthly par BAHLSTROM & PATTERSON, 21U Morrison St. 40 mi: a acres In cultivation, 10 acres choice fruit, with" an eleaant iDrina of SALE-3000 J. VT. OGILBEE. ROOM 11. 145W 1ST ST. 5-ecre tract, all In cultivation, with good g- i:i ikjucucb uumi Mm. nnunnri. wrr de. between Kenllworth and Woodstock. ce home. nt -room house, stable, fruit, etc. r-.n r emiwcrui ana nooasiocK. car line: nneiv RUTS 160 LOTS. BOrlM). (IX V.T.V1F. In 1892 at from' 1200 to t40O; favorable Address r vz. care Oregonlan. I A LOOK AT THAT MODERN 0-ROOM e. northwest corner East 12th and Cut asninaxon; lot eoziuu; maae me an offer. B. RlsTen. 305 Ablnrton bide. p line. MllWAnVle. nviumnm hnnu Ham. 5H Morrison. SCOTT REIT. rqTlfr firvirv : u nr. t .iiuirn nam situ rnr ..nth Interest. ty BuUdlng'Co.. 612 CommercUl bldg, ?tirfZT .Tinnv trniTcr- x-. mr. 11 Jots, Center Addition. East Ankeny car I SALB-STRtCTLT MODERN S-ROOM use. ai locBiian, est. ome; a oaixaln. tr .TfVT4r Mnnr.RV Tfr.TTKP! tmut ement, Wheeler AC. z&w. 107 Sherlock ex. flro and Ufa Inaurance. &03 McKar. WANTED REAL ESTATE olvinoxr VnnEBN HOUSE AeTl inT business and easy ef access. F. V. An- as 39 wasniKgion dioc. city. ....... rt.T-T ry HWTlfnpnVPrt i prlce. R 68, oregonlan. -FEW ACRES OF FIRST-Ct.ASS e land. Improved, near car -iaf. .R 83, TO EXCHAXGE- COAST COTTAGE, SELL OR EXCHANGE lor -oniana or uiympla property. 334 Mill st,. 4 to 5 P. M. TO LEASE. QUARTER BLOCK ON SOUTHEAST COR- ncr oi 14 in and Alder su. ramsh. 'Watklns Co.. SSO Alder St. FOR SALE FARMS. BEAUTIFUL FARMS. HIGHLY IMFROVED, irom su to aw acres, su up per acre: nne stock ranches, well tmnroved and watered, from C40 to 3000 acres, 20 up per acre: Ideal hop and prune lands; also sawmills and tim ber lands, -all near Portland. See or address T. Wtlhycombe. room 8, Hamilton bldr.. Third St.. Portland, Or. FOR SALE 40 ACRES; 18 IN CULTIVA- tion. good house, orchard small fruits, ens spring; 20 mllea west of Portland; cheap for cash. Call or address 387 10th St., Port land. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL pans of Oregon and Washington; payments made to suit purchasers. For particulars apply to WM. MACMASTER. 811 Worcester block. !1 GOVERNMENT FARM HOMESTEAD LO catloru; several very choice ranches; Im proved farms, any size to suit. Wm. Hawks, 30K Commercial block. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT SMALL PLACE OF 25 ACRES, two miles from Oregon City, on Mount Pleas ant: 20 acres In cultivation, good young bearing orchard and good' building. Inquire of owner of the place, Geo. Kidder. SEVEN COWS. TWO HORSES. TWO WAG ons and farm Implements for sale, and So-acre farm for rent cheap. Apply to C Hansen. Fulton, Or. NOTICE ANT PERSON DESIRING TO farm land on shares would do well to apply to I. H. Gove, Sylvan. Or. TIMOER LANDS FOR SALE. FOR IMMEDIATE LOCATI0N-20 CHOICE yellow pine, 25 good fir timber claims. 21 fine farm homesteads, best of train, fruit and stock lands, near good town and railroad. Wro. Hawks, 306 Commercial block. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR SALE IN large and small amounts: recertified, title guaranteed: Immediate delivery. For full particulars call or address Scrip. 714 Mar quam tldg.. Portland. Or. IF SOLD AT ONCE WE WILL SELL 160 acres of good agricultural school land, only 2 miles from railroad town In Willamette Valley, for only 1100 cash, balance easy terms. 211 AlUky bldg. Timber cruiser and locater homestead and timber claims; locating in Douglas Co.. Or. Ole Reno, Hotel Qulmby. cor. 4th and Couch. TIMBER LOCATIONS IN OREGON. SUOAR and yellow pine; cruise 3.000.000 to 5.000.UOO. W. S. Balr. Hornbrook, Cat, HOMESTEADS AND TIMBER CLAIMS near driving stream: location fee reasonable. 167H 1st st.. room 7. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. 16 HEAD OF WELL - BROKEN HORSES, welsht from 1200 to 1600 pounds each. 134 East 34th. Phone Union 1032. FOR SALE A TEAM 7 TEARS OLD. TRUE and gentle: weight. 2600 lbs. H. Gans, Os wego. BAKERT AND MILK WAGONS: LARGE stock harness, new and 2d-hand. 211 Wash. TEAM, HARNESS AND WAGON FOR SALE. ai North th st., city. Miscellaneous. 112.80 RUTS THE. 4-DRAWER BOX-TOP genuine Elnger; $10 for the New Home or Do mestic; 111 for the White; SIS for full Cabinet Goodrich. In oak: S10 for the 5-drawtr Silent, finished in oak. J. S. Crane. 350 Morrison St., Lewis building. A HIGH-GRADE UPRIGHT PIANO AT ONE- nai: its real value: only been used six months. Call In the afternoon at 333 3d st. WANTED SECOND-HAND SMITH PRKM- ler typewriting machine; must be In flrst clasa order and cheap. L 83, Oregonlan. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN: ENGINlX aoaper. band saw, rip saw, lathe: all In run ning order. Set owner. 309 Water st. FOR SALEA FIRST-CLASS 30 H.-P. 8EC- ono-nana gas engine, practically new. North west Electric Eng. Co., 309 Stark st. FOR GOOD DRT FIR AND POLE OAK wood. 4-foot length, go to Hoover's, 313 Water st. Phone South 651. WILL BE TO THE ADVANTAGE OF PAR tles wishing to purchase a good piano to ad dress Lock-Box 103S. city. MERRY-GO ROUND. HERSEL MAKE. NO. 207 Second avenue South Seattle. Wash. Rober & Rund. CHOICE FRESH COW. OVER FIVE GAL lons a. day; others. Southwest cor. 14th and Davis. DRT SEASONED CORDWOOD. S AND 10 cord lots a specialty. Box 6. Fulton, Or. FOR SALE GOOD SECOND-HAND PIANO, very cheap. P 83. Oregonlan. FOR SALE ONE TOUNG K-JER6ET COW, Just fresh. 248 Front st. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMT ABLE-BODIED unmarried men between axes of 21 and 35. cltltens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to Recruiting Officer. 3d and Oak streets. Port- iodo, wr. An energetic manager tor oSce to be opened in this city by large manufacturing concern: salary SlOOper month extra commissions and expenses: $600 cash seculty required; best of references: no books or Insurance. Address Manager, P. O. Box 2124. San Francisco. CaL a R. HANSEN & CO 20 N. SECOND ST. General Male Employment Agency. Skilled and unskilled labor supplied for all Industries. Correspondence solicited. Regis tration free All business private WANTED NEAT-APPEARING TOUNG MAN to travel and solicit for old-ratabllthed arm: good pay and advancement to hustler. Call todey. 11 to 1, room 428 Hotel Perkins. MEN WE TEACH THE BARBER TRADE In the shortest possible time at small ex pense and guarantee positions. Write Motet's Barber College. Salt Lake City, Utah. WANTED. Laborers, drillers, 12, 12.23, for Corey Bros.. & Alden. Lyle. Wash.; free fare; fee 4L C R. HANSEN & CO.. 2d North 2d st. WANTED A MAN WHO CAN DO BOTH tinning and plumbing to accept position at lleppner. Or. Apply to Gauld & Kline Co.. 46 1st st. TELEGRAPHY TAUGHT BT EXPERI enced operator: students prepared for prac tical work: first-class facilities. Q 63, Ore gonlan. I WANTED BT MERCANTILE HOUSE, As sistant bookkeeper and bill clerk; give ex perience and references. T 03. care Ore gonlan. EXPERIENCED ADVERTISING SOLICI tors; good proposition; quick commission. Call at noon, Ralph Cylde. COS Worcester bldg. WANTED WATCH HEPAIRER, OWNINO tools: steady employment: state salary ex pected. Address R 03, care Oregonlan. SALESMEN. 25 PER WEEK. TO SELL A lamp that makes Its own gas. Lamp free. Eastern Gas Co., 61 Nassau sL. N. T. WANTED AN ELDERLY MAN OF GOOD reputation and manners to run elevator In a large store. Address A 01, Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS CUTTER FOR ESTABLISHED Portland House. Address Merchant Tailor, P 1)1, Oregonlan. CHANCE FOR TOUNG MAN TO LEARN barber trade for reasonable price. D 89, Ore gonlan. BARBERS ONE STEADT. ONE SATURDAT. Joe Jones Grand Central Baths, 00 North 3d. First-class salesman for aspbaltum corporation, city, high salary. 213 Commercial block. WANTED TEACHER FOR BUCK AND wing dancing. Address F 83, Oregonlan. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED THOROUGHLY COMPETENT girl for general housework: must be good cook; good wages. Call mornings 822 Kear ney st. WANTED GIRLS TO WORK IN CANDT factory; experienced ones preferred. Apply at 44 Front su ' GIRL FOR OENERAL HOUSEWORK NO children; small family. Phone Front 2692, or call 174 Porter. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRLS, AT STANDARD FACTORT. NO. 2 COR. GRAND AVE. AND EAST TAYLOR. WANTED IMMEDIATELY: HOUSEKEEP er. country, cooks, chambermaids, second girls, housework, girls, nurses. 230U Yam hill. Phone Black 2SS1. EVENING LESSONS IN SHORTHAND, bookkeeping, arithmetic and 'English, by gentleman of experience. Address C3, Ore gonlan. MAN COOK. WIFE DISHWASHER, 370 (mill); chambermaid; nurse, 34; factory girls; housework. Drake, 205Vi Washington. WANTED LADY TO FILL PERMANENT position: salary $12 per week. Address Mrs. B. Wilcox, general delivery. COMPETENT GIRL WANTED FOR GENER al housework. Apply mornings 00 Ella St., Swede or German preferred. WANTED-GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE workr and cooking. Apply mornings 395 12th St.. cor. Harrison. WANTED WOMAN TO DO THREE HOURS' work dally In rooming-house. Call room 21, 2C4. Morrison st. WANTED A WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework, on East Side Telephone Union 1772. In forenoon. WANTED NEAT. INTELLIGENT GIRL FOR general housework; two In family. Call 50 North 20th. WANTED 1 A GOOD GIRL FOR DINING roora and second work. 89 5th St., near Stark. GIRL TO WAIT ON TABLE AND HELP IN kitchen: no cooking. 141 West Park. cor. Alder. GIRL TO ASSIST WITH LIGHT SECOND work. 800 Lovejoy, between 24th and 23th. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 385 Front.'cor. Harrison. WANTED A GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL housework. 334 Salmon st. WANTED A STRONG NURSE GIRL. 713 Washington st HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE ALPINE EMPLOTMENT AOENCT; ALL kinds of txls furnished. 132 1st st. Pbone North 1171. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. SITUATION WANTED BY THOROUGH LT competent and reliable bookkeeper; good all round office man: stenographer also. Address R 02, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN OF GOOD HAniTS WANTS Po sition In wholesale house or collecting; best references. K 03, Oregonlan. A TOUNG MAN WISHES POSITION AS A restaurant cashier; experienced; cash se curity. J 02. Oregonlan. Mlscclltuieons. JAPANESE AND CHINESE HELP FUR nlshed; domestic, farm hands, laborers, can cers, store work. Japanese Employment Of fice. C9 North 3th. Pbone Clay itC AN EXPERIENCED TRAVELING SALES man. fully acquainted with Coast territory, desires to make change. K 87. Oregonlan. CAN FURNISH DOMESTIC. FARM AND all kinds of help. Telephone Black VJ2. Japanese Labor Ars'n, 26S Everett st. JAPANESE BOT WANTS POSITION IN famllr or hotel, do housework, dishwashing. C5 North 3d it. JAPANESE WANTS POSITION TO DO housework and wash windows, by day. Phone Clay 745. SITUATIOXS WANTED-FEMALE. Dookeepe-i and Sienosraphers. AS STENOGRAPHER: HAVE HAD EXPERI ence; can give good references; salary 325 per month. M 03. Oregonlan. POSITION AS BOOKKEEPER IN GROCER T store: can give good references. N 03, Ore gonlan. Domestics. AN EXPERIENCED GIRL WANTS Posi tion as second girl In small family. E 03, Oregonlan. PARK SCHOOL GIRL WOULD LIKE NICE home and work for board. J 03. Oregonlan. Dressmakers. THE MISSE3 LATNE. DRESSMAKING: shirt waists a specialty. 42d Alder st Miscellaneous. SITUATIONS WANTED DAT WORKER, housekeepers, cooks, second girls, waitresses, chambenr.alds, nurses. 230H Yamhill. Pbone Black 2SS1. WOMAN WISHES TO DO DAT WORK; good launderer. Phone West 2320, evenings. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS FOR PHOTO BUTTONS. BROOCH es. lockets, medallions, big Inducements. Photo Jewelry Co.. 105 State rt. Chicago. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT A MODERN HOUSE of 0 or 10 rooms, south of Washington sr., within 13 minutes walk of the Dostofflce; communications confidential. Lock-box 1027, P. O. WANTEDROOM AND BOARD -IN A PRI rate family, by man and wife and 18-months. old child: state terms. Addreea A 03. care irregoman. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR MEN'S CAST- ou cioiuing, snoes. valises, etc, at the old rciiaoie nana, u ,. u n. Phone Hood 517. Wanted Tq buy established hardware or hard ware and furniture business in live town, on rauroaa. u. n. itarper, Herman, Nebraska. GOOD DELI VERT HORSE FOR GROCEHT wagon. 1200 to 130O. Cbas. A. Llnd. 32S SlUSECll. WANTED SAWMILL: STATE SIZE. PRICE. "rail! s. coroer, at Jim St., I'omana, YJi. SCHOOL BOOKS BOUGHT; HIGHEST PRICE paia. j lamnui St. FOR ncxT. Rooms. THE PALMER HOUSE. & E. COR. ALDER and Park sts.. formerly The Spalding The most complete apartment-house In the city: steam heat, gas, electric light, porcelain bathe every modern convenience Tourist ana transient traae soucitea. TWO LARGE. CHEERFUL AND WELL- fumlshed rcoms; will conveniently accommo date four: front room 310, other S3 month. Including use of sitting-room, bath and phys ical culture apparatus Aaaress boo Thurman street. THE APPLETpN. S. W. cor. 6th and Everett Mcsiai iuuiwi, porcelain oame eiecinc lights; unaer management former proprietor ess cf the Clement House; tourists and Iran' stent solicited. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT RcVlMS- GAS heat, phone: private residence central; party woiftms miuuiu ivjc uar preicrreu; no cnii dren. Call 710 Marquam bldg. Phone Hood eu3. THE BARRIE. S. E. COR. 0TH AND STARK rewiy lurnisneo. steam neat, electric light, porcelain baths; ratta 11 per day and up; special oy weea or monm. TO TWO GENTLEMEN: A LARGE. NICELT furnished room, in private family; breakfast an dinner if desired. K4 Washington sr.. cor. -tnc THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND AL- cove. for housekeeping; bath and water MONNASTES ROOMING. HOUSE. COR. 1ST and Jefferson Furnished and unfurnished rooms; transients solicited. THREE FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT: electric lights and telephone; rent reason able. 300 bin and Aider. ONE LARGE. WELL - FURNISHED FRONT room, nay winaow, witn moaern conven lencee 188 West Park. S64 TAYLOR PLEASANT ROOMS FOR GEN- tlemen: bath, pbone. 'gas and heat; two blocks irom rortiana iiotei. OFFICE ROOMS FOR RENT. SECOND floor. Goodnough bldg., Sth and Yamhill sts. inquire at elevator. 189 1STH ST. FRONT ALCOVE ROOM; pleasant borne: suitable tor two; bath, phone ami muzu j. FOK RENT. Rooms. 314 CLAY LARGE. CHEERFUL ROOM; also smeller room; are minutes" walk rrom postoffice Furnished rooms. SI week up. Oilman Hotel. ist Aiaer: Treroont iiotei, itn ana t-reretu THE ABBOTT. 22SM WASIL FINE FUR- nissea rooms, en suite, single or nousexeeping. 3S0 MAIN ST. COM FORT ABLE ROOM. FOR gentleman; an roooern conveniences; rent s. THE BONITA. 81 7TH ST.. NEAR LIBRARY Nicely furnished sunny rooms: reasonable. FURNISHED ROOMS. THREE BLOCKS from P. O. 361 Taylor st. Phone Clay 1711. NEW MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. WOOD- lawn. Inquire owner, telephone Front 1102. TWO OR THREE NICELY FURNISHED rooms, at 273 4th st.. opposite rniy nail. OFFICE ROOM. 8 FEET BY 19 FEET. IN- quire room 7 Hamilton bldg.. 131 3d at. 475 TAYLOR ONE FRONT ROOM. NICELY furnished; modern. Rooms With Board. HOTEL VENDOME. COR. 13TH AND AL- der Newly fumlsbed. steam neat, porcelain bath: elegant rooms, with board, by the day. 31.25 up; reasonable rates by month; table and service first-class; tourist trade solicited. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION; 15TH YEAR; rooms, witn coara: use of sewing-room; use of library; Woman's Exchange. Address Mra. K. C. Eckltr. Superintendent. 510 Flanders street. HOTEL BROWN LARGE PLEASANT rooms, newly lurnisnea; oatne electric lights, elevator: good table; rooms for transients; on both car lines. 271 Grand ave. THE COLONIAL. 165 AND 107 10TH ST. A select family hotel; aesiraoie aouoie room, suitable for two: also single rooms; with firrt-class table and service AFTER THE 25TH: ROOMS. FURNISHED or unfurnished, at 15 North loth. cor. Burn ride. Apply C55 Washington. Telephone Brown 5tiQ. FOR RENT A NICE. LARGE FRONT ROOM. newly furnished, with or without board. 400 Irving su. between 12th and 13th. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS. with bond; phone bain, piano; private fam ily. 510 McKay block. OCO KEARNEY ST. LARGE FRONT ROOM. with board. In private family, for one or two gentlemen. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH first-class table board; reasonable 384 Alder streeu 511 MORRISON ST. VERY DESIRABLE front room for one or two, with board. FIRST-CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS, FOR xour persons. 101 norm ioin. 215 12TH ST. ROOMS, SUITE AND SINGLE, lta board. FURNISHED ROOM. WITH BOARD. AT 223 ll in su TWO ROOM8. WITH BOARD. AT 168 11TH streeu Housekeeping Rooms. IS PER MONTH: TWO LARGE. CLEAN furnisnea housekeeping rooms, witn pantry, sink, use of laundry, bath and telephone 184 Sherman. TWO FURNISHED, ROOMS. H0USEKEEP- lng: sink, hot and cold water In kitchen, bath and woodshed. 203 5th su Phone Front 1978. FIRST-FLOOR UNFURNISHED ROOMS; furnace, stationary washtuba, newly papered. 647 East Weldler. Inquire on premises. 372 1ST THREE OR FOUR FURNISHED bay-window housekeeping rooms, 314; also unfurnished.; respectable people THE ANNEX. 14CV5 FRONT. NEAR MORRI eon rarmsnea nouseiceeping rooms; sua sin gle rooms, oy tne aay or wees- FIVE LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOM8. IN- wnoiesaie district: suitaoie ior roomin. house. Call 204H Stark su 125 13TH. NEAR WASHINGTON TWO large parlors, newly furnished; gas range, bath pbone (West 2443). THREE. FOUR OR SIX NICE ROOMS, ground floor: garden; 30c each per week. 234 H Morrison, -room 2. TW.O FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, on nrst noor; pnone, gas ana Data, fta lamnui. UNFURNISHED OR PARTLY FURNISHED rooms, for housekeeping, at 3 1st su, West Side lfO 13TH ST. FRONT ALCOVE ROOM; ALSO smaii room; single or en suite; natn, pnone March 1. A SUITE OF THREE ROOMS, FOR HOUSE- keepmg. isvi nasninrton su Houses. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 246 STARK ST., rents and Insurance. Phone Main 345. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. FOR RENT NEW MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE close In. East Side Apply G. W. Fubr, Os- wm iioiei. BAT-WINDOW 7-ROOM HOUSE. CORNER Grand ave and Holladay ave Call 408 East Markeu FOR RENT ABOUT MARCH 1. NEW M0D- ern 4-room nau 4GS llail su 5-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. INQUIRE 313 water su Fnrnlsbed Houses. FINEST ROOMING-HOUSE. 11 ROOMS. IN city, very central, tor rent to responsible parties; possession March I. 145H 6th su Ilonses for Rent Fnrnltnre for Sale, FURNITURE OF 0-ROOM HOUSfi FOR rale; a. bargain If sold at once. Inquire 527 Taylor su NEWLY FURNISHED MODERN 8 - ROOM flat; large basement; rent 325. 2G3 "7th su 361 ALDER. COR. PARK-FURNITURE FOR sale and house for renU Stores. STORE. 307 STARK ST.. OCCUPIED BY Melton. D. G. Woodward, 24S Stark. Phone iiain sts. PERSONAL. JO-HE. A NATURAL MAGNETIC OIL FROM Texas: most wonderful discovery of age: puzxles medical world; rheumatism, paraly sis, spinal affections, erysipelas, neuralgia, catarrh, cancer, burns, old cores yield to this oil like magic; cures In S to 20 days; sample can 50c. postpaid. Testimonials free. Agents wanted, x. l. uiinton. oio uu woucn su. Portland, or. Phone union iuc 876 WOMEN WANTED Buffering from Irregular, painful or stoppage. Lucorrhoca (whites) and all diseases of women, old or voung. cured by old Dr. Ktssltr. 23014 Yamhill St.. Portland, Or. Pri vate waiting-room tor laoies. uu or write Inclose 10 2-cent stamps when writing. These medicines sect by mall to any poatotace on earth; run instrucuons. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL 8Ii.ES SI a month keeps your clothing cleaned and Dressed, buttons sewed on and rips sewed ud. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co.. 34T Washington, opposite uoraray s. ed by the use or Sexlne line If you are nervous and weak, they will restore you. 31 a box. o boxes so. J. A. uemenson. ilrug gisu 2d and Yamhill. Portland. Or. "BOOK OF NATURE" "DESPERATE Love," " Story or a oiave, "Jiaoei Gray," The Beauty SooU" "Forbidden Frulu" "Adam and Eve" "Oil Bias," "Nana," 60c each, be r. male, 2Zi isu MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BT DR. ROB- erts" Nerve uioouies. une montn's treat menU S2; 3 months, J5.' Sect securely sealed I'ortiano. ur. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. MOLES. ETC.. RE. moved with electric needle: permanent cure; established 1S04: lady operator; physicians' references. 355 Salmon su, cor. Park. Phone West ST52. Gulnean's Remedy Is guaranteed to cure rheu matlsm. .catarrh, hemorrhoids, colds, sore throat, minis, scaios. nruises, tender (eet, chilblains and skin diseases. All druggists. ENJOY LIFE BY REGAINING STRENGTH and happiness by using- Sexlne Pills; price at; u zor sa. j. .. wiemenson. xrruggisu cor. 2d ana Tamniu, i-onisna. ur. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE Ac curately ana reasonaoiy nueo at Eysseirs pnarmacr. I iiorrnon su, Deu 1st ana 2a. LADIES WILL FIND HAMMAM BATHS 300 Oregcnlan bldg.; clean, bright and up to date' in every respecu iu a. as- io au We print tout name en SO calling cards, prop er size ana style, zac: sou Business cares, ii. ttrown at Bcnmaie, ist, roruasa, ur. PERSONAL. MRS. STEVENS. PORTLAND'S LEADING palmist and spiritual nit reader, astrologer. Readings. 50c 343H Yamhill, cor. 7th. FEATHERS AND BOAS cleaned and curled. Mrs. M. Gilbert, from London, room & cos mos. 4 th and Morrison. Tel. Red 1006. CORSETS MADE TO ORDER. ANT STYLE or material; perfect nt tTiarantted. Room au Washington bldg. DR. LAMOTTE'S FRENCH CORN PAINT. The beat corn cure 25 cenu. All druggists'. WE RECOMMEND OUR COLD CURE: PRICE se ana soc xnignra Drug store, lu sin st, MRS. OBROCK. GRADUATE MASSEUSE. manicuring. 434 Ablngton bldg. Red 2804. BUSINESS CHANCES. S2500-GRGCERT. WITH FINE. INCREAS- wg traae: corner stand, living rooms, low reoU and very attractive place, at Invoice; also other stores. i250 Meat market, doing Une trade and making money. S90O Restaurant on business street, regular boarders and alto good transient business; nicely furnished. S475 Cigars, fruit and confections; also one with living rooms, furnished, for 3700. SHREVE & IIASLAM. 421 Ablngton bldg. SOUTHERN OREGON" CORPORATION OWN- IDC body of accemlble timber wants to inter est a practical mlllman. This Is a good prop osition. Partner wanted in a small Inland sawmill; contract for enough timber for three years' run. AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE A DRUG STORE. WITH A small line of drugs, in a nourishing town on the Columbia River. 40 miles from Portland; four boats daily and railroad coming through this Summer: a good farming country; a good chance for a physician. Apply to Dr. W. J. Taylor, Waahougal, Sickness cause of leaving. OUR INVESTMENT CONTRACTS ARE THE most desirable. Interest Is paid every teres months. We want men of character to rep resent us. Write with reference for particu lars. Ours Is no "get rich quick" proposition. It will stand careful Investigation. Stand ard Guaranty & Trust Co.. Dallas, Texas. TOUNG MAN. CHARACTER AND ABILITY, wants temporary position, or would invest In some business not requiring much capital that could be readily disposed of this Fall Address W 83, car Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE A GOOD RESTAURANT for a grocery store; restaurant located in bueinesa center: any reasonable offer will be considered. Shreve & Haalam. 421 Ablngton. bldg. FOR SALE A LUNCH COUNTER AND RES- taurant: a snap for S400: 318 to 330 a day trade. S17 renU Inquire of Mrs. E. A. Slover. 3S9 East 12th. or W. J. Rowan, Oregon City. WILL SELL ALL OR ONE-HALF INTEREST In a nrst-class drug store located in one of the best towns In Oregon; best of reasons for selling, w 01, oregonlan. A BARGAIN GROCERT, $550. OR WILL IN- voicer best of location: evemning new: four nice living rooms; rent reasonable. Inquire 143ft 3d su, room l. FOR SALE "WESTON LEADER" NEWSPA. per. Job office and building, S14O0; one-half cash, balance easy terras. Address Clark wood, vteston, or. BICYCLE STORE AND REPAIR SHOP. with two pool tames; doles; good business; owner in other business; a Dargain. i vz, Oregonlan. WANTED PARTY TAKE CONTRACT TO log 20,000 feet per day: cattle or horses; three years worx; good timcer ana ground, u in, Orexonlsn. A GOOD STONE QUARRT OF FINE BUILD. ing rock, close to city, for sale, cheap. Ao- cress owner, it. m. iius, ueaverton. or. FOR SALE-OLD-ESTABLISHED GROCERT and feed store; doing good business; long ease on bunding. K. bs. oregonlan. FOR SALE FURNITURE 5-ROOM COT- tage; rent 110; location central; prlco 3350. Call today. Inquire 253 4th su FOR SALE-1 TO 10.000 SHARES OREGON securities, aividena payer, great sacrince Address P 66. Oregonlan. CONTRACT PACIFIC MERCANTILE COM- pany, cheap: nearly paid up; need money Address S 02. Oregonlan. OREGON SECURITIES STOCK FOR SALE at a bargain. If taken quick. L. z. Keady a cc mung bldg- FOR BALE GROCERT STORE. CENTRAL; can give terms. Inquire 255 4th su Tele' phene Hood 705. FOR SALE CIGAR STAND. WITH ROOM lng-bouse; good lease Inquire 253 4th. Tele phone Hood TOO. FOR SALE ROOMING-HOUSE. 10 ROOMS, three blocks from postoffice; price J GOO. In. quire 255 4th. FOP SALE ROOMING-HOUSE, 21 ROOMS: splendid location, long lease: price 12300. in quire 255 4th. FOR SALE ROOMING-HOUSE. 17 ROOMS, first-class location; rent $52: price 11500. In quire 255 4th. GROCERT STORE. DOING A GOOD CASH business; good living rooms; cheap renU In quire 000 sin. WANTED TO BUT AND SELL BUSINESS chances of all kinds. 230ft YamhllL Phone luacic z&si. FOR SALE ROOMING-HOUSE. 17 ROOMS. furnished. SS00; good location. 167H 1U room 1 FOR SALE HALF INTEREST IN BUSINESS paying 3300 month; a snap. ItHVi 1st su. room 7. FOR SALE ROOMING-HOUSE. BRICK. SO rooms, central, 40 furnished, $1000. Inquire 255 4th. PARTNER WITH CAPITAL WANTED IN the real estate business. Address A 82. Ore gonlan. FOR SALE 10-ROOM HOUSE. SUITABLE for boarding or roomers: centra!. Call 107ft 3d St. STOREROOMS. NOS. 240 AND 251 EVERETT, for rent or lease. Apply room 12 Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE-ROOMING-HOUSE. 30 ROOMS, partly furnished: price S3S0. Inquire 255 4th. FOR BALE CIGAR STORE. $300: RENT, with 5 living rooms. 18. 167ft 1st, room 7. FOR SALE ROOMING-HOUSE. 11 ROOMS. suitable for boarders, o. 03. orsgonian. . HOUSE, FURNISHED. 16 ROOMS; RENT $30; price aiouo. 145ft otn su, room 20. LOST AND FOUND. LOST SMALL LEATHER PURSE CONTAIN- ing four Tings, witn oiamonosv ecnersia ana opal, two neck pine money, key. Liberal reward. Return 8S4ft Morrison or GO North 6th. LOST LADY'S OPEN - FACE SILVER watch. Wednesday. Feb. 18: monogram M C" Finder please return to Nau's Phar macy, and receive reward. LOST OFF OF A BRACELET. AN ENAM eled marguerite, diamond set In center. Lib eral reward enerea. Jtoom uu, a.. meg., 1st and Taylor. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. WANTED BIDS FOR CLEARING 40 ACRES f land In the city: land to be surface cleared and stumps blown out: contractor must furnisn Dona, iiartman. inompson s; Powers, 3 Chamber 01 commerce. FINANCIAL. iriANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent position with responsible- firms. Upon weir own uouics, cuj pamenu; strictly connaeauai. MONET to loan on chattel mortgages. New Era Loan & Trust Co., room 200 Ablngton building. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel mortgages, personal or salary se curity, at low rates. C. W. Palllett. 213 Com. merciai oioca. iapuwn uiwt MONET ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE. teamsters, without security: -easy payments; largest business in so principal ewes. toi man. 223 Ablngton bldg. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities; lowest rates, b. w. King, room 45 wasnington oiag. i-none 1100a 41s. MONET TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES; NO commission, ana aosiraci or tine xurnisneo. Portland Abstract i;o., 003 uommerciai dik. LOANS IN SUMS FROM $3 TO 1500 ON ALL kinds or secunix-. it. i. icserson o. room 5 Washington bldg. Phons Clay 73. 15 AND UP IN SUMS TO SUIT ON ALL J . A. .V- A IT.tfc.w... mam 10 Washington oiag. i-none, iiood u. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY TO 8AL- arled people ana personal security; low rates. Zeiix Blocs, room 1 asnicgtoa Bisr. FINANCIAL. Money loaned on an kinds of security: 6 per cent building loans a specialty. W. H. Nunn. 552 Sherlock block. Pbone Clay 520. MONET TO LOAN. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. ON city property and Improved Valley fame W. A. Shaw & Co., 243 Stark st. SALART AND CHATTEL LOANS; CONFP dentlal; easy payments. Portland Credit Assn.. 331 Sherlock. MONET LOANED ON REAL ESTATE. PAT- able in easy monthly Installments. Fred it. Strong. 103 2d su MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE- cunty. Mm. Hon. room o Washington oiag. MONET TO LOAN. 6 per cent, farm or city property, o. M. smith, 3 Ch. of commerce. Six per cent money to loan on Clackamas Coun ty lands, c p. Riley, G08 Cham, commerce. S10O UP ON REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES, below usual rates, ward. 323 Tne .unity. State funds loaned 6 per cenu W. E. Thomas, state agu for aiuiu CO.. iw un. 01 wm. Money to loan, small amounts, short or long time. j. II. Hawley. 2 Chamber 01 worn. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 6 PER CENT. ttro, o. Beck. 321 Morrison su BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Architects. DELOS D. NEER. ARCHITECT. ROOMS 21 ana ss, 113ft first su Phone Red aei. Assay ers and Analysts. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 208 8TARK ST. ixperts on analysis of coals, minerals, rocx and mineral waters. J. T. Gove. Manager. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST; goia oust eoughu 2ZSV1 stark su Attorneys-at-Lavr. IL B. DICKINSONf ATTORNET AND COUN- seuor at law; notary public 503 commercial 0. a B. RIGGEN. ATTORNET AND COUNSEL- lor-at-iaw; .Notary. 305-300 Ablngton oidg. NIXON 4 DOLPIL GENERAL PRACTITION- ers. notaries Public B Commercial bldg. Barbers. ARTISTIC SHAVE OR HAIR TRIM. JOE Jones, urana central Baths. 00 North Zd. Boot and Shoe Repairing;. GOODYEAR SHOE REPAIR CO.. 268ft AL- cer, Deu ii and 4tn. pnone south 23U. Brickwork Contractors. RINER & RINER. 300 TTH. TEL. FRONT wis. contractors In brickwork, bake ovens, boiler setting and mining: brickwork a spe cialty; prompt attention to an worx. Bnlldera' Slaterlnl. Tlmms. Edwards A Co.. Agents Patton's Sun- rrooi j-ainu; guaranteed o years. w rroau Carpenters and Builders. GEO. W. GORDON. COUNTERS. SHELVING nouses bunt and repaired, zos 4th, Clay lie W. L. Buclcner. office, store fixtures, general jODDing, contracting. 330 Stark. Black 814. Chiropodists and Mnnlcnrliiff. WM. D EVENT A ESTELLE DEVENT, THE oniy scientinc chiropodists, parlors 301 Aliaxy Duiiding. Tnira ana Morrison. Oregon pnons Grant 16. This is the long-haired gentleman. tie is ice man you are looking ior. THE ONLT GRADUATE CHIROPODIST IN the city. Patrons can rely on skillful and eciemina treatment, pedicuring ana m&ni curing. Office 20 Raleigh bldg. Civil Enirtneers. PHILIP G. EASTWICK. CIVIL, MINING and hydraulic ecglnesr, 606 Worcester block. Clairvoyants. THE MAHATMA. THE GREATEST LIVING clairvoyant, appears before a Notary Publla In Portland and takes oath to return the fee If nredlctlocs and reading are not accurate. Free tests by mall, send stamp. Office 313ft vtesnington su MISS LINN WARDEL. PALMIST AND clairvoyant, is now located in saiem, or., but will return to Portland In the near future. BESSIE LEROY. MAGNETIC HEALER, spiritual clalrvoyanu 145ft 6th sU. room 0. Coal Dealers. WESTERN FEED AND FUEL CO.. DEALERS in ail Kinds or coai. can us up ior quota tions. 154 North bin. uain 1013. col zes. VULCAN COAL CO.. wholesale dealers; lest coals, foundry ana smelter coke, uotn pnones. KING COAL COMPANY: BEST DOMESTIC coal, 38.50 per ton. Telephone Oak 1231. Coal and Wood. ALL KINDS OF WOOD. COAL AND KIND ling: prompt delivery. Phone Main 342. Commission 3Ierchnnts. HERMANN METZOER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal, and general commission merchanL Front SU, near Main, Portland, Or. Cash advances on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchanU. Sherlock build-, ing, Portland, Or. ALLEN A LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO duee merchants. Front A D sts., Portland. Or. Corrugated Iron. CORRUGATED IRON ROOFING. HOT-AIR furnaces. J. C Bayer, 265 Second su Dnnctnsr. L. B. MeCALLA LOSES NO TIME ON EXER clses, but teaches you to dancs. 323 Good nough bldg. Phone Brown 441. Mrs. Nina Larowe. Larowe Hall, teacher of dancing and natural and graceful elocutlon. Dog and Horse Hospital. DR. S. J. CARNEY. D. V. S.. VETERINART surgeon. 108 N. 6th. Ore. phone South 3831. Dyelnu and Cleaning. H. W. TURNER, professional dyer and clean er, 301 17th. cor. Columbia. Tel. Red 131. 1 Electroplating;. OREGON PLATING WORKS: ELECTRO pUtlng of all kinds. 431 Washington. Red 756. Fraternal Inaurance. Order of Washington, foremost trataroal so ciety of N. W.; protects the living. J. L. Mitchell. Sup. Sec'y.. 012-615 Marquam bldg. Gasoline Easjlnes. TATUM A BOWEN, PORTLAND, BAN Francisco, Seattle llalrdresslnir, Tonpees, Manicuring;. ROSENTHAL SISTERS. 100 FIFTH ST. Switches, toupees, h&lrdresstng, manicuring. Harness and Saddles. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE sale saddlers and harness manufacturers, leather and saddlery hardware. 80-86 1st su THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO., WHOLE sale saddle and harness mfrs.. saddlery hard ware, leather of all klnde 73 Front st. Junk, Hides and Pelts. L. Shank A Co.. pay highest prices tor old rub ber, metals, bottles. Iron. rags, hides, pelts and tallow. 312 FronU Tel. South 091. Leather and FlndlnRs. THE BRFTMAN LEATHER CO.. MFRS. boot and shoe uppers, flndlnrs, shoe store supplies, leather of all kinds. 73 Front su J. A. REID. mfr. boot and shoe oncers; .ull stock shoemakers' supplies. 207 Wash. sU Massasre. REMOVED THE SNOWDEN BATHROOMS, from 360ft Washington st. to 01ft 6th su. be tween Stark and Oak. Pleased to see all old customers: also new ones. Oregon phone Front 2581. VAPOR. STEAM AND SPONGE BATHS, with massage, by experienced young lady: the best treatment In the city. Room 10. 351ft Morrison. Select patrons only. SPANISH LADY. MASSAGE PARLORS: very best treatment In city: sea salt and al cohol baths; very selecu 163 Park. cor. Mor rison, room 5. FRENCH LADY. WITH TOUNO LADY AS slstanU lust arrived from Paris, gives mas sage treatmecL 208 5th. Pbone West 1073. TOUNG, EXPERIENCED MASSEUSE GIVES thermal baths and scientific massage. Room 23 Raleigh bldg.. 6th and Washington. TOUNO AND THOROUOHLT COMPETENT, skillful and experienced masseuse Office 20 Raleigh bldg. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Machinery. TRENKMAN & CO.. MINING. SAWMILL. logging machinery, hydraulic pipes, castings of all kinds repaired. 104 North Fourth SU THE H. C ALBEE CO.. SECOND-HAND machinery, sawmills, etc .ts urana ave aiuunfacturers of Ladles Goods. CLEARANCE SALE FULL LINE LADIES dressing sacques. waists, underwear: novel ties below eosu Sing Chong Co.. 533 Morrison Mines hnd Slinlnir. 1000 SHARES OF ST. HELENS It OALICQ Mining co. stock win bring you in so a month. A. B. Cousin, Secretary, 201 McKay building. Musical. VIOLIN, CORNET. CLARIONET. FLUTE taugnt at studio or at come, irou fc. a. Smith. 254 12th aU Brown 603. Oregon Vlavl Co. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON STS. Health talks to ladles. Thursday, 2:S0 p. M. Palmistry. Mra Dreyfue the unrivaled palmist and clair voyant caru reader. 133ft isu. cor. Aider. Patents. T. J. GEISLER, ATTORNEY: PATENTS A specialty, ucamcer 01 commerce. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. MRS. CAREY TALBOT SUCCESS- fuuy treats and cures all diseases of women. Successful home treatments by mall. 308 Sal mon, between Fifth and Sixth. DR. JAMES DICKSON, SPECIALIST IN KID- 11c auu uiseasee uaa x euows icnjpis. Dr. Flora A. Brown: diseases of women and cauoren a specialty, omce. cit The uexum. Plasterlno; and Brick Work. Tlmmons A Elerath. contractors: plastering. oncK. concrete, pressed brick mantels ana cement sidewalk. Address C54 E. 12th sU. 321 Eugene su Phones Scott 850. Ruza 1672. Restaurants. SPANISH RESTAURANT, 266 DAVIS. TEL. ciay 812. Meals, 23c: chicken tamaie. lac Safes. DIEBOLD SAFES. JAILS. VAULT DOORS and deposit work. Lockouts opened, uenerai repairs. Burglar alarms. Steel ceilings. Second-band safes bought and sold. Goods as represented. J. E. Davis. 68 3d. HERRING-HALL-MARVIN SAFE CO.. suc cessors to Hall Safs A Lock Co. Portland Safa A Lwe rV. Sn1 Ar.nti. 76 1st SU Showcases and Store Fixtures. R. LUTKE & CO.. SUCCESSORS TO DIXON, Borgeson A Co., Sixth and Hoyt ate Slot Machines. TRANSCONTINENTAL MACHINE CO.. COR Park and Oak; largest variety: repairing. Spiritualists. ALL IN TROUBLE CALL AND SEE MRS. Wallace, the famous psychle; gives valuaois advice on all affairs of. life, traces absent friends, mines, family difficulties. Always consult the besU 271ft Morrison su, room A. MR6. BAXTER REYNOLDS. LABBE BLDG.. 227ft Washington sU, room 54. Readings dally. Larsen. the palmist: last month at presenU Sclentlfio life readings. BOc. 210 Allsky bldg. MRS. ROBSON, CLAIRVOYANT LIFH reader: readings by mall. 201ft 3d. room 0. Mrs. Stevens, spiritual life reader, scientific palmist; 60c Removed to 343ft YarahHl-7th. Mrs. a Cornelius. Allsky bldg.. 3d and Mor rison. Sittings dally. Phone Hood 403. MRS. ADDIE R. SMITH. BUSINESS AND test, at 133ft 5th. cor. Alder, room 1. Storage and Transfer. C. O. PICK, office. 88 FlrsU beU Stark and Oak; phone 506. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping: commodious fire proof brick warehouse; Front and Clay sts. SAFES. PIANOS AND FURNITURE MOVED. Sacked, shipped and stored: fireproof store ouse. Office 128 1st sU. C M. Olsen. Trunk Factory. PORTLAND TRUNK CO.. 50 THIRD ST.: wholesale and retail. Send for catalogue Turkish Baths. DEKUM ELECTRIC LIGHT Turkish baths Hours Ladles. 0 to 3; gentlemen, 3:30 to 8. Typewriters. New Fay-Sholes. Jewetts, Oliver, Smith Pre miers, Remlngtone sold, rented and repaired. Office goods. Cunningham's, 231 8tark. DENSMORB TYPEWRITER WE RENT AND repair all machines. Full line supplies. Huxley, Ryan A Co.. 82 4th sU Columbia Bar-Lock Visible Typewriter: get catalogue. 318 California sU. San Francisco. Watchmakers and Jewelers. JOHN A. BECK. WATCHES. DIAMONDS. Jewelry, tUverware. 207 Morrison. Repalrlng. Wholeaale Grocers. ALLEN A LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERS, cor. N. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or. BANKS. LADD A TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1859. Transacts a General Banking Uuslnese Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points on favorable termsv Letters et credit Issued available In Europe and all points In the United States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York. Washington, Chicago, SU Louis, Denver. Omaha. San Francisco and va rious points In Oregon. Washington, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia, Exchange sold on London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Yokohama, Manila and Honolulu, MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON. J. FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM Vice-President 1U W. HOYT Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier United States Depository. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Drafts and letters of credit Issued, available tn all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. Gold dust boughU LONDON A SAN FRANCISCO BANK. LIMITED. Chamber of Commerce building. Third and Stark streets. Head office 55 Old Broad street. London. This bank transacts a general banking busi ness, makes loans, discounts bills and Issues letters of credit available tor travelers and the purchase of merchandise tn any city of tha world. Deals in foreign and domestic exchange. Interest paid on time deposits. WELLS. FARGO A CO. BANK Corner 2d and Washington. HOMER 8. KING PRESIDENT (San Francisco.) R, LEA BARNES CASHIER WALTER A. HOLT... ASSISTANT CASHIER (Portland.) General Banking Business Transacted. Ex change sold and letters ot credit issued, avail able la all parts of the world. THE CANADIAN BANK" OF COMMERCE Head office. Toronto, Canada. Capital paid up $8,000,000 Reserve 2.500,000 Transacts a General Banking Business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums ot $10 and upwards and Interest allowed on minimum monthly bal ances. Rates on application. , 244 WASHINGTON ST. E. A. WYLD. Manager Portland Branch. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OREGON. Northwest corner Third ard Oak streets. Transacts a General Banking Buslnese Drafts Issued, available In all cities of tha United States and Europe. Hong Kong and Manila. Collections made on favorable terms. President J. C AINSWORTK Vice-President W. B. AYER Assistant Cashier R. W. SCHMEER Assistant Cashier A. M. WRIGHT FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OR. Deslgnated Depository and Financial Agent ot the United States. President H. W. CORBETT Vice-President A. L. MILLS Cashier J. W. NEWKIRK Assistant Cashier W. C ALVORD Second Assistant Cashier B. F. STEVENS Letters of credit Issued, available In Europe and the Eastern States. Eight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York, Boston. Chicago, SU Louis, SU Paul. Omaha. San Francisco and the principal points in the Northwesu Sight and time bills drawn In sums to suit on London, Paris. Berlin. Frankfort-on-the-Maln, Hong Kong. Yokohama, Copenhagen, Chrls Uacta, Stockholm. Su Petersburg. Moscow, Zurich, Honolulu. Collections mads on fxrorabls terms.