4 t THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY G, 1903. 11 Stupendous Reductions in MEN'S . CLOTHING NVENTORY SALE Stupendous Reductions in BOYS' XLOTHSNQ Two Immense Stocks Thrown on the Market Have completed inventory in both my stores after a most successful year's business. Invoices of immense Spring Stocks on the road. My stores are not large enough to hold all-.-resuIt, I have determined to reduce stock at once. I know of only one way, that is by Price Reductions, and the people know that when I determine to do a thing IT IS DONE. The Price-Cutting is most startling. Clearance Prices pale into insignificance when compared with these. Please bear in mind, NO RUMMAGE, NO ODDS AND ENDS, but two of the Jargest and most complete stocks in the city. GREAT MEN'S OVERCOATS Every Overcoat of our handsome collection included in this SALE. All our splendid 15.00 Overcoats Q go at 4)1 UJJ All our splendid 16.00 Overcoats 19 nr go at ) I Z.J J All our splendid 20.00 Overcoats tf-ir nr . go at vPI J.OJ All our splendid 25.00 Overcoats tfn nr go at spiy.OJ All our splendid 30.00 Overcoats -go at JZj.jJ All our splendid 40.00 Overcoats aa go at J.UU Boys'andYouths'Overcoats We haven't enough left to talk about. If you can find the size you want we will allow you ONE-THIRD off the regular price In otfter words a reduction of 33K pof cent MEN' ITS SERS Every Men's Suit of our vast combined stocks included in this great sale cost has not been considered. Remember we include all our elegant black and blue goods. AH our splendid $10.00 Men's Suits rT go at 4 i vJU All our splendid $12.50 Men's Suits .gg gj 6 AH our splendid $15.00 Men's g-g-j jjg AH our splendid $20.00 Men's lje CC Suits go at 4)MUeOv3 AH our splendid $25.00 Men's CflQ Off Suits go at. vplcr.03 All our splendid $30.00 Men's )0 Qff suits go at $OoJJ MEN'S TROU 1035 Pairs Men's Trousers in this sale. $1.60 ' $1.95 $2.35 All our Men's $3.50 Trousers (jj gCJ $3.00 :rs $3.95 !! $4.95 All our go at .. All our goat . AH our go at.. All our go at... All our go at... AH our go at ... AH our go at ... BOYS' CLOTH IMG Hundreds of styles to choose from. REMEMBER, I make no promises how long this SALE will lest, but while it does ALL PRICES will be SMASHED. AH our Boys' $2.50 School Suits go at All our Boys' $3.00 School Suits go at All our Boys' $3.45 School Suits go at All our Boys' $3.95 School Suits go at All our Boys' $5.00 School Suits go at ..... $1.65 $2.35 $2.75 $3.25 $3.95 BOYS' SAILOR SUITS All our $1 .95 Sailor Suits go at $1.35 All our $2.50 Sailor Suits go at $1.65 All our $3.00 Sailor Suits go at $2.35 All our $3.45 Sailor Suits go at $2.75 All our $5.00 Sailor Suits go at $3.95 All our $7.50 Sailor Suits go at . ...... . . . . . $5.95 UNDERWEAR We still have full lines of Men's and Boys' Underwear which, also go at startling reductions. Men's Balbriggan Cotton-ribbed Underwear, extra special 29c Men's Blue-ribbed Underwear, best 50c values in city, extra sp'l, 29c All our 75c extra quality Underwear 49c All our great $1.00 Underwear C -. 73c All our great $1.50 Underwear : 99c All our great $2.00 Underwear ! $1.35 Time is too limited to quote more prices. WE PROMISE, and you know what that means to give you the BEST VALUES ever offered in this city BEAR IN MIND TWO ENORMOUS STOCKS FOR YOUR CHOOSING BOYS' SHIRT WAISTS 1 128 Boys' Faultless Shirt Waists with Mother's Friend detachable bands every one new, received today for Spring selling, all colors, every size, 4 to 12 years, 50c values extra Clip special fiCl, BEN SELLING IY10YER Cloth Leading Clothier 4th and MORRISON STREETS ig When you see it in our ad. it's so THIRD AND OAK STREETS Co e MUSIC HATH NO CHARMS WIFE OF ORCHESTRA LEADER DC SIRES TO LEAVE HIM. Myrtle DrlscoH Soys Her Husband Painted Her Earrings to Procure Money to Gamble With. Bsznuel W. Driicoll. the popular orches tra leafier at Cord ray's Theater, was sued for a .divorce by his wife. Myrtle DrlscoH. In the State Circuit Court yesterday. Sho charges that he has been guilty of cruel and Inhuman treatment, and In her com plaint specifics numerous acts of this kind. The couple were married at Oregon City February 3. 1901, and hare one child, a girl 7 months old. Mrs. Drlscoll alleges that about one month after their mar riage DrlscoH commenced a systematic course of heartless 111 usage, which has continued ever since. Bhe says ho has In dulged In periodical sprees, and la also addicted to the gambling habit, often re maining away from home the greater part of (the night, playing faro and roulette. The plaintiff states further that he spends nearly all of his money in this manner, and neglects to provide properly for her. She alleges that on January 4. 2902: after he had gambled away all of his money, he forcibly took-from her a pair of diamond earrings which she was wearing, pawned them and gambled the proceeds. On August 6. 1302, because she left him, Mrs. Drlscoll asserts. Drlscoll came to her mother's house, broke In the door and threatened to kill her. He also beat her. She had him arrested and put under bonds to keep the peace. Sho also charges that several days ago he left her, declaring he would never give her an other cent as long as he lived. Mrs. Drlscol says he has a vicious dis position. Is Jealous, selfish and revenge ful, and that .she Is In fear of great bodily harm. If not of her life. She alleges that s earns' a 'month, and asks that he- be made to defray the costs of the suit. John F. Logan appears as her attornoy. WEAIVTHY MIMXQ COMIWXY SUED. Miner Say Uc Is Crippled for Life Through It Xegllgencc. Suit for $40,000 damages for personal In juries and malpractice was filed In the State Circuit Court yesterday by Jens P. Peterson against tho Bunker Hill & Sul livan Mining & Concentrating Company. Tho complaint sets forth two separata causes of action. Tho first Is that on July 17, 1902. Peterson was employed in the mine, which la located near Wardner, Idaho, as a laborer and chuck-tender. Ho was directed to go up on a lift or elevator, in a sklpway, to fix a pulley. About ISO feet above him was a platform made of loose planks. It Is alleged that as Peterson was ascending one of these was knocked out of place and fell, strik ing Peterson on the right leg, breaking tho thigh bone and otherwise serlousy Injuring him. He says he was previously a strong, robust man, and for this Injury he demands 20.000' damages. For a second cause of suit, Peterson avers that the Bunker Hill & Sullivan Mining & Concentrating Company employs a large number of men. and has promul gated a rule under which $1 per month Is deducted from the wages of each man employed. In consideration of this month- 'ly assessment, the company entered Into a contract with him and others in casa of sickness to care for them, hire compe tent physicians and surgeons and pay hos pital charges. Peterson alleges that the comrnnv em ployed Dr. Hugh France of Wardner, to set his broken leg, and that Dr. France proved Incompetent and failed to set the leg In apposition, but, on the contrary, set the break so that the ends of the bone lapped. As a result of this alleged mal practice. Peterson asserts that the leg Is now three inches storter than tho other one. He Is crippled for life, and com pelled, to go on crutches. He therefore asks for $20,000 additional damages. O'Day & Tarpley appear as attornes for Peter son. Tho papers were served upon Albert Burch. the manager of the company In this city. The Bunker Hill & Sullivan Mining & Concentration Company operate one of the largest lead and silver mines In the world. There aro many miles of railroad track underground, running around tho mountain, and over GOO men aro at work In the mine. TOOK TRADE WITH II 131. Laundry Company Suen Driver Who Left Its Employ. Judge George is to decldo It the driver of a laundry wagon can leave his em ployer and take the business of the routo to another laundry. The case in point is that of the Troy Laundry Company against W. F. Williams. The company had a contract with "Wil liams that for a period of CO days after ho should sever his connection with the company, he should not solicit tho per sons on the route ho was covering to pat ronize an opposition concern. It is al leged by the Troy Laundry Company that Williams left after giving 13 days' notice, when ho had agreed to give SO days' no tice, and also that he Influenced the cus tomers he had been calling upon, to pat ronize the Oregon Laundry, notwithstand ing the existence of a written contract with the former company to the contrary. The case was argued yesterday by At torney TV. T. Muir. The manager of the Troy Laundry Company testified to tho facts In the case. Williams made no de fense. He previously won an Injunction suit which was brought against him. The present action is for nominal damage in the sum of CO, but what the company particularly desires Is a decision on tho contract for futuro guidance. If the con tract Is legal, others of a like nature will hold. It Is conceded that a driver may quit and go to work for another company at once and solicit orders, provided he does not do no on the route he had Just been covering. In other words, he must not take advantage of his acquaintance in a business way with people to take the patronage from one concern to another. ?fo humor ix this. Amateur Editor Sacs for Damage Because He Was Thrashed. Dr. Paul J. A. Semler yesterday filed suit against August Eschle In the State Circuit Court for $2600 damages on ac count of a beating he received -at the hands of the defendant on January 2L He alleges In his complaint that by reason of the injuries Inflicted upon him, bo has been unable for tome tlmo to attend to his business and was thereby damaged to the extent of $100. Ho also asks for $2500 damages, because of tho bodily pain, men tal anguish and humiliation which ho suffered. GOOD XAME IXJURED. Defendant, Acquitted of Larceny Charge, i'ovr Wants Recompense. Leslie O. Merrill, by his guardian, Charles Merrill, has sued Fred Metxger, of Gresham, In the Stato Circuit Court for $5000 damages for false arrest and Im prisonment. Merrill was arrested on De cember 13, 1902, on a warrant Issued by Justice of the Peace William Reld, charg ing him with larceny. The complaint was made by Metzgcr. On December 20, Mer rill had a preliminary hearing and was discharged from custody. He alleges in hla complaint that his arrest was without cause, and that his good namo was In jured. Metzger is a butcher, and whllo he was absent from his place of business, Merrill called to collect somo money. Monger's daughter went over to the house to get It. Afterwards a consider able sum of money was stolen from Metz ger's house, and Merrill was suspectedtf having taken It. Wants Itandmr Closed. Testimony was heard by Judge Frazer In the case of Mrs. AUco Thomaslna against Mrs. M. M. Taylor to enjoin the defendant from using a strip of land 20 feet wide as a public roadway. Mrs. Tay lor said the right to use the land as a road was given to her by the former own er, and Mrs. Thomaslna testified that In subsequent transfers of property this grant was excluded from tho deeds. Con siderable evidence was Introduced con cerning transfers, and the ownership of the strip. Court Notes. Judge Sears will announce decisions to day in the following cases: S. H. Davis vs. L D. Boyer et aL On merits. Marjorle Coles vs. James W. Coles. On merits. . Mollis "Wolf vs. City & Suburban Rail way Company. Motion for a new trial. Articles of Incorporation of the Plateau Farm Company were filed In tho County Clerk's offlco yesterday by William B. Brady, J. C. Flanders and S. B. LInthl cum, capital stock, $25,000. The objects an nounced aro to buy, lease and operato ag ricultural, timber and other landa Nora M. Grant has commenced suit against Ebcn B. Grant for a dissolution of the matrimonial bonds, bocauso of cruel treatment. She alleges in her com plaint that they wero married in Min nesota in July, 1S3S; that ho Is insanely Jealous and has abused her shamefully. Mrs. Grant asked to bo restored to her maiden name. CrandalL. NEW YORK'S GREAT DAY Will Celebrate What Father Knick erbocker Did Years Ago. NEW YORK. Feb. 5. Tho committee of Aldermen in charga of tho celebration of the 2S0th anniversary of tho conferring of municipal powers on the original site of Xew York, and the 100th anniversary of tho building of the City Hall, has mado preliminary plans for the ceremonies In May. There will bo a display of histor ical pictures and relics by storcoptlcons at night simultaneously In public places, a similar display In all of the public schools, with a lecturer in attendance to explain the views, and an elaborate celo bratlon In tho Aldermen's Chamber, which, will h artistically decorated, as will also the entire outside and insldo of the City Hall. Tho Mayor, tho Aldermen and all tho other city officials will bo present, as well as the prominent descendants of tho old Knickerbocker families ldentlflod.with tho citly affairs at the tlmo of Its Incor poration. A large collection of pictures and historic rellcsf will bo placed on view In tho Metropolitan Museum of Art. theso to bo lent by historic societies and other owners. Three doses f Hood's Sarsaparllla dally liter meal3 for awhile will build you up- lamberlain h Reme This preparation is intended especially for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough and influenza and has become famous for its cures of these diseases over a large part of the civilized world. " It can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. It not only cures colds and influenza, (grip) but counteracts any tendency toward pneumonia. It contains no opium or other harmful substance and may.be given to a baby as confidently as to an adult. Ollg 9s I