Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 12, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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By virtue of a warrant issued by the
Gounty Clerk and ex officio Clerk of the
County Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Multnomah, to me directed,
commanding: me to sell the several tracts
or parcels of real 'property embraced In
the delinquent tax list for the year 1901,
and the city taxes for the year 1902, which
is hereto annexed ana made a.part of this
notice, in the manner and form as upon
- 6ale of real property under execution, to
the person who will pay the taxs. costs
and accruing penalties thereon, and take a
certificate at the lowest rate of interest.
I shall continue the sale from day to day,
beginning on the 20th day of January,
1903. until all of said real estate shall have
been sold.
Smlthson, M. E. N. S3 feet of J. 33
feet of W. 100 feet of XW. U
block 2, Abend's Addition to Al-
bina $ 3 21
Clemens. Eliza K. S. 33 1-3 feet of
lot 7, block 303, Aiken's Addition
to East Portland 24
Clemens, Mary M. X. 1C 2-3 feet of
lot 7, and S. 16 2-3 feet of lot S.
. block 303. Aiken's Addition to East
Portland 1 24
Davis. Mary E. Lot 2G. block 20.
Alblna tvi S 51
Investors Mortgage Security Co..
Ltd. W. 25 fret of N. of lot 9.
block 21. Alblna lo w
Goldsmith, James S. Lots 6, 7, S,
block 3, Alblna 22 62
Goldsmith, May B. Lots 9. 10. 11.
block 3. Alblna 22 62
Liljeson. Christina Lots 13. 14.
block 4. Alblna- 20 S
Garbade. Theodore A. Lot 25. block
6. Alblna -- U 07
Mebus, Emma Lot 8. block 8. -Al-
bina - 01
Cooley, Susan Lot 11. block 20. Al-
bina .. ISO?
Vanderbeck. G. A Lot 2, block 29.
Alblna 10 Oo
Fischer. Margaret Lot 16. block 31.
Alblna : - 6
Johnson. Ingeborg W. of south
westerly lots 3, 4, block GS. Al
bina 1 38
O'Connor. Anna Lot 12. block 1.
Alblna Addition S .0
McKlbben. William F. Lots 1. 2.
block 2. Alblna Helghtsr 2 32
Hays. Llda E. Lot 5. block 3, Al
bina Heights 4 51
Henderson. John Lots 8. 9. 10, block
4, Alblna Heights 02
Button, Nellie Cain Undivided of
lot 6. block B. Alblna Homestead.. 1 61
Frentress. Dora Lot 5, block 1, Al
bina Homestead - 32
Craig. Robert Lot 11. block 4. Al
blna Homestead 01
Northern Counties Investment Trust
Co., Ltd. Lots 4, block 15. Alblna
Homestead 3 00
Frainey. Patrick Lot 16. block 18.
Alblna Homestead ... 4 7S
Starr. Frank A. E. Lot 11. block 3.
Albion Addition to Alblna 1 05
B. Delashmutt Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
block 13. Arbor Lodge 6 52
Dooley, Richard M., Trustee Lots
20, 21, 22. 23, 24, block 11, Arbor
Lodge 5 36
Debe, Camillo Lot 11. block 2.
Atkinson's Addition to Portland.. 22 2S
Glrvln. Calon C Lot 4, block 2; lots
1. 2. .block 4. Auburn Park; a sub
division of lots 1 to 10, Mount Ta
bor Park 4 24
Seidel. Alln Lot 4. block 10. Ab
burn Park, a subdivision of lots 1
to 10. Mount Tabor Park 1 40
Barrett. John Lots 4. 5. block 2,
Barrett's Addition to East Port
land 1 1 18
Roggerone. Peter Lot 3. block 1,
Base Line Aooitlon to East Port
land , 8 3S
Hetidee Mrs. I. H.-Lots 5. and W.
16 2-3 feet lot . block 1. Base Line
Addition to East Portland 39 17
Harsch, Charles Lots 9. 10. block 2,
Baxter's Addition to Taborslde 1 70
Klepmlchen. Richard Lot 7, block
3. Bella Vista 21
Held, William H. Lot 13, block 1,
Bernhardt Park 2 73
Eckley. Mrs. Viola Lot 10. block 3,
Bernhardt Park 1 18
Hughes, Edw., and Cress, John M.
E. lot 1. W. Vt lot 5, all except
5. 70 feet of E. of lot 12; all
except S. 70 feet lots 13, 14, 15; all
except S. 70 feet of W. lot 16,
block 2; lot 16. block 17; lots 7, 8.
block 20. Bertha 1 79
Noakes, George Lot 10, block 7.
Bertha , .- 21
Short, Bernard Lot 4. block 10,
Bertha 31
Lestoe. H. J. Lot 13. block 14.
Bertha r 31
Thompson,' George C Lots 1. 2. 3,
4. 5, 6. 7, 8. 9. block 1; lots 1, 2. 3.
block 2; lots 1. 2. 3, 16, 17. 18. block
S; lots 1, 2. 3. 4, 5, C. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11,
12, 13.-14, 15, 16. 17, 18. block 4; lots
1. 2. 3, 4. 5, 6. 7, 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
14, 15, 16, 17. 18. block 5; lots 1. 2.
3, 16, 17, 18. block 6, Bolles' Subdl- y
vision of lots 5, 6, Glenhaven
Park 14 SI
Jensen. Carl, and .Nells, C Lots 1,
2. 3, block 6, Brainard 3 79
Fox, Hannah M. Lot 1. block 9,
Brainard 1 40
Gilbert. Albert S. 5.3 feet lot 20,
block 12, Brainard..., 23
McCraken, Eunice O. Lot 6, block
15, Brainard . . 71
Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co.
oi California Lots'19, 20. block 2,
Brainard .Tract . , 2 68
MacMahon, Michael J. Lots 20. 21.
block 3; lot 8, block 5, Brainard
Tract 4 oi
McKlbben, "William F. Lots 1, 2.
block 5. Brlgton Park Addition to
East Portland 21
Becke. Edward Lot 5, block 5,
Brown's Tract 1 16
Bosworth. Richard S. Lot 6. block
3. Brush's Addition to East Port
land .". 3 82
.Buckman, Lydla Lots 1, 2. block 14;
lots 4, 5. 6, block 20, Buckman,
Lydla, Addition to Portland 46 91
Buckman, Isaiah W. t lots 5, 6,
block 21. Buckman's, Lydla, Addi
tion to Portland u 72
Loyez, Louisa, heirs Lots 10, 11, 12.
13, 14, 15. block 9. Burfleld S7
Byrne, Sarah Lots 7 8. block 3,
Byrne's Addition to East Port
land 11 34
Ward, Kate S. 34 feet of lot 7, block
321, Burnell's Addition to East
Portland 20 09
Sharp. Charles Lots 25, 26, block 8,
Capitan Addition to East Portland ' 1 39
Lyttleton. .Joseph B. Lots 4, 5, block
12, Capitan Addition to East Port
land 1 16
Achstetter, Mrs. Clara Lots 5. 6,
block 14. Capitan Addition to East
Portland .". 1 16
Rosenthal, S. E. lot 14.
block 15, Capitan Addition to East
Portland 70
Sturgls, Rose XL Lots 1, 2, 15, 16,
block 35. Carson Heights 2 67
Fowler, N. D. Lot 6; also strip 18
feet wide E. of and adjoining
lot 6. block 12, Carter's Addition
to East Portland 5 19
Morterud, A. E. S. lot 3. block 2,
Carter's Addition to "Portland 11 72
Howes, Enoch T. Lot 3, block S9,
Carter's Addition to Portland 2 01
Sillier. Edwin S. No. lot 3, N.
of E. 12 feet lot 4, block 43, Car
ter's Addition to Portland 5 04
Smith, Seneca All block 35; also the
W. 30 feet of Seventeenth street
now vacated East of and adjoining
block 35, between S. line of Mont
gomery street and northerly line
of Heights Terrace road; also the
N. 30 feet of Harrison street, now
vacated, S. of and adjoining block
S5, between E. line of Terrace road"
and westerly line of Heights Ter
race road; and lots 1, 2, 3. 4, 5. 6,
7, 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. block
58. Carter'e Addition to Portland... 38 34
Bank of B. C. account M. Kosh
land Lot 7, block 55. Carter's Ad
dition to Portland 1 49
Harrison. I. E. E. lots 7, 8, block
So. Carter's Addition to Portland.. 1138
Welner. Eva W. lots 7, 8. block
85, Carter's Addition to Portland.. 16 ,90
Smith, R. C E. 30 feet of S. lot
5. block 26, Caruthers' Addition to
1 Caruthers' Addition to Portland 5 86
Marquam, Philip A. Lot 6, block 50.
Caruthers' Addition to Caruthers
Addition to Portland 2 S3
Poppleton. 03dgar- Strip 20.5 feet
wide N. of and adjoining lot 1.
block 63, Caruthers Addition to
Caruthers Addition to Portland ... 1 39
Apple, Lena E. 81 feet lot 4, block
71. Caruthers' Addition to Caruth
ers Addition to Portland , 32 31
Fogel, 'Louis Lot 3. block 6, Caruth
ers' Addition to Portland 27 48
Northern Counties Inv. Trust Co.,
Ltd.. The-r-W. U lots 5, C. block 130.
Caruthers' Addition to Portland,
by South Portland Real Estate As
sociation 37 17
I'recemeder, Charles H. Lot 4,
block 149, Caruthers' Addition to
Portland, by South Portland Real
Estate Association .' -29 97
Walker. Sidnoy. Ex. O. & C. right
of way Lot 3, block :S7, Caruthers'
Addition to Portland, by- South
Portland Real Estate Association.. 28 12
Cake. H. M. Lots 73. 74. Cedar Hill 22 99
Elin. W. B. Lot 1. block 1. Center
Addition to East Portland 4 07
Johnson. Caroline Lot S, block .12,
Center Addition to East Portland. 1 04
Thompson. Mary F. Lot 12. block 13,
Center Addition, to East Portland. 2 37
Everdlng & Farrell Lot 12, block 2;
lot 12. block 3, Center Addition
Annex to'East Portland 3 02
Killingsworth, William M. Lot 1.
block 2; lot 10, block 8, Central
Alblna C 69
Flegel, Austin F. Lot 9. block 3,
Central Alblna 3 34
Parker. t Ernest H. Lot 9, block 5,
Central Alblna 3 34
Halght. Emmor J. Lots 13. 14, 15, 16,
block 25, Central Alblna
Halght. Emmor J., and Annie Lots
14 39
1. 2. 3. 4, 5. 6. 7, S. 3. 10. 1L 12, 13,
14. 15. 16. block 26, Central Alblna.. 124 23
Halght. Edna B. Lots 5, 6. 7, 8,
block 27. Central Alblna 14 39
Koepcke. Emma Lot 14, block 27,
Central Alblna
Keller, Frank Lots 5, 6, block 1,
Central Alblna Addition
Marks. Idella Lot 16, block 8, Cen
tral Alblna Addition
Landucci. Crelll Lots L 2. block 11,
Central Alblna Addition
Lincoln. F. A. Lot 4. block 11. Cen
3 34
3 59
2 S3
6 19
tral Alblna Addition 11 SS
Axelson. W. O. Lots 2, 3, block 5.
Charleston's Addition to Portland.
Axelson. Matilda Lots IS. 19. 20.
block 5, Charleston's Addition to
Bloslck. Victoria Lots 23. 24. block
8 70
3 17
4, Chicago
Brown, George W. Lot 11, block 5,
Chicago v
Darr, Hiram L.. Heirs Undivided
1-3 of lots 1, 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. S. block
3. City View Park Addition to
East Portland
Foreman. Leonard C. Heirs Lot 1,
block 6. Cloverdale Extension-
Black. Libbie G. Lot 7. block 8.
3 SS
1 83
Cloverdale Extension
16 40
1 33
yvilmore, Alice lot 10. diock n.
V.r"iovrda1 Extension Xo. 2
Newton. Jasper Lots 19. 20. block
14 Cloverdale Extension No. 2
French. H. T. Lots 3. 4. 5. blonk 15.
Cloverdale Extension No. 2
Haynes. Henry N- Lots 7, 8, block 2.
Cloverdale Tract
Nlckell. Dora E. Lots 10, 17, block 3.
Cloverdale Tract
Walt, A. E. Lot A. B, C. block 12,
Cole's Addition to East Portland ..
Ostlund. Theodore E. Lots 23. 24.
block C. v.ollnge Place
Augensen. Sophia Lots 32, 33. block
11. College Place
Sllva, Jesse Lot 6, block 1. Colum
bia Heights
McDonald. M. J. Lot 1. block 5, Co
lumbia Heights
"Wilbur, Rozol M. Lots 3, 4, block 6,
Columbia Heights
Barker. J. F. Lots 1, 2, block 7. Co
lumbia Heights
Johnson. Nils Lots 9, block 9. Co
lumbia Heights
Olsen. Nells M. Lots 15. 16. block 9,
Columbia Heights
Goodsell. David Lots 1. 2. 3, 4. block
12, Columb.a Heights
Turner, Annie Lots 7, 8, block 14,
Columbia Heights
Peterson, Werner Lot 10. block 15,
Columbia Heights
Billings. M. Lot 6. block 16. Colum
bia Heights ....IV
Lyckholm. Margaret Lot 10, block
16. Columbia Heights
"Walker, May E. Lot 9, block 21. Co
lumbia Helgr.ts
Muller. II. Lot 4, south block 3. Co
lumbia HMchts
Rogers. C. II. Lots 5. 6, 7, S, 9, 10,
block 1, Corona Park
Title Guarantee & Trust Co. Lots
1. 2. 3, 4. 5. block 3, Corona Park..
Gee Luey Lots 6, 7, block 3, Corona
Lewis, Leon H. Lots 1. 4, block 44;
2 "
4 34
7 89
2 33
5 42
1 CO
1 00
2 00
2 00
1 16
2 17
4 IS
2 00
12 3S
1 16
1 16
1 41
lots l, 4. block 4, Couch s Addl-
tlon to Portland -.. 194 23
Gerdes, Richard. Heirs Lot 4. block
61. Couch's Addition to Portland..
Bodley. M. Watts Lot 6. block 139,
Couch's Addition to Portland....
Cook, C. E. Lot 1. block 144; N.
lot 3, block 1S6, Couch's Addition
to Portland
Wagner. D. E. E. Vi lots 5. S. block
165. Couch's Addition to Portland..
Healy. E. P. W. lots 2. 3. block
33 4S
26 11
65 30
201. Couch's Addition to Portland. 41 S6S
Irving. Robert Lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5, 6,
7. block 243. Couch's Addition to
Portland k 90 41
Ahern. Annie Lot 3, block 307,
Couch's Addition to Portland 33 56
Lambert & Sargent Lot 12, block 3,
Crystal Springs Addition to East
Portland 1.33
Zimmerman, Amelia Lot 15, block 4,
crystal springs Addition to East
Portland 1 00
Metzger, Anna Lot 36. block 4.
Crystal Springs Addition to East
Portland 133
Hassalo Lodge, No. 15, I. O. O. F.
Lots 5. 8, block 1 Davenport Tract 24 78
Stillwell. S. F. Lots 7. 8. 9. 10, 11.
12. blocK 2, Davis Highland 17 91
Davis. Luther M.. and N. M. Lot A,
block 3. Davis Highland 32
Dunn. Richard M. Lot 9, block 10,
Dunn's Addition to East Portland. 7 03
McCarthy. Marv E. E. lot S,
block 22. East Portland 10 04
Mann. Peter J. Lots 3. 4. block 46.
East Portland 36 S3
Nichols. Amml S. Lots 5, 6, block
46. East Portland f 36 83
Markle, C, Lots 5, 6, block 67, East
Portland . S2 54
Smith. Seneca; 14. McFadden. WY
S., y. Kowrthour. -G. Mr-S. 120 feet
of all block 72. East Portland 45 20
Richardson, Angle B. Lot 3, block
106, East Portland 33 48
NIcolal. Henry C Lot 1. block 124,
East Portland 27 38
Mcintosh. William. Trustee Dundee
Mortgage & Trust Investment Co..
Ltd.. The S. 12Vfc feet lots 2. 7; all
101s a. t, diock 140, East Portland.
29 30
Board of ChurCh Extension of M. E.
Church Lots 5, 6, block 184. East
Portland 23 44
First Universallst Parish of Port
landLot 1, block 187. East Port
land 16 74
Haynes, Charles 1 E. lot 5; S. v
23 feet of E. H lot 6. block 22L
East Portland 20 95
Dean, Mrs. Rv Js W. lot 8. block
m. iast .foruano.
9 87
Sisters of the Holy Name of "Jesus
and Mary Lots 5, 6, block 240,
East Portland
Smmi, J. C W. lots 7, 8, block
262, East Portland.-... ,
Thompson. R. W. S. 50vfeet of N.
100 feet of W. 100 feet block 299,
Eatt Portland .-.
Smith. C Lots 4, 5, 6, 7. S, 15, 16,
block 5, East Portland Park
McArthur, H. Lot 9, block 4, East
land Simpson, James Lot 10, block 4,
Dnnerberg, John Lots 13, 14, block
5, Edgemont
Bishop, E. R. Lot 5, block 2, Else-,
Evaris. Dudley W. .lot 7, block L
Evans Addition to Alblna
Long, Edward E., heirs Lot 3. block
4, Excelsior .
Logan, Rose C Lot 8, block 5, Ex
celsior Davis, M. M. Lots 1. 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7,
23 44
6 69
21 28
3 34
16 i4
2 67
1 67
1 33
S, 3, IV, DIOCK : lOtS 1, 2, 3, 4, O,
.6, 7, 8, biock 8, Excelsior , 24 60
Clements. E.- B. Lots L 2. 3, 4, 5, 6.
7, 8, 9. 10, block 9. Excelsior 13 73
Riley. Mrs. E. K. Lots l, 2, block 1L
Tautfest, Benjamin Lt 1, block 2,
Falrueld 7.
Bade. C. E. and SusIe-r-Lot 7, block
3, Fairfieid t
Fowler, J. Lots 37, 38, block 3, "Fair
field Melcher. F. E. Ldt 6, Falrlawn....
Ban. A. W. Lots 6. 7. S. block 1.
1 00"
1 46
Fan-ell's Addition 14 25
Farrell. William L. Lots 4. lit block
5. ,Farrell's Second Addition
Newton, Jasper Lots 9. 10, 11, 12, 13,
14. 15. 16, 19, 22. 23. 24, block 1. Fern
bropk Alford. Eva L. B. Lots L 2, 3. block
2, Fernwood Subdivision, Tracts 1
and 4
Maurer, Albert Lot 12. block 1.
Feurer's Addition to East Port
land Samlovlch, John Lot 5, block 3,
Feurer's Addition to East Portland
Frainey. Patrick Lot 2. block lL
Feurer's Addition to- East Port
land w
Blanck. Floyd A. Lot 1L block 14.
1 67
1 35
3 01
5 02
3 67
Feurer's Addition to East Portland 10 S3
McNulty. M. Lots 6. 7. block 16.
Feurer's a itlon to East Portland
Mixer. F. L. Lots 13. 14. block 9,
First Electric Addition to-lbina..
Doane, Clara A. N. 30 feet of S. 130
feet, block i, Frush's Square Addi
tion to East Portland
Norman. V. D. Lot 6. block 3.
8 69
20 03
Frush's Square Addition to East
Portland - 2 03
Glrvin. Collin C Lots S. 3, block .40,
Fulton Park
Kometzka, G. C Lot 11, block 40,
Fulton Park :
Keck, Gedrge Lot 4, block 52, Ful
ton Park
McQuillan. Anna Lot 7; block' 53,
Ful ton Prtrk . . . t .
Ladd. William M. Lot 5. block 4,-
3 01
1 50
Garrison's Subdivision in East
Portland 13 39
Royal, Osmon-'Lot 2, block 9. Garri
son's Subdivision in East Portland 13S9
Aispaugh. Fred-Lots 20. 21, 22. block
3. CJa.vs Ad&itlon to Alblna
Doly. Herbert E. Lot 4, block 5,
Ghv's Addition to Alblna
Wright. La Viva-Lots 11 and 12,
block 6. Gay's .ultion to Alblna..
Sheridan. Emma Lots 15.-16, block 7,
McMolnes, Mary J. Lota 7, S, block
3 51
2 35
2 00
3 96
19 75
6 S6
21. 22. 23. block 15. Good Mornlns
ion to East Portland.
Gassett, Elsie C Lots 14. 15. block
i, uassett's c. xi. suoaivision; lot
2. Gknwood Park
Dreger. Gustav, and Stauber, Frank
Lot 13. block-1. Greenbridge
Stuart. C. A Lots 1, 2, 3, block 11,
Griswold Tract ,
Markle. George B. Commencing at
NW corner of block 109: thence E.
30.63 feet; thence S. 40 dcg.'ll mln.
W. 64.1 feet; thence N. SI deg. 31
mln. W. 50.23 feet; thence S. 62
deg. 29 mln W. 44 feet; thence N.
40 deg. 35 mln. W. 50 feet; thence
northeasterly 111 feet to beginning,
block 109, Grover's Addition to
Ferris. Frank E. N. of E. 30 feet
of W." block 110, Grpver's Addi
tion to Portland
Bannan, Patrick J. E. block C.
fJrover's' Addition to Portland
Metcalf. Fannie and Quick. Emma J.
W. H block C, Grover's "Addition
to Portland .
Hartman. W. E. N. 24 feet of E. 32
feet, lot 6, and S. 19 feet of E. 32
feet, lot 9, block 14. Hanson's Sec
ond Addition to East Portland....
Millmore. G. T., et al. Lots 13. 14
block 7, Harlem Addition to East
Portland ".
Quest, John Lot 19. block. 8. Har-It-m
Addition to East Portland....
Cake. H. M. and W. M. Lots 17. 18,
block 9, Hawthorne Avenue Addi-
tinn -
3 01
11 3S
30 82
2 00
4 51
1 05
2 03
6 69
3 35
3 34
GO 23
2 55
7 t5
4 51
10 S?
1 33
1 16
18 41
2 00
1 00
1 16
2 51
2 33
39 34
157 39
00 91
KHawthjrne Estate; theLot'ii," biock
a: lot 10. block 16, Hawthorne's
First Addition to East Portland..
Todd. John Lot S. block 7. Haw
thorne's First Addition to East
Mortis pl
Maxwell. John Lot 9. block 19,
Hawthorne's First Addition to East
Hawthorne, Louise H. nnd Beck,
Catherine H. lot 4. block 256; lots
5. 6. block 287; W. lots 3, 4
block 2S6. Hawthorne Park
Failing, William S. Kot 5, block S;
lot 6. block 10. Hawthorne Pin re..
Hcdrlck. G. T. Lot 1. block 2. Hed
rlck's Addition to East Portland..
Grussle. Louise M. Lots 17. IS. bjock
3. Henry Fourth Addition to Port
land Dooly. Richard M., Trustee Lots 1,
2. 3. 4. 5, 6. 7, , block 20, Hlbbard's
Addition .-.
Jones. Alta R. W. Lots 1. 2. block
4. Highland
Hansen. Mrs. N. Graff Lot 12, block
4. Highland
Seventh Street Terrace Co. Lot 12.
block 17. Highland
Wilson. R. B. Lot 22, bloc'? 2. High
land Park :
Alexander. A. F. Lots 15. 17, block
4. Il.ghland Park
Borthwlck. Batty & Co. Lot 26,
block 4. Highland Park
Going, James W. Lot 7, block 5,
Highland Park
Gwllt. John Lot 5. block 7: lot 23,
block 8; lots 15. 17. 19. 21. 23. 22. 24.
Mock 15. Highland Park
Miller. L. M. Lot 17. block 10. High
land i-arK
Hampson, William B. Lots 13, 15.
block 11', Highland Park
Thomson. Harvey A. Lots 21, 23,
block 12. Highland ParK...
Morris. Alfred Lot 12. block 16.
Highland Park
Plchot, Augustine Maria Lots 5. 6,
block 57. Holladay's Addition to
East Portlana
Murphy. John.-Pius Lots 1. 2. 3. 4,
5. 6. 7 S. block 67.vHolladay's Addl-
1 tlnn tn TPd et TWtirwl
McArdle. Fannie V. E. " yC Vo ts " 5. V.
VlTnnl- ?1? Unllxiln..!. IJJIH.. 1.
block 213. Holladav's Addition tn
East Portland
Josenh. Georire W T.nt J Mnxtr t
Howltt '. .'
Smith. Seneca Lots 2. 3. block 2;
1 91
2 S4
23 94
10 3S
59 26
6 02
11 72
3 00
2 00
1 00
1 00
2 00
1 50
2 10
12 34
lots 1. i'. ljiock 3. Hudson's Addi
tion to Portland
Porter. Nellie Lot 3. block 12. Hum
phrey's Subdivision of lot 22. Glen
haven Park
Dickson, Rose B. Lots 7. 12. block
2. Elizabeth Irving's Addition to
East Portland .!
McCarthy, Mary E. J4 lots 3, 4
block 5. Elizabeth Irving's Addi
tion to East Portland
MacMahon, Michael J. Fractional
lot 5. block 11. Elizabeth Irving's
Addition to East Portland
Palmer, J. H. Undivided lot 5
block 2. Elizabeth Irving's 2d Ad
dition to East Portland
Ryan. Elizabeth Lot 9, block 20,
Irving's Harbor View Addition...
Wittenberg. Herman Lots 5, '6, 7,
block 1. Irvington Heights
Holt. C. M. Lots 2. 4. 6, 8, "block 7.
Irvington Park ..1 ,
Crawley, Thomas Lots 27, 29, block
13. Irvington Park
Plnard. H. H. Lot 17, block 15, Irv
ington Park
Norman. V. D. Lots 30, 32, block 17,
Irvington Park
Schleger, John Lots 2, 4, 6, 8, block
22. Irvington Park
Barentsen, Mary Lot 41, block 2S,
Irvington Park
Caldwell. Frank M. Lots 45, 47,
block 28, Irvington Park .
Farrell, Allan Lots 41. 43, 45, 47,
block 44. Irvington Park
Sabin. A, C Lots 17, 19, block '49,
Irvington Park
Johnston. Kate R. Hots 33, 35,
block 49, Irvington Park
Blrrell. Alexander H., and Macmasv
ter, William Lots 8. 9, block 7,
Shearer, Mrs. Georgia Lots 1, 2,
block 10. Ivanhoe
Rehorst, Fred Undivided & lots 5,
6. 7, block 2, Jefferson-street, Ad
dition to Portland
Johns, James, Heirs Tract block 1,
E. V 6, James Johns' Addition to
St. Johns -
Johns, James, Heirs Lots 1, 2, 3, 4,
block 8; lots 1. 2. 3. 4, block IS;
lots 1. 2, 4. block 19; lots.l, 2, 3,
4, block 20; lots 1, 2, 3, 4. block 21;
lots L 2, 3, 4, block 22; lots 1, 2, 3.
.4. block 24: lots 1, 2. 3. 4. block 26;
lots 1, 2, 3, 4. block 28; lots 1. 2.
3. 4, block 29; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, block
3L James Johns' Addition to SL
Seventh-Day Adventlst Church Lot
- 4, block 15, James Johns' Addition
to St. Johns
Catlln, Seth Lots 1. 2. 3, 4f block
41; lots 1. 2. 3, 4. block 42. James
Johns' Addition to St. Johns
Smith, M. J. SW. Vt lots 3, 4. block
10. James Johns' Second Addition
to SL Johns
Johns, James. Heirs Lots 1, 2, 3, 4,
5. 6. 7.- 8. block 17; lots 1, 2, 3. 4,
5. 6. 7, 8, block 21; lots J, 2. 3.
4. 5. 6. 7, . block 26: lots 1 to S.
block 27; lots 1 to 8, block 2S: lots
1 to 8, bl6ck 29; lots 1 to 8, block
30; lots 1 to 8, block 31; lots 1 to
8. block 32, JameSv Johns' Second
Addition to St. Johns
Stratton. Cora A. E. 50 feet of W.
53 66
1 32
9 18
41 90
143 99
9 S9
8 70
3 01
4 34
. 15 06
50 90
9 37
20 09.
77 68
32 32
3 05
3 04
1 67
22 26
7 53
5 23
2 00
2 51
7 70
100 feet, lot S, block 5, Johnson s
Addition to Portland
Franklin. Esther and Ernest Lot 3,
block 5, Kenllworth
Knapp. Lucy Lot 7, block 5, Kenll
worth Etigblom, Emma Lot 12, block 9,
Brosman, J. Lot 3. block 6. Ken
nedy's Second Addition to East
Hall. John H. W. lot 2, block EL
Kerns' Addition to East Portlana
Crescenf Land Co. Lots 9. 10. block
1. Keystone Addition to Portland..
Roberts. J. H. Dot 6. block 18.
King's Second Addition to Port'
"Wallace, W. R. N. 10 feet of E. 10
feet, lot 9; E. 10 feet of lot 10.
block 21, King's Second Addition
to Portland
Mead Estate E. 85 feet of lots 3. 4,
block 23. King's Second Addition
to Portland
Marshall, Rosa A N. 50 feet of E.
100 feet of block 30, King's Second
Addition to Portland
Main, George J. Lot 17, block 2,
Kinzel Park
Davidson. "W. R. Lots IS. 19. 20. 2L
22. block 13; lots 19, 20. block 15,
Labec's Addition
Falls Lodge. No. 10L I. O. O. F.
Lots 1. 2, block 5. Lattourell Falls..
Cole. Edward S. & block 6. Lattou
rell Falls
Unknown Owner Lot 5, block 9,
Lattourell Falls
Sterne. Genla Lots 1, 2, block 1;
lots 11, 12, block 2. Laurel Park
"West, Carrie Lots 6, 7, 8. 9, 10,
block 1. Lent (Town of)
Turner, I. M. Lot 11, block 4, Lent
(Town of)
Gena, Augusta Lots 1, 2, 25, block
2, Lents Addition to Portland
Bryson, J. R., Heirs Lots i; 2, 3.
10. 11. 12, block 2; lots 1. 2, 11. 12,
block 5, Lcshs Addition
Corbett. Martin F. Lots 3, 4, 12.
block 5. Lincoln Park
Adams. Samuel N. lot 6, block
24. Lincoln Park :
McClay. Hugh Lot 10, block 1, Lin
coln Park Annex
Manley A. B. Lot L block 20. Lin
coln Park Annex
Fidler, Ena Lot 13, block 13, Lin-
coin Park Annex
Kellen. Henry C Lot 9, block 17;
5. Glencoe Park
Nelson, Alfred P. Lot 8. block 9,
Glencoe Park ..
McKibbon. William F. E. 35 feet,
lot 7. block 3. Goldsmith's Addition
to Portland
Harman. Addle Lots 4, 5. 6. 7. 8, 9.
10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
lots 1, 2. 15, 16, block 18, Lincoln
Park Annex .'. 11 54
Associated Banking & Trust Co.
(The) Lot 10. block 19. Lincoln
Park Annex 2 00
Hawkins, William, J. Lot 2, block
20. Lincoln Park Annex 2 00
Mather. John A. E. 30 feet of lots
5, 6. 7, 8. block 65, Linnton 41
"Walker, Albert E. Lot 61, block 20,
Linnton First Addition 10
Selover; William Lot 6, block 35,
Linnton First Addition I 10
Durham. Richard L. Lots 1. 2. 3, 4,
5. 6. 7. 8. block 9: lots 1. 2. 3, 4. 5,
6, 7. S, block 10; lots L 2, 3, 4. 6. 7. .
8. block 13. Little Homes Subdivis
ion No. 3. DeLashmutt & Oat
man's 19 25
Phenllne. Annie D C6 feet of S. Vt
block 15, Little Homes Subdivision
No. 3. DeLashmutt & Oatman's 1 67
Mulr. W. B. Lot S. block 2. Loch
Invar Addition to Alblna 1 CO
Cawston. Sidney H. Lots' 9, 10. 11,
block 3, Lochlnvar Addition to Al
blna 3 70
Clark. Emerson B. Lot 6. block 7,
Logan's Addition to East Port
land 3 33
Slauson, Allen B. Lots 1. 2. 3, 4, 5,
6. block 8. Logan's Addition to
East Portland 23 76
MacMahon. Michael J. Except S.
46 feet, all W. of X. of block v
19. McMlllen's Addition 17 40
Button. Nellie Calne Lots 10, 11. I
block S. MaBelle Park 41
Johnston. N. F. Lots 15. 16, block
4. Mabelvllle 1 SS
Kratz. A. A. Lot 12, block 10. Ma
belvllle 20
Davis. W R. Lot 11, block 2. Made
line .. 7 03
Haight. Emma J. Lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. S. 9. 30. 11. 12, 13. 11. 15. 16. 17,
IS. 19. 20. block 2; lots 15. 16, block
3: lots 14. 13, block 4; lots 5. 6. 9.
10. block 7: lots 3. 4. block S, Maeg-,
ly Highland 60 77
Mathena. M. L. Lot 3, block 4,
Maegly Highlands 2 00
Clemson. Fred W. Lot 13. block S.
Matgly Highlands 2 00
Povey. Ida M. Lot 29. block 4.
Mansfle'd 21
Douglass. L. A. Lot 30. block 4.
Mansfield 21
Fraley. C M Lots 7. S, block 5,
Mansfield 1 70
McEptee. John P. Lots 17. 18. block
7. Mansfield 40
Nelson. Alfred Lots 11. 12. 13. block -
7. Marchmont Addition to East
Portland 1 16
Cavanaugh. Andrew, Heirs Lot 4,
block 6. P. J. Martin Tract 1 45
DeLashmutt. Inez Lot 1. block 12,
P. J. Martin Tract 1 00
O'Connor, Johanna and John Lot 5,
block 19. P. J. Martin Tract 16
Merwln. Grace D. Lots 1. 2. 3. 4, 5,
block 2: lots 7. 8. block 5, Masll
lon Addition 2 IS
Gardner, G. A. X. one-third lot 20
and S. y lot 21. block 5. Masters'
Addition to Portland 1 75
Toung. Oglcsby Lot 4 block 1,
Mayor Gates' Addition to East
Portland 5-02
Brainard. William E. X. lot 14.
block 5, Mayor Gates' Addition to
East Portland 16 23
West, O. J. Lot 16, block 5. Mayor
Gates' Addition to East Portland.. 4 34
Paton. Avallne A. Lot 5, block S.
Mayor Gates' Addition to Eaet
Portland IS 31
Marshall, John P. Lots 1. 2. 3, 4.
7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12, 13. 14. 15. 16. 17,
18. 19. 20. block 5, Meadow Park ,
Addition 12 72
Tyler Investment Co. Lots 16 17. 18,
19, 20; Melvln . 22 23
Dunn. Nellie T. Block 36. Menlo
Park Subdivision 52
Lambert. Albert W.. ' Trustee Lots
11. 12. block 11. Miller's Addition to
Sellwood 3 IS
Curtis. F. G. Lots 13. 14. 15. block
11. Miller's Addition to Sellwood.. 6 S6
Schmldbauer. M. Lot 16. block 24,
A. L. Miner's Addition 14
Miner. Charles L. Lots IS, 19. block
24. A L. Minor's Addition 2S
Roenlcke. Otto Lots 1. 2, block 49,
A. L. Miner's Addition 42
Wolff & Zwlcker Iroii Works Lots
6. 7, 8. block 52. A. L. Miner's
Addition 42
Van Scoy. Thomas Lot 19. block 66,
Mock's Addition to University
Park 66
Kerr. Caroline Lots 11, 12. block 4. .
Montlcello Addition to East Port- '
land 41
Matson, Peder Lots 3. 4, block 5,
Montlcello Addition to East Port
land : - 41
Thatcher. H. and Leonard Lots 11.
12. block 5. Montlcello Addition to
East Portland .' 41
Kerr. T. J. Lots 25, 26, 27. block 7.
Montlcello Addition to East Port
land 63
Jones. Robert J. and Julia Ann Lot
3. block 9, Montlcello Addition to
East Portland 21
Kerron. William. C Lot 4. bloek 2,
Morgan's Addition Glennaven Park 21
Toung. Elizabeth Lots 1. 2. 3. 4, 5. 6.
block 2; lots 1, 2, 3. 5. 6, 7, 8. 9, 10.
11, 12. block 3; lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5, 6, 7.
8. 9. 10. 11. 12. block 6. Morgan's
Subdivision lots 9, 10, Glenhaven
Park 7 09
Stephens, WTintleld T. Lots 13. 14.
15. 16. 17. IS. 19. 20. 21. 22, block 2,
Motor Addition to East Portland 49
French. H. T. and Carrie M. Lots
1. 2, 3. 4. 5. 6. 7, 8, 9. 10. block 4,
Mount Scott View 2 29
Duffes. Alexander Lot 1, block 2,
Mount Tabor Homes l 41
Rathhun. E.. Judge Lots 47. 4S,
block 1, Mount Tabor Place Addi
tion to East Portland , 6 77
Casswell, LIIHas Lot 44. block 2.
Mount Tabor Place Addition to
East Portland 1 3S
Channel!. D. B.. and Hennessy.
James D. Lots 5. 6, block 2. Mount
Tabor Place Addition to East Port
land 2 57
Beary. Samuel L. Lot 14. block 4.
Mount Tabor Villa ' 2 374
Hall. James T. Lot 20. block 12.
Mount Tabor Villa 1 07
Edmlston. James K. Lot- 22, block
12, Mount Tabor Villa 1 41
Graf. Mary E. Lot 21. block 14.
Mount Tabor Villa 3 53
Stlger. Bertha Lot 14. block 16,
Mount Tabor Villa 69
Young, Robert Lot 29. block 19,
Mount Tabor Villa 16 2S
Smith. Emma L., and Thompson,
Mary Lot 30. block 19. Mount
Tabor Villa 1 0T
Sraufe, Charles C Lots 27. 2S, 29.
block 22. Mount Tabor Villa 2 12
Helbrock. .Metta D. Lots 35, 36.
block 22r Mount Tabor Villa 1 41
Thornton. C. C Lot IS. block 24.
Mount Tabor Villa 1 07
Almet, J. W. Lot 27, block 24.
Mount Tabor 'Villa 107
Violet. Laura Lots 6, 7, block 25,
Mount Tabor Villa 1 88
Evans. H. Z. Lot 9, block 25, Mount
Tabor Villa 563
Maurln, Martin Lot 10, block 25.
Mount Tabor Villa 93
Mahama, J. B. Lot 7. block 12,
Mount Tabor Villa Annex 1 63
Elgin. Emma J. Lot 4, block 14.
3ount Tabor Villa Ai.nex 1 07
Sommers. C. F. Lots 9, 10, 11, 12. 13,
14. 15, 16, 17, IS, 19. 20, 21. 22, 23, 24,
block 2, Mountain Meadow Addi
tion to Portland Heights 1 67
Smith. Mrs. M. J. Lots 9. 10. II. 12,
13, block 2. Mountain View Park
Addition No. 2 52
Bartram. Charles Fractional lot 1.
block 5. Multnomah 3 03
Huntington, Nelson W. Fractional
lot 1. all lots. 3, 5, block 6. Mult
nomah 8 10
Bradley. Agnes Lot 11, block 9,
Multnomah 3 00
Stearns, Theodore F. Lots 2, 4,
block 10. Multnomah 19 25
Fischer. Margarete Lot 2, block 13,
Multnomah 4 01
Button. Nellie Cain-Lot 4. block 16,
Multnomah 3.01
Smith. John E. Lot 6, block 18,
Multnomah 3 01
Ames. Caroline R. Lots 12, 14. block
23. Multnomah .- 6 00
Richet, Mary Lot 10. block 24.
Multnomah 2 00
Lee. Bertha Lot 6, block 25, Mult
nomah 4 01
Bain. W. A. Lot 14, block 30, Mult
nomah 3 01
Oberg. August, Emll and Augusta
Lot 10. block 32, Multmmiah 3 01
First Congregational Church Lot 19,
block 35. Multnomah 17 41
Johnson. Annie C Lts 22. 23. block
1. Multnomah Park 1 16
Stearns, Addle L. Lot 21. "block. 2,
Multnomah Park 58
Spears. Mnrj"L Lots 5, 6. block 1.
Nonpareil Addition to Glenhaven
Park Subdivision of Lot 20 41
Levis. Rena H. Lots 3. 5, 6, bldck
7. North Alblna 4 51
Reagon, J. P. and Jennie Lots 3, 4.
hjock 10, North Alblna 9 20
Rand, C.-Lots 6, 7, block 9, North
Mount Tabor 1 16
Simpson, James Lots 5, 6, block 2,
Northwest Mount Tabor 92
Corman. Sarah E. 16 2-3 of W. 66 2-3
lots 23, 24. block 1. North Villa ... 23
Lynch. Helen Lot 8. block 107. Nor
wood 66
Clark. Allde B. Lot 18. block 107.
Norwood 66
Clark. Annie S. Lot 19. block 107,
Norwood 66
Hoadley. Benton J. Lot 9, block 109.
Norwood 66
Chlsholm, Alex Lots 1, 2, block 112,
Norwood I SO
Splcer. Vvimkm dot S, block
Oakdale 23
Harrlsberger, John, Jr. Lot 15,
block 3, Oakdale 23
Bruce, Alace M. Lots 3, 4, 5, block
4. Orchard Homes t 2 09
Ainsworth National Bank Lot 32,
block 8, Orchard Homes 69
Dalglelsh. D., Trustee Lot S. block
9. Orchard Homes .' 57
Henry. Charles K. Lot 5. block 4.
Orchard Place 50
Ball. H. M. Lots 1, 2. 3. block 2,
Pacific Coast Abstract Co.'s subdi
vision of lots 23 to 27, Glenhaven
Park 41
Fitzgerald. John Lot 42. block 2,
Pacific Coast Abstract Co.'s subdi
vision of lots 23 to 27, Glenhaven
Park . 1 2S
Breymanl A H. Lots" 10 U." "ii." 13.
14. biock SS. Palatine Hill No. 3.. 93
Bank of British Columbia Lots 1, 2,
3. 4. block 91. Palatine Hill No. 3.. 84
Sharp, Mary Cook Lots 9. 10, block
lit. Pnlatine Hill Xo. 3., 53
Craig. Robert Lot 4, block 6. Para
dise Spring Tract. 1 4
Robertson. William H. Undivided
lot 13. block 12, Paradise Spring
Tract S
Wood. Clarke P. Lot 11. block 2, . '
Pnrk Addition to Alblna 2f 33
Hodckln. Frank E. Lots 5, 6. block
4. Park Addition to Alblna 2 00
Yost. William. Trustee for E.
Church Lot 8. block 127. Park
Add'tlon to East Portland 36 S3
West. Cassle M. Lot 6, Bark View
Annex ; 8 el
Patton, Roy F. Lot 5. block 5, Pat
ton's M Addition to Alblna 2 5S
Coe. Kittle Lots 2. "3. 4. 5, 6, 7. Pat-:
ton's "M Tract, subdivision N. V- B 12 56
Muldoon. James. Margaret and Ed
ward J Lots 14. 15. 16. 17. IS. block
1. Patton's M Tract, subdivision C 10 15
Cake. H M. and W. M. Lots 3. 4.
block 2. Patton's M Tract, subdivis
ion W. L 2 00
Coe. Henry C. and Kittle Lots 9.
10. 11. 12. block 2. Peck's Addition
to East Portland 9 14
Mossman. H. Lots 29, 30. block 1.
Peninsular Addition to East Port
land C6
Mclsh. Barbara Lots 33. 34. block 1.
Peninsular Addition to East Port
land 66
Hatch. William K. Lots IS. 19. 20.
21. 22, block 2. Peninsular Addition
to East Portland 1 84
Bishop. Ralph E. Lots 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
33. 34. 35. 36. 37. block 4. Penin
sular Addition to East Portland.. 3 35
Lewis. Ida B. Lot 27, block 5, Pe
ninsular Addition to East Portland 52
Hanson. Annie B. Lots 36, 37, block
9. Peninsular Addition to East
Portland ' 66
Laughlln. James W. Lots S, 9. block
11. Peninsular Addition to East
Portland 66
Block. William M. Lots 26. 27, block
12. - Peninsular Addition to East
Portland 66
Columbia R. E. Co. Lot 15-. block 1.
Peninsular Addition No. 2 to East
Portland 32
Bishop. Ralph C Lots 11, 12, 13. 14.
15 16. 17. IS. 19. 20. block 2. Penin
sular Addition No. 2 to East Port- '
,land 3 35
Matschek. Ann E. Lot 26, block. 2,
Peninsular Addition No. 2 to East
Portland 32
Stout. W. J. and N. J. Lots 14.45.
block 5 Peninsular Addition No. 2
to East Portland 4 01
Schcele, H. Lots 1. 2. 34. 5. block
10. Peninsular Addition Xo. 2 to
East Portland 1 67
Chambers. Mary A. Lot 6. block 12.
Peninsular Addition No. 2 to East
Portland 32
Ellrich. H. Lots 34. 35, block 12.
Peninsular Addition Xo. 2 to East
. Portland 1 00
Scott, Susan J. Lots 23, 24, 25. block
14, Peninsular Addition No. 2 to
East Portland 1 00
Columbia R. E. Co. Lots 27. 2S. block
24 Peninsular Addition Xo. 2 'to
Portland 66
Onorata. Teresa Lots 27. 23. block 3S.
Peninsular Addition Xo. 3 to East
Portland 66
Engberg. Carl G. Lots 1. 2, 3. 4,
block 59, Peninsular Addition Xo. 4
to East Portland -. 1 67
Bates. George W. Lot 4, block 2,
Piedmont 2 33
Davles, Henry Lot 14, block 46,
P!edmont 2 33
Wilson. James Lot 17, block 2. Pied
mont Park 1 00
Re:d. James .W. H. Lots 31. 32. 33.
34. block 4; lots 1, 2. 3, 4, block 6,
Point View 1 27
DeLashmutt., Van B. Undivided
5. 4 lots 4. 5. block 40. Portland.. 1S2 50
Lewis, Leon H. N. ' lot 3, block
51. Portland 94 50
Cake. H. M. Undivided lot 7,
block 70, Bortland 3137
First Ev. Reformed Congregational
Church. Trustee N. V lot 8. block
SW. Portland 43 53
Alliance Trust Co.. Ltd., of Dundee,
' Scotland. The Lot 8. block 112,
Portland 117 20
Rybke. Rebecca Lot 1, block 122,
Portland 32 65
Schlel. G., Trustee E. 20 feet lot 5.
blol-k 144. Portland 16 74
Roman Catholic Archbishop of the
Diocese of Oregon W. 75 feet lot 8.
block 136. Portland 48 57
Apfel, Joseph S. 28 feet lot 4, block
160. Portland 47 02
Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus
and Mary Lot 1, block 163, Port
land 70 1
Cake. H. M.. and Avery. George W.
E. 69 1-3 feet lot 1. W. 13 1-3 feet
of the E. 69 1-3 feet of the S.
lot 2; N. 10 feet of E. 69 1-3 feet lot
2; W. 29 1-3 feet of E. 69 1-3 feet of
S. 15 feet of N. Ys of lot 2, block
16S Portland 94 06
Walt, Aaron E. Lots 4, 5, block 187:
lots 1. 2. 7. S. block 1SS. Portland.. 1S2 70
Lewis. Leon H. Lot 8, block 211,
Portland .v 4S9 76
First German Church, Trustee E. 25
feet lot 5. block 225. Portland.. 18 3S
Anderson. Emma Lot 5; S. 9 feet
lot 6. block 234. Portland 10 OG
Catlln. John Lot 1, N. 4 feet lot 2,
block 248. Portland 115 51
Cake, H. M. X. 35 feet lot 3, block
252. Portland 41 53
Hamilton, Ernest-fUndlvIded 1-3 lot
5. block 253, Portland 37 02
Cake, H. M. Lots 5. 6, block 255,
Portland 125 5S
Griffin. Mary Jane Lot 1, block 271,
Portland 25 11
Stewart, Dell and Nettle H. W. V
lots 7. S. block 2S3. 'Portland T 45 20
Investors' Mortgage Security Co.,
Ltd". S. 30 feet lot 3, lot 4. block
233. Portland 55 25
Ainsworth National Bank Lots 3, 6,
block 329. Portland 22 25
Grace M. E. Church. Trustee E.
lots 5, 6. block X. & G, Portland.. S8 74
Rybke, Rebecca W. Ys lots 5, 6,
block XE. 4 X. Portland 29 30
Hulman. Honora W. i lots 1, 2,
block NW. Y. Portland...,. 26 45
Epperly. John Lot -2, block 59, Port
land City Homestead 66
Daniel. B. R. Lots 1, 2. block 60,
Portland City Homestead 66
Marquam Emma Lots 4. S, block
60; lot 1. block 71, Portland City
Homestead 2 63
White. John H. Lot 5, block 71,
Portland City Homestead... 83
Cox, L. B., Trustee Lots 2, 3, 4.
block 6: lots 9, 10. 11. 12. 13, 14, 15.
16, block 6. Portland Highlands... 3 33
United States Fidelity and Guar
anty Co., The N. 115 feet lot 1.
block 1, Portland Homestead 12 33
Mark. A. Gertrude and Julia E.
X 104 feet of S. 154 feet lot 1.
bldck 1. Portland Homestead 12 71
Everest, M. E. 20 feet of W. SO feet.
Subdivision H. 'W. 20 feet Subdi
vision G, lot 1, block 4. Portland -Homestead,
Brown's Subdivision.. 2 00
Glbbs, H. R. Subdivisions A. B, lot
4, block 5. Portland Homesteau,
Cardwell's Subdivision 13 72
Cardwell. J. R. Subdivisions C. D.
W. of Railroad, of B. lot 4. block
5. Portland Homestead, Cardwell's
Subdivision 15 32
Wynkoop, Ella L. Subdivisions A,
B, lot 2. block 7. Portland Home
stead. Cardwell's Subdivision 16 74
Warner. Olive L. Subdivision C. lot
2. block 7, Portland Homestead.
Cardwell's Subdivision 6 33
Springmeyer, George H. Subdivis
ion A, lot .4. block 8, Portland
Homestead, Sellwood's Subdivision 6 33
Springmeyer, Mary Subdivision B,
lot 4. block 8. Portland Homestead,
Sellwood's Subdivision H SO
Bourgeois, Joseph Lots 11. 12. 13
block 7: lots 17, IS, 19, 20 21 22
23. 24r 25, 26. 27, 2S. 29. 30.' 31 32
block 12; lots 17. IS, 19. 20. 21 22
23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 2S, 29. 30. 31.' 32
blook 13; lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 24. 25 26.
27. 23. block 16; lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 5. 6. 7.
8. 9, 10,11. 12, 13, 14. block 17; lota
ii 2:2 Jif,'.6'7' block 25. Portland
Park Addition to Portland 7 84
Schmidt. Susanna Lot 24, block 20,
Portland Park Addition to Port
land ..; u
Bryant, Herbert Lots 16, 17, block
1. Portsmouth 1 67
Graham, Samuel H. and Meng.
Christ Lots 19. 20. 21. Wnolr 9
Portsmouth 2 S3
Equitable Savings & Loan Associa
tionLot 11, block 4, Portsmouth.. 9 03
Lysons. J. L. Lot 14. block 7. Ports-
.tnouth S3
Messenger, C. E. Lots 11, 12, 13,
block 11. Portsmouth 385
Pohl, Anna Lots 11. 12, 13. 14. 15.
block 18, Portsmouth , 4 50
Doran. Samuel Lots 8, 9. 10, block
23. Portsmouth 4 03
Bean. Zacarlah C Lots 18K 19. 20,
block 23. Portsmorth 2 S3
Ambrose. H. T. Undivided lots 11.
12. 13. block 24. Portsmouth 1 40
Wells. Alice L. Lot 14. block 24,
Portsmouth S3
Fenton. Eva A. Undivided lots
1. 2. 3, t. block 23, Portsmouth.... 1 83
Franklin Building & Loan Assn.
Lots 1. 2. 3, block 32, Portsmouth.. 9 53
Sherman. F C Lots 15, 16. 17. block
3(5. Portrrcouth 1 60
Eaton, Jesse Lots 1. 2, block 3,
Portsmouth Villa Annex Xo. 1 1 50
Lee. Bertha H. Lot 15, block 12,
Portsmouth" Villa Annex Xo. 3 66
xiuwiey. wiuis u. Lots 13, 14, diock 1
17; lots 12. 13. 14. block 21. Ports- 1
moutn Villa Annex Xo. 5.. 2 33
undes. Fred Lot 15. block B, Ports
mouth Villa Extended 100
Vernon. R. Lot 10. block H. Ports
mouth Villa Extended 7 34
Regan. Katie Lot SO, block K,
Portsmouth Villa Extended 66
Coman. S. Lot 2. block L, Ports
mouth Villa Extended 66
Larsen. O. S.-Lot 2, block O. Ports
mouth Villa Extended S3
Cooper. A. F. Lot 12. block O. Ports-
mouth Villa Extended 1 67
Strong. Herbert F. Lots 1. 2, 3 4
block 9. Portsmouth Villa Ex
tended 1 33
Johnson; J. P. Lots 19, 20, block 10
Portsmouth Villa Extended .' 66
Mead. Eva -S. Lot 20, block 12
Portsmouth Villa Extended 32
Shinn, George W. Lot 4, block 1,
Powers' Addition to Portland 10
Kelso. Lewis Lot 11, block 1, Pow
ers' Addition to Portland 20
Clark, Jessie E. Lots 3. 4, block 2,
Ppwers' Addition to Portland 20
Craw, Arthur J. Lots 1, 2, block 2,
Powers' Tract 7 45
Prettyman,. Henry W. Lots 3, 4,
block 1. W. D. Prettyman Sub
division 6 64
Small, Mary A. P. Lot 6, block 1,
W. D. Prettyman Subdivision 1 74
Logus; Louisa Undivided Vz lots 5, 6,
and S. 95.16 of W. 2S feet, lot 7,
block 5, Proebstel's Subdivision 23 10
Beary. Sam L. Lots 12, 13, block 16,
Proebstel's Subdivision 22 03
Honeyman, Martha Lot 7, block 1,
Pruncdale Addition to Portland... 20
Potter, Minnie M. Lot 1, block 2,
Prunedale Addition to Portland i0
Wright. J. H. Lots 1. 2, 23, 24, block
4. Prunedale Addition to Portland 42
Klnnlson. Phoebe iyt 18, block 9,
Prunedale Addition to Portland 10
Bly, Ole Lot 1, block 4. Queen Ann
Addition 81
Anderson, James Lot 3. fractional
lot 4. block 3, Raffety's Addition to
East Portland 7 53
Fisher. Mar- A Lot 4. block 7,
Railroad Shops Addition 7 36
Balfour, Guthrie Inv. Co. Lots 15,
16, block 8, Railroad Shops Addi
tion 12 04
Cnamberlain. George E.. and Ral
ston, J. M. Lots 11. 12. block 5,
Ralston's Addition to East Port
land 100
Riner, Maggie A. W. 51.53 feet lot
2. lots 3. 4. W. 145.5 feet lot 5, W.
44.72 feet lot 10, S. y Stadia street
X. of and adjoining W. 44.72 feet
lot 10. lot 11, S. Vz of Stadia street
N. of and adjoining lot 11. lot 12,
block 2, Ramona 16 90
Dupesne, U. Lot 1, block 1, Raven's
View 3 34
.Cawston, Sidney H. Block 5, Ra
ven's View 7 53
Kellette. Maza M. Lot 27, block 7,
Rlverdale 21
Monthyon.. J. B. Lots 20. 21t block
5, Rlverdale 6 90
Epplng, E. R. Lot 15. block 6. Riv
erside Addition 1 33
Holbrook. E. C Lots 3, 4, 13. 14. 15.
16, 23. 24. 17, IS, block 10; lots 6. 7,
8. IS. 19. 20. 21, 22, block 13. River
side Addition 26 45
Alblna Real Estate Association
Lots 20, 21, block 16. Riverside Ad
dition 2 67
Welty, J. R. Lot b, block' 8, Rose
dale Annex 1 50
Smith. Mrs. Ruth C Lots 6, 7,
block S. Roscdale Annex 3 17
Dillon. Charles T. Lots 8. 9, block
S, Roscdale Annex 3 17
Caldwell. W. F. Lots 6. 7. block 11,
Roscdale Annex '.. 3 17
Parker. S. J. Lots 6, 7, block 2,
Roselawn 14 57
Irvln. E. C Lot 10. block 2. Rum
sey's Addition to Tabor Heights... 45
Wall. George Lots 1. 2. block 3.
Santa Rosa Park Addition to East
Portland 31
Ryan. J. T. Lot 10. block 5. Scof
fin's Addition 6 69
Maddfm. Mrs. E. B. Lot 5. block
51. Sellwood 11 54
Keller. Mary E. Lot IS. block 52.
Sellwood 32
Schultze, Paul, Heirs Lot 3, block
65, Sellwood . 1 S3
Johnson. Hannah A. Lot 4, block
67. Sellwood 2 00
Unknown Owner Lots 5, 6, block
71. Sellwood 3 67
Xlcklln Lela Lv and Carl S. E. S6
feet lots 2, 3, 4, block .72, Sellwood 20 26
Pacific Loan & Trust Co.. and
Thompson, Charles H. Undivided.
lots 7, 8. 15, 16, block 73. Sell
wood 2 00
Hughes, C. F. Lot 7. block 75, Sell
wood 1 S3
Mann, Johanna Lots 10, 11, block
9S. Sellwood ?.. 2 17
Shlndler. Daniel A. Lot 11. block
7, .Seventh Street Terraces 6 02
Terrace Heights R. E. Co. Lot 2,
block 8, Seventh Street Terraces.. 3 67
Macleay, Donald, Heirs All S. of
division line of Blacklstone claim:
also 30 feet of W'atson street W. of
and adjoining above block 1. Sher-
lock's Addition to Portland 23 10
Caples, C. C All N. of division line
of Blacklstone claim, and S. of
Doscher line: also 30 feet of Wat
son street W. of and adjoining
above block 1, Sherlock's Addition
to Portland 65 30
Macleay. Donald, Heirs All S. of
division line of Blacklstone claim:
also 30 feet of Watson street E. of
and adjoining above block 2, Sher
lock's Addition to Portland 25 90
Caples. C. C All N. of division line
of Blacklstone claim and S. of
Doscher line: also 20 feet of Wat
son streat E. of and adjoining
above block 2, Sherlock's Addition
to Portland
Macleay, Donald, Heirs Lots 1, 2,
and S. of division line of Blackl
stone claim, lots 3, 4, block 3, Sher
lock's Addition to Portland
Macleay, DonaU, Heirs Lots 1, 2,
and; S. of division line of Blackl
stone claim, lot3 3, 4, block 4.
Sherlock's Addition to Portland..
Ladd. W. M. Fractional lot 1. block
6. Sherlock's Addition to Portland
Sherlock. William Lots 7. 10. block
17. Sherlock's Addition to Portland
Shattuck, Sarah A. Lot 18. dilock 11,
Simon's Addition to Portland
Thomas. James SW. "A lots 5. 6.
block 5, P. T. Smith's Addition to
St. Johns
Kelly, J. B. Lot 4. block 13. subdi
vided by Oattnan. Smith's Sub
division and Addition to East Port
land Tucker, G. B. Lots 13, 16. block 3,
Smlthson Land Co. Addition to
East Portland
Young. Elizabeth Lot3 1. 2. 3. 4,
block 7. Southern Portland
Cake. W. M.. and Allen, Wiley B.
2S 29
3S 17
4 51
3 67
3 67
17 07
3 67
4 IS
3 67
1 67
Lot 7, block S. bouthern Portland.
Miller. Fred S. Lot 1. block 14.
Southern Portland
Johnstone. James S. Lots 16. 18,
block 18, Southern Portland
Cake; H. M. and W. M. Lots 17. 18.
block 19, Southern Portland
Miller. Fred S. Lots 11. 13. block 22.
Southern Portland
Cornelius, Tlllfe F. Lot 16, block
26 A. Southern Portland
Law. W. M. Lots 7, 9, subdivided
lot 2, block 27 U, Southern Port
land 4 51
Weamer, Mrs. M. J. Lots 1. 2. 3. 4.
5, 6, 7, 8. 9. subdivided lot 4. block
2S. Southern Portland 12 22
.Pilkinicton, J. B.. and Wright. A.
W. jtiOts 8. 12. 13. subdivided lot 1.
block 33. soumern. i'ortiana 1 33
Hirsch. Sol Undivided 1-3 lots 6. 7. 8.
9, 10. block 1: undivided 1-3, except
right of way, lots 2. 3. 4. block 2;
undivided 1-3 lots 6. 7. 8, 9. 10. block
2; undivided 1-3, except right of
way. lots 1. 2, 3, 5, 'undivided
1-3 lots 6, 7, S. 9. 10, block 3; undi
vided 1-3, except right of way, lots
1. 2. 3. 4. 5, 6. 7, 8, 9. 10. block 4;
undivided 1 3. except right of way,
block A; undivided 1-3, except
right of way, lots 1, 2, block B; .
undivided 1-3, except right of way,
lots 1, 2. all lot 3. block C, Sprlng
vlllc 1-25
French, J. R. Except right of way,
lot 5. block 2, Springville 09
Comstock. Martha Lot 3, block B,
Springville 10
Willis, Minnie B. Lots 21, 22, block
3.- Stanley 52
Graham, Jno. R. and Mary Lots
12. 13. block 10, Stansbery's Addi
tion to Portland 1 67
Fowler, Nellie J. W. N. of R. R.
lot 1, block 54, Stephens' Addition
to East Portland l 00
Shute, Joseph L. W. 25 feet lot 5,
block 63, Stephens' Addition to
East Portland 9 21
Sherman. F. W. N. 44 feet lot 5.
block 70. Stephens' Addition to
East Portland 6 02
Stafford. Nathan P. Lot 7, block 78,
Stephens' Addition to East Port
land - 31 36
Stafford. Mary C Lot 2. block 99,
Stephens' Addition to East Port
land 1151
Beven, John W. Lot 2, block 109.
Stephens' Addition to East Port
land 13 39
Anderson. Carl Lots 9. 10. block 110,
Stephens' Addition to East Port
lana 16 74
Dodd, Laura M. Lot S. block 1.
Summit Addition to East Portland 57
Clarke. C Lot 5. block 2. Summit
Addition to East Portland w 57
Peterson. J. Lot 6, block 6, Summit
Adiitlon to East Portland ......... 1 65
Hofsted. P. G. Lot 4. blook 7. Sum
mit Addition to East Portland...... 57
Balrd. Ora Lot 8. block 8, Summit
Addition to East Portland........ 57
Anderson. Carl Lot 2. block 9, Sum
mit Addition to East Portland ..... 43
Davis, W. C Lot 8, block 9. Sum
mit Addition to East Portland.... 57
Seams. C. O. Lot 3. block 11. Sum
mltAddlJlon to East Portland.... 43
Hartman. J. R Lots 3, 4. block 12,
Summit Addition to East Portland. 1 04
Llnd. S and K Lots 13. 14. block
1. Summit Annex S4
Calder. Hiram X. Lot 12, block 1.
Sunnyslde 3 35
Hale & Smith W. lot 4. block 24,
Sunnyslde ; 1
Mrhnos, Oscar Lot 1. block 29. Sun
nyslde S 03
Cornett. F. C Undivided N. 23
feet lot 13. block 29, Sunnyslde.... 149
Ludeeher. Frank Lot 7. block 36,
Sunnyslde 13 3S
Schieffer. Joseph Lot 11, block 36.
Sunnyside 6 69
Sunnyslde Land & Improvement Co.
S. 29 feet lot '6. block 45; lot 4.
block IS. Sunnyside 3 67
Friends Church Corporation, Trus
tees of Lot 1, block 47. Sunnyslde. 3 67
Carson. Mlnetta A. Lots 16. 17. 18,
block 52. Sunnyslde 8 70
Sunnyslde Land & Improvement Co.
Lot 6. block 60. Sunnyslde Sec
ond Addition 2 33
Miller. Fred D. Lots 9. 10. 11, 12,
block 10. Sunset Park Addition No.
2 to East Portland 10 60
Ross. Charles G. Lot 2, block 1. ,
Sussex Addition to East Portland 2 09
Pelletan. Elizabeth Lots 11. 12.
block 1. Tabasco Addition to East
Portland 102
Woodman, Edna Jane Lot 35. block
4, Tabasco Addition to East Port
land 50
Bents. Henry L. Lot 7. block I,
Tabor Holghts 4 6
Wentworth, Femella A. E. lot 10,
block N. Tabor Heights S 64
Lamberson, Buell, Heirs Undivided
Vs lots 2, B. block T; lot 1. block
U: lot 5, block V; S. of Brough
ton avenue, block Y; E. Y3 S. of
Broughton avenue, all W. 14 block
Z, Tabor Heights S 27
Richardson, S. J. Lot 8, block 3,
Tabordale 1 04
First National Bank Lots 9, 17,
block 2; lots 7, 8. block 3, Terminus
Addition 5 34
Braggens, Wilbur F. Lots 6. S. 9.
10. block 6. Third. Electric Addition 2 92
Tibbetts, May Except right of way.
lots 7. 8. block 15, Tibbetts Addi
tion to "East Portland 5 02
Smith, M. J. Lot 1. lock 37. Tib
betts Addltlontto East Portland.. 1101
Harris. Edwin IV-Lot 23. block C.
Tibbetts Addition to East Port-
land 4 50
Lingley. Percy W. Lot 29. block C,
Tibbetts' Addition to East Port
land 11 33
Xauffts.vHenry Lot 2, block 15. Tol
man Tract l CO
Hagjemann. F. Lots 7, 8. block 25.
Tolman Tract 2 00
Blair. Julia Lot 5, block 4. Towns
end's Addition to South Portland.. 21
Campbell. John Lot 5. block 3, Tre
mont Park 33
Ray, H. W. Lot 13, block 5, Tre
mont Park 23
Phllebaum. Edward M. Lots 16, 17.
block 6. Tremont Park 1 77
Deluckh Louis Lots IS, 19, block 6.
Trefnont Park 1 63
Hayden, Augusta Lot 4, block 8.
Tremont Park 23
Wheeler. Rosa M. Lots 22, 23. block
13. Tremont Park 43
Aral. Oliver J. Lot 9, block 3, Tre
mont Place 23
Building & Lan Saving Bank Lots
1. 2, block 4. Tremont Place 49
Lyman, Wellman P. Lots 10, U.
block 4. Tremont Place 5 53
Rotermund. C. Louis Lot 27, block
5. Tremont Place .-. 23
Dyson. George A. and Ella M. Lot
15. block 6. Tremont Place 33
Ames, I. T. Lots 16, 17, block S,
Tremont Place 43
Tallman. M. E. Lot 16, block 14.
Tremont Place S3
Burnett. C. J. Lots 7, 8, block 15.
Tremont Place 43
McKlbben, William F. Lots 7, 8,
block 16, Tremont Place 23
Dills. I. H. Lots 20, 21, block 23.
Tsemont Place 43
Dewal. Lillian Lots .1, 2. block 26,
Tremont Place 57
Dotty. G. W. Lot 17. block 31, Tre
mont Place 23
Farley, U. S. Lot 27, block 32. Tre
mont Place 23
Larson Bros. S. lot 1, block 3,
Troutdale 15 20
Portland University and Portland
Guaranty Co. Lot 3, block 46; lot
17. block 50, University Pane 1 67
Hunt. Addle M. Lots 11. 12, block 62.
University Park 2 00
Pence. Peter Lots 15, 16, 17, 18.
block 6S. University Park 3 67
Scott. Orron C Lots 12, 13, block
. 122. University Park 16
Basye. M. F. Lots 29, 30. 31, block
134. University Park 1 50
Rhumsye, Jesse V. Lots 21, 22,
block 136. University Park 66
Housley. Jesse V. Lot 24, block 136,
University Park 32
Burns. Judson D. Lots 1. 2, 3, 4,
block 15S. University Park 1 50
Metcalf. Olive. R. Lots 21, 22, block
18. University Park 66
.Brainard. William E. Lot 14, bloclc
8. Villa Hill 21
Gerdes, Richard. Hflrs Lots 5, 8,
block 7. Watson's Addition to
Portland 76 01
Sloan. Ona Watson Lot 1, block 10,
Watson's Addition to Portland .... 33 31
Johnson. Arthur H., Heirs Lot 4,
block 20. Watson's Addition to
Portland 14 05
Macleay, Donald, Heirs AH S. of
division line of Blacklstone's
Claim; all block 30; all S. of divis
ion line Blacklstone's Claim, ex
cept part owned by N. P. Ry. Co.
. and N. P. Terminal Co., block 31;
commenclngat a point on Front
street at the NW. corner of lot 28, ,
of Watson's Terminal Block;
thence northwesterly on S. or W.
side line of Front street to the E.
-'side line North Seventeenth street;
thence southerly on the E. sldo
line of North Seventeenth street
to the SW. corner of lot 23 of the
Terminal Block: thence north
easterly on the W. line of lot 23
aforesaid to the place of begin
ning, containing about SCO square
feet. Terminal Block. Watson'a
Addition to Portland 20 51
Cake. H. M.-NE. block 17, Wav-
erly Addition 4 59
Cake. William M , Sr. W. 74.125 feet
of the W. 130 feet of block 46,
Waverly Addition l 03
Smith. J. P. Lots 14. 15, block 77,
West Irvington 23 41
Ryan. Elizabeth N. lot 14. block
91; lots 16. 17. block 105; lots 7. 14,
15, block 119. West Irvington 38 17
Sommer. Bertha Lot 19. block 1; lot
16. block 21, West Portland 3a
Barker. J. F. Lot 20, block 1, West
Portland , y
Garland. A. J. Lot 11, block 3, West
Portland ig
Sharp. May Cook Lot 22, block 4;
lot 12. block 5, West Portland .... 43
White. Warren S. Lot 9, block 8,
West Portland 15
Jay. Obed H. Lot 10. block 8, West
Portland la
Mathews. J. P. Lot 17, block 8,
West Portland y
Llttlefield. Ellen E. Lot 6. block 9-
lot 10. block 19; lot 2, block 20; lot
7, block 24. West Portland, - 8fl
Bayless. Nora I. Lot 22, block 9
West Portland 13
Smith. M. W. Lot 4, block 12, West
Portland 23
Dyson. George A. Lot 9, block 12;
lot 3. block 16: lot 10. block 17.
West Portland 62
Garland. A. J. Lot 7, block 21.
West Portland is
Brattlan. E. M. Lot 10, block 24,
West Portland 23
Rodgers. James W. Lot 9, block 28.
.West Portland ig
Dyson. Ella M. Lot 14. block 28
West Portland i
McCarthy. John D. Lot 18, block 28
West Portland it
Belan. M. F. Lot 16, block 29, West
Jones. L. W. Lot 7, block 32, West
Portland 1 jj
Wertz. Hattie Lot 13, block 33, West
Portland y
Kamme. Adolph K. Lot 4, block"39."
West Portland 23
Ryan. Mrs. P. J. Lot 8. block 44.
West Portland y
RIsley. N. C. W. Lot 8, block2
West Portland Center 07
Frazer, John S. Lot 13, block "s.
West Portland Center 03
Angel. Julia Lot 6, block 5, West
Portland Park M
Klmplar, Sallle Lot 12, bloci? 5,