Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 09, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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Wonderful Progress in Build
ing Operations This Year.
Prospective Extension of . Many
Street-Car Linen Causes Very
Ilapld InereaNc In Xnmlicr o
Residences Erected.
"Wo have on hand 13 new buildings,
come of which wo are completing and
others which wo aro Just starting. I
didn't think we had so many until I
camo to count them up. We have not
been running after building contracts.
They are comlns In as fast as we want
them. I never saw a better outlook for
building than at present. Some people
are waiting for cheaper material and
cheaper labor, but neither will probably
be had this year. And yet with all this
tho year 1903 opens with most excellent
This was the remark of William Stokes,
a contractor, who built some 50 houses
last year. During January many new
houses were started in spite of the un
favorable weather all over the East Side.
In Central East Portland vacant lots are
being covered with handsome residences.
On East Eleventh and East Ankcny
streets and near-by blocks, 17 houses are
under construction, the most expensive
of which Is that of E. 3L Sargent, which
will cost over tVXO. The others average
$1700 each and over. These buildings, with
the improvements which go with them,
represent an outlay of fully $30,000, and all
on three blocks. Dr. A. W. Moore's resi
dence, on East Twelfth and East Mor
rison streets, costing $3000, Is being com
pleted. It Is an attractive residence,
built along plain lines.
J. S. Morgan has started an attractive
residence on East Sixteenth and Schuyler
street which will cost $3000. G. B.
Cellars has laid the foundation for
a $1300 dwelling on East Eleventh, between
Halsey and .Skldmorp streets. II. H.
Austin will build a $3000 residence on East
Fourteenth, between Tillamook and
Thompson streets. Mrs. Llda B. Mc
Kltrick Is building a two-story cottage,
costing $2500, on East Ninth and East
Halsey streets. A. L. Helmnn will build
a two-story dwelling on Montana avenue,
between Walnut and Kllllngsworth ave
nues, which will cost $2000. W. H. Stev
ens is building a cottage on East Ninth
and Alberta streets, costing $1200. Per
haps the finest dwelling' which is being
finished on the East Side Is that F. S.
Doernbecher, manager of the Doernbecher
Factory Company. It is located' In Irv
Ington. It will cost $18,000, and the Inside
is being finished in oak In a very hand
some style. It will be several weeks be-.
fore it will be completed and ready for
occupancy. In the neighborhood of Mr.
Doembecher's dwelling are a number of
handsome homes costing from $3000 up
wjd. Bnlldlnc Toivard Colnmbln River.
It Is In the Northeast and North, along
either sldo of Union avenue, that there
has been and is a building boom in the
true sense. Between Union and Williams
avenues, out to Piedmont, about 50 new
houses of a good class are under con
struction. East of Union avenue there
are perhaps 100 new louses ranging in
cost from $500 to $3000 being erected. In
1902 about 230 dwellings were put up In
this district.
So rapid has been the growth that the
Highland schoolhouse has been swamped
with the Increase. "When this building
was moved from Alblna Homestead to
Highland there were hardly pupils enough
to fill two rooms. Now all four rooms
are filled, some of the rooms being occu
pied by 60 and more pupils. A half room
has been fitted up in the hallway and
there are three portable extra rooms on
the school grounds. Another classroom
Is being fitted up in the basement to tide
over till vacation, when the Board of
Education will erect 12 rooms beside the
four of the present building. This will pro
vide a lG-room building, none too large
for that portion of the district. Perhaps
a 20-room building may be erected. In
view of the proposed opening of tne Simon
tract east of Highland and the construc
tion of a branch line from the Portland
Railway Company a mile in that direc
tion. Northward through Woodlawn it
Is proposed to Improve Union avenue,
which has been made SO feet wide from Al
berta street. This will still more stimulate
building In that direction. Down on the
Peninsula It Is predicted that there will
be 200 dwellings put up this year. Many
are now under construction. Electric car
facilities have given an Impetus to build
ing operations there.
Toward Mount Tabor.
Along Hawthorne avenue some very
fine dwellings are being put up, and also
at Sunnyslde. On the wst slope of
Mount Tabor building Is slow owing to
the high price that lots arc held at. Still
the district between Sunnyslde and West
avenue is steadily filling up. West ave
nue is now lined with handsome dwellings
between the Base Line and the Section
roads. On the north. In Center Addition.
along the North Mount Tabor Rallwav
and extending to Gravel Hill, the tops of
new cottages may be seen among the
small fir trees. Standing on tho toD of
Mount Tabor, one can, at a glance, get a
perfect conception of the growth and ex
tent of Portland up and down the Will
amette River.
F. E. Beach. In an address before the
Sellwood Board of Trade a year ago, said
he expected to live long enough to see
Portland extending from Milwaukle solidly
to the Columbia River. His prediction Is
almost fulfilled now, for new buildings
can now be seen springing up between
these two point, a distance of 10 and II
miles, taking in St. Johns. One can count
' the roofs' of nearly 1000 new residences
between tho south line of Sellwood to St.
jonns and woodlawn, besides the founda
lions of many more that are startlnc.
Between Sellwood and Milwaukle the
gap will be filled this year by the pur
chases of the Lambert tract. This tract
has been laid oft In five-acre tracts and
about 15 elegant dwellings are to bo put
up there this year. The brush space be
tween Holgate street and Sellwood is
rapdlly being cleared and dwellings are
going up rapidly, and soon the gap will be
ciosea up aiong tne Willamette River.
East of Mount Tabor the building area
exienas a mile ana a nail to Russellvllle,
Between the Section and Barr roads. Out
side this area buildings are belnir erected
on .farms. At Russellvllle the school has
ISO pupils, and the directors will erect 'a
six-room building costing $3000 to meet the
wonaeriui growth of this suburb. At
South Mount Tabor the schoolhous in
already crowded, and the directors are
ngunng on an addition. Still further to
the southeast Is Lents, -where a four-room
Ecnoomouse is Deing nnished. The Wood'
stock schoolhouse is filling ud and dwell
lngs are going up eastward through Tre
mont to .siount scott.
Notwithstanding the great number of
dwellings that were erected In 1902 between
the Willamette River and Russellvllle
east about seven miles, and between the
south line of Sellwood and the Columbia
River, it is bard today to find a good
house for rent, either close in or In the
most remote subuarbs. It Is reported at
Sellwood and Monta villa and Woodlawn
that houses for rent -are scarce as hens'
teeth, and people aro constantly looking
lor them.
Large Manufacturing Enterprises;
Tho larger enterprises are the Portland
Woolen Mills, the Eastlde Sawmill Com
pany, the new plant of the Standard Box
factor, the electric sawmill at St. Johns,
the Nottingham warehouse and the pros
pective sawdust stove factory at Monta-
lua. The Woolen Mills Company Is
completing an extensive addition to Its
plant at Sellwood by which It will be
able to nearly double Its capacity. It Is
proper also to mention In this connec
tion, the proposed clothing factory, which
Charles Coopey is working up, to be
erected near the woolen mills and to be
operated in connection with It, using Its
output to some extent. Nearly double
the number of skilled hands will be cm-
ployed in the woolen mills on completion
of the Improvements.
At the foot of Spokane avenue the new
sawmill buildings are being put up. The
main building will be 200x10, besides
which there will be dryhouses and lum
ber buildings. At the foot of East Pine
street the company owns a block which
It will cover with a dock for lumber ana
sales yard. This mill will cut an average
of 73,000 feet of lumber per day for the
local business.
At the foot of East Ankeny street.
where several streets have been vacated.
the Standard Box Factory will put up
the largest and most extensive box fac
tory in the Northwest, This plant will
Include a sawmill. At Montavilla there
are good prospects that a large stove
factory will bo erected. A committee has
the matter in hand and is conducting ne
gotiations with representatives of a large
firm. Ground has already been secured
for this factory and It Is expected that
there will be some substantial develop
ments before many weeks. S
In the matter of railway extensions and
encampments have been held heretofore,
wo have bcn well treated. We must have
some money to Jo thW
F. R. Neale expressed the opinion that
the Portland G. A. R. ought to spare no
effort! for the state encampments. He
approved the suggestions of Comrade Mc
Devltt for a banquet, reception, parade
and entertainment It would be neces
sary to appoint efficient committee. Mr.
Neale thought that It would be well to
organize at once and get to work on the
Chairman Calkins said: "It has been 16
years since the encampment was held in
Portland. Since then we have been en
tertained in smaller towns of Oregon In
a most hospitable manner. We have
always been given a public reception. We
must show our appreciation of the treat
ment we have received. We can get the
Mayor to make the address of welcome at
the public reception. There will be music
to be paid for. It will be necewsary to
secure halls for meetings of the encamp
ment, the Women's Relief Corps and the
Ladles of the G. A. R. We should give
a banquet. I havo thought of the Ex
position building for the reception. Now
as to the cost, I think we shall need at
least $300 to carry out this programme."
After some further discussion as to the
scope of the entertainment of the stato
encampment, on motio'h of Mr. McDevitt
the meeting adjourned till next Sunday
afternoon at 3 o'clock, owing to the slim
attendance of committeemen, there being
but 12 out of the 20 appointed, present. At
that time the organization will be per
fected by the election of a president, vice
president, secretary and trenmrer. and
tho appointment of several committees.
It Is desired that every member ap-
Homes Will Stand In Tarn's Stalls,
and the Soul of Music May lie Re
placed by Eaulne XelKhlng.
be used for stores, while the upper stories
will be cut up Into apartments.
The buildings now on the ground will
be moved to Thirteenth and Kearney
streets, where Mr. Slgglln owns . other
property. It Is understood that Henry
Wemme, who owns a quarter-block at the
louthtnst corner of Seventh and Oak, is
contemplating the erection of a brick
structurp on that site. This is the prop
erty recommended by Postmaster A. B.
Croasman as the second best site for the
temporary postofflce. Mr. Croasman de
cided that it was too far from the busi
ness center, and reported in favor of the
northeast corner of Park and Alder
Real Estate.
Monday $ 23.830
Tuesday 12.453
Wednesday 17.263
Thursday -.20
Friday 11.SCJ
Saturday ,. 41.503
Total ...... $11C11i3
Balldlnir Permits.
Monday $ J3.C70
Tuesday 20.9.X)
Wednesday 12.7W
Thursday 14.350
Friday v -'-
Saturday 4.500
Total 73.159
One of the most novel features In the
building line heard of for a long time Is
the proposal to transform a part of the
Unclaimed Letters Remaining In the
Postofflce at Portland, Or.
Free delivery of letters by carriers at the
resllence'of owners may be secured by observ-
Itm the following- rules:
Direct plainly to the street and number ot
the house.
Head letters with the writer's full address.
Including street and number, and request an
swer to be directed accordingly.
letters to stransera or transient visitors la
tho city, whose sseclal address may be un
known, should be marked in the left-hand cor
ner "Transient." This will prevent their Deinc
delivered to persons of the same or similar
Persons calling- for, these letters will please
state date on which they were advertised.
February 0. They will be chanted for at the
rate o 1 cent for each advertised letter called
Acer. Mrs M Latimer. George
Ackley, William Leach & Bown
Adams, John Lenman. Mrs K B
Altman, Mrs Eugenia Leonard, I A
Alllston, Miss Leltha Lewis, G
Albright. Mrs J C Lewis, Mrs Jennle-3
Alexander. Richard Lewis. A i.
Anderson. G N Linn. Miss Tlllle
Bauer. Miss Elizabeth Lonaersnausen. -Nora
Bailey. Miss Jim Lundt. Miss Helen
uaxer. ueonre Lunuvau. i-ror. .nas j
Banes. Itoscoe Lynn, David
Barclay. Miss Leah M & M Co
Barhydt. E C
Behrens. V If
Bearkley, Henrietta
Beckurk. II C
Bellmont. Mr
Belleque, Miss Mary
Bell, F
Bell. ..ill D
Bell. Eva
fllekner. J
Bllleter, Madame Rosa McLennan. J C
Bllcer. Godard & Co :ucLoa. j u
Bird. Mary
Blschoff. A
liiaiceiy, Airs Emma
Bocker, Georce
Itoltno. Frank
Boyd, J F
Bryant. Billy
Brazee. Mrs II L
D ration. Miss Lottie-3 Matzloff. Mrs L
BrlKht. FA
Brlcknell. Charlie
Bright. George G
Bronston. Miss Ella
Buss. George
uurgard. Jessie
Buttery. T
Choynskl. Jake
Cahlll. Miss Addle
Caffleld. Mrs Lydla
Calller. Embry E
uauer. u
Campbell. A
Carroll. Thomas D
Case. Hon II
Improvement there Is much In progress.
The City & Suburban Railway Company
Is building a loop across the trestle that
now ppans Sullivan's gulch northward on
East Twenty-eighth street, to a connection
with the Irvlngton line, which now ends
at East Twenty-fourth and Tillamook
streets. This company has already dis
tributed large rails along Grand avenue,
between East Harrison and East Ankeny
etreets, and will shortly replace the light
The Portland Company will commence
on Its new East Side system In the early
Spring, which Includes lines on Russell
street and Maryland avenue, and probably
further down the peninsula toward St.
Johns. It has other branchen to build,
and according to Its franchise, must com
mence work within six months after pass
age of Its ordinance. The Oregon Water
Power & Railway Company la pushing
construction on Its branch that passes up
the Willamette River to Sellwood and
Lents. Another unsettled thing Is the lo
cation of the carshops and carbarn for
this company. Sellwood still hopes to
capture this plant. It will cover at
least 10 acres -wherever It is located. The
great fill at the terminal dock will be un
dertaken as soon as a connecting line up
the river Is completed. This company
has secured Its franchise to build on East
Water to East Pine street, where the
lum-tr yard of the East Side Lumber
Company will be located, and where the
new box factory will be built. It Is
building a trestle across Stephens Slough.
now two-thirds nnlsned. ana will soon oe
building through Inman, Poulsen's lumber-yard
and up the Willamette River.
Seeking Railway Connection.
Residents east and south of Mount
Tabor are working for railway connection
with Portland. They are negotiating to
get the Mount Tabor branch extended
down the east slope of Mount Tabor, and
also to get the Montavilla branch to swing
around the east and south side of Mount
Tabor to a connection with the Richmond
branch. There have been also some ne
gotiations with the Oregon Water Power
& Railway Company to extend Us Haw
thorne-avenue line eastward about two
miles. It has secured a right-of-way to
the reservoir; but no further. A right-of-way
is assured the City & Suburban Rail
way for the Montavilla branch' to the
Grange Hall, but there Is some difficulty
In getting from there to a connection with
the Richmond branch, which will probably
be overcome before long.
Albert NIblln Is working on a project to
get the Section Line widened to SO feet
from the Grange Hall through to Gresham,
and Is making good progress. His Idea lr
to get the road widened, and give one side
for a car track to any company which
will build through to Gresham. It Is
considered almost certain that this dis
trict east and south of Mount Tabor will
have railway connection with Portland at
leaet within a year. The companies are
too busy with Portland Improvements to
take up outside extensions at present.
pointed on committees from tho
should bo present at that meeting.
Had Dcen n Resident of South Mount
Tabor for Thirty Years.
Harry Antonlsen, a prominent farmer
living. In the South Mount Tabor district,
died Saturday evening at his home after a
ions Illness. He -was born In Norway,
October 6, 1852, and came to the United
States in 1872. A year afterwards he ar
rived In Oregon and made his home In
South Mount Tabor, where he lived ever
Mr. Antonlsen has always been a public
spirited and progressive citizen of the
community. For the past 15 years he had
been an active member of Evening Star
Grange No. 27. Patrons of Husbandry, and
for ten years was a member of Tabor
Lodge. Ancient Order United Workmen.
For nine years he was a member of the
Board of Education of the South Mount
Tabor School, and was a director at his
death. He will be greatly missed by hi?
neighbors, who honored and respected
him. A wife and five children survive
The funeral will be held from Mult
nomah Hall, at the corner of the Section
Line and Oregon City roads, tomorrow
afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. George Learn,
pastor of Mount Tabor Baptist Church,
will conduct the sen-Ices In the hall. At
the Interment, which will be In Mult
nomah cemetery, the Patrons of Hus
bandry and United Workmen will conduct
funeral rites according to the laws of the
orders. Friends ot the family aro in
vited to attend the services.
Promise That Comlntr Encampment
Shall Be Larger Than Usual.
At a meeting yesterday of Joint com
mittees from all the G. A. R. posts In the
city, appointed to make arrangements for
the state encampment which will be held
In Portland next June, It was decided
unanimously that every possible effort
should be put forth to make It the largest
gathering of members of the Grand Army
of the Republic ever held In the state. G.
C Calkins called the committee together.
and on motion, was elected temporary
chairman. After appointing a temporary
secretary Mr. Calkins made a short state
ment of the situation confronting the
Portland posts. It was well, he remarked.
to start preparations early on account ot
the amount of work to be done.
T. B. McDevitt said that It behooved the
Portland posts to make the encampment
full of Interest. "They owe It to them
selves, ho said, "to do this. We should
have a banquet, reception and parade. In
the small towns in the state, where the
FHIf Vacancy Temporarily.
Rev. F. Peacock has been obtained to
supply the pulpit of theMlsslsslppt-Avenue
Congregational Church, Alblna, until a
regular pastor shall have been called. A
call was extended Mr. Peacock, but he
could not accept, as he is studying to be
come a medical missionary. The official
board has several ministers In view, and
expect to extend a call before long. It
Is a good pastorate. M. EL Thompson, of
the board, says the church has no debts
and !s In a very prosperous condition. "We
want a strong man here, he said, ' and
we havo good reason to think that we
will get tho one we are after."
East Side Notes.
Rev. J. J. Dalton, D. V., who has Just
retired from the pastorate ot the First
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, has
closed 16 years of constant service, and
will now take a rest.
Rev. J. J. Staub, pastor of tho Sunny
slde Congregational Church, delivered an
eloquent sermon on Abraham Lincoln
last night, in view of his approaching
birthday, February 12.
The steam motors formerly used on the
SL Johns Railway have been sold to log
ging companies, and have been shipped.
to their destination. They were in service
nearly 12 years on the peninsula.
The regular meeting ot the East Twen
ty-elghth-Street Improvement Associa
tion, which should take place this even
ing, has been postponed on account of the
committees being unable to meet with the
different boards and because most of the
officers are out of town. Therefore the
next meeting of the association will bo
held February 23, In the Mission-House,
Twenty-eighth and East Gllsan streets.
The February Issue of the Northwestern
Churchman, of the Eplsconal Church, has
appeared. It is packed full of Information
concerning the Episcopal church ot the
diocese ot Oregon. On the first pace Is a
picture of Rev. Alexander Corbett, rector
of St. Stephens Church, Baker City, with
a biographical sketch. Also a picture of
tne new Mission Church building at Wood
itock appears. C L. Parker, of Alblna,
is caiior or tne magazine.
When you suffer from sick headache.
dizziness, constipation, etc, remember
carters Little Liver puis will relieve you.
una pui is a uose.
Exposition building Into a livery stable.
M. J. Drlscoll & Co.. the liverymen, of
Fifth and Pine streets, have been forced
to seek a new location for their stable.
through the purchase of the-property by
the Marshall-Wells Company, and have
completed negotiations with Russell &
Blyth, tho owners of the Exposition
building, tor tho use of a part of tho
east halt Tho space required for expo
sition purposes remains almost the same.
and tho presence of the stable will never
be noticed by the thousands that throng
the big building when It Is opened to the
An entrance for the use of the Uvery
company will be cut through from Nine-
teeth street, and the carriages, which will
be kept on the ground floor, will be run
directly from the building into that street.
Carriages only win be kept on the
main floor, for the horses' quarters will
be established below the street level. As
this end of the Exposition building stands
In a deep gulch, the space below the
street has been almost useless, but can
now be utilized. Thick partltians will
be put In between the stable and the rest
ot the building, and no inconvenience Is
expected to arise from the presence of the
horses. The livery cctnpany has rented
a space of 200xl feet on the main floor.
where the vehicles will be placed, while
200xio feet has been secured below the
street level. The whole width ot the
building, from Washington street to the
back of the big structure, adjoining the
Multnomah Field, will therefore be used
by the liverymen. Thomas Gray, a mem
ber of the Arm. said on Saturday that
patrons would be given free seats to wit
ness "the football games on the famous
The move of the Drlscoll Company from
a location far down town to Nineteenth
street Is another example of the general
movement away from the river. StlU an
other example, and one connected with
the same business. Is the move of tho
United Carriage Company to its new
leased building now under construction at
the nortnnest corner ot Eleventh and
Morrison streets. It also Indicates
general movement all over the city, for
the Marshall-Wells Company, the whole
sale hardware dealers, will come from
East Morrison street to the four-story
brick building soon to be erected for their
use on tho north side of Pine, between
Fourth and Fifth streets, while the Drls
coll Company, one of tho former occu
pants of thd property, seeks a new loca
tlon at Nineteenth and Washington streets
In a building that was not designed for
business ot that class.
The quarter block at the northeast cor
ner of Third and Pine streets formerly
owned by the Macleay Estate Company,
has been parceled out among three new
owners during the past ten days. The
agents, Russell & Blyth, secured $10,00?
for the property, which Is opposite the
north end of the "Worcester building.
Mrs. Edith 'M. Grant, of San Francisco,
a member of the Macleay family, was the
largest purchaser, taking the corner lot
for $23,000. W. J. Hawkins and Daniel
Marx divided the inside lot between them,
each buying a strip 25x100 feet. P.- 11,
Blyth, one of the agents, In speaking of
the "deal, said that they had- also sold
sevtn residences, amounting to 5,000,
within the past few days.
Architects are-busy Just now preparing
plans for new buildings, both for rest
dences and business blocks. The plans
for the three-story brick warehouse on
Irving street, between Ninth, and Tenth
streets, to be erected by D. C O'Reilly
for Heywood Bros. & Wakefield, hav
been completed, and the same architect
is at work on the design for the three
story brick of J. W. Cook, on First, near
Charles Slgglln will build a large frame
structure on ' his quarter-block at the
northwest corner of Sixth and Glisan
streets. This will conform to the styl
of the other buildings recently put up on
North Sixth street, for the lower floor will
Mclntyre. Truman
McAdow, Rush
McBrlde, Miss Jessie
McClure. Mont
McCoy, Mrs Henry
McCormack. Allan
MacEwan. Robert L
McFall. Frank-2
McGlnnls. Homer
McLaln. Miss
Main. Mrs C A
Mavrlnac Simon
Malone. Wlll-2
Maloney. II S
-Ward. Dell
Morty, Kobert
Morsten. E E
Mastiet. Miss Mary K
Meeks. Mrs Charles
Merrill. Miss Leona-2
Messner. P II
Muller. C
Millar. Joslah
Holler. John
Melvln. George
Moon. Silas
Moore. S L
Moore, Jessie
Morse. D
Morris, (Prof) Wm
Morris, Miss Phyllis
Morris. Ham-
Musgrlef. Mrs Ada
Chesterfield. Prof GruntNay. M II
Clark. J W
Clark. William
ciark. Tom
Courtney. Archie
Crooks. Koy
Cumlngs, A W
Dale. Clarence
Daniels, Norman
Newman. C E
Ness, Charlie L
Noble. Miss Mary
Nagel, J R
Noble. Dr
Norgren, Miss Sal
mine S
dinger. B C
Danlelson. Carl Justal Olson. Olof
Darey. Miss Dana Paulson, P M
Davern. Miss Hannah Pashburg. Miss Annie
Davis. Ella Pacific Steel & Wire
De Morat Photo Studio Co
Desmond, Miss Grace Palmer. M E
Devarney, Miss Louise Parr, Slsson II
w , . Ul , WIS.
Dlttler. Charles
Dickson. Bertle-3
Do ran. William
Downey, J S
Druby, Louis 11
Drake. Mrs C
Dunbar. Mrs M E
Edwards, J T
Edwards, Archie
Elmore, F
Ellis. T W
Erass, Mrs T B
Payne. Wm
Plckenpaugh, Miss
Peruslch. Franceskl
Perry. Miss Lucille J
Pedersen. K T
Peterson, Mrs Helen
Phillips. H L
Ptetrzyckl. Mrs M M
Piatt, Geo
Podt. Mrs Maggie
roley, Dr A T
Erlon. Miss Martha L-2polly. Jno R
Erhart. Arthur Portland Locomotive &
Everlngham, Mrs Alice Car Wks
Erlkson. Miss Emma, .Portland Photo Mate
Fire. William rial Co
Finn. Miss Mabel Post. Mr
Fitzgerald, jirs tiiiza Powell. Mrs, 1314
Ann Union ave
Fisher. Mrs Paul, Sr Prevost. Dr A L
Fowler. Miss Marcella Purdy. W II
r ooie. airs irorumy u iiankln. J M
Fotherlngham, A II Ray, c W
Fields. OA Reeve, Geo
Foreman. William and Redmond. Prof Chas A
Ford, Miss Nell
Foster, W J
Frame. A
Fremy, Miss Lena
French. Mrs E M
Frledly. Miss Rose
Gartmtt. Lewis
Gemlnder. win
Gerllck. Mrs A F
Glddlngs. II J
Glbbs. Mrs A C
Gilbert, Mrs Allle
GUlen. Mrs J
Golden, Mrs Carrie
Goode. Rev J A
Gould, William
Greek. Mr
Grlffln. U
Gunn. A
Gulberg, A B
Hopkins, Frank
liouser. ii 11
Hyde, Mrs S Y
Hadley. P C
Haggard. II C
Hall. Charles E-3
Hamlin. Deltah
Hamilton, miss Liny
Hanley. William
Hanklns. A N .
Hanks. Herbert
Hansen. Rev II
Hansen. Kresten
Harrison. Mrs Lottie
Ilatnorn. 11ns t-mei
Hayble, Miss Helen
Haines. Miss Lela
Haines, Miss Gertie
Heohl. Mrs
Heffelflnger. William
Hensley, Ira L
Herschler. Mrs J A
Hicks. Ed
Higher. C T
Hill. Miss Annie
Illntermann. John P
Hopkins. Mrs E
Hope. I W
Holden, W T
Holbrook. A D
Honeyman. James-0
Hanke. Mrs Rattle
1 too pes. W S
Hortz. Andrew
Hudson. O
Hufman. M
Hunter. M
Hunter. Miss L
Hunt. Rev J V
Rusted. H L
Imperial Supply Co-2
Irons. Master Luelan
James, capt Henry
? v win.. "- .
w nltrav worK to save a iotub umj Kiauuaie
employed. Call and investigate our metnoas.
t. -e-v -r 11 wmiTTTir? lit
Lll. JO. XJ. W muui j OF
342K Washington, Cor. Seventh
CocsiHatloa FreeJ Fees Reaso
oeno. fimirs I . 1L lo 5 P. M.: evening. 7:S0
Graduate Iowa Stats UnlT. Sundays. 10 A. M. to u iL Aeiepnons oria um.
sBsPHsBBsmK? '
H2ssBBm . -?&-'
Established 1823.
Thai's Mil
Baltimore. Ud.
Reldy. Miss Annie
Reynolds, Mrs Lola A
Ritchie. W
Rice. Bland
RIchter, P
Ronler. Miss Anna
Rolstos, Miss Florence
Roth, Jno
Ross, (M
Ryan. Tommy
Ryder. H S
Slrvesta, Charlie
See, Miss Anna A
Shaw, Miss Gertrude
Sanders, Miss Katta
Schemer. Otto
Schmidt, T
Schwarz. N F
Short, Florence
Short. Miss Mary
Simmons, Mrs C L
Simpson, Mrs Etta
Simpson. Wm
81aden. Mrs Marlon
Small. W S
Snyder. G E
Smith. T J
Spencer, R D
Springer, Frank
Stansell. C D
Stern, Augusta
Stevens. Mrs Docla
Stuart. F B
Stewart. Mrs Mary D
Stewart, Sllra
Stewart. Root II-2
Story. Mrs Dan D
StohV. Miss M
Strutle, Miss Lorena
Strowbrldge, Miss Irene
Strang. T O
Swlnk. R W
Tyrrell. Mrs Jas
Taffe. Mrs I H
Taylor, Jas Remberts
Telefcert, Ernst
TKompapn. Mrs Eliza
Tompson, Mrs J M
Tompson. -J L
Tourney, George
Tlbado. Mrs Lizzie
Tlmlns. T D
Tledemann. J
Tunlus. H
Tracy, Thos
Trainer, J II
Tracy, Mrs Hattle
Tomuclln. Geo
Turner. E W
Vaughn, Miss Leona
Van Horn. W L
Van Wyck. II
forwards: Pollard (captain), center; Par-
eons and Matthews, guards.
Following the senior game the inter
mediate teams of the local association and
the Portland Y. M. C. A. played with a
result In Oregon City's favor by a score
ot 11 to L John F. Clark, of this city.
refereed both games. ,
More Autocratic and Tenacious Than
the Ciar of Russia. (
PORTLAND, Feb. 7. (To the Editor.)
The Oregon Legislature and other Legis
latures have been frequently on record
memorializing Congress to propose an
amendment to the United States Consti
tution providing for the elections of Sen
ators by direct vote of the people. Our
Legislature passed such a resolution on
January 27. 1903 (S. J. M. 6).
The intentions of these Legislatures la
bona fide and most excellent In purpose,
but It will only be accomplished when
water runs up hill, carrying with It the
water-logged oligarchy which has been
and Is now the real overshadowing power.
ruUng this country with a tighter grip
than the English House of Lords ever had
or assumed. The power of this close Sen
ate corporation exceeds that of any trust
in the country. It can and It does dic
tate a Government policy and distribution
of offices, before all of which even so
strenuous and energetic a President as
Theodore Roosevelt must humbly bow. It
can and does rule the House of Represen
tatives and busy Itself with the election
of members of that house. It is more au
tocratic and tenacious of Its so-called
privileges and prerogatives than the Czar
of Russia. If It were not so. ana ine aeu
nt felt secure of Its dace In the hearts
of the people, it would gladly and quickly
ra before the country on this amendment
nnrl thus secure comnlete vindication. It
has had the opportunity time and again,
but the Legislative business of every state
has been and continues to be clogged by
the Senatorial matter, and the blame
therefor must be laid wholly at the door
I of the United States Senate, for there It
belongs. Worse tnmgs may De saia aoaui
it than the Interruption .of business, in
the words of Cicero, O tempo ra. o mores:
There are two ways to amend tne con
stitution, viz: First, two-thirds of both
houses of Congress must propose an
amendment: second, the Legislatures of
two-thirds of the several states must ap
ply to call a Constitutional Convention
for the purpose.
In either case, three-fourths of the
states must thereafter ratify tho amend
ments, either by their Legislatures or by
conventions called for the purpose.
Thus It readily appears why the Senate
can continually Ignore these memorials.
and even Ignore a resolution of the House
of Representatives to the same effect. It
deems itself Impregnable In Its position.
strong as Gibraltar Is supposed to be.
The several Legislatures are now in ses
sion. If they wish tp do something which
will mean real business to the mind of the
average Senator, there Is but one way.
and it Is clearly pointed out. Let them
apply for a Constitutional Convention.
The Senate cannot stop this, and by the
time half of the states have done so the
Senate will grow remarkably wise and
Bee fit to propose the amendment the peo
ple want and will have In the end. There
Is no better time or place to start such a
movement than right now and In the Leg
islatures of the states of the great West.
That the people will heartily approve it
and applaud the efforts so directed there
can hardly be the least doubt.
1003, none; possible sunshine February
10 hours. Barometer, reduced to sea
5 P. M., 30.03.
g 5 Wind,
a -3
i 5a. j g
; 2o a
: 3 1: :
Voir. Miss Llllla
Jacobs. Miss Josephine JJ."1,'.
Jules. Latour S-JSl i'r T
Jachary. Miss Susie "-.f3 . ,
Jackson! Miss Clara talker. Miss Mlnnle-2
,?frfr t Willing. W P-2
Josenhf Mrs E Walters. Miss Margaret
Tt....n Mr f? TV v alters. Al
Johnson.'Mrs Wm H AjJlfh. Karl
Ward. Mrs Flora B
Ward. Mrs J F
Weenlnr, Harry
Welgard. Miss Ethel
Welllren. Miss Cassle
West. Fred
Whlrhey. Kate
Whltsker. Reginald
Williams. Mrs C M
Rev Richard Williams, Miss Ada
Williams. Fred K
WIngate. Mrs S W
Winters, Chas
WIster, J
Woods, Miss Annie C
Wolfe. J H
Wolfe. Mlso Florence
Woods. Mrs Mary
Tost. Con
Toder. R E
Toung. Mrs Sadie
Zumwalt. Miss Wlnnl-fred
Nolan. Thomas Sanler, J P
Russell, Mrs Robert Wing.. A A
Simon. Miss Helen Whitney. K
Czerlnto. Mattcuccl Raffaete, Francesco
Marchl. Ceiare Avolls
Da SUva, Antonio PreIWlnles, Kornlglla An
co uster
Johnson. Walter
Jones, Mrs is J
Jones, Mrs J J
Jones, John L
Jenntson, W W
Kaufmann. P I
Kelthley. II J
Kelly. Willie
Kelley. Mrs M F
Kovaluk. Son!
Kerrulsh. John
Kllllan. Henry L.
KInsel, Irwin
Klrby. B F
Kruthaup, Leon
Krochmal. Wlcenty-2
Kratz. V
La Moree, Dr Dew St
Lannlng. Mr & Mrs
Lane, Miss Nina
Willamette Bents Oregon City.
OREGON CITY. Feb. 8. (Special.) The
Willamette University basket-ball team,
from Salem, won a victory from the local
Y. M. C. A. team last night by a score of
9 to 7. The game was exciting from start
to finish and enthusiasm ran high. At the
end of the first half Oregon City had
scored C and Salem 2. but the vlsltora
gingered up and won out. The line up:
Oregon City D. and A. Williams, for
wards; E. Williams, center: Humphrys
(captain) and Peters, guards.
Willamette University Judd and Miller,
rMtprdiv evenine nas movea raniair
turDance is apparently Hvpruucutus iu
Inirton coast. Hign winas prevailed
coast and over the Inland navigable
Wnjihlnffton during last night. The
Light rain has fallen during the last
In California, Western Oregon and
era Utah.
tha maicaiions are lor occasional mi
district jaonuar. west ut tut; tuuw
era Oregon and Idaho.
vir-rtj-o t maw at t on i:i mi tor n
Ing at midnight. Monday. Feb. 9:
southerly winds.
along coast.
Eastern Washington. Eastern
Idaho Occasional snow or rain.
Acting- Forecast
Replnnk Mississippi Avenue.
The replanklng of Mississippi avenue
will be undertaken thla Spring. The
Central Alblna Board of Trade Is agitat
lng for the improvement. There Is a dlf.
ference of opinion whether plank or gravel
should be used, but most of the property-
owners seem to favor plank as the best
material where double tracks are used.
The City & Suburban will lay double
tracks on Mississippi avenue through for
a connection with the St. Johns line at
the general Junction on Kllllngsworth
avenue some time this year.
PORTLAND, Feb. 8. Maximum temperature-.
4S deg.: minimum temperature, 39 deg.; river
reading. 11 A. M.. S.2 feet; change in 24 hours,
rise 0.7 toot; total precipitation, S P. M. to S
P. M., .09 Inch: total precipitation since Sep
tember 1, 1902; 29.93 Inches: normal precipita
tion since September 1. 1902, 28.10 inches:
cess. 1.77 Inches: total sunshine. February 7.
xPostnm Coffee Remade the Dominic
In a Week.
Where a person has no troubles ex
cepting those caused by coffee,. Postum
Food Coffee it faitniuuy useu win usu
ally act with remarkable quickness. Here
Is an example even where the coffee habit
has been one of long standing:
"I had been a coffee drinker for 20
years, and until recently regarded It as
one of the "stays of life,' " writes a Ten
nesseo clergyman.
"About a year ago an attack of malaria
impaired my digestion and l began to
use more coffee than usual, thinking it
would help my system throw off the
malady. During that year I suffered in
describable agonies or nervous induces
Uon. Finally I noticed that every time
I drank coffee for dinner or supper I was
much worse. I told my wife I thought It
was coffee and that I would quit it and
use hot water. Then I thought I would
try the Postum we had heard so much
"From tho very day I left off coffee
and Introduced Postum I began to Im
prove, and at the end of one single week
I did not have even the slightest symp
torn of nervousness and dyspepsia left.
It Is many weeks now since then, and I
have not only gained In flesh, but am en
tlrely free from Indigestion and am strong
and happy. My wife had been nervous
and her stomach in bad condition, and
when she saw the- change wrought In me
followed my example and after using
Postum a short time extremely beneficial
results followed.
"I am a Methodist Minister In charge
of a church at Graysvllle, Tenn." Name
furnished by Postum Co., Battle Creek,
Raker City ....
Boise ...... ..
Helena ......
Kamloops. B.
North Head ....
Pocatello ....
Portland .... ..
Red Bluff
Sacramento ....
Salt Lake City.
San Francisco .
Spokane .... ..
Tatoosh Island ,
Walla Walla .,
42l T
C. 14210.00!
....I2fll T 1
16 N
20 S
villi ii 'I'n v. I'll if i.ii ; Mini
are sufficiently advanced to take
ness or a shorthand course with
fact, we admit students of any
mpnr nneuinK. a i.uiiiiiiu.f. hii
law, bookkeeping-, banking-.
are taught. Open all the year;
Rlimi I T I H I 31 II V L1II1U . CiiLtUUKU
supported by an excellent company;
,wtA Tiissjidv "7iiTa ' WsHnpdav ATI
day. The Unwelcome Mrs. Hatcn."
M-rr! K-iturdav matinee. Tne
of the Lady Ursula." Saturday night.
Evening prices utrwtr nour.
rows. 75c; last 0 rows. 50c. Gallery.
prices Entire lower noor, .ac x.awrc
. nAlt&v n on
IMSV vjanvi j , m,
a ms - nun
Tonlsht and every nlsht this week.
Ople Read's Character Gem,
25c. 35c, 50c: matinee. 10c, 15c, 25c
lam miiAttA's srreatest comedr. All
forts of Home."
a nlnriM coterie of minstrel
headed by the Exalted Ruler of the
Merriment. Harry Ward. Watch for
parade and band contest
PrlceJ 15 and SO cents.
Next week "Human Hearts."
tiKiTirft-iiinrv nnrif nm lninn
half cost of bulldlnz.
land Heights.
$5500 Large house, lot, 550 Coach.
Reasonable terms.
a w -w-a rwi m m v s v m a T
On Improved city and farm property.
On Improved city and farm nropertr.
Sll Worcester block.
rVi-i f mnwrtrsart CHV DronHTT. UUliniTI
KI1KD 11. STRONG. 103
Portland Academy. .Will sell
50x100 on Washington
:t i 1 r Mj
t - II .L -vl
290 Morrison street.