14 THE fMORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10,. 1903. E Eastern Capital to Build in Portland. INC0RP0RATI0NI$750,000 Competition in Local Live stock Market. GREATLY TO INCREASE OUTPUT frlrat Step FoIlon-InK Examination lr Tennoitt Jinn in December , Prepared to Expand nn Pro duction Increase The first public step toward -Increasing tlie packing-house business of Portland was taken yesterday, when articles Incor porating the Columbia Packing Company, with a capital of JTSO.OflO. vrere filed with the County Clerk. The objects announced fire to engage in the slaughter of cattle, cheep and hogs, and to manufacture canned meats, oleomargarine, Jard, tallow end fertilizers. Portland Is named as the headquarters of the corporation. Tho Incorporators are Edward B. Wilson, Da vid S. Kamcrcr and'Channlng M. "Ward. These men are not known locally. Mr. "Ward Is assistant superintendent of the "Wyoming division of the Union Pacific; Sir. Kamerer Is believed to be a wealthy etockroan of Wyoming, and Mr. Wilson an Eastern packer. The design i to take advantage of the favorable conditions at Portland for building up a large meat packing business, the export trade being particularly In mind. In the latter part of December C F. Gauthlcr. who Is extensively engaged In meatpacking at Bristol, Tenn.. and other points along Mason and Dixon's line, came to Portland with letters from Assistant Superintendent Ward, opening to him sev eral channels of information relating to the conditions touching the meatpacking Industry here. Mr. Ward's attention was drawn to this field by .a number of articles that appeared In The'Oregonlan last Fall, presenting certain aspects of the livestock and packing business of the Pacific North west, air. Gauthler. who is a, personal friend, and is believed to have business connections with Mr. Ward, came out as a practical packing-house man to examine the situation. He spent 10 days or so In the Northwest, going out Into the country and investigating the sources of supply, as well as looking Into the facilities for reaching desirable markets and the extent of the home consumption. He was very favorably impressed and when lye went away he had practically come to the con clusion that the capital represented In his Xastern packing-houses would establish a plant In Portland. The Incorporation of the Columbia Packing Company yester day Is a step toward carrying that deter mination into effect These people have been In communica tion with other cities that want such in dustries, and from some of those localities had received offers of free building sites, exemption from taxation for a term of years, and other Inducements. They were told that Portland could do nothing of this kind, but would welcome them to all the advantages of this location for their business. So, after thorough ex amination of all the factors that enter Into the matter, it has been decided to come to Portland. The new plant will bring competition Into the Portland livestock market and greatly Increase production in this field fcy increasing the profit of the business. An active packing dematKl will keep prices up to the Eastern figures and encourage the raising of cattle and hogs. It is un derstood that the projected packing-house will depend on the Pacific Northwest for Its supply of animals, and that It will be prepared to expand with the increasing production of the country. "DISASTROUS FIRE. Destroys 812,000 1Vortli of Machinery In a Fcvr Mlnnte. A Are broke out in one corner of tho tenglne room at the Portland "Flouring Willis at 4:30 o'clock yesterday morning. It was, fortunately, got under control ta a short time by Night Engineer Peter con and the night watchmin. Prompt notice of the fire was given by the whistling of the switch engine in thej Aimna yards. An alarm was sent In from box 3, and was promptly responded to by the Are department, but the Ore was well under control before their arrival. Just liow the fire was started Is not known, as tho mill was not in operation at the time, tut, quickly as it was put out. It dam aged the electric power plant to the amount of probably $12,000 or jujoo. Thero was a high wind blowing at the time from the south, but as- the engine room is fortunately in a shed or leanto at the north end of the mill, the fire did not communicate to the main building, and a disastrous conflagration tfiis averted. It was very fortunate that the mill was not In operation at the time and' xnci no eiecmc current was entering it. or the engineer and night watchman might not have been able to get the fire tinder control so speedily. Hid the fire once attacked the main building it would have been practically Impossible to have prevented the whole establishment being burned down. TRIED TO SELL SILK: Detectives Therefore Arrest Four Men for Theft. Four crooks were brought in yesterday by Detectives Kerrigan and Snow. Sev eral of the O. R., & N. cars were broken into a few daje ago, and the four men captured yesterday are thought to have been Implicated In the crime. A large amount of expensive silk was taken, and these men have been trying the past few days to sell silk in the city. They re fuse to say where any of their goods are cached, but the detectives say that they are sure they have the right men. They tried to make a large sale to one firm at a reduced .rate, and this led to their arrest. The members of the firm Informed the de tectives and It was planned to catch the thieves with the goods at the time they 'were delivered. The crooks, however got sen wind that there was something doing, and at the appointed time did not show-up to close ' their bargain. Meanwhile the detectives cot word that their men were going to leave the city, and placed the'm under arrest. When questioned as to the sale they were trying to make tho prisoners only laughed It off as a Joke, and declared they were only playing a Joke on the firm to see how quick they would Jump at the chance to buy cheap silk. Every effort thus far to locate the stolen goods has failed. The men arrested were Howard Splcer. John E. Supplee. Claude Mills and Charles Richards. . PAINTERS ARE HOPEFUL. Employers Will Probably Grant In crease of WnRea. The union painters seem to be on tho point of getting the higher wages for which they asked on January 1. The mas ter painters at first refused to consider the question, but it is understood that they have thought better of the request, and will probibly grant the scale as asked with little opposition. The new scale calls for a minimum of $3.50 a day, a raise of SO cents over the lowest wages now received. The scale was to go Into effect April L . The Master Painters' Assoditlon will hold a meeting tomorrow evening and the matter will In all probability be set tled at this conference. In the .mean time neither side will discuss the ques tion except to state that in no case will there be a strike. A few members of both parties aver that their side will not give in, but the majority agree that no serious conflict will occur between the union and the employers. Reports differ as to whether or not a refusal to grant the new scale was sent to the Painters' Union by the Master Builders' Association. Tho contnetors ay that such a communication was sent to the officers of the union eoon after the wage scale was submitted to the associa tion, but the union men aver that noth ing hs occurred to show that the mas ter painters were not willing to grant the wages asked. It Is evident, however, that it was the first determination of the association not to allow the wages asked, but that on reconsideration the element In the orginlzatlon which wishes peace at all cost thought that the question should be more seriously considered. A meeting was held Saturday evening between a committee from the associa tion and another composed of the leading men of the Painters' Union thit Indicates hirmony between contractor and work man. It Is the rule of the union that no member shall do contracting of any kind, and as one of the painters has recently violated this ruling, the regular contrac tors wished to know if the union Intended to abide by Its by-laws. The meeting hid as Its object the settlement of this small grievance, and the union men as sured the committee of contractors that the painter In question would not be al lowed to do any contracting In the future. The wage question was not brought up and the meeting was conducted in per fect hirmony. "The majority of the contractors have always been with us," declared one of the officers of the Painters' Union yesterday. "A few of the big men may be against us. but we will get the scale of higher wage3 all right enough." Some members of the other pirty are equally sure of gaining the day. "If we think that the painters are going to walk out we will get. ahead of them by locking them out." asserted the proprletdr of a Second-street paint shop most emphati cally. This miy be regarded as an ex tremely radical statement when the opin ion of the majority of the contractors is considered. Though the officers of the Master Painters' Association will not say positively that the scale submitted by the union will be granted at the meet ing tomorrow night, they admit that the first stand taken by the association was not satisfactory to some of the members and that the liberal element will very probably prevail. The reason given by the master pitnters for their refusal to allow the scale as asked by the union is that a fixed mini mum of JJ.I0 a day works an Injustice to the better class of painters who are now In many cases receiving as high as H for their day's work. The mass of painters now in Portland, they claim, are so far below the grade of these men thit they are not worth to their employer more than $3 at the most. A contractor de clared Saturday that a few days ago he hired three union painters and that not one of them knew how to arrange the staging on a building. The union painters say that the cost of living has Increased out of proportion to the advance In wages, and thit consider ing the fact that they work only about seven months In the .year the present scale of pay Is not sufficient to maintain a family. , The union represents almost all of the painters of the city, f or practically the only other men who wield a brush In Portland are the small contractors who employ only a few men and must Work wth them. A movement was started here some time ago by severil of the larger contractors to Induce the union to pass a by-law against an employer working with his men. The union con sidered that this was an effort to throw out the small contractor and would not agree to the proposal. TO ELECT TRUSTEES. Mnltnomnh CInb Will Hold Annual Meeting- Tonight. The annual election of the trustees of the Multnomah Club .will be held this evening at the clubhouse at Chapman and Morrison streets. The nominating com mittee has arranged a list of 14 nominees, and at the election tonight seven of the Hirt. will be selected trustees for the com ing two years. The following nominating committee was appointed by the directors: Lansing Stout. J. C. Muehe, C. E. McDonell, H. P. Goerlng, E. E. Mallory and M. H. Whitehouse. The list of nominees as selected by this committee has been posted as follows: R. F. Prael, C. D. Brandon Charles Stinger, C. F. Swlgert, Dan j'. Moore, J. Harvey O'Brien. Dorsey B Smith. J. C. Veazle, EL B. Miller, A. IL Chance, B. IL Wlckereham, Irving Rom and W. C Dunlway. Retiring members of the board are as follows: R. T. Prael. president;. C. H. Buckcnmcyer. treasurer; H. L. Pittock. W. a Dunlway, C. F. Swlgert, C. W. Stin ger and B. D. Slgler. Hold-over members are: IL IL Herdman, Jr.. vice-president; E. L. Powell, secretary; H. W. Kerrigan and George McMillan. There will be work of much importance for the new board of trustees In addition to tne regular duties. The burlesque of the "Wizard of the Nile," which will soon be presented by the club, wUl be under its supervision, ana uie carnival next Fall will be dependent for its success In large measure upon the activity and ability of the board. The general member ship, realizing the Importance of tonight's election, will no doubt turn out In large numbers to vote for their favorites. Gymnasium night classes have been dis continued at the club, except those on Wednesday and Friday evenings. In order that the rehearsal for the "Wirard of the Nile" can be held In the gym. The hand ball tournament has been postponed from February 5 to February 31. so that more time can be given to preparation for the opera. BRI5GS CHICAGO XEAREK. Seventy Honrs la the Time East Via ."Chicago-Portland Special." The time between Portland and Chicago via the "Chicago-Portland Special" now Is 70 hours, or two hours less than tare days. Train leaves every mornlnjr at 9: JO o'clock. Inquire O. R. & N. ticket office. Third and Washington. When you" suffer .from sick headache, dizziness, constipation, etc. renumber Carter's, Little Liver Pills will rellv you. One. pill Is a dot. ELKS BID ON POSTOFFICE OFFER SITE TO GOVERNMENT FOR TKMPORARV STRUCTURE. If Vlsitlnsr Enclnecr Reports I'nvor nbly Building: Will Ue Erected on Seventh and Stnrk Streets. The temporary Postofflce building will bp situated on the northeast corner of Seventh and Stark streets, if the recom mendation of TL Bernard Talcott, the su pervising engineer of the Treasury De partment, is favorable. The property Is owned by the Order of Elks, which sub mitted a bid some time ago In competi tion with several other locations. Their proposal is to erect a building suitable for postofflce purposes which, after the old Postofflce building Is altered, may be used as a lodge building. Mr. Talcott arrived In Portland yesterday morning and vis ited the different locations. The Elks ask a rental of jaM a month for the building, and If their bid is ac cepted will at once begin the erection of 'the structure. A prominent Portland arch itect has been at work on the design for several months, and the Elks expect to put up a building on their corner that will outclass that of any other order In the city. Apparently the only difficulty in the way of immediate acceptance of the Elks' pro posal is the fact that a building which would require only n. few weeks to alter California Proposes Approprl- atlon of -JO,MK for 1005 Fair. SACRAMENTO, CaL, Fb. 0. Spe cial.) A bill was introduced In the as-en.bl- today caxrylne n appropriation of f to.wo for a California exhibition at the Lewis and Clark Exposition at Portland. It provides for the appoint ment of a comml.iloner at $1500 for the two years and a secretary at $1500 per year. to meet the special needs of a postofflce has been offered in competition. This is the Snell-Heltshu-Woodard building, at the corner of Sixth 'and Ankeny streets, whose owners have agreed to transform It into a convenient postofflce in a very short time. Probably $10,000 would bo ex pended in making the alterations In this big stone structure. The advantage of the Sixth and Ankeny building is that more floor space would be at the disposal of the Postofflce than In a building erected on the quarter block of the Elks. The site recommended by Postmaster Croasman for the temporary postofflce was the northeast corner of Seventh and Park streets. Another bidder was Henry Wemme, who owns property at the corner of Seventh and Oak streets. Seventh street. It seems, will get the Postofflce. no matter upon whose ground it is built. Several prominent Elks were asked as to the Postofflce project, but were unwill ing to give any particulars. Mr. Talcott was also uncommunicative on the subject-Mr. Talcott was a very busy man yes terday, for. besides Inspecting the various sites for the temporary postofflce, he Is also preparing plans for the enlarged Postofflce. The general plans for the al terations were brought from Washington, and Mr. Talcott and Postmaster Croas man arc now arranging the' details. The most prominent feature of the designs Is the substitution of pillars for the numer ous thick walls, the object being to sus tain additional weight and at tbel same time provide unobstructed passageways. The extension, according to the plans of Mr. Talcott. will be made on the west side of the building, and will reach nearly to Sixth street- The enlarged building will, therefore, have two wings, each sep arated by a court, and three' stories high, with an elevator in each. The depart ments of the Postofflce will occupy the first floor. Ample space is to be provided for the stamproom, the registry depart ment and the money-order room, now one of the most crowded sections of the build ing. A wide vestibule In front of the money-order windows will better provide for the crowd which packs that depart ment during the busy season. Two stamp widows side by side will accommodate the demand, .which has forced the instal lation of nn Improvised stamp window In the present building. Tho Postmaster will have much more room than formerly, a large private office as well as a public room being reserved for his use. The As sistant Postmaster will also have an offlee of his own opposite the private room of his superior. One of the Improvements that will be greatly appreciated will be the modern heating plant which will take the placo of the old fireplaces so long the sole means of warming the building. The rooms of the Federal Court will oc cupy the second floor. Theso are high, spacious 'rooms, according to the plans, the walls reaching from the second-floor level to tho glassjcovered roof. Four smaller rooms will be used by tho Judges, two of them being private offices. On the third floor will be the offices of the United States Mnrshal and the Dis trict Attorney, besides two Jury-rooms, one for witnesses and another for pris oners. . The railway mall sen-ice will also find quarters on the top noor. Mr. Talcott will remain In Portland until all the details are arranged, and will then go to Salem to Inspect the new Postofflce building. VERY INSTRUCTIVE. Cauncllmen Inspected Miles of Good Pavement on Pnnet Sound. "The" visit of the Councllmen to the Puget Sound cities was very instructive," said Councllmin A. K- Benttcy yesterday. "The members of the Council spent two full days in examining the pavements in Seattle and Tacoma. and what they did not learn is really not worth learning. "We found that Seittle had tho ad vantage of Portland in the laying of the vitrified brick pavement. The brick has been laid on some of Seattle's principal streets for 10 years, and It appears to be of the first quillty. "In Tacoma we Inspected tho bitumin ous macadam pavement, which Is now being laid in that city. This pavement gives general satisfaction, and I believe that It will be the solution of the pivlng question in Portland. It may be built at a cost between the price of macadam and asphalt, and In wet climates It has proved very,-dunble." A Councilman vwho declined to permit the use of his name said the cost of bitumen-macadam would be 11 per yard less than asphalt, and from E0 to 75 per cent per yard more than the cost of macidam. During the trip there were some funny Incidents.. Howard' Whiting, superintend ent of Fisher, Thorsen & Co.. was mis taken for- City Auditor Devlin all the way from Kalama to Tacoma, and he acknowledged the salutes offered blm at every station, bending his 210 pounds of solid muscle until the flesh nearly crackedA "Strange," he slid. Rafter the fourth or fifth turn, "that people should mistake kme for Mr. Devlin. I am a wee bit heavier, and I do not wear a beard." Just then the train dropped Into Seattle and George Baker stepped to the front. "Hello, Mr. Devlin." he said, and he warmly clasped Whiting's hand. "Say. George, chop off. Pm not Devlin, but I have been deviling 'everybody along the route." "Thunderl I thought you were Devlin with his beird shaved off and a couple of tons of flesh added. Say, Howard, where did you come from?" "Portland." la a tone, that Implied that all that was good came from the metropo lis of the Pacific Northwest. Whiting and Baker hid a little private conference on the Venezuelan question, and then they and all the Councllmen went out to Queen Anne Hill, one of Seattle's most beautiful suburbs, and Inspected the residences which have been bhllt during, the past 10 years. From that point the Councllmen saw Seittle. Mount Rainier and Puget Sound, and they would have, heard the argument of a real estate dealer If the' facetious Whit ing had not Interrupted their train of thought with an Inquiry as to whether they had heard the Sound. After the trip to Queen Anne Hill the Councllmen wero royally entertained by the Seattle Council. President Parry and his fellow Councllmen took pains to make the visitors feel at home, and they were not allowed to go to any expense what ever. "They would not let us put our hinds In our pockets," raid one of the Coun cllmen. "They would pay for every thing buj. Just wait till we get them down here on a pleasure trip, and we will return their hospitality with amendments." SUMPTER VALLEY NOT SOLD Rumor Thnt It Was Proves to Be Without Foundation. A report obtained currency In Portland yesterday that the Surapter Valley Rail road had been sold to the O. R. & N. Co. Vice-President Nlbley. of tho Sumpter Valley, had spent a few days In Portland, leaving Sunday evening for Baker City, and he was quoted for the statement that t!fu road had been sold. President Mohler, of the O. R. & X.. flatly denied that any such transfer had taken place, or was contemplated. Late last night the fol lowing dispatch was received: "Baker City, Or., Feb. 9. (Special.) General Freight and Passenger Agent Barton, of the Sumpter Valley Railway, said this evening that the Sumpter Valley Railroad had not been sold, nor was It likely to be. Ho made this statement as a positive fact of which he had knowledge." Xevr Rule on Jersey Central. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 9.-In conse quence of the wreck at Graceland, N. J., on the New Jersey Central Railroad re cently, in which more than a score of persons were killed, the adoption of an entire set of new and revised rules to govern the dispatching and operation of passenger and freight trains on tho Joint Reading and Jersey Central systems has been decided upon at a meeting held at the operating offices of both roads. The rules will become effective March 1. They are made. to conform in every respect and detail with the latest operating rules now recommended as the best and saf est standard by the American Railway Association. Brnkemnn Injnred In Derailment. William Hartigan, a brakeman, suffered a compound fracture of bis left leg by an accident on the Southern Pacific yesterday forenoon. Four freight cars were de railed on the Yamhill division at a point about three miles south of Oswego.. Hartigan was taken to St. Vincent's Hos pital, but he' would not give his name or tell how the accident happened, saying he meant to keep all that for evidence when he should sue the company for dam ages. Cnnndlnn Pacific's Finances. MONTREAL. Feb. 9. At the meeting of the board of directors of the Canadian Pacific Railway today a dividend of 2 per cent on the preferred and lii per cent was declared for the half year ended December last. The report: says that af ter the payment of working expenses, fixed charges and dividends, there is a surplus for the half year of J3,202,S07. To Dduble-Trnck n Railroad. CLEVELAND. O.. Feb. 9. Myron T. Herrlck, chairman of the board of direc tors of the Wheeling & Lake Erie Rail road Company, utated today that the com plete double-tracking of the road east from Toledo and south from Cleveland had been practically decided upon at the recent meeting in New lork. Lund Asrent for Union Pacific. SALT LAKE. Feb. 9. C. B. 'Wantlandt. local land agent tof the Union Pacific Railroad for Utah and Western Wyom ing, has been appointed general sales agent for the land department of that system, with headquarters at Denver. PERSONAL MENTION. W. L. Robb, who Is collector of customs at Astoria, is a guest of the Imperial. W. McGinn, a well-known 'business man of Walla Walla, is staying nt the Perkns. A. S. Shockley. a prominent merchant of Baker City, Is registered at the Per kins. A. Bernard Talcott, a supervising engi neer In the Treasury Department. Is In the city. He will remain several diys. R. E. Nixon, a -Klondlker. "who recently purchased a half Interest in the Hotel Northern, of Seattle, la a guest of the Portland. C. H. Green, who his come from Sagi naw, Mich., to Investigate some -timber lands with a view to purchasing them. Is a guest of the Imperial. I. N. Flelschner, who went to Europe in October last, will leave New York on his way home this morning md will prob ably arrlvo here Saturday. II. H. Dearborn, a Seattle man who Is growing rich from the rapid Increase In the value of tldelands In that vicinity. Is visiting in the city for a few days. W. D. Hoflus, of Seattle. Is at the Fort land. Mr. HoflusMs returning from San Francisco, where he went to sell a. large quantity' of mirine machinery which he recently purchased on Pugct Sound. Captain John J. Bradley, of the Four teenth United States Infantry, with his family, is visiting Mrs. Bradley's father. Captain A. J. Sladen. at 722 Flanders street. Captain Bradley Is en route to San Francisco, whence he will sail with his regiment for Manila on February 2S. B. Doyle, an American mining man who is now operating In Manitoba, Is In the city. Mr. Doyle says that while the mineral resources of that part of the continent are very rich, the Cinadlans arc not developing them to any extent. "The Americans are reaping the har vest." said Mr. Doyle. "They are also taking up all the good arable Und in that district, and aside from the old fashioned laws, the country seems much like the Dakotas." NEW YORK, Feb. 9.-Speclal.)-North-weslern people were registered at New York hotels today as follows: From Portland H. Beck. Albert S. Sil verflcld, at the Imperial: H. D. Kllham, at the Grand. From Spokane Miss M. Hennessy, at the Kensington; M. Zetsch. at the Grand Union. From Seattle M. B. Dodge, at the Her ald Square: K. W. H. Plelow, A. B. Ba ker. J. H. Norton, R. Nordhoff, at the Na varre: J. Goldberg, at the Imperial; Miss Wlllon, J. SundwalL at the Glisey; E. Maurer, at the Manhattan; A. Schloss macher. at the Victoria. Duke's Agency Moved. The E. C. Dake Newspaper Advertising Agency, of San Francisco, Calif ornli, has moved from the Merchants' Exchange, where It has been located for the last twenty-three years, to the Eyre building, 124 Sarisome street, new and larger quar ters. This Is the leading lgency of the Coast, in fact it Is the only agency, for It places advertisements almost anywhere and by telegraph If necessary. This agency Is now known as one of the solid Institutions of the West and mtny who wish to do business through a rellible souroo hunt up Dake's Agency when wish ing, to place advertising. r Meier Frank Company Tj "Shopping Center of the Northwest." Beautiful new White Wool Materials Hopsacking, Mistrals, Etamines, Serges, Etc. ' White wash India Silks in qualities fromSOc to $2.00 yard Very stylish for Summer waists. The new Foulards are now ready Dots and figures Very large and pleasing variety.' - 1 . . Comic, Lace and Novelty Valentines Thousands-of Silk Waist Second-Floor Alteration Sale Of men's and boys' Clothing, children's Jackets and Dresses, Corsets, Undermuslins, Infants' Wear, Pic tures. tr.- mntinifc thiwrrork thic uraolr ttamairirahla I WWJ ".. j wasaaav mh VHji lim II VVl 1W111U1 11UVIV values in all lines while the many improvements now New A mammoth showing of White Goods for Shirtwaists Cheviots, Madras, Oxfords, Damasks and Vestings, 25c to $2.00 yard. Piques in splendid new variety. a Meier & Frank Company AGAINST MINE INSPECTION Correiipondent UrfrcM Aflopilon of Senator yiycr' 11111. PORTLAXD. Feb. 9.-(To the Editor.) There have been Introduced In the Legis lature four bills for establishing a state mlnlnc bureau In Oregon. Bill No. TS, Introduced by Bobbins of Baker County, Is the only one acted upon by the mining committee so far, and it is the most ob jectionable of all. The committees have not fully agreed upon It; neither could it pass If they had. It is copied after the Colorado law. which was enacted when lead mining was in vogue there. It Is not applicable to Oregon, and It Is giving a great deal of trouble in Colorado at the present time, and, without doubt, will soon be repealed. The bill Introduced by Bobbins creates a department to be known as the Bureau of Mines of - the State of Oregon. This part of the bill is clearly unconstitutional, as no such department can be created. It provides for seven governors, all to be appolnred by Governor Chamberlain I think one Governor is quite sufficient for Oregon and they, are constituted a corporation, with powers to Aue and be sued, to make by-laws and regulations at their discretion. They are not required to be bona-iide residents or taxpayers, and in their make-up in the committee the supporters of the bill con descended that one of the governors might be appointed from Portland, which Is an Insult, and a fllnc at Portland, and It is hoped that our Representatives will resent IL These' may be composed of old miners, who never paid a dollar tax In' their lives, and who may boom their own mines at the expense or detriment of others. But -a greater objection to the- bill is in Its provisions for deputies or Inspectors in any number of mining camps, with full powers to Inspect any mine and at any time they see flt. whether the owner or manager consents or not. Every one knows tho value of an oath that "he will not dis close to any one any Information relative to ore bodies, chutes, or deposits of ore. or the location, course or character of underground work." He can be a spy for any of these Irresponsible governors, who put him in office for that very purpose. The whole bill is loaded down with a great deal of such objectionable matter, tfnd is detrimental to the legitimate mining in terests of the state, and the object of it is not QDparent. There Is no limit to the extent to which the inspection or imposition may be car ried. Better by all odds that we have no mining bureau at all. Better to make no collection of our mineral products for the Lewis and Clark Exposition than have such an incubus fastened on our state. Better never to know he amount of gold and silver our state produces, or the amount of sulphurets produced or shlppell out of the state for reducUon than have such an imposition fastened upon the state. Another bill. No. 3S. drawn by W.. II. Hamten, Is of similar character. It pro vides for Inspection of mines, but Is not so obnoxious as bill 220. The only bill' worth considering 4s Sen- A great special purchase from one of the largest and- best manufacturers in the land Every one new and desirable style and material Taffetas, Peau de Cygne and Changeable Taffetas Stylishly made and trimmed, 'all sizes More than half the entire lot was sold yesterday Today will clean them up. Lot 1. $11.00 Silk Waists Peau de Cygne, best quality Tucked yoke, open work effect,, latest style sleeve, colors white, blue, navy, black and pink, beautifully made and trimmed $7.85 Lot 2 Taffeta Silk Waists Tucked and hemstitched yoke New style sleeves, all sizes, color black; also changeable taffetas in red, green, gray, old rose and other good shades, $7.50 values, $4.85 Lot 3. Peau de Cygne Waists in white only, tucked yoke, large button trimmed, all sizes, regular $7.50 value, while they last $4.85 Wash Fabrics White and colored Wash Fabrics A magnificent display of new waist materials for Spring and Summer Scores of high-class novelties in exclusive styles to delight the feminine taste We have aimed to make the 1903 wash-goods display the largest and best the town has ever known. We know our efforts haven't gone amiss. Embroidered Swiss in many styles. French Organdies Pretty patterns and colorings. Colored Ves tings 75c to $1.00 a yard. Oxford Whites with colored stripes, 50c, 75c,- $1.00, and a yard. Japanese Crepe Floral effects 60c a yard. Windsor PappOlion Cloth 25c a yard. Figured Batistes and Dimities to please everyone. WEDDING AND VISITING CARD ENGRAVERS W. Q. SMITH & CO. Washington Building, Cor. Fourth and Washington Streets ate bill No. 42, Introduced by Senator Myers, of Multnomah County, which pro vides for no such Inspection of mines. It leaves the miners alone to manage their mines as they see flt, and not to be dic tated to by any cheap politician. This bill was prepared by mlnlnc enslneers I and worked over and over for six months i before it was handed to Senator Myers I for Introduction, and every part of it de I vised for the best Interests of the stat. I It provides for the collection of minerals I for the Lewis and Clark Exposition, and the furnishing of Information of Oregon's I mineral resources to nonresidents, and Is t no drawn that every mine In the state I shall be'llsted with Its history and devel- opment and production. The bill only j needs to be read to be appreciated. I am sorry to see a member of the Multnomah ' County delegation, on the committee of mines working ngalnst it and in the In terest of inspection of mines. " The mining board of directors to man age the bureau are named In the bill, and are all bona-flde residents and taxpayers, and is far removed from any political In fluence. There Is no provision for mine inspection. Miners aro left to manage their own business In their own way, and are responsible for their own management, the same as Mr. Swlgert, In his streetcar system. Miners want no Interference in their business, such as the proposed in spection threatens. The only objection argued against Sen ator' Myers" bill. No. 42, Is that all the board of directors named therein are Port land men. That can be no objection. It Is for the Legislature to name additional members, not residents of Portland. Port land only asks for proper representation .on the board. Another objection Is that the mines are not in Portlands They are not supposed to be in any city; but there are as many mining men In Portland as In all Eastern Orecon. and they have put more monev ! Into mines than all the rest of Eastern I or Southern Oregon. They keep men un 1 dcr a salary constantly prospecting In the f state, and they have expended over JS.OOO, j 000 In mines and get scarcely a dollar In The state appropriated a large sum of money to build a wagon road Into Cor nucopia, but not a cent for any road In Western Oregon. Our iron mines, coal, .clay, stoneware and cement material, and a hundred other products in the vicinity them lc to $5.00 each. Sale Each Each Each of Portland are worth as much to The mines of Western Oregon are titled to equal consideration. Jnnir Pounder Says It Is Not "H'o lex Xor Expensive. LATOURELL FALLS, Or.. Feb. (To the Editor.) An article in issue or t euruary 3. entitled "Want Fred Smith and Thomas Evans therein given as authority for the s ments that "sand as line as that for mixing mortar" is being, used In district for rondbulldlntr: thnt Rvans Road Supervisor, when in authority It verv lin'Wttafflrtnrv " art trmnli en ae "scrapen it partly otr'; "that the tng of sand cedts $4.50 a load, and Now, certainly,. Mr. Evans should what the haulinr of sand cost durln proved so "unsatisfactory," did he 1st In hauling it onto the roads almost Ihe last day of his term at ruinous Tate, while It appears be other teams employed "scraping It Now. to those here In possession o facts. It Is clear that these two ready witnesses are prompted by a to "ever, up" matters with the pr Supervisor here, the former becaus- stum in uui ueiu urst piaceu Ol polls last June. For the truth Is, coane sand and gravel, which is factory," is being placed on the here at less than one-sixth the cost q from Evans. JAMES POUND Girl Accused of Anon. OGDEN, Utah. Feb. 9. Minerva and Eva CurtisMwo 17-year-old Inmates of the Reform School, were swer to a charge of arson for h l w