THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FJRIDAY DECEMBER 12; 1902; 15 ViOLENT DECLINES New York Stock Market Al 1 most Demoralized, BY UNLOADING OF SECURITIES Volnrac of Dealing Rose to Over a Million Sliaren Due to Unset tled Condition of the 3Ioncy Market. New Tork stcck market transactions this week: No. shares. Monday 274,700 Tuesday 443,400 "Wednesday 572,000 Thursday 1.190,700 NEW TORK. Dec. 11. The stock market .had a demoralized appearance at times today, when an eager unloading of securities was in progress without regard to prices. The volume of dealings rose to over .1,000,000 shares, or about double these of yesterday, which again were more than double those of the day before. The throwing on the market of this stock greatly augmented the volume of liquidation, which met with very poor absorptive power, and violent declines were the result. There were points in the market where bet ter resistance was shown than in others, nota bly among the Pennsylvania group, Reading. Amalgamated and Sugar. The last-named etock closed the day with an actual net gain of a small fraction. On the other hand, the Hock Islands, the United States Steels and Pacifies generally proved easily vulnerable. Tho extreme decline In Rock Island common was 414 and In the preferred 4. The final prices were respectively and 2 higher than the lowest. Steel lost 3 points and the pre ferred 2, and their final prices were only a fraction better than the lowest points. The unsupported condition of- these stocks had a strong sentimental effect on the whole mar ket The Venezuelan situation exerted only a sentimental Influence. The real motive for the precipitate selling was the growing conviction that a further ex tensive loan contraction will be necessary to meet the requirements for money between now and the first of the year. There was more forced liquidation from the forcing of lenders to extend maturing loans, .but holders were moved by apprehension that the Fame condi tions would shortly become effective In their own cases, so that they threw over large hold ings. There were some of the largest lenders In the street also who withheld their funds from the ,tlme loan market, with the avowed Intention of waiting for higher rates of time loans. This rroccss served to keep some sup ply In the call loan market. As high as 9 per cent was paid, however, for call loans. Time loans for short periods were practically unobtainable, and rates were very firm for the longer periods. The rates quotedwere purely nominal, and all sorts of devices were resorted to to Increase the actual rate of return over nominal Interest rate, such as charges for commissions and implied agreements on the part of the borrowers to withdraw only a cer tain per cent of tho -immt i , maturing at this- time were the immedlate' "u;c oi ln emoarrassment of the holders of stocks. Rumors were current of the liquida tion of a loan of several millions to a single toank. which necessitated heavy realizing on collateral. A curious feature was that this collateral Included many hundred shares of the stock of the bank calling the loans, which were t ? ??en raarket- Money brokers re ported that there was not much calling in of money placed on call, and they also reported that -where mntn-inr. tir, 1 1. . . bufc. , hjuMo be paid off." the,- were" unable to! . , , "u uorrowers rront in terior banks. The rate paid in such cWwas considerably above normal rate. Where The lo-al anks are lending at all It Is simply to supply the urgent needs .of their regular cus tomers for routine business purposes. Sterling exchange cemained firm today, and opinions were expressed that more gold wouW be sent to South America. The retention of the ?n7 ,?,SC,Unt rate by the Bank of EnJ S XCl Vid to be an ideation of con fidence that the South Americans' demands TorkLThe0nShT BW be erted to New lork. The Subtreasurj continues to withdraw large amounts from the money market "ndll rumors of relief measures by the TrJasurv Department met with denials, Today's S era l vennr;iChCd from 13 'omts 'quite geT irom 412. The tone at the close was fevorUh ande unsettled, but quite, materially "JJ TotriirScS old 4s. coupon, declined on Uifust call ftew Yofly Stock .Market. ' BTOCKS. Atchison An rfl 50.100; 81 7 90 78-. Baltimore &"6h!o!I 8,000 43.800 JJ1U ............ Canadian Pacific ... Canada Southern ... C hesapeake & Ohio Chicago & Alton do pfd Chi Tnrf V. T V3 300 93Vi! fi:: 22,000 12ll24 300: 7S 44 10.300 2,500; 30 400 70 70 Chicago & Eastern 111.. - ,u'6u ureai esiern. 4.000 'i.'foo 1,100 1.100: 24 :"w" 23 fin Tt TtA Chicago & N.'w.-V.V. 34 218 If. v.jjicago uerm & Tran, 213 15 30 93 259 C7 42 pia ...... C n f r. c 300) 30 Louis.. Colorado Southern coo: 4,400 1,100 1.200 1 03 u3 ist pra do 2d pfd " Delaware & Hudson..." gel-. Lack. & Western. Denver & Rio Grande.. do pfd Erie do in pfd do 2d pfd Great Northern pfd Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd 1-ake Erie & Western.. do pfd Louisville & Nashville. Manhattan Elevated ... Metropolitan Street Rv.i Mexican Central ....I.j Mf-Ho-in -V'n.l 1 43 1.8001135 154 IWI245 !45 I 3 S.000 1.400 80 37.000 30 42 4,700 63 44M 4.200 2,000 IBS ISO 5.200 09 now 95 97-i 1.100 8.600 141 '139, 140 500 37 C55i 53 3(H) 300 C5 j 65 47 47 1 1 K 16.70 120 ,120 28.700 140 4.700 137 135'l:ii.. 2,400 1.000 Minn. & St. Louis.. Missouri Pacific .... M.. K. & T An nM 42.500 103 101 "jioi4 3.100 58 CI54 si I linn ew Jersey "Central ew York Central 1.200 15,400, :101U49-14 -'jiioiK ec western do pfd Ontario & Western...".! Pennsylvania Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd St. Louis & San Fran.. do 1st pfd do 2d pfd St. Louis S. W do pfd St. Paul do Ifd Southern Pacific Southern Railway do pfd Texas & Pacific Toledo. St. L. & W do pfd Union Pacific ...."."... do pfd - Wabash ." do pfd V.7." Wheeling Lake Erie.". do 2d pfdt Wisconsin Central do pfd Express Companies " Adams .......... American j United States ..... Wells-Fargo '.'.J Mlscellaneoui" Amalgamated Copper ..! Amer',?ar & Foundry..! do pfd ...1 American Llcwsed OH." J do pfd 1 -Aroer. Smelt. & Refln.'J do pfd- Anaconda Mining Co'.j Brooklyn Rapid Transit Colorado Fuel & Iron.. Consolidated Gas Cont. Tobacco pfd General Electric Hocking Coal 1 International Paper .... do pfd 11,200 ' 77O0 ....I n9ii 28 27 275i 77.700 153ft 151;I51 GI.800 6Mt 54i.,! 55 30C Si 72 67 84 4.800 4.500 73 72 67 77 67 70 1.2001 GOV, 07 4001 20 2514 80.400l63jl07!nwj4 jiwuoa new jisa 57 5ST4 10,300 31 29 29 own 3S 251 00 00 25 40 31 23ft 48 mm i 13,200! C04i 111 38 25 44 0001 271. 400 44i til 200 07 2.1001 01 94 yo 24 39 5400 2i5U 4.500 40 1.11KJI 22 4(K)1 32 1.1O0J 24 20 23tf 48 200 100 220 200 125 10 122 31.100 54 1.3001 34 1.2001 SS 500 13 4C0I 41 5.3001 38 1.300; 01 16.7001 80 24.8001 62 3.200! 81 5.000 2U8 3.0001115 2.0001175 1.000! -18 -500!'17 '700 '.72 54 P 88 14 33 14 41 :7J5 ST2 ,30 37 01 82 1 81 2! liO 200 114 114 173; 174 16V, .1754 71 71 International Power ... Lavlede Gas National Biscuit National Lead North American ....... Pacific Coast Pacific Mall People's Gajt Pressed Steel Car do pfd , Pullman Palace Car.... Republic Steel do pfd Sugar Tennessee Ccal & Iron. Union Bag & Paper Co. do pfd United States Leather.. do pfd .... United States Rubber.. do pfd United States Steel do pfd Western Union American Locomotive .. do pfd Kansas City Southern.. do pfd Rock Island do pfd , 300 700 44 44 24 108 65 3 OOVi 50 00 1.300 J1Z 03 38H 100M. 58 00 100 300 3.300 1.000 200 3.800 18 77 11DU 54 12 77 12 88 10 I 18 75 53 77 11 87 15 1,500 21.300 3,100 300 200 0,900 1,000 1.800: 04.300! 40.300 S.000 34 82U 89 I 27 00' 3014 53& 80 31 80 86 I 20 00 20 I 52 35, 75 2,000 200 100 300 47.000 12,500 Total sales for the day, 1,100,700 shares. BONDS. U. S. 2s. ref. reg.l07Atchlson adJ. 4s... 00 coupon 108C & N.W. con. 7s.: " reg M74,D. & K. G. 4s do coupon 107N. T. Cent. lsts... do new 4s. reg..l35iNorthern Pac 3s.. do coupon 135 do 4s do old 4s, reg.108 Southern Pac 4s.. do coupon 109.Unlon Pacific 4s... do 5a, rcg 103 I West Shore 4s Co coupon 103JVls. Central 4s. -K Stocks at London, LONDON, Dec. 11. Closing quotations: Anaconda 4Norfolk & West... 70 Atchison 82' do pfd 04 do pfd looi,, Ontario & Western 28 raiu unio fcnnsyivanm .. Can. Pacific 120iRcading Ches. & Ohio 45! do 1st pfd Chi. Gr. Western. 24 do 2d pfd Chi.. M. & St. P.174Bouthern By ... Denver & Rio Gr. 30; do pfd ...j. do pfd 01;Southern Pacific Erie 33 jUnlon Pacific .. do lrt pfd 04 do pfd do 2d pfd 40 U. S. Steel Illinois Central ..144 do pfd Louis. & Nash.. ..123 Wabash M., K. & T 24?i do pfd ... N. Y. Central... .154-1 .. 43 .. 38 .. 31 .. 04 .. 02 ..100 .. 03 .. S5 .. 84 .. 27 .. 41 Money. Exchange, Etc. NEW TORK, Dec 11. Money on call firm, at 6!g9 per cent: closing 0010 per cent. Time money Arm", accommodations small; 60 days, 7 per cent; 00 days. 77 per cent; six months, C per cent; prime mercantile paper. 0 per cent. Sterling exchange firm, with actual business In bankers' bills at ?4 87.25 for demand, and at $4 83.375g4 83.50 for 00 days; posted rates, $4 84 and $4 88; commorclal bills. $4 S29 $4 83 Bar silver. 477.c. Mexican dollars, 37c. Government bonds weak; railroad bonds weak. LONDON, Dec 11. Bar silver steady. 22d per ounce. Money. 33 per cent. Rate of discount for short bills, 3 per cent; for three-months' bills, 3 per cent. Consols for money, 02 0-16; for account, 02 13-10. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 11. Silver bars, 47c per ounce. Mexican dollars Nominal. Drafts Sight, par; telegraph, 2c. Sterling on London Sixty days, $4 84; sight, $4 87. Daily Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. Dec 11. Today's statement of the Treasury shows: . Available cash balances 520.7,613,975 Gold 119,871,560 Bank Clearings. ClearinKF. Balances. $ 79,240 151.812 29.675 65.212 Portland Seattle . Tacoma , Spokane , 639.450 630,250 3!S4.4"1 310,660 EASTERN LIVESTbCK. Prices Current nt Clilcapro, Omaha and Kansas City. CHICAGO. Dec. 1L Cattle Receipt. 17.500. Market 1520c lower and very dull. Good to prime steers, $3 0086 00; poor to medium, $3 3 50; stockers and feeders, 22 40; cows, ?1 654 50; helfers,f2SS: canners, $1 252 40; bulls. $24 50; calves,' ?37r Texas Kd steers, ?3 50Q4 75; Western steers. ?43 20. Hogs Receipts today, 38,000; tomorrow, 30, 000; left over, 20,000. Market 10c lower. Mixed and butchers, f5 S00 20; good to choice, $5 006 10; light. f5 70g6; bulk of sales, ?5 05 6 20. Sheep Receipts, 25.000. Market fpr sheep steady to 15c lower; Iambs steady to 25c lower. Good to choice wethers, $3 73Q4 50; fair to choice mixed, $2 753 CO; Western sheep, $3 75 4 40; native lambs, $455 50; Western Iambs, $4 25Q5 10. OMAHA. Dec. 11. Cattle Receipts, 5000. Market slow, 10015c lower. Native steers, ?3 25ff6 25; cows and heifers, $2 S0M; West ern steers, $3 2504 75; Texas steers, $34 40; cows and heifer.", $2 503 75; canners, $1 230 2 50; stockers and feeders, $2 5004 25; calves, $306; bulls, stags, etc. fl 7503 50. Hogs Receipts, 7500. Market 50c lower. Heavy. $0 O706 15; mixed. ?6 0506 10; light, 5 0000 07; pigs, ?506; bulk of sales. $0 03 0 10. Sheep Receipts, 4000. Market steady. Weth ers. $3 5004 10; ewes, 3 2504; common and stockers, $1 2503 30; lambs, $4 5005 50. KANSAS CITY. Dec 11. Cattle-Receipts, 10,000. Market steady and 10c lower. Native steers. $3 5000; Texas and Indian steers, f 2 50 04 55; Texas cows, $2 2302 65; native cows and heifers. ?1 5005 50; stockers and feeders ?304; bulls, ?203 75; calves, ?2 506; West ern steers, $30 5 30; Western cows, $23 15. Hogs Receipts. 0000. Market 5010c lower; bulk of sales. $000 15. Heavy, $6 0506 25; packers. $606 15; medium. $0 050 6 25; light, $5 000016; Yorkers. $0100615; pigs. $5 5006. Sheep Receipts. 4000. Market steady. Mut tons. S304; lambs. $3 5005 35; range wethers $30 4 50; ewes, $304 10. Mlnlns Stocks. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 11. Official closing quotations for mining stocks: Belcher $0 32JMexlcan $0 70 Best & Belcher... 1 00 Occidental Con ... 20 Bullion 4 Ophir 1 So Caledonia 3 15 Overman 04 Challenge Con ... 28 Potosl 23 Chollar lOiSavage jo Confidence SSJSeg. Belcher- 12 Con. Cal. & Va... 1 55'SIerra "Nevada ... 51 Crown Point .... 2 14 Silver Hill 55 Gould & Curry... 20 Union Con -52 Hale & Norcross. 31!Utah Con 0 Justice GjTellow Jacket .... 35 NEW YORK. Dec. 11. Mining stocks today closed as follows: Adams Con ... Alice Breece .$0 20LIttle Chief $0 09 15 Ontario 0 00 40Ophir 1 2(1 Brunswick Con .. 3 Phoenix 0 22 Comstock Tunnel. 4!Potosi Con. Cal.,& Va.., 1 35!Savage 15 Horn Silver 1 25'Slerra Nevada ,.. 38 Iron Silver S5j Small Hopes ..... 30 Leadville Con ... 2 Standard 3 15 BOSTON, Dec 11. Closing quotations: Adventure Allouez Amalgamated Bingham Cal. & Hccla.. Centennial ... Copper Range Daly West ... Dominion Coal Franklin United Copper. $ 13 2 54 20 440 15 32 30 120 8 20 OOlMohawk $ 37 50 25Osceola 40 00 75 Parrott 25'Qulncy OO'Santa Fe Cop.. 25!Tamarack .... 50Trlnlty 50Utah SOlVlctoria 00 Winona OOj Wolverines . . . 22 00 102 00 1 50 142 00 8 00 22 23 4 75 3 25 53 00 Metal Markets. NEW YORK, Dec 11. The London tin mar ket advanced 5s Cd today, spot there being quoted at 113 2s 6d. and futures at 1 113 7s 6d. Influenced by this advance, the local market also was higher, with spot at 24.9523.12c Copper was lower in London, spot closing at 50 S3 9d. and futures at 50 16s 3d, but re mained dull and nominal in the local market, where standard is quoted at 10.75c; Lake, 11.65c. and electrolytic and casting. 11.45c Lead was dull and unchanged here at 4e, and In London at 10 13s 9d. Spelter also was quiet and unchanged in London at 10 17s d. while here it was easy and unchanged at 4.05c Iron in Glasgow closed at 54s Gd. and in Middlesboro at 47s 7d. Locally, Iron was quiet and unchanged. Warrants continue nom inal. No. 1 foundry Northern. $23025; No. 2 foundry Northern,, No. 1 foundry Southern and No. 1 foundry Southern, soft, $22023. Coffee and Sujrnr. NEW YORK. Dee. 1L Coffee Futures closed steady and unchanged to 5 poUits higher. Total sales, 25,250 bags. Including: Decnniier, $4 55; January. $4 6004 83; February, $4 70; March. $4 80; May, $5; September. $5 25; Oc tober, $5 35. Spot Rio quiet; No. 7 Invoice, 6c; mild dull; Cordova, 7012c Sugar Raw firm: fair refining, 3 7-lGc; cen trifugal, 00 test, 3 15-10c; molasses sugar, 3 3-lGc. Refined firm. l BUYING WAS GENERAL SMALL RECEIPTS AND GOOD CASH DEMAND HELPED WHEAT. The Opening; Was Easier on Lorrer Cables and a ilearlsh Gov ernment Report. CHICAGO, Dec. 11. Lower cables and a bearish Government report caused an easier feeling in wheat at the opening, and there was considerable short selllne: early. The small receipts and a good cash demand brought out general buylnjr by commission houses, part of which was reported to be for the leading long. Offerings were rather, limited through the day and a strong tone prevailed, the close being at the high point for December, with a gain of lc, at 75c May opened a shade lower, at 767Cc, and advanced steadily up to 77c The close was c higher, at 770i77c Corn was only moderately active throughout the entire day, the feature being renewed cov ering by a prominent short who covered heav ily yesterday. May closed c higher, at 44 Hc December closed c up, at 57c pats ruled firm, the- strength In corn being the main factor. May closed -c higher, at 33033c Weakness in the hog market caused lower prices in provisions at the start and liquida tion by outsiders added to the decline. January pork closed 27c lower, lard 1720c lower, and ribs 17c lower. . The leading futures rangsd as follows: WHEAT. Opening. Highest. Lowest. Closing. December $0 74 $0 75 $0 74 $0 75 May 76yl 773$ 70ft 7795 July 73'i 74 73 74 CORN. December .... 56 57 T8 57 January 48 49 -48 49 May 44 44 44 OATS. Dec. (new) ... 31ft 32 31ft 32 May 33 33ft 33 33 MESS PORK. January 10 60 10 S3 10 00 10 65 Mar 15 55 15 00 15 45' 15 47 LARD. December 10 47 10 47 10 32 10 32 January 0 87 0 00 0 77 0 80 May 0 10 9 15 0 07 0 12 SHORT RIBS. January 8 50 8 50 " 8 42 8 42 May 8 32 8 35 8 30 8 30 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Dull, firm. Wheat No. 2 Spring, 74075c; No. 3, 6973c; No. 2 red. 74075c Corn No. 2, 67c; No. 2 yellow, 57058c 8 Oats No. 2, 32c; No. 3 white, 3203Oc. Rye No. 2, 40ftc. Barley Good feeding, 35039c; fair to choice maltlnir, 45050c. Flaxseed No. 1, $1 14; No. 1 North'western, $1 23. Timothy seed Prime, $3 63. Mess pork $10 8717 per bbl. Lard $10 40010 45. per cwt. Short ribs sides Loose. $S 5003 75. Dry" ..salted shoulders Boxed. $8 2308 50. Short clear sides Boxed, $8 7500. Clover Contract grade, $10 75. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels .. 21,000 18.700 Wheat, bushels 5 500 l.wo Corn, bushels 90.000 . 63.. 00 Oats, bushels 03.700 J025 Rye. bushels 2,700 2.900 Barley, bushels 30.100 21,800 Grain anil Produce at New York. NEW YORK. Dec 11. Flour Receipts. 21, 505 barrels: exports, 22,200 barrels. Market very firm and held higher.- Wheat Receipts, 55,573 bushels. Market for spot firm. No. 2 red. 83c elevator. 79c f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 Northern Duluth, 85o f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba. SCc f. o. b. afloat. In the face of the bearish crop report, wheat was generally active and hjgher today. The crowd took alarm at the small Interior movement, rumors of rain In Argentina; a heavy cash trade and very light offerings, and bought freely all day. The close was Arm. at Gc net advance. May. SO 11-16081 7-10e, closed 819ic; July 78079c. closed 70c; Decem ber. 83084c, closed 84c Hops Quiet. HIdes-rQulet. , Wool Firm. " Butter. Receipts, 000 packnges. Market firm. State dairy. 20027c; creamer-, extra. 30c r creamery, 21020c. Eggs Recciptp, 0700 packages. Market quiet. State and Pennsylvania, 30c; Western uncandled, 20029c, - Grain at San Francinco. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 11. Wheat easier. Barley quiet. Oats firmer. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping, ?1 4001 43; milling, $145 01 50. Barley Feed. $1 23: brewing, $1-27Sl -28ft. Oats Red, $1 221 30; white, SI 2501 40; black. $1 201 33. Call board sales: Wheat Easier; May, $1 40; cash. $1 43ft. Barley Quiet; May, $1 20. Corn Large yellow. $1 4501 50. Enropcan Grain .Markets. LONDON, Dec. 11. Wheat Cargoes on pas sage, firm, but not active; No. 1 standard Cal ifornia, 30s Od; Walla Walla, 29a; English country markets steady. LIVERPOOL, Dec. 11. Wheat Steady: No. I standard California, 6s 7d0s 8d. Wheat nnd flour In Paris steady. Weather in Eng land cold and dry. PORTLAXD MARKETS. Grain, Flonr, Feed, Etc. The local wheat market continues very, dull. Tho tone Is quite' firm, in view of the general advance elsewhere, but shippers say Portland prices arc above export values. FLOUR "Valley, $3 3503 50 per barrel; hard wheat straights, $3 3003 65; hard' wheat pat ents. $3 CO04 10; Dakota hard wheat. $4 400 5 30; graham. $3 2003 60. WHEAT Walla Walla. 71c; bluestem, 79c; Valley, 75076c export values. BARLEY Feed, $23 50 per ton; brewing, $24; rolled. $24 50. MILLSTUFFS Bran. ?18319 per ton; mid dlings, $23024; shorts, $10020; chop, $18. OATS No. 1 white, $1 1501 17; gray, $1 12 01 15 per cental. HAY Timothy, $10011; clover, $0; wheat, $800 per ton. Butter, Eksh. Poultry, Etc. Poultry Is active, a good demand 'keeping Front-street stocks down. Fresh ranch eggs are firm at from 3032c Butter Is weak at quotations. -The continued scarcity of cheese resulted in an juK-ance of lc. POULTRY Chickens, mixed, 10c. per pound; young. 10c; hens. 10011c; turkeys, live. 13c; dressed. 15c; ducks, $506 per dozen; geese, $0 00 50. CHEESE Full cream, twins, 1617c: Young America, 17018c; factory prices 10 lc less? Wisconsin. 16c per pound. BUTTER Fancy creamery, 2730c per pound; dairy. 2O022c; storo. 1518c. EGGS 25032c per dozen. "Vefretnbles. Frnit. Etc. Trade continues good In fresh produce. An assortment of California vegetables arrived on the San Francisco steamer last night. VEGETABLES Turnips, 75080c per sack; carrotF, 75080c; beets, $1 per sack; parsnips, $1 per sack; cauliflower, $1 7502 per crate; tcabbage, lc per pound: celery, Los Angeles, 5075c; Denver. ?1 per dozen; lettuce, head, per dozen, 25c: hothouse, $1 7502 per box; green onions, per dozen, 12c; cucumbers, 75c $1 per box; green peppers, 45c per pound; dry Chile peppers, 20c per pound; Brussels sprouts, Cc per pound; squash, $101 50 per hun dredwelsht. GREEN FRUIT Apples, table, 83c0$l 50 per box; cooking, 5075c; pears, 75c$l 25 per box; grapes, Niagara. 50c per crate; Concord, 2030c per basket, 15c per half basket; Cali fornia Tokay. $1 40 per crate; Muscat, $1 25 per crate; Comlchon. $1 25; quinces. Oregon. 85c$l per box; cranberries, Jersey, $11; Wis consin, Bell & Cherry, $11011 50; persimmons, $1 25 rer box. TROPICAL FRUIT Lemons. $3 50 0 4 per box; oranges, new crop navels, $303 25; seed lings, $2 250 2 50; grape fruit. $3 50 per box; bananas. $2 25 -2 75 per bunch; pineapples. $5 50 per dozen: pomegranates. $1 50 per box. DRIED FRUIT Apples, evaporated. 7c per pound: sun-dried, sacks or boxes. 500c; apri cots. 8010c; peaches. 70c; pears, 78c; prunes, Italian. 4Gc; figs, California blacks. 6c; do white, 7c; Smyrna. 20c": plums, pitted! 45c. RAISINS Loose Muscatel; 4-crown. 7ftc; 3 crown, 7c; 2-crown, 6ftc; unbleached seedless -.Muscatel raisins, 7c; unbleached seedless Sul tans, 6c; London layers, 3-crown, whole boxes of 20 pounds, $1 85; 2-crown, $1 75. POTATOES Best Burbanks, C070o per sack; ordinary, GQgfiOc per cental, growers prices; Merced sweets, $2 per cental. ONIONS Oregon and Washington, 75c0$l per cental; shippers' price In carload lots, 50c per cental. Groceries, Nnta, Etc. COFFEE Mocha, 23028c: Java, fancy, 26 32c; Java, good. 20024c; Java, ordinary, 18 20c; Costa Rica, fancy. 18020c: Cosia Rica, good, 16018c; Costa Rica, ordinary, 1012c per pound; Columbia roast, $10 75; Arbuckle's, $11 23 list: Lion. $10 75. RICE Imperial Japan, No. 1, 5c; No. 2, 4c; Carolina head, 77c SALMON Columbia River, 1-pound talis,. $1 85 per dozen: 2-pound tails, $2 75; fancy 1-pound flats, $1 00; -pour.d flats, $1 25;, Alaska pink, 1-pound tails, . OGc; red, 1-pound tails, $1 30; sockeye, 1-pound tails, $1 45;1 pound flats, $1 GO. x SUGAR Sack basis,, net cash, per 100 pounds: Cube, $5 30; powdered, $5 13; dry gran ulated. $5 05; extra C, $4 53; golden C. $4 45. Advances over sack basis od follows: Barrels, 10c; half-barrels, 25c; boxes. 50c per 100 pounds. Maple, 15010c .per pound. Beet sugar, granulated, $4 95 per 100 pound3. HON.EY 13c per No. 1 frame. BEANS Small white, 4c; large white, 4c; ,plnks. 3c; Bayou, 3c; Lima, 3c per pound. NUTS Peanuts, 6ftc ,per pound for raw, 80 8o for roasted: coeoanuts, 83000c per dozen; walnuts, 13014c per pound; pine nuts, 10 12c; hickory nuts, 7c; Brazil nuts, lGc; Al berts, 13016c; fancy pecans, 17c; almonds, 14 15c; chestnuts, 16c. GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, $0 2506 CO per 100 for epot. SALT Liverpool, 50s. $20 80 per ton; 100s, $20 40; 200s, $10 60: half ground, per ton, 60s, $10; 100s. $15 50; Worcester salt, bulk, 320s, $5 per barrel; linen sacks, 50s, 80c per sack. OILS Coal oil, cases, 23c per gallon; Iron barrels, 16e; wood barrels. 10c; linseed, boiled, cases, 69c; barrels, 54c; linseed, raw, cases, 57c; barrels, 52c; gasoline, iron barrels, 19e; cases, 26c; turpentine, cases, 72c; wood barrels, 08c; lrpn barrels, 60c; lots of 10 cases or more. 71c Collier and Atlantic white and red lead. In lota of 500 pounds or more, 6c; less than 500 pounds, 0c. Hops, Wool, Hlilen, Etc. HOPS Choice. 2326o ner pound; prime to choice. 2425c; prime, SUc; medium, 220 23c per pound. HIDES Dry hides, No.' 1. 10 pounds' and up. 1515c per -pound; dry kip. No. 1, 5 to 15 pounds, 12c; dry calf. No. 1. under 5 pounds, 10c; dry salted bulls and star?, one-third less than dry flint; salted Mdes, steers, sound, 60 pounds and over, 808c; 59 to GO- pounds, 78c; under 50 pounds and cows, 7c; stags and bulls, eound, 55c; kip. Hound, 15 to 20 pounds, 7c; veal, sound. 10 tol4 pounds, 7c; calf, sound, under 10 pounds. 8c; green (unfalted), lc per pound less; culls, lc per pound less; horse hides, salted, each, $1 5002; dry, each, $1 1 50; colts' hides, each. 25050c; goat skins, common, each. 10015c; Ancora, with wool on, each, 25c?l. WOOL Valley. 12013c; Eastern Oregon, 80 14c; mohair. 20-0 "Sc. PELTS Bear skins, as to size. No. 1, each. $300 20; cubs, $205; badger, each, 10040c: wildcat, 25050c; house cat, 510c; fox, com mon gray, each. 30050c; do red. each. $1 5002; do cross, each, $500; do silver and black, each. $1000200; flshcr. each, $500: .lynx, each. $203; mink, strictly No. 1, each, 50c$l 50; marten, dark Northern. $0012: marten, pale pine, ac cording to size and coloj. $1 5002; mu3krats. large, each, 5010c: skunki each. 4C05Oc; civet or polecat, each. 5010c-: otter, for largo prlme- .skins, each, 30050c: wolf, mountain, with hul perfect, each, $3 5003; wolf, prairie (coyote), without head, each, 30035c; wolverine, each, $407; beaver, per skin, large, $500; do me dium. $3?4; do small, $101 5O7 dt kits, 50075c. SHEEPSKINS Shearing, 15 20c; short wool,-25035c; medium-wool, 3O0COc; long wool, 60c?;i each. TALLOW Prime, per pound, 403c; No. 2 and grease, 2 03c. Meats and ProvisIonH. BEEF Gross, cows, $303 CO: steers, $404 35; dressed, 607c per pound. VEAL 70Sc per pound. MUTTON Gross. $3 23; dressed, C0Gc. LAMBS Gross. $3 50: dressed. 0c. , HOGS Gross, $000 23; dressed. 707c. LARD Portland, tierces, 13c per pound; tubs, I3c; 60s, 13c; 20s, 13ftc; 10s. 13c; 5s, 14c Compb'und, tierces. 0c" per pound; tubs, 0c; fine, 10s. 15c; seconds, 5s, 14c; 10s, 14c. BACON Portland, 16019c per pound; "East-, ern, fancy. 17c; etandard, heavy. 15c; bacon bcjllei. ioc. HAMS Portland. 14 c per pound: picnic, 10c per pound; Eastern fancy. 1401Oc DRY-SALTED MEATS Portland clears, 12 13c; backs, 12013c;, bellies. '15010c; plates, 10c; butts. O0iOc SAUSAGE Portland, ham, 12e per pound: minced ham, 10c; Summer, choice dry, 17c; Bologna,- .long. Sc; welncrwursts, .0c; liver. 7c: pork. 0c; blood. 7c: head cheese, 7c; bologna sausage link. 7c. - . - PICKLED GOODS Pprtland, pigs' feet, -barrels, $4 50; U-barrels, $2 50; 15-pound kit, $1. Tripe, -barrels, $5 50; -barrels. $2 75; 15-pound kit, $1; pigs' tongues, -barrel, -$0. SAX FRANCISCO MARKETS. Prices Current for Produce at the Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 11. Choice Oregon apples 'are firm. Potatoes and onions arc steady. Vegetables Cucumbers, 75c01 25 per Ijpx; garlic, 22c per pound; green peas, 507c per pound; string beans, 8010c per pound; toma toes, 5Oc0$l 25: onions, 50075c; egg plant, 10 12c Apples Choice, $1 73 common, 30c, Bananas 73c0$2 50, Limes Mexican, $40 4 50. California lemons Choice, $2 50; common, 75c. . j. Oranges Navels. $23 Pmeapples $1 590 3 30. Potatoes Early Rose, 63075c: River Bur banks, 30055c; river reds, 30045c; Salinas Bur banks. 75c$l 15: sweets, $1 25: Oregon Bur banks. 75c0?l 05. Poultry Turkey gobblers, 1618c; do hens, 16 18c; old roosters, $4 5005; do young, $50 5 53; small broilers. $30 3 50; do large. $404 50; fry ers. $4 5005: hens. $4 5005; old ducks. $3S?4: 'do young, $4 500 6 50. Butter Fancy creamery. 31c; do seconds, 20c; fancy dairy, 30c; do seconds, , 27c. Eggs Fancy ranch, 40c; Eastern. 24020c. Cheese Young America. 1617c; Eastern. 10017c Wool Fall Humboldt and Mendocino, 130 14c; mountains, 8010c. Hay Wheat. $12010: wheat and oats, $12 15; barley, $8 50010 50; alfalfa, $8011 50; clo ver, $7 5000 50; straw, 50005c . bale. Hops 23026c. Millstuffs Bran, $10 50020 50; middling $23 30025. Receipts Flour. 21,140. quarter sacks; wheat, 4500 centals; barley, 7740 centals; oats, 1180 centals; beans, 1756 sack3; corn, 050 centals; potatoes, 3402 sacks; bran. 1115 sacks; mid dlings, 608 sacks; hay.'uSO tons; wool, 103 bales: hides. 310. Export of Timber Prohibited. United States Consul Dudley, at Vancouver, B. C, reports to the State Department as fol lows: In advanc? sheets of Consular Reports, No. 1470, issued October 10, 1002, a report of mine was published regarding the lumber Industry in British Columbia, In which X made the statement that an export dutyxhad been placed upon timber cut upon the public lands of this province. The Information upon which I made that statement was derived from the newspa pers of this city, but my attention has since been called to the fact that It is not an export duty, but ah absolute prohibition placed by tho government upon the export of timber cut upon lands owned by the province. Timber off all unsurveyed and unpre-empted crown lands can be cut either undr 21-year leases or annual licenses. During tho session of 1001, an amendment to the then existing land act was raseed, reading as follows: "All timber cut from provincial lands must be manufactured within the confines of the Province of British Columbia, otherwise the timber ro cut may bo seized and forfeited to the crown and the lease canceled." Thu point was raised that the abo-e only ap plied to leases, not licenses. In July, 1002, an order In. council was .made to make 'the above restriction crrly to llconses. DrUry Produce at Chicago. CHICAGO. Dec. 11. On the Produce Ex change today, the butter market was steady creameries. 1&Si20c; dairies. 17025c Cheese Steady, 1112c Eggs Steady, 24c. New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 11. The cotton market closed firm at a net advance of 3?17 points. ST. LOUIS AJfD SOUTHEAST. A Nevr Tourist Service Inaucrurnted by the O. R: fc Jf. . If you are going to St. Louis, Memphis and other Southeastern points, better call up O. R. Si N. ticket office. Third and Washington, and ask. about the new tour ist service Inaugurated by the O. R. & N. via Denver and Kansas City, Downing, Hopkins & Co. Established IS 9 3. WHEAT AND STOCK BRQKERS Room 4,m,Ground Floor Chamber of .Commerce PRUNE MARKET IS FIRM ACTIVE TRADE IN LARGE SIZES IX THE EAST. Bnyinfr' Syndicate Makes Liberal Pnrchases Hopn Are Dnll and Prices Irregular. NEW YORK. Dec. 11. (Special.) Prunes continued active on the large sizes and prices ruled- very firm. The news by wire from the Coast today that the buying syndicate has se cured considerable stock, and that outside pack ers were refusing to confirm business for De cember shipment, added to the strong views of first hands here. Bids on stock in transit of 7c for 40-50s and 5?4c for 50-GOs were turned down on several carloads. Two fair-sized par cels of 40-G0s, inclusive, for export to London were sold at 6Uc in 25-pound boxes. For tho sizes 60-OOs Inclusive, the feeling is barely steady, supplies being liberal, but thero Is no pressure to sell among holders. In a small, way, sales of Oregon 30-40s are noted at -74c. The supply, however. Is good, and round lots move out at 7tfc No 50-60s offer. Business in 40-50s in transit Is heard at 6c Salem wires a stror.s market on 30-403. Spot Lima beans rule very weak, with no buying of consequence. Offerings arc quoted at "333 07H per bushels as to quality. The salmon movement is light, but holders of high grade In red Alaska and sockeyes are firm. Jobbing lots of sockeyes halves are moved at 00c. Locally, hops, ruled dull, and prices closed Irregular. State markets were reported un changed, and foreign cables showed only a steady situation. FOREIGN METAL. IN DEMAND. November Product of Blast Furnace Not Up to the Normal. NEW YORK. Dec. 11. Our monthly blast furnace report reflects the peculiar conditions affecting the local branch of the Industry, says the Iron Ace. A very considerable number of furnaces have started, chiefly In the districts affected by the anthracite coal strike, but tho November product was not up to the normal. Our coke and anthracite ton capacity Is now up to 330,617k tons per week, an Increase of about C00O tons per week over last month. Tho steel works are short of metal, and some of the larger plants east of the Alleghany Mountains have purchased round lots of foreign Besaemer pig for early delivery at about $20 25 ex-ship, duty paid. There has also beyi quite a fair tonnage of low phosphorus pig. On the other hand, importers of foundry iron have done very little in European markets lately, 'and are holding off, the result being a further weakening of values. In the domestic market the feature of in terest is the resumption of negotiations between the leading interest and the Bessemer Associa tion, which, however, has. not led to anything as yet. Some moderate Jots of Bessemer pig have sold at Pittsburg, and with a good ton nage of basic pig has been placed with Eastern consumers.' In foundry Iron Chicago notes a shortage of malleable fo prompt delivery, but on the whole the markets, are qulot. The sell ing of foreign billets has been resumed, and we can report transactions In 1000 to 2000-ton lots. It is worthy of note that the German steel works arc engaged in negotiations to place thq export sales of steel In the hands of their syndicate, which makes the sales of steel for the domestic market. This has already strengthened, the market, and the lowest -flgure named for German steel billets, ex-shlp. duty paid, is $20 7527. The rail mills have now accumulated orders for next year to the extent of 1,800,000 tons, to which must be added the amount of orders which will bo carried Over from this year. Im porters are in receipt of some round inquiries, both for domestic and Canadian account. The structural mills continue to receive good or ders, among those recently placed being 12.000 tons for a bank building in Chicago. Tho plate trade Is congested with work. A meet ing of the manufacturers Is to be held in this city, at which the percentages of participation for next ,year will be discussed. Very good ac counts are being received of tho sheet trade, and the bar rniHs seem to be doing well. The sheet trade, however. Is still In rather a poor condition and t.rlces are suffering. Board of -Trade WIxs Appeal. CHICAGO, Dec. ll.-The Appellate Court today reversed the lnjunctionis sued by Judge Chytraus last August, en joining the Chicago Board of Trade and the Weare Commission Company from conducting an Investigation in regard to the differences between the illlno drain Company, of Sioux City. Ia., and the Weare Commission Company. This is one of the Injunctions growing out of the oat corner of last Summer, by which the Board of Trade was enjoined from punish ing Jts members. Only $300,000 From Treasury. NEW YORK, Dec. ll.-Of the $1,000,000 gold engaged for shipment to South Amer ica this week only $500,000 was withdrawn from the Subtreasury. The balance was presumably taken from the clearlng-houso by one of the associated banks, which have at this time about $75,000,000 on de posit there. Philippine Societies Merj?e. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Ia., Dec. ll.-The two societies composed of Philippine vet erans, the National Society of the Army of the Philippines and the Philippine Island Veterans have been merged, and the National Society of the Army of the Philippines is the one that survives. Receiver for CoaJ Company. CLARKSBURG, W. Va., Dec. 11 United States Circuit Judge Goff todiy appointed a receiver for the Otter Creek Coal & Lumber Company, of Tucker County, West Virginia. Over $500,000 is involved. AT THE HOTELS. THE PORTLAND. ilr Sz Mrs E F Hay, Wilbur Mrs Henry Wax, Grangevllle T K Holmes, do Frank it Taggart, Omaha Geo "W Greenbaurn.NY M A Butle,-. Baker C John N Thomaa, do j Wm J Ball & wf. S p Mrs LocmSs & son. Geo L BIckman, S F Richard Mulr, Seattle J H Dorety, San Frai J Kinney, Loulsvl J Alexander, S F A Jacobson, Seattle Edward W Clive, do A J Agnew, Everett Miss Margaret Agnew, Everett John P Ross, Chicago C B Staples. Tacoma Wm Ryan. Tarnmn Plymouth. Mich D Corlmer, St Joe R W Van Horn. USA IJJ'F Bncklngham.Chgo John Schmahl, Chgo .' G W Dougherty, In- dlanapblta H K Bradford. Vancv Marlon F Dolph. city Corneaux Beheuna. NY F W Burpee, Falrhavn Crawford Moore & w, Yuma Lieut II S Kerrlck. Ft Casey ! " turner, umcago E H Kinney, San Fran Jas A Waymlre. S F M L Cooper. San Fr Mrs E N Camp, Glen dale H Harris, San Fran E M Quinn. San Fran Mr? J A Danks. Chgo H N Lelghton. 'Mlnnpls L H Bailey. Kodlak W P Thomas, San Fr J W Robinson. Baltmr Geo N Sumner, Can- jChas T Main,' Boston .ias - Hunter. Phlla ion, .uiasE it- K. wade. Hopkins C W T Koch, Chgo L B Stearns, clty Chaa K Harley. S F WE XcGrath. Tacoma L S Mlchelson. NY A B Calder, Tacoma J P Merrill. NY THE PERKINS. A F Je5?cn. Forest G!Thomas Sims, Salem J. C Moran, Butte JJoe Smith. Seattl Times M B Everett. Shaniko jj H Devlin, city Wm Codeler. Shaniko JJ J Foley. San Fran W H Sprague. Snokn iJ C Hammel," Corvallls C Tl Mayer. Salem Mr J C Hammel. do M F Hill. Salem S , L Burton. Evans- 3 vine. Minn Geo Hunt, do I C E Branson,McMiqn T J McBratncy.O'ymp C F Wilson. Denver E W Karr. Hoqulam Chas F Miller, ForestG Mrs C F Miller, do R Campbell, "Juneau J Bendy. Junau F L Fisher, San Fran T T Crittenden, S F H L Buell. Elgin. Or C S Pierce. Fresno Henry Marvin. Eugene'Mlss Ethel Bennett, do Mrs R R Smlth.DallesI-James Boyd. Bly. Or H Kampment, Ariz 1 Jessie M Eoyd. do Mrs H Kampment, do G W White, Seattle J R Upson. St Paul C A Pague, San Fran J C Cooper. McMlnnvI John R Adams, Pendltn B H Grant, Dalles Dr Peynor, Pomeroy J H Henley, Pomeroy James Shouly. do Ora Kay, Dllley, Or Mr3 Ora Kay, do Mlsa Kay, do F R Drug. Sclo, Or Dr F Short. Gresham Mrs S Wambsgaus, Dayton. Or MU?s W Wambsgaus,do W D Hurlburt, Fair haven, Wash C J Olson. Amity, Or Mrs Leavltt, Omaha W M Hacadon. S F lAlmon Baker! Goldendl Mrs R McMath. West port, Or Miss McMath, do W II Harlow, Chicago C E Bergland, Tacoma S S Sterns. Kelso Mrs S S Sterns, do W L Fulton, Cheney THE IMPERIAL. Geo M Reed, Grange- ville. Idaho L L Thomson, Golden dale, Wash Jacob Parr, Denver W H McCain. Boston C S Brown, Astoria Mrs Brown, Astoria C H Callender.Knapp- ton. Wash Mra Callender. do Mrs Edith Carmine, Or J C Donnelly, Tacoma J W Stelver, Wash W H Frost. Chicago J H Easterday.Tacoma Miss Mary Duter, Sub Chas E S Burch.SeatU S A Madge, Olympic, Mrs Madge. Olympis V H Downing, Or J B Harris, N Y F A Seufert. The Dalls W M Garvey, Hunt ington Mrs Garvey, do N J Slnnott. Dalles H H Boomer, Gresham F F Plowden, San Fr Mrs Ellla Knapp, Che halls W G Knapp. do Dr II P Nlberaaus, Monmouth limity Rosa Duter. do jjohn H Hudson, Ar Henry Meldrum, OregC lington j x iioyian, N Y Mrs Moylan. N Y Theo Carmlchael. Gas ton, Or W A Macomber.Seattle E R Ingersoll, Seattle G E Reynolds, Tacoma(May Warsham. Salem xi. ji. .ucma, uora mu,w Jicuariny, aeaius u x aiuir, jjaues j U Markley, Seattle F J Seufert, do Sam Wilson, Seattle A W Bakker, Jr, Lew 1 i-ton Mrs Bakker, do F L Carr, Montesano THE ST. Mrs Wilson. Seattle Mrs C D Warren, Balls ton CHARLES. B B Herrick, SilverCr J W Scovlll, Colo R S Foster, Ashland D- Hennessy. do H Mautz, Sumpter J P Stonebraker, do Frank Nevlns, city Mrs L Walton, city F McGrotty, Woodland i itouins, Gresham J W Lawrence, do W J Muckle. Ralnlor O C Erlckson. Rainier a Erlckson. Rainier J Kjellberg. Rainier K Kllngcr. Rainier J L Jansen & wife. Blaine Gus Whaien. Salem W S Reynolds, Castle Rock J D Heckard, Astoria Fred Dixon, Astoria A Miller, Astoria i. Peterson, Lewlston D Merrill, Lewlston M Cummins, Lewiaton E Maddox. Vashon.Wn f F Kane, city J I Plerson. Everett C Stoots, Duluth F Feller & w. Buttcvl Mrs S Pendleton, do Mrs J P Feller, do J Haldman, Goldendal P Comstock. Dundee I Vinson, Newberg R A Graham, do Mrs Welst. Stella C H Ernest. Stella J Lundy, San Jose J E Temple & wife R Olson & w, Littiei- is F A Smith, city F Miller, Forest Grove J Lowe, Aberdeen J Mananey, do G P Murray. St Helena Geo Robinson, do Geo T Ashley. Brookfld M Gregory. McMlnnvI A B Elliott. Poweirs Valley E Alford. Philomath Go Smith, Iowa W E Goozee, Devil's Lake. N D Mrs M Welst, Stella Hotel BrnnsTvick, Seattle. EuropenrTplan, popular rates. Modem improvements. Business center. Near depot. Tacoma Hotel, Tacoma. American plan. Rates, $3 and up. Hotel Donnelly, Tacoma. First-class restaurant, in connection. Rainier Grand Hotel, Seattle. European plan. Finest cafe on Coast Hdqrs. naval, military and traveling men. Roonu en suite and single. Free shower baths. Rates. Jl up. H. P. Dunbar. Prop. is Interested and lionldk.ior about the wonderfal MARVEL Whirling Spray The New Ladies Syringe Best, aurest. Most Convenient. tA ronr lirortliit for It. If h cannot supply tho nautcii. other, but send stamp for Il lustrated book gives fall Particulars and fllrerilonfttn. T-ilnnhlc In lurtlr MAP.VUI.rft T)nAinMATImTUr V Vn.l odl'i1'!'' For sale by "Wo'odard. Clarke A Co. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. REGULATOR LINE STEAMERS Daily except, Sunday. DALLES-PORTLAND ROUTS TIME CARD. STR. REGULATOR. Leaves Portland Tues., Thura., Sat., 7 A. M. Leaves Dalles Men.. Wed.. Fri.. 7 A. 3X. BTR. DALLES CITT. leaves Portland Mon.. Wed., Fri., 7 A. M. Leaves Dalles Tues. Thura.. Sat, VT A. M LANDING OAK ST. DOCKpORTLAND. Tel. Main 014. M. V. HARRISON. Agent Astoria & Columbia n River Railroad Co. IJejmt Kirth muu I Streea. For Maygars, Rainier. Clatikanie, Wejtport Clifton. Astoria. Wai rnton. Flavtl, Ham mond. Fort Etevan. Gearbart Pk.. Sslda, Aatorla and Sashor. Expreaa Dally. Astoria ExprtHo, Dally.' 11:10 A. n. T.-00 P. M. 9:40 P. at Ticket office. 233 Morrlaoa at and Union Vton. J. C. UATO. CUn. Pia. Xgu. Astoria. Or. For South -Eastern Alaska Leave Seisttle O A. 31. Steamships Cottage City or City of Seattle. Dec. T. 13 10. 23. 31, Jan. 0. Steamers connect at, San Francisco with company's oteamers for jjorts In Call fornla, Mexico and Humboldt Bay. For further Informa tion obtain folder. Right Is reserved to change steamers or sail ing dates. AGENTS N. POSTON, 240 Washington st Portland; F. W. CARLETON, 007 Pacific av.I Tacoma; Ticket Office. 113 James St.. Seattle. GEO.W. ANDREWS. North Western Passenger Agent. San Francisco. Ticket Office, 4 New Montgomery st. C. D. DUN ANN, Gen. Paaa. Act.. San Francisco. DOMINION LINE SPECIAL NOTICE Resumption of trips by the mammoth popu lar twin-screw steamers Commonwealth ami New England, to the Mediterranean from. Bos ton, direct to Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa, Na ples and Alexandria, Egypt. "New England" Jan. 17, Feb. 28 "Comironwealth" ..Jan. 3, Feb. 14. March 23 To Azores. Naples and Genoa. "Vancouver Jan. 10. Feb. 21 "Cambroman" Jan. 31, March' 14 Proceeds through to Alexandria on the Jan uary and February voyages. Also sailings Boston to Liverpool; Portland, Me., to Liverpool. For rates, booklet, etc. apply to THOS. COOK & SON, 021 Market st. San Francisco, Cal.. or COMPANY'S OFFICE CO Dearborn st. Chicago. WHITE COLLAR LINE PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE STEAMER BAILEY GATZERT Leaves Portland dally 7 A. M., except Sunday Leaves Astoria daily 7 P. M., except Sunday" THE DALLES-PORTLAND ROUTE STEAMERS TAHOMA AND METLAKO Leave Portland dally 7 A. M., except Sunday Leave The Dalles dally 7 A. M., except Sun day. Landlngfoot Alder st, Portland Or. ijoth phones, Main 331. ' E. W. CRICHTON, Agent, Portland. Mrs a S Robinson. Laurel, Or Miss Robinson, do j Sllaa Marvin. Eugene Mary Seals, Eugene W V Merrill, Ashland J W Morton, Hood R H C Thompson. 8 F ; F J Barnard, Kalama J B Thompson.Tacoma J H Dorety, San Fr Mrs C B Cauthorn, Lebanon, Or S V Wlnslow. Lewlstn P F Brown. Dalles H B Parker, Astoria M A Langham, Che halls. Wash till mi w TRAVELERS GUIDE. JS OREGON mm Smf$ Line Union pacific AND THREE TRAIi FOR ALL POINTS EAST UNION DEPOT. Leave. Arrive. CHICAGO-PORTLAND 9:00 A. M. 4:30 P.iC." SPECLVL. Dally. Dally; For the East via. Hunt lneton. SPOKANE FLYER. C:15 P. M. 7:00 A. M. For Eastern Washing- Dally. Dally, ton. Walla Walla. Lew- ajr. Uton. Coeur d'Alene and Gt Northern polnU ATLANTIC EXPRESS 8:50 P. M. 8:10 A. M. For the East via Hunt- Dally. Dally. lngton. J OCEAX AND RIVER SCHEDULE. FOR SAN FRANCISCO, S. S. Columbia . From -" c13!0-8' 1S- 28- Alnsworth B.m P S. S. Geo. W. Elder Dock. o.oo I. M. Dec. 13, 23. S ;00 PM. FOR ASTORIA and!8;00 P. M. 3:00 P. mT way-points. connecting! Daily ex. Dally witf steamer for Ilwa- Sunday. except co and North Beach. Saturday, Sunday, steamer T. J, Potter, 10 P. M. ounuax-Ash-street Dock. " C:45'A. M Ahnnt For Salem, Corvallls Mondays. ?.p ,r and way polnta. steam- Wednesday Tudi DrockRUth' Ash -street Fridays. SSSdlyV. Saturdays. FOR DAYTON. Oregon r7:00 A. M. 3:00 P. M. City and Yamhill River Tues.. Mon.. points, str. Elmore, 'Thurs.. Wed., Ash-ot. dock. sat - Frt V. ater permitting.) .0r Lewfet?n. Idaho, 4:03 A. M. f About ,nyyT,Poi?ta- dally 5:00 P. M. Rlparla. TV ash., steam- except dally ers Spokane or Lewis. Saturday, ex. Friday. ton. Telephone Maln 712. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. rrFir 5,l!0lla?la and Hone Kong, calling at Kobe. Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight via connecting steamers for Manila. Port Ar thur and Vladivostok. f INDRAPURA SAILS ABOUT DECEMBER 2S. For rates and full Information call on or aa aress officials or agents of O. R. & N. Co. EAST m SOUTH Leave Limou JUcpot Arrive OVERLAND IM PRESS TltAINil. 8:30 P. M. tor Salem. Rose burg. Ashland. Sac ramento, O g d e a. San Francisco, Mo Jave, Los Angeles, El Paso. N'w Or leans and the East Morning tralu con nects at "Woodburn (daily except Sun day) with train for Mount Angel. S1I veiton. Browns ville. Springfield. Wendllng and Na tron. Albanv rmsj!nri 7:43 A. M. S:30 A. M. 7:00 P. M. 4:00 P. M. 10:10 A. M. Connects at Wood- burn with Mt An sel and Silvarton local. 7:30 A. M. H4:fi0P. M. t-orvauis passenger. I j;50 P. M. Sheridan passenger. I 1S:23 A. M. Dally. HDally except Sunday. PORTLAND-OSWEGO SUBURBAN SERV1CB AND YAMHILL. DIVISION. Leave Portland dally for uawego at 7:30 A. M.. 12:00. 2:05. 3:25. 5:20. b:30. 10:10 P. M. Dally except Sunuay, 5:30, ti-M). 8:35. 10:25 A. M"., 4:00. 11:30 P. M. Sunday only. 0:00 A M. Returning from Oswego, arrive Portland dally 8:30 A. M.. I:C5. 3:05. 4:35. 0:15. 7:35. 0:55, 11-: 10 P. M. Dally except Sundiy. 0:25, 7:25. 9.30. 10:20, 11:45 A. M. Exceat Monday. 12:23 A. M. Sundny only, 10:00 . M. Leave from same depot for Dallas and Inter mediate points dally Except Sunday 4:00 P. M. Arrive Portland 10:20 A. M. Th Independence-Monmouth motor line oper ates dally to Monmouth and Alrite. connecting with 8. P. Co.'s trains at Dallas and Inde pendence. First-class rebate tickets on sale from Port land to Sacramento and San Francisco; net rate, $17.50; berth, $3. Second-claas fare. $15, without rebate' or berth; second-cla3S berth. $2.50. Tickets to Eastern oolnts and Europe. Also Japan. Chlna,"xHonolulu and. Australia. CITY TICKET OFFICE, corner Third and Washington streets. Phone Main 712. TIE CARD OF TRAINS PORTLAND Diparu. Arrives. Puget Sound Limited for xa corna. Seattle. Olympla. South Bend and Gray'a Harbor points :23ara 4U3 ?a North Coast Limited for Ta coma. Seattle, Spokane. Butte, St Paul. Minneap olis. Chicago. New York; Boston and all points East antl Southeast 2:00 pm 7:00 arS Twin City Express for Ta coma. Seattle. Spokane. Helena. St. Paul, Minn polls. Chicago. Isew York, Boston and all points East and Southeast.. .... .11:45 pm - 7:00 pa North Ccaet-Kansaa , City Bt. Louis Special, for Ta coma. Seattle. Spokane. Butte. Billings, Denver, Omaha. Kansas City. St. Louis and all points East and Southeast 2:00 pm 7 00ara All trains dallr exeppt on South Bend branch. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Paa engcr Agent. 253 Morrison st., corner Third. Portland. Or. THREAT Northern Ticket Office 122 Third St Phone LEAVE No. 4 0:15 P. M. The Flyer dally to and from St Paul. Minne apolis. Duluth. Chicago and all points East. ARRIVE No. 3 7:00 A. M. Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers. Dining and Buffet Smoklng-Llbrary Cars. JAPAN - AMERICAN LINE KAGA MARU For Japan. China and ail Asiatic points, will leave Seattle About December 16 Willamette River Boats SlMmT PmmXA fry T J .7 Albany and Corvallls, leaves 6:45 A. M. Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays. Steamer ALTON A. for Dayton, McMlnnvlllo and way. leaves 7 A. AI. Mondays. Wednesdays and Friday. OREGON CITT TRANSPORTATION CO. Office and dock, foot Taylor street t