Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 06, 1903, Page 12, Image 12

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Evidence in Coal-Strike In
quiry Is Complete.
Clogged "Willi Coal-Dnst, They Are
More Susceptible to Disease Coal
and Iron Policeman Gives Evi
dence Which Discredits Him.
PHIL-ADELCTIIA. Feb. S. After a sit
ting of El days, the Anthracite Coaf Strike
Commission concluded the hearing o -witnesses
at 5 o'clock this afternoon and ad
journed until next Monday, when It trill
begin to hear the arguments of counsel"
representing the several sides. The argu
ments -will take up five and a half days,
the operators having been assigned three
days and the miners the remainder of the
Today's sessions wore taken up In hear
ing the last witnesses presented by the
miners in rebuttal. Much of the evidence
related to the alleged unequal distribution
of mine cars, nearly a dozen witnesses
testifying that they could load more cars
than the companies furnished them.
In all the commission heard 606 'wit
nesses. Nine of these -were called by the
commission, 219 by the union miners, 153
by the nonunion miners and V& by the
operators. The stenographers took down
approximately 9300 typewritten pages of
Dr. IV. M. Coplln. professor of pathol
ogy at Jefferson Medical College, Philadel
phia, was called by the miners at the aft
ernoon session. lie showed five speci
mens of lungs, one of a normal organ and
the other four of miners, -which were
black from dust. He said -where lungs
were clogged up -with foreign substance
the person was easily susceptible to
Henry Collins, national organizer of the
Mineworkers' Union; Thomas Duffey, un
til recently president of District No. 7 of
the United Mineworkers. and George
Hartley, secretary of District No. 1 of the
United Mineworkers, took the stand and
denied some of the statements made by
witnesses called by the .operators.
Five other witnesses -were called, among
them W. H. Jenkins, of Pottsville. -who
was called by the miners to show that the
Heading Company employed as coal and
Iron policemen all sorts of men. Jenkins,
In reply to questions, volunteered the In
formation that he had been engaged as a
lieutenant of the coal and iron police for
the Reading Company: that he had been
arrested for burglary, assault and battery
and larceny. He also said he had been
charged with shooting two coal and Iron
"Mr. Jenkins, you -were known through
out Scuylklll County as 'Blood and Thun
der' Jenkins, were you not?" inquired
counsel for the miners.
"Yes, sir." -was the reply.
"Cross-examine." said the lawyer.
"I don't think this witness should bfl
cross-examined," exclaimed Chairman
Gray, with considerable feeling. "He has
discredited himself as a witness. You
may leave the stand."
The attorneys for the operators and the
miners then presented some statistics oh
various subjects, and Mr. Darrow an
nounced that the miners' case was closed.
This ended the hearing of witnesses on
both sides. Chairman Gray, speaking on
behalf of the commission, said that In
some respects the hearing had been an
unexampled one in the experience of this
country. He thanked the counsel on both
sides for their asslltance in elucidating
the complex questions presented to the
Employe Strike for More and Com
pnny Is Ohdnrate.
MONTREAL, Feb. 5. At li o'clock to
night the street-car service was suspended
pending the settlement of the demands of
the raotormen and conductors for more
wages, shorter hours and the reinstate
ment of men who were alscharged pre
sumably for their connection with the
newly organized union of street railway
The men went from the car bams to a
mass meeting at which over 1000 employes
were present. Several speeches were
made, and when a vote on the strike ques
tion was taken. It was carried unanl
roously. Manager Wanaklln stated tonight that
the company would make no effort to op
erate the service in the morning or until
the men come to their sense and return
to work."
President of International Union
Working: In Kansas City.
KANSAS CITT, Feb. 5. Michael Don
nelly, president of the International
Union of Packing-House Employee, ar
rived here today with the avowed pur
pose of bringing every employe connected
with local packing-houses Into a union.
Tomorrow he will go to SL Joseph, and
Omaha to organize the packing-house men
of those cities.
"The object of this organization." mid
Mr. Donnelly today, "is to unite the vari
ous packing-house unions. In case of a
strike, the council could order out all
unions and completely tie up the packing
houses, we ,ao not expect to introduce
any union measures at once. "We ope to
secure an advance In wages for some
classes of employes."
Trainmen Say "Work Increased 70
Per Cent Last Year.
TOPEKA, Kan.. Feb. E. Chairman Hut-
ton, of the Order of Railway Conductors.
who Is here conducting the negotiations
for more wages from the Santa Fe, to
night contradicted the statement of Pres.
tdent Ripley that the demands of the men
were unreasonable.
"A 20 per cent increase la only fair.
aid Mr. Hutton. "During the past year
we worx we nave Been called upon to do
has increased 70 per cent and the profits
of the road have shown a corresponding
increase, we expect to obtain our de
mands without a strike. "We do not like
to talk about a strike, but are determined
to obtain the Increase."
All the Western roads will be expected
to join in the Increase.
Soft-Coal Mine Operators Propo
Terms to Miners.
INDIANAPOLIS. Feb. E. The soft-coal
miners of Indiana Illinois. Ohio and
"Western TVnnvK-n nln vpm t.w i
an advance in wages for the ensuing year
by the operators that for the most part
win do u per cent, as a settlement
fhiv trnnt juaIa in t h ! iflatH.. f. . v. - '
sis on which all other districts will make
settlement, the proposition can be said
to have been made to the soft coal miners
of the country. The offer has not yet
been accepted.
Elevator Doys nnd Janitors In Chi
cago Form Union.
CHICAGO. Feb. 5. A strike was begun
today In a number of prominent office
buildings of this city by the elevator
starters and conductors. The Janitors and
window-cleaners are also out. The men
were called out becouse the Building Own
ers' and Managers' Association declined
to sign an agreement to recognize the
union. The teamsters. It is said, will re
fuse to deliver coal to any of the buildings
tomorrow, and the engineers and firemen
may go on strike unless a settlement Is
In the buildings affected 30,000 people are
LcKlsIntlve Committee Seeli Facts
Small Enrnlnxn of Miner.
TOPEKA, Kan.. Feb. 5. At the legisla
tive coal investigation this afternoon the
fact was brought out that the average
Kansas miner only earns K& a year.
Witnesses were examined from among
the ranks of the.miners and operators and
an effort made to get at the cause of the
coal famine.
The one ra tors said much of the Kansas
coal was shipped out of the state and that.
on account of the famine In Indian Terri
tory and Colorado, much coal that had
hitherto been secured from those states
could not be obtained this "Winter. The
committee will continue its investigations
tomorrow and will draft a bill looking to
ward a correction of the evils In the mines
of the state.
Refuse Less Than 20 Per Cent Ad
vance on 31lKMOnri Pacific.
ST. LOUIS, reb. C President and Gen
eral Manager Allen, of the "Missouri, Kan
sas & Texas Railway, will arrive in this
city tomorrow, to take up the demands of
the employes or tnai roau lor an increase
In wages.
The ailssouri Pacific road today sub
mitted a proposition of 11 per cent in
crease, but it was rejected by the train
men, who demand a. IS per cent increase.
Officers of Bretvery "Workers.
CINCINNATI. O- Feb. C The National
convention of the United Brewery Work
ers today made J. Gebhauer. of St. Louis,
chairman, and F. IL Chrlsman. of Se
attle, vice-chairman. The reconsideration
of the New York cases and the expulsion
of ex-National Secretary Beschtold, of
Rochester, were discussed.
Sentence on Miner Commuted.
"WASHINGTON, Feb. E. in the case of
James Green, who was convicted in Octo
ber last of violating an injunction of the
court In intimidating miners of the Poca
hontas coal mines. In Virginia, and sen
tenced to serve four months In Jail from
December 18, the President has commuted
the sentence to expire today.
To Continue "Wnterbury Strike.
WATERBURY, Conn.. Feb. 5. A confer
ence tonight In regard to the settlement
of the trolley strike ended with no agree
ment reached, the company refusing to
take back all the men. The committee ot
strikers will recommend to the union that
the strike be continued. Everything was
quiet at Waterbury today.
Strike for Advance at Shipyard.
CHICAGO, Feb. C Boilermakers and
iron shipbuilders began a strike today at
the yards of the Chicago Shipbuilding
Company, at South Chicago, for higher
wages. It Is possible that the entire plant.
employing 1100 men, will close.
Special Policeman Is Afraid of On
slaught by Crowd of Boys.
Thinking he was about to be attacked
by a crowd of email boys. Special Offi
cer W. A. Ogilbee drew bis revolver to
protect himself, whjle he placed under
arrest A. R. Neeley. who had called him
abusive names. Neeley is a youthful-
looking offender, but after the officer had
repeated to the court, the list of epithets
the youngster naa -euDsuiuteo. lor nts
real name. Municipal Judge Hogue
promptly fined the boy $10 for using abus
ive language. Mr. Ogilbee has charge of
Blank's Hall at Thirteenth and Powell
streets, and has an officer's star to enable
him to protect the building. Special ex
ercises were being held in the hall, and
a crowd of boys had assembled before it
was time for the exercises to begin. Nee
ley, who. It la claimed, was a leader of
the gang, had a spider attached to the
end ot a rubber cord, which he would
throw Into people's faces, and then with
draw It quickly. This performance an
gered the special officer, and he was still
more angry when tho bold youngster
openly threw the spider Into his face. He
made a quick grab for It, but failed to
catch It and tried to take It away from
the boy. The crowd stood together, and
to help their companion commenced to
push around the officer to force him away
from Neeley.
"I'm an officer of the law." he Insisted
and displayed his star. The boys did not
see an Imposing policeman's uniform, and
wcro undaunted at the startling an
nouncement. The officer finally caught
hie victim and placed him under arrest
"Fight." cried the boys, "don't let that
fellow arrest you," whereupon the officer
began to fear that he was to be attacked
by the whole crowd. He drew his gun
from his pocket and ordered them all to
stand back. A pin could have been h&ard
arop we next moment, and the officer
marched his prisoner away In safety.
George J. Cameron appeared In defense
of tiro boy, and questioned the prosecut
ing witness closely regarding the circum
stances which warranted his "gun play.'
"I wasn't afraid of Neeley," he ex
plained, gazing In defiance at the boy de
fendant, "but I was afraid the whole
gang would Jump on me and try to get
nim away, i nere was some very bad lan
guage used, and they threatened to break
my head."
ElBht-Year-OId Mary lllckson Wan
ders nt Xlght on the Street.
Afflicted with a disease which caused
ner continual discomfort, deserted hv
parents and left alone while the people
who were taking care of her sat around
in North End dives to listen to the music,
little 8-year-old Mary HIckson wandered
Into the street and was found Wednesday
night between 10 and 12 o'clock by an
East Side "policeman. She has been turned
over to Officer Hawley of the Boys' nnd
Girls' Aid Society and placed In a hospi
tal for treatment. When found she was
shivering with cold and crying bitterly.
She complained that she was very hun
gry and that she had been afraid to stay
alone. She says that her papa is living,
but that she docs not know where he In.
Officer Hawley knows something of the
little orphan's history. She was taken
charge of by the Boys' and Girls' Aid So
ciety over a year ago, and placed In a hos
pital for treatment. During the time she
was In charge of the phyriclans her con
dition Improved and her suffering was
greatly relieved. Her father meanwhile
thought he was In a condition to take care
of his child, and insisted upon taking her
from the hospital. From that time the
officers lost -lght of her until recently.
The father was not able to care for her
longer and placed her with a family,
whose name, the little girl says. Is John
eon. The home was not pleasant, and
rather than stay she had wandered Into
the cold street, alone and poorly dresred.
"I am hungry," raid she when she was
found by the officer, "and I do not llko
to stay alone. The people I am staying
with go to Fritz's and Blailer's every
evening to listen to the'muolc and do not
come home until late at night."
The peculiar cough which Indicates croup
Is unrally well known to the mothers of
croujy children. No time should be lost
In the treatment of it, and for this pur
pose no medicine has received more uni
versal approval than Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. Do "not waste valuable time In
experimenting with 'untried remedies, no
matter how highly they may be recom
m ended, bet give this medicine as directed
nnd all symptoms of croup will quickly
disappear. For sale by all druggists.
Dnl-rnrla May Flight Turkey nnd
Other States Intervene Austria
nnd RuHsIn to Interfere.
LONDON. Feb. C-The Dally News this
morning starts a big agitation on ,Tie
Macedonlm question. It publishes a
three-column letter from its "special com
missioner" at Dubnltza, Bulgaria, describ
ing in great detail alleged Turkish atroci
ties as related by the fugitives there. The
correspondent declares that 30.000 refugees
from Macedonli have fled to Bulgaria on
that account.
The Times correspondent at Vienna also
discusses the question and says Count
v tlserhelnvs assurances were possibly
founded upon the asumptlon that nothing
more serious than a struggle between
BulgarH and Turkey was to be apppre-
henwej and that such struggle would prob
ably remain Isolated, Servia and Greece
maintaining neutrality toward Turkey.
In any case, continues the correspondent.
the situation Is viewed with apprehension
and uneasiness prevails concerning Ger
manics proposed sympathetic attitude to
ward Turkey, and the publication of the
Austro-RusFlan programme is awaited
with Impatience as being a possible lever
for the prevention of trouble.
Austrinn Minister Quiet Rumors of
in Impending Rebellion.
LONDON, Feb. E. There has been no
development in the Balkan situation since
the publication on January 23 of the
French yellow book, detailing the Franco-
Russian efforts during the past year to
Induce Turkey to Institute Macedonian re
forms, which gave a gloomy account of
the situation in Macedonia. In Vienna
it Is stated that the powers have not yet
presented Count LamsdorfTs reform pro
posals to Turkey. The supposition Is that
the Russian and Austrian Ministers, being
agreed In principle, left the elaboration ot
the reform details to the Ambassadors In
Constantinople, who found It difficult to
agree upon the course to pursue, and. at
Italy's Instigation, suggested a modifica
tion of the demands, of which tho pub
lication Is dally expected.
Numerous unconfirmed sensational ru
mors aro current with regard to tho ex
tended rising in Macedonia In tho Spring.
and some serious Austrian and Russian
papers assume that the question must
soon be forced to a solution. Count "Wal-
serhelm, the Austrian Minister of Na
tional Defense, however, in addressing the
committee on Austrian military bills to
day, reiterated that the situation was
peaceful and that no ground existed foi
a mobilization tot the army or any ex
traordinary measures.
Policy of Bulgaria Stated.
SOFIA, Feb. 5. In tho debate in tho
Sobranje today on the Macedonian sit
uatlon. Premier Danew said that, in the
event of the circulars Issued by tho Ma
cedonian committee overstepping, as was
alleged, the legal limits, the government
would certainly tako measures for action.
Falls Over European Politics as Re.
belllon Becomes Assured.
NEW YORK, Feb. 6. "While the Ven
ezuela affair still has precedence as tho
leading foreign question, says the Lon
don correspondent of the Tribune, there
Is a general feeling in Fleet street that
It will speedily be overshadowed by tho
Macedonian question.. A formidable In
surrection against the Turks Is expected
in the early Spring by nearly all writers
who are following the course of events
In the Balkans.
Predictions of a similar nature have
been made year after year, but never
with equal confidence since the prelimi
nary stage of the last war between Rus
sia and the Forte. The Turkish Govern
ment clearly expects trouble, and the
Russian and Austrian Governments also
dread a movement from Bulgaria, which
they cannot control, since they cannot
agreo upon a Joint policy.
German Customs Dispute Ends.
BERLIN. Feb. fx The customs contro
versy regarding American wheat, which
it was claimed contained a mixture of
Canadian wheat, has been settled by tho
refunding of the extra duty. The com
mittee of Hamburg and Berlin grain ex
porters who were called In by tho customs
authorities reported that It was Impossible
to prove cases where Canadian wheat was
mixed with American wheat. It is be
lieved by the German shippers that the
recent agreement with the American ex
changes that Canadian wheat certificates
must be marked "bonded" will remove all
cause for disagreements in the future.
.Schwab Stays on Mediterranean,
LONDON. Feb. 5. There Is no truth In
the report circulated in the United States
that Charles Schwab had arrived at St,
Petersburg. Mr. Schwab reached Cannes
Tuesday on the Margarita, and is ex
pected to remain In the Mediterranean
most of the month of February.
Tonne Cannot Europe on That Plea-
Asks for Mollncux's Rabbit Foot,
NEW YORK. Feb. 5. When a recess
was taken today In tho trial of "William
Hooper Young, accused of the murder of
Mrs. Annie Pulitzer, six Jurors had been
obtained. Young looked better than yes
terday and walked into court. He sank
heavily Into a chair and his head fell on
the table In front of him, but neverthe
less he took an Interest In tho cxamlna
Hon of the talesmen. Justlco Herrick In
cluded among his questions to the tales
men, "Have you any prejudice against any
religious seen
During the lull In the proceedings Young
said audibly to one of his counsel: "Can'
you get me tho Mollneux rabbit foot?"
At one stage of the proceedings he fell
asleep for 13 minutes and then relapsed
Into an appearance of semi-consciousness.
During recess Young was under the ob
scrvnnce of medical experts, and they
reported that as yet they had found no
evidence of insanity. When the first panel
of talesmen had been exhausted, there
were ten Jurymen In tho box. and Justlco
Herrick adjourned court until tomorrow.
Gnntr "Which Robbed Union Pacific
Scut to Prison nnd Fined.
DENVER, Feb. 5. A special to the Re
publican from Cheyenne, Vvyo.. says:
J.udge Scott this afternoon passed sen
tence upon a number of the Union Pa
cine trainmen who are alleged to hav
been members of a gang of boxcar thieves
that operated for three months between
Sidney. Neb., and Cheyenne, and stole
several thousand dollars worth of goods.
L. G. Drake got four years In the nent
tentlary, Arthur Austin got ten days In
Jail and a 310 fine, Frank Costello was dis
charged nnd John Moyers got CO days It)
Jail and a $30 fine. Conductor Phaercs
and Brakeman Curran pleaded guilty to
grand larceny and will be sentenced to
Are Witnesses of Mlnnlck Mnrdcr In
Wyomlnc", nnd They Are Silent.
DENVER, Feb. 5. A special to the Re
publican from Cheyenne, Wyo., says:
Latest advices from the scene of the re
cent raid on the Mlnnlck sheep camp, near
Black Mountain, In the Big Horn Basin.
Indicate that only two men committed
the deed. Ben Mlnnlck. who was shot
through the lungs, died last night. There
were two eye-witnesses to the shooting
Mlnnlck. the dynamiting of 500 of his
sheep and the burning of his wagon and
outfit, but they have been threatened
with death if they Inform the officers of
me identity of the raiders. Mlnnick's
herder, who also witnessed the raid, has
Sirs. Brady's Loss Traced to Porter
of a Pullman Car. .
KANSAS CITYJMo.. Feb. 5. The arri
val in this city of Mrs. J. B. Brady, a
wealthy woman of San Antonio, Tex.,
accompanied by J. P. Womack. Chief of
Detectives of that city, proved the sequel
to the arrest of Rolnnd Fltchue. n negro.
In this city December 26. 1KC, and ex
plained the mystery of a robbery that
occurred on a Pullman coach near Rogers,
Ark., two years nnd a half ago. when dia
mond Jewelry aggregating In value $3000
was taken from a berth occupied by Mrs.
The Jewelry was recently found In the
possession of Fltchue and his family.
Thomas Fltchue complained to the police
inai nis orotner, Roland Fltchue. had
robbed him of valuable diamonds, which
he said were heirlooms In his family.
but the police learned that Thomas
Fltchue was the porter on the train at
the time Mrs. Brady was robbed.
All of the Jewelry has not yet been re
turned, but Fltchue has Informed Mrs.
Brady that the stones not in his posses
sion are In a Northern city and will soon
be returned to her. Mrs. Brady will not
remain here to prosecute Fltchue.
Cantrell Gives Names of Ills Brother
INDIANAPOLIS. Feb. 5. In the trial of
Dr. J. C. Alexander, Indicted on charges
of grave-robbing, an effort was made to
day to unravel some of the stories that
have been told in regard to the murder
of Dos Lung, a Chinese laundryman. Some
or the grave robbers under arrest. It has
been said, know something about tho mur
Rufus Cantrell. a negro, said he had
been present when the Doehrlng grave
was opened. Ho denied that he had tele
phoned Dr. Anderson on October 18 "not
to worn-. I was paid for doing this, and
you win come out all right."
cantrell at the reaucst. of Attornnv
opaan. gave tno nnmes of Henry Martin.
Walter Daniels. William Jones, LeRoy
Williams. "Walter Williams, Ishnm Don-
neii, uurford Colley as members of tho
grave-roDber band.
Saloon Held Up at Reno.
RENO. Nev.. Feb. 6. About midnight
last night two masked men entered the
WIcland saloon and held up tho proprie
tors at tno points of revolvers. About 15
men were In the saloon at tho time. The
robbers rifled the cash register, securing
a inmng sum. and left. As they wero
going out they met Albert "Waugh coming
in ana nit him over tho head with tho butt
end of a revolver, inflicting a painful but
not serious wound. Half an hour after
the robbery a man was arrested who was
partially Identified as one of the rob
"Will Be Tried for nobbery.
RENO. Nev.. Feb. S. The examination
of W. D. Phillips and Harry Butts for
tne robbery or the Central Pacific ticket
ofuce here on January 30 was completed
touay at noon. Tho defense introduced
no testimony. Tho accused wero bound
over to appear before the grand Jury.
witn Donas tixea at xsooo each, which they
Sixth. Indictment Attn lnst Ames.
MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 5. The Grand
Jury has reported another indictment
against former Mayor A. A. Ames, now a
fugltlvo from Justice. He is charted
with receiving a bribe of 1 1000 from J. C
Sodlnl for "protection" to several variety
theaters run in violation of the law. This
is the sixth indictment found against Dr.
Old Lords Block on Union Avenne Is
Like the Leaning: Tower.
Tho old two-story brick building built
by Charles Logus in the early days of
East Portland on the northwest corner of
Union avenue and East "Washington
street, condemned seme time ago as dan
gerous, seems to be constantly settling.
The entire structure is twisted out of
plumb. On the Union avenue side, the
piers lean toward the north, nnd the
building crowds heavily against the row
of wooden structures, until It would seem
they would be pushed over In that direc
tion. Tho door and window frames are
wrenched out of shape on both the Union
avenue and Washington street sides.
The causo of this settling of the build
ing is attributed to the fact that the walls
were built on filled ground. It began to
settle sooif niter it was completed and
occupied. Iron rods were extended
through tho walls in all directions, but
nothing could arrest the steady sinking:
It is the opinion of architects that the
structure cannot be saved, and that the
only thing to do Is to remove it. The
rooms have not been occupied for sev
eral years on account of Its dangerous
condition. Whether there Is Immediate
danger of collapse Is not known, but It
certainly does not look safe from the
Montrtvllln Hoard of Trade Anxious
for Improvement of Streets.
At the meeting of the Montavllla Board
of Trade Wednesday night tho matter of
extending Hubbard street south from the
base line, 00 feet wide, for about half a
mile, and the widening of the county
cross-road to a uniform width of SO feet,
were discussed. There was quite a large
attendance, and much interest was shown
in these matters. The new street begins
east of Captain Schneider's place of busi
ness. Tho matter to be decided Js whether
Mr. Sullivan will give 30 feet from his
property. It this street be opened, it will
be a good thing for the district north and
south of the Base Line road.
Good progress Is being made on the
widening of the county cross-road to 50
feet between the Section and Baso Line
road?. E. N. Stevens, a member of the
road committee, reported that a petition
was being circulated, and was receiving
many signatures, and that the prospects
for the widening arc excellent. North of
the Base Line road the effort to widen the
highway Is meeting with success. It is
now proposed to continue the widening
through to the Columbia Slough road.
There will te a mass meeting of resi
dents Intel ted In this matter tomorrow
evening In the Union Church. If this road
can be widened straight through, it will
make a fine thoroughfaro. and will open
the Columbia Slough district to Monta
Anita, of Portland, In Heine Fitted
Up for Her Long Voyaire.
The gasoline schooner Anita, owned by
the Eastern Lumber Company, is out on
the waya in Suppled shipyard being pre
pared for sailing for the Philippine
Islands. Her destination will be Manila,
For her long voyage, she is undergoing a
thorough overhauling. For protection
against teredos, the bottom of the ship
will be covered with copper sheathing.
The copper has been received in sheets
11 inches by four feet long. Her bottom
will be sheathed up to the water line. She
will be used In the Inlets and bays oX
the Philippines. There Is a long .voyage
ahead of her. Besides her sails, r'he
has her gasoline power, If becalmed
she will be able to proceed on her way
without delay.
Goes -to 'Povrell Valley.
Rev. L. E. Rockwell, presiding elder for
Portland district of the Methodist Eplsco-
pal church, will spend next week In the
Powell Valley. He goes to Gresham next
Sunday, where he will conduct services.
Dr. Rockwell says the church at Grepham
is very prosperous. From there he goes
to Pleasant Home. Monday, where he will
conduct special services for a portion of
the coming, week. Dr. Rockwell ex
pects to be able to establish a circuit
with Pleasant Home, Cedaf Schoolhouse
and Troutdale. He thinks with the fine
prospects for growth of the Powell Valley
there will be corresponding advance In
church Interests.
Flnlshlnn; Government Tender.
The finishing touches are being given
he Government ship. Major Guv Howard.
and In about 10 days she will be launched.
Ways will be laid down the river. The
vesrel has been handsomely finished, and
especially the officers' quarcrt, or cabin.
Although small It Is fitted up elegantly
with mahogany wood, and upholstered
seats. The Interior finish of the cabin
alone cost J1C00. Below the cabin are sev
eral bunks fixed up for comfort nnd con
East Side Xatrs.
There Is opposition to the Incorporation
of St. Johns. A remonstrance against the
pasrage of the bill authorizing Incorpo
ration will follow the petition that has
been sent to Salem. The boundary lines
of the proposed city take In about a mile
of water front, which Includes the manu
facturing district.
The Epworth Leauge of the Centenarv
Methodist Episcopal Church la preparing
to tender a banquet to the presidents of
the Epworth Leagues of Portland next
Tuesday evening In the church. A short
programme will be 'arranged. T. S. Mc
Danlels. president of the Union Enworth
League, will be present, and Is down for
an address. There will be other ad
dresser. The directors of Russellville School Dis
trict aro having Architect D. D. Neer pre
pare In detail all the plans and specifica
tions lor tne proposed six-room bulldlnr.
inis win lane about a month. Only cen
eral plant had been prepared to show how
the building will appear, and now the de
tails will be worked out. The directors
are anxious to get every detail completed
ana contracts let. so there will be no de
lay In starting work at the close of school.
February 3. Bertha Van Vlack, age 68.
East Alder stmt: paralysis.
February 3, J. Dennis Kelly, ace 30. First
and Davis streets: empemla.
February 2, Rosabelle M. Spencer, agre 3
months, GOK Grand avenue: convulilona.
February 3. Marraret Hale, age 01. Pattern
Home; old anc
February 3. Wlllamlna Robenow. ace M. 184
JiarKft street: pneumonia.
February 4, Lrontlne M. Lambert, ace 42. 4S3
Columbia street: cancer.
February 3, Patrick Pnnly. ace 51. St. Vin
cent's Hospital; operation.
February 2. Lee wan Sal, age C3, St Second
street: paralysis.
February 1, Patrick- Nalen. age 62, St. Vin
cent's Hospital; pulmonary oedema.
Marrlaire Licenses.
Francis E. Errlnston. 3S; Nellie McDanlel. 23.
February 2. clrl to the wife ot Orrllle M.
Kanmn, 534 Clirton street.
Contagious Diseases.
Lillian I.lmm. 650 Third street: scarlet fever.
Albert Llmm, GSO Third street: scarlet fever.
Georgle and Ida Dingle, Ninth and East
Burnslde streets: scarlet fsver.
Bulldtne Permits.
T. J. Brandes. Twenty-fourth and Johnson.
dwelling: 12000.
Peter Grant. Fifth and Alder, repairs: J1900.
W. H. Stevens. East Ninth and Alberta, cot
tace; S1200.
T. II. Woodman. East Twenty-fifth and
Brooklyn, cottage; 1500.
P. Van Hoomlssan, East Twenty-eighth and
Division, shed; 130.
G. IL Dammeler, Twenty-third and X, dwell
ing; llsoo.
G. II. Dammeler, Twenty-second and X,
dwelling: 11000.
J. S. Morgan. East Sixteenth and Schuyler,
dwelling; fZSOO.
Henry Warren, East Morrison and East Wa
ter, building; 1150.
Frank Woodward. East First and Schuyler,
dwelling: 1000.
J. S treed. Alberta and Fremont, repairs; 150.
Sidewalk: Permits.
Charles Hilton. Twenty-second and Irving; 50
feet cement.
Mrs. C. P. Elwert, Eleventh and Main: 75
feet cement.
Mary B. Hoffman. First and Clay, 162 feet
Peter Moon, Eighth and Flanders. 224 feet
F. M. Mulkey. First and Jefferson. 149 feet
L. J. Goldsmith. Twenty-fourth and Qulrnby,
446 feet cement.
L. J. Goldsmith. Twenty-fourth and Raleigh,
212 feet cement.
E. Lyons, Front and Gllsan. ITS feet cement.
E. Lyons. Seventh and Hoyt. C42 feet cement.
Miss Wiley, Seventh and Columbia, 162 feet
B. Kellogg, Fourth and Clay, 174 cement.
X W. Cruthers. Park and Stark. 174 feet
M. Peterson. Thirteenth and Clay, 62 feet
John Clark. Fourth and Clark. 50 feet cement.
Ladd & Tllton. Fourth and Flanders. 100 feet
John Glnty, Grand avenue and Pacific,
feet cement.
W. F. Ryan. East Sixteenth and Alder, 74
feet cement.
John Carlstrom, Mississippi and Fremont, 50
feet cement.
Jacob Struck. Mississippi and Shaver, 100 feet
G. Bishop, Mississippi and Beech, 50 feet ce
Real Estate Transfers.
Ella C. Sabln to John II. Moszan. lot 5.
block 10, Sherlock's Addition $ 800
oaran nam 10 j. ti. Ulson, lots 2. a, 4.
block 25. Sellwood 400
11. It. Glltner and wife to Alnsworth Na
tional Bask, undivided 13-80 ot S. W.
W of SE. . section 14. T. 1 N.. R. 1 E.
Thomas C Bloomer and wife to J. L.
Mitchell and wife, 100x54x53H feet, com
mencing at the v.". line ot Ella street,
150 feet N. from Jf. line ot Burnslde
B. H. Bowman and wlfs to A. II. Brey
roan et al.. fractional lots 1 and 2. block
3, Eastland
M. L. Hares to D. McHenry et al.. lot 33.
block 1. Woodlawn 500
J. 1. smltn ana wire to the investment
Mortgage Security Company. lot 15.
block 77. West Irvlngton Addition......
Phoenix Land Cnmnany to W. L. Buck
man, lot 14. Arlera Park
Cyrlack Ilettlr and wife to Charles J.
Schnabel. lot 2. block 8. Garrison's Ad
dition 1000
A. r. Bradbury to E. II. Plllibury. E.
4 o! lots S. 6, block 200, Hawthorne
John B. Wild to Adellna Wild, part of
block 120. caruiners
Alnsworth National Bank to J. WestphaU
lots 2 and 3. block 9. Lincoln Park
Daniel Welner to Joseph Day. lots 2 and
3, block 5. Glencoe Park
L. D. and H. C Keck to Thomas J.
Srxwner. W. H of lot 4. block 2S. Mc-
MlUen's Addition 3400
It. II. Glover and wire to Dan Marx, lots
8. 0. block 5. RusiellYille
Same to same, lot 10, block 7, Paradise
Springs Tract
Same to same, lots 7. 8. block 40. Penin
sula Addition. No. 3
Same to same. lot 10. block 7. Paradise
Springs Tract
Fame to tame, lots 1. 2. block 1. Alblna..
Stephen Gregory and wife to Fred S. Mor
ns, lot 2. block 21. P. J. Martin Tract...
J. F. Chase and wife to II. L. Power.
215x75 feet, beginning at a point 40 feet
W. of N'.V. corner of Chafe's Addition
to Pleasant Home
Tiulss. 1 Wnterbunr to Charles J.
Wlnche. lot 4. block 1. Fulton 1300
11. S. Rowo and wire to 1 T. i-eery et
1 lot 7. R. block 12. M. Patton's Ad
dition 400
John F. Wilson and wire to jonn ii. m
tenper lot 1. block 4. Williams-Avenue
Addition 650
W. H. Nunn. trustee, and wife to John F.
Wilson, lot S. block 25. Alblna 850
Samuel Mueller and wire to iucnaei ut
vaney. parcel land, section 8. T. 1 S.,
R. 3 E.
Frances Walker and husband to John
lV,l,i E an feet ot lots 3. 4. block ml.
Stephens' Addition 1000
Elizabeth liyan to itooerx ti. iiio-som.
lot 20. block 78. West Irvlngton
n T. Rldrewar and wife to Otto Nelson
and wife, lots 5, 0. block 20, Multnomah 2300
For Guaranteed Titles
See Pacific Coast Abstract, Guarantee &
Trust Co.", 2M-5-6-7 Falling building.
California Road Gives Advance,
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 5. The Call
fornla Northwestern Railway Company,
at a conference with a committee from
Its employes held In this city, granted
an Increase of 10 per cent to all of Its
engineers, conductors, firemen and brake
men. The new schedule goes Into effect
at once. The men have recently organ
ized a Brotherhood of Locomotive Train
men, and this is the first concession they
have asked of their employers. It was
readily granted. .
Balllrr of Snpreme Court Falls Vic
tim to Paralysis.
SALEM. Feb. 6. Flnley C. Perrlne. for
22 years past bailiff of the Supreme Court
of Oregon, died at his home In this city
at 1:55 o'clock this morning, after three
days' Illness, of paralysis of the brain. .
He was 57 years of age. born In Indiana,
and came to Oregon 27 years ago. He
has been a member of Pacific Lodge of
Masons since 1S30. a member of Al Kader
Temple. Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, and
was an oracer oi nign rank In the Grand
Commandery of Masons.
An editor down in Pennsylvania refers
to the Standard Oil Croesus as "John D.
Rocky Baptist.
The first years of our life
are the most important in our
existence. That is the time to
build the foundation forsturdy
manhood in the future. In
fancy is, therefore, the most
vital period for proper nourish;
ing. A baby secures the best
possible nourishment from a
healthy mother, but unfortu
nately very few mothers can
nurse their children. What,
then, is the next best food ?
Cow's milk should not be
solely depended upon for it
lacks a proper amount of
what a child needs most cell
buildingsubstance. Moreover,
it is said by authorities on the
subject, that the frequent hand
ling such milkundergoes.from
the cow to the time it is fed to
a child, robs it of much of its
original value. Its quality
varies and its grades are nu
merous; the stomach of an
infant is much too delicate to
make up such defects in its
food supply. Scott's Emulsion
simpKfies the food problem for
children and counteracts these
The artificial foods that are
so largely used very rarely
contain milk, hence they im
perfectly nourish the child.
Evena small amount of Scott's
Emulsion, one-fourth to a half
teaspoon! ul, in the child'sbottl'e
seems to be of special value
in adding a very important
element to the food. Its bene
ficial results are quickly seen
Scott's Emulsion is based
on this true food principle. It
provides nourishment for a
child in the easiest, quickest
and most palatable form. No
baby is too young, no stomach
too delicate to receive and re
tain Scott's Emulsion. Even
a few drops in a child's milk
seems to provide considerable
nourishment that cannot be
otherwise secured except in a
mother's milk.
If a mother whose milk is
not furnishing a child with
proper nourishment will her
self use Scott's Emulsion it
will greatly improve the qual
ity of the milk. It benefits
the mother as well as the
A child of any age will be
benefitted by Scott's Emulsion.
It furnishes the means to meet
and overcome the strain of
growing. Being prepared for
easy digestion Scott's Emul
sion does not tax the stomach
or disturb the digestive organs
of children.
Its great value as a child's
food comes from the nourish
ment it gives, the ease with
which it enters the system,
the quickness with which it
brings about a change for
the better and the permanency
of its benefits. The child who
is not doing as well as it should
needs Scott's Emulsion.
We'll send you a sample free upon
j 409 Pearl New York,
Ifot a dark office In the bnlldlnari
absolntely fireproof; electric llffbts
and artesian walerj perfect sanlta
tlon and tboi jngh ventilations ele
vators ran day and nlebt.
AINRtES. DP.. QEOllOE. rhysletan... 413-414
ANDERSON. GUSTAV. Attorser-at-Law..S13
AUSTEN. F. C. Uantser for Oreroa saa
WaihlDctoi Bankers Ufa Assoclatloa of
Ttrm UntaM Is S02-S3I
MOINE6. IA-: F. C Austen. Mir S02-503
BENJAMIN, It- W.. Dentist 314
BE3NAKD. G., Cashier faclfla litre an tils
Co 2U
B1NSYVANGEK, OTTO S., Physician ana
Eureeon 407-403
8KOCK. WIU1UK F- Circulator Orego-
nlan 501
BROWS, JtTRA. li. D 31314
BRUEKE. DIV. G. a.. Fbrslcian.. .412-413-41
CAMPIJELU WM. M-. Medical Beferts
Equitable Lite -700
CARDWELL, DR. J. R-. Dentist in
CAUK1N. G. E.. District Azent Traveler.
Insurance Company ......................IIS
Dickson. Manager cot
CaURCHIIJ Mild. E. J 71C-7if
wucrcA, un. . auitijii ,w-."
CORNELIUS, C. W.. Pbrs. and Sursecn...2uo
COLLIER. P. h. pubUsnr- S. 1. McGulre.
Manager 413
CROW, C P.. Timber and M.nes SIS
DAT. J. G. L N 31
DICKSON. DR. J. F.. Pfcyslcla 713-71
CIETY; L. Samuel. Mgr.: U. S. SmltX
Casbler 300
7ENT0N. J. D.. Pnysldan and Surg....Su9-l
FENTON. DR. H1CK-S C. Ke ana tUr....31l
GALVANL V. IL. Engineer and Draughts
man GOO
GEART. DR. E. P.. Pnjf- and Surgeon... .40o
GlESY. A. J.. FCT'lclsa asd suiKn..TuU-TH
UlLUKitT. DK. J.,ALLJi.Ni'hjsIclan...Ul-4uJ
GOLD MAX. IVUXIAU; Mnfr aiaak-
l a iLA.i a. - x lvyL. .sw r -
............ 1-"1 oixtn Stress
11AMMAM BATHS. Turkish and Russian..
HOLLISTER. DR. O. C. Pb)sicUn and
Surgeon 6V4-SOJ
1DLEMAN. C M.. Attorner-at-Law..41-17-t
JEFFREYS. S. T.. Attorney-at-Law 518
JErFltEYS. DR. ANN1CE F.. Pb)J. and
Surgeon Women and children only......H4w
JOHNSON. W. C 31S-31H-317
KAPY. MARK T.. Supervisor of Agents.
Mutual Reserve Life Ins. Co 80S
L1TTLEFIELD. IL li.. Pnys. snd Surg 2ms
MACKAY. D1L A. E.. Phys. and Surg.7U7U
NEW YORK: W. Goldman. Mgr 2U.3H
MARSH. DR. K. J- Phys. snd Surg....404-4oa
McCOY. NEWTON, Attorney-at-Law 71J
McELROY. DR. J. a.. Phys. & Sur.7ul-70--7U2
McFADEN. MISS IDA E.. Stenographer.. .501
McGINN. HENRY 11. Attorney-at-Law..3tl-U
McGUIRE. S. P., Manager P. F. Collier.
Publisher 411
McKENZIE. DR. P. I. Pnys. and Surg..51-U
METT. HENRY ... ....SW
MILLER. DR. HERBERT C. Dentist and
Oral Surgeon C0S-603
MOSSMAN. DR. E. P.. Dentist 5U-5i
Mark T. Kady, Supervisor of Agcns..GO4-603
NICHOLAS. HORACE B.. Attorrxy-ai-Law.713
N1LES. M. M.. Cashier Manhattan LU
Insurance Company tit New York... 301
NOTTAGE. DR. G. JL. Dentist.. WM
OLSEN. J. F, General Manager Paclflo
Mercantile Co Sll-213-213
OREGON CAMERA CLUB 14-:!13-21G-217
..................................... 409-410 '
George. Proprietors 129 sixth Street
J. F. Strauhsl. Manager JN
General Manager 211-313
PAGUE. B. 8., Attorney-at-Law JSU
Ground Floor. 133 Sixth Street
QUIMBY. L. P. W Cams and Forestry
Warden , ....71i
REED, C J Executive Special Agent Man..
battan Life Ins, Co. ot New lor.. .209
REED, WALTER. Optician.. .133 Sixth Street
K1CKENBACH. DR. J. F.. Eye. Ear. Nose.
and Throat ..701-703
ROS END ALE. O. M.. Metallurgist and
Mining Engineer dj
RYAN. J. B.. Attorney-at-Law sij
SAMUEL. I. Manager Equitable Lite 304
SHERWOOD. J. W.. Stats Commander K.
SMITH. DR. L. IL. Osteopath ....400-419
SMITH. GEORGE 3.. Cashier Equitable
L:fe .... - - 30i
STOLTE. DR. C1IAS. E.. Dentist 704-703
IE1U1U.A1. J.U. Tot
THRALL a. A., president Oregon Camera
Club ;u
TUCKER. DR. GEO. F.. Dentist 610-SU
DIST.: Capt W. a Lasgntt. Corps ot
Engineers. U. 8. A..... ..S0I
C Langfttt, Corps ot Engineers, U. S. A..S1B
VESTER. A.. Sneclal Agent Manhattan
Lire as
WILEY. DR. JAMES O. C. Phys. A Sur.70S-
and Surgeon ..........................304-303
WILSON. DR. GEO. F.. Phys. & Surg.706-T07
WOOD. DR. W. L.. Physician.. 412-413-414
Offices mar be had by appIrlnB to
the snperlntcndent of the bulldlnc.
room 201. second floor.
very Wosnan
is lnlrretted sal slicnM know
about the wonderful
MARVEL Whirling Spray
The New Ladles" Syringe
xsest. surest, -uosi
! yr ttrwxlst fr ll
If rnnnot i tip ply the
MARVRL.. accent no
cthrr. Nil fend utttmi fcrll
laitmtM hook UJ.H clTrs
fall irtW'iil.rnivt Ir-ritonsln
Room 290 Tlmffi IfcSr.. Nw York.
mmmtim , -
For ial br TVoadard. Clarke Co