A . o .- A , A states here represented that this Impor tant and memorable exploration should be properly celebrated In 1905 as the Lewis and Clark Centennial; and be It "Resolved, In order to give proper sig nificance to this great National event, that the Government of the United States be asked to make such adequate appropria tion for a proper building and for the display of the products of our newly ac quired possessions as will show to the world their condition and prospective fuc ture progress; further, be It "Resolved, That the Senators and Rep resentatives of the states along the route traversed and explored when a wilderness by Lewis and Clark be and hereby are requested to use all honorable means to secure such generous appropriation from the General Government as will tes tify our appreciation of the foresight of President Jefferson and -of the heroic de votion of these pioneer explorers, and the . Importance of their achievement. "H. W. CORBETT. ; "C. .B. BELLINGER, "C. W, FULTON. "EDWARD EVERETT YOUNG, "H. E. ANKENY, "State Commissioners for Oregon. . "FRANK J. PARKER, "E. M.' RANDS, "W. W. TOLLMAN, - "J. G. MEGLER, "G. W. ROWAN, "State Commissioners for Washington. "J. H. RICHARDS, i "THOMAS KIRBY, ' - - "E. "W. JOHNSON. "State Commissioners for Idaho. "S. T. HAUSER, "State Commissipner for Montana. "HOYT SHERMAN. . "HIRAM CLAUSON, T "L. W. SHURTLEFF, "State Commissioners for Utah." THE FAIR AND THE STATES. Great Interest In Project Through out the Country. THE OREGONIAN in November sent letters to Governors of various Western States and to Lewis and Clark Commissioners In Washington, Idaho and Utah, asking them to make a statement for the New Year's issue of the progress of- plans for representation at the exposition in their several states. Re plies have been received from several Governors. While all of them speak with a reservation that is to be expected from a state's executive when discussing any contemplated gubernatorial action, still there is much encouragement to be de rived. It Is obvious that the Lewis and Clark Centennial has already attracted notice In all the states of the original Louisiana Purchase, and there will no doubt be exhibits from many If not all of them. From the State Commissioners very sat isfactory letters have been received. For the most part,, letters from the Washing ton Commissioners were written before the recent action of the Commission In recommending an appropriation of $100,000. The letters follow; OUTLOOK IX CALIFORNIA. Governor-elect Pardee Takes Favor able Attitude. OAKLAND. Cal., Dec 15. (Tp the Ed itor.) Your letter in reference to the Lewis and Clark Exposition to be held in Portland and making the suggestion that I write The Oregonlan a letter or state merit expressing interest, haB been re t ceivjed. A shor,t time since I sent a letter of this character to Hon. H. W. Corbett, of the committee of management. If that letter lias not been printed; it might serve your purpose as well as a new one. I am by no means Indifferent to the great enterprise in which the people of Portland are so much interested, and I will consider carefully your suggestion that I make reference to It in a message to the Legislature pf California. Very truly .yours, GEO. C. PARDEE, Governor-elect. "WHAT WYOMING "WILL DO. Governor Rie buret -5 ays Appropria tion Ts Likely. - CHEYENNE, Wyo., Nov. 21 (To the Editor.) In relation to the Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, I beg to flay that it is Impossible at the present time to give you any definite answer as to what our Legislature may do in ref erence to this matter. Our people have become very much in terested In the St Louis Exposition of 1904, and, although no preparation has been made for a Wyoming exhibit there, Btill the general impression is that a small appropriation will be granted this Winter. I have promised some of the gentlemen connected with the Lewis .and Clark Cen tennial Exposition to bring the matter to ihe attention -of the .Legislature, and it SITE OF THE LEWIS AND CLARK EXPOSITION will then He with that body whether or not an appropriation shall be made. Personally, I regret that these two ex positions are coming so near to each other, because both are meritorious and will mark interesting epochs in the his tory of our Western States. Yours very slnccrelr, DeF. RICHARDS. Governor. UTAH IS I. LIX12. Governor Wells Will Urjre an Ap propriation. SALT LAKE CITY, Dec. 12. (To the Editor.) Replying to your letters 'of No vember 19 and December 9, asking a state ment of the attitude of the State of Utah and its people toward the Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, to bo held at Portland In 1905, I have, the honor X.J inform you that the last Legislature of this state, by concurrent resolution, pro vided for the appointment of a commis sion j of three members to represent the Sfjltrw nf TTt-nVi In nil rriara nrmotaA with the said exposition. and to recom- mend to the next Legislature the financial needs of the commission for a creditable exhibit. In pursuance of said resolution, I had the honor to appoint as such com mission General H. B. Clawson, Hon. Hoyt Sherman and Hon. L W. Shurtlirt. The commission has made its investiga tions, is very favorably impressed -with the enterprise, and will make a report to the Governor this month recommending that a suitable appropriation be made .for a creditable exhibit from this state. I shall then take the matter up In my message to the Legislature, which con venes January 15 next, and Indorse the recommendations of the commission and urge an appropriation. There is no reason to doubt that a sub stantial appropriation will be made, as the people of Utah are converts to the efficacy of fairs of such magnitude as a means of advertising the resources of their state, and In the case of Portland they feci a certain amount of Western pride in assisting to make the celebration a creditable one. Let me add that Oregon will be expected to reciprocate when the greatest of all exhibitions Is held in Salt Lake City in the year 1948, to celebrate the ratification of the treaty of Guaaa. lupe Hidalgo, under which the territory now designated as the States of Califor nia, Nevada, Utah, Arizona and parts of Colorado and New Mexico was ceded to the United States by Mexico. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, HEBER M. WELLS, Governor. INTEREST IK MONTANA. Governor Will Present Matter to tfce Legislature. HELENA, Mont. Dec 20. (To the Ed itor.) I am in receipt of your favo- of the 18th Instant relative to the participation of this state in the Lewis and Clark Cen tennial Exposition, and note what you say pertaining to the importance of the same. I regret that I am unable, at this time, to say what amount will be recom mended. However, I will present the matter to the Legislature, and I feel con fident that the Montana Interest In the Exposition will be commensurate with Its importance to the Northwest Very truly Tours, j. k. TOOLE. Governor. MISSOURI WILL AID." Contribution Is Likely From the Great State. JEFFERSON, Mo., Nov. 24. (To the Editor.) It is not practicable at this dls tance from the contempfatcfl exposition J. G. Metier, Commissioner for Washington. to, be held in your city in 1905 to state definitely what Missouri will do In the way of a state exhibit. Tho Legislature to be elected in 1904 will determine that question. Missouri has made an exhibit of her re sources at nearly all of the expositions ' which have heretofore been held. How ever, I am unable to say what may be done In 1905. but I assume that Inasmuch as Oregon is the "child of Missouri," this j state would likely contribute something to the success of the exposition. Very respectfully, A. M. DOCKERY, Governor. IT LOOKS ALL RIGHT. Washington Commission Is Working Diligently. CASTLE ROCK. Wcoh.. Dec. 16. (To the Editor.) I am very much encouraged, and no doubt each member of our commis sion is eo encouraged, at the progress you gentlemen In Oregon are making, for upon your efforts and progress largely depends and determines the amount of the appro priation the Legislature of Washington will make durins Its coming session. A to the work we have been doing must say It is but little, because everything we do is on the Individual responsibility of each member. We have had no funds at our command for the purpose of furthering the cause, but for myself I can say that at the county convention of the Republi can party of Cowlitz County a resolution was adopted favoring a liberal approprla- GOVERNORS OF THREE Heoer M. Wells, Governor of Utah. tlon for the Lewis and Clark Centennial and American Pacific Exposition, to be held In Portland, Or., in 1905. What ef fort haB been made to have the Governor make mention of the matter in his mes sage to the Legislature, I am unable to say at this time, but as there are three members of our commission, also mem bers of the Legislature, it Is fair to pre sume that they have brought the matter to the attention of the Governor, and that he will in his message make favorable mention of an appropriation for that purpose.- x As to whether or not the State of Wash ington will have a separate building large ly depends upon our appropriation, but LEWIS AND CLARK STATE George W. Rowan, Commissioner for Washington. OF 1905 VIEW LOOKING EASTWARD FROM Georsre C. l'ardcc, Governor- t Elect of California. I A 4 for myself 1 . cannot see how this state can make, a display of her natural, hidden and developed wealth in the small space the State of Oregon, might be able to assign .the State of Washington in the STATES WHO WRITE ABOUT THE EXPOSITION. V IuuuuuuuuPubuuuuk.v jHRH Bub HuBbuHuH Alexander 31. Dockery, Governor of Missouri. Oregon State Building. Therefore I have not counted on any other plan than that the State of Washington will have a sepa rate building second to none other, ex cept the State of Oregon. And while I believe the people of Washington feel kindly disposed toward the people of Ore gon and favor the exposition, yet I do not believe one building will be large" enough to hold the exhibits of the two states at that time and place. GEORGE W. ROWAN, Secretary of Washington Commission. ' THEY WILL DO THEIR BEST. Washington Commissioners in a Po siti&n of Influence. BROOKFIELD, Wash., Nov. 22. (To COMMISSIONERS WHO Themaa Klrby, Commissioner for Idaho. the Editor.) As far as I have heard from the rest of the commissioners they feel that It is necessary for the State of Wash ington to make a liberal appropriation. Whether the aense of the January meet ing will be for a separate building can only be decided when we meet. Three of the commission are members of the coming Legislature, two In the Senate and one in the Houce, and they will do all they can to carry out the rco ommcndatlon of the commission. The only recommendation I can suggest to you Is an early appropriation by tne Legislature of the State of Oregon, eo it will be no doubt a guide for our state. J. G. "MEGLER. Commissioner for Washington. GOOD WORDS FROM IDAIIO. Promise Made of an Ample Exhibit nnd Representation. LEWISTON, Idaho, Nov. 24. (To the Editor.) Wo shall bring to bear on our coming Legislature all the Influence possi ble for an ample appropriation to make for thio state a creditable exhibit at the Lewis and Clark Exposition to be hold in your city in 1905, and I have every reason to believe, and promises that Justify me In eaylng that you will not only be proud of Idaho, but have excellent cause to say that Idaho has outdone herself. The name of Idaho will be on the lips of thousands 6f Eastern people ao well an on foreign tongues; the magic of gold-has set a mul- De Forest Richards, Governor of Wyoming. tltude on the roads leading to-this state, and the times and conditions are ripe for a rapid growth and development of this great lntermountaln state. We expect to put up 3uch an exhibit that Idaho will be on the New Yorkers' tongues, as well as Chicago and Pittsburg. It will be Idaho In Minneapolis, Salt Lake, Denver and the large cities, on railroad maps, and the people of overcrowded Eastern states will 'then have a chance to see our great re sources. Portland need not fear as to the suc cess that will crown her efforts in 1905. We expect the advertlsment that our ex hibit will get through the exposition will bring thousands more to our great young WRITE AOUT THE K. J. Parker, Commissioner for Washington. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. state. Capital will seek Investment, and touching our dead Industries with life, well may our state pride herself with an ample appropriation when such rich re turns will follow. Already trains groan with weight of cattle, hogs, sheep and grain. Towns are springing up on every hand; railroad construction is under way in a dozen different directions within our borders. New mining camps are being dtocovered nnd will be developed, and the spirit of progrers Is evident on every hand, and we will keep it so by our efforts at Portland in 1S03. All the times and conditions point to a successful exposition. Not only will near ly all of the people of the great West be there, but the Eastern people will be glac" to see what the Western people are good fcf, and we will riot disappoint them. Wc ohall endeavor to put up our own build ing. THOMAS KIRBY, State of Idaho Commissioner. THEY'LL DO THEIR PART. Commissioner Parker Speaks for Washington. WALLA WALLA, Wash.. Dec. 7. (To the Editor.) I have no hesitation what ever In stating there Is no doubt but that the Legislature of the State of Washing ton will make a good appropriation for the proposed Lewis and Clark Centennial, but to a great extent so much depends upon-the action of the Oregon Legislature our hands are tied until the Washington commlssipn-knows Just what you will"' do yourselves. One thing "js. certain, Wash- lngton will be in front, and will provide handsomely without one-hundredth part : of the talk and fuss made by the crowd ' who are always making grandstand plays In the interest of the dear people of your ' own state. Don't you worry about Wash ington; go ahead and get your own ap propriation through, and we will follow suit at a gait which will make your hair curl. . Our people are keyed up to the highest notch, and I can say the same for , Idaho. I cannot say yet the amount our ' commission will ask for. The report is made, but a blank is left to be filled In when we find what Oregon does, and be yond the fact that this commission has long since decided upon a separate build ing, I shall say nothing. As for sugges tions, be under no alarm; If you carry out what we have already suggested, we will pile on more. Still, I would suggest you get your site In shape and Invite us to j come and choose our lot, and do not. allow f us to be worried and bothered when we j do commence our work, and that will be as soon as the appropriation Is made. I Our sessions open on the same day, and i It Is up to Oregon to sit down on your "hot-air" Legislators and make them act quickly if they act at all. FRANK J. PARKER, Chairman Washington Commission Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition. UTAH WILL BE HERE. Legislature Expected to Make an Appropriation. SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Nov. 25. (To the Editor.) The commission in charge of Utah matters connected with the proposed Lewis and Clark Centennial, should more properly be termed a "committee." When Mr. Dunlway appeared before our Legislature two years ago, he asked for the passage of a concurrent resolution ex pressive of our good will, and requesting the Governor to appoint a committee to Investigate the proposition and report to the next Legislature. This resolution was unanimously adopted, and under it the Governor appointed a committee of three. That committeo has held frequent meet ings and kept itself posted as to the prog- FAIR. Hoyt Sherman, Commissioner for Utah. ress made by the managers in charge oC the enterprise. Personally, my business takes me to Portland quite often. Our Legislature meets January 12 next. It Is the purpose of our committee to meet prior to that date and agree upon a report Without having seen the other members of the committee for some time, still I am practically sure. that the report will be extremely favorable. We shall recommend a substantial appropriation and the appointment of a commission to collect and take charge of tho Utah ex hibit. What action the Legislature will take upon the report I am unable to say. I can generally form a pretty good guess as to what I may do In the future, but to undertake to guess what other men will do Is too hard a proposition for me. I know the committee will urge favor able action, and from several conferences held with the Governor on this subject (the last one only yesterday) I know he Intends to make favorable mention of It In his message. The City of Portland has done well, and I have no doubt the State of Oregon will do likewise. I would suggest that com missioners and members of committees haying the matter In hand for other states be promptly advised of the action taken by the Oregon Legislature. Beyond any doubt thd Legislature of Utah will bo largely governed by what Oregon does. Yes, I would say that in case an appro priation is made, the first we would want to do would be to have a site asslgneiita us and erect a building. So many of our peoplb go to Portland at all times of the year that the selection of the site, tho commencement and progress made in the construction of the Utah building would be of constant interest to Utah visitors, and, upon their return home, tend to ad vertise the exposition. With the very best wishes for the success of the enter prise, I am. Very truly, HOYT SHERMAN, Chairman Utah Committee. SUM ASKED, $100,000. Washington Commissioners Make Their Recommendation. THE Lewis and Clark Fair Commis sion for the State of Washington has agreed to recommend an ap propriation in the sum of $100,000 for an adequate exhibit at the exposition. There are five members of the commission, and three of them are members of the Legis lature. The report of the commission to the Governor is in part as follows: Washington, aa the principle state In population, commerce and Industry of the old Oregon country, has a large and di rect Interest in the 1S05 Fair. We believe that the fact that Lewis and Clark, in their trip of exploration, passed through the Stato of Washington, traversing its mountains and plains, and sailing upon Its-water courses, and that the territory now embraced within the state was a part of the original Oregon Territory, entitles us to as great a share in this -undertaking as the State of Oregon has accepted. We further believe that, on account of our varied and great mineral resources, this state is in a position to reap more actual benefit than is Oregon herself, and that the influx of homeseekers and of capital for Investment which must surely follow the holding of a successful expo sition will repay many fold to the people of this state the money they may expend In securing a proper and creditable dis play of the resources of the state at the Lew,i3 and Clark Centennial Exposition. The material progress of Washington In the four decades ended with 1900 was remarkable. From an Isolated and ob scure territory In the northwestern cor ner of the United States we have grown to be one of the wealthiest and most prosperous commonwealths In the Union In 1E50 there were 1201 people within the present boundaries of our state. These were living In the counties of Lewi3 and Clark, then a part of the Territory of Oregon. From 11,594 people in 1S60 we had grown in 1900 to a population of over 518,000, and our present population is not far from 600.000. Our 'growth in other lines is significantly shown in the follow ing table of comparisons: 1S60. 1900; Population 11,594 518,103 Improved land in iarms, acres S1.S69 92.609 20,720 23 3.46o.S0 21,187.527 5.26S.0SS 6.S13.S3) 2.8ST Wheat, bushels Wool, pounds Hops, pounds Railroads, miles of. Coal product, tons 134,350 2.20a.iz Lumber, value Flour and meal Agricultural products ..$1,172,520 J 30.2Sff.2S0 Manufactures L405.OQQ S6.795.051 iteai esiaie ana per sonal property 2.51S.672 261,000.000 Value farm property.. 3,603.155 144.040.547 Orchard products 23,779 L353.7So Animals slaughtered... 105.103 1.16S.S02 A distinguishing feature of the 1505 Fair will be exhibits of the life, customs and Industry of the Orient and Oceanica, the purpose of which will be to show the true relation of the United States to tho new trade field on the other side of the Pacific Ocean. The State of Washington Is especially f '