Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 06, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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Escaped Convict Meets Death
Near Eddyville.
WOUNDED. HE ENDS HIS LIFE b- nl Monday, when the jury recon
' I venes. If at alt.
Deputy Sheriff Warnock Shoots Htm
ThrooBh the Body To ATOld Cop
tare White Fires n Rallet
Into Ills Drain.
COItVALLIS. Feb. 5. (Special.) In a
desperate encounter Ed White, the con
vict who recently escaped fiom the Ore
gon penitentiary, was killed near Eddy
ville yesterday. After receiving n shot
through the body from a Winchester rifle
la the hands of Deputy Sheriff Robert
Warnock. While turned his -caIlber
Colt's revolver to his own forehead and
Fent-a ball Into his brain. lie died Ave
minutes afterward. The body passed
through Corvallls todiy on tho way to the
The encounter happened in the vicinity
of Robert Warnock's house. After the
encounter Sunday, White crossed Alsea
Bay to Lutjens and traveled north and
cast. Monday night he spent In a barn
owned by Charles Bruner, and Tuesday
was seen In the Chitwood Echoolhouse,
from which he was driven by persons
who were going there to hold a meeting.
From there he went eastward up the
river, where he obtained breakfast at a
farmhouse. His whereabouts had become
known to officers, and they were In pur
suit. Wednesday he pas.yd down the
Yaqulna River to the viciniry of the War
nock farm. There,, while parsing up the
railroad track with Section Foreman
Hewitt on a handeir, Robert Warnock
observed a man answering White's de
scription on the county road. When ho
noticed the handcar and Its occupants the
convict proceeded to secrete, himself In
the brush near. The handcar passed on
a dlstince of 150 yards beyond White,
when Warnock alighted and returned to
the place where the convljt had disap
peared. Within a few minutes White was
discovered moving along in the lane lead
ing past Warnock's house. The house
was only about 90 yards distant from the
convict's late hiding place, and a horse
was tied to the fence In front. Warnock at
once ordered the convict to halt and
throw up his hands. White turned quick
ly and 'presented his revolver as If to
shoot. Warnock at once leveled his Win
chester, and, without firing his revolver.
White turned and nn toward the horse.
Warnock opened lire, the, llrst shots being
for the purpose of inducing the fugitive
to halt. White, however, ran to the horse
and lost several seconds in untying the
anlmaL Then he attempted to mount,
when a ball from the officer's rifle pissed
through his clothing. Then White, has
tily changing his plan, left the horse and
started to run to the barn near the War
nock house. He had gone but a short
distance when a ball from the Winchester
stopped his flight. It entered the small
of the back, and White staggered and
dropped to his knees. While in this posi
tion he placed the muzzle of his revolver
ji-nlnst his forehead and pulled the trig
ger. . ithln a few minutes Sheriff Ross, who
had also been in pursuit, tolned Warnock.
When the officers reached him White was
still alive, but he died five minutes after
wards. When reached he was lying on
f his face. His right hand, with thumb on
1 the, trigger, grasped the handle, and his
left held the muzzle of his rcvorver. Just
as he clasped the weapon when he took
his own life. His hat lay near by. and
was burning at the point where it had
been set on Are by the discharge of the
The body was taken to Eddyville. where
a Coroner's Inquest was held. The ver
dict exonerated the deputy Sheriff from
all blame and found that the fugitive
came to his death by gunshot wounds in
flicted by Warnockand by his own hand.
Identified by Superintendent Lee.
ALBANY. Feb. 5. Special.) Today
SKerlff Ros's, of Lincoln County, brought
the body of Ed White to Albany, where
Superintendent Lee, of the penitentiary.
met Sheriff Ross and Identified the re
mains as those of tho escaped convict.
The body was taken to Salem this after
Was Serving Sentence for Burglary,
SALEM. Or.. Feb. 5. (SneclaU-Super-
intendent Lee, of the State Penitentiary,
and Sheriff J. H. Ross, of Lincoln County,
arrived In Silem this afternoon from
Eddyville, Lincoln County, with the body
of E. J. White, the escaped convict.
White was 26 years old and was re
ceived at the prison from.-coos county in
1S9 under sentence of 15 years for bur
glary. He gained the confidence of the
officials and was soon made trusty. Dur
ing the recent spell of typhoid fever at
the institution. White served as hospital
steward, and It was while working In
that capacity that he succeeded In evad
ing the officers.
The mother of the deceased man. who
lives at Bandon, has been notified, and
until she is heard from no disposition will
oe maua ul uie uuuj-.
Great Northern Crew and Passengers
Have Serious Tronblc,
SEATTLE, Feb. 5. A special to the Post
Intelligencer from Everett says:
Great Northern passenger train No. 4,
known as the eastbound overland, stuck
in the Cascade tunnel last night about
midnight and ten passengers in the sleep
ers and five members of the train crew
were more or less seriously affected by
gas. No deaths have been reported at
the division superintendent s office here.
The train left this city at 9:15, on time
last night. A helper Is used to pull It'
through-the Cascade tunnel. On the west'
ern slope of the tunnel, from soma cause
or another, the train stuck, ana the help
ing engine broke away. It was run back.
recoupled and broke away a second and
third time. On the third breakaway. En
gineer Freeman ran the helper through
to the east end of the tunnel. Conductor
Weston and the fireman were both uncon
bcIous when the mouth of the tunnel was
reached. When It was .found that the
helper was not going toreturn, the, train
was backed out and run to Wellington.
Engineer Sheerer, of the main crew, hlsli
i t... . .
jueuuui miu liei&u uia&uuui aim ten pas
sengers were more or less, though not
dangerously, overcome by the gas. The
whole time the overland was In the tun
nel, as stated by the Great Northern of
fice here; was about 30 minutes. The
helper later returned and the train was
pulled through the tunnel all right with'
the same crew.
Pass Fitepntrlcfc's BIU With
Narrow Majority.
BOISE. Idaho, Feb. 5. (Special.) In the
House Fltzpatncics Din placing EQ per
cent qf all moneys collected for liquor 11- Holy Cross Hospital, In this city. Ho
censes Into the general school fund was I was brought down from his home in Og
strenuously opposed In committee of the I den late last night and hurried to the
whole, the recommendation that It pass
being carried by only two majority. It
was strictly a fight between country, and
city, and the country won. The unfortu
nate condition of many country schools
was undisputed by 'the opponents of the
bill, but they claimed the relief provided
In the bill was Infinitely small compared
with the harm wrought In city school
Under the present law one-half the
money collected from saloon licenses goes
Into the treasury of the district where
the license Is collected, the other half
being devoted to roads and other purposes.
Rat Seattle Proaccntor Says Gnllty
Will Not Escape.
SEATTLE. Feb. 5. Prosecuting Attor
ney Scott has about come to the conclu
sion that Andrew Blacklstone. the grand
Juror, who was given permission to leave
the city during this week, will not return
Scott states that the jury will continue
working with the 14 remaining members.
and that. If indictments returned are at
tacked, he will brine all persons charged
to trial by filing Informations against them
on the evldenco found by the grana jurj.
Several Indictments are ready to be re
turned when the jury meets Monday.
Idnlio Senate Recommend Meaiurc
for 2lnc nnil 3I11U.
BOISE. Idaho. Feb. 5. In the Senate to
day the committee recommended the pass
age of the Ballantlne eight-hour bill.
There has been a great deal of discussion
of similar measures in both branches of
the ' .J".1
"",r;,.: ' " . "
to defeat such legislation. The Ballantlne
bill pro-Idcs that eight hours shall con
stitute a day's work In underground
mines and reduction works.
Oldent Moutnnn I'Innecr Dead.
SALT LAKE, Utah. Feb. 5. A special
to the Tribune from Helena, Mont., says:
J. W. Patrick, the oldest Montana pio
neer. Is dead at Augusta, Mont., aged 1.
Patrick was born In the same county as
President Lincoln, and In the same year.
and was a schoolmate of the martyred
President. He came to Montana from St.
Louis in 1K6, and later engaged In freight
ing across the Plains, making 40 trips
from St. Louis to the West before rail
roads were built. In 1S16 he Joined Price's
Brigade, and participated in the battle of
Buena Vista, Mexico, and In 1S13 Joined
In the rush to California. Later he was
employed by the Northern Pacific as guldo.
and came to Helena In 1S72.
Astoria Marine Notes.
ASTORIA. Or.. Feb. 5. (Special.) The
barkentlne Omega -cleared at the custom
house today for San Francisco with a
cargo of 675.000 fee of lumber, which was
loaded at Knappton.
The barkentlne Mary Winkleman. which
was damaged yesterday morning by strik
ing the Morrison-street bridge, arrived
down the river this morning In tow of
the steamer Ocklahoma. The only dam
age to the vessel Is to ber mlzzen top
mast, and her master has decided not to
delay his sailing on that account, as he
does not feel that It will Interfere with
the sailing qualities- sufficiently to war
rant his waiting for the repairs to be
Accidents at Astoria.
ASTORIA. Feb. 5.-(SncclaL-John Pur-
alneen, while working at the Clatsop mill
yesterday afternoon, had his right hand
caught In a planer and mashed to above
tho wrist. An effort Is being made by
the physicians to save his hand, but It Is
hardly possible that it will be successful.
In any event the man will not have the
full use of the hand again.
George Bush, Jthe young man who was
brought In from Svensen yesterday ser
iously Injured by being struck In the head
with the limb of a falling tree, died this
afternoon without having recovered con
sciousness. Deathblow to Woman Snftrnge
BUTTE, Mont., Feb. E. A Helena spe
cial says
Woman suffrage received Its deathblow
In the. Senate today as far as the Eighth
Legislative Assembly Is concerned. By a
lA - ote of 16 to 10, the committee of the
whole decided to report the bill back for
indefinite postponement. When the bill
cmdc up for final action by the Senate It
met Its llnal defeat. 16 Senators voting for
indefinite postponement, while ten voted
against this. In the matter of politics
there were six Democrats who voted for
the women and only four Republicans.
Freights Crash Together In Fob;.
SEATTLE, Feb. 5. Jn a rear-end col
lision between two Great Northern
freight trains on Railroad avenue, near
the foot of Bell street, this morning,
Thomas Morris, engineer of switch engine
So. 30, was killed, and Fireman J. S.
was telescoped, and Is nearly a total
So far as can be ascertained the collision
was not the fault of the crew In charge of
either train. The heavy fog which over
hung the bay prevented the engineers
from seeing the length of a car aneaa.
Shoots Ills Wife's Faramonr.
BUTTE. Mont.. Feb. 5. Walter W.
Brooks, a local bartender, found his wife
and Emery Chevrler, a barber. In a room
In a dubious bouso early this morning
and shot Chevrler down. He gave him.
self up today. He refused to talk. It
develops that Chevrler and Mrs. Brooks
have been Intimate for a long time- and
that Brooks had been warned. Chevrler
was Instantly killed. Mrs. Brooks is In
jail and two other women In the case
will be held as witnesses.
To Mnnnse Cliemavra Printing,
SALEM. Or.. Feb. 5. (Special.) L. J.
Brant, of this city, has been appointed
superintendent of tho printing depart'
ment at the Indian training school
at Chcmawa, ana will enter upon the dls
charge of his duties on February 9. Tha
appointment carries a salary of 1720 per
annum, with expenses, air. urant has
been engaged in the printing business In
this city for some time, coming here from
Independence. The appointment Is made
under the civil sen-ice.
Ex-Senator May Go to Jail,
SALT LAKE CITY, Feb. S.-Judge Hall,
of the District Court, today adjudged
ex-United States Senator Arthur Brown
guilty of contempt of court In falling to
comply with the court s order to pay Mrs.
Brown temporary alimony of $150 a month
as a result of her suit for separate main'
tenance. Judge Hall ordered Senator
Brown committed to Jail until the amount
was paid. An appeal will be taken.
Orrgon Pioneer of 1852.
ROSEBURG. Or., Feb. 5. Hon. James
D. Burnett, an Oregon pioneer of 1S32.
died at his home at Ruckles, 17 miles
south of here, yesterday, aged S2 years.
He was an Indian War veteran and was
widely known throughout the state. He
brought ud a large faTmllv. the membern
of which are now all dead except one 6on.
I TTa wftfl a format mmhr nf triA n.uwftn
He was a former member of tho Oregon
Investigate Graft On Gamblers,
HELENA, Mont., Feb. 5. In the House
today a committee was appointed to in'
vestlgate the charge that county and
state officials were making collections
from the gamblers and not enforcing the
gambling law. me committee Is com'
posed, of two Republicans and one Demo
crat, and win begin work Immediately
Ex-Senator Cannon III.
SALT LAKE CITY, Feb. 5. Ex-Senator
Frank J. cannon lies critically 111 n th
hospital, where he Immediately underwent
an operation ror acute appendicitis.
Observe Santa Ana Anniversary.
WALLA WALLA. Feb. 5. The S Danish
1 American War veterans tonight celebrated
the fourth anniversary of the battle of
Santa Ana. island of Luzon. Over 100 vet
erans were In the city, and a banquet and
smoker was held at the Sons of Veterans'
ellow-Servant -Bill Passes
Having Gone Throasch Honse, It Is at
Once Considered by Senate and.
Passed After Spirited
SALEM. Or.. Feb. 5. (SpecIaL)-The
Legislature passed the Hansbrough fellow-servant
bill this morning without a
negative vote Mr. Hume doubted the ex
pediency of the bill, but as tho discussion
progressed preliminary to the vote and
ho saw the unanimous sentiment for the
measure, he withdrew his opposition.
When his turn camo to vote, he re
marked: They say that wise men sometimes
chango their minds. I don't wish to be
put out of tho class of wise men. I vote
In the Senate there was a skirmish over
the proper procedure, a fine, though brief.
outburst of cloquenco by Senator McGinn
and an exchange of amenities between
Marsters and Mays. An effort was made
to postpone consideration until Monday
on tho ground that "railroading" any bill
Is bad business, but it failed.
There was not much debate over tho
bill In the House. The question had been
pretty well threshed out last Monday
night In the Joint meeting of the railroad
committees. Mr. HansDrough. In opening
the discussion this morning, said there
was no need of extended debate. "The
bill Is Just." he remarked.
Mr. Hume questioned the wisdom of the
bill. Inasmuch as railroads did not have
full control over their employes.
Mr. Hansbrough -Railroad employes are
well known to be careful men.
.air. iiume Ail men are careful when
under the direction of their employers.
Carelessness begins when that control
Mr. Hansbrough responded that the bill
was for the protcctlon'of the public more
than of employes.
I am sorry, returned Mr. Hume, "to
see any bills pass that will arrest the rail
road development of Oregon."
'Any man." said Mr. Malarkey. "who
listened to the argument over this bill in
committee last Monday night could not
fall to give hearty support to this meas
ure, unless ho was Impelled by selfish
motives." The speaker referred to the
States of Georgia and Iowa, which had
enacted bills more sweeping than the one
under consideration many years ago, and
ct those states had made great progress
in railroad development.
"The brainiest lawyers, went on Mr.
Malarkey. "In the Northwest argued
gainst this bill, but all their Ingenuity
was not sufficient to convince tho minds
of their auditors, that this bill should
not pass."
If a railroad company." said Mr. Judd.
had absolute control over the employes,
If it could discharge employes when it
discovered them careless or negligent.
then I would more strongly favor this
bill. It Is plain that the companies have
not mis treeaom.
Mr. Hansbrough denied that companies
could not discharge employes. "They may
aiscnarge at any time," he declared.
Mr. Shelley said, the bill should nass bv
unanimous vote.
"The will of labor," cried Mr. Davey.
'should be heard in this Legislature. But
I would support the bill more heartily If
it were general in its application. This Is
the only weakness of the bill In my opin
ion. The man on the gangway of a saw
mill Is entitled to Just as much protection
as an employe of a railroad. I fear the
courts will look upon It as class leglsla
Mr. Cornett cited the fact that railroad
attorneys had admitted that the bill would
not be class legislation.
Humanity Demands It.
'"Humanity," exclaimed Mr. Hale, "de
mands this bllL"
Mr. Bailey saw no Justice In the fact
that the traveling public could recover for
injuries, and that railroad employes could
not. Therefore he favored the bill. "La
bor organizations," said he, "never at
tempt to Interfere with an employer's
right to discharge a man who was Incom
petent or careless or negligent."
Mr. Banks said the law would cause
companies to be more careful In selection
ot their employes. This was the most
Important reason why the bill should be
come a law.
Mr. Whealdon favored the bill.
Jir. uanoway tnougnt the bill was
founded on the right principle enforce
ment of responsibility. "The only point
that has been raised against the meas
ure," said he. "Is that railway unions do
not permit aiscnarge of employes. But
do not believe any union would compel
an employer 10 retain incompetent em
This closed the debate; and tho bill
When the bill came up In the Senate
there was a fierce battle over a motion
to refer the bill to the railroad committee,
with Instructions to report tomorrow at 2
p. m. The motion was made by Senator
uroisan, wno saw tnat hchad not read
me Din ana was not familiar with its
terms. He would like a day In which to
consider It. "I do not like." he said, "to
see any bllL brought Into the Senate from
me House and crowded down our throats
without our having time to studv It'
Senator Marsters said that the Drlnted
bill has been on the desks of members
for two weeks, and that every Senator
is laminar witn it. The passage of the
bill has been demanded by- the railroad
employes, and at this time In the session
a delay would endanger the passage of
the -bllL He made an eloquent plea In
behalf of the railroad employes who stav
at their costs of duty in time at rin norl
andsuffer Injury or death In order thab
theproperty of the railroad companies,"
as fwell as the lives of passengers may
be saved.
- Senator Mays opposed the passage of
me oiu toaay as Deing unseemly. He said
the bill had passed the House, onlv this
morning, and that it should lay over at
least one day before being taken up In
the Senate. "There remain more than
two weeks of the session, and there Is no
reason why this or any other Important
measure should be 'rallroaOed' through.
Let the Senate proceed, that the dignity
that Is becoming to a deliberative body
of this character; and not continue a
custom now growing of taking up Im
portant bills and passing them hastily.
I expect to vote for this bill when It
comes up on final passage, but I object
to being forced, to vote on It today. There
Is no reason "why the bill 'should pass
both Houses in one day, and unless there
Is such a reason. I would oppose hasty
action on any bill. Twice In the last two
days I have objected to the passage of
bills In this manner, and I hope the Sen
ate will not force this measure to final
action today."
Senator Kuykendall said that he wanted
to record his protest against rushing a
bill through the Senate. "This has been
done a number of times at this session."
he said, "and In nearly every Instance
without any reason for the haste. I
shall vote for the bill, but I must protest
against being compelled to vote on It
without having an opportunity to Investi
gate It I hope the motion to refec will
McGinn's Eloquent Plea.
Senator McGinn, who was the champion
of the bill, had been sitting quietly at his
desk, seemingly obUvious to all that was
going on, but taking in every word of the
discussion. When Senator Kuykendall had '
finished, he arose, and, with flashing eye
and outstretched arm, addressed the Sen
ate In behalf of immediate consideration.
This measure has been published and
discussed through the press; It has been
printed and laid upon our desks; It has
been discussed In joint committee, where
Its opponents had a hearing; It was dis
cussed at the hustings In the last political
campaign, and we pledged It our support.
There Is now no reason for delay. Now Is
the time for us to redeem our pledges. I
have no sympathy or patience for those
men who make promises In a political
campaign and forget them as soon as
they have a chance to fulfill them.
Talk not to me of the dignity of the
Senate, When we were at the hustings
pleadlrig-wlth" the railroad boys for their
otes, pleading with them for their sup
port, there was no mantle of dignity then.
Isow Is the accepted time now Is the op
portunity to redeem the pledges we made
to the railroad boys, and I hope to see the
bill put to a vote now."
During his outburst of eloquence Sena
tor McGinn was listened to with sus
pended breath. For a, moment after he
ceased speaking perfect silence prevailed,
and but for the rules of the Senate an out
burst of applause would have followed.
ine silence was broken by Senator
Sweek. who added his protest against de
lay, and Insisted that tho bill be put upon
its final passage now.
benator Marsters again took the floor.
and with flushed face and suppressed ex
citement, replied to those who asked for
It Is strange." he said, "that every one
ot the Senators who asks for delay says
that he Intends to vote for the bill. Then
why not vote for It now? It seems to me
that any Senator who won t vote for the
bill today will not vote for It tomorrow
unless some Influence be brought to bear
upon him. I am sure that any Influence
brought to bear will not bo the Influence
of the railroad boys."
Senator Mays rose to a question of
privilege, and Inquired to whom Senator
Marsters referred.
I understood my esteemed colleague
from Multnomah to say that he expected
to vote for the bill, but did not want to
vote today. If I misquoted him, I humbly
beg his forgiveness.
In replying to this. Senator Mays took
occasion to remark that ho had no doubt
that If tho Senator from Douglas believed
that Senators are subject to "Influence,"
this belief arises from something he has
In his own heart. Senator Mays said that
there were some of the railroad boys In
the gallery of the Senate at that moment
who knew that he would vote for the bill
and who knew that his purpose In asking
for a day's delay .was not to defeat the
bill. ,
After more discussion, a vote was taken.
resulting as follows:
For postponement until tomorrow-
Booth, Crolsan. Daly. Farrar, Hobson,
Holman, Kuykendall, Mays. Rand, Smith
of Yamhill. Stelwer. 11.
Noes Carter. DImmlck. Fulton. Howe.
Johnston., Marsters. McGinn. Miller. Mul-
key. Myers, Pierce. Smith of Multnomah.
Smith of Umatilla. Sweek. Wade.
Wehrlng. Williamson. Mr. President. 18.
So the motion was lost, and the bill was
put to final vote, when it passed unani
mousely. After the ballot had been taken Senator
Kuykendall explained that It Is his pur
pose to examine every bill that comes be
fore the Senate, but. In order to do so, ha
must take them In the order they aro
likely to come up. Taking up a bill out ot
its order and on short notice leads to con
fusion. As he had not expected this bill
to come up a. soon, he had not yet read it.
ana aia rjt Know its contents until he
heard It read by the clerk.
Senior Crolsan said that he was In ex
actly the same position, for the bill had
just come over from the House this morn
ing, and he had not had an opportunity to
react It. While be felt satisfied the bill
was all right, he did not like being com
pelled to vote for It without knowing its
They Cannot Escnpe Liability for
Defective Highways.
SALEM. Or., Feb. 5. (Special.) A
bill to limit the liability of counties
for personal Injuries received from de
fective highways was defeated in the
House this morning. The bill was intro
duced by Mr. Webster, and as first
framed repealed section 4TS1 of the new
code, which permits recovery for damages
from such Injuries. In the committee on
roads and highways the bill was amended
so as to provide that prior knowledge of
the unsafe condition of a bridge or high
way by the person Injured should be a
bar to recovery.
The blU stirred up a small debate. Mr.
Webster urged passage of tho bill so as
to relieve counties of tho extreme burden
of liability which they had to carry.
Mr. Judd did not like the bllL and said
that people were entitled to the fullest
measure of protection that the county
could give. Mr. Hale spoke along similar
lines. Mr. Cornett approved the measure.
He said that counties had been taxed
heavily to pay for damages received by
persons wno Knew that the roads on
which they had traveled were unsafe. He
eld not think the count)- should be held
luimu unuer sucn circumstances.
The question was then put to a vote,
and the bill failed to pass, 37 to 19.
Grant's Pass People Were Anxious
for Passage of II. B. 250.
. GRANT'S PASS, Feb. 5. (SpeclaD-A
meeting of the Grant's Pass Board ot
Trade and citizens was held here this
afternoon to consider the matter of the
establishment of a bureau of Information
at Portland. Colonel Frank V. Drake, of
Portland, presented the matter before the
citizens and told of the Importance and
.benefits to be derived by all sections of
me siaia in me esiaDiisnmcm oi sucn a
bureau. The business men of the city
and county entered enthusiastically Into
the spirit of the meeting, and all ex
pressed themselves as heartily In favor of
the establishment of tho bureau.
Resolutions were adopted favoring the
establishment of a bureau of Information
and urging the passage of H. B. 259, In
troduced by Burleigh. The citizens and
miners also agreed to use their best en.
dcavors In collecting an exhibit of min
eral and ores from the mines and prod'
ucts from tha farms and orchards to place
on exhibit at tho bureau.
Commander Calkins Has Not Named
Master for the Heather.
ASTORIA, Feb. E. (Special.) Comman
der Calkins, commander of this Hs1?t
house district, who has beon In the city
for a couple of days, was asked this after
noon whom he -would recommend for ap
pointment as mister of tha new light'
hcuse tender Heather, wnen she goes
Into commission. He stated that while
his mind was made up concerning the
matter, the selection of one of the two
men under consideration wlU depend on
whether or not the vessel Is stationed In
Alaska, as was originally intended.
she goes north he will make one recom
menditlon, but If the Manzanlta Is sent
to Alaska, as he thinks quite probable.
another selection will be made. In speak
lng of the Heather, he said that in case
she were given the northern station It
would be necessary to house her In more
than her present plans provide. In order
to provldo suitable quarters for those on
board. While Commander Calkins would
not say so. It Is understood that Captain
Byrnes, first officer of the Columbine, has
been selected to ..command the tender
which will be stationed In Alaska.
Keller Wanted In Portland.
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 5.-(SpecIal.)
John J. Keller was arrested today on ar
rival of the steamer Geo. W. .Elder, from
Portland, by Detective txaa acting' on In'
formation of Chief Hunt, of, Portland, who
says Keller Is wanted on a charge ot ob
talnlng money under false pretenses. Hunt
requested that all money on Keller be held
aa evidence, but only J2 was found.
Was Ills Party's trader Before the
Days of Statehood Secretary of
Territory Four Times.
OLYMPIA, Wash.. Feb. 5. (Special.)
Colonel Nicholas H. Owlngs, a dis
tinguished offircr of the War of 'the Re
bellion, former Assistant .Superintendent
of the Railway Mall Service, Secretary of
Washington Territory and member -of the
first State Senate, died very suddenly at
his home In this city this morning of
apoplexy. Colonel Owlngs was born In
Indianapolis, December 21. 1S36. He was
educated at the old seminary In that city;
graduated at the law school of the North
western Christian University, and began
the piactlco ot law In Indianapolis.
At the time of the breaking out of the
Civil War he enlisted In the Clay Guards,
organized by Casslus M. Clay. In Wash
ington, I. C, to guard the Whlto House,
and was honorably discharged as a prl-
ate at the end of 60 days' service. There
after President Lincoln appointed him a
general staff officer with the rank of cap
tain. He served on the staff of General
Grant until the siege of Vlcksburg. and
cn the staff of General Sherman until tha
close of the war, being with that famous
General on his march to tho sea. For
gallant conduct he received one promotion
and two brevets and at the close of the
war, in 163. he resigned with tho rank of
At the tune of the reorganization of
the Army he was appointed 'Major In the
regular Army, but declined to qualify.
Later he was appointed special agent of
he Postoffice Department under Superin
tendent George Bangs and subsequently
promoted to bo Assistant 'Superintendent
of the Railway MalV Service.
On February 5, 1S77, 28 years to a day
prior to his death, he was appointed
Secretary of Washington Territory, serv
ing In that capacity fourtfull terms. Al
though appointed as a Republican, his
services were of such marked character
and ability that President Cleveland In
sisted on his holding over during his
first term. ,
In 1839, when Washington assumed state
hood. Colonel Owlngs was elected to the
first State Senate from Thurston County.
and held over for the full term, serving
In the first two sessions. During the sec
ond session he supported Judge Calkins
for United States Senator and was a
leader of the Calkins forces.
Colonel Owlngn was Intensely patriotic.
Upon the outbreak of the Spanish war
he was keen to enlist, but his Immediate
friends and relatives took steps to deter
h!m from such a course, knowing that his
advanced years would make It suicidal.
Colonel Owlngs was at ono time rep
resentative of the railroad Interests in
Olympia, but this was in days when there
were no public accusations of railroad
domination of Washington legislation, and
in the recent events connected with the
attempt at passage of a railroad commis
sion bill. Colonel Owlngs was one of Gov
ernor McBride's ablest seconds. He was
one of the most frequent visitors at the
Governor's office and only the other day
remarked concerning the leader of the
railroad lobby here. "Why, I helped edu
cate that boy In railroad matters, but he's
outgrown me now."
Colonel OwIngB death was very unex
pected. He. was on the street yesterday
and was only slightly HI this morning.
His death occurred at 11 A. M. Colonel
Owlngs was for a number of years vice-
president ot the Capital Bank of this city.
but retired about one year ago. His
wife survives him and his one son, Frank
C. Owlngs. is prosecuting attorney of
Thurston County.
Effort to Make It Joint Property of
Linn nnd Benton Falls.
ALBANY. Or.. Feb. 5. (Special.) Tho
County Courts of Linn and Benton Coun
ties held a Joint session in AiDany today
to consider the question of the two coun
ties taking the Albany bridge and Cor
vallls ferry. The City Council of Albany
For Cooling; aid Cleansing;
tie Blooi Kl m
In Gases of Itching, Burning,
Scaly Humours,
And for Renovating and En
riching the Blood.
The Best and Most Economical
Yet Compounded.
Cuticura Resolvent Pills (chocolate
coated) are the product o twenty-fire
years' practical laboratory experience
in the preparation remedies tor the
treatment of humours ot the skin, scalp
and blood, with loss of hair, and are
confidently believed to be superior to
all other alteratives as well as liquid
blood purifiers, however expensive,
while enabling all to enjoy the curative
DroDerties of precious medicinal agents
without consuming needless expenses
and. often injurious portions of alcohol
in which such medicines have hereto
fore been preserved.
Cuticura Pills are alterative, antisep
tic, tonic and digestive, and beyond
question the purest, sweetest, most suc
cessful and economical blood and skin
purifiers, humour cures and tonic-dlges-tlvesyet
compounded. Medium adult
dose, one pill.
Complete external and Internal treat
ment for every humour may now be
had for one dollar, consisting of Cuti
cura Soap, to cleanse the skin, Cuticura
Ointment, to heal the skin, and Cuti-
curaiiesoivent .fills, to cool and cleanse
the blood. A single set, costing but
one dollar, is of ten sufficient to cure the
most torturing, disfiguring skin, scalp
and blood humours, eczemas, rashes,
itehings and irritations, with loss of
hair; from infancy to age, when phy
sicians and all other remedies fall.
way to perfect manhood. Tho VACUUM
TREATMENT curei jot wlthoutvraedlcln of
all cervoua or dlsai ot the generative or
gans, such at lost manhood, exhaustive drains,
varicocele. Irapotencr. etc. Men are quickly re
stored to perfect health and strenxta. Write
for circular. Correspondence confidential.
Safe Depcalt bulldlcr. Seattle, "Wash.
f The Man and the Hour
meet by the time of an
Elgin Watch
j Punctuality's watch word is Elgin.
Worn everywhere; sold everywhere;
W guaranteed by the world's greatest
S watch-factory. Booklet mailed free.
Elcim, IllTHOII.
ar--?5 S3a
was represented by nn attorney, and a
number of representative citizens were
present. The Benton County officials pre
sented a proposition that the counties 1
take the bridge and fern-, the main
tenance of the samo to be paid for by
each county In proportion to the relative
amount of taxes paid by each under the
state levy. As this would make Benton
County's proportion of expenses for both
the bridge and the ferry less than It now
Is for tho ferry alone, the LinnS County
Court refused to accept the proposal.
The Linn County Court then proposed
that the two counties take both bridge
nnd ferry Jointly, the expense of main
tenance to bo dlvIiQrd equally. Judge
Waters, of Benton County, asked If this
was the best Linn County could do. and
upon recetolng an answer In the affrma
tlve. moved that the joint session ad
journ. Thus. ends the effort to make the
Albany bridge and Corvallls ferry tho
Joint property of the two counties.
But the Albany bridge may yet be free.
The County Court Is now considering pe
titions from Is precincts of the county.
asking that the county take the bridge.
There are about 10CO signatures to the
petitions. The court will act upon these
at the present session. The City Council
has offered to deliver the bridge to the
county rree of indebtedness.
Blows Xnrrowly Averted in Commit
tee Jleetlnpr at. Boise.
BOISE. Idaho. Feb. 5. (Special.) Tho
debate on tha Clearwater County bill be
fore tho committee, on county lines and
boundaries this" noon was so hot for a
time that fisticuffs were threatened.
C C Fuller, a Clearwater lobbvlst
made the statement that a certain voter
was in favor of the new county. Black
said the reason he favored It was because
ne expected to secure an office.
'That's not so," shouted Fuller, shak
ing his linger under Black's nose. Black
flushed, clinched his right list and drew
back to strike Fuller, but Chairman
Mathewson slipped between them like a
flash and pushed them apart.
"I wish you gentlemen to understand,"
explained Chairman Mathewson, "that
this committee will not tolerate any more
exhibitions of temper on the part of wit
nesses. You must either behave your
selves or leave the room."
The belligerents apologized and the de
bate proceeded.
The bill was given a hard setback by
the committee. The measure has been un
der consideration In committee for more
than three weeks, and an Interminable
number of petitions and protests for and
against the county have been submitted.
The committee wearied of controversy to
day and. decided to take final action. An
derson moved that the committee make
a recommendation that the bill pass, and
the motion failed by tho following vote:
Ayes Anderson, Owen; nays Mathewson,
Hanlon, Moore, Thomas, Klrby. Patent Medicine Bill.
SALEM. Or., Feb. 5. (Special.) An un
favorable report will be made on Senate
bill 129. requiring that formulas be printed
on packages of patent medicines. This
measure has aroused strong protest from
all parts of the state. At the meeting
of the committee on medicine tonight D.
-::: :5g
Dr. W. Norton Davis.
Our success in curing those de
rangements commonly termed
"weakness," has done more to ex
tend our reputation as specialists
In men's diseases than- any ono
other thing. "Wo were first to dis
cover the fact that "wikness" Is
merely a symptom resulting from
a chronically Inflamed prostate
gland, and that to remove this In
flammation Is the only method of
permanently restoring lost vigor.
To this day our treatment, mainly
by local methods. Is the only suc
cuesstul one In use. In years we
have not failed to effect a com
plete cure, which Is a statement
that cannot truthfully apply to any
other treatment being employed In
these cases. Of course, thfe is
an occasional case that has passed
Into the incurable stage and these
we do not treat at all. Our long
experience enables us to recognize
them and to select only such cases
as we can cure permanently.
. Our cure Is original and distinc
tive. Vi'e do no cutting or dilating.
We can safely say that we are the
only physicians employing our
methods of overcoming this dis
order, and the fact that we have
never In any Instance failed to
effect a cure, speaks well for Itself.
Our treatment Is used at home and
during sleep dissolves and perma
nently removes every obstruction
Consultation and advice free at office or by mall. Upon reques.t we send
free, securely sealed In a plain wrapper, our Interesting book describing tha
male anatomy and our method of treating "Diseases of Men."
HOURS 9 TO 5 AND 7 TO 8; SUNDAYS, 10 TO 12.
Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co.
l4f5K Sixth Street, Cor. Alder, Portland. Or.
wWS 5??5 H?r& arSS 0-5-56"
J. Fry. representing the Salem druggists;
B. F. Jones, of Portland, representing ,tha
State Druggists' Association: Br. O. P. S.
Plummcr. representing the Multnomah
County Association, and Representatlva
Huntley and Senator Marsters appeared In
opposition to the bill.
Jaraea C. "VVliltakcr Dead.
FOREST GROVE. Or.. Feb. 5. (Special.)
James C. Whltaker, who recently came
here from Nebraska, died today; aged
about so years.
Death of IValtcr A. Slelllnger.
M'MINNVILLE. Or.. Feb. 5. (Special.)
Walter A. Melllnger, a member of Com
pany A, Second Oregon, died yesterday
at Phoenix. Ariz.
Intcreatlns Experiment In a. Ilestan-
An advertising agent representing a
prominent New York magazine, while on a
recent Wcsteja trip, was dining one even
ing in a 'iu3Durg restaurant.
"While waiting for his order he glanced
over his newspaper and noticed the ad
vertisement of a well-known dyspepsia
preparation, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets;
as he himself was a regular user ot tha
tablets; ho began speculating as to how
many of the other traveling men In tha
dining-room were also friends of the
popular remedy for Indigestion.
He says: "I counted twenty-three men
at the tables, and In the hotel office I took
the trouble to interview them, and was
surprised to leam that nine of the twenty-
three made a practice or taKing one or
two of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets after
each meal.
"One of them told me he had suffered
so much from stomach trouble that at ona
time he had been obliged to quit the road,
but since using Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
had been entirely free from Indigestion.
but he continued their use, especially
while traveling, on account of Irregularity
In meals and because, like all traveling
man Vi a wnQ n f t r n nhltfTprf in nt wtnt Tin
could get and not always what he wanted.
Another, wno looKea tne piccure ot
health, said he never ate a meal without
taking a Stuart Tablet afterward, be
cause he could eat what he pleased and
when he pleased without fear of a sleep
less night or any other trouble.
"Still another used them because he was
subject to gas on stomach, causing pres
sure on heart and lungs, shortness of
breath and distress In chest, which he no
longer experienced since using the tab
lets regularly.
"Another claimed that Stuart's Dyspep
sia Tablets was the only safe remedy he
had ever found for sour stomach and acid
ity. He had formerly used 'common aod-
much better and safer to use."
After smoKing. annxing or otner ex
cesses which weaken the digestive organs,
nothing restores the stomach to a healthy.
wholesome condition so effectually as Stu
art's Tablets.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets contain tha
natural digestives, pepsin, diastase, which
ever' "weak stomach lacks, as well as nux,
hydrastln and yellow parilla. and can be
safely relied upon as a radical cure for
every form of poor .digestion. Sold by
druggists everywhere.
"When we have accepted your case for
treatment you may look forward to a
complete and permanent cure, and with
the very first treatment the curing will
begin. This Is pretty definite talk upon
wr-at Is commonly regarded as an uncer
tain and speculative matter. But we aro
In a position to speak definitely and posi
tively. "With us the cure of men's dis
eases Is not uncertain or speculative at
nil. We have treated so many cases that
we know Just what we can do and what
we cannot do, and we never promise or
attempt too much. Wo accept no case
In which we have doubt as to our ability
to cure, and results are always equal to
the claims we make.
from the urinary passage, subdues
all Inflammation, relieves all Irri
tation or congestion that may exist
in the kidneys or bladder, reduces
enlargement In the prostate gland
and restores health and tone to all
organs affected by the disease.
We guarantee to cure varicocele
by a method that Involves neither
cutting nor the use of flery caustic
No other physician employs a like
method, and so thorough Is our
work that, there need not bo the
slightest fear of a relapse Into the
old condition. Those who have been
long afflicted with varicocele will
never realize tne injury it nas
wrought until they feel the vim.
Energy and buoyancy of spirits that
a complete cure win onng.
Contracted Disorders
.In no other ailment peculiar to
men Is a prompt and thorough, cure
so essential. Contracted disorders
tend to work backward until the
most vital nerve centers become In
volved In the Inflammation. Then
follows a chronic stage that stub
bornly resists all ordinary treat
ment. Safety demands that every
vestige of Infection be eradicated at
the earliest possible moment. Our
treatment Is thorough. The reme
dies employed have a more positive
action than has ever before been
attained, and so perfect is our
method of application that ' even
chronic cases yield completely.
Specific Blood Poison
Some physicians dose the system
with mineral poisons scarcely less
dangerous than the disease Itself.
The best they hope to do by this
treatment is to keep the dlseasa
frcm manifesting Itself upon the
surface ot tiie body. Under our
treatment the entire system Is
cleansed, tho virus !s destroyed and
every symptom vanishes to appear
no more. This we accomplish with
harmless blood-cleansing remedies
in from thirty to ninety days.