THE MORNING OREGONIAN. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY G, 190S. DEBATE ON TRUSTS House Begins Considering - Littlefield's Bill. HURRY-UP BILL PASSED FIRST TJnder Ttule Hcntrlctinc Speeches, the Ilonsc nt Llmt Get to Huslncss Foncn Say it Tariff ricvinlon Is Jfo Ilemed j Clnj ton. AnTrcm. The antitrust-bill debate which opened the House yesterday did not develop much animation, although .there was a fairly larse attendance in the galleries. The rule under which the Houco was to operate, however, precipitated a lively dlfcwelon. The Democrats pro tected 'lecrouelr against the rule be cause it did not permit them to secure a record vote on a substitute. The bill to expedite antitrust prosecu tions occasioned no debate. It passed the House, as it did the Senate Tester day, without a word of debate. Powr (Ilep.. Mass.) made the open In? argument for his side of the House on the Judiciary Committee bill, and Clayton (Dem.) opened for his side. The others peakers were Thomas (Rep., N. C) and Talbert (Dem.. N. C). The postofnee appropriation bill was passed before the trust bills were taken up. .The antitrust debate will be resumed today. WASHINGTON. Feb. 5. Grosvenor. from the committee on rules presented to the House today the special order for the consideration of the anti-trust bills. It provides for the consideration of both the bills to expedite cases under the Sherman law and tho Llttlefleld publicity bill. Underwood (Dem. Ala.) urged the Houso to vote down the previous question on the rule, so as to afford an opportunity to emend it. Grosvenor said the terms of tho rule were by no means unprecedented. The majority, he said, would be held responsi ble for whatever legislation -was enacted, and that responsibility It was willing to assume. The Democratic position, ho said, could be developed In committee of the whole. He was wllllnsr that tho coun try should see the differences between the conservatism of the bills to be presented And the radicalism of the opposition. "If you are certain that we shall offer radical amendments, are you not willing to co on record against our folly?" asked Thayer (Mass.). "We ore not willing to take up the time of the House," answered Grosvenor, "to allow some Individual gentleman on the other side to make his own platform. When any respectable number on the other sldo get together, we will be willing to meet them here or elsewhere," Clayton (Dem. Ala.) thereupon an nounced that If It were a matter of saving the time of the House he was willing to surrender an hour which had been allotted him for debato If the other sido would permit the minority to qffer a substitute or make a single motion to recommit. "Tho gentleman knows I have no power to accede to such an arrangement." said Grosvenor. "and if I had I would not do It." Tho rule was then adopted. 10 to 107 a strictly party vote. In accordance with the provision of the rule, the Senate bill to expedite cases un der the anti-trust law first was laid be fore tho House. Llttlefleld offered a' ver bal amendment to make It conform to the bill as reported from the Judiciary com mittee, and It was adopted. The bill then was passed without a word of debate. Under the rules, the House then re solved Itself Into committee of the whole and took up the publicity bill. It Tiavlng been agreed that Llttlefleld should -control the time on one side and De Armond on the other. The rule Is for ten hours' general debato and three hours under tho five-minute rule, at the end of which time the previous question Is to be considered as ordered on the bill and pending amend ments to its passage. Xot a Party Measure. Powers (Rep. Mass.) opened the debate. He declared the pending bill was not a party measure. Both sides of the Judi ciary committee, he said, had labored earnestly on the subject of trust legisla tion. For 15 years there has been a grow. Ing and increasing demand for some act for the control of the great Industrial com binations. Free and un trammeled com petition did not exist The public was convinced that the great transportation companies gave favors to tho large pro ducers which the small producers did not enjoy. The pending bill, he said, might be entitled properly "A bill to defend tho American people In their industrial lib erty." The combination of .industry, ho Bald, was. the result 'of an economic evo lution and could not be stopped. All that could be done was to Insist that these combinations should be kept well within certain limits; that no advantage over its smaller competitors should be allowed tho big corporation In the shipment of goods. He believed there was no trust that could not be reached under the commerce clause of tho Constitution. The proposition of the other side to reach the trust by removing the tariff, he said, was futile, since there are trusts In 169 articles on the free list. In this con nection. Powers said he-believed the time had come when there should be a general revision "of the tariff on other grounds, not as a remedy to regulate trusts. In concluding. Powers pointed out tho fact that there was a growing socialistic sentiment In this country, as evidenced by the Increased vote of the party In Massa chusetts last Autumn from 4000 to 40,093. There were, he said, many Intelligent peo ple who believed the Government should proceed to take charge of the railroads and other means of Interstate commerce. It was Important, ho said, that these peo ple should be made to understand by the enactment of a bill like the pending one that Congress proposed to hold these gi gantic combinations in check. Use Toxins Power. Clayton of Alabama, a member of tho Judiciary committee, who followed Pow ers, agreed with him that there had been no politics in the consideration of the sub ject of regulating trusts In the commit tee, but be Insisted that the methods pro posed by Republicans and Democrats dif fered radically. He and his associates, ho said, believed that, in addition to the In terstate commerce clause of the Constitu tion, the taxing powers directly and In the levying of customs duties could be and should be Invoked. His side was not op posed to publicity, but they did not regard It as a cure. Clayton created much amuse ment by recalling the attitude of the Re publicans on the trust questions in the 56th Congress, when they Insisted that they were powerless to deal with the question without Constitutional amendment. He predicted that "corporate greed" would never permit certain sections of the pend ing bill to become a law. In conclusion. Clayton described the pending bill as tho "soothing stroke or a friendly hand. What the Democrats wanted was action that would mean something. When the corcmlttaA am tVu. T-ai. dent's veto of the bill to establish addi tional terms oi court in the western Ju dicial district of South Carolina was read. When the House met today the question was on the motion of Talbert (S. C) to amend the motion of Underwood (Ala.) to recommit the postofnee appropriation bill so as to add .Instructions to the com mittee to eliminate the appropriations for special faclltles from Washington to New Orleans, and from Kansas City to New ton, Kan. Talbcrt's amendment was voted down. 100 to UL Underwood's motion then was defeated without division, and the bill was passed. HItt (HI.) presented the conference re port on the diplomatic and consular ap propriation bill, and It was adopted. The Army general staff bill was sent to conference. Hull (la.). Parker (N. J.) and Sulzer (N. Y.) were named as con ferees. Klutz (N. C) then announced the death of his colleague. .Moody, which occurred yesterday at Waynesvllle, N. C Appro priate resolutions were adopted, a com mittee appointed to attend the funeral, and, at 5:10. as a further mark of respect, the House adjourned. SEW BAMCITUPTCY LAW SIGNED. It Relieve Conditions anil Provides New SnfcfirunrJ Anlnst Fraud. WASHINGTON, Feb. S. The President today signed the bill which amends the bankruptcy law of 1SSS. The bill modifies the existing law In sev eral Important particular, the principal one of which is a provision in regard to pi ef erred creditors. Under the existing law, those who had received payments from a person who had soon afterward been declared a bankrupt could not have other claims posted upon without sur rendering the amount received. This pro vision was modified so as to allow the creditors to retain the money received un less the payment was fraudulent. This change is in conformity with a decision of the Supreme Court. Another amendment provides four new objections to a discharge, intended to prevent persons from going through bank ruptcy, the most Important of which are the giving of a falee mercantile statement and the making of a fraudulent transfer of property. The bill nlso irovIdes that It shall be an objection to a discharge If a voluntary bankrupt seeks to go through bankruptcy more thin once In six years. Another amendment provides that the ap pointment of a receiver for a corporation which Is Insolvent Is an act of bank ruptcy entitling the creditors to choose til el r own trustees. Another Important change Is one which gives the 'Federal Court concurrent Juris diction of suits to recover property which has been fraudulently transferred. Other amendments allow the wives of bankrupts to testify In the proceedings: provide for an Increase of the fees of referees and trustees to an average of about SO per cent over the' fees allowed by the present law, and prohibit the courts from allowing greater fees than the law permits In any case, and add to the list of debts from which a bankrupt cannot be relieved by a discharge from bankruptcy. The new liw Includes debts to wife and children and alimony. The list of corporations which may go Into" bankruptcy Is in creased by adding mining corporations. WERE REDEU BOUGHT OFPf Metgun Wants to Know How Colom bian Revolution Ended. WASHINGTON. Feb. 5.-Senator Mor gan today Introduced a resolution ask ing the Secretary of the Navy to supply to the Senate copies of -any correspond ence that may have occurred between the naval officers of the United States and persons on shore In Colombia during the recent stay of American vessels In Co lombian waters. Morgan' a purpose Is to ascertain whether there is truth In the report that the American Naval officers made an offer of 3,000,000 to the revolutionists to desist. He calls attention to the fact that the first treaty which the United- States 1 sought to negotlato with Colombia for the construction of the canal called for 'jT.fl&aiOOO; whereas the treaty really nego tiated calls for $10,000,000. the difference being the amount Involved In the reports concerning the offers to the insurgenta. In rjn 1 ry Into Coal Transportation. WASHINGTON, Feb. 5. The subcom mittee of the House committee oh mer chant marine and fisheries, of which Rep resentative Llttlefleld Is chairman, and which was charged with an Investigation of the subject of coal transportation, made an Informal report to the full com mute today on the heating recently held in Boston. Mr. Llttlefleld Informed the committee of the facts developed by the testimony tHus far taken without express ing an opinion. The subcommittee was authorized to continue Its investigation and to visit such cities as may be deemed necessary. The subcommittee will go to New York and Philadelphia to take fur ther testimony. r Acrree on JndKesVSnlnrles. WASHINGTON. Feb. 5. The conferees of the two houses on the bill increasing the salaries of the United States Judges reached un agreement today generally ac cepting the salaries fixed by the bill as It passed the House. It fixes the salary of the Chief Justice at 113,000. and of As sociate Justices at $12,500 each; of Circuit Judges at $7009, and of District Judges at $0000. Oppose Alaskan Treaty. WASHINGTON. Feb. -During the past two days President Roosevelt has had several conferences with prominent Senators concerning the status of the Alaskan boundary treaty, and the .Presi dent has been Informed that the oppon-i cnts of the treaty will not permit that it be ratified. Working; to Break Deadlock. WASHINGTON, Feb. 5. There was more talk today about a compromise on the statehood bill. Prominent Republican Senators were quite active in efforts to break the deadlock, and several confer ences wero held, but nothing definite was determined on. Quay for Soldiers' Home Board. WASHINGTON, Feb. 6. A resolution was adopted by the House committee on military affairs today recommending the appointment of Senator Quay as a mem ber of the board of managers for the Na tional Soldiers' Home to fill the existing vacancy. Convention of Republican Editors. WASHINGTON, Feb. 5. The National convention of Republican State Editorial .Associations of the United States will meet In annual seseion here February 26 and February 27. The convention will be welcomed by Senator Depew, who will also give the delegates a reception at his residence. At the business session, there will be an Informal talk by Senator Hanna. Perry & Heath, of the Salt Lake Tribune, secretary of the Republican Na tional Committee, will speak on "News paper Work la Politics." May Have Revolt In Urujruay. NEW YORK, Feb. B. The election of a new president Is becoming a serious mat ter, says the Herajd's Montevideo corre spondent. The National party has decided not to vote for Senator Manneachen, the official candidate. An official organ says the Nationalists have established a Junta In Buenos Ayres and are preparing a rev olutionary movement. The Uruguayan government has taken energetic measures and Is holding troops under arms to crush a rebellion. Sheriff Arrests 'Putrlllits. DENVER, Feb. 5. A special to the Re publican from Grand Junction,' Colo., says: The 20-round bout between Kid Clover, of the Northwest, and Will Jen kins, of California, scheduled for tonight, was not permitted by the Sheriff. All the participants were arrested and will be prosecuted. Maurice Gran Is Worse. NEW YORK. Feb. B.-iIauric Grau, the operatic manager who has been suffering from shock caused by a carriage accident, was worse today. POWER OF MORMONISftl SEXATOnS DEBATE ITS BEARING OJf STATEHOOD. AntUPolysramy Amendment May Be Adopted President of Church Controls Candidates for Office. Discussion of the statehood bill in the Senate yesterday turned on the ques tion of polrzamy. and a( number of Senators participated. Galllnrer, replying to McComas. said, that he was -m -favor of an amendment to the statehood bill covering the ques tion of polygamy as strongly and firmly as possible. The Influence of the Mormon Church over polities occupied a large and harp debate. Hale characterized the debate as lnterestinc, valuable and startling, because it had disclosed a powerful religious organization "exert ing Itself as a dominant, Totentlal force" over the mind and action of Its followers, which should be taken Into account In f utcre' legislation. Before Kean resumed his speech la opposition to the bill the Senate went Into executive session, and adjourned a few minutes afterward. WASHINGTON, Feb. 5. During the con sideration of morning business In tho "Senate, today a bill was passed authoriz ing the Pittsburg. Carnegie & vestern Railroad Company to construct a bridge across tho Alleghany River at Pittsburg. Quay then objected to tho passage of any further bills by unanimous consent. McCumber C. D.) moved to consider the pure food bill passed by the House, and on an aye and no vote the motion prevailed. 40 to 18. The bill was read, and an amendment was agreed to providing that nothing in the act should be held to apply to sub stances or materials manufactured and sold exclusively for use In the arts and Industries, but only when manufactured and solds as drugs or, foods. Consideration was not concluded' at 1 o'clock, when the statehood bill came be fore the Senate. The debate turned on polygamy. McComas started It yesterday by criticising the pending bill as being too liberal. Galllnger. replying today, said he was willing that as strong an amend ment as could be drawn prohibiting po lygamy should be Inserted In the bill. Hale cltitlctsed th.e exercise of power by the Mormon church. Warren asserted that the Mormons exercised no control In his state. Dubois declared that no polygamist could occupy any high political place with out the consent of the first presidency of the Mormon church. The same Influence, he said, was exercised in New Mexico and Arizona. He said that Idaho could con trol the Mormon people whenever It so de sired. If the Mormon people should open ly, through their first presidency, interfere In the politics of Idaho, he would guaran tee to take the stump and disfranchise every Mormon In one campaign. Hale replied that the matter was a dark clement that could not be penetrated by the light that usually Illuminates and en lightens communities generally .in the states. Teller said that the Mormon church is all-powerful, and that whenever it spoke through Its first presidency the great body of the church responded to the de mand that was made. Rawlins (Utah) sp'oko of the proclama tion of' the head of the 3Ionnon church in 1SS0. declaring that there should be a cessation of polygamy and that the Mor mon church should be taken out of poll-' tics and that Mormons -were free to ex press their political preference ns they saw fit. . Thereupon, he said, opposition to the admission of Utah as a state was removed. Ho declared, however, that the Mormon church influence In politics In Utah Is still an Important, factor. Spdoncr Inquired if It was true tbit the first presidency could dictate whether or URGED AS DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR PRESI DENT IN 1904. CIirEF-JTJSTTCE1 ALTOJT B. PARKER, OP THE YEW YORK COCRT OF APPEALS. not a Mormon should hold a public polit ical office. Mr. Dubois answered the ques tion by stating that no Mormon would run for a high political office without the con sent of the flrat presidency. v Rawlins said that, when the approval is given, the man goes forth with the bene diction of the church. "While the other man," Interjected Mr. Hale, "rests under the frown of the church?" Rawlins, replying to Hale,, said he did not know that this was the case with any other church. Answering Spooner, Rawlins said he did, not care to enter 'upon the question as to' whether the full scope of the power of the Mormon church ever came to the knowledge of the public. Rawlins declared that there was a large element which would overthrow, the church domination in the affairs of the state, because it was obnoxious to them. The disposition to do this, he said. Is growing, and in Utah conditions were im proving. Replying to McComas, he ad mitted that a majority of tho Legislature V- are members of the Mormon church, al though, he said, they have not discrimi nated against non-Mormons on religious grounds. Hale remarked that So, debate had been Interestingly valuable and startling. It had disclosed, he said, a powerful religious organization exerting Itself as a dominant potential force over the mind and action of Its followers. "It la. the power to bind and, loose." he said, "if thero Is anything In the spirit of American institutions. It is." he con tinued, "that it' is never permissible on the part of the authorities of religious or ganizations to exercise control In temporal matters over Its followers and to Influence elections. This day has not been III spent," he declared. "In bringing out conditions that obtain where tho Mormon church has secured its" lodgment." He said the lessons taught ought to sink into tho minds of Senators and should be taken Into account In future legislation. Patterson of Colorado said the chief de sire of tho Mormons is to remain in favor with the party In power. Patterson de clared that If any sect was large enough and strong enough to become a factor In the political life of tho country, that church would pursue tho same course as the Mormon church. McComas cited ,the law making Utah a state, and said that. If tho (Mormons "could be rid of this dark shadow, they would reap the rewards of their toll and of their trials. The abolition of polygamy and the domination of a secret hierarchy would meet with the applause and ap proval of our people." Quay said he "was not Just now pre pared or authorized" to accept an amend ment to the bill embodying the Edmunds law and applying it to -Arizona and New Mexico. The best way to settle that question, he said, was to fix a day for a vote on the bill. McComas, continuing, characterized the prohibition as contained In the Utah en abling act as an Impotent pretense- of re striction without any legal efficacy. He hoped Congress would not -pass such a bill and thus be recreant to the moral sentiment of our country and mankind. Kean, who had yielded the floor to first one Senator and then another during the entire day, started to continue his remarks begun yesterday, when the Senate at 4:30 P . M. went Into executive session and at 5:40 P. M. adjourned until tomorrow. SAME IN ALL STATES. Anti-Trust Bill Approved by Roose velt for All LeRlsIntnres. i DENVER, Feb. 5-An anti-trust bill, which. It Is said, has the Indorsement of President Roosevelt and Attorney-General Knox, and Is to be presented to the Legis lature of every state In the Union, was Introduced In the Senate this afternoon. Accompanying the bill Is a memorial in Its favor from the National Livestock Association. The bill provides heavy pen alties for conspiracy to restrain or- mo nopolize trade for giving or accepting re bates and for continuing In business af ter failure to mnke annual returns as specified In tho bill. LEBANON, IND., BURNING. Flames Have Enten One Store and Threaten Other Buildings. LEBANON. Ind., Feb. 6. At 2:13 o'clock this morning the Cincinnati store was burning and the Indianapolis fire depart ment had been asked for help. The fire was beyond control and adjoining build ings were threatened. The stock and buildings are valued at 300,000; Insurance, JoO.COO. Fire Wrecks Western Academy. ALTON. 111.. Feb. S. Fire, tonight de stroyed the. Western Academy at Upper Alton, causing a loss of $50,000. Fish Makes Jier. Record. NEW YORK. Feb. 6. WHlIarA P. Fish, of Havcrstraw, the amateur billiard cham pion, broke the record for amateurs at 14 Inch balkllne In his game tonight with Ferdinand Poggcnburg, of New York, In tho amateur, billiard tournament at the Hanover- Clnb. In Brooklyn. He defeated Poggenburg 300 to 103, making an average of 13 1-3 and a high run of SO, the best so far In the tournament. Poggenburg's avcrage was 5 8-19, and his high run 32. In the afternoon game Edward W. Gardner,- of Passaic, N. J., beat J. B. Stark, of Wllkesbarre, Pa., S00 to 23. Aired Kitmiti Farmer Slain. BIRD CITY. Kan.. Feb. 5. Benjamin Knott, aged 70 years, a well-to-do farmer, was found dead In his rooms here today, his head crushed with some blunt Instru ment and lying In a pool of blood. The dead man came here from York, Neb., where he has a- brother, J. S. Knott. Ho had Just sold some land, and It is believed ho was murdered and robbed. In Puraqlt of Raiders. CHEYENNE. Wyo.. Feb. 6. William Mlnnlck, who was shot by the raiders on his sheep ranch Monday. Is dead. Sher iff Fcnton and posse have followed the raiders Into the mountains, and a second posse, composed entirely of sheepmen, will attempt to cut off the return of the raid era to the Black Mountains district. A battle is reported between the posse and the raiders, but cannot be confirmed. HENRY L. DAWES IS DEAD AGED SEXATOR FROM MASSACHU SETTS PASSES AWAY. Mnn Who for Forty Years Took a . Leadlnsr Part In Nation's Affairs His Work for the Indians.- PITTSFIELD. Mass.. Feb. 5.-Former United States - Senator Henry Laurena Dawes died at 5:15 this morning at his home in this city. He was S6 years of age. Mr. Dawes had been ill since Christmas night, when he contracted a severe cold while driving. The cold developed, into grip, which undermined his system. Since last Sunday night he had been In an un conscious condition. When President Roosevelt visited Pitts field last Fall he called upon the veteran statesman. It was while returning from tho visit to the Dawes house that the trol ley accident occurred In which the Presi dent figured. The funeral will be held next Sunday. Henry Laurens Dawes was born In Cum-r rclngton, Mass., October 30, 1E1S. He was graduated at Yale In 1ST), became a teach er. and edited the Greenfield Gazette, and subsequently the Adams Transcript. He was admitted to the bar In 1S12, and served la the Legislature from 1HS until 1K, when ho became a member of the State Senate; He was a member of tho consti tutional convention in 1S53, and attorney for the western district of Massachusetts, continuing until 1S57. when he was elected to Congress, and served as a member of the commltteee on revolutionary claims. He remained In Congress by successive re-elections until 1S73. In IKS he was a delegate to tho Loyal ists' Cpnventlon In Philadelphia, and In 1ST5 hosucceeded Charles Sumner In the Senate, and was re-elected sin JSSl and 1SS7. He has been chairman of the com mittee on ways and means, his served on the .committee on public buildings and grounds, and inaugurated the measure by whlca the completion of the Washington Monument was undertaken. Ho was the author of many tariff meas ures, and assisted In the construction of the wool and woolen tariff of IKS, which was tho basis of all duties on wool and woolens from that time until 1SS3 He was also a member of the committees on appropriations, civil service, fisheries. Revolutionary claims, and Indlin and naval affairs. He was appointed on a special committee to Investigate tho Indian disturbances In the Indian Territory, upon which he made a valuable report. Tho entire system of Indian education due to legislation was created by Mr. Dawes. Among the Im portant bills of his authorship pissed are the severalty bill, the Sioux bill, tho bill maning Indians subject to and protected b7 tho criminal laws. One of his most important measures ras the Introduction of the weather bui lt tin In ISO, of Professor Cleveland Abbe, for the purpose of collecting and com paring weather reports from air'parts' of the country. Carl Binder, Civil Engineer, Dead. CHICAGO. Feb. 5.-Carl Binder, a well known civil engineer. Is dead at his home here. Mr. Binder was born In Germany In 1S33, and for 11 years was royal super vising engineer In his native country. He came to America In 1SS4, and for a time was connected with the Lake Shore Road. He erected the Iron construction of sev eral of the buildings nt the World's Fair. Denver City Official Dead. DENVER. "Feb. 3. City Supervisor' Na thaniel Robertson died today of paralysis, brought on by the bursting of a 'blood vessel.,. He was born In Scotland In 1SU. In thtf early '70s he was a resident- of Salt- Lake City, 'and 'for many years was prominent In politics and business in Chey enne. Since 1SS1 he had been engaged Jn carriage manufacturing In this city. Owner of Famous Stock Farm. RICHMOND. Va.. Feb. 5. A. J. Ford, who was for years proprietor of Ford's Hotel, this city, is dead at his home near Gloucester Point, Va., aged 77. He was the original owner of the famous Castle ton stock farm. In Kentucky. Representative J. M. Moody Dead. ASHEVILLE, N. C., Feb. 3. Congress man J. M. Moody, of the Ashevllle dis trict died at his home In Waynesvllle tills morning. He only reached home from Washington a few days ago. FIVE MEN ARE KILLED. Rock Island Trains Meet With Csnal Disastrous Result. KANSAS CITY. Feb. 5. A special to tho Star from El Paso. Tex., says:' A head-on collision between two Rock Island freight trains early today, near Tecolate, N. M., resulted in the death of five men and the injury of several others. The dead: G. DAVIS, Torrance, N. M. The conductor, name unknown, from Kansas City. FlrtEMAN WINDERWALL. Two unknown men, burned under wreck. Among the dangerously injured is P. nil burn. Torrance, NI M. The wreck occurred at a sharp curve and on a steep grade. FALLS FROM A WINDOW. William Paull, Opera Singer, Meets Trnjrlo Death In St. Louis. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 5. William Paull. of London, England. leading baritone of tho Castle Square Opera Company, showing at the Century Theater here. Is dead as the result of a fall from a sixth-story wlndowof the Southern Hotel. His skull wasfractured and his left arm broken. When picked up on the pavement Mr. Paull was unconscious. He was taken back to his room In the hotel, whero he died shortly after. The singer was leaning from tho win dow, when he is said to have lost his balance. He plunged out head first, striking the telegraph wires opposite the second window. These broke his fall, but they did not save his life. It was reported that Mr. Paull threw himself from tho window, but nothing authentic as to this could be learned. J. D. Le fling well, manager of the Castle Squaro Opera Company, said: "It was an accident. Why should he have killed himself? He had everything fame In his profession, health, no troubles that I ever knew of, and ho has been with me all season." Mrs. Fault Is prostrated and Is under the care of two physicians. At the time of Mr. Paull's first appearance hero with the Castle Square Opera Company two years ago he was married to Miss Ethel Gordon, of Sydney, Australia. Miss Gor don, who was three years previously a member of the same company with Mr. Paull In Australia, came 13,000 miles to meet her affianced. Blames Engineer for Wreck. PLAINFIELD. N. J., Feb. 5. At today's session of the Coroner's Jury investigat ing the wreck on the New Jersey Central road near Graceland on January 27. Will lam G. Bester, vice-president and gen eral manager of the Central Railroad, de clared that any engineer who tried to run his engine in a faulty condition would be dismissed from the service. Asked as to who tie thought was responsible for the wreck, he said: 'The engineer of the Philadelphia train, James Davis." He said that Davis alone might- have prevented the accident. Killed by a Runaway. ALBUQUERQUE. N. M.. Feb. 5. Mrs. Louisa Thomas, Bister of F. A. Hubbell, chairman of the Territorial Republican WOODARD, CLARKE & CO. LAMEST RETAIL AND WHOLESALE DRUG STORE IN AMERICA FRAMED PICTURES ALL OF OUR FRAMED PICTURES I WHICH REMAIN OVER FROM i LAST YEAR ARE TO BE CLOSED 4 OUT TO MAKE STOCK. SALE COM'MENGES TODAY 500 Athletic Girls, heavy cardboard mounts, Q0 14x17, regular 19c, down to ... c 100 Art Nouveau framed pictures, regular f r 29c, down to 1 OL 100 Art Nouveau framed pictures, same as above, larger, regular 45c and 50c, 05r down to - - 100 Photogravures, in a large assortment of patterns and' frames, regular 75c, 85c AQr and 9.0c, down to - 25 only Pen, and Ink Drawings, in fancy 'S'o and gilt frames, regular 65c, down to OOL 15 only Pen and Ink Drawings', in fan- d -fl cy gilt frames, regular $2.50, down to P 00 50 Pastel and Carbonettes in an assort ment of marine and landscapes, with fancy frames, 12x23, regular $2.85, jtq down to P A Oi7 20 Carbonettes in an assortment of land scapes and fancy figures, framed, 12x i 22, regular $2.15, down to Cploc 25 assorted Landscapes and Photograv ures, with very fine wood frames, regu- frj 'H'X lar $3.95, $4.25 and $5, down to P O 10 very fine Pastels with oak frames and gilt trimming, regular $8.75. and $9.25, dC QQ Hnwn tn DJ JJ U w VY XX I J -m t , WATER COLORS AND Central Committee,1' uras- Instanly killed in a runaway accident here and Mrs. Hubbell was seriously injured. The wo men both Jumped from tho carriage after their horses had got beyond their control. Cattlemen's Meeting Xot "Disturbed. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 3. A telegram from Oklahoma City, O. T., says that the dis astrous fire of yesterday, which for a time threatened the city, will not Inter fere with the honing of the convention of cattlemen there on February 10. The convention will .be one of the largest cat tlemen's conventions held In the South west. Receiver for Kansas Mutnnl. TfjPEKA. Kan.. Feb. 5. Judge Hook to day appointed W. W. Hooper, of Leaven worth, and E. N. Morrill, of Hiawatha, as receivers of tho Kansas Mutual Insur ance Company. Both are satisfactory to the attorneys and litigants. They will manage the new and old companies' af fairs for a time nt present headquarters. nnltlmore Ilnys Montreal Team. BALTIMORE. Feb. 5. Edward Hanlon and Moses Frank agreed tonight to pay to Charles Doley $M for tho franchise of the Montreal Eastern League Baseball Club. With the franchise Messrs. Hanlon and Frank secure all the Montreal play ers, and the Canadian team will be trans ferred to Baltimore. Memorial to Atirnm S. Hewitt. NEW YORK. Feb. 5 Business was sus pended by the New York Chamber of Com merce today and a memorial service held In honor of the late Abram Hewitt. Mayor Low Introduced resolutions, and Andrew Carnegie seconded thfm. The resolutions having been adopted by a rising Vote, Alexander E. Orr addressed the chamber. Declines Cnll tn lie IUxhop. NEW YORK. Feb. 5. The Rev. Dr. Lloyd, secretary of the Protestant Epis copal board of domestic and foreign mis sions, has declined the call to be Bishop of Mississippi. Mr. Thomas L. Jnmti Dead. .NEW YORK. Feb. 5. Mrs. Thomas L. James, wife of ex-Fostmaster-General Jamee, president of the Lincoln National Bank, died tonight. Former Alillmximdor Cnrry 111.. ASHEVILLE, N. C. Feb. 5. Dr. J. M. L. Curr- formerly Ambassador to Spain, JTasy to Take Easy to Operate Because purely vegetable yet thor ough, prompt, healthful, satisfactory Hood's PsISs. BUTAC USE PERRIN'S Pile Specific The Internal remedy cures by removins the cause. It cures all diseases of the digestive organs. For sale by all druggists. DR. PERRIN" MEDICAL CO., Helena. Mont. Interesting" pamphlet mailed free by aiklnc PEHRIFTS PILE SPECIFIC. - t i ROOM FOR NEW OIL PAINTINGS INCLUDED and head 'of the- Peabody .XVittY iscritlx cally 111 here. The attending physicians hold out very little hope for Dr. Curry's recovery. And Son Suffered'' Chronic Headache. AlmostConst&ntPain For Thirty Years. Dr. Miles' Nervine Cured Me. Has There li nothing so rood In cases of chronic headache as Dr. Miles' Nervine. It restores the disordered nerves to their nor mal condition and banishes headache forever. "My. trouble was headache,' chronic so as to be almost continual. I had been in this condition ever since I could remember and I am now forty-seven years old. My father was a great sufferer from the same complaint and my son has shown signs of similar affec tion. When the attacks would appear, my stomach would often become affected and I would grow dizzy and flint and often had to quit my work and lie down. I am a sta tionary enjineer and found it hard to hold a place with "such a heavy handicap. About sir years ajo I bejjan taking Dr. Miles' Re storative Nervine and since that time I have used in all. fourteen bottles. The number of v bottles taken was not really required as I .i " t i.i cl . - j r. loinx: inc cure was compiciciy cuccicu aucr taking the second bottle. Having scarcely seen ths time in thirty years I was free from headache, I could not believe the perma nent cure to be made so soon, so I continued its use until 1 was thoroughly convinced, b'i: persons to whom I have recommended the remedy have experienced equally gratifying results, the only difference between tieir case and mine Iving in the severity of the trouble cured-" Edoar. W. WltsON, Alcott, Colorado. AU drnrgists sell and guarantee first bot tle Dr. Miles' Remedies. Send for free book on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind. Tutt's pais Cure All Liver Ills ARE YOU 1 BANKRUPTinhealth, constitution undermined by ex travagance in eating, by disre garding the laws of nature, or physical capital all gone-, if so, NEVER DESPAIR Tutt's Liver-Pills will cure"you. For sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, malaria, torpid fiver, constipation, biliousness and all kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills an absolute cure. Father