Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 09, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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f 1 Tt-n I ? f!nvmsi? TV)lt tHi Mo a.1
mates of the needs of the Island govern
ment and they will bo transmitted to tin
cmrrxED sister.
Cooper jays that In the next two yea
1. 1 . ...ill ? frs suw
Tho pulpit has ever been the aegis, the
palladium, the oraclo of our holy faith.
It Is the most human of all vocations.
Its mainsprins Is a desire to help and en
lighten men. "It Is the manliest of all
callings, and the preacher ought to hold
his head erect, and ask no" ex-offlclo
reverence, no special class exemptions.
"Tho pulpit !s no privilege box." no ref
ugo for indigence and Imbecility, no ob
ject of contemptuous charity, no catch-all
lor failures In other lines 01 wont.
schools and colleges, and over the press
of a portion of Christendom: calling Itself
by the name of practical, or worse still,
liberal, as opposed to doctrinal
Christianity. All this Js doing more
harm and making more unbelievers
thin Inflldelltv itself. Such give
passports to a degenerate race of teach
ers and preachers. It deals out plati
tudes which weaken ana disgrace me
cause of Christ; becomes the conduit for
gush and the swash of sickly sentlmen-
Th was born of human need tallty. Tho people fed on such lnnutrl-
nnd ordained of God. The preacher has a Uous fare Instead of the great truinj ; or
book of law to Interpret, grander, broad- God - are weakened In ?'JUJt
er and subllmcr than was over formulat- drift away, and at last become part of
ed by human courts or tribunals, a some- the great mass who contend against the
thing to minister unto subtler and liner faith delivered unto the saints.
ir"K " , -, onrt There Is room for charity to admit a
There Is
xnuscles. He Is an attorney of God. aphy- to 1ma"e"
slclan of tho soul, an cnlightener or tne
mind, and we aro all agreed mat ne
ought to be a Felf-respectlng, manly man.
a. prince among his fellows.
But what about the liberty and empha
sis of the preacher In the pulpit? Now,
liberty. Is the peculiar pride of our coun
try ana generation, luiuraiiuii.
of theology, nnd Its doctrines, but when
one asserts that Christ was a mere man;
that ho wrought no miracles; that his
teachings have no greater authority than
that of some other men; then charity
demands that we siy that such persons
are not representatives of tho Christian
ity founded by the Christ and his disci-
Er. 1 nT?, c
.ln.i nrwl IH1trV 'I MIS er'Trir III 1 lit? I - - -
Vlti uuj - - J -
time has stamped Its Influence on the
church in a very marked way. Days when
tbph ouarrelcd unto blood over the shade
of a doctrine or the wearing of a sur
plice are now looked upon with amaze
ment, and quickly relegated to the bar
baric period. Only ono person Is now In
danger of general ecclesiastical oppro
brium. Formerly, they put the heretic
inn lhn nlllorv. but the times have
swi W & ssr a: of sof
This diss Is so respectable, so full of
compliments, that It seems hard to tear
the mask from them and banish them as
spies and traitors from the camp. They
stab tho ChrUt of God so deftly, with
such a Judis kiss, right In the house of
his friends, that we dare say that tho
Christ of Calvary was never hung more
murderously than he Is by such high
priests of the liberal faith, and we must
therefore rule such out as real preachers
Wirnt Is nut Into the pillory, and the
heretic Is put Into the place of honor
In the newspapers and In the admiration
of a large class of people. This tendency
of thought carries with It a special dan
ger to the pulpit. The cry heard In cer
tain quartern for an unfettered clergy Is
echoed all over the land and forces upon
us the problem of the measure of lib
erty which Is the prerogative or me evan
cpliral nulDlL
Thi flrat dutv In faclnrr tho problem Is
to make clear the vital distinction be
tween the man In the pulpit and the writ
er in books and reviews. "Literature has
n. llhwtv which systematic theology can
not and should not claim. Literature has
practically no restrictions, being open
to everybody and everything from the
reckless nihilism of Benon to the ideal
istic theorizlngs of Tolstoi; but eccle
siastical theoloev. In so far as It Is re
duced to a system of doctrine which Is
the bond of the church Incorporation and
the sub3tance of her testimony, has pre
scribed limits beyond which the author
ized exponent of the views of that church
Is not at liberty to go." Tho man who Is
the accredited agent of any church can
not so divest himself of responsibility as
to use the freedom of the literary man,
without doing serious injury to the doc
trinal consistency nnd religious fervor of
the church to which he belongs. This
volnt has to bo emphasized clearly and
strongly In our day. Speculation has Its
place and power, but in the pulpit It Is
out of place and a source of weakness.
In the larger world of thinking ahd writ
ing It Is Indispensable to Human progress.
It enters Into the construction and devel
opment of Biblical criticism, of every at
temrit to reduce theology to a system.
and Into the formation of every creed
that varies on the language of Scripture.
But liberty of speculation must stop short
of absolute freedom on the part of a
preacher to publish In pulpit and press
the results of his speculation. If eccle
siastical chaos Is to be avoided. Each
church stands for certain theological
ideas which have given and do glvo that
church Its practical power. No minister
can conslstenly claim freedom to become
the mouthpiece of ideas irreconcilable
with the recognized Ideas of his church.
and still retain official connection. His
first duty Is to step outside the ranks of
the ministry of that church In order to
gain freedom to proclaim his new opin
ions. Common sense, the imperative obli
gations of honor, and due regard to ec
clesiastical order unite In making such
a course of action absolutely necessary.
And. then, what shall be the liberty of
the pulpit today In regard to topics, or
themea? Themes that will absorb a whole
man. compass the universe, shake the
whole fabric of a soul, these are the
themes. Shall political and social science
and race problems furnish subjects? Yes,
everything that belongs to humanity be
longs to the sermon. The pulpit should
take themes that are outspoken, earnest
and against all forms of corruption. Evil
is everywhere, where It attacka man.
there let the pulpit move Its forced Time
enough to talk of peace after tho war Is
over, or rest after the labor la done. We
are to remember that there are no grades
in dishonor, that whatever Is wrong any
where, everywhere. Injures the life of
man. Then take the truth If need be into
-politics. What more Interests men?
What greater arena for falhood. misrep
resentation, selling of manhood, than
there? We are to preach morality, honor.
truth there. We are not to keep still be.
cause' politicians say. "Let the pulpit
mind Its business." This It does when It
demands manhood there; and raecallty
cannot be denounced too strongly. Let the
pulpit so Into the business world and cry
with the old prophet's ring, for righteous
ness; Into print, and condemn the wrong
-which hangs In windows, or Is displayed
in showcases, the books which are. filling
the minds of the young with poison which
ages cannot remove: let the pulpit go
Into social relations wielding Its Influence
against the customs and fashions which
cripple and bund the soul, exposing the In
decent conditions which exk-t and which
lead to ruin and death. Don't champion
the strong and powerful, but reach a
helping hand to the burden-bearing.
So the pulpit should be vigorous and
strong believe Itself and make Itself a
-power not a mere demonstrator of rhot-
oric not like John leaning his head upon
Christ's bosom, but swinging the sword
like Peter, eo near the Christ spirit that
It will not overdo, and having swung, be
ready to swing more. If need be, leaving
.the healing to Christ,
Higher criticism, philosophy, theology,
are all splendid themes; yet of what
moment beside the duty of purifying gov.
eminent, political circles, society, clean
ing out our sweat and policy shops, ex.
terminating the cause of drunkenness.
prostitution, medical malpractice, elevat
ing the tone of society, and ridding the
world of the hells In which millions are
.suffering today. The pulpit should ac-
quaint itself with more of the conditions
of life than It docs. It should know what
to fight, and then fight. The saving of
life ia the preachers business. And now
whero shall we put the emphasis of our
All true preaching must center In Christ,
Dr. van Dyke reminds us "that the cen
tral . message, the core of the preaching
of all the men who have lifted up soclejy
to God and to righteousness, la tho pierc
ing, moving, personal gospel of Jesus
Christ, the Son of God and Savior of
mankind.'" Testimony may have to be
borne against errors of thought and vices
of conduct, encouragement and guidance
have to be given to new efforts of virtue
and new enterprise of benevolence In
every field, but the first and greatest duty
of.every pulpit tho discharge of which Is
to give It influence .over doubting hearts
nnd strength for work. Is simply to preach
Christ. Paul knew how to sweep even-
department of human .thought and con
duct in his preaching; yet his supreme
glory was In the gospel of Jesus Christ.'
But many of our preachers have drift
cd away from Paul's great conception.
and that brings me to two points that I
desire to speak upon before closing this
theme. Let us note two great facts, in
the preaching of today.
First, one of the saddest facts of the
world of the ministry today. Is that a
bastard Christianity has mounted the
pulpit, come to preside over some of our
The second great fact to be noticed In
the preaching of today Is that the pulpit
has made too much an effort to make re
ligion popular. There has been too much
the idea that ministers must put their
ear close to the frround. and then preach
what the people want. It seems to me that
too often our great system of Christian
truth Is sublimated and refined to such
an extent that It has in many cases al
most reachid the vanishing point. Any
thing that Is contrary to what Is called
the spirit of the age." anything that
Jans against what is thought to be "the
sclcntiuc conclusions of our enlightened
century," Js quietly eliminated or ex
plained away. The strong and terrible
words of Jesus, his dear utterances on the
subjects of the deepest and most vital
Import, are tacitly Ignored. What is
pleasant and hopeful In his creed is laid
bold of and dwelt upon; what is hard
and against the grain is shunned.
Friends, the peril of the time, and the
peril of the pulpit is a Bible, with its
Infallibility, its dlvlneness struck out, a
hteology with sin minimized or apologized
for, with the cross reduced to an object
lesson, with culturo substituted for the
work of the spirit, with salntshlp made a
matter chiefly of self-development, retri
bution a figure of speech and the pit of
perdition either lilled up or spanned with
a bow of hope.
The fact is. If we are to fill a place in
God's plan of helping men, we must pre
sent the gospel Just as it is. A world
groaning In pain; the God of this world
with the race In his grasp, under his Iron
yoke our hope is not in tho wisdom of
this world, which is foolishness, but in
the cross, which is the wisdom and power
of God unto salvation.
A minister's ear must be open to God's
call, not to tne people's, for his commis
sion Is to represent truth that often cuts
like a knife the heart and conscience of
the hearers before him. There has been
too much gushing on the part of the pul
pit over books and essays, and there has
been a ministry unto a sort of good-fellow
ship rather than unto salvation.
It is time to stop fooling with our mis
sion, and If there be any reality in God's
work and kingdom, find it and preach it
with all our might. It is this kind of
preaching that will save our people from
going over to Christian Science and kin
dred superficial beliefs. What we need
to do to save the people la more doctrinal
preaching, that shall be clear-cut. and
well defined, and full of the Spirit of God.
Then, where shall we put the emphasis
of our preaching? The time is short.
Nations are born in a day. Great ques
tions crowd for solution. The church,
unless she Increases her power, cannot
maintain her position. In some denoml
nations churches have been dying faster
than they are being born. While we are
absorbed in formulating theories, as to
inspiration, while we are criticising, the
people are going wrong.
Dr. Lyman Beecher used to tell a story
of an old preacher who delivered six ser
mons on Melchlsedek, and closed the last
sermon with these words: And so wo see.
brethren, we don't know who Melschlsedlk
was. nnd 'taln't no matter." Well, there
are some things that do not matter so
much as some other things. It doesn t
matter so very much who was the author
of the Levlttcal translation. For myself
I believe the Pentateuch was Mosaic; my
brother believes it to be a mosaic. Re.
llgton docs not stand or fall with cither
it matters little whether me statement
that the sun stood still at Joshua's com
inand is' bad poetry or incredible prose.
It matters little who was Cain's wife the
race is here. It matters little' whether
Isaiah was one man or five men. "It is
easier to believe in two Harpers than two
Isaiahs." It matters little whether Ba
lam's ass spoke, the ass being a prophet.
as some one has said, only because the
prophet had become an ass. It Is not
of supreme Importance to quarrel over
whether Jonah was swallowed by a whale
or whether Samson was a sun myth.
The fact is the Bible-needs no more im
pedlmenta; ft needs equipment. It needs
no more scribes and lawyers, and anti
quarians and relic-hunters, polemics, con.
traversallsts and general busybodlea. It
needs heralds; it needs men who, instead
of raking over the ashes of the past, are
enlisted for the nobler and more pressing
duty of fighting the enemies of God and
of presenting Jesus Christ as a Savior
from sla.
There arc things we know, and upon
these we must take our stand and preach
Christ. For Instance, the extreme critics
of the Bible have agreed that a certain
portion of the New Testament Is irrefut
able: that Romans, Galatians, and the
two Corinthians are genuine and authen
tic; that criticism must yield them the
place they claim.
But, says Dr. Day, "an admission
that such an Important part of the Bible
is true is fatal to the whole criticism.
so far as essentials go. For upon that
one port the preacher takes his stand and
proves the essential teachings of the
whole book. The part is the demonstra
tion of the whole. Give us an arc and
we have the entire magnitude of the
sphere or circle of which It is a part.'
Christ and his disciples testify of Moses
end the prophets. The circle that passes
Calvary falls over the peaks of Blnal,
Includes the outer borders of Eden, passes
down under the tombs of the prophet and
comes up beneath the graves of our loved
ones and sscends beyond the judgment
that John saw and Joins the point of de
parture at the throne of an ascended and
trlumDhant Redeemer.
We have enough in the part, for that
one part contains the plan of salvation.
Here In the one thing we have the In
carnation, the atoning death, the resur
rection of Christ, the hope of immortality,
Let man dispute about the two ends of
the Bible if in the middle they leave us
the gospel.
Some men are questioning Genesis and
Deuteronomy and others cannot under
stand the Revelation of vials and beast
and angel. The two ends of the book may
be a mystery. But what of it! we see a
rainbow of a Summer afternoon. We.
canno( find the beginning of it oa yonder
'A l SI '
They Lived Xcnr Pendleton Mining
Property Said to Be In Wyoming
Girl Said to Ue Crazy.
COLUMBUS. Mont.. Feb. S.-(Speclal.)
A man giving the name of Garland rind
stopping at the Steinman ranch, tells a
strange story of the disappearance of a
crippled sister from a point In Oregon.
He claims Pendleton. Or., as his home,
and says he is tracing his sister.
Accprdlng to his story. Garland and his
sister had a competency. Six years ago
Garland went to travel In foreign coun
tries, leaving his crippled sister in the
care of a lira Kecd, who had nursed her
for yearn.
At the time of Mrs. Reed's marriage
Garland and his sister presented her and
her husband with lOu head of cattle as a
token of appreciation for her yenrs of
faithful service.
Mr. Garland soon left for an extended
trip, feeling that his sister was safe In
care of Mrs. Reed. Tha ylrl wrote reg
ularly to her absent brother until about
a year ago. when her letters suddenly
When Mr. Garland returned to Pendle
ton he found that both the girl and the
Reeds had disappeared, no one knew
where, and that $27,000 which his sister
had had deposited in a bank had all been
withdrawn. It was ascertained that some
years ago Reed brought the cattle which
had been presented to him east, and Gar
land started on the trail. He traced the
bunch of cattle as far as Big Timber.
Mont. It had been Joined to another
bunch at that place and driven on east.
He came to Columbus, hoping to pick
up some Information concerning the cat
tle. George Latham told Garland that
lAtn nnit titrrrocTO tKnf n hilt ba
curing Ji.OCO.CCO be Introduced in the Leg
l'ortlnutl, Die In Mexico.
aav mnrmn nr in nonin nr .Mrs. Kr
Cranston, wife of Bishop Cranston.
had lived In Portland for nearly ttvt
years, and the news of her sudden uemtei
or rnends.
Church, and her hU3band was bishop
this division. She was at the time of hei
enthusiastic worker In the society;
-in'ii uiiu .) l 1 Li. Lmnsinn rame it
irutlt In thd nli.nt t 1ftiV
a.Jl-j vniuu IMUtv III X Ul klit 1111. nUIIlM LIIII
the night of February 7
and her husband to mourn her loss. Thi
r. . . ... . i : eiutrst oi in? MmLcnins is irs Krnn
nprn nr tti nnnn- nnrn srmvpu inio : - -
Nichols field and died. The brand was
found to be the same as that on the cat-
tlo given to Reed.
At Absarokee the chain of evidenco was
mnilo complete by two men from Wyo
ming, one a Deputy Sheriff, the other
i Pat Welch. Welch said he helped to drive
the herd to a point In Wyoming, where
the owner of the cattle now Uvea under
tho name of Gleason. Both the Deputy
Sheriff and Welch stated that there, la a
girl at the Gleason place, who is kept
locked In a room, the Gleasons claiming
sho Is insane. '
land for burial.
Citizens Adopt Resolutions and the
Only Competent Unclnecr IleaiKns.
GRANTS PASS, Or., Feb. 8. (Special.)
I The Board of Trade and citizens of
Grant's Pass met and adopted resolutions
urging the County Commissioners to hurry
with the work of repairing the Roguo
River bridge, and as a result Chairman
Lovelace, of the commissioners, has re-
I signed, and the county finds Itself with
out a competent man to take charge of
the work. Nearly three weeks ago the
south approach to the big bridge here
Xctts of Many Years Ago.
New York Sun.
Fifth and sixth avenues. In New York, re
centlv. to make room for the erection o
one of the cornerstones a sealed lead box
Tn It .na n Ann. . V. C.n TiUMAn.
ber u, ISIS, one or two other newspapers.
sermon delivered in 1812 by the Rev. N. J
Marselus on the occasion of his 20th an
Reformed Church, a Bible and a hymnal
il,IUll, U L . 4 . 11.1 . 1 . V. ....... -J ua
.1 ay,, v.... nr --.'. I c.l
I 11 11 1,1 . 1111111 1 .1 1 11111 1 1 .111. 1J U U 1 U 11
. ..II .it t. .v.. rr .1 ' 1. .1.
U 1,1 I 1 1 l,i III". 1 1 1 tl f in,ll 11. LCT1C. 1 ii 1, ,1 Ull
guncotton, with the last making some In
terestlng experiments"; that the wires o
not In working order, owing to the sub
progress, and that a meeting would
held on December 6 "In Hall's Exchange
was washed out, and since that time both
the town and county have been greatly In-, FuUon Cranberry streets, Brooklyn
uui larm prouucis, anu many in uie court- starvnfj jn Ireland.
in inn nnrpniqinir f-nin m n t rn. .pw nr
try arc unable to procure the absolute
necessaries of life.
It will require four to six weeks to get
the bridge repaired, and. in view of the
I fact that the county In general would
not be able to get along without Its use
that long, the citizens of his city have
gone to work and will put in a tempo
rary structure sufficient to allow tho
patelng of teams until tho main' structuro
I can be repaired. The Southern Pacific
Company has lent the necessary big tim
bers, and work- will begin by tomorrow.
By Thursday it is hoped to have the tem
porary span completed. At the present
time pedestrians cross by a footbridge, tho
mall to Crescent City and William's Val
ley being taken over In this way.
smallpox has been entirely stamped out
IV. (.111. lUllllUdU. 1IIL11 lull L V CE.l 1, C
York and Otlsvllle, announced to passen
. t . . . T .1 , . nMA .Mln .1.11.. aw
1 1 1 11,111 1,1 Lilt? 1,111 1 11 II, 1.1 ,11117 ninu
A Plebeian Pass Took tlir Prise.
Cincinnati Commercial-Tribune.
..... i . .
nere. inose wno were in wim tno mnianv I .i ... . . t .
nnvn T 1 1 1 H- M.nvftnrl nnrt fhn nitar-inMnA . - . - -
has been raised. The disease was brought I
to this city by a stranger.
Improvement Estimates for HntTnll.
HONOLULU. Feb. -Superintendent
company, thought that It would be
inrin Willi look ill in lo I ill" iiill snow a.
niiriii"iiiinr.ii nail, w 1 1 1 1 tne resuiL 111,1
cat In tho exhibition.
hillside. It eludes us. We cannot locate
the other end of It in that meadow. When
we seek it it la gone. But above our heads
is the perfect arch, full and radiant with
matchless beauty and perfection, con
taining all the colors that shine through
out the entire length.
The two ends of the Bible may be In
volved in some perplexing questions, but
there Is an arch that springs above our
heads so clear as to confound its enemies.
so full and perfect, so containing all the
essential truths of revelation that wo
point to it proudly and exclaim: "In the
top of that bow we have all the colors
that can be found in any part of it. See
blended there a creator's power and a
father's love, the transparency of a
Saviour's character, the crimson of his
merit, the purple of his kingship."
Sometimes I think we ministers forget
that Christianity says a man may be for
given his sins, and then that his neighbor
can, and so on until out of all this comes
the verdict that the gospel of Jesus Christ
is the power of God unto salvation unto
to every one that bellevetu.
For some reason tne cnurcn ana tne
ministry Is always drifting away from
this great truth. We make our schools
and out from these come our scholars.
and they begin critical discussions of the
the most momentous crises the world
and the church have ever seen.
It was that consummate master of mili
tary tactics. Napoleon, who said, "The
army that stays in its Intrenchments is
beaten." And so the church that through
its minister's influence Is living on the
past, .that Is sleepy and unaggressive, that
la listening to tho voices of those who
pretend to know more than Christ knew,
that has lost Its convictions of truth and
Its passion for souls. Is already defeated.
It has lowered its flag and hetrayed Us
commander, and ought to close up Its
doors and go out of business.
"In the State of Oregon there are more
than 500 evangelical preachers." says Dr,
made a cemetery if tho owners conclude
to make this use of It. Some of the
property-owners say that they aro not
alarmed over the procpects of having a
graveyard east of Montavllla.
Members of Portland City Conncll
Retnrn From l'oset Sonnd.
books and details of tho Bible, and they I grand, glorious gospel of Jesus Christ.
Eight of the nine members of the Coun
cil who went to Seattle and Tacoma
Thursday to Inspect the street improve
ments in those cities, returned home last
nlcht The absentee was Mr. Cardwell.
A smaller number than that who. In his haste to catch the train, for-
held the pass at Thermopylae. A smaller got his baggage and had to make a trip
number than that captured the heights , to the hotel.
at Lookout Mountain. A smaller number J The Councllmen epoke of the hearty
than that under the leadership of Chalm- I welcome which was extended to them by
ers marched out of the established church 1 the members of the Seattle and Tacoma
to make a free church. A smaller number municipal bodies. "At the station they
than that of Waldenses fought their way were met by President Parry and Council
back under Arnaud. through incredible man RInehart. and were escorted to the
hardships to recapture the Piedmont Seattle Hotel, where roorns had been re
valleys for liberty and truth. This num- served for them. In the morning they wero
ber is seven times the seventy and forty taken through the city and given an op
tlmes the twelve. It Is five times the nortunlty to Inspect the pavements which
number that came In the Mayflower. Five have been and are about to be laid. City
hundred men commissioned to preach the Engineer Elliott was particularly inter
What would happen If these EOO all of
us had lived up to our privilege anx
command? Let us have at the beginning
of this new century one blazing genera-
"A friend found Lowell studying Dante,
and said to him: 'Still studying Dante?
'Yes. said the poet, 'always Dante.'
So with us, let it always be studying the
Master. Here, then. In this sacred place
remove themselves, gradually little Dy
little, until at last there grow up certain
conceits, and there are certain theories'
promulgated, and men write books, make
doctrines, formulate creeds and put theso
things into the world, tralnloads of them,
and after a time they aro accepted as
proof, as the conclusion concerning the
teachings of Christ in the world. Men
who are called into the ministry are in
oculated In these things and preach them
without studying carefully the fundamen
tals themselves.
But have you noticed that after a time
the people come back from such cencep-
tlons? There Is & readjustment. While
these things stand out against mountain
heights of Intellectual conception, great
summits of philosophical speculation, great
high ranges of scholarship and the church
and the ministry la getting chilled and
cold and the vapors aro rising around the
heights, the people gather in their prayer
rooms, and the first thing you know a
thousand men and women are saved from
sin. and there Is a great revival move
ment going on.
Do you want proof that tna gospel of
Christ is the one great theme for you to
preach? Look into the. eyes of S men of his glory; obey him upon earth as the
intelligent and keen, who have passed , angels do In heaven; obey him as sons of
from death unto life through your preach- God here until we see him as he is yon-
Ing, and it win ce more to you than all ' der; obey him by night, by day; on land.
ested In these Improvements, and he. made
a careful study of the Alcatraz asphalt
nnd vitrified brick work on First and Sec
ond avenues and on Pike street, where the
severest testg have been given them. AH
To thoroughly and permanently cure a
patient is the greatest possible satisfac
tion to us. Wo would rather treat a pa
tlent'at a positive loss of money and time
than to dismiss him uncured. It is and
has been our policy to accept no case un
less we have entire confidence In our abil
ity to cure, and do positively cure every
case that we accept. Because wo have
acquired a thorough knowledge of man's
ailments and have devised original and ab
solutely scientific methods of treating
them, we can and do cure cases that oth
ers have failed to cure. Therefore, those
who have been disappointed In their ef
forts to obtain a cure should not hesitate
to consult us. Our practice has grown, ba
cause we have treated every patient with
the utmost consideration and regard for
his interests.
tlon of ministers who shall be obedient to these pavements were satisfactory to the
Of the government of tho three cities
Portland, Seattle and Tacoma President
Zimmerman had a very decided opinion.
Tacoma. he said, la the best-governed
city In the country- By a system of tax-
and this holy hour let us clasp hands in atton of gambling the city derived a reve
falthful pledge that we will obey him, nue of JG3.O0O a year,
as wo come and as we go. as we meet "And that money." said Mr. Zimmerman,
and as we separate, obey him until men , nays for street-cleaning. The streets are
are dazzled In their hearts and see onco flushed every night with the unused hose
more a great light shining before them; of the Fire Department, and they are
obey him until cities and towns shall say made as clean as a whistle."
he is come; obey him until strong men Asked about tho macadam-asphalt pave-
shall crown him, weary women shall fall ments. City Engineer Elliott had nothing
at bis feet and little children fly to his to say, but as to the street Improvement
arms; obey hltn until he sits upon every matter, he said he would prepare a re
throne and rules tho world; obey him until port and present It to the Council In a
sirne nas ceasea anu peace has come; few days.
obey him until wrong Is dethroned and
Christ is crowned, until tho oppressor I sndden Death or An Old Soldier.
rv ami tna w rT niit-Ann la .till -if .
obev him until there Is no heathen world. ' PAYETTE, Idaho. Feb. 7.-SpecIal.)-
j until the earth Is filled with the knowledge
the proof of reason and analogy that
have ever been forged on the anvil of
Men of the profoundest scholarship are
not the men to whom we should look. We
should look to saved sinners. If I can have
the latter you may take all the critics
and go where you please with them, but
leave me the toller who has round Jesus.
Leave me the blacksmith, the mason, the
carpenter, the mechanic, the clerk or the
merchant; leave me tno lawyer, tne doc
tor, with the experience In his heart of
the power of Jesus Christ: leave me the
student whose heart has found God, and
who Is not applying the rational test
theory, for all these will bring me peace
and power in Jesus Christ.
The opportunity Is before us; we may
put the emphasis on life, on soul saving,
on character building, on the great eternal
verities of sin and salvation and im
mortality, and win: or on theoretical
and unessential things, and lose, stulti
fying ourselves In the presence of one or
on sea; In life, in death, until we stand
at last on the heights as yet unreached
ana cost our crowns oerore mm.
Xesrotlntlons Under Way for
Acres East of Jlontavllln.
Negotiations are In progreftj to secure
100 acrto of land east of Montavllla, in
cluding the Mansfield tract, to establish
a, large cemetery. Tho Mansfield tract
contains SO acres, but 100 acres are wanted.
It was said yesterday by- E. N. Stevens, of
Mount Tabor, that the prcepects are fav
orable that the whole number of acres
wanted will be secured, and that a cem
etery will be established.
There is some opposition in the neigh
borhood to a cemetery being established
there, but this opposition has not yet as
sumed formidable proportions. It will
George Taylor, of Coldwater, Mich., who
came here several weeks ago, died at his
brother's residence today at 3 P. M. The
deceased came here for the benefit of his
health and had Intended to go on to tho
Coast. He was an old soldier, and the
William T. Sherman G. A. R. Post of this
place Is caring for his remains until his
friends can be neara trom. v . H. Taylor.
his brother, left about 10 days ago for
Idaho City, and has not been heard from.
although efforts have been made to notify
him of his brothers tleatn.
Tlx-Gov. Stanley In Datrct' Place.
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Feb, 8. A special
to tho Journal from Medicine Lodge. Kan.,
Ex-Governor- W. E. Stanley today ac
cepted the position as a member of the
Dawes Commission onerea mm by Presi
dent Roosevelt. He fills the vacancy
caused by the death of Mr. Dawes, after
whom the commiselon was named.
Fire Loss of '00,000.
PETERSBURG, Ont., Feb. 8. Fire here
hardly bp able to prevent the Jand being in this city. Loss, x,CW.
To produce temporary activity of
the functions In cases of so-calltftl
"weakness" Is a simple matter,
but to permanently restore strength
and vigor Is a problem that but few
physicians have solved. We never
treat for'temporary effects. Under
our system of treatment, every bit
of Improvement is a part of a per
manent cure. Though other phy
sicians have, through our success
in effecting permanent cures, been
convinced of the fact that prema
tureness. loss of power, etc!, are
but symptoms resulting frcm chron
ic inflammation or congestion In
the prostate gland, none have as
yet been able to duplicate our cures.
Our system of combined local
treatment Is the only effective
means yet known for restoring the
prostate gland to Its normal state,
which always results In full and
complete return of strength ar.d
visor. Such a cure Is absolutely
permanent, because the condition
responsible for the functional dis
order Is entirely removed. It Is tne
only kind of a cure a patient de
sires, nnd Is the only kind of a cure
we treat for.
Specific Blood Poison
We cure this leprous disease com
pletely. The system Is thoroughly
cleansed and every poisonous taint
removed. The last zymptom van
ishes to appear no more, and all
Is accomplished by the use of harm
less blood-cleansing remedies.
Contracted Disorders
We have reduced the time re
quired for curing contracted disor
ders about one-half. This Is an
Important achievement. It replaces
danger with safety. It forestalls
chronic complications. It removes
the Infection and Inflammation be
fore that vital center, the prostate
gland, can become Involved. Very
frequently It means the difference
between perfect health and a life
time of misery and functional
weakness. Our method Is ours
alone, and our treatment Is origi
nal; In some features It resembles
the ordinary: in Its chief essentials
It Is different. In results It Is en
tirely different. It Is safe, prompt
and thorough.
Some deformities and disorders
render circumcision advisable, and
In all such cases we offer a service
not to be had elsewhere. Our
method of pcrfomlmr this operation
is absolutely painless, and the pa
tient need not be detained from hla
business a single day, nor Is there
necessity for further.calls for hav
ing the wound dressed. So care
fully and neatly Is the work ddne
that a single dressing Is sufficient.
We Invite all Interested In circum
cision to consult us.
HOURS 9 TO 5 AND 7 TO 8; SUNDAYS, 10 TO 12.
Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co.
14SK Sixth Street, cor. Alder, Portland, Or.