Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 02, 1903, Image 1

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    VOL. XLIL 2s0. 13,123.
licious stimulant, renowned for its purity, should be kept in
every home. For sale everywhere.
ROTHCHILD BROS., Portland, Oregon, Sole Agents
We are offering bargains in all the best lines
Double Extension Compact Montauk Camera 4x5, reg. $32, close $16.50
Double Extension .Compact Montauk Camera 5x7, reg. $42, close $24.00
Poco C. Camera 4x5, regular $15.00 $7.50
Blumauer-Frank Drug Co. iZo&lSAt.
Assets $331, 039,720.34
W mi a
Surplus $71,129, 042.06
Lb Samuel, Manager, 305 Oregonlan Build ins, Portland. Oregon
1 T JLakes 1 T JLuscle
"There Life and Strength In Every Drop"
For Sale by All Drn crista.
BLUMAUER & HOCH, Sole Distributers, Wholesale Liquor and Cigar Dealers
European Plan: .... $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Diy
And a New Carpet are sure
to form a very happy and
harmonious combination : :
J. G. Mack & Co.
Opposite Chamber of Commerce.
American Plan
$3.00 Per Day
and upward.
Special rates made to families and single gentlemen. The masagc
ment will be pleased at all times to shw rooms and give prices. A mod
ra Turkish bath establishment la ths hotel. H. C. BOWERS, Mr.
Convention Revives New Orleans
Chapter Next Yearja Convention.
INDIANAPOLIS. Jan. L The election
of officers for the ensuing year occupied
the attention of the Sigma Nu convenUon
most of the day. The -whole afternoon
was devoted to this matter, but the work
was not completed, and the election of
Inspectors will be taken up tomorrow
morning. The result of the election today
was: Regent. George M. Cook, Chicago:
vice-regent, C. W. Jones, Davenport, Ia.r
grand treasurer, Fred H. Heywood. Co
lumbus. O.; grand recorder, C. F. "Woods,
Richmond, Ky.
The convention took action in favor of
the full admission of the Epsilon Chapter
at Bethany Colleg'e, Bethany, "W. Va.,
which has been under dispensation. The
chapter at Tulane University at New. Or
leans will be revived.
New Orleans waB selected as the place
for holding the next convenUon, in 1901,
the exact date to be decided later. The
unfinished business will be transacted to
morrow, and the convenUon will close
with a smoker tomorrow night.
Lognn'n Appeal In Perfected.
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn.. Jan. 1. Judge
C D. Clark today signed the bill of ex
ceptions in the Harvey Logan case and
forwarded than to Knoxville, where Lo
gan is in Jail. This carries the appeal
to the United States Circuit Court of Ap
peals at Cincinnati.
Disaster in Russian Coal Mine.
ST. PETERSBURG, Jan. L Fifty-eight
lives were lost in the recent fire in a coal
mine at Bachmut. Eleven men were res
cued after having been 60 hours In the
burned .mine, and 22 of the miners were
saved after "being five days In thymine.
Nominations to Be Made by Clergy
of Cincinnati Diocese.
CINCINNATI, O., Jan. 1. The official
announcement that the office of coadju
tor for the archdiocese of Cincinnati has
been created by the Roman propaganda
has been received at the local archiepis
copal residence and It la very likely that
Cincinnati will have a coadjutor bishop
before next Easter.
An early meeting will be called for all
irremovable rectors and councillors of
the archdiocese, and these will name
their candidates for office. After the
meeting of the priests, the bishops of the
province will be called to meet at the
archlepiscopal residence and make their
recommendations. Finally the archbish
ops of the United States will prepare a list
and then the three lists will be submitted
to the propaganda at Rome for consid
eration. The college of the propaganda
will make Its recommendation to the
pope, who announces the appointment
It is believed ' that the choice of the
irremovable rectors and consultors are
Bishops M. Moeller, of Columbus; T. S.
Byrne, of Nashville, and C. P. Maes, of
Covington. The name of Bishop T. Con
aty, president of the Catholic University
at "Washington, D. C, has also been
mentioned In connection with the coad-Jutorship.
State Land Board Is Un-l
der Suspicion.
Commissioner Richards Finds
They Are Invalid.
Corrnptlon, Iffnorance, and Careless
ness Are the Alternatives Suffocat
ed Investigation to Stop Cat
tins on Land Selected.
Assistant Land Commissioner Rich
ards has canceled six selections of lieu
land made by the State Land Board.
The lists in question show that the
etate tried to use the same base for
lieu selections twice, and in one In
stance three times.
In one case- the circumstances are so
suspicious that an Investigation has
been ordered to ascertain whether tim
ber is being cut from the land.
This action of the State Land Board
Ja attributed to corruption, ignorance or
Blare In Missouri Capitol.
JEFFERSON. Mo., Jan. L Fire was
discovered In the basement of the Capitol
building here at 2 o'clock this afternoon.
It was put out by workmen, but not until
some of the records of the Xand Depart
ment and the office of Secretary of State
had been -burned. Tbe loss to the bulld
lnc is HehL
ington. Jan. L The new Commissioner of
the General Land Office has set about the
first thing to ascertain whether the Ore
gon State Land Board Is corrupt, wheth
er It Is Ignorant or whether It Is merely
careless In the extreme. For some time
Mr. Richards has, as Assistant Commis
sioner, been looking into lieu selections
made by the state, and has finally con
cluded that one of three conditions ex
ists nmong state officials In charge, of
state school .lands.
On one day December 29 last he can
celed six Invalid lieu selections filed by
the state. These erroneous selections
have been coming In for some time, and
are not decided until they come up for
approval. Many cancellations preceded
those of the 29th, and from present ap
pearances others are to follow, in which
there may be no doubt as to facts.
The several selections canceled, togeth
er with these errors, are given as follows:
Under list 266 the state selected the south
west quarter of the southeast quarter.
section 7, and lot 6, section 18, township 3
south, range 20 east, and the northwest
quarter of the southwest qua'rter, section
10, township 4 south, range 23 east, in lieu
of 120 acres in section 16, township S north,
range 4 west. This latter Is a fractional
township, and was, all but 14 acres, pre
viously used by the state as lieu base
because of Its mineral character.
Used Same Base Twice.
Under list 271 the state selected the
southeast quarter of the southwest quar
tcr and southwest quarter of the south
east quarter of section 5, township 4 south.
range 19 east, in lieu of 0 acres In section
36, township 6 north, range 36 east, upon
an alleged loss to the state. by reason of
settlement. The only settlement In sec
tlon 36 was found by Commissioner Rich.
ards to be for the southeast quarter,
which has previously been used as base.
The selection was without valid base.
and, being Invalid, was canceled.
The state selected, under list 26S, lot 1
and the northeast quarter of the north
west quarter of section 18, township 4
south, range C east, within the Cascada
forest reserve, and al3o selected the
northwest quarter of the northwest quar
tcr of section 17, township 4 south, range
20 east, in lieu of 40 acres In section 36,
township 3 south, range 9 east. In the
Cascade reserve. The base land, how
ever, had been previously used by the
Under list 273 the state solected the
southeast quarter of section 20, township 2
south, range 14 east. In lieu of 150 acres
in section 16, township 5 south, range 4
east, upon an alleged loss by reason of
the mineral character of base lands. It
was found that 613 acres of said section
16 have been used as, base for selections
previously approved.
List 240 covered a selection by the state
for the northwest quarter of the southeast
quarter of section 4, township 1 south.
range 24 east, In lieu of the northeast
quarter of section 16, township 12 south,
range 33 east, lost to the state by reason
of Its mineral character. The entire sec
tion has heretofore been used as base In
lists 13 and 45, La Grande series. The
base was therefore invalid and the selec
tlon held for cancellation.
By list 294 the state selected the north
west quarter of the northeast quarter of
section 2S, township 9 south, range 23 east.
In lieu of the northwest quarter of the
northeast quarter of section 36, township
33 south, range 6 west, upon an alleged
loss by reason of the mineral character
of base lands. The entire northeast quar
ter of secton 36, however, had hereto-,
fore been used as base by the state in list
12S. La Grande series.
All of the above lists were In 'The Dalles
series, but the fact that the state has at
tempted In each Instance to use lands as
.bass a second time Is not charitable to
The Dalles land officers. It 1b the state
officials who are primarily at fault.
Another Suspicions Deal.
On December 27 Commissioner Richards
closed another suspicious deal on the part
of the State Land Board. On September
1C last he canceled the state selection
embraced in school indemnity list 266V
filed In the . Roseburg office January 27,
1002, In which the southeast quarter of
the southeast quarter of section 12, town
ship IS south, range 7 west, and the north
west quarter of section 24, township 15
south, range 7 west, have been selected In
litm of the north half of the southeast
quarter of section SG. township 13 south.
range 31 east. The tract offered as base
had already been used as .such in ap
proved lists 13 and 15, Oregon City series.
The state was allcwcd CO days to show i
cause why said selection should not be
October 13 the Register and Receiver at
Roseburg transmitted an amended list.
266, filed by the state October 6, substitut
ing the north half of the northeast quarter
of. section 36, township 13 south, range
33 cast, as bases for such selection upon
an alleged loss to the state by reason of
the mineral character of the base land.
October 2S the Roseburg office was noti
fied that the last-described lands could
not be used as base, because the township
In wrich they were embraced-had not as
yet been surveyed. The state was In
structed that the application to substitute
one Invalid base for another cannot be
entertained by the Land office.
December 12 the Roseburg officers again
transmitted an amended list, 266, Hied
In their office December 3, in which the
north half of the northeast quarter of
section 36, township 10 south, range 44
east, was offered as a base in lieu of
that heretofore offered, upon an alleged
loss to the state by reason of the mineral
character of tho base land, but as 639
acre3 of section -26 last named were pre
viously used by the state a3 bases for
selections made by list ICS, Lakevlcw
series, filed July 6, 1901, the amended list
266 was again rejected four days ago, and
tho selections are still without bases and
Invalid. The time allowed to the state In
which to show cause having expired, the
elections have been canceled.
Stronff Appearance of Fraud.
The persistence v.lth which tho state
offered successively three invalid bases
in order to make lieu selection of this one
tract leads to the suspicion that the state
may have already granted apparent rights
to scene individual to the land, when, In
fact, the state had no such right, nof
havlnc acquired title.
This practice is more or less common,
and to determine the facts Commissioner
Richards has ordered an examination to
determine whether or not any timber has,
been cut from the same under color of a
Ight conferred by this attempted state
selection. If timber has been removed, the
party so removing it Is liable to the value
of tho timber cut, and will be required
to reimburse the Government. "Whether
or not he can recover from the state is a
matter the department cannot regulate.
The blundering manner in which state
selections In Oregon have been made leads
to the conclusion that there Is either In
excusable ignorance on the part of public
officials or there is a bold attempt at
fraud, made In the hope that lax methods
Jn "Washington will permit of successful
Itmay be said now that the new C6m
mlssloner Is thoroughly versed In land
law and land practices, will be able to
deal with all such selections hereafter
made, and will be heartily backed up by
Secretary Hitchcock.
President's Reception at
White House.
Brilliant Assemblage Cele
brates the New Year,
Shurtleff Collcffc Raises $.0,000.
ST. :LOUIS. Mo., Jan. 1. Announcement
was made today that the raising of the
new $50,000 endowment for Shurtleff Col
lege, at Upper Alton,. 111., has been com
pleted. Of the $30,000. the college raised
$37,500 and John D. Rockefeller gave $12,-500.
President ana Mrs. Roosevelt Wel
come Diplomats and Lcadlnff Men
of the A'ntion, Followed by
Hosts of the People.
"WASHINGTON, Jan. L President
Roosevelt's New Tear's reception was one
or tne most brilliant events In Washing
ton society history. All callers, were af
forded the opportunity of greeting the
President and Mrs. Roosevelt and ex
changing with them the compliments of
the new year. No distinctions were made
except such as were rendered necessary
In preservation of order.
Today the general public for the first
time had an opportunity to eec the widely
heralded Improvements In the White House
Improvements which when completed
will have cost about $000,000. In addition
to a desire personally to wish 'the Presi
dent and Mrs. Roosevelt a Happy New
Year, hundreds were attracted by a wish
to see the White House In Its new and
handsome Interior finish and furnishing.
To many who were familiar with the In
terior of the mansion as It was a year
ago the changes made were a revelation.
While In a general way the form of the
Interior has been retained In beauty and
effectiveness. It Is wholly different.
Just 102 years ago today President John
Adams and his wife opened the White
House with a New Year's reception to
their friends and to the public generally.
The dawn of the first fete day within the
walls since become historic was accompa
nied by the noise of saw and hammer, as
was this day. On account of the unfin
ished condition of the lower floor. Presi
dent and Mrs. Adams received their guests
In the room on the second floor now oc
cupied by President Roosevelt as a library.
While the Improvements now are more
nearly completed than was the mansion
Itself at that time, it will be several
months before the workmen will have fin
ished their task.
Blaze of Electric Lights.
An hour before the time for the formal
reception the mansion was aglow with
myriads of electric lights. Towering palms
of rare varieties were placed In niches
about the vestibule, main corridor and
stalrcasee. Two great square masses of
American and English nolly were arranged
between the vestibule and main corridor,
affording a brilliant and effective back
ground for the handsome scarlet uniforms
of the Marine Band, 60 pieces strong,
which occupied tiers of seats In the vesti
bule. In the red. blue and green rooms
and In the splendid east room were dis
posed a few vases containing cut flowers,
principally large white lilies and lilies of
the valley. It was noticeable, however,
that the floral decorations had been sub
ordinated to the new furnishings and fin
ishing of the rooms.
It was a merry day for the Roosevelt
children. Prior to the reception they had
a jolly time In the lower part of the
house. They manifested the liveliest Inter
est in all the arrangements.
Shortly before 11 o'clock, the hour at
which the reception began, the diplomatic
corps began to assemble In the red room.
The members of the corps entered the
mansion from the south side as usual In
order to avoid the crush of the throng
already gathered about the main entrance
on the north side. Under the glare of the
electric candelabra the spectacle present
ed by this cosmopolitan gathering, attired
in mngniflcent court uniform, sparkling
epaulettes and glistening swords, show
ing resplendent against the red velvet
walls .and Ivory woodwork, was gorgeous.
Promptly at 11 o'clock the trumpeteis
of the Marine Band sounded a fanfare
announcing the approach of the President
and Mrs. Roosevelt and the Immediate
receiving party. President Roosevelt, with
Mrs. Roosevelt on his arm, descended tho
main staircase and passing across the
main corridor and through the green room
entered the blue room, where the guests
were received. Following them came mem
bers of the Cabinet and ladies. The re
ceiving party were arranged in the arc
of a circle in the bow window of the blue
room. Facing them were the ladies in
vited to assist. Between the two sections
of the receiving party a lane was formed
by cordons of old gold velvet. Through
this lane the callers passed from the red
room, proceeding through the green room
Into the east room and thence down the
staircaee into the east terrace and pass
ing into the street opposite the west en
trance of the Treasury.
Diplomats In Gorgeous Array.
The President was In excellent spirits.
and Mrs. Roosevelt never seemed happier
or more gracious. The President was at
tired In a frock suit, and the only dash
of color about his attire was a tie of gray
ish tint. Shortly after the receiving party
assembled in tne blueroom, the reception
proper began. The Introductions were
made by Colonel Theodore M. Bingham.
the President's military aid, assisted by
Major Charles McCawley, Captain John D.
Proctor. Jr., and Lieutenant Frank Mc
Coy. They were In full dress uniform.
The members of the diplomatic corps
were received first. As 'dean of the corps,
Herr von Holleben, the German Ambas
sador, occupied the post of honor at the
head of the line. All of the Ambassa
dors and Ministers were accompanied by
their suites, their uniforms weighted with
a wealth of gold lace and rich ornamenta
tion and decorations. Among the diplo
mats particularly missed was Wu Ting
Fang, now en route home, where new hon
ors await him. The Chinese Legation
was represented by Shen Tung, the Charge
d'Affalres. and his suite, all attired in gor
geous Oriental silks and satins. Another
familiar face missing was that of Jules
Cambon, the French Ambassador, whose
successor has not yet arrived.
Following the German Ambassador and
suite came Count Casslnl, the Russian
Ambassador; Senor Aplroz, the Mexican
Ambassador; Sencr ayor des Planches,
the Italian Ambassador', and Sir Michael
Herbert, the British Ambassador. After
the French representatives and last in tho
line of Ambassadors was Baron Hengel
mueller, the Austrian-Hungarian Ambas
sador, recently raised to the higher diplo
matic rank. Cuba was represented to
day for the first timer Senor Gonzales de
Quesada having the honor of extending
the first greetings of a New Year to the
President on behalf of the new island re
public. In all 33 embassies and legations
were represented at the reception. Soon
after the diplomatic corps had been re
ceived. Secretary and Mrs. Hay left the
receiving line and repaired to their resi
dence, where, at noon, they received and
entertained at luncheon the foreign diplo
matic representation of the city.
Judges and Ministers.
After the diplomats, President and Mrs.
Roosevelt received the Supreme Court of
First Message Received
From Honolulu.
Arrival of New Year Auspi
ciously Celebrated.
At Three Minutes Past Eleven First
Words Come Across 'Ocean Gov
ernor of Hawaii Sends Congrat
ulations on the Event.
(Concluded on Third Page.)
From a photo by Cllnedlnst, WMhlngton.
The Pacific cable Is completed to
Honolulu, and the first message was
received at San Francisco at 11:03
o'clock last night.
This was a message of congratulation
from Governor Dole to Prealdent Roose
velt. It was received at the White
House about 3 A. if.. Eastern time,
i after the President had retired.
The cable worked with gratifying
speed and accuracy.
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 1. The first
message from Honolulu over the Pacific
cable was received here at 11:03 o'clock
tonight. The signals were perfect at
both ends. The speed was fast, but the
operators have not figured out the rate at
which the earliest messages were ex
changed. The first message was from
Governor Dole to President Roosevelt.
Almost Immediately after communica
tion was established a message of greet
ing was flashed to President Roosevelt at
Washington. The message was from Gov
ernor Dole, of Hawaii. The text was
withheld, pending receipt of the message
by the President in person.
Greetings to President Followed by
' Those to Cable Company.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 1. The patience
of the watchers of the Postal Telegraph
Company was rewarded at H:01 o'clock
tonight, when the instrument atvthe San
Francisco end of the Pacific cable -indicated
that connections with Honolulu had
at last been made and that a message
was coming through.
The first words that the ticker denoted
on the tape were: "You are reversed,"
meaning that the Honolulu operator wa3
getting the San Francisco signals back
wards. The local difficulty was quickly
adjusted by a readjustment of the bat
teries here and then came the first formal
communication from Uncle Sam's posses
sions across the Pacific cable.
It was fitting that such mesage should
be from the chief of the fair Pacific Isles
to the head of the United States, and so
the ticker read a message of congratu
lation and good will from Governor Dole
to President Roosevelt. Then came a.
cablegram from the cable officials at Hon
olulu to Clarence Mackay, president of
the Commercial Cable Company. Company
messages followed rapidly, greetings be-
(Concluded on Second Face.)
Brilliant gathering at the President's. New
Year's reception. Page 1.
Pacific cable completed to Honolulu and first
message received. Page 1.
Democratic leaders choose the tariff as tssuo
of the next campaign. Page 2.
New Sheriffs in Maine enforce prohibition law
ragidly. Page 2.
Science Association elects Carroll D. Wrlzht
president. Pago 3.
Pennsylvania coal miners refuse to work on
New Tear's to relieve the coal famine.
Page 3.
King Edward proclaimed- Emperor of India with
great pomp, at Delhi. Page 3.
Castro attaches conditions to arbitration which,
causo discussion among the allies. Page 2.
Moorish rebels march on Fez, and the Sultan
goes out to fight them. Page 2.
Bubonic piaguo cause3 panic on Mexican coast.
Page 3.
Pacific Const.
Bloodshed is expected among- the claim-locators
In Wyoming oil fields. Page 4.
Salem is discussing question of enlarging city
limits. Page 4.
Leading Republican Senatorial candidates in
Idaho favor a caucus. Page 4.
Oregon state land selections rejected by General
Land OITlce because state tried to exchange
same tracts twice. Page 1.
Multnomah defeats Reliance. 5-0. Page 14.
V. S. Howard wins Portland Hunt Club paper
chase.. Page 5.
Opinions- of Portland football critics on mass
play?. Page 5.
O'Brien knocks cut Weinig in 11 rounds, at
Buffalo. Page 5.
Jeffries refuses to fight Mexican Pete because
he fears to be knocked out. Page 3.
J. B. C. Lockwood appointed Port of Portland
drydock engineer. Page 13.
Two cargo ships arrive in port. Page 13.
Dangerous navigation at the entrance to tha
Straits. Page 13.
Tempestuous voyage of the bark C. D. Bryant.
Page 13.
Portlnnd and Vicinity.
Colored desperadoes attempt life of Andraw
Jackson. Page S.
Railroad men discuss epidemic of wreck-.
Page 10.
New Year's' Orego, in great demand.
. Page 10.
Historical Society wfnts to keep state appro
priation. Pa-e 8.
James IV. Abbott tels of probable establish
ment of good road! bureau. Pago 11.
Milwaukle rural mall delivery begun. Page 10.