-in- .fi'vt' V THE; MOENING OiyBGOy I Ay fj WF,DK5SD Aj IEGEMBEB 10, 1902. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED BY JOBBING .HOUSE. YOUNG man as assistant "bookkeeper; Address, stat ing experience, etc.,-, G., box "500. city. .1 HOTEL CHEF COOK. $60: WAITERS. Kitchen help, call; buckers, $1.50, board free. Drake, 205 Washington. BRIGHT, ACTIVE BOY FOR WRAPPING counter. Apply this morning to McAlIen. & McDonnell. "WANTED COLLECTOR; GIVE REFER ence. address and salary. T 20, care Ore gonlan. 8. F. Barber College. 741 Howard st.. 8. F.. CaL. teaches barber trade in eight week. FIRST-CLASS SOLICITORS WANTED; FINE proposition. Call 354 Morrison. BOY FOR STORE. J307 WASHINGTON, BE fore 10 A. M. HELP WASTED-FEMALE. WANTED FOR THE- SPRING SEASON. A thoroughly competent manacer for millinery department, who can combine trimming and floor management; also experienced millinery saleswoman; must have best ol references; permanent place it satisfactory. Stone. Fish er & Lane. Tacoxna. $15 Weekly paid ladies to work at home. Everything furnished. Inclose stamped envelope. D. 100 Ladles Ind. Co.. 167 'Wa ba?a ave,. Chicago. WANTED IMMEDIATELY: HOUSEKEEP ers, cooks, second girls, waitresses, cham bermaids, nurses. St. Louis, 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 28S1. WANTED A PRIVATE SECRETARY AND stenographer for a corporation; must be dis creet and efficient. Address G 21, care Ore gon ian. HISS CATHERINE COUNTISS WANTS A lady's maid. Apply at 195 10th st.. Wednes daya?ierjipon, between 3 and 5 o'clock. WANTED FIRST-CLASS COOK. PRIVATE family: must understand German cooking. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2S81. WANTED YOUNG LAD TO READ ONE hour dally to shorthand class for part tuition. Bchnke-Walker Business College. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. VERY COMPE tent second girl, flrstjclass family; $25. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2881. PEOPLE'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. ALL kinds of help wanted. Clay 325. Room 3, 149 1st St.. Portland. Or. ' WANTED GIRL OR MIDDLE-AGED WOM an for general housework. Apply 49 East 10th st North. WANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework: good wages. Apply 431 Taylor st.. near 12th. . HOUSEKEEPER WANTED FOR WOOD r choppers' camp, for cook. P. O. lock-box C99, city. V ANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, at 440 East 19th North. Irving; ton car. " YOUNG LADY TO ASSIST IN OFFICE; state experience. P 21, Oregonlan. YOUNG LADY WITH DRY GOODS EXPERI ence. Kennard & Adams, Alblna. WANTED GIRL FOR, GENERAL HOUSE work. Inquire 1283 Mallory ave. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 1st et. 382 HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. $3.50 TO $5 DAILY TEACHING -OIL PAINT ing; new method; one course' qualifies you; full mail course. $1.50. to- teachers. Art School, leck-box 319, Portland. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. TIME AND WORRY CAN BE SAVED BY letting me do your bookkeeping for small monthly pay; large or smalL .concerns. Q 96, care Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY A TOUNG MAN; understands stenography: has had office ex perience. Address D 18. care Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. PRACTICAL PRINTER AND -NEWSPAPER man of 15 years' experience would like to design, write- and set ads for up-to-date house; best of references. T 8, Oregonlan. ALL klSDS-HELP FURNISHED: DOMES tics. farm hands, laborers, cann'ers," store' work. Japanese Employment Office, 63 North 5th. Phcne Clay 592. LARGE COOK STOVE. GOOD AS NEW, WITH hot-water connections, che3p; also two unfurnished- rooms for rent. Inquire 420 3d -st. CAN FURNISH DOMESTIC, FARM AND all kinds of help. Telephone' Black 992. Japanese Labor Ass'n, 208 Everett st. WANTED POSITION AS CUTTER WITH A first-class firm; can give good reference. Ad dress Y 21, care Oregonlan. GOOD JAPANESE WANTS POSITION TO DO plain cooking and housework. Japanese Mis sion. Phone Clay 745. BLACKSMITH. COMPETENT MAN, WANTS Job, railroad shop or mine preferred. Address B 20, Oregonlan. v LOOK AT NICE LITTLE GENUINE DIA mond shirt studs for $S. Uncle Myers, 143 3d, near Alder. GOOD JAPANESE BOY WISHES A Posi tion to do housework In family. Address V 1. Otcgonian. JAPANESE, GOOD HAND, MILKER, WANTS situation; thoroughly experienced. Hori, 69 North 5th sU GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS TO DO DAY work, any place. Japanese Mission. Phone Clay 745 FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN: A $550 HARD man upright piano, good as new. C 21, Ore genian. JAPANESE. NICE AND HONEST BOY. DE slres a position as school boy." Tada, 69 N. 5th st. A YOUNG MAN WANTS TO LEARN CANDY making. L 20. Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED "FEMALE. Dressmakers. YOUNG LADY WANTS TO SEW BY THE day. all kinds of sewing. Address 190 Mar ket. JACKETS RELINED. SKIRTS REBOUND; all kinds of repairing done. 429 Alder st. Domestics. SITUATIONS WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, cooks, second girls, chambermaids, wait resses, nurse girls, general, housework. 23 Yamhill. Phone Black 2881. WORK WANTED" FOR CHAMBERMAIDS, waitresses, cooks, house help, Chinese, Japs. Drake. 203 Washington. Clay 445. WANTED DAY WORK FOR TUESDAY every week; references. 329 Front. Phono West 2493. Housekeepers. SITUATION WANTED BY COMPETENT young widow, as housekeeper, widower's fam ily. 230 Yamhill. Phono Black 2851. SITUATION WANTED BY MIDDLE-AGED woman, housework, plain family. In city. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2SS1. SITUATION AS HOUSEKEERER. BY "RE spectable middle-aged lady. In or out of city. F 20, Oregonlan Miscellaneous. EMERGENCY HELP A LADY WILL WORK a few hours: understands housekeeping, sew ing and will be geperally useful. 91, Grand ave. Telephone Scott J477. CURTAINS DONE UP NEATLY AT HOME; . work guaranteed. Mrs. L Haehlen. Tel. Union 1844. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED AGENTS TO TAKE ORDERS from samples for the largest and best tailor ing bouse in the u. b. samples ana bii xacii ltles furnished free. Make asnllcation at once to Dept. 35, lock-box 606, P. O. Chi cago. WE WANT AN AGENT IN EVERY TOWN in Oregon. Washington and Idaho; rustlers only, references required; a gooa-paying prop ositlon: correspondence solicited. Brelden stein & Sinsbeimer Co.. 72-74 First street. WANTED TO RENT. Twiner! viv li-ivtsi iminn A "NTr T.n rul ing in pnvaio xamiiy. nonawcsicra puiu ui town, lor fis or moniu. r -i, ui c- gonlan. WANTED-A SMALL FLAT OR COTTAGE,. WANTED A NICELY FURNISHED FLAT or house, immediately. N 21, oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. MEN'S OLD CLOTHING AND OLD SHOES-; We pay mere money than 'others for old cloth ing, shotfs, quilts blankets, valises. Call or writ at old Secoaa-Hand Store. 734 N. "3d. Phone Green 423. Orders promptly attended to. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR men's cast-off clothing, shoes, boots, -guns, pistols, valises, -etc. Old reliable stand. C2 North 3d st Phone Hood 517. Orders promptly attended to. WANTED-fWX) LOAN ON 100-ACRE IM proved farm in Lane County. 531 Cnamber of Commerce. WANTED A LOAN OF $1200 FOR ONE year; rood security. Address M 20, care OregonAn. SCHOOL EOOKS BOtfGHT: HIGHEST PRICK paid 220 Yamhill at. x FOR REXT Roam. THE PALMER. HOUSE. S. E. COR. ALDER, and Park sts., formerly The Spalding The most complete apartment-house, in the city; steam heat, gas, electric light,- porcelain baths, every modern convenience. Tourist and transient trade solicited. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED ROOMS lis the best apartments in Lower Alblna. In quire of Mrs. Lee,. 113 Russell si., corner Mississippi ave. inoce rink' DCS. THE ELKTON UNDER NEW MANAGE ment; entirely new and first-class;- ruoius by day or month: transient. 62 Nortn vto st. Mrs, M. C. Dawson, manager. THE BARRIE, S. E. COR. 0TH AND STARK Newly furnished, steam heat, electric light, porcelain baths; rates' $1 per day and up; special by week or month. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS. SUITABLE FOR light housekeeping, in private family. 173 loth, between Morrison and Yamhill sts. Phone West 837. 361 ALDER'. COR. PARK PLEASANT FUR nlshed front room; phone, bath, electric light. Also building suitable for shop. Phone West 353. COMFORTABLE FURNISHED ROOM FOR one or two young ladles; private family; central, oath, rererences exchanged, l 20, Oregonlan. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED FRONT. suite, also side room; private family; mod ern' in every respect. Address a -20, Orego nlan. TOR GENTLEMAN; "ROOM IN QUIET HOME, reasonable, near steel bride: no other room ers; no. family. 271 Larrabee st.H NICELY FURNISHED 'ROOMS: ONE SUIT- able for two gentlemen; bath, phone. 219 Jetlerson st. LARGE FRONT BAY-WINDOW SUITE. FUR- ' nlshed: also -single rooms." 195 7th. Phone West ICS". RYAN HOUSE. 209 5TH ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, 'en suite, single. Opposite city wan. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT, by wfek or month. - Inquire 502 Main St., cor. Chapman. - TWO NICELY FURNISHED PARLORS: suitable for two; in quiet private family. 129 13th su CALL AT S47 TAYLOR ST..- ONE BLOCK from" Portland Hotel, for clean, comfortable rooms. 413 WASHINGTON, THE AVALON NEW- ly lurnisnea -roams, single or en suite; moa ern. 4 "FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS. 105 7th. FOR MAN Phone West and wlte or men only. 10S7. Furnished rooms. '$1 .week up. Gllnufn Hotet, 1st & Alder: Tremont Hotel, 7lh and Everett. THE ABBOTT. 2S WASH. FINE FUR nlshed rooms, en suite, single or housekeeping. THE BONITA Elegant, sunny suites and sin gle; reasonable; all conveniences. 89 7th st. The Cosmos.V2CS Mofrlson Furnished suites, housekeeping suites, single; $3 per week up. FOR RENT TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS; phone; references; no children. " "225 12th, st. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM. FOR ONE OR two persons. 686 Couch. FOR RENT . J69 11th st. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. Room's With Board. HOTEL ' ' Ji'ENDdM'E", 'CQRV dafEH-AXD. A-L1 . der Uilder new. nianaeaventv newly, ayrnlsh-t ed And renovated; stam. heat, porcelain bath; clegantVrooms,, with board, by the day, $1.25 up: reasonable rates by month; -fable and service first-class; tourist trade solicited. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION; 15TH TEAR; rooms, with board; use of sewing-room; use cf library; Woman's Exchange; Industrial School. Address Mrs. C. E .George. Supers Intendent. 510 Flanders st. A PLEASANT. COMFORTABLE FRONT, room, suitable for one or two gentlemen, with board, in private family; no children; charges reasonable.. Inquire 252 Market st. 251 TTH ST.. COR. MADISON NICELY FUR nlshed rooms, with first-class board: modern conveniences- four blocks from Hotel Port land. Phone Black 1316. HOTEL BROWN t- LARGE. PLEASANT rooms, newly furnished; baths, electric lights, elevator; good table; rooms for transients; on both car lines. 271 Grand ave. FOR RENT PLEASANT FRONT ROOM, suitable for two, with board; also a single room, suitable for gentleman. At 191 7th st. THE COLONIAL, 165-107 10TH ST.-FINE suite, second-floor front; also handsome room for two; with first-class table. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH OR without board, at 288 Jefferson, opposite City Hall; modern conveniences. ROOMS WITH OR, WITHOUT BOARD. 635 Flanders, between 20th -and 21st. one block from car line. ' ROOM AND BOARD. SUITABLE. FOR TWO, at 171 17th, between Morrison and Yamhill. Call mornings. THE SOUTHERN. 374 YAMHILL STREET Rooms suites or single, with board. Phone South 1020. NICELY FURNISHED ltOOM AND BOARD, for two; also table- board. 193 West Park, ccr. Taylor. TWO FINE ROOMS. WITH BOARD. FOR three gentlemen or three employed ladles. 221 13th st. 141 W. Park. cor. Alder Pleasant room; also accommodations for few table boarders. FURNISHED ROOM. WITH BOARD; HOT and cold water. 225 11th' st. . ROOMS. WITH FIRST-CLASS BOARD. 11th. 163 Housekeeping:' Rooms. TWO NICELY FURNISHED CONNECTING rooms, for housekeeping; convenient; gas, bath, phone: good location; also three unfur nished. M 21. care Oregonlan. DESIRABLE SUITES AT THE GRAHAM. 545 Washington. Also handsome suite on first floor. 308 13th. No children. Phone, West 1967. CHEAPEST FURNISHED AND UNFUR nlshed housekeeping rooms. 204 Washing ton. 266 Front. 301 Water St.- UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND SUITES. FOR llrht housekeeping; also furnished rooms; reasonable. 205 Washington. THREE UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, on East Side, nice location; use of telephone. Phone Scott 3725. 115 NORTH 1STH CHEERFUL. NEWLY furnished corner flat of 5 "rooms; very desir able: references exchanged. 3S8 JEFFERSON ST. NICELY FURNISHED; no children: references. 94 NORTH 9TH; COR. FLANDERS FUR nlshed houekeeping rooms; also single. Phone Red 801. SUITE OF THREE GOOD ROOMS. TO RE spectable, honest couple, $12.50, 327 3d. No children. FOR RENT TWO NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; bath and phone. 420 Main st. NICE ALCOVE ROOM AND KITCHEN, COM plete for housekeeping. 164 Park st. TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; ALSO AL cove: reasonable. 545 Morrison. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, ith st. Call after 10 A. M. 320 734 2D STit 5-ROOM COTTAGE; nENT $15. Inquire 207 Hall st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; GROUND FLOOR, 223 Columbia tXi - ' " HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 331 MARKET ST. JloBses. ( TOR RENT HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS AND grouads. . W Spring st, Portia HtifcU. Apply at room 1 Cencord bldg. FOXl RENT. Houses. FOR RENT $20 PER MONTH. EIGHT room hcuso at 113 Mllwauklc at. Inquiro H. II. Northup. rooms 40-41 Washington building. FOR RENT A DESIRABLE 0-ROOM HOUSE, with half block. Marguerite ave., near Haw f thorne. R.-H. Dunn, 149-1st at. MODERN 6-ROOM ONE-STORY COTTAGE, nearly new. with attic and basement, at 731 East Taylor. 'Key next door. FOR RENT ON NOB HILL house, with furnace, etc F. V. Co., Hamilton bldg.. A ,9-ROOM Andrews & FOR RENT NEAT 7-ROOM HOUSE. NEW, on 18th, between East Stark and East Oak. Apply next door. TO RENT LARGE PLEASANT HOUSE. 653 Irving, for two years or longer. Inquire 244 24th. FOR- RENT-9-ROOM HOUSE; WILL SELL part of furniture; four roomers. 327 West Park. FOR RENT 0-ROOM COTTAGE: $10 PER month. 372 East Oak. Phone Union 912. FOR RENT NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE. East 1st St., northeast corner of Halsey. 320 HOUSES-3 ROOMS. $4; rooms, 512; water free. '. 0 ROOMS. $3; 34 Morrison. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 240 STARK ST rents and insurance. Phone Main 345. - NEW 7-ROOM FLAT, VERY MODERN, $35. 15 N. 10th St., cor. Burnside. Houses for Rent Furniture for Sale. NICE FURNISHED COTTAGE. 5 ROOMS: first-class location; $375, It taken at once. Inquire 425 Taylor. FURNITURE OF FIVE-ROOM HOUSE FOR sale, or would rent furnished. Call GO 11th st. North. FURNITURE OF 7-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT cheap. Inquire 335 Clay, cor. 7th. "Furnisrheti Houses. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT. DR. li. M. Davis, Commercial building. Second and Washington. . Offices. OFFICE FOR Allsky-Dldg. RENT. APPLY ROOM 224 PERSONAL. JO-HE. A NATURAL MAGNETIC OIL FROM Texas. Most wonderful discovery of age; puzzles medical world. Rheumatism, paraly sis, spinal affections, erysipelas, neuralgia, catarrn, cancer, -burns, old sores yield to this oil like magic. Cures in 8 to 20 days. Sample can, 50c, postpaid. Testimonials free. Agents wanted. M. E. Clinton, 515 East Couch St., Portland, Or. Phone Union 1602. .576 WOMEN WANTED Suffering from Irregular, painful or stoppages. Leucorrnoea (whites) and all diseases of women, old or young, cured by old Dr. Kcssler, 230 Yamhill sL, Portland. Or. Pri vate waitinc-room. for ladleB. Call or write. Inclose 10 2-cent stamps when writing. These medicines sent by mall to any ponofficc on earth: full Instructions. THE COMPLEXION. HAIR, SKIN AND scalp scientifically treated; no risks run; Portland's best citizens .for reference; facial massago a (specialty: massage and electroly sis taught by Mme. Aza, Holmes, the reliable specialist, 311 Morrison, st,. opposite P. O.' "Rosa's Confession," "Stolen Sweets," "Her Honor," "Lustful Love," "Dangerous. De lights," 'A Modern Eden," "Tcssle's. Temp tation,1" "Her Hidden Charms," "A Woman of Fire," 50c each; list free. Schmale. 229 1st. DRESS SUITS. FOR RENT. ALL SIZES $1 a month keeps your clothing cleaned and pressed, buttons sewed on and rips sewed- un. Prompt calls an(SdellvcrIes. Unique Tailor ing jo.. mj( wasnington. opposite uordray s. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. MOLES, ETC.. RE moved with electric needle: permanent cure: eight years' , experience in Portland; lady operator; physicians' references. Parlors 15- . 16 Lpwis building. Phone Brown 657. VIBRATION WORKS UPON THE VITALIZ lng ethers of- the nerve forces; equalizes the circulation or tne niooa. ouuas up dead tis sue. Examination free. Vibratory Institute, 4-'4 wasnington. rcicpnone uiack. luiii. DO TOU KNOW THAT IF WE CAN'T MAKE you strops and happy by Sexlne Pills, it won't cost you cent? Price. $1? 6 boxes. S5. Address J. A.:-Clemensqn. DruggUt.. Second; YV'ANTED ALL THOSE SUFFEhiNG FROM any ch?onlc disorder to try Dr. W. W. ChrlS tlej the osteopath. He can cure you. Ex amination' free. Office. 314-315- Maclcay oiag-. jtroruana, or. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY . DR. ROB- erts' Nerve Globules, one montirs treat ment. $2; 3 months. $5. Sent securely scaled By maiL Agents wooaaro, oiarke & Co., Portland, or. EYES TESTED FREE FIFTEEN YEARS' experience; best whiten crystal lenses. $1: common specs 25c and 50c Arthur Rus sell. Portland optician. v 283 First, corner Jefferson. - Watches cleaned. 75c; mainspring, 75c; atch crystals, 10c; 10-year gold-nllcd. cable temple spectacles, perrectiy ntted, $2.50. Goodman, the Jeweler. 231 Front, pear Madison. GOITRE. ENLARGED TONSILS REDUCED. eczema positively cured. The new chemical ray. Investigate this. New York Institute, amng did., 3d and Washington sts. ENJOY LIFE BY REGAINING STRENGTH and happiness by using Sexlne Pills; prico n; i ior a. j. a. t;iemenson, uruggist. cor. aeconi una lamnni, Portland, or. ALL FORMS- OF RHEUMATISM AND chronic nervous diseases, diseases of women. New York Institute, Falling bldg., Sd and wasnington sis. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE AC curately and reasonably filled at Eyssell's i-Tiarniacy, t Morrison St., bet. 1st ana 2d. We print your name on 30 calling cards, prop er size and style. 25c: 250 business cards, $1. Brown & Schmale. 229 First. Portland, Or. MRS. STEVENS. SCIENTIFIC PALMIST AND spiritual life reader. CRYSTAL. GAZING a spccMty: reading, 50c 221 Morrison. YOUNG LADY. IT TAKES 4 TO 10 DAYS to cure rheumatism with Barke Tonic. Sold by all first-class druggists". YOUNG MAN. IT TAKES 4 TO 10 DAYS to cure rheumatism with Barke Tonic. All first-class druggists. CHRISTMAS PERFUMERY AND TOILET goods at lowest prices. Knight's Drug Store, 120 0th st. . DR. LAMOTTE'S FRENCH CORN PAINT. The best corn cure. 25 cents. All druggists. WE RECOMMEND OUR COLD CURE: PRICE 25c and 50c. Knight's Drug Store, 126 Ott st. MRS. OBROCK". GRADUATE MASSEUSE, manicuring. 424 Ablngton bldg. Red 2S64. WOULD YOU MARRY IF SUITED? MAR rlage paper, 10c Box 680.. Portland, Or. LOUIS H. BOLL, PIANO TEACHER; studio. Auditorium bldg., 3d St., near Taylor. BUSINESS CHANCES. WE ARE MAKING A SPECIALTY OF SAW mlll propositions this week. There is an unlimited demand for lumber at. good prices, and here is a chance to get In line. Mill and logging outfit, near river, cost $1 per 1000 to deliver lumber on R. R.; con tract for 10.000.000 feet of cedar at $lper 1000; $12,000. Half Interest in inland mill, good contracts, - $2500. Mill on Columbia River, can be enlarged to 20.000 capacity: price $550Q. Complete mill, with equipment of logging - horses, tools, etc. $4000. Several" sections of good timber land, pil ing and saw timber, close in, offered at a "bargain. We. also have otljcr propositions In . this line. Call and see our list. AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. Ablngton- bldg. FOR SALE FINEST FURNISHED HOUSES In city. aU sizes and prices. Lillian De Ksater, 18 years in. Portland, will locate you right. 425 Taylor st. WILL SELL OR TRADE FOR REAL Es tate 20,000 shares of famous Cariboo mining stock. Cracker Creek -district, at sacrifice. Q 20. Oregonlan. . 12500 INVESTED IN A GOOD, LEGITIMATE business will brine you a profit of $10,000 in one year. Address W 20. care Oregonlan. PARTNER WANTED WELL-ESTABLISHED,, mopey. making business; small capital re quired. Address K 20, .carer Oregonlan. FOR SALE . OR TRADE STORE OF GEN cral merchandise; flrrt-class business. Ad dress Monitor Trading Co,, Monitor, Or. AVANTEDPARTNER, $500 AND SERVICES,, ( agents. Address X 12. Oregonlan. FDR SALE HOTEL IN THE BEST MINING town In tb Northwest; Yn' ay terms. See McLod. 227 Falling bldg. A LARGE "SALOON FOR SALS, ALL FUR 'jstshed, at a sacrifice, Q',18. Oregpnlan, , BUSINESS CHANCES. AN 'EXCELLENT . PROPOSITION A 50.000 capacity sawmill for sale cheap. Splendld-payins oil business for- sale. ' A fine 'ft-room house. , with three lots, at Woodlawn, for sale cheap. Inquire Of W. 1L4 LEHMAN, 326 Wash ington st. WANTED TO BUY AN INTEREST IN MER cantlle business where services can be em ployed by man of extensive acquaintance and business ability; win invest $duw to siu.uuo; all1 correspondence strictly confidential. J 21, Oregonlan. (FOR PHYSICIAN OR DRUGGIST. A GOOD Ui lift OlUtU 1U IV U111.1U& WU 111 fcUE 11K&111- ette Valley; wil Invoice about $2500; good lo cation for a doctor; will ,'sell alt or one-half. Addrers Xi 10, care-Oregonlan. EXCEPTIONAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY open to an active man with $2500; a chance to become identified with a" progressive house; best of references required and given. R 20, Oregonlan. WILL SELL A JJlCE. CLEAN" 'MANUFAC- turlng business, established 1690; no expe rience required; good reason for selling; will take about $6000. G 19, Oregonlan. FOR SALE OR TRADE ONE OF THE BEST- paylng restaurants and 8 furnished rooms In Oregon. 95 ,Statc St., Salem, Or. LODGING-HOUSE FOR SALE. 12 ROOMS, all' full; good location. 'Address A 20, car Oregonlan. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposnls Invited. PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES SALEM, OR., uecemoer 8, 1U02. me uoara or Trustees, oi the Oregon State Insane Asylum hereby in vites sealed proposals for furnishing the fol lowing list of supplies to the Institution, for-l the six months. ending, juno so, isku:. DRY GOODS, FURNISHING GOODS AND NOTIONS. , 2500 yds. Pcquot A sheeting, 33 in., un bleached. 2500 yds. Pequot A sheeting, 45 in., un bleached. 500 yds. Pcquct sheeting, 0-4, bleached. S00 yds. Lonsdale sheeting, 36 In. 2500 y.d3. shirting .Amskg. (sub. samples). ,200 yds. mattress ticking. 32 In., 1142. 800 yds. crash checked toweling. 18 In. 1500 yds.-crash bleached toweling. 18 In. 1000 yds. B. indigo blue calico. 32 in., asst. lOOOjyds. black and v.-hltecalico, 28 in. ffiub. samnles) 300 yd3. turkey red calico, 32 in. (sub. sam ples). . . 3CO yds. light calico (sub. samples). 1000 vds. gingham (sub. samples). 1000 yds. blue denim 9-oz. AmeUg. 500 yd3. A-C-A ticking. 30 In.. Amoskeag. 3000 yds. Canton flannel XXX. Nashua brown. 200 yds. union farmer's satin. 33 in. (sub. samples)- 200 yd3. table oilcloth, white, 45- In., best quality: 50 yds. white duck, bleached. 200 yds. table linen, 66 In. (sub. samples). 200iyds. outing flannel, teazle down. 400 yds. tweed, all wool, 18-oz., asst. pat. 400 yds. Continental 'checked flaimel, 6-oz. 12 doz. pr. denim overalls. 9-oz., rvt. (sub., camples). 2 doz. 36-32, 4 doz. 38-34, 3 dos. 40-34. 3 dos. 42-34. , 9 doz. Jumpers, fl-02. denim (sub. samples). 3 doz. 38. 3 doz. 40, 3 doz. 42 10 doz. prs. ladles' Black Cat hose, 5 doz. 9, 5," doz 10. ISO doz. prs. men's' cotton socks. No. 101. 20 doz. pra. ladles' cotton stockings. No. 101. 25 doz. turkey red hdkfs., 24 In. 18 doz. suspenders. 40 In. long. 20 boxes stay binding, B-W No. 10, white. 3 doz. ladles' corsets, 8-24. 6-20, 6-27. 6-23, 4-29. C'30. . 5 doz. thimbles, sterling silver, cased. 2 gross vest buttons, hand rubber 95-24. 2 gr. gross, pants buttons, black, 75. 5 gross smoked pearl buttons, 24-400. 4 gross white pearl buttons, 24-206. 4 doz, each linen thread No. 25, white and black gross elastic web, 0-8. white. 12 doz. papers pins, F-3-. Eagle. 12 doz. boxes hair pins, Superior, Kcrby, Beard & Co. , 0 gross safety pins. No. 3. Stewart Duplex. 2 gros3 hooks and eyes. No. 4, black. 4 lhn. knlttlnir cotton. No. 12. white. 140 lbs. Crown carpet warp. 35 lbs. each red. .white, blue and black. inrt Tr hrp.nl .T. P. Coats or Clark s O. N. T. White. 20 doz. No. 16, 55 doz. No. 30; black, 25 dos. 30. 3 doz. half brushes. 392. 1 doz. shavlnjr brushes; No. 3. 8 doz. dressing combs. 2 doz. fine combs. 353. V- doz. turkey feather dusters. No. 10. 96 paper's needles, Mllward & Sons. 20 pa on q n in nn. T 20 na. 8. 10 na. 9. 'l doz. slik thread, black D. Carlson, Cur rier Co. , . . GROCERIES. TOBACCO. WOOD AND WHj- I.OW WARE. ETC. ' 4000 gals Bjrup fsub. samples). ' -.V . 150-g3ls. Ni 0 molftsses' (sub. samplcs),jr. . efiO gab- Vinegar, pure -,., -' lft.OOQ lbs. "beans, white (sub., samples). , .. 3000 lbs. Costa Rica coffee. 300 lbs. Java coffee. 300 lbs. Mosha coffee. 1500 lbs. chicory, coarse. 4000 lb3, rolled oats. In bbls. ' 2000 Ibe. steel-cut cats, in bbls. 4000 lbs., cracked wheat. In .bbls. 1000 lbs. cream wheat, In bbls. 3000 lbs. hominy grits In bbls. snY "IVks. rnrnmenlf velloW. -in 'bbls. ' S00 lbs. black pepper. 5-lb. tins (sub. sam- P foA the mustard. 5-lb. tills (sub. samples) 20 lbs. cayenne, pepper, 5-lb.'- tins (sab. samples). 5 lbs. nutmegs, whole. 20 lbs. cocoanut. In bulk, shred. 2400 lbs- chew, tobacco, 10-lz (sub. sam- Pl10W) lbs. O K Durham, 'or as good. 1 2-3 oz, 3000 lbs. Savon soap, standard Oregor mfg. (sub. samples). 1500 lbs. White Cap. soap, 8-oz., 50-lb boxes. , . , . 800 lbs. kitchen soap (sub. samples). ? iho po.iinr. i-lh. James Pvle s. 10.000 lbs. Japan rice. No. 1 (sub. samples) 400 lbs. Klngsrord'n glos3 starch. 400 lb, China starch. 31 lbs. Velvet starch. . 420 lbs. A. H. sods. 25 lbs. Pioneer baking powder, or as gocd, 5-lb. tln3. SO lbs. Baker's chocolate. 1-lb. 30 lb. bluing, Nuremberg balls. L. A. A. -iC0 lbs. macaroni, white. In 8-lb. boxes. 40 lbs. vermicelli, white, in S-lb. boxes. 12.000 lbs. F. L. salt. 40 gross Vulcan safety matches. 20 doz. concentrated lye. Giant, 1-lb. cans. 40 doz. oystors (sub. samples). 40 doz. can corn '(sub. samples). 4 doz. Worcestershire sauce, qts.. L. & P. 40 Iba. beeswax, common. 600 lbs. buckwheat flour. 100 lbs. rye' Jlour. 20 lbs. candles, stearic wax. 14-oz. .TOO lbs. i-r.1 soda. , . 500 lbs. soda crackers XXX. more or less, dollv. as required. 50 lb. sago. 1000 lb, tea. Jnpan .(?ub. samples), not cx ordlng 30c per lb. . , 30,000 lbs. dry granulated eugar, cane Am. rcf. 50Q lbs. Oregon full cream cheese, more or lose, dellv. as required. --. 40 doz. brooms.. No. 1. besU . 2 dos. brooms, mill No. 1. bept. 5 doz. brooms, whisk. No. 308. 4 doz. scrub brushes, No. 13. 5 doz. pot brushes. 2 doz. dust brushes. J. J. Adams, No. 7. 6 reams straw papfr. . ' 3 doz. mop sticks, hardwood. , 1 doz. washboaTdJV Red Cross. Ho,- 50. 2 lbs. cotton twine, 12 doz, lamp wicks. A. 500 pipes and stems. Shaker. 100 lbs. axle grease. -So-lb, bucket. fi doz. Mason's shqe blacking. No. 4. 100 gals, turpentine, in 5-gal, 'cans. 1000 lbs.' chloride lime. Acme. 1-lb. cans. 500 gals, coal oil, more or lefs, dellv. as re quired. , . 240 lbs. narafllno, 1-lb. cakes, wrapped. Standard Oil Co. 0 doz, bath brick. . . 10.000' lbs. dried prunes (sub. samples). TOOO lbs., dried apples (sub. ramples). 2000 lbs. dried peaches (sub. samples)! 800 lbs. dried codfish, per month, more or less, from larce fish, d-llvas 1 required. . LEATHER AND-FINDINGS. roll sole leather. Bellya. 3 rolls Santa Crus solo leather. 1 An. host r1nmi!tlc klD. 2 doz. Kimball grain calf. 11 to 12 ft w doz. best .domestic calfskins, 2 Iba. each. . , . 2 doz. No. 1 sheensklns, russet. f R sides fkirtlng. 17 lb?, each. 2 doz. rhoemakers" awls, assorted. 4 lbs. -8 brass nail. 8 lbs, 4-8 brass nails. A lbt. 0-8 brass nails. ' 2 boxes lacing hooks. Japanned. 1 eyelet punch, revolving. 2 ddz. shoo thread, white, Barbour's, No. 12. 4 bottles burnishing lpk, ats. 36 balls mattress twine, 252. 1 gal, cub. rubber cement, pt. cans. 2 boxes shoe eyelets. BOOTS AND 8HOF.S. 24 prs. men's boots, 13 pr. No. 8, 12 pr, No. 9. 60 prs. men's shoes. 7 nr. No. 0, 7 nr. No. 7. 12 rr. No. 8, 16 yv. No. 0, 10 pr. No. 10, 8 afTprsfladles shoes. 0 prNo. 5. 12 pr. No. 0, 12 nr. No. 7, 6 pr. No. 8; 24 gross cord sho laces, 4-quarters. MEATS. 700 lbs. per day. more or JefP. dellv.. as ; re quired (equal parts, fore and hind quarters). 200 lbs, mutton per day. more or- less, dellv, as required (equal parts, fore and hind quarters). ?0QO lbs. hams, more or less, -dellv. as re quired. ... 1MX) lbs. breakfast bacon,, more -.'or- less; iiHv- as reaulred. -'.--. -, - ' '. 15P0 lbs. h.eavy ba,con, . more, or .less, dollv.,:: as required. FISH. 1200 lbs. fresh "fish, per month,, "more or" less, dellv. as required. . -. FLOUR AND MILL "FEED.' 3000 bbls. flour, beft. No. 1. -morel or less, dillv. as required in carload:-lots. 30 bbls. graham flour, best, 2io. 1, more or less, dellv. as jpqulred. ,3 ao tons bran. No. 1. deljr, asireqlitr.ed; 20 tons shorts. No. J, delly as 'Tqnjr.ed. Sample ean bo seen 'atAthe"5a,5ylum ana goods must bo In accordance therewith. Lists fiirrlfure supplies, stationery, drugs, tombing;.' hardware, tin and grartiteware. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. tinning, crockery and glassware will be fur nished by the clerk of the' board uponappll--catlon. All goods must bo 1n strict accordance with sample, in original packages when possible, and delivered at the State Insane Asylum within 20 days after tht. contract Is awardad. and bids must be on blank forms, which will be furnished, together with Instructions to bidder,, by thejilerk upon application. path bid on Tlour or meat must be accom- Sanied by a certified check of $300. and each id on fish by a certified check of $75, and all other bids by certified checks equal to 10 per cent of the amount of bid, checks of un successful bidders to be returned Immedi ately, and those of accepted bidders when the contract Is completed. Bids must be Inclosed In sealed envelopes, and directed to the board, care of the clerk, and plainly marked "Bids for asylum sup plies," and the class of goods bid on should also be Inscribed on the envelope. Price, fitness and quality being equal, pref erence will be civen to articles manufac tured, grown or produced in this state. When a particular article Is specifically called for. bids for other kind, or manufac ture or brand equally good, will be enter tained, but to insure recognition of such bids samples of the articles it is proposed to sup ply must accompany them. .The board reserves the right to reject any or ail bids or to accept or reject any part of ial bid. BldB will- be opened at the Capitol, at Sa lem, at 10 A. M. Wednesday. January 7. 1903. By order of the Board of Trustees of the Oregon State Insane Asylum. WALTER LYON. Clerk. PROPOSALS FOR DRYDOCK BONDS THE": Port of Portland. Oregon Proposal win oe received at the office of the Port of Portland, room 606 Worcester block. Portland, Or., un til Thursday, January 8, 1003. at 2 o'clock P. M.. for the whole or any part Of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars of the bonds of the Port of Portland,.Oregon, In denominations of one thousand dollars each, each to be dated January 1, 1903, payable tblry years from date., and bearing intci-est at the rate of four per cent per annum, payable on the first days of January and July of each year, principal and Interest payable in United States gold coin, at the office of the treasurer of the Port of Portland. In the City of Portland, Or The above bonds are Issued for the pur pose of acquiring a site for a drydock, and preparing said site for the Use of and con structing such drydock. and are authorized by sections 9 and 10 of an act of the Legis lative Assembly of the State of Oregon, hied In the office of tho Secretary of State. March 1, 1901, revising and amending certain form er acts establishing and incorporating tho Port or Portland. Bids are invited for all or .any portion of such bonds, and bidders, will submit an unconditional bid and accompany the same with a certified check .on some re sponsible bank 'In. tho City of Portland. Or., equal, to five per cent of the facevslue of tho bond3 bid for, payable to the. order of the treasurer of the Port of Portland, a? liqui dated damages in case the bidder shall with draw nls bid or shall fall or neglect to take and pay for, at the office of the treasurer of said .Port of Portland, the bonds aforesaid, should the same be awarded to him. None of said bonds will be sold for less than their par value with interest accumu lated thereon from the day of their date to the date of sale. Delivery of said bonds will be made at the time of the awarding there of. The right to reject any and all bids Is reserved. Proposals should be marked "Proposals for Port uf Portland bonds." and be addressed to E. T. C. Stevens. Clerk. Port of Portland. Portland. Or. By order of the Board of Com missioners of the Tort of Portland. I BEN SELLING. Sec Portland, Or.. Nov. 23, 1002. PROPOSALS FOR WHARF AT NEW ARMY Post, Haines. Alaska Constructing Quarter master's Office, Skagway, Alaska. Dec. 1. 1002. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received here until 11 A. M. Wednesday, Dec. 31, 1902. and then opened, for the con struction of a wharf, approach, warehouse, etc., at new Army post on Portage Cove, Haines, Alaska. Plans and specifications may be seen and any further Information obtained here: also at the offices of Depot Quartermas ter, Portland; Quartermaster, Seattle, and Signal Office, Juneau. Right Is reserved to accept or reject any or all proposals. En velopes should be marked "ProDosals for wharf at HalnesJ' and addressed to CAP TAIN W. P. RICHARDSON. Constructing .Quartermaster, Skagway, Alaska. THE UNDERSIGNED' WILL RECEIVE sealed bids for the stock 'of groceries and trade fixtures at No. 321 3d st., Portland. Or., up- to 12 o'clock noon of Thursday, the 11th Inst. Inventory and Inspection of property ' can be had on application. Certified check for 10 per cent of bid must accompany each proposal, and right is reserved to reject any and all bids. R. L. SABIN. Front and An keny sts- Portland. Qr. Mlsccllnncons. NOTICE A MEETING OF THE STOCK holders of the Masonic Building Association will .be held at the Marquam Grand building on Friday, the 26th day of December. 1902. nt 11 o'clock A. M.. for the purpose" of elect ing a beard Of five - directors and transact ing feu,cn other business as may legally come before such meeting. I. W. Pratt, Secretary. FROM AND AFTER THIS DATE I WILL not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Minnie Geltlinger. N. Geltllnger. Portland, Dec. 9. 1002. CREDITORS OF STEAMER RESOLUTE please present claims to J. A. Strowbrldge; 'Jr., No. 207 Commercial block, Portland, Or. FINANCIAL LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions with responsible firms, upon their own names: easy payments; - strictly confidential. MONEY to loan on chattel mortgages. New Era I.oan & Trust Co., room 206 Abington building. A WEALTHY PRIVATE BANKING HOUSE, with strong Eastern and European connec tions, will consider any legitimate Indus trial, railway, mining or land proposition with view of financing same after investiga tion; correspondence invited. Address lock box 405. Chicago. 111. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel mortgages, personal or salary se curity, at low rateB. C. W. Pallctt. 213 Com mcrlcal block. Telephone Grant 856. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS OF $2000 TO $5000 on approved security. Bernstein & Cohen. Washington bldg., 1th and Washing ton sts. XMAS LOANS. CHATTEL AND SALARY SE curlty: reasonable, confidential. Portland Credit Association, 331 Sherlock bldg. Grant 1840. LOANS ON FURNITURE, PIANOS AND other securities: lowest rates. S. V. King, room 45 Washington bldg.. Phone Hood 413. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES: NO commission, and abstract of title furnished. Portland Abstract Co , Gu2 Commercial blk. $5 AND UP IN SUMS TO SUIT ON ALL - kinds of security. W. A. Hathaway, room . 10 Washington bldg. Phone Hood 413. LOANS IN SUMS FROM $5 TO $300 ON ALL kinds of security. R. I. Eckerson & Co., room 5 Washington bldg. Phone Clay 73. "MONEY TO LOAN. G AND 7 PER CENT, ON city property and improved Valley farms. W. A. Shf.w & Co.. 243 Stark st. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT ON all kinds of good security. W. H. Nunn, 553 Sherlock block. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE curlty. Wm. Holl, room 9 Washington bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. 0 per cent, farm or clt property. O. M. Smith, 3 Ch. of Commerce. Six per cent money to loan on Clackamas Coun ty lands. E. F. Riley, 60S Cham. Commerce. Money to loan, small amounts, short or long time. J. H. Hawley. 2 Chamberpot Com. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6 PER CENT. Wm. G. Beck, 321 Morrison st. LOST AND FOUND. $25 REWARD. PAYABLE FOP. RECOVERY lady's gold pin. circle form, set with 50 pearls and one diamond in center: lest Nov. 15. Finder address Oregonlan office. LOST OR STRAYED FROM IRVINGTON racetrack, one -jvhlte horse; branded half circle, "2." on right shoulder. Return to racetrack. Reward. Chris Simpson. LOST BETWEEN CORDRAY'S THEATER and Qregonlan office, small silver locket, con taining two photographsr Return Cordray's Theater. LOST TUESDAY EVENING. GOLD STICK pln. containing four diamonds, with topaz in center. Return 375 Taylor. Liberal reward. LOST SUNDAY NIGHT, SMALL PURSE; one sloe torn, contained papers and pocket coin. Address A 21, Oregonlan. LOST SATURDAY, BROOCH, IN SHAPE OF violin. Mexican filigree work. Return to Ellers Piano House. Reward. LOST LADY'S PURSE. ON THANKSGIVING day, at the Marquam Theater. Return to Oregonlan office. Reward. ofKLOST PAIR LADY'S GQLD. GLASSES., AT Shsnahan s store or on isi si. iteiurn to "423 2d st. Reward. LOST ON DEC. 4. BOX OF SILVERWARE, -.between Sylvan and Alblna. Reward at 58'J . Gantcnbcln ,ave. OST A GOLD WATCH FOB, WITH IX Itlals "C McD." Liberal reward. Phone Front 2353. XiOST SHEPHERD DOG. YELLOW, WITH Tvhlte breast. Reward. 390 Jackson ak BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 'Accountants, aud Auditors. Murton & Arenbold. S26. 328 Chamber of Com. Phone Main 761. Bookkeeping, expertlng. Architects. DELOS D. NEER. ARCHITECT. ROOMS 21 and 22. 133 First st. Phone Red 2924. Assnycrs and Analysts. J. H. FISK. MINERAL ASSAYER AND AN alytlcal chemist and mining engineer. 204 Washington st. , MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 208 STARK ST. Exports on analysis of coals, minerals, rock, and mineral waters. J". T. Gove. Manager. Harley J. Armstrong, assayer. cor. 7th and Ankeny. Prices and bags mailed on request. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST: gold dust bought. 228 Stark st. Attorneys-at-Lavr. NIXON & DOLPH. GENERAL PRACTITION ers. Notaries Public. 502 Commercial bldg. N. MOSESSOHN. general practitioner, . Cnamber of Commerce. Consultation free. Builders' .Material. TIMMS. EDWARDS & CO- Eastern hardwood flooring, strictly up-to-date. 2C6 Front. Butchers and Packers. FULTON MARKET, cor. 3d and Yamhill Get prices on hams, bacon, lard and fresh meats. Carpenters nnd Builders. JOHN A. MELTON. CARPENTER AND builder, 307 Stark fit.: office and store fix tures built and remodeled, altering and re pairing houses; grill work. Phone. Main 747. GEO. W. GORDON." COUNTERS. SHELVING, houses built and repaired. 20S 4th. Clay 174. W L. Buckncr, office, store fixtures, general jobbing, contracting. 330 Stark. Black 014. Chiropodists nnd 'Manlcnring. WM. DEVENY & ESTELLE DEVENY. THE only scientific chiropodists, parlors 301 Allsky building. Third and Morrison. Oregon phone Grant 16. This Is the long-haired gentleman .lie is tne man you nre looking ior. Civil Enp;iner."i. PHILIP G. EASTWICK. CIVIL. MININQ and hydraulic engineer. 636 Worcester block. Coal Dealers.' WESTERN FEED & FUEL CO.. DEALERS In all kinds jf coal. Call us up for quota tions. 154 North 5th. Main 1018 Col. 263. KING COAL COMPANY: BEST HOUSE AND steam coals. Yard Front at., opposite Alns . worth Dock. Phone Oak 1251. VULCAN COAL CO.. wholesale dealers- best coals, foundry and smelter coke. Both phones. ConI and Wood. BPOWN & HICKS. COAL AND DRY WOOD. Foot Yamhill st. Both tfhones. Main 715. ALL KINDS OF WOOD. COAL AND KIND llng: prompt delivery. Phone Main 342. Collection Afrcncies. Lehman Collection Agency: collections, legal matters promptly attended to. 326. Wash. Commission Merchants. HERMANN METZGER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal, and general commission merchant. Front st.. near Main. Portland, Or. Cash advances on consignments. TAYLOR YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants. Sherlock build ing. Portland, Or. ALLEN ft LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO duce merchants. Front & D sts.. Portland. Or. Corruprntcfl Iron. CORRUGATED IRON ROOFING. HOT-AIR furnaces. J. C. Bayer. 265 Second st. Dnncinf?. PROF. EATON. WITH 5 ASSISTANTS. GIVE private or class dancing lessons Monday and Thursday evenings. Arion Hall. Tel. West 703. MISS HELEN COPELAND. TEACHER OF dancing. Burkhard Hall. Mon. and Wed. ev'gs. Tups, afternoons. Tel. Union 1602. L. B. McCALLA. 323 GOODNOUGH BLDG.; waltz and two-step In one hour. DyelnK nnd Glennlnsr. H, W. TURNER, professional dyer and clean er. 301 17th, cor. Columbia. Tel. Red 131. Fence nnd "Wire Works., OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE AND WD7.B Works A. Carlson. 2S9 East Morrison st. Fraternnl Insurance. Order of Washington, foremost fraternal so ciety of N W.: protects the living. J. L". Mitchell. Sup. Sec'y.. 612-615 Marquam bldg. Ilnlrdresslnj?, Toupees, Manicuring:. ROSENTHAL SISTERS. lCd FIFTH ST. Switches, toupees, hairdrcsslng. manicuring. ' Gasoline Engines. TATUM & BOWEN. PORTLAND, SAN Francisco, Seattle. Gnn and Gasoline Mantels. WESTERN MANTEL CO.. PORTLAND. OR. Breldenstcln & Slnshelmer Co., Sple Agents. Hnrncss nnd Saddle. THE OEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE sale saddlers and harness manufacturers, leather and saddlery hardware. 72 Front st. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. WHOLE- salc saddle and harness mfrs.. saddlery hard ware, leather of all kinds. 73 Front st. Insurance. HAMBURG-BREMEN FIRE INS. CO.. 10: First st. Paul van Frldagh, General Agent. Junk. Hides and Pelts. I Shrink & Co. pay highest prices for ,old rub ber, metals, bottles. Iron. rags, hides, pelts and tallow. 312 Front, lei. boutn aai. Machinery. TRENKMAN ft CO.. MINING. SAWMILL. logging machinery, hydraulic pipes; castings ,., 1. n t- mi vA.ii. T.-.,..t. THE H. C ALBEE CO., SECOND-HAND machinery, sawmills, etc. 218 Grand ave. Mannfactnrcrs of Ladles' Gbods. JClOUUUy Huuua. wuica 1.1191116 rayiu--j, monas, flannel waists: ladles' fine underwear made to order. Sing Chong Co.. 333 Morrison. Leather and Findings. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. MFRS. boot and shoe uppers, findings, -shoe store supplies, leather of all kinds. 73 Front st. J. A. REID, mfr. boot and shoe uppers; full stock shoemake.-s" supplies. 207 Wash. st. MnssHsre. YOUNG LADY GIVING VAPOR. LAVENDER baths, also the famous Assyrian treatment, has removed to San Francisco. Will be pleased to see old and new patrons. WHEN IN PORTLAND DON'T FAIL TO call at the swellest massage, bath parlors In city, operated by young lady from the East. 343 Morrison, suite 3. FRENCH LADY. WITH TWO YOUNG GRAD uate assistants, gives massage treatment; electric, perfume 205 oth. Phone W. 1973. EXCELLENT BATHS, MAGNETIC MAS sage. by young lady from the East. 313 Morrison, room 3. Swellest ln city. SPANISH LADY. MASSAGE TREATMENTS; salt glow baths: select patronage solicited. 350 Washington St.. room 4. VAPOR BATHS, MASSAGE AND MAGNETIC treatments, by Mrs. Ncal, N. W. cor. 1st and Main sts. VAPOR BATHS, MASSAGE AND MAGNETIC treatments, by a lady. N. W. cor. 1st and Main sta. THERMAL BATHS, scientific massage, by ex ' psrlenced masseuse. Rooms 23 and 27 Raleigh. Mediums. MADAM SMITH (COLORED). FOR 25 YEARS Portland's favorite medium. 221 Market st. Oregon Vlavl Co. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON ST3. Health talks to ladles. Thursday. 2:30 P. M. Mines nnd Mining. 1000 SHARES OF ST. HELENS & GAUGE Mining Co. stock will bring you ln $5 a month. A. B. Cousin, Secretary. 201 McKay bldg. Musical. PROF. T. E. LAWSON, 285 1ST. ST.; piano, organ, guitar lessons, at your home, " SQ cents. BUSINESS DIRECTOR. V. Palmistry. MISS LINN WARDEL. PALMIST. ASTROL oger and clairvoyant, has returned. Advice on matters of every nature. Miss Wardel Is no stranger to the people of Portland. While on her last visit here she read for over 6000 people. For.ONE WEEK ONLY" she will give readings for ONE-FOURTH her Tegular price. Hypnotism, palmistry anil clairvoyant card reading taught; medlumistic persons devel oped. For readings by mail, send $2. Includ ing date of birth. Office hours. 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. dally. OUlees 21-22 Raleigh bldg. Larscn. the palmist, returned; scientific read ings, COc; past and future. 216 Alisky bldg. Mrs. Dreyfus, the unrivaled palmist and clair voyant card reader. 133 1st. cor. Alder. Patents. T. J. GEISLER. ATTORNEY: PATENTS A specialty. 530 Cnamber of Commerce. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. MRS. CAREY TALBOT SUCCESS fullv treats and cures all diseases of women. Successful home treatments by mall. 30S Sal mon. between Fifth" and Sixth. DR. JAMES DICKSON. SPECIALIST IN KID ney and skin diseases. Odd Fellow's Temple. Dr. Flora A. Brown; diseases of women and children a specialty. Office 517 The Dekum. Restaurants. SPANISH RESTAURANT. 2G6 DAVIS. TEL. Clay S12. Meals. 25c; chicken tamale. 15c Safes. DIEBOLD SAFES, JAILS. "VAULT DOORS and deposit work. Lockouts opened. General repairs. Burglar alarms. Steel ceilings. Second-hand safes bought and sold. Good3 aJ reprcsentrd. J. E. Davis. 66 3d. BARNES SAFES PORTLAND SAFE & LOCK Co..y;en'I agts., 20J2d st.. A O. U. W. bldg. HALL'S SAFES, standard of the world. Norrts Safe Co.. 01 1st St.. 2d door north of Stark. Sanitariums. 500 EAST COUCH ST.. COR. E. 10TH; MRS. Charles E. Campbell, gradilate nurse Bellevue Hospital, New York, in charge. Lying-in-hospital; homo comforts. Phone Union 1396. . i ' Showcases and Store Fixtures. R. LUTKE & CO.. SUCCESSORS TO DIXON. .tjorgeson & jo., sixth and Hoyt sts. 'Slot Mnchines. TRANSCONTINENTAL MACHINE CO.. 343 Washington st.; largest variety: repairing. Spiritualists. CLAIRVOYANTS THE SELBYS. SO strange. Is our work that, without a word, without a question, we can tell you what you came for. Just what you want to know. Cor rect Information about all affairs, love, court ship, marriage, divorce, sales, wills, propert. old estates, speculation, diseases, pensions, patents, investment, etc. We positively tell you when and whom you will marry, giving name of parson and date of marriage. We recognize none as our superior, who by any means advise and. foretell events arising through cause and effect. Hours. 10 A. M. to S P. M.; Sunday. 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. ISO 7th St., between Yamhill and Taylor. MME. ADWARD. SPIRITUALIST MEDIUM, can bo consulted on business, lawsuits, love, matrimony: unites the separated, no matter the distance or cause; satisfaction guaran teed. Rooms 5, 0. A. O. U. W. bldg., cor. 2d and Taylor. Take elevator, fourth floor. ALL IN TROUBLE CALL ANDSEE MRS. Wallace, the famous psychic; gives valuable advice .on all .affairs of life, traces absent friends, mines, family difficulties. Always consult the best. 271 Morrison St., room A. RETURNED MADAM MORRIS: CONFIDEN tlal advice on all affairs of life, business, love, marriage, divorce: satisfaction guaran teed. 268 Morrison, room 10. MRS. THOMPSON. SPIRITUALISM. CLAlR voyant, advises on love, marriage and busi ness. Office hours from 9 to 9". 192 5th st. Mrs. Stevens, spiritual life reader: scientific palmist: past and future, COc 221 Morrison." MRS. ADDIE R. SMITH. BUSINESS AND test, at 133 5th, cor. Alder, -room 1. Mrs. C. Cornelius, Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morri son. Sitings dally. Phone Hood 403. Storage and Transfer. C. O. PICK, office. 88 First, bet. Stark, and Oak; phone 596. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping; commodious fire proof brick warehouse: Front and Clay sts. Trunk Factory. PORTLAND TRUNK CO.. 50 THIRD ST. wholesale and retail. Send for catalogue. Turkish Baths. DEKUM ELECTRIC LIGHT Turkish baths. Hours Ladles, 9 to 3; gentlemen, 3:30 to 9. Typewriters. Columbia Bar-Lock Visible Typewriter; get catalogue. 319 California st.. San Francisco. Wall Paper. FREEBORN & CO.. wall paper, paper-hanging, tinting, painting. 334 Alder, cor. 7th. Watchmakers and Jewelers. JOHN A. BECK. WATCHES, DIAMONDS. Jewelry, silverware, 207 Morrison. Repairing. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERS. cor. N. r ront ana uavis sts.. -i-unianu. BANKS. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK MER PORTLAND, OREGON. j FRANK WATSOtf ......President R. L?DURHAM Vice-Preslde&t U W HOYT Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier ut United States Depository. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING . 4.iww BUSINESS. Drafts and letters of credit issued, available in all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. Gold dust bought. LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO BANK. LIMITED. Chamber of Commerce building. Third and Stark streets. Had office. 55 Old Broad street. London. This bank transacts a general banking busi ness makes loans, discounts bills and Issues letters of credit available for travelers and tho nurchase of merchandise in any city of the world. Deals in foreign and domestic exchange. Interest paid on term deposits. ln v W. A. MACRAE. Manager. WELLS. FARGO & CO. BANK- CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS . ..$12,000,000 HOMER S. KING PRESIDENT (San Francisco.) P. LEA BARNES CASHIER JOHN E. MILES ASSISTANT CASHIER (Portland.) General Banking Business Transacted. Ex change sold and letters of credit Issued, avail able ln all part3 of the world. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE With which; is amalgamated THE BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Capital paid up , Reserve -w- v ........ -.000.000 Transacts a General Banning Business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of $10 and upwards and Interest allowed on minimum monthly bal ances. Rates on application. 244 WASHINGTON ST. E. A. WYLD. Manager. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OREGON. Northwest corner Third and Oak streets. Transacts a general banking business. Drafts Issued, available ln all cities of ths United States and Europe, Hong Kong and N'lNTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. President J. C. AINS WORTH Vice-President W. B. AYER Cashier F. C. MILLER Assistant Cashier R. W. SCHMEER Assistant Cashier A. M. WRIGHT FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depository and Financial Agent of the United States. President H. W. CORBETT Vice-President A. L. MILi-3 Cashier J. W. NEWKIRK Assistant Cashier W. C. ALVORD Second Assistant Cashier B. F. STEVENS , Letters of credit issued available ln Europe and the Eastern States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York. Boston, Chicago. St. Louis. St. Paul. Omaha. San Francisco and the principal points In the Northwest. Slsht and time bills drawn ln sums to suit on London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort-on-thc-Maln, Hons Kong. Yokohama, Copenhagen, Chris tian. Stockholm. St. Petersburg. Moscow, Zurich. Honolulu. Collections mado on favorable terms. LADD Sb TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1S59. Transacts a General Banking Business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collectlcns made at all points on favorabto terms Letters of credit Issued available in Europe and all points in the United States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York. Washington, Chicago. St. Louis, Denver. Omaha. San Francisco and vari ous points ln Oregon. Washington, Idaho. Mon tana and British Columbia. Exchange sold on London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort. Hon Kontr. Yokohama, Manila and Honolulu.