THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 10, 1903. Z CITY NEWS IN BRIEF The Oreconlnu's Telephones. OltECOX. .ountlng Room .i............Mstn BCT ilaraKln; Editor ........Main eS8 JJtjr Editor .'. Mln 1M -oropoelns Room Main OSJ Cut SIdo Oa East 01 luptrtnteoflent Bulldlnr nt4 -S-3 COLUMBIA. Jountlmr Room - 5l Editorial Room jompotlnc Room J Encttit itoom AMCSGMKXTS. UARQUAM: GRAKD THEATER TonlBht at b:15 o'clock. Florence Roberta In Zaza." HIB BAKHR THEATEIt-Tonlght at 8:15. The. Starbucks." rORDRAVS THEATER This evening at 8:15. llarry TVanl'B Blc Minstrel Companr. PATLOR-STREET M. E. CHURCH This evening at 8:30, oratorio, "Messiah ana Christmas Eva." Vixdt TVeatheiu Those who Imag ined that "Winter had touched nlch-water ark last Saturday, the most dlsagreeaulo Jay of tho Eeason. were probably right. Sut that tho high-wind mark had not lecn reached was shown by the gale Which "blew In" Sunday night aXter a lovely lav. Rude Boreas, the blustering rallcr. aas badly strained his bellows on several sccaslons this Winter. It seemed as If se had received them home from the bel lows-mender Sunday and just wanted to try them and see If all the leaks had been (topped. He evidently called all the winds !o his assistance, and It was ""blow winds nd crack your cheeks" all night and all Jay yesterday. "Wild zephyrs wer6 howl ing around tho comers of houses, rattling windows and clattering emitters ana rust' ling up and down chimneys all night. Houses kept rocking llko the heel of that fellow who "balanced to the gal with a hole In her stocking." There was no let no when daylight came, and thoso who peeped out early wero astonished to sec people abroad in a driving rain without smbrcllas. when they got out ana saw :he streets littered with shattered wrecks sf these protectors they understood why lo few were carrying them. The storm is (imposed to be an offshoot of the hurricane trhlch committed .such depredations in tho South Sea Islands, as mentioned in the Blsoatches yesterday rooming, but it is Sot old enough nor strong enough to ralso l tidal wave to wash people out of the tops sf the tall pines of Oregon. Duck-Hunting Was Good. Sportsmen rtio went duck-hunting Sunday met with better success than they have for some time, very good bags being made in sev eral places. The day was rather too quiet for good shooting, tho rough weather not beginning till evening. One old sportsman remarked yesterday that if the storm had tome pn Sunday morning there would have been magnificent shooting all day. When told that such a gale as was then raging . ,3 1 tt .1 -X 1 1 cvouja Xiiivu Diown uu uiu uui:u UUl U1U :ountry. he replied that it would also have blown in as many, and what hunters (ranted was to have tho ducks -on the move. A man who said he was from ITillamook and had once had charge of a lighthouse on the coast told a story about a great wedge-shaped nock or geese nav tng been blown against his light in such a ralo as the present. Ho said the thin end sf tho wedgo smashed the glass in front of his light, and the geese kept pouring in till the lighthouse was Jammed full. Then the thick end of the wedge spilt and the rest of the geese passed by. He said he tame near being smothered before enough reeso could be pulled out from below to re lease him. New TinitTEEN - Cent Stamps. The Portland Postofllco has received a supply of the new 13-cent stamps, which are very nicely executed, and will no doubt bo popular for paying postage on foreign let ters. Tho stamps are the same size as the old issue, and hav a finely engraved portrait of the late President Benjamin Harrison. The color Is a dark lavender. and in addition to the words "United States Postage" there is also a band with the inscription "Series of 1901." and small labels at the bottom wltn "1533 Benjamin Harrison 1901." The peculiar value of the stamp is made for foreign registration 5 rents for postage and S cents for registrar tlon, making 13 cents in all. This is the third of the new series sent out by the Bu reau of Engraving and Printing at Wash Ington, the first being a carmine. 2-cent BtamD with a full-faced Stuart portrait of Washington, and the second an S-cent with a similar picture of Martha Wash ington. The frame design is the same for all values, and it will be but a short time till a complete set from 1 cent to 13 will have been issued. President Eetes Leaves Todat. George Estes, the president of tho United Brotherhood of Railway Employes, who has delivered several lectures in Port' land recently, leaves this evening for San Francisco to attend the marriage of his Daughter. He will return on February IS. and, after making several other addresses on the organization of which is a founder, will speak to the railroad men of the Wil lamette Valley towns. Independence will probably bo the place where the first let ture of tho series will be held, and Mr. Estes will go from there to the surround' Ing towns. He went to McMlnnvllle on Sunday and addressed a number of rail way employes who became Interested in the brotherhood and declared their inten tion of Joining. W. G. Massey. one of the prominent. organizers of the u. B. R. E.. who accompanied Mr. Estes during his tour of the West, leaves for Seattle today. Wobsb Thau Ever Before. The con' fl It Ion of Front street in the vicinity of Fourteenth is said by residents in that neighborhood and by teamsters to be worse now than ever before. There is an elevated roadway there, on the deck of which, it is alleged', the mud Is nearly up to one s eyes, it is also alleged that Su perintendent Donaldson, of the street cleaning department, promised to clean off this bridge, but has weakened after seeing it People who hare rock to sell Bay the only sensible thing to bo done Is to make a fill in place of the bridge and then pave the street with Belgian blocks. Perhaps this will bo done In time. MEASuniNO the Deschutes. Captain Langntx, United States Engineers, in ac ;ordance with instructions from Washing' ton, visited the Deschutes River, some 11 miles above The Dalles, a day or two since, and placed a company of men at ts moutn to ascertain the volume of its iRrhnrir into the ( rnmmhl nr nv.vntip II I I 1 1 1 HIUl 1 11 II J lll'l-l t'lllll I.I II II I T1TY ect. as in case this canal ts built It may LAJ AW ima VUU1U uts hiti turn ni?t lift 1 v uuuuiuk u. ouiaii "h r in 1 1 1 1 n i' in n School op Domestic . Science. The eunesuiiy 3.aj cuini in muiviauai worK li rmiji. v cicuiiiK. riiuuv iiiii n.iinninv v 1 1 iTi m iiuL uliiu at isn j i l t-t i. jk nniv t n rs. m iL. 11 uyl joj xiuvl sl. nr nnnnn ecture Is on the very Interesting subject L UU -- ,avw u w iUl ISilt V run i a r iir.muiia. il is ncn in i ihitm s-jiri- Stoiut Bothered Telephone .Company. TV fetch vmri innr jilerit- roitcM nn. . M 1.1. A K& AlAM.VAn )lown down. The telephone company had T I aiua. Ull xj a,i su u vuiij aa uau liiuiii ng looking after all such accidents and I I rr A n n n rrui Tn afa. n n .... 1 .1 anger to life or property, the current of lectriolty was shut on from the arc lights soon as people began lo get out about A. M. Altogether there appears to have Ttf little dflmsea caused "hv lh torm. Stenographer ron Crrr En'okhb. nrsed the report of the ways and means oznmlttee, and which named a salary of i nnnrn Tor inn R r pnnL'rannrr. jr. Arthur H. Johnson, Heller building. InoNuoLDnns Arc Jceilakt. The Iron- molders" Union gave a well-attended en tertainment in Eagles' Hall on Saturday evening. Tho members of the organiza tion were in a Jubilant mood on account of the realization of their fond hopes of a nine-hour day. S. Morgan, probably the oldest moldcr in the state, made the prin cipal address of the evening. "Brothers." said Mr. Morgan. "I remember the time when there were only two of the craft in Portland: now TO men belong to the union. It is highly pleasing to any one Interested in the growth of unionism to observe the betterment of the conditions of the wage earner, and it is my sincere wish that I may live to Bee the day when work, rest and amusement may be equally divided and the labors of tho worklngman be bet ter systematized, so that all these parts pay a consistent relation to one another." T. Jordon. formerly the foreman of tho Willamette molding shop, echoed Mr. Mor gan s words. A very pleasant programme was conducted by T. Kennedy, to whom the union voted their thanks at the close of the entertainment. Charged With Passing Bad Checks. Charged with passing bad checks. James M. Hcaley was yeiterday placed under arrest. AI Sears, one of the proprietors of the .Hotel Cactus, is in possession of a bogus "check for J20 and made the com plaint against him. Hcaley Is said to have come to Portland at the time the Eastern bankers were making their visit here, and represented himself to be one of them. He had a number of acquaint ances ir the crowd, and by being familiar with them created the Impression that no must be all right. Accordingly, when he presented a draft on his brother. John J. Healey. who is connected with the Farm ers' & Mechanics' "National Bank of Phila delphia, Mr. Sears readily cashed It. A few days ago the check was returned with the statement that it could not be hon ored. Mr. Hcaley was promptly placed under arrest. He Is connected with prom inent people in the East, and they will be notified of his trouble. The BnoTHEnnooD Entertained. The Brotherhood of St. Paul of Grace M. E. Church, recently organized under tho di rection of Rev. J. R. T. Lathrop, D. D.. was entertained in royal stylo last evening at the home of ex-Senator James K. Has cltine. Tho event celebrated the 43th an niversary of 'Mr. Haseltlnc's connection with Christian work, and many congratu lations wero tendered him by friends. Tho brotherhood of SL Paul Is composed of men, and tho object is tho Improvement and entertainment of Its members by re llglous, social, physical and literary cul ture. Chapters are organized in all tho larger Eastern cities, nnd are doing good work. Grace Methodist Episcopal Chap ter has 40 charter members, with the fol lowing officers: President, E. C Frost: vice-president. James E. Haseltlne; sec ond vice-president, u. C. Dick: secretary, Alex M. Jcffress; treasurer, E. W. Cor nell. A HcMMEnl Fast as Lightning. On the Square. The Boxing Contests. Xl, Neilx, vs. Ton Riixt. Twentt Rounds. Middleweight Championship. "Kid". Cairns vs. Jim Rilet, Six Rounds, Lightweight Championship. Fred Ross vs. "Kid" Sawter, Ten Rounds, " Welterweight Championship. Exposition Building, Thursday Evening, Feb. 12. Gen. Admission L00 and 51.10, Reserved Seats $2.50. On Sale at Hotel. Mikado, . Schiller's Cigar Store and Sportsman Saloon. Injured in Handcar Collision. By the collision o'f two handcar.". Ehrllc Grunst yesterday sustained a broken leg and was badly bruised up. Both of the cars were loaded with men, but no one else was In' Jured. The accident happened a short dis tance from Salem. The section hands were going home from their work on handcars, and for some reason the front car slowed up snddenly. Grunst was sit ting on the front part of the car with his legs hanging down. Tho rear car bad up a good speed, and was not prepared to stop ag suddenly as tho front one did. Before Grunst was able to get his legs out of the way they were caught between the two cars and one of them broken. He was taken at once to Good Samaritan Hospital. He sustained no other injuries. To Work on Weather Bureau. Will iam F. Gruno, a local printer, has been recommended for tho position of Gov ernment printer in the Weather Bureau office here. The recommendation was mado by Professor Willis L. Moore, the chief of the bureau, and will probably be confirmed by the Secretary of Agriculture. who makes such appointments. Mr. Gruno will take the place of IL D. Ponnay, who resigned a few weeks ago. Joseph Rob erts, a Portland boy, who has served as messenger in tho Weather Bureau office in Seattle for several months, has been ordered to work under Forecast Official Beals in the future. He takes the placo of Milton Lankford, who has been trans ferred to tho local office of tho United States Lighthouse Inspectors. Overlooked His Gold Watch. Two highwaymen who held up W. F. Spencer last night did not search htm closely enough and overlooked an expensive gold watch. Spencer lives at 70S Division street. Ho was going to his home, and at Twenty-first and Division streets was met by two men. One of them pointed a gun at him and told him to throw up his hands. The other then went through his pockets, but did not find nnythlng. All of this time tho victim of tho robbery was .chuckling to himself, for there was an expensive gold watch in a watch pocket tnat tney aid not nnd. Routine Meeting or School Board. As Herman Wittenberg had declared that he would be too busy last evening to at tend any Board meetings, the Board of Education met yesterday afternoon in stead of at its appointed hour. Routine business only was transacted, the usual number of bills being presented, while teachers who had been tardy or absent from their duties sent tho customary ex- .cuso of the delayed cars, affairs which the Board railroaded through faster than a Legislature on the last day of the session. Death or Mrs. E. W. Baughman. Mrs. E. W. Baughman. wife of Captain E. W. Baughman. and daughter of Mrs. Jane G, and the late John T. Thomas, of Portland. died suddenly at the family home at Lew- lston, Sunday. Mrs. Baughman was well known in Portland, where three sisters. Mrs. Mary A. Souls, Mrs. Ada T. Beard and Miss Minnie Thomas, and one brother, Captain William R. Thomas, reside. Cap tain Baughman. wno is a river navigator. is widely acquainted among stcamboatmen of Portland. St. Mark's Engages Dr. Cumming. Dr. M. A. Cumming, a well-known basso of this city, has been secured to take chargo of tho music at St. Marks Episcopal Church. Klneteentn ana (juimby streets. His duties will commence at the beginning of the Lenten season. The congregation is very much pleased over the selection. Dr. Cumming has secured Miss Bauer as organist. Streets Were Smooth. A spring on fire engine No. 4 and another on chemical No. 2 were broken while going to the fire at Front and Sheridan streets yesterday morning. Chief Campbell attributes the damage to the rough weather, as he does not like to think It was caused by rough streets. Oregon - Made Umbrellas. Largest stock in town all the latest styles: low prices. Anti-rustproof frames. Repairing an.a recovering. Meredith's, Wash. & 6th. Dandreftene Is a guaranteed cure for dandruff or eczema. Scalps examined free. D'Orian cie Toilet Parlors. 3tS Wash. The School of Domestic Science today at 3 F. M. subject, "Entrees." Wise Bros., dentists. The Falling. WHERE TO DINE. The best people patronize the Portland Restaurant, 305 Washington street. IIleh-Grnde Pianos for Rent. Sold on easy installments. Pianos tuned ana repaired, tt. smaaeuner, 73 suza st. AT THE THEATERS. "Zaia." Bernard Dufreane... Lucius I!ndron Due df Brlssac Howard Scott Jaques Rlgault Julius McVlckr Cascart William Yfrrance Cbamblay A. Lauttrlngtr Blao II. TravMS-TwIsi Brlgard Thomas F. Ryan MoucetPombla i Elmer Booth Joly Haroli M. Shaw Adolph Lewis Rowley Criqurt Willie Wlntr Rosa Bonne Georgia Woodlhorpa Madame Dufrrsne Edith Barahelt Olronne Marlon Elmtr Llsette Marie Floyd To-To Ollle Cooper Alice Morel ...Brtha Blanchard Florlanne Edith Angus Lolotte . Marie Walker Juliette Gorgle Ruell Clalrette a. Mrrtle Chapman Flower girl Jan Williams Nathalie Lillian Arnwby 7"j" Florence Roberts Pathos, passion and realism shone last night In tho splendid presentation of the comedy-drama "Zaza" at the Marquam Theater by Florenco Roberts and her com pany. There was a good attendance and many curtain recalls for Miss Roberts. She made an Instantaneous success. Slnco her last visit to Portland, about one year ago. Miss Roberts comes back not only a mature artist, but excelling in poetic in terpretation. There is a beautiful finish to her work. She wears stunning gowns. It is a pleasure to listen to her distinct enun ciation. Zaza" is adapted from the French of Bcrton and Simon by tho famous play wright David Belasco, and, in brief, tells tho old story of a woman falling in love with a man who is already married, it has a distinct Paris atmosphere, but there is nothing suggestive in the action or lines. When the curtain arose on the opening scene last njght, illustrating that unknown world to a lay mind back of the scenes of a provincial concert hall at St. Etienne, it was at once seen that a very complete presentation of tho play was about to bo unfolded. There stood- the man who makes the stage-thunder, near tho creator of the stage-lightning, and also the man who cleverly Imitates with the aid of what appear to be black ing-brushes the sound made by tho gallop ing of horses. Tho concert-hall perform era stand around In easy position. Just as they are about to go on the stage. Tho dressing-room of Zaza, the star, is also on the stage, with the waltlngmaid pre paring stage finery for her mistress. Then Zaza suddenly walks In, theatrical, inso lent, a dazzling vision, a conqueror. She is a pagan to whom fruit from tho tree of knowledge has not yet been given, tone has eyes which do not see much beyond tho music-hall life, the lovo of the mo ment, vows easily made and yet more eas ily broken. She Is the spoiled darling of the vaudeville, to whom real love and all that It means is a subject of derision. It was positively a revelation to watch the almost childish carelessness with which Miss Roberts scattered her fine raiment before sho wore her stage tinsel. and yawned deliberately, as If the slow ness of her maid Irritated her. Con queror herself, she lords it over the dis sipated Due do Brlssac (Howard Scott), and acts llko a child revelling In a garden of roses, plucking them at will, until her master appears, Bernard Defresno (Lucius Henderson). To win a bet, she schemes to make him invite her out to supper, and all the tine allurements of a woman gifted as a charmer wero summoned to entrap the victim. Now it was the subtle temptation of a perfume, and then a caress that was not a caress. A false step would have ruined the illusion, yet Miss Roberts led her victim on, step by step, with suggestion and infinite tact. piqued because ho acted the part of a man utterly Indifferent lo a woman's charms. Alone, sho sat in a chair like a sulky child, and when Dufrcsne sud denly comes back and kisses her, there is a glorified light on her face like sun light illumining a dark valley. She is reckless In her abandon, a pagan play Ing with a new toy, because it Is pleas ant. It Is a new Zaza that appears as Du fresne's sweetheart, still a pagan and with the same dreadful grammar, but a Jealous woman suddenly arises when she becomes suspicious of her adorer's visit to Paris. It is a strong scene in which Cascart, her singing partner, played by William Terrange. and formerly by car- lvlo Moore, awakens her suspicions as to lDufTesne's faithfulness. Sufficient com edy is supplied by tne reauy clover wors of a drunken aunt. Rose Lonno (Georgle Woodthorpe). One of tho prettiest situ ations in the entire piay Is the action la which Zaza visits Dufresne s home, reaiiy learns that he Is a married man, and meets his little girl, To-To, intelligently played by Ollle Cooper. Tho latter Is not that hysterical. Impossible creation on the stage, a little Eva. She speaks and rea sons like an every-day, healthy child, and It is a pleasuro to watcn her work. Naturally the strongest action is in the quarrel scene, when Zaza, dressed in her silver and black gown, effusively wel comes back her lover and they cat din' ner together, before she opens on him like a fury, telling an that sho has dis covered that he has a wife and child liv ing. Miss itoberts arose to a sublime height when she found but that Du fresne really loves his wife and child, but at this part Mr. Henderson was too cold he lacked warmth. It Is a chastened Zaza that two years afterward walks out of a concert hall on the Champs Elysees, a great singer, the adored of Paris. Her farewell with her old lover Ta touching in its simplicity as she steps into her carriage and says, sadly, "uood-by." The setting of the last scene is excel lent. Miss Woodthorpe as Rosa Bonne, and Lillian Armsby as Nathalie, give de lightful, amusing representations of these characters. "Zaza" will be repeated to night. Tomorrow and Thursday nights The Unwelcome Mrs. Hatch." Friday night. "Magda." Saturday matinee, 'The Adventures of the Lady Ursula," and Saturday night. "Sapho." Miss Roberts' work during her four years' experience on the stage, ' two years as a star, has imDroved by success after success, and today she is one of the most interesting and talented of tho younger -unencan actresses. She will be heard from In the East before very long, with no uncertain note. "Wl the Scotch. Everybody with Scotch blood in them In' and around this city ore looking forward to Friday, when the famous Kilties Band, from Canada, will give the first of their concerts, at tho Exposition building, un dcr the auspices of the Portland Cale donian Club. There is both a brass band and a bagpipe section, with dancers, male choir and tenor soloist. The band is one of the greatest on the road. Sorao critics prefer It to any band traveling. Last Mcht of the. Minstrels. Tonignt closes tne omy too short en gagement of Harry Ward's big' minstrel company. The company is strong and is giving fine performances. They made big hit. both inside and out of doors, and will be warmly welcomed should they re turn to Portland. Funeral of "William Pnnll. 6T. LOUIS. Feb. 9. Tho body of Will iam Paul!, baritone of the Castle Square opera company, now at the Century The ater here, who was killed by a fall from a sixth-story window of the Southern Hotel Thursday, was buried nt Bellefon- talne cemetery today. Over 3000 persons attended the funeral. Care (or Race Prejudice. NEW YORK, Feb. 9. Dr. Newell Dwight mint, niemng in his sermon yesterday to race hatred in America, said: "If twice a year we could bring the South erners up to New York for two weeks, we would soon solve' the negro problem, and If we could take tho Northerners three times a year for two weeks in the South, they would soon cease trying to manage the Southerners anairs ior thera." GRESHAM IS THRIVING. Xevr Railroad Attracts Jlercantlle Enterprises. RHP5HAV. Feb. 9. (Special.) The new railroad is attracting attention to Gresh am. and it Is reported that eeveral new business houses will bo opened during the coming Summer. One Is to be a depart ment store, while a furniture store and a hardware store are among the possibili ties. W. H. Hamilton, a prosperoue farmer, will soon open a mercantile es tablishment. There Is an active demand for building sites and none are for sale, but J. H. Metz ger will open up a row of blocks on Cleve land avenue, which will proDaDiy ve soia at once, oa they ore In a good location. The denot site has not been seiectea yet, owing to the unwillingness of one property-owner to give right of way for tho extension of Cleveland avenue. There Is now a probability that the depot will bo located on the Hlenen tract, west oi town, as the vard facilities are good there and a roadway from the main thorough- faro would cost considerably less man at any other point. Citizens of the town recently neia a meeting and appointed a committee to confer with the railroad company and learn the latter"s Intentions In regard to tho matter, but up to this time- there has been no action. To Stndy Potatoes. John Long has gone to California to study the potato question. He Is a large grower of that very profitable vegetable and Is considerably Interested in the de terioration of the Burbank variety during the past three years. Mr. Long will prob ably bring back some choice eeed potatoes do it Is evident that the tuber is running out In this section. Several prominent growcw have ex pressed ' the opinion that the principal cause of deterioration In the Burbank variety Is to be found in the fact that too many small potatoes were used for eeed during the past three years. For that length of time prices of potatoes have been very high each Spring and growers could not resist the temptation to sell off their best ones and plant those which were unsalable. This has been done for three seasons straight with dire results and is probably the -true reason why Bur banks are not up to their usual standard. Exchange of seed is advocated by some and it is known that seed raised on tho low lands of the Columbia Slough will ralso great crops on the up lands; hence. there are several farmers who will not plant their own seed this year, neither win they go to California for it, but, will get the best to be had from the low lands, and they hope thereby tQ redeem the lost prestige of their greatest sourco of wealth. Ties Going- Up. Since the recent rise in prices of lumber the various tie mills in this section have been trying to get more for their ties, At present they are getting 27 cents apiece for them at Troutdalo. They now demand 30 cents and will probably get it. as tho railroads are taking all they can get and ore calling for more. Shipments from here go as far East as the Missouri River on several roads, and at this season of tho year there ore plenty of cars available and tho shipments could more than keep pace with tho supply.; Tho ln- ausiry is waning in tnis section ana mills are moving further back into heavy tim ber. The cost of hauling is greater than herctoforo and the mlllmen expect better prices hereafter. Gresham Kctts Notes. Work on telephone extensions began this morning at Falrview, connecting up from residences. Other systems will be located In tho different towns as soon as prac ticable. Rockwood Grange Is growing at a rapid rate. The membership will soon pass the 100 mark and many more applicants ore seeking admission. A F. Miller, state organizer, was present last meeting and gavo the members considerable help and gooa aavice. . B. S. Jenne has taken a contract to sun- ply the Oregon Water Power & Railway jompany wun aj.wo cedar posts with which to fence in their track through this county. Tho company is clearing its right of way full width and will put In caiuo guards at cacn crossing. Tho Best Pill I ever used." is the fre quent remark of purchasers of Carter's Little Liver Pills. When you try them you wiu say uic same. For Social Game of Billiards. Parlors. 127 fth. adjoining Oregonlan EAg. For Quiet Game of Pool. Parlors. 127 Sth. adjoining Oregonlan Bids- BYRON HOT SPRINGS California's foremost health sad cleasurs resort. The hot mineral and mud baths are A certain cure for rheumatism, gout acd sciatica. For full particulars and II lsstrkted booklet address L R. HEJlD, Brron Hot Springs. CsL STORAGE BONDED AND FREE Above High-Water Mark. Insurance OS Cents. ORIENTAL AMEIUCAX COMPAXY? Tenth and Johnson streets. Phone Main 6U. C. C. NEWCASTLE Dentist MARQUAM BUILDING. ROOM 301 TABLE Yd. WE SELL TABLE LINENS That look well and wear well. NAPKINS IN KEEPING WITH LINENS McAllen & McDonnell Cor. Third and Morrison THE .STORE XOTED FOR TABLE Edison Phonographs More Popular Than Ever What amusement device in the world today will give you more genuine pleas ure and fun than an Edison phonograph? Every pleasuro that sound can give is condensed on its cylinders: all of the late operatic selections, vaudeville sketches, violin and banjo solos, all of the popular songs of the day, and even mandolin solos by L. Seigel can be had. Edison phonographs range from $10 to 130 In prict. The new molded records ore 10 cents each.' or $5 per dozen. .Cata logues on application. We have Just re ceived an Invoice of these new molded records. Call and hear them. Visitors welcome at Graves & Co.'s Music Store 124 SIXTH, near Wash. V!r"t fiT oriel nrnnhnnViAns. T nil-! Xf chines and .Supplies. HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE COMIC LETTER VALENTINES Something; new. Large stock of many vurletlc-s. Whole, alo nnd retalL :TRY US: D. M. AVERILL & CO. TJia Curio Store, 331'Hom':on Sf. Matting and Rugs We have Just received a large stock of fine linen warp mattings of different designs. We will sell them at great ly reduced prices. Also Japanese and Chinese Curios Ladles' and Gentlemen's Gowns and Jackets Toys, Etc. ANDREW KAN & CO. Cor. 4th and Morrison EXPOSITION BUILDING Fridaj and Safurdaj High!: CpK 1 Q 1 4 Frimj ind Saturday Hitlnee tU. I J It SIXTH GRAND CONCERT TOUR THE KILTIES GORDON UlGirLANUEIlS DIOEB THE 10SP1CES OF THE CALEDONIAN CLUB CANADA'S CRACK MILITARY BAND 40 3TOSICIANS 10 SOLOISTS 10 VOCAL CHOIR G HIGHLAND DAXCEIIS S BAGPIPERS 4 IJIUTISII MILITART BUGLERS 1 GIANT DRUM MAJOR BOY DAsenn, ETC. Appearing in full kilted reglnientals. Has created a furoro ot enthusiasm In 3X American cities. " Prices $1.00, 73a ana 50c Children, 25c. Tickets on sale at IVoodard, Clarke & Co.'s. Fourth and "Washlnjton. and Gordon's Confectionery, 115 Third. COAL" ISSAQUAH bird, clean coil, frit from ted toot, vtti IftUi iti. OAK 1251 $6.50 KING COAL CO. I CARTA A new collar E. & W. E. Jt TV. LINENS New Crop, Direct From the Loom. Greatest range and best values ever shown. Every grade in bleached and half bleached between the two extremes and up to $2.50 LINENS. PHONE MAIN 732, &irst Arrival of Spring business 97fen's Sack Suits Ylm nuAblBRIA AfcgefahlePreparalionForAs s Imitating tticFoodandBegula ting theStomarJis andBowels of Promotes DigestioaCheerPi ness andftest.Contains neither Opiumrorphine norMineraL Tox "Nauc otic . JapeafOUDrSJOiVZimaaR SMUSJm AnueSA JfsaSrppMM JsysFf A perfect Remedy forConstipa Tlon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea .Worms .Convulsions .Feveristv ness and Loss OF SLEEP. FacSirralc Signature of NEW "YORK. EXACT COPY" OF WRAPPER. TOUKG MEN troubled with night fulness, aversion to society which deprive you of your manhood. UNFITS YOU FOK BUSINESS OR MARKIAGE. , , t , r MIDDLE-AGED MEN who from excesses and strains have lost their MANLY PO vVElt. BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, painful, bloody urine. Gleet, Stricture, enlarged prostate, Sexual Debility. Varicocele, Hydrocele. Kidney and Liver Troubles, cured without MERCURY AND OTHER POISONOUS DRUGS. Catarrh and Rheumatism CURED. Dr. Walker's methods are regular and scientific. He uses no patent nostrums or ready-made preparations, but cures the disease by thorough medical treatment. His New Pamphlet on Private Diseases sent free to all men who describe their trouble. PATIENT3 cured at home. Terms reasonable. All letters answered la plain envelope. Consultation free and sacredly confidential. Call on or address Dr. Walker, 149 First St., bet. Alder and Morrison, Portland, Or. 1884 1903 I Any shouting J I "glass-put-in-man" f I fits window panes. The optician alone jj fits eyes. We sell honest spectacles at I $1.00,- $1.50 and 5 $2.50 and always 5 have. -I s WALTER REED The Optician 133 SIXTH STREET Oregonlan BIdg. nr F r RRflWN ete and ear diseases. Largest Clothiers In the Northwest S. "tt. corner Fourth and Morrison S ts. $15, SIS Our principal aim In these suits Is to meet the requirements of business men. Being' genteel styles and in durable chev iots and worsteds. An Important point, and ono which Is largely due to the popularity of these suits Is the especial attention given to tho cutting. They will keep their neat, shapely appearance as much as our higher-priced garments. Uopcoats . Tho new black nnd fancy unfinished wor steds, as well as the tan coverts, are here for your Inspection. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA TMI OtMTAUn eOMWIT. NEW YORK CITY. AW TWENTY YEARS OF SUCCESS In the treatment of chronic diseases, such as liver, kidney and stomach disorders, constipation, diarrhoea, dropsical swellings, Brisht's disease, etc. KIDNEY AND URINARY Complaints, painful, difficult, too frequent, milky or bloody urine, unnatural discharges speedily cured. DISEASES OP THE RECTUM Such as piles, fistula, fissure, ulceration, mucous and bloody discharges, cured without the knife, pain or confinement. DISEASES OP MEN Blood poison, gleet, stricture, unnatural losses. 1m potency. thoroughly cured. No failures. Cures guar anteed. , emissions, dreams, exhausting drains, bash- For One Week Only j Real values $1.75, $2.00 $2.25, Misses' and Little Gents' Shoes, Lace or Button, AA to he, d-j crj J reduced to. ...O liUU KNIGHT SHOE CO. Opp. Perkins Hotel PAINLESS DEXTISTItT Dr. Fred Prtba. Dekum bldr Full ut teeth. Qold crowns. 22X Brides work. 22K Philadelphia srsduste. All th. latest spoil- snces tor dolns perfect work. Fred Prehn. Th. Dtkaai. cor. Sr and Washington. Portland. Or. BEST IS CHEAPEST COAL ItoclC Springs Coal, delivered. . S8.CO Rrnton Lump, delivered. ..... .s7.0O BOTH niONES. VULCAX COAL CO. i SCHWAB BROS. PRINTING CO. BEST WORK. REASONABLE PRICES 247H Stark Street Phone Main 118 Vh-y- s -1 -t